Mission Impossible

Mission Impossible

17.10.2013 02:55:39

Note: All of the following missions are on the difficulty Possible. Also I am
not doing CIA Escape, because I can only get to the rooftop. If any one can
tell me how to beat the rooftop, I'll cover the CIA Escape as far as I can.
(1) means objective #1, (2) means objective #2, ect. Now the Walkthrough:

1) Ice Hit
2) Recover NOC-list

1) Ice Hit

Lundkwist Base:

1) Change Identity
2) Find Excuse For Errand
3) Get To Subpen With Clutter

Go right and jump on top of the boxes. Jump over the fence and turn left. Head
towards the white dot on your field scanner. It turns out to be a building. Go
inside and knock the guard out (if he's not there, wait and he'll come back).
Assume his identity (1) and grab the errand (2) (a letter on the desk). Put
your gun away, get out of the building, and turn left. Head in that direction
until you come to a T in the road. turn right and you should see a truck with
a guard standing next to it. Give him the letter and he'll go start the
engine. Once he's started the engine, jump into the back of the truck and
Clutter will join you. (3)


1) Find magnetic mines
2) Give mine to Clutter
3) Sabotage gunboat
4) Join Dowey for getaway

As soon as you get of the truck, go towards the red dot on your field scanner.
That is where the mines will be. When you get close to the mines, a tall
building should come into view. Go inside and climb the ramps. At the top you
should spot the magnetic mines on the FAR left shelf (1). Now exit the
building and go towards Clutter. He will be the green dot on your field
scanner. Give Clutter a magnetic mine (2) and go towards the white dot on your
field scanner. You have to sabotage the gunboat to escape safely. Place a
magnetic mine on it (3) and go towards Clutter on by using your field scanner
(he's the green dot). When you see a ladder by the edge of the ground, climb
down it into the boat that Dowey and Clutter are in (4).

2) Receive NOC-list

Embassy Function:
NOTE: Don't walk around with your blowpipe out, stay unarmed. Only draw your
weapon when you're knocking out Scotfield or the Ambassador's Aide.

1) Find facemaker
2) Find score
3) Find nausea powder
4) Find drink
5) Place smoke generators in the vents
6) Assume Ambassador's Aide's I.D.
7) Access resricted area

Turn right, make sure the guard isn't around, and place a smoke generator in
the vent. If the guard spots you, your arrested and you fail your mission. Now
slightly to your left there's another vent outside the restrooms. Again, check
for a guard before placing the smoke generator in the vent. Go back to where
you started and talk to the couple in front of the chinese pottery. Talk to
them, go away, and come back. Talk to them again and the man should walk away,
leaving you alone with Sarah. Talk to her and she'll give you the face mask
(1). Again, if the guard sees you, your arrested and you fail your mission.
Now stand in front of the chinese pottery and walk these directions: left,
right, left, right. You should now be looking at a couple admiring a painting
of the Ambassador. Talk to them and they will go sit down. Proceed straight
until you come to a set of stairs/ramps. There will be a vent on either side.
Place a smoke generator in both of them. Now go talk to the bartender. He will
give you the drink (3) and the nausea powder (4). After that, go have a chat
with the piano player. Now go talk to the couple that were looking at a
painting, but went to have a seat. They will stand up, and the score will be
on the seat the man was sitting on. Grab the score (5) and head toward the
bathrooms (to the left of where you put the second smoke generator).Once
inside the bathrooms, pullout your blowpipe and wait for the lady in red to
walk in. Take careful aim before shooting her, because you only get one shot
at this. If you shot her, Ethan will automatically drag her into the lady's
stall. Put away your blowpipe and exit the bathrooms. Go back to where you got
the score. There should be a vent beside the lady. Check for security guards
before placing the smoke generator in the vent. Once you have done that, give
the score to the piano player, and he'll play the Ambassador's Aide's favorite
song. The Ambassador's Aide will come downstairs. Give him the poisoned drink,
and he'll run to the bathrooms. Follow him to the bathrooms, then knock him
out. Assume his ID (6). Go back to the set of stairs/ramps. Go up the
stairs/ramp and turn left. Place the last smoke generator in the vent (5)
that's to the left of the chair. Turn to your left and go up the stairs/ramp
that you haven't gone on. It should take you to and elevator. Go in it to
access the restricted area (7).


1) Find exit keycard
2) Find protection suit
3) Access KGB HQ

Exit the elevator and hit the guard. Pick up his gun and shoot one of the four
steel boxes. Toxic gas will start to flow out. Jump throught the hole you made
and you will find an antidote on either side of you. Once you've gotten taken
the antidote, shoot the explosive boxes (be a safe distance away before
blowing them up). Go past them. Shoot the lower-right hand box in the second
corrider on the right side. There you will find a protection suit (2). Suit up
and shoot anyone you see until you find the exit keycard. The person with the
exit keycard will be a red dot on your field scanner. Once you obtain the exit
keycard (1), make your way to the white dot on your field scanner. The white
dot will be the door that will allow you to access the KGB HQ. It will be at
the back of the warehouse. Use the exit keycard to gain access to the KGB HQ

NOTE: Just like in the Embassy Function, don't walk around with a gun out.
Stay unarmed unless your knocking out the Head Officer of Security or killing
the 2 guards in the servalliance room.

1) Talk to Barnes
2) Find video freezer
3) Find facemaker
4) Find dartgun
5) Sabotage video link
6) Find exit Passcard
7) Obtain transfer order
8) Escape with Candice

Go straight to the end of the hallway, then go left. Keep going straight until
you come to a wooden door on the left at the end of the hallway. Go inside and
you'll find the facemaker (3) on the shelves on the left side. Exit the
storage room, turn right, and go down the hallway on your right side. Go down
to the end of the hallway and go in the wooden door on your right. Talk to
Barnes (1) and exit the room. Go talk to the guard guarding the red door.
He'll let you see the Head Officer of Security. Talk to the Head Officer of
Security. When he's not loking at you, grab the dartgun (4) on the desk and
shoot him with it. Drag him behind the desk. Now go push the golden vase on
one of the bookcases. It will reveal a button behind a picture on the same
bookcase. Press the button and it will reveal a hidden door behind the
opposite bookcase. go inside the door unarmed. Go behind them and bring out
your dart gun. Shoot them both before they even get a chance to set of the
alarm. Exit the hidden room and go look at the Head Officer of Security.
Assume his Identity with the facemask. Now exit the room back into the
hallway. Go 1/2 accross the hallway in front of you. Now go in the wooden door
on your right. Talk to the KGB guard, and when he's not looking, grab the
video freezer (2) on the desk. While in there, you'll notice that Candice is
being held prisinor there. Exit that room and go back to the hidden room.
Place the video freezer on the black console (5) in the upper-right hand
corner. Grab the exit passcard (6) ( buy the door) before leaving. Now stand
outside the room where Barnes died. One of the doors by Barnes door will be
white. Go inside the white door and talk to the man to receive the trensfer
order (7). Exit that room and go to the room where Candice is being held
hostage. Give the KGB guard the transfer order, and then talk to Candice. Exit
the room and find a big steel door. Use the exit passcard to escape with
Candice (8).

Security Hallway:

1) Secure Passage for Candice
2) Ativate Master Switch

Talk to Candice, then go up to the blue tiles. The tiles that turn red you
should avoid, unless you want to get shocked. Jump diagonally whenever you can
and take out any guards you happen to run into. when you get to the end,
activate the master switch (2) on the wall. This will turn off the eletric
tiles, securing the passage for Candice (1).

Sewage Control:
NOTE: In this mission, you have to walk slowly because Candice has been

1) Find Super-Computer
2) Protect Candice
3) Obtain NOC-list
4) Escape

Open the door and kill the guard. Turn left and get behind the moving platform
slightly to your left. Nail the guard ahead of you on the other side from a
far off distance. Get on the moving platform and go accross to the other side.
Type something in on the computer, then get back on the moving platform. Shoot
the guard that has a gun pointed at Candice, then kill the one shooting at
you. Now walk off the moving platform and onto the place where the guard was
shooting at YOU. Keep going, turn left and shoot the guard that should now be
in front of you. Open the door the guard was guarding, and shoot yet another
guard. Be careful not to hit the computer. Again, type something in on the
computer. Exit that room and go straight down the hallway. Turn the corner and
shoot a guard. go on the bridge and open the door. Shoot the guard in there,
and for the last time in this mission, type something in on the computer. You
will be given 3 minutes to find the Super-Computer. Make your way back to the
place where a guard was pointing a gun at Candice (by moving platform). Then a
guard comes (present time) and takes aim at Candice, take him out. Go down the
ramp and turn left. Go through the brick passage way until you see an opening
in the wall on the left side. Kill the guards in there and turn around. There
will be a guard pointing a gun at Candice, make him pay dearly. Now go in the
room in the brick passage way. Candice will go type something in on the
computer, and then get the NOC-list (3) out of the Super-Computer (1) (in the
same room).Go back to where you first started this mission and go up to the
door in that room. You will then escape (4) the Sewage Control with Candice
still alive (2).


1)Secure Passage
2) Find Golytsine mask
3) Take back NOC-list
4) Unfreeze video cameras
5) Assume Golytsine's I.D.
6) Find exit key
7) Escape with Candice

Shoot the mechanical guns before entering the blue passage ways. This will
secure the passage ways for Candice (1) Once past all of the security, go in
the now open door. The door will shut behind you, and the game will show a
little clip of Candice struggling with the guards. Open the blank box to find
the Golytsine mask (2). Grab it and shoot the control panel next to it. The
doors will open back up, and there will be 2 guards on either side of you.
Kill them and start searching for Candice. You should see a guard running.
Follow him to a group of guards. Kill all of the guards, and take the NOC-list
back (3). Find Candice in one of the rooms, and go to the big steel door. Go
in it and assume Golytsine's identity (5). Go to the hidden room and unfreeze
the video cameras (4) by taking the video freezer off the black console. Find
the white door and go inside. Take the guard out on your right, and he will
drop the exit key. Pick the exit key (6) up,leave the Comms Room, and go to
the smoking red door. Use the exit key to escape through the smoking red door
with Candice (7).

Fire Alarm:
NOTE: When dressed as a fireman, have out a fire extinguisher or be unarmed.
The guards will not attack you now unless you attack them.

1) Secure Access Lift
2) Find Jack
3) Dress as a Fireman
4) Give Candice Fireman Outfit
5) Escape Embassy

Take out any guards pointing a gun at Candice. After that, go down to the main
floor and look for Jack (he'll be the only fireman with a black helment on).
Once you find him (2), follow him to the bathrooms. Killing a few gaurds along
the way will secure the access lift (1). When you're done talking to Jack in
the bathrooms, he'll give you two fireman suits, one for you, another for
Candice. You'll automatically be dressed as a fireman (3). Go back to the
elevators and give Candice a fireman suit (4). Now go back to where the
hallway splits. Go on the right side this time. You and Candice will escape
the Embassy (5) with the rest of the fire dept.

If you have any questions or find a mistake in the FAQ, you can e-mail me at
Jark87@aol.com and I'll answer as best as I possibly can.

Don't send any junk mail, or you'll regret it!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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