Day of the Tentacle

Day of the Tentacle

17.10.2013 07:22:37
Day of the Tentacle Walkthrough and Item Guide V1.0

-Tips to playing the game [T000]
-Walkthrough [W002]
-Item Index [I001]
-Item Descriptions [I002]
-FAQ [F001]
-Copyright Info


This walkthrough is intended to help you complete the Day of the Tentacle game
in a minimal amount of time. It will guide you to pick up items you may not
know how to use. Following the instructions will have you procuring items you
may not need until the end of the game, or completeing story line in some
timelines that won't be useful until much later. Accept these directions
without question and it will become clear eventually. If you would rather have
tons of fun playing the game, don't use this Walkthrough, but instead try the
game yourself. If you get stuck, you can always use the Item Index to help you
get moving again. All Items in the Item Index should be listed under the name
they appear in the game as.

All letter/number combinations appearing in brackets, [], are references useful
with the Find function of most text editors and internet browsers. Typing the
reference into the Find function, including the brackets, and searching down
from the beginning will produce search results at each key location referenced,
allowing you to quickly find what you're looking for.

[T000] Tips to playing the game: (spoiler free)
1. Move your cursor over everything in every room. If you see one of the
action options light up, try to use, pick up, push, pull or look at the object.

2. Pick up all objects you can.

3. Look for similar objects. If you see one object in one area, and another
similar object in another area, it's a good bet you'll need to use them
together somehow.

4. If you get stuck, think about what things might be needed to move on and
where they might be located. Most of the sub-puzzles are a string of items
necessary to achieve a result.

5. The game will be easier if you pass all items you can to one timeline and
work from there. You won't have to keep running back to the Chron-O-John if
you've got the items you need handy.

6. Not all items will go through the Chron-O-John, but that doesn't mean you
can't move them through time!

[W002] Walkthrough

Bernard: [B001]
-Flyer [Fl04]
-Help Wanted Sign [He03]
-Dime [Di02]
-Swiss Bankbook [Sw05]
-Booboo-B-Gone [Bo02]
Pick up the Help Wanted Sign. It's the white square in the window next to
the main entrance. Pick up the Flyer. It's the paper hanging out of the slot
next to the main entrance. Pick up the dime in the phone. If you look closely
on the phone behind the counter, there's a small square toward the bottom with
what appears to be a dime in it. Click on the pick up: dime to get it. Open
the door to the office and go in. Pick up the Swiss bankbook from the desk.
It's the small blue book. Open the desk drawer, pick up the Booboo-B-Gone from
inside the drawer, and leave the office. Open the pendulum of the grandfather
->Cut Scene

Bernard: [B002]
-Chattering teeth [Ch02]
-Decafe Coffee [De01]
-Regular Coffee [Re01]
-Fork [Fo05]
-Funnel [Fu08]
-Crank [Cr04]
-Hamster [Ha01]
-Video Tape [Vi01]
-Keys [Ke01]
-Crowbar [Cr05]
-Fake barf [Fa01]
-Dime [Di02]
Go back upstairs as the doctor suggests. Open the double doors and go into
the party room. Open the grate on the left side of the room next to the door.
Walk to the right side of the room and up next to the chattering teeth.
They'll run away from you, but if you keep following them you can eventually
guide them into the hole where the grate used to be. Pick up the teeth. Go
through the door next to the grate and into the kitchen. Pick up both coffee
pots and the fork on the kitchen table, then head into the laundryroom on the
right. Open the pink cabinet and pick up the funnel inside. Head back out to
the party room and go up the chimney to the roof by clicking on the open
fireplace. Pick up the crank on the flag pole and go in the window to the
right and into the attic bedroom. Open the door inside, then the trapdoor in
the floor in the main attic room. Go down the stairs to the 3rd floor. Open
the door on the right side and go into Weird Ed's room. After the cutscene,
select discussion options 4,4 and grab the hamster. Leave the room, and head
down the stairs. Open door F at the back of the hall and go inside. After the
cutscene select discussion option 4. Push over the right speaker, then walk
over to the left speaker. On top is a stero on/off switch. Hit the switch and
pick up the video tape on top of the stereo. Turn the stereo off and leave the
room. Goto the end of the hall by room W and put the hamster in the ice
machine. Go into room W, close the door and grab the keys from the lock, and
turn on the TV. Open the door and leave the room. Go downstairs and out the
front door. Goto the rigth side of the main entrance walk and you'll see a guy
trying to break into a pink car. Give him the keys and head back to the foyer.
Pick up the fake barf that fell from the ceiling and use the crowbar to pry the
gum and dime off the floor next to the desk. Select the gum in your inventory
do split it into a dime and ABC gum. Go down to the basement and grab the
super-battery plans off the bulliten board to the right of the hamster
generator. After the cutscene is over, immediately switch back to Bernard by
clicking on the picture of his face and flush the textbook to Hoagie. Once
that's done, switch back to Hoagie and pick it up from the toilet. Repeat this
for the flyer, the Help Wanted Sign, and the chattering teeth.

Hoagie: [H003]
-Letter [Le03]
-Left-handed hammer [Le02]
-Lab Coat [La01]
-Spaghetti Noodles [Sp02]
-Oil [Oi01]
-Bucket of Water [Bu07]
-Brush [Br05]
-Red Paint [Re00]
-Toy mouse [To03]
-False Teeth[Fa02]
-Wine bottle [Wi02]
-Soap [So01]
Walk to the left along the path and into the field. Continue following the
path to the left to the main entranceway. Walk to the mailbox in front of the
main door and open it. Pick up the letter and go inside the house. Open the
bottom of the grandfather clock and go down to the basement. Give Red Edison
the battery plans and pick up the left-handed hammer off of his work bench.
Return to the foyer and go through the double doors into the party room, then
into the kitchen through the door at the back. Pick up the spaghetti noodles
and oil off the shelf on your left, and head through the door on your right
into the laundry room. Pick up the bucket next to the column and grab the brush
from inside the red cabinet. Go back to kitchen and use the bucket on the
water pump on the left side of the room. Return to the party room and go up
the chimney to the roof. Go in the left window to the attic and sit on the bed
closest to the cat. Now select use, then click on each bed to switch them.
Use the bed you're next to and walk over to pick up the toy mouse. Pick up the
bucket of red paint next to the column and open the trapdoor to go down to the
thrid floor. Use the textbook to read to the horse and pick up his false
teeth. Go into the room behind you and select discussion option 4. Switch
hammers the sculptor is using by picking up the one he is using when it's
sitting on the barrel and returning the left-handed one. Head down to the 2nd
floor and go in the first door you come to. Once inside Ben Franklin's room,
pick up the wine bottle next to the door, and head back out to the hall. Go to
the room at the other end of the hall next. Inside George Washington's room,
select use then the bed to mess it up. Pull the rope to the left of the door to
call the maid and return to the hall. Step to the side of the cart in the hall
and use the bucket of water on the block of soap on the cart. Return to the
foyer and go outside following the path to the outhouses. Use the red paint to
paint the kumkwat tree to the left of the outhouses and then send the letter to
Bernard. Go back up to the third floor Go to the party room and use the flyer
on the suggestion box. Wait for the cutscene and then use the Wine bottle on
the silver time capsule in front of Jefferson. Once he agrees to include it
talk to George. Select discussion options 1,2,2,2. Walk over by the Chron-O-
John, send Bernard the red paint and switch to Lavirgne.

Lavirgne: [L004]
-Tentacle Anatomy Chart [Te01]
Talk to the purple tentalce in the room and select discussion option 3. Wait
for the cutscene and grab the tentacle anatomy chart off right wall. Leave the
doctor's office and try to go throught the main door. You'll end up back in
the cell you started in. Talk to the purple tentacle again and select
discussion option 2. Walk to the right and into the Chron-O-John area. Send
the tentacle anatomy chart to Hoagie and the scalpel to Bernard.

Bernard: [B005]
-Disappearing ink [Di04]
-Flag gun [Fl03]
-Sweater [Sw04]
-Quarters [Qu01]
-Stamp [St03]
-Contract [Co03]
-Box'o laughs [Bo04]
-Cigar Lighter [Ci03]
-Explosive cigar [Ex01]
-Rope [Ro03]
Send Lavirgne the fake barf, the fork, the Booboo-B-Gone, and the crank. Go
to the right and use the decaffe coffee on the doctor's mug, then head up to
the second floor and into room R. Use the letter on the man inside the room.
Once the room is open, pick up the disappearing ink from the table next to the
door and the flag gun off the floor by the bed. Return to the hall and goto
room W. Put the dimes in the Ficklefingers coin slot behind the sleeping
salesman so he's vibrated onto the floor. Pick up the sweater off the bed and
return to the hall. Use the crowbar on the candy machine and pick up the
quarters. After the cutscene go up to the third floor and into Wierd Ed's room
on the right. Use the disappearing ink on him and wait out the cutscene. Pick
up the stamp and book, reentering Wierd Ed's room to return his book to him.
Go into the room across the hall and push Nurse Edna out of the room. Use the
tape on the VCR, then look at it. Make sure the VCR is set to SP on the right
side, then push record just after the doctor closes the safe. Once the
recording is done rewind the tape, set it to EP on the right hand side, and
play it back. Click the screen to return to normal and go down to the office.
Open the safe and get the contract. Attach the stamp to the contract, leave
the office, and goto the party room. Use the scalpel on the clown and pick up
the box'o laughs. Use the flag gun on the gun shaped cigar lighter sitting
next to the salesman on the pile of junk. Talk to the salesman and select
discussion option 2,1. Go up the chimney and in the second window. Select
pick up on the rope tying up the doctor and return to the roof. Use the rope
on the pulley directly outside the second window and go back down the chimney.
Go throught the kitchen to the laundry room, open the dryer and put the sweater
in. Use the quarters on the dryer and go outside. Paint Ted the mummy red,
and use the rope on him. Go back to the party room, and up the chimney to the
roof. PUll the rope and go back to the roof and in the window. Select use,
then Ted and Doctor Fred. Use the rope on Doctor Fred, go out the window, and
pull the rope again. After the cutscene use the funnel on Doctor Fred, then
the regular coffee. Use the contract on the doctor and select discussion
option 4,4. Send Hoagie the exploding cigar, the cigar lighter, and the
contract. Send Lavirgne the box'o laughs.

Hoagie: [H006]
-Hancock's blanket [Ha02]
-Gold-plated quill pen [Go01]
Have Hoagie send Lavirgne the spaghetti noodles, the false teeth, the toy
mouse, and the can opener. Go down the path to the main entrance path. Use the
bucket of soapy water on the dirty carriage, and put the letter in the mailbox.
Go inside to the party room and use the exploding cigar then the chattering
teeth on George Washington. Pick up the blanket Hancock dropped and go
upstairs to the second floor. Go in the only room you haven't yet, the middle
one, and select discussion option 1,any. Put the tentacle anatomy chart on the
table and go up to the roof. Use the blanket on the chimney and return to the
party room. Pick up the gold-plated quill pen, and go to the basement. Give
Red Edison the oil and the gold-plated quill pen, then go up to the second
floor. Go into Ben's room at the end of the hall and select give, then the
labcoat then Ben. After the cutscene select use then the kite so it falls on
the ground. Select discussion option any,2 then goto the outhouse.

Lavirgne: [L007]
-Tentacle disguise [Te02]
-Human name tag [Hu04]
-Frozen hamster [Fr06]
-Vinegar [Vi02]
-Extension cord [Ex02]
-Roller skates [Ro02]
-Dinner certificate [Di03]
-Wet hamster [We01]
-Sweater [Sw04]
-Cat w/ White stripe [Ca01]
Attempt to go back inside the house. Once back in your cell talk to the
purple tentacle and select discussion option 3. Leave the doctor's office and
go through the door at the back of the foyer. Go through the open fireplace
entrance to the roof. Use the crank on the base of the flag pole then use the
attached crank. Pick up the flag/costume and select it from your items. Go
back down the chimney and talk to the blue tentacle to the right. Go back to
the foyer and past the grandfather clock to the stairs. Look at the ice
machine, then pick up the frozen hamster. Go into the first door, room W, and
use the can opener on the chrome time capsule at the back of the room. Pick up
the vinegar and leave the room. Go into the next room, room R, and use the
name tag on the mummy. Pick up the extension cord on the floor by the door and
the roller skates on the table. Use the roller skates on the mummy and then
push him. Go to the end of the hall and the third floor. Use the wet
noodles, the fork, the box'o laughs, and the false teeth on the mummy. Use the
fake barf on Harold, the guy with blue hair behind the mummy. After the
cutscene go to the right and talk to the judges. Select one of the first three
discussion options and watch the cutscene. Repeat until you win the dinner
certificate. Once the cutscene is done, leave the room and return to the
foyer. Go through the door at the back and then throught the door immediately
across from the one you entered from. Use the hamster on the microwave in the
far left of the room, then go into the laundry room on the right. Open the
dryer and use the hamster on the sweater inside. Go outside and over to the
fence. Use the Booboo-B-Gone on the fence where the cat was scratching it's
back. Go to the Chron-O-John area and use the extension cord on the plug.
Then use the extension cord on the small window at the back. Send the vinegar
to Hoagie and return to the main entry path to use the toy mouse on the cat.
Go through the door at the back of the foyer, then through the door next to the
one you came in. Select discussion option 4, then use the dinner certificate
on the purple tentacle. Use the switch next to the door, then select the cat
from your items. Return to the foyer and open the bottom of the grandfather
clock. Use the hamster on the hamster generator, then use the hose of the
vaccuum in the corner on the mouse hole. Open the hatch on the side of the
vaccuum and pick up the dust ball inside. Use the hamster on the hamster
generator again, and plug in the extension cord to the outlet next to it.

Hoagie: [H008]
-Battery [Ba01]
-Fully-charged battery [Fu07]
Go to the basement and give the doctor the vinegar. Pick up the battery off
the shelf after the cutscene, and go outside to the field. Select discussion
option 1. Immediately use the battery on the kite, and wait for Ben. When Ben
says "now," select push, then the kite to send it soaring. After the cutscene,
pick up the fully-charged battery and go to the outhouses. Use the fully-
charged battery on the plug and switch to Bernard.

Bernard: [B009]
Go upstairs and into the office. Use the phone and wait out the cutscene.

Hoagie/Bernard/Lavirgne: [HBL010]
-Bowling ball [Bo03]
Go out in the hall and open the door to room R. After you're shrunk, go
into the room and run through the mouse hole in the back of the room. You
should return to normal size, then you can pick up the bowling ball on the
table next to the globe. Leave the room and go to the basement. Use the
bowling ball on the purple tentacles by the sludge-o-matic and wait for the
cutscene. After it's over, talk to the old purple tentacle and select
discussion option 1,4,1,3.

[I001] Item Index
-Battery [Ba01]
-Booboo-B-Gone [Bo02]
-Bowling Ball [Bo03]
-Box'o laughs [Bo04]
-Brush [Br05]
-Bucket [Bu06]
-Bucket of Water [Bu07]

-Can Opener [Ca00]
-Cat w/ White stripe [Ca01]
-Chattering teeth [Ch02]
-Cigar Lighter [Ci03]
-Contract [Co03]
-Crank [Cr04]
-Crowbar [Cr05]

-Decafe Coffee [De01]
-Dime [Di02]
-Dinner certificate [Di03]
-Disappearing ink [Di04]

-Explosive cigar [Ex01]
-Extension cord [Ex02]

-Fake barf [Fa01]
-False Teeth [Fa02]
-Flag [Fl02]
-Flag gun [Fl03]
-Flyer [Fl04]
-Fork [Fo05]
-Frozen hamster [Fr06]
-Fully-charged battery [Fu07]
-Funnel [Fu08]

-Gold-plated quill pen [Go01]
-Gum [Gu01]
-Gum w/ Dime in it [Gu02]

-Hamster [Ha01]
-Hancock's blanket [Ha02]
-Help Wanted Sign [He03]
-Hubcap [Hu03]
-Human name tag [Hu04]

-Keys [Ke01]

-Lab Coat [La01]
-Left-handed hammer [Le02]
-Letter [Le03]

-Oil [Oi01]
-Quarters [Qu01]

-Red Paint [Re00]
-Regular Coffee [Re01]
-Roller skates [Ro02]
-Rope [Ro03]

-Scalpel [Sc00]
-Soap [So01]
-Spaghetti Noodles [Sp02]
-Stamp [St03]
-Stamp Book [St04]
-Sweater [Sw04]
-Swiss Bankbook [Sw05]

-Tentacle Anatomy Chart [Te01]
-Tentacle disguise [Te02]
-Textbook [Te03]
-Toy mouse [To03]

-Video Tape [Vi01]
-Vinegar [Vi02]

-Wet hamster [We01]
-Wine bottle [Wi02]

[I002] Item Descriptions
Any name of an item beginning with a capital letter is a reference to another
object in the Item listing. This may be useful in discovering related items.

-Battery [Ba01]-
Time: Past

Location: Shelf of Red Edison's workbench just to the left of his head

Retrieval Method: You have to bring Red Edison the plans from the present, then
oil, vinegar, and the gold-plated quill pen to have him build it for you. Once
it's built you can pick it up off the shelf just to the left of Red's head

Purpose: Once it's charged it allows Hoagie to return to the present

-Booboo-B-Gone [Bo02]-

Location: Left-top desk drawer of the office

Retrieval Method: Open the left-top desk drawer in the office and pick it up

Purpose: Used to paint things white, this is used on the fence in the future to
make the black cat look like a skunk

-Bowling Ball [Bo03]-
Time: Present

Location: End table of Green Tentacle's room, next to the globe

Retrieval Method: When all the characters return to the present as an
amalgamation, you can pick it up.

Purpose: The combined character uses it to knock down a bunch of purple
tentacles in the basement lab. Just use it on the group of tentacles in front
of the Sludge-O-Matic.

-Box'o laughs [Bo04]-
Time: Present

Location: Inside the clown punching bag

Retrieval Method: use the scalpel from the future to pop the clown punching
bag, then pick it up off the floor

Purpose: Used to win the Best Laugh category in the human competition in the

-Brush [Br05]-
Time: Past

Location: Inside the red cabinet in the laundry room.

Retrieval Method: Open the cabinet and pick it up

Purpose: Used in connection with the soap, and bucket of water to begin washing
the dirty carriage and cause a rainstorm

-Bucket [Bu06]-
Time: Past

Location: Laundry room corner next to the pilar

Retrieval Method: Pick it up

Purpose: Filled with water at the pump in the kitchen to create the Bucket of
water. Then used with the soap and brush to begin washing the dirty carriage
and cause a rainstorm.

-Bucket of Water [Bu07]-
Time: Past

Location: See Bucket

Retrieval Method: Once getting the Bucket, goto the kitchen. Select the bucket
from your inventory, then click on the water pump in the corner.

Purpose: Used with the soap and the brush to begin washing the dirty carriage
and cause a rainstorm.

-Can Opener [Ca00]-
Time: Past

Location: Hoagie starts with it.

Retrieval Method: None

Purpose: Lavirgne uses it in the future to open the time capsule and get the

-Cat w/ White stripe [Ca01]-
Time: Future

Location: Picket fence immediately outside main door, then roof above main door

Retrieval Method: You must first see the cat scratching it's back on the
fence. To do this, you have to go outside unaccompanied by using the tentacle
disguise. Use the Booboo-B-Gone on the fence where the cat was scratching its
back, then attempt to pick it up. It will run to the roof above the main
entrance. You'll have to use the Toy Mouse on it to draw it to you, then you
can pick it up.

Purpose: Trick the human prisoners into thinking it's a skunk so they run away
and distract the tentacle hunter/guard from the grandfather clock entrace to
the basement.

-Chattering teeth [Ch02]-
Time: Present

Location: Party room far right side

Retrieval Method: You have to open the heating grate in the floor to the left
of the fireplace, then chase the teeth until they fall in. You can then pick
them up. It's difficult to get the teeth to go where you urge them, but keep

Purpose: Used in place of George Washington's wooden teeth in the past to get
Thomas Jefferson to start a fire in the fireplace. You'll first have to blow
George's teeth out with the Exploding Cigar, lit by the Cigar Lighter.
Ultimately this will allow you to use Hancock's blanket to eventually get the
Gold-Plated Quill Pen and have the Battery built.

-Cigar Lighter [Ci03]-
Time: Present

Location: Table full of junk next to the salesman.

Retrieval Method: You'll have to have the Flag Gun first, but you use the Flag
Gun on the Cigar Lighter (which looks like a gun) to swap them when the
salesman isn't looking.

Purpose: Needed in the past to light the Exploding Cigar given to George
Washington in order to blow out his teeth. Ultimately leading to obtainment of
the Gold-Plated Quill Pen, a necessary component of the Battery.

-Contract [Co03]-
Time: Present

Location: In the safe in the office.

Retrieval Method: After using the Video Tape to get the combination to the
safe, go open the safe in the office and pick up the Contract.

Purpose: After saving Fred from the IRS and waking him back up with the Regular
coffee and the Funnel, you tell Fred you'll stop Purple Tentacle on your own,
then trick him into signing the Contract by telling him it's a return request
for a bunch of 8-tracks he just got from a record club. This allows you to
send the letter in the past with the Stamp and use the money Fred has to call
the shopping network with the Swiss Bankbook and buy the diamond in the

-Crank [Cr04]-
Time: Present

Location: Roof, attached to the fishing rod looking flag pole

Retrieval Method: Pick it up

Purpose: Used in the future to crank the Flag down to within reach.

-Crowbar [Cr05]-
Time: Present

Location: Outside off the screen to the right of the house, in the hands of the
guy in the ski mask

Retrieval Method: Bring the guy in the ski mask the Keys

Purpose: Used to pry the Gum with a Dime in it off the floor, and crack open
the vending machine to obtain the Quarters

-Decafe Coffee [De01]-
Time: Present

Location: Kitchen, to the far left middle of the screen, next to the Regular

Retrieval Method: Pick it up

Purpose: Used to refill Fred's cup of coffee in the basement, depriving him of
caffeinne and causing him to walk in his sleep and reveal the combination to
the safe in his office.

-Dime [Di02]-
Time: Present

Location: Coin return of the broken pay phone, and in some gum on the floor in
front of the main desk

Retrieval Method: It's hard to see, but toward the bottom of the pay phone
there's a small square with what appears to be a coin on edge in it. You have
to pick up the coin from there. The other dime is in the Gum with a Dime in it
in front of the main desk. You have to get the Crowbar and pry that up off the
floor. You then select the Gum with a Dime in it off your item menu and you'll
automatically split it into the Gum and a Dime.

Purpose: Used in the Ficklefinger's coin slot behind the sleeping guy in room
W. When both are in, the bed will vibrate the guy onto the floor so you can
get the Sweater

-Dinner certificate [Di03]-
Time: Future

Location: Obtained as one of the prizes from the human competition

Retrieval Method: You have to win the human competition by pushing Ted down the
stairs on the Roller Skates while wearing the Human Name Tag, then putting the
Spaghetti Noodles on his head, the False Teeth in his mouth, and the Box'o
Laughs in him. You also have to use the Fork on the Spaghetti Noodles on Ted,
and the Fake Barf on Harold, the guy sitting next to Ted. Once you've done
this, goto the area just the the right and ask the judges to judge all three
events. After the third, you'll win the competition and get it as a prize.

Purpose: Used on the purple tentacle guard in the prison cell room to get him
to leave so you can turn off the electric wall.

-Disappearing ink [Di04]-
Time: Present

Location: Room R, on the table just inside the door

Retrieval Method: Pick it up. Can be done before or after helping the guy in
the room

Purpose: Used on Wierd Ed's stamp collection to get him to kick you out and
throw the book at you. This causes the Stamp to fall out.

-Explosive cigar [Ex01]-
Time: Present

Location: In the salesman's breast pocket

Retrieval Method: You have to replace the Cigar Lighter on the table next to
the salesman with the Flag Gun. Then talk to the Salesman and tell him you
want to try a cigar. He'll try and light the cigar and fail, leaving you with

Purpose: Used in the past with the Cigar Lighter to blow George Washington's
teeth out.

-Extension cord [Ex02]-
Time: Future

Location: Middle room on the second floor. On the floor just to the left of
the door.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up.

Purpose: Used on the Chron-O-John plug, then the basement window behind the
Chron-O-John to be able to plug the Chron-O-John into the Hamster generator.

-Fake barf [Fa01]-
Time: Present

Location: Ceiling of the foyer

Retrieval Method: You have to push the speaker farthest to the right over in
Green Tentacle's room, then turn on his stereo with the switch on top of the
other speaker. You can then pick it up off the floor of the foyer.

Purpose: Used in the future to disqualify Harold, the only competition in the
Human competition, so you can win the competition and get the Dinner

-False Teeth [Fa02]-
Time: Past

Location: Mouth of the horse on the third floor, then the cup of water next to
the horse.

Retrieval Method: Use the Textbook from the present on the horse to put him to
sleep, then pick up his False Teeth from the cup next to him.

Purpose: Used in combination with the Box'o Laughs and the Spaghetti Noodles on
Ted during the Human competition in the future to win the best smile

-Flag [Fl02]-
Time: Future

Location: Roof on the flag pole

Retrieval Method: Use the Crank from the present to lower the flag to within
reach, then pick it up.

Purpose: If you've had Hoagie give Betsy Ross, the flag seamstress, the
Tentacle Anatomy Chart as flag plans, the Flag becomes a Tentacle Disguise,
allowing Lavirgne to move around in the future with impunity.

-Flag gun [Fl03]-
Time: Present

Location: Room R on the second floor, with the depressed salesman. On the
floor next to the bed.

Retrieval Method: You have to use the Letter on the depressed salesman before
you can get into the room, then he'll leave it on the floor next to the bed.

Purpose: Used to replace the Cigar Lighter, which also looks like a gun, next
to the salesman in the party room to obtain both the Cigar Lighter and the
Exploding Cigar.

-Flyer [Fl04]-
Time: Present

Location: Sticking out of a slot in the far left front side of the foyer, next
to the main entrance.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up

Purpose: Used in the constitution suggestion box in the past to cause a vaccuum
to appear in the basement in the future. This will be used to retrieve the
Hamster from the mouse hole when Lavirgne tries to get the hamster generator

-Fork [Fo05]-
Time: Present

Location: On the kitchen table

Retrieval Method: Pick it up off the table

Purpose: Used in the future to make Ted's Spaghetti Noodles look like a nice
hairdo. This allows him to win the best hair competition of the human

-Frozen hamster [Fr06]-
Time: Future

Location: Inside the icebox across the hall from the first room on the left.

Retrieval Method: Open the icebox and select pick up from the opening

Purpose: Eventually thawed in the microwave in what used to be the kitchen,
then wrapped in a shrunken sweater from the laundry room, he's used on the
hamster generator in the basement to provide power to the Chron-O-John in the

-Fully-charged battery [Fu07]-
Time: Past

Location: Ground where Ben Franklin was standing after the kite flys.

Retrieval Method: You have to get the Battery first, then give Ben Franklin the
Lab Coat after you start the rainstorm with the Bucket of Water, the Soap, and
the Brush. Ben will use the Lab Coat to build his kite, then have you help him
fly it in the rainstorm. After he gives you instructions on what you'll have
to do to get the kite up, immediatly use the Battery on the kite in your hands.
This will put the Battery in the kite. Then when Ben says the word, select
Push on the kite to send it airborne. The Battery will be charged from
lightning and Ben will drop the Fully-charged Battery as he walks away with the
kite. You can then pick it up off the ground.

Purpose: This is plugged into the Chron-O-John to get Hoagie back to the

-Funnel [Fu08]-
Time: Present

Location: Inside the pink cabinet in the laundry room.

Retrieval Method: Open the pink cabinet and pick it up off the shelf inside.

Purpose: Used with the Regular Coffee on Fred after you free him from the IRS
auditors to wake him up.

-Gold-plated quill pen [Go01]-
Time: Past

Location: Party room, next to the constitution.

Retrieval Method: You have to use the Exploding Cigar and the Cigar Lighter on
George Washington to blow his teeth out, then give him the Chattering Teeth.
This will make Thomas Jefferson start a fire in the fireplace, allowing you to
pick up Hancock's Blanket and use it to block the smoke coming from the chimney
on the roof. Washington, Jefferson, and Hancock will jump out the window to
avoid the fire, but Hancock will forget to grab the pen. You can go down to
the party room and grab it off the table.

Purpose: Used as a source of gold in Red's construction of the Battery.

-Gum [Gu01]-

Location: Floor of the foyer in front of the main desk.

Retrieval Method: You have to use the crowbar to pry up the Gum with a Dime in
it. Then when selected off your item menu, it is split into Gum and a Dime.

Purpose: None, it's leftover in the process of getting a Dime.

-Gum w/ Dime in it [Gu02]-
Time: Present

Location: Floor of the foyer in front of the main desk.

Retrieval Method: Requires you to use the crowbar on it to remove it from the

Purpose: When selected off your item menu it is split into a Dime and Gum. The
Dime is used to eventually get the Sweater.

-Hamster [Ha01]-
Time: Present/Future

Location: Right front corner of Wierd Ed's room on the third floor. It's
inside a cage reading a newspaper. In the future, it's the Wet Hamster after
being wrapped in the Sweater.

Retrieval Method: Walk over and pick it up. In the future you have to use the
Sweater from the dryer in the laundry room on the Wet Hamster.

Purpose: Put in the icebox on the second floor across from room W, it is picked
up as the Frozen Hamster by Lavirgne in the future. In the future it's used to
power the hamster generator in the basement to allow Lavirgne to return to the
present. The first attempt to do so will cause the Hamster to end up in a
mouse hole in the wall and fling Lavirgne across the room creating the Hubcap.
To retrieve it you have to already have put the Flyer in the constitution
suggestion box in the past allowing Lavirgne to use the vaccuum to suck the
Hamster out of the mouse hole and retrieve it from behind the door in the body
of the vaccuum. The second attempt to use the Hamster on the hamster generator
is sucessful.

-Hancock's blanket [Ha02]-
Time: Past

Location: Hancock's back, then the floor next to Hancock.

Retrieval Method: You have to get Jefferson to start a fire by using the
Exploding Cigar, Cigar Lighter, and Chattering Teeth on Washington. Hancock
will then drop his blanket on the floor next to him, where you can pick it up.

Purpose: Used to block the smoke in the chimney from the roof. This will cause
everyone to leave the party room and leave the Gold-Plated Quill Pen behind so
you can pick it up.

-Help Wanted Sign [He03]-
Time: Present

Location: Foyer, in the front window next to the main entrance.

Retrieval Method: It appears as a white square in the window next to the main
entrance. You can see it from outside as a Help Wanted Sign. All you have to
do is walk up and pick it up from the foyer.

Purpose: Used in the past to make Red think you should be his lab assistant,
allowing you to pick up the Lab Coat.

-Hubcap [Hu03]-
Time: Future

Location: Floor of the basement after the first attempt to start the hamster

Retrieval Method: After putting the Hamster in the hamster generator the first
time Lavirgne will be flung across the room. As a result, the Hubcap will roll
out into the middle of the floor where you can pick it up.

Purpose: None. In fact if you like, you can use it in the recycling machine in
the kitchen so Lavirgne tells you it's worthless.

-Human name tag [Hu04]-
Time: Future

Location: Blue tentacle to the far right of the party room.

Retrieval Method: You have to talk to the blue tentacle at the far right side
of the party room while wearing the tentacle Disguise. Tell him you want to
enter your human and he'll give you the Human Name Tag.

Purpose: Allows Ted to be entered in the human competition. You have to use
it on Ted in the middle room of the second floor, before pushing him down the
stairs on the Roller Skates. You may then use the Fork, Spaghetti Noodles,
False Teeth, Box'o Laughs, and Fake Barf to win the human competition and
obtain the Dinner Certificate.

-Keys [Ke01]-
Time: Present

Location: In the lock on the back of the door in room W.

Retrieval Method: Go into room W, close the door, and pick up the keys from
the lock on the door.

Purpose: Used to get the Crowbar from the man in the ski mask outside.

-Lab Coat [La01]-
Time: Past

Location: On a peg on the right wall of Red Edison's workshop.

Retrieval Method: Give Red Edison the Help Wanted Sign from the present to make
him think you're his lab assistant, then pick it up off the peg.

Purpose: "Given" to Ben Franklin, after the rainstorm starts, to build his kite
out of. This eventually allows you to charge the Battery, obtaining the Fully
-charged Battery.

-Left-handed hammer [Le02]-
Time: Past

Location: Left side of Red Edison's workbench.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up off the workbench.

Purpose: When the sculptor twin in the left room on the third floor puts his
hammer down, replacing it with the Left-handed Hammer allows you to push Nurse
Edna out of the room in the present and use the Video Tape to record Fred
opening the safe while sleep walking.

-Letter [Le03]-
Time: Past

Location: Mailbox outside immediately in front of the main entrance.

Retrieval Method: Open the mailbox immediatley in front of the main entrance to
the house and pick up the Letter.

Purpose: Used in the present to make the depressed salesman feel better and
leave the room. This allows you to get the Disappearing Ink and the Flag Gun.

-Oil [Oi01]-
Time: Past

Location: Shelf of the pantry in the kitchen to the left of the entrance.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up off the shelf.

Purpose: One of the 3 components Red needs to make the Battery.

-Quarters [Qu01]-
Time: Present

Location: Inside the Vending machine on the second floor.

Retrieval Method: Use the Crowbar on the vending machine in the hallway on the
second floor to cause an avalanche of Quarters. You can then pick them up.

Purpose: Used in the coin slot of the dryer in the laundry room once you've put
the Sweater in it. This sends the Sweater to the future and also shrinks it.

-Red Paint [Re00]-
Time: Past

Location: Attic next to the forward window and the pillar.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up.

Purpose: Used in the past to paint the kumqwat tree, outside where George
Washington is standing, red to fool George into thinking it's a cherry tree and
getting Lavirgne down from the tree in the future. In the present it's used to
paint Dead Cousin Ted red in order to use him as a decoy for Fred and free him
from the IRS auditors.

-Regular Coffee [Re01]-
Time: Present

Location: Left middle side of the kitchen, in the coffee maker.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up.

Purpose: Used with the Funnel to wake up Fred after you save him from the IRS

-Roller skates [Ro02]-
Time: Future

Location: Shelf to the right of the door in the middle room of the second floor.

Retrieval Method: Pick them up.

Purpose: Used with the Human Name Tag to enter Ted in the human competition.
You use both the Human Name Tag and the Roller Skates on Ted, then push him and
he'll roll downstairs into the group of waiting humans at the bottom, starting
the human competition.

-Rope [Ro03]-
Time: Present

Location: On Fred in the locked room in the attic.

Retrieval Method: Go up to the roof through the chimney and into the right
window. Once inside, select pick up on the rope that is tying up Fred.

Purpose: Used to haul Ted who's had the Red Paint used on him up to the roof to
replace Fred. This is done by using the Rope on the pulley immediately outside
the window of the locked attic room, then using the other end of the rope on
Ted, who's right outside the main entrance. You then pull on the rope from the
roof and Ted will be in the locked room. You use Ted on Fred to switch their
places, then use the rope on Fred, go out the window and use it on the pulley
again. Pull the rope again to finish freeing Fred from the IRS auditors.

-Scalpel [Sc00]-
Time: Future

Location: Lavirgne starts with it.

Retrieval Method: None

Purpose: Used in the present to pop a clown punching bag and retrieve the Box'o

-Soap [So01]-
Time: Past

Location: Maid's cart in the hallway in front of George's room.

Retrieval Method: Have Hoagie use George's bed, then pull the rope next to the
door. The maid will come in and comment on the mess. Leave the room and pick
up the white square off the front of the cart sitting in the hall.

Purpose: Used with the Brush, and Bucket of Water on the dirty carriage to
start a rainstorm and eventually charge the Battery.

-Spaghetti Noodles [Sp02]-
Time: Past

Location: Pantry shelf in the kitchen to the left of the door.

Retrieval Method: Pick it up off the shelf.

Purpose: When sent through the Chron-O-John they become Soggy Spaghetti
Noodles. Lavirgne uses them in the future with the Fork, Box'o Laughs, and
False Teeth to win the human competition with Ted.

-Stamp [St03]-
Time: Present

Location: In Wierd Ed's Stamp Book, then on the floor.

Retrieval Method: Use the Disappearing Ink on Wierd Ed's Stamp Book and he'll
throw you out of the room and throw the Stamp Book at you. After it hits you,
the Stamp will fall out onto the floor next to the Stamp Book where you can
pick it up.

Purpose: Used in the past on the signed Contract from the present, the whole
package is then put in the mailbox immediatly in front of the main entrance to
the house so Fred has enough money in the present to call the shopping network
with the Swiss Bankbook and buy the diamond.

-Stamp Book [St04]-
Time: Present

Location: In Wierd Ed's hands, then on the floor.

Retrieval Method: Use the Disappearing Ink on the Stamp Book while Wierd Ed is
holding it. He'll get pissed off, kick you out of the room, and throw the
Stamp Book at you. You can then pick it up off the floor.

Purpose: None. If you return it to Wierd Ed, everything returns to how it was
before. If you don't he'll just stay pissed at you. You do need to do this to
get the Stamp to fall out.

-Sweater [Sw04]-
Time: Present

Location: Under the big sleeping salesman in room W.

Retrieval Method: Use the two Dimes in the Ficklefingers coin slot to vibrate
the guy off the bed and onto the floor. You can then pick up the Sweater off
the bed.

Purpose: When put in the dryer in the laundry room with the Quarters, it will
dry and shrink until the future where you can use it to keep the Wet Hamster
dry and warm.

-Swiss Bankbook [Sw05]-
Time: Present

Location: On the desk in the office.

Retrieval Method: Pick up the blue book off the desktop.

Purpose: Used when ordering the diamond after getting the Contract signed, and
mailed in the past using the Stamp.

-Tentacle Anatomy Chart [Te01]-
Time: Future

Location: Right wall of the doctor tentacle's office.

Retrieval Method: Once Lavirgne is in the jail cell, talk to the gaoler
tentacle and tell him you arent' feeling well. He'll take you to the doctor
tentacle. Eventually he'll leave, leaving you alone in his office and you can
grab the Tentacle Anatomy Chart off his wall.

Purpose: When given to Betsy Ross, the flag seamstress, in the past as a flag
design, the Flag will become a Tentacle Disguise. This then allows Lavirgne to
move around in the future with impunity.

-Tentacle disguise [Te02]-
Time: Future

Location: On the flag pole on the roof, or in your items menu.

Retrieval Method: If you haven't already retrieved the Flag, you need to goto
the roof and use the Crank on the flagpole to get the Flag to within reach.
Pick it up. If you've also given Betsy Ross the Tentacle Anatomy Chart as a
flag design in the past, the Flag will instantly become a Tentacle Disguise
wherever it is.

Purpose: When used, Lavirgne will put it on and be able to move about the
building freely.

-Textbook [Te03]-
Time: Present

Location: Bernard starts with it.

Retrieval Method: None.

Purpose: Used to put the horse to sleep in the past and retrieve the False

-Toy mouse [To03]-
Time: Past

Location: The mouse is playing with it in the attic.

Retrieval Method: Try using the bed closest to the cat. Once you realize it
squeeks, use the one bed on the bed farther away. Now that the beds are
switched, use the bed that's farter from the cat. When the cat starts walking
toward the squeeky bed, walk over and pick up the Toy Mouse.

Purpose: Used in the future to get the Cat with the White Stripe to come close
enough for you to grab.

-Video Tape [Vi01]-
Time: Present

Location: On top of the switch to Green Tentacle's stereo in his room.

Retrieval Method: In Green Tentacle's room, look on top of the switch you had
to hit to get the Fake Barf and turn on his stereo. There's a square that's
the Video Tape that you can pick up.

Purpose: After Fred begins sleep walking, due to the Decafe Coffee, and after
you've used the Left-handed Hammer in the past, goto the room on the left on
the third floor, push Nurse Edna out of the room, and use the Video Tape on the
bottom monitor on the right to record Fred opening the safe and play it back in
slow motion. Looking at the monitor will give you a different viewpoint, and
double clicking on the screen from that view will bring you back to normal. SP
means normal speed and EP means slow speed.

-Vinegar [Vi02]-
Time: Future

Location: In the first room on the left of the second floor, inside the metal
time capsule on the shelf on the far right of the room.

Retrieval Method: Use the Can Opener from the past on the time capsule and you
can then pick up the Vinegar from inside.

Purpose: A key ingredient in the Battery.

-Wet hamster [We01]-
Time: Future

Location: Microwave in the kitchen after using it to thaw the Frozen Hamster.

Retrieval Method: Pick up the Frozen Hamster from the icebox on the second
floor, then take him to the microwave in the kitchen. Use him on it to thaw
him and you'll end up with a Wet Hamster.

Purpose: Once dried and warmed with the Sweater from the dryer, the Hamster is
used in the hamster generator to return Lavirgne to the present.

-Wine bottle [Wi02]-
Time: Past

Location: Ben Franklin's room, the middle room on the second floor, on the box
to the right of the door.

Retrieval Method: Walk into the room and pick it up.

Purpose: When given to Thomas Jefferson in the party room to include in his
time capsule, it can be retrieved from the future as Vinegar, a key component
in the Battery.

[F001] FAQ
Q: Where do I get/ how do I use/ what good is ?
A: Look the item up in the listing above for a full description of where and
when the item is, how to get it, and what to use it for.

Q: How do I bring Lavirgne and Hoagie back to the present?
A: Lavirgne will need to get down from the tree first, but then she can use the
hamster generator in the basement to run her Chron-O-John. Hoagie will have to
have the super Battery built and charged to run his Chron-O-John.

Q: what if I do/don't return the Stamp Book to Wierd Ed?
A; Nothing changes either way, the only difference is that Wierd Ed will be
pissed off at you as long as he doesn't get his Stamp Book back.

Q: Are there items that don't do anything in the game?
A: Yes, they include the Human Show trophy which can't be used in anyway once
obtained, the Hubcap, that Lavirgne even mentions having no purpose if you try
and recycle it, and the Gum, a byproduct of obtaining one of the two Dimes.

Q: How do I get a diamond to make the time machine work in the present?
A: You have to turn on a TV at some point, and they happen to be selling a 2
million dollar diamond on the shopping network. After you make Fred 2 million
dollars by using the Contract you can use a phone to automatically call the
shopping network and order the diamond. Just make sure you have the Swiss
Bankbook handy for the account number.

Q: When I try to follow your instructions, the game won't let me, what's wrong?
A: There are a few key words in the game, listed as action buttons at the
bottom of the screen. When you're told to "use" something, that either means
selecting it off your item menu if that's where it appears, or selecting the
word "use" from your action menu before selecting the item. The same goes for
"look at", "push", "pull", etc. The one exception is "give". In this one
case, the word must be selected off the action menu first, regardless of
whether the item is in your item menu.

Q: Why can't I switch to Lavirgne?
A: You likely haven't gotten her out of the tree yet. To do so, you have to
find a way to get rid of the tree before the future. I would suggest the Red

Q: I keep trying to send through the Chron-O-John, but it
keeps telling me it can't, how do I send it to people in other times?
A: Either you can't and don't need to, or there's another way to do it without
the Chron-O-John. Look at what objects and areas are the same in the different
timelines and think about how they might be used in a cartoon logic sense to
move the object forward through time.

Q: I've tried using every object on everything and everyone in the game, but I
can't get the storyline to move forward, what should I do?
A: Although it's uncommon, there are a few key points where you actually have
to carry on a conversation with someone. Try every possible conversation
option to see what they each do.

Author & Copyright Info
Author: Mike Alexander

You may not plagarize or represent any of my work, in whole or part, as your
own. You are free to make reference to my work, as long as you give me credit.
The sum total of this entire file is my own work, independant of anyone else.
I compiled this through my own experience with Maniac Mansion: Day of the
Tentacle while using SCUMVM and the relavent file obtained from and associated links. Any comments or suggestions
may be directed to the email address listed above.

Copyright 2005 Michael Alexander
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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