Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer - Tiberian Sun

16.10.2013 16:35:54
Command & Conquer:
Tiberian Sun FAQ/Walkthrough
(c) 2002 Nathan Schmidt
Best Viewed at 800 x 600 resolution
Version Final

^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
^-^ Table Of Contents
^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^
0.1.....................................Updates & Copyright Info
0.3.....................................Character Info
0.4.....................................Background Info
0.4.1.......................................Tiberian History
0.4.2.......................................The Brotherhood Of NOD
0.4.3.......................................Global Defense Initiative
0.4.4.......................................The Forgotten
0.5.....................................GDI Missions
0.5.1.......................................Reinforce The Phoenix Base
0.5.2.......................................Secure The Region
0.5.3.......................................Capture The Train Station
0.5.4.......................................Secure The Crash Site
0.5.5.......................................Defend Crash Site
0.5.6.......................................Destroy The Radar Array
0.5.7.......................................Rescue Tratos
0.5.8.......................................Destroy Vega's Dams
0.5.9.......................................Destroy Vega's Base
0.5.10......................................Capture Hammerfest
0.5.11......................................Retrieve Disrupter Crystals
0.5.12......................................Rescue The Prisoners
0.5.13......................................Destroy The Chemical Supply
0.5.14......................................Mine The Power Grid
0.5.15......................................Destroy Chemical Missile Plant
0.5.16......................................Destroy The Prototype Facility
0.5.17......................................Weather The Storm
0.5.18......................................The Final Conflict
0.6.....................................NOD Missions
0.6.1.......................................The Messiah Returns
0.6.3.......................................Free The Rebel Commander
0.6.4.......................................Destroy Hassan's Temple
0.6.6.......................................Eviction Notice
0.6.7.......................................Salvage Operation
0.6.8.......................................Capture Umagon
0.6.8B......................................Capture Umagon (Part 2)
0.6.9.......................................Sheep's Clothing
0.6.10......................................Escort The Bio-toxin Trucks
0.6.11......................................Destroy The GDI Research Facility
0.6.12......................................Rescue The Villainess
0.6.13......................................Establish NOD Presence
0.6.14......................................Destroy Mammoth Mk 2 Prototype
0.6.15......................................Capture Jake McNeil
0.6.16......................................Illegal Data Transfer
0.6.17......................................A New Beginning
0.7.....................................Unit & Structure Info
0.10....................................My Favorite Games


- 0.1 Updates And Copyright Info
Version 0.1 Beta
7/29/2002 Started this FAQ. Keyboard is broken, I had to copy and paste letters
8/2/2002 3:38 AM Finished Hammerfest. Need coffee....
8/4/2002 3:03 AM Finished GDI Missions. Leg cramps & carpal tunnel are my thanks
8/7/2002 9:12 PM Updated the borders to fit the screen as perfectly as possible
8/7/2002 11:22 PM I finished Sheep's Clothing and am still on a coffee high.
8/8/2002 2:00 AM Typing "Rescue The Villainess" (yawn) -_-
8/8/2002 6:00 AM Finished NOD missions. NEED SLEEP!!
8/10/2002 2:56 PM Fixed dates in Update section and totally re-did the borders.
8/12/2002 2:54 AM Updated this FAQ to Version 0.2 Beta
6/01/2003 3:04 PM Updated to version 0.3 Alpha and fixed some spelling errors.
29/9/2004 11:09 AM Updated to Final version. Fixed a minor errors and stuff

This FAQ may be use used by CJayC on GameFAQS without asking, as well whoever
runs GameSpot may use it as well.
Anyone else wanting to use it must ask. My e-mail is:
This FAQ for Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun is Copyrighted to Nathan Schmidt
(c) 2004

^ 0.2 Review
My review for Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun:
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun combines a perfect story line with a great
game. It has some of the Original C & C,Red Alert, Red Alert 2, etc combined
with some pretty cool new things. Firestorm Generator, Ion Cannon, Hunter
Seeker Droids, etc It is an addictive and is fun game. With the Skirmish
option, you can test out all the technology that GDI and NOD have to offer.
The multiplayer is fun as well. Except for those who suck REALLY badly.
Now the game has such a good story line that it is almost the work of the
best of the best of the best at Westwood. is the work of the best
of the best at Westwood.
Silly me ^_^;
I give Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun a 10 ½ out of 10

= 0.3 Character Info
0.3.1 General Solomon
General Solomon led the first revolt against Kane and the Brotherhood.
He resides in the orbiting Space Station Philadelphia. He is the top
official who gives McNeil his orders from the space station. He and
an elite group of soldiers lead GDI, and beat Kane and
The Brotherhood Of NOD. He is haunted by the image of Kane accepting
the Ion Cannon blast with open arms.

0.3.2 EVA
Eva is the Kodiac's onboard voice controlled super computer. EVA has helpes out
in many missions
with approach evaluations and probable outcomes as well as what factors would
give GDI the upper

0.3.3 McNeil
McNeil. That name strikes fear into the hearts of the most hardened NOD
infantry. He is one of
the top ranked officials of GDI. He has a little brother named Jake stationed
in Hammerfest
in Europe. McNeil hates all things NOD with a fiery passion

0.3.4 Umagon
Umagon is part of "The Forgotten". A race of Tiberium-induced mutation. Umagon
is found by McNeil
while he was inside an alien craft. Umagon calls McNeil and GDI "Blunts" due to
the fact that they
use brute force to accomplish things. She and McNeil have a little "thing" for
each other as seen
in the many cutsceans with her in them...

0.3.5 Slavic
Anton Slavic is Kane's highest advisor's son. He had more support than Hassan
thought. Hassan and
Solomon tried to frame him as being a GDI spy, but his team helped him by
giving him an antidote
for the toxins that were inside him at the time.

0.3.6 Cabal
Cabal is the same as EVA with a few differences: It is a male voice, and has a
propaganda of it's

0.3.7 Kane
The charismatic leader of The Brotherhood Of NOD. Said by some to be a Messiah
from god. He admits
he is not God, but a close second place. He was declared dead by GDI officials
and rumors of his
appearances surround old NOD bases. When he reappeared to General Solomon,
Solomon thought he was
a ghost. But he was real. And hadn't aged a day. The most memorable quote of
the game is:
"It would be a sad error in judgment to mistake me as a corpse"

0.3.8 Hassan
Hassan was the temporary leader of The Brotherhood Of NOD. Until Slavic killed
him in front of all
NOD forces and claimed himself leader.

! 0.4 Background Info

0.4.1 Tiberium History
Rumors have it that Tiberium came to earth via a comet. Tiberium has deadly
effects to the soil,
surrounding vegetation and all life forms. Tiberium mutates the DNA of living
organisms so that
they look like jelly-like ooze that ooze and combinewith other ooze. These
things are called
Viseroids. The babies can't do any damage. But once they combine with another
they become a big threat. Tiberium drains the soil of any and almost all
minerals. Creating
a weird yet stunningcrystal formation. The Brotherhood Of NOD was the first to
find a way of
harvesting it into a usable substance. Thoughdeadly, it is the main source of
credits in GDI
and NOD campaigns.

0.4.2 The Brotherhood Of NOD
The Brotherhood Of NOD or NOD as it will be referred to for the remainder of
this FAQ, was
started by the charismatic Kane. Kane led NOD to many victories until GDI
arrived. NOD tried
to eliminate GDI, but in the end GDI used their super weapon,The Ion Cannon.
But Kane
welcomed it with open arms, while it vaporized him. His body was never found.
There were
rumors ofhim appearing near old NOD bases. 10 years later, he reappeared. Not
looking a day

0.4.3 The Global Defense Initiative
The Global Defense Initiative or GDI, was formed to keep the peace in all of
the world.
their first appearance was a totaldisaster. NOD tried to frame them many times.
But in
the end, General James Solomon lead a campaign to defeat NOD and theirTemple Of
He used the Ion Cannon to vaporize Kane and the Temple. The one thing he did not
understand was why Kane welcomed it with open arms whilst it vaporized his
entire body.

0.4.4 The Forgotten
The Forgotten or "Shiners" as they are called, refers to the shiny tiberium
that grow on their bodies. Their leaderis Tratos. The second in command is
Third was Ghost Stalker. Tratos translated the Tacidus for Kane. He told him
the way
to change the earth into a tiberium waste land.

GDI 0.5 GDI Missions

GDI missions need more brute force rather that stealth and logic that NOD uses.
has more brute units rather than the stealth unit I like them better than NOD.
That is my be the judge!

! 0.5.1 Reinforce The Phoenix Base

Objectives: Rebuild The Barracks And Refinery
Eliminate All NOD Forces

Ok. as soon as the computer gives you control, have your infantry kill the NOD
infantry and then move them into the base.
Start building a refinery and barracks. You will get reinforcements in the form
of wolverines. Send these reinforcements
plus 9 or 10 light infantry will be enough. After you think you have enough
infantry to handle a hand of NOD and a NOD power
plant and 3 NOD infantry, take your infantry north east. Attack the hand of NOD
first. Then attack the infantry that are
guarding it and those (if any) that come out of it when it is destroyed. Then
do the same to the power plant. ATTACK IT!!!
When all NOD structures, vehicles and infantry are dead, you win the mission.
You get a nice little cut scene to go with
your stunning victory.

^ 0.5.2 Secure The Region

Objectives: Eliminate NOD SAM Sites
Destroy The NOD Base

You start out watching two Orca transports getting shot down by NOD sam
(Surface to Air Missile) Sites.
When the computer gives you control, you will have an mcv, 3 light infantry and
2 wolverines.
After you deploy your mcv, start building a power plant, refinery and barracks
in that order. Once you have some barracks,
that reminds me! If anyone says to you: The barrack doors are open and Private
Ryan is attention! ZIP UP YOUR FLY!
Now back to the walkthrough. Build 10 light infantry and 10 disk throwers and
an engineer.
Send them north. Have the engineer repair the bridge and go north to the nod
base. Attack the lasers here. You will lose
some men but not alot. Then ATTACK THEIR BASE TILL IT IS DUST! Now on to the
sam sites. There are two in front of your base.
Take them down, if you haven't yet. Then there are two near the NOD base. Take
a group of infantry north of your base and
their should be one here. Take another group of infantry east of your base.
There are two sam sites here. Once all of them
are destroyed, GDI transports will arrive to pick up a "significant" population
of three people. Yes. Just 3.
Now the base is already destroyed, you win! Cutscene Ahoy!

* 0.5.3 Capture The Train Station

Objectives: Destroy All NOD Structures
Capture The Train Station

You should ALWAYS do the optional missions. They make your main objective in
the main mission easier.
You start out with 3 engineers, two light infantry, two wolverines, and two
disk throwers. Start by going west. Try to get
your infantry up first because they can be healed by the medic that will
arrive. Kill everything until you see a civilian
array guarded by a light tower. capture it for reinforcements of a medic, an
engineer, a disc thrower and a light infantry.
Now head south west until you see a ramp leading up. Take that ramp up and kill
the three light infantry. Now guarding the
nest civilian array are 3 cyborgs. Take them out and capture the civilian array
for 2 disk throwers and 2 wolverines.
Now split up your forces into two groups. One grope have one wolverine, one
disk thrower and one light infantry.
Send these units across the bridge you saw while getting there. Have them
destroy All the NOD things they come across.
Now with the other infantry and things, send them back to ground level. Now
send them north. you will find a bridge guarded
with a cyborg and a light tower. kill em both. DON'T CROSS THE BRIDGE! Instead,
go west of the bridge. You will get some
titans. Have the titans get as close to the power plants as possible from your
current position. Have them destroy them and
the lasers will be disabled. Now cross the bridge. Ravage their base and send
an engineer into the train station to win.

+ 0.5.4 Secure The Crash Site

Objectives: Secure The Crash Site
Capture Any NOD Technology Centers

You will see a short in battle cut scene. After that you will receive an MCV,
two titans and two wolverines. Use the
Wolverines to scout out a fairly nice tiberium patch. Then have pairs of one
titan grouped with one wolverine. Send one
group to the left of the broken bridge and the other to the right. Now start
building your base. Make a refinery and place
it next to the patch of tiberium. You will want some vulcan cannons for base
defense. Build some barracks, and a radar. You
will also want a war factory but you will have a better place to put it in a
few minutes. Now once you have a formidable
fighting force make some engineers. Now take your force (engineers included)
north to the NOD mini base. Don't attack it yet
The titans have a better range than the lasers guarding the gates. Use the
titans to take the lasers out. Now get rid of
that gate and take down any defenses they have but let your engineers capture
every structure there. Now place a war factory
there and some barracks along with some Vulcan Cannons. Send some titans and
disk throwers south-east of your new base and
you will find some NOD buggies and Tick tanks. Eliminate them and the two light
towers and you will have secured the crash
site. You get a transmission. Now in your new base, make a good sized attack
force with some titans, disk throwers, and
wolverines. Send the titans up to the bridge north east of your new base. Have
the titans kill the lasers and then bring the
rest of your troops up there too. destroy everything in this base EXEPT the NOD
technology center. Have an engineer capture
that. Now the mission is complete.

= 0.5.5 Defend The Crash Site

Objectives: Survive Until Reinforcements Can Arrive
Prevent NOD From Destroying The UFO

Ok. This mission is sorta difficult. When reinforcements arrive, they will
crash because of an Ion Storm. The storm lasts
10 min. NOD will attack your radar and one of your power plants. Sell them to
make money. The radar wont work anyway
because of the Ion Storm and your base will hold up with just one power plant.
Keep all your Vulcan Cannons alive. If they
get destroyed you will not have a chance. Keep most of your forces to the north
west entrance. Most attacks will come from
there. Keep all of your men INSIDE your base. But if you have to, move some
outside to distract NOD and keep your cannons
alive.The time just shows how long until you receive reinforcements. Nod will
try to sneak troops into your base using
Subterranean APCs. Have infantry on the bottom of the UFO and to the right of
the barracks to welcome them. Make a medic
and send him in guard mode at the north west entrance. Now just fight off NOD
until your reinforcements arrive.
When the reinforcements do arrive, NOD will send big forces of attack cycles,
Buggies and tick tanks. Your units can easily
take care of them. Once they are gone you win.

+ 0.5.6 Destroy The Radar Array

Objectives: Destroy The Three Relay Stations
Destroy The Radar Array

Your starting forces are 4 light infantry, two disk throwers, and a medic. When
you kill the two light infantry in front of
you will receive two wolverines and two disk throwers. Go east with all your
units. after a while, there will be a
clearing where two light infantry and a NOD buggy. Destroy these to get
reinforcements in the form of one titan. Go east
some more and you will find 3 subterranean APCs will pop up. but they should be
no problem dispatching them. There is a
small NOD base to the south-east. If you are lucky, the Tiberium Fiends will
help you out. Once the base is gone, you will
receive 2 disk throwers, two light infantry, a titan and a wolverine. The south
relay station: Once you get close to the
tiberium veins, NOD will have some troops stationed there. Beat em to the
ground and then continue to the relay station.
There is nothing special about this station except that you can't send the
titans or the veins will kill them. Once the
station is dead you will get a medic, two disc throwers and four light
infantry. The North west relay station: Only thing
here is a couple of NOD vehicles on the route to the station. When you get to
the station, 2 subterranean APCs will pop up.
Raze um dead. Once this relay station is destroyed, you get a wolverine, two
disk throwers, two light infantry and a titan.
Then near the first relay station there is 2 lasers and a wall "o" concrete.
Blast the lasers with the titans and take down
all of the wall. There will be some nod structures ahead. Ignore them. Enter
the tunnel to emerge just east of the Array.
Use the titans to take out the lasers. then use all of your forces to destroy
the array and tick tanks.
After that is done, use the remaining Titans to destroy the lasers and gate to
the south ease and then take the titans
northeast. Have them attack the lasers. then have all your forces attack the
last radar station. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

Go north and you will find a NOD mini base consisting

- 0.5.7 Rescue Tratos
You start out with Umagon, Ghoststalker and a Mutant Hijacker. Umagon can kill
all types of infantry (cept Cyborg) in one
hit and Ghoststalker can kill infantry (cyborgs excluded) and vehicles in one
hit. He can also lay C4 charges in buildings.
But keep his sight clear. He will kill anything (Umagon included) in his way.
Now Mutant Hijacker can hijack any vehicle.
Now on to the mission: Don't do anything at first. Let Umagon and Ghoststalker
kill the three light infantry in front of you
Next, head west. There will be one infantry guy running for an attack buggy.
Kill him and take the buggy. But there is
better ones available in a few minutes. Continue southwest. You will come
across a patch of tiberium with a fiend in it
getting attacked by NOD units. Destroy the NOD units to gain him as an ally.
You don't control it. It just follows you home.
(Can I keep it mom?) Now send al your units to heal in the tiberium. Yes.
Mutants heal in tiberium. Now head in a north-west
kind of direction. Avoid the base for now. Have Umagon kill the lone infant
beside the attack cycles. Now you can hijack
this vehicle two ways. If you hijacked the buggy, have your Ghoststalker kill
the buggy to get the hijacker back, or B
Just hijack it if you didn't hijack the buggy. Now use the cycle to shoot the
crates inside the small base to blow up a
power plant. Now destroy the units inside and coming to get you. Once done,
have the attack cycle blow a section of concrete
wall up. Send your troops to heal in the tiberium if they have to. Other than
that, cross the bridge. You will come across
some infantry. shoot the three infantry and the crates behind them. When you
shoot the two crates closest to the SAM site,
it will blow a hole in the laser fencing. A timer will start. Bring Umagon and
Ghoststalker inside the base. Have Umagon go
to the hospital and have Ghoststalker take care of the cyborgs and light
infantry. Now here is the tricky part. Most people,
including me, have had trouble with this part. You need not bash the game if
Tratos won't have the "Enter" icon. Just take
him near the ship and he will be beamed inside ("Beam me up Scottie!") and will
be taken away. After that you will get an
MCV and other units. Start a modest base because all you will need are titans.
Once you have a kamikaze giant force of
titans send them southwest to the new NOD main base. There are laser fencing
and tick tanks and all sorts of defenses that
NOD has at this technology level. SAMs Included. But kamikaze titans should be
enough to destroy them. Once all NOD
structures and units are done for, Mission accomplished.

& 0.5.8 Destroy Vega's Dams

Objectives: Destroy Vega's Electric Dams

When you start out with two titans, three light infantry and one disk thrower.
Head east to find two NOD buggies. Destroy
them and head south. Both bridges will be blown out of order so you have to
take the small piece of land that connects them
at the bottom. Next head north to the NOD base. Dispatch the base to eternal
damnation and you will receive reinforcements
in the form of three wolverines. Next keep heading south east until you get to
the bottom of the map. Then head east then
north east. You will then receive three wolverines and two disk throwers. Kill
all NOD units in the way until you find
a NOD cargo truck. Heal with it and then go north. Continue until you find NOD
light towers and such. Destroy everything and
go north west. Kill the two tick tanks to receive 2 titans, two engineers and
three light infantry. Now head north west
across the bridge. If you killed all of the NOD SAM sites, you will get one
engineer before the Transport is destroyed. Have
him go into the bridge repair hut. Now send all your units across the newly
repaired bridge and destroy everything there.
After that head north. You will see a shoot-able ridge. Shot at it and lead all
your units through the tunnel to find a NOD
base. Use the titans to destroy the lasers. Now ravage the base and destroy
everything in it. All civilian buildings as well
Now if you want, you can do this two ways. You can destroy the Regulator
Station or the dams them selves. The easiest in the
first option. Now once you have destroyed all the SAM sites you will receive
two wolverines. Now go across the bridge to
find another NOD base. On the way across you will get two titans. Now destroy
the NOD base and the regulator Station to win
the mission.

# 0.5.9 Destroy Vega's Base

Objectives: Destroy The NOD Base

Capture Vega's Pyramid

When the computer gives you control, start up a base. The timer is only for the
SAM sites being offline. For this mission,
you will want concrete walls, gates, vulcan cannons, and pavement. Spare no
expense in base defenses! Now the only way to
get to Vega's NOD base, is across a bridge. Now there are NOD lasers and a NOD
gate in the middle. Use titans to turn em to
dust. Now the bridge will blow up. But in a few minuets NOD engineers will
repair it. But by now you should have base
defenses like SAM upgrades, gates and pavement, make a kamikaze army of disk
throwers to take care of all the NOD defenses.
But first, send a lone light infantry across the bridge to make the hidden
artillery unit. If the timer is done, make two
Orca fighters. If it isn't then just make one. Have It/them attack the
artillery. It should become dust. Mow send the
kamikaze disk throwers to the NOD base to decimate it. After it is decimated,
in the bottom right corner of the map there is
3 lone NOD structures, and a few NOD units,. Artillery, a few rocket infantry
and some light infantry. Using air units such
as Jumpjet Infantry, and Orca fighters. Once all the NOD-related things on the
map are done for, capture Vega's pyramid to
finish the mission. NOTE: If you want to see something weird, have a whole

) 0.5.10 Capture Hammerfest

Objectives: Recapture Hammerfest
Rid The Area Of All NOD Forces

SLEEP! You will get VERY irritated because this
mission need your full attention. P.S. CAFFINE DOESN'T COUNT AS AWAKE! I tried
to make this mission at 2:03 AM and I am VERY
tired after doing so. I need some coffee really bad.
NOTE 2: If you are mad at the game after that last mission, don't play this

When you start the mission, you will watch the hover MRLS blow the bridge up.
Now once you gain control, load all the
engineers into the APC. The crates up ahead you don't need right now so don't
waste them. Save them for later. Now avoiding
the crates, head northeast. leave the APC at the beginning for now. Using the
hover MRLS to destroy all the vehicles.
If your MRLS are badly damaged, use a crate. Bring the APC to where you are.
Now if you head southeast, on the east edge of
the map, you will find another crate inside a truck. Now head back to the rest
of the group. Take the MRLS northwest
CAREFULLY and destroy the lasers and radar station. Now if you move north or
up, you will find a destroyable cliff wall.
Shoot it and go up and to the right. Destroy the power plants. A rocket
infantry or two may come along, but concentrate on
the power plants. Once those are gone, head back south and get back into the
main water. Head east and then north, when you
see a bridge to the west, go under it. There will be a ramp and a few infantry
units. Decimate them to a pulp and go up the
ramp. o north and you will come to a NOD mini base. Try not to get spotted by
the base. Head east into the water. Now head
north, then NORTH. Now follow the main river until you find a destroyable cliff
wall Hammerfest is southeast of your
location. Keep the APC here and send the hover MRLS to scout out the base. It
is in BAD shape. There are two power plants
that you see first. Capture them to bring down the Firestorm generator. Capture
the construction yard and the rest of the
base will be yours. Once everything is up to par, the NOD base is to the south.
I use the "Build Anywhere" glitch here with
an emp cannon. There is a horde of NOD units protecting the NOD base. 3:00 A.M.
BARS! Back to the FAQ.... Now once you have found away to destroy all the NOD
forces guarding inside and out, send a team of
you guessed it! KAMAKAZI TITANS! Ravage the base! Leave nothing standing! There
are still a few NOD units scattered on the
map. Get rid of them and you have... "WON A NEW CAR!" you wish. Just the
mission. No car. I need some sleep now.

^ 0.5.11 Retrieve The Disrupter Crystals

Objectives: Retrieve The GDI Disrupter Crystal

I have my own little strategy for this mission:
When you start the mission, ignore everything except the APC and MRLS. Take
then south along the east edge of the map. You
should hit water. Sent the hover MRLS near the bridge, and destroy the train
engine. Now bring the APC on land and unload it
Have the MRLS destroy the lasers and the entire train. Have any one unit touch
the crate to win the mission.

%* 0.5.12 Rescue The Prisoners

Objectives: Secure The NOD Prison Camp
Evacuate All Mutant Prisoners

When you start, you will want to head as north as you can. Avoiding patrols is
vital to your success. When you come across
a civilian building, force attack it to receive a mutant hi-jacker and
Ghoststalker. Now keep heading east along the
northern boarder until you have to got through the civilian city. Watch out for
the flame tank on the way. There is also a
train that will kill anything that gets in its way. Now keep heading east until
you find a building called Ambrose Lodge.
Now head south. You will find a bridge. Once your units are on the bridge, blow
up a section so you won't be followed by
NOD units. Now send the titans to destroy the laser guarding the camp. There
are not many defenses in the prison after the
laser, so go in and destroy everything. Once the sam sites are destroyed, the
prisoners will be airlifted. Mission Complete

%+ 0.5.13 Destroy Chemical Supply

Objectives: Find A Suitable Location For A Base
Destroy The NOD Chemical Station

ok. This mission can be tricky. First, wolverines and hover MRLS are immune to
the orange veins. So are infantry. Anything
else that is mechanical that goes on these veins, get destroyed in seconds.
Second, Disrupter tanks will kill anything in
the path of the beam regardless of allegiance. They wont hurt other disrupter
tanks. Third, NOD will send chemical missiles
your way. Once the missiles have hit, they will spurt out toxic tiberium gas
that will float around and hurt other buildings
It will turn infantry into viceroids. So keep your buildings spread out and
when you hear "Missile Launch Detected" get all
moving things out of your base. Be sure to have the repair-mode icon on when it
does hit. You will be doing a lot of
repairing. Now onto the mission...

When the mission first starts, send the disrupter tanks east, being careful to
avoid the tiberium veins. Have them clear the
way for all the other units. Next, once everything is cleared, send everything
else to the ridge to the south of the spot
where the chemical supply tanks were. Set up base here. REMEMBER WHAT I SAID
Now NOD will waste no time before sending missiles at you. Don't build
component towers or silos. They are favorite targets.
Build a silo to act as bait. Other than that, NO. Next start pumping out..
KAMEKAZE DISRUPTORS! Send them east, then north
to clear the way. after that, send one lone mutant to the west to scout out the
Artillery. Build a helipad and an Orca
fighter. Take the artillery out with the Orca. Next send the disrupter tanks
west some more and up onto the cliff that the
artillery was on. destroy the supply tanks here. Next head southwest and ravage
anything that gets in your way. Now the NOD
main base is west of your position so head there. Destroy every structure
there. Once all the power plants are destroyed,
all the SAM sites stop working. Send some Jumpjet infantry to the top left
corner or the map and secure the train station.
A Ghoststalker will appear at the starting point of the mission. Make sure he
makes it safely to the train station to enable
the next mission. After that, eliminate anything NOD on the map. Mission

^ 0.5.14 Mine The Power Grid

Objectives: Plant C4 At All The NOD Power Plants

This is another fast mission. First all NOD forces will be occupied with
destroying the train. Hijack a tick tank and have
all the people head west. Don't worry about destroying the units. Keep heading
west until you find some power plants. C4
them with ghost stalker and then head south. You will find more power plants.
C4 them too. The one that is surrounded with
laser fencing, once C4'ed, the laser fencing will pop up. Take out one with the
C4 as well. there are more power plants
to the west and south. All must be C4'ed. Once all of the power plants have
been C4'ed, you win the mission. Good Job.

% 0.5.15 Destroy The Chemical Missile Plant

Objectives: Destroy NOD's Missile Silos
Destroy All NOD Forces

If you did the last mission you will have more fun. There is a tiberium field
south of your current position. But take the
MCV the right of that. Use the same basic rules as before, buildings spread
out, all moving things out of the base, etc.
Now wait until the timer is done and have some engineers on hand to capture
everything. Now there is a cloaked NOD base to
the east. Make a mobile sensor array and get it a.c.a.p (as close as possible)
to the base. Make sure you have a bomber and
that you have captured the tiberium waste facility with the vein harvester. Now
you might get one or maybe two chemical
missiles but not much more. Now ravage the NOD base's defenses with the bomber
and be careful of SAM sites. There are also
more NOD units to the northwest and southeast. Once all NOD related things are
done away with you win the mission. Congrats

* 0.5.16 Destroy Prototype Facility

Objectives: Destroy The NOD Prototype Facility

This is the most southern of the two mission choices. You start out with
Ghoststalker, Umagon, mutant hijacker and a few
unimportant mutants. Head east until you find a lake. Now head southeast until
you find a NOD mini base. Destroy the lasers
by force firing behind them. It only takes 3 shots and you take less damage.
Now in the middle of the base there will be a
subterranean APC. Hijack it and load all your units into it. Go across the
river to the north and keep going north. When you
reach the northern edge of the map, head eat. Unload and bring Ghoststalker
southeast to the NOD base. Use the laser
strategy and make your way through the base with the Ghoststalker until you
find the prototype facility. To avoid problems
destroy the landed banshees. Now you will receive reinforcement including the
infamous Mammoth Mark Two tank. Build up a
base and the NOD base is to the northeast. There are lasers and obelisks
guarding the entrance so be careful! Now once the
NOD base is destroyed, you win the mission. Great job slick.

$ 0.5.17 Weather The Storm

Objectives: Protect The Kodiak At All Costs
Destroy All NOD Forces

Now this is called an ion storm. The things that won't work are... Hover MRLS,
radar and any flying unit. You can repair
the Kodiak like any normal building. Now when the mission starts, move all your
starting units south of your site. Now there
is a small rock to the south. Don't move any units or build anything past that
rock yet. Now build a refinery but stop the
harvester. Now send all your troops east. you will find a few artillery.
Dispatch them to eternal torture and then clear
the tiberium field. Now send them south of your base past the small rock and
you will find an attack cycle, an artillery
unit and a few other NOD units. Get them to have a nap in the dirt and then
build another harvester. You will want a radar,
not to see what is happening, but for a mobile sensor array. With these titans
and the mobile sensor array head northwest.
You will find ramp up to a ledge. Now head east. Deploy the mobile sensor
array once you think you are about the middle of
the map. You will find a bunch of advance NOD Power plants and a stealth
generator. Now make an engineer and capture the
stealth generator and all the other structures. After a while, the ion storm
will dissipate. Now all units are working.
Have a couple titans go to the stealth generator. The NOD base is southeast of
the generator. Blow it to smithereens
and every unit on the map to win the mission. Now to the final GDI mission.

^ 0.5.18 The Final Conflict
This is it! The Big One! The Final Conflict! Now don't get confused with the
timer. You have three separate timers. One
hour for each ICBM launcher. Now with your starting forces, destroy the NOD
radar to receive two wolverines and three titans
Destroy the rest of the base to receive an MCV. Deploy it inside the old NOD
base. An in-game cutscean tells you about an
old GDI base to the west. Don’t worry about that now. NOD will use missiles so
think about that while building your base
and act accordingly. Spread your buildings out and the unit rule. Now you will
want two refineries and four harvesters for
this mission. Make lots of kamikaze disk throwers. Now there is a bridge to the
west of your base. send a wolverine to
scout it out. Send the kamikaze disk throwers across the bridge. Have them take
out the obelisks and have one unit stand
in that place so that NOD can't build it again. Now the first ICBM launcher is
in the north of the base. Once that is gone
another one hour timer starts up. You now have another hour to destroy another
ICBM launcher. The next launcher is to the
southwest. On an island protected by SAM sites and not much more. So what I did
was I got a carryall and a Mammoth Mk. II
and took it to the island. The SAM sits almost got it but not quite. Now ravage
the base into submission and destroy the
ICBM. Now to the west of the island there is a destructible cliff wall. This
made me mad the first time I beat it.
I looked everywhere for the last stealth tank and it was hidden by that
destructible cliff wall. Now you have to destroy
the third and last ICBM launcher, the "Pyramid Of NOD" and "The Temple Of NOD"
to complete the objective. Now head to the
southeast corner of the map to find the NOD main base. Ravage it with the
mammoth and other units. I suggest airlifting APCs
full of disk throwers and titans. After the base and ICBM launcher is
destroyed, head north. You will find the two cool NOD
structures... (Drum roll)"The Temple Of NOD" and "The Pyramid Of NOD"! Destroy
them and every NOD unit on the map to finish
the mission. Now you get a final GDI cutscean. On to NOD....

NOD 0.6 NOD Missions

NOD missions require more stealth rather than brute force. NOD has some tricky
strategies while GDI is all blunt force.
Hence Umagon calling GDI "blunts"

@)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @
@ 0.6.1 The Messiah Returns
@)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @)@ @

Objectives Build A Refinery
Destroy All Of Hassan's Elite Guard

Now by "Messiah" I don't mean Jesus Christ just to make that clear ^_^;
Now this is a training mission. Just like the first GDI mission. Its not hard
at all. Now first you see the weird sight of
the one buggy killing two men at once. Now when you gain control, move all the
men inside of your base. Now move ALL men to
northwest entrance to your base. Don't worry about the other entrance to your
base. The lasers will take care of all
units that come that way. Now build a refinery and harvest the tiberium to the
north. Now most of the elite guard will come
to you. But there are two units you have to hunt out two units. One is to the
east of your base and the other is too the
north. Also a subterranean APC will pop up in the eastern most corner of the
base. Destroy it. and once all of Hassan's
elite guard is dead, you win!

$)$ $)$ $)$ $)$ $)$ $
$ 0.6.2 Retaliation
$)$ $)$ $)$ $)$ $)$ $

Objectives: Capture The TV Station To The North
Destroy What Is Left Of Hassan's Elight Guard

When you get control, Deploy the MCV and start building up a base. You will
want lasers on the north of your base. 2 or 3
should do it. Now make an attack force of kamikaze light infantry and rocket
infantry and send them north. The NOD base is
only defended by lasers, some rocket infantry and some cyborgs. Once all the
base is in shambles, send an engineer up into
the T.V. station up the cliff. Before he enters it be sure to move all your men
up the slope with him so they do not get
shot at. Now the T.V. station will start broadcasting and this will appear on
the top of your screen: "***BROADCASTING***
We have been touched by the spirit hand of Kane. And are ready to serve the
peace. Peace through power!"
Now most of the newly arrived reinforcements will change sides and become
yours. Now send one lone rocket infantry near
the bridge to the south and have him attack the bridge to win the mission.

* 0.6.3 Free The Rebel Commander

Objectives: Locate And Free The Rebel Commander

Ok. Medium timed mission. Once you gain control of your troops, take them west
and then south. You will see two groups of
units attacking each other. Kill the three that are attacking the GDI guy. The
GDI guy will leave in an Orca bomber and take
out a tick tank for you. Now head through the tunnel and up to the NOD mini
base. Don't destroy anything except the cargo
trucks. Once they are destroyed, you get a few engineers and one light infant.
Now capture the refinery while the harvester
is unloading. Next capture the hand of NOD and a power plant. Now make two more
engineers and capture the two silos for more
money. Now build about 15 light infantry and 10 rocket infantry and have all
your units attack the base wall. There will be
lasers so be careful. Use the attack cycles to break a hole in the wall and use
all your forces to take down the lasers.
Now have the rebel commander go back to the starting place and into the harpy
to win the mission.

-_- 0.6.4 Destroy Hassan's Temple

Objectives: Cross The Bridge And Destroy All The Enemies
Deploy The MCV And Start Building A Base
Locate And Destroy Hassan's Temple

Ok. Now when you start this mission, destroy all the enemies on this side of
the bridge. Now take all your forces across
the bridge. Take out all the enemies on this side to get an MCV. Take it across
the bridge and deploy it. Capture the other
buildings (EXEPT for a refinery) and start pumping out...KAMIKAZE UNITS! Now
head across the bridge with an ample amount of
units and ravage the base. BUT DO NOT DESTROY THE REFINARY! Capture the
refinery when the harvester is unloading. Now build
a sub base here with lasers near the enemy gate. Now build another couple of
units to compensate what you lost. Now send
them through the enemy gate. Destroy everything within the base. Now you can
see the tip of the temple. Up the temple hill
there is two lasers guarding the temple. Destroy them and the temple. NOTE: If
you capture it instead, you don’t get to see
Hassan get shot down. Mission accomplished.

- 0.6.5 Black Out

Objectives: Locate And Destroy The GDI Radar Facility Before The Ion Storm

Now when ION storms are in affect, arial units do not function, nor do radar.
Once you gain control, destroy everything in the area where you plan to set up
your base. Now build up lots of units because
both bases are well defended. You have one hour and thirty minuets. Lots of
time..sorta. But before you start building your
units, destroy the bridge to the northwest to avoid GDI from sending units that
way. Get two harvesters going and get the
credits rolling (hey, that rhymes!). Now when you think you are ready, send an
engineer into the repair hut on the bridge
and cross it. Capture everything and use this base as a rally base. Now the
main GDI base is north of your current rally
base. But it is guarded by RPGs, titans and vulcan cannons. Make some kamikaze
disk throwers and take down the base defenses
Once the base defenses are down, the base is yours for the taking. Destroy the
GDI radar to win the mission.

# 0.6.6 Eviction Notice

Objectives: Locate The Temple Of NOD
Destroy All GDI Forces

Now start building up a base when you get control. All you need is a modest
little base. Now there are two unusual things in
this map. There is a train being blocked by a truck. Destroy the truck and the
train will roll down the hill and destroy a
vulcan turret for you. And there are GDI transports that will e-vac civilians.
You can destroy it but it wont do any thing.
Now get a kamikaze attack force of anything and head north. Now there is a GDI
base here. It is not very well defended with
only two vulcan cannons so it should be easy to take out. Now once all GDI
related things are destroyed, Take a unit to the
top left corner of the map and you win the mission. Now on to the stupidest
mission made by Westwood

* 0.6.7 Salvage Operation

Objectives: Locate The UFO And Retrieve Kane's Artifacts
Stop The Transport Of The Tacitus At All Costs

Once you gain control of your units attack the GDI units attacking the train.
Now follow the train tracks. You will have to
fight a titan so be careful. Follow the tracks until you can reach ground
level. Then head southeast. DO NOT GET SPOTTED BY
engineer into the UFO and you will discover the
tacitus is gone. Now send all units south. You will find a ramp leading up.
Kill the engineer and then the train. Have one
unit touch the crate to win the mission

/ 0.6.8 Capture Umagon

Objectives: Find And Destroy The Three GDI Sensor Towers Without Being Detected
Capture The Medical Base Before Umagon Can Be Evacuated

This is the northern mission. I find it easier so it is what I will describe.
Build up a base and deploy the artillery. Next
you will receive reinforcements. Now head towards the top sensor with your
reinforcements first. When the titans and
wolverines are destroyed, Send your artillery in. Do this by undeploying them
and bringing the attack cursor on the sensor.
They will get close enough to kill it. Now Deploy your artillery past the north
of the bridge by your base. They will scout
out a titan and a few wolverines and take them out. Now undeploy them and have
them target the bottom sensor. When it is
destroyed, now the last sensor, keep your units deployed and they will shoot
it. Once they are destroyed, the entire map
will be revealed. Shoot a building. Then a train will come and try to get
Umagon away. But have an artillery target it
and destroy it before it leaves the map. Mission accomplished.

@ 0.6.9 Sheep's Clothing

Objectives: Capture The GDI Construction Yard
Use ONLY GDI Units To Attack The Mutants

Capture the construction yard and repair the towers and anything else. Set up
base defenses. Also sell off the walls by the
tiberium. The mutants will use souped up civilian transports (cars and trucks)
THE MUTANTS! When you think you have enough units, go east and then north. The
observation towers are actually mutant guard
towers and will attack you. So destroy them. The mutants will sent tiberium
fiends after you so be careful. After this
small mutant outpost is destroyed, make a BIG BIG BIG group of kamikaze titans
and send them north past the destroyed mutant
outpost. Ravage all the things inside the base and once the mutant headquarters
are destroyed, Tratos will appear and tell
you to take him in exchange for the mutants. Mission Complete.

^ 0.6.10 Escort Bio-toxin Trucks

Objectives: Locate The Bio-toxin Tankers
Escort The Bio-toxin Tankers To The Rendezvous Point East Of The Base

Ok. Watch the spy get killed and then use an engineer to repair the bridge.
Send all units to kill the disk thrower. Now
head to the top right corner of the map using the sweet Cyborg Commando to
clear the way. There will be a meteor shower on
the way. Once you find the bio-toxin tankers, escort them to the rendezvous
point east of the base using the Cyborg Commando
to clear the way. Mission Accomplished.

! 0.6.11 Destroy GDI Research Facility

Objectives: Contact The Mutants
Clear GDI Forces From The Tunnel And Main Road
Locate And Destroy The Research Facility

You will have control of a spy. You will need to head northeast to a truck.
Destroy the Damaged GDI unit to rally the
mutants. Now head north west and destroy all GDI things you come across. You
will find a tunnel. On the other side is a
titan. Have the mutants destroy it for reinforcements. An MCV, some engineers
and a few buggies. Move them up near the old
GDI-NOD structures. Capture them and start building up a base. You will want
artillery and back-up for the artillery
all the while receiving mutant reinforcements that will throw themselves at GDI
to be destroyed. The bio-toxin trucks will
arrive and give you one, count it one, o-n-e multi-missile to use against GDI.
Only one. Use it wisely. Now once you have
artillery, place them on each side of the GDI base with their ground support
and plummel it with shells. Once this outpost
out, continue across the bridge to the main GDI base. This base has one RPG at
the back and has a few SAM and Vulcan cannons
I had no trouble just going in with a subterranean APC full of engineers and
capturing the helipad whilst the fighters
were reloading and I used one to flush out the SAM sites. From then I just
build a hand of nod and emp cannon inside their
own base. I just obliterate them. The Research facility is in the northern half
of the base. Destroy it and you get captured
Mission Accomplished. P.S. If you don't watch the other cutscean watch this
one. It is well worth it.

% 0.6.12 Rescue The Villainess

Objectives: Locate And Free Oxanna
Steal A GDI Transport

Ok. After a sweet cutscean and a brief in game cutscean, move everyone out of
the prison encampment. Load Slavic, the Cyborg
Commando, a rocket infantry and a single Light infantry into the APC. BE SURE
receive two tick tanks, two attack cycles and two NOD buggies. Use the
engineers to capture the radar and one power plant.
Oxanna's location will now appear on the sub-map. She is in the top right
corner. Now don't have her shoot at anybody. Just
Take the APC near he position and use the cyborg Commando to break her out. Now
once she is in the APC, An Orca transport
will arrive. All you have to do is direct Slavic and Oxanna into it and you win
the mission.

& 0.6.13 Establish Nod Presence

Objectives: Locate And Secure The Old NOD Base To The North
Destroy The GDI Base.

When you have control head north. You will have to fight a titan and some
mutants along the way. There is a mutant hijacker
so use your infantry to dispose of him. Keep heading north past the tiberium
monster. You will find the old NOD base. Repair
everything. Now send the weird harvesters to harvest the veins. They will
deposit them in the waste factory. When possible,
build stealth tanks to scout out the GDI base. Once you have seen it all,
launch chemical missiles at it and raze it to the
ground. Once the GDI base is destroyed, there is another small GDI base in the
top left corner of the map. Also in the
bottom right corner of the map and north of the main GDI bas. Once those bases
are destroyed, all you need to do is
destroy everything GDI to win the mission.

+ 0.6.14 Destroy The Mammoth Mk. II Prototype

Objectives: Spy On One Of GDI's Comm Centers
Destroy The Mammoth Mark II Prototype

ok. You start out with a chameleon spy. Don’t be in any rush to spy on a comms
center. Instead search large portions of the
map so it will be easier for you later. When you've seen enough of the map,
enter a GDI comms center. Watch the
Mammoth Mk. II. It looks intimidating huh? Oh well, gotta destroy it. Start up
a base with a refinery and at least two
harvesters. Once you have the credits, build a few artillery and ground units
such as light infantry and rocket infantry.
Now sent them all near the Mammoth Mk. II test site. Now start pummeling the
base and use the artillery to destroy the
base and Mammoth Mk. II. Once the Mammoth Mk. II is destroyed, you win the
NOTE: you might destroy A mammoth and the mission might not be done. GDI might
have another one that isn’t a prototype
so you have to destroy the prototype.

= 0.6.15 Capture Jake McNeil
Objectives: Capture The GDI Outpost
Capture Jake

When you start you have three GDI APCs and three toxin soldiers. Load the toxin
soldiers into the empty APC. Now head west
keeping as south as possible. Keep going west until you find a shootable cliff
wall. It can only be destroyed by the one
rocket infantry inside the APC with your toxin soldiers. Shoot it and go up.
You will be inside the GDI outpost. Capture
everything. Once the construction yard is yours, the guns stop working. Now
when Jake enters the base, shoot him with the
toxin soldiers. Take Jake back to the starting point using an APC. Load him
onto the subterranean APC to complete the

$ 0.6.16 Illegal Data Transfer

Objectives: Steal The Three Ion Cannon Codes
EVAC The Spy

After a great cutscean, send all your units north. Watch out for a GDI patrol
of light infantry. After they are dead keep
heading north until you find a mobile sensor array. Then there is a
destructible cliff wall. Shot it and sent just the spy
up it. Keep heading east. You will find a GDI upgrade center. Send the spy in
to get the first code. Right next to the
upgrade center is a shootable cliff. Shoot it and send your units down. Follow
the road until you find some crates. Shoot
them and the cliff will fall. Send your spy in to retrieve the second code.
Send all your fighting units down the road near
the newly infiltrated comms center and destroy the wolverine. Go north and you
should spot the last comms center. Once the
spy gets that code get him back to the starting point and EVACed. Mission
Now for The Brotherhoods Final Victory!

~ 0.6.17 A New Beginning

Objectives: Deploy The Three ICBM Launchers

OK The Final NOD Battle. When you gain control, capture the firestorm generator
and sell it. Once the enemies are destroyed,
capture everything EXEPT the refinery. GDI will destroy it with the ion cannon.
NOD you can use the ion cannon against them.
Now build up a base and get some units. Shortly after a one hour timer will
start up. don't let it confuse you. You don't
have one hour, you have three. For those of you who have seen American Pie 2:
it is the rule of 3. It is an exact science.
Now you see once you have a radar, that one of the spots is just north of your
base. Have a temple of NOD as well. Now send
an ICBM launcher up to that spot and it will deploy itself. Be sure to have
some rocket infantry and an artillery. Now this
mission isn't hard at all actually. The GDI base in the top left corner, is
easy to dispatch with only a cyborg commando.
I destroyed the entire base with the torso of a cyborg commando. Now once this
base is destroyed, send an artillery,
an ICBM launcher, some light infantry and some rocket infantry. Now the last
location is a easier. All you need to do is
target the group of wolverines that rally there The coast is clear to send and
ICBM launcher there. Mission Complete!
Now you get to see the earth’s future.. A TIBERIAN FUTURE!!!!

This concludes the Walkthrough part of this FAQ. The next sections all have to
do with other things not related to the NOD
or GDI missions except the vocabulary. Now if you don’t want to be printing all
the stuff, depending on how big your font
size is, you will only want to print up to page #__

@ 0.7 Unit & Structure Info

This section contains the tech trees for both GDI & NOD as well as unit info on
all the units and structures.

* 0.7.1 GDI

All infantry except cyborg types, mutants and airborne Jumpjet infantry, take
damage when going through tiberium fields.
Now all infantry are immune to tiberium veins.

Light Infantry: These are the cheapest at $600 for 5 or $120 for 1.
Light infantry are what NOD and GDI use most often for other ground units such
and Cyborgs, other light
infantry and all other units. They have less of an effect against vehicle and
buildings. They cant hit air units or
subterranean units. Useless in a large group against a cyborg commando. They
are armed with M16 Mk. II pulse rifle.
Tech Level: 1

Disk Throwers: Disk Throwers are better but come $1000 for 5 or $200 for 1.
Disk throwers are better that any other infantry unit other than the cyborg
commando. The throw grenades and are just like
the grenadiers on the other C & C games only they throw disk-shaped grenades
allowing for a more aerodynamic flight. Their
shape allows them to skip along the ground if they miss their targets.
Tech Level: 2

Jumpjet Infantry: There are expensive at $3000 for 5 or $600 for 1.
Jumpjet infantry are like regular light infantry with jet packs and a better
gun. They wield a smaller version of the vulcan
cannon and are vulnerable to rocket infantry, MRLS, attack cycles, SAMs, rocket
infantry, the Mammoth Mk. II and the stealth
tank. They also provide air support to enemy aircraft.
Tech Level: 6

Medic: Medics are expensive like Jumpjet Infantry at $3000 for 5 or $600 for 1
Medics are the infantry healers. GDI doesn't consider infantry expendable. They
are like most armies now. They consider
every life to be important. Good. These heal all infantry type even NOD units
if you have a hand of NOD. They can only heal
Jumpjet infantry when they are landed and it can't repair vehicles.
Tech Level: 4

Engineer: These are not as expensive as Jumpjet infantry and are $500
Engineers are good for three things. Capturing enemy structures, repairing
bridges and when it would cost more than $500 to
repair a structure, they heal it up to full health regardless of how damaged it
is. They carry no weapons and are very slow.
Tech Level: 2

Ghostalker: you can only have one at a time and are $1750 each.
The Ghostalker is a mutant type of unit. As such, it can heal in tiberium and a
medic can heal it. It has a small rail gun
and carries C4 charges. C4 charges are not at all like plastic explosives. They
are the big stuff that are used by the
Moffia. He is very slow.
Tech Level: 10


Wolverine: These are cheap at $500
These are like exo-suits for infantry. They are armed with light machine gins
and are immune to Tiberian veins.
These are like NOD buggies only a bit faster and more effective against
infantry. A group of 5 can easily take on a group of
10-15 light infantry no problem.
Tech Level: 2

Titan: These are expensive at $800
These are like the suits in Mechwarriors. They outrange the regular NOD lasers.
It uses a 120mm cannon and is most effective
on vehicles. These titans can smush all ground units except cyborg types. A
group of 10 can easily take out a NOD base
without obelisks.
Tech Level: 3

Amphibious APC: These are $800
These vehicles are heavily armored and have nothing to attack with. It carries
up to 5 infantry units including cyborg
infantry and Jumpjet infantry. These can float across water and are not immune
to tiberium veins.
Tech Level: 6

Hover Multi-Launch Rocket System: These are $900
These are the Hover MRLS. They also outrange the NOD laser and provide Anti-air
support. These will not work during an Ion
storm and since they hover, they can cross water and tiberium veins without
Tech Level: 7

Disrupter: These are expensive at $1300
The disrupter is a slow, medium armored, and are vulnerable to tiberium veins.
They shoot harmonic resonance beams that hurt
anything other than other disrupters, regardless if they are ally or not. Enemy
disrupters will not be damaged by your
Tech Level: 9

Mammoth Mk. II: VERY expensive at $3000 each. You can only have one at a time.
The Mammoth Mark(Mk.) Two(II) is the ultimate ground vehicle. It has anti-air
defenses and shoots a twin rail gun capable
of killing a line of infantry in one shot by targeting the last guy. It is also
effective against buildings. And if it's
health is below 50%, it repairs itself to 50% and you have to get it to a
repair bay. NOTE: In order to heal itself, it
must not be firing or moving. It also is vulnerable to tiberium veins.
Tech Level: 10

Mobile Sensor Array: Expensive at $950
The MSA is a deployable unit that detects stealth units or units inside a
stealth generator radius. It has no defenses so it
needs guards. It is vulnerable to tiberium veins.
Tech Level: 6

Harvester: These are $1400 each
Harvesters harvest the tiberium crystals and take them back to a refinery to be
converted to cash. The harvester is very
heavily armored, and is not affected by tiberium veins. It can only hold 5
"bails" of tiberium. They have no defenses and
if filled with all blue tiberium, when destroyed, makes a BIG explosion.
Tech Level: 2

Mobile Construction Vehicle: At $2500 each
In most missions you get an MCV without having to pay. But it is always good to
have one around in case your first one
is destroyed while deployed. It deploys into a Construction Yard needed to
build buildings. It is vulnerable to
tiberium veins.
Tech Level: 10

Air Units

Orca Fighter: $1000 each.
They are expendable but try not to get them killed. These fighters can carry 5
rounds, shooting 2 missiles each round for a
total of 10 missiles. These are effective against buildings and vehicles. They
suck against infantry. Watch out for SAM
sites, rocket infantry and other anti-air defenses and units. These need to
re-fuel and re-load on a helipad
Tech Level: 5

Orca Bomber: These are a bit more expensive at $1600 each.
These are more powerful than the Orca Fighters. They carry 10 bombs in two
rounds and are better armored than the Orca
Fighters and I wouldn't consider them expendable unless you have cash to burn
in a fireplace.
Tech Level: 8

Orca Carryall: These are not expensive at $750 each
These are great units. They can carry any machine-base unit anywhere you can
see. NOTE: If it is shot down, the unit it is
carrying will also be destroyed. Good to use when dropping off a
blue-tiberium-filled harvester into the enemies base right
next to their construction yard and war factory.
Tech Level: 9

+ Structures

These are all the GDI structures available with the tech level needed to get it
included as well as price.

Construction Yard: Nothing if you got one during the mission to complete an
objective, $2500 if you made one.
These are the foundation of all bases. This is what builds every structure.
This is the most important structure! Protect it
at all costs! Tech Level: 1

Power Plant: $300
This structure provides all the power to your base. GDI's power plant is
upgradable. The power output is 100 and once you
upgrade it fully, it produces the same amount of power and costs the same as a
NOD advanced power plant.
Tech Level:1

Power Turbine: At $100 each, you use these to upgrade a GDI power plant. It
increases power output by 50 and with two of
them the power is 200 and the cost is $700. The same as a NOD Advanced Power
Tech Level: 7

Tiberium Refinery: $2000
This structure includes a harvester. This is where the harvester takes the
harvested tiberium and turns it into cash.
The Refinery can only hold so mush tiberium before the other loads will be
lost. It can hold up to $2500
Tech Level: 1

Tiberium Silo: $150
This is where you store excess tiberium when your refinery is full. These are
usually used when you are winning a
mission and don't want to lose cash.
Tech Level: 1

Radar: $1000
This is used to give you a sub-map in the top right of the menu-bar. These also
allow for air units to become an option.
Radar doesn't work during an ion storm.
Tech Level: 3

Electro-Magnetic-Pulse Cannon: $1000
Called the E.M. Pulse Cannon as it is called in the game, it takes immense
power but it has a good effect on mechanical
and cyborg units. It also takes out laser fences for 1 min. A radar will go
offline for a while. All mechanical vehicles
will not be able to function for a while including weapons.
Tech Level: 6

Helipad: $500
helipad are build to make Orca units. Orca units need to reload on a helipad.
Helipads don't do anything else but that.
Tech Level: 5

Component Tower: $200
This tower is the base structure for GDI defenses. The upgrades are: SAM,
Vulcan Cannon and RPG
Tech Level: 2

Vulcan Cannon: $150
A vulcan cannon is the equivalent to a NOD laser. It shoots 50mm shots at
ground units and deals a decent amount of damage.
Tech Level: 2

Rocket Propelled Grenade Update: $600
The are called RPG in the game. These have a minimum distance so if something
gets right next to it, it won't be able to
defend itself. So it is best to group it with a vulcan cannon.
Tech Level: 9

SAM Upgrade: $300
These are GDI SAM sites. These attack air units and not any ground units.
Tech Level: 5

War Factory: $2000
This is used to make vehicles such as titans and wolverines. It doesn't do
anything else.
Tech Level: 2

Barracks: $300
This structure makes infantry units such as Jumpjet infantry, disk throwers,
medics, etc...
Tech Level: 1

Concrete Wall: $100
This is a wall made of concrete. Explosive things such as Rocket infantry can
shoot through it.
Tech Level: 6

Pavement: $75
This is the cheapest thing in the game. It prevents craters in your base, and
subterranean vehicles are forced to come
out near the edge of the concrete. Units also go faster on pavement.
Tech Level: 6

Gate: $250
These are use to keep unwanted units out and lets your units in and out. It
comes in two directions. Horizontal and diagonal
Tech Level: 6

Tech Center: $1500
This is used to make unit and structure production faster and it gives you
access to higher technology and units.
Tech Level: 6

Service Depot: $1200
This is used to repair vehicles. It does cost money to repair and NEVER press
"S" when a unit is getting in or it will
Tech Level: 7

GDI Upgrade Center: $1000
This is where you can upgrade your base to be compatible to use the Ion Cannon
and Hunter Seeker droid.
Tech Level: 10

Firestorm Generator: $2000
This is another base defense. It takes a lot of power and is very effective if
against NOD as it defends against missiles
and all nod units except subterranean.
Tech Level: 9

Firestorm Wall: $200
This is what you build to make a firestorm defense around your base. You can
place it 5 squares away from each other for
a cheap wall.
Tech Level: 9

Ion Cannon Upgrade: $1500
This allows you to use the Ion Cannon. The GDI super weapon. The Ion Cannon can
not be defended from and you can target
anywhere on the map.
Tech Level: 10

Hunter Seeker Upgrade: $1000
This allows for the construction of the Hunter Seeker droid. The hunter seeker
droid attaches itself onto one randomly
chosen enemy unit and self-destructs taking itself with the enemy unit. But it
targets firestorm wall sections and infantry
as well as buildings.
Tech Level: 10

/ 0.7.2 Nod


Light Infantry - See GDI Light Infantry

Rocket Infantry: $250
Rocket Infantry are used for a number of causes. Anti-air defense is a big one.
These units fire rockets that deal damage
more damage to vehicles that infantry.
Tech Level: 2

Cyborg Infantry: $650
Cyborg infantry are the end result of recent Nod experiments in combining
tiberium-mutated humans with machines. They are
fitted with heavy body armor and a high-power pulse rifle.
Tech Level: 4

Engineer - See GDI Engineer

Cyborg Commando: $2000
This is the elight cyborg. He has a chain gun and a flame thrower. He is just
like a cyborg. He can be besides himself.
He can be a torso without legs at the cost of his already low speed. He can
destroy infantry in one shot but has no air
defense. Too bad. He also heals in tiberium but can't re-grow his legs.
Tech Level: 10

Mutant Hijacker: $1850
This is a cool mutant. He can hi-jack any enemy unit and make it yours to use
against the enemy.
And he can heal in tiberium
Tech Level: 10


Harvester - See GDI Harvester


Tick Tank: $800 each
These tanks can burrow into the ground to up their defense. They can fire while
deployed and not deployed.
Tech Level: 3

NOD Buggy: $500
These are like NOD wolverines. They are not effected by tiberium veins. A group
or 5 can take out a group of 10 infantry.
Tech Level: 2

Attack Cycle: $600
These are just motorcycles with a rocket launchers.
Tech Level: 5

Stealth Tank: $1100
These tanks are cloaked rocket launcher. It can be cloaked or fire. Not both at
the same time due to the large amount of
power needed to keep it hidden. Ground units and a MSA can detect it as well as
an elight titan.
Tech Level: 8

Subterranean APC: $800
This is an APC that can dig underground. Pavement is the only thing that can
stop it. It can hold up to 5 units, including
the mutant hijacker and cyborg commando.
Tech Level: 6

Artillery: $975
This is NOD's long range unit. It can kill infantry in one hit and it outranges
many NOD & GDI Units.
Tech Level: 6

Mobile Sensor Array - See GDI MSA

Mobile Repair Vehicle: $1000
This unit is like a Mobile Repair Depot but it doesn't cost money.
Tech Level: 7

Devils Tongue Flame Tank: $750
This is a lightly armored unit that sucks. It can drill underground and is
really effective on infantry.
Tech Level: 7

Weedeater: $1400
This unit "eats" the tiberium veins and takes them to the tiberium waste
Tech Level: 10

Air Units

Harpy: $1000
This unit sucks even more that the stealth tank. The only thing it is good at
is infantry. Keep Infantry away from this.
Tech Level: 5

Banshee: $1500
This unit is better at attacking in large groups and not infantry. Their armor
is like that of an Orca Fighter
Tech Level: 9

Here are the NOD structures

Construction Yard - See GDI Construction Yard

Power Plant: $300
The NOD power plants are the same as a basic GDI power plant only it cant be
Tech Level: 1

Missile Silo: $1300
This is where you launch The Multi Missiles and Chemical Missiles. More on
Missiles later
Tech Level: 10

Tiberium Waste Facility: $1600
This is where the weed eaters take the tiberium veins and turn them into a
chemical missile.
It comes with a weedeater.
Tech Level: 10

Obelisk Of Light: $1500
This is like the NOD laser only more powerful, goes offline when you have low
power, takes lots of power, has a better range
Tech Level: 9

Laser: $300
This is a good base defense. It gives a cool animation when it kills an
infantry units
Tech Unit: 2

Laser Fencing: $300
This is like a cement wall only it sucks. If you have a wall of them, it takes
lots of power, if your enemy destroyed one
post they blow a big hole in your wall.
Tech Level: 8

Temple Of NOD: $3000
This is (scary music) "The Temple Of NOD". It allows you to make a cyborg
commando, mutant hijacker and a hunter seeker
Tech Level: 10

Advanced Power Plant: $500
This is like a fully upgraded GDI power plant. Same price and power output.
Tech Level: 7

Stealth Generator: $2500
This structure takes up A LOT of power and in return it cloaks anything in a 16
x 16 square radius
Tech Level: 9

Tiberium Silo - See GDI Tiberium Silo

War Factory - See GDI War Factory

Pavement - See GDI pavement

Concrete Wall - See GDI Concrete Wall

$ 0.8 FAQ

This is where I answer questions that weren’t covered in the walkthrough.


1. What is the Ion Cannon?
The Ion Cannon is the GDI Super weapon. It shoots a high intensity beam of ion
radiation that vaporizes regular men and most
structures. The ion beam is capable of hitting anywhere in the world and was
used to kill Kane the first time in GDI's
2. Do you have any life at all?
Take a look at the times on the update section and see "About Me" for this
If you can't read it that FYI: No.
I will post more when I get some e-mails with questions.

# 0.9 Cheats

Ok. here are a few cheats....

Build Anywhere

Change your keys to be:
Scroll East - Numpad 6
Scroll West - Numpad 4
Scroll North - Numpad 8
Scroll South - Numpad 2

Now get a tiberium silo ready. Click and HOLD the left mouse button and slide
the cursor under the "Power Gauge" and scroll
using the keys I listed above while keeping the mouse button down. Once you
have scrolled to a flat piece of land, let the
mouse button go and it will build the structure if you placed it right.

This isn't really a cheat so much as a strategy

Fill a harvester full of blue tiberium and send it into the enemy base right
next to the construction yard or any other
structure and let them destroy it. It will blow up and make a BIG explosion.

@ 0.9 Vocabulary

This section is filled with online vocabulary and a dictionary.
NOTE: This is not A - Z

ICBM - Inter Continental Ballistic Missile

SAM - Surface to Air Missile

RPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade

MRLS - Multi Rocket Launch System

WTF - What the ****

Acc. all - accept all

Lol - laugh out loud

Rotfl - rolling on the floor laughing

FYI: For Your Information

More to come once I get e-mails asking for

0.10 My Favorite Games

My Favorite games are:
Command And Conquer: Tiberian Sun(Of course)
The Sims
The Sims Hot Date
Star Wars games
All Command And Conquer games

0.12 Credits
The Game Manual
Westwood for making the best game known to man
CJayC for making the best site ever made known to man
To my hands for taking this much abuse.
To my doctor for seeing me 5 days in a row for hand problems

0.13 Favorite Quotes

"I think, therefor I am...You however do not think...therefor you are not..." -

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.0.0.1)

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Spielstände für NOD und GDI zu Beginn es letzten Levels (Achtung: 1,7 MB)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Side Selection/Unit Comparison FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Internet Play FAQ by Icy Guy
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Karte aufdecken (für v1.08)

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geld- und Energietrainer

15.Oktober 2013
Umfangreiche Information im Excel-Format

17.Oktober 2013
GDI-Komplettlösung im Word-Format

17.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Geld beschaffen und Karte offenlegen (v.1.08)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Geld-Beschaffer für die Demoversion

15.Oktober 2013
Geld-Beschaffer (v1.17)

17.Oktober 2013
Deutscher Rules.ini Editor

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Tiberian Sun Gold 3.21

16.Oktober 2013
Ein mächtiger Editor für die Rules.ini

15.Oktober 2013
Der berühmte Rules.ini Cheat auch für Tiberian Sun (deutscher Text)

16.Oktober 2013
Editor für die rules.ini

15.Oktober 2013
Zwei optimierte Rules.ini für GDI und NOD

16.Oktober 2013
Die Daten der Einheiten in HTML

16.Oktober 2013
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30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
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