Suikoden 2

Suikoden 2

14.10.2013 14:46:02
Suikoden 2
A FAQ by Brandon Binkley (aka Sir Aronar)


I) Disclaimer
II) Version
III) Author's Note
IV) Character Info
V) Walkthrough
VI) Weapons
VII) Armor and Accessories/Items
IX) Runes/Spells
X) Trading Posts
XI) Combos
XII) Tactics
XIII) Enemies
XIV) Headquarters options
XV) Miscellaneous
XVI) Side Quest
XVII) The 108 Stars of Destiny
XVIII) Secrets
XIX) Credits

I) Disclaimer

This FAQ is my original work with augmentations by many
supporters. Therefore, do not steal this work. If you'd like to use
it for your site, then you must leave it in its original form. If you
wish to alter text size or color to go along with your site's scheme,
you must obtain my written permission.
This FAQ is © 1999-2000 Brandon Binkley
Suikoden and Suikoden 2 are registered trademarks of Konami and
copyright protected under the law.
Warning that this FAQ is full of secrets and spoilers, so read at
your own risk.


II) Version/update record

1.71 In a realized blunder, I found that I copied over an earlier
prepared version that had several contirbutions in it. This fixes
that for the most part (sorry contributors). Also, I need the
person who supplied a tip in the mountain climbing game to get in
contact with me (provide your tip so I can make sure it's you) as
I believe I deleted my mail before a certain date.

1.7 Last planned update. Added some info in walkthrough. Added
character commentary. Added additions based on e-mails recieved.
General update to other sections. Finally remembered to add Soul
Eater to the Rune list. More dropped items from monsters.

1.6 Added a few more items. Added the updated McDohl guide by Roric.
Added announcement at top. Possible other minor things that I
forgot about.

1.5 Added various tips that have been collecting in my mail box.
Added the Guardian Deity list. Some minor revision work.
Alphabetized the credits and reorganized some sections. Added
scroll making section.

1.4 Added statistic ratings for playable characters. Added some more
to the Headquarters extras. Made a list of Spell Combos. Added
more combos. Mokumoku now with real directions.

1.3 Added a few more items and findings. Added Roric's McDohl Guide.
Further updated character info. Fixed an error in the recipe
list. Now collecting info on gifts from Guardian Deities, so if
you have some data, please send it to me.

1.2 Got the best ending. Completed most of Clive's quest, but missed
out at the end. Compiling more info on monsters and Runes.
Projects include Magic Combos, Combos, and finding the last few
items. Also will start work on the other options in your castle.
I plan to play through two more times (for a total of four),
using one quest to seek out more monster items and exploration,
and another fast play to get Clive's subquest done. Any
submissions are welcome.

1.1 Basically finished the weapon section (need info on Nanami).
Revised the rune section. Fixed up a few errors and the
Hix/Tengaar sidequest. I'm revising the Miscellaneous and
Character sections. Also seeking info on trading posts rates.

1.0 I finally beat the game, but didn't get the last two stars in
time. Walkthrough is updated as far as the ending. I plan on
working on the wording used in the walkthrough. Also, I will be
revising the character section and several others as well
(including filling in some holes in the equipment lists and rune
lists. If there's anything I missed, please let me know. I will
be playing through the game again, and might revolutionize the
monster data (not sure yet). I also want to work on compiling
the market rates for trading to figure out the ranges. E-mail me
any submissions.

0.2 Added more information, redid the layout, added sections, and
worked on some writing in some sections.

0.1 This is a preliminary version. Not much info yet, but I'll add
more as I get to it, as I'm writing this while progressing
through the game. Expect format changes in updates. For now,
only ask questions or send in stuff up to where the FAQ is at. I
do not want spoilers. If you have suggestions for sections,
please let me know as I try to cater to my fellow gamer as much
as possible.


Version 1.7 will be the last update that I put much work into, future
updates being dependent upon submissions or random discoveries. I
know that some sections are not 100% complete, but these proved beyond
my meager skills, and have yet to be addressed.

If you have anything new to send feel free to e-mail me. Things I
most need are: Karen's 3rd, 4th, and 5th dance prizes (with relevant
info); the enemies in the Greenhill area before the flight from Muse
(with relevant info); any holes (such as prices); anything I miss.
Also feel free to send any feedback. Also, if you'd like to see a
cooking list, please tell me so I know whether or not to write one
(I'll just add the missing meals to the item list).

If you need help, I am available to answer questions, but before you
ask, please read through the entire FAQ/Walkthrough. If you're
looking for an item, use the search command (under Edit or Find on
most text readers). I will not answer anymore questions for things
clearly stated in this document. If something is unclear, let me
know. Thank you.


IV) Characters

I tried to arrange this in the approximate order you can get the
various characters. Be sure to look ahead for certain characters, as
some have prerequisites that must be meet before they'll join (Clive,
McDohl, and Sigfried).
Note that sometimes you will not be able to recruit characters at
certain times. If you are currently on a quest pertaining to the main
plot, many free characters will vanish. In this case, finish your
current quest. Do not talk to Shu, or approach the meeting room. As
long as you don't trigger the next section, you should be alright to
recruit people. If someone will not join, try getting more recruits,
then try again.

1 - Hero
Level: 2
Age: 16
Role - Att: A, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: B, HP: B, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: none
Equipment: Bandanna, Robe, Medicine, Gloves, Boots
Commentary: Gets Bright Shield Rune. Overall, the hero is a good
character, and since you're stuck with him all the time this isn't too
bad. His double strike attack does really good damage and should keep
him on par with the other fighters. Also, since he has the Bright
Shield Rune, he is a good healer, and sometimes the only one you'll
need. He also fares well with attack spells.
How to get: You play his role

* - Jowy
Level: 2/approximately your level -5
Age: 16
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: A, HP: C, Mag: A, Spl: A
Runes: none
Equipment: Tunic, Medicine, Flaming Arrows, Boots
Commentary: Gets Black Sword Rune. Jowy is also a rather strong
charcater, with very strong magic. The Black Shield Rune is the most
powerful offensive rune in terms of raw damage power. His weapon is
decent as well. His true asset in the early game is his unite attack
with the hero.
How to get: Jowy starts with you

2 - Gengen
Level: 6
Age: 17
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Leather Hat, Leather Coat, Wooden Shield, Cape, Boots,
Commentary: He helps you get flour. Gengen is okay, but as you get
more recruits, his lack of merit detracts from his use. It's best to
have Gabocha so you can do the Kobold ATK. Aside from this, Gengen as
good technique, so he should hit more than some of the stronger
characters, and his armors are not too bad.
How to get: Joins after you and Jowy are held by Viktor

3 - Mukumuku (Kyaro or Greenhill Area)
Level: 2/33
Age: 6
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: D, Spd: C, HP: D, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: none
Commentary: One of five squirrels. Mukumuku is good when you have
open slots when(if) you get him in Kyaro, but otherwise isn't anything
special. He can equip a Fire Rune, but magic is not his strong suit.
How to get: Search the tree above your house repeatedly; or on the
road between Muse and Greenhill in Greenhill's territory, but you must
be alone and possibly with mandatory characters.

4 - Nanami (Kyaro)
Level: 5
Age: 16
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: A, HP: D, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Feathered Hat, Tunic, Medicine, Gloves, Wooden Shoes
Commentary: Your sister. Nanami is one of the fastest characters in
the game. Also, she gets a double strike attack, but her damage is on
the low side. If you give her the Spark Rune, she becomes a great
asset allowing the slowest to attack at her speed.
How to get: Joins automatically

5 - Rikimaru (Ryube)
Level: 8
Age: 25
Role - Att: A, Def: B, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: A, Mag: E, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Leather Coat
Commentary: Rikimaru is strong and can soak damage, but you'll need
to get him some good armor first. His true asset is the Manly ATK he
does with Amada.
How to get: You find him laying outside ill. Bring him to the
tavern for some food and cover the 3000 potch bill.

6 - Millie (Ryube)
Level: 6
Age: 14
Role - Att: E, Def: D, Tch: D, Spd: C, HP: D, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Groundhog
Equipment: Feathered Hat, Tunic, Medicine, Gloves, Blue Ribbon
Commentary: Millie makes a good mage, but lacks physical ability.
Bonaparte allows her to do double damage once, but this doesn't make
her much better. Use her if you want a cutesy character who can throw
out some decent magic support.
How to get: Complete the Finding Bonaparte subquest

7 - Kinnison (Ryube Woods)
Level: 6
Age: 18
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Bandana, Leather Coat, Medicine, Healing Wind, Boots
Commentary: Kinnison is a good archer. He's fast and accurate, but
don't expect huge damage from him. His unite with Shiro is useful for
eliminating random enemies.
How to get: Place the baby bird and nest back in the tree. He'll be
there when you return.

8 - Shiro (Ryube Woods)
Level: 6
Age: 9
Role - Att: A, Def: B, Tch: B, Spd: A, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: none
Commentary: Shiro is probably the second fastest character in the
game. He also has some good physical stats. When given a Double Beat
Rune, he'll do silly amounts of damage in no time at all. Just be
careful about his HP.
How to get: Joins with Kinnison

9 - Zamza (Toto or South Window)
Level: 6
Age: 29
Role - Att: B, Def: B, Tch: C, Spd: D, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Fire Dragon
Equipment: Feathered Hat, Guard Robe, Medicine, Cape, Leggings
Commentary: Zamza is mostly talk, but has some good stats. He's a
good mage and competant fighter. He can be on the frontline (and has
to be to attack). Just watch out for his speed and accuracy as both
are lacking. His Fire Dragon Rune is helpful, provided you block the
fire damage it deals to him.
How to get: Bring Nanami to see him in Toto before it is destroyed
or South Window after the occupation.

10 - Hanna (Toto)
Level: 6
Age: 29
Role - Att: B, Def: A, Tch: B, Spd: D, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: D
Runes: none
Equipment: Leather Hat, Leather Coat, Steel Shield, Medicine,
Leather Cape
Commentary: Simply a warrior. She lacks speed, but should have high
defense overall. Use her with Oulan to untap her true potential.
How to get: Ask her join after Toto is burned.

11 - Apple
Level: NA
Age: 18
Role: Strategist/non-combatant
Commentary: Talk to her to change your support commanders.
How to get: Apple meets you in Toto, and joins after the fort is

12 - Viktor
Level: 22
Age: 32
Role - Att: A, Def: A, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: B, Mag: D, Spl: D
Runes: none
Equipment: Half Helmet, Chain Mail, Gloves, Boots, Kindness Drops
Commentary: Gets Star Dragon Sword. Viktor is one of the best
warriors in the game. His flaws in Suikoden 1 are not as stark. Give
him a Fury Rune, and he'll throw out some of the hardest hits,
especially with the Star Dragon Sword (I've seen him do over 3000
How to get: Joins automatically

13 - Flik
Level: 22
Age: 27
Role - Att: B, Def: B, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: A
Runes: Lightning
Equipment: Circuret, Leather Armor, Steel Shield, Leather Cape,
Boots, Mega Medicine
Commentary: Flik is a character you don't want to neglect. He has
no weak points, and is a good warrior and great magician. Keep him
with a Lightning/Thunder Rune for use against bosses.
How to get: Joins automatically

14 - Tsai (Ryube Forest)
Level: 11
Age: 37
Role - Att: C, Def: B, Tch: A, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Unicorn
Equipment: Leather Hat, Leather Coat, Clay Guardian, Gauntlet,
Commentary: Tsai is fair at best. He should hit at least 90% of the
time, but he doesn't hit that hard. He's more useful in war than in
personal combat.
How to get: He joins when you recruit him for Flik and Viktor

15 - Tuta (Muse)
Level: 3
Age: 11
Role - Att: D, Def: E, Tch: D, Spd: B, HP: E, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Medicine
Equipment: Leather Hat, Guard Robe, Medicinex2, Mega Medicine
Commentary: Aside from being fast and having a long range attack,
Tuta is very weak. I really recommend not using Tuta for most quests.
Early on the Medicine Rune is okay, but Tuta will use it in place of
any action you tell him to do.
How to get: Joins briefly on Flour expedition, but later joins
permanently at Muse before it is captured.

16 - Anita (Muse or Banner Village)
Level: 16 or 42
Age: 29
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: A, Spl: B
Runes: Falcon
Equipment: Circulet, Brass Armor, Wooden Shield, Thunder Runner,
Shoulder Pads, Gauntlet
Commentary: Initially, Anita is nohing special. She can fight well,
and do some good damage with her Falcon Rune, but there are better
warriors. Late in the game, however, she gets a second rune slot, and
should also be very strong in magic. Give her an attack rune and see
just how strong she can be.
How to get: Keep being nice to her and she'll eventually join you
(after about 3 things). To speed things up, exit and re-enter town.
You can also recruit her by having Valeria in your party.

17 - Gilbert (Battle #3)
Level: NA
Age: 36
Role: Troop commander/non-combatant
Commentary: Used in wars only.
How to get: During the battle, his unit needs to be damaged. As
long as he doesn't die (but he can be wounded), he'll join you in the
next battle.

18 - Rina (Coronet)
Level: 4/approximate to your level - 19
Age: 18
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: D, Mag: A, Spl: A
Runes: Fire
Equipment: Robe, Medicine, Angry Blow, Cape
Commentary: Joins temporarily until you get to Kyaro. Rina is a
great mage with a long range attack. She doesn't have high attack
power, defense, or HP, so it's good she has long range. Otherwise,
she's average. Use her as a mage and you shouldn't be disappointed.
How to get: Joins automatically

19 - Eilie (Coronet)
Level: 4/approximate to your level - 19
Age: 17
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: none
Equipment: Tunic, Medicine, Gloves, Wooden Shoes
Commentary: Joins temporarily until you get to Kyaro. Eilie is
pretty fast and accurate, and she can make a good auxiliary magician.
Her attack is fairly good for a back line character.
How to get: Joins automatically

20 - Bolgan (Coronet)
Level: 4/approximate to your level - 19
Age: 16
Role - Att: A, Def: B, Tch: D, Spd: E, HP: B, Mag: D, Spl: D
Runes: Fire Breath
Equipment: Leather Hat, Leather Coat, Leggings, Wooden Shoes,
Sacrificial Jizo
Commentary: Joins temporarily until you get to Kyaro. Bolgan can
take a bit of damage and hit hard, but is slower than a tortoise and
rarely lands a blow. There are better characters to choose from, but
if you can get his accuracy up, he should work out.
How to get: Joins automatically

21 - Freed Y (South Window)
Level: approximate to your level - 20
Age: 25
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Lightning Rune embedded on weapon
Equipment: Circuret, Brass Armor, Wooden Shield, Water Amulet*,
Medicine, Boots
Commentary: Average man. Freed Y has no weakness, but he also has
no assets. Equipping runes that improve stats and embedding an attack
rune are vital to make him stand out.
How to get: Joins automatically

22 - Templeton (Toto)
Level: NA
Age: 14
Role: map maker/non-combatant
Commentary: Gives you the Suiko Map. Talk to him to view the world
map at you leisure.
How to get: Meet him at the Mercenary Fortress after Highland
occupies. After going to South Window, meet him again in Toto, and
he'll join. You can also get to Toto when you are disguised as
Highland Soldiers for Jess.

23 - Leona
Level: NA
Age: 32
Role: barkeep/non-combatant
Commentary: Talk to her to change your party. Sometimes she's gone,
which is always plot related. At the end of the game she will be gone
so you cannot add characters to your party.
How to get: Joins automatically

24 - Shu
Level: NA
Age: 26
Role: strategist/non-combatant
Commentary: Usually the person with whom to speak to advance the
How to get: find a coin in the river (plot point)

25 - Huan
Level: NA
Age: 34
Role: doctor/non-combatant
Commentary: Great rune for use in war.
How to get: Joins automatically

26 - Luc
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 17
Role - Att: E, Def: E, Tch: B, Spd: A, HP: D, Mag: A+, Spl: A
Runes: Wind, Pixie
Equipment: Circuret, Guard Robe, Speed Ring, Mega Medicine, Bolt
of Wrath
Commentary: Comes with the Stone Tablet. Luc is a fast and strong
magician. Use him for spell power only as his attack and defense are
How to get: Joins automatically

27 - Barbara
Level: NA
Age: 36
Role: warehouse keeper/non-combatant
Commentary: Drop off items with her to free up your inventory, but
be careful as she has limited space.
How to get: Joins automatically

28 - Hilda (South Window)
Level: NA
Age: 33
Role: inn keeper/non-combatant
Commentary: Simply the innkeeper, but lets you stay for free.
How to get: Talk to her at the inn in South Window after
establishing your castle

29 - Alex (South Window)
Level: NA
Age: 36
Role: item store clerk/non-combatant
Commentary: Will sell any item you've seen in the Item stores,
except Rare Finds. Needed to get Killey.
How to get: joins with Hilda

30 - Tai Ho (Kuskus)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 37
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Killer
Equipment: Half Helmet, Guard Robe, Grilled Fish, Belt of
Commentary: Tai Ho is stronger and has better aim than other spear-
users, but doesn't do a whole lot more than this.
How to get: Talk to him in Kuskus and win 5000 P from him.

31 - Yam Koo (Kuskus)
Level: NA
Age: 28
Role: fisherman/non-combatant
Commentary: His fishing mini-game lets you get mroe ingredients for
How to get: Joins with Tai Ho

32 -Richmond (Radat)
Level: NA
Age: 35
Role: private eye/non-combatant
Commentary: Gains info on companions and recruitment.
How to get: Take his bet on coin toss, then go talk to a man in the
tavern. He'll give you a coin. Tell Richmond to use it, and he'll

33 - Amada (Radat)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 26
Role - Att: B, Def: B, Tch: D, Spd: D, HP: A, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Earth Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Leather Coat, Chirashi-Zushi, Belt of Strength, Leggings
Commentary: Amada is a hit point god, and can take a bit of a
beating with the right armor. However, his speed and aim need work.
Best used with Rikimaru for the Manly ATK.
How to get: Beat him in a duel after Fitcher meets with you and Shu

34 - Yoshino (Radat)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 23
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: B
Runes: none
Equipment: Guard Robe, Water Amulet*, Obento, Belt of Strength
Commentary: Freed Y's wife. Though weaker than her husband, she is
a little better with a M rank weapon and some spell ability.
How to get: Visit with Freed once, she will not be there. Later
visit again with him in the party (after getting Shu). She'll join.

35 - Adlai (South Window)
Level: NA
Age: 42
Role: inventor/non-combatant
Commentary: Makes elevator.
How to get: After getting Shu, he'll ask you to run errands. First,
he wants a Sacrificial Jizo (buy from Alex or take Bolgan's). Second,
he wants a Wooden Shield (buy at armory in South Window). Third he
wants a Wind Crystal (buy from runemaster in South Window). He'll
then repeat the pattern. Starting with the Wind Crystal, you'll have
the option to throw it at him. Do so and he'll join.

36 - Clive (South Window)
Level: 16
Age: 27
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: A+, Spd: A, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: D
Runes: none
Equipment: Guard Robe, Leather Cape, Boots, Sacrificial Jizo
Commentary: Has a secondary quest. Clive is one of the best
characters. Despite average strength, he hit hard and has the best
aim in the game. He's also very fast. Give him a Kite Rune to hit
more enemies if you'd like.
How to get: First meet Elza in Muse and agree to help her. Next,
talk to him after getting on your boat and promise to take him to

37 - Taki (Lakewest)
Level: NA
Age: 72
Role: Gossiper/non-combatant
Commentary: Doesn't contribute much after joining.
How to get: Talk to her a few times.

38 - Hans (Two River City)
Level: NA
Age: 33
Role: Armory clerk/non-combatant
Commentary: Will sell any (non-Rare Find) item you see in an armory.
How to get: Ask this armorer to join you. If you'd like, charge him
either price. It'll just take him some time to get the money

39 - Gabocha (Kobold District)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 13
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: D, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Pointed Hat, Leather Coat, Croquette, Fish Badge
Commentary: A long ranged weaker version of Gengen. Like his hero,
he's best suited for doing the Kobold ATK.
How to get: Take Gengen to see him. He follows behind you.

40 - Ridley
Level: NA
Age: 39
Role: troop commander/non-combatant
Commentary: Possibly the most effective general.
How to get: Joins automatically

41 - Fitcher
Level: NA
Age: 32
Role: information specialist/non-combatant
Commentary: He provides pre-war services and comic relief.
How to get: Joins automatically

42 - Chaco (Two River City)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 14
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: D, Mag: B, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Half Helmet, Karate Uniform, Meat Pie, Sun Badge
Commentary: Chaco's fast and resists magic fairly well, but his
otherwise average stats and low hit points make him turn out not to be
very good. At least he has a medium ranged weapon.
How to get: Joins automatically after Highland retreats

43 - Sid (Sewers)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 21
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: C
Runes: Waking
Equipment: Head Gear, Karate Uniform, Mayo Rice Omelet, Gauntlet
Commentary: Sid is a little stronger than Chaco, but overall about
as useful. You may wish to remove the Waking Rune from him as well.
How to get: Go to secret room in sewers with Chaco in your party

44 - Tetsu (Lakewest)
Level: NA
Age: 42
Role: bath master/non-combatant
Commentary: Baths are kind of pointless and only let you see some
scenes and get Toasty (regenerate hp for a time).
How to get: Talk to him while toasty (use Fried Tacos)

45 - Shilo (Lakewest)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 24
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: A+, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Poison Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Karate Uniform, Medicine, Wind of Sleep
Commentary: He's accurate and has okay strength and long range.
That's about it, though.
How to get: After joining with Two River City, win 5000 P from him
in Chinchirorin. you can get him after getting a level 2 castle.

46 - Hai Yo (Your Castle)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 27
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: D, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Leather Hat, Leather Coat, BBQ Meat Buns, Fried Fish
Balls, Wooden Shoes
Commentary: Even though you can, there is really no reason to use Hai
Yo in battle as he has no strenghts.
How to get: Hai Yo shows up after Two River City and joins you.
He's through the right door in the courtyard.

47 - Oulon (Kuskus)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 27
Role - Att: B, Def: A, Tch: C, Spd: D, HP: A, Mag: E/A, Spl: D
Runes: Angry Dragon
Equipment: Half Helmet, Chain Mail, Power Gloves*, Medicine, Boots
Commentary: Oulan is a great attacker and warrior especially when
paired with a Fury Rune. She also defends well against magic.
How to get: Go to Kuskus with only women in your party (excluding
your hero) after Two River City. You'll get attacked by some ruffians.
She'll rescue you.

48 - Stallion (Radat)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 28
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: A+, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: True Holy Rune
Commentary: He's ultra fast and lets you flee from battle 100% when
you have the option. His Technique is good too. Otherwise, he's not
very strong.
How to get: Run or Let Go from 50 battles to beat him in a race.

49 - Hix (Kobold Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 20
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Exertion Rune embedded in weapon
Commentary: His is a warrior who favors speed and aim over power.
He's okay, but is best uniting with Tengaar.
How to get: Complete the Hix/Tengaar subquest

50 - Tengaar (Kobold Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 18
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: A
Runes: Earth
Commentary: Tengaar is a great mage and has a long range attack.
She is a good support magician to take anywhere.
How to get: Complete the Hix/Tengaar subquest

51 - Emilia (Greenhill)
Level: NA
Age: 29
Role: librarian/non-combatant
Commentary: Just give her books to read them.
How to get: Confide in her during the rescue mission in Greenhill

52 - Teresa (Greenhill)
Level: NA
Age: 27
Role: troop commander/non-combatant
Commentary: The longest range archery war unit, but also the
How to get: Joins automatically

53 - Shin (Greenhill)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 27
Role - Att: B, Def: D, Tch: A, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Spider Slay
Equipment: Head Gear, Chain Mail, Mega Medicine, Belt of Strength
Commentary: Shin has good attack power and hits often, but he has
terrible defense. More often than not, strong enemies will eliminate
him before he goes.
How to get: Joins automatically

54 - Nina (Greenhill)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 16
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: D, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: None
Equipment: Head Gear, Magic Robe, Spicy Pilaf, Fish Badge, Guard Ring
Commentary: Aside from a humorous unite with Flik, Nina's best
suited as a support mage. She can also attack okay from the back
How to get: Joins automatically

55 - Meg (Greenhill-Muse Bordergate)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 16
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: D, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Trick
Equipment: Guard Robe, Lucky Ring*, Anchovy Pizza, French Toast
Commentary: Meg seems like she'd be good, but is really pretty poor.
She should only be used with Gadget for their unite attack.
How to get: Find her after rescuing Teresa

56 - Gadget (With Meg)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 3
Role - Att: A, Def: A++, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: E/C, Spl: E
Runes: none
Equipment: none
Commentary: Gadget is a machine made by Juppo. Gadget has a superb
defense rating, and if it could use weapons would really be powerful.
Use it with Meg for their combo, or use it to soak damage.
How to get: Joins with Meg.

57 - Lebrante (Radat)
Level: NA
Age: 40
Role: appraiser/non-combatant
Commentary: An overpriced appraiser. You probably don't want to
visit him unless you're lazy. Charges 400 potch.
How to get: Bring him a Celadon Urn after getting over 60 recruits.

58 - Jeane (Two Rivers)
Level: NA
Age: ???
Role: runemaster/non-combatant
Commentary: She sell any Rune you've seen for sell (except Rare
Finds), and attach/remove at the standard fee.
How to get: Talk with her in her shop after saving Teresa

59 - Yuzu (Kobold Village)
Level: NA
Age: 10
Role: herder/non-combatant
Commentary: Give Yuzu all you livestock. Also give them to her one
at a time if you want to see all your animals or else some won't
appear (but they will becounted for use in the restaraunt).
How to get: Look for her lost sheep.

60 - Wakaba (Forest Village)
Level: approximate to you level
Age: 15
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: A, HP: A, Mag: C, Spl: C
Rune: White Tiger, Fire Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Head Gear, Karate Uniform, Veggie Sandwich, Belt of
Strength, Skill Ring
Commentary: Wakaba is a great attacker to have. her only real
weakness is defense, but her high hit point total should compensate
for this.
How to get: Talk to her after completing the Two River City section

61 - Tony (Forest Village)
Level: NA
Age: 19
Role: farmer/non-combatant
Commentary: Lets you play Whack-A-Mole.
How to get: Offer him a chance to have a garden.

** - Makumaku (Greenhill Area)
Level: approximate to Mukumuku's level
Age: 6
Role - Att: E, Def: C, Tch: D, Spd: B, HP: E, Mag: C, Spl: B
Runes: none
Commentary: Makumaku is like a weaker Mukumuku with mojo (spell
How to get: Wander on the road between Two River City and Greenhill
alone or with Mukumuku

** - Mikimiku (Greenhill Area)
Level: 33
Age: 6
Role - Att: D, Def: C, Tch: D, Spd: A, HP: E, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Commentary: A weaker Mukumuku with a lot more speed.
How to get: Wander between Greenhill and Forest village alone or
with other squirrels while on the road.

** - Mekumeku (Greenhill Area)
Level: 33
Age: 6
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: D, Spd: C, HP: E, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Commentary: He's stronger than Mukumuku, but has hitting problems.
How to get: Wander the path to Matilda like Makumaku and Mikumiku

** - Mokumoku (Greenhill Area)
Level: 40
Age: 6
Role - Att: A, Def: A, Tch: E, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: E, Spl: E
Runes: none
Commentary: Aside from pitiful spells and low hit rate, he is the
strongest squirrel overall.
How to get: Wander around the clearing below Forest Village alone of
with other squirrels.

62 - Viki (Forest Path)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 16
Role - Att: E, Def: E, Tch: B, Spd: D, HP: D, Mag: B, Spl: A
Runes: Blinking
Equipment: Magic Robe, Tempura, Magic Ring
Commentary: You can still teleport when Viki is in your party. Just
walk into the space she normally occupies, and she'll offer to teleport,
and still be part of the party. Viki is a good mage, but she has random
luck. Spells cast by her may sometimes backfire.
How to get: Let her go to your castle when you meet en rout to

63 - Futch (Highway Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 14
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Rune: none
Equipment: Circuret, Leather Armor, Steel Shield, Medicine, Gauntlet,
Commentary: Futch is a reliable medium ranged attacker, but is weak
in defense, but can wear some good armors to improve this quality.
How to get: Complete Humphrey/Futch subquest

64 - Humphrey (Highway Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 35
Role - Att: A, Def: A, Tch: C, Spd: E, HP: A, Mag: D, Spl: D
Rune: none
Equipment: Half Helmet, Knight Armor*, Mega Medicine, Gauntlet, Boots
Commentary: He has the best defense in the game and high hit points.
He only really lacks any magic talent and speed. One of the better
stars to use.
How to get: Complete Humphrey/Futch subquest

65 - Miklotov (Rockaxe)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 26
Role - Att: A, Def: A, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: B, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Knight, Wind Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Half Helmet, Half Plate, Fire Emblem, Mega Medicine,
Commentary: Miklotov is a good warrior with good attack and defense strength.
How to get: Joins automatically

66 - Camus (Rockaxe)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 27
Role - Att: B, Def: B, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Rage Rune
Equipment: Half Helmet, Chain Mail, Kite Shield, Crimson Cape*, Mega
Medicine, Gauntlet
Commentary: He's weaker than Miklotov, but has appreciable magic
power. Use him as a fighter/mage.
How to get: Joins automatically

67 - Kiba (Your Castle)
Level: NA
Age: 37
Role: troop commander/non-combatant
Commentary: The most defensive general.
How to get: Joins automatically

68 - Klaus (Your Castle)
Level: NA
Age: 19
Role: strategists/non-combatant
Commentary: Only used in war.
How to get: Joins automatically

69 - Simone (Radat)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 32
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: none
Equipment: Chain Mail, Cape of Darkness*, Gold Emblem*, Mega Medicine
Commentary: Simone is competant with magic and has a decent long
range attack, making him useful. Never put him in the front line.
How to get: You need to find his Rose Brooch. Buy one in Banner
Village (warning, it's a Rare Find).

70 - Valeria (Gregminster)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 29
Role - Att: A, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: A, HP: B, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Falcon
Equipment: Half Helmet, Scale Mail, Kite Shield, Mega Medicine,
Gauntlet, Leather Cape
Commentary: Strong, fast, and good hit points, there's nothing not
to like about Valeria. She also has the Falcon Rune and can unite
with Anita for a strong attack.
How to get: Joins automatically, but you cannot get Kasumi

70 - Kasumi (Gregminster)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 19
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: A+, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Shrike
Commentary: Fast and accurate, but not too strong. Also, since
she's short range, she needs to be on the frontline. Not the place to
put someone with her defense.
How to get: Joins automatically, but you cannot get Valeria

71 - Sheena (Your Castle)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 19
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Earth
Equipment: Silver Hat, Magic Robe, Steel Shield, Star Earrings*,
Green Salad, Boots
Commentary: Shows up at your base after you defeat Kiba. Sheena is
a little stronger than Hix, and he also has some magic power.
Definitely more useful that he was in Suikoden 1.
How to get: Joins automatically in Gregminster

72 - Lorelai (Gregminster)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 28
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: A, Spl: B
Runes: Draining, Sleep Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Circuret, Chain Mail, Thunder Amulet*, Mega Medicine, Fur
Commentary: Lorelai is a good warrior to have, and she is rather
strong with magic and is one of the characters that can use a Blue
Gate Rune.
How to get: Ask her to join with at least 60 recruits.

73 - Gordon (Gregminster)
Level: NA
Age: 38
Role: trader/non-combatant
Commentary: A trader like any other.
How to get: Ask him to join, then make 50000 P through trading.

74 - Mondo (Rokkaku)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 35
Role - Att: B, Def: B, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: B, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Mayfly
Equipment: Ninja Suit, The Shredding, Belt of Strength, Sacrificial
Commentary: Mondo is a fairly strong Ninja, but sucks at magic. He
can afford to be on the front line.
How to get: Bring Kasumi to Rokaku (60+ recruits) or return after
building up your castle to max.

75 - Sasuke (Rokkaku)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 13
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: A, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Killer
Equipment: Head Gear, Ninja Suit, Dancing Flames, Sun Badge, Boots
Commentary: Sasuke is fast and accurate, but not too strong. Good
thing he attacks from long range.
How to get: Bring Kasumi to Rokaku (60+ recruits) or return after
building up your castle to max.

** - McDohl (Banner Village/Gregminster)
Level: 46
Age: 19 (est.)
Role - Att: A, Def: B, Tch: A, Spd: B, HP: B, Mag: A, Spl: A
Runes: Soul Eater
Equipment: What he had in Suikoden 1 plus Obento
Commentary: In the words of myself and a friend, McDohl is a tank.
All his stats are good, and with the Soul Eater, there are few people
better at magic. His attack is awesome and should hit about every
time. He's fast too, plus his defense is good enough for the front
line. The only drawback is you have to trek to Gregminster to get him
if you dismiss him from your active team.
How to get: Refer to the secrets section below

76 - Connell (Forest Village)
Level: NA
Age: 12
Role: sound setter/non-combatant
Commentary: Lets you change the window sounds.
How to get: Talk to him while carrying a Sound Set.

77 - Badeaux (Forest Path)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 38
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: B, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Howling
Equipment: Half Helmet, Leather Armor, Canopy Defense, Leather Cape
Commentary: He gives you 2 listening crystals. A fairly average
character who works best with beasts.
How to get: Bring Shiro to him.

78 - Hoi (Radat)
Level: 35
Age: 16
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: D, Mag: E, Spl: D
Runes: Technique Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Circuret, Leather Armor, Sacrificial Jizo x3
Commentary: Hoi is pretty poor despite dexterity. Even his Unite
with the hero is poor.
How to get: Thief who goes in and out of Radat. He's at the tavern.
Help him out.

79 - Ayda (Forest Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 17
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: A, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Great Hawk
Equipment: Head Gear, Karate Uniform, Medicine, Fur Cape
Commentary: Ayda is a good archer on and off the battlefield.
How to get: Fight the griffins and save Feather.

80 - Feather (Forest Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 23
Role - Att: A+, Def: B, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: A, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Shining Wind
Equipment: none
Commentary: Feather is worth the trouble for a large sized monster,
but isn't very strong against magic. The Shining Wind Rune is useful,
and with Feather's speed, you should be able to launch a quick attack.
How to get: Fight the griffins and save Feather.

81 - Sigfried (Unicorn Forest)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 170
Role - Att: A, Def: B, Tch: C, Spd: D, HP: B, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: White Saint
Equipment: none
How to get: Hang out in by the Unicorn Tree with a listening
crystal after the Hix/Tengaar subquest, and he'll appear. Accept
betrothal, and he's yours to command.

82 - Karen (Kuskus)
Level: 40
Age: 17
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: B
Runes: Twin Ring, Sleep Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Feathered Hat, Master Robe, Wind of Sleep, Blue Ribbon,
Toe Shoes
Commentary: Karen is okay, and medium ranged. She makes up for low
defense with a better than average spell ability.
How to get: Dance with her.

83 - Max (South Window)
Level: NA
Age: 65
Role: troop commander/non-combatant
Commentary: Used only in war.
How to get: Don't worry, he'll find you.

84 - Annallee (South Window)
Level: NA
Age: 17
Role: singer/non-combatant
Commentary: You can talk to her to listen to some of Suikoden 2's
How to get: She gets chased out of the inn. Find her near the
mayor's house. She work with two other musicians (Pico and Alberto),
but they were split up. She'll sing a song for you. Ask for another
song, and she'll join.

85 - Killey (South Window)
Level: 38
Age: 30
Role - Att: C, Def: B, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Fire
Equipment: Half Helmet, Scale Mail, Mega Medicine, Cape of Darkness,
Commentary: Killey is fast and strikes twice which makes him do more
damage than attack power indicates. He also has decent defense.
How to get: Mention Alex's fascination with the Sindar when you
meet him in South Window. Later, at your castle, visit Alex. Killey
will be there. He'll return to South Window. Repeatedly ask him to
join and he will.

86 - Tomo (Tsai's House)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 14
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Unicorn
Equipment: Half Helmet, Thunder God Garb, Ice Cream, Gauntlet,
Commentary: Tomo actually seems better than Tsai. Like other spear
users, put her in the back line.
How to get: Joins you in a mini quest with Tsai after Luca's attack

87 - Bob (Kobold District)
Level: 38
Age: 25
Role - Att: C, Def: B, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: B, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Rabid Fang
Equipment: Guard Robe, Grilled Beef, Shoulder Pads
Commentary: His rune lets him turn into a werewolf (for a few
rounds). As a wearwolf he's really good, but otherwise he leaves a
bit to be desired.
How to get: Recruit 80 or so Stars of Destiny.

88 - Koyu (Your Castle)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 16
Role - Att: D, Def: D, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Gale
Equipment: Head Gear, Dragon Armor, Medicine, Belt of Strength, Fish
Commentary: He's naturally quick, but lacks attack strength. You
could use him as a support mage.
How to get: Joins automatically

89 - L.C.Chan (Crom Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 33
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: A, Spd: A, HP: A+, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: White Tiger, Lightning Rune embedded in weapon
Commentary: Like Wakaba but with more hit points. If you liked
Wakaba, you should really enjoy L.C.Chan. Equip both with Fury Runes
and watch their true power come out.
How to get: Enter with Wakaba in your party. Follow him to behind
the item store.

90 - Raura (Tinto)
Level: NA
Age: ???
Role: scroll maker/non-combatant
Commentary: She makes scrolls, but if you don't use them, she's kind
of useless.
How to get: If you have Jeane, she'll join.

91 - Tenkou (Crom Village)
Level: NA
Age: 67
Role: window setter/non-combatant
Commentary: Lets you futz with the window appearance.
How to get: Bring him a window set.

92 - Kahn (Crom)
Level: 24/approximate to your level
Age: 32
Role - Att: C, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: B, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Resurrection, Magic Drain Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Leather Hat, Leather Armor, Cape of Darkness
Commentary: Kahn is a good character overall. He makes up for
average attack and defense with medium range and higher hit points.
He's also good with magic, probably best with the Water and
Resurrection Runes.
How to get: Joins automatically

93 - Sierra (Tigermouth Village)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: ???
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: C, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: A
Runes: Darkness, Thunder Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Circuret, Magic Robe, Magic Ring, Tomato Juice
Commentary: Sierra is fast and pretty good with magic, but her
defense sucks. She does get a double attack which is decent, but this
means putting her in the front line to use it.
How to get: Joins automatically

94 - Gijimu (Tinto)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 39
Role - Att: A, Def: B, Tch: D, Spd: C, HP: B, Mag: D, Spl: D
Runes: Double-beat
Equipment: Full Helmet, Dragon Armor, Broiled Eel, Fur Cape, Boots
Commentary: Gijimu is a pure fighter, and he's a darn good one too.
He has high attack power and a double strike. He just lacks accuracy
and shouldn't come within ten feet of magic.
How to get: Joins automatically after beating Neclord

95 - Lo Wen (Tinto)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 28
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: B, Mag: C, Spl: C
Runes: Water, Down Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Half Helmet, Dragon Armor, Crab Cakes, Belt of Strength,
Commentary: The strongest long range attacker. She also has better
than average hit points. Starting with the Down Rune is another
asset. She'd be perfect if she had better magic.
How to get: Joins automatically after beating Neclord

96 - Marlowe (Tinto)
Level: NA
Age: 19
Role: servant/non-combatant
Commentary: The most worthless character on the grounds that he does
absolutely nothing.
How to get: Joins automatically after beating Neclord

97 - Hauser (Tinto)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 43
Role - Att: A, Def: A, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: B, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: Half Helmet, Scale Mail, Dancing Flames, Silverlet, Boots
Commentary: Hauser is a faster version of Humphrey with less hit
points and a weakness with magic.
How to get: Joins automatically after beating Neclord

98 - Jess (Tinto)
Level: NA
Age: 24
Role: troop support/non-combatant
Commentary: Only used in war.
How to get: Offer to let him join after he tells Hauser to follow

81 - Abizboah (Tinto Cavern)
Level: 46
Age: 76
Role - Att: A++, Def: A+, Tch: D, Spd: E, HP: A+, Mag: E, Spl: D
Runes: Blue Drop
Equipment: none
Commentary: The hardest hitting character in the game. Abizboah
also boast huge amounts of hp, but is utterly slow and has poor aim
and a vulnerability to spells
How to get: Provided you have not triggered Sigfried, go to the
cave. Where there is a large pool, go left from an incline that leads
deeper in. You will be prompted to use a Hearing Crystal.

** - Rulodia (Tinto Cavern)
Level: 40
Age: 68
Role - Att: A+, Def: A, Tch: C, Spd: D, HP: A+, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Blue Drop and Flowing
Equipment: none
Commentary: A little weaker than Abizboah, but also makes up for his
shortcomings. The main drawback to Rulodia is that you cannot get all
108 stars if you get her.
How to get: Return to the same spot where Abizboah was with Abizboah.

** Chuchara (Your Castle - docks)
Level: 40
Age: 1
Role - Att: E, Def: A++, Tch: B, Spd: D, HP: E, Mag: E, Spl: C
Runes: none
Equipment: none
Commentary: Chuchara is basically a physical wall. His attack is
pitiful and is very vulnerable to magic.
How to get: After getting Rulodia, go to your docks and chase him
until his parents show up.

99 - Pico (Greenhill)
Level: NA
Age: 24
Role: musician/non-combatant
Commentary: Adds more songs to Annallee's list.
How to get: After liberation, talk to him. He joins if you have

100 - Georg (Mountain Path Drakemouth/Tigermouth)
Level: approximately 10 levels higher than you
Age: 41
Role - Att: A+, Def: A, Tch: A, Spd: A, HP: B, Mag: E, Spl: E
Runes: Killer
Equipment: Full Helmet, Silver Armor*, Cheesecake, Silverlet
Commentary: Georg Prime is the strongest pure warrior in the game.
The drawback? He has next to no ability with magic. Still, he is
definitely one of the game's best character's.
How to get: Agree to not give up the fight after beating Neclord.

101 - Mazus (Mine/Cave)
Level: approximately 10 levels higher than you
Age: 87
Role - Att: D, Def: E, Tch: C, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: A+, Spl: A
Runes: Blue Gate*, Thunder*, Fire
Equipment: Circuret, Robe of Mist*, Mega Medicine, Guard Ring, magic
Commentary: Mazus is Crowely's rival and the best mage in Suikoden 2
as fas as spell power is concerned. If you use him, let him blow the
opposition to oblivion.
How to get: Talk with him when you have over 100 recruits

102 - Gantetsu (South Window)
Level: 27
Age: 45
Role - Att: C, Def: B, Tch: D, Spd: D, HP: C, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Resurrection
Equipment: Karate Uniform, Healing Wind, Belt of Strength
Commentary: Gantetsu is a mage with good defense (for a mage), but
by the time you get him, you won't use him.
How to get: Beat him in a pushing contest with your party after you
slay Neclord. Must have a decent strength total.

** - Boris
Level: NA
Age: 21
Role: troop commander/non-combatant
Commentary: Ridley's son.
How to get: The meeting after Tinto joins if Ridley died.

103 - Alberto (Tinto)
Level: NA
Age: 31
Role: musician/non-combatant
Commentary: Adds more songs to Annallee's list.
How to get: Talk with him after getting both Annallee and Pico

104 - Tessai (Kuskus)
Level: NA
Age: 37
Role: blacksmith/non-combatant
Commentary: Bring him hammers to make him better.
How to get: Bring the Star Dragon Sword to him.

105 - Jude (Greenhill)
Level: NA
Age: 22
Role: sculptor/non-combatant
Commentary: He'll make your Guardian Deity.
How to get: Get some clay for him (go to Forest Village and get
some. A guy right of the elder's house has it).

106 - Genshu (Coronet)
Level: approximate to yours
Age: 37
Role - Att: B, Def: C, Tch: B, Spd: B, HP: C, Mag: D, Spl: C
Runes: Swallow
Equipment: Head Gear, Thunder God Garb, Steamed Abalone, Shoulder
Commentary: Genshu is much like Shin, but a little better overall.
Use those two together for the best results.
How to get: Talk to him with a weapon at level 15 and you castle
must be at maximum size.

107 - Pesmerga (Cave of the Winds)
Level: approximately 10 levels higher than you
Age: ???
Role - Att: A+, Def: B, Tch: B, Spd: D, HP: B, Mag: B, Spl: B
Runes: Counter, Rage Rune embedded in weapon
Equipment: Horned Helmet*, Knight Armor*, Chaos Shield*, Guard Ring*,
Iron Boots, Bolt of Wrath
Commentary: Pesmerga is an absolute beast in battle. He only lacks
speed, which is easily fixed (Spark Rune on the hero). If you want to
have a character that can blow the enemy to dust, he's you man.
How to get: After getting over 100 recruits with you castle at full
size, find him in the final chamber of the Cave of Winds.

108 - Vincent (Radat)
Level: approximate to your level
Age: 34
Role - Att: C, Def: D, Tch: B, Spd: C, HP: C, Mag: D/A, Spl: C
Runes: Wind
Equipment: Feathered Hat, Scale Mail, Mangosh, Rose Brooch, Potato
Pudding, Blue Ribbon
Commentary: Vincent is nothing special, but he does have a good
spell defense. Use him if you want, but you might want to use Simone
as well for their unite.
How to get: Bring Simone to meet him (in the dock section) after
your attack on Muse plus castle must be at max.


V) Walkthrough

Unicorn Brigade

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Tenzan Pass
Items: none

Explore the camp with Jowy. Head east, and you'll spot a
mysterious soldier who flees beyond your reach. Return and get some
sleep. You'll awake to the sounds of an attack. Captain Rowd tells
you to flee east. Jowy will advise you to go back to Captain Rowd,
expressing concerns of an enemy ambush. No choice but to heed him.
Rowd is meeting with Prince Luca. The ambush is a sham. Prince
Luca seems to desire conquest of the states. You can now flee to the
cliff and jump, or talk to the captain. Talking takes you into a

Battle: (1 Commander, 3 Highlands)
Just use Unite Buddy ATK and kill the Highlands. Finish off the
commander in the next hit.

You'll run to the cliff next. You'll be attacked by an identical
group when you reach the cliff. If you chose to run first, you'll be
confronted by Rowd and his troops and face only one battle that is the
same battle as above.
After the fights, Jowy will advise jumping. You have to jump,
after which, you'll be separated.

The Mercenary Army

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Toto-Ryube region
Enemies: Cut Rabbit, Holly Boy, Fur Fur
Mercenary Base
Items: Boots (x3), Flint (x3)
Items: Flour
Nothing Special

You'll be found by Viktor who takes you captive. Answer however
you feel like it. His mood doesn't improve much either way. Flik
shows up, reporting his failure to rescue Jowy. You're taken back to
their camp and placed in a holding cell.
In order to eat, you have to do a couple of tasks. Pohl, a soldier
serving Viktor, will be your liaison.
First task: moving boxes. Walk into a box and push with the X
button. Once all are arranged, grab the rope. Last, exit and talk to
Pohl and finish this assignment.
Second task: errand running. Pohl tells you to get 2 pairs of
boots, 3 flints, and 2 bags of flour. Go see Barbara for the boots.
If you want, take an extra pair. Next see the blacksmith and get your
flint. Now head upstairs and go to the item store. turns out they
have no flour. He says Ryube village may have some. Return and
report to Pohl. He'll send you and an escort to Ryube to get the
flour. You need to speak with Leona (the innkeeper here). Pohl will
unlock the door. She assigns Gengen to help you. A girl named Tuta
tags along too. Pohl now lets you out. Ryube is northeast.
There are entertainers preparing for a show. Explore if you like,
but you need only get the flour. Head back to the camp. Pohl is at
Leona's, so go up and speak with him. Gengen and Tuta leave, and you
rest for the night.
Third task: wipe up spilled oil. A simple task. Wipe up the oil
from the three floors. Stand over the spill and press X.
During the night, Jowy rescues you. He'll lose HP if you do not
call out to him. You get caught by Flik upstairs. You can try to
bust through or surrender. Trying to rush results in Flik's
effortless trouncing of your hero. The two of you are interrogated.
You may as well say the truth. They'll get to it anyhow. They place
you back in holding. Follow Jowy's lead to escape.

The Mist Monster

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Toto-Ryube Region
Enemies: Cut Rabbit, Holly Boy, Fur Fur
Allies: Eilie, Rina, and Bolgan will join you until Kyaro
Nothing special
North Sparrow Pass
Enemies: Bandit A, Bandit B, Bandit C, Bon Bon, Killer Bee, Wolf
Items: Fire Wall Scroll, Escape Talisman, Brass Armor, Feathered Hat

Now you're free to explore around. Start with Toto to the
northwest. Buy Feathered Hats if you like. The speed boost can be
useful. You may want to return when you have more money, or sell Clay
Guardians from the Fur Fur outside. Also, the girl Pilika is not
Now head to Ryube. Check out the entertainers. They'll select
you for an exhibit - knife tossing. Just remain calm. Don't move, or
she'll hit you. After a chat, they'll offer to accompany you to the
mountain where the locals speak of a Mist Monster. Agree to help
them, and they join you. Five members will certainly help on the road
Go to North Sparrow Pass (north Ryube). Rina will get you past
the guards. Advance up the path. At the branch go left and get a
Fire Wall. The water pool will restore your HP and MP to full also.
The right path leads to the next area. Take the right branch here to
get an Escape Talisman. Left takes you to the next section. Again,
the right branch leads to a chest. This one contains Brass Armor.
The left branch leads farther in the range. To the right on the next
screen is a save point. Advance a little farther and face the mist

Boss: Mist Shade
HP: 800; 2000 P; Kindness Drops
Have your main character and Jowy attack and use medicine. Bolgan,
Eilie, and Rina should use their Circus ATK. While Bolgan is
recovering, have Rina use fire magic (Fire Wall if you can use it).
The boss will attack three times per round for about 20 a hit. It can
also shift form. The other form uses magic that does 10-25 damage to
all This should be easy.

Continue up to the next section. Take the east path to a
Feathered Hat. North will take you out of the mountain range.


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Kyaro Region
Enemies: Bon Bon (2), Cut Rabbit (2), Spider
Items: Old Book Vol. 1, Normal Large Vase, Genkaku's Famous Vase,
Nanami's Handmade Vase
Recruits: Mukumuku

The circus people leave your party. Jowy heads home. Explore
town. It seems that you're wanted now. If you leave, you'll see a
scene where Jowy is denounced and captured. Head home (the path to
the west). If you want, you can get Mukumuku near the tree above your
house. Inside, look for Nanami. You can also find a ? Book (Old Book
Vol. 1) from a dresser in the lower left room and if you investigate
the vases, you can select one of them. The big vase is a Normal Large
Vase, the large one is Genkaku's Famous Vase, and the small one is
Nanami's Handmade Vase. Head out the back door and find Nanami who is
overjoyed to see you. You sit next to your grandfather's grave,
before deciding to flee.
Guards come to arrest you as you leave your house. They fight

Fight: Highlands (x5)
Just attack them, they're easy. You'll get 250 Potch and the
Hazy Rune Crystal.

Rowd comes up after the fight and speaks with you. If you resist,
Rowd fights you and kicks your butt. You are then captured.
Fortunately, you find Jowy. Rowd then explains why he labeled you
spies and had the Unicorn Brigade slaughtered. You are lead to you
Princess Jillia accosts you, but continues on her way. As Rowd
gloats, Flik beats his guards and rescues you and Jowy. Viktor comes
too. Rowd runs off. You say you need to rescue Nanami. She, of
course, makes the rescue attempt a little moot. Exit through the way
you came in.

* Nanami joins

Go back to North Sparrow Pass. The guards will let Viktor pass.
Now head back for the Mercenary Camp. Viktor and Flik leave and say
you can look for recruits if you want. Go to Ryube and recruit
people, then try out Toto. When you're done return to base. If you'd
like to exchange members, talk to Leona. Pohl will let you rest and
save. Barbara replaces Rock from Suikoden 1 as the store house

* Gengen joins


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Toto-Ryube Region
Enemies: Bon Bon (3), Shadow Dog, Woodpecker
Recruits: Rikimaru, Millie
Ryube Woods
Enemies: Bon Bon (3), Woodpecker, Spider, Giant Snail, Wild Boar
Recruits: Kinnison, Shiro
Recruits: Zamza, Hanna
Muse Region
Enemies: Gold Boar, Kill Spider, Sickle

Now go back to Toto. Pilika is back. She takes you home where
you chat with her parents. She then asks you to get a present for her
daddy in Muse.
On the way to Muse, you'll pass the White Deer Inn. The price is
good (30/person), and you'll meet Hilda. From the north path of the
inn, is a ruin, but you can't get in yet.
The port town of Coronet is to the south of Muse, west is the
gate to Greenhill, and north leads to two other gates (Highland and
In Muse, go to the item store. The Wooden Amulet will cost 500
potch. Pay it. Muse is also the home of Dr. Huan, and thus Tuta as
well, but they are not home at present. Also, the blacksmith is
closed. If you want to upgrade, go south to Coronet. The blacksmith
there can raise your arms to level 5. When you're done, return to
When you get back, Toto has been burned to the ground. Pilika is
crying. She tells you her parents are dead. Apple then arrives. She
tells you that Luca Blight is responsible. She asks you to take her
to Viktor. Apple and Pilika accompany you (non-combatants). Also, a
cave is now open in the cave ruins, but you can't do much with it.

* Apple joins

Apple reports to Viktor and Flik. Viktor has you and Jowy rest.
Leona fetches the two of you a little later. Run up to the meeting
room. Viktor will ask you to find Tsai to fix the Fire Spears. Agree
and Flik gives you money for Tsai. He lives near Ryube, perhaps at
that cabin in the woods...
Head to the cabin in the woods. No one's home yet, so just wait.
Tsai will arrive as Jowy is ready to leave. Tsai joins, and refuses
to take the payment yet. Head back to Viktor.

* Tsai joins

As you are leaving, Ryube is under attack. Luca kills the people
mercilessly. You arrive too late to stop the slaughter. Tsai knocks
you out if you try to take on Luca, as he say's you are no match for
him. Now go back to camp.
Pilika greets you on your return. Talk to Viktor, Flik, and
Apple. They tell you to go to Muse and leave the rest to them.
Instead, offer to join, and Flik will test you.

Duel vs. Flik
This is hard as Flik tends to only Attack and Defend. Thus,
you'll want to stick to Wild Attacks and regular attacks. You just
need to inflict about 50 damage to win.

Viktor gives you command of a company. Name your company and
prepare for your first battle.

Battle #1 First Defense
Just let the AI do what it needs to do. Listen to Apple. Fire
Spear works well, as you'll hit 3 enemies where you are. The Fire
Spears make this too easy. Keep it up for an easy win.

Battle #2 Second Defense
Viktor tells you to stay in the fort. Best do so. You are
seriously outnumbered. Luca comes with another force from behind, and
the Fire Spears have lost their effectiveness. You lose.

Run away, as the fort is lost. But first find Pilika. You'll
encounter Highland soldiers and Commanders along the way. Just beat
them and keep looking. Viktor and Flik are in the basement with a
plan to get out, but you need to locate Pilika, so head upstairs.
She's in the command room. Pohl is protecting her from Luca. Luca
drops Pohl in one blow, so it's up to you to save her. As things look
bad, Flik and Viktor come to the rescue. Viktor also rigged the fort
to blow with the remaining Fire Spears.

* You'll get a random party here depending on who you recruited

Pilika has been traumatized and cannot speak. Best go to Muse.
In Toto, Pilika goes to the cave, so follow her. You and Jowy are
transported at the engraving in the shrine. There you meet Leknaat.
She tells you to find the Stars of Destiny, then vanishes. Go forward
and see a flashback of when you met Jowy, and how you became best
friends. Leknaat appears again and tells you fate has read your
'character'. She tells you to seek the Beginning Rune. However, if
you fear the power and responsibility to turn back. Take the power
and receive the power of the Runes. Leknaat then sends you back.

Getting into Muse

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Muse Region
Enemies: Gold Boar, Kill Spider, Sickle
Greenhill Region
Enemies: Gold Boar, Kill Spider, Sickle
White Deer Inn
Items: Entry Permit
Sindar Ruins
Enemies: Creeper, Mega Watt, Nightmare, Mr. Venus, Salamander
Items: Stone of Magic, Mega Medicine, Angry Blow Scroll, Gauntlet,
Shoulder Pads, Round Plate, Triangle Plate, Fire Lizard
Crystal, Chain Mail, Water Crystal, Square Plate, Old Book
Vol. 2, Magic Drain Crystal, Healing Herb

* You may be able to reach Rockaxe at this time by pushing on the gate
at the border (like pushing boxes). It is not recommended.

At Muse, the guard turns you away, as you are not part of
Viktor's army. You'll need another approach. Go to White Deer Inn.
Alex, Hilda's husband enters talking about finding a way to the
treasure. He leaves for Muse to find help getting the treasure.
After staying the night, Alex will return without help. He'll lend
you his Entry permit for your help. By all means, agree. Also, two
travelers can aid you. One sells items, the other is a Runemaster.
Pilika will stay behind, and Alex will join the convoy.
Now, head for the ruins. Alex opens the door so you can enter the
Sindar Ruins. Inspect the thing right of the door, and Alex will use
it to open the door. Go left in the room and find two treasure boxes.
Inside are a Stone of Magic and Mega Medicine. Now go north instead.
You'll reach another intersection. South is a dead-end. North leads
to another section. Go upstairs to cross over the stream, but first
pick up the Angry Blow from the path south, next to the stream. On the
other side, you can find a Gauntlet. Now head up to the next section.
There's a door with a hole next to it which you can't open yet. Head
left. Push a statue back into place to open the next door. Inside,
find Shoulder Pads, and a Round Plate. Place the Round Plate in the
hole to open the door. In the room with the 2-headed snake chamber
are three new paths. To the right is another door with a square hole
next to it. Left across the bridge leads to a Triangle Plate.
Further left is a door with an octagonal hole, but it's broken, so you
can enter. Find a chest containing the Fire Lizard Crystal. Head up
from the statue and left across another bridge and find an identical
statue and a Save Point. Another door needing a square plate is here
too. Head back right and up a few stairs. Use the Triangle Plate to
turn off the water.
New areas open up now. Head up from the intersection and find
some Chain Mail. Now, go back into the canal region. Head all the
way down, then go left. You'll find a Water Crystal on the platform
on the north side. Head back up and take a left now. You'll find a
Square Plate. Go back to the door in the lower right region (right of
the first snake statue). Open the door and you'll find Old Book Vol.
2 and the Magic Drain Crystal. Now double back to the door near the
Save Point. Open it the same way (you do not need to get a second
plate). Go inside and analyze the stone etching by the door. You'll
be asked for what is most dear to you. Choose everyone if you want to
keep your party's respect. In the next room is a two headed snake
(you knew it was coming).

Boss: Double Head
HP: 2500; 4000 P; Spark Crystal
Use your strongest spells and combos. It has spells that hurt
quite a bit, but its standard attack isn't so bad despite hitting
everyone. Have your hero heal with the Bright Shield Rune when

With Double Head defeated, climb the stairs for your reward - a
'healing herb'. Head back to Hilda. At the exit, Alex drops the
Healing herb. Make a note and hurry back.
Hilda has fallen ill. Jowy is sent to get a doctor, but Toto is
where people here usually go. Run back and get the healing herb.
Talk to Nanami and she'll treat Hilda with them. It seems to do the
trick as she awakens. Alex lends you the Entry Permit and you get set
on your way.
Now with the Entry Permit, enter Muse. Nanami makes a plan
worthy of Viktor to convince the guard to let you in as Alex and
Hilda. Unfortunately, it doesn't work and you are thrown in prison.


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Items: Old Book Vol. 4, Recipe #3, Sound Set #1 (Elza)
Recruits: Anita, Tuta
Highland Camp
Enemies: Armadilloid, Armadillon, Kill Rabbit
Items: Circuret, Fire Sealing Crystal

Nanami and Jowy squabble about whose acting was better in prison.
At night, Jowy and you are up and reminisce. You retire for the night
and awaken to Viktor's and Flik's entry. They tell you to check out
Leona's new bar and meet them later at city hall. Feel free to
explore Muse. At the inn, Leona will take charge of Pilika. Now head
for city hall.
Viktor meets you and takes you to meet Anabelle. Viktor asks
Anabelle if she'll take the four of you in. Anabelle shows her
information network's ability by knowing who you are. She also seems
to have known Genkaku and wronged him at some point. She says she'll
explain later, but for now the Highland army is more pressing. You're
left in the care of Jess. He leaves you to explore on your own, while
Viktor heads to Leona's.
Talk to Jess as he has a request. He has a few Youth Brigade
uniforms and would like you to infiltrate Luca's army and report on
their provisions. Search the bookshelf to find a ? Book (Old Book
Vol. 4). Outside, meet Tuta who takes you to see Dr. Huan. Huan
assigns Tuta to help out Viktor. Talk to Huan again to get Recipe #3.
Return to Leona's. She'll tell you Viktor and Flik are getting more
soldiers. Jowy explains Jess's plan. Pick your party and set off to
the northeast.
Getting through the gate is a snap. Follow the guard to the
woods and take that path to reach the camp. Navigating the woods may
be tricky as there are lots of wide open spaces and paths. Head
strait right to the next screen and find a Circuret (shouldn't that be
Circlet?). Next, advance upward through a few screens. You'll enter
a cluster of trees. From this point, Jowy and you will travel alone.
In the camp, you have fairly free reign. At the provisions gate,
luck will smile on you as a guard buys your story and lets you in.
You discover there's only about two weeks of food. As you exit, Rowd
chances upon you. Depending on how you answered the guard, you may
have to fight some Highland soldiers. You can collect a Fire Sealing
Crystal near the provision tent. Enter the large tent, and you'll
find Jillia. Jowy convinces her to help you hide. She turns Rowd
away. She talks to you for a while. Afterwards, it's time for you to
go. Rowd intercepts you. You have to fight more Highland soldiers.
Jowy tells you to run while he holds them. You flee, while Jowy is
stuck with the enemy.
Return to Muse to see Jess. At city hall, an official tells you
that an important meeting is underway and that you should just wait.
Nanami suggests seeking out Viktor and the others. Go to Leona's.
Flik and Viktor are there. Nanami explains what happened. They go
with you to see Anabelle.
Back at city hall Viktor removes the guard. Viktor demands an
explanation. Anabelle apologizes, but says she can do nothing to save
Jowy. You leave without gaining any ground with Jess. Nanami waits
outside the gate for Jowy. Go find her and wait with her. Pilika
joins you later, but still there is no sign of Jowy. After a long
wait, Jowy finally makes it back.


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Battle #3
Recruits: Gilbert

A week passes. Nanami gets you and Jowy up for some event at
Jowston Hill. Head there (it's northwest in the city) and meet
Viktor. He'll get you in to the Hilltop meeting (a meeting of all the
city-states). The guard doesn't admit Viktor in, but recognizes Flik
as he arrives.
At the meeting, Anabelle convenes to decide what to do about
Highland. Most of the other members do not care to support Muse.
Word then arrives of attack by Highland at the border gate. Anabelle
gives the order for the states to gather their armies.
Follow Viktor's suggestion and head back to Leona's. Anabelle
and Apple are there. Anabelle asks Viktor to slow down Highland for
two days for Jowston to muster its armies. Apple says it's possible,
and Flik agrees. Agree to help.

Battle #3
In this battle you need to defeat Solon Jhee or stall for a few
turns. Flik recognizes Gilbert and tries to convince him to defect.
Matilda knight reinforcements arrive in three turns. Gilbert is
persuaded after Flik's Fire Spear. Keep up a good fight. Beware
random results that might lead to defeat. Eventually (turn 8 or so)
Camus appears and orders the knights to retreat. Following this
round, Solon Jhee flees.

After the battle you return to Muse. At night, Jowy has a
mysterious meeting with Kage. In the morning, go see Anabelle about
Genkaku. Gustav and Granmeyer are arguing as you enter. Anabelle
tells you to return in the evening. Jowy asks Anabelle why she is
fighting as you leave.
Return to Leona's where Pilika wishes to play with Jowy. He,
however says "later" and runs out. Go look for Jowy. He's meeting
Kage by city hall. Kage leaves and Jowy asks you to take care of
Pilika if he were to die.
At night, Viktor meets Anabelle to discuss some things. He
leaves to rest for tomorrow's battle. Now you and Nanami can go and
see her. Jowy has arrives before you to take Anabelle's life.
Anabelle catches Jowy off guard and tackles him. You arrive and see
Anabelle on the floor with Jowy standing over her. He flees. The
Highland army is also attacking. Anabelle tells you to flee and live
as she lays dying. In the night, you get Pilika and flee to
rendezvous in South Window.


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Muse Region
Enemies: Gold Boar, Kill Spider, Sickle
Items: Recipe #5
Recruits: Genshu (100+)
South Window Region
Enemies: Dark Bunny, Flyer, Target Lady
Items: Recipe #9
South Window
Items: Friendship Crystal

Head to Coronet. You'll find that the Highland army is already
here. Search about town. A man in the restaurant will give you
Recipe #5. At the docks, the soldiers will not let any boats depart.
Head to the inn, and of all people, you'll see Eilie, Rina, and
Bolgan. They ask you to chat for a while. You explain the situation
to them. By coincidence (or is it fate?) they are headed to South
Window too. They seem to have given up, so it's up to you. Head
right from the docks to a house. Here you'll see Sheena yelling at
Tai Ho for a boat. Enter the house and speak with Tai Ho and his
brother Yam Koo. Like in Suikoden 1, he'll help if you beat him in
Here's how the game, Chinchirorin, is played: You roll three dice
in a cup. If two dice are the same, the third is your score. Triples
are good except 1-1-1. They are called storms. Also, 4-5-6 is good
too. You win 3 and 2 times bet respectively. 1-2-3 is bad, and like
1-1-1, makes you lose more money. This time, you need only beat Tai
Ho in a single game.
At Nanami's suggestion, you go back to tell Eilie and the others
and bring them along. They join your party at a level near yours.
Return to Tai Ho and board your craft. Sheena misses the ship. You
sail to Kuskus and Tai Ho drops you off.

* Eilie, Rina, and Bolgan join

There are tales of a monster in North Window. Recipe #11 is a
rare find at the item store. The smith can upgrade you to level 6.
When you're ready, head south for South Window.
Viktor greets you shortly after entering. He inquires about
Jowy, so fill him in. He says to meet Flik in the tavern. For now,
you're free to explore. You'll also find you first trading post
(unless you've been to Greenhill already). When you're ready, go to
the inn. Viktor says he has bad news. He and Flik had trouble
getting here. No else has arrived yet either. Viktor and Flik join
you to go to city hall to see Granmeyer. He admits you in. Viktor is
revealed to be from North Window. Freed Y, Granmeyer's assistant
fills you in on that town's peril. They want you to investigate. As
you leave, they'll be a cut scene of someone who is VERY reminiscent
of Neclord.

* Freed Y joins

The monster of North Window

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
South Window Region
Enemies: Dark Bunny, Flyer, Target Lady
Cave of the Wind
Enemies: Griffin, Minos, Sorceror, Sun King
Items: Sun Badge, Fish Badge, Fire Wall Scroll, Blue Gate Crystal,
Medicine, Stone of Defense, Half Helmet
Recruits: Pesmerga (100+)
Allies: Kahn joins you for a until you drive Neclord from North
North Window Castle
Enemies: Shadow Man, Sorceror (2), Zombie
Items: Fire Crystal, Stone of Mag-Def, Chain Mail, Necklace,

Viktor explains the circumstances of North Window's desertion and
of Neclord. Neclord interrupts Viktor's story, much to Viktor's anger
that the fiend still lives. He animates the corpses to attack you.
Fight: Neclord and 3 Zombies
The zombies prove easy targets, but Neclord is immune to attack.
You can't win.
Viktor tells you that you need the Star Dragon Sword to harm him.
Neclord challenges you with that sword. You'll have to get it and
meet him at his castle. The sword is in the Cave of the Wind.
Head south and enter the cave. Navigate through this cave as
best you can. When you reach you first path choice, choose the upper
one. You'll get a Sun Badge for it. Now take the lower path. Head
left as far as you can, then up to collect a Fish Badge. Take the
passage above and right of the incline next. At the next intersection,
take the left path for a Fire Wall. Now take the right. Push a block
out of your way. You'll be in the wind section of the cave.
You cannot enter passages with wind blowing from them. Also be
careful of strong currents as they can blow you away. Push rocks to
aid your progress. The first one is simple, push the rock in the way
of the blast. The next chamber requires you to move the top rock to
block the first half of the current and the bottom block for the other
half. The next room is trickier. You'll want to push the blocks into
position to block each passage at the source. Refer to the map below:

W W W W Key:
__ + + + __ W: Wind current source
1 1,2,3,4: Rocks
__ 2 3
<-- passage

Push 1 strait up to block the first current. Do the same with two to
block the next one. Now push 3 into position to block the third one,
being careful not to overdo it. Then slide 4 into the last wind
tunnel. There are three chests and a mysterious old man. He'll
transport you out. The chests contain 3000 P, Blue Gate Crystal, and
Medicine. Now take the lower passage. You'll find another fork down
the road. Take the lower one and swing around to get a Stone of
Defense. Head over left from there and find a Half Helmet. Head up
and note that all the paths converge. This leads you to another
chamber where a man is. He is Kahn, and he says he was waiting for
Viktor. He's a vampire hunter. He explains that Neclord duplicated
himself, and that Viktor killed a fake. He proposes teaming up. Kahn
is a welcome addition. Continue on the now linear path to the Star
Dragon Sword. Viktor and the sword argue, angering the sword into
attacking. Time to teach it some manners.

Boss: S.D. Sword
HP: 2500
Use your best attacks to sap its HP. Cast Clay Guardian on the
two people in the middle, as it attacks them more often than anyone
else, and the spell should cut damage to less than 10.

Viktor sucks up to the sword and tells him Neclord is back, and
Kahn explains the Doppelganger Secret Neclord uses. Viktor takes the
sword and you exit the cave.
Go back to North Window and enter the castle. The main stairway
is blocked by debris. Take the right stairs to find a Fire Crystal.
Go back up and take the other stair. Go left as the right is blocked
off. Head downstairs to get a Stone of Mag-Def. Take the left exit,
as the right leads to a dungeon, hence a dead-end (there is a blocked
stairway though). When you reach a statue room, push the out of place
statue on the brown panel to reveal a door. You can also push the
statue furthest to the left to reveal a hidden door and a Darkness
Crystal. Go through, then head upstairs. Continue on to a room with
candles. Light the top ones (using X) and reveal a door to the right
on the upper wall. If you return to the candle room, you can light
the bottom row so that they match the top row to reveal a doorway to
a Blue Ribbon. From the hidden door in the candle room, go through it
to find another stairway up. You'll find a bridge to the other half
of the castle. Go upstairs again. There are two treasure boxes.
They contain Chain Mail and a Necklace. Go upstairs again. You'll
find another bridge back across. Advance up the stairs. You'll find
Neclord playing the organ. Neclord welcomes you. He brings a girl in
front of you named Daisy. He offers the girl for the sword. Viktor
cuts off her head, seeing through Neclord's bluff. Neclord, realizing
he's outmatched, flees. But he leaves you something to play with.

Boss: Abomination.
HP: 4400; 10000 P
This 5 headed creature means business. He can attack twice per
round. One attack inflicts moderate damage to all your party. He
also can claw for medium high damage. It also has a devastational
breath weapon. Use Clay Guardian to maximize your defense against his
physical attacks. Have your hero heal with the Bright Shield Rune.
Kahn's Resurrection Rune can deal high damage also. Viktor's attack
should equal Bright Shield's Shining Light power. Having someone with
a Fire or Water Rune wouldn't hurt either. As it gets weaker, it
breathes more often so kill it quickly when it starts to do 2 in a
row, so you might want to save Charm Arrow for his last 1500 HP. Keep
your HP high, and you should win.

Time to head back to South Window to report. Kahn leaves to hunt
for Neclord. Flik and the others arrive as you near the exit, reporting
that South Window has fallen and Lord Granmeyer is dead by Solon Jhee's
hand. Granmeyer surrendered to avoid bloodshed.
Apple and Eilie both feel that running away is a poor idea, so
Apple proposes getting Shu, also a student of Mathiu, on your side.
Thus favoring tactics to beat the numerically superior Highland army.
Apple accompanies you to Radat (to the east). Select 4 other members.
Also, note that Neclord's castle is now yours.

Shu of Radat

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
South Window Region
Enemies: Dark Bunny, Flyer, Target Lady
Items: Recipe #14
Mercenary Base:
Meet Templton
Recruits: Templton

Radat is a pleasant little town. By all means search around.
You can find Recipe #14 from a man in the restaurant, and Sound Set #5
from the item store's rare finds. At Shu's house, Apple leads you in.
Apple asks Shu to join you, but he says he cannot. He says he
doesn't care which country gets destroyed. Besides, he's now a trader
more concerned with profit. You get turned away, leaving you to find
some new approach.
At the restaurant, Shu enters and warns you that Highland may be
approaching at any time. Apple begs Shu to help. Apple asks to stay
a little longer, hoping she can still get through to Shu.
Go speak with Richmond. He says he knows about you (the hero,
Nanami, and Apple anyway). He says he's a private eye and can find
out anything. By the way he talks, he sounds more like an
eavesdropper. He charges 1500 potch to gather info on Shu. It's
fairly cheap, so go ahead and pay. Go to the inn and wait (talk to
the innkeeper).
He tells you that an important trade will occur tomorrow night
that Shu has to attend at the port. You should wait at the bridge.
In time, Shu arrives. He seems to not want to be responsible for the
loss of life that war brings. He says he'll join you if you can find
a coin he just threw in the river. Talk to the man in green and ask
him to close the Sluice gate. He refuses, but a man named Amada
offers to handle the situation. He says he'll fight you. If you win,
he'll close the gate.

Duel vs. Amada
Read his actions, and counter appropriately. He takes about 220-
250 damage.

Amada keeps his promise and closes the gate for a night. Apple
spends the night rooting through the riverbed looking for the coin.
Help her out. Nanami then says she saw Shu replace the coin with a
stone to throw that instead, thus making the task impossible. Apple
tells you to go back, but as she does, you discover a coin. Shu
arrives and decides he'll help. Shu ask you to show him that coin and
notices Bright Shield. Shu reveals that he knew Genkaku also. As the
scene closes, it's revealed that Richmond dropped the coin in the
river for you. Guess he's a good guy after all. Now go back to your

* Shu joins

Shu arrives just after you to hear Viktor's doubt of him. Shu
lays it out hard for Viktor, telling him to listen to him or be
treated as an inconvenient obstacle. Flik gives Shu the numbers -
2000 irregulars/remnants vs. 20000 seasoned troops. Shu explains that
their forces will be only half strength after garrisons. About a
third of them should be South Window soldiers too, so you may be able
to recruit them. That'd even the odds. He sends Freed to spread
rumors in the enemies camp. He also plans on using ships to transport
a rear attack unit. He chooses you to lead that attack against Solon
Jhee. Accept or decline. If you say no, he'll give you some time to
think. Agree and prepare for war.

Battle #4
Attack Solon Jhee with all speed. Freed will convince the South
Window troops to join you. The AI will start mopping up the rest.
After about 6 turns, Solon Jhee retreats.

You are celebrated as a hero, and have been given the title
"herald of victory." Shu says that North Window is the perfect
staging point. All it needs is a leader to pull it together. That
would be you. As the son of Genkaku with the same Rune he had, you
are the one to do it. As you're left to consider your decision,
Viktor tells you about Genkaku. You may go talk to Viktor or sleep.
If you see Viktor, he'll tell you about Genkaku. If you sleep,
you'll not hear about Genkaku. Viktor will tell up about the events
that led to Genkaku's exile. Anabelle's father Darell led the attack
against Highland 30 years ago. He was losing the war, but Genkaku
saved the States. Genkaku and Han (Highland's general) were friends
and both realized the idiocy of the war. They made peace, but Darell
would not return Kyaro. Agares Blight, Highland's king suggested
trial by champions to resolve this. The champions were Genkaku and
Han. Genkaku refused to raise his sword. Han took the victory. Lord
Darell of Muse exiled Genkaku. Turned out that Genkaku refused to
fight because Darell coated the sword with poison.
Now you need to decide. If you say yes, everyone pledges their
loyalty to you. Huan shows up too and joins you. Now you get to name
your castle. Leknaat appears and gives you the Stone Tablet which
records the names of the Stars of Destiny. Luc soon joins her and
joins your team at her behest. Leknaat leaves. Luc notes Flik and
Viktor still live.

* Huan, Luc, Flik, Viktor, Barbara, and Leona join

The new order

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Your Castle
Recruits: Hai Yo
South Window Region
Enemies: Dark Bunny, Flyer, Target Lady
Recruits: Tai Ho, Yam Koo, Oulan, Karen (after Luca fight), Tessai
(after joining with Tinto)
South Window
Recruits: Hilda, Alex, Clive, Adlai, Max (after Luca fight),
Annallee, Killey, Gantestu (after joining with Tinto)
Items: Piglet
Recruits: Richmond, Yoshino, Amada, Stallion, Lebrante (60+), Simone
(later), Hoi (after Luca fight), Vincent (100+ and Simone)
Two River Region
Enemies: Rockadillo, Sandillo, Spikebeak
Items: Recipe #16, Kindness Crystal, Chick, Cabbage Seed
Recruits: Taki, Shilo, Tetsu
Two River City
Items: Spinach Seedling
Recruits: Hans, Gabocha, Jeane (after Greenhill)
Enemies: Devil Eye, Land Shark, Shadow, Siren
Items: Head Gear, Resurrection Crystal, Healing Wind Scroll, Fire
Emblem, Stone of Defense
Recruits: Sid (Chaco)
Kobold Village
Recruits: Hix, Tengaar, Yuzu
Items: Exertion Crystal, Recipe #13, Lamb
Unicorn Forest
Enemies: Eagle Man, Mirage
Items: Necklace (x4), Mangosh, Guard Ring
Recruits: Sigfried (must have Listening Crystal from Badeaux)

On the way out of your castle town, Fitcher is waiting. He's
looking for you. He doesn't believe you're the leader and sneaks
inside. In a meeting with Shu and your top people, he is led to the
truth. He asks you to ally with Two Rivers, not that he has the
authority... Furthermore, you need a captain to pilot your ship as
the bridge has been destroyed.
Head to Radat and recruit Amada. Also, you can pick up Tai Ho
and Yam Koo in Kuskus. Return with Amada to the meeting room. Amada
says he'll pilot the boat. You can also take Tai Ho instead if you'd
like. You're to head west to Lakewest first, then go on foot to Two
River City. Head downstairs and head for your dock. Amada takes a
liking to it. Walk up to it an press X to get the option to board the
You get full control of the boat, so if you want, have some fun
sailing all over the sea. You can't go back to Coronet yet, as it's
still under martial law by Highland, but you can sail to Kuskus (for
no particular reason). Head to Lakewest.
Fitcher gives you a letter of introduction to get you into Two
River City. Find Recipe #16 in Taki's house. Head west by road to
Two River City now. Kobold Village is to the south. And farther
south west is Drakemouth Village. However, there's not much to do at
either, so go to Two River City.
As you enter, some kid named Chaco runs into you and steals your
money and your letter of recognition. The thief runs to Winger
territory, so give pursuit. Once you corner him, he flies away.
Check the kobold district, then return to the human area. You'll see
Ridley accusing Fitcher of desertion and sentences him to 100 lashes.
Tell them to stop. However, people do not seem to want to believe you
are the leader of the force who beat Highland. Ridley looks at your
rune. He says that's proof enough. You're taken in to meet Makai.
Makai asks for you support in dealing with Highland. He also asks
about an incident here. Tell him about your wallet. This angers
Ridley. Makai sends you to the inn. Go to your room and find Chaco
again. He ate you dinner and doesn't believe you are who you are, and
flies out the window.
Fitcher tells you that Makai and Ridley are fighting over a
Highland spy in the morning. Go see what's up. Somehow, Ridley
doesn't feel he can trust the humans and storms off. Makai asks you
to go find out what happened from Ridley.
The kobolds tell you that Ridley forbids entrance. Head back to
the winger section. Chaco appears again and steals from Fitcher. You
corner him again. This time he enters the sewers.
Enter the sewers. You can pick up Head Gear early on. Further
down the tunnel is a Resurrection Crystal. Go south to the next
screen. There's a hidden tunnel just down the ladder to the right.
You can meet Sid here, but he scares you off. Go south again. You
can find a Healing Wind in a box. Now exit to the west from the box.
Take the top bridge to find a Fire Emblem and a Stone of Defense.
Then, go the other way. You'll exit north. Climb up a ladder, then
down another. There is a save point at the bottom. Enter the door to
the left. A monster is at the end of the path.

Boss: Pest Rat
HP: 5000; 20000 P; Poison Crystal
This is another long fight. Use combos and runes to deal damage
out fast. This pest has three attack forms: a charge against one
person for moderate damage that is easy to evade, a rock crush for
more damage to everyone, but still physical, and a poisonous breath
that is considered magic. The breath deals out high damage and may
poison you as well. It also attacks twice. This is a fight to keep
you HP at max. An earth rune wouldn't hurt either.

With that out of the way, enter the doorway to the north. Take a
ladder up and arrive in the kobold section. Ridley arrives and asks
why you are here. Ridley says a spy dropped a note concerning a
treaty between Makai and Highland. Your meeting ultimately fails.
Return to Two River City and find Kiba of Highland in town
talking to Makai. Klaus, Kiba's son, says he looks forward to meeting
you on the battlefield. Chaco appears again saying it's a plot. Go
talk with Makai in the meeting hall. You tell him what Ridley said.
Makai decides to sign the treaty with Highland. As you leave, Chaco
rushes up to you and says that Granny wants to meet you before running
Chaco waits for you at the entrance of the winger district.
Follow him and meet Susu. She ask to see your right palm and sees the
Bright Shield Rune. The Wingers used to live in Tinto, but were
driven off by miners. Genkaku brought them to Two Rivers. After your
chat, return to the inn.
Outside, Kiba breaks his promise. The Highland army attacks.
You'll face a group, which should be fairly easy, and earn 3200 potch.
Go talk to Ridley. He refuses to help yet. Meanwhile, Chaco leads
the Wingers to help Makai. The other kobolds want to fight for their
town too. This convinces Ridley. Kiba presses on the attack (another
Highland battle for 3200 P). Finally, your army arrives at Kiba's
flank. Kiba follows Klaus's advice to retreat.

* Ridley, Fitcher, and Chaco join

In a cut scene, Luca bitches Solon out. He orders Solon's
execution. Jowy is now in Luca's camp and volunteers to lead an
attack on Greenhill.
Head back to see Makai and Shu in the meeting hall. Makai, Shu,
Ridley, and Viktor are there. Makai and Ridley pledge their aid, and
Fitcher joins you. Shu tells you to get back to your castle. Chaco
is waiting at the exit. He joins you then, and he returns your stuff.


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Greenhill Region
Enemies: Holly Boy (2), Ragged One, Sauroid
Recruits: Mukemuku, Makumaku, Mikumiku, Mekumeku, Mokumoku
Greenhill-Muse Border Gate
Recruits: Meg, Gadget
Forest Village
Items: Lamb, Spinach Seedling, Old Book Vol. 6, Iron Hammer
Recruits: Wakaba, Tony, Connell (60+), Ayda (with Feather), Feather
(need Listening Crystal from Badeaux)
Items: Recipe #20, Old Book Vol. 5
Recruits: Emilia, Jude (after liberation), Pico (liberation and
Forest Path Behind the Academy
Enemies: Holly Boy (2), Holly Elf, Melonzoo, Monwer
Items: Protect Mist Scroll, Toe Shoes, Silver Hat, Chimera Crystal

Back at base, Flik and crew are assembled. Shu says another
development has happened but waits until morning for the details. Shu
explains that Greenhill has fallen. He explains that taking Greenhill
back is not possible, but rather that the goal is to rescue Teresa,
the acting mayor. You will act as students to get into Greenhill and
bust her out. Flik will act as your leader and bodyguard. The rest
will be made up of the younger members. Only the younger members will
appear on the roster.
You meet Fitcher at the entrance of Greenhill. Fitcher will get
word to you once he locates Teresa. Until then, you need to
infiltrate. Fill in some fake names and move on. You even get to
name Flik. Getting pass the guard proves easy. You now need to
enroll and wait for Fitcher.
You can search the town. In the inn, you get Recipe #20 from a
woman. As you near the university, you see a scene where a guard is
upset at a young woman, Nina. Go help her out. You manage to make
him back down, but he'll probably cause trouble later. Nina is left a
bit curious when Flik messes up your name.
Sign in at the main desk in the building on the strait ahead
path. Emilia takes your papers and shows you around. She points out
the smith, appraisal, and Runemaster classrooms. As she finishes,
Shin comes downstairs. He doesn't seem too friendly. If you'd like,
confide in Emilia about your true story. You can trust her.
Outside you see Nina bragging about Flik saving her. Seems she's
got a crush on him. She decides to take Flik on a tour of the school.
Go to the dormitory (to the west). Choose to rest. After eating,
Nina finds you, expressing her desire to have Flik, and not fearing
any competition from Nanami.
In the morning, you'll find Flik. He informs you he is
investigating Shin. Lovesick Nina runs after Flik as he leaves. Now
you can go search for Shin. Meet Emilia down the road to the city.
She warns you to beware Highland soldiers in town. According to the
soldiers, Teresa is in the inn somewhere. Circle around to the front.
The soldiers are forcing their way into the inn. Before you can act,
Rowd enters the scene. Shin comes to try and reason with Rowd.
Follow Shin. You lose his trail, so Nanami suggests returning to the
dormitory to let Pilika rest. Rest until dinner. Nina will show up
asking what Flik likes to eat. As she leaves, she mentions a
wandering ghost which terrifies Nanami.
Go outside and look for Flik. You can find Nina in the academy to
the left of the entrance. She's mad at Nanami, saying that Flik has
someone already (guess neither of them knew about Odessa). As such,
Nina challenges Nanami to a duel. Flik is waiting outside. Nanami
explains to Flik what transpired. Flik says you're to wait in town
for Fitcher.
Fitcher is in trouble as many townspeople are surrounding him and
calling him a traitor. Flik attempts to diffuse the situation. Flik
pretends to want to take Fitcher's head and sends the people running.
Fitcher has no news on Teresa's whereabouts. He does say that the
general who took Greenhill will be in town in two or three days.
On the way back to the academy, Nina accosts you. Flik leaves
you to handle it, but Nina chases after him. Go back to your rooms
and rest again. Nina approaches you again saying Nanami won the first
round, but that your duel is only starting. As you leave her
answering a question, you sneak off. At night, Nanami wakes you up to
investigate a creaking. A figure runs upstairs. Follow it. It
rushes back downstairs to the basement. Look on the wall between the
crate and the map to find a switch that reveals a secret passage.
The passage empties into the academy where you see the shadowy
figure run again. Nanami tells you to prepare to tackle the figure.
Turns out you found Flik. He was following Shin. You'll be in the
room with the bust. Search the bust and a passage is revealed. You
are now behind the academy.
The forested region is home to monsters. At the first split, go
right and find Protect Mist. Go left now. When you reach a clearing,
Flik notices a building in the back of the forest. Before you can
check it out, Shin prepares to attack you. Pilika's cry stops him.
Teresa comes out and begs Shin to stop. Flik now has a chance to
Teresa says she cannot help you, and has no power over her people
any more. She tells you what happened when Highlands armies came.
First the Muse survivors arrived. Highland laid siege, but did not
attack. With the Muse soldiers, food depleted rapidly. This lead
into internal dissention. Thus, Greenhill fell without a single
It appears your efforts were in vain. Talk to Flik in the
morning. In the town square the townsfolk are all gathered. Rowd
offers a large reward to anyone who aids in the capture of Teresa.
Jowy then enters and tells the people that the people responsible for
raiding the inn are being punished. Pilika approaches Jowy with
Nanami right behind. You'd better help them out. Fitcher gives you
cover to escape. Back at the academy, a few soldiers attack. They're
nothing special so mop them up.
Your best bet to escape is Teresa's secret path. At the academy
doors, more soldiers attack. At the path, expect more soldier
At the house Nina pleads with Shin and Teresa to flee. Flik
tells Teresa that you must all escape. Teresa refuses and walks to
surrender. Nina chases after, and so should you. Find Shin and
Teresa outside the academy with Rowd. Shin resists Rowd's attempt to
take Teresa. Help them out. You'll fight some Highlands, but as
usual, they're easy. After two battles, Nina arrives with the
townspeople and Muse refugees who all wish Teresa to live. Rowd is
forced to retreat, and Teresa decides to aid you.
Back in the back woods, Shin clears the path and Teresa joins
your convoy. Hurry back to the house. You'll face more battles vs.
Highlands. Before you make it, Rowd returns. Shin says he'll hold
them off and sort of professes his love for Teresa. Flik pledges to
save her. Run up and out. If you want, in the more open area, you
can find some Toe Shoes and a Silver Hat. The exit is to the right.
In the next area you can get Chimera Crystal. After that, you'll meet
Jowy. He tells you to give up command and flee. You have to leave
him behind, but he doesn't seem to have loyalty to Luca Blight, but
rather is waiting to dispose of him. Keep fleeing the forest you're
almost out.
Rowd threatens to turn Jowy in, but Seed and Culgan support him.
Seems they are not fond of Luca either. They pledge loyalty to Jowy.
You need to return home in the meantime.

The Blue Knight

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Greenhill Matilda Border Gate/Path
Enemies: Doremi Elf, Holly Boy (3), Papa Holly, Zombie Slug
Items: Guard Ring, Mega Medicine, Dragon Armor
Recruits: Badeaux, Viki
Items: Violence Crystal
Matilda Region
Enemies: Phantom, Pink Bird
Highway Village
Items: Recipe #32, Calf
Recruits: Futch, Humphrey
Mount Rakutei
Enemies: Assassin, Hawk Man, Pixie, Spiker
Items: Fur Cape, Thunder Runner Scroll, Thunder Amulet, Stone of
Power, Medicine Crystal, Dragon Plans #2, Unicorn Plans #2,
Skill Ring
Muse Region
Enemies: Time Knight, White Tiger

Return to Shu with Teresa. Shin arrives right after with Fitcher.
Also, Fitcher managed to sneak Nina out as well. Both now join you.
It is then time for you to retire.

* Teresa, Shin, and Nina join

Meanwhile, Luca congratulates Jowy. Jowy then asks Luca for his
sister's hand in marriage. Luca threatens to take his head, but Jowy
has a plan for him. They are to meet in Luca's quarters later.
Back at base, Viktor and Shu are having a meeting. The objective
is to ally with the Knights of Matilda. Since Greenhill is occupied,
you need to move in small groups.
The guards allow you to pass into the forest passage to Matilda.
Early on you'll meet Badeaux, who doesn't say anything to you. Don't
worry about that now. If you go northeast of him, you'll find a Guard
Ring. Exit to the north and keep going. A secret passage leads to
the Mega Medicine in the chest on the next screen. Go up the upper
right path and find Dragon Armor. Take the right path, and you'll run
into Viki. If you ask her to join you, she'll teleport you back to
your castle. Keep going and you're on the other side.
Miklotov greets you with an army. He escorts you to his castle.
Gorudo is waiting inside. Enter the castle and explore if you like.
When you're ready, talk to Gorudo. He insults you, Muse, and your
army, and promptly ends the meeting. Rest for the night. Leknaat
will contact you in your sleep. She tells you not to give up in a
manner that seems to foretell an ill future. Miklotov informs you
that they are in a rush, but you'll after to inquire for more of an
Highland is moving against the refugees of Muse on the border.
Miklotov wishes to aid them. Gorudo gives him the go-ahead.

Battle #5
In one turn, Luca's forces appear and easily overwhelm the
refugees. You're basically helpless, and can only watch the senseless
slaughter. Gorudo lends no aid to the refugees.

Back at Rockaxe, Gorudo tells Miklotov and Camus to stand down.
After the meeting, the two knights discuss what happened. Miklotov
heads for Muse to see what's happening. Camus asks you to help
Miklotov. You can explore Rockaxe before going if you'd like. Search
the cabinet of the appraisal shop and find a Violence Crystal.
Miklotov is still in town, and two knights beg him not to go alone.
He departs on his own anyway.
You find Miklotov at the border gate. He asks you to accompany
him to Muse. The guards recognize him, but Camus sent word to them to
not interfere.
At Muse, Miklotov warns you to approach with caution. As he
finishes, there is some strange sorcery going on. The scene shifts to
Luca and Jowy. It seems that Luca is sacrificing the souls of the
Muse people.
Inside, there is no sign of life. The shops are closed, and no
one walks the streets. Near the path to the Hilltop meeting hall, a
man will fall at your feet pursued by soldiers. Beat them and the
original soldier runs away. The man says some silver monster has
eaten everyone alive. With this, return to Rockaxe.
Camus meets you inside the castle. Miklotov tells Camus that
something terrible has happened. Gorudo has assembled his knights.
Miklotov gives his report. Gorudo doesn't care about Muse or helping.
Miklotov resigns from his duties. Camus tells Gorudo to let Miklotov
rest. Gorudo wants Miklotov arrested. Camus joins Miklotov in
renouncement. Both join you. The other knights wish to follow Camus
and Miklotov, and throw down their badges as well. You now need to
retreat through Greenhill. Camus stays behind to recruit more knights.
As the knights prepare to attack you, Shu arrives to back you up.
However, as he points out, your pursuers are the knights recruited by
Camus with him at the lead. You arrive back at headquarters.

* Miklotov and Camus join

Loyalty to King

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Nothing remarkable during this section

Luca discusses strategy with Jowy while you are resting. Leon
Silverburg arrives as Jowy's strategist. In the morning, Nanami is
waiting for you. She says everyone is gathering in the square.
According to Shu, the Highland army is in Radat. The forces are led
by Kiba and his son. Viktor joins you to see what's going on.
Radat has been taken over by Highland soldiers. Further down the
path, Kiba gives a speech. As you prepare to leave, Klaus calls out
to you. He tells you that Jowy is marrying Jillia. After that, head
back to your castle. Shu prepares for a full attack.

Battle #6
This is your first real battle. I suggest concentrating on
defense. Also, give Flik or another fast character Tsai and his Fire
Spear. This way, you can strike 3 enemies early on. Also, focus on a
defensive formation with few exposed flanks. Use magic at long range
to soften your enemy. Early on, Ridley expresses concern over the
positioning of the kobolds. On the 4th round, he falls back. Two
rounds later, Shu calls for the retreat.

Back at base, Shu works on a new strategy and tells you to get
some rest. In the meantime, Jowy becomes a Highland Knight, and Luca
Blight poisons his father. Luca says the cause of this is from a
disgrace he and his mother Sara suffered. Jowy supported Luca's plot.
Shin gets you up, so head back to the meeting room and meet with
Shu. Kiba has moved out of South Window and is about to breath down
your neck in a frontal assault. Shu has an envelop strategy planned
that may just work despite spreading your forces thin.

Battle #7
Klaus sees through the strategy, and decides to push through
strait for your leader as Rowd mans the defense. Hold tight and trust
Shu. After a few turns, Shu gives the signal. Try to maintain a
solid defense, as you are outmatched offensively. When things look
bleakest, Ridley appears with his kobolds. Shu's real strategy goes
as planned. The battle isn't won yet. Randomization can be very
fatal, so try and kill units fast. Also protect your flanks to avoid
being attacked from two sides. Huan and your hero need to keep your
units refreshed. During your assault, Rowd does nothing. As Kiba
yells for assistance, Leon appears with orders for Rowd to retreat.
Kiba curses as Klaus blames himself. You win as Kiba has to
surrender. Also, you take him and Klaus prisoner.

In the aftermath, you can recruit both. Also, you learn of
Luca's ascension to the throne. Shu ponders if he's responsible for
Leon's aiding of the enemy.

* Kiba and Klaus join

An old liberation

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Banner Village
Items: Alert Crystal, Potato Seed
Recruits: Anita (if you missed her), and *spoiler*
Path to Toran
Enemies: Ran Ran, Rin Rin, Ten Ten, Samurai, Tiger
Items: Mega Medicine, Full Helmet, Stone of Luck, Magic Ring, Wing
Ornament, Poison Crystal, Silver Shield, Silverlet
Items: Old Book Vol. 7, Cyclone Crystal, Copper Hammer, Recipe #39
(from Gremio), Tomato Seed
Recruits: Lorelai, Gordon

Things are picking up. You have a substantial force. However,
you have no more allies to turn to. Sheena shows up saying you need
to ask his old man (Lepant) for help. Ridley starts dragging Sheena
out when Apple tells him to wait. Lepant is the president of the
Toran republic. Freed is against the idea. The choice, as always, is
yours. To get there, you must cross the bad lands to the south.
Sheena says it's impossible, but Viktor's done it. Freed and Sheena
join you.
On the way out, Freed asks to stop by South Window before
departing for Radat. At South Window, go to the governor's mansion.
Freed reflects about his lord. Now go to Radat and catch a ship
According to Freed, you can get to the wastelands by crossing the
mountains. Search around. In a barrel near the ship is an Alert
Crystal. Exit north to enter the path to the mountain.
Go up at the first intersection and find a Mega Medicine.
Continue from the right path. Take the next path to the east to find
a Full Helmet, then head back south. In the next section, you'll see
a couple of ladders leading up into the mountains. Up the left one is
a Stone of Luck. Up the right ladder are two more ladders. Take the
left path. There are two more ladders. The left leads to a ladder
down and a chest containing a Magic Ring. The right leads to a Wing
Ornament. Head back down to the other right ladder. It leads to a
Poison Crystal. Further up it is a path onward. Press ahead,
fighting the monsters (none are very tough). Also, there is a hidden
path shortly after climbing the mountain. Head south through some
woods to reach a path down to Rokkaku. Ignoring that you'll come to a
save point and two more directions. Up leads to a Silver Shield.
Right leads to two paths. The bottom one leads to a Silverlet, while
the top leads onward. A little farther, and you'll be attacked by a
giant caterpillar.

Boss: Worm
HP: 4200; 35000 P
This is not a hard foe. It has two main forms of attack. A body
flop that hits one row which is easily negated by Clay Guardian. It's
more dangerous attack is a lightning blast with its tail. This hits
all members for about 150 damage. Use Bright Shield to fix you up.
Also, physical attacks work better than magic here.

With that done, keep heading north. When you reach the end,
you'll meet Varkas (no portrait this time) at a gate. Sheena explains
your business. Varkas agrees to escort you.
You are brought to a waiting room in Gregminster. Shortly, an
aid takes you to the throne room entrance. Search (and be rude) if
you want. Old Book Vol. 7 is on a bookshelf in McDohl's statue's
room. A guard will give you the Copper Hammer. At the throne room,
Lepant greets you. Propose your alliance. Lepant is reluctant, given
the history, but Freed tells his abandoning of past discord. Lepant
ask why you fight, so answer him. He says you remind him of McDohl.
Lepant asks for how many men can be spared, to which Tesla says 5000.
For a leader, Lepant calls in Valeria and Kasumi. You must choose one
of them. After choosing, Lepant gives you the Blinking Mirror. Also,
Lepant sends Sheena with you.

* Sheena joins and you may choose either Valeria or Kasumi

After your meeting, you leave to the gate. Talk to Vargas to go
back. Back in Gregminster, you can meet other Suikoden people like
Marie and Sarah. Sarah gives you a Cyclone Crystal. Once you're
done, head back through the path. Ridley and Apple meet you at Banner
Village. You are transported back to your Castle.
Meet with Shu. Luca's headed your way with a huge army. Shu
says to rest and not worry about it. That night, Nanami and Pilika
are up late. Meanwhile, Flik and Nina are on the battlements. Nina
asks if he was thinking about Odessa. This sends Flik away.

The nature of the beast

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Items: Sound Set #6, Piglet
Recruits: Sasuke, Mondo (60+ recruits and Kasumi or 100+ recruits)
Ryube Woods
Recruits: Tomo

Over in the other camp, Leon offers a strategy which Luca turns
down. Sasarai of Harmony and Jowy act as the advanced guard. On your
end, Nanami greets you in the morning and joins your convoy. Ridley
is investigating, while you prepare for a massive enemy attack.

Battle #8
Ridley is forced to fight on his own against overwhelming odds.
More likely than no, he'll fall. You'll then retreat. Also, after
three round Luca Blight comes to make things rougher. If Ridley can
hold, you can save him. You need to move a unit next to him.

Ridley is captured. Luc appears to tell you about Sasarai of
Harmonia. Luca will attack South Window, but Shu already has a plan.
Tsai meets you in your room and asks you to take him home so he can
get some tools he left behind.
If you haven't already been back, Ryube is in the process of
being rebuilt. There's not much of interest, though. The enemies in
the forest are the same too, so you can ignore them or slaughter them.
Head to Tsai's cabin and meet his daughter, Tomo, who welcomes him home.
As you can determine, Tsai and his wife have problems. Tomo joins your
After this little side trip, rest in your room. Meanwhile, Luca
interrogates Ridley. Back at base, Luc gets you up for the meeting.
Shu issues orders (note the name typo for Kasumi - the game says
Valeria). You are to face Luca, while the others make sure you have to
chance. As you prepare, Shu will call for Sasuke and Mondo, if you have them.

Battle #9
Kiba will pull Luca into your trap. After a few rounds, Sasarai
and Yuber show up to support Luca. In the following round, Luc appears
and uses the True Wind Rune forcing Sasarai to flee and inflicting
heavy damage on Sasarai's and Yuber's troops. Luc then retreats. Hit
Luca with whatever you can once you have the opportunity. Spells and
the Fire Spear are your best choices. He'll flee once injured.
However, as he does so, he says he is not injured, and damages all your
units. You must retreat.

At base, you lick your wounds. Nanami joins your party. In the
tablet hall, Ridley returns courtesy of Mondo and Sasuke. Ridley has
a message for Shu. His message is from Leon Silverburg. It reveals
that Luca will be leading a night raid. This could be it. Make three
parties. These will be the one's to kill Luca Blight.

[If you managed to save Ridley, these scenes unfold differently.
After Battle 8, Ridley will report about the enemy. Also, instead of
Ridley returning with Leon's message, Leon will deliver it himself.]

As Luca rides through the woods, he gets reports that you're
attacking his advanced troops. A hail of arrows kills some troops and
Luca's horse. Flik prepares to attack.

Boss: Luca and 5 White Wolves
White Wolves have less than 300 HP
Luca - HP: 6500 15000 P
Luca is easily the most difficult opponent you've faced (or
probably will ever face). He has high defense and takes half damage
from all magic attacks. Furthermore, he has enough attack power to
bring your entire army to their knees. He has three forms of attack.
His standard attack is a triple slash that'll hit for 40-60 damage a
hit (120-180 damage). This can be reduced by a Clay Guardian spell.
His next attacks involve summoning flames on his blade. Fortunately,
anti magic works on these, so Protect Mist might help keep you alive.
The first is a double slash followed by a thrust that deals 60-80 a
hit to one member of your front rank (180-240 damage), plus the thrust
strikes the person behind the target for 100-120 damage. The last
attack is a fire slash to the front rank for 100-120 damage. To make
matters even worse, he attacks three times in one round. If you do the
math, he can halve your strength in one round. For this reason, your
front line should have optimal defense. Also, all weapon attackers
should have their weapon levels no less than 9 (10 and 11 preferably).
The best actions are high damaging spells (Thor Shot, Pale Palace, etc.)
and combos (Knight attack works well). Also, each party should have
someone to cast defense magic, and no less than one area healer. The
first two teams need to do 2000 damage to force Luca back. If they
fall, Luca will run into the next team, with the same deal. Your last
party, led by your hero must win (thus it's helpful to have 2/3 of his
HP already depleted). Through strategy, preparation, and maybe a little
luck, you will beat him. Also, to make things much easier, use Fire
Sealing Runes and items that defend against fire. You can also try to
void magic, provided you can recover with items. A lucky silence can
also make a big difference.

After beating Luca, he gasps at how he could lose. Viktor and
Flik join you chasing him as he flees. Shu calls for the archers. As
you pursue, soldiers will attempt to block you. Dispense with them.
Meanwhile, Luca expresses his fear of death. He grabs a wooden amulet
with fireflies inside it from a tree. Archers start nailing him as he
tries to focus himself, and you reach him right after. His soldiers
try to help him, but are cut down by another volley. He then
initiates a duel, and you must win. He's heavily wounded, so you
could take him in a hit. Luca is too weak to continue. He makes a
speak about being the true face of evil before collapsing again. Jowy
and Leon bear witness to Luca's fall, which is exactly what Jowy

Short lived victory

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Drakemouth Village
Items: Calf, Cabbage Seedling
Mountain Path to Tigermouth Village
Enemies: Air Lizard, Killer Dog
Items: Master Robe
Recruits: Georg (after joining with Tinto)
Tigermouth Village
Items: Tomato Seedling, Chick, Old Book Vol. 8
Tinto Region
Enemies: Ghost Slug, Skeleton, Zombie
Items: Unicorn Plans #3, Dragon Plans #3, Power Ring, Mother Earth
Crystal (after joining)
Recruits: Raura, Alberto (need Pico)
Tinto Mines
Items: Cape of Darkness
Items: Sunbeam Crystal (from elder after beating Neclord)
Recruits: L.C.Chan (need Wakaba in your party), Tenkou
Crom Cavern
Enemies: Skeletons, Zombies, Neclordia, Unicombie
Items: Dancing Flames Scroll, Full Helmet, Stone of Mag-Def, Master
Garb, Old Book Vol. 9, Window Set #5, Silver Necklace, Mega
Medicine, Double-beat Crystal, Star Earrings, Wind Hat
Recruits: Mazus (100+), Abizboah (Listening Crystal from Badeaux),
Rulodia (Listening Crystal from Badeaux and Abizboah)
Your Castle
Recruits: Chuchara (need Rulodia)

You return triumphantly home (to your castle). Suddenly, you
faint from exhaustion. Meanwhile, Jowy marries Jillia. Later (one
week), Nanami greets you at your room. She wants to take a walk and
see South Window and Kuskus. In Kuskus you'll see two men who greet
you, then rush to the docks. There's a messenger, Culgan, who wishes
to see you. He offers peace between the State and Highland. He asks
to go with you to your castle to make it look honorable.
Bring Culgan to meet Shu and the others. He says Jowy wants to
end the war, hence he's here to negotiate peace. He asks for you and
Teresa to meet him in Muse to negotiate peace. He hands you a letter
from Jowy. The opinions are mixed, and it's your decision. You can
think all you like, but you must eventually agree.
You depart for Coronet to the north with Nanami, Chaco, and
Teresa (who's is in you convoy). Shu has Viktor and Flik prepare for
another plan. The guards in Coronet allow you to pass untroubled.
Jowy is at the Hilltop Meeting Hall. Chaco leaves you to explore
Muse. Head for the meeting place. Talk with Jowy. Leon calls for
your unconditional surrender. No surprise really, that Jowy lost the
vision of peace. Jowy has archers back up his words. Refuse to
surrender. Leon will prepare to order an attack when Viktor comes to
the rescue. Pilika runs up to Jowy as you flee and regains her voice.
Despite any protests, Viktor gets you out. Expect Highland soldiers
to attack you. Before you get out, Chaco arrives, having opened the
gate. Viktor explains that Shu figured on this. Flik and the troops
are at Toto for you to rendezvous with.
You arrive back at headquarters. Shu and Apple meet you, and
Nanami hates him for using Pilika. At the entrance of your castle is
a boy named Koyu, who is looking for you. He's a bandit who request
your aid. You take him to the meeting hall. His brother and sister
(Gijimu and Lo Wen) and him run a small scale operation. Based on his
report, Neclord is in the area. Shu doesn't even try to stop you from
With Viktor and Koyu in tow, prepare to leave. Nanami wants to
go too. Take her, as she's useful. Koyu get you pass the guard. Now
enter a path and keep going to get to Tinto. At a break point, Koyu
tells you the right path leads to his siblings and the left to Tinto.
Best go to his siblings first. You can find a Master Robe in the
right path after ascending a level up. Up the next level, you'll find
Gijimu. He says the zombies are moving towards Tinto.
Now head to Tinto. You'll arrive in Tigermouth Village. A kid
will give you a Tomato Seedling. You can also pick up a chick. Old
Book Vol. 8 is in a bookshelf. Later, you may also find an ally here,
nut for now move on.
Head to Tinto. A search of the town reveals Unicorn Plans #3
from an old man, Dragon Plans #3 from his neighbor, a Power Ring in a
mine cart (near Blacksmith). There's also an elevator and a church.
Exploring done, go to the guild to see Gustav. He agrees to join
forces to beat the zombies. Gustav makes a room for you. Rest for
the night.
This time, Viktor gets you up. Ridley and Klaus have arrived in
the meantime. Gijimu is also here to lend you his strength. Lilly
(Gustav's daughter) tells him that goblins have come. he goes to deal
with it. Neclord and his zombies are at the entrance. He declares he
wants the area for his kingdom, issues a challenge, and leaves.
Report back to Gustav. Jess enters (he's alive) with Hauser.
They gathered some troops. Jess accuses you of being a spy and blames
you for killing Anabelle. Jess leaves in anger. Talk to Gustav and
prepare your strategy against the undead.
Talk to Lilly that night. She's looking for her father. Head to
your room. Jess is waiting outside your door. He states his hatred
of you, then goes. Talk to Nanami in her room. She expresses her
will to stop fighting. Meet everyone in the morning. Jess and Hauser
have already left. Jess has already deployed his troops.

* Note: If you run away, see the Side Quest section.

Hauser ignores Ridley's reasoning. Jess thinks the battle is a
simple matter of killing Neclord. Klaus tells you to aid Jess, and
his reasoning is sound. You, Nanami, and Viktor are left behind.
Only Nanami is with you. Head to the mine. There was a collapse, and
no one has returned.
Head down the elevator. When you come to a direction choice, go
right and find a Cape of Darkness. Further ahead (the strait path) is
Neclord. He placed spies in Jess's troops. He fights you. Little
surprise, you can't hurt him. He should drop you in 3 rounds. He
activates his Blue Moon Rune to make you an undead, but Bright Shield
repels the power. He calls his zombies, so run away. Zombies overrun
Tinto now. At this point, you collapse.
Nanami carries you off. Meanwhile, Jowy experiences pain that is
part of the connection between your runes. You awaken in Crom with
Nanami, Viktor, and Gustav. Your troops were badly damaged, but Klaus
and Ridley are okay. Jess and Hauser are missing. Also, Lilly is
missing. Klaus and Ridley await you downstairs with Leona. You'll
meet Kahn on the south exit.

* Kahn joins

Kahn talks about a plan to seal Neclord's soul so he can never
revive. There is a guy in Tigermouth Village that has the power.
Head to Tigermouth Village. Sierra is in the middle of town
surrounded by the townspeople. They accuse her of being one of
Neclord's minions. As she feels insulted, she musters up a lightning
flash to scare the townspeople away. Kahn approaches her. She
reveals that Neclord stole her Moon Rune. The Star Dragon Sword sees
her as a vampire. She joins you under threat of taking you down if
you slow her down. You must beat her in battle first.

Boss: Sierra
HP: 2500+
She has two attacks a round. She uses three different attacks. A
double strike, a bat attack, and an illusion (splits it two) attack
that hits a row. All but her physical slashes are painful and should
be healed promptly. After doing 2000-2500, she'll turn into a bat and
end the fight.

* Sierra joins

Sierra now joins you and agrees to take you to Neclord. Take her
back to Klaus and Ridley. Sierra takes an interest in Klaus, which
sends him running to do military matters. You rest that night. you
can talk to Sierra that night. She tells you about her people, the
vampires, and how the Moon rune is what cursed them. She seems quite
sincere. You can find out Kahn's reasons too. Neclord's death has
become the driving cause of his being. Turn in for the night after
Nanami resumes her role of getting you up. Downstairs, Gustav
has bad news. Lo Wen has also been taken by Neclord. The plan is to
get into Tinto. The best way is through the cave to the east.
Take the first right (up is blocked off). Then stick with the
uppermost path of the two and head up. Go right at the 'T' and get a
Dancing Flames scroll. Go take the left now. Your path will be
linear for a ways. When you reach water, take the right to find two
boxes (a Full Helmet and a Stone of Mag-Def). Now take the path to
the upper left (upper of the two presented as well). You'll arrive
near the entrance. Head up. There's a chest (Master Garb) on the
upper level, and an ice slide back down. Exit to the right. At the
next intersection go left. Pass under a second and third land bridge
to find Old Book Vol. 9 and Window Set #5. Go up the ramp, then, and
cross over the bridge. Head right (left is a dead-end). Keep heading
right. Head down to collect a Silver Necklace and a Mega Medicine.
Go back up and go right. Fall down the right most ice slide. Do this
for the second set too. Head down another slide to get a Double-
beat Crystal. Swing up and around to meet Mazus. Head upward to
find a Save Point. Go up and fall down the slide to find Star
Earrings. Take the last far right slide to a treasure box containing
a Wind Hat. Now take the other ice path and find an entrance (there
is no turning back). You'll find yourself in a room with water and a
crate. Push the crate into the opening between ledges. Now exit left
and swing around. You'll get to an incline, where Sierra tells Viktor
to go first. A golem burst through the floor.

Boss: Stone Golem
HP: 7000; 50000 P
This creature uses magical attacks that hit everyone for high
damage. It starts with an earth spell, but later switches to a laser
attack that deals more damage. Expect 150 from the earth attack, and
over 200 from the laser. Viktor does immense damage on a critical (I
saw over 3000 on the final blow).

With Neclord's pet golem destroyed, advance forward. After
crossing a bridge, you are in the mines. Find the elevator and take
it down. Once across the next bridge, head up. then back down along
the tracks. Trace your steps back to the mine entrance (up the other
elevator). Now you need to find Neclord.
There are zombies scattered throughout town. Feel free to fight
them, and you will have to fight at least one group. Also, an
infinite hoard of zombies blocks the exit to town, so you can't leave.
Neclord is in the church. Tell Viktor you're ready, and you'll enter
the room.
Neclord is there with his two captives. You bust up his little
argument with Lo Wen. While Viktor, you, and the Star Dragon Sword
distract him, Kahn seals Neclord's power. Sierra prevents him from
using the Moon Rune. This, further aided by Viktor's enthusiasm to
slay him make Neclord truly afraid.

Boss: Neclord
HP: 4500; 70000 P; The Shredding scroll
He has powerful magic attacks, but if you managed to reserve your
best spells for him (i.e. not using them on the golem, he can go down
in round two. Be sure you can heal to max after each round, or you'll
not make it as his magic is phenomenally strong. Charm Arrow and
Sierra's magic work great. Also, count on the Star Dragon Sword to do
massive damage. You and Nanami should use Family ATK when not

Neclord returns Sierra's rune. Viktor and the Star Dragon Sword
get the satisfaction of slaying the fiend and sending him back to the
abyss of oblivion. With Neclord dead, the people return. Time to go
report in.
Everyone (Gustav, Lilly, Lo Wen, Koyu, Gijimu, Klaus, Marlowe,
Hauser, and Jess) is at the entrance of Tinto. Jess passes mayoral
duties to Fitcher. Hauser convinces him to help your cause as you
goals are the same. Gustav will give you a Mother Earth Crystal at
his home, and Tinto is now a part of your forces.

* Gijimu, Lo Wen, Marlowe, Hauser, and Jess join


Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Greenhill Path
Enemies: Doremi Elf (2), Grand Holly, Holly Boy (3), Holly Fairy,
Target Girl
Items: Winged Boots, Dream Robe, Stone of Skill

Sheena meets you in the Tablet room to tell you Shu's having a
meeting and a strategy. With the support of Tinto, and Highlands
concentration of men in Muse, it's now time to take back Greenhill.
Greenhill is under the command of Yuber. Shu tells you to rest before
the battle. Sheena leaves you at your room. You can see another Nina
& Flik scene on the ramparts again. Also, on the second floor you may
speak with Chaco. Downstairs, Eilie, Rina, and Bolgan discussing
returning to their gypsy lifestyle after the war. Gengen and Gabocha
bolster some kobolds for tomorrow. Further down are Tsai and Tomo.
Tomo wants him to patch things up with his wife/her mother. Leona
will make you some hot lemon tea if you talk to her. At the inn,
Freed and Yoshino talk about the oncoming battle. Back at your room,
a woman named Lucia waits for you. She's an assassin sent to kill

Boss: Lucia
HP ????
She has a Rage Rune, is very fast, and can hit a bit hard. This
isn't a hard as it seems though. You have to last 5 rounds. Her
attacks tend to do about 70-100 damage each, thus enabling you to
recover every three rounds.

After the fight, Flik, Viktor, and Tsai enter the room and
capture her. You get the option of letting her go or sending her to
Head back to Shu in the meeting hall. Shu tells you his plans.
Once you're ready, give the word, and head out. You get to pick which
army you want to be part of (Viktor's or Kiba's).

Battle #10a
You must face Jowy in this fight. He has 3 other Cavalry units
with him (melee, archer, and magic). After a few turns, Seed arrives
as reinforcements (more of the same). After another 2 turns, Jowy
retreats, and Culgan takes over. Seed flees next. Then Culgan will
flee. Fleeing is most likely a response to losing half their unit.

Battle #10b
Here you face Yuber and Lucia. The enemy has archers and
infantry, and you're fairly balanced. Since they're defending, you
must advance. Most the enemies can be subdued by missile troops.
Yuber, however, requires luck to beat (he's 16/12). Eventually,
you'll see it through as long as you keep your units refreshed.

After winning a battle, you arrive at the gate of Greenhill.
However, your army cannot attack yet. Instead, Teresa will lead a
group of people in through a secret passage to open the gate from the
inside. Shin offers to go. Choose your party and go.
Head down the path fighting random monsters and the occasional
group of Highlands. Head up to a clearing and find some Winged Boots
and a Dream Robe (further up). Over the other way is a Stone of
Skill. Head up to go forward. The next are should be familiar.
You're back in the old escape path. If you missed achest, be sure to
get them thins time. Part way through, Lucia and some Karaya tribe
warriors. She decides to fight and kill you.

Boss: Lucia
HP: 4600; 30000 P; Blue Gate Rune
This time, she's fighting with deadly intent. She'll use Explode
and other big fire spells casually. Also, her escort of tribal
warriors have similar speed and can poison you. Use area hitting
spells first to kill her support. Then use big attacks and heal when
needed. Hold nothing back, and she'll go down.

Lucia says her people have been in countless wars with Greenhill.
She says that Alec and Gordeau poisoned her father at a peace council.
Teresa promises to investigate her claims. She lets you pass.
Head left and down. You'll face more Highlands. You'll find the
cabin. After exiting, more Highlands attack. Keep heading down and
you'll wind back up in the academy. Outside are a soldier that will
save your game and a girl that refreshes your strength. You can find
a piglet to the left of the academy.
Highlands attack you in the town. As you near the gate, Yuber
sends a Bone Dragon to attack you.

Boss: Bone Dragon
HP: 9200; 100000 P
This guy is a serious threat. It has two massive attacks and a
devastational bite. First, and much preferable, is its breath that
hits the whole party for 150-250 damage. This attack might be
lightning in nature. Worse than its breath is its meteor swarm
attack. This also hits everyone for 300-550 damage! It's bite is
also mighty, inflicting 300 damage give or take 150. As an undead
creature, the Resurrection Rune works well, as does Bright Shield.
Otherwise, throw out any attack spell and attacks you can. This
monster is also immune to Lightning attacks, so don't waste time with
those. However, Wind magic will work effectively as it is weak to wind

Yuber retreats, Highland flees, and Greenhill is yours. Fitcher
says that Shu wants you back at your castle as soon as possible. Back
there, you hear that Matilda has surrendered to Highland. Plans to
take Muse are made immediately. You head back to Greenhill.

The shadow of war

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Greenhill Region
Enemies: Eye Flower, Kookaburra
Find: Rage Crystal, Old Book Vol. 10, Piglet, Silver Hammer

In the academy grounds, you see Lucia dart into the academy.
Chase after her. She runs into the back woods. There you meet Jowy
who is with Lucia. Again he asks you to quit as leader of the army.
Jowy says he cannot stop the war, and you and he hold up your runes.
Search around the academy. The Runemaster instructor gives you a
Rage Crystal. Old Book Vol. 10 is given to you by a man in the
basement of the dorms. Head back to Apple. You'll be sent into

Battle #11
You're against Lucia, Jowy, Seed, and Culgan. You hold the
advantage. On the fourth turn, your enemies mention finishing some
preparations and choose to withdrawal. At first Jowy is against
leaving Lucia behind, but decides to heed him men's advice. Archers
can smash Lucia's men in no time. Lucia retreats after losing.

As many of your followers feel, there must be some reason for
your easy victory. At the entrance, Viktor joins you to explore the
city. Choose the rest of your party. Muse is too quiet. A soldier
at the entrance to the manor, says he saw a shadow moving in there.
Follow Viktor in.
Soldiers shout about a monster. Could this be the preparations
made by the Highland army? A large golden wolf attacks as your
soldiers retreat.

Boss: Golden Wolf
HP: 3500; 10000 P
This beast attacks twice per round. It has a bite that hits one
person. It can also send a thunderbolt against someone (usually
back line). Lastly, it has a multi-missile attack that hits everyone
for about 150 damage. It resists magic fairly well, so weapons are
your best bet.

More cries come from outside. Go back out. There are three more
Golden Wolves. You can fight them if you'd like, or just run away and
out of Muse. If you kill one, it just reappears. You really have no
other choice but to flee.
Luc identifies them as servants of the Beast Rune. It was a gift
from Harmonia. Luca sacrificed the people of Muse to power the rune.
The rune, once awakened, would assume the form of a monster.
Fortunately, Luc doesn't sense it nearby.
Fitcher rushes in reporting Highland attack. You need to flee to
the west. Apple says it a trick and that soldiers lie in ambush to
the south and west. She orders Hauser to strike north.

Fall of Knightdom

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Rockaxe Castle
Enemies: Cockatrice, Commander ,Highlands, Hippogriff, M-Knight
Items: Stone of Speed, Escape Talisman, Crimson Cape, Stone of
Defense, Earth Shield, Power Gloves, Mega Medicine, Gold
Necklace, Flame Helmet, Dragon Plans #4, Unicorn Plans #4

After escaping, you arrive back at headquarters. Viktor tells
you to rest and restrategize tomorrow. Kiba goes to see Shu. He asks
Kiba to attack Viktor's old fort as a diversion in the battle with
Highland. That way they'll have to split their forces. Kiba agrees
to do it. Tell him you're ready to fight, and he'll call the meeting.
Shu informs you of the numerics. Thus, Kiba will draw off half
their army east of Muse. Then, the rest of the army shall strike
Matilda. There's a clamor when Shu explains that death is possible,
but every stays. You ask everyone to lend you their strength, and are

*** If you have all 108 Stars by this point, Leknaat will appear.
Since you have the 108 Stars, the seal on Bright Shield is broken,
giving you its full power. She wishes you well and leaves. ***

Nanami wakes you up to see Kiba off. He says farewell to his
son. Klaus tells you to head to the meeting room. Shu tells you all
preparations are complete. Give the command to move out.

Battle #12
You're against Jowy. Leon is not present. Yuber and Gorudo,
however, are. The odds are stacked against you, so fight defensively.
After a bit of fighting (2-3 turns) Culgan attacks your rear. A bit
after, Shu calls a few reinforcements of your own. The enemy

Afterwards, you find out that Barbara and Leona led the
reinforcements. Alex and Hilda helped them out too. You rendezvous
back at Greenhill.
Shu lays out the strategy to take Rockaxe. Teresa, Ridley, and
Hauser are to deploy immediately. Then they are to lure the enemy
from the castle. You will then lead a small force into the castle.
You will switch flags, causing confusion and crushing morale. Choose
your party and head out.
The enemy makes this look too easy. As you enter, a messenger
reports that Kiba engaged Leon Silverburg. Both warriors mortally
wounded each other.
You'll be entering the castle by way of the secret passage.
Shortly after entering, you'll find a Stone of Speed. Climb the
ladder. To the right is Escape Talisman. Head left, and go up the
ladder. Go left again. Go through the door in the room at the end of
the hall and find a Crimson Cape and a Stone of Defense. Now go
downstairs. Go through a couple doors and head up another ladder. Go
right and across the rampart. Go through the door (the door
downstairs does not open). Go right and find an Earth Shield. Head
back and go down the ladder. South is a treasure chest containing
Power Gloves. Go back and take the right passage. Follow it to the
side of the castle.
Go inside the castle. It looks different than when you last
visited. Enter the first room on the left. Five Matilda Knights
attack. Beat them, then get a Mega Medicine. Take the next room to
the left and get the Gold Necklace. Head up from there and find a
Flame Helmet. Now take the left passageway (bottom of the rooms).
Five more Matilda Knights attack you. Head upstairs. To the right
and down, five more knights jump you. There is a room with Dragon
Plans #4 and Unicorn Plans #4. Go upstairs after getting those.
There you'll find a save point. Go out and face another five Matilda
Knights. Go into the room. At the stairs, you're almost there. You
and Nanami go after the flag while your other members hold off the
knights. Go through the door. You'll find Jowy. He prepares to
attack you. However, you are interrupted by Gorudo. His archers fire
and take Nanami down. Jowy joins you against Gorudo.

Boss: Gorudo and 5 Matilda Knights
HP: 5000; 125,000 potch; Knight Armor
Just use Jowy's rune's spells to mop up. Gorudo has the Mother
Earth Rune, but it doesn't aid him much. This could be the easiest
boss in the game.

After beating Gorudo, Jowy leaves. Shu arrives and sends
soldiers to burn the flag and to fetch a doctor. Jowy pulls Seed and
Culgan out of battle, and Matilda is yours.
You return to the castle awaiting Huan's report on Nanami. She's
dead, unless you've managed to gather all 108 Stars of Destiny before
this point (Kiba's death from Leon doesn't count as a missing star).
From this point on, it's your turn to take the war to Highland.

Striking it home

Notes for this section (arranged by location):
Matilda Region
Enemies: Black Tiger, Fei Yu, Li Lan, Shiu Lin
Mount Rakutei
Enemies: Iron Claw, Leather Cut, Pixie (2), Sky Knight
Highway Village
Items: Calf
Rockaxe Castle
Items: Thunder Crystal, Earth Armor, Recipe #37 (all past the hallway
where you fought Gorudo), Old Book Vol. 11
Muse Region
Enemies: Copper Sun, Fish Eye, Iron Moon
Items: Flowing Crystal, Silver Armor, Old Book Vol. 12
L'Renouille Region
Enemies: Colossus, Minotaurus
Tenzen Pass
Enemies: ¿ñ '0, ß :
Enemies: Bronzem, Chimera, Commander (2), Highlands (2), Magus
Items: Fury Crystal, Robe of Mist, Bolt of Wrath Scroll, Wind Amulet,
Champion's Crystal, Stone of Power, Stone of Defense, Escape
Talisman, Goldlet, Window Set #7
Items: Hunter Crystal, Trio Painting (only after the final boss)

Shu suggests attacking Highland. He says that it is imperative
to bringing peace to the land. Proceed with his plans and prepare to
launch an attack to the heart of your enemy. As you leave, you
collapse. Freed finds you. Meanwhile, Culgan, Seed, and Jowy feed
lies to their troops. In an offering to the beast rune, Jowy
sacrifices Jillia, or rather a doll made to look like Jillia. Also,
somehow Leon managed to survive. Jowy collapses like you.
You awaken to your companions who are worried about you. They
leave you to rest. That night, you observe Apple going to see Shu.
She asks why Shu let her attack Muse if he knew she'd lose. Seems
that Shu had another plan that the attack helped conceal. Apple gets
set to go, when Shu asks her to pick a card from the table. She gets
the fire card. Shu lets her go then. You should go back to your
At the meeting hall, your leaders are assembled and you can give
the order to advance. Your troops give some encouraging words, and
you mobilize.
A sentry reports that Flik has found Leon Silverburg with Seed
and Culgan. Shu has you and Hauser move to finish this. Shu has
another plan with Viktor as you, Hauser, and Apple leave for battle.
Shu has a mission of his own too.

Battle #13
Shu and Viktor are currently in position on the field against the
Highland army. As they approach, Shu sets the forest on fire. He
then signals you and Hauser to attack.

Afterwards, Shu finds Leon in the burning woods. Shu pretty much
mocks Leon as Leon tries to assert dominance. Leon makes some speech
about having to push history. Shu asks if that was Leon's motivation
in going against the Scarlet Moon Empire and supporting Highland. Shu
proves he's better by not being like Leon and treating people like
Apple believes Shu is dead in the remnants of the forest. She
blames herself for drawing the fire card. Of course, a little fire
could never do in Shu, who arrives in a little bit. Viktor apparently
saved him from finding his peace. Shu says to move on to the capital.
You take a break on the border before striking out for
L'Renouille. You can rest and/or save with Hilda. Talk to Apple to
launch your attack.

Battle #14
Your enemies are Seed, Culgan, Lucia, Han, and Yuber. You need
to get into the city. Your enemy takes the defensive, so you'll need
to take the fight to them. I advise leading with Mazus for his Fire
Rune if you have him. Before you reach the enemy, Yuber will flee.
Use your archers on the Karaya Tribe. Tsai's Fire Spear also
simplifies things. Use this and spells to weaken leaders. When they
take enough damage, they go down this time. Try to avoid unnecessary
melees. Only Lucia and Culgan have ranged attacks, so it's fairly
easy pickings. Seed is vulnerable to ranged attack, but Culgan proves
resistant (14 defense). Once you get a unit anywhere in the city, you

After routing your foes on the battlefield, you need to capture
L'Renouille. Note, that you can return to you castle and fully
upgrade and rest too. Choose you party and move out. Lucia meets you
inside. She attacks you.

Boss: Lucia
HP: 6000; 50000 P
She uses the Rage Rune with high magic strength. She also acts
three times a round and can strike for high damage. Just use combos
and strong attacks. Heal as needed with your hero.

Lucia says that there is no justice. Shin and Teresa enter, and
Teresa again states her promise to investigate what happened to
Lucia's father. Lucia prepares to slay Teresa, but Teresa does bot
even attempt to flee. Lucia asks if Teresa really trusts people so
much, to which she replies, "I trust you." Lucia drops her knife.
Continue on, as Lucia tells you she will no longer intervene.
The main doors are locked, so try a side passage. Both the left
and right paths lead to Highland Soldiers and deeper into the castle.
In the central area are more set encounters with Highlands lead by a
commander. In one of those rooms is a Fury Crystal (left side). A
Robe of Mist and a scroll of Bolt of Wrath can be found on the right
side's inner chamber. If you head up from the right side, you'll find
more Highlands. You'll end up in the a central room. The left way
also leads here. Head through the doors to the north. Han waits for
you there. He expresses regret that he and Genkaku were unable to
prevent the Black Sword and Bright Shield runes from fighting. He
duels you.

Duel vs. Han
He has about 500 HP. Try to read his intention, and counter it.
He shouldn't be too hard. After you win, he apologizes to you. He
tells you that he and Genkaku sealed their runes. He also says that
the runes were once one in their true form as the Rune of Beginning.
He falls, and you enter the next room. Han dies and finds his peace.

Run up the stairs and out one of the doors to the south. You'll
reach a central chamber. If you go south, some soldiers will ambush
you. If you go right, you'll reach a room with a door to the rampart
(the other is locked). This area is where the sacrifice was made. As
you can probably guess by now, this castle mirrors itself. You can
swing around left to return to that lower room and go back up to the
central chamber. Also you can go up as this half's door is not
locked. This way, you'll find a chamber, and if you head up by the
left door, you'll meet more soldiers. You'll then find a T-
intersection. Up is a stairway, and right leads into another chamber
with a locked door. To the right of the central chamber is a room
with highlands. There are two more doors here. The south is a dead-
end. To the north are a series of doors, followed by a T-
intersection. To the left are Highlands and a door further in. Here
you'll find a Wind Amulet and a Champion's Crystal. Further up is a
double door. Leave the doors as they lead to an empty room, and
return the in intersection. Up is a stairway leading up.
Use it and go through the north door. In the armory are a Stone
of Power and a Stone of Defense. South is locked. Head up the other
stairs. North (south is a dead-end) from that stairway leads to more
Highlands and an intersection. Go up and find a room with a large map,
but nothing else, so head the other way. Left leads to a series of
empty rooms and a door to the outside where there are (surprise) more
Highlands. Run right, and re-enter the castle. You'll fight more
Highlands and find more direction choices. South is locked, as is the
door further up. To the right are more soldiers. Past them is a
hallway, and a save point in a room. Another room has an Escape
Talisman. To the right are stairs leading up and a passage down.
Down leads outside to a Goldlet and a locked door. Upstairs you'll
find Window Set #7 and a passageway down. If you take the next up,
you'll find another stairway up, while down takes you to the altar.
Up those stairs is another save point that also heals you. Seed
and Culgan wait for you just ahead. They fight you.

Boss: Culgan and Seed
Culgan: 3800 HP, Seed: 4000 HP; 130,000 P
Culgan has defensive strength and gets two actions. He has the
Flow Rune and the Thunder Rune. Seed has a Flow Rune too, and his
hard. Don't be surprised to them heal each other or halt all magic
for a few turns. Thus have a couple people with Mega Medicine
equipped. I advise taking Seed out first as he hits harder. Use Clay
Guardian to minimize him. Heal as needed, and favor combos over
spells. As long as you focus on one, the fight should be short.

After beating them, you push forward. Jowy says good-bye to
Pilika, as he's prepared to die. He holds Pilika as her father did,
by her request. Jillia arrives, and Jowy tells her to flee with
Pilika to Harmonia. Jowy apologizes to her, but she says it isn't
needed, as she knew his plot from the beginning, and that she loves
him. They say good-bye.
Leon is waiting for you over the Beast Rune. He uses his blood
to awaken the rune to summon a beast as your final test. This is your
last battle.

Final Boss: Beast Rune Monster - 5 areas
HP: Rune: 3600, Left Head: 4000, Right Head: 4400, Left Leg: 4000,
Right Leg: 5500; 200,000 P
This is a difficult battle. The fiend can attack multiple times,
with each part possessing a different type of attack. The rune can
cast a ghost wolf attack that hits everyone for fairly high damage.
The left head can cast a multiple shard spell for similar damage to
everyone. The right head casts a fire sword spell that does physical
damage to all (Clay Guardian reduces this). The left leg can cause
multiple status ailments to everyone. For defenses, the heads are
immune to combos. Also, the Rune can grant an area immunity to attack
for 2 or 3 rounds. The right leg can also resurrect fallen parts.
It also has a super attack that uses both heads and the rune that
summons a moon and makes an attack like Shining Light for heavy damage
to everyone. Your best bet is to kill the left leg first, then the
rune. From here, target the left head, then the right leg. Lastly
kill the right head (since its attack is the weakest).

After slaying this beast, you walk to the throne room. No one is
around. However, the castle is starting to collapse. You are forced
to flee.
Everyone is waiting for you. When you come running out, they are
ecstatic. Eilie gets you up and says that Makai and Gustav are
waiting for you in the great hall. At the hall, the lords ask you to
lead the land as a unified land. You have the choice of taking the
leadership of not.


VI) Weapons

1-2 300
2-3 600
3-4 1500
4-5 2700
5-6 3500
6-7 4500
7-8 7000
8-9 11000
9-10 18000
10-11 27000
11-12 35000
12-13 43000
13-14 52000
14-15 60000
15-16 70000

Hero (2-weapon)
1 Twin Fang 5 M
2 6
3 8
4 11
5 14
6 Twin Heaven Fang 18
7 35
8 42
9 49
10 58
11 68
12 79
13 Twin Destiny Fang 92
14 127
15 148
16 170

Amada (club)
8 Oak Oar 48 M
9 Teak Oar 53
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Anita (1-handed sword)
4 Star Sword 12 S
5 Seven Star Sword 15
6 27
7 35
8 42
9 50
10 59
11 Rival Star Sword 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Ayda (bow)
7 Forest Bow 33 L
8 40
9 48
10 57
11 65
12 Earth Bow 73
13 98
14 116
15 135
16 147

Badeaux (whip)
7 Whip of Fury 33 S
8 40
9 47
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Whip of Love 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Bob (club)
7 Beast Rod 33 M
8 40
9 47
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Beast Lord Rod 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Bolgan (fist/claw)
2 gluv 8 S
3 9
4 Gluv 10
5 39
6 42
7 45
8 48
9 51
10 Glove 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Camus (1-handed sword)
8 Uriah/2 42 S
9 50
10 59
11 Uriah/3 67
12 90
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Chaco (spear)
8 Air Spear 48 M
9 Sky Spear 53
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Clive (gun/shuriken)
8 Storm 43 L
9 Tornado 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Eilie (knife/shuriken)
3 Slash Knife 12 L
4 20
5 25
6 31
7 37
8 43
9 Razor Knife 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Feather (monster) ** M

Flik (1-handed sword)
10 Odessa+ 59 S
11 Odessa++ 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Freed (1-handed sword)
5 Raikomaru 15 S
6 27
7 35
8 42
9 50
10 59
11 Shinraikomaru 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Futch (spear)
7 Sigmund 42 M
8 48
9 Sigurd 53
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Gabocha (sling/shuriken)
6 Sling Shot! 31 L
7 37
8 43
9 Sling Shot!!! 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Gantetsu (staff)
7 Iron Staff 26 S
8 33
9 42
10 50
11 58
12 Iron Rock Staff 64
13 80
14 87
15 94
16 100

Gengen (1-handed sword)
3 Sword 9 S
4 12
5 Good Sword 15
6 27
7 35
8 42
9 50
10 59
11 Great Sword 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Genshu (2-handed sword)
11 Kamui 73 S
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Georg (2-handed sword)
12 Kumo 97 S
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Gijimu (axe)
7 Double Battleaxe 23 M
8 35
9 43
10 52
11 60
12 72
13 Double Greataxe 85
14 135
15 155
16 175

Hai Yo (club)
4 Wok 11 S
5 14
6 Dragon Wok 17
7 33
8 40
9 47
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Blue Dragon Wok 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Hanna (1-handed sword)
3 Blade 9 S
4 12
5 High Blade 15
6 27
7 35
8 42
9 50
10 59
11 Steel Blade 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Hauser (2-handed sword)
11 Steel Sword 73 S
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Hix (1-handed sword)
6 Tengaar+ 27 S
7 35
8 42
9 50
10 59
11 Tengaar++ 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Hoi (2 weapon)
6 Faux Twin Fang 17 M
7 33
8 40
9 47
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Twin Fang Nouveau 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Humphrey (2-handed sword)
10 Murasame 64 S
11 Muramasa 73
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Jowy (staff)
1 Star Staff 5 M
2 6
3 8
4 11
5 14
6 Heaven Staff 18
7 35
8 42
9 49
10 58
11 68
12 79
13 Heavenly Star Staff 92
14 127
15 148
16 170

Kahn (sword/club)
6 Shadowbane 17 M
7 33
8 40
9 46
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Shadow Slayer 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Karen (club)
6 Red Nails 17 M
7 33
8 40
9 46
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Black Nails 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Kasumi (claw)
7 Big Sakura 45 S
8 48
9 51
10 Max Sakura 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Killey (club)
9 Shade 47 M
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Night 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Kinnison (bow)
2 Light Bow 6 L
3 7
4 10
5 Ranger Bow 13
6 25
7 33
8 40
9 48
10 57
11 65
12 Hunter Bow 73
13 98
14 116
15 135
16 147

Koyu (axe)
5 One-handed Axe 13 M
6 17
7 One-handed Battleaxe 23
8 35
9 43
10 52
11 60
12 72
13 One-handed Greataxe 85
14 135
15 155
16 175

L.C.Chan (fist/claw)
9 Killer Knuckles 51 S
10 Power Knuckles 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Lo Wen (ball and chain/shuriken)
6 Falling Star 31 L
7 37
8 43
9 Shooting Star 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Lorelai (lucerne hammer/axe)
7 Death 23 M
8 35
9 43
10 52
11 60
12 72
13 Judgement 85
14 135
15 155
16 175

Luc (rod/staff)
4 Wind Rod 7 S
5 9
6 Gale Rod 11
7 26
8 33
9 42
10 50
11 58
12 Gust Rod 64
13 80
14 87
15 94
16 100

Makumaku (monster) ** L

Mazus (rod/staff)
6 Cosmic Rod 11 S
7 26
8 33
9 42
10 50
11 58
12 Nova Rod 64
13 80
14 87
15 94
16 100

McDohl (staff)
14 Heaven Fang Staff 124 M
15 145
16 165

Meg (knife/shuriken)
5 Assassin's Dagger 25 L
6 31
7 37
8 43
9 Sliver Dagger 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Mekumeku (monster) ** L

Miklotov (2-handed sword)
9 Dunceney/2 55 S
10 64
11 Dunceney/3 73
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Mikumiku (monster) ** L

Millie (boomerang/shuriken)
1 Boomerang 6 L
2 9
3 Hit Boomerang 12
4 20
5 25
6 31
7 37
8 43
9 High Boomerang 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Mokumoku (monster) ** L

Mondo (claw)
8 Dark Claw 48 S
9 51
10 Tooth and Claw 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Mukumuku (monster) ** L

Nanami (three-piece rod)
2 Flower Rod 9 M
3 11
4 12
5 17
6 Blossom Rod 22
7 37
8 44
9 51
10 59
11 69
12 78
13 Eden Rod 91
14 125
15 145

Nina (book)
6 New Book Belt 17 M
7 33
8 40
9 47
10 56
11 66
12 76
13 Book Belt of Love 89
14 124
15 145
16 165

Oulan (fist/claw)
7 Iron Fist 45 S
8 48
9 51
10 God Hand 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Pesmerga (2-handed sword)
14 King Crimson 129 S
15 147
16 160

Rikimaru (2-handed sword)
5 Onimaru 19 S
6 31
7 39
8 46
9 55
10 64
11 Dojikiri 73
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Rina (card/shuriken)
1 Chariot 6 L
2 9
3 Empress 12
4 20
5 25
6 31
7 37
8 43
9 World 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Sasuke (shuriken)
6 Blue Comet 31 L
7 37
8 43
9 Fiery Blue Comet 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Sheena (1-handed sword)
9 Kirinji 2 50 S
10 59
11 Kirinji 3 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Shilo (dart/shuriken)
7 Silver Jiromaru 37 L
8 43
9 Gold Iromaru 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Shiro (monster) ** S

Shin (2-handed sword)
9 Death Tarantula 55 S
10 64
11 Ray Tarantula 73
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

Sid (spear)
8 Cursed Spear 48 M
9 Devil Spear
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Sierra (nails/claw)
10 Full Moon 53 S
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Sigfried (monster) ** M

Simone (flower bomb/shuriken)
11 Rhapsody 83 L
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Stallion (bow)
8 Shine Bow 40 L
9 48
10 57
11 65
12 Elfin Bow 73
13 98
14 116
15 135
16 147

Tai Ho (spear)
7 Kanae 42 M
8 48
9 Mizuki 53
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Tengaar (knife/shuriken)
8 Ray Knife 43 L
9 Shining Knife 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Tomo (spear)
9 Fujin Long Spear 53 M
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Tsai (spear)
6 Raijin Spear 37 M
7 42
8 48
9 Raijin Long Spear 53
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Tuta (rock/shuriken)
2 Pebble 9 L
3 Stone 12
4 20
5 25
6 31
7 37
8 43
9 Rock 48
10 70
11 83
12 95
13 108
14 119
15 130
16 140

Valeria (1-handed sword)
7 Seven Star Sword 35 S
8 42
9 50
10 59
11 Conqueror Star Sword 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Viki (wand/staff)
5 Wand 9 S
6 Wow Wand 11
7 26
8 33
9 42
10 50
11 58
12 Wow Wow Wand 64
13 80
14 87
15 94
16 100

Viktor (2-handed sword)
9 Shiko Sword 55 S
10 64
11 ??? 73
12 97
13 111
14 129
15 147
16 160

9 Star Dragon Sword 59 S
10 69
11 78
12 102
13 117
14 136
15 155
16 170

Vincent (1-handed sword)
10 Savat 59 S
11 Felicitation 67
12 90
13 102
14 120
15 138
16 150

Wakaba (leg guard)
8 Killer Leg Guard 48 S
9 51
10 Power Leg Guard 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135

Yoshino (naganata/spear)
6 Long Naganata 37 M
7 42
8 48
9 Great Naganata 53
10 80
11 88
12 98
13 110
14 120
15 130
16 140

Zamza (fist/claw)
3 Tekken 9 S
4 Burning Iron Fist 10
5 39
6 42
7 45
8 48
9 51
10 Iron Fist of Rage 53
11 110
12 114
13 118
14 124
15 130
16 135


VII) Armor and Accessories/Items

Bandana 50 1
Leather Hat 100 2
Feathered Hat 500 3 SPD +3, Wind Resistant
Pointed Hat 1200 5 Prevents Balloon
Circuret 3500 7
Half Helmet 7800 10
Mole Helmet 8500 12 Prevents Unfriendly
Head Gear 12000 14
Silver Hat 24000 19 Regeneration (5)
Full Helmet 18200 20
Wind Hat 35000 24 Spd +7, wind resistant
Flame Helmet 42000 30 Str +4, resists fire
Horned Helmet 65000 35

Robe 100 1
Tunic 200 2
Leather Coat 700 4
Brass Armor 1000 6
Guard Robe 1700 7
Karate Uniform 3000 10 Tech +5
Leather Armor 5900 14
Chain Mail 6500 16
Ninja Suit 88000 17 Spd +15
Half Plate 12000 19
Magic Robe 20000 22
Thunder God Garb 23000 25 Hit +10, resists lightning
Scale Mail 22000 28
Mole Suit 25000 29 Resists earth, no target
Dragon Armor 23000 30
Master Robe 24000 33 Regeneration (10)
Full Plate 26000 36
Taikoku Wear 28000 40 Spd +10
Master Garb 37000 45 Str +15, Tech +15
Robe of Mist 54000 47 Repels magic, resists water
Earth Armor 67000 49 Anti-bat, resists earth
Dream Robe 95000 52 Impervious to attack
Silver Armor 120000 55 Regeneration (10), resists dark
Knight Armor 180000 58
Blood Armor 62 Drains 15 HP each round
Windspun Armor 210000 65 Spd +15, resists wind

Wooden Shield 300 2
Steel Shield 2500 7
Kite Shield 4300 12
Mangosh 6500 19 Return stab x 1.5
Silver Shield 10000 27 Regeneration, resists dark
Chaos Shield 17000 34
Earth Shield 32000 36 Anti-bat, resists earth

Gloves 300 2
Gauntlet 1700 4
Power Glove 16500 16 Str +15
Wooden Shoes 100 1
Leggings 200 2
Boots 800 3
Winged Boots 10200 14 Spd +10
Iron Boots 17000 15
Cape 400 1
Leather Cape 1300 5
Fur Cape 3500 9
Cape of Darkness 6800 12
Crimson Cape 9000 14
Cheek Guards 1000 3
Shoulder Pads 2000 5
Blue Ribbon 6600 6 Can't be targeted
Belt of Strength 4800 6 Str +5
Sun Badge 3700 4 Regeneration (3)
Fish Badge 4300 6 Repel magic 3%
Fire Emblem 3300 7 Str +15, resist fire
Gold Emblem 8500 10 Mag Def +10
Water Amulet 3800 6 Repel magic, resists water
Thunder Amulet 7500 9 Hit +15, resists lightning
Wind Amulet 13000 12 Spd +10, resists wind
Necklace 1600 7
Heavy Necklace 5700 11
Silver Necklace 20000 17 Regeneration (1)
Guard Ring 8500 7 Mag Def +10
Speed Ring 16000 10 Spd +15
Skill Ring 11500 9 Tech +20
Lucky Ring 13000 12 Luck +20
Magic Ring 13000 7 Mag +15
Power Ring 14000 8 Str +20
Star Earrings 12000 8 Regeneration (5)
Wing Ornament 8000 19 Spd +12
Silverlet 7000 11
Goldlet 19000 18
Rose Brooch 14000 13

Items (You can equip)
Medicine 100 Heals 100 HP
Mega Medicine 500 Heals 500 HP
Dragon Incense X Heals 50 HP for all allies
Antitoxin 200 Cures poisoned status
Needle 200 Cures balloon status
Throat Drops 200 Cures silence
Sacrificial Jizo 5000 Auto cures unconsciousness
Boulder Set 2000 Equip and go take a bath
Chick Makes a rubber ducky float in the bath
Toy Boat 2000 Floating boat for bath
Sexy Wink 5000 Beauty ATK Up
Lubricating Oil X Gadget's Attack up by 50%, Meg only
Sunglasses 1500 No damage from Flash ATK
Rose Bouquet Narcissus ATK up
Leisure Set For Family ATK. Nanami screws around
Dog Whistle Increses odds of the Kobold ATK army
strike going off
Invincible Smile Fancy Lad ATK up
Cup of Promise X Manly and Bandit ATK up
Millet Dumplings
Secret Writings

Anchovi Pizza 580 Heals 600 HP & become berserk (30%)
BBQ Meat Bun 250 Heals 300 HP
Broiled Eel 600 Heals 500 HP
Buttered Clams 150 Heals 200 HP & cures target
Cake 370 Heals 450 HP
Cheesecake 450 Heals 450 HP
Chinese Noodles 850 Heals 500 HP & cures silence
Chirashi-Zushi 950 Heals 600 HP
Chowder 120 Heals 200 HP
Crab Cakes 190 Heals 250 HP & cures balloon
Cream Stew 1300 Heals 500 HP
Croquettes 350 Heals 500 HP
Curry Rice 800 Heals 650 HP
Dark Chowder 120 Heals 300 HP & causes panic
Diet Lunch 500 Heals 650 HP
Fish Fry 170 Heals 250 HP & cures bucket
French Toast 180 Heals 250 HP & cures unfriendly
Fried Fish Balls 190 Heals 300 HP & cures balloon
Fried Rice 600 Heals 500 HP
Fried Tacos 170 Heals 250 HP & become toasty
Full Course 1000 Heals 650 HP
Ghengis Khan 1500 Heals 500 HP
Green Salad 80 Heals 100 HP
Gratin 520 Heals 600 HP
Grilled Beef 800 Heals 700 HP
Grilled Fish 500 Heals 500 HP
Gyoza 100 Heals 150 HP & cures sleep
Hamburger 900 Heals 450 HP
Ice Cream 200 Heals 280 HP
Japanese Curry 750 Heals 650 HP
Japanese Stew 1000 Heals 550 HP
Kaiseki Dinner 2000 Heals 900 HP
Kobold Pie 160 Heals 300 HP & causes boost
Mayo Rice Omelet 560 Heals 500 HP & become unfriendly
Meat Pie 170 Heals 300 HP & cures spellbound
Obento 700 Heals 650 HP
Ohitashi 120 Heals 120 HP & cures silence
Pancakes 500 Heals 500 HP
Pasta 450 Heals 500 HP & cures poison
Pizza 580 Heals 600 HP
Potato Pudding 80 Heals 300 HP
Pudding 200 Heals 100 HP & becomes hyper (30%)
Quiche 250 Heals 280 HP & cures knockdown
Ramen 850 Heals 500 HP & cures sleep
Red Curry 1500 Burst spell vs. all enemies for 150
Red Pepper Ice 200 Heals 250 HP & causes boost
Rice Omelet 550 Heals 400 HP
Rising Sun Bento 700 Heals 450 HP
Salad 80 Heals 100 HP
Sandwich 160 Heals 250 HP & cures unfriendly
Sashimi Combo 1500 Heals 650 HP
Ship Combo 2000 Heals 450 HP and cures unconscious
Simmered Fish 250 Heals 350 HP
Special Stew 1700 Heals 750 HP
Spicy Pilaf 620 Heals 500 HP
Spicy Stew 1000 Heals 450 HP
Spinach Juice 75 Heals 300 HP & causes poison
Steak 1300 Heals 950 HP
Steamed Abalone 190 Heals 200 HP & cures target
Steamed Gyoza 120 Heals 150 & cures sleep
Sukiyaki 800 Heals 750 HP
Sunomono 380 Heals 400 HP & cures rust
Sushi 900 Heals 600 HP
Sweet Salad 80 Heals 200 HP
Tamago-Yaki 60 Heals 80 HP
Tempura 400 Heals 400 HP
Teriyaki 900 Heals 400 HP
Tomato Soup 150 Heals 60 HP & cures poison
Tomato Juice 150 Heals 60 HP & cures poison
Tonkatsu 750 Heals 600 HP
Veggie Sandwich 160 Heals 250 HP & cures unfriendly

Items (not able to be equip)
Escape Talisman 500 Escape from dungeons
Stone of Power 2000 Raises Strength attribute (1-3)
Stone of Magic 2000 Raises Magic attribute (1-3)
Stone of Defense 2000 Raises Defense attribute (1-3)
Stone of Mag-Def 2000 Raises Magic Defense (1-3)
Stone of Luck 2000 Raises Luck attribute (1-3)
Stone of Skill 2000 Raises Tech attribute (1-3)
Spinach Seed X for farming
Potato Seed X for farming
Tomato Seed X for farming
Cabbage Seed X for farming
Iron Hammer X Boost Tessai to level 9
Copper Hammer X Boost Tessai to level 12
Silver Hammer X Boost Tessai to level 15
Gold Hammer X Boost Tessai to level 16

Flaming Arrows 700
Fire Wall 1000
Explosion 2000
Angry Blow 700
Thunder Runner 1000
Bolt of Wrath 2000
Kindness Drops 700
Protect Mist 1000
Kindness Rain 2000
Clay Guardian 700
Revenge Earth 1000
Canopy Defense 2000
Wind of Sleep 700
Healing Wind 1000
The Shredding 2000



Nanami's Vase 10
Failure Urn 20
Octopus Urn 1000
Normal Large Vase 3000
Vase 5000
Genkaku's Famous Vase 6000
Wide Urn 8000
Blue Dragon Urn 16000
Celadon Urn 20000
Black Urn 40000
Fine Bone China 120000

Hex Doll 120
Japanese Dish 6000
Chinese Dish 12000
Persian Lamp 15000
Peeing Boy 34000
Coral 40000
Bonsai 50000
Knight Statuette 60000
Karen Statue A 70000
Karen Statue B 130000
Goddess Statuette 200000

Graffiti 200
Trio Painting 700
Flower Painting 14000
Lover's Garden 58000
Landscape Paint 80000
Nature's Beauty 400000


IX) Runes

Black Sword
Flash Judgement 120 damage to one enemy
Twinkling Blade 100 damage to all enemies, 30% death
Piercing One 700 damage to one enemy
Hungry Friend 1200 damage to all enemies
Ready! Teleport enemy, failure teleports ally
Set! 150 damage to all enemies or allies
Go! Teleport all enemies or all allies
Blue Gate* (30000)
Open Gate 50 damage to one enemy
King's Road 150 damage to all enemies
Pale Palace 500 damage to all enemies
Empty World 900 damage to all enemies, 90 to all allies
Bright Shield
Great Blessing Heals 70 HP for all allies + cures status
Shining Light 130 damage to all enemies
Battle Oath Heals 300 HP for all allies 30% Berserk
Forgiver Sign Heals allies for 2000, overflow damages enemy
Cyclone* (18000)
Healing Wind Heal one ally to full
The Shredding 450 damage to all enemies
Storm Warning Reflects spells
Shining Wind 500 damage to enemies, allies healed 500
Darkness (12000)
Finger of Death Sudden death to one enemy
Stealer of Souls 300 damage to 1 foe + heals self
Final Bell Death or 500 damage to a row
Black Shadow 500 damage to all enemies
Earth (4000)
Clay Guardian Def x1.5 for 1 ally
Revenge Earth 100% counter rate for 1 ally
Canopy Defense Repel all magic once at 100%
Earthquake 800 damage to all enemies on ground
Fire (6000)
Flaming Arrows 60 damage to all enemies
Fire Wall 150 damage to a row of enemies
Dancing Flames 300 damage to all enemies
Explosion 700 damage to all enemies
Flowing (22000)
Protect Mist +20% magic resistance for 3 rounds to allies
Kindness Rain Heal all allies for 300
Silent Lake Negates all spell casting for 3 rounds
Mother Ocean Restores person to full HP
Lightning* (6000)
Angry Blow 100 damage to one enemy
Thunder Runner 120 damage to a column
Bolt of Wrath 600 damage to one enemy
Thor Shot 1200 damage to one enemy
Mother Earth (16000)
Revenge Earth 100% counter rate for 1 ally
Canopy Defense Repel all magic once at 100%
Earthquake 800 damage to all enemies on ground
Guardian Earth DEF and MAG-DEF up for 5 rounds on allies
Rage (18000)
Fire Wall 150 damage to a row of enemies
Dancing Flames 300 damage to all enemies
Explosion 700 damage to all enemies
Final Flame 900 damage to all enemies
Resurrection (9000)
Scolding 30 damage to 1 enemy x2 vs. undead
Yell Cures unconscious ally
Charm Arrow 400 damage to all enemies, x2 vs. undead
Scream Heals 300 HP for all allies
Soul Eater
Finger of Death Sudden death to 1 enemy
Black Shadow 500 damage to all enemies
Hell Sudden death vs. all enemies
Judgement 1500 damage vs. 1 enemy
Thunder Runner 120 damage to a column
Bolt of Wrath 600 damage to one enemy
Thor Shot 1000 damage to one enemy
Thunder Storm 1200 damage to one enemy
Water (7000)
Kindness Drop Heal one ally to full
Protect Mist +20% magic resistance for 3 rounds to allies
Kindness Rain Heal all allies for 300
Silent Lake Negates all spell casting for 3 rounds
White Saint
Shining Pupil 120 damage to one enemy
Moonlit Forest 200 damage to a column
White Priestess 400 damage to all enemies
Wind* (5000)
Wind of Sleep Attempts to put one row asleep
Healing Wind Heal one ally to full
The Shredding 450 damage to all enemies
Storm Warning Reflects spells

* NOTE: These Runes have been known to backfire. Counter with high

Effect (always active)
Alert (10000) Become hyper after 4 rounds
Balance (9000) Immune to unbalance
Barrier (15000) Magic Resistance (MAG/10%)
Champion's Avoid weak enemy encounters
Counter Increase counterstrike rate
Double-Beat (8000) 2 Attacks, damage x2 if counter
Double-Strike(6000) Damage received & taken x1.5
Draining Heals HP on a critical strike
Dryad (9000) Level 2 magic exchanged for level 1
Fire Sealing (8000) Voids fire, but water damage is at x2
Firefly (9000) Makes user targeted more often
Fortune (200000) Doubles XP
Fury (15000) Always berserk
Gale (6000) Speed x 1.5
Hazy (5000) Can avoid physical attacks
Killer (9500) Critical hit rate up
Knight Protects dying comrades
Medicine (4500) Use medicine on injured allies
Nymph (11000) Attack changes with Luck value
Phero (50000) Appeal up
Prosperity (150000) Double money gained
Spark (4000) All members attack after user
True Holy Rune Fast overworld travel. 100% flee rate
Violence (18000) Become berserk after damage
Waking (17000) You start asleep, but are berserked when hit
Wall Defense x2, can only defend
Warrior (32000) Str up, Def halved
Wizard (22000) Mag up, Mag Def halved

Command (must use)
Angry Dragon DMG x2 once, unlimited berserk
Banshee (9000) Drains ally HP to give to user
Blue Drop Damages row or all, ruins balance
Chimera (8000) Transfer status to others
Falcon 2x damage, -10% accuracy
Fire Breath 2 x damage, ruins balance
Fire Dragon 2x damage, but receive fire damage = half
Gozz (7000) Axe can attack one row
Groundhog 2x damage usable once
Howling Rune Monster allies become berserk
Kite (8000) Shuriken attack all for 1/2 damage
Lion (10000) 1.5 dam to one enemy, Mag & mag-def -50, for claws
Mayfly Attack one row, go unbalanced
Pixie (4500) Makes staff range L
Rabid Fang Converts Bob into werewolf form
Shining Wind Attack all enemies, good vs. fliers.
Shrike 2x damage, -5% accuracy
Spider Slay 3x damage to an enemy once
Swallow 30% Sudden Death, ruins balance
Sylph (12000) Reduces HP to give to allies
Titan (6000) Attack up for 2 handed sword
Trick Wind-up Doll ATK once
Twin Ring 2x damage, may ruin balance
Unicorn One column is treated as having 0 DEF
Viper (5000) Death for 1-handed sword
White Tiger 2x damage for fighters only

Cyclone (18000) Repel magic 15%
Down (25000) 30% Knockdown
Earth (4000) DEF +5, Regeneration (3)
Exertion (27000) Attack increases each turn
Fire (6000)* Adds 1/4 fire damage
Fire Lizard (11000) Damage x1.5, damage self
Flowing (22000) Regeneration (15)
Friendship Increase attack power for you and allies
Hunter (45000) Hit 5%, enemies always drop items
Kindness (11000) Increases attack power if you're liked
Lightning (6000)* Adds 1/4 lightning damage
Magic Drain (30000) -15% to hit, restore L1 magic
Mother Earth (16000)DEF +15, Regeneration (5)
Poison (8000) 40% chance to poison
Rage* (18000) Adds 1/2 fire damage
Sleep (18000) 20% to cause sleep
Technique (12000) Steals money (40%)
Thunder Rune* Adds 1/2 lightning damage
Water (7000) Regeneration (5)
Wind (5000) Repel magic 5%

* runes that add elemental attack may also cause your power to drop,
especially if the enemy is immune to that element.


X) Trading Posts
These prices are approximations as the rates do vary. there are
some general good tips below.

Kobold Village
Sugar 310
Mayonnaise 1498
Wooden Amulet 422
Flute 202
Candle 805
Ancient Text 1162
Crystal Ball 4670
Failure Urn 160
Graffiti 854

Forest Village
Sugar 167
Salt 479
Fur 502
Crystal Ball 333
Flute 550
Holly Berry 962
Wine 666
Deer Antler 1829
Native Costume 1204
Book 3499
Ancient Text 34997
Vase 8929
Wide Urn 12671

Soy Sauce 271
Salt 582
Candle 159
Flute 227
Crystal Ball 671
Musk 11667
Gold Bar 28331
Deer Antler 2329
Japanese Dish 11331

Soy Sauce 683
Wooden Amulet 200
Wine 648
Native Costume 1005
Red Pepper 2933
Ancient Text 29337
Pearl 24004
Persian Lamp 10667
Flower Painting 10670
Celadon Urn 7666

South Window
Salt 1014
Mayonnaise 502
Crystal Ball 264
Candle 642
Wooden Amulet 233
Fur 798
Native Costume 1269
Chinese Dish 7999
Flower Painting 14002
Persian Lamp 10002
Blue Dragon Urn 16002
Peeing Boy 31998
Coral 26671

Crom Village
Red Pepper 1198
Crystal Ball 203
Candle 746
Wooden Amulet 570
Holly Berry 300
Wine 1127
Book 4004
Musk 11332
Gold Bar 29995
Wide Urn 8665
Blue Dragon Urn 29334

Red Pepper 4266
Flute 696
Holly Berry 1651
Wine 1265
Book 9737
Pearl 35002
Chinese Dish 8005
Persian Lamp 29328
Peeing Boy 42999
Coral 64999

Highway Village
Sugar 478
Mayonnaise 2754
Candle 437
Native Costume 1662
Deer Antler 3998
Book 1333
Musk 7505
Gold Bar 40001


1) Expensive items like Celadon Urns can be bought from a market and
later sold back for profit.
2) Each area has a expertise which produces faster than the other
3) Conversely, each place looks for a certain ware that they do not
produce with much frequency.
4) If your looking for just money, buy art and sell it at an item
store. You might get more for it there.

Suikoden II---Trading Guide
by Mike Good
Item Avg Low High
Sugar 300p 150p: Forest Village 550p: Highway Village
Salt 500p 270p: South Window 700p: Rokkaku Town
Soy Sauce 700p 300p: Rokkaku Town 850p: Gregminster
Mayonnaise 2,000p 400p: South Window 2,200p: Highway Village
Red Pepper 1,500p 1,200p: Crom Village 3,200p: Rockaxe City
Fur 800p 350p: Headquarters 800p: South Window
Musk 7,000p 4,500p: Highway Village 8,500p: Crom Village
Pearl 20,000p 18,000p: Rokkaku Town 35,000p: Rockaxe
Ancient Text 25,000p 700p: Kobold Village 35,000p: Forest Village
Gold Bar 30,000p 17,000p: Rokkaku Town 40,000p: Highway Village
Wooden Amulet 600p 350p: Kobold Village 850p: Crom Village
Holly Berry 900p 550p: Forest Village 1,100p: Rockaxe City
Deer Antler 5,000p 1,100p: Forest Village 5,500p: Headquarters
Book 4,000p 3,500p: Forest Village 7,300: Rockaxe City
Native Costume 1,700p 800p: Gregminster 2,500p: Highway Village
Flute 400p 200p: Headquarters 700p: Rockaxe City
Crystal Ball 3,000p 300p: Crom Village 7,000p: Kobold Village
Wine 1,200p 650p: Gregminster 1,900p: Rockaxe City
Candle 500p 200p: Rokkaku Town 740p: Crom Village


XI) Combos

Bow ATK Kinnison & Stallion .5 DMG vs. all enemies
Ayda & Stallion
Ayda & Kinnison

Bow Wow ATK Gengen & Shiro 1.5x DMG to one enemy
Gabocha & Shiro

Buddy ATK Hero & Jowy Hits all enemies for normal

Copycat ATK Hero & Hoi 1x DMG on 1 enemy

Cross ATK Viktor & Flik 1.5x DMG to one enemy + 30%

Dad-Daughter ATK Tsai & Tomo 1x DMG to front row

Double Kracken Abizboah & Rulodia 1x DMG to front row

Double Leader Both heroes .75 DMG to all

Double Monster Sigfried and Feather 2x damage to an enemy + both
ATK unbalanced

Family ATK Hero & Nanami 2x DMG to one enemy + Nanami
gets unbalanced

Groupy ATK Flik & Nina 2.5x DMG to one enemy + Nina

Head Up!! Abizboah & Viki 2x DMG to an enemy + Abizboah
Rulodia & Viki unbalanced

Husband-Wife Yoshino & Freed Y 2x DMG to one + Yoshino
ATK unbalanced

Knight ATK Miklotov & Camus 2x DMG to one + 30% unbalance

Kobold ATK* Gengen & Gabocha 1x DMG vs. one enemy +
Gabocha unbalanced
* Kobold ATK Gengen & Gabocha(rare) 3x DMG vs. all + both
1 in 10 chance unbalanced

Loyal Dog ATK Shiro & Kinnison 1.5 DMG to one, or .5 DMG to

Manly ATK Rikimaru & Amada 2x DMG vs. one column

Narcissus ATK Vincent & Simone .5 DMG on all enemies

Ninja ATK Mondo & Kasumi 1.5x DMG to one + 30% knockout

Rival ATK Valeria & Anita 3x DMG to an enemy + Valeria

Swordsman ATK Shin and Genshu .5x DMG to all + 20% sudden

Tackle ATK Oulan & Hanna .75 DMG to all enemies +

Trick ATK Meg & Gadget Gadget damages all enemies

Twin Fighter ATK Wakaba & L.C.Chan 3x DMG to one enemy. Usable
only when both are berserked

Warriors ATK Hix & Tengaar 2x DMG to one enemy + Hix
takes DMG

Winger ATK Sid & Chaco 1.5x DMG vs. one enemy + 30%
chance to poison

Bandit ATK Lo Wen, Koyu, & Gijimu 1.5x DMG to 1 enemy +
knockdown at 30%

Beastmaster ATK Badeaux & 2 Monsters 1.5x DMG to an enemy + berserk

Beauty ATK Any three from the .25x DMG to all enemies +
True Beauty ATK sleep 60%

Circus ATK Eilie, Rina, & Bolgan 2 x DMG to one enemy + Bolgan
gets unbalanced

Cutie Boy ATK Futch, Luc, & Sasuke 1x DMG vs. all + become

Flash ATK Bolgan, L.C.Chan, & 1.5x DMG to all enemies, but
Gantetsu all allies take .5x DMG

Pretty Boy ATK Flik, Miklotov, & Camus 1.5 DMG to one enemy + 25%
sudden death

Pretty Girl ATK Tengaar, Meg, & Millie .5x DMG to all enemies

Servant ATK Sierra, Bolgan, & Bob Drains 4x DMG from an enemy,
Bob and Bolgan damaged,
Sierra healed

True Beauty ATK Kasumi, Lorelai, Karen Damage to all enemies + sleep
and Rina 70%

5 Squirrel ATK All five squirrels Removes an enemy from battle,
but you get no reward

Spell Combos (Must use them as level 4 spells)

Blazing Camp Fire/Rage & 2000 vs. an enemy plus extra
Lightning/Thunder damage to other enemies
Scorched Earth Earth/Mother Earth & 1300 DMG to all enemies
Storm Fang Earth/Mother Earth & 1000 DMG to all enemies
Thor Water/Flowing 2000 DMG to an enemy and
Lightning/Thunder heals allies
Water Dragon Water/Flowing & 800 DMG to all enemies, heals
Wind/Cyclone all allies


XII) Tactics

Character Stats Abilities
Hero 8 / 9 Bright Shield
Ayda 6 / 5 Repair Self & Forest Walk
Boris 9 / 8 Evade
Flik 7 / 7 Cavalry
Georg 11 / 8 Critical
Gilbert 7 / 8 -------
Hauser 9 / 7 Cavalry
Kasumi 6 / 6 Scout
Kiba 7 / 12 Cavalry & Heavy Armor
Luc 10 / 4 Wind
Max 6 / 7 Cavalry
Mazus 9 / 6 Fire
Ridley 10 / 7 Critical
Teresa 5 / 6 Bombard
Valeria 8 / 8 Cavalry
Viktor 8 / 7 -------

Character Modifier Abilities
Adlai +0 / +0 Invention
Annallee +0 / +0 Encourage
Apple +1 / +2 Evade
Camus +0 / +1 Cavalry
Chaco +0 / +1 Flight
Emilia +0 / +0 Investigate
Freed Y +0 / +1 -------
Gijimu +2 / +0 Melee
Hanna +2 / +0 -------
Huan +0 / +0 Heal
Humphrey +0 / +2 Heavy Armor
Jeane +0 / +0 Lightning
Jess +2 / +0 Evade
Jowy +0 / +0 Critical
Klaus +0 / +3 Evade & Cavalry
Koyu +1 / +0 Repair Self
Lo Wen +2 / +0 Melee
Lorelai +0 / +2 -------
Miklotov +1 / +0 Cavalry
Nanami +1 / +1 Repair Self
Oulan +0 / +0 Bodyguard
Pesmerga +3 / +0 Cavalry
Shin +1 / +0 Critical
Shu +3 / +1 Critical & Evade
Tai Ho +2 / +1 --------
Templton +0 / +1 Shortcut
Tsai +1 / +0 Fire Spear
Tuta +0 / +0 Repair Self
Yam Koo +1 / +1 --------

Bodyguard Makes commanders immune to battlefield death
Bombard Attack enemy within 5 panels
Bright Shield Heal all allies in 2 panels
Cavalry Move +2
Critical May cause double damage
Encourage Gives second turn
Evade Temporarily avoid taking damage
Fire 3x3 fire strike with a range of 3(harms allies too)
Fire Spear Damage enemies in a 3 square path
Flight Move +2, compatible with Cavalry
Forest Walk Move through forest like field
Heal Heal a unit in a 3 panel range
Heavy Armor Defense +1
Invention Damage everyone around and self
Investigate See opponent's ability
Lightning Damage to one enemy in three panels
Melee Increased power vs. magic and archery
Repair Self Heals damage
Scout See enemy ability
Shortcut No terrain effect
Wind Rune Damage enemy units within a 3 panel range


XIII) Enemies

Cut Rabbit 50 P Antitoxin; Double-Beat Crystal; Cream Stew;
Technique Crystal
Holly Boy 5 P Medicine; Spinach Juice
Fur Fur 30 P Clay Guardian

Bandit A 150 P Medicine
Bandit B 150 P ? ornament, Rising Sun Bento
Bandit C 150 P Escape Talisman; Cheek Guards
Bon Bon 35 P ? vase
Killer Bee 15 P Flaming Arrows
Wolf 60 P

Bon Bon (2) 40 P ? vase
Cut Rabbit (2) 60 P Antitoxin; Technique Crystal
Spider 100 P Leather Cape

Bon Bon (3) 60 P Fried Fish Balls, ? vase
Shadow Dog 130 P Hazy Crystal
Woodpecker 80 P Wind of Sleep; Killer Crystal; Fried Fish

Giant Snail 200 P Antitoxin
Wild Boar 250 P Pointed Hat

Gold Boar 300 P
Kill Spider 100 P Cheek Guards
Sickle 200 P Antitoxin; Gale Crystal

Creeper 50 P Medicine; Green Salad; Throat Drops
Mega Watt 300 P Leather Armor, Green Salad
Nightmare 250 P Escape Talisman
Mr. Venus 400 P Titan Crystal; Unicorn Crystal
Salamander 200 P Fire Lizard Crystal

Armadilloid 7000 P ? vase
Armadillon 350 P Brass Armor
Kill Rabbit 300 P Belt of Strength

Dark Bunny 350 P Shoulder Pads
Flyer 150 P Medicine; Medicine Crystal
Target Lady 600 P Dryad Crystal, Pixie Crystal

Griffin 550 P Wind Hat, Wind Crystal
Minos 500 P Grilled Beef; Gozz Crystal, Mega Medicine
Sorceror 450 P Escape Talisman
Sun King 700 P Wall Crystal

Shadow Man 300 P
Sorceror (2) 500 P
Zombie 110 P ? vase

Rockadillo 550 P Turtle Plans #1
Sandillo 15000 P ? ornament
Spikebeak 600 P Balance Crystal, Mega Medicine

Devil Eye 600 P Kite Crystal
Land Shark 800 P Guard Ring; Recipe #21
Shadow 900 P Mangosh, Throat Drops
Siren 800 P Banshee Crystal; Water Amulet

Eagle Man 1100 P Sandwich; Recipe #12
Mirage 800 P Fire Emblem

Holly Boy (2) 100 P Needle; Spinach Juice, Medicine
Ragged One 5 P Turtle Plans #2, ? ornament, Chick
Sauroid 600 P Protect Mist

Holly Elf 1200 P Toe Shoes
Melonzoo 750 P Needle
Monwer 800 P

Doremi Elf 900 P Sound Set #2
Holly Boy (3) 150 P
Papa Holly 1300 P Boulder Set, Seed Potato
Zombie Slug 1000 P Recipe #29, Thunder Amulet, Canopy Defense

Phantom 1500 P Healing Wind
Pink Bird 2000 P Sylph Crystal, Skunk Crystal

Assassin 1100 P
Hawk Man 1400 P Turtle Plans#3
Pixie 2000 P Pixie Crystal
Spiker 1200 P ? vase

Time Knight 1700 P Mega Medicine
White Tiger 3000 P Double-Beat Crystal

Ran Ran 2200 P Silverlet, Diet Lunch
Rin Rin 2200 P Medicine
Ten Ten 2200 P Barrier Crystal, Ninja Suit
Samurai 2500 P ? ornament, Ninja Suit
Tiger 3500 P Window Set #1

Air Lizard 2000 P Firefly Crystal, Window Set #2
Killer Dog 1800 P Antitoxin

Ghost Slug 3000 P Dancing Flames
Skeleton random Gauntlet, Steel Shield
Zombie random ? vase, ? ornament, Power Gloves

Neclordia 3000 P ? ornament
Unicombie 4000 P Fire Sealing Crystal

Doremi Elf (2) 3000 P Japanese Stew, Throat Drops
Grand Holly 5500 P Cape of Darkness, Spinach Juice
Holly Boy (3) 800 P Toy Boat
Holly Fairy 4000 P Dryad Crystal, Kindness Rain
Target Girl 4000 P Nymph Crystal, Waking Crystal

Eye Flower 3500 P Spinach Seedling, Medicine
Kookaburra 5000 P Guard Ring

Cockatrice 6000 P Thunder Crystal
Commander 5000 P
Highlands 3500 P Recipe #36, Ghengis Khan, ? ornament
Hippogriff 9000 P Wind Amulet
M-Knight 7000 P Master Robe, Knight Rune

Black Tiger 15000 P Full Helmet
Fei Yu 4800 P Diet Lunch
Li Lan 4800 P Mega Medicine
Shiu Lin 4800 P Flowing Crystal

Iron Claw 9000 P Medicine
Leather Cut 6500 P
Pixie 30000 P
Sky Knight 8000 P Turtle Plans #3

Copper Sun 7000 P Rage Crystal
Fish Eye 5500 P Protect Mist
Iron Moon 7000 P

Bronzem 20000 P Master Garb
Chimera 17000 P Blood Armor; Lucky Ring
Commander (2) 15000 P
Highlands (2) 10000 P Escape Talisman
Magus 14000 P ? ornament

Colossus 15000 P
Minotaurus 10000 P Mother Earth Crystal, Spicy Stew

¿ñ '0 13000 P ? painting
ß : 15000 P


XIV) Headquarters Options

On the second floor near the elevator is a suggestion box.
Periodically check it out.

Yam Koo offers fishing at the castle. Cost 100 P per try.

Fishing Prizes
Boot 8 @ 0.95 +/- 1 /0.5
Squid 50 @ 2.00 +/- 2.5 /0.5
Stonefish 225 @ 3.00 +/- 15 /0.5
Blowfish 900 @ 4.00 +/- 18 /0.5
Whitefish 160 @ 1.40 +/- 20 /0.5 Food
Shellfish 450 @ 2.50 +/- 15 /0.5 Food
Shrimp 1200 @ 2.00 +/- 60 /0.5 Food
Salmon 4050 @ 7.00 +/- 45 /0.5 Food

After Hai Yo joins, you can make menus. His menu increases as
you bring Recipes to him. Also, if you have any spices in your
inventory, he can make more meals. These items are not expended.
There are 40 Recipes
1) Tomago-Yaki 2) Tomato Soup
3) Ohitashi 4) Salad
5) Gyoza 6) Chowder
7) BBQ Meat Bun 8) Buttered Clams
9) Fish Fry 10) Ice Cream
11) Quiche 12) Sandwich
13) Meat Pie 14) Simmered Fish
15) Fried Fish Balls 16) Sunomono
17) Cake 18) Croquettes
19) Pasta 20) Tempura
21) Grilled Fish 22) Gratin
23) Rice Omelet 24) Fried Rice
25) Pizza 26) Teriyaki
27) Tonkatsu 28) Curry Rice
29) Grilled Beef 30) Ramen
31) Hamburger 32) Obento
33) Sushi 34)
35) Full Course 36) Ghengis Khan
37) Steak 38) Sashimi Combo
39) Special Stew 40) Kaiseki Dinner

Music Test
Annallee will play the various game songs for you. Pico and
Alberto add more songs when they join.
Song list (I may be off on some of these, let me know)
In Praise of Peace (Gregminster Castle)
Distant Sky (Banner Village)
Captured City (Greenhill - 1)
Free Again (Greenhill - 2)
The Golden Capital Shines Once More (Gregminster)
In Tranquility (White Deer Inn)
Peaceful Time (Headquarters - 1)
Bustling City (Headquarters - 2)
City of Memories (Kyaro)
We Are Number One! (Kobold Village)
If you Listen Carefully (Coronet/Drakemouth/Sajah)
Oh Beautiful Dancer (Kuskus)
The Outskirts of Tinto Town (Crom)
Ripple of Fate Carry You Away (Lakewest)
Let's Climb That Hill (Muse)
My Lady's Sigh (Radat)
Proud Saraband (Rockaxe)
Village of Chirping Birds (Ryube)
Hidden Hamlet of the Ninjas (Rokkaku)
Nahara Yan Kun (South Window)
Barren Earth (Tinto)
Children Playing in the Field (Toto)
Everyday is a Carnival (Two River)
If You Don't Work, You Can't Eat (Mercenary Fort)
The Oppressed (Winger District)
Forest of Confusion (Generic Dungeon Theme)
"We Love Our Master" Fugae (Neclord's Castle)

Kobold Dance (Gabocha and Gengen)
Annallee's song (still looking for the title of this) (seems to be a
Spanish version and a Japanese version)
Dance with Karen
During you're performance, you can press select for some help.
Round 1: 8 steps; Karen Statue A
Round 2: 16 steps; Karen Statue B
Round 3: 24 steps;
Round 4: 32 steps;
Round 5: 40 steps;

You get a different bath house based on your castle size.
Level 1: Drum
Level 2: Cypress
Level 3: Marble
Level 4: Jungle
Special: Open Air (use the bath house 20 times)
By placing certain item combinations, you get different effects.
6 Hex Dolls
6 Hex Dolls and 2 Graffiti
6 Octopus Urns (with Abizboah and/or Rulodia)
There are hidden scenes in the bath house (must be accessed with
only those participating in the scene)
Flik & Viktor

Rope Climbing (located north of Hai Yo's)
You can climb a cliff to win prizes. Also, if you don't like the
prize list, you can say "no" and talk to the guy again for a new list.
You can roll a die to advance 2-6 spaces or slide back to your last
mark or you can place a mark. You race against three clones. First
to the top wins.
[Weapon] League - 1000
Rare Items: Rose Bouquet, Cup of Promise
[Hero Name] League - 5000
Rare Items: Blue Dragon Urn, Boulder Set, Secret Writings, Lubricating
Oil, Ninja Suit, Invincible Smile, Leisure Suit
[Castle Name] League - 10000
Rare Items: Taikyoku Wear, Sexy Wink, Dog Whistle, Ninja Suit,
Sunglasses, Turtle Plans #4, Millet Dumplings

Scroll Making
Raura will make a single crystal into a collection of scrolls.
Each crystal makes one list, as shown below.
Wind of Sleep x8 - 2 scrolls
Healing Wind x5 - 1 scrolls
The Shredding x4 - 1 scroll
Clay Guardian x8 - 2 scrolls
Revenge Earth x6 - 1 scroll
Canopy Defense x3 - 1 scroll
Flaming Arrows x6 - 2 scrolls
Fire Wall x 4 - 1 scroll
Dancing Flames x2 - 1 scroll
Kindness Drops x7 - 2 scrolls
Protect Mist x6 - 1 scroll
Kindness Rain x3 - 1 scroll
Angry Blow x8 - 1 scroll
Thunder Runner x4 - 1 scroll
Bolt of Wrath x2 - 1 scroll
Mother Earth
Clay Guardian x8 - 3 scrolls
Revenge Earth x8 - 1 scroll
Canopy Defense x5 - 1 scroll
Flaming Arrows x8 - 3 scrolls
Fire Wall x4 - 1 scroll
Dancing Flames x6 - 1 scroll
Kindness Drops x5 - 2 scrolls
Protect Mist x4 - 1 scroll
Kindness Rain x2 - 1 scroll
Wind of Sleep x6 - 2 scrolls
Healing Wind x3 - 2 scrolls
The Shredding x2 - 1 scroll

Beginner - Mole Helmet
Regular - Mole Shield
Hard - Mole Suit
Ultimate - Any of the three Mole items

Jude offers to sculpt a guardian deity. This is where the plans
come in. Here's what you can make
Guardian Deity

Head Body Legs Tail Prize

Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Stone of Magic

Turtle Turtle Turtle Turtle 110000 potch

Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Blue Gate Crystal

Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Incense

Rabbit and Turtle
Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Escape Talisman
Rabbit Rabbit Turtle Rabbit The Shredding x6
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Turtle 66000 potch
Rabbit Turtle Turtle Rabbit Healing Wind x9
Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Turtle Prosperity Crystal &
Fortune Crystal
Rabbit Rabbit Turtle Turtle 74000 potch
Rabbit Turtle Turtle Turtle Fine Bone China
Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Wine
Turtle Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Red Curry x6
Turtle Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Cyclone Crystal
Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Turtle 83000 potch
Turtle Turtle Turtle Rabbit Canopy Defense x9
Turtle Rabbit Turtle Turtle 78000 potch
Turtle Turtle Rabbit Turtle 98000 potch

Rabbit and Unicorn
Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Ship Combo x8
Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Dancing Flames x6
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Wind Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Japanese Curry x6
Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Phero Crystal
Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Warrior Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Medicine Crystal
Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Fortune Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Kindness Rain x6
Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Goldlet
Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Hazy Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Antitoxin x4
Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Sylph Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Kite Crystal

Rabbit and Dragon
Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Fire Wall x9
Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Chinese Noodles x8
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Chaos Shield
Rabbit Dragon Dragon Rabbit Nanami's Vase
Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Dragon Lucky Ring
Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Dragon Boots
Rabbit Dragon Dragon Dragon Lucky Ring
Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit Revenge Earth x6
Dragon Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Protection Mist x9
Dragon Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Dragon Incense &
Fortune Crystal
Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Full Helmet
Dragon Dragon Dragon Rabbit Medicine x6
Dragon Rabbit Dragon Dragon Circuret
Dragon Dragon Rabbit Dragon Leather Hat

Turtle and Unicorn
Turtle Unicorn Turtle Turtle 65000 potch
Turtle Turtle Unicorn Turtle 120000 potch
Turtle Turtle Turtle Unicorn Earth Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Turtle 31000 potch
Turtle Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Mother Earth Crystal
Turtle Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Magic Drain Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Wizard Crystal
Unicorn Turtle Turtle Turtle 72000 potch
Unicorn Unicorn Turtle Turtle 72000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Turtle 22000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Turtle Unicorn Hunter Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Turtle 22000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Blue Gate Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Hunter Crystal

Turtle and Dragon
Turtle Dragon Dragon Dragon Silver Armor
Turtle Turtle Dragon Dragon Master Robe
Turtle Dragon Turtle Dragon Windspun Armor
Turtle Dragon Dragon Turtle Dragon Armor (x2)
Turtle Turtle Turtle Dragon Earth Armor
Turtle Dragon Turtle Turtle 88000 potch
Turtle Turtle Dragon Turtle Prosperity Crystal
Dragon Turtle Dragon Dragon Full Helmet
Dragon Dragon Turtle Dragon 2 Bandana
Dragon Dragon Dragon Turtle Hex Doll
Dragon Turtle Turtle Dragon Half Helmet
Dragon Turtle Dragon Turtle Gold Bar x2
Dragon Dragon Turtle Turtle 15000 potch
Dragon Turtle Turtle Turtle Gold Bar

Unicorn and Dragon
Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Viper Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Water Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Rose Brooch
Unicorn Dragon Dragon Unicorn Knight Crystal
Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Dragon Horned Helm
Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Dragon Goldlet
Unicorn Dragon Dragon Dragon Wing Ornament
Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn Skunk Crystal
Dragon Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Fury Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Rage Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Silver Hat
Dragon Dragon Dragon Unicorn Fire Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Dragon Dragon Bandana
Dragon Dragon Unicorn Dragon Flame Helmet

Rabbit, Turtle, and Unicorn
Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Stone of Magic Defense
Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Wind Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Sukiyaki x8
Rabbit Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Earth Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Turtle 2 Pearl
Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Turtle 13000 potch
Rabbit Turtle Turtle Unicorn Water Crystal
Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Turtle 63000 potch
Rabbit Unicorn Turtle Turtle 34000 potch
Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Fire Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Resurrection Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Turtle 14000 potch
Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit 2 Octopus Urn
Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Pancakes x9
Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Water Crystal
Turtle Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Wind of Sleep x9
Turtle Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Kindness Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Stone of Defense
Turtle Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Dryad Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Turtle 72000 potch
Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Turtle 28000 potch
Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Boulder Set & Toy Boat
Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Sleep Crystal
Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Exertion Crystal
Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Kindness Rain x6
Unicorn Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Rising Sun Bento x9
Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Turtle 11000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Turtle Rabbit Mega Medicine x9
Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Turtle 16000 potch
Unicorn Rabbit Turtle Turtle 35000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Antitoxin
Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Kite Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Mega Medicine x9
Unicorn Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Chimera Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Turtle 16000 potch
Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Turtle 9000 potch

Rabbit, Turtle, and Dragon
Rabbit Turtle Dragon Rabbit Mega Medicine x3
Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Dragon Speed Ring
Rabbit Dragon Turtle Rabbit Needle x4
Rabbit Rabbit Turtle Dragon Wooden Shield
Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Turtle 14000 potch
Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Turtle 22000 potch
Rabbit Turtle Turtle Dragon Earth Shield
Rabbit Turtle Dragon Turtle 58000 potch
Rabbit Dragon Turtle Turtle 56000 potch
Rabbit Turtle Dragon Dragon Mangosh
Rabbit Dragon Turtle Dragon Kite Shield
Rabbit Dragon Dragon Turtle 57000 potch
Turtle Dragon Rabbit Rabbit 2 Medicine x6
Turtle Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Tonkatsu x9
Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Blood Armor
Turtle Turtle Dragon Rabbit Throat Drops x4
Turtle Turtle Rabbit Dragon Half Plate
Turtle Dragon Turtle Rabbit The Shredding x6
Bolt of Wrath x6
Turtle Rabbit Turtle Dragon Taikyoku Wear
Turtle Dragon Rabbit Turtle 63000 potch
Turtle Rabbit Dragon Turtle 55000 potch
Turtle Dragon Dragon Rabbit Boulder Set
Turtle Dragon Rabbit Dragon Scale Mail
Turtle Rabbit Dragon Dragon Robe of Mist
Dragon Turtle Rabbit Rabbit Stone of Luck
Dragon Rabbit Turtle Rabbit Bolt of Wrath
Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Turtle 12000 potch
Dragon Turtle Turtle Rabbit Beefsteak x6
Dragon Turtle Rabbit Turtle 35000 potch
Dragon Rabbit Turtle Turtle 39000 potch
Dragon Turtle Dragon Rabbit Kindness Drop x9
Dragon Turtle Rabbit Dragon Feathered Hat
Dragon Dragon Turtle Rabbit Flaming Arrows x9
Dragon Rabbit Turtle Dragon Half Helmet
Dragon Dragon Rabbit Turtle 8000 potch
Dragon Rabbit Dragon Turtle 17000 potch

Rabbit, Unicorn, and Dragon
Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Rabbit 2 Boots
Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Fire Sealing Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Angry Blow x9
Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Lightning Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Magic Ring
Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Steel Shield
Rabbit Dragon Dragon Unicorn Draining Crystal
Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Dragon Fire Emblem
Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Dragon Sun Badge
Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Barrier Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Darkness Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Silver Shield
Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Toy Boat
Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Rabbit Revenge Earth x9
Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Dragon Gold Emblem
Unicorn Dragon Dragon Rabbit Flaming Sea x6
Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Dragon Gloves
Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Dragon Guard Ring
Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Tekka-Don x8
Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Lion Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Stone of Skill
Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Power Ring
Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Star Earrings
Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Rabbit Raw Tomato x9
Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Rabbit Pointed Hat
Dragon Rabbit Rabbit Unicorn Titan Crystal
Dragon Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Stone of Speed
Dragon Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Double Strike Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Flaming Arrows x9
Dragon Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Counter Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Silver Hat
Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Pointed Hat
Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Rabbit Clay Guardian
Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Unicorn Fire Sealing Crystal
Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Unicorn Spark Crystal

Turtle, Unicorn, and Dragon
Turtle Unicorn Dragon Dragon Thunder God Garb
Turtle Dragon Unicorn Dragon Master Garb
Turtle Dragon Dragon Unicorn Fire Lizard Crystal
Turtle Turtle Unicorn Dragon Magic Robe
Turtle Turtle Dragon Unicorn Friendship Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Turtle Dragon Ninja Suit
Turtle Dragon Turtle Unicorn Silence Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Dragon Turtle 34000 potch
Turtle Dragon Unicorn Turtle 32000 potch
Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Knight Armor
Turtle Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Down Crystal
Turtle Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Technique Crystal
Unicorn Turtle Dragon Dragon Goldlet
Unicorn Dragon Turtle Dragon Crimson Cape
Unicorn Dragon Dragon Turtle 8000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Turtle Dragon Wind Amulet
Unicorn Turtle Dragon Turtle 19000 potch
Unicorn Dragon Turtle Turtle Landscape Painting
Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Dragon Rose Brooch
Unicorn Turtle Dragon Unicorn Water Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Turtle Dragon Wind Amulet
Unicorn Dragon Turtle Unicorn Great Hawk Crystal
Unicorn Unicorn Dragon Turtle 19000 potch
Unicorn Dragon Unicorn Turtle 16000 potch
Dragon Turtle Unicorn Dragon Wind Hat
Dragon Turtle Dragon Unicorn Dragon Incense & Blue
Gate Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Turtle Dragon Circuret
Dragon Dragon Turtle Unicorn Rage Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Dragon Turtle 15000 potch
Dragon Dragon Unicorn Turtle 9000 potch
Dragon Turtle Turtle Unicorn Killer Crystal
Dragon Turtle Unicorn Turtle 36000 potch
Dragon Unicorn Turtle Turtle 32000 potch
Dragon Turtle Unicorn Unicorn Double Beat Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Turtle Unicorn Firefly Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Unicorn Turtle 22000 potch

Rabbit, Turtle, Unicorn, and Dragon
Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Dragon Winged Boots
Rabbit Turtle Dragon Unicorn Earth Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Turtle Dragon Fish Badge
Rabbit Dragon Turtle Unicorn Balance Crystal
Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Turtle 8800 potch
Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Turtle 22000 potch
Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Dragon Full Plate
Turtle Rabbit Dragon Unicorn Nymph Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Dream Robe
Turtle Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Poison Crystal
Turtle Unicorn Dragon Rabbit 2 Hex Doll
Turtle Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Dancing Flames x6 &
Kindness Rain x6
Unicorn Rabbit Turtle Dragon Iron Boots
Unicorn Rabbit Dragon Turtle 39000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Dragon Power Ring
Unicorn Dragon Rabbit Turtle 17000 potch
Unicorn Turtle Dragon Rabbit Stone of Skill
Unicorn Dragon Turtle Rabbit Chick
Dragon Rabbit Turtle Unicorn Gale Crystal
Dragon Rabbit Unicorn Turtle 22000 potch
Dragon Turtle Rabbit Unicorn Wall Crystal
Dragon Unicorn Rabbit Turtle 17000 potch
Dragon Turtle Unicorn Rabbit Tom Yum Soup x9
Dragon Unicorn Turtle Rabbit Thunder Runner x9

Make a messed up statue to see people's reactions. Also, after
making the Guardian Deity you can have Jude make another one as often
as you please, but you only get a gift once.

Window Making
Tenkou starts with 3 windows, each Window Set adds another option.

Connell changes the sound setting.
Red Starts
Yellow Starts
Green Starts
Blue Set #1
Purple Set #2
Cyan Set #5
Pink Set #6
Sky Blue Set #7

Tony makes food for the kitchen provided you bring him seeds.

Yuzu raises sheep, cows, chickens and pigs that all provide
product for use in the kitchen.


XV) Miscellaneous

Old Book Locations
Vol. 1: Genkaku's house in Kyaro on a dresser
Vol. 2: Sindar Ruins
Vol. 3: Rare Find in South Window's item store
Vol. 4: Anabelle's mansion in Muse
Vol. 5: Greenhill's academy, on the 2nd room to the left on the 1st
floor on the rightmost section of the bookshelf
Vol. 6: From a man in the Forest Village trading post
Vol. 7: On shelf near McDohl's bust in Gregminster
Vol. 8: Tigermouth Village on a bookshelf
Vol. 9: Cave to Tinto Mines
Vol. 10: From a man in the basement of Greenhill's dormitory
Vol. 11: In the downstairs portion of Rockaxe's item store
Vol. 12: From someone in Muse's tavern/inn after you liberate it

Window Set Locations
#1: Dropped by Tiger
#2: Dropped by Air Lizards
#5: Cave to Tinto mines
#6: A rare find in Greenhill's item store
#7: L'Renouille

Sound Set Locations
#1: From Elza in Muse
#2: Dropped by Doremi Elf
#5: A rare find in Radat's item store
#6: From a ninja in Rokkaku
#7: From Connell's sister

Recipe Location:
#1: Hai Yo starts with it
#2: Win the cook-off against Yu Kum
#3: Huan in Muse gives you this after Tuta joins
#4: Hai Yo starts with it
#5: A man in the tavern of Coronet will give this to you
#6: Hai Yo starts with it
#7: Hai Yo starts with it
#8: Win the cook-off against Goetsu
#9: On the bookshelf in the north most house in Kuskus
#10: Hai Yo starts with it
#11: A rare find in Kuskus's item store
#12: Dropped by Eagle Man
#13: In the elder's house of Kobold Village
#14: The cook in Radat (restaurant) gives you this
#15: Hai Yo starts with it
#16: In Taki's house (Lakewest)
#17: Win the cook-off against Shiki
#18: A rare find in Radat
#19: Win the cook-off against Ryuki
#20: A woman in the inn of Greenhill gives you this
#21: Dropped by Land Shark
#22: Win the cook-off against Ryuko
#23: A rare find in Two River City
#24: Win the cook-off against Bashok
#25: A rare find in Greenhill's item store
#26: A rare find in Highway Village
#27: Win the cook-off against Gyokuran
#28: A rare find in Gregminster's item store
#29: Dropped by Zombie Slug
#30: Win the cook-off against Antonio
#31: A rare find in Kobold Village's item store
#32: Kent's mother gives you this after the Dragon Quest
#33: Win the cook-off against Lester
#34: Dropped by Doremi elves in Greenhill's forest
#35: A rare find in Muse's item store
#36: Dropped by Highlands in Rockaxe
#37: Bookshelf in Gorudo's room
#38: Win the cook-off against Retso
#39: See Gremio at Lester's behest
#40: Win the cook-off against Jinkai

Hammer Locations
Iron: Buy this from a man in Forest Village's armory for 2000 P
Copper: A guard in Gregminster gives this to you
Silver: After liberating Greenhill & getting Tessai, his student will
give you this (Greenhill)
Gold: A rare find in Sajah's item store (north west of L'Renouille)

Plans Locations
Dragon #1: Jude has it
#2: Mt. Rakutei
#3: Tinto
#4: Rockaxe Castle
Rabbit #1: Jude has it
#2: A rare find in Highway Village
#3: A rare find in Banner Village's item store
#4: A rare find in Greenhill's item store after liberation
Turtle #1: Dropped by Rockadillo
#2: Dropped by Ragged One
#3: Dropped by Hawk Man
#4: Rock Climbing prize
Unicorn#1: Jude has it
#2: Mt. Rakutei
#3: Tinto
#4: Rockaxe Castle

Livestock Locations
Calf - Drakemouth Village (6000)
Highway Village (7000)
Highway Village (5000) after taking Rockaxe
Chick - Tigermouth Village
Lakewest Beach
Yuzu starts with one
Lamb - Forest Village (4000)
Kobold Village ()
Sajah Village rare find ()
Yuzu starts with 3 sheep
Piglet - Radat (5000)
Rokkaku (6000)
Greenhill, next to academy after liberation

Vegetable Locations
Cabbage - In a barrel in Lakewest
In the rear of the box with a bag on it in the empty storage
room in Drakemouth Village
Tony starts with one
Potato - From a woman in Banner Village
Dropped by Papa Holly.
Tony starts with one
Spinach - From Susu after Chaco joins
Elder from Forest Village gives you this after Tony joins
Dropped by Eye Flower
Tomato - A rare find in Banner Village's item store
From a man in Gregminster for 700 P
From a child in Tigermouth Village

Free Items
1) Search the Bonsai in South Window near the Stone Garden and find a
Friendship Crystal

2) Search the basket with plants in it by the dock in Lakewest to find
the Kindness Crystal

3) Search the urn next to the elder's house in Kobold Village to find
an Exertion Crystal

4) The elder of Crom will give you a Sunbeam Crystal after you slay

5) Gustav will give you a Mother Earth Crystal after Neclord is dead.

6) After liberating Greenhill, the rune teacher gives you a Rage

7) Silver Armor is given to you by Muse's weapon store clerk.

8) The runemaster in Muse upstairs from the store gives you a Flowing

9) After the flag area in Rockaxe, keep going right to Gorudo's room.
You'll find the Thunder Rune (from the guard outside), Earth Armor and
Recipe #37.

10) Back in Kyaro, if you search the tree that Mukumuku was in, you'll
find a Hunter Crystal, Trio Painting, and 30 P, plus every time you
search again, you get scene of your hero looking off in the distance.
This is only possible after the Beast Rune has been defeated.

Combat notes
1) In about 1 in 10 Family ATK, Nanami will goof around instead of
fighting. The result is your hero doing double damage, Nanami doing
none, and Nanami not being off-balance. Nanami is also healed. A
mixed blessing.

2) Couples and family will block for each other if the one is weak.
Also, if the one falls, there is a good chance that the other will
become berserk. Examples of this include the Hero and Nanami, Yoshino
and Freed Y, Tsai and Tomo, Hix and Tengaar.

3) Healing and defensive spells are cast at a faster speed than
attack spells and weapons

4) Sleeping monsters and characters receive double damage and can always
be hit

5) You can negate the damage from the Fire Dragon Rune with the Fire
Sealing Rune, or reduce it through the Fire Emblem

Pure Maiden List

Other stuff
1) Richmond will uncover secrets about your companions or figure out
how to make others join... for a price.

2) For some reason, I got a bug in McDohl's name. I named him Hiryu,
but in Suikoden 2, his name is listed as HcDhol. :( Also, it seems
the name of the castle is similarly messed up. Effectively, the name
McDohl gets replaced by your capital letters in the original. Thus
Hiryu becomes HcDohl, while LUNE would be LUNEhl. Castle probably
works the same way.

3) Maximum potch is 999,999

4) Ridley's son, Boris, replaces him if he died against Neclord.

5) The Hunter Rune makes your character do one point of damage, and
requires you to kill your foes with that attack. With a 5% chance to
hit, you'll be in a single battle for hours, and Thunder Amulets do
not help your accuracy any. Basically, this Rune is a novelty and
nothing else. If you get one via the Guardian Deity, you can make use
of it. Put it one a weak attacker, and form a party. You'll want the
Wind Rune for the Wind of Sleep spell on some character. Go fight a
battle and put the enemy to sleep. Now the Hunter Rune character can
hit it. Finish the monster off and get the item. Note: the Bright
Shield spell Shining Light seems to negate the Hunter Rune.

6) Rare Finds re-randomize every half hour game play

7) You can reach the upstairs of the item shop in Radat that the woman
will not let you pass by having Viki teleport you. If she makes a
mistake, there's a chance you'll end up here. You'll find: Dragon
Armor, Mole Suit, Mega Medicine (9), Gold Emblem, and a Blue Gate

8) Level 60 is your last level of full stat gain. After that, all stat
gains are half.


XVI) Side Quests

1) Finding Bonaparte
Head into the forest with Millie (leaving makes her leave the
party, so don't bother trying to upgrade her weapon yet). On the left
path is a nest with a baby bird in it. You can put the nest back up.
Continue down that path to find a Gauntlet and a Leather Cape.
Further on across a wood bridge is a cabin. It looks like a
blacksmith's place, but no one is home. Head back to the first branch
and go right. On the way back, you'll meet Shiro (a white wolf) and
Kinnison. They join you if you helped the baby bird. Next, go right.
Bonaparte is there but flees in deeper. Bonaparte is in the next
screen, but attacks when Millie gets close.

Fight: Bonaparte
HP: 600
He hits for about 30 damage. Just use strong attacks and combos
and heal with Medicines, and you should win.

Millie recovers her pet and rejoins your team after the battle.
Also, she can now use her rune.

2) Getting Clive
In one alley in Muse, you'll encounter Elza who gives you two
packages. Shortly after, Clive appears and is looking for her. On
the way out Elza rewards you with Sound Set #1. Clive then arrives.
He says he's come to get her. Elza fires at him and retreats. Clive
rushes after. The next time you meet Clive will be in South Window
here he wants to get to Lakewest. Once you have a boat, he'll join.

3) Hunting Elza.
* NOTE: If you wish to complete this subquest in time and save
Nanami, you'll need to do the following (you might be able to get by
without following 1-5):
1) efficiently recruit members (not jump around randomly)
2) pick Kasumi over Valeria so you can get Sasuke and Mondo early
on and get you castle level up to max asap.
3) pray the Rose Brooch shows up in Banner in a timely fashion
4) previously collected 4 Celadon Urns (one for Lebrante, and three
to trade to Gordon)
5) skip the McDohl subquest (you could do this and use McDohl with
Soul Eater to blitz through some battles.)
6) race through the game without reading dialogue
More likely than not, this rushing through the game will minimize
your enjoyment, and one wrench in the network is enough to make this
impossible. This is a speed based quest based on your total hours of
game play which includes other quests and screen fade-in and fade-
outs. Overall, it is very frustrating. *

Take Clive to Lakewest and talk to a man in the inn. Seems she's
ahead of you. If you get there in time, you'll get a letter from her.
The letter says that she's headed for Forest Village. Go there before
your trip to Greenhill, and you'll see Elza next to the large tree in
the upper part of the village. However, it turns out that Elza had
left this girl to dress like her to throw Clive off. The girl gives
you the next lead - Matilda. Informants in Matilda tell you she
headed off for Radat. There, Elza and Clive will have a shoot out in
which Clive will be badly injured and Elza will escape. Later, you'll
find Elza on the Jowston Hilltop, where she tells Clive to meet her in
a town west of L'Renouille (Sajah). You must get here in under 20
hours of game play, or she will not be there. This will be their final

4) Getting Hix and Tengaar.
You should find Hix and Tengaar in the inn at Lakewest after
joining with Two River City. The two will leave for Kobold Village.
Later, go to Kobold Village (south of Two River City) and go to the
elder's house. Hix and Tengaar should be there. Tengaar wants Hix to
pass the Unicorn's Test. Hix doesn't want to. The next morning, go
back and Tengaar should be sick (well, not really). The elder says
that she's been stricken by the Unicorn Curse, and that only three
items brought to the Unicorn woods will save her.
You need to bring three items to the Unicorn Woods. They are
the Blue Stone (South Window), Red Flower (Cave of Wind), and a Green
Bell (Sewers). Take each if these items back to Kobold Village.
After retrieving all three, Tengaar will be missing. She is at
Unicorn Woods. You need to go there with the three items and fight
the Unicorn to find her.
Take the first right branch to find a Necklace. Left takes you
to another fork. Go left and down for a Necklace. Another Necklace
can be found on the northern path. Head right. After a screen, you
can take an upper right path to yet another Necklace. The bottom path
will take you on a windy path to the elder, Tengaar, and a few
kobolds. As you chat with the chief, the Unicorn appears. The
unicorn says it will take Tengaar, but Hix stands up to it. This
allows Hix and Tengaar to pass the test. They now join you. If you
return to the Unicorn Tree later (like helping Yuzu), you can find a
Mangosh and a Guard Ring.

5) Cooking Contest
About after the Greenhill rescue, a cook named Yu Kum will
challenge Hai Yo to a cooking contest. You need to make three meals -
appetizer, main course, and desert. You will be judged by a panel of
four. Try to cater to your judges tastes as much as possible. You
can also quicken your prep time by rapidly pressing X. You just need
to score overall higher. Winning nets you the Tomato Soup recipe.
Later cooking battles occur periodically. Other opponents are Goetsu
(Buttered Clams), Shiki (Cake), Ryuki (Pasta), Bashok (Fried Rice),
Ryuko (Gratin), Antonio (Ramen), Gyokuran (Tonkatsu), Lester (Sushi),
Retso (Sashimi Combo), and Jinkai (Kaiseki).
As things progress, Hai Yo's past comes back to haunt him. Just
who is the Black Dragon Group? Apparently, Hai Yo took a recipe (Moon
Bird) that he shouldn't have taken, and now the 'Group' wants him.
When you face Gyokuran, she has stolen your recipes. When Retso
comes, prepare to lose as his meals get strait 5's. Fortunately, he
promises to return. After a bout with Lester, Retso returns. This
will be a fair fight(?). After beating Retso, Jinkai appears. He
demands the recipe. This is the final cook-off. Beat him and Hai Yo
will rip up the recipe. Jinkai will mellow out. Watch the credits
that follow.

6) Futch and Humphrey.
You can meet Humphrey at the inn in Highway Village while your
visiting Matilda for the first time.
After talking to Humphrey, you'll see a scene with Futch and
Kent. Futch tells Kent his story of being a Dragon Knight and losing
his status. Futch and Humphrey are on a quest to find a new dragon.
Ask Humphrey some questions. He'll leave, but will pay for your
lodgings. Outside the inn, Kent hears tale of a dragon in Rakutei
Mountain, north of Rockaxe. Talk to Humphrey again and Futch will
return. Rest at the inn. Futch and Humphrey with several town
members are gathered looking for the missing Kent. Offer to help find
Kent at Mt. Rakutei. Place Humphrey and Futch in your party and head
to the mountain. A barrier prevents your progress, but your rune
clears it.
Run up the mountain. Go left to get a Fur Cape. Go back right,
and take the next right to find a scroll with Thunder Runner. Now
take the remaining choice. Next, take the right to find a Thunder
Amulet. Then exit upward to the left. Take the next left to find a
Stone of Power. Next take the right. Take the upper rout and find
2000 P in a chest to the right. Further right is a Medicine Crystal.
Back left are Dragon Plans #2. The lower rout takes you to Unicorn
Plans #2. Continue around this area and find a passage east. There
you'll find a Skill Ring. Now exit through the higher east passage
after returning. Head up. Soon you'll find a save point. At the
summit, you see Kent. As you try to get near him, you are attacked.

Boss: Harpy
HP: 7500; 40000 P
The harpy has two basic attacks and two spells. One attack is a
quick slash with its talons for some damage. Another is a swoop that
lifts up a character and drops them, making them unbalanced. It also
has two wind spells that can be devastational especially if it uses
them for both its attacks. It's basically an endurance test.

After beating it, you rescue Kent. Futch says the rumor of a
dragon being here is bull, but Kent believes it. Kent said Black's
scale lifted the mist for him. Kent wants to press on and see if
there's a dragon, and Humphrey agrees.
Follow Kent farther up the mountain. you'll discover an egg.
Humphrey says it's probably a wild dragon egg, since it's not in a
dragon cave. Futch then tells you that he doesn't want to ride
another dragon. Humphrey says that if Futch feels that way, he'll
destroy the egg. Futch tells him to wait. The egg hatches, and a
little white dragon comes out. Humphrey convinces Futch to adopt it.
Futch names it Bright. They join you as you leave the mountain.

7) Finding Rokkaku
Rokkaku is fairly well hidden, but once you know where to look,
it's fairly easy. Go towards Gregminster. Climb the ladders to the
top of the mountain. On the next screen, follow the path. When it
curves to the right, keep along the lower edge of the forest. In the
first dip, you should be able to pass down through the trees. Now
keep heading south, and you'll find Rokkaku.
Rokkaku is a hidden town of Ninja. Entering here will have you
ambushed by ninja. However, if you have Kasumi in your party, they
will allow you to stay. She asks for Rokkaku's support against
Highland. He gives you Mondo and Sasuke. A ninja outside gives you
the Blinking Crystal. In the trading post, a woman sells piglets for
3000 P, and a ninja gives you Sound Set #6.

8) Running away with Nanami
If you agree with her, you'll be taken outside Tinto with you
other two members. You can't leave the region, so go to Crom where
you'll be taken to the elder. Koyu will meet you there. During your
trip, Tinto was attacked. Marlowe reports to Koyu in the night that
Lo Wen and Lily were captured by Neclord. In the morning, Crom will
be over-run with zombies. You have the option of saving the towns
people from zombies. Koyu and Marlowe help you escape. More Zombies
attack Tigermouth Village. Bright Shield will chase the zombies off.
You are weakened and Nanami carries you off. On the path you will be
saved by Georg. You recover and can talk to Georg. He won't join you
yet. Head back down the mountain.
At Drakemouth Village, you'll collapse again. Nanami feels bad
for wanting to run away. A commotion disturbs you. Outside the house
you awakened in are Shu, Flik, and Apple. Apple tells you Ridley died
in battle. Neclord ambushed Tinto that night, and Ridley died looking
for you. Shu will slap you for running off. You'll need to take the
role of leader again. Your other party members will leave and Nanami.
If you leave Drakemouth for the south, the game will end with a scene
of a cabin.
Head back to Crom to meet Viktor. He's at the elder's house with
Klaus and Gustav. He gives you back the Blinking Mirror and sends you
to bed. Talk to Viktor that night. He tells you now is not the time
for tears over Ridley's death. Also, Nanami's note has been kept
confidential to key personnel. Koyu and Marlowe go off to try and
rescue Lilly and Lo Wen.
Nanami wakes you up. Viktor says that all will be underway when
Kahn and Sierra arrive. From this point, it's basically the same as
if you did not run away in the night.


XVII) The 108 Stars of Destiny

Tenkai Hero Tengou Ridley/Boris
Tenki Shu Tenkai Luc
Tenyu Humphrey Tenyu Hauser
Tenmou Kiba Teni Pesmerga
Tenei Sierra Tenki Teresa
Tenfu Nina Tenman Monster 1*
Tenko Viktor Tensyo Valeria/Tomo
Tenritsu Fitcher Tensyo Clive
Tenan Flik Tenyu Tsai
Tenku Jess Tensoku Stallion
Teni Georg Tensafu Hanna
Tenbi Killey Tenkyu Anita
Tentai Monster 2* Tenjyu Nanami
Tenken Rina Tenhei Tai Ho
Tenzai Eilie Tenson Yam Koo
Tenpai Bolgan Tenrou Hix
Tensui Tengaar Tenbo Freed Y
Tenkoku Yoshino Tenkou Chaco
Chikai Klaus Chiretsu Gilbert
Chiyu Tetsu Chiketsu Jeane
Chiyu Wakaba Chii Max
Chiei Genshu Chiki Camus
Chimou Miklotov Chibun Jude
Chisei Lebrante Chikatsu Lorelai
Chitou Tony Chikyou Gijimu
Chian Rikimaru Chijiku Gantetsu
Chikai Simone Chisa Connell
Chiyu Hans Chirei Huan
Chijyu Tuta Chibi Futch
Chikyu Kasumi/Tomo Chibaku Badeaux
Chizen Mazus Chikou Mondo
Chikyou Sasuke Chihi Leona
Chisou Adlai Chikou Raura
Chimei Sheena Chisin Kinnison
Chitai Shiro Chiman Amada
Chisui Emilia Chisyu Zamza
Chiin Karen Chii Lo Wen
Chiri Tenkou Chisyun Gadget
Chiraku Annallee Chitatsu Viki
Chisoku Koyu Chichin Vincent
Chikei Meg Chima Mukumuku
Chiyou Marlowe Chiyu Richmond
Chifuku Apple Chihi L.C.Chan
Chiku Millie Chiko Tessai
Chizen Taki Chitan Gengen
Chikaku Gabocha Chisyu Yuzu
Chizou Hai Yo Chihei Kahn
Chison Barbara Chido Sid
Chisatsu Shin Chiaku Oulan
Chisyu Shilo Chisu Alex
Chiin Hilda Chikei Bob
Chisou Ayda Chiretsu Pico
Chiken Alberto Chikou Templton
Chizoku Hoi Chikou Gordon

* the monsters are Feather, Sigfried, and Abizboah


XVIII) Secrets

1) Suikoden 1 data - must have saved at Gregminster before final boss.
This gives returning characters bonus levels, better weapons, and
runes. It is not required to find McDohl.

2) Gremio and McDohl.

Special Bonus, the McDohl Guide by my good friend Roric (my lesser
version appears below it).

McDohl Guide
Ver 1.5
By: Roric (

What's new this time around:
~ Got some more definite info this time.
~ Got that girls name right this time.

Note: This guide should only be found in three places:
1 - Accompanied by Sir Aronar's FAQ (which can be found at GameFAQs)
2 - As a separate guide on GameFAQs
3 - On my website,

If anyone finds this file someplace else other than in the three places
specified, please let me know. I promised Aronar that I would do this
for him, and I am very weary about finding my work on other places.

Also, I haven't thoroughly experimented with McDohl as much as I'd
like to. If anyone can provide information, then please, e-mail me
as well. (

DO NOT E-MAIL ME TO HELP YOU WITH THE GAME. I got hundreds of e-mails
about asking for help. It became just overwhelming. So, rather than
help a few people out and leave some in the dark, I'm gonna leave
everyone in the dark. So sorry.

Also: READ THE GUIDE, PEOPLE! People who are telling me stuff on
why loading data isn't working (like you need to be at the last save
point in Gregminster) apparently aren't READING what I've TYPED. So,
before you ask me any questions (which I probably won't reply to) or
e-mail me any facts, read this thing before you even attempt to
help me.

Anyway, enough with the boring stuff. Let's get to the fun stuff.


It's true that you can use everyone's lovable Suikoden 1 hero
in Suikoden 2. And, if you play your cards right, you can even see
Gremio as well. You must have Suikoden 1 to even attempt this.

There are some things you need to take care of first in
Suikoden 1 however. The thing that is definitely required is your
saved game must be at the last save point in Gregminster before you
battle the Golden Hydra.

(some people say that just having a saved game is enough. I'm not
sure about this, so if you want to definitly want to have at least
McDohl in your party, have it how I described above.)

If you have Gremio alive (get all 107 other stars before
Leknaat appears for the final time and she will bring him back to life),
then there is an added bonus which I will explain later. But, for the
time being, make sure that your last save is in Gregminster before the
last boss.

When you start a new Suikoden 2 game, it will ask you if you
want to load in Suikoden 1 data. The purpose for this is to see what
requirements you have met in Suikoden 1. If it sees that the save
game you loaded in is at Gregminster, it will release the McDohl lock,
and you can participate in his side quest. The game will also detect
if Gremio is alive. If he is, the Gremio lock will also be released.

** Below this part contains some spoiler material. Read at your own
risk **

The soonest you can find McDohl is after your battle with Luca
Blight. As you would expect, he's still in the Toran Republic
somewhere, "living la vida loca" (okay, bad joke).

Head to Banner Village after that battle, and talk to Ko, the
kid who is obsessed with the current hero. Now, if everything was done
right, Ko should say how there is a McDohl look-alike staying at his
inn, and all he does is go fishing all day. Head to the docks behind
the inn.

Now, if you have all 108 stars in the previous game, Gremio
will stop you. If not, Ellie will stop you. Since Ellie plays the
role of Gremio in this side quest if you don't have him, I'll just
refer to Gremio and Ellie interchangeably.

Talk to Ko again. This time he'll tell you that he'll distract
Gremio for you. Talk to Gremio again, and he'll rush off to save Ko.
This will free up the dock, and you'll get to see everyone's favorite
hero, McDohl! If any major members from Suikoden 1 are in your party
(Viktor, Flik, Humphrey, etc...) They'll say things like "It's been
a long time" and what have you.

McDohl will join your party at this point to help save Ko, who
has apparently got into more trouble than he planned. Travel through
the forest as if you were heading to Gregminster. You will encounter
another worm, but just when you think you've killed him, he'll evolve
into a Poison Moth.

It's safe to lose this battle. In fact, I recommend you do.
If you decide to lose this battle, you'll see the powers of the Soul
Eater and Bright Shield runes in action. Their powers combine and
destroy the Poison Moth.

Head into Gregminster, and Dr. Liukan will treat the boy.
President Lepant will offer the presidency to McDohl. McDohl slowly
crawls his way back from your party, and almost makes a break for it
at Lepants offer. Eileen will tell Lepant that young men like McDohl
should be exploring the world and not cooped up in some air-tight
office making executive decisions. Lepant understands, but makes
McDohl promise to return some day.

There are a few more cut scenes. And then, the next morning,
You, McDohl, and co. head back to Banner Village. When you reach
Banner, McDohl and Gremio will head back to Gregminster, saying that
they will stay there for the time being. The cool part is that you can
travel through the woods and back to Gregminster anytime and recruit
McDohl for your party!

If you're keeping up with the cooking mini-game, Gremio will
give you a recipe. Is it a worthy trade off for reviving Gremio at
the end of Suikoden 1? It may not sound like much, but you do get
this warm, cozy feeling inside of you, knowing you saved McDohl's
best friend at the end of the game.



Many people have e-mailed me, saying that loading in their
Suikoden 1 data does not work. Now, I'm not a smart man, so I don't
know what's wrong. Please don't e-mail me why its not working. I'm
no techie expert, I'm just a moron who likes McDohl.

The only thing I can suggest is make sure that all the
things I outlined above are true. If that doesn't solve your problem,
and you can't load it in, then I'm sorry. Like I said, I'm a moron,
and I can't solve your save card problems out. Please don't e-mail
me about it, since your e-mail will probably just get lost then.


The lowdown:

Before things are even set in action, Konami messed things up.
Even though Suikoden 2 was a great game, their translation sucked.
One of the things that was affected was the transferring of McDohl's
name from Suikoden 1 to Suikoden 2.

For each capital letter you have in your McDohl's one name,
will be transfered into McDohl's name in Suikoden 2. So, if you name
him Roric, like me, he would be RcDohl. If you're like me, you
probably named him using uppercase and lowercase letters.

If you used all capital letters, then you lucked out a little
bit. If you named him RORIC (see the difference?), then his name would
override the first 5 letters of McDohl, and he'd be named RORICl. If
you named him ASH, he'd be named ASHohl. If you named him GURNSEY,
then his name would be GURNSEY.

Other than that little bit, Konami did a pretty good job of
the transferring of stats and whatnot to Suikoden 2. While he isn't the
level 60 tank you left him as in Gregminster, his stats are toned down
accordingly, to how the rest of your party is. And even then, he's
better than all the rest.

It should be noted that McDohl is NOT one of the stars of
destiny this time aroud, and is not required at all to get. Hence why
this is a mini-quest. Although, it makes you wonder what the Tenkai
star is thinking, switching heroes like that.

McDohl is a GREAT magic user. Make sure that the Soul Eater
isn't the only rune he has equipped on him. Unlike most other heavy
magic users, his attack is as high (even higher in some cases) as
Viktor's. His defense rocks as well (about as high as Humphreys).

It may seem tedious that you have to go through the forest
to get to Gregminster just to get McDohl every time, but I think it's
a fair trade-off. After all, McDohl can easily become the best
character in your party. Not only that, but the "Double Leader Attack"
is great for killing off groups of enemies rather quickly. It's not
as strong as the buddy attack, but it gets the job done.



Thanks to:

SirAronar ( - For letting me write for his FAQ and
giving me something to write about.

Jeremy Steimel ( - For giving me additional info
about McDohl.

Joshua Grand ( - For actually giving me some information
on how some people's stats are transfered, instead of just saying I'm

xeglon ( - For the complete deal with McDohl's

Konami for making a sequel to Suikoden 2, and I hope they consider
making a third. (and, hey guys, if you do, make sure to bring back
McDohl in that one too, as well as Suiky 2's hero! ^_^).


This McDohl guide is protected by copyright laws. All the Suikoden
names in it are Konami's, and I don't take credit for it. I just take
credit for writing this little diddily. Don't steal it from me please.
Just ask if you want to use it, and I'll be more than willing to say
yeah, sure go ahead. I'd rather have someone ask me for it than not.
Basically, just don't steal it from me, okay? Thanks. I appreciate it.


My version
After beating Luca Blight, go to Banner Village. Talk to the kid
dressed as you. Now go to the fishing spot in town. Gremio will halt
you from entering. Talk to the kid again. Say you want to meet the
person behind Gremio. He runs off to scream "help" while you may go
speak with Young Master. Gremio still blocks you until the kid
shouts. Talk to McDohl, who is fishing. Former Suikoden 1 characters
will recognize him. Say you want to speak with him. You'll be back
at the inn. Gremio tells you something happened to the boy. Offer to
save him. Soul Eater acts up briefly. they join your convoy. By the
save crystal in the mountains are some bandits. Tell them to return
Ko. The goons recognize you as the person responsible for Luca's
defeat, and McDohl as the leader of the Toran Liberation. They run,
leaving the leader. He says a monster has the kid. Ko is lying on
the ground in the clearing. Another Worm attacks.

Boss: Worm
HP: 3200
This boss is like the one you fought earlier. Use the same
tactics. After sustaining lethal damage, it splits open, revealing a
Poison Moth.

Boss: Poison Moth
HP: 6800; 50000 P
This form is much stronger. It has the same lightning blast, but
it does a little more damage. Also, it's physical attack is now a
swoop-grab-fly-and-drop attack that does some serious damage. Its
other new attack is a high damaging poison attack that hits all which
can poison you (naturally). Use the power of the Soul Eater to the
fullest to beat him back.

After sustaining so much damage, the fight will break. Gremio
says that you need to flee, instead, the two heroes use their runes.
Both 4th level spells activate, doing over 4000 damage, killing the
moth. However, if you deal the damage fast enough, you'll beat it
without the combo attack.
Now go to Gregminster to have Liukan treat the boy. Varkas takes
you to Gregminster. Lepant and Eileen meet you there. Liukan has
successfully saved Kou. Lepant tries to pass leadership to McDohl,
but he refuses. At the gate of the castle, Pahn, Cleo, Marie, and
Sarah wait for the Young Master.
That night you dine at the McDohl house and stay for the night.
Pick up Ko in the castle and let Varkus escort you back. Young Master
and Gremio return to Gregminster.
Whenever you'd like to use your old hero, return to Gregminster
and ask him to join. If you remove him from the party, he'll return
home. If you don't mind the trek (an additional 100000 or so potch
from encounters too), then don't worry.

1) Do not have all 108 Stars, or did not save Nanami
You must agree to lead the Jowston State. You are sworn in at
the Hilltop and then reside at Muse. Everyone goes back home. You
get aftermath reports for each character between scenes of your former
army. After seeing reports for all the stars you had, the credits
roll. Afterwards, you get a picture of Jowy in the mountains.

2) You do not lead the State.
Head to Tenzan Pass (northwest of Kyaro). This is the first area
of the game. Go to the waterfall and meet Jowy. He explains what
happened to him. He challenges you to a fight. This is the last duel
in the game. Beat him. He says the war will finally end. He holds up
his rune. Both runes shine, and Jowy dies. Afterwards, the ending is
the same as before. The final picture is of you, Nanami, and Jowy.

3) You do not lead the State
But wait, there's more. If you refuse to fight Jowy and instead
defend the entire time. Jowy tells you to end it here, so there will
never be another war. He fights you again and expresses that he was
always jealous of you and your ability to make friends. He collapses
explaining that he had to use the Black Sword Rune to defend against
the Beast Rune. He is dying and asks you to take his rune. If you
agree, you get an ending like #2. Furthermore, unless you meet the
criteria for saving Nanami, you cannot decline. But if you have all
108 stars before the conquest of Rockaxe, Leknaat should appear and
release Bright Shield's final power. Then, when you're at Rockaxe,
shout Nanami! when the arrows fly (this requires split section
reaction speed). Your characters should whip out his tonfa, but
Nanami should still get hit. At base, however, Huan gives the same
report, BUT asks to speak with Shu. If this happened, you can receive
this ending (and the other two).
After the second fight, Jowy will ask you to take the rune. Keep
refusing, and after four times, there will be a reaction between the
runes, which heals Jowy. He then joins you, leaving behind this pass.
On the way out, Shu arrives to tell you that Nanami is still alive and
is waiting in Kyaro. She told Huan not to tell you to get away from
the war.
Back in Kyaro, Nanami will embrace you, and the three of you will
begin a new journey together. You seem to pass through Harmonia, as
Jowy looks in on Jillia and Pilika before continuing with you and
Nanami. The final picture is a colored version of the Tri-painting
(Nanami, you, and Jowy by the tree near Genkaku's house).


XIX) Credits

Thanks to Konami for such a great game
Also, thanks to:
? . ( for a couple of items in Neclord's castle.
Agustin Fest ( for info on recruiting Mukumuku
with Nanami in the party.
Anthony M. Nelson (amn001@Bridgewater.EDU) for how to find Mokumoku.
Brett Herter ( for the fact that Zamza appears
in South Window if you missed him in Toto.
Christian M. Sine ( for many combos, some
items, and the start of the "Pure Maiden List.
ClydeBass9 ( for confirming the early entrance to
Matilda trick
Dana Bharata ( for bath house info, combos,
and dropped items
David Crandell ( for additional info on
items dropped by monsters, info on the Boulder Set, and info on the
chick bath item.
Dragon Fogel ( for the other way to recruit Anita,
more info on the Family ATK, and stats for Kasumi.
Ethan Gilchrist ( for info on recruiting Stallion,
Hix, and Tengaar
Harold Santos ( for the location of several items
and combos
Jeremy Andreo ( for info on recruiting Templton
while still in the Muse area
Jimmy/Yimmy (e-mail not available) for quite a few bits of info
scattered about from items to prizes.
John Madison ( for pointing out that I neglected
to add the first third of the Hix/Tengaar subquest
Matt Hobbs ( for a revised list of the music, Jowy's
staff info, Sigfried's stats, and some additional notes
Mike Good ( for trading information.
Quatoria ( for pointing out an error on a
double labeled section before I sent in an update and telling me
where to find Turtle Plans #4.
Richard Case ( for info on getting into Matilda
Roric ( for pointing out the data requirements
for Suikoden 1 info, for confirmation on recruiting Tetsu, info on
spell combos, and a faq on McDohl
Son Bui ( for some items with descriptions
Tony Dimarcantonio ( for the Mole Shield as
the regular mode prize.
Plus many people for sending me e-mails pointing out areas I missed
and making me feel my efforts are worth it

Credits for the Guardian Deity Section:
This list was only possible from the submissions of others. I
personally chinked away at 120-140 combinations, but without the aid
of others, this would never have been accomplished. Thus why it is a
compiled list. Anyway, on with those more worthy than I.

Everaldo Moura de Melo Junior (
Flame (
Speed (

If I missed anyone's name (and I fear I have, please e-mail as soon as
possible). Thanks for reading.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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18.Oktober 2013
Character Recruitment Guide

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
ultimate clives quest FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Kurz vor dem letzten Boss mit einem Held auf Level 64 und alle anderen Charaktere.

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Charaktere auf annehmbaren Levels. Gespeichert vor dem letzten Boss.

17.Oktober 2013
Richmond Secrets

15.Oktober 2013
Castle Guide

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Enemy List

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Plot Triggers and Plot Changes Guide

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Personal Combat Guide

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PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

16.Oktober 2013
Am Ende des Spiels mit allen Spielern in hohen Levels.

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