Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible

13.10.2013 19:37:22
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 06:33:23 EDT

Mission: Impossible FAQ/Walkthrough version 0.5

by Jeff Hill
email: OOMAP@aol.com

All names of characters, Game and/or Movie Titles, Nintendo, and N64 are
copyrights of their respective companies. Although I don't know why you would
want to bust me for copyright infringement just for writing a simple FAQ about
your game.

Table of contents:

1. Introduction

2. Game Basics

3. Items used in every mission

4. Taking out the enemy

5. Basic tips for completing missions

6. Mission Walkthroughs
- Ice Hit
*Lundkwist Base
-Recover NOC List
*Embassy Function
*K.G.B. HQ

1. Introduction:

Okay, I know everyone is going to compare this game to Bond, and we all
know that it's nowhere near as good as Bond is. Quite frankly I think they
should have released near the release of N64 as they planned to, thereby making
Bond seem like an even better game. However, Nintendo has adopted their
"Quality over quantity" idea, and in all honesty, it hasn't worked at all. Most
games I've played for the N64 are not all that good and definitely not worthy of
the 60-80 bucks they expect us to fork out for them. Mission: Impossible is no
exception. I rented it and beat it in two days, and the control, enemy
reactions, selection of weapons, the inability to configure your buttons, and
lack of a multiplayer mode (which was a good move since the game engine was so
bad anyways) give it little or no replay value. And if I had bought it, that
would have made my cost $30 per day.

One of the other main problems I saw in the game is that what you are meant
to do is sometimes not exactly clear, and to my dismay I looked on
www.gamefaqs.com (the best game site ever :) to find no FAQs to help me out when
I was stuck on one of the missions. Henceforth, I decided to write this FAQ for
those others who are playing through the game and trying to figure out what the
heck they want you to do to complete one or more of the objectives.

2. Game Basics:


As I mentioned earlier, there is no way to set up your buttons, so you're
with these (sometimes horrid) settings:

A - Jump/Action (the WORST!!! Ack, Jump AND Action!!!!), make selection in

B - Open Weapon Menu, Cycle through Weapons, move back in game menus

Z - Fire Weapon/Punch

R - Bring up first person prospective (hold to aim), precision aiming in

L - Toggle camera mode (behind ethan/sky cam)

Top C - Zoom in in aim/sniper mode (used to move camera up in Terminal Room)

Bottom C - Crouch/Stand up, cycle through the items on right side of your
menu, (used to move camera down in Terminal Room)

Left C - Sidestep left in Aim mode (used to move camera left in Terminal

Right C - Sidestep right in Aim mode(used to move the camera right in

D-Pad - Press Right/Left to look 90 degrees around ethan (can be used to move
camera in Terminal Room)

3. Items used in all missions:

Communicator - This thing, well, lets you communicate with the other peole on
your team. It also tells you if you can do an action on what's in front of
you. Anytime something flashes on the communicator, you can press A to do
whatever action it's telling you to.
Here are what the different signals mean:

Yellow Flash/Beep: You have an incoming message from one of your teammates

Red flash/Arrow: You can open the door in front of you

Green flash/Speaker: You can talk to whoever is in front of you

Field Scanner - This thing is literally your best friend. If you aren't sure
where to go or what to do, this thing (usually) tells you. The radar on
upper-right part of the screen is the field scannar. It tells you where
important people, places, and things are in proximity to you. Here are
the different dots mean:

White dot: This denotes a place you need to go. Go check it out!

Red dot: An item you need is sitting here. Go pick it up!

Green dot: A person you need to talk to is here. Go, uh....do it!

Facemaker - Okay, this isn't on EVERY mission, but a lot of the time you will
need to use it to get those guards off of your tail. Usually, who you need
impersonate is in one of the locations on your scanner. Otherwise they
will be
heavily guarded or just look important. To use it, knock out the person
want to impersonate, stand near their body, press B to open the weapon
press bottom C to open the cycle through the items menu until the facemaker
selected, then press A to see morphomatic animation!

4. Taking out the enemy

Hands down, your best way to kill your predators is to hold down R to aim,
down Top C to zoom in, and then aim up for a headshot. This will almost
take them out in one hit. The zoom helps you out a little, but it won't
up for an inaccurate weapon. If you're out of ammo, your best bet is to
AWAY!!! If you've got the guts and the health, you can always pull out
fist and go hand-to-hand, but it's usually not too effective against
adversaries. This is not an action game for the most part, so don't expect
run in with your guns blazing, conserve ammo, and keep on the covert side
much as you can.

5. Basic tips for completing missions

One of the most important things to do before taking on a mission is to check
your team and your equipment. If you know who you're working with and what
your toys can do, it will greatly deplete your workload. When you know
on your team and you're trying to meet them, it's easier to pick them out
of a
crowd. If you're in a seemingly impossible situation with several guys
to gun you down, there's probably some weapon or item you can pick up or
use to
take them out more easily.

Another important (and kind of obvious) thing to do before diving into a
is to study the objectives and briefing. The briefing is usually a
run down of the objectives, and many times there are important clues as to
you need to look for or do during your mission.

If you're stuck in a specific mission, check out the field scannar first.
try playing around with different things in your environment to see what
do, they might help you out in ways unexpected. If you're really stuck you
can check out the walkthrough below. It has exact directions to get you
through each mission.

6. Mission Walkthroughs:

I will not be listing the objectives in the order they appear on the list,
rather I will list them in the order I think is easiest to complete them.

There are some objectives that don't appear on your list until after you've
started the mission and have been told about them. I will refer to these as
"ghost" objectives.

All the following walkthroughs are for the "Impossible" difficulty level.
If you are going through the game in the "Possible" difficulty level, there may
be some objectives you don't have to do, and the enemies will be easier to
kill/avoid. You may also get more ammo.

-Ice Hit

*Lundkwist Base

-Change identity
-Find excuse for errand
-Destroy electric power panel
-Get to subpen with clutter

As it should be, this is the easiest mission in the game. It's basicly
there to get you accustomed to the game engine and how a mission will run. When
it starts out, you are dropped off by Clutter and Dowey. Immediately
thereafter, you will recieve a message from Phelps saying he's found a place
with someone in it for you to check out. Run up to the boxes and jump your way
up to the top. From there you can jump over the fence. Now proceed to the
white dot on your field scanner to find the man you need to change into. Walk
in the door of the little building the white dot leads you to, and run up to the
guy in there. He will ask you who you are, what you're doing out there, etc.
Once the dialogue is over, shoot him. You can also knock him out in one punch
if you like to do that kind of thing. You can then use the facemaker on him,
and objective 1 is complete

Walk over to the desk he was behind, and you will find a letter. This will
be your excuse to have the guy who drives the truck go to the subpen. Objective
2 is no complete.

Put away your gun, or the guards will attack you. Now you can walk around
with your new face and talk to all the guards if you wish, but they will all say
an automated response. They will say another automated response if you try to
use the letter on them (ask them to take it). They will tell you to find Boris
to do the job for you. He will be walking around the truck near the new white
dot on your scanner. Go up to him, select the letter when you're near him. He
will tell you he's getting the engine warmed up. Walk between the buildings to
the left of the back of the truck after he starts to walk near the truck to
start it up. You should see Clutter crouching there waiting for you or running
to that spot preparing to crouch and wait. Don't worry about him just yet, you
have another objective to take care of. Go to that second white dot, pull out
your gun and destroy the panel there to complete objective 3

If you don't do this next part quickly, Clutter might get killed by the
guards who are alerted to your presence by the explosions. Run back to where
Clutter was and talk to him. He will tell you to hop on the back of the truck,
so go up to the back of the truck, press A, and objective A will be complete,
and you see a little cinema of you guys taking off in the truck.

Congrats! You've just completed your first mission! Already you can see
that it can get confusing as to what you need to do since it wasn't clear that
you HAD to talk to Clutter to get him to hop on the truck with you. It took me
a couple of tries to figure that out myself!


-Find magnetic mines
-Give mine to Clutter
-Ghost objective
-Join Dowey for getaway

When this mission starts out, your mask will fall apart, so you will not be
safe from guard fire anymore. You might be tempted to go in with guns ablaze,
but you will have nowhere near enough ammo to take out all the guards on the
level, even after you get the ONE gun from the ONE guard who drops one. With
this in mind, run, and I do mean RUN to the red dot on your scannar. You'll
have to open a door to enter a building. From there you go down a little ramp,
over some boxes, and then you're faced by two shelves. Take the one on the left
when you're facing the wall they're on. Search through that shelf, and the
mines are sitting out right there. This scratches off objective 1

You'll get a message from Jim telling you to give one to Clutter. Head to
the green dot, and he'll reluctantly take it (not the model he wanted).
Objective 2 is objectified.

You may think you're done, but not quite yet! You'll get a message from
Jim saying there's a patrol boat you need to take out. Head to the white dot
and set the mine by selecting it from the items menu. I will be referring to
these kind of objectives as ghost objectives as you don't see them until after
you've started the mission. Ghost objective is now finished.

Now all you gotta do is run to the white dot and hit A by the ladder.
Objective 3 complete, and you will recieve the "Mission Accomplished" screen.

-Recover NOC List

*Embassy Function

-Find nausia powder
-Find drink
-Eliminate killer
-Find facemaker
-Find score
-Assume ambassador's aide's I.D.
-Place smoke generators
-Access restricted area

Whew!!! That's a lot of objectives! It's not as bad as it sounds though,
a lot of them happen at once. Probably the most annoying part about his mission
is that you cannot run, you are forced to walk in that even when the analog
stick is placed at the farthest point, all Ethan does is walk.

The first thing that happens is you get a call from Phelps telling you
there's someone after you. Ignore that for now, she's not even there until you
get the first two objectives taken care of. First thing to do is to turn left,
and head towards the centermost white dot. There will be a vent there. Wait
until the guard that's patroling cannot see you, and place one of the smoke
generators there. Now head to the main hall where the pianist is, and head for
the vents there to get rid of two more smoke generators. You don't have to
worry about guards in there, there aren't anyEthat can see you. Now go up to
the bar and talk to Dieter who's standing behind it serving drinks. He will
give you the nausia powder and drink. Objectives 1 and 2 are done for.

You will notice a woman dressed in red next to/coming towards the piano.
She's the killer. Head for the bathroom, and she'll come after you. On your
way there, if the guard isn't looking, there's another vent near the hallway
that leads to the bathroom, throw another smoke generator in there. Now head
for the bathroom and equip your blowgun. Wait by the urinals, facing away from
them. It may take a while for her to get there, but don't worry about it,
there's no time limit. Once she's in sight, shoot her! If you miss, run past
her, pull out your fist and hit her once to knock her out. Ethan will drag her
into the woman's stall and objective 3 will be complete.

I'm not sure if it matters or not, but I usually close the stall door, just
to be on the safe side. Now walk to where you started out, towards the green
dot. There should be another white dot next to the door you came in. Put
another generator in there. Then wait for the coast to be clear (not guard, no
man talking to her) and give her a buzz. She'll hand you the facemaker.
Objective 4 is now complete

Now walk back to the piano room and talk to the pianist. He'll tell you
that he's missing the score he needs to get the ambassador's aide to come down.
A red dot should then appear on your scannar. Go to it to find that a couple is
sitting in the chairs where it's supposed to be! Talk to them, and they will
stand up. The score is on the chair where the man was sitting. Objective 5 is

Give the score to the pianist, and the ambassador's aide is the next
contestant on the face is right! When he comes down, hand him the drink you
have in your inventory. This will give him a, uh....well a problem. Follow him
to the bathroom. When you get there, punch him out. Ethan will drag him into
the men's stall, and you can then use the facemaker on him. Objective 6 is

Now run upstairs, past the guard where you could not previously go and take
a left. There is another vent there for the last smoke generator. Objective 7
is all over with.

Walk down in the other direction towards the last white dot, and when you
face up to the guard, he will greet you, and you will be one step closer to
getting back that darn list! Objective 8 is now done.


-Ghost objective
-Find access key
-Sabotage 5 special crates
-Access K.G.B headquarters

This is your first official "bang-bang-shoot-em-up" mission. You still
won't quite have enough ammo to kill/destroy everyone/everything, but you can
blow a lot of stuff up, so this mission is, needless to say, more fun than the
last one :)

When you start out, you're in the elevator, and Ethan puts down the
blowgun. There's a guard who salutes you. Knock him out! He'll drop a gun,
and you will need to shoot one or more of the crates in the way to continue.
This will spread toxic gas, making your first priority to find a protection
suit. While you can go around getting the different pill boxes, the suit isn't
too far away, and you can conserver ammo by not getting them. Once you jump
over the crates, a guard will tell you to get away, thinking you're the
ambassador's aide. Give him a shot to the head and pick up the ammo he drops.
Now destroy the two big crates behind him and walk down that corridor. In front
of you there will be another stack of crates (it's a little to the right, but
not a full 90 degree turn), take out one of them and jump on top of the gap you
created. From there take out the big crate that's down to the right. Now leap
over the "pit" and go where you just made an opening. Kill the guy in the green
suit and pick up his ammo. Now go to the right by destroying another crate in
another stack of four. Go straight ahead and take the pills in the box on the
wall to the left. Now go around the corner to the left, and there will be, once
again, a stack of four crates. Shoot one out and stand on the one below it.
Now shoot out the two crates to right that are below you. You can then walk
down and pick up your protection suit!!! Whew! Hefty explaination, but it's
vital to have that suit. From now on, the gas that's around you will not harm
you. Ghost objective complete.

The downside to having the protection suit on is that the guards will now
see you as a threat and attack you on sight. From where you are, jump up on the
crates and make a right. Go straight ahead, and you (and Ethan) will see a
strange crate on the right. Destroy it, it's one of the 5 special crates for
objective 2. Now make a 90 degree turn to the left and destroy one of the
crates on the floor there. Turn to the right and kill the guard that's there,
then pick up his ammo. There should be two crates sitting on the ground near a
"pit" where the guard died. Jump up on them and then jump to the right. Go
down the corridor to the right and turn left when you see a pit on your left.
Use the zoom to see one of the special crates there, and blow it away. Now go
back out and head towards that large crate you saw while standing on the small
ones near the pit. Take that crate out and head straight. You should see a pit
to the left and a double-sized crate in front of you. Take out the double-sized
crate and the one behind it. Kill the guy that you should now see and take the
ammo he drops. Turn to the left and take out one of the four crates. Go over
them and turn left. Turn left again, and there will be another special crate on
the floor to your right. Destroy it. Take out one of the four crates in front
of you, and then kill the guy who's in the little nook behind them. He has the
exit key. Objective 1 complete.

Go out from where you got the key and make a left. Jump on one of the
boxes on the floor, then jump over the pit. now turn right, and turn right
around the corner. Careful, there's a guard there, so shoot him between the
eyes. You can now shoot between the double-sized box to destroy another special
crate. Turn right around the corner and go between the big boxes. There is
another guard waiting for you on the other side of the big boxes. Shoot him
where it counts. Jump over the double-sized box and light up the guard that's
beyond it. Then turn right around the corner and there will be another guard to
take out. Turn to your left and shoot some of the big boxes on the other side
of the pit and one of the corresponding smallboxes on your side to give you a
clear jump. Then make a giant leap for Ethan-kind and turn to your left. There
are two big boxes there, blow 'em up! Around the corner to the right is the
final special crate, finish that up, and you're done with objective 2!

Here's the simple one. Use the key to go through the door. Objective 3

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