Day of the Tentacle

Day of the Tentacle

17.10.2013 03:02:14

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
3.1. Bernard
3.2. Hoagie
3.3. Laverne
4. Copyright information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 11th Nov, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Lucasarts are well known for creating some of the best graphic adventure games,
but they surpassed every expectation when they released the superb Day of the
Tentacle. In the introduction to the game we are shown two tentacles, one of
which drinks some contaminated waste and becomes determined to take over the
world. When Bernard gets a letter explaining this plot, he sets out with his
friends Hoagie and Laverne to stop the evil plan.

As Bernard accidentally releases the evil Purple Tentacle, a plan is formed to
send the trio back in time to the day before, where Bernard can undo his
mistake. Something goes wrong with the time machine however, and though Bernard
is safe in the present, Hoagie is sent two hundred years into the past and
Laverne two hundred years into the future. Featuring great graphics and humour
to rival Sam & Max, this is another excellent adventure game from Lucasarts.


2. Walkthrough



The game starts on the first floor of the hotel. Get the help-wanted sign in
the window, the flier from the rack and the dime from the payphone slot. Open
the office door and walk through into the office. Get the Swiss bankbook on top
of the desk, and open the desk drawer to get the Booboo-B-Gone. Exit the office
and open the grandfather clock to reveal a secret passage leading to the lab.

After the cutscene, walk to the right side of the lab and get the paper on the
bulletin board. At this point in the game, two characters can now be played at
different points in time. To switch between characters, just select the picture
of the character at the right side of the inventory. To give items to another
character, just select an item and then select the picture of the character.


Walk left along the path toward the inn and open the mailbox to get the letter.
Give the letter to Bernard. Enter the inn and open the doors to the main hall,
and go through the swinging door at the left side of the hall. Get the oil and
the spaghetti from the pantry. Walk through the door on the right to get the
bucket, and open the red cabinet to get the brush. Exit the room and use the
bucket with the water pump to fill it with water.

Walk back through the swinging door to the main hall, and continue left through
the next door to return to the lobby. Open the grandfather clock and walk
through the secret entrance to the laboratory. Get the left-handed hammer at
the left side of the desk, and give the patent application to Red Edison. Red
explains that he needs oil, vinegar and gold to make the battery. Exit the lab
and walk upstairs to the second floor of the hotel. Open the left door to enter
George's room, and use his bed to mess it up.

Use the cord to call the maid, and exit the room to get the soap from the
maid's cart. Open the right door in the hall and get the wine bottle. Exit the
room and continue up the stairs at the end of the hall. Open the left door and
walk into Jed and Ned's room. Use the left-handed hammer with the right-handed
hammer near Jed. Exit the room and walk up the steps to the attic, where a cat
is playing with a squeaky mouse toy.

Use Ned's bed to find out that it has a squeaky mattress. This doesn't distract
the cat for long enough though, so use the squeaky mattress with Jed's bed. Use
the squeaky mattress, then quickly get the mouse toy before the cat returns.
Get the red paint, go through the window to arrive on the roof of the house and
go down the chimney to return to the main hall. Give the wine bottle to Thomas
Jefferson, who puts it in the time capsule.

Exit the hotel and walk to the field. Use the red paint with the kumquat tree
and return to the main hall. Talk to George Washington and say "Whoa, you're
like George Washington!, select any speech option, say "Is it true about you
and the cherry tree?", and say "I bet you've lost it. You couldn't cut down a
tree to save your grandmother.". George will cut down the kumquat tree, and
four hundred years in the future Laverne will drop from the tree.


Walk upstairs to the second floor of the hotel. Open the left door and walk
into the room with the sleeping conventioneer. Close the door and get the keys
and open the door to exit the room. Enter the middle room and give the letter
to Dwayne. After he leaves the room, get the flag gun on the floor near the
bed, and get the disappearing ink from the table. Exit the room and open the
right door to enter Green tentacle's room.

Say "See you later." to stop talking to him, and push the speaker at the right
side of the room to tip it over. Use the on/off button on the stereo to play
the loud music, which will cause the fake barf to fall off the ceiling in the
lobby. Use the on/off button again to turn off the music, and get the videotape
on top of the stereo before exiting the room. Walk downstairs to the first
floor of the hotel and get the fake barf from the floor.

Open the left door to exit the hotel, and walk right to the parking lot. Give
the keys to the man in the mask to get the crowbar, and return to the lobby of
the hotel. Use the crowbar with the gum on the floor, and use the gum in the
inventory to get the dime and wad of gum. Go upstairs to the second floor, and
open the left door to enter the room with the conventioneer. Use both dimes on
the FickleFingers coin slot, and the conventioneer will roll off the bed. Get
the sweater on the bed and exit the room.

Use the crowbar with the candy machine and get the quarters. Walk upstairs at
the right side of the hall and open the right door to enter Weird Ed Edison's
room. Stop talking to Ed, get the hamster from the cage and use the ink on Ed's
stamp album. After Bernard leaves the room, get the stamp and the stamp album
from the floor. Walk back into Ed's room and give him the stamp album, who will
forgive Bernard for squirting the disappearing ink on it.

Walk downstairs and open the ice machine at the left side of the second floor.
Use the hamster with the ice machine, continue downstairs to the hotel lobby
and walk through the door with the Welcome sign above to enter the main hall.
Open the grating at the left side of the fireplace. Walk to the right side of
the hall and use the flag gun with the cigar lighter near the cigar salesman.
Talk to the salesman and say "Nice cigars.", and say "Sure, lay one of those
Havanan babies on me." to get the exploding cigar.

Walk to the vat of teeth, and follow the chattering teeth to the grating at the
left side of the room. Get the teeth, and walk through the swinging door to the
kitchen. Get the fork on the table, and the two jugs of coffee from the coffee
maker. Open the door at the right side of the kitchen and walk through to the
laundry. Open the cabinet and get the funnel. Put the sweater inside the dryer
and use the quarters with the coin slot. Return to the main hall, walk to the
fireplace and get the crank from the flag pole on the roof.


Laverne will currently be in the kennel. Talk to the tentacle guard and say
"Oooh... I don't feel so good..." to visit the doctor. After he leaves, get the
tentacle chart from the wall, exit the office and walk through the top door to
arrive in the main hall. Go through the top door to return to the kennel. Talk
to the tentacle guard and say "I have to go to the bathroom!" to leave the
hotel. Walk up the path on the right to find the Chron-O-John. Give the scalpel
to Bernard and the tentacle chart to Hoagie.


Give the chattering teeth, cigar lighter, exploding cigar, flier, help-wanted
sign, stamp and textbook to Hoagie. Give the Booboo-B-Gone, crank, fake barf
and fork to Laverne.


Give the red paint to Bernard. Give the can-opener, spaghetti and mouse toy to
Laverne. Once all of the items have been given, walk left to the carriage. Use
the soap with the bucket full of water, and use the bucket full of soapy water
on the carriage to make the storm appear. Enter the main hall and use the flier
with the suggestion box. Give the cigar to George Washington. After his false
teeth drop out, give him the chattering teeth. Jefferson will think that he is
cold, and will agree to light the fire.

Get the blanket near the fireplace, exit the main hall and walk upstairs to the
second floor hall. Open the middle door to enter the room with Betsy Ross, who
hopes that there hasn't been another design change for the flag. Say "I've got
another design change for the flag.", select any speech option, and use the
tentacle chart with the patterns on the table to change the future flag. Go up
the steps at the right side of the hall, and use the textbook with the horse.

After the horse starts sleeping, get the dentures from the glass on the shelf.
Walk up to the attic, walk out the right window and use the blanket with the
chimney. Go back down to the main hall and get the gold-plated quill pen on the
right side of the table. Exit the main hall and walk to the grandfather clock
to return to the lab. Give the dentures to Laverne, then select Laverne, who
was left standing outside the former hotel in the future.


Walk to the front yard and talk to the tentacle guard to return to the kennel.
Talk to the tentacle guard and say "Oooh... I don't feel so good..." to return
to the doctor's office. Exit the office, walk through the top door to the main
hall, then walk to the fireplace to arrive on the roof. Use the crank with the
crank box and use the crank to lower the tentacle flag. Get the flag and use it
to wear the flag. Go down the chimney to return to the main hall, and talk to
the blue tentacle to receive the name tag.

Walk through the left door to return to the lobby, and walk up the stairs to
the second floor. Look at the ice machine and get the frozen hamster that was
put there by Bernard two hundred years ago. Go through the left door and use
the can-opener with the time capsule. Get the vinegar and give it to Hoagie,
then exit the room and walk through the middle door. Get the extension cord.
Get the roller skates and use them with the mummy. Push the mummy, and it will
roll down to the bench with the contestants for the beauty contest.


Enter the main hall of the hotel. Use the scalpel with Oozo the Clown and get
the box o' laughs. Give the box o' laughs to Laverne, exit the main hall and
walk to the grandfather clock to enter the lab. Use the decaf coffee with the
mug, and Dr. Fred will walk off to open his safe. Exit the lab, walk upstairs
to the second floor of the hotel and walk up the steps at the right side of the
hall. Open the left door to enter Nurse Edna's room.

Push Nurse Edna and she will leave the room. Use the videotape with the VCR and
look at the monitor to see Dr. Fred opening the safe. Select the record button
and wait for the tape to end. Select rewind, lower the small switch to EP, then
press play to see the numbers that Dr. Fred used to open the safe. Select eject
when the tape ends, exit the room and return to the lobby on the first floor.
Go through the right door to the office and open the safe to get the contract.
Exit the office and walk through to the main hall.

Walk to the fireplace to go up to the roof, and walk to the right window to
find Dr. Fred. Get the rope from the bed and go out the window to return to the
roof. Use the rope with the pulley above the right window, go down the chimney
and exit the hotel. Use the dangling rope with Dead Cousin Ted. Use the red
paint on Dead Cousin Ted and go back up the chimney to the roof. Pull the rope,
and Bernard will pull Ted into the room with Dr. Fred.

Go up the chimney to the roof and walk to the right window. Use Ted with Dr.
Fred to swap them, then use the rope with Dr. Fred. Walk to the window to
return to the roof, and pull the rope to bring Dr. Fred back to the lab. Use
the funnel with Dr. Fred, and use the normal coffee on him to wake him up. Use
the contract with Dr. Fred and say "Oh, forget it. I'll get rid of Purple
Tentacle myself!", and select any speech option to get him to sign it. Give the
signed contract to Hoagie.


Hoagie should currently be in the lab with Red Edison. Give the help-wanted
sign to Red, and get the lab coat. Give the oil, vinegar and the gold-plated
quill pen to Red, who will then make the super battery. Get the battery from
the shelf, exit the lab and walk upstairs to the second floor of the inn. Walk
to the right door in the hall and give the lab coat to Ben Franklin, who will
agree to start the experiment with the kite.

When Hoagie is standing in the field outside the inn, use the battery with the
kite and push the kite when Ben says "Now!". It will fly into the air and
lightning will strike it, which will charge the battery. Get the fully-charged
battery and walk left toward the inn. Use the stamp with the signed contract,
and then use the signed contract with the mailbox to put two million dollars
into Dr. Fred's bank account in the future. Still as Hoagie, walk right to the
Chron-O-John in the field and use the battery on the plug.


Walk down to the first floor of the inn. Use the name tag with the mummy to
start the contest. Walk upstairs to the second floor hall, and walk up the
steps at the right side of the hall to find the contest. Use the box o' laughs,
dentures and spaghetti with the mummy, then use the fork with the mummy's head
to twist the spaghetti hair. Use the fake barf with Harold to put him out of
the contest, then walk right to talk to the highly restricted judging area.
Talk to the judges and ask them to judge the best hair, best smile and best
laugh in the contest.

After the mummy wins all three categories, Laverne gets the certificate and the
trophy. Exit the room, walk downstairs to the first floor and walk out the left
door to exit the hotel. Use the Booboo-B-Gone with the fence to paint a white
stripe on the back of the cat, which will jump up on top of the ledge. Use the
squeaky mouse toy on the cat and Laverne will pick it up when it jumps down.
Enter the former hotel and return to the kennel. Give the certificate to the
tentacle guard and he will leave the kennel.

Use the cat, and in the cutscene the guard will leave the grandfather clock to
chase after the Edisons. Walk through the right door to the kitchen, and use
the frozen hamster with the microwave to get the cold wet hamster. Walk through
the door on the right to enter the laundry. Open the dryer and get the sweater,
then use it with the hamster to get the toasty warm hamster. Return to the
lobby of the hotel and open the clock, then walk to the clock to enter the lab.

Use the toasty warm hamster with the generator, and it will run into the mouse
hole. Use the built-in shop vac with the mouse hole, and open the hatch to get
the dust ball. Use the dusty warm hamster with the generator, use the extension
cord with the outlet and then use the extension cord with the window. Exit the
former hotel and walk right to the Chron-O-John. Use the extension cord with
the plug and the Chron-O-John will start to work.


Walk upstairs to the second floor of the hotel. Walk through the middle door
and use the TV set to hear the advert about the diamond. Use the phone on the
table to order the diamond, which Bernard will take to the lab. After the
cutscene, Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne will be chased by the purple tentacle.


Exit the room to arrive in the hall on the second floor, then open the middle
door to get shrunk by Purple Tentacle. Quickly enter the middle room and walk
to the mouse hole to enter Green Tentacle's room. Wait until the characters
have returned to normal size, then get the bowling ball on the table with the
globe. Open the door and return to the first floor of the hotel.

Walk to the grandfather clock to return to the lab. Ten tentacles are lined up
like bowling pins. Use the bowling ball with the tentacles, and Purple Tentacle
will appear. Talk to Purple Tentacle and say "Just what is it you have against
humans, anyway?", say "Sounds like that's all Dr. Fred's fault, really.", say
"You're pretty handy with that ray gun.", then say "Why don't you zap Dr. Fred
if you hate him so much?" to complete the game.


3. Item List


3.1. Bernard

Found in the desk drawer of the office. It is given to Laverne, who uses it
with the fence outside the hotel to paint a stripe on the cat.

Found in Green Tentacle's room near the end of the game. It is used with the
purple tentacles in the lab.

Found by using the scalpel with Oozo the Clown in the main hall. It is given
to Laverne, who uses it on the mummy in the beauty contest.

Found by chasing the teeth from the vat at the right side of the main hall to
the grating. They are given to Hoagie, who gives them to George Washington
after his false teeth have dropped out.

Found by swapping the flag gun with the cigar lighter near the cigar salesman
in the main hall. It is given to Hoagie, who uses it to light the exploding
cigar that is given to George Washington.

Found on the coffee maker in the kitchen. It is used with the funnel on Dr.
Fred after he drinks the decaf coffee.

After Bernard has seen the video of Dr. Fred opening the safe, the contract
is found in the safe in Dr. Fred's office. It is shown to Dr. Fred.

Found by giving the keys to man in the mask in the hotel car park. It is used
with the gum on the floor in the lobby, and is used with the candy machine on
the second floor of the hotel.

Found on the coffee maker in the kitchen. It is used with Dr. Fred's mug in
the lab of the hotel.

Found in the payphone slot in the lobby. It is used with the FickleFingers
coin slot in the room with the sleeping conventioneer.

After the crowbar has been used to get the gum from the floor in the lobby,
the dime is found by using the gum. It is used with the FickleFingers coin
slot in the room with the sleeping conventioneer.

Found in Dwayne's room on the second floor of the hotel. It is used with the
stamp album in Weird Ed Edison's room.

Found by talking to the cigar salesman in the main hall after using the flag
gun with the cigar lighter. It is given to Hoagie, who gives it to George
Washington in the main hall of the inn.

After pushing over the speaker in Green Tentacle's room and using the on/off
button on the stereo, the fake barf will fall down to the floor in the main
hall. It is given to Laverne, who uses it on Harold in the beauty contest.

Found in Dwayne's room on the second floor of the hotel. It is swapped with
the cigar lighter near the cigar salesman in the main hall.

Found on the rack in the lobby. It is given to Hoagie, who uses it with the
suggestion box in the main hall of the inn.

Found on the table in the kitchen. It is given to Laverne, who uses it to
twist the spaghetti on the mummy's head in the beauty contest.

Found in the cabinet in the laundry room. After Dr. Fred has been rescued
from the attic, he is given the funnel in the lab.

Found by using the crowbar with the gum on the floor in the hotel lobby. It
is used in the inventory to get the dime and the wad of gum.

Found in the cage in Weird Ed Edison's room. It is used with the ice machine
in the hall on the second floor of the hotel.

Found in the window in the lobby. It is given to Hoagie, who shows it to Red
Edison in the lab of the inn.

Found by closing the door of the room with the sleeping conventioneer on the
second floor of the hotel. They are given to the man in the mask in the hotel
car park, who will give Bernard the crowbar.

Found by using the crowbar with the candy machine on the second floor of the
hotel. They are used with the coin slot of the dryer in the laundry room to
dry the sweater.

Found on the bed in the attic after the Decaf coffee is used on Dr. Fred's
mug. It is used with the pulley on the roof, it is used with Dead Cousin Ted
outside the hotel, and is pulled to replace Dr. Fred with Ted. The rope is
then used with Dr. Fred, and is pulled again to take Dr. Fred to the lab.

Found by showing the contract to Dr. Fred. It is given to Hoagie, who uses
the stamp on it and puts it in the mailbox outside the inn.

Found outside Weird Ed Edison's room after the disappearing ink has been used
on his album. It is given to Hoagie, who uses it on the signed contract.

Found outside Weird Ed Edison's room after the disappearing ink has been used
on his album. It is returned to Ed.

Found on the bed in the sleeping conventioneer's room after both dimes have
been used on the FickleFingers coin slot. It is used with the dryer in the
laundry room of the hotel.

Found on the desk in Dr. Fred's office. After Hoagie has mailed the signed
contract, Bernard uses the phone to buy the two million dollar diamond after
watching the TV advertisment in Dwayne's room.

Available at the start of Bernard's section. It is given to Hoagie, who uses
it to make the horse fall asleep on the third floor of the inn.

Found on top of the stereo in Green Tentacle's room. It is used with the VCR
in Nurse Edna's room to tape Dr. Fred opening the safe.

After the crowbar has been used to get the gum from the floor in the lobby,
the wad of gum is found by using the gum. It is not used.

3.2. Hoagie

Found by giving the oil, vinegar and gold-plated quill pen to Red Edison. It
is charged by using the the battery with Ben Franklin's kite.

After George Washington has been given the chattering teeth, the blanket is
found near the fireplace. It is used with the chimney.

Found in the red cabinet of the laundry room. It is used with the bucket of
soapy water to clean the carriage outside the inn.

Found in the laundry room. It is used with the water pump in the kitchen.

Made by using the bucket with the water pump in the kitchen. It is used with
the soap to make the bucket full of soapy water.

Made by using the soap with the bucket full of water. It is used with the
brush to clean the carriage outside the inn.

Available at the start of Hoagie's section. It is given to Laverne, who uses
it with the time capsule in the left room on the second floor of the hotel.

Found in the glass after the textbook is used on the horse. They are given to
Laverne, who uses them on the mummy in the beauty contest.

After the blanket has been used on the chimney, the pen is found on the table
in the main hall. It is given to Red Edison in the lab.

Found at the right side of the lab after the help-wanted sign has been given
to Red Edison. It is given to Ben Franklin on the second floor of the inn.

Found on the desk in the lab. It is swapped with the right-handed hammer in
Jed and Ned's room on the second floor.

Found in the mailbox outside the inn. It is given to Bernard, who gives it to
Dwayne on the second floor of the hotel.

Found on the pantry in the kitchen. It is given to Red Edison.

Available at the start of Hoagie's section. It is given to Red Edison.

Found in the attic. It is used on the kumquat tree outside of the inn, and is
then given to Bernard who uses it on Dead Cousin Ted outside of the hotel.

After the cord has been pulled in the left room on the second floor, the soap
is found on the maid's cart outside the room. It is used with the bucket full
of water to make the bucket full of soapy water.

Found on the pantry in the kitchen. It is given to Laverne.

Found by swapping the squeaky mattress on Ned's bed with the normal mattress
on Jed's bed. It is given to Laverne, who uses it with the cat outside the
former hotel after the Booboo-B-Gone is used on the fence.

Found in the laundry room. It is given to Thomas Jefferson in the main hall.

3.3. Laverne

After the Booboo-B-Gone is used on the fence outside the hotel, the squeaky
mouse toy is given to the cat on top of the ledge. It is used in the kennel
with the Edisons.

Found by using the frozen hamster with the microwave in the kitchen. It is
used with the sweater to get the toasty warm hamster.

Found after the mummy wins the beauty contest. It is given to the tentacle
guard in the kennel.

After using the toasty warm hamster with the generator in the lab, use the
built-in shop vac with the mouse hole to get the dusty warm hamster. It is
used with the generator.

Found in the room with the mummy on the second floor of the hotel. It is used
with the outlet on the generator in the lab.

After Hoagie has used the tentacle chart on the table in the room with Betsy
Ross, the flag is found by using the crank with the crank box on the roof.

After Bernard has used the hamster with the ice machine, the frozen hamster
is found in the ice machine on the second floor of the hotel. It is used with
the microwave in the kitchen to get the cold wet hamster.

Found after talking to the blue tentacle at the right side of the main hall
while wearing the tentacle flag. It is used with the mummy in the lobby.

Found in the room with the mummy on the second floor of the hotel. It is used
with the mummy.

Available at the start of Laverne's section. It is given to Bernard, who uses
it with Oozo the Clown in the main hall to get the box o' laughs.

After Bernard has dried the sweater, it is found in the dryer in the laundry
room. It is used with the cold wet hamster to get the toasty warm hamster.

Found on the wall in the doctor's office. It is given to Hoagie, who uses it
with the patterns on the table in the room with Betsy Ross.

Found by using the cold wet hamster with the sweater.

Found after the mummy wins the beauty contest. It is not used.

After Hoagie gives the wine bottle to Thomas Jefferson, the vinegar is found
by using the can opener with the time capsule on the second floor.

Found after Hoagie gives Laverne the spaghetti. They are used on the mummy in
the beauty contest.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at
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