Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible

16.10.2013 21:51:03
Author: Nugget

2)Ice Hit
2.1)Lundkwist Base
3)Recover Noc List
3.1)Embassy Function
3.2)Embassy Warehouse
3.3)KGB HQ
3.4)Security Hallway
3.5)Sewage Control
3.7)Fire Alarm
4)CIA Escape
4.1)Interrogation Room
4.2)CIA Rooftop
4.3)Termanal Room
4.4)Rooftop Escape
5)Mole Hunt
5.1)Train Station
5.2)Train Car
5.3)Train Roof
6)Ice Storm

1) IntroDuction
Hello, I am Nugget this is my first Walkthough so if you see any errors
or have comments, questions , secrets or whatever just e-mail me
nuggethead21@hotmail.com . I hope you like my walkthrough and I hope it
helps you . this is probly the best Mission: Impossible Walkthrough
becuase there isnt any others.

2.1)Lundkwist Base
Mission Code Name: Ice Hit
Lundkwist Base
Mission Checklist
- Get to subpen with Clutter
- Change identity
- Find excuse for errand
- Cut electric power
A fairly small base right now. From the start you will want to hop up
the crates to the right and over the fence. Head over to point A, which
is a small bunker.
1) You will have to catch this guy while he is in the building. You can
either shoot him or punch him out. You must do either quickly, or he
will call the guards.
2) Once you take his identity with the facemaker, go over to the desk in
the bunker and collect the envelope on top of these lockers.
3) To cut the power you must sneak over there before you change your
face with the facemaker.
4) After giving the letter to the driver you will want to hop onto the
back of the truck.


Mission Checklist
- Find magnetic bomb
- Give bomb to Clutter
- Join Dowey for getaway
Keep to the extreme sides of this area to avoid the bulk of the guards.
1) Follow the red dot on your radar to find the magnetic bomb.
2) After picking up the bomb you will want to take the left side (facing
out of the building) to meet up with Clutter. He is hiding close to the
docks behind some boxes. You can follow the green dot on the radar to
get to him.
3) Before you can leave the area, you will want to run over and place a
mine on this gunboat. Just go to the side and use the mine in your

3.1)Embassy Function
Mission Code Name: Recover NOC List

Embassy Function
Mission Checklist
- Find facemaker
- Find score
- Find nausea powder
- Find drink
- Place smoke generators
- Assume ambassador's aide's ID
- Access restricted area
Right at the start you will have a challenge.
1) Talk to this gentleman twice to get him to walk away. When he does,
you can talk to Sarah and get the facemaker from her. Around this time
you should learn about a killer who is stalking you. The killer is a
woman in a red dress, and you will first see her in the main room with
the piano. Once she starts following you, head into the bathroom and
equip your blowgun. You will need to be quick and hit her with the
blowgun before she gets you.
2) Head back and talk to the bartender, and he will give you the drink
and nausea powder. To find the score you will need to talk to the people
right outside of the main hall when they are sitting down. Give the
score to the pianist. Give the tainted wine to the aide and then knock
him out in the bathroom. Take his face and head upstairs.
3) Be sure to use all the smoke generators on these grates. Make sure
there are no guards around when you do it or you will be arrested.

3.2)Embassy Warehouse

Embassy Warehouse
Mission Checklist
- Find exit key
- Access to embassy HQ
This area can be close to impossible until you find the chemical
protection suit. This suit is in a box blocking one of the hallways.
It's on the right just past the hallway with the two large explosion
boxes. You will now be shot at but won't be affected by the gas in the

3.3)KGB HQ

Mission Checklist
- Talk to Barnes
- Find video freezer
- Find facemaker cartridge
- Find dart gun
- Sabotage video link
- Find exit passcard
- Get transfer order
- Escape with Candice
This area may seem big when you first get into it, but there are only a
couple areas that you spend any long amount of time in.
1) This should be one of the first areas you check. Talk to Barnes to
fulfill one of your objectives. To find some of the other pieces of
equipment that you'll need you will have to go to the broom closet for
the facemaker cartridge and the prison cell for the video freezer. The
rest should be found as you go.
2) Knock out the chief and get the gun from his desk. Check the
bookshelf on the right to open up the security area.
3) Once you freeze the video you will need to come to this communication
area and get the transfer order. With that in hand you can walk into the
cell and hand the guard the transfer order. Then walk out to the big
metal doors to escape.

3.4)Security Hallway

Security Hallway
Mission Checklist
- Secure passage for Candice
- Activate master switch
This part is not that hard but does require some precision jumps. There
isn't a time limit though, so get your route set before you try to go
through. You can stop on the blue tiles and shoot the guard who may come
out of the door at the end. Be sure to take out the guards or Candice
will be arrested.

3.5)Sewage Control

Sewage Control
Mission Checklist
- Find super-computer
- Protect Candice
- Get NOC list
- Escape
To start off in the right direction, go to the left at the first chance.
Shoot the guard who is on the far side of the room and activate the
panel that he was guarding. Shoot the guards who will race after Candice
and head to the other passageway. There will be a couple more guards
here and a few panels. Once you activate the final panel a counter will
start and many guards will be released. You will need to move fast, but
not so fast that you lose Candice. Take her to the computer and then
backtrack out.


Mission Checklist
- Secure passage for Candice
- Find mask of Golystine
Shoot the guns to send them spinning for a short time. The mask is in
the wall box, and you must shoot the panel to open the door. If you are
quick enough, you can shoot the guard who has the NOC list before he can
get back to his group.

3.7)Fire Alarm

Fire Alarm
Mission Checklist
- Secure access to the lift
- Find Jack
- Dress as fireman
- Give Candice fireman outfit
- Escape the embassy
To get through this area you have to be quick with the fire extinguisher
or fist. There are a lot of guards in this area and you will have to
sneak around a little bit to avoid getting overwhelmed. Jack should be
close to the stairway. You need to talk to him and then make your way to
the restrooms. One strategy to use is to just run past the guards and
then take care of them when they follow you into the bathroom. Talk to
Jack and you will be able to pass for a fireman. Once you are dressed
like that, run back and talk to Candice. You will then need to be fast
and run out the entrance.

4.1)Interrogation Room
Mission Code Name: CIA Escape

Interrogation Room
Mission Checklist
- Escape from interrogation
- Pick up equipment
- Get into hallway
- Get out of interrogation sector
- Take free access print
- Find sergeant for SAS access
- Reach elevator to infirmary
1) To get out of here you will need to first push the button on the
right side of the room. With the window now open talk to Candice through
the speaker. Place the gum on the window and hop through. Collect all
your gear and head out the door.
2) You must run through the gate before the marine outside it can close
it. Once you do, copy his fingerprint and open the door. Run down and
around the hall, collect the spray paint, and use it on the cameras.
3) Activate the switch on the wall to get to another area, be sure to
click it twice so you can get the empty gun. Use the dart gun on the
desk jockey, then equip the empty gun. Enter the office and point the
gun at the sergeant. Follow him to the door, clear the hall if
necessary, and go straight to the left and for the elevator. Once in,
knock out the sergeant.
4) When you reach the infirmary be sure to unequip your weapons. Head
through the door and talk to the lady on the left side of the room; she
will cure you. Go by the man on the bike and press the button, then run
over to the window and climb out.

4.2)CIA Rooftop

CIA Rooftop
Mission Checklist
- Sabotage heliport lights
- Find bag of equipment
- Find zone digitcards
- Fix lights
- Install EMS near heliport
- Enter security level
- Find security level code
- Meet Candice
The trick to getting through this area is to realize that you can climb
up the boxes next to the guard houses. Once you start doing that you
will start to complete a couple of the beginning objectives.
1) Go up this first box to be able to shut off the electric floor and
take a major shortcut across the first part. From the switch for the
electric floor you can also run across and sabotage the helipad lights.
Hop over the railing by the light switch and then around the guardhouse
and back up to collect the equipment bag. Once you collect the bag use
it to empty its contents. click here for screenshot
With the repairman outfit you can run right past the guards and can get
into the restricted area by the helipad.
2) Head over to the left-side stairs first and turn the helipad lights
back on, then run back up and use the EMS on this switch box. click here
for screenshot From there head down the opposite stairway and go over by
the guard. You will need to drop your cover here and knock this guy out
for his card. Once you get it, head farther down the stairs and through
the tunnel. Knock out the next guard you come to and gethis card. Head
the security gate then and over to the stack of boxes.
3) You will need to use the infrared goggles and the deflector here to
get past the beams. To get the door code you will need to go up on the
boxes and place the camera facing the door on the top box. Hide behind
the guard house and let him do his rounds. You will then get the code
and be able to go through the door.

4.3)Termanal Room

Terminal Room
Mission Checklist
- Switch on the computer
- Get the NOC list
- Escape
One of the easiest ways to get through this area is to get in the
"diving forward" position. Like that you can dive through most of the
beams. You can afford to take the hits from the other stationary beams
and be sure to avoid the yellow beams. When you get toward the bottom
stop, wait until the operator comes back and leaves, then continue on
with the mission.

4.4)Rooftop Escape

Rooftop Escape
Mission Checklist
- Avoid all guards
- Reach helicopter landing pad
- Escape
1) Your first challenge is getting past the laser beams. In order to do
that you must backtrack to these boxes and make a jump off of them . Try
to jump a little diagonally to avoid getting hit by the beams. When you
pick yourself up you will need to create a diversion.
2) Head over to these ducts and put the explosive gum on them, then
backtrack to the tunnel and back to the heliport. When you get back to
the heliport, grab the EMS device from its hiding spot and then use it
to break it. Once you do that you will need to head over to the
helicopter and grab the gear once it starts to take off.

5.1)Train Station

Mission Code Name: Mole Hunt
Train Station Mission Checklist
- Protect Ethan
- Take the train
The hardest part of this area can be keeping track of Ethan when he
starts running. To easily find him, switch your snipers with the B
button, then switch back, and you will be centered on Ethan. Be very
careful when you are targeting one of the people in the station. Some of
the civilians will make very suspicious movements but will not draw a
weapon. If you shoot them,then the mission will be over. Remember, it is
better to let Ethan take one hit than risk the whole mission for one
misfire on a civilian. Always be ready to hop to the other sniper fast.
If Ethan gets out of your sight and comes under attack, you can lose him
really fast. Try to always keep him in your crosshairs.

5.2)Train Car

Train Car
Mission Checklist
- Neutralize Max's henchmen
- Meet Candice
- Find switch to block exits
- Knock out Max's bodyguards
- Stop Max and seize NOC list
- Defuse Max's back-up plan
1) Your first obstacle will be all the henchmen in the main passenger
compartments. Shooting them down is not the problem; avoiding the
civilians is. Once you start shooting they usually get up and start
running toward the back and all around. When this happens your best bet
would be to duck back behind a wall and listen until you hear the back
door open then close. Once this happens at least one civilian will be
out of harm's way and you can hop back out and finish off the henchmen.
2) Situations like this are unique but can cause some problems. The main
problem is to kill the
henchman without hurting the civilian. To do this you will either have
to be quick or take a few
shots and line up for a perfect head shot. After you kill the henchman
the civilian will run free.
3) To take out the first set of henchmen who hide in these compartments
simply hit them with a
head shot or a couple quick hits. Later, to take out Max's henchmen, you
will want to get as
close as possible and duck down, then start hitting with your fists as
quickly as you can.
4) To save a little life and even more time, enter this room and take
aim on all the people in it. They are all enemy agents, and if you shoot
them in the head they will start to attack now instead of later. After
you kill them, simply walk to the back.
5) To break open the safe you will need to collect the liquid nitrogen
and the blowtorch from the crates in the compartment. Use the blowtorch
on the hinges first, then when they are red, use the liquid nitrogen on
them until they shatter. Open the safe and use the remote control that
you got from Max on the bomb. To get the remote control from Max you
willneed to use the gas grenade in front of her compartment.

5.3)Train Roof
Train Roof

Mission Checklist
- Catch Phelps
1) In addition to the henchmen on the train roof itself you will also be
attacked from the street. To easily take out these threats, shoot the
driver in the head. They will fire off a couple more shots, and then the
car will spin out of control.
2) The next threat that will become an obvious annoyance will be the
helicopters. To easily take them out you need to use the rocket
launching gun. One hit, one kill. You can use the pistol instead, but it
takes several shots to knock one out of the sky, and they will almost
certainly get a hit off on you.
3) The final obstacle in this level is no harder than any of the other
challenges in this stage.
When he jumps onto the helicopter, fire off a rocket at it, and that
will end the mission.

Mission Code Name: Ice Storm

Mission Checklist
- Get the AF scrambler
- Get the mine
- Bring Clutter the AFS and mine
- Get the gas injector
- Get the RC detonator
- Get the explosives
- Sabotage the pump house
- Regroup on comm. building
1) This is the first item you will need to collect for Clutter. The
other item is a little farther away but still pretty close.
2) If you choose to stay out a little longer to collect more of the
mission items at the start than
the ones Clutter needs, you run the risk of having them discovered.
Although this doesn't end the mission right away, you must be able to
get back to the team and take out the soldier quick enough to rescue the
3) The pump house is where you will find the replacement wire cutters.
You will also have todrop the explosives near the main boiler tanks. Do
not detonate the explosives until you are
away from the building 4) This guard house has three of the elite
soldiers in it.
Unfortunately it also has the night-vision goggles, and if you were too
slow, it will also have the
remote-control detonator. You can rush in and kill off the soldiers, or
you can use the gas
injector on the door. This will knock out all of them, and then you can
just walk in and gather all of your equipment.
5) Once you have collected the night-vision goggles and rescued the rest
of your team on the
roof of the comm. building, you will have to jump on one of the inbound
trucks. Be sure to set off the explosives in the pump house first.


Mission Checklist
- Find explosives
- Sabotage anchor bolts
1) This will be the hardest part of the mission. Timing your jumps is
critical to making it through
the tunnel. The good news is that if you can get over the truck, the
game will cut off the momentum and let you fall onto the top. To see
when you need to jump, watch the tunnel, and when you see the front of
the truck coming through, turn to face diagonally, then jump when you
see the front.
2) These are the bolts you must sabotage. There will be one on each
side. This is definitely the easiest objective to accomplish.


Mission Checklist
- Find explosives and plastic
- Sabotage power plant
- Cut off camera power
- Take on accountant's ID
- Get briefcase from bunker
- Sabotage briefcase
- Bring briefcase to deal
- Blow away helicopter
- Escape on gunboat with Clutter
1) As soon as Dowey gets into his position you should use his view to
take out the two guards
around the power plant. You can use him again at the end to kill the
soldiers close to the gunboat.
2) Use the plastic on the circuit breaker to set up the shot for Dowey
to disable the base's power
. Also be sure to drop the explosives by the main power plant's base.
3) Once the power is out, you can come into this bunker and knock out
the accountant. Once you use the facemaker, be sure to grab his ID off
the desk.
4) After the deal is made, run back to the door you entered and shoot
the terrorist on the
right-hand side. Let the one on the left get back to the helicopter.
After that, head to the back and escape on the gunboat.


Mission Checklist
- Escape enemy base
- Destroy gas factory
1) Always try to shoot everything that gets in your path. Take out the
turrets and bunkers
especially, as they will get some free pot shots at you once you pass
them if they are not
destroyed. Also watch the water in front of you for mines, and be sure
to clear them out. There
are some soldiers on the banks, but they are usually guarding a
building. Destroy the building and they will die.
2) When you get to the gas factory, try destroying the walls first
instead of the turrets. When you flatten the walls the guns will go with



Secret Weapons
In three of the five missions in the game there is the possibility of
getting a secret weapon. To get this weapon you must finish the entire
mission on one life. If you can do that, you will get a
special gun from the second mission, a gun with a silencer from the
third, and the Uzi from the fourth. You may not be able to use the gun
in the next mission, but you will eventually have theoption.
To start a level with any of the weapons below already in hand simply
follow the directions to
Mini-rocket launcher with 30 rounds: At level select screen highlight
one of the levels, then press
R, L, C-left, C-right, C-down. If entered correctly you should here
Ethan say "Ah, that's better".
Uzi with 30 rounds: At level select screen highlight one of the levels,
then press C-right, C-left,
C-right, C-down, R. If entered correctly you should here Ethan say "Ah,
that's better".
9mm with 30 rounds: At the level selection screen highlight one of the
levels, then press R, L,
C-down, C-up, C-up. If entered correctly you should here Ethan say "Ah,
that's better".
Silenced handgun with 30 rounds: At the level selection screen highlight
one of the levels, then
press C-up, C-right, C-left C-up. If entered correctly you should here
Ethan say "Ah, that's
Turbo mode: At the level selection screen highlight one of the levels,
then press C-up, Z, C-up,
Z, C-up.If entered correctly you should here Ethan say "Ah, that's
Kid mode: At the level selection screen highlight one of the levels,
then press C-down, C-up, R,
L, Z. If entered correctly you should here Ethan say "Ah, that's
Big feet: : At the level selection screen highlight one of the levels,
then press C-down, R, Z,
C-right, C-left.
(Note: some of these codes won't work on a few levels.)

After you beat the game your in the Embassy. Talk to all of the
programmers that are in groups, then Candice and Ethan will come from
the Security Elevater by the piano player they will hug and a huge party
will begin.
Also at the Embassy (in Recover NOC List) use the mini-rocket launcher
code andtake out all of the gaurds the go to the Piano player and punch
him . He will be lying down knocked out in mid air!


Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Mole Hunt FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
CIA Escape FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Recover Noc List FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Ice Storm FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ice Hit FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Ice Storm FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Mole Hunt

15.Oktober 2013
Ice Storm

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
CIA Escape

13.Oktober 2013

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