Suikoden 2

Suikoden 2

15.10.2013 18:56:36
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- by Travis Adkins -
- ©2001 - - a.k.a. - - Version 1.2 -
- The Leviathan -

| Legal Disclaimer |
"Suikoden" is a trademark of Konami Co., Ltd. ©1995 1998 Konami.
All rights reserved. All characters and scripts mentioned in this
guide are owned by Konami.

You, the reader, have the following rights and privileges:

1) I wrote this Companion to aid Suikoden II fans in their
completion of Clive's Quest. You may print out this guide
as is, for personal use only.

2) You cannot under any circumstances repackage or alter this
guide or take credit away from me, the writer. You cannot
post this guide on a website without my permission.

3) You cannot sell this guide whether it be for profit or
non-profit. I wrote this for fun, not for money. That
means you can't make money from it either.

4) The following sites have permission to post this FAQ:
- GameFaqs -
- psxcodez -
If you see it elsewhere, please contact me.

5) Remember, this is a COPYRIGHTED work. Simply obey all applicable
laws pertaining to copyrights and we'll get along just fine.

All this means is that you can use this guide, as is, to aid
in completing Clive's Quest. Those are pretty much the only
rights you have. If you're an honest person, those will be
the only rights you'll need.

| Introduction |
This is a Companion Guide for Suikoden II's Clive's Quest. I
haven't seen many available and the ones that I have seen are
pretty vague and in most cases, incorrect. I'm solving all that
by writing this one.

I was a bit intimidated when I first started the quest on my own,
since "20-hour limit" was expounded over and over. (That's right,
Clive's Quest has a twenty hour time limit, in case you didn't
know.) So there I was, rushing around, making sure every movement
I made was a necessary one. I only recruited Stars that were quick
and easy to get.

Well, it turns out that 20 hours is more time than you'll ever
need. I realized this when I was headed for Tinto and was only
10 hours into the game. From then on I took it easy and finished
Clive's Quest in a little under 16 hours. I even recruited most
of the Stars. Yes, it's easily possible to recruit all the Stars
while playing through Clive's Quest. If you want to, that is.

However, the big question is: "Is it worth it to play through
again simply for Clive's sake?"

If you're a big Suikoden fan, yes. Otherwise, no.

There are no secret FMV's or special endings. If you're attempting
Clive's Quest, you're doing so out of curiosity alone. See the
section titled "Spoiler Scripts" if you don't want to play, but
still want to know what happens.

I hope that you find this guide helpful and informative. I've
assumed that you've already played through Suikoden II at least
once, because spoilers are abundant here. As is customary, I've
made the hero's name "Hero" for the purposes of this guide and
sometimes I'll say "you" meaning the Hero.

|__________ CONTENTS ________________________|
|\/\/\/\/\/\ 1) The Story \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
|\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 2) Tips \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 3) The Quest \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 4) Spoiler Scripts \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|
|\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 5) Tidbits \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\|
|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/|

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In the original Suikoden, there is a grave in Rockland that reads:

/ \
/ \
| Homeless Woman's Last Words |
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| __| |__ |
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| ¯¯| |¯¯ |
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| ¯¯¯ |
| Clive, forgive me for |
| not dying at your hands |

If Clive sees this tombstone, he will say: "... It's a trick. You're
trying to deceive me again, woman. I swore I would find you, and I'll
never give up until I do. So I can kill you with my own hands."

Who is the woman that Clive is obsessed with, and why does he want to
kill her? Konami only gave us a morsel of the tale in Suikoden. Now,
in Suikoden II, you can find out the whole story, including its
violent end.

In order to do this you have to be quick in proceeding through the
plot, because the woman, "Elza", is fast as she moves from place to
place. Clive will be hard-pressed to keep up.

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| 1| In the options menu in Suikoden 2, go to Settings. Set Message
¯¯¯¯ Speed to 'Fast'. (I also prefer to have in-game windows opaque;
it's easier to read text.)

| 2| When speech boxes appear on-screen during the game, press X
¯¯¯¯ rapidly to close them. You'll notice that each message appears
a letter at a time. You have to press X twice per window to close

Explanation: Pressing X one time makes all the text appear all at
once. The second time you press X the window will close and the
next message will appear, if there is one. I make note of this
because the best way to proceed through Clive's Quest is to watch
the character portraits while in-game conversations are occuring.
Don't worry about the text, just keep pressing X. 99% of the time
it isn't necessary to read the rambling that most of the characters
say. Like Nanami. ARGH!

When you see Hero's portrait appear, it means you have to make a
decision. So when you see your character's portrait, immediately
stop pressing X so you won't accidentally make the wrong choice.
While undertaking Clive's Quest, you can't always choose the 'best'
option. Instead, choose the FASTEST option.

| 3| Always RUN. (duh)
| 4| Any time you enter a new area or town, immediately save your game.
¯¯¯¯ Figure out who you have to talk to to advance the plot or chain of
events. Write down what items and armor you want to buy and who
you want to equip them on. Make maps of dungeons and the treasures
inside. Then, reload your game and go through the same routine
except do it fast.

Since you'll know exactly what you want to purchase and who you
want to equip it on, you should hear "bleepidy-bleepidy" when
accessing menus, NOT "bleep... bleep..." This means your fingers
are moving FAST.

Referring to a walkthrough would also be wise; this way you'd know
exactly where you have to go and what you have to do. There are
plenty of nice ones available on GameFaqs, some even have maps.

| 5| There comes a point in the game when Viktor is sitting in the
¯¯¯¯ tavern and asks you if you'd like to hear a long story about
Genkaku. Say "Forget about it" and go back to bed.

Also do this for similar incidents.

| 6| Use the "Easter Egg", a well-known trick where you push through
¯¯¯¯ the barrier at the Muse/Matilda border. Don't talk to the guards
standing there; just face the gate and start pushing. You can
then get to Highway Village and Rockaxe.

I recommend doing this AFTER you're finished at the White Deer
Inn, which means you've conquered the Sindar Ruins. Of course
you could do it before the Sindar Ruins, but it'd probably be
too hard to defeat the monsters in Matilda. My time leaving
the White Deer Inn before going to Muse was 2.19.41. I then
spent roughly 1/2 hour leveling up. I went to Rockaxe and
purchased the best armor for Hero, plus a Down Rune.

I DO NOT recommend recruiting Humphrey and Futch just yet.
I found it too difficult. Wait until you have sharper weapons.

When you get into Matilda, treat the monsters there as you
would treat bosses. Use all the powerful magic at your disposal
to kill them. Head straight to Highway Village, (hopefully you've
had only 2 monster encounters; 3 is a step towards lethal), and
rest and save your game. Then run out of the town, fight some
more, then return, rest and save. You can easily get your Hero
up to level 30 or so. Jowy's Black Sword Rune will probably be
your best friend at this stage.

You don't need to spend too much time here; hurry back to Muse
to advance the plot. You'll find that you can decimate the
monsters even in the Cave of the Wind, saving you a lot of time.

| 7| If you want to recruit all 108 Stars in Clive's Quest, do it
¯¯¯¯ QUICKLY. Recruit the ones on a time limit as soon as you can,
(Mukumuku and Oulan, for example.) Then determine which ones
can wait until you have the Blinking Mirror.

Also, determine how many Stars you can recruit in one outing.
I'll use Hix's quest as an example. Wait until you have the
Blinking Mirror for this one. Put Gengen and Chaco in your
party. Recruit Gabocha in the Kobold section of Two River.
Recruit Jeanne from the Human section and recruit Sid when
the last part of the quest puts you in the Sewers underneath
the Winger section.

| 8| Don't waste too much time intentionally fighting monsters in
¯¯¯¯ each new area in order to level up. You'll find it only takes
4-5 fights in each area to level up enough to fight the boss
of that area. For instance, you can enter a dungeon, use your
magic in order to win 4-5 fights, then use an escape talisman
and return to a town to rest and save. When you reenter the
dungeon, the fights will be much easier. This works very well.

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| Introduction |
Well, here it is. This is all the places you need to be to see the
events in Clive's Quest. I've tried to make it as accurate and
informative as possible.

Remember, for every incident in the Quest to occur, (except #1),
Clive must be in your party.
For some events I'll list the time limit according to Prima's
Strategy Guide. I haven't confirmed them, but I assume they are

One last thing... You may find it better to keep Clive in your
party all the time so you won't accidentally get to a point
where you can't put him in your party when you need him.

| Incident #1 |
| Skirmish in Muse |
This will occur when you arrive in Muse after you've conquered the
Sindar Ruins. Here you will first meet Elza when she asks you to
hold on to a parcel for her because a "bad man" is chasing her.
Moments later you will encounter Clive, who asks if you've seen a
tall woman with blonde hair.

When you go to leave Muse, Elza steps in and requests that you
return her parcels. That's when you see Clive. Elza uses Hero as
a human shield and fires at Clive, who quickly rolls out of the
way. Elza runs and he gives chase, leaving Hero in anticipation
of the next encounter.

There is no set time limit for this event, but you'd better get
to it early. (Less than 3 hours.) It's suggested you use the
"Easter Egg" before this event, (see "Tips")

| Incident #2 |
| Recruiting Clive |
You must recruit Clive from South Window before Highland takes it
over. You can do this only after you have gotten transportation to
Lakewest, (by recruiting either Tai Ho or Amada and introducing them
to Shu). Then put Clive in your party and head by boat to Lakewest.

There is no time limit for this encounter, but for the record, my
time was 4.40.00.

| Incident #3 |
| A letter from Elza |
With Clive in your party, enter the Inn in Lakewest and talk to
the man near the counter. He'll give you a letter from Elza.

You should reach this incident 2 to 4 minutes after Incident #2.
According to Prima, the time limit for this event is 11 hours.

| Incident #4 |
| Mind Games |
After the Two River City battle, before you go to Greenhill in
the guise of students, take Clive to Forest Village. Go to the
clearing behind the buildings north of the town and find...

According to Prima, the time limit for this event is 13 hours.

| Incident #5 |
| Always one step behind |
After the events in Rockaxe Castle, before following Miklotov,
head into town and go to the Inn. If Clive is in your party
you'll get more clues to Elza's whereabouts.

This has to be done before Rockaxe falls to Highland. The only
chance you'll get is during your initial visit. According to
Prima, the time limit for this event is 14 hours.

| Incident #6 |
| The Gunfight |
After you have finished all events in the Matilda area and are
supposed to head back to your castle, instead go straight to
Radat. Miklotov will still be in your party, and hopefully you
were smart enough to bring Clive too. If not, go to Leona, put
him in your party, then go to Radat. Don't do anything else to
advance the plot yet. If you do, Radat will be under Highland
control and you won't get to see this Incident until much later.

Take Clive into the bar to see a confrontation with Elza. My
time at this incident was 7.25.53. According to Prima, the time
limit is 15 hours.

Spoiler Script available.

| Incident #7 |
| Storm's Failure |
After you receive word from Dr. Huan that Nanami is dead, (after
the liberation of Rockaxe Castle,) put Clive in your party and go
to Muse. Take him to the top of Jouston Hill for another encounter
with Elza.

My time was 15.3.44.

Spoiler Script available.

| Incident #8 |
| The Final Showdown |
Before infiltrating L´Renouille Castle, Viktor will ask you to
form a party. Choose Clive and 4 other strong characters (there
are very tough monsters roaming around Highland) and then head
northwest to Sajah Village. There, Clive and Elza will duel.
My time was less than 16 hours. The time limit is 20 hours.

Spoiler Script available.

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| Introduction |
This section is for those that choose not to attempt Clive's
Quest, so stop reading now if you don't want to know what

I firmly believe that when someone purchases a video game,
then they OWN it. Which is to say they have every right to
see everything that the game has to offer, whether they
choose to play the game or not. The game may be too hard,
too time-consuming, etc. That still should not take away
the right of the customer to see exactly what they have

Some developers are of the same opinion and offer cheat
codes or secret menus that enable the player to view FMV's
or select a level. There are some exceptional FMV's out
there, (Final Fantasy, for example,) that the developers
should be proud of and therefore WANT the player to view
more than once. Personally, I love watching FMV's and on
several occasions I watch them over. There was a lot of
hard work put into them and the customer should have the
right to view them whenever he/she wants.

The point of all this is that Suikoden II is a LONG game.
It's great and well worth the time, but many people don't
have the patience to play through again to see the conflict
between Clive and Elza ---but since the customer PAID for
Suikoden II, he/she has the RIGHT to see it.

Unfortunately, I cannot SHOW you what happens.

But I can at least TELL you.

What follows are selected scripts of the confrontations
between Clive and Elza during Clive's Quest in Suikoden II.


| Confrontation between Clive and Elza in Radat |
< Clive and Hero enter the bar. >
< Clive approaches a nameless man.>

Clive: "Hey Master."

Man: "Y, yes? What can I do for you?"

Clive: "Do you know a woman named Elza? She's tall with blonde hair."

Man: "Umm... I... err... Well ya see..."

Clive: "Do you know her!!!"

Man: "Umm... well it could be..."

Clive: "What?"

Man: "That person over there..."

< Clive turns and sees Elza! >

Elza: "So, boy, you finally came. But I was thinking about going to
another city soon."

Clive: "It's you!... finally. Now I'll bring this to an end..."

Elza: "Here? You'll hit the customers. The Guild won't like their
reputation being damaged like that, y'know."

< Customers flee in a panic. >

Clive: "... Listen up, you criminal... For the murder of my fellow
Gunner and Guild member, Kelley... In the name of my gun, Storm,
I sentence you to death."

Elza: "Hey Clive... We used to be more than friends... Couldn't you
just let me go?"

Clive: "Don't say it... Murdering a Guild Gunner, stealing a gun and
fleeing... According to Harmonia law, both crimes are punishable
by death."

Elza: "Tsk... laws mean nothing. Do you really believe in anything
besides the weight of your guns?"

Clive: "Maybe I can believe again... Once I kill you, that is..."

Elza: "... Fine then. Let's go. A duel between Gunners."

Clive: "Wrong!!! You're a criminal and I'm the executioner."

< They draw. Elza fires first. Clive is hit. >

Clive: "Storm... why..."

< Clive falls, his blonde hair spilling to the floor. >

Elza: "See you later... handsome."

< Fades out. >
< Clive wakes up in one of the >
< beds in Dr. Huan's infirmary. >
< Hero is by his side. >

Clive: "Where am I... Am I... alive?"

Huan: "You're a lucky one, Clive. What'd you call em? 'bullets'?
They only hit you in the shoulder and leg and it nearly
killed you."

Clive: "... A knight-class gunner missed?... That can't be..."

Huan: "Just a few inches more and... If she was really aiming,
then she's an incredible shot..."

| Confrontation between Clive and Elza at Jouston Hill |
Elza: "So how have you been, Clive?"

< Clive steps forward. >

Clive: "Will you tell me why you did it?"

Elza: "Did what? What are you talking about?"

Clive: "You couldn't have... a knight-class gunner couldn't miss
their target."

Elza: "That's what you wanted to ask?"

Clive: "No, I... I'll only ask once more. Why did you kill my

Elza: "Brother? You grew up in the Guild together, but 'brother'?
You're a nice man, Clive. Maybe if Kelley had been even
half as nice to me, I wouldn't have done what I did.
I started to hate the Guild... hate all those people who
lusted for power... That place could turn an angel into
a devil."

< Elza steps closer. >

Elza: "You guys grew up in that filthy courtyard... You got
involved with those guns and those Guild rules...
But I put an end to all that, with my friends Moon and

< Elza displays her guns. >

Clive: "So why didn't you kill me back then too!!! Try and see
if you can do it now! You witch!!!"

< Elza walks up to Clive, then steps past him. >

Elza: "Clive, enough already. You don't owe the Guild anything."

< Elza begins to walk away. >
< Clive aims his gun at her back. >

Clive: "The Guild and my brother were the only important things
I had in my life. You already took my brother away. I
won't let you destroy the only thing I have left in this
world. Now is the time for me to execute your sentence."

Elza: "Storm..."

< Clive pulls the trigger but the gun does not fire. >

Clive: "Storm, What is it..."

< Elza walks away. >

Elza: "Sorry about that kid... Well the Guild isn't everything.
There's a small village west of L'Renouille, Highland's
capital. You can find me there..."

< Clive lowers his gun in dismay. >

Clive: "Why Storm, why?! Why?!"

< Fades out. >

Clive: "I'm sorry... Hero... I came all this way..."

| Confrontation between Killey and Lorelai in Gregminster |
This event occurs if you have Killey in your party when you
recruit Lorelai in Gregminster. I've included it as a bonus
script because I was intrigued by the relationship of these
two characters, which seemed similar to the love/hate shared
by Clive and Elza.

Lorelai: "Good afternoon. Oh, you... You're the boy who came to see
President Lepant... Hero, right?"

Hero: "Yes... Will you come with us?"

Lorelai: "Come with you...? Join your army? But, I'm..."

Killey: "You're the same as ever, Lorelai. Always thinking of
profit... the way to the Sindar will never open to someone
like you!"

Lorelai: "You...! Killey!! I thought you went to the Queendom of

Killey: "Oh, I was there, alright... thanks to your 'tip.' And what
a tip it was... I didn't find any Sindar ruins, but I did
find a squad of police ready to throw me in a stinking cage."

Lorelai: "Hmph. That was pretty foolish. But what can you do about it
now? How unfortunate for you."

Killey: "Oh, I wouldn't say that..."

Lorelai: "What?! Did you find something?!?"

Killey: "And why should I tell you?"

Lorelai: "Because that was MY tip!! MY information..."

Killey: "I'm part of the [?] Army at the moment... One more person
won't make a big difference, but we ARE looking for more

Lorelai: "You... you underhanded...!!"

Killey: "No more than you, Lorelai."

Lorelai: "Fine... but first..."

Lorelai: "Hmmm, not bad... You seem pretty tough, kid. Killey wouldn't
join a fool's army. Hero, I'll join your cause. The goddess
of victory does indeed seem to be smiling down on you."

| Final Confrontation between Clive and Elza in Sajah Village |
Elza: "You came back, eh boy. Well, let's finish this..."

Clive: "Yeah..."

Elza: "Clive, my old friend... How about a duel between Gunners?"

Clive: "... Fine... It looks like Storm won't shoot you."

< Clive takes Storm from his cloak and drops it. >

Elza: "Hee-hee, thanks."

< Elza offers Clive his choice of one of her guns. >

Elza: "My gun, Stern or 'Star', represents trust in the Guild,
and Mond or 'Moon', represents betrayal. Protection and
Assassination, the 2 faces of the Howling Voice Guild.
Choose the one you prefer."

< Clive picks one of the guns. >

Elza: "Stern... I thought you'd choose that..."

< They spread apart and face each other. >

Clive: "Whenever you're ready..."

< Elza cocks her gun and stands ready. >

Elza: "Impatient, eh... Don't you want to stay in this world
a little longer?"

< Clive cocks his gun and stands ready. >

Clive: "That's not necessary."

< A pause. >

Elza: "Howling Voice, shadow upon the ground!"

Clive: "Howling Voice, flash of thunder from the gods!"

< They raise their guns. >

Elza: "Cursed Voice that separates Life from Death!"

Clive: "Right here, right now, these Guns want to shed blood."

< Their guns slowly start to point at each other. >

Elza: "They want to feast on souls!"

Clive: "Listen you cursed Guns!"

< Their guns are now aimed at each other. >

Elza: "We are it!"

Clive: "The final blast to signal war!!!"

< A pause. >

Elza: "CLIVE!"

Clive: "No hesitation!"

< Clive fires. Elza falls. >

Elza: "Ugh... unf..."

Clive: "It's over..."

Elza: "Yeah... you're right... You... you won..."

< A pause. >

Elza: "Did you... really think... I could shoot you...?
Boy... there are no bullets in this gun..."

Clive: "..."

Elza: "The day I shot Kelley... It was me who should have
died... Died with pride as a Gunner... That's why,
boy... That's why I've got more regrets than I care
to count..."

Clive: "What...?"

Elza: "Clive... this place... this village... This is where
I was born... My father, my mother, our house...
They're all gone... Nobody who even remembers them...
But even so, this is the place where my heart always

Clive: "..."

Elza: "Poor Clive... He was born in the Guild, raised in the
Guild... Pretty sad, don't you think, boy? And then...
he lost Kelley... Give me Storm..."

< Clive picks up Storm and puts it in Elza's hands. >

Elza: "Storm... the only Gun in the world with a soul inside
it. The Guild chose Kelley to inherit this Gun, not
me... But then Storm itself chose me... The Guild could
not go against the wishes of Storm, and the only way to
settle it was with a duel."

Clive: "..."

Elza: "Stern and Mond were the guns prepared for the day of the
duel. And just like today, only Stern was loaded with
bullets. Kelley knew that... and so, he chose Mond..."

Clive: "The Guild... those fools..."

Elza: "I deeply regretted it... Shooting Kelley... And then
running away from the Guild... Thank you... Clive...
Now, my soul can return home..."

Clive: "Elza..."

Elza: "Ha... Ha ha ha!!! You're too soft, boy... You didn't
really believe that sob story, did you..."

Clive: "What do you..."

< Elza aims Mond towards the >
< sky and shoots into the air. >

Elza: "Go back to the guild, boy... It's the only place for
you... I won't steal that from you..."

< Clive steps toward her. >

Elza: "Clive... take care of Storm... You're its keeper now...
Farewell... forever... Farewell, gunslinger..."

< Clive removes his hood and >
< falls to his knees next to her. >

Clive: "N... No... NO!!! Elza! Elza!!"

Elza: "You did good, boy... But, remember... You still couldn't
do it... You couldn't catch me..."

< Fades out. >
< Clive and Hero stand >
< in the street, talking. >

Clive: "Hero... My job as executioner is over... I think... I'll
eventually return to the Guild soon... But for the time
being, I'll stay with the [?] Army. I'm not quite ready
to leave this land yet..."

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| Introduction |
These are just some personal thoughts and ideas I decided
to throw in.

| Favorite Characters |
Bob Kasumi Killey
Rina Millie Sasuke
Clive Pesmerga Sierra

| Most Hated Characters |
Nanami Chaco
Nina Eilie
Tuta Hoi

| Favorite Quotes from Suikoden II |
"Are you going to the Academy? Be sure to say 'Hello" to the
receptionist, Emilia... Sigh... She's not only beautiful,
she's got quite a head on her shoulders... I'm smitten."
---from a WOMAN in Greenhill.

"I'm tired, so let's do it later."
---Futch, in bed.

| The Names Of My Heroes |
Suikoden Suikoden II
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Conrad Dalziel

| Contact Information |
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me at:
Please put "Suikoden II" in the subject line.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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18.Oktober 2013
Character Recruitment Guide

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Kurz vor dem letzten Boss mit einem Held auf Level 64 und alle anderen Charaktere.

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Alle Charaktere auf annehmbaren Levels. Gespeichert vor dem letzten Boss.

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