Suikoden 2

Suikoden 2

17.10.2013 02:57:20
SUIKODEN 2 Character Recruitment Guide
(c) Adam Doran (

1. Contents (this)
2. Introduction
3. Copyright Information (c)
4. 108 Stars of Destiny Recruiting Guide
- Stone Tablet format guide
- Flying Squirrels
- 4 Monsters of the Listening Crystals
- Other
5. Acknowledgements
|This guide WILL spoil the game for you if you haven't seen it |
|Through to the end already. It is recommended that you complete|
|The game first and then use this guide to help you get all the |
|Characters on your next play of the game. |
This guide is intended for use by people who are not worried
About spoilers, have already completed the game or have just to
Look it up as a quick reference guide.

If you are looking for a specific character either press CTRL + F
And type in the name of the Character, or click on the edit tab
In the top left of your screen and then 'Find' for the same result

This document is protected by US Copyright Law, and the Berne
Copyright Convention of 1976. It is for private and personal
use only -- it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or
reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It
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This FAQ cannot be altered, or used by anybody (including web
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Adam Doran ( All copyrights and trademarks
are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically
mentioned herein.

This Guide can be found at:
Stone Tablet Format Guide
1st page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
TENKAI NA You are him, this is who
Riou (HERO) you control

TENKI Radat Automatically joins you
Shu after the scenes where
you are looking for the
coin he threw in the

TENYU Highway Town Go to Highway town and
Humphrey enter the inn. Talk to
Humphrey and you will
Start an event where
Kent goes to Rakutei Mt
to see a dragon. You can
help them by going to
Rakutei Mt. And saving
Kent from danger. After
The event He will join

TENMOU Headquarters When you beat him in a
Kiba war battle he will join
after you accept him as
part of your army

TENEI Tigermouth Enter Tigermouth with
Sierra Kahn in your party and
you will see her and end
up fighting her. Defeat
her and she will join you

TENFU Greenhill Once Teresa is out of the
Nina city and safe she will
join you at your castle

TENKO South Window When the Mayor of South
Viktor window asks you to take a
look at what's happening
in North Window he will
join you then

1st page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
TENGOU Two River Ridley will join if you
Ridley decide to defend
-{OR}- Two River from Kiba and
Boris Klaus' army. If you
choose to run away in
Tinto then Ridley will
be killed and Boris will
take his place

TENKAI Headquarters Leknaat brings him to you
Luc when you establish your
castle. He automatically
joins you

TENYU Tinto He will join you once you
Hauser have defeated Neclord for

TENI Cave of Wind Go to the place where you
Pesmerga found the Star Dragon
Sword once you have 100
or more Stars and talk
to him where he will join

TENKI Greenhill Once you have helped her
Teresa escape the city she will
Join your army

TENMAN ??????????? See the Monster
MONSTER 1 Recruiting section at
the bottom of the guide

TENSYO Gregminster If you choose Valeria at
Valeria or Gregminster she will
-{OR}- Ryube, NE path appear here. Valeria is
Tomo a better fighter over
Kasumi and she can help
you get Anita a bit
earlier. But note, if you
Choose Kasumi instead
this spot will be
replaced by Tomo
2nd page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
TENRITSU Two River He will join you
Fitcher automatically when you
Have defended Two River
From Kiba and Klaus'

TENAN Headquarters After you have defended
Flik your castle for the first
time he will join you

TENKU Tinto He will join you once you
Jess have defeated Neclord for

TENI Tigermouth Once you have defeated
Georg Neclord for good, head to
Tigermouth Path and talk
To him and he will join

TENBI South Window Talk to him in South
Killey Window and direct
Him to Alex at the inn.
Now, head back to the
Inn and you will see an
Event. Choose the option
To see how it unfolds and
Killey will walk away. Go
Back to South Window and
Keep on asking him to
Join and after the 3rd or
4th try he will join you.
You can also take Lorelai
with you to see him and
he will join you, but only
after Luca Blight has been

TENTAI ??????????? See the Monster
MONSTER 2 Recruiting section at
The bottom of the guide

TENKEN Coronet When Tai Ho and Yam Koo
Rina agree to take you to
Kuskus, go back to the
inn and talk to her and
she will join you

TENZAI Coronet When Tai Ho and Yam Koo
Eilie agree to take you to
Kuskus, go back to the
inn and talk to her and
she will join you

2nd page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
TENSYO South Window Once you have used your
Clive boat that you need to get
to Lake West you can go
back to South Window and
tell him you can offer
him a ride. He then joins
NOTE: you must have
helped Elza in Muse after
the sindar ruins events
otherwise he wont join

TENYU Ryube Village NE path When you need to repair
Tsai the fire spears to fight
off the Highland Army you
get sent to his house at
the end of the Forest
path where he will join

TENSOKU Radat Stallion is the blue
Stallion haired Elf who is running
around in the middle of
town. After Greenhill has
fallen to Highland, Try
and talk to him and he
will race you. The key to
winning the race is the
number of times you have
run away during a battle.
You need to run away at
least 50 times and then
you will Beat him and he
will join you

TENSATU Toto Village After Highland attack
Hanna Toto, talk to her and she
will join you

TENKYU Muse/Banner Village Complement her in
Anita everyway possible and
give her Antitoxin if she
asks. Keep doing so until
the option to let her
join appears. Or you can
wait until you see her in
Banner Village. Also if
you have Valeria in your
Party she will join as
soon as you talk to her

TENJYU Kyaro She will be at the back
Nanami of your house. Talk to
her and she will join. If
you didnt/dont rescue her
from the prison, she will
join later when you travel
to Muse after the Mercenary
Fort is burnt down

TENHEI Kuskus Port Around the time you need
Tai Ho a boat to get to Lake
West go to the Port and
win 5000 Potch off him at
Chinchirorin. If he
beats you, you have to
win back the money you
you lost on top of the
5000 Potch. TIP: if it
gets too high, just quit
the game and talk to him
again and it will go back
to 5000 Potch

TENSON Kuskus Port He joins with Tai Ho when
Yam Koo you win 5000 Potch off
him at Chinchirorin

3rd page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
TENPAI Coronet When Tai Ho and Yam Koo
Bolgan agree to take you to
Kuskus, go back to the
inn and talk to him and
his sisters and they will
join you

TENSUI Kobold Village After you have defended
Tengaar Two River from Highland
Head to Lake West and go
to the inn. You will see
Them there and they will
Go to Kobold Village.
Head over to Kobold
Village and go to the
Chiefs house in the north
You have to help them
Complete the Unicorn
Quest and when you have
Finished it they will
Join you

TENKOKU Radat To the immediate right of
Yoshino Appraisal shop is a
small area behind a wall
where Yoshino is washing,
If you take her husband
Freed Y to see her she
will ask you if she can
join Your army. Say yes
and she's all yours

CHIKAI Headquarters He joins with his father
Klaus Kiba when you defeat
them in a war battle

CHIYU Lake West He hints that he likes
Tetsu 'toasty' people so you
need something to make
you just that. Go to Two
River and enter the
Kobold District (the
northern part) and buy
some Fried Tacos and head
back to Tetsu in Lake
West. Use the Fried Tacos
until you see smoke
coming from your head.
When you do talk to Tetsu
and he will like it and
join your army

CHIYU Forest Village When your castle is
Wakaba Level 2 and Riou (HERO)
Is above Lv30, go and
Talk to Wakaba and he/she
Will join you. Beware
She does go straight into
Your first team so if
You're planning anything
Important, you can get
Her later if you wish

CHIEI Coronet Sharpen Riou's weapon to
Genshu at least Lv14 and then
Talk to him on the docks
And he will join you

CHIMOU Rockaxe After helping him with
Miklotov his mission to Muse, head
Back to Rockaxe and he
Will join you with Camus

3rd page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
TENROU Kobold Village After you have defended
Hix Two River from Highland
Head to Lake West and go
To the inn. You will see
Them there and they will
Go to Kobold Village.
Head over to Kobold
Village and go to the
Chiefs house in the north
You have to help them
Complete the Unicorn
Quest and when you have
Finished it they will
Join you

TENBOU Headquarters Once you have banished
Freed Y Neclord from North Window
and South Window has been
taken over by Highland he
agrees to join you

TENKOU Two River After You successfully
Chaco defend Two River from
Kiba and Klaus' group he
Will be at the entrance
Of town where he will
Join you

CHIRETSU Victors Fort During War battle No.3
Gilbert you will notice Gilbert
In the middle of your
Army and the Highland
Army. Don't kill him but
Merely wound him so that
Only 1 sword is above
His unit and after the
Fight he will join you.
If you kill him or don't
Damage his unit at all
He will not join so save
The game before the

CHIKETSU Two River After Greenhill has
Jeane fallen to Highland go to
The Rune shop in the
Lower part of the city
And ask her to join and
She will. She opens a
Rune shop in your castle

CHII South Window After Luca Blight has
Max been killed, walk into
South Window and just as
you enter you will see
Max who now joins you

CHIKI Rockaxe After helping Miklotov
Camus with his mission to Muse,
Head back to Rockaxe and
And he will join with

CHIBUN Greenhill After you have recaptured
Jude Greenhill, give him some
Clay and he will join you
Clay can be found in
Forest Village behind
The house on the right

4th page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHISEI Radat To make Lebrante join,
Lebrante you will need to let him
appraise a Celadon Urn.
You can buy these from
the trade centre in
Gregminster or you can
fight the flying
squirrels who
occasionally drop them

CHITOU Forest Village When your castle is
Tony Level 2, head to the
Elders house at the back
Of the village and talk
To him twice. The elder
Will then allow him to
Join you. Also when Tony
Has moved, talk to the
Elder once again and he
Will give you some seeds
To give to Tony back at
The castle

CHIAN Ryube Village Before the Village is
Rikimaru or burnt down you will see
Coronet him on the floor outside
the inn. He is hungry so
if you pay for his meal
(3000 Potch) he will
join you. If you leave it
too late and Ryube gets
destroyed, you can find
him in Coronet instead

CHIKAI Radat Port Go to Banner Village and
Simone buy a Rose Brooch. Then
go to the left of the
port area and give it to
him, then he will join

CHIYU Two River Go to the inn and head
Hans upstairs. Talk to him
There and ask him to
Join and he will

CHIJYU Muse After the meeting on
Tuta Jowsten Hill he will be
outside a house near the
centre of town. Talk to
him and he will take you
inside where Huan lets
him go with you. If you do
not recruit him in Muse
he will join
automatically after you
defeat Solon Jhee's army

CHIKYU Ryube,NE path When Tsai asks you to go
Tomo or back to his house to get
-{OR}- Gregminster some tools, take him.
Kasumi Upon entering, his
daughter Tomo will be
there and she will join
you. NOTE if you choose
Kasumi in Gregminster,
Tomo will be moved to
Valeria's spot. and
Kasumi will go here.
Kasumi allows you to
enter Rokkaku Hamlett
where you can recruit
Mondo and Sasuke,
otherwise you will have
to wait until you have
over 100 stars until you
can go there.

CHIZEN Tinto Mines When your castle is at
Mazus level 4, head into the
Mines and he will be
Where there are slides

4th page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHIKATSU Gregminster Once your castle is at
Lorelai level 3 go and talk to
Her once you have
recruited Killey and she
will join you

CHIKYOU Tinto He will join you once you
Gijimu have defeated Neclord for

CHIJIKU South Window Gantetsu is the man
Gantetsu standing in front of the
statue on the east side
of town. After Neclord
has been defeated in
Tinto go and push him
by walking into his side
until he moves. He will
join if you manage to
move him

CHISA Forest Village When your castle is at
Connell Level 3, take him a sound
Set and he will join you.
When you talk to him in
Your castle he can offer
To change the sound
Effects that occur on the
Games various menus

CHIREI Headquarters When you have established
Huan your castle he will join
automatically along with
Flik, Luc and Leona

CHIBI Highway Town Go to Highway Town and
Futch enter the inn. Talk to
Humphrey and you will
Start an event where
Kent goes to Rakutei Mt
To see a dragon. You can
help them by going to
Rakutei Mt. And saving
Kent from danger. After
The event He will join

CHIBAKU Greenhill/Matilda When your castle is at
Badeaux Forest path level 3, go to the start
Of the path with an
animal such as Shiro or
any of the Flying
Squirals (see Flying
Squirals section)in your
party and talk to him.
he will join and also
give you 2 listening

CHIKOU Rokkaku Hamlet In the Forest path to
Mondo Gregminster there is a
Secret path to Rokkaku
Hamlet. It's near the end
Of the path and you have
To head south through the
Trees to find it. You
Won't be allowed in
unless You have Kasumi in
your team or you have
Over 100 Stars Of
Destiny. Talk to them and
they will join you

5th page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHIKYOU Rokkaku Hamlet In the Forest path to
Sasuke Gregminster there is a
Secret path to Rokkaku
Hamlet. It's near the end
Of the path and you have
To head south through the
Trees to find it. You
Won't be allowed in
unless You have Kasumi in
your team or you have
Over 100 Stars Of
Destiny. Talk to them and
they will join you

CHISOU South Window After you have acquired
Adlai your castle, go and talk
to him and he will ask
you for a sacrificial
Jizo. Once you have given
him one he will ask you
for a wooden shield which
can be bought from the
armourer a bit south of
his house. Then he will
have the cheek to ask you
for a Wind Crystal, go
and get one and when the
option to throw it at him
appears, do so and he
will join you

CHEMEI Gregminster You will see him
Sheena automatically at your
Castle where he will lead
You to Gregminster. While
There his father lets him
Join you

CHITAI Ryube NE path Taking the left path you
Shiro will see a Birds nest on
the ground. Place the
bird nest back in the
tree and walk to a next
screen. Walk back to the
nest and Shiro will be
there with Kinnison, say
yes you did put the nest
back and he will join you

CHISUI Greenhill When talking to her
Emilia behind her desk, tell her
The truth about who you
Are and what you're doing
And she will join you.
The correct option to
Choose is the top one. If
you didn't recruit her in
the Greenhill school
event you can get her after
you liberate Greenhill
later in the game just by
talking to her

CHIIN Kuskus After Luca Blight has been
Karen killed and you're Castle
has reached Level 3 go
and talk to her and she
will ask you to dance with
her. You must get this
100% correct with no
mistakes. This is the
button combo you have to
Triangle, Square, Circle,
X, Triangle, X, Circle,

CHIRI Crom Village Talk to him and if you
Tenkou have a Window Set in your
Inventory he will join
You. If you talk to him
At your castle he can
Offer to change the
Borders around various

CHIRAKU South Window After Luca Blight is
Annallee killed she will appear
At the inn. She will then
Walk off. You can find
her on a grass patch to
the right of where the
Mayors assembly hall is.
Talk to her and she
will ask if want to
hear a song. yes and
after the she will join

5th page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHIHI Headquarters When you have established
Leona your castle she will join
automatically with Flik,
Luc and Huan

CHIKOU Tinto Talk to her and if you
Raura have recruited Jeane she
Will join you

CHISIN Ryube NE path Taking the left path you
Kinnison will see a Birds nest on
the ground. Place the
bird nest back in the
tree and walk to a next
screen. Walk back to the
nest and Kinnison will
be there. Say yes you
did put the nest back
and he will join you

CHIMAN Radat Port When You need a boat to
Amada get to Two River City go
to the port in Radat and
Talk to him. You will
need to beat him in a
one on one battle for
him to join you

CHISYU Toto Village Talk to him with Nanami
Zamza or in your party and he will
South Window join. You must do this
before Toto is attacked
by the Highland Army other
wise he will appear in
South Window instead

CHII Tinto Lo Wen will join once you
Lo Wen have defeated Neclord for

CHISYUN Greenhill/Muse Border When your castle is at
Gadget level 2 head to the
Border between Greenhill
And Muse and you will see
an event occur. After
This agree to let Meg
Join and Gadget will join

CHITATSU Greenhill/Matilda Walk halfway down the
Viki Forest path Forest path and she will
Teleport out of nowhere.
Agree to let her join.
She offers a unique
Ability to your castle by
Allowing you to teleport
To any of the Towns or
Cities you have already
Been to

6th page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHISOKU Tinto Koyu will join you once
Koyu You have defeated Neclord
For good

CHIKEI Greenhill/Muse Border When your castle is at
Meg Level 2 head to the
Border between Greenhill
And Muse and you will
See an event occur. Let
Her join after this

CHIYOU Tinto He will join you once you
Marlowe have defeated Neclord for

CHIFUKU Toto Village After getting Pilika's
Apple Wooden Amulet walk back
to Toto. You will see her
and she automatically
joins you

CHIKU Ryube Talk to her in the
Millie village and she will ask
for your help in finding
her pet, Bonaparte. Help
her through the Forest
path and at the end of
the right hand path you
will have to fight
Bonaparte in a boss
battle, defeat it and he
will go back to Millie's
arm. She will then join

CHIZEN Lake West She is in the North
Taki western house. After you
talk to her many times
she will join you. If you
ever get stuck in the
game, go and talk to her
and she will remind you
where you have to be

CHIKAKU Two River, Kobold Get Gengen in your team
Gabocha District and head to the house on
the Far right. Gengen
will tell Gabocha he's
too young to go to war,
but when you leave the
house he will secretly
join without telling you

CHIZOU Headquarters Once your castle is at
Hai Yo Level 2 you can find him
on the second floor on
the east side of the
castle talking to someone
After that go and talk to
him and let him join your

6th page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHICHIN Radat Port Once your castle is at
Vincent Level 4 take Simone to
see him down the left
hand side of the port.
Talk to him and he will
join you

CHIMA Kyaro Going into the screen
Mukumuku with you house on, walk
up the right hand side
of the screen and there
will be a big tree by
itself. Examine the tree
3 times and Mukumuku will
fall out and join you.
Walk between Greenhill
and the Muse border and
make sure you have a
spare slot in your party
so he can join. You will
eventually get into a
fight with him, in which
you have to win for him
to join.

CHIYU Radat Talk to him and play him
Richmond at his coin flicking
game. It is impossible
to beat him so, go to the
inn. Talk to the guy
on the table nearest to
the entrance and he will
give you a coin to use
with Richmond. Go talk
to Richmond again and
tell him to use your
coin instead of he's and
he will join you

CHIHI Crom Village Take Wakaba with you to
L.C.Chan see him at the inn. He
Will run off, not paying
For his meal. Go outside
The inn and head behind
The house on the right
To find him. Talk to him
And he will join you

CHIKO Kuskus When you have taken back
Tessai Greenhill take Victor to
the Weapon sharpener and
he will want to sharpen
The star Dragon Sword
and join you

CHITHAN Victors Fort When you have to get some
Gengen Flour from Ryube he will
join you

CHISYU Kobold Village When you have completed
Yuzu Hix and Tengaars Unicorn
Quest you will see her
In the middle of town.
Agree to help her find
Her sheep and when you
Have finished, she will
join you

CHIHEI Crom Village When Tinto is taken over
Kahn by Neclord, go and talk
To Kahn and he will join
To help you kill him

7th page/LEFT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
CHISON Headquarters When your castle is
Barbara established she will join
automatically with Flik
and the others

CHISATSU Greenhill Once you have helped
Shin Teresa to escape the city
He will join you

CHISYU Lake West When your castle is
Shilo Level 2, go and talk to
him and he will challenge
you to a game of
Chinchirorin. You must
win 5000 Potch off him
so that he will join you
If you lose any amount
to him, you will have to
win that back too so be

CHIIN South Window Go to the inn and head
Hilda upstairs and into the
room on the right. Talk
to Hilda and She joins
with Alex

CHISOU Forest Village She will join along with
Ayda Feather when you have a
Listening crystal and use
It to save Feather from
The people of Forest

CHIKEN Tinto Go to the Armour shop and
Alberto talk to him, If you have
Recruited Pico and
Annallee then he will
join you

CHIZOKU Radat Once Luca Blight has been
Hoi Killed, walk into the inn
and stick up for Hoi. He
will then join you

7th page/RIGHT Location Acquired How to Acquire them
Sid Wingers district defended from the
Highland Army head into
the sewers with Chaco in
your team. When you see
the Waterfall and the
ladder, Climb down the
ladder and head left
under the waterfall to a
secret door. Head in and
You will see Sid, another
winger who wants to go
with Chaco in your army

CHIAKU Kuskus Your Team must be all
Oulan Female apart from the
hero and must have no
people in your Convoy
either. Talk to the lady
near the bridge about
bandits mugging all
female groups. Then walk
over the bridge and you
will encounter the
bandits. Oulan will come
and you can ask her to
join you. Do it

CHISU South Window Go to the inn and head
Alex upstairs and into the
room on the right. Talk
to Hilda and they agree
to join to help you out

CHIKEI Two River, Kobold Get your castle to Level
Bob district 3 and then talk to him
and he will join you

CHIRETSU Greenhill When you have Annallee in
Pico your army go and talk to
Him in the inn and he
Will join you

CHIKOU Toto Village After Victor's Fort is
Templton burnt down, go there and
you will see him trying
to get in. After talking
to him he wonders off.
Now go to Toto Village
and find him on the west
side of the village. He
will join after a

CHIKOU Gregminster Talk to him and he will
Gordon tell you to make at
Least 50,000 Potch at
Trading and he will
Join you. He opens his
Own trade centre at your

Flying Squirrels

You can recruit the Flying Squirrels much similar to Mukumuku but
they aren't counted as Stars of Destiny. To get these, you must
walk between two specified locations on the world map with best
results occurring when Riou (HERO) is the only person in the
party. He will then appear in battle with you. This can take a
long time so you have been warned!

These are there locations:

Makumaku - Walk on the road between Greenhill and Two River City
Until he appears in a fight.

Mikumiku - Walk on the road between Greenhill and Forest Village
Until she appears in a fight.

Mekumeku - Walk on the road between Greenhill and The border of
Matilda until he appears in a fight.

Mokumoku - Walk around the clearing south of Forest Village
Until he appears in a fight.

4 Monsters of the Listening Crystals

You must recruit Badeaux for any of these to join you because he
Gives you 2 Listening Crystals. When you come into contact with
Any of these Monsters, the Listening crystals will activate and
Force a scene with the Monster in that specific place. Once a
Crystal has been activated it is gone forever, so you can only
Recruit 2 of the 4 Monsters. These are entirely your choice.
Here are the Monsters and there locations:

Abizboah - Abizboah is a purple Octopus. He can be found in
The Tinto caves. Near the beginning of the caves
Is a lake, which when approached will activate a
Listening crystal and he will surface and then join

Feather - Feather is a big white bird. It can be found at the
Northern part of Forest Village. When you walk there,
a Listening Crystal will activate where you will then
have To fight a bunch of Griffins. After you defeat
them Feather will join you.

Rulodia - Rulodia only appears after you have already recruited
Abizboah. she appears in the same place Abizboah was
In Tinto caves, by the lake at the beginning. Once again
a Listening Crystal will activate and she will then join
you. You need Abizboah in your party to recruit Rulodia.
Rulodia is not a star so recruiting her will
make it impossible for you to get all 108 Stars

Sigfried - Sigfried is the Unicorn, which you may have seen once
Before if you have recruited Hix and Tengaar and done
Their unicorn quest. Go to Kobold Village with a
'Pure Maiden', Nanami will do the job or someone else
who is 'Pure' definatly not Rina, the dirty bitch.
head to the path at the North of the Village and
follow it to the end. When you get to the end area, a
Listening Crystal will activate and the Unicorn will
Appear. Defeat it and he/she will join you.


Chuchaura - Chuchaura will Appear only if you have recruited the
2 Monsters Abizboah and Rulodia. You can find Chuchaura
at the docks in your castle where you get the boats out.
Chase him until he cant run anywhere anymore and when
You've caught him, he will join. Chuchaura is not a
star, so recruiting him will make it impossible to
recruit all 108 stars

McDohl - McDohl is the Default name of the hero in the original
Suikoden. To get him you must have Suikoden and a save
At the last point in Gregminster. Then at the start of
Suikoden 2 when you select 'New Game' it will ask you
If you want to load save information from Suikoden.
Do this. The game will commence like normal but if you
Head to Banner Village and talk to the little boy in
Red, he will mention someone called McDohl is staying
at the inn and that he goes fishing a lot go up the
path that starts in the bottom right side of the
Village. If you got all 108 stars in the original
Suikoden save you loaded at the start then Gremio will
Stop you. Gremio is McDohl's friend and minder. Ellie
Will take Gremio's place if you didn't get all 108
Stars in Suikoden. Now after this go and talk to Ko
(little boy in red) and he will tell you that he
will help distract Gremio/Ellie. So off you go back up
the path and Gremio/Ellie will get distracted by Ko
and rush to save him. Now head up to the Dock and you
will meet McDohl (Wahoo!) then there will be a scene
at the inn and McDohl will offer to join you. Now head
through the Forrest path and you will encounter a worm
boss who evolves into a Poisonous Moth. After that,
head to Gregminster and Watch the scenes there. You
will eventually arrive back in Banner Village and from
then on you can go to Gregmisnter anytime you want and
re-recruit McDohl.
5. Acknowledgements
I would like to thank:

KONAMI - for making one of my most favourite games
That dodgy bloke Mick - For selling this game to me because
if I didn't buy it, me and everyone
Else I know would have never played it
Before :)
Gunloc (GameFAQS) - For helping me fine-tune this guide.
Cheers mate

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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