Day of the Tentacle

Day of the Tentacle

17.10.2013 04:05:32
Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle
by Ed the Moogle
Version 1.0
Copyright 2001 Ed the Moogle

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"Okay, we'll spread out- commando style!"

After the intro and the opening credits, you will gain control of Bernard in
the main lobby of the Mansion. Look over in the corner to see an old friend
(heh heh), and you can also look up on the ceiling to see some fake barf. You
can't get to it at the moment, but you'll need it later. Pick up the flier in
the flier rack nearby.

"George says that every American should have a vacuum cleaner in their

Now check out the broken phone and pick up the dime in the coin slot. There's
another dime stuck in some gum on the floor. You'll have to come back later for
this one too. Head into the office behind the desk. Pick up the Swiss Bankbook
off the desk, and then open the desk drawer and pick up the Booboo B Gone
(white out). You can check out the other stuff in here for a few laughs if you

Head out into the lobby again. Pick up the Help Wanted sign in the window.

"Help Wanted. Lab assistant. Hard working moronic drone needed to assist genius
with experiments."

Look out the window to witness someone breaking into a car (this will come into
play later). Now head over to that grandfather clock and open it.
Congratulations, you've found Dr. Fred's "seckrit" lab and the Tentacles!
Purple Tentacle makes a quick escape. Dr. Fred comes up with a plan to use his
time-travelling "Chron-o-John" to go back in time and turn off his Sludge O
Matic machine, so that the whole mess with the Purple Tentacle never happens.

"Has anyone ever been hurt using this thing?"
"Of course not! This is the first time I've ever used it on people."

Of course, the game would be over too soon if the solution was that easy, so
something had to give- in this case, the machine's power generator malfunctions
due to a problem with the "diamond" it's powered on, throwing Hoagie into the
past, Laverne into the future, and Bernard back to the present.

"And they said imitation Diamond wasn't good enough! ...Uh oh!"

Now you'll need to find Dr. Fred's plans for a Super Battery so you can send
them to Hoagie and power the Chron-o-John (it is kind of hard to find a
reliable electrical source in the 1700s, you know).

The solution to this puzzle is so easy that you may have already stumbled
across it (or overlooked it). If not, you won't have to look far. Just check
the bulletin board next to the Sludge-o-Matic to find the plans. Dr. Fred will
appear from seemingly nowhere and activate the Chron-o-John, sending the
battery plans to Hoagie.

You can now switch between Bernard and Hoagie at will by clicking the
character's icon on the command menu. Go back to controlling Bernard for now.
Head upstairs from the main lobby and enter the first room you come across.
Close the door and collect the keys in the doorknob. Check the TV to find a
place to buy that diamond Dr. Fred needs.

"This beautiful 4,000 carat diamond can be yours today! For the special,
rock-bottom introductory price of... 2 million dollars!"

Note: Newspaper headlines about the Purple Tentacle's progress in taking over
the world will pop up occasionally. They're pretty funny, so be sure to read

Needless to say, you won't be able to get ahold of that diamond for quite a
while (Dr. Fred's broke, as indicated in the Swiss Bankbook), so head out of
this room for now, and head into the next room for a rather funny scene. Grab
the Invisible Ink off the nightstand, talk to Dwayne if you wish (not much of
use to you will come from it, but hey, it's up to you), then head out of here.

Head into the next room to meet the Green Tentacle. Grab that videotape off of
his stereo. You can talk to him if you want about several things (including his
band- Green T and the Sushi Platter). Turn on the stereo to listen to his
music, and then push the speaker over to knock the fake barf off the ceiling in
the lobby. Head back down there to pick it up.

Go upstairs and take the right-hand door to meet Wierd Ed. You can talk to him
if you wish, but he doesn't really have much of interest to say.

Grab the hamster from the cage, and then use the invisible ink on his stamp
collection. After he flings the stamp album at you, pick it up and take the
Pony Express stamp that falls out. Now give Ed back his stamp album.

Note: Check the computer and you can play the original Maniac Mansion game!
However, I don't think there's a way to return to Day of the Tentacle once you
go into MM1, so be sure to save your game before you play. You can also check
my Maniac Mansion FAQ if you need help with the original game (Available at

Now head upstairs to the next room. The next two rooms are pretty nondescript,
so move through them until you reach the roof. Grab the crank, and then climb
down the chimney to end up in the party room (this room is also accessible from
the top door in the main hall, just so you know). Open the grate, then go over
to the chattering teeth and try to pick them up. Lead them into the vent (walk
behind them so that they move away from you until they get caught in the vent)
and then pick them up. Now take the swinging door into the kitchen. Pick up the
Decaf and Caffienated coffee from the coffeemaker, and the fork on the table.
Enter the next room (the laundromat), open the cupboard and take the funnel

Now head back to the main lobby and go outside to the guy breaking into the
car. Give him the keys you found behind the door earlier, and in exchange he
will give you his crowbar. Head back into the lobby and use the crowbar to pry
the gum with the dime in it off the floor. Pick up the gum, and then "pick up"
the gum again once it's in your inventory to seperate the dime and the wad of

Head upstairs to the first room on the left again, and use both dimes in the
Ficklefingers Coin Slot on the bed. Once the conventioneer falls off the bed,
grab the sweater. Now head out in the hall and use the crowbar on the vending
machine to collect a fortune in quarters.

"I figure this is about $876,600 worth of quarters."

Now return to the laundry room and put the sweater in the dryer. Finally, put
your quarters in the coin slot. Needless to say, that dryer is going to be
running for a very long time indeed.

You can't do much more as Bernard for now, so give the false teeth, flier, and
textbook to Hoagie (to give something to another character, choose the item,
and then click the character's icon in the lower-right hand side of the

"Oh, great. I'm stuck in colonial times, Tentacles are taking over the world,
and now the toilet's backing up!"

Once Hoagie picks up the plans in the cutscene, head over to the inn. (Talk to
Ben Franklin if you want- he's up on the hill). Open the mailbox and take the
letter inside. Now head inside and open up the grandfather clock to end up in
Red Edison's lab. Pick up the left-handed hammer on the table, then hand Red
the battery plans. He'll say that he needs some vinegar, oil, and gold to
complete the design.

Head upstairs and go into the third room from the left. Pick up the bottle of
wine, then head upstairs. Talk to the horse if you wish, then head into the
nearby room to meet Ned and Jed Edison.

"Please go away. We artists are very sensitive to your kind of people."
"What kind of people?"
"Big, dumb people."

Use the left-handed hammer with the right-handed one being used by Ned. After a
brief cutscene, you will find that the present has changed slightly (heh heh).
This will come into play later.

For now, go upstairs to find a cat playing with a squeaky mouse toy. Pick up
the can of red paint near the stairs. Use the squeaky mattress (on the bed in
the foreground) with Jed's bed (the one in the background). Now Use Jed's bed
to lure the cat away from the mouse toy, then pick up the mouse toy. Now head
out the window, and then go down the chimney.

Head through the swinging door into the kitchen. Pick up the spaghetti and the
oil from the shelves. Head into the pantry from here and pick up the bucket.
Open up the cabinet and grab the brush. Now head back into the kitchen, and use
the bucket with the water pump. Talk to the founding fathers if you wish (they
won't have much to say for now), then head back upstairs to the hallway, and
head into the first door on the left. Push George's bed, then pull the cord.
Head out of the room once the maid shows up, then grab the soap off of the
cart. Use the soap on the bucket of water to get...what else- soapy water!

A cutscene about Ben Franklin may show up, cluing you in on the fact that he
needs some bad weather to conduct his experiment. As any car owner knows, it
invariably rains outside on the day one goes to wash their car. But since cars
weren't around yet in the late 1700's, the carriage outside the inn will have
to do. Use the bucket of soapy water on the carriage to summon a nasty
thunderstorm and Ben will retreat inside.

"The science of (something), like your mind, is still in a state of relevant
"What... a... genius."

Head back over to the outhouses and use the red paint on the nearby kumquat
tree. Now go inside and say "I bet you've lost it..." to Washington. He'll go
outside and chop down the tree (which, coincidentially, is the same tree that
Laverne is stuck in 400 years in the future). Now Laverne is playable, but
there's still some things to be done with Hoagie.

Go back into the main hall and use the flier in the suggestion box.

"It says, 'George says that everyone should have a vacuum cleaner in their
"What's a vacuum cleaner?"

Now send Bernard the letter that you found in the mailbox. As Bernard, head to
the upstairs hallway, second room, and give the letter to Dwayne. Enter the
room and pick up the flag gun. Now head over to the main hall (where you found
the chattering teeth), and switch it with the cigar lighter. Talk to the cigar
salesman and accept his offer for a (exploding) cigar. Send the lighter and the
cigar to Hoagie.

As Hoagie, head downstairs to the main hall and use the cigar on George
Washington, which will blast his wooden teeth clear across the room. Now offer
him the chattering teeth. This will inspire our founding fathers to build a
fire with their beloved wooden log. Give Thomas Jefferson the bottle of wine,
then pick up John Hancock's blanket. Finally, Go to Red's lab and give him the

Now go up two floors and use the textbook on the horse. When he falls asleep,
take his dentures. Now go back up to the roof and use the blanket on the
chimney for a rather humorous scene. Return to the main hall and pick up the
quill pen. Give it to Red Edison.

Switch back to Bernard for now and use the decaf coffee in Dr. Fred's coffee
mug. He'll sleepwalk up to his office and begin opening and closing the safe
due to a horrible dream that has haunted him (and thus drove him to stay awake
through the use of coffee) for the last 2 years. Go upstairs to Nurse Edna's
room, and push Nurse Edna out the door.

"You know what they say. If you want to save the world, you've got to push a
few old ladies down the stairs!"

Use the videotape in the VCR, then look at the nearby monitor. Press the button
with the red dot on it to record Dr. Fred's actions in his office (and witness
some IRS agents arriving on the scene to arrest him). Move the switch on the
lower-right from "SP" to "EP," and then press rewind (the button with the
double white arrows pointing to the left), and then play back the tape (the
single white arrow) in order to see the scene again in slow motion, and thus
get the combination to the safe. Press the eject button (the up-pointing arrow)
to exit the monitor view. Now go downstairs, open up the safe, grab that
contract, and put the Pony Express stamp on it.

Switch over to Laverne.

"Damn that Dr. Fred!"
"Hey, she knows the Edison family motto!"

Talk to the guard tentacle and tell him that you have to use the bathroom.
Switch to Hoagie and send Laverne the squeaky mouse toy, dentures, spaghetti,
and can opener. Now switch to Bernard and send the Booboo B Gone, crank, fake
barf, and fork to Laverne, and have Laverne send the scalpel to Bernard.

As Laverne again, talk to the tentacle to return to the cell. Talk to the guard
again and tell him "I don't feel so good." In the doctor's office, pick up the
tentacle chart. The rest of the room is pretty nondescript. Return to the
kennel. Now tell the guard "I have to use the bathroom" again, and send the
tentacle chart to Hoagie.

As Hoagie, go to the second room in the upstairs hallway and use the tentacle
chart on the patterns. This will cause the American flag to be shaped like a
Tentacle in the future. Ahhh, messing with history is fun. Now send the red
paint to Bernard.

Switch back to Laverne and return to the cell again, then tell the guard "I
don't feel so good." From here, enter the second door from the left. Now go
into the third door from the left in this hallway to find the kitchen. Head
into the laundry room, where the dryer's cycle will just now be finishing. Open
up the dryer and pick up the shrunken sweater. Go back out into the hall and
squeeze through the chimney to find yourself on the roof. Use the crank on the
crank box, then use the crank to lower the now-altered American flag, then snag
it. Now use the flag.

Since you now possess a makeshift tentacle disguise, you can move around the
house freely. First, talk to the blue tentacle on the right-hand side of the
hall to get some name tags and a bit of info about the "human show" (a regular
event held by tentacles). Since the grandfather clock is under guard, head
upstairs to the hallway for now. Go into the first room on the left, and use
the can opener to crack open the time capsule (look familiar?). Pick up the
vinegar you find within, and send it to Hoagie.

As Hoagie, give the vinegar to Red Edison, then pick up the super battery off
the shelf. Well, you've got the battery. Now all you have to do is charge it

Switch back to Laverne. Head into the next room and pick up the extension cord
and the roller skates. Use the skates on the mummy (Cousin Ted), then push the
mummy. Now go downstairs and use the name tag on the mummy. This will cause the
Human Show to begin.

Switch over to Bernard and head to the main hall. Use the scalpel on Oozo the
clown (and watch Bernard viciously kill the inflatable terror), then pick up
the Box O' Laughs. Send it to Laverne. Now go upstairs and stuff the hamster in
the ice machine on the second floor.

Switch back to Laverne and grab the frozen hamster from the ice machine. Now
wander over to the kitchen and put the hamster in the microwave.

"Gosh, I really hope this isn't like the microwaves from my century. Those
could really pop a hamster good...uh oh."

Use the sweater on the soggy wet hamster to get a toasty warm hamster. Now head
upstairs to the Human show. Use the wet spaghetti, Box O' laughs, and dentures
on the mummy. Finally, use the fork on the mummy's head, and talk to the judges
about judging each of the three categories.

When it becomes clear that you won't be able to win by playing fair, it's time
for a little sabotage. Use the Fake Barf on the top contestant, Harold, to take
him out of the contest. Now talk to the judges again to win the contest, a
trophy and a dinner certificate.

Exit the house and walk over to the right, where you'll find a cat scratching
itself on the fence. Get close enough so that it ducks under the fence, and
then use the Booboo B Gone on the fence. When the cat runs up to the roof, use
the squeaky mouse toy to lure it down and catch it.

Now return to the "kennel" and give the guard the dinner certificate. Push the
switch to turn off the shield, and use the cat scare the Edison family away.

"You can't do this! This is an escape-proof facility!"

Enter the now-unguarded hidden passage under the grandfather clock. Put the
hamster in the wheel, then pick up the hubcap that flies off of the car due to
Laverne's high-velocity impact. Meanwhile, the hamster will retreat into a
nearby mousehole. Use the U-Suck vacuum to retrieve the hamster from the hole,
then open up the vac's hatch and pick up the dust ball, which turns out to be
your hamster. Put the hamster in the wheel again, then head outside and plug in
the extension cord to the Chron-o-John, then use the Extension cord on the
window. Head back to the basement and plug the cord into the hamster generator.
Laverne's ready to go.

Switch back to Bernard and return to the main hall. Climb up the chimney and
enter the attic to find Dr. Fred tied up. Pull the ropes to untie him, then go
back out on the roof and run the rope through the pulley. Return through the
chimney, go out into the lobby, and out the front door. Use the red paint on
Dead Cousin Ted.

"Ted is red. See red Ted."

Use the dangling rope on Ted to tie a noose around him. Now go back to the roof
and pull the rope to send Ted flying in the window, where Dr. Fred is tied up.
Go back onto the roof and enter the attic. Use Ted with Dr. Fred to create a
makeshift decoy, then tie Dr. Fred to the rope, return to the roof, and pull
the rope.

Once back in the lab, use the funnel on Dr. Fred, then use the coffee to wake
him up. Once he's awake, talk to him and say "Fine, I'll save the world
myself.", then say "I offered him a bribe." Dr. Fred will sign the contract.
Flush it to Hoagie.

As Hoagie, drop the contract in the mailbox just outside the inn. Then switch
back to Bernard.

Now that Dr. Fred has some cash, get to a phone (any phone besides the broken
one in the lobby will work), then order the big diamond from the TV. After the
sequence, flush the Help Wanted sign to Hoagie.

As Hoagie, give the Help Wanted sign to Red Edison, then pick up the lab coat
on the wall. Go upstairs to the third door on the left and give the lab coat to
Ben Franklin. When Ben goes outside and hands you the kite, use the battery on
the kite, then push the kite. After the sequence, pick up the fully-charged
battery. Now return to the outhouses and use the battery on the Chron-O-John's
plug. Now that Hoagie is ready, Dr. Fred will throw the switch and return both
of them to the present.

Dr. Fred decides to proceed with the original plan to return to yesterday and
turn off the sludge-o-matic (and thus prevent Purple Tentacle from becoming
evil), but Purple tentacle shows up on the scene first and hijacks the
Chron-o-John. Green tentacle then shows up and takes another one to the past.
Laverne, Hoagie and Bernard take the last one and warp into the past, but
emerge as a bizarre three-headed mutant!

Well, as it turns out, the Purple Tentacle tied up the green tentacle and has
amassed an army of Purple Tentacles with the help of the Chron-o-john. He sends
ten of them to guard the sludge-o-matic, then the future version of Purple
Tentacle fires his shrinking ray, shrinking you to a fraction of your former
size (it wears off shortly, though).

After running upstairs, open the second door in the hallway. Purple Tentacle
will use his shrink ray on you again. Quickly run into the room and enter the
mousehole before the effect wears off. Wait for the effect to wear off in the
Green Tentacle's room, then grab the bowling ball and go downstairs.

"Look behind you! A three-headed monkey!"
"The only three-headed monkey here is in front of us. Now buzz off!"

Use the bowling ball on the Purple Tentacles guarding the machine to literally
bowl them over. An automatic sequence will occur where Bernard, Hoagie, and
Laverne shut off the machine, but the future Purple Tentacle shows up again and
turns it back on.

Talk to the Purple Tentacle and say "Why do you hate humans," then "Sounds like
you just hate Dr. Fred." Then say "Why don't you zap Fred with the ray gun?"

Congrats. You've beaten Day of the Tentacle. Sit back and watch the ending

"Well kiddies, it's been more fun than a hotel full of weasels. Now kindly get
your freakish hide out of my home!"


Note: There is a "copy protection" on the Floppy-disc version of the game. The
solution can be found in the game's instruction manual. I will not supply it in
this FAQ or by e-mail due to legal reasons. If you lose your game's manual, you
can get another one via the number in the game's README file.

Questions, comments and corrections can be addressed to or Put "Maniac Mansion: DOTT FAQ" in the subjec

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