Day of the Tentacle

Day of the Tentacle

15.10.2013 10:18:21
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Day Of The Tentacle Walkthrough ||
Walkthrough Version 1.00 ||
Last Updated 25th Jan 2005 ||
Game System: PC ||
Created by Porktown - Paul Foster || ||

**Contents: **
** 1. Introduction **
** 2. Game Information**
** 3. Storyline **
** 4. Basics **
** 5. Maps **
** 6. Walkthrough **
** 7. Legal **
** 8. Thanks **
** 9. Email **

"Day of the Tentacle" is an adventure game created by LucasArts makers of
popular adventure games The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island: LeChucks
Revenge, Return to Monkey Island and Escape from Monkey Island.

"Day of the Tentacle" is the sequel of the game "Maniac Mansion" however you
don't have to have played it to understand "Day of the Tentacle". I havn't
played "Maniac Mansion" and I'm pretty sure I understood everything. I'm
sure I
havn't missed much. I gather by, at the beginning cutscene, when Bernard
"I MUST GO BACK TO THE MANSION", he implied that he had been to the mansion

You pretty much just walk around solving puzzles. It's a pretty funny,
and inventive game.

-----------------------------[2. Game
Game: Day of the Tentacle (DOTT)
Genre: Point and Click Adventure game.
Creator: LucasArts
Compatability: (With SCUMM) Windows, PC

(This is just the basic jist, it won't spoil much).
After drinking poluted water, poluted by Dr. Fred's SludgeO'Matic,
Purple Tentacle sprouts arms without fingers. He feels impowered and
he can take over the world. Three friends; Bernard, Hoagie and Laverne, were
sent back in time to turn off the SludgeO'Matic to prevent Purple Tentacle
from ever drinking the poluted water. But something went terribly wrong!
Instead of being sent back 1 day they were sent into three different times.
Hoagie 200 years in the past, Bernard in the present and Laverne 200 years
the future. Hoagie and Laverne must find some way of getting back to the

1. When you need to pass items to another character just click on the
item then click on the character's picture on the bottom right.
2. When I play the game I give all the items to the character I am
using. In the FAQ I may say to use an item you don't have; check your other
3. As I have already mentioned, the game may not run properly. Most
users will experience difficulties with the sound which may not work at all.
This problem can easily be fixed by using SCUMM VM. SCUMM will fix up the
and enhance the graphics. SCUMM not only works with DOTT but it can run most
old LucasArts games such as Full Throttle.
It can be found at

-Point and click.
Pick up:...P
Look at:...L
Talk to:...T

Useful SCUMM controls:
".": Skip line of text.
"ESC": Skip cutscene.
"[": Music softer.
"]": Music louder.
"-": Slower text speed.
"+": Faster text speed.
"Ctrl F": Fast mode.
"Ctrl G": Very fast mode.

Ctrl F/G may crash the game or cause incorrect game behaviour.

** LEGEND **
**Chimney: "#" **
**Stairs: "^^""vv **
**Door: ":" **
**GF Clock: "@" **
**Window: "%" **


Ground Floor

| |
_____________|Office |
| | |
| |_____..____|__
# | ^^|
________|Party Room | Grandfather |
| | |& Clock |
|Kitchen | : Room |
| :_____________|______..______|
|______..| | |
| | _ _ _
| | |Outside | |Stream|
|Laundry |
| | | _ _ _ _ | _ _| |
|________| |
_ _ _|
|Car |

| _ _ _ _ |

2nd Floor
_______________ _________________ ________________
|Sleeping |Mr. Suicide's |Green |
|Guy's |Room |Tentacle's |
|Room | |Room |
| ^^|
| Hall |

3rd Floor
|Stamp |
|Guy's |
|Room |
| |
| Hall |
| |
|Room |

4th Floor
|Room |Room |
|With |With %
|Table :Bed |
| | |

| % % |
# Roof |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *


Ground Floor

| |
| |______________
# | @ ^^|
________|Suggestion |Grandfather |
| |Box | Clock |
|Kitchen |Room : Room |
| :_____________|______..______|
|______..| | |
| | _ _ _
| | |Carriage | |Out- |
|Room | Houses
| | | _ _ _ _ | _ _| |
|________| |
_ _ _|
|Hill |

| _ _ _ _ |

2nd Floor
_______________ _________________ ________________
|Georges |Flag Room |Ben's |
|Room | |Room |
| | | |
| ^^|
| Hall |

3rd Floor

| |
| Horse |
| |
|Sculpting |
|Room |

4th Floor

| |
|Cat Room %
| |
| % % |
# Roof |

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *


Ground Floor
| |_________
| |Doctor's |
_______|# |Office |
| |Contest Entry |____..___|_____
|Kitchen| | ^^|
| | | Grandfather |
|___..__: : Clock |
| |..___________________| Room |_ _ _ _ _ _
|Laundry| |_______..______| |
| | | Outhouses
|_______| _ _ _ _ _ |
|Outside |

| _ _ _ _ _ _|

2nd Floor
_______________ _________________ ________________
|Time |Mummy |Puple |
|Capsule |Room |Tentacle's |
|Room | |Office |
| ^^|
| Hall |

3rd Floor
| |
|Contest Area |
| |
| % % |
# Roof |


You witness purple tentacle drink some polluted water and sprout arms with
neither fingers nor opposable thumbs. It continues on - yada yada yada watch


The game begins with you controlling Bernard. Pick up the "Help Wanted" sign
the window and the flier that is to its right. On the out of order telephone
there is a dime - pick it up. There's a bell and you can make it 'ding' if
want. Enter the office and pick up the Swiss bank book located on the table.
Open the drawer near it and pick up the Boo-Boo Be Gone white out in it.

Exit the office and open the grandfather clock, enter and view the
Walk to your right and pick up the paper to the right of the hamster
It will be the super-battery plans. Fred will flush them down to Hoagie.
After that you will be in control of Hoagie.


Walk down past the carriage and open the mailbox. Pick up the letter.

Enter the house and open the grandfather clock. Pick up the left-handed
which you will find on the table left of Red Eddison. Give Red the
super-battery plans/application. Use the help wanted sign on the bulletin
and obtain the lab coat to the right of Red.

Exit the lab and enter the double doors. Put the flier in the suggestion box
and watch George steal you ingenious idea of opening the suggestion box.
this will make a vacuum-cleaner appear in the basement of the future.

Enter the swinging door and pick up the spaghetti and oil on the shelf to

Enter to the right and pick up the bucket and then open the cupboard and get
the brush out.

Exit back into the pump-room and use the bucket on the pump.

Go back to the suggestion-box room and climb up the fireplace. Enter the
window. Pick up the paint which you will find behind the cat.
When you “use” the beds you may notice that Ned’s squeaks causing the
cat to walk closer but you can’t grab the toy quick enough. (There is a bug
that sometimes if you use the squeaky mattress twice before the cat gets
to its place there will appear to be two mice). Use Ned’s squeaky mattress
with Jed’s bed. Use Jed’s bed and grab the toy.

Go down the trap door and enter the horse room. Use the textbook on the
causing it to sleep then pick up its dentures.

Enter the door to your left and talk a bit with Jed/Ned. Use the left handed
hammer on the right handed hammer and watch the destruction.

Exit and go down another flight of stairs. Enter the first door you see –
room – and pick up the wine on top of the crate.

Exit the room then enter the room furthest to the left which you will find
George’s room. Push his bed the pull the cord which calls the maid to clean
room. Exit the room and steal the soap which you will find on the maids

Go down some more stairs and go back into the main hall (suggestion-box
and put the wine in the time capsule in front of Thomas Jefferson.

Go outside the house and use the soap and the bucket of water together. You
have soapy water. Use the brush with the soapy water and watch the cut

Go up to the outhouses and use the red paint on the kumquat tree making it a
perfect likeness of a cherry tree!
Go back to the suggestion-box room and talk with George. Coax him to cut
the newly made cherry tree.

You will now be in control of Laverne.


Talk to the gaoler and say you feel sick. You will be taken to the doctor.
Watch the cut scene. To your right you will find a tentacle chart. Pick it

Exit the room and try to go through the left door. You will be stopped and
forced back into the kennel.

Tell the gaoler that you need to go to the toilet. You will be taken
Give Hoagie your tentacle chart and then give Bernard the scalpel.


Go upstairs to the hall with three doors. Go through the middle door which
the flag room. Use the tentacle chart with the patterns which are on a
You will see the future when the flag is a tentacle.


Exit the lab then go upstairs. Go through the left door into the
room. Use the dime on the Fickle Fingers Coin Slot then close the doors and
the keys out of the knob.

Exit back into the hall then go through the middle doors. You will be stuck
behind a chain locked door with a suicidal guy on the bed. Give Mr. Suicide
the letter and he will run off. Pick up the invisible ink on the table near
the door and the fake gun near the bed.

Leave back into the hall then enter the right door which leads to Green
Tentacle’s room. “Push” the speaker nearest the bed then turn on the stereo.
You will see the fake barf fall off the roof. Pick up the tape on top of the
stereo then exit back to the hall.

Go up the stairs to your right and enter the door to your right. You will be
Stamp-guy’s room. Pick up the hamster then use the invisible ink on the
book. You’ll be kicked out. Pick up the stamp book and the solitary stamp.
(Optional: you can return his stamp book but I prefer to leave him pissed
If you re-enter and use the computer you can play a bit of “Maniac Mansion”
(for those of you who don’t know it is the prequel of “DOTT”).

Enter the surveillance room to your left and “push” Edna. Because you
the hammers of Ned and Jed in Hoagies time the arm that is sticking out is
the other side so she can’t grab onto it. Use the tape in the VCR then leave
and continue upstairs. Walk through the door and out the window. Pick up the
crank beneath the flagpole and go down the chimney.

You will be in a party room. Use the scalpel and destroy Ozzo. Pick up the
Box O’ Laughs from the remains. Open the grate to the left of the fireplace.
On the far right of the room there is a set of chattering teeth. Attempt to
pick them up and they run away. What you have to do is chase it into the
and, when it’s trapped, pick it up. On the table nearest the guy with a
of cigars there is a cigarette lighter that looks like a gun. Substitute his
gun with your “BANG” gun and ask the guy for a cigar.

After that enter the swinging door which leads to the kitchen. Pick up the
on the table and both coffee jugs on the coffee machine.

Enter the right door. In a cabinet you will find a funnel.

Go back to the room with the grandfather clock and pick up the barf on the
floor. Go outside to see a guy in a balaclava breaking into a car. Give him
keys and he will give you a crowbar.

Go back inside and use the crowbar with the dime on the ground the go into
grandfather clock. Use the decaf in the doctor’s coffee to make him

Go back to the room with the sleeping guy. When you click on the dime he’ll
chew off the second hand gum. Delicious. Use the dime on the Fickle Fingers
Coin Slot and watch him fall off his bed. Pick up the sweater on the bed.

Exit back into the hall and put your hamster in the freezer. Use the crowbar
the candy machine.

Go up to the surveillance room and look at the monitor. You will see the
opening and shutting the safe in the office. Press the red button to record
him. The feds come and take him away. Rewind the tape and watch it in slow
motion (the sp & ep button).

Go down to the office and pick up the contract from the safe.

Go up the chimney of the party room and go into the window. You will see the
doctor tied up. Pickup the rope and use it on the pulley just outside the
window. Go outside and use the red paint on Ted, the deceased member of
the family holding the bird bath, then use the rope on him. Go back to the
pulley and “pull” the rope. Go back through the window and “use” the doctor
with the Ted. After that use the rope with Dr. Fred then go out the window
"pull" the rope. Watch both of you fall.

You’ll bring him back to the lab. Dr. Fred will be lying on the floor. Use
funnel with him then use the regular coffee on the funnel. When the doctor
wakes up give him the contract. Say "Okay I'll just stop Purple myself".
the contract.
(Give Laverne the crank)


When in the kennel tell the gaoler you are sick.
When in the doctors office exit it, enter the top door and go up the
Use the crank on the crank box under the flagpole and pick up the flag. Use
flag and you will wear it.

Go back down the chimney and talk to the tentacle you find on the far right
the room. He will give you a name tag.

Go back to the grandfather clock room and go upstairs. Look at the freezer
pick up the hamster. Then enter far left door. Use the can opener with the
capsule and pick up the vinegar in it.

Go back to the hall and enter the next/middle door. Pick up the extension
near the mummy then use the skates, located on the shelf, on the mummy. Push
the mummy and it will fly down to the other humans.

Go back down to your mummy (the grandfather clock room) and use your name
on it. The humans – and the mummy – will go up to the judging area.

Go to the judging area (up two sets of stairs). Use the dentures, the Box O’
Laughs and the spaghetti on the mummy. To make the spaghetti hair nice, neat
and pretty use the fork on it. Now we have to eliminate the competition :-).
Use the fake barf on Harold (lady in tutu with funky stuff in her hair). Now
for the judging. Ask the judges, to the right of the room, to judge on the
various contests: Hair, smile and laugh. Congratulations you just won the
contest; your prizes being a trophy and a food certificate.

Go back to the kennel and give the gift certificate to the gaoler so he will
go away.

Go outside and use the Boo-Boo Be Gone on the fence. (This will only work if
the cat is there. I think the cat gets there when you wear the flag). When
do this the cat will shoot out onto the roof. You then use the toy mouse
the cat.

Go back to the kennel and flick the switch. You offer the humans freedom but
they do not want it. Scare them away by “use”ing the cat.


Go to the suggestion box room and give George the exploding cigar. When it
blows off he looses his teeth so give him the chattering teeth. Thomas
Jefferson thinks he’s cold so he starts a fire. Now John Hancock doesn’t
need a
blanket so it is left on the floor. Pick it up.

Go up to the roof and use the blanket on the chimney.

When John, Tom and George leave get the gold plated quill on the table and
to the constitution.

Go down into the grandfather clock and give the doctor the gold quill, the
and the vinegar. With these items he makes the super-battery. Pick it up (to
the left of Red’s head).

Next go to Ben’s room and “give” him the lab coat. He will take you outside
ask you to “push” the kite at the right time. When he hands you the kite use
the super-battery with it and “push” it when he says “NOW”.

Go back to the outhouse and use the super-battery with the plug.

Go down past the carriage to the mailbox. Use the stamp on the contract then
use it with the mailbox.


Go to the laundry (near the party room) and insert the sweater into the
Use your numerous coins with the coin slot.

Go to Mr. Suicide’s room and “use” the TV. Then use his phone and the
Swiss bankbook to order the diamond advertised.


Go to the laundry and pick up the sweater. Exit the room and use the hamster
the microwave. Use the sweater with the hamster.

Go down the grandfather clock and enter the lab. Use the toasty-warm hamster
with the power generator and a boxing glove will punch you. The hamster will
scamper into a mouse hole. Use the vacuum cleaner with the mouse hole to
retrieve the hamster. Open the vacuum’s hatch and pick up the dust
ball/hamster. Use the hamster again with the generator and it will run. Now
the extension cord with the outlet then use it with the window. Go outside
the Chrono-John and plug the extension cord into the plug.

There will be a cut scene of you all coming back. The doctor tells you to go
back one day to turn off the SludgeO’Matic but purple tentacle goes into one
of the Chrono Johns and Green goes after him as well. Left with only one
outhouse all three heroes cram into it and travel back in time.
they were mutated together.


Old Purple zaps you with his diminuator and you flee to sleeping guy’s room.

Exit into the hall and enter Mr. Suicide’s room; you will be zapped on the

Go through the mouse hole into Green’s room. Wait for you to regain your
and pick up the bowling ball.

Go downstairs into the grandfather clock. Use the bowling ball on the mass
purple tentacles. When you attempt to turn off the SludgeO’Matic Old Purple
Tentacle stops you and zaps you. Talk to him and convince him to zap Dr.
Ask him what it is he has against humans. After he answers say it was Fred's
fault then ask him to shoot Fred.
The Diminuator’s bolt will ricochet off Dr. Fred zapping back at Old Purple
Cutscene then credits.


This document is copyright 2005 Paul Foster.
You may own a printed version.

This FAQ is allowed on:
This FAQ should not be posted anywhere else without my permission.

The latest version of this walkthrough can be found at

If you wish to reproduce this FAQ you must email me asking for permission.
must be unaltered and give credit.


People will be added when they write in with advice about the FAQ.


If you see anything that could be improved or that is just incorrect please
Email me.
If you wish to put this FAQ up on your site it you must ask my permission

Copyright, 2005, Paul Foster
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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