Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible

14.10.2013 10:43:30
Ice Storm Walktrough

By: Ernest 64


1) Introduction
2) Ice Storm Walktrough(impossible mode)
3) Cheat Codes
4) Farewell...

1) Introduction

Hi there!! This is the first FAQ I write so I hope you find
it useful... This is the first and last version, written in
January 8-9... Hey, I love this mission, so I consider
myself an expert... hey, I'm proud of it... I have my ego
too... anyway, I hope you check this mini-faq.

This game is kinda old, but I know that many of you are
still stucked in it, so... Mmmmm... Enjoy!!! See last
section for how to contact me.

2) Ice Storm Walktrough (impossible mode)


Level 17: Subpen

Objectives: I placed them in the most convenient order...

a. Get the AF. Scrambler
b. Get the mine
c. Bring Clutter AFS and mine
d. Get the explosives
e. Bring Dowey wirecutters.
f. Get the gas injector
g. Get the R.C detonator
h. Sabotage the pump house
i. Regroup on Comms. building.

Mmmm... Kinda tough... it's easy once you know what to do.

You have to complete the first three objectives fast, cause
if you take too long Clutter will be arrested...Go up the
ramp and kill the guard in there. He drops a 9mm High Power
gun. Pick it up and go to the other side of the pen. Kill
the guard in there, go straight ahead ad you'll see some
boxes, jump to the top of them to get the AF. Scrambler...
(objective a complete)

Turn around and you'll see a searchlight, take it out by
shooting once to the bulb. Then kill the guards that get in
your way (maybe one or two). Near the searchlight you've
already destroyed is the mine(the red dot in your scanner,
remember that all equipment will be a red dot) (objective b
complete). Then return to the spot from where you started,
to give the AFS and mine to clutter... (objective c

OK, next continue straight ahead from where you got the
mine until you get to another searchlight, near it are the
explosives (remember to guide yourself by the radar)
(objective d complete). Immediatly turn left and straight,
maybe, some guards can get in your way, so get rid of them
quickly, and probably one will drop an Uzi Sub-Machine
gun... Continue until you get to the white spot in your
radar which is the pump house; so go inside, down the ramp,
and kill the guy in there, continue and you'll see a desk
with the wirecutters!!! Turn around and place the
explosives near the big pipes.

Exit the house and turn left to see Dowey(green spot), give
him the wirecutters (objective e complete). Continue behind
the house, kill the guard and get the Gas Injector
(objective f complete). Now go forward and left to get to
the guardhouse. Kill any guards who may get in your way and
DON'T enter the house!!! If you do you'll get tons of shots
from the 4-5 guards that are inside (I dunno exactly how
much they're, you know that when they are shooting at you,
you don't have time to count!!). Instead place youself in
front of the door and use the Gas Injector to get rid of
them. Now go inside and get the R.C detonator and the night
view glasses in the table. (objective g complete)

Use the R.C detonator to blow up the explosives and
sabotage the pump house!! (objective h complete) Exit the
house, go behind it and continue straight ahead and you'll
see some boxes near a building, well, that's the Comms.
building... climb the boxes and you'll see two guards that
are fighting Clutter and Dowey... so, you're the hero!!!
Kill 'em!! (objective i complete) Then they'll jump on a
truck, don't follow them... I recommend you to don't get
too close to the edge of the building, cause you'll be shot
once and you'll die!! Simply wait until you see a passing
truck, then jump on it... you don't have to jump, just
walk... and... ufff...


Level 18: Tunnel


a. Find explosives
b. Sabotage anchor bolts.

This level isn't all that tough...

At the very beginning you'll get a tip: "Make sure you
don't jump to late to the platforms, or you'll hit the
wall", well, that's pretty much this green level...

Draw your weapon, make sure to jump the pipes, and crouch
when you see lights or signs... Jump to the platform and
kill the guard in there, get his gun and take the
explosives (objective a complete). Now proceed to place
them in the anchor bolts (they are the corners of the
platforms), I think you won't have any problem finding
them, cause when you're in front of one Ethan says: "Looks
like an anchor bolt"...

Now kill all the guards in the first platform, and then
jump on a passing truck, don't jump, just walk... Do this
to all of the 3 platforms left and exit... Remember to jump
and duck when you see pipes, lights or signs...


Level 19: Mainland

Objectives: Again, in the proper order...

a. Find electric diagram
b. Find explosives and plastic.
c. Cut off camera power.
d. Sabotage power plant.
e. Take on accountent's ID.
f. Get briefcase from bunker.
g. Sabotage briefcase
h. Bring briefcase to deal.
i. Eliminate the seller.
j. Blow up helicopter.
k. Escape on gunboat with Clutter...

This level is large... and TOUGH!!!

Go trough the hole in the fence Dowey made. Quickly
continue forward then right and left to a spot that have
two huts. Go in the left one and you'll see a guard
sleeping. Kill him and get the card that is on the desk, it
will be useful. Now open the door and you'll see a guard
shooting at you, kill him, take his Uzi Sub-Machine gun and
look at the other cabin and you'll see a guard entering it,
kill him and make sure to kill the other guard behind you.

Enter the other cabin and grab the paper on the wall
(electronic diagram, objective a complete). Now probably
Dowey is at his Sniper spot, you'll get a message
confirming that. So use him to kill the two guards near the
power plant. Now go forward and you'll see some boxes, but
first get rid of the guard on your right. Now, behind the
boxes is a hole in the fence!!, go trough it, climb the
boxes, pass above the stone arch and you're at the other
side of the little river!!!

Climb the boxes (now you're at the bunkers roof), and kill
the two guards above, now proceed to the green dot in your
scanner, which is Clutter. (he's in the munitions
depot...). He'll give you the explosives and plastic
(objective b complete). Now, turn around and go forward and
to the right to another hole in the fence!!! Use it to go
above the bunker and return to the stone arch and canal...
return to the other side, and go to the red dot in your
scanner, the power plant... Make sure you go past behind
the hut in there (remember the hut in the very first
mission where the officer was?), cause if you go past the
front, you'll be detected by a camera and you'll fail one
objective, and so you'll fail the mission.

Proceed forward, open the "lockers" in there (at the very
first mission you had to shoot both sides of it) and place
the plastic on the LEFT side (the green side), cause if you
destroy the right side you'll fail your mission. Now shoot
the plastic and boom! The cameras and searchlights are
gone! (objective c complete).Now go to where the two big
pipes are and place the explosives (objective d complete).
Now you'll need to finish the mission in less than 20
minutes before your presence is discovered...

Now go to the hut that had the camera (remember there's no
camera anymore), so go inside and shoot once the guy in
there, he's the accountant, Use the facemaker on him and
get the little card in his desk (objective e complete). Now
hide your weapon, exit, turn right again to the stone arch,
climb the boxes, drop down and enter the bunker.

Now in here show the guard the card you got from the first
hut (the one that had the sleeping guard), it looks like a
card (duh...) with a lot of holes... Now he'll open the
door for you. Enter it and continue until you get to a
brown door, so use the accountent's card on the slot to
open it and get the briefcase (objective f complete).

Now return to Clutter (he's in the munnitions depot), and
he'll sabotage the briefcase for you (objective g
complete). Now the helicopter has landed, so follow the guy
to another depot... Talk to the group of people in there to
bring the briefcase to deal (objective h complete)... Now
quickly stand in the door and you'll see a guy in brown
clothes who's running to the munitions depot. Kill him
with your Uzi before he gets away, he's really the seller
(objective i complete)...

Now kill the two guards in the heliport and you'll see the
chopper exploding in mid-air!!! (objective j complete)...
Return to the spot where you had the meeting and you'll see
Clutter... By now, Dowey is at his Sniper spot so use him
to get rid of the guys that are guarding the gunboat, now
go down the ramp and jump over the boat... Clutter will
follow you (objective k complete)... and WOW!!!!!!!!


Level 20: Gunboat


a. Destroy radar
b. Destroy main defense structures
c. Destroy gas factory
d. Escape enemy base.

The only thing to do in here is to blow up everything...
Make sure you get rid of the automatic guns quickly, they
are painful... (they look like hexagons). Destroy the
radar, which is the building with an antenna on
top(objective a complete)...

Well, the main defense structures, mmmm.. I dunno exactly.
Just make sure that when you're reaching the end try to
destroy everything...(objectives b and c complete).

Stay alert from mines and patrol boats to get home safely
(objective d complete)...................................


3) Cheat codes

Enter them at the mission select screen:

Invincibility: R, Z, C-down, R, C-down.

Giant head mode: C.down, L, C-up, C-right, L

Infinite ammo: C-up, Z, C-left, Z, L

Turbo mode: C-up, Z, C-up, Z, C-up.

Kid mode: C-down, C-up, R, L, Z

Big head mode: C-down, R, C-up, L, C-left.

Big feet mode: C-down, R, Z, C-right, C-left.

Uzi- 30 rounds: C-Right, C-left, C-right, C-down, R

Mini rocket- 30 rockets: R, L, C-left, C-right, C-down

7.65 Silencer- 30 rounds: C-up, L, C-right, C-left, C-up

9mm High Power- 30 rounds: R, L, C-down, C- up, C- up.

Note: After you enter a code correctly you'll hear Ethan
saying: "Ah, that's better"

4) Farewell, Credits...

I wish to thank Marshmallow m_mallow@hotmail.com for some
(I better say most) cheat codes...

C-Ya in my next Mini Faq, I hope Big FAQ!!!!!
And, for how to contact me.... Mmmmmm... I won't tell
you.... Just kidding!!!!

My e-mail adress: laredos@latino.net.co
Or you can find me in the ICQ, my number is: 13296608....

Please tell me if you find mistakes or typos...


Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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