Suikoden 2

Suikoden 2

14.10.2013 12:05:46
Writer Info:
Real Name: Brandon Myers
GameFAQs Name: Lord Dude
E-Mail Address:

Suikoden 2 Plot Triggers and Plot Changes FAQ.

June 5th, 2000-Version 1: This is my first FAQ, so there may be some
mistakes. If you find any, please e-mail me and I'll fix it as soon as
possible. Also, if some one in the game tells you where to go, or what to
do, I will NOT put it in this FAQ. I will only include the ones that are
hard to find. Plus, I will include the Clive trigger, the Boris Plot Change,
and the Clive Sub-Quest triggers.



1. The first major plot trigger is: activating Pilika. I still don't
know exactly what activates her, but this is what I always do. First,
get EVERYONE in Ryube (Rikimaru, Millie, Shiro, and Kinnison) and go
to Toto. Leave Toto going West. Enter Muse City, and then leave. Go
back to Toto, and exit to the South. Keep entering and exiting Toto,
while also going to Ryube and the Merc. Fort, and she will eventually
2. Agreeing to find Tsai: Tsai is in the forest North of Ryube (the
entrance is in North-East Ryube). Go on the left path in the
beginning of the forest, and you will find Tsai's house at the end.
3. Choosing to fight alongside Flik and Viktor: You will have to battle
Flik one on one. I suggest looking at the Dueling Guide if you need
4. Going to the White Dear Inn: After the Merc. Fort is attacked by
Luca, you have to go to Muse. After you talk to the guard in Muse,
you have to head East to the White Dear Inn. The Inn is in a patch of
trees East of Muse. Go into the Inn and you will stay the night.
When you try to leave the next day, Alex will stop you. You have to
agree to go into the ruins. When you finish the ruins, you have to go
back to the Inn. After you discover that Hilda is sick, you have to
go back to the ruin entrance to get the healing herbs. After a short
while, Alex will give you his entry permit. Then go back to Muse.
5. Activating Clive: This isn't a plot trigger, but it is very
important. Go just East of the tavern, and you will see a space in
between the two buildings. Go through the space, and go East again.
You will see another space to the North. Go through the space, and
you'll run into Elza. It doesn't matter what you answer. Keep going
North until you run into Clive. It doesn't matter what you answer to
him either. Then head South as if you are going to exit Muse. Elza
will stop you, then Clive will show up. After that, you can find
Clive in South Window.
6. Agreeing to go into the Highland camp: After Anabelle leaves you in
the care of Jess, you must go into the room near the top of the
stairs. Jess will try to convince you to go to the Highland camp.
The only way that you can continue with the game is to go to the camp.
7. Attempting to see Jess: Go into City hall, and attempt to see Jess,
who is in the room with Anabelle. The guard will stop you. Then go
to the tavern.
8. The Coronett sequence: Go to the South-West part of the town and talk
to the soldier on the dock. Then go back to the entrance of the town,
and go into the Inn. After a while, you'll be outside the tavern. Go
to the South-East part of the town, and go East. You should see
Sheena coming out of the house. Go into the house to meet Tai Ho, and
Yam Koo. Agree to Tai Ho's bet, and beat him. Then go back to the
9. Going to North Window: After talking to Granmeyer, you have to go
back to the tavern BEFORE going to North Window.
10. Getting Shu: After going to Shu's mansion, you have to enter the
tavern. After that, you have to talk to Richmond. He can be found in
the South part of the town, near the appraiser shop.
11. Getting a navigator for the ship: You have two choices, Tai Ho (in
Kuskus), and Amada (Radat). The choice is yours.
12. Clive Sub-Quest Trigger # 1.: You must have Clive in your party when
you enter Lakewest (look at Character FAQ to see how to get Clive).
Then go to the Inn. Talk to the man to the left of the counter.
Clive should talk to him, and you will be told that Elza has left for
the Forest Village. But you can't get there until later.
13. Clive Sub-Quest Trigger #2.: You must have Clive in your party. Go
to the Forest Village (North-West of Greenhill). I recommend that you
do this on your way to Rockaxe (Matilda). Go to the Northern part of
the village, and go into the clearing North of the chiefs house. You
will run into "Elza". "Elza" will tell you that the real Elza went to
14. Clive Sub-Quest Trigger #3.: You must have Clive in your party.
Continue to the forest path. At the end of the path, Miklotov will
escort you to Rockaxe. After a long while, Miklotov will go to Muse
alone. Use this opportunity to go to the Inn. Clive will talk to the
two guys standing inside the Inn. After a short discussion, you will
be told that Elza went to Radat.
15. Going to the Toran Republic: After getting Kiba and Klaus, go to the
Southern entrance of the castle. You will find a woman who is looking
for Sheena. Sheena will appear (after the woman leaves), then you go
to the Great Hall. After a while, you will head to Radat. (Freed
wants to go to South Window first, but you don't have to)
16. Clive Sub-Quest Trigger #4.: You must have Clive in your party when
you enter Radat. Go into the Tavern, and Clive will talk to the
person. After a short discussion, you will see Elza. Clive will have
a duel with Elza, and be shot. You will go back to the castle, and
then continue with your quest.
17. Peace Treaty: After you kill Luca, go to Kuskus. Go North, and then
East, toward the docks. You will find Culgan. He states that King
Jowy Blight wants to sign a peace treaty. Take Culgan back to the
castle, and he will explain everything to Shu. Then you will be on
your way to Muse.
18. After failing to take back Muse (much later): Go to Shu's room, and
you will see him talk to Kiba. After Kiba leaves, talk to Shu. He
explains his plan, and you should agree.
19. Clive Sub-Quest Trigger #4.: Clive must be in your party. After
taking back Matilda, head back to Muse. Go to Jowston Hill, and you
will run into Elza. After a long conversation, she will leave.
20. Clive Sub-Quest Trigger #5.: Clive must be in your party. Before
entering L'Renouille, (but after reaching the entrance) leave, and
head North-West to Sajah village. As soon as you enter Sajah village,
the final scene in the Clive Sub-Quest will start.
21. The final plot trigger: Go to Tenzan Pass (North-West of Ryube).
Take the lower path. Keep heading West, until you run into Jowy. He
will be at the "X" that you two carved into the stone at the beginning
of the game. Defend for the entire battle (if you got all 108 stars
before taking back Matilda). Then refuse Jowy's requests until
Leknaat appears. If you didn't get all 108 stars, do what you want to

NOTE: There are time restrictions on the Clive Sub-Quest. I suggest looking
at one of the Walkthroughs to get the times.

Plot Changes

1. Leaving Nanami in Kyaro: When Flik and Viktor save you (at the
scaffolds), Jowy will say that you need to save Nanami. Say "Lets get
out of here" (second answer) 3 times. You will end up on the world
map, without Nanami. (NOTE: this will only change the game until you
go to Muse after Luca attacks the Merc. Fort.)
2. Boris: To get Boris, you have to be in Tinto during the Neclord
sequence. Talk to Nanami in her room. After a while you will be
given a choice of what to say ("I'm needed" or "………………………………") answer
"………………………………" and she will continue. Then you will be given another
choice. Answer the first one ("Let's run away" or something like
that). After a short while, you will be on the world map. Go to
Crom. After a while in Crom, you will escape again. Answer "Let's
run" and then "Let's get out of here" and you will be on the world map
again. Go to Tigermouth village. Head East to the exit. Answer
"Lets run". After a long sequence, (and a couple battles), you will
be in Drakemouth. Answer "But I…………" to Shu until he slaps you. Then
answer "I understand". When you return to the castle, you will find


I'd like to thank rabbit (GameFAQs name) for giving me the idea for this.
I'd also like to thank Brightshield (GameFAQs name) for posting how to get
Boris on the Suikoden 2 Message Board.

"Plot Triggers and Plot Changes" FAQ Copyright 2000 Brandon Myers.
Anyone who wishes to recreate this FAQ elsewhere MUST contact me via e-mail.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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