Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

17.10.2013 20:24:03

Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun


All Rights Reserved 2004
All names, stories and related indica are treadmark of
Westwood and Vande Sande Productions.

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# Section Name Percent Complete Find Code

1.1 - Introduction 100 % [INT]
1.2 - Legal Disclaimer 100 % [DIS]
1.3 - Other Requests 100 % [REQ]
1.4 - WestWood Conditions 100 % [WES]
1.5 - Quick Find Instructions 100 % [QUI]


2.1 - Storyline 100 % [STO]


Part IV

2.2 - Tiberian Sun [PT4]
2.2.1 - Tiberian Sun Vehicle Info 100 % [VEH]
2.2.2 - Tiberian Sun Infantry Info 100 % [INF]
2.2.3 - Tiberian Sun Aircraft Info 100 % [AIR]
2.2.4 - Tiberian Sun Buildings Info 100 % [STR]
2.2.5 - Tiberian Sun Weapons Info 100 % [WEA]
2.2.6 - Tiberian Sun Superweapons Info 100 % [SUP]
2.2.7 - Tiberian Sun Difficulty Stats Info 100 % [DIF]
2.2.8 - Tiberian Sun Elite Abilities Info 100 % [ELT]
2.2.9 - Tiberian Sun General Info 000 % [GEN]

2.2.10 - Tiberian Sun GDI Missions 015 % [GDI]
2.2.11 - Tiberian Sun Nod Missions 000 % [NOD]

2.2.12 - Tiberian Sun Maps 100 % [MAP]

2.2.13 - Hidden Units/Buildings 090 % [HID]

2.2.14 - Various Terrain 100 % [TER]
2.2.15 - Crate Variations 100 % [CRA]
2.2.16 - Gameplay Interface 000 % [GAM]
2.2.17 - Keyboard Shortcuts 000 % [SHO]

2.2.18 - Tactics & Strategies 013 % [TAC]
2.2.19 - Technology Tree 000 % [TEC]


3.1 - Version Info 100 % [VER]
3.2 - Credits 100 % [CRE]
3.3 - Conclusion 100 % [CON]




Westwood is a very popular PC games company. They made the legendary Red Alert
series, and continued by adding Tiberian Sun. The story is listed in 2.1, and
it is a very original and amazing story.
There are no cheats for the game, rather I recommend TibEd, a game editor found
at and is very reliable. It can edit the whole series of
Command and Conquer, from Red Alert to Tiberian Sun. It can be downloaded and
it is a very safe editor. Other things can be downloaded, but they are the less
reliable sources, and I have not bothered with them.
For those of you that want mission FAQ's, not many of us can help you as there
are so many missions, 14-16 around about for each side. I have completed the
Allies on Red Alert, and nearly the Soviets, but it is so hard, so I might come
back later with a full missions FAQ for the games.
I would also like to make a note that has some very good
downloads for Red Alert, map packs, saved games, units, buildings, editors
and more. For Red Alert nerds, that is the site to go to.
This FAQ will probably never be final. These games are so big that I will be
adding stuff left right and center. Later on I will write descriptions on
all the maps from Generals and Tiberian Sun, and following it Red Alert 2 and
aftermath. I might add tactics that the enemy uses averagely most of the time,
and depending on circumstances, I might write descriptions for all the maps
that have been created on "". Any way, enjoy yourself guys.
I have put A LOT of effort into this to make it a very useful FAQ/Guide.

((((1.2))))(((((((((((((((((((((Legal Disclaimer))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Any information in here is owned by me, westwood, and Vande Sande Productions.
For terms and conditions regarding the game, see the terms and conditions
when installing the game. For terms and conditions within this FAQ, continue

Infomation provided in here is infomation I have collected from various sites
which are listed in the credits section, but they are mostly from TibEd. It is a
valuable source of information, and is the backbone of this FAQ. Permission to
post this on official or unofficial sites are requested by me to have my name
(BIGGS DARKLIGHTER) on it, and infomation crediting TibEd and Me. Try as much as
possible to leave it in it's original format.

GameFAQs and are the only current site permitted to have this FAQ.
Others will have to contact me first.

I am nice, I won't bite your head off for asking, unless your site has serious
fraud offenses, I will 99.99999999999 % of the time give it to you. If you can
copy and paste it to your site, that will be easier for me, so I don't have
to go net surfing to upload my own FAQ that takes up my time.

If you email me asking for permission, remember to state the site you wish to
post it on, your email if you want me to mail it to you and your name/nickname
so I can say who I'm giving it to. It may take a while to get back to you as I
will probably check out the site before granting permission.

((((1.3))))(((((((((((((((((((((((Other Requests))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


I am not too fussed about other people having my work, but there are other
people's rights am protecting. By copying this work without permission, you
are violating other peoples rights.

If you see this FAQ posted on any other site that doesn't credit TibEd, Westwood
and/or me for the work, I would gladly like to know.
NOTE: I do check it out, so don't try and get other sites in trouble because
you don't like them.

Thanks A Lot,

((((1.3))))(((((((((((((((((((((WestWood Conditions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


WestWood is a copyrighted company, and prohibites piracy or copying of the game
to make profit. They can take violators to court, and fines can exceed $20,000.
It might be a good idea to steer away from getting yourself into trouble with
these guys.

((((1.4))))(((((((((((((((((((((((((Story Line))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


1946 – 1 Year after World War Two ended.

World War Two had only just ended, and although Adolph Hitler was overpowered,
the Allies still suffered a major loss. Perhaps the most bloody war seen by
mankind. Many efforts were made to clear it all up, but because of the war,
many lasting effects continued, such as the oppression, and continued hatred
from Nazi supporters. Around 10 million casualties had been reported overall,
10 million that would still be alive if Adolph Hitler hadn’t been around to
form the Nazi party. Up until now, scientists and philosophers had only
considered bending time a fantasy, but one and a half years after World War One
ended, a genius man named Albert Einstein, discovered the Theory of Relativity,
and in doing so, became the first man to ever gain the understanding of the Time
/ Space continuum. As a reward to his phenomenal achievements, he was given the
opportunity to work with another genius man, a Russian by the name of Nikola

Together they achieved some amazing theories, such as the “Black Project” also
known as the Philadelphia Experiment.
With the Government funding them, Einstein and Tesla conducted a very demanding
experiment based on radar elimination. They had technology to become blind to
radar, but could they make an object also invisible to sight? Nikola Tesla
combined seven large Tesla Coils, arranged in order according to Einstein’s
theory of Relativity. The incredibly powerful bursts of energy were beamed at
USS Eldridge, an average sized battle cruiser. Although the Battle ship was
deemed invisible for seven to eight minutes, scientists would see the horrible
effects of their experiment.
Several of the crew had been decapitated, and some were intertwined or
materialized as part of the ship’s hull. It seemed as if the experiment had
caused a complete breakdown of the Space / Time continuum.

After writing many long reports about what happened during “Black Project”
Einstein changed his idea of making objects disappear, to putting the fantasy
of Time Traveling to the test. With an incredibly large magnetic field and
gigantic amounts of electricity, Einstein could open a controllable wormhole
through which creating a rip in the fabric of Time.

After many hard working years with Nikola Tesla and other colleagues, Einstein
eventually discovered the equation to cause time to flow slower. This also made
what happened in the “Black Project” apparent. Using Black holes, magnetic
fields and electricity, Einstein could achieve something he named
Chronoshifting, or the ability to travel between Time windows.

When Einstein’s theories were confirmed, he stated that there was another motive
involved for his hard work. Because of the effects World War Two had on the
world, Einstein stated that he himself was going back in time to get rid of
Adolph Hitler before he grew to power.
He said: “I have spent many grueling years working on this task. I now ask you,
what would the world be like, had world war two not have happened? I plan to
answer that question, by going back in time myself, and eliminating Hitler
before he grows to power. As a result of my actions, the Jews will have not
died in the awful concentration camps. The naval war between America and Japan
would not have happened. Next time you see me, it will be without horrific
memories of the last world war.”
And with that Einstein went with Tesla, to calculate the time and place Einstein
would have to materialize. They concluded that they would have to appear in a
place where Hitler’s whereabouts were confirmed.

1924 – Landsberg Germany.

Einstein had decided that he would strike just after Hitler had left Landsberg
prison, and that would be just in a few moments. All Einstein had to do was to
make physical with Adolph Hitler to alter the course of history and render
World War Two non-existent.
Sure enough, Adolph Hitler emerged from Landsberg prison. Einstein approached
Hitler, and said:
“Mister Hitler!”
“Yes? What is it, I don’t have time to be standing around here.” Hitler replied.
“Yes, I understand.” Einstein answered, and offered to shake hands. Hitler took
the offer, and both instantly disappeared.
Einstein returned to 1945 New Mexico, where he had been studying, and Adolph
Hitler had never even existed. This would be the fateful day that changes the
world, as we know it, for the rest of time.

Einstein had appeared in is Chronoshifting laboratory with his assistant
waiting there for him. They both knew that they only had minutes before being
shifted into the new timeline themselves. A room that had become unreal, as for
those last few moments, it was all that was left of the timeline that we tend to
call reality. The assistant asked ".... did you find him?", in which Einstein
slowly replied: "Hitler is... out of the way...". The anxiety on the assistants
face was obvious: "Congratulations professor! With Hitler removed...!". But he
never got to finish the sentence. Einstein raised his hand, which silenced his
assistant. While looking at his old pocket watch, which was apparently going
berserk, he spoke the final words of our reality.
" Time will tell...sooner or later...time will tell... "

1959 – America

After the completion of the Einstein mission, many great things began to change.
GPS became available in the next two to three years; the sophisticated rockets
were understood within 5 years. Satellites were being launched; super computers
were in mass production near the early sixties, all due to the success of the
Einstein mission. Plans for the Philadelphia Experiment was passed on to other
countries in the United Nations, but most importantly, World War Two had never
taken place.
But something occurred to Einstein that may change his ideas about the whole
project. Something that might wind up having drastic results. When he got back
from his trip, he noticed his stopwatch was going haywire, and that on the
watch, time itself had stopped. But it was his ironic statement that would
haunt him in those last moments.
" Time will tell...sooner or later...time will tell... "

Einstein had a gut feeling that what he had done will mark mankind in grave
danger forever.

In the early 1950’s, United Nations noticed that Soviet Republic was becoming a
superpower, and was growing in the technological field faster than anyone had
ever imagined. Within a few short years, the Republic was able to break the
barrier of sound and launch a fully operational nuclear warhead. Under the rule
of Stalin, the Soviet Union would undergo a very noticeable change as they built
up in strength and intelligence.
But it was when Stalin started to bombard Europe with the first attacks, which
United Nations felt they needed to act on it.
Over the next five years, the Soviet Union had blanketed most of Europe in a
“Iron Curtain”.
This war between the Soviet Union and United Nations became later known as the
Great World War II.

By the time Einstein had realized his mistake, the effects of the chronsphere
wore off, and he and his assistant were integrated into the new timeline. The
Iron curtain began to fall on all of Europe and the Allies were left with a
bigger problem than they had ever bargained for. Unlike Hitler’s way of using
concentration camps and press censorship, Stalin took Europe by sheer force.
The Soviet Union had wiped out more than twice the amount Hitler had. More than
3/4 of Europe was left in pure destruction once the Iron Curtain had finished
with it, leaving only Britain, Spain and Portugal to fight for their freedom.

Einstein’s plan to avoid World War II was a failure, as all of Europe was under
Red Alert. United Nations was reluctant to come to the aid of Europe, as it was
a war that could turn worldwide very easily. The technology used by the Soviet
Union was devastating, consisting of V2 rockets (Trucks that launch violently
exploding missiles), MiGs (Planes that can break the sound barrier). It wasn’t
only their quantity that was the best in the world, it was also the quality. The
European Allies (under the rule of German General Gunther Von Esling and Greek
General Nikos Stravos) was a worthy opponent as they managed to battle Soviet
units despite the unimaginable losses of lives and territory, desperately trying
to get the “neutral” United Nations to help them.
Also, having Albert Einstein was a major advantage, as the use of Chronoshift
technology (The technology responsible for this situation) was used as a very
powerful war machine against the Soviets.

Eventually, due to the heroism of Europe holding their ground for so long, and
due to the fact that they realized Europe was only the first step in Stalin’s
eyes, several of the worlds most powerful countries turned against the Soviet
Union, and together they fought until they broke through the last lines of the
Soviets and Stalin was killed at the last siege of Moscow.

It was the early seventies when the Allies had won the war, knowing it had cost
them all but their lives. Europe was wash dry of human lives, as more than 100
million human lives had been extinguished during the war. Not before long,
United Nations had formed a committee that would prevent terrorism and wars on
that scale from ever happening again. Amidst all this, they searched for a man
named Kane, believed to be Stalin’s right hand man.

1988 – Dawn of the Tiberium Age

After the war, the Allies reported casualties to the United Nations, who decided
to put together a committee of delegates from all over the world, mainly United
Nations leaders. This was to be the Peace Corps of today, named Black OPS9. It
was Black OPS9 that signed the form to have the Soviet Union hand over all of
their technology that they used in the Great World War II. The remaining Soviet
Union citizens, eager to make alliances due to United Nations threats, were
believed to have destroyed the most important technologies that they possessed.
United Nations also continued reviewing and assessing documents salvaged from
the Soviets for nearly 6 years to gain knowledge on potential enemy threats and
intelligence to make Black OPS9 more efficient. Each country involved in United
Nations contributed to the funding of Black OPS9 and each countries military
leader was in charge. Black OPS9 was originally a secret organization, but
because of civil wars and the odd terrorist attack, Black OPS9 made itself
more and more visible.
Naturally, mass media tried to get itself involved with BO 9 (Black OPS9) and
OGE (Operations Group Echo) and started twisting it into stories related to
aliens and UFO’s. Although the UN continued to say that there was no secret
organization, trying to hide the truth while such matters were leaking out was
becoming more and more difficult. It would be the Desert Storm operation that
revealed BO 9, OGE and their purpose in the special organization peace unit.
When the international media discovered the attempted assassination on Saddam
Hussein in 1985 failed and resulted in a large number of OGE deaths, first
stories in the paper or in the news caused a catastrophe. Nevertheless, the UN
soon took over the press and limited the amount of information of BO 9 and OGE.

In 1995, United Nations Global Defense Act (UNGDA) renamed the Operations Group
Echo “Global Defense Initiative” (GDI).
New regulations were formed, and information on GDI’s purpose and activities
were released to the public, and trust in UN was restored.

Not long after the Global Defense Initiative was formed, a strange meteor
impacted on earth near the Tiber River in Italy. A man named Doctor Mobius, a
highly qualified research biologist, analyzed the meteor, and found it was home
to an alien like plant. He took a sample back to his lab for it to undergo a
series of tests. Once Dr. Mobius had sampled the plant for it’s chemical
make-up, Mobius saw the intense danger he and the rest of the world could be in.
He watched as the plant visibly grew and mutated. Within 10 days of plant one
seed in a 10 meter square garden, it had nearly completely covered the whole
garden, top to bottom. The scientists working on the project wondered at the
origins of the plant. But it was the strange deaths of some of Mobius’
colleagues that really started to frighten him. While taking root samples in
the garden, the scientists had mutated until they died, growing some alienated
features that even the strongest stomach couldn’t help but revolt.

It seemed that Tiberium (named after the Tiber River) excreted highly toxic
gases that had the potential of causing an unstable chemical build-up of any
living organism. This resulted in severe mutation, which had killed Mobius’
fellow workers. Mobius discovered though, that Tiberium was composed of
inorganic material, and that it was a non-carbon based life form like the rest
of the animal kingdom. The mutation is caused by the physical interaction with
non-carbon and carbon based life forms. The possibilities of Tiberium are
endless, because it can grow anywhere there’s a mineral deposit. Literally the
whole Earth is affected, apart from the pole and desert regions. There are four
types of Tiberium, Vinifera, Riparius, Aboreus, and Cruentus.
Riparius is the most common, a neon green colour with less strong effects on
mutation. It is, however the fastest growing plant and gives of enduring effects
of toxic gas. Vinifera is a more mature life form than Riparius, and has
stronger effects of mutation. Its worth is more than Riparius but is harder to
harvest. It has a light bluish colour. Aboreus is rather like Vinifera, but the
effects are less strong on life forms. It will however react to solid metals,
so artillery is forced to avoid Tiberium Aboreus. Cruentus is the strongest
form of Tiberium yet discovered, basically rearranging your genetics as fast as
up to 2 minutes. It grows large blue crystals and is extremely hard to process.
The composition table can be found below.

42.5 % Phosphor
32.5 % Iron
15.25 % Calcium
5.75 % Copper
2. 5 % Silica
1. 5 % Unknown material

Gas composition

22 % Methane
19 % Sulphur
12 % Naphthalene
10 % Argon
6. 5 % Isobutane
1. 5 % Xylene
27 % Unknown gases

By the time Dr. Mobius and his team had realized the dangers of Tiberium, it
was reported to have slowly but surely spread over all the southwest countries
in Europe. Then they decided it was too late to warn the world about the dangers
of Tiberium, it wasn’t the shortage of time that stopped him, it was that
Tiberium soaked the minerals out of the ground like a sponge, large dangerous
crystals full of the enriched minerals. Trying to halt Tiberium would be like
trying to stop a rearing bull with your little finger. Then, out of the blue,
an organization began releasing information to the press explaining how they
have been studying Tiberium ever since it arrived, and that they’ve discovered
a unique way to harvest the plant at minimal mining expense. United Nations
recognized this plant to be of incredible economical value, and harvesting it
not only would decrease the amount of Tiberium, but make extreme amounts of
wealth from it as well.
Immediately this organization began leasing it’s equipment to the highest
payers, mainly the United Nations Countries, but made sure it kept it’s high
ranking position as the leader of Tiberium Harvesting Incorporation (THI). As
the Tiberium industry grew, many more country leaders began buying harvesting
equipment from this mysterious organization. Soon after the processing of
Tiberium began, it out weighed the value of gold and oil together six fold. As
the business grew, THI changed their named to the Brotherhood of Nod, led by
none other than Kane himself.

2000 – Brotherhood of Nod

The discovery of Tiberium was basically the beginning of a new age for the
world. It brought about massive changes in the stock markets, gold and oil
being shunted down for the lowliest of buyers. The Tiberium crystal was rated
the most wanted of all sellable items. It provided a new resource for countries
and continents that were without a lot of resources before as Tiberium grew
literally anywhere with a stable mineral supply. It was when Tiberium nearly
completed its reign on the whole planet when organizations like GDI and UNGDA
started to see the other side of Tiberium. Tiberium related deaths numbered
more than thirteen hundred thousand a year. Ninety thousand were due to
mutations. Ten thousand were due to severe brain damage. The other Thirty
thousand were addicted to the Tiberium drug ephantalene, and died from heart
However, there was nothing GDI could do but to study the origins of Tiberium.
Mobius’ objections to the harvesting of Tiberium were “taken under advisement”
or otherwise, completely ignored. Caring more for its value than its fatalities,
the world turned blind to the dangers of Tiberium.

One debate that still outlasted was the origins of Tiberium. While a meteor
impact seemed a normal event, scientists still theorized that it was sent by
intelligent alien species. Some say to weaken our defences, some say that the
aliens didn’t know we existed, and sent it to fertilise the world ready for
their coming. Some even say that Tiberium was the alien itself. Among the wild
thoughts and ideas, the Brotherhood of Nod claimed it was a gift from heaven to
help us fight against the tyranny of the United Nations Office. Kane, the
missing link in the Soviet Unions war against Europe, said he was a prophet sent
by God, to lead the world into a glorious Tiberium future.

The Tiberium brought changes in technology, economics, politics and environment.
Everyone started to look at Nod as the founder of all these advances, even more
so than Tiberium itself. In the eyes of Nod, Tiberium had turned from a curse
into a blessing, and Nods popularity around the world began increasing rapidly
throughout the whole world. However, while the Brotherhood of Nod was welcomed
into the world warmly, a number of important intelligence agencies such as
Interpol made some disturbing discoveries about Nod. The brotherhood apparently
had close relationships with wealthy and anti-UN groups all over the world.
Because of this, UNGDA has been closely monitoring Nod’s activities ever since
they discovered the Tiberium Harvesting technology in the mid 90’s.

Nod’s connections to dangerous groups in poorer parts of the world could mean
that Nod was trying to get a hold of people all over the world, much like
Hitler’s strategic foothold. However, this theory was a worst-case scenario,
and considering that Nod’s dark connections to light would also mean exposing
America and Europeans manufacturing weaponry for the Brotherhood of Nod. All
UN could do was to let Nod keep on doing what it was doing, they had no
legitimate reason to stop it.
Slowly but surely, United Nations’ worst case scenario became a reality.
By 2008, Nods influence covered United States, Canada, Russia, Germany, China,
France, Japan, Mongolia, Korea, Turkey and India. Only 19 % of the worlds
population were now either neutral or United Nations.

2010 – Revolution

Every day, more than 300 people on average converted to the Nod religious
views. United Nations was beginning to realize the situation they were in.
UN politicians were stunned when Kane revealed himself as the mastermind
behind The Great World War II. Some called him bluff, but the profile matched.
The only Soviet Union leader they never found was the man crippling UN every
day. Kane started to accuse the UN of all the misery mankind has seen, for
attempting to halt the harvesting of Tiberium, and for trying to make us believe
in what they believe.
In those few statements, UN’s popularity dropped from hardly any to what might
as well be none. Kane was pictured as a messiah for his wisdom at the UN’s
apparent betrayal to the world. As Kane’s intelligence and charisma became
undeniable to the world, high ranking citizens and professors offered all of
their knowledge and possessions to the Brotherhood of Nod.

Knowing that their situation was serious, UN tried to gain back popularity by
spreading false information about the Brotherhood in the media, but when these
efforts failed Kane’s response was terrifying.
Several of UN’s most trusted politicians and officials turned out to be
Brotherhood followers, keeping Kane posted with all the anti-Nod proposals and
scandals. Kane also periodically sent information regarding the personal lives
of UN officials to the media, a sick success at embarrassing UN. The
consequences for the UN were phenomenal. They lost credibility everywhere; with
countries situations becoming so critical the local army wasn’t enough to keep
them in control. While some officials were forced to step down, others were
involved in bombings, explosions, and even assassinated by their own bodyguards
that appeared to be a part of Kane’s movement as well.

Funded by huge Tiberium businesses, Kane built up his religious army and started
taking over the remaining UN loyal countries, mainly in the south pacific. And
when UN’s strongest supporter defected to Kane’s alliance, UN decided that Nod
had to be wiped out immediately. Over a large worldwide broadcast, UN declared:

“We have seen enough of religious defection. This man you call the Messiah,
is the greatest danger mankind could have lived to see. I…Colonel Socrates am
officially ordering Global Defence Initiative, to liberate the countries Kane
has hypnotised by any means necessary.”

With those words, GDI set out to do the impossible.

2019 – The First Tiberium war

UN was very aware, that should GDI not be able to handle Nod, nothing would
stop Kane from leading the whole world.
Although it wasn’t as large as the Great World War II, it still caused human
slaughtering beyond all imagination. Looking back to that history, although
Kane doesn’t have the mass military production Stalin had, but Stalin was never
nearly the danger Kane is now. “Where Stalin was an aggressor bent on conquering
land, Kane was bent on conquering the human spirit.” (Extract from FAQ by

A year or two into the war, all hell broke loose in Europe and Africa. The
Brotherhood of Nod turned out to be a heavily armed military corporation and
used very well trained soldiers, and because it was funded by the huge amount
of Nod countries, Nod was able to use very advanced weaponry. Stealth Generators
casted a shield around a limited area, basically making anything in the
proximity invisible. It soon became clear that GDI was having much more
difficulty in controlling Nod than the UN had ever anticipated. As Nod
continued to research Tiberium, Nod fought back with never seen before weaponry
and tactics. Kane sent false information out to the press ruining GDI’s image.
Soon, Kane had the masses criticizing GDI and the UN. Loyalty to UN in the
world had fallen below 5 % of the worlds population, and UN came to the
conclusion that they could not overcome this genius man who had literally the
whole world at his hands. It was when Nod declared that they were going wipe
out the town of Beoulistock when GDI decided to evacuate the town. A reporter
went with them to film what had happened, so GDI might be able to gain some
reputation back. But the UN was stunned to find that the reporter was a member
of the Brotherhood, who broadcasted that GDI had obliterated the town of
Beoulistock. UN was forced to stop funding GDI, who had suffered the major blow
of defeat. GDI officers were forced to be monitored by the Security Council,
who were swiftly killed by the Nod men in disguise.

What Kane was unaware of however, was that UN had faked its no-funding contract,
and continued to fund GDI. Quietly, GDI built up outposts and strong bases
throughout strategic points. Within weeks, Nod was less and less aggressive
towards GDI activity. Surprised overconfident Nod officers and soldiers found
GDI bases working well and heavily armed, and GDI was able to outsmart Kane for
the first time. Two years later, and GDI had attacked with full force, and
limited the large Nod bases down to 10-12. It was then, when GDI got the
advantage they were seeking. They had found photos of Kane’s recent locations.
He was in a Tiberium research facility near Yugoslavia, testing the effects of
Tiberium drugs on human guinea pigs of all ages, trying to create a new super
But short in manpower and equipment, GDI decided to send a small group of elite
troops under the command of an Afro-American Kyle Solomon. He was perhaps the
greatest commander UN ever saw.

GDI had only one real advanced weapon, the Ion cannon. About 20 Ion cannons now
orbit around the Earth; it has a very destructive laser beam that can vaporize
a few buildings in the blast radius. The only drawback however is the long
recharge period. For the first time, Ion cannons were used to break the strong
defences at Yugoslavia so GDI troops could penetrate the heavily armed base.
What they found in the Tiberium research facility was never disclosed, but even
hardened heart soldiers suffered psychological trauma when they entered the room
where innocent civilians had been tested on. Kane was nowhere to be found.

GDI chased the remaining Nod followers out of the Eastern European countries,
and found another Nod base in Poland, with a strange structure that Nod
followers called the Temple of Nod. This building was not only Kane’s centre of
operations for the war; it was also the creation of NBC (nuclear, biological,
chemical) weaponry. The only thing preventing Kane from using this powerful
weaponry was the media. Now Kane was losing however, he would jump at the
chance to launch some of these weapons of mass destruction. Solomon ordered the
Ion cannon to destroy the heart and mind of the Brotherhood of Nod
In the end it was a complete clash between Solomon’s elite force and Kane’s
private guard that lasted for nearly three days. When Kane’s last defence was
crippled, GDI forces locked down the Temple of Nod with Kane inside, and waited
for the Ion cannon to blow it to hell. The last images Solomon ever saw of Kane
was him welcoming the Ion blast with open arms and a cruel smirk on his face.
Those images would come to haunt Solomon for years. The first Tiberium war was
finally over, as without Kane as leader, Nod forces broke in no time.
2028 – The Aftermath.

Tiberium was near to populating every possible mineral bearing place, and deaths
were still rated higher than births. Speaking of births, more and more were
becoming deformed as the effects of Tiberium spread around the whole world.
Small Nod loyalists were still fighting against GDI, but the UN had no problem
in extinguishing those sorts of actions against humanity. But GDI was fighting
another battle that they knew they could not win. GDI and the UN knew that they
either had to get Tiberium out of the way, or get the civilians out. UNGDA
commissioned a multi-billion dollar project to evacuate all affected civilians
to regions like deserts or poles without a liable mineral source. GDI
constructed a large orbital space station; named Philadelphia to keep
high-ranking UN, UNGDA, and GDI officials away from the Tiberium infested Earth.
Any person infected with a slight Tiberium related disease or infection was
strictly prohibited from boarding Philadelphia much to the unpopularity of the
public. A year and a half had gone by before the worlds population
(numbering between 15 and 16 million) was replaced in safe colonies mostly in
the Sahara desert and Antarctica.
Then suddenly, September 2, 2030, General Solomon received a transmission from
none other than Kane. This was the conversation that started the second Tiberium
“I am cut, Why not bleed. it would be a sad error of judgement to mistake me for
a corpse.”
“My judgement is sound, Kane. I’m not afraid of ghosts or you.”
“Perhaps you should be. As you see the battle just starting to unfold, I’ve
already seen the final act; it is my lead mankind into a new
Tiberium age”
“Mankind has forgotten you Kane,”
(Extract from game Tiberian Sun)

The second war began to unfold, and although Nod had nearly fully recuperated,
GDI still managed to push back the outer defences. It was then when things
started to go wrong. A strange UFO (later called a scrin ship) crash-landed near
a Nod facility in Madrid, Spain. GDI immediately tried to investigate, but Nod
was not so easily shunted away. Knowing they would not be able to investigate
the UFO, tried to destroy it. GDI put up a good fight however, and a field
commander by the name of McNeil was the first one to discover the delicate
cargo inside. Human at first sight, the only difference was the bright green
tattoos on their bodies, and the illuminating green eyes. McNeil escaped with
the only surviving aliens, a young woman named Umagon, her crewmember Tratos
and Oxanna. The GDI transport only just left when a multi-cluster missile
obliterated what was left of the scrin ship.

Back at Philadelphia, Umagon revealed to GDI that their colony had accidentally
sent the meteor of Tiberium to earth when the coordinates turned out to be
wrong. By the time their scientists had discovered the faults, the meteor was
ready to launch. Immediately, they began a mission to follow the meteorite to
see where it had gone.
They were genetically similar to humans, until Tiberium was biologically
manufactured and spread over the world, much like it did here. Unlike our earth,
they grew immune to the mutation they underwent, making them genetically
stronger, more intelligent and faster. They could push themselves further than
humans, and proved themselves to be far more effective fighters than GDI
soldiers. The mutants offered their recourses and abilities to GDI, and it was
their help that knocked Nod head over heels. The mutants were able to survive
the effects of chemical and biological missiles. The mutants were the key to
GDI’s complete take over of the Nod situation. Yet it was still 10 years before
Nod was completely cleansed from the Earth.

Within 15 years, the minerals in the Earth began to run out, and Tiberium began
to die out. Tiberium’s value on the trade markets dropped and gold and oil took
up the reigning position again. Even though the Tiberium was gone by 2050, the
world was left, sucked dry of all the minerals. Rainforests had been reduced to
sandy dunes, lakes were dried out, but worst of all, the worlds population had
been reduced to no more than 14 million people, all because of the problems
Tiberium caused. Humans tried many fugal attempts at growing forests and mineral
enriched places, but it would take decades before any hopes of living on Earth
safely became possible. But meanwhile, humans had to make do with orbiting space
stations and colonisations.

GDI grew back its popularity to almost 97 %. Naturally, the UN couldn’t stop
terrorism 100 %, but by the time Earth was inhabitable again and the population
was back up to the billions, the world was pretty much the way it if Einstein
had not gone back in time and changed the future. Speaking of Einstein, we
depart with a relevant quote:

“Time will tell…sooner or later…Time will tell.”

Albert Einstein, Chronoshpere lab in Greenwich, Britain.

(((((((2.1((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Part IV)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

This is PART IV in the FAQ's I am writing for Command and Conquer. Normally,
if someone has one of these games, they get some of the others as well. Any
way, this Part I FAQ is devoted to Tiberian Sun. Look under "Red Alert, Red
Alert Aftermath, and Tiberian Sun FireStorm" to get my other FAQ's like these.

((((((((2.2))))))))(((((((((((((((((Tiberian Sun))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


The Tiberian Sun game includes the last Tiberium War. These are the units and
buildings from the game. To understand what each statement is, read the guide

[Abbreviated name]
Name = The name it has in the side bar in the game
Category = What type of vehicle is this? AFV, LRFS, Recon, Support...
Prerequisite = What must you have built before gaining access to this unit?
Primary = The primary weapon this craft has.
Secondary = The other weapon this craft has.
Strength = How powerful is it's attack?
Armour = The grade of Armour (none, wood, light, heavy, concrete)
Techlevel = Determines what units/structures are used in missions.
Sight = The amount of shroud that goes away when the unit moves through it.
Speed = The speed of the vehicle.
Owner = Owner of the vehicle.
Cost = How much credits it takes away when you build this.
Dock = Where this unit can dock.
BuildLimit = How many of these can you build? 0 means unlimited.
Adjacent = The amount of cells this building can be placed from another maximum.
Power = The amount of power this building produces or drains.

((((((((2.2.1))))))((((((((((Tiberian Sun Vehicles))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Hover MLRS (hover multi-launch rocket system)
Name: Hover MLRS
Category: AFV
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory, GDI Radar
Primary: Hover Missile
Strength: 230
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 7
Sight: 7
Speed: 7
Owner: GDI
Cost: 900
Description: The Hover MRLS is a really average peice of machinery. It has
good weapons as well as great terrain abilities, as it can cover land and water
without trouble. Definitely a good unit to use for enemies surrounded by large
bodies of water.

Mobile Sensor Array
Name: Mobile Sensor Array
Category: Support
Prerequisite: Any Weapons Factory, Any Radar
Strength: 600
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 6
Sight: 10
Speed: 6
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 950
Description: The Mobile Sensor Array can be deployed in a number of tactics.
These bad boys are underestimated by many, they should be built in abundance!
If you have these covering your base(s) in a circle, they can save your ass in
so many ways, especially if you're GDI and getting the shizen kicked out you
with Stealth and Subterranean vehicles!

Mobile Repair Vehicle
Name: Mobile Repair Vehicle
Category: Support
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory
Primary: RepairBullet
Strength: 200
Armor: light
TechLevel: 7
Sight: 5
Speed: 6
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1000
Description: Only used by Nod, this is the equivalent to a Service Depot but
in the form of a vehicle. I advise to have about two-three floating around your
base on guard mode; they will automatically repair anything damaged and you
don't have to worry.

Name: Artillery
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory, Nod Radar
Primary: 155mm
Category: LRFS
Strength: 300
Armor: light
TechLevel: 6
Sight: 9
Speed: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 975
Description: The Artillery have just one good description...ULTIMATE! These
are good for all purposes; bombarding bases and defending against slow-moving
targets such as Titans and Disruptors. They fire 155 mm (about the size of your
head!) shells over large distances, and still take a beating in close combat
fire. Definetly an improvement from RA!

Weed-eater vehicle
Name: Weed Eater
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory, Nod Waste Facility
Category: Support
Strength: 600
Armor: heavy
Dock: Nod Waste Facility
TechLevel: 10
Sight: 4
Speed: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1400
Description: The weed eater vehicle is like a harvester that gathers weeds
instead of Tiberium. The weeds are used for chemical missiles, which can inflict
heavy damage on Infantry.

Name: Harvester
Prerequisite: Any Weapons Factory, Tiberium Refinery
ToProtect: yes
Category: Support
Strength: 1000
Armor: heavy
Dock: PROC
TechLevel: 1
Sight: 4
Speed: 5
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 1400
Description: The Harvester is a truck with special Tiberium Eating
capabilities. It can hold 28 'bails' of Tiberium and has very good armour.

Mobile Construction Vehicle
Name: Mobile Construction Vehicle
Prerequisite: Any Weapons Factory, Any Tech Center
Strength: 1000
Category: Support
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 10
Sight: 6
Speed: 3
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 2500
Description: The Mobile Construction vehicle (more commonly known as an MCV)
is a vehicle which deploys into the Construction Yard.

Amphibious APC
Name: Amphibious APC
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory, GDI Barracks
Strength: 200
Category: Transport
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 6
Sight: 5
Speed: 8
Owner: GDI
Cost: 800
Description: The Amphibious APC is a water-land vehicle that carries infantry
into battle. It has enough space to hold 5 people.

Name: Titan
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory
Primary: 120mm
Strength: 400
Category: AFV
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 3
Sight: 8
Speed: 4
Owner: GDI
Cost: 800
Description: By far the most efficient walking unit for the GDI, the Titan
sports powerful anti-armour weaponry with above-average accuracy. Not the best
unit for dealing with Infantry.

Mammoth Mk. II
Name: Mammoth Mk.II
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory, GDI Tech Centre
Primary: MammothTusk
Secondary: MechRailgun
Strength: 800
Category: AFV
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 10
Sight: 8
Speed: 3
Owner: GDI
Cost: 3000
Description: The most powerful unit is the game goes to the GDI's
Mammoth MK. II, but sadly it comes with another 'largest in the game' title:
It's cost. At 3000 bucks this is not a unit you would want to have in mass
production; you can only build one anyway.

Name: Wolverine
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory
Primary: AssaultCannon
Strength: 175
Category: AFV
Armor: light
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 6
Speed: 7
Owner: GDI
Cost: 500
Description: The smallest but most 'Infantry effective' unit for the GDI is
the Wolverine. It is a smaller bipedal machine with heavy assault cannons on
both arms so to speak.

Attack Cycle
Name: Attack Cycle
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory
Primary: BikeMissile
Category: Recon
Strength: 150
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 5
Sight: 5
Speed: 12
CrateGoodie: yes
Owner: Nod
Cost: 600
Description: Good for reconnasaince missions, but don't even think about
letting this weak and pathetic unit lose a war for you by putting it in the
front line!

Attack Buggy
Name: Attack Buggy
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory
Primary: RaiderCannon
Category: Recon
Strength: 220
Armor: light
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 6
Speed: 10
Owner: Nod
Cost: 500
Description: Also designed for recon, the attack buggy can also be used as
an effective escorting unit. For example command the buggy to follow the
harvester around everywhere and it can protect it.

Subterranean APC
Name: Subterranean APC
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory
Strength: 175
Category: Transport
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 6
Sight: 5
Speed: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 800
Desription: The subterrainian APC is the perfect way to secretly get
engineers into an enemy base before they get slaughtered by Vulcan Cannons!
Be careful that you choose a non-mobile sensor vehicle path.

Devil's Tongue
Name: Devil's Tongue
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory, Nod Tech Center
Primary: FireballLauncher
Strength: 300
Category: AFV
Armor: light
TechLevel: 7
Sight: 5
Speed: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 750
Description: The Devil's Tongue is another awesome piece on Nod's side, able
to secretly get behind enemy lines and grill those poor Infantry. Like above,
watch out for Mobile Sensor Arrays.

Name: Disruptor
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory, GDI Tech Center
Primary: SonicZap
Strength: 500
Armor: heavy
Category: AFV
TechLevel: 9
Sight: 7
Speed: 4
Owner: GDI
Description: The Disruptor is expensive but powerful, releasing a resonance
wave that distorts material compounds. In simple words, violently destroys
anything the wave targets. Effective against Infantry as well.

Tick Tank
Name: Tick Tank
Category: AFV
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory
Primary: 90mm
Strength: 350
Armor: light
TechLevel: 3
Sight: 5
Speed: 6
Owner: Nod
Cost: 800
Description: The Tick Tank is the average tank for the Brotherhood of Nod.
It has deploying capabilities which give it slightly increased armour. Good
for base defences.

Stealth tank
Name: Stealth Tank
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory, Nod Tech Center
Primary: Dragon
Strength: 180
Armor: light
Category: AFV
TechLevel: 8
Sight: 5
Speed: 6
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1100
Description: The Stealth Tank is the true form of covert operations. Able to
get inside a base without being noticed, ten stealth tanks could be sitting
next to your MCV and not even notice.

((((((((2.2.2))))))((((((((((Tiberian Sun Infantry))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Cyborg Commando
Name: Cyborg Commando
Category: Soldier
Primary: CyCannon
Secondary: FireballLauncher
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod, Temple of Nod
Strength: 500
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 10
Sight: 7
Speed: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 2000
Description: This is the most powerful Infantry unit in TiberianSun, weilding
a poweful CyCannon similar to the bombs the banshee drops. Unfortunately you
can only build one of these.

Light Infantry
Name: Light Infantry
Category: Soldier
Primary: Minigun
Prerequisite: Any Barracks
Strength: 125
Armor: none
TechLevel: 1
Sight: 5
Speed: 5
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 120
Description: This is the most common and cheap Infantry which is the standard
type to use in battle. Sporting a minigun with small anti-infantry capabilities,
this is the Infantry Type to use for battle.

Disc Thrower
Name: Disc Thrower
Category: Soldier
Primary: Grenade
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks
Strength: 150
Armor: none
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 7
Speed: 4
Owner: GDI
Cost: 200
Description: This is a kind of Grenadier, but the Grenades float like
discuses. A little bit more expensive, these should be deployed after the bulk
of Vehicular Units has been destroyed and only the buildings are left.

Rocket Infantry
Name: Rocket Infantry
Category: Soldier
Primary: BAZOOKA
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod
Strength: 100
Armor: none
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 7
Speed: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 250
Description: The Nod's best Heavy Infantry, these Infantry are excellent in
great numbers against tanks and vehicles.

Name: Medic
Category: Soldier
Primary: Heal
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks
Strength: 125
Armor: none
TechLevel: 4
Sight: 6
Speed: 4
Owner: GDI
Cost: 600
Description: The medic is only needed if you have a unit that really needs
protecting, like one that you can only build one of. There are no units for the
GDI except the Ghost Stalker that you can only build one of, and he's got good
armour anyway.

Ghost Stalker
Name: Ghost Stalker
Category: Soldier
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks, GDI Tech Center
Primary: LtRail
Strength: 200
Armor: light
TechLevel: 10
Sight: 6
Speed: 4
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1750
Description: The counter to the Cyborg Commando, the Ghost Stalker is one of
the Forgotten People, and uses a powerful LtRail Gun, capable of destroying
most vehicles in one shot. However it still doesn't quite match the might of
the Cyborg Commando, the Ghost Guy has got real guts, and heals in Tiberium to!

Name: Cyborg
Category: Soldier
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod
Primary: Vulcan3
Strength: 300
Armor: light
TechLevel: 4
Sight: 5
Speed: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 650
Description: The Cyborg is a cool Infantry unit because of it's ability to
discard it's damaged bit of body and continue fighting only with it's upper
body. It's slower though.

Name: Engineer
Category: Soldier
Primary: none
Prerequisite: Any Barracks
Strength: 100
Armor: none
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 4
Speed: 4
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 500
Description: The Engineer is a multipurpose unit which can either capture
enemy buildings or heal yours. Either way it is really handy.

Jumpjet Infantry
Name: Jumpjet Infantry
Category: Soldier
JumpJet: yes
Primary: JumpCannon
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks, GDI Radar
Strength: 120
Armor: light
TechLevel: 6
Sight: 6
Speed: 5
Owner: GDI
Cost: 600
Description: The Jumpjet Engineer is a flying unit that can be a pain to
the enemy. Use it to attack Infantry away from the range of Sam Emplacements.
It only take two direct hits to take out an Infantry (tough Infantry eh?)

Mutant Hijacker
Name: Mutant Hijacker
Category: Soldier
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod, Temple of Nod
Primary: none
Strength: 300
Armor: none
TechLevel: 10
Sight: 6
Speed: 7
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1850
Description: Westwood deserves a Nobel Prize for making this unit. Although
you can only build one at a time, the Hijacker can take over any vehicle that
gets in the way. Once I sent a Hijacker behind a large group of Infantry to
a Mammoth Mk. II. The group of Infantry distracted the walking behemoth while
my Hijacker waltzed on up and took over their 3000 credit beast. I won the game
with that unit.

((((((((2.2.3))))))((((((((((Tiberian Sun Aircraft))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


ORCA Fighter
Name: Orca Fighter
Prerequisite: GDI Helipad
Primary: Hellfire
Strength: 200
Category: AirPower
Armor: light
TechLevel: 5
Sight: 2
Dock: GDI Helipad, Nod Helipad
Speed: 20
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1000
Description: This is the fastest controllable unit in the game, with a
given speed of 20. This is great for the average dogfight, when you need
speed crossed with firepower.

ORCA Bomber
Name: Orca Bomber
Prerequisite: GAHPAD,GATECH
Primary: Bomb
Strength: 260
Category: AirPower
Armor: light
TechLevel: 8
Sight: 2
RadarInvisible: no
Landable: yes
Dock: GDI Helipad, Nod Helipad
Speed: 12
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1600
Description: The bomber is a seriously powerful aicraft capable of some
heavy damage. It carries two racks of three bombs, and a full run can easily
destroy a heavily armored building such as the Construction Yard. Perfect for
the heavy seige.

Name: Carryall
Prerequisite: GDI Helipad, Service Depot
Strength: 175
Category: AirPower
Armor: light
TechLevel: 9
Sight: 2
Speed: 16
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1350?
Description: The Carryall is an excellent tool for transporting your units
to and from battlefields, however it would be nice if you could carry more
units in your aircraft. Despite this minor problem, these craft can still
come in quite handy at times.

Banshee Fighter
Name: Banshee
Prerequisite: Nod Helipad, Nod Tech Center
Primary: Proton
Strength: 280
Category: AirPower
Armor: light
TechLevel: 9
Sight: 2
Dock: Nod Heliapd, GDI Helipad
Speed: 18
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1500
Description: The Banshee is the best fighter for the Brotherhood of Nod,
lending great accuracy and powerful plasma bombs. The banshee was a prototype
that left the hangar shortly after Tratos was rescued from the Tiberium
facility. They are also very fast.

Name: Harpy
Prerequisite: Nod Helipad
Primary: HarpyClaw
Strength: 225
Category: AirPower
Armor: light
TechLevel: 5
Sight: 2
Dock: GDI Helipad, Nod Helipad
Speed: 14
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1000
Description: Not much good unless taking out infantry or lightly armored
vehicles, the Harpy is a cheap alternative to the supreme Banshee. Harpies
are generally used for a back-up reinforcement, providing some aircover for
your units.

((((((((2.2.4))))))((((((((((Tiberian Sun Buildings)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


GDI Tech Center
Name: GDI Tech Center
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory, GDI Radar
Strength: 500
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 6
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1500
Power: -200

GDI Weapons Factory
Name: GDI War Factory
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery, GDI Barracks
Strength: 1000
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 4
Adjacent: 2
Owner: GDI
Cost: 2000
Power: -30

NOD Weapons Factory
Name: Nod War Factory
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery, Hand of Nod
Strength: 1000
Adjacent: 2
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 2000
Power: -30

Construction Yard
Name: Construction Yard
Strength: 1000
Armor: heavy
Sight: 6
Owner: GDI,Nod

Tiberium Refinery
Name: Tiberium Refinery
Prerequisite: Power Plant
Strength: 900
Adjacent: 2
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 1
Sight: 6
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 2000
Power: -30

Tiberium Silo
Name: Tiberium Silo
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery
Strength: 300
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 1
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 2
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 150
Power: -10

GDI Helipad
Name: Helipad
Prerequisite: GDI Radar
Strength: 600
Armor: wood
Adjacent: 2
TechLevel: 5
Sight: 5
Owner: GDI
Cost: 500
Power: -10

Nod Helipad
Name: Helipad
Prerequisite: Nod Radar
Strength: 600
Armor: wood
Adjacent: 2
TechLevel: 5
Sight: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 500
Power: -10

GDI Radar
Name: Radar
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery
Strength: 1000
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 3
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 10
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1000
Power: -40

GDI Upgrade Center
Name: GDI Upgrade Center
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery, GDI Tech Center
Strength: 1000
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 10
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 6
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1000
Power: -150

NOD Stealth Generator
Name: Stealth Generator
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery, Nod Tech Center
Strength: 600
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 9
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 6
Owner: Nod
Cost: 2500
Power: -350

GDI Power Plant
Name: GDI Power Plant
Strength: 750
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 1
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 4
Owner: GDI
Cost: 300
Power: 100

Nod Power Plant
Name: NOD Power Plant
Strength: 750
prerequisite: Contruction Yard
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 1
Sight: 4
Adjacent: 2
Owner: Nod
Cost: 300
Power: 100

Nod Advanced Power Plant
Name: Advanced Power Plant
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory
Strength: 750
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 7
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 500
Power: 200

NOD Tech Center
Name: NOD Tech Center
Prerequisite: Nod Weapons Factory, Nod Radar
Strength: 500
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 6
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1500
Power: -100

Hand of Nod
Name: Hand Of Nod
Prerequisite: Power Plant
Strength: 800
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 1
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 300
Power: -20

GDI Barracks
Name: Barracks
Prerequisite: Power Plant
Strength: 800
Armor: wood
Adjacent: 2
TechLevel: 1
Sight: 5
Owner: GDI
Cost: 300
Power: -20

Service Depot
Name: Service Depot
Prerequisite: GDI Weapons Factory
Strength: 1100
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 7
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 5
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1200
Power: -30

Name: Pavement
Strength: 150
Prerequisite: Any Barracks
Armor: concrete
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 3
Sight: 0
Owner: GDI,Nod
Cost: 75

GDI Concrete Wall
Name: Concrete Wall
Strength: 150
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks
Armor: concrete
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 4
Sight: 1
Owner: GDI
Cost: 50

NOD Wall
Name: Nod Wall
Strength: 150
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod
Armor: concrete
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 4
Sight: 1
Owner: Nod
Cost: 50

EM Pulse Cannon
Name: EMP Cannon
Strength: 500
Armor: heavy
Prerequisite: Any Radar
TechLevel: 6
Sight: 8
Adjacent: 2
Owner: Nod,GDI
Cost: 1000
Power: -150
Primary: EMPulseWeapon

GDI Component Tower
Name: Component Tower
Strength: 500
Armor: light
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks
TechLevel: 2
Sight: 4
Adjacent: 3
Owner: GDI
Cost: 200
Power: -10

GDI Gates
Name: Gate
Strength: 350
Prerequisite: GDI Barracks
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 4
Owner: GDI
Cost: 250

Nod Gates
Name: Gate
Strength: 350
Armor: heavy
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod
TechLevel: 6
Adjacent: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 250

Temple of Nod
Name: Temple of NOD
Prerequisite: Nod Tech Center
Strength: 1000
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 10
Adjacent: 3
Sight: 6
Owner: Nod
Cost: 2000
Power: -200

Nod Radar
Name: NOD Radar
Prerequisite: Tiberium Refinery
Strength: 1000
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 3
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 10
Owner: NOD
Cost: 1000
Power: -40

Tiberium Waste Facilty
Name: Tiberium Waste Facility
Prerequisite: Missile Silo
Strength: 400
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 10
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 5
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1600
Power: -40
BuildLimit: 1

Obelisk of Light
Name: Obelisk of Light
Prerequisite: Nod Tech center
Strength: 725
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 9
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 8
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1500
Power: -150

Missile Silo
Name: Missile Silo
Prerequisite: Nod Tech center
Strength: 1000
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 10
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 1300
Power: -50

Vulcan Cannon (Upgrade to Component Tower)
Name: Vulcan Cannon
Prerequisite: GDI Component Tower, GDI Barracks
TechLevel: 2
Armor: wood
Sight: 7
Owner: GDI
Cost: 150
Power: -20
Primary: Vulcan Cannon

RPG (Upgrade for Component Tower)
Name: RPG Upgrade
Prerequisite: GDI Component Tower, GDI Barracks
TechLevel: 9
Armor: wood
Sight: 8
Owner: GDI
Cost: 600
Power: -20
Primary: RPGTower

Surface to Air Missile (Upgrade for Component Tower)
Name: SAM Upgrade
Prerequisite: GDI Component Tower, GDI Barracks
TechLevel: 5
Armor: wood
Sight: 10
Owner: GDI
Cost: 300
Power: -30
Primary: RedEye2

GDI Power Turbine
Name: Power Turbine
Prerequisite: GDI Power Plant
TechLevel: 7
Armor: wood
Sight: 1
Owner: GDI
Cost: 100
Power: 50

Seeker Control (Upgrade for GDI Upgrade Center)
Name: Seeker Control
Prerequisite: GDI Upgrade Center, GDI Tech Center, GDI Weapons Factory
TechLevel: 10
Armor: wood
Sight: 1
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1000
Power: -50

Ion Cannon Uplink
Name: Ion Cannon Uplink
Prerequisite: GDI Upgrade Center, GDI Tech Center
TechLevel: 10
Armor: wood
Sight: 1
Owner: GDI
Cost: 1500
Power: -100

Fire Storm Generator
Name: Fire Storm Generator
Strength: 800
Armor: heavy
TechLevel: 9
Prerequisite: GDI Tech Center
Adjacent: 2
Sight: 5
Owner: GDI
Cost: 2000
Power: -200

Laser Fence Post
Name: Laser Fence Post
Prerequisite: Nod Advanced Power Plant
Strength: 300
Armor: concrete
TechLevel: 8
Adjacent: 3
Sight: 4
Owner: Nod
Cost: 200
Power: -25

Laser Turret
Name: Laser
Strength: 500
Armor: wood
Prerequisite: Hand of Nod
TechLevel: 2
Adjacent: 4
Sight: 7
Owner: Nod
Cost: 300
Power: -40
Primary: LaserFire2

Nod Sam Site
Name: Sam
Strength: 600
Armor: wood
TechLevel: 5
Prerequisite: Nod Radar
Adjacent: 4
Sight: 10
Owner: Nod
Cost: 50
Power: -30
Primary: RedEye2

Fire Storm Wall Section
Name: Firestorm Wall Section
Strength: 200
Armor: concrete
Prerequisite: Fire Storm Generator
TechLevel: 9
Sight: 2
Owner: GDI
Cost: 50
Power: -2

((((((((2.2.5))))))((((((((((Tiberian Sun Weaponry))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


This is used for small Artillery, like the Artillery in Red Alert. It does
minimal damage, but because od its smaller size, it can usually be fired
faster than the heavy weapons.

Famous for its use in Tick Tanks. They are heavier than 75mm obviously, but
their projectile launcher was designed to give momentum to the weapon before
it was launched, so it has a similar rate of fire to it's former.

This medium duty projectile is used for head on head combat. It causes a hefty
hit, and even though the ROF (rate of fire) is slower, the power behind it
makes good compensation.

Same size as before, but more weight. Usually used as cover fire for units
attacking a base. It is relatively slow to fire.

This is the almighty projectile for Artillery. Being nearly as big as a head,
about 20 times as heavy, these are no weapon to mess around with. The Artillery
in Tiberian Sun use this weapon, and it is AWESOME!!!

Assault Cannon
I don't know much about this weapon, as no vehicle or infantry has this. I
do know that it is a rapid fire machine gun, but with more power than an Uzi.
The only unit I know that has it is the Wolverine.

Standard Rocket launcher used by the Rocket Infantry. They don't do much damage
but when there are lots of them, they are a pain in the rear end to deal with.

Bike Missile
The only unit known to obtain this pitiful peice of weaponry is the Attack
Cycle. But then again, the Attack Cycle is pitiful as well. Try to get the
Attack Cycle to eilte status to gain Hover Missiles, if it is possible.

This is an Air to Ground weapon, used by the ORCA bomber. It can carry six of
these formidable weapons, so use them wisely. Go for their construction yard,
it will only stand up to two bombers with a full payload of bombs to hit it.

This weapon is not used by any units you have access to. There is a unit that
does have it, but you can't get it because it is a patch to make missiles
work. It is just a chemical missile to be honest.

This is my favourite weapon out of the whole game. I made the build limit of
Cyborg Commandos unlimited, then I built about 50 of them. There were soooooo
many cycannon balls flying everywhere and it looked so cool. Similar to the]
proton used by harpies.

Infamous by its use in the Stealth Tank. When I first saw it, I was thinking
along the lines of a fireball launcher, but it is infact, a powerful,
sub-machine gun.

EM Pulse Weapon
Also a SuperWeapon (see next section), this is just a ball of energy that
targets electrical curcuits. It disables the curcuit temporarily, and basically
renders an object open to attack. It can't move or defend itself. Hehe...

If you have played the missions for GDI, and you are up to "Rescue Tratos", you
will notice a little doggie following you around. He regurgitates FeindShards
at people. It is fairly powerful, but then again, all mutant weapons are very

Fireball Launcher
The Sub-Tank (Devils Tongue) uses this excessively, and who wouldn't? This
weapon is the second best weapon, not powerful-wise, but just the way it looks.

Despite the name: "Disc Thrower", I found out that it's not discs that he
throws. It is infact...Grenades. Nevermind though, I spose they thought that
Grenadier sounded too boring, so they changed it to Disc Thrower.

Harpy Claw
The Harpy is a modified Apache chopper. It's weapon is, surprise surprise...
Harpy Claw. It is not very powerful, but I recommend buildings lots of them
and attacking areas of enemy base that is undefended.

Pretty self-explanatory. Used ny the medic to heal soldiers. Can't be used
on vehicles either.

This is another Air to Ground weapon, and it is used by ORCA fighters. They
are semi-powerful, so lots of them can be good against small vehicles. These
don't work well on Infantry.

Hover Missile
The Hover MRLS is notorious for it's missiles. Lts of them get the more than
just the job done; they are quite explosive.

Jump cannon
No different than an Uzi with an Infa-Red scope for Jumpjet Infantry to use.
Good against Infantry and nothing else.

The weapon used by the Obelisk of Light. It matches the original Tesla Coil for
power, the Temple of Nod for Style, but a Disc Thrower for sheilds. Still, this
beauty packs a winning punch in the long run.

The downgrade weapon used by the standard laser turrets. These are great against
Infantry, and when there are two or more in close range, they are deadly.

The classic weapon used by the Ghost Stalker and the Mammoth Mk II. It is a
powerful beam of energy that can destroy a vehicle in one direct shot. it's
a pity that both the Ghost Stalker and Mammoth Mk II have a buildlimit of only

In Red Alert, these were the armament for Rifle Infantry. Now, we don't see it
much at all. Oh well, they are just like AK-47's.

Mammoth Tusk
This is a missile that is clearly outdated. Developed in 1951, this was first
used by the Mammoth Tank. Now it is the Primary Weapon in the Mammoth Mk II.
What it's doing there I have no idea, but that's the way it is.

Mech Railgun
This is a bit like the LtRail, except a different colour. It is bordering
between good and bad when it comes to power.

Standard firearm used by the Light Infantry. It is a very balanced weapon, a
fast firing rate, great against Infantry (excepting Cyborgs) and is light, so
the Infantry aren't too slow either.

Pistola, Pistol, same dif. If you had a James Bond sort of unit then this
weapon might have some significance in the game.

If the ORCA Bomber had this weapon, I would probably go into mass production
of ORCA bombers. However, Nod still has the upper hand when it comes to
AirPower, and is incorporated into the Banshee.

This rapid fire weapon is built into the Attack Buggy, and it is excellent for
blasting Infantry. Damage is medium.

This is the favourite weapon for SAM Sites. They are heat-seeking, but only
lock on to Air targets. Don't hesitate to test the power of these by building
a few.

Repair Bullet
The best way to heal a vehicle when playing as Nod, is to use the Repair
Vehicle. It uses the repair bullet.

Slime Attack
Ever tried to attack the weed monster in the middle of a weed patch? It spits
slime at you and it is the prime example of a slime attack.

Only used by a unit you can access in missions. Umagon is a mutant and she is
a wicked sniper. They are really powerful as well.

Sonic Zap
The disruptor is the keeper of this amazing weapon. You may think it is weak
and slow to fire, but the sonic zap permantly damages the target. If you don't
succeed in destroying the target, usually they van only reapir it too half way.
If you are about to launch an assault, send some disruptors first to weaken

Suicide Bomb
Only the Hunter Seeker Droids have this weird weaponry. Like the "Heal", it
is self-explanatory.

Vulcan Tower
Another, fast firing weapon. It is great for Infantry, and even vehicles if you
have a cluster of these.

((((((((2.2.6))))))((((((((Tiberian Sun Superweapons))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Ion Cannon Special
This takes a long time to charge, but when they are, they can be terrifying.
It destroys sometimes more than one buildign in one shot, and leaves
neighbouring buildings a little shaken. Requires Ion Cannon Uplink.

Hunter Seeker Special
It sends a flying R2-D2 strapped with C4 bombs into enemy buildings. Not very
effective in the long run.

Multi Missile Special
When you create a missile silo, a missile starts loading. They are slow to
charge, but can destroy a few buildings with one impact. It is worth having.

Fire Storm Special
If you are GDI and you want to protect yourself from missiles, FireStorm wall
sections are the way to do it. For them to work, you need the FireStorm
Generator. When your robot commentator says that a missile has been launched,
about 15 seconds after it has said it, activate your Firestorm. The missile
should be destroyed by the blue flame stuff.

EMP Cannon Special
Like I said in the Weapon description, this just disables the vehicle it is
targetted at. Nothing special.

Chemical Missile Special
If you build the Waste Facility, your weeder will gather weeds. The weeds are
used to build Chemical Missiles. They aren't is effective as normal missiles
in my opinion.

((((((((2.2.7))))))(((((Tiberian Sun Difficulty Stats)))))))))))))))))))))))))))


The number beside each statement is the multiplier of the original statistic.
For Buildtime, ROF, Cost, above 1.0 means slower than the original statistic.
For Firepower, above 1.0 means more power than the original statistic.
For Armour, above 1.0 means more sheilds than the original statistic.
For Groundspeed and Airspeed, above 1.0 means faster the the original statistic.

Easy Statistics

BuildTime ~ 0.8
ROF ~ 0.8
Cost ~ 1.0
FirePower ~ 1.0
Armour ~ 1.2
GroundSpeed ~ 1.0
AirSpeed ~ 1.0

Medium Statistics

BuildTime ~ 1.0
ROF ~ 1.0
Cost ~ 1.0
FirePower ~ 1.0
Armour ~ 1.0
GroundSpeed ~ 1.0
AirSpeed ~ 1.0

Difficult Statistics

BuildTime ~ 1.0
ROF ~ 1.2
Cost ~ 1.0
FirePower ~ 1.0
Armour ~ 0.8
GroundSpeed ~ 1.0
AirSpeed ~ 1.0

I'm sorry, My Customizer has been cancelled. I am developing a website that will
contain downloads of similar units and such, so stay tuned!

((((((((2.2.8))))))(((((((Tiberian Sun Elite Abilities))))))))))))))))))))))))))


This makes the unit faster.

This makes the overall unit stronger.

Increases the strength of Firepower.

Automatically scatters groups of people.

Increases the Rate Of Fire.

More shroud is revealed when this unit passes over it.

This unit can now become invisible.

This unit becomes immune to weeds.

This unit automatically heals itself to halfway.

It explodes like a C4 when destroyed.

Enemy Radar cannot detect this unit.

This unit senses cloaked enemies.

Won't hesistate to be shot at.

This unit can attach C4 bombs to buildings.

When this unit passes over Tinerium, it starts healing.

Will fire upon enemies automatically in a limited range

Instead of firing, this unit tries to run over Infantry.

(((((2.2.9))))))(((((((((((((((((((GDI Missions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


2030 - Philadelphia Space Station

Mission One - Reinforce Pheonix Base))

General Solomon is shocked by the return of Kane, who is supposed to be dead.
Despite his surprise, General Solomon knows that he doesn't have much time to
lose. He recruits Mac, a military veteran who Solomon trusts to carry out this
task. Pheonix Base is under attack...

- Build a Tiberium Refinery
- Build a Barracks
- Destroy all Nod forces in the area

After watching the veiwscreen showing civilians under attack, you will be
prompted with a cutscene where the radar normally goes, and then you will have
battle field control.

Start constructing a Refinery to get your credit material going, and use some
of the reinforcements to take out nearby enemies. Once your Harvester is out,
guard it closely and destroy the buggy and infantry squad that will try to kill
it. After the Refinery is built, two dropships will fly down and land some
more reinforcements, including some Wolverines and more Infantries.

Take them south and search out any Nod forces on that particular island. If
you move onto the bridge a Meteor Storm will appear and destroy the bridge.
In fact, do this earlier on in the game to prevent as many units from crossing
the southern bridge. While this is all happening, build a Barracks and train
some more units (try to get more Disc Throwers).

Once you are sure you have enough men, take them to the East bridge where you
will encounter a Hand of Nod and a power plant. Send some troops to distract
the units that appear from the Hand of Nod while you destroy it.


Mission Two - Secure the Region))

After Mac's small victory at Pheonix Base, a region previously controlled by
GDI has been overrun. There are civilians in the area and must be evacuated
also. To do this, the SAM site emplacements must be destroyed.

- Destroy all SAM emplacements
- Destroy all Nod forces

After watching the cutscene showing two ORCA Transports being shot down, you
will find an MCV and some escorts near the edge of the map. Deploy the MCV as
soon as you can, then build the following buildings. If this is your first
time playing, then constructing a base from stratch can be a new experience.
The best way to go is to construct 2 Power Plants, a Refinery, then Barracks
and a War Factory.

Take the wolverines you aquired at the start Northwards and destroy the SAM
and its protection there.

(((((2.2.10)))))(((((((((((((((((((Nod Missions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


(((((2.5.11)))))(((((((((((((((((Tiberian Sun Maps))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


There are ** maps in Tiberian Sun for skirmish mode. They are all good fun to
play, and I have some favourites too which I will share along with the reasons.

Grand Canyon

This is the default map which usually most people play. It is a good one for
people new to Tiberian Sun, with lots of Tiebrium Feilds and exposing them to
some of it's more...nasty features. It's theater is desert and was designed for
2-4 players.

Grassy Knoll

This is the second map which I have not played much. Like the first, it is fully
desert, and has similar features, except a lake, where Grand Canyon had a
river. It is more difficult to build a base and destroy the enemy here and it
is designed for 2-4 players.

Limited Access

This is a small map for tank rushers. If you haven't heard the term before, it
means you like to get things oevr and done with, which I mentioned before in
the FAQ. It has one medium city in the bottom left hand corner and is sort of
rocky. Most of these are in desert theater and so is this one, and designed
for 2-4 players.


This map is quite large, and in the centre, is a weed patch in the shape of a
Pentagram. Well...sort off. The makers poor attempt at trying to anyway. It has
a river towards the bottom, and is made for 2-4 people.

Pit or Plateau

This map is COOL. It is quite large, lots of Tiberuim feilds, has a centre patch
of weed, 2-4 players, what more could you want? I like this because I am the
opposite of a tank rusher. The size gives me time to build up a mini empire,
and then slowly take out the enemy bit by bit.


This map has a seismec hole up in the northern region of the map. It has a river
flowing down towards the bottom to make it even more simple. It has two weed
patches, one small city and a lake in one of the top corners with a river
flowing down to the opposite corner. It is a nice relaxing map. 2-4 players.


Now we are starting to get bigger and more features. This map is for experienced
Tiberian Sun players with 4-6 players recommended. It is dotted with small
Tiberium patches and has a bit of water and a large weed pile. This is for
people who aren't tank rushers, but aren't sitting around on their lazy ass like
I am.

Tiberium Garden Redux

This map sure lives up to it's name. It has loads of Tiberium feilds with
a lot of space to explore. This is a great map for those who have a problem
with saving money. 4-6 players

Tactical Oppurtunities

Now this is an EXTREME map. Number One. It is very big. Number Two. The
geology of it is extraordinary. It's like a mass of rolling hills with a flat
spot here and there for Tiberium and building bases. This map should be 6-8,
but NO. They decided to make it 4-6 players. I like it though. It gives me
a chance to build up my base before being onslautered by my friendly enemies.


4-6 players, the average joe as some could call it. This is rather boring for
me. I like maps with lots of water because it means that I can use my
amphibious units. And with my rules editor, I have made just about everything
amphibious. Doesn't surprise you eh? Anyway, a standard map for the standard
person. Nothing much more I can say about it.

Tunnel Training

Finally! A map with lots of tunnels to hide in. This is the first map that has
snow in it. As we proceed, the icy maps have water, and where there is icy
water, there is sure to be frozen lakes. Yeah! Ice skating! Anyway, this map
is sort of split into four corners, and the only sensible way to get there is
by tunnel!!! 4-6 players.

A River Runs Near It

A long name for a long game. This map is big, so be prepared for a game that
might take forever and a day. It's like a desert with a few homes here that can
be destroyed, I might start a section that includes civilian buildings and stuff
like that. But there is one significant feature: Take a wild guess...A River...
Aaaaahhhhh, that was so hard. 4-6 players as usual.

Caseys Canyon

Please don't tell them this, but I think this map was the first map ever made,
due to the weirdness of the layout. It looks okay from a glance, but when you
look at the canyon and stuff, it doesn't seem very real. Anyway, who am I to
be critisizing members of the company that still produces the best series of
games ever made. Do I have to repeat myself again? 4...-...6...players...pant

Cliffs of Insanity

This is a cliffy map that doesn't really have insane clifs. My point is that I
don't have a liking for this one either. But life goes on dammit. 4-6 players
is the regular call, Tiberium feilds here and there, nothing special. Hang On,
that was an understatement in itself. THERE IS LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF

Desolation Redux

Another one of my favourites, this is another icy map that incorporates some
water. NOTE: Beware of frozen lakes or water...heavy objects like Titans or
MCV's will crack the surface, and when they travel over cracked ice, they sink.
That was the fate of one of my MCV's in the map: THE ICE MUST FLOE. I tried to
move it to another area and it sank. HEHE. 4-6 players...


If you can imagine six icecubes in a cup of water, one in the middle and five
around the side with little bridges attached to each other, a food coloring
for tiberium, you have pretty much just summed up "Hextreme". However, I like
this map, and some of the islands have been attached by frozen water as well.
That's my map :)

The Ice Must Floe

The highlight of this map: The two civilian bases (one in the middle, one up
the top). They have light towers which I capture with my engineer (you have
enable "captureable=true" in rules.ini before being able to do this). They are
real fun to have. 4-6 players and an icy map again, this is recommended to all.

Night of the Mutants

This is a strange map with a river running down the middle. And the other thing
is that it looks as though someone has come along with a salt dispenser and
sprinkled small patches of tiberium everywhere. There is a strange base thingie
as well near the river, I must check it out properly.


This is another icy map with a lake, a river, bridge or two. Nothing special
about it. 4-6 players is the play, and make sure you make use of the icy
wonderland set before you. There are some tricks to play at here.


In all the other maps that are calm and balmy, there are not many cities. But
come to a map like Storms, and you've got cities galore. Not literally, but
three of them. There's a few weeds and is scoured by dirt roads. Have fun.

Stormy Valley

There are a lot of bridges here. This place has advantages when you are GDI.
Your Ion Cannon can cut your work out for you by blocking the enemies path of
bridges. Don't waste your precious Ion Cannon on the ice, it only take out a
very small part of it, and it'll grow back by the time the Ion Cannon has
recharged again.

Forest Fires

Ahhh. The big huge gignatic enourmous superkelafregi...BIG maps. 6-8 players is
what you will be hearing from now on. THESE ARE MY HOMES!!! I play against
seven or eight AI at full level (they basically wipe themselves out so it is
sort of easy) and I am LOVING it. This is a map which incorporates water,
vegetation, and keeps everything in balance.

Ice Cliffs

Like ice maps and large places, if yes, this is where your joyride begins. There
are a lot of bridges to destroy, tiberium to harvest, enemies to obliterate,
civilians to laugh and throw grenades just goes on. This map is rated
highest for play with maximum AI players.

Super Bridgehead Redux

This is my altime favourite. I like the water, I like the little island in the
top left corner (shame you can't really build on it). It is the best map for
expert players.

Tread Lightly

This is another large and furious map. This map has lots of roads and doesn't
hesitate to throw them in your face. Also, they really like their bridges don't
they. This is pure evidence of such characteristics.
This is the last map I will present to you. There is a map maker in the game,
but it randomizes maps instead of letting you make them, that is why I perfer
Red Alert.

(((((2.5.12)))))((((((((((((Hidden Units and Buildings))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Finally, this section is complete. Here are the units and structures you are
likely to find in missions, or just haven't been added to the game. Remember,
if you see any units or buildings in here that you want to access, drop me an
email asking for them and I will send you a reply with the neccessary stuff.

This is the same tank that plays a role in Red Alert's Soviet campaign. It has
been placed in here without use, so they disabled it. It still has the same
weapons it did in the old game as well.

Mammoth Tank
Name = Mammoth Tank
Category = AFV
Primary = 120mmx
Secondary = MammothTusk
Strength = 600
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 6
Speed = 4
Owner = GDI
Cost = 1700
This is witnessed throughout one or two missions in the Tiberian Sun game. They
have a large missile that deploys and can be launched over long distances.
In skirmish mode, I can't get the missile to work however.

ICBM Launcher
Name = Missile Launcher
Category = Support
Prerequisite = GDI Weapons Factory, GDI Radar
Strength = 500
Armor = light
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 7
Speed = 6
Owner = GDI
Cost = 1400

This is a spy that is used by Nod. Even though it can infiltrate buildings,
it doesn't gather information like the spy in Red Alert. Maybe that is why they
disabled it.

Chameleon Spy
Name = Chameleon Spy
Category = Soldier
Prerequisite = Hand of Nod, Nod Tech Center
Strength = 120
Armor = none
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 9
Speed = 6
Owner = Nod
Cost = 700

Umagon is one of the forgotten people, and has a thing for McNeil. She is a
great shot with the sniper as you see in her debut (Rescue Tratos), she has
extraordinary ability with a sniper.

Name = Umagon
Category = Soldier
Primary = Sniper
Strength = 150
Armor = light
TechLevel= -1
Sight = 7
Speed = 5
Owner = GDI
Cost = 1400

This guy doesn't do anything. No wonder the left this guy out, he might as well
be sniffing poppy flowers for all the work he does.

Name = Technician
Category = Civilian
Strength = 50
Primary = Pistola
Armor = none
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 2
Speed = 5
Owner = GDI,Nod
Cost = 10

I like this guy. He tags along with you on Rescue Tratos, but his weapon is my
attraction. When I used him on skirmish mode, I had at least 30 of them, and
they decimated the base all by them selves and I only lost five. Well, to be
truthful I changed their armour to concrete as well...

Mutant Dog
Name = Tiberian Fiend
Category = Soldier
Doggie = yes
Primary = FiendShard
Strength = 250
Armor = light
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 4
Speed = 8
Owner = GDI,Nod
Cost = 100

Seen in many missions, I think we all know what the transport is, excepting the
fact that it isn't in the game. Whoever planned this flying fish don't know
nothing; it can only hold FIVE passengers. Pah...I won't even bother with it.

Orca Transport
Name = Orca Transport
Prerequisite = GDI Helipad
Strength = 200
Category = AirPower
Armor = light
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 2
Speed = 9
Owner = GDI
Cost = 1200

This is no differnt from the transport, except it looks different.

Name = Dropship
Prerequisite = GDI Weapons Factory
Strength = 200
Category = AirLift
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 3
Speed = 18
Owner = GDI
Cost = 0

What the hell is this??????? I don't know. You know in the first mission movie,
when McNeil reunites with Chandra, that spaceship thingy that takes off and
flies them away? It's like that, but it is a building. ?????????????????????

Name = GDI Kodiak
Strength = 1500
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = -1
Adjacent = 2
Sight = 10
Owner = GDI
Cost = 1000

This is a cool spotlight tower that I have constantly enabled throughout my
games that I play. It doesn't do anything, I just like it.

Name = Light Tower
TechLevel = -1
Strength = 400
Power = -10
Cost = 250
Armour = light
Prerequisite = GDI Barracks

Now, I don't know why they disabled this. I have enabled it and I'm going to
keep it that way.

Sandbag Wall
Name = Sandbags
Strength = 250
Prerequisite = Any Barracks
Armor = light
TechLevel = -1
Sight = 0
Owner = GDI,NOD
Cost = 25

This is a weird thing that sits on the GDI Upgrade Centre. If you have threat
rating on, this little peice of magic tells you how much threat there is.

Threat Rating Node
Name = Threat Rating Node
Prerequisite = GDI Upgrade Center
TechLevel = -1
Armor = wood
Sight = 1
Owner = GDI
Cost = 500
Points = 30
Power = -20

(((((2.2.13)))))((((((((((((((((((Various Terrain)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


The list below names and describes various forms of ground and terrain you'll
encounter in Tiberian Sun. Here is a key to show you what the data for the
terrain means.

Foot: The amount of top speed an Infantry Unit has on this terrain.
Track: The amount of top speed a Tracked Unit has on this terrain.
Wheel: The amount of top speed a Wheeled Unit has on this terrain.
Hover: The amount of top speed a Hover Units has on this terrain.
Amphibious: The amount of top speed an Amphibious Unit has on this terrain.
Buildable: Can you build on this terrain type?

Clear Ground
This is the basic layout of the Tiberian Sun ground in Temperate Theater.

Foot: 90%
Track: 70%
Wheel: 70%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 80%
Buildable: yes

This is the part of ground directly in between the Clear Ground and water.

Foot: 0%
Track: 0%
Wheel: 0%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 60%
Buildable: no

Ice is the frozen water in snow theaters. If a unit is too heavy it can
crack the ice and sink.

Foot: 50%
Track: 80%
Wheel: 50%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 50%
Buildable: no

Raliroad are the trench looking things that you some times see trains on.
They are found in a lot of singleplayer missions.

Foot: 90%
Track: 100%
Wheel: 50%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 50%
Buildable: no

These are the paved roads that play a role in most maps of Tiberian Sun. They
give the units the most top speed and are good for fast attacks.

Foot: 100%
Track: 100%
Wheel: 100%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 100%
Buildable: yes

Cliffs are handy barriers against attack, but offer no trafficking over it.
All values here are 0%

Foot: 0%
Track: 0%
Wheel: 0%
Hover: 0%
Amphibious: 0%
Buildable: no

Rocky Terrain (Rough)
Rocky Terrain isn't impassable but slows down the wheeled units a lot. Infantry
can tackle this type really easily however.

Foot: 80%
Track: 60%
Wheel: 40%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 40%
Buildable: yes

This comes in four forms, 1 Green and three blue. All have different properties
but the Green Tiberium is the most common.

Foot: 90%
Track: 70%
Wheel: 50%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 50%
Buildable: no

Tunnels are basically the same as roads in terms of top speed for units, except
that you can't build on it.

Foot: 100%
Track: 100%
Wheel: 100%
Float: 0%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 100%
Buildable: no

Originally, I think Tiberian Sun intended to have floating units, but trashed
the idea. Now the only units to use water is the GDI APC and the Hover MRLS.

Foot: 0%
Track: 0%
Wheel: 0%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 80%
Buildable: no

Weeds (veins)
Weeds are the pain-in-the-ass stuff that takes away health faster than a Garden
Gnome takes a dump.

Foot: 50%
Track: 70%
Wheel: 50%
Hover: 100%
Amphibious: 50%
Buildable: no

(((((2.2.14)))))((((((((((((((((((Crate Variations))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


In multiplayer games (and in various singleplayer missions) you will find
various crates which hold goodies. These goodies can be anything from money
(most common), to a reveal map (not so common). The below list gives you an
idea of how often the crates appear, and a description to go along with it.

Armour Powerup Crate
The Armour Powerup is handy at times, causing the armour level of a unit to
rise one. There are 5 armour types, and going from weakest to strongest, they
None - Wood - Light - Heavy - Concrete

Percent Chance: 33%

Cloaking shadow Crate
The cloaking shadow crate has the ability to cloak the units nearby the picked
up crate. Good for surprise attacks, especially when Nod doesn't expect GDI
to have stealth technology!

Percent Chance: 20%

Darkness Shroud Crate
This crate is one of the worst crates around. It has the effective ability to
piss you off so much that you throw your monitor across the room and smash the
Tiberian Sun disk into oblivion. This crate sucks as it covers every explored
area back up with shroud. This is bad especially if you just found a reveal

Percent Chance: 5%

Explosion Crate
Another bad crate to grab, this crate causes an earth shaking explosion that
pretty much destroys all units caught in its proximity.

Percent Chance: 38%

Firepower Powerup Crate
The Firepower Crate gives you increased firepower (like you didn't know...).
It affects all the units near the crate.

Percent Chance: 28%

Healing Crate
This crate heals all of your units and structures. A good crate to have if you
are being attacked and you just can't seem to get that engineer to the MCV
in time...

Percent Chance: 23%

Chemical Missile Crate
This crate gives you a free Chemical Missile, just like the one you get when
you have a Tiberium Waste Facility.

Percent Chance: 13%

Money Crate
The most common of all, the money crate supplies you with 2000 credits of hard
cold cash to your stash. This is a good crate over all.

Percent Chance: 55%

Napalm Bomblet Crate
Westwood left this crate out after they decided not to have airplanes in their
game. I imagine that it is just like the Napalm seen in Red Alert.

Percent Chance: N/A

Reveal Map Crate
Now this is a crate to be sought after! Capable of revealing the entire map,
this crate is awesome for the GDI in planning attacks. Really good for spotting
Tank Rushes and other things, there should be more of these.

Percent Chance: 8%

Speed Powerup
The speed powerup is simply a crate which supplies extra speed to your units
that picks this up. A usefull ally sometimes.

Percent Chance: 30%

Squad Unit Crate
This crate gives you five extra guys, which is usually 2 engineers, 2 riflemen
and a disc thrower. However that count is uncertain, so don't get your knickers
in a knot if its incorrect.

Percent Chance: 45%

Vehicle Unit Crate
This crate gives you a vehicle unit that belongs to your side. If the vehicle
is described as a 'Crate Goodie' in the rules.ini file, then it can be found in
crates. A list that I will add later will give names of all the units that are
available in crates.

Percent Chance: 40%

Invunerability Crate
This crate works like the Iron Curtain in Red Alert and gives the nearby units
Invincibility for a certain amount of time. Try to use the crate to their
advantage before it runs out.

Percent Chance: 10%

Veteran Crate
As you know, a veteran upgrades certain qualities, like self healing, faster
speed, ROF and other things. This crate turns the units immediately into

Percent Chance: 15%

Ion Storm Crate
This crates was also left out, but it is obvious that this was a crate that
set of an Ion Storm. I've yet to see an Ion Storm in a multiplayer game, I
haven't been bothered enabling them.

Percent Chance: N/A

Chemical Gas Crate
The chemical gas crate is bad. Especially when you find it in your base. Should
this happen, evacuate all units in the area and keep your buildings under
constant watch.

Percent Chance: 18%

Tiberium Crate
This crate is pretty much useless, more of a pain than good. The Tiberium Field
only covers a small area, about 3 or 4 cells maximum.

Percent Chance: 35%

Drop Pod Crate
The last crate is another obsolete one. I don't know why the left this one out,
it would have been really good.

Percent Chance: N/A


The Interface of Tiberian Sun is much like the other C&C Games as seen below.

Options Button
In the top left corner is the Options button from which you can adjust the
game settings, and quit the game, etc. etc...

Radar Utility
Gives you an overview of the shroud you have uncovered.

Sell Button
Indicated by the $ sign, this allows you to sell any of your buildings that
you don't want. You only get refund 50% of the original cost.

Repair Button
Indicated by the wrench, this repairs any of your damaged buildings. It
costs a small amount of money to repair structures.

Power Button
If your power isn't enough and you really need it, you can switch one of
your buildings offline. Say if you are Nod and a defensive structure needs
power while your offline, you can take your Stealth Generator offline for
a while until you build more power plants.

Waypoint Button
This button lets you set waypoints for units to follow. I don't know if
aircraft can follow waypoints; I've never tried it myself.

Left Icon List
This column is used for structures. By hovering your mouse over an icon it
will tell you how much it costs.

Right Icon List
This column is used for units. If you want a build queue, click on different
units up to 5 times to have them build automatically.

(((((2.2.10)))))((((((((((((((((Tactics & Strategies))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


There are many great tactics to deploy while playing Tiberian Sun, some apply
to Singleplayer, some apply to Skirmish, and other apply to Multiplayer over
the Net. Most people like to develop tactics to suit their style of play, as
everyone plays differently to others. If you have a strategy you want to have
posted please email them in abundance, I want to expand on this relatively
short list. Remember to write a name for your strategy and give your a.k.a
name so I can identify you in the strategy. Any strategies unnamed I will call
anonymous. If it doesn't have a title I will name it accordingly.

To begin with, there are two main types of Tiberian Sun players in general.
There are the Tank Rushers and the Lay-Back-And-Relax players. You are
probably all familiar with the term 'Tank Rushing', but for those who aren't,
it is simply building a horde of tanks and swamping the enemies. The Relaxers
are those who just build a lot of defenses and then just focus on technologies
and tactical attacks which can save a lot of money. Anyway, let the tactic list

Strategy One: Tank Rushing

Description: This method is simply building 15-20 tanks and swamping the enemy
in the early minutes of the game.

Tips: You have to have the timing right. Send out your infantry that you receive
at the start of the game and send them out to the 8 positions around the map
(4 corners, and 1 in between each of the corners). Try to work out the enemy
postion before you send your tanks anywhere. Timing is crucial; if you wait
too long, the base could set up effective defenses and thwart your attack
before it did too much damage. Other than that, this strategy is simple to
pull off.

Pro's: You can win the game quickly and without major loss.

Con's: If your attack fails, you may be left with next to no cash and defensless
against enemy attack. There is an effective counter-strategy which I will come
to later.

Strategy Two: Sensor Array Networking

Description: A way to uncover the secret side of the unseen map by placing
Mobile Sensor Arrays all over the map.

Tips: LPST's cost a fair bit of money, and you may need to have a few Rifineries
pumping out the tiberium before you can make an effective sensor network.
Look out for where the enemies base is, where they attack from and set up
strategic array's to monitor Cloaked or Subteranean activity.

Pro's: You can make Nod's stealth units become visible, as well as detect
any underground units making their way towards your base.

Con's: You may spend a lot of money supporting this networking array.

Strategy Three: Pavements

Description: Preventing many problems by placing pavement down in your base.

Tips: Create an initial base base with all of your vital buildings (MCV, Radar
station, Tech facility, perhaps a Power Plant) and surround them with walls.
Then place pavement down on any space left open by the buildings. NOTE: Keep
the perimeter of the walls as far away as possible from the buildings within,
which helps to stop enemies firing missiles over the wall and destroying them
that way.

Pro's: Pavement prevents subterranean units from surfacing, prevents craters and
cracks stopping you from placing buildings down, stops weed and tiberium from
spreading into the base and speeds units up that are crossing Pavement.

Con's: Despite their small cost, using a lot of pavement can eventually set
you back quite a bit of money. Placing 20 peices of pavement costs 1500 credits!

Strategy Four: Engineering!

Description: Utilising the power of the engineer to give your side an advantage
in battle.

Tips: The engineer has the cool ability to steal enemy buildings, meaning that
GDI can build artillery and tick tanks and such if they steal a Nod War Factory.
You could build Lasers and Obelisks if you steal an enemy MCV. Engineers are
NOT to be underestimated and can be just as effective as Cyborg Commando's in

Pro's: Engineers can both heal your own buildings and steal enemy buildings.
After you capture an enemy building you can either utilise it's resources or
sell it for money

Con's: Again the money factor can be a problem, but most of all, you need to
keep your engineers protected by other units. My suggestion is that you
eliminate most defenses beforehand and THEN take your pick. :-)

Strategy Five: Devasatating Infantry

Description: Size matters not!

Tips: Infantry can be absolutely devastating in large numbers, especially
againsts Titans and other cannon-weapon vehicles. This is something I never
understood about C&C, was that 5 Infantry killed a medium faster than a
medium tank killed 1! Using that to your advantage is a very helpful tip.
Just cluster a bunch of 10 light infantry around a Titan and you'll have at
least six survivors, if not more.

Pro's: If you have about 30 light infantry with a few grenaders/rocketers
to help then you can have a devastating effect on the enemy.

Con's: Light Infantry cost 120 credits. 120 x 30 = 3600. Including extra
rocketer/grenadier costs, that is quite expensive for a bunch of infantry.
Also watch out for things like Vulcan Towers, Lasers and Obelisks because
they can wipe out infantry insanely fast.

(((((4.1))))))((((((((((((((((((((Version Info))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Third Version - 8 Febuary 2005

I'm getting stuck in to TS now, I am in the process of creating a Mod for
the Tiberian Sun game, a conversion to make TS into and RA1/RA2 type game.
. I don't have much time for this FAQ, but I've done my best to
get this sorted.

- Cleaned up a few errors
- Added Terrain/Crates list
- Added Strategies list
- Removed My Customizer from FAQ (sorry)
- Added the sizes of sections to give you an idea of how long it is

Second Version - 7 October 2004

I added some more leisure stuff, stuff that are just things you want to know.

- Added a list of all the maps
- Finished the Units/Structures list
- Added Hidden Units

First Version - 12, September 2004

On this day, the memorable moment of truth led me to construct this FAQ.
I created the main body and list many of the vehicles aided by the legendary

- Completed Main Body
- Listed 90% of the Units/Structures
- Added Missions

((((((5.1)))))))(((((((((((Tiberian Sun: Apex Alliances)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Tiberian Sun: Apex Alliances is my new mod for the Tiberian Sun game. The
Trial version will be released soon (most likely on and I
will see how it turns out. If you are one to try the Trial Version (please do!),
write to me and tell me about how I could improve it. Any good suggestions will
go to the team at My Customizer. It includes many new features like the new
Strategic Gameplay I have installed into it, discarding superweapons and
creating strategic units and weaponry instead.
Two new sides have now entered the arena, one: EGL is an InterGalactic Race
from the star system of Proxima Centauri. They have been studying the earth
for hundreds of years, and have decided to intervene with
the charismatic Kane. However, a powerful leader named Arc has reincarnated
many old technologies, like the tanks from the old Great World War. These new
features include in-game graphics, new missions (Full Version), new maps (Full
Version), perhaps even new sounds (Full Version). We have now basically done
the Apex Alliances with only sounds to add, so we are now working on a sequel:
Tiberian Sun: Terminal Velocity.

All names above: Apex Alliances and Terminal Velocity are not to be reused
without the permission of Biggs Darklighter. Tiberian Sun is a copyrighted name
to Westwood studio's. All rights reserved.



First of all, I have to credit the makers of TibEd greatly for the help
with the production of this FAQ, it has been a monster to complete, but I am
here now, so thank you very very much. TibEd can be found at:

Westwood, for creating four of the best PC games I've ever played, there is
no FAQ for Red Alert without Red Alert.

Thomas and Henry, my cousins. They were the ones who introduced me to RA and
Tiberian Sun, and that means a lot to me. Cheers cuz...

My Granny, thanks for the time I've spent on your computer trying to conquer
Russia. Thanks.

www.ra, for it's guidance. I got a lot of help from there to help
me with the missions, and the mission guides are extracts from that website.
I give the site full credit for the mission faq.

ASCII Generator, for it's wonderful heading up the top. It can be found at:

I totally recommend it for you if you ever write a FAQ.

I have to admit, for the time I've spent on the websites, playing RA, Tib Sun,
Aftermath, looking at History Books, just to write this FAQ...I have done
quite well. Write to me at "".
Find me in some of my other FAQ's:

Red Alert (PC) Real Time Strategy
Red Alert with Aftermath (PC) Real Time Strategy

Coming Soon...

Tiberian Sun with FireStorm Real Time Strategy
Red Alert 2 Real Time Strategy



I hope this FAQ has brought you the best of Tiberian Sun, I have gone to
long lengths to ensure this information is as correct as possible. Any
Questions or advice on how I could make this FAQ better, please contact me
at the above address.

Oh Well...So long for now.

((((((Bye)))))))((((((((((((((((((BIGGS DARKLIGHTER)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.0.0.1)

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Spielstände für NOD und GDI zu Beginn es letzten Levels (Achtung: 1,7 MB)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Side Selection/Unit Comparison FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Internet Play FAQ by Icy Guy
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Karte aufdecken (für v1.08)

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geld- und Energietrainer

15.Oktober 2013
Umfangreiche Information im Excel-Format

17.Oktober 2013
GDI-Komplettlösung im Word-Format

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Geld beschaffen und Karte offenlegen (v.1.08)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Geld-Beschaffer für die Demoversion

15.Oktober 2013
Geld-Beschaffer (v1.17)

17.Oktober 2013
Deutscher Rules.ini Editor

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14.Oktober 2013
Tiberian Sun Gold 3.21

16.Oktober 2013
Ein mächtiger Editor für die Rules.ini

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Der berühmte Rules.ini Cheat auch für Tiberian Sun (deutscher Text)

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Editor für die rules.ini

15.Oktober 2013
Zwei optimierte Rules.ini für GDI und NOD

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Die Daten der Einheiten in HTML

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