Chrono Trigger

Chrono Trigger

12.10.2013 12:23:18
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Dingo Jellybean - My super cool, gotta have it alias - My personal website
July 8th, 2000 - The date I FIRST started the guide
(my initials)@ - My email address
Last - Current Version of the Guide
100% - Projected progress of the guide

------------------------------- [ Credits ] ---------------------------------

-+- Squaresoft(
If not the greatest RPG of all time, it definitely is one of the best
RPGs of all time...thanx Square.

-+- Gunblade(
Thanks for his NUMEROUS and valuable tips scampered across this guide.

-+- Respox(
Thanks to his help for telling me where the Magic Cave was...I forgot
about it...thanx!

-+- Turokcave(
For their help in the two glitches found in the game...thanks guys!

-+- CJC(
For his hard work and dedication to the site.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For the time and effort to typing up this FAQ!


NOTE: I know the text art looks bad but please forgive me!

Version 1.00 - Initial release, full walkthrough up. 4 endings revealed, the
techs listing finished and so on. (7/8/00)

Version Last - Everything complete...all endings revealed, lists and bestiary
are up. Also a format change that's easier to read. (11/23/00)

============================== [ Copyright ] ================================

This FAQ was solely intended for the public use on the www. It cannot be
reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form except by the
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of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law. To put it at

This document is (C) Dingo Jellybean; 2000

=========================== [ End of Copyright ] ============================

- Introduction
- Game Tips
- Kewl Codes
- Characters and Tech Lists
- Walkthrough(complete walkthrough)
- Endings
- Bestiary
- Items List
- Weapons/Armor/Accessories Listing
- New Game+
- Story Guide
- Credits

------------------------------- [ Game Tips ] -------------------------------

- In Chrono Trigger, you don't encounter random battles and you never
encounter battles outside. If you see an enemy ahead, 80% of the time you
can't avoid that battle no matter how quiet you it's best to be
prepared unless you are positive that you can breeze through the battle.

- Can't defeat a boss? Try gaining more levels or try to find a weakness,
undead/ice monsters are vulnerable to fire, sand monsters are vulnerable to
water and ice, etc. You can also change your party members or try on
different equipment and see what works.

- The game too confusing? You are just a beginner at RPGs? Check the Mayor's
Manor at the bottom left outside on the world map from Chrono's house and
it will detail everything in the game.

- Think carefully about key decisions, you may dramatically change the entire
perspective of the game.

- Talk to all people that you see and you may even have to talk to the same
person twice, who knows though, they may leak out valuable information.

- Save often. You never know what lies around the corner and even if you did
have a walkthrough, it doesn't always prepares you, it guides you through
the game.

- Try out all new weapons, armors, and accessories that you get, it may or
may not improve your stats, but it's still worth a try.

- Wait or Active? If you like to have a lively battle that keeps a good pace
and you are up to it, then choose Active. If you like to take your time to
take decisions on things then choose Wait...both have it's obvious
advantages and disadvantages.

- Check all treasure chests, even if it may seem a little far to reach or
too many battles to go through to reach that treasure chest, but hey, who may be more than worth it.

- Buy plenty of items but don't overdo them, if you buy 99 Tonics you can
heal yourself pretty well during battles. But what if you were to run out
of MP? What if your current Tonics cannot heal enough for the battle,
what if you were at a save point and desperately needed a Shelter? Try
to get about 6-10 of every item.

- Look for Tabs and use them! These tabs will give you a permanent stat
boost, but only by one point. Sure it may not make much of a difference
to your stats(with it being one point and all) but if you've collected
about 15 of these tabs during the game...your stats go up considerably
and may help you out later in the game.

- Remember that this game deals HEAVILY with time travelling, what you do
in the past can alter the future tremendously, but also note that what
you do in the future does not affect anything in the past.

- Can't damage an enemy with physical attacks? Try magic or vice versa,
you will encounter these types of enemies abundantly in the game so keep
an eye out.

- Pay close attention to your stats, offense and defense seems to be your
main stats to boost, but magic points, speed, stamina, and the other small
stats in the small right hand corner play a vital role in your wins and
loss column. Don't equip an armor or any other equipment that boosts your
attack power up but decrease your other stats way down...otherwise you
will be on the short end of the bargin.

- Although you may see weapons and armors and accessories that rise your
stats, they may not rise them much to have a significant effect. I would
wait and buy new weapons at every two or three towns that I see, this
way you don't end up fighting battles for money or end up not having
enough money for the lastest gear.

- Memorize key areas, look for something in the room that just stands out
above the rest or sticks out like a sore thumb, you may need to come back
here later.

- Done something in the past? Head to the future and see what happened and
maybe it can advance your game.

- Don't rush. If you recieve the Epoch, you can immediately head to fight the
last battle from the middle of the game, however your levels and weapons
and items are far too weak to be of much use in the battle that was meant
to be for later in the game...complete the sidequests and I GUARANTEE you
that you will stand a MUCH better chance than you did before.

------------------------------ [ Kewl Codes ] -------------------------------

I your code making hero Dingo Jellybean has come back once
again onto your computer screen. As you read this, you may have already
known that I am a All-American(well, Chinese/Australian/American actually)
code creator gold medal winner. Below are a list of codes that I have
compiled out of my own wit and time for your viewing and testing pleasure,
let me put this in words that you can understand. These are codes that
give you really lots and lots of stuff! It's true, it's true. So I thank
you for not stealing my codes without permission and I thank you for
reading this and expanding your little mind as you read my rich vocabulary
and great context...just like a real American Hero.

Below are codes I created from a ZSNES code generator...sorry I didn't have
a Game Genie with me at the time and you can't even make codes with a
Game Genie for that matter! However, I'm guessing these codes work on a
Game Genie or some PAR device that you may have...but these codes
definitely do work on the ZSNES code generator.

Address | CV | PV | Description |
7E0030 | FF | FF | 1000+ Tech Pts. after every battle(Note1)
7E0200 | FF | FF |
7E0240 | FF | FF |
7E0241 | FF | FF |
7EB2DB | FF | FF |
7EB28D | 27 | 00 | 10000+ expierience points after every battle(Note2)
7FCBF5 | 27 | 00 |
7EB28D | FF | FF | 65000+ expierience points after every battle(Note3)
7FCBF5 | FF | FF |
7E5E31 | 03 | FF | Infinite HP(Crono only)(Note4)
7E5E34 | 63 | FF | Infinite MP(Crono only)
7E2556 | 63 | 01 | Infinite Magic Tabs(Note5)
7E2557 | 63 | FF |
7E32E3 | 63 | FF |
7E32E4 | 63 | FF |
7E2559 | 63 | FF | Infinite Power Tabs(Note6)
7E077B | 63 | FF |
7E2557 | 63 | 63 | Infinite Speed Tabs(Note7)
7E2558 | 63 | FF |
7E3363 | 63 | FF |
7E3364 | 63 | FF |

Note1: This code will give you a lot of Tech points after battle, I'm not
really sure if 1000+ is definite since it seems to vary. Note that I
was too lazy to check out the codes and don't be surprised if you
might find that out of all those 5 codes, only 1 of them is the real
code...I'm just too lazy to check but this code does do some very
minor graphical can screw up some numbers and turn
a lot of numbers into letters(probably because of the hexadecimal

Note2: Once again, one of these codes might be the right code or both of
them might act as one code...note that I just put this here because
some of you might not want to earn a bunch of expierience points like
the code below.

Note3: Like I said, one of these codes might be the real code and the other
code a bluff code, check for yourself by toggling the codes and see
which one works. This code will net you 65000+ Pts. per battle,
you can probably gain about 20 levels the first go around!

Note4: This code is weird but it works. It doesn't stay at a constant 999,
but it does give you unlimited HP. When opponents hit you, your HP
drops normally from 999, but your HP can never go below 700 and the
digits change constantly, like a flux. So if you have like 875 HP
and get hit with an attack that does 500 HP of damage, your HP
will 99% of the times go up to like 954 or 899 or something like

Note5: Like I said above, there is a chance that only one of these codes
work and one of these codes that don' may find that only one
code work and the other three codes are fluffs. Also note that you
MUST have at least one Magic Tab for thise code to work. Also note
that if say your Magic Tabs were in the second slot and you had
switched places with Tonics that were in the first slot, then you
would have infinite tonics and also infinite tabs.

Note6: Read number 5, then replace "Magic" with Power. And replace "three"
with a blank space and replace "codes" with code.

Note7: Read number 5 and replace "Magic" with speed.

------------------------------ [ Characters ] -------------------------------

From the time period 12000 BC, he was thrown out of his time period and
into the middle ages, he had vowed over his years that he would destroy
Lavos for doing this to's up to you on whether or not he succeeds
or no.

Strongest Weapon:
DoomSickle, you will find this at Ozzie's Fort in the room
where Ozzie tries to convince you to pick up a treasure
chest, you will have to check the middle to bottom right
wall of the room and you should be able to go through to
the hidden room.

Overall: He is a pretty good character to use, he's got good power and
excellent magic abilities...however he can't use any Dual Techs
since he doesn't have one.

The long time friend of Crono, the amputated legs of her mother inspired
her to learn about science and technology because she wasn't able to help
her mother from being caught in a machine. Her useful mind and knowledge
of weaponry proves quite useful to the party.

Strongest Weapon:
WonderShot, get the MoonStone from Giant's Claw and place
it in 65000000 BC, head to 1000 AD, buy jerky, head back
to 600 AD in the Elder's house and give woman jerky for
free and go to 1000 AD and collect it from the Mayor
in the Mayor's Manor...take it back and place it on the
sunlight in the Sun Crest and pick it up in 2300 AD.
Lucca will create the WonderShot back at her house.

Overall: Lucca is a pretty good character, she has good magic and defense
but lacks in offense.

Daughter of a royal family, she bumps into Crono at the Festival but
soon later discovers that she is caught in an ongoing epic battle across
time...saving the world and looking out for the ones she loves.

Strongest Weapon:
Valkerye, once you have the glowing pendant after 12000 BC, head to the
Northern Ruins in 600 AD(after it has been fixed) and check the treasure
boxes but do not take what is inside, then head to 1000 AD and check that
same box again and you will get an upgrade of that weapon to the Valkerye.

Overall: Weak offensively, but a good magic user and an excellent healer.
She moves pretty quick in battle as well.

The main character of the game...but his main character status fades
after he comes back to life. He never talks in the game...but the game
goes on perfectly without his dialogue. Crono, the sole adventurer who
one day was just excited about a festival bumps into a girl that would
change his life forever. What lies ahead of him, he doesn't know, but
he will always fight at the side of his friends.

Strongest Weapon:
Rainbow, complete the same quest as Lucca, but then take the SunStone
back to Melchior in Guardia Castle 1000 AD after you have defeated
Yakra XIII.

Overall: Excellent character to use, excellent magic skills and good
offense and defense. He's not a healer though and he can't really
help out the party much when they are in need of HP.

The unknown swordsman that defeated Magus and his troops in 600 AD and
his the guardian of Guardia Castle and it's lands above. Even the great
Cyrus could not match his sword skills as Frog literally had no equal.
With the threat of Magus and after killing Cyrus who was Frog's best
friend, Frog vows to avenge his friend...but what he later discovers is
far beyond anything he, Cyrus, and Magus have witnessed in the past.

Strongest Weapon:
Masamune, at first when you recieve this weapon, it's pretty powerful
but you will need to fix the Northern Ruins in 600 AD and check the grave
inside the ruins, you will see a small scenario involving Frog and Cyrus,
later Masa and Mune split from the sword and gives Frog some important
advice and later reforms to show the true colors of the Masamune. It's
pretty much even with the Rainbow in terms of overall effectiveness.

Overall: Quite possibly the best character in the game to use, he's strong,
he has excellent magic skills, a good healer, and has nice evenly
distributed stats. I would bring him along quite often.

The once broken Robot of 2300 AD is now one of the seven members of the
party that will hope to change the future of the world. Being created his
previous occupation was to eliminate all humans...but thanks to Lucca
his occupation no longer exists and his emotions have grew themselves as
he fights dearly for his friends...and for the fate of the world.

Strongest Weapon:
TerraArm, you can find this weapon in the future in Geno Dome, you will
need to fly the Epoch to get there though.

Overall: Very good character to use overall. He's strong, has good magic
skills, excellent stats, and is an adequete healer. Pretty well
balanced character overall.

Chief of the Ioka tribe, you never thought that a single woman would
have the strength of 10 men. While her intelligence is below that of a
pineapple, her fighting skills are off the charts as she is superiorly
strong and her leadership skills will help aid the tribe to defeat the
reptites, once and for all. However...the reptites are not her only

Strongest Weapon:
None. She uses her fists! Talk about strong!

Overall: Excellent character, she is by far the best fulcrum in terms of
Dual Techs and physical attacks. She has has the best physical
stats out of all party members, but her magic and magic defense
are low and she doesn't have any magic attacks...but her tech
attacks do use up MP.

----------------------------- [ Tech Listings ] -----------------------------

----------------------------- [ Single Techs ] ------------------------------


Aura MP: 1
Heals anywhere from 70-400 HP to a single target, can be used in both
battle and outside battle.

Provoke MP: 1
Casts confusion on one opponent.

Ice MP: 2
Does ice damage on one opponent.

Cure MP: 2
Heals anywhere from 200-999 HP to a single target, can be used in both
battle and outside battle.

Haste MP: 6
Reduces recovery time between attacks and item usage.

Ice 2 MP: 8
Slightly more powerful than Ice, hits all opponents on screen for good

Cure 2 MP: 5
Revives 100% of total HP to a single ally, can be used both outside and
in battle.

Life 2 MP: 15
Revives a fallen comrade to full HP.


Flame Toss MP: 1
Goes in a streak...causing fire damage and any opponent in the path will
suffer fire damage.

Hypno Wave MP: 1
Casts Sleep on all opponents.

Fire MP: 2
Attack a single target for fire damage.

Napalm MP: 2
Hits an area for fire damage, any opponent within the area suffers fire

Protect MP: 6
Raises the physical defense on one character for a limited period of time
during battle.

Fire 2 MP: 8
Acts much like Naplam but with different animation and hits all opponents
on the screen for fire damage.

Mega Bomb MP: 15
Hits one secluded area for phenominal fire damage...any opponent in the
area will suffer damage as well.

Flare MP: 20
Hyped up version of the Mega Bomb, this is the most powerful fire attack
in the game and will easily light up and destroy all opponents on screen
for fire damage.


Cyclone MP: 1
Powerful attack, this hits a certain area and anybody within range suffers
physical damage.

Slash MP: 2
Attacks opponents in a single line, any opponent caught in it's path
suffers physical damage.

Lightning MP: 2
Uses an elemental spell on one lightning damage.

Spin Cut MP: 4
Highly powerful physical attack against one opponent.

Lightning 2 MP: 8
Slightly more powerful than Lightning, hits all opponents on screen with
lightning damage.

Life MP: 10
Revives a fallen comrade.

Confuse MP: 12
Powerful physical attack that does 400% more damage.

Luminaire MP: 20
Quite possibly the strongest single tech attack in the game, this is
visually impressive and hits all opponents on the screen with lightning


Slurp MP: 1
Heals anywhere from 70-400 HP to a single opponent.

Slurp Cut MP: 2
Draws an enemy closer and slashes them with a physical attack that is a
little less powerful than his normal attack.

Water MP: 2
Hits a single opponent for water damage.

Heal MP: 2
Cure any negative status effect that your party members may acquire in

Leap Slash MP: 4
Does 210% more damage than his regular attack to a single target.

Water 2 MP: 8
A little stronger than Water, will hit all opponents in the battle field
for water damage.

Cure 2 MP: 5
Cure a party member's HP to 100%.

Frog Squash MP: 15
The lower the HP, the more damage this tech will do:

75%HP-100%HP: 10-200 DMG
50%HP-74%HP: 200-350 DMG
25%HP-49%HP: 400-1000 DMG
1%HP-24%HP: 1000-3600 DMG

This tech will hit all opponents.


Lightning 2 MP: 8
Lightning damage against all opponents.

Fire 2 MP: 8
Fire damage against all opponents.

Ice 2 MP: 8
Ice damage against all opponents.

Dark Bomb MP: 8
Shadow attack against a certain secluded area...anybody within range of
the attack will suffer damage as well.

Magic Wall MP: 8
This will raise any ally's magic defense up for a limited time in battle.

Dark Mist MP: 10
This will damage all opponents on the screen with shadow type damage

Black Hole MP: 15
If opponent is sucked in, that means automatic death.

Dark Matter MP: 20
Attacks all enemies on screen with the ultimate shadow magic attack.


Rocket Punch MP: 1
Physical attack damage to one opponent.

Cure Beam MP: 2
Heals one ally anywhere from 70-400 HP.

Laser Spin MP: 3
Attacks all opponents with a laser, causing shadow type damage.

Robo Tackle MP: 4
Rush attack against one opponent, causing physical damage.

Heal Beam MP: 3
Heals all allies with 90-500 HP...the stronger your magic the more it
will heal.

Uzzi Punch MP: 12
Attacks one opponent with multiple fists for amazing physical damage.

Area Bomb MP: 15
Powerful shadow based attack in a secluded area on the battle screen,
any opponent within the area suffers shadow damage as well.

Shock MP: 17
Super powerful lightning based attack damaging all enemies on screen.


Kiss MP: 1
Heals one ally with 70-400 HP.

Rollo Kick MP: 2
Powerful physical attack against one opponent.

Cat Attack MP: 3
Slightly more powerful physical attack against one opponent.

Rock Throw MP: 4
Throw an opponent up into the air and watch 'em drop for massive damage.
Will not work on flying creatures and those that are too heavy.

Charm MP: 4
Has Ayla throwing a kiss at an opponent and stealing their item.

Tail Spin MP: 8
Powerful wind attack that damages all enemies on the screen.

Dino Tail MP: 15
The lower your HP the stronger your attack will be, this will hit all
enemies on screen and no shield or barrier can protect against it, much
like the Frog Squash.

75%HP-100%HP: 10-200 DMG
50%HP-74%HP: 200-350 DMG
25%HP-49%HP: 400-1000 DMG
1%HP-24%HP: 1000-3600 DMG

Triple Kick MP: 20
Damages one target with physical attack damage, Ayla will do three kicks
to the opponent(similar to the Killer Bee Assault..heh) and cause major

------------------------------ [ Dual Techs ] -------------------------------

Crono and Lucca

Fire Whirl: Crono/Lucca MP: Crono(2)/Lucca(1)
This attack will only hit enemies in a secluded area, basically if enemies
are close to each other than it will damage them, but any opponent not in
range will suffer no damage. This move does quite a bit of damage and you
can find it pretty useful throughout the game. This attack will have Crono
spin around as Lucca lights his blade on fire.

Fire Sword: Crono/Lucca MP: Crono(4)/Lucca(2)
While this hits only one opponent, it does a lot of damage. Obviously
you should use this against ice and undead opponents, mystics fall to this
attack as well.

FireSword 2: Crono/Lucca MP: Crono(12)/Lucca(8)
A slightly more powerful attack than the Fire Sword, but this time it hits
all enemies on screen and works beautifully against surrounding enemies.

Crono and Frog

X Strike: Crono/Frog MP: Chrono(2)/Frog(2)
Powerful single physical attack that does a lot of damage, Crono and Frog
slash one opponent diagonally from different directions.

Swordstream: Crono/Frog MP: Crono(4)/Frog(2)
A blade of energy comes across towards an opponent for powerful physical
attack damage.

Spire: Crono/Frog MP: Crono(8)/Frog(4)
Powerful elemental attack, works well against machines and does a
tremendous amount of damage.

Crono and Marle

Aura Whirl: Marle/Crono MP: Crono(2)/Marle(1)
This will heal about 25%-75% of HP to all party members, quite useful

Ice Sword: Marle/Crono MP: Crono(4)/Marle(2)
Powerful attack that hits a single opponent with ice damage and physical
attack damage.

Ice Sword 2: Marle/Crono MP: Crono(12)/Marle(8)
Not much more powerful than the regular Ice Sword, it is slightly more
powerful but it hits all opponents on screen.

Crono and Robo

Rocket Roll: Crono/Robo MP: Crono(2)/Robo(3)
This move does to shadow damage(me thinks) and will hit one opponent doing
a lot of damage.

Max Cyclone: Robo/Crono MP: Crono(4)/Robo(3)
Pretty powerful attack, it will have Robo spin Crono around has he
repeatedly slashes at the opponent.

Super Volt: Robo/Crono MP: Crono(8)/Robo(17)
Tremendously powerful...a little stronger than the Luminaire and visually
impressive to the eye. The strongest lightning damage in the game.

Crono and Ayla

Drill Kick: Crono/Ayla MP: Crono(2)/Ayla(2)
Pretty powerful physical attack, it does massive damage and will attack one

Volt Bite: Ayla/Crono MP: Crono(2)/Ayla(3)
This move will work great against dinosaurs and does lightning damage,
it's also a powerful physical attack as well.

Falcon Hit: Ayla/Crono MP: Crono(4)/Ayla(4)
This attack is very powerful, this move will have Ayla toss Crono into the
air as he streaks through the front or back line of opponents.

Lucca and Marle

Antipode: Lucca/Marle MP: Lucca(2)/Marle(2)
Powerful attack against a single opponent, does shadow damage.

Antipode 2: Lucca/Marle MP: Lucca(8)/Marle(8)
Slightly more powerful version of Antipode, this will act like an Area
Bomb, damaging opponents in a certain area causing shadow damage.

Antipode 3: Lucca/Marle MP: Lucca(20)/Marle(8)
Super powerful shadow, mostly a fire attack though and it will
hit all opponents on the battlefield.

Frog and Marle

Ice Water: Frog/Marle MP: Frog(2)/Marle(2)
Powerful attack that hits all opponents on screen with an ice water

Glacier: Frog/Marle MP: Frog(8)/Marle(8)
Marle casts a giant ice block as Frog jumps up and slashes it down against
one opponent...powerful stuff.

Double Cure: Frog/Marle MP: Frog(5)/Marle(5)
Cures all allies to maximum HP...extremely useful.

Frog and Lucca

Red Pin: Frog/Lucca MP: Frog(4)/Lucca(2)
Powerful single fire attack against one opponent.

Line Bomb: Frog/Lucca MP: Lucca(15)/Frog(4)
This move is much like the Falchon Hit, it does the same amount of damage
but this does fire damage. Lucca will throw out a couple of bombs and Frog
comes flying into the screen setting off the explosions on the opponents
with his sword.

Frog Flare: Frog/Lucca MP: Lucca(20)/Frog(15)
Visually impressive as it is damaging...probably the second strongest
spell in the game as a giant green frog squashes the opponents and
underneath the frog erupts the Flare spell, the Frog turns violent red
and hops away, hitting all enemies on the screen from MASSIVE DAMAGE.

Lucca and Ayla

Flame Kick: Lucca/Ayla MP: Lucca(2)/Ayla(2)
A powerful single kick attack that does fire damage.

Fire Whirl: Lucca/Ayla MP: Lucca(8)/Ayla(10)
Powerful flame attack against a single opponent.

Blaze Kick: Lucca/Ayla MP: Lucca(8)/Ayla(20)
Mimicking the motions of the triple kick, this move will deal out amazing
damage causing fire damage, this only hits once instead of three times
against an opponent though.

Marle and Ayla

Twin Charm: Marle/Ayla MP: Marle(1)/Ayla(4)
Much like Ayla's regular Charm, it steals from an opponent...however there
is a much greater chance of stealing items and rare items from your
opponent if you use it.

Ice Toss: Ayla/Marle MP: Ayla(4)/Marle(2)
Powerful ice based attack against one opponent.

Cube Toss: Ayla/Marle MP: Ayla(4)/Marle(8)
Much more powerful version of the Ice Toss, still hits one opponent though.

Lucca and Robo

Fire Punch: Robo/Lucca MP: Robo(1)/Lucca(2)
Has Robo extend a long arm to attack with his lighted robo arm against one
opponent, quite damaging too.

Fire Tackle: Robo/Lucca MP: Lucca(8)/Robo(4)
Powerful attack, does fire and physical damage against one opponent.

Double Bomb: Robo/Lucca MP: Lucca(14)/Robo(15)
Ultra Powerful, quite possibly the strongest attack in the game. This will
deal both shadow and fire damage against an opponent and quite visually
impressive too.

Robo and Marle

Aura Beam: Marle/Robo MP: Marle(1)/Robo(2)
This will heal basically every party member, ranging from 100-700 HP of

Ice Tackle: Marle/Robo MP: Marle(2)/Robo(4)
Powerful attack that causes ice damage to a single opponent.

Cure Touch: Robo/Marle MP: Marle(3)/Robo(5)
Highly useful healing magic, it will heal all party members to 100% of
their max HP.

Frog and Robo

Blade Toss: Frog/Robo MP: Frog(2)/Robo(3)
Powerful to put it at best. It does nice damage and will hit a single
target with a boost from Robo.

Bubble Snap: Frog/Robo MP: Frog(2)/Robo(4)
Very powerful...despite the fact that Robo gets encased in a bubble, this
dual tech does not do water damage. However the physical attack does a
large amount of damage against a single opponent.

Cure Wave: Frog/Robo MP: Frog(5)/Robo(3)
Quite possibly the best option to use when your party members are low on
life(with the exception of the Mega Elixir). This will cure your entire
party's HP to it's max and can easily turn the tides in your favor.

Robo and Ayla

Boogie: Robo/Ayla MP: Robo(12)/Ayla(4)
Wierd. This attack has Robo spinning a green blade around in the air or
something, this will cast Stop on all opponents...assuming of course they
are susceptible to it.

Spin Kick: Robo/Ayla MP: Robo(4)/Ayla(2)
This attack will have Robo toss Ayla into the air as she does the motion
of one of her Triple Kicks, quite damaging too.

Beast Toss: Robo/Ayla MP: Robo(12)/Ayla(4)
This will not work on flying enemies or on enemies that are too heavy,
but once you connect, Ayla and Robo will throw around the opponent at
each other like a hot potato and Ayla will lastly throw the opponent into
the air as they drop for MASSIVE damage.

Frog and Ayla

Slurp Kiss: Frog/Ayla MP: Frog(1)/Ayla(1)
Extremely useful, works better than a Lapis and recovers negative status
effects like confusion, berserk, sleep, etc.

Bubble Hit: Frog/Ayla MP: Frog(2)/Ayla(2)
Much like Robo and Frog's Bubble Snap, this attack will have Ayla floating
in a bubble and then she drops down and attacks the opponent with a
powerful physical attack, note that this move does not do water damage.

Drop Kick: Frog/Ayla MP: Frog(4)/Ayla(20)
Ouch. This is probably the strongest physical attack in the game, it does
massive damage against a single opponent.

------------------------------ [ Triple Techs ] -----------------------------


Delta Force: Marle/Lucca/Crono MP: Crono(8)/Marle(8)/Lucca(8)
Powerful trio attack that damages all enemies on the screen with lightning,
fire, and ice magic.

Arc Impulse: Crono/Marle/Frog MP: Crono(4)/Marle(8)/Frog(4)
Powerful ice/physical attack against one this for bosses.

Lifeline: Crono/Marle/Robo MP: Crono(2)/Robo(3)/Marle(15)
Think of this triple tech as giving a Dreamstone to everyone in your
party...this acts like Life3 from Final Fantasy 6 and you will be revived
to about 15% HP after you have been wounded.

Final Kick: Crono/Marle/Ayla MP: Crono(2)/Ayla(20)/Marle(8)
Powerful triple kick attack that does elemental damage of thunder and ice.
This only attacks a single opponent though.

Delta Storm: Crono/Lucca/Frog MP: Crono(8)/Frog(8)/Lucca(8)
Powerful tri-elemental attack of water, fire, and lightning...attacks all
enemies on screen.

Fire Zone: Robo/Lucca/Crono MP: Crono(4)/Robo(3)/Lucca(8)
Powerful physical/fire attack against all opponents on the screen.

Gatling Kick: Ayla/Lucca/Crono MP: Lucca(8)/Crono(8)/Ayla(20)
Ultra powerful single physical attack that does both fire and lightning
damage against a single opponent, save this for bosses.

Triple Raid: Crono/Robo/Frog MP: Frog(2)/Crono(2)/Robo(4)
Powerful physical attack against one opponent.

3-D Attack: Ayla/Frog/Crono MP: Ayla(20)/Crono(2)/Frog(2)
Powerful physical attack aided by Ayla on a single opponent.

Twister: Robo/Crono/Ayla MP: Ayla(10)/Crono(2)/Robo(3)
Powerful wind attack, will hit all opponents ont he screen for incredible

Grand Dream: Frog/Robo/Marle MP: Frog(15)/Robo(3)/Marle(15)
This will have Marle chant a spell on the Masamune as Robo
sends a beacon of energy to the NewMasamune as three gold/tan colored
monsters drop on the battle field. The lower your party's overall HP is
the more damage that this Triple Tech will do.

NOTE: You will need the Gold Rock equipped on either Frog, Robo, or Marle
for you to use this...the name does sound cool though.

Dark Eternal: Magus/Lucca/Marle MP: Marle(8)/Lucca(8)/Magus(20)
Powerful attack that is nearly 2x as powerful as DarkMatter, this will
hit every opponent in the room for shadow damage.

NOTE: You will need to Black Rock equipped on either Marle, Magus, or Lucca
for you to use this.

Poyozo Dance: Lucca/Marle/Ayla MP: Ayla(10/Lucca(1)/Marle(1)
Odd attack that can cause does adequete damage(well compared
to other triple tech attacks anyways) and will hit all on screen opponents.

NOTE: You will need to equip the White Rock on either Marle, Lucca, or Ayla
for you to use this.

Omega Flare: Magus/Robo/Lucca MP: Magus(8)/Lucca(20)/Robo(3)
Visually impressive as it is damaging, quite possibly the strongest triple
tech attack or at least one of the strongest. This will have a giant blue
flare beam(aimed by Robo) towards all opponents on the screen causing
monumental shadow based damage.

NOTE: You will need to equip the Blue Rock on either Magus, Robo, or Lucca
for you to use this.

Spin Strike: Frog/Ayla/Robo MP: Robo(4)/Frog(4)/Ayla(10)
Powerful physical attack against one opponent, hands down the strongest
single physical attack in the game. Too bad it's used against only one
opponent though.

NOTE: You will need to equip the Silver Rock on either Robo, Ayla, or Frog
for you to use this.

------------------------------ [ Walkthrough ] ------------------------------

When they ask you to choose Active or Wait, here are the summaries of

Wait: In this type of battle mode, you take turns fighting, this way
enemies don't attack you when you are selecting an item or trying
to find a tech to use.

Active: This mode will allow enemies to attack you even when you are trying
to make a decision, however you can do the same to your opponents
as well, meaning you can have two attacks in before the opponent
has a chance to make one, assuming of course your wait guage is
quick enough and you make decisions quickly.

Whatever your decision maybe, it's up to you...I chose active to fit the
Final Fantasy 4+ battle system. Or you can go back to the old Final
Fantasy games battle system and use the Wait.

Party's level: 1
Monsters: None
Items: None
Party: Crono

-- [ Shops ] --

Sword Shop Item Shop Armor Shop

Sword | Price Item | Price Armor | Price
-------------------- ------------------- ---------------------
Iron Blade | 350 Tonic | 10 Karate Gi | 300
Lode Sword | 4000 Heal | 10 Bronze Helmet | 200
Revive | 200
Shelter | 150

Enter your name as 'Crono' and later you see a beautiful sky overlooking
a gorgeous landscape. Later you hear festivities(although it does sound like
gunfire) going on. Someone then calls your name, it's your mom silly! She
then heads downstairs, follow her and downstairs your mom will have forgotten
the inventor's name...which is Lucca.

She tells you to have fun at the fair, also talk to your mother again and she
will hand you your allowence, which is 200 G. Head to Leene Square which is
above where the balloons are. Head inside and you notice a lot of activity
going on. You can buy some new armor with your money if you like. Also you
can guess the winner of the race in the top right tent, if you guess the
correct winner, then you win 20 Silver Points, which is NOT gold by the way.

Head to the top and you will find a girl wandering around, go up to her and
she bumps into you. Now here is where the storyline will branch off a bit,
depending on what you do will favor or unfavor a court hearing later in the
game. Once you give her back the pendant from the ground, she will tell her
name, which is 'Marle.' You still can't get into the center square where the
invention will take place so head to the top left(you can also eat the lunch
on the table if you like...heh) and fight the robot...he's not hard to beat.
You can collect 15 Silver points if you will also see a cat, talk
to it and it will follow you(if you talked to the girl earlier on the
opposite side then the cat will run away), take it back to the girl with the
orange hair and green bowtie.

Talk to Melchior, he is the guy in blue with a orange ribbon across his
chest, he's in front of the weapons laying on the ground and he is to the
left of the tent on the right, you will meet this guy several times later in
the game. Then talk to the girl sitting on the waterfall, she says that they
ought to be done by now, so head up back north to the invention and Marle
will want some can wait for her if you like or go ahead but she
will complain and fuss though.

Once you reach the top you notice two platforms, it appears these are much
like 'transporters' from Star Trek. Talk to Lucca at the top, she wonders
where you have been and it appears that no one wants to try the telepod.
Lucca will convince Crono to try it out as Marle watches from a distance.
After you try it out, talk to Marle and she will want to try it out herself.
Lucca will wonder how did you ever pick up a 'cutie' like Marle.

The music stops once she steps on the machine though, Marle's pendant seems
to be reacting with the telepod machine as she is sent through the time
portal in the middle as her pendant is left behind. Lucca thinks it wasn't
the telepod's fault, but Lucca also notices that Marle looks rather familiar.
Head Crono up to the pendant and he will put it on, this will send him to
another area.

Party's level: 1
Monsters: [3 Blue Imps] [2 Blue Imps] [2 Blue Imps + Roly] - Truce Canyon
[3 Roly Riders] [2 Roly Riders] [3 Rolys] [3 Blue Eaglets]
[1 Green Imp, 2 Rolys] [2 Roly Riders] - Guardia Forest
Items: Power Glove, Tonic, Speed Tab, Power Tab, Shelter
Party: Crono

When you arrive here, monsters begin to attack you immediately, but they are
rather weak. In the next area pick up a TONIC and POWERGLOVE, then when you
head outside, everything looks different and the music has changed from the
last time. Where are we? Head to Guardia Forest to the left and then make
your way around outside to Guardia Castle. Head inside and the troops
immediately begin interrogation, hehe, the guards are pretty funny

Later Queen Leene comes in and allows Crono through, head to the top and then
take the top right path and keep going upstairs and pick up a TONIC on your
way through. The guard will let you through to see the Queen, she tells her
attendants to leave...she tells you to come closer and as you do she giggles.
It appears that everyone thinks she is the Queen...but later something
happens as Marle just disappears! Crono is helpless against it, after that
pick up the ETHER in the room and head back downstairs to the throne room.

When you reach downstairs Lucca will meet up with you(it appears she found a
way to come to where you disappeared to) and wonders if you found Marle.
Lucca starts doing some deduction and notices that the castle is practically
identical to their time and it appears that Marle is a member of the royal
family in their time. Marle is a descendant of Queen Leene, and she is the
4th generation member of the Leene family...someone was suppose to save her
but it appears that history has been changed. When Marle arrived and that she
looked so much like Leene that they called off the search thinking Marle was
the real Queen Leene...but if the Queen of this time was killed that means
Marle will disappear as well. The two must hurry to find the real Queen,
otherwise it might be too late!

Party's level: 2
Monsters: [4 Naga-ettes] [3 Diablos] [2 Diablos] [2 Gnashers] [3 Diablos,
2 Naga-ettes] [3 Gnashers] [3 Henches] [2 Gnashers, 2 Diablos]
[2 Naga-ettes, 2 Gnashers] [1 Hench] [2 Mad Bats] [3 Henches, 1
Mad Bat] [2 Henches, 2 Mad Bats] [2 Diablos, 1 Mad Bat] [1 Hench,
1 Mad Bat] [3 Henches, 2 Diablos] [2 Henches] [2 Naga-ettes]
[2 Henches] [1 Yakra]
Items: 100G, Naga-ette Bromide, Steel Saber, Revive, 3 Tonics, Speed Belt,
2 Ethers, Heal, Mid Ether, Shelter, Maiden Suit, Iron Sword, Defender,
Power Tab
Party: Crono, Lucca

Head outside to the world map and then go to the west and you will see a
Cathedral, head inside. When you talk to the nuns, they speak rather
awkwardly. Talk to the nun playing the organ and then check the glowing blue
dot on the floor...then the four nuns will attack you. These monsters are
weak against fire, luckily Lucca is a fire based element user, you can use
the Fire Whirl against these guys if you have it. Afterwards another Nagette
attacks Lucca, but a frog saves her. He wishes to come with the party in
saving the Queen, but Lucca hates frogs and its talking!

You can choose to have the frog in your party or not, but its always good to
have an extra party member will need him too. Name him 'Frog' and
then play the will open up a door to the right. Enter through that
door, in the next hallway pick up two treasure chests that contains a REVIVE
and a TONIC. Head to the right door, then go straight up and it appears that
these monsters think your pretending to be human, later the other monster
decides to look over Magus' shift.

Follow him and go up to the other door and inside you will see Queen Leene,
the king, and a guard. Collect the ETHER and 100G, but as you try to leave
the monsters reveal their disguises and attack you. Then head out and go down
to the bottom right and into the door and pick up a TONIC, MAIDENSUIT, and an
ETHER. Check the mirror to the left and you will find the secret Nagette
Bromide, but then monsters figured out that you are actually humans. After
you defeat them head out and go around and pick up and equip the STEELSABRE,
head below the spikes to the left and then hit the skull switch to remove the

In the next room you find two soldiers, they are surprised that you are human
and tell you that the Queen is hiding in the back, check the wooden pail for a
POWER TAB, use the POWERTAB on Crono(or any other character) and then head out.
Go take the middle path and you will see a save point, feel free to save your
game if you like.

Head around to the right and the staircase will turn into a slide, go around
upwards and hit the skull switch on the wall. In the hallway above there is a
note, it says no entry, so pick up the two treasure chests for a HEAL and a
TONIC, then go around and hit the other skull switch and then head around
back to the middle of the room and pick up a SHELTER along the way as well.
Head to the middle room and pick up an IRON SWORD, then play the organ, this
will open up the door that you couldn't get into earlier. Head to the door up
top near the note.

In the next room make your way to the save point ahead, then enter the next
room. Inside the Queen notices Frog...she stands back as the battle begins.
BOSS BATTLE: Yakra HP: 920
This boss isn't too tough, use the Fire Whirl attack from Crono and Lucca and
have Frog attack as normal. It has a pretty powerful physical attack that can
do about 40 HP of damage or more, but you should keep yourself healed in this
battle with a Tonic, or if you have it, use Frog's Slurp Tech.

Frog thanks the party, you can open up the treasure chests to reveal a MID
ETHER and the real Chancellor...even if you don't open up the treasure chest
revealing the Chancellor, he will just run out with you anyways.

Once the party returns to the castle, the Chancellor suggests creating a
criminal justice system so that they can put away with the fiends. Frog
however feels a heavy burden upon him, he felt that he failed to protect the
queen and leaves...follow him and Frog leaves a few words behind.

Go upstairs to where you had found Marle earlier, she will be appear back
when you reach her. It appears that Marle's father is King Guardia XXXIII
(!)she then asks you if you would've taken her along if you had known her either choice and then head out.

Head back to the forest and at the bottom right of the forest is a POWER TAB.
Head back to where you had initially came in and a portal back to your own
world appears. After much boasting by Lucca she talks about the 'gate' and
how she uses a gate key to open it. She is still unsure as to why the game
would appear...either the telepod did this or something else must have done
it. Lucca tells Crono to take her home as she heads off because she has
something to do. Head back to Guardia Castle which is to the west of Leene

Party's level: 3-4
Monsters: [3 Hetakes] [2 Beetles, Avian Chaos] [3 Beetles[ [3 Hetakes]
[3 Hetakes] [2 Guards] [2 Blue Shields] [1 Decedent] [1 Guard]
[1 Omnichrome] [Dragon Tank, Grinder, Tank Head] [2 Guards]
[1 Guard] [1 Guard] p2 Descedents] [1 Guard] [2 Blue Shields]
[2 Guards] [Dragon Tank]
Items: Power Ring, Power Tab, 3 Ethers, 3 Mid Tonics, 4 Shelters, 6 Mid
Tonics, 2 Bronze Mail, 1500 Gold, Lode Sword

Once you head to the castle Marle is greeted joyously but the Chancellor
thinks that Crono had kidnapped her, later they take Crono to the courtroom
to hear his sentencing. During the middle of the hearing various characters
come into play, if you had brought back the cat, the little girl will defend
you, if not then she will go against you, including the guy who was standing
around 'sitting' to eat his lunch...if you ate his lunch then he will go
against you.

There will be seven jury members, they will either say your guilty or your
not guilty(remember the Chancellor asking about a court system in 600 AD?)
but no matter what you will either have to face 3 days of solitary
confinement or you will be executed if you are found guilty. Later when they
reach down the cell, the Chancellor orders a supervisor to carry out the
death sentence in 3 days...even though the crime doesn't even come close to
befitting a death penalty.

Later you awaken in a cell...the guards take you to the guilotine but Lucca
comes in and saves you...she takes out the guards with a Zonker-38.

NOTE: Lucca may or may not come, you may have to leave do this
go near the fence and bother the guards with the action button and
he will come in and try to silence you, defeat him and head out and
go about the area. This happens if you went to bother the guards
first, if you went for the pink bag first(ETHER) then Lucca will later
save you from execution.

Save the guy in the guilotine outside and he will thank you and tell you to
stop by the house in Truce Village. Check the down guards along the way to
pick up various items. Head to the top left part of the room and past the
stairs and go across the will notice two shield enemies, kill
them and take the top left stairs and then to the jail cell left and climb
outside and go down and take the treasure chest, climb the hole in the jail
cell to collect a LODE SWORD, which is probably the most important item that
you will find during your escape.

Head back to the room where you had fought two Blue Shields in and then take
the top right stairs this time, you will reach the room where the supervisor
previously was...check the note on the floor and you will find a secret to
defeating the Dragon Tank. It says you must take out the head first and then
take out the rest of the body, then go to the save point and save your game,
then head outside and the two will feel an Earthquake. The tank will come in,
it looks like you will have to fight this thing to get through.
BOSS BATTLE: Dragon Tank HP: 600(Tank Head), 208(Grinder), 266(Tank)
Your main focus is the head, take out the head with your physical attacks
ONLY. Avoid hitting anything else, then when the head is gone feel free to
attack away with your Techs, like Fire Whirl(if you have it). Watch for the
grinder attack, it will hit both party members and do about 30-50 HP of
damage, so be sure to heal yourself. Attack and heal basically.

Later Crono destroys the Dragon Tank for good, later the Chancellor and two
supervisors come in to try and fix the tank but the tank blows up and they
hang on for dear life, fortunately they did fill in the gap of the bridge
leftover by the explosion. Walk pass them to the next room, in here pick up a
SHELTER, then go down until you reach the main level of the castle, the
guards won't fight you but they will try to block your way. Once you reach
the entrance hall, Marle(Queen Nadia) will tell the guards to halt
immediately, later King Guardia XXXIII comes in and tells Marle to quiet
down...obviously royalty has gotten to his head.

Later when you are in the forest area, head to the right as the guards will
but you off from the rest of the area. To the right the party finds a gate,
it appears that they have no choice as the party heads into the gate.

Party's level: 4-5
Monsters: [2 Octopods, 1 Meat Eater] [3 Craters, 1 Meat Eater] [2 Octopods,
1 Meat Eater] [2 Octopods, 2 Meat Eaters] [5 Craters] [5 Shadows]
[1 Mutant] [3 Shadows] [3 Shadows] [1 Mutant]
Items: 2 Full Ether, Gold Stud, Ether, Berserker, Lode Sword, Lode Bow, Charm
Top, Wallet, Magic Tab
Party: Crono, Lucca, Marle


Item | Price
Auto Gun | 1200
Iron Suit | 800
Iron Helmet | 500
Tonic | 10
Mid Tonic | 100
Heal | 10
Revive | 200
Shelter | 150

Head outside once you reach here and then head for Trann Dome, which is to
the south of the dome you were previously in. In here you will meet a bunch
of bums, you can go to the far left and rest in the Enertron if you want, it
will restore your entire HP and MP. Later head out to the world map and head
to Lab 16, which is to the north. In here watch for the little rats that run
around, they will steal a TONIC from you and run off and you will never see
the TONIC again unless you buy some. There is also a LODE BOW for Marle in
here too, also when you meet the Shadows, you can defeat them by using the
Fire Whirl or any tech attack that you may have.

Once you head out to the world map, go to the east to Arris Dome. Inside go
around and an old man will approach you...he will be shocked to see that
there are people that can beat the mutants. Go ahead and save your game to
the far left of the room and then head down, before you go Doan will approach
you again and tell you that no one has ever come back from going down there.
Once you reach down head to the ladder to the top left, in here go along the
rails and you will eventually see a rat statue with a memo attached to it, it
tells that anybody that approaches the stockroom facility will be attacked.

Go around to the top and an alarm will sound off and as you try to go further
a giant robot drops down from above.
BOSS BATTLE: Guadian/Bit HP: Guardian(1200), Bit(200)
This boss isn't too difficult to defeat. Do not attack the Guardian unless
the two bits are destroyed, if you do, they will signal a Delta Attack that
will injure every party member with over 70+ HP of damage. Attack the two
bits first and then attack the Guardian as normal.

Once you enter through to the top, the party notices that the refridgeration
has gone down and does not operate as the food is spoiled. Marle notices a
dead man in the corner, he holds onto a seed but what can the seed grow?
Check the man again and the sheet of paper neat the man tells you the secret
to this dome, and you will have to catch the rat, which is not a statue.
Collect the MID ETHER and head out and catch the rat, use your dash button to
run and then use A to catch it. You can come in and out if you don't succeed
in catching it.

Once you have caught the rat, it tells you to hold the L&R buttons and press
A over the panel and if you foul up, you'll be sorry! Head back to the room
you initially came in though and check the panel and use the code to had
recieved earlier. Once you connect the bridge using the control panel, head
to the next room and go to the middle and collect a MID ETHER, then head
around to the next room. In this next room, your goal is to reach all the way
to the top of this room, you will have to face a couple of battles to get
there though. You should reach the ladder to the top left of the room and
then go around it to the next room.

Inside Lucca operates the computer and a monitor shows Proto Dome, which is
east of Arris Dome. Later Marle hits a button out of curiousity and the
monitor tracks back to the record from 1999 A.D. to the day of Lavos. It
shows a giant porcupine creature rising from the lava, large amounts of lava
beams hits all areas like a Meteo storm...thus destroying practically all
life on the planet except those who were in the domes.

Marle seems upset that this is how the world will end, she wishes to change
the future just like Crono did when he saved Marle. Lucca then reluctantly
encourages Crono to stop head out and reach back up to Doan. The
people gather around you, the people only care about the food, Doan thinks
the party is strange but maybe "'s because we're healthy!" Doan later
gives you a Bike Key, use the Enertron and save your game and head out to
Proto Dome, the people stare at you as you leave.

Party's level: 5-6
Monsters: [3 Mutants[ [2 Mutants] [5 Shadows] [3 Mutants]
Items: Mid Tonic, Race Log
Party: Crono, Marle, Lucca

Head to the east to Lab 32. Go up to the bike and robots will attack you, but
not before Johnny comes in with a very egotistical attitude. You can either
use that Jet Bike to race Johnny through the ruins or you can go through the
ruins yourself, but unless you want to fight mutants, then I suggest you race
Johnny. He will always stay in front of you, you can go past him by pressing
down diagonally or up diagonally, the speed boosts do practically nothing...I
suggest you just go into cruise control until there are 50 rests left(look at
the top) then quickly go diagonally down or diagonally up, you should be able
to handle the race pretty easily. If you did walk through the ruins, you can
pick up a RACE LOG, which will record your best scores in your races against

After you are through, head out and go southeast to the Proto Dome.

Party's level: 5-7
Monsters: [4 Buggers] [3 Buggers]
Items: None
Party: Marle, Lucca, Crono

Head inside and you will see a robot on the floor, Marle doesn't understand
what it is but Lucca does. It's a humanoid robot and Lucca will attempt to
fix it but Marle thinks the robot will attack them. Lucca tells Marle that
machines are not capable of evil, it's only the humans that make them that
way. The party then waits endlessly for Lucca to fix the robot and she does.

Aw schnap! The music makes me wanna dance! Well not like that, but the music
is enjoyable and pleasant to the ear and it's one of my favorite tunes of all
time! Anyways, the robot gets up and scares the party...the robot acts much
like a robot using formalities. It's name is R66-Y or serial number rather,
but Marle doesn't like the name. Name the robot 'Robo' which is the default

Later Lucca asks why there aren't any humans here, the robot is shocked to
see the dome like this, prior there were many humans and robots of his kind
in the same dome. The party tells Robo that they came through a time warp
1000 years ago...they came looking for a gate in Proto Dome but they found
Robo but the door won't open. Robo tells the party that he can activate the
dome's generator through the factory up north. You will have to leave a party
member behind so that he or she can open the door.

Once you leave either Lucca or Marle, head out to the Factory up north.

Party's level: 6-8
Monsters: [1 Acid] [3 Debuggers] [1 Proto 3] [1 Proto 3, 2 Debuggers]
[1 Proto 3, 4 Debuggers] [4 Bugs] [2 Proto 3's] [2 Proto 3's]
[1 Acid, 2 Alkalines] [1 Alkaline] [1 Alkaline] [6 R Series]
[1 Acid] [1 Alkaline, 2 Acids] [4 Alkalines, 1 Acid]
Items: Shelter, Titan Vest, Hammer Arm, Plasma Gun
Party: Robo, Crono, whomever

Once you head inside, check the computer in front of you and Robo will do the
rest. Later an acid attacks you, this guy only has 10 HP but your physical
attacks are withered to single digits, once you defeat it head to the right
and if you want to go to the factory area head right, if you wish to go to
the lab then head left. Take the factory area and head right.

In here you can go to the left through the door and inside is a MID ETHER,
climb down and around and enter through the door that leads to the conveyer
belt and go left but a claw lift will take the party to another conveyer
belt. Once you land here, you will have to fight a series of battles that
gets tougher and tougher...when you reach the room with a Proto 3 and 4
Debuggers, you can use the Laser Spin if Robo has it, if not then I suggest
you keep fighting until you earn it.

When you get off the conveyer, go down, if you try to go back onto the
conveyer belt you will have to fight the three battles again. Head down and
around to the top ledge and then go to the top right and pick up a MID TONIC,
and enter the door to the right. Inside check the computer and it will tell
you the crane control code which is B,B and X,A remember this, then pick up
400G and a MID ETHER. Then head out and go to the left door and inside pick
up a SHELTER and an ETHER, head down and you will have to control a crane.
Use your controller and press B,B and then X,A and the crane will move two
red barrels onto a conveyer belt.

Now head out and climb the ladder directly below and you notice that the two
red barrels that previously blocked your way do no anymore. Head to the left
room and pick up a BOLT SWORD, check the computer for a code, which is Zabie
or in terms of the SNES controller it's X-A-B-Y. Now head out and go to the
right and in the middle left of this room you can pick up a ROBIN BOW for
Marle if she is in your party. Head back to the entrance room of the factory
and this time go to the Lab on the left.

Once you head down there is a save point, feel free to save your game now.
Afterwards head to the top left and then defeat the Acids and Alkalines and
the computer will turn on, check the computer and it will open up a hatch,
pick up a SHELTER and then head downstairs. Go around and head to the center
room and pick up a HAMMER ARM for Robo. Then check the computer and it will
shut off the defense lasers courtesy of Robo...but a few Acids and Akalines
attack you. Pick up the TITAN VEST at the left and then climb down to the
ladder on the left.

In here head to the top and input the password X-A-B-Y on the computer and
pick up a PLASMA GUN for Lucca, if she is in your party. Then enter through
the door and then hit the switch above. It looks like you will have to escape
in a hurry, Robo will leave the door open for the party as they head out, and
just in time too! Head out of here and they will eventually find blue
versions of Robo. It appears that these blue robots are his friends, he
greets them but gets a rocket in his socket.

It appears that Robo is malfunctioning, the other robots tell him that his
mission was to eliminate all intruders, the other robots attack Robo as he is
the 'defective' robot. The robots then throw Robo into the shaft above, but
before they can rescue Robo, they have to take out some defective robots
BOSS BATTLE: R Series HP: 150(each)
This battle isn't too tough, just focus your attacks on one robot at a time and
they should be nothing more than bolts and oil.

After the battle Lucca pulls out Robo from the shaft, she isn't sure if she
can fix him though. Crono and Marle/Lucca take Robo back to the Proto Dome,
she works on Robo as the two talk...and later in the morning Robo greets the
party members as he did before. Robo then wishes to go with the party, there
is nothing left for Robo to do in his world but if he goes with them, they
can give the planet a chance. The party heads to the gate atop, but they land
in some unknown dimension.

Party's level: 7-9
Monsters: None
Items: None
Party: Robo, Crono, Marle, Lucca

This place is unfamiliar to the party, head down to the middle room and talk
with the old man and he tells them that this is "The End of Time." All lost
travelers in time wind up in this place, he tells the party that when more
than three beings step into the time gate that they will end up at the end of
time. He tells the party that one must stay behind, but all time connects to
this location and they can visit their friends whenever they want. You will
have to leave one party member behind, the old man later tells you to press
the Y button to switch party members and you can do this at ANY TIME! Which
makes sense because you are at the End of Time anyways! The old man tells the
party that they can step on the pillars of light and press the A button to
return to their time or any other time they've been through for that matter.

The shining light in the bucket to the right of this room leads to the day of
Lavos and directly to the last fight of the game, obviously you are not
strong enough to face Lavos yet. When you leave, the old man calls you out
and tells you to check the room behind him. Inside talk to Spekkio, he's
pretty funny looking but he claims to be the Master of War...he tells you
that long before anyone of the party members were born that there was a
kingdom of magic where magic was used in profusion. People began to abuse
their powers and it got so out of hand that only wizards were allowed to use

He tells the party that magic is divided into four parts: Lighting, Fire,
Water, and Shadow. Heh...he insults the party members and tells them their
elements, but Robo doesn't have an element but his lasers can inflict Shadow
type of damage. He tells you to walk around the room in a clockwise fashion
three times, I know it sounds rediculous but do it! You should run around the
room four times actually, his counting is off. He then fortifies the party
with magic and asks if you want to try it out, you must only use magic
against him though and if you win you will get various items to use, mainly
TABs, which are extremely helpful in boosting your stats without fighting
battles. Don't worry about losing though, you will automatically revive to
your previous strength and any items you used during the battle will be
restored to you like you have never used them before.

After you come out, the man will call you again. Talk to him and he will
begin to talk about your powers and such, but he tells you to return to your
own time...otherwise you can't change what must be changed. Go to the top
pillar to Medina 1000 AD.

Party's level: 7-9
Monsters: [2 Henches] p1 Jinn Bottle, 3 Octoblushes] [2 Tempurites]
[4 Tempurites] [3 Rolypolies] [3 Cave Bats] [4 Rolypolies]
[3 Cave Bats] [1 Jin Bottle, 3 Octobluses] [Heckran]
Items: Magic Scarf, Ether, Mid Ether, Wall Ring, Dash Ring
Party: Crono and whomever

Mystics Weapon Shop Market

Item | Price Item | Price
----------------------- -------------------
Iron Blade | 29400 Red Katana | 4500
SteelSaber | 65000 Robin Bow | 2850
Demon Edge | 65000 Plasma Gun | 3200
Lumin Robe | 65000 Hammer Arm | 3500
Flash Mail | 65000 Titan Vest | 1200
Tonic | 840 Tonic | 10
Mid Tonic | 8400 Mid Tonic | 100
Heal | 10
Shelter | 150

Once you arrive you will notice you came through someone's cabinet, you can
talk to the two to them repeatedly and they start to engage
in a conversation. When you leave one of them tell you to visit a man who
lives in the caves to the west, luckily these are one of the nicest mystics
you will ever meet, too bad others don't follow his "forgive and forget"
motto. Head out but don't bother trying to buy anything from the mystics,
they will overcharge you like crazy, even if you do defeat them in battle.

Head out west to Heckran Cave, watch out for these people though, they are
HIGHLY durable against physical attacks but your magic will work very nicely
against them. Go around and pick up an ETHER along the way, once you head
down to the next room, go to the far left and pick up a MID ETHER and then
pick up another ETHER and go down to the left, go around until you reach the
water area and go around to the right and you will find a save point, save
your game a top and then enter through. You will have to fight a boss battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Heckran HP: 2100
For this battle, you will have to remain solely on your magic, use whatever
magic attacks you have, but Robo will have the stronger magic up to this
point(hint, hint). Attack with magic and keep your HP up.

After the battle Heckran mentions Lavos and Magus, it appears that Magus had
created the creature that is destroying the future, Lucca will tell the party
that she can use the gate at the fairgrounds. Go to the back pool and jump
in, you will arrive just south of Leene Square, note that you can always
return here to the Vortex Pt. if you like.

Party's level: 8-11
Monsters: [2 Deceased, Ozzie] [3 Deceased, Ozzie] [1 Zombor]
Items: Gold Helmet
Party: Crono and whomever

Head to Leene Square and then head straight up and go to the gate above and
it will lead back to the End of Time. Take the pillar at the top left and you
will head back to Truce Canyon 600 AD, which is where your next destination
is. Once you reach here head out and go to Zenan Bridge, which is south of
the cathedral and it appears a bridge has been built since the last time you
were here Frog swam across the waters. Head inside and you notice that the
people are hungry...head to Guardia Castle and go down to the basement and
talk with the chef a few times and then leave, he will then give the party
JERKY and he then gives the party one POWER TAB, head back to Zenan Bridge.

When you head back to the bridge you notice that the guards are down and the
front line collapsed, talk to the knight captain...but later Magus' attacks
begins. Before you head anywhere talk with the captain and say 'yes' and he
will give you a GOLD HELMET, it's the strongest piece of armor in the game as
of now and you will need it, and I suggest bringing along Lucca as well. As
you walk along the bridge you notice Ozzie, who is Magus' top general. Defeat
the Deceased first, after that you can hit Ozzie once and he'll run away.

Once you reach the end of the bridge, you can expect a boss fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Zombor HP: Bottom(800), Top(960)
Your best bet is to take out the top first, this prevents it from using any
of its stronger attacks, then use fire on the bottom half to finish it off
quickly. Nothing too much that you can't handle...right?

After the battle head out, go to the center of town to Fiona's Villa and inside
pick up two MID ETHERs. Then head out and go to the Elder's House.
Inside an automatic conversation will start between the headman and Toma.
When you talk to the people, they talk about the Masamune and how the hero
will come...are they talking about Crono? Well head out to Denadoro Mts. and
find out! The mountains are to the northeast by the way.

Party's level: 9-11
Monsters: [2 Goblins, 2 Bellbirds] [1 Goblin, 1 Ogan] [1 Free Lancer, 1 Ogan]
[1 Ogan, 1 Goblin] [1 Ogan] [1 Free Lancer] [2 Free Lancers]
[1 Ogan] [1 OGan] [2 Free Lancers]
Items: 300G, Revive, Ether, 500G, Gold Helmet, Mid Tonic, Silver Earrings,
Silver Stud, Mid Tonic, Magic Tab, Mirage Hand, 600 G

Inside you will find 300G in the treasure chest, head upwards but you later
notice a kid running off and a Goblin that chases after it, defeat it and you
will have to face another monster, this one seems a lot tougher than the last
one. You will have to use fire to destroy it's weapon and the monster's
entire defense and offense drops. Then climb up the rope ladder, you can go
around to the bottom left atop and collect a REVIVE. To the left above is an
ETHER, go up pass the bridge and collect 500G. Head around to the right to
the next area. In here you can go around to the right and pick up a REVIVE,
to the middle of the area is a GOLD HELM and a MID ETHER...then go around to
the top and to the right is a MID TONIC, then head up and go around.

You notice a rainbow in the waterfall, but don't worry about it, go up nut
you notice that a Free Lancer is throwing rocks at you, if he connects with a
rock you will lose 5 HP...I forgot how to catch a rock and throw it back so
head around to the top right. In here to the right is 600G and then head to
the top, you will have to face a series of battles here so be prepared
because you cannot heal in between fights. Head out to the left and pick up
300G and then go atop to pick up a MID TONIC, to the top left is a Free
Lancer in no hurry to fight, pick up the MID ETHER to the left and continue
down and to the left.

Head across the bridge and talk to the Poyozo, talk to him several times and
he will get annoyed, then he will give you a MAGIC TAB, then head down and
save your game. Go down and pick up a MID ETHER, keep going down and around,
but the Free Lancer will knock you off if you try to reach him. Head around
to the cave atop, go up to the sword and the kid will ask if you are here for
the Masamune, select yes and the kid will call his bigger
brother...hahahahaha...that's his bigger brother? If you notice the name of
the two kids, they are Masa and Mune. They will backtalk at the party and
later fight you.
BOSS BATTLE: Masa/Mune, Masamune HP: 1000 each, 3600(Masamune)
If you attack Mune, the two will counter attack...but it won't really do much
damage anyways. You should focus on one of them, once you defeat one of them
they will form into one...obviously this battle will be tougher than the
last...they also mention that only Cyrus made it this far. Watch for this
guy's physical attacks, they hurt a lot, try to keep your HP at a steady. Use
lightning in this match, it seems to work pretty well and your Dual Techs
will work pretty good as well.

After the battle go up to the Masamune, it appears that the sword is
broken...but who do we take it to? The M brothers will take you out of the

Party's level: 10-13
Monsters: None
Items: Hero Medal
Party: Crono and whoever

Head to the south part of the continent and talk to Tata, the little kid that
ran off from the mountains. He will feel ashamed of himself for pretending to
be a hero, he will give you the HERO MEDAL but it appears that only Frog can
use it. If you talk to the old man upstairs he will say that his son will
control some legendary space ship...hahahahaha.

Party's level: 10-13
Monsters: [2 Gnawers, 2 T'Poles] [1 Gnawer, 2 T'Poles] [2 Gnawers, 2 T'Poles]
[1 Gnawer, 2 T'Poles]
Item: Masamune Hilt
Party: Crono and whomever

Head to the Cursed woods and pick up the various treasure chests along the
way and head to the rustling bushes in the back...climb down the ladder and
you will find Frog. Talk to him and he will notice the HERO MEDAL, but he has
no confidence to do anything, check the box he was over and inside you will
find the other piece of the Masamune...Robo notices the encription:
R...o...i...h...c...l...e...m Robo will reverse this and it actually reads
"Melchior" and where have you head that name before? Right, from Leene

Party's level: 10-13
Monsters: None
Items: None
Party: Crono and whomever

Head back to Truce Canyon and go back to the End of Time. Head toMedina
Village 1000 AD, which is the portal to the top right. Once you arrive here
head out and go to the west and you will see a small house which is
Melchior's Hut. Head inside and talk with Melchior, Lucca wonders why his
name would be engraved in it...but he tells the party that it is possible to
reforge the sword if he had a Dreamstone. It's not in Robo's databank and it
appears that you can't find it anymore since it was a red stone used for
money and it hasn't been available for a long time.

Party's level: 10-13
Monsters: [5 Reptites] [4 Reptites] [4 Runners] [2 Kiwalas] [2 Runners]
[4 Kilwalas]
Items: Berserker
Party: Crono and whoever

Head back to the End of Time...head to the pillar at the bottom left and head
to Mystic Mountain 65,000,000 BC. When the party reaches here, they drop to
the bottom and notice a bunch of green reptites. You will have to fight all
five of them...but as you defeat them a whole flock of them come after you.
Later a woman will come to your aid...the music sounds familiar though...she
knocks out the reptites but you still have to battle a few yourself.

After the battle the woman comes up to you and comes near Crono...she thinks
the party is strong and she tells the party her name which is Ayla. She will
wonder where the party is from but she just laughs at them as "Ayla like
funny people." She tells the party that there are plenty of stones at Ioka
Village...follow her out...but you will have to take the path that is flooded
with monsters. Pick up the BERSERKER on your way out and during the
battles(if you win them) you get wierd items like Petals after battles.

Head to the Chief's Hut, which is across the bridge to the left. Inside you
will find Ayla...she leads you to a nighttime celebration and introduces you
to a few people. Move Crono around and talk with a few people and then talk
to Ayla, she will tell you of Azala, who is the leader of the Reptites...but
she can't find Laruba village since she doesn't know where Laruba village is.
Talk to your party members afterwards and then talk to Ayla again, she will
show you the red rock but you must defeat Ayla for the rock. It's not what
you think though, you will have to drink soup faster than her. She's not
tough to beat, heck it's a lot more easier than drinking soda from the guy at
Leene Square! After you beat her she gives you the rock but the two drink
more soup.

Afterwards in the morning Lucca notices that her gate key is gone! There are
several footprints left behind by the thief...the party then goes to see
Ayla...who is asleep. Ayla then decides to help the party settle the score
against the reptites, you will have to bring Ayla and Crono, your other party
member can be anybody else that you wish.

Party's level: 11-13
Monsters: [2 Gold Eaglets] [3 Kiwalas] [1 Winged Ape] [2 Kilwalas, 1 Winged
Ape] [2 Runners] [3 Gold Eaglets] [2 Runners] [1 Kilwalas, 1 Winged
Items: Heal, 2 Revives, 2 Mid Ethers, 3 Mid Tonics
Party: Crono and whomever

Head to the Forest Maze which is southeast at the bottom. Inside you will
find Kino, who later confesses to the party that he took Crono's 'stuff' and
he was jealous that Ayla liked Crono but 'Kino no like.' Ayla still has a lot
of respect for Kino but obviously she tells him 'bad stuff' is 'wrong.' Kino
would give back Crono's belongings but the Reptites took them from him and
scampered off into the trees.

You will have to follow the tracks on the floor...the yellow boxes are just
treasure chests so make sure not to skip them! Climb down the vines and cross
the tree...just note that you shouldn't misguide things in here, the vines
blend so easily with the background that it makes it hard to tell that it is
actually climbable. You will have to look carefully at the footprints on the
floor...when you reach a dead end, you can walk along the grass to the right
and go around. Once you reach around, head to the Reptite Lair.

Once you head inside, defeat the reptites and jump down the hole. You will
have to jump down the hole again as well...once you reach the base floor you
can check teh treasure chest behind the reptite for a ROCK HELM. Also pick up
a FULL ETHER behind the other Reptite and enter through to the next
area...head straight up and defeat the reptites and Megasaur and a save point
will appear. Save your game and then enter through to the next area. You will
find Azala thinking to himself how could those 'apes' or humans make
something so advanced? You can tell him what the key does, but you'll still
have to fight a boss battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Nizbel HP: 4200
This battle isn't tough, it's highly resistant to physical attacks so you
will have to use magic. Lightning and Fire work pretty well against this
guy...make note that you should keep your HP above 60%...otherwise you can
suffer several powerful physical attacks to end your day.

After the battle Azala runs off and throws the Gate key towards you in fear.
The party head back to the Chief's hut...head back to Mystic Mts. to the
southwest and head back to the End of Time.

Party's level: 12-15
Monsters: None
Items: Masamune
Party: Crono and whomever

Head back to Medina's Village 1000 AD...then go back to Melchior. Head
downstairs and just wait for Lucca and Melchior to repair the Masamune. You
will have to take this sword back to Frog, go back to the end of time and
then head to Truce Canyon 600 AD.

Party's level: 12-15

Head to the Cursed Woods which is southeast of Truce Canyon and return to
where you saw Frog earlier and talk with him. He will ask the party to stay
the will flash back a few years when Cyrus was at the castle.
Cyrus and Glenn battle numerous opponents, including a giant king frog, later
they appear in front of Magus and Ozzie...Cyrus tell Glenn to go
quickly...but he doesn't as Cyrus gets killed and Magus uses a little magic
on Glenn as he falls off the cliff.

Later the scene flashes back to Frog, 10 years have passed since that tragic
moment. And if you were somehow baffled why that story was so odd, well you
might have noticed that Frog was no where in that retrospect and he mainly
talked about three people, Gleen, Magus, and Cyrus. If you noticed at the
end, it was Glenn who was shocked at the end, it was actually a magic spell
that Magus put on Glenn as he had turned into a frog, so Glenn is Frog. After
the battle Frog decides to head out with you, so pick your party members and
go. You also might have noticed that his levels gained along with your
levels, so luckily there is no need to build him up.

NOTE: If you talked to the guy earlier in the Cafe and he said how it was
such an ugly frog, he later changes his whole notion as he thinks the
frog can be a hero or a Chancellor...just thought you might want to
know. This happens when you talk to the guy without Frog first and then
talk to him with frog in your party. (^_^)

Party's level: 12-15
Monsters: [1 Vamp, 2 Gremlins] [2 Vamps, 1 Gremlin] [5 Gremlins] [2 Vamps, 2
Items: Magic Ring
Party: Crono, Frog, and whomever

Head to the mountains southeast of Denadoro Mts...enter the middle of the
mountain and it will say 'Magic Cave.' Inside you will witness a flashback
involving Frog(Glenn)...Cyrus comes in and scares the four little kids away
that were bothering Glenn...he tells Glenn that you have to sometimes fight
back with your fists, he calls him a marshmallow...and for you slow people
reading this it means he's soft...(^_^). Later Cyrus is shown standing over
Zenan Bridge, he wishes to become a knight...Cyrus thinks Glenn should join
as a knight as well since Glenn is a better swordsman than Cyrus...later an
occurance of Magus and Glenn roll up again...he later awakens up as a Frog as
the Hero Badge drops near him...the scene flashes back to the present(well
the time they are in now)...Frog asks for the awesome might the
sword tears open the earth like a sheet of paper.

The power of this sword is just sick...well not yet but it's still a very
powerful sword. Head inside and watch for the enemies here, they are much
like the monsters at Heckran cave, magic is their weak spot and any magic
spell will work. When you reach the end of the cave, you notice that a note
is written in blood, it warns you of attacking the don't need
to remember this because I'll list it in the FAQ for ya (^_^).

Party's level: 12-15
Monsters: [4 Henches, 2 Vamps] [1 Omnicrone, 4 Decedents] [1 Omnicrone, 4
Decedents] [5 Decedents] [Slash] [Flea] [4 Shadows[ [2 Henches,
2 Vamps, 1 Sorcerer] [2 Henches, 2 Vamps, 1 Sorcerers] [2 Henches,
2 Vamps, 1 Sorcerer] [Flea] [2 Henches] [2 Henches, 2 Grimalkins]
[2 Henches, 2 Sorcerers] [2 Henches, 2 Grimalkins, 2 Sorcerers]
[1 Vamp, 1 Roly, 1 Juggler] [1 Juggler, 1 Roly, 1 Vamp]
[6 Decedents] [3 ???] [1 Outlaw, 1 Roly Runner, 1 Juggler]
[1 Juggler, 1 Roly Bomber, 1 Outlaw] [2 Outlaws, 2 Groupies]
[2 Outlaws, 2 Jugglers] [4 Jugglers] [2 Outlaws] [2 Outlaws,
1 Juggler] [2 Outlaws, 1 Juggler, 2 Flunkies] [2 Outlaws, 1
Juggler, 2 Flunkies] [6 Vamp] [Ozzie] [Magus]
Items: Mid Ether, Shelter, Barrier, Magic Tab, 2 Mist Robes, Lapis, Revive,
Robes, DoomFinger, Magic Scarf, Dark Mail, Speed Belt, Lapis
Party: Crono, Frog, and whomever

Head inside Magus' lair, head to the left path and you notice townspeople are
here...or are they? Pick up a MID ETHER along the way and head to the top
room, in here pick up a MID ETHER and a SHELTER and check the sword on the
wall. After that you can check the left path for a MID ETHER but when you
have searched both paths and found nothing, head back to the initial room and
you will find a save point, but as you go over it Ozzie's fatass appears. He
tells you that you will have to defeat all 100 beasts in the castle, but
don't worry he's just bluffing...exagerrating is more like it. There are
about 70 monsters to defeat, and you can take out six here.

Head to the right path again and this time the little kids will ask if you
want their treasure and obviously you will have to fight for it. You will
fight four Shadows and obviously you will need to use magic, the fight isn't
hard anyways. You can pick up a BARRIER in the treasure chest, Robo's Laser
Spin will help you out in this battle, it's one of his first Techs and you
shouldn't have to worry about getting Lightning2 or Water2 just yet. If you
come close to your fake friends, a battle will ensure, you do not need to
fight any of these battles for that matter. Head up to the center and you
will face Flea, the magician. But it's pitifully weak as you destroy it
easily, the annoying this is that it steals all of your MP once you kill it.

After the battle Frog notices that that wasn't the real Flea. The little bat
that has been following you around was Flea...and he finally reveals himself
to the party...but eh...he looks like a girl! After a few insults that battle
BOSS BATTLE: Flea HP: 4120
This battle will be tough, the main thing you have to watch out for is that
Flea will designate one of your characters to attack all characters in your
party, and it will usually result in huge damage against all party members.
You should mainly keep to using regular attacks or Dual Techs. Watch for the
Waltz of Wind attack, at times it does nothing but at times it can take away
a lot of HP and put a confusing status effect on you. Attack and keep your HP
up above 80.

You can check the remnants of Flea for a MAGIC TAB...then head around back to
the left side. You can feel free to exit out of the cave to save your game if
you fact I suggest it. Once you head to the room atop the left to the townspeople and they will turn into skeletons and attack
you. After the battle Slash shows himself, approach him and a battle will
BOSS BATTLE: Slash HP: 5200
Ouch, talk about tough...his physical attacks deal moderate damage but his
"attack attack attack" attack will deal out about 40-70 HP of damage. You
shouldn't have too much trouble with his first form...he has about 2600 HP in
his first form. In his second form he takes the sword from the wall...this
time he is twice as tough. Watch for his wave attack, if he gets to the side
of your party he can hit all three of you guys, and while it may weaken the
wave attack, it still does plenty of damage. Keep your HP to the max, once
Slash gets close to you he will pull off a powerful physical attack that does
explosive damage. Attack and heal, your X-Strike works nicely in this
battle...which is the Dual Tech attack between Frog and Crono.

After the battle he vanishes, leaving a save point and a Slasher sword behind
with him. Head back to the initial room and you will notice a save point, go to
the save point and you will warp to the next area. You will have to fight a
series of battles that gets increasingly tougher, much like the Factory at 2300
AD. Head up to the top and pick up a MIST ROBE, then talk to Ozzie...this time
you will have to face all three goons at the same about tough!
Luckily you defeated them as Frog reminds Ozzie that the two are out sleeping.

Head to the next room and you notice axes that drop on the conveyer belts,
they are easily dodgable, pick up a DARK MAIL along the way and when you
reach Ozzie he runs away. Pick up the DOOMFINGER for Robo and head to the
next room...walk along the stairwell to the top, you will see Ozzie to the
otherside of a wall...but he drops you to the pits below. You will have to
fight 6 Descendants, in this room pick up a BARRIER, SHELTER, MID ETHER, and
a LAPIS. There are four save points in this room and to the bottom right of
this room is a MAGIC TAB. If you reach the wrong save point, entities will
attack you, but this is a huge plus since they give away lots of pts. after

To the left is a real save point, to the bottom is a battle, to the top is a
battle, and to the right leads back to the room you dropped from earlier. Now
to prevent from being dropped to the bottom floor again, head along the edges
of the wall and then go to the middle when you reach the right path. Don't
worry if you drop though, the floors will still remain imminent on the floor
and you can easily walk around them. However, note that each time you drop to
the floor, the patterns change as to which is a save point and which is the
warp tile and which is the teleport to the next room. Also note that the warp
tile is usually across from the save point, 9/10 times. Believe me...I would

Once you reach Ozzie he runs off again, head to the next room and make your
way atop the stairwell. In the next room you will have to face a few battles,
once you reach Ozzie and defeat the goons, he will try again and sweat in
profusion in hopes that more monsters will come. He then runs off, pick up the
SPEED BELT and head to the next room. In here you will have to fight a few more
battles, pick up the REVIVE at the top and head to the next room, in here
collect the MAGICSCARF and the MIST ROBE before talking to Ozzie and equip
them. Talk to Ozzie and he will talk about a barrier that protects him.
BOSS BATTLE: Ozzie HP: 1000
Avoid hitting the ice block, instead move your cursor somewhere else and you
will attack Ozzie. This battle is easy, each go around Ozzie only has 250
HP...just attack as normal but don't attack the ice block, otherwise you can
expect a real nasty counter attack.

After the battle(after Ozzie drops himself) take the right save point and
save your game, the left save point will lead to Magus. Dash down the stairs
to the next room, you will hear a familiar chant(assuming of course you did
visit Medina Square in 1000 AD), as you walk along a row of blue flames will
light up. As the party approaches Magus, he doesn't know that his three
henchmen were defeated. After some trash talk Frog shows the Masamune...but
Magus doesn't seem very impressed.
BOSS BATTLE: Magus HP: 6666
This battle will be tough, heck I wouldn't be surprised if it remains as your
toughest battle so far in the game. Hit Magus and he will change barriers, a
message box at the top will tell you what kind of magic attack to use against
him...don't use any other type of magic, otherwise you will heal him. Your
physical attacks are basically cut down to 15% total damage, and if he
changes into an element that you don't have, then hit him again until he
changes into an element that you do have. Also note that Robo will do Shadow
damage with his lasers, he's a pretty handy character in this battle as well.
Also note that when Magus uses water, you can also use Ice magic as
well...they are pretty much the same element with a couple of differences
here and there. After you lose Magus about 3000 HP, he will not be left
vulnerable to all sorts of attacks...the barriers will no longer be up. The
Masamune comes in at the best possible time here, when you used the MAsamune
when Magus had the barriers up, you increased his defense...but if you use
the Masamune this time, you notice that you do a whole bunch of damage
against him and you absorb some HP from Magus as well.

After the battle, Magus huffs and puffs as he wonders why the Masamune is so
powerful. Later an eruption starts as according to Robo's database, the birth
of Lavos started at this time period...but Magus did not create Lavos...he
only summoned him. Later a giant gate emerges, much larger than any previous
gates, the gate sucks in the party including Magus.

Afterwards you repeat the beginning of your journey, this time Marle will act
like your mother, she tells Crono to go out and get a job, but the party
finds themselves in Ayla's hut. Ayla tells the party that she had a strange
dream...everyone lied there hurt so she carried the party to the
obviously it was no dream. Ayla will notice Frog, she thinks its for her to
eat...but if Lavos wasn't born in Magus' era, then which time period was it
born? Ayla tells the party to rest, Kino will come in and tell the party that
Ayla is looking for Laruba village. Later a caveman comes in and tells Kino
that the woods up north are check it out.

Party's level: 14-18
Monsters: *look above to "Flash to the Past" event*
Items: *look above to "Flash to the Past" event*
Party: Crono and whomever

Head to the top to Laruba ruins, you notice that you can enter the previously
blocked forest area now. Inside you find that Kino has been taken by the
Reptites and the old man blames Ayla for the mess...heh... it's pretty funny
watching these guys talk though. Ayla tells the old man that she needs
Dactyls, so reluctantly he allows Ayla to have Dactyls for her journey to
Tyranno's Lair.

Head out and go to the top right and enter Dactyl's Nest, you will find Ayla
waiting for you as you head along deeper into the Nest. Once you reach the
cliffs, you find that Ayla summons a Dactyl, speak to her and she is shocked
to see you(she didn't notice them before?). Frog wishes to go as well...any
comrade of Crono's is a comrade of Frog's. Ayla tells the party that it's
much to dangerous for the party to go. You will have to leave a party member
behind, I would suggest you bring Robo, he does have lightning element in
him. Your healer will always be Marle regardless and I'm not really sure if
you would want to take her along with you.

Party's level: 14-18
Monsters: [2 Cave Apes, 1 Reptite] [2 Reptites] [2 Reptites] [3 Reptites]
[1 Terrasaur, 1 Reptite] [1 Cave Ape, 1 Reptite] [1 Avian Rex]
[1 Avian Rex] [3 Reptites] [2 Volcanoes, 3 Reptites, 1 Avian Rex]
Items: 2 Mid Ethers, Fill Tonic, 2 Cerra Toppers, Meso Mail, Full Ether,
Tonic, Revive

The lair is not hard to find, it's in the middle of a surrounding moat of
lava. Head inside and enter the open mouth of a T-Rex...doesn't the music
sound familiar? Sure it does! It sounds much like Vector from Final Fantasy
VI! Once you head downstairs you find that your cave buddies are stuck
inside a cell, free them by hitting the switch next to the cell door.

In the next room down below, you will find Kino, talk to him and Ayla will
climb over and break the door free. Kino will show you something, so follow
him out the door...he will open the other T-rex bone and then proceed to
hightail it out of here. Head inside the mouth to the next room, in here you
can press both switches on the floor by stepping over them as the monsters
will drop. Head out to the left, then head to the left, the spherical objects
on the floor are actually treasure chests, pick up a CERATOPPER...oh yeah,
note that the floor will teleport you to places around to room including the
stairwell to the next area. In this room are also a TONIC, REVIVE, and some
other item I couldn't get.

Head to the top left and then head outside go to the far right and enter
through. In here hit the right switch to open the mouth, the left switch will
open the mouth but release some enemies for you to fight against. Head inside
the mouth and hit the switch, it will open the door outside that you couldn't
get into earlier. Head inside the middle door outside and you will face a
dumb dinosaur in your path, however you can just go around him. Feel free to
save your game...but as you try to go on, Nizbel will stop you.
BOSS BATTLE: Nizbel II HP: 4200
This battle isn't too tough, what you should do is get off a few physical
attacks, each physical attack will raise his physical defense, then use
magic(preferably lightning) and then zap him. Using lightning will decrease
his defense. Watch for his stampede attack, it will hit all party members for
MASSIVE damage, I'm not really sure if you would want to use your LAPIS in
this battle because you should save it for later battles, but if he does
inflict enough damage on you then I would suggest that you use it.

After the battle head outside and go to the far right, in here there are
three switches on the floor, the top switch will reveal a save point, the
left switch will open the floors and the right switch will ensue a battle.
You can open the mouth directly by going up to it, inside hit the switch and
collect the FULL ETHER. After you hit the switch head back outside and go to
the middle door, inside you will find Azala, who apparently wants this to be
the final battle. You will hear some awkward noise(blame the SNES) and Azala
will flee, pick up a MID ETHER along the way and follow Azala. Once you reach
outside, Azala knows that it might be their(Reptites) fate to perish but
obviously they will not simply hand the world over to the 'apes'(humans).
BOSS BATTLE: Azala/BlackTyrano HP: 2500(Azala), 12,000(BlackTyrano)
This battle will be tough, your first target should be Azala. Attack him with
everything you've got, your physical attacks won't do much against both
BlackTyrano or Azala, you will need to use Lightning, just use plain ole
lightning on Azala, if you have Lightning2, then don't use it, otherwise you
will suffer a counter attack from the BlackTyrano. Also watch for BlackTyrano
to chew a party member and then spit him or her out, it will practically
absorb all the HP with nothing or little that you can do about it, make sure
you use Revive after you defeated Azala. When you defeat Azala you will have
to wait a few rounds before BlackTyrano's defense drops to power up his
attack, he will begin a countdown from the start of 5 and when it hits zero
he will unleash a fire attack that does moderate-powerful damage, it's not
really the attack that will bring you to your might want to use a
LAPIS if he begins his second countdown though...he will start over once he
has used it.

After the battle the dinosaur dies and you find Azala on the floor, Azala
crawls on the floor and can't believe the 'heavens have sided with the apes.'
He tells the party that they had fought the 'primates' to the bitter
end...later a flash goes by, it appears that a volcano is about to erupt. The
plains will gradually freeze...Azala laughs as "you wish you came along with
us" or you wish you would be dead instead of living in a cold and freezing
world. Later the scene moves towards Lavos, apparently he came from outer
space, the red star you saw earlier was Lavos coming into the Earth. "La"
means fire and "vos" means big, according to Ayla's words. Later Kino comes
in with Dactyl's, the party gets on, but Ayla wishes for Azala to come
along...he refuses as he knows it is destiny. The party then leaves as a
giant flaring meteorite crashes at Tyrano's lair that creates a giant and
catastrphic explosion.

Later the party are outside on the rocks, it appears that Magus did not
create Lavos and that Lavos came to the Earth from long can see the
party as they are the 3 tiny blue dots, the jumpy one is Ayla. It looks like
you will have to defeat it while its here now, once you head outside you can
enter back into the Lair will find a warp tile, head inside it.
But you will not find Lavos however.

Party's level: 17-20
Monsters: [6 Nus]
Items: Black Rock, Speed Tabe, Magic Tab
Party: Crono and whomever


Item | Price
Tonic | 10
Mid Tonic | 100
Full Tonic | 700
Heal | 10
Revive | 200
Shelter | 150
Ether | 800

Once you step outside, you notice that the time period is 12000 BC!! Azala was
right, the plains across the field have frozen. Head across to the left and
enter the Skyway, step on the platform will later find yourself up
high above in a more civilized civilization. Inside Ensaha to the right, when
you talk to the people one of the mention "Blackbird" and you will find a boy
in purple with light blue hair...he tells the party that one of them will

You can also check the various books around here, the book at the top right
will enable ice, the book at the top left will enable wind, and the book at
the bottom will enable fire...I think you have to open it in that
worked for me. Once you open the fire book, the bookshelf will reveal a
room...head inside and talk to the Nu, it will challenge you to a fight
against 6 Nus. They are tough, one of their attacks will easily lower your HP
down to matter what defense you have. If you win the battle he will
give you a MAGIC TAB and a SPEED TAB. After that you can head outside to the
Land Bridge, you will be teleported down back to the Earth.

Walk along up North to the other land bridge, once your atop you can head to
the Kajar or the Blackbird to the west. Inside the Blackbird you will find
two soldiers, Dalton will come in and notice the party but just walks away.
In Kajar you learn that the people who cannot use magic are down below and
are called the "Earthbound ones." Check the book to the top left, it will
enable water, the book at the bottom right will enable wind and the book in
the middle will enable fire. Once you open those books in that order a
bookshelf will open up in the middle...inside check the Poyozo Doll and you
will have recieved a BLACK ROCK...this accessory will allow you to use the
Triple Tech "DarkEternal." At the top part of Kajar and inside you will learn
of Schala...who apparently is far more powerful than his mother, in this top
middle room, check the bottom right wall of this room to pick up a SPEED TAB,
you might have saw a flashing blue dor earlier outside...that was the SPEED
TAB you just picked up.

Head outside and go to the Cave to the right, eventually you will reach Zeal
Palace. Inside go to the top left and talk to the Nu, he will move out of the
way...inside you will learn a lot about the Mammon Machine. To the top right
leads to the bedroom, inside on the right you will find Schala and
Janus...Schala gives Janus an amulet...but then Schala has to leave, Janus
notices that their mother has changed quite a bit, but still she is their
mother. Schala later heads out to the Ocean Palace.

Head outside and go to the middle hallway, you will find that Schala entered
through with the pendant, but when the party tries their pendant, nothing
happens. At the bottom left on the second floor of Zeal Palace, there is a
woman with a plant, she asks if she should burn it or plant it, I suggest you
tell her to plant it. Then return to the Mammom Machine and check it(you did
remember that the people here were blabbing it out did you?), you will place
the pendant in the energy core of the Mammon Machine...once you do that
return to the Queen's hallway and use your pendant.

Inside you will find Queen Zeal and Schala...but they notice your presence
and Dalton summons a Golem to do the Queen's bidding.
BOSS BATTLE: Golem HP: 7000
This battle isn't tough, watch for it's Iron Orb attack, it acts exactly like
Demi, cutting your HP in half. Don't use any magic against this Golem, it
will counter attack with a powerful element spell that you had used against
it. Attack it with physical attacks and watch for the spherical fire attack
or whatever it is, it will knock a lot of HP outta ya. Once you defeat the
Golem, it will use a Shadow attack at the keep your HP up.

After the battle the queen traps the party in her magic...later the party is
shown caught in a energy flux, Schala and Janus comes in...Schala wishes to
rescue the party...she doesn't care about being caught, she thinks the party
can rescue the Gurus. Schala then releases the party and tells them to escape
quickly, Melchior was sent to the Mountain of Woe for opposing Queen...later
the Prophet comes in and he spares the lives of the party, but only if they
show him how they got here. The party shows them the gate they came in
through...Schala will be forced to close the gate as the party is thrown into

They end up at 65,000,000 BC, you get notice that there are several places
that have the energy aura in different time periods. One place that is shown
is Proto Dome, head outside to the Dactyls and then fly to Mystic Mts. where
the gate is. Once you reach to the End of Time head to Proto Dome 2300.

Party's level: 17-20
Monsters: [2 Nereids] [2 Egders, 1 Nereids] [3 Nereids] [4 Nereids] [1 Rat,
2 Nereids] [3 Nereids] [2 Egdars] [Sir Crawlie]

Head out and go back around to Lab 32...then go around to Arris Dome, but
this time go to the Sewer Access, which is southeast from the entrance of Lab
32. In here head to the right and collect will find some monsters
that will spot you but not fight you including two little frogs that act
suspiciously. Climb down to where the frogs went, you can read the note to
the left that tell of the fishmen that attack with the slightest noise. Head
around to the right, if you do not wish to fight then I suggest you not even
try to talk to the cat or even try to save your game for that matter. Head
around to the ladder and then go upwards and go through the split in the
wall, hit the switch and then go around the wall and go behind it and come
through the door at the top.

You will see the two frogs again, they try to hit a switch but to no avail,
apparently the Gary Coleman condition has struck the frogs too grbitt! Go to
the top and pick up a RAGE BAND and prepare for a boss battle. Sir Krawlie
starts a little trash talk as the party is right beside him.
BOSS BATTLE: Sir Krawlie HP: 500
This guy is not that tough, just attack and heal as usual.

After the battle go around and pick up a BOLTSWORD and then hit the switch
that connects the bridge. The bridge is there as a shortcut when you come
back...head to the ladder outside.

Party's level: 17-20
Monsters: None
Items: None
Party: Crono and whomever

Head to the Keeper's Dome which is to the south, inside you will find a Nu
sleeping in front of a computer screen, you can't move him out of the way so
head tot he door atop. It will open a door to the inside, you will find three
shimmering blue dots, they are the three Gurus, Belthasar. He once lived in
12000 BC but was thrown into this time period, Lavos was in hiatus for a
small moment when he was summoned by a wizard, namely Magus. Lavos reigns
from the peak of Death Peak, he continously consumes the world even as you
speak...Belthasar grows old however, he leaves things in your hands and tells
you that only when you master time will you stand a chance at defeating
Lavos. Belthasar tells you to take his "Wings of Time" in the back room,
which is his last invention.

In the back you find a spacecraft, examine it from the top and as you leave,
the Nu that blocked the CPU screen earlier comes in, it appears that is
Balthasar, who copied his memory into it...pretty neat huh? He tells you how
to operate the machine, and then later tells you to name the Time Machine, so
name it 'Epoch' and be done with it. Later once you get on the Time Machine,
head to 12000 BC.

Party's level: 17-20
Monsters: [2 Beasts] [2 Beasts] [Mud Imp, Blue Beast, Red Beast] [1 Rubble]
[2 Bantam Imps] [1 Rubble] [2 Bantam Imps] [2 Gargoyles] [Bantam
Imps, 1 Gargoyle] [1 Rubble] [4 Gargoyles] [2 Bantam Imps]
[2 Stone Imps, 2 Gargoyles] [2 Bantam Imps, 2 Gargoyles] [1 Rubble]
[4 Gargoyles] [4 Maneaters] [3 Gargoyles] [2 Maneaters, 4
Gargoyles] [1 Rubble] [3 Gargoyles] [Giga Gaia]
Items: Lode Helmet, Lode Vest, Magic Tab, Time Hat, 2 Full Ethers, 3
Barriers, 2 Shields, 2 Lapis, Shelter

To the left of the cave you came in through(where Schala had sealed up the
cave), there is a Terra Cave, you might have came here earlier and noticed
that the ladder was cut off. Here you can climb atop and inside when you talk
to the people you notice that you are in Algetty, which is the village of the
Earthbound ones. Head down to the bottom, you will find a save point so feel
free to save your game. Head to the next area, at the bottom right is a POWER
TAB, as you head to the top you notice a red and blue beast and a Mud Imp,
looks like you will have to prepare yourselves.
BOSS BATTLE: Mud Imp, Red/Blue Beast HP: Mud Imp(1200)B.B(5000) R.B(5000)
This battle is a lot tougher than it looks, don't hit the Mud Imp when the
two beasts are alive, otherwise they will counter with a quake attack that
does massive damage to all party members. Take out the red beast first and
then the blue beast, after that attack the Mud Imp with your Dual Techs, if
you have it, use the Drop Kick(Ayla and Frog) against it. The annoying thing
about this imp is that everytime you attack with a physical attack he heals
himself, and to top it off his physical defense is AMAZINGLY high...don't be
surprised that some of your attacks may only land single digit damage.

After the battle climb the chain and you will arrive at the Mountain of Woe.
Go up top and cross the chain bridge and collect a LODE HELMET to the left,
now head to the chain that is to the left of the entrance you came in
through, head to the top and in this area head to the right, feel free to
save your game if you wish. At the top right is a BARRIER and in the middle
is a LAPIS, then go around to the right across the chain bridge and go around
to the bottom right. You can pick up a BARRIER and then continue to the
right, in this next area pick up a LAPIS, to the right is a BARRIER and a
FULL ETHER, head to the top and to the left is a SHIELD and a SHELTER. Head
to the right and save your game at the save point and continue on. In here
pick up a TIME HAT and a FULL ETHER, to the right is a long chain bridge but
as you climb it, the area suddenly turns dark.

At the top you find a giant ice block, but before you can do anything you are
BOSS BATTLE: Giga Gaia HP: 9500, Arms(900 each)
This battle is actually a lot easier than it looks. The Falchon it is your
obvious tech of choice in this battle(Ayla and Crono) and it will easily take
out the two hands to the side, you should use this dual tech when it has it's
arm extended. If you have the Drop Kick(which you probably don't), you should
use this against the head after you destroy the arms, it does a buttload of
damage and it takes about 3 or 4 to get rid of the head, Ayla and Frog will
initiate the Drop Kick Dual tech. Your main goal is to take out the arms
first since they will do the damage, once the arms are gone this guy is a
wuss, attack it's head and keep your MP up, you will need it for the Falchon
Hit and Drop Kick.

After the battle Melchior appears, it appears that the more energy the Mammom
Machine ubsorbs the more the Queen becomes degenerated(heh), but suddenly the
party must flee as the mountain will collapse. At the Terra Cave, Melchior
tells the party that Lavos is sleeping underground, but later Schala comes in
as does Janus. Schala has kept the skyway open and you must hurry to stop the
Queen, but not before Dalton steps in. He then takes Schala and Janus and
leaves, afterwards talk to Melchior. Melchior doesn't even know the party's
names, he then gives the party a red stone to destroy the Mammon Machine.

Party's level: 19-23
Monsters: [2 Scouts] [3 Red Scouts] [2 Scouts] [2 Blue Scouts] [1 Mage, 2
Scouts] [1 Jinn, 1 Barghest] [2 Red Scouts, 1 Mage] [2 Blue Scouts]
[1 Mage, 1 Blue Scout, 1 Red Scout] [1 Mage, 1 Blue Scout, 1 Red
Scout] [1 Red Scout] [1 Mage, 1 Blue Scout, 1 Red Scout] [1 Mage,
1 Blue Scout, 1 Red Scout] [1 Jinn, 1 Barghest] [2 Blue Scouts,
1 Mage] [1 Blue Scout, 1 Red Scout, 1 Thrasher] [2 Mages,
2 Thrashers] [4 Trhashers] [2 Thrashers, 2 Lashers] [2 Thrashers,
2 Lashers] [1 Jinn, Barghest]
Items: Rune Blade, Magic Tab, Demon Hilt, Aeon Suit, Aeon Helmet, Kaiser Arm,
Sonic Arrow, Star Sword, Elixir
Party: Crono and whomever

Head back to Zeal Palace, yes you will have to walk a long way. Head to the
Queen's Hall inside Zeal Palace, save your game and head through. You will
find Dalton, and expect a boss battle.
BOSS BATTLE: Dalton HP: 3500
This battle isn't tough, watch for Dalton though, each time you attack him he
will counter attack with a Demi type spell, cutting your HP in half. Try to
use Techs and Dual Techs to attack him, like the X-Strike or the Drop Kick.

After the battle Dalton complains and whines again, follow him through the
gate and you will arrive at the Ocean Palace. You can save your game if you
wish, talk to Mune and an event will occur, the Queen wishes for Schala to
raise the Mammon Machine to it's limit but she reluctantly agrees, looks like
you will have to hurry. Head down and go to the right, hit the switch and
defeat the two monsters and a door will open, pick up the AEON HELM and then
head to the left, outside here there is a AEON SUIT in the middle, and to the
far left in the next room is a STAR SWORD. After that head out and go to the
bottom, you can pick up a SHOCKWAVE for Lucca, head down and head through the
middle to the left. Step on the switch and proceed to the top right and pick
up a KAISER ARM and when you head back to the previous room, a path directly
south will be open, so enter through it.

Now take the left staircase and keep going down, this place is pretty linear
anyways. Once you reach Masa, talk to him and he tells you that the knife
contains the dreams of Masa and Mune, later you still see Schala lifting the
power of the Mammom Machine, the Queen uses her power against the servant
that doesn't obey...head downstairs and then feel free to save your game. Use
the elevator to reach the bottom, once you have reached the bottom, step on
the switch in the next room and go left, and hit the switch inside, then hit
the switch to the opposite room and step on the switch in this room and a
bridge will create and the platform will lower. Head to the next room, pick
up an ELIXIR and definitely save your game this time.

Inside you will meet Dalton again, but instead of fighting one Golem you
fight two of them.
BOSS BATTLE: Golem HP: 7000(each)
You should use a weak spell, like Lightning or Fire or Water or Ice, if you
use Lightning2 or Fire2 or Water2, they will use that spell against your
party, only this time if will hurt like crazy. Stick with Dual Techs and
watch for the Iron Orb attack, you should concentrate on one of them and then
attack the other.

Afterwards Dalton tries to summon the GolemBoss, but to no avail. Head back
and save your game again and heal your wounds, then head straight up to the
next room, in here the party confronts the Queen and uses the knife, Masa and
Mune use the Masamune and stab it through the Mammon Machine...but it appears
that the party will face up against Lavos.

Lavos obviously is WAY outta your league, once you fall the Prophet comes in,
that prophet reveals himself to be Magus. Magus swore long ago that he would
promise to kill Lavos at no matter the price, however the Queen comes in and
the power of Lavos easily dismantles Magus. Later you control Crono, move him
up to Lavos...Crono will try to stop Lavos will his own power but is
literally disintergrated. The party mus hurry out of here, Schala will use
the last power remaining in the pendant. Later Lavos erupts from the Earth
and sends dozens of lava shots into the air, destroying the once properous
kingdom of Zeal. A huge tidal wave hits, but later the other two party
members find themselves in a hut, it appears that Crono died with the
explosion. Melchior fell victim to a black portal while trying to save Janus,
the elder later gives the party the Pendant that Crono held...the Epoch
seemed to have followed the party as well.

Party's level: 19-23
Monsters: [1 Byte] [1 Byte] [1 Basher] [2 Bashers] [2 Bashers] [2 Bashers]
[1 Byte] [1 Byte] [2 Bashers] [2 Bashers] [2 Bashers] [6 Bashers]
[3 Bashers] [1 Byte] [1 Byte] [2 Bashers, 1 Byte] [1 Bashet,
1 Byte] [1 Basher] [1 Byte]
Items: Party's items/weapons/etc.
Party: Whomever

NOTE: With Crono gone, I would put Frog as your leader now.

Did anybody notice the ship's name is the same as the X-Men's aicraft? Later
once you have assembled your party head out, go to the Commons and speak to
the Elder at the top. The soldiers of Dalton later interupt the party as
Dalton wishes to rename Zeal to the Kingdom of Dalton. Dalton tries to attack
the party but to no avail...he uses a stronger blast of fire and later the
party awakens in a cell. Climb up the ladder and the party notices that they
are in the Blackbird, one of your party members notice an air duct, climb up
the air duct(which is to the left of the ladder). Go around to the right and
once you reach the next vertical hall duct, head straight up and go to the
left. When you reach out, try not to get caught by the guards, if you do you
will be thrown back into your cell.

NOTE: I suggest you pick up the routes yourself, it's much too confusing for
you to follow this walkthrough since it's very difficult to map out a
maze and following the below walkthrough MIGHT get you confused.

If you do get caught, head out to the cell gate twice, the second time you
will be given two choices, act sick and the guards will come in. You should
head back to the ducts, the duct to the second to top left, inside you will
get Frog's equipment back, then head back into the ducts and take the
opposite duct and climb down the ladder. Head out and go to the bottom right
door and head inside, then climb the ladder to the ducts.

Head to the bottom left and head to the second to left ladder and climb down,
inside defeat the guards(use Water2 and wash em away) and pick up your second
character's equipment. Head out and go to the bottom right door, defeat the 6
Bashers and climb the to the ducts, then go to the far left slightly to the
bottom below, then climb the ladder and head out. Go to the top right room
and inside and pick up your third character's equipment. After that head out
and go to the top of the room and enter through, then head to the left room
and go inside. Pick up your items and then head to the left door.

NOTE: If you want your gold back, go outside and then go back to the previous
room and go to the bottom middle left of the room and check that room
and defeat the guards for the gold.

Once you head outside you notice the wind blows you down, don't worry though,
the wind can't blow you off. Destroy all the Turrets and then head to the
bottom left, something will attack you.
BOSS BATTLE: GolemBoss HP: 15000
This battle is rediculously easy, you can either kill it or sit back and
relax and it will run away. Either way it won't hurt you since he is so
concerned about heights.

After the battle you see Dalton using the Epoch like some chariot, heh, the
music for the Epoch plays but Dalton tells them(the producers of the game) to
switch music, he then flys the Epoch, the party then jump onto the Epoch.
BOSS BATTLE: Dalton Plus HP: 3500
This guy isn't hard, however he will counter attack with the demi attack,
just keep attacking him though and he should be through.

Lucca tells you to press various buttons, so you do...hahahaha you send
lasers to the Blackbird at times when you press the wrong button. Later the
Blackbird sinks and the people below are cheering...later aboard, okay I've
got to say this: This has got to be one of the best themes that I've heard in
awhile...there I said it. As the Wings Across Time theme plays Lucca finally
figured out the controls. The party then lands, head back to the Commons.
Inside you will get information about a mysterious man who went up north,
namely Magus. Head out and go to North Cape, which is to the northwest.

NOTE: At this point in the game, you are welcomed to do various events, the
rest of the walkthrough below is the walkthrough that I suggest, not
the walkthrough that you must follow. Think of these events as side
quests...some relating to the game, some relating to the game

Party's level: 20-23
Monsters: [Magus]
Items: Amulet
Party: Frog and whomever

Atop check the blue dot and Magus will appear...he will flashback to when the
events transpired prior to Crono's immediate death. You will see how
Melchior, Gaspar, and Belthasar disappeared into different time periods.
Janus also falls victim as well, you see where all four people have
relocated...Janus ends up with Ozzie, Balthasar ends up in 2300 AD, Gaspar
ended up in the End of Time, and Melchior ended up in Medina 1000 AD where
the Mystics live.

With Magus' knowledge of the past he had convinced the Queen that he would be
a prophet but obviously correctly predicting what would happen can not
prepare you for all things. Later Magus insults Crono, with the heat between
Frog and Magus, Frog stands ready to defend the honor of Crono. You will be
given two choices, fight him if you wish...if Frog is in your party he will
fight Magus alone.

A) You selected 'yes' so prepare for a fight...once again if Frog is in your
party he fights this battle's the battle you kinda been waiting
for, these two have a lot of heat between them.
This battle will be tough, you should attack with Water2, it does the most
damage on Magus...heal when neccessary and you should keep your HP above 140,
heal in between when you need to.

After the battle you can pick up an AMULET from where he was standing. He
tells you to visit the Guru of Time, Gespar to find a way to bring back
Crono. He later dies.

B) You selected 'no' and Frog discards his weapon. Frog realizes that killing
Magus will neither bring back Cyrus or Crono. Leave, but as you do Magus
will call you and decide to come with you...he tells the party that there
might be a way to bring him back. He tells the party that Guru knows how
to restore misplaced time streams...later you can name him 'Magus' for
obvious storyline reasons.

Either way head out and go to the Epoch, but as the party climbs aboard, the
Epoch's compass go haywire, later from out of the ocean floor rises a giant
black spacecraft, the party seems shocked to find that the ocean palace has
lifted out of the waters...use your Epoch and head to the End of Time.

Party's level: 20-23
Monsters: None
Items: Chrono Trigger
PArty: Whomever

Once you head here talk to the old man...when he hears the news he has
nothing to give to the party but his song. Magus then speaks of the Guru of
Time, obviously Magus does not recognize the old man...the old man knows of
the Guru of Time but tells the party that everyone wants to bring back lost
loved ones. He then gives his condolences, so leave, but as you do he calls
you out, go back and speak to him...he will give you the Chrono Trigger,
which is an egg. He tells the party that the egg can bring back Crono but it
all depends on your efforts to search for him, you only get out what you put
in. Head back to your Epoch and go to 2300 AD.

Party's level: 20-23
Monsters: None
Items: Magic Tab
Party: Whomever

Head to the Keeper's Dome(notice that you arrived right in front of it?) and
inside and use your pendant. Inside check the shimmering blue dot on the
floor for a MAGIC TAB, talk to Belthasar(sorry if I mispelled the name
several times earlier before) and he will tell you that the power to resotre
life is on Death Peak. He tells you that this person must be important to the
space time continum, and that you must have an identical clone of that
person. Well obviously Crono is important to time(they don't call him Crono
for nothing) but how the heck do you get a clone of the person when he is
already dead? Luckily the magician Nolstein Bekkler can create one...he tells
you that Bekkler loves festivals and you will find Bekkler in a festival. So
where have you found a festival? Right, in the beginning of the game at Leene head off to Leene Square.

Inside Leen Square head to the tent on the farthest right, talk to Bekkler he
will tell you that the longer that you stay in the game the lower the price
of the clone will be. If you don't have at least 40 Silver Points, then you
can earn them by beating on that dumb robot Lucca made, no not Robo the other
dumb robot at the top left of Leene Square(just kidding!). Fight it as many
times as you want...once you have enough points head back to the tent.

Try the game and you will have to mimic what you see:

L: Left Arm R: Right Arm Y: Laugh A: Surprise!

Try not to foul up, I fouled up on my first try and ended up paying 50000 for
the clone! Damn emulator, I can't even find which was the right key...
errr...I mean...controller! That's it(*looks around suspiciously*), oh well,
the clone will be left at Crono's home.

Head upstairs and you will find Crono's mom, speak to her and she will wonder
if Crono is okay...the party tells his mom the 'he be in fine health!'
Crono's mom allows the party to take the doll, head out and go back to 2300

Party's level: 20-23
Monsters: [3 Krakkers] [2 Krakkers] [3 KRakkers, 1 Macabre] [2 Macabres]
[1 Lavos Spawn] [3 Macabres] [3 Krakkers] [1 Krakker] [1 Lavos
Spawn] [2-4 Krakkers] [Lavos Spawn]
Items: Magic Ring, Star Scythe, Vedic Blade, Dark Helmet, Memory Cap,
Brave Sword, Wall Ring, Giga Arm
Party: Whomever

Head inside Keeper's Dome and speak with Belthasar again, he will activate a
program that will help you get atop the Peak and will send out 3 Poyozo
dolls. Belthasar asks you a favor, he wants you to hit the switch that turns
off the creature, do so and then leave.

Head to Death Peak, quickly head up to the Poyozo Doll and speak to it, it
will turn into a tree. You will need to do this two times, you can also pick
up a POWER TAB to the right, but you risk falling off and starting over. To
get to the top, go when the wind stops, you will hear nothing when the wind
dies down and you will hear cheap sound effects when the wind starts.

In the next area head to the far left and pick up a MAGIC RING, then climb up
and go to the right to the next area, head to the far right and pick up a
WALL RING, and there is also a save point between the trees, then head up to
the left cave. Inside prepare for a boss fight.
BOSS BATTLE: Lavos Spawn HP: 4000
The main thing you do not want to do is attack the shell, doing so envokes it
to use the Lavos Needle Spore attack which will deal out very painful damage
to the party. Attack the head only, use Dual Techs if you wish, but mainly
keep your HP above 150 and attack the head only, the rest of the body should
die once the head is gone.

After the battle pick up the GIGA ARM and continue onto the next area, move
across to the right and enter the next area. In here pick up the BRAVESWORD
which is surprisingly much stronger than the Masamune. Head outside and check
the blue dot at the edge of the cliff up top, it will open a door at the
bottom. You will have to go around all the way back to the bottom to enter
through that door.

Through the middle path is a STARSCYTHE. Head outside and fight the Lavos
Spawn again, it's much like before, attack the head and ignore the shell.
Head to the left and talk to the Poyozo Doll, it will tell you that you
should be careful, so walk but not run...for caution reasons. Note that it
may take you several tries and it does get annoying like heck too, once you
make it through, pick up a VEDICBLADE and head down and around to the left,
you will eventually see another Poyozo Doll, it tells you to push the shell
and climb the shell. Woozle wozzle? My words exactly, you won't get it until
your there. Head to the bottom left and pick up a DARK HELM and save your
game. Atop lies another Lavos Spawn, attack it as usual. This time you notice
that the shell doesn't go along with the head this time, push the shell along
the wall to reach the stone ladder.

Pick up a MEMORY CAP and head to the top, at the summit the party will use
the Chrono Trigger, the pendant will react with the Chrono Trigger, but the
crystal shatters. However, after a moment an eclipse forms, you will be back
at the time where Crono had sacrificed his life, go up to Crono and they will
exchange Crono with the clone, later the party arrive back at the summit, if
Marle is in your party she'll smooch all over him...she will tell Crono what
had happened during the course of his abscence...later you end up at the End
of Time, talk to the old guy and he will tell you many ways to reach Lavos:

1) By the bucket in the corner.

2) By the Epoch.

3) By the Black Omen in 1000 AD.

He tells the party that a woman brings a forest back to life, a fugitive in
the Middle Ages named Ozzie, a task in the future, a special stone that
shines from the past to the future, a ghost slained by Magus that haunts the
present(1000 AD), and an object in the middle ages that sparkle like a
rainbow. He tells you that you are close to someone that needs you, go to
him. And if you want to fight Lavos, feel free to go on, but let me tell you
you chances: 1/10000 is the chance you have of beating Lavos, you still have
many things to do before you can face the battle against Lavos.

NOTE: Previously you had to keep Crono in your party...from now on till the
end of the game can pick any party member that you wish.

Party's level: 23-27
Monsters: None
Items: Power Tab
Party: Whomever

Head to 600 AD and go to the western continent, which is obviously west of
the main continent. You may want to head over to the main continent and go
into various inns and cafes and look for Toma and pay for his tab. Then head
over to the western continent and go into the Cafe, he will give you TOMA'S
POP, and tells you to pour it over his grave if he doesn't return. Head to
1000 AD on the same continent and head to the West Cape, check the tombstone
and Frog will pour the Pop over the headstone and Toma will come back to
life, well sorta. He tells you that a large island called Giant's Claw lies
Northwest of this cape and you can find the shell there. Later the world map
then focuses on the island you have to go to, he also warns you of the
monsters that are about. After he says his goodbyes and travels off to
Heaven, head out back to the Epoch.

Fly your Epoch to Giant's Claw which is North Northeast, I know he said
Northwest but that's the Black Omen...obviously a translation error or the
inability to tell cardinal directions is that the fault of Square, probably
the game's only error though. However, when you reach inside there is nothing
there, in 600 AD this cave only contains a POWER TAB, obviously you will need
to do some searching because if it's not in 65,000,000 BC then it's not
anywhere else either. Whoops, forget all I said in this paragraph besides the
POWER TAB, head to 600 AD.

Party's level: 23-27
Monsters: [3 Lizardactyles] [1 Gigasaur, 2 Leapers] [2 Fossil Apes, 3
Leapers] [2 Fossil Apes] [1 Fossil Apes, 2 Leapers] [1 Gigasaur,
2 Leapers] [1 Fossil Ape, 2 Lizardactyles] [1 Fossil Ape, 2
Leapers] [1 Rubble] [1 Rubble] [Rust Tyrano]
Items: Sight Cap, Full Ether, Power Tab(2), Blue Rock, Lapis, Mid Ether
Party: Whomever

Head to Giant's Claw northwest of the west continent. There is a note to the
left, it reads: "Those holes! What if I jumped into them on purpose? Yes!
I'll start back at the beginning, and..." Head to the next room, you notice a
prehistoric castle...this place should look familar since it is much like
Tyrano's lair from aeons ago. Head to the next room and go to the left and
pick up a SIGHT CAP, then head to the right to the next room. In here you
will find three switches on the floor, it's not any different from last time,
the top switch will reveal a save point, the left switch will reveal an open
floor and a cat will fall through, the right switch will reveal enemies, but
if you hit the left switch first then the monsters will fall.

Head to the skeleton and check the mouth to open it, but just fall down, you
can get some goodies. When you drop down you will have to fight the monsters
that dropped, then hit the left switch and in the back pick up a POWER TAB
and head to the bottom. You can pick up a FULL ETHER and a POWER TAB down the
rope ladder and around you can pick up a BLUE ROCK.

Below to the next room pick up a LAPIS at the bottom part of the room and
then head to the bottom left to the next door and head to the left mouth, you
should be expieriencing Deja Vu as you come across this place. Continue on
until you reach the room with two switches, hit both of them and the Gigasaur
on each side will drop. Head to the right side and in this room if you open
the wrong treasure bone box, you will drop to the floor below, if you do drop
below, then follow this next segment.

Down below head to the right and save your game and there is a MID ETHER to
the left and a doorway. Head inside and you will see BlackTyrano from appears he has survived over 64 million years, damn, talk about
life expectancy. To initiate the fight head around him but he will then
attack you.
BOSS BATTLE: Rust Tyrano HP: 25000
Like before, this battle isn't any different. He has gotten a bit stronger
over the years but he is still just a pushover. Attack with Dual Techs and
such, use your most powerful attacks just before the time runs out on his
countdown, keep your HP to the max, otherwise his flame attack might burn you
out. If you traded your petals and stuff from the prehistoric period, it
would've been good to be wearing Ruby Vests, it cuts down the damage by a lot
or it absorbs it(sorry, I forgot). After he uses his flame attack he will eat
a party member and absorb their HP, so watch for that because it's a pretty
damaging attack.

After the battle head up top and check the rainbow stone, the party tries to
lift it but fail. Head back out and the screen will fade, you will arrive at
the throne room of Guardia Castle. Marle tells the king to keep it at the
castle until the next century, so head out back to the Epoch. Go back to the
west continent and go to the Cafe, talk to the guy sitting at the table and
he will tell you that he lost his tools.

Party's level: 25-27
Monsters: [2 Sentries] [4 Sentries] [2 Sentries] [1 Defunct, 2 Reapers]
[2 Defuncts, 2 Reapers] [2 Reapers] [2 Defuncts, 2 Bases]
[2 Defuncts, 2 Bases]
Items: Magic Tab, Kali Blade, Siren Bow OR Moon Armor, Valkyrie Bow, Shiva
Party: Whomever

Head to Choras Inn, which was previously the Cafe and talk to the beer mug
drinker, he will let you borrow his tools but you will have to get them from
his wife. Head to the Residence to the left of the Choras Inn and talk to the
lady near the sink, she will give you the TOOLS. Take the tools back to 600
AD and talk to the man near the table at the cafe again. Lend him the tools
and he will leave, head to the Residence to the left of the Cafe and talk to
the man again, then head out to the Northern Ruins.

Inside here you will notice that the guy had fixed the Northern Ruins, well
some of them at least...there are spots where the monsters hide so you will
have to take care of them. Once they leave head to the right and head through
the door and defeat all the skeletons in here. Once your through head back to
the toolman's house, this time he will charge you 2000G to repair the
Northern Ruins, go ahead and pay him the money. Head back to the Northern
Ruins, apparently there are more monsters that lay rampant in the ruins, head
to the left this time and pick up a HYPERETHER along the way, now hit 'X' and
bring Frog along if he is not already in your party.

Once you reach the tombstone Frog will call upon Cyrus and hold up the
Masamune, Cyrus will rise from the grave. When Cyrus died all he thought
about were the people he left behind, he later tells Frog that he can rest
peacefully since everyone is in good hands(Frog). As Cyrus leaves he tells
Frog to look after Queen Leene, the Masamune later rises into the air as Masa
and Mune split from the sword. After some funky talk the two re-emerge back
into the Masamune, but this time the true identity of the Masamune reveals
itself. He later promises to fulfill the wishes of Cyrus, then head out. Note
that this time the Masamune is sickenly powerful, it's by far the strongest
weapon in your entire party yet.

Head back to the toolman's residence and pay another 2000G, he has fixed the
Northern Ruins...head to the right and go down. Pick up and ELIXIR the other
three boxes contain special items, pick up a SIREN bow, KALI BLADE, and NOVA
ARMOR if you like. But I would advise against that, check them BUT DO NOT
OPEN them...after you have checked them head back to the Epoch and go to 1000
AD. This time head back to the Northern Ruins but you notice that the name
has been changed to Hero's Grave.

Check the items again and this time you will recieve upgrades to those
weapons you found earlier...VAST upgrades. Pick up a VALKERYE, SHIVA EDGE,
and MOON ARMOR...note that you can still pick up the weapons from the
previous era in 600 AD, they are pretty much useless, but if they are
stronger than what your other party members currently have then I suggest you
keep them and equip them for other party members.

Head back to the left path and when you came here earlier, Cyrus blocked your
way...I'm not really 100% sure of the whole storyline but the reason why
Cyrus blocked your path was because he was angry at you. He couldn't rest
since the people he thought he left behind were left unprotected, that's
because he never known where you(Frog) had been. He kept haunting the ruins
because he thought no one else would protect Queen Leene, but since you came
back to his grave he would "rest easily since he knows people are in good
hands" and if you never came to the grave then he would've never rested
easily. Gosh, I love this game! Those writers should recieve medals for such
outstanding storytelling! You can go back to the grave of Cyrus and pick up a
MAGIC TAB in the back, then head out because that's basically all there is to
do here.

Party's level: 26-29
Monsters: None
Items: Jerky
Party: Whomever

Head outside and go to the southern continent pass the bridge(you may want to
take a ferry ride to the east shores of Leene) and then head to the Snail
Shop. Inside talk to the clerksman and he will sell you Jerky for's
a rip off but buy it. Head back to Truce Canyon 600 AD, head out and go past
Zenan Bridge and go to the Elder's House. Give it to the lady and she will
offer 10K for it, but being the kind soul that you are, you just give it to
her(hint hint). Now...head back to Leene Square 1000 AD, and visit the
Mayor's Monor, which is in the EXACT SAME spot as the Elder's House was in,
in 600 AD.

If you talked to the mayor earlier you noticed he was quite greedy and
stubborn, now he doesn't know when to stop when it comes to giving!

In 600 AD, there were two mysterious boxes, inside them contained a BLACK
VEST and a WHITE VEST, but you want the upgrades don't you? So don't bother
taking them out, just check them and head to 1000AD, inside the Mayor's Manor
you will find a BLACK MAIL and a WHITE MAIL.

NOTE: Although you can do this quest later, it's better if you get it out of
the way now.

Party's level: 26-29
Monsters: [2 Gnashers] [1 Naga-ette, 1 Gnasher] [1 Naga-ette] [2 Naga-ettes,
1 Gnasher] [2 Naga-ettes, 1 Gnasher] [Yakra XIII]
Items: 4 Hyper Ethers, 3 Elixirs, 2 Lapis, Prism Shard, Yakra Key, Rainbow
Sword, Full Ether, Mega Elixir, Red Mail
Party: Whomever

Head back to Guard Castle 1000 AD. It appears that Aliza had passed away in
sorrow since the King did not return to her...but he later tells you to visit
the King. Head upstairs to the right, bring Marle along, she will yell at the
guards to let them through. Inside the find that the King is in trial, the
Chancellor asks of the Rainbow Shell and that it should be shown to the
people at the Millienal Fair...later the Chancellor tells the court that the
King had sold the Rainbow Shell for cash...he tells Marle that you will need
to find the Rainbow Shell for proof of his innocence.

Head to the basement, which is down to the right, defeat the Gnashers that
are blocking the way. Afterwards at the court hearing a merchant later
confesses that he bought the Rainbow Shell from the king, later defeat the
monsters and collect a LAPIS, HYPER ETHER, and ELIXIR to the left of the
room, I'm not really certain how to get the two treasure chests yet.

Once you head atop, pick up an ELIXIR, HYPER ETHER, and LAPIS. Check the
Rainbow Shell, there is a letter near the Rainbow Shell, it says that Marle
and her father have never been close...but she tells Marle that it's a bond
that can't be broken...that letter was from Queen Leene XXI. Marle takes a
Prism Shard from the Shell, then it later flashes to the trial, head back to
the court room upstairs. The party can't enter through but Marle knows of
another way, at the court hearing pleads guilty, but before they take the
King away someone stops them, Marle can be seen behind the stain glass window
and breaks through it, the guards run out but it appears that they are too
late...the king must obliged to the laws as well.

Marle then shows the Prism Shard...later the Chancellor reveals himself as
Yakra XIII.
This battle isn't hard...he has this needle attack that he will use often, it
does quite a bit of damage too. He will use this against all party members
just before he dies, so keep your HP up. Attack and heal basically since he
is vulnerable to physical attacks.

After the battle Marle and her father talk, how they were too selfish for
each other's good. Marle's mother's last words were that the king should
welcome Marle when she shows him her beloved, the Queen saw how happy Marle
was and left them peacefully, later Marle and her father make up.

In the next scene the party is shown at the throne room, but later Melchior
comes in, he wishes to make some weapons from the Rainbow Shell, head back to
the basement where the Rainbow Shell was and you will find Melchior. He tells
you that he can make a Prism Dress or 3 less effective Prism Helmets, I
suggest you take the Prism Helmets, one party member can't survive on her/his
own in the upcoming battles ahead, only females can equip the Dress too, so
that's a pretty big dilema if you want maximum defense.

Party's level: 26-30
Monsters: [Flea Plus] [Super Slash] [Great Ozzie, Super Slash, Flea Plus]
[Great Ozzie]
Items: Dash Ring, Gloom Helmet, Doom Sickle, Flea Vest, Magic Tab, Ozzie's
Pants, Sight Cap, Magic Tab. Full Ether, Gloom Cape
Party: Whomever

Head to 600 AD and go to Ozzie's Fort which is east of Magus' Castle. You
should bring Magus along for this, it's purely optional but it would fill in
the gaps in the storyline. Inside you find Ozzie, but he then later notices
Magus, but he soon turns on him for siding with the humans rather than the
Mystics. Head upwards to the next room and you will find Ozzie again, this
time he will call for the other Henchmen Flea who is not overwhelmingly happy
to see Magus.
BOSS BATTLE: Flea Plus HP: 4000
This battle isn't hard, just attack like normal...his fire attack does
mediocre damage anyways. Attack and heal basically.

After the battle Flea runs to the back, in the next room you find Ozzie atop
a balcony, later he moves the crank and two opponents come, but they quickly
fall down to the floor below because of the conveyer, heh...the battle music
tailing off was pretty funny. He later then disappears, head to the next room
Ozzie will call Slash to do his bidding.
BOSS BATTLE: Super Slash HP: 4000
This battle isn't hard either, attack and heal basically.

After the battle Slash runs off, follow him to the next room and you will
find Ozzie atop another balcony, he's up to his usual tricks again. Don't
bother getting the treasure, approach Ozzie and he will begin to sweat and
try to convince you to pick up the treasure box. Later an imp comes in and
cheers because he found the treasure(woah! That came outta nowhere!) but when
he tries to pick it up he gets killed(what a dumbass). After that Ozzie
leaves, pick up the treasure chest to pick up a FULL ETHER. Now in this same
room check the wall below the candleholders, you will find a secret room that
holds all of Magus' top weapons and armors and a MAGIC TAB.

After that head to the next room, you will find the three fiends in here
again, they yells out "Ozzie Pants!" "Flea Vest!" "Slasher 2!" Ozzie tells
the party that those unique items makes them invincible...but luckily you are
here to prove them wrong.
BOSS BATTLE: Great Ozzie, Flea Plus, Super Slasher HP: GO(6K)/FP(4K)/SS(4K)
This battle is tough, if you hit Ozzie they counter with a powerful Delta
Attack, if you hit Flea they counter with Bad Impulse, which hits a single
party member for massive damage, if you hit Super Slasher he counters with a
Dual Tech with Flea. Your best bet is to take out Flea Plus first, focus only
on him until he's gone, he is like the fulcrum of the Delta attacks and such,
once he's gone you take away three powerful techniques from them, the Dual
Tech with Flea and Slash, the Bad Impulse, and the Delta Attack. After that
take out Slash and then finish off Ozzie last.

After the battle Ozzie runs to the next room, pick up a SIGHT CAP and a DASH
RING on the way. Head to the next room, you find Ozzie but he doesn't give up
so easily.
BOSS BATTLE: Ozzie HP: 300
That's right folks, that's no typo it's 300. Don't hit the ice block,
otherwise you can expect a real nasty counter attack. When you attack, move
your cursor around and you will find an invisible target, attack and he
should be gone.

After the battle, Ozzie drops the party to the floor below, just climb back
to the room again. The battle starts, but a cat comes in and hits the right
switch and leaves and Ozzie falls to the bottom. That's the end of this
quest, you can leave now.

Party's level: 28-31
Monsters: [1 Hexapod] [3 Mahavors] [2 Hexapods] [3 Hexapods] [3 Hexapods]
[3 Mahavors] [3 Hexapods] [Retinite]
Items: Aeon Helmet, Aeon Suit, Elixir, 2 Full Ethers, Hyper Ether, Memory
Cap, Muscle Ring, Power Tab, 5000 G, Full Tonic, Lapis
Party: Whomever

Head to Fiona's Villa, which is the middle house in the middle of a giant
plane on the south side of the main continent in 600 you shouldn't
have to leave the continent. Head inside and talk to Fiona, she will sorta
rejoice that her husband is home, talk to Marco and he will tell you that the
monsters in the desert cave hate water, so head out and go to the Sunken
Desert which is the whirl pool just below Fiona's Villa.

NOTE: I suggest you bring Marle and Frog along for this next sidequest.

Head inside and go in the whirl pool, you will drop to the floors below, to
the left is a LAPIS, it's a little tricky trying to pick it up though since
the sand spins you around. The doorway at the top will lead back outside,
head to the bottom, the enemies in here can be defeated easily by using Water
and Ice spells, so keep your HP up. At the bottom left pick up a LAPIS and to
the right is an AEON SUIT. After that head to the bottom room and in here
pick up a FULL TONIC but as you move closer to the center room a small
earthquake trembles. The party is shocked to find a monster hidden in the
sand, head to the right and a battle will begin.
BOSS BATTLE: Retinite HP: 6000(Head), 500(Middle), 4500(Bottom)
This battle isn't too tough, but don't be surprised if you lose. You will
need to use Ice and Water magic against this guy, this will drop it's defense
and allow you to attack with ease. Destroy the middle party first, then
attack the head and then attack the bottom.

Pick up some gold at the top right, HYPERETHER at the right, AEON HELMET at
the bottom right, MEMORY CAP at the bottom left, FULL ETHER on the left, and
a MUSCLERING in the middle room. After that head out of here and go back to
Fiona's Villa. You can pick up a POWER TAB on your way out, it's to the top
left side of the room.

Party's level: 29-32
Monsters: None
Items: Greendream
Party: Robo and whomever

NOTE: Bring Robo for this next event.

Talk to Fiona and she will tahnk you for killing the monster, but it would
take centuries to get the job done. However Robo tells the party that you can
come for him when the job is done, he later is shown plowing outside. Head to
this same area in 1000 AD, however this time you see that an entire forest
has grown and it's Fiona's shrine instead of Fiona's Villa.

Head inside and if you talk to the nun, you can buy some pretty good helmets.
Head to the top and the party will bring Robo down, he will later awaken, it
was just an easy hop for the party but for Robo it's been 400 long years. He
then wants to celebrate their 400 year reunion, later they are outside in the
forest in a campfire, Robo tells the party that he thinks Lavos might not be
responisble for the gates, he thinks that someone may have wanted the party
to see all of this. Whatever the memories are of this entity, it's probably
beyond comprehension of the party...later the party rests.

Lucca later wakes up in the middle of the night, although it may not look
like it, Magus is sleeping. Head to the bottom right and in here you will
find a gate, step in and you will end up in Lucca's House. The note on the
floor reads that his dad had worked on science rather than go hiking with
Lucca, she hated science, head downstairs and go to the middle room, you will
find a note on the table and it saids that the password is the name of his
wife, head back upstairs to the left and go to the balcony outside, you will
see Lara(Lucca's mother) complain about how it's so dusty, she goes to try
and clean it up but her skirt is would need to input the password
to stop the machine but Lucca doesn't know the pasword, head downstairs and
you notice that it's too late, Lara gets caught in the machine.

Later Lucca cries on the bed, the notes at the bottom reveal that she had
wished she didn't hear what the doctor had to say, later you read notes that
if Lucca only had known more about Machines then her mother would be okay,
head back to the time gate. You will find Robo waiting for you, he can give
you his legs but that doesn't seem to cheer Lucca up. Robo is shocked that he
is called a friend by Lucca, he later gives her a piece of amber he made from
the tree in his forest...that amber is the GREENDREAM, this accessory will
revive any party member in battle once automatically...quite useful too.

Party's level: 29-32
Monsters: [Son of Sun]
Items: Wondershot, Rainbow, Sun Shades, Prism Specs
Party: Whomever

Head to 2300 AD and go to a small isolated island with a cave hole, it should
read Sun Palace. Head inside and check the shimmering blue dot on the floor
and you will have to face a boss.
BOSS BATTLE: Son of Sun HP: 3000
This battle will be tough, do not hit the eye and do not use multi-hitting
spells like Water2, otherwise you will be counter attacked several times, and
if you hit the eye while the flames are still around you will be counter
attacked with a real nasty Flare spell. You will pretty much have to guess
which target to hit, hit the flames only though. If you hit the correct
flame, damage will be done to the eye in the middle.

After the battle, head up and check the Son of Sun, it will turn into a Sun
Stone, but it doesn't seem to have an ounce of energy left. You will need to
recharge the stone, but that would take head back to 65,000,000
BC. Head to the small isolated island, I think it's northeast of the main
continent, head inside to the Sun Keep. Place the Moon Stone inside and head
back to 2300 AD, egad! Someone took the stone! But who can it be? Head to
1000 AD, you notice that its gone, but if it was there in 600 AD, then
someone from this time must have taken the stone. Head to the main continent
in 1000 AD and go south to the Mayor's House and you will see his house

NOTE: If you did not do this earlier, then go to the Snail shop in 1000 AD
and then buy the Jerky for 9900G and go back to 600 AD, take it to
the woman in the Elder's house on the south continent, GIVE IT TO HER
and do not make her pay for it...this will completely change her
generation and beyond.

Head inside and speak with the mayor and he will give you the Moon Stone with
no hesitation. Head back to the Sun Keep and place the Moon Stone
inside...then head to 2300 AD.

NOTE: Bring Lucca along to 2300 AD to the Sun Palace, this will just save
you the trip from going to Lucca's house.

Once you head inside the Sun Keep you notice it is shining immensely bright,
head to Lucca's House in 1000 AD if you are not taken there automatically,
it's the house just under Crono's house. Lucca will extract the energy from
the stone, later Lucca will get her strongest weapon, the WONDERSHOT, Taban
comes in and tells Lucca that he borrowed a part of the Moon Stone to make
something nifty, and that nifty thing is SUN still have the Sun
Stone however, take it back to Melchior in Guardia Castle and he will make an
alloy out of it, you will get the PRISM SPECS, but that's not the only thing
he gives you, you get the RAINBOW which is Crono's strongest weapon. You can
head upstairs back to the court room and pick up the YAKRA KEY and then go
down two floors and unlock the treasure chest to reveal the real Chancellor,
but he later goes to prepare for the Moonlight Parade.

Party's level: 29-32
Monsters: [2 Debuggers] [2 Proto 4] [4 Debuggers] [2 Proto 4, 2 Debuggers]
[2 Proto 4's, 4 Debuggers] [3 Debuggers] [2 Debuggers] [3 Proto 4s]
[1 Proto 4, 2 Laser Guards] [4 Laser Guards] [3 Proto 4's]
[2 Proto 4's, 2 Laser Guards] [2 Laser Guards] [Atropos-XR]
[6 Laser Guards] [6 Laser Guards] [Mother Brain, 3 Displays]
Items: 15000G, 50000G, 2 Full Ethers, 2 Figurines, 2 Full Tonics, Speed Tab,
Crisis Arm, Terra Arm, Ribbon, Vigil Hat, 2 Lapis, Hyper Ether,
Magic Tab, Mega Elixir, Power Tab
Party: Robo and whomever

NOTE: Bring Robo along for this next quest.

Head to 2300 AD, north of the Factory is a small isolated island that houses
debris much like a torn down factory, it's actually a dome, Geno Dome that
is. Check the computer, after the analysis you can re-choose your party
members, put Robo at the top if he is not already the leader of the party.
After that have Robo check the computer, the computer seems to defile humans
it tells you to come closer at it closes you entrance but opens the door to
the right.

Inside you will enter a test, it's just battles against a bunch of robots.
After that continue on, in here head to the left and go straight up, and
then to the right is a computer monitor, it will tell you everything that you
need to know about the Geno Dome. It tells you that there are energy pods in
the room and you must charge yourself and then enter those pods to reach
inside. Before you charge yourself, head over to the top and hit the left and
right switches, the left and right switches should be red while the middle
switch should be green. Then head back next to the energy pod next to the
computer monitor and charge yourself, then go up to the energy pod and it
will open. Inside check the Poyozo Doll and it will disappear, check behind
the doll ont he wall for a MAGIC TAB.

Head to the bottom right door and then make your way around outside, switch
off the red laser that was previously blocking your way, now head to the top
and go around to the top left through the wall and hit the switch that will
reverse the conveyer. Then head back down and charge yourself and then
quickly head to the door on the middle left and enter the energy pod, but
make sure you opened it first. It might take a couple of tries since it is a
far walk, after you have opened the door head to the robot, it will follow
you like a dummy, walk slowly though, you don't want to leave behind the
robot, then lead it to the far left of the room and lead it to the other
robot that is blocking your way, it will short circuit the other robot and it
will stop, pick up a VIGIL HAT and the Poyozo Doll and then head to the door
to the bottom right part of the room and go down the elevator.

You can save your game if you want, you can pick up a LAPIS at the bottom
right of the room, then when you head to the left a pink robot that is
similar to Robo comes in, Atropos will tell the party that Robo had a task of
living with the human species to study them, Atropos wishes to dispose of the
humans, Robo steps back momentariyl but BWOW! he knocks Atropos back. It
appears that whoever this Mother person is, she made Atropos eliminate humans
more efficiently, later Robo tells the party to step back and leave this one
to him.
BOSS BATTLE: Atropos XR HP: 6000
This battle will be tough, attack it with everything you've got. You also
notice that Atropos has basically the same attacks that you do. Keep your HP
up, I'm not 100% sure but Atropos' Robot Tackle will act like a demi attack,
cutting down half your HP. Attack and heal...shock is primarily your best
weapon in this battle...just a few of these and you can put Atropos out of
commission. You should keep your HP up though, once you finish it off it will keep your HP up.

After the battle Atropos regains it's conscience(?), her memory bank has been
tampered with. If Lucca is in your party she will go and repair Atropos...but
it appears that it's too late, Atropos gives Robo it's ribbon, which will
boost up Robo's speed by 3 and magic defense up by 10. Atropos later dies.

Hit the switch to the wall to remove the lasers, in the room pick up a MEGA
ELIXIR and a MAGIC TAB. Then head to the bottom left, pick up a whopping
15000G, then enter the next room. Inside you find humans on conveyer belts,
the party tries to destroy the computer but it's too well guarded. Head to
the right and outside pick up a FULL ETHER, then head back around and go to
the top left and place the Poyozo Dolls on each side and the middle door will
open. Head to the middle and you will find Mother Brain(heh...Mother Brain
has been used too much in gaming!), Robo refuses Mother Brain's offer...but
she doesn't feel any sympathy.
BOSS BATTLE: Mother Brain/Display HP: Mother Brain (5,000) Dis.(1)
This boss is fairly easy, you will first have to knock out all three
displays, they will heal Mother Brain continously if you do not do so. Then
attack Mother Brain, watch for her triangular flare attack, it will hit all
party members for massive damage...attack and heal basically.

After the battle Robo picks up a CRISIS ARM and a TERRA ARM, the machines
have been shut off for good, then the party heads out.

Party's level: 32-35
Monsters: None
Items: Safe Helm OR Swallow
Party: Whomever

Head to the triangle, your pendant will glow, then the field will shatter,
two treasure cases will appear along with a Nu. He tells you that the item to
your left is one that will increase the defense while the item on the right
will increase attack power. The left contains a SAFE HELM, which will provide
the highest physical defense possible in the game and keep you on guard at
all times, cutting all physical attacks down by 50%, the SWALLOW is a sword
for Crono, I suggest you ditch the sword and take the SAFE HELM, you already
have a stronger weapon anyways and the SAFE HELM not only provides the
strongest physical defense possible but it also can be worn by any of your
party members. After that head out.

Party's level: 32-35
Monsters: [3 Laser Guards] [3 Laser Guards] [Mega Mutant] [2 Incognitos]
[2 Martellos] [2 Goons] [1 Martello, 2 Synchrites] [2 Panels]
[2 Panels] [1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks] [1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks]
[1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks] [2 Metal Mutes] [2 Metal Mutes, 2
Flyclops] [2 Cybots] [4 Ruminators] [1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks]
[2 Ruminators] [1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks] [2 Flyclops, 1 Synchrite]
[2 Ruminators] [2 Flyclops] [1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks] [1 Synchrite,
1 Martello] [1 Synchrite, 1 Martello] [1 Tubster] [2 Cybots]
[3 Incognitos] [4 Ruminators] [1 Boss Orb, 2 Sidekicks]
[1 Flyclops, 2 Goons] [2 Orbs, 4 Sidekicks] [2 Flyclops, 1 Tubster]
[1 Martello, 1 Cybot] [2 Aliens, 2 Blobs] [1 Boss Orb, 4 Sidekicks]
[2 Aliens] [1 Giga Mutant] [2 Cybots] [4 Ruminators] [2 Goons]
[2 Synchrites] [2 Goons] [2 Tubsters] [4 Panels] [Terra Mutant]
[Lavos Spawn] [5 Panels] [Queen Zeal] [Mammon Machine] [Zeal's
Items: 30000G, Power Seal, 2 Elixirs, Haste Helmets, Magic Seal, 6 Mega
Elixirs, Nova Armor, Power Seal, 4 Speed Tabs, Vigil Hat, White Book,
Zodiac Cape
Party: Whomever

Nu Market

Item | Price
Mid Tonic | 100
Full Tonic | 700
Mid Ether | 2200
Full Ether | 6000
Hyper Ether | 10000

NOTE: This is the final crusade of the game, I highly suggest you go back
and complete some sidequests that you haven't done yet, you will need
the strongest weapons that you can get in the Black Omen.

In 600 AD(or 1000 AD, it doesn't matter) and go to the Black Omen, which is
the black ocean palace that is floating. Here destroy the Guard Lasers and
head inside, you will see Queen Zeal, who tells the party that she is
immortal, not hard to believe since she has survived over 11000 years and
haven't aged a bit. Later Queen Zeal will send in a Mega Mutant for you to
deal with.
BOSS BATTLE: Mega Mutant HP: 4600(top) 3850(bottom)
I HIGHLY suggest you bring Lucca and Robo just for this battle, use the
DoulbvBomb attack, it will deal about 3000 HP of damage to both parts, two
rounds will finish it off, guaranteed! It's so sickenly powerful that you can
throw up! If you don't have it, then use Dual Techs, the Fire Whirl still
works nicely, the Falchon Hit(Crono and Ayla) will do wonders, the Leap Slash
and Bubble Snap(Frog and Marle) work really nicely. Also the Frog Flare(Lucca
and Frog) has done about 5000 HP in most cases too!

After the battle, continue onwards to the next room, you can feel free to
save your game if you wish, in the next room you will have to destroy some
Panels to get through, you will encounter several Boss Orbs and Side Kicks in
the Black Omen, attack the Boss Orb and ignore the Side Kicks, unless you've
got a really high hit count, then you will most likely miss with your attacks
against the Side Kicks. Keep going until you reach the small portal, which
will lead to the elevator lift. In the next room head to the right and pick
up a MEGA ELIXIR to the right just before the platform, then pick up
30000G(!) and head to the next room.

In here head to the top right and pick up a MAGIC SEAL, head to the next room
and pick up a VIGIL HAT and an ELIXIR. At the top pick up a MEGAELIXIR, NOVA
ARMOR, HASTE HELM, and another MEGA ELIXIR. Talk to the Nus and one of them
will sell you something and one of them will ask if you want to wake up from
this dream, select no because if you do wake up you will be sent back outside
and you will have to start all over again. Check the door up top and head to
the next room.

Watch for the Tubster, he's probably the most annoying character in this
entire palace, if you hit him with a physical attack he counters with a
pretty vicious physical attack that can take any party member down with one
hit, try to run from him if you can or use magic. Eventually you will see two
robots that looks like the one you fought at the Festival for Silver Points,
at the top left you can pick up a ZODIAC CAPE, after that head to the next

In here head to the right and pick up a MEGA ELIXIR, in the next room pick up
a POWER SEAL and continue downwards and pick up a SPEED TAB. To the next room
at the far left is another SPEED TAB, then head to the portal room and it
will take you down to the next room. In here head to the far left and pick up
an ELIXIR, in the middle part of the room is a SPEED TAB and a MEGA ELIXIR,
head to the next room and save your game. Head up and prepare for your next
BOSS BATTLE: Giga Mutant HP: 5800(bottom), 4950(top)
This battle isn't too tough actually. It has a super high defense against
physical attacks and if you do use physical attacks he will counter attack
with a MP stealer attack, use magic in this battle, Luminaire, Flare, Shock,
Water2, basically use magic and it should be gone...not a lot to worry about
from this guy.

After the battle continue onto the portal room, and head to the elevator.

TIP: If you stay at the bottom of the elevator no enemies will attack you.

After that head to the next room, keep going until the Panel room, defeat the
Panels, pick up SPEED TAB and save your game on the save point that just
appeared. Head to the top and prepare yourselves.
BOSS BATTLE: Terra Mutant HP: 7860(top), 20000(bottom)
This boss is just wierd, your main focus should be the top target, forget
about the bottom. Use your strongest magic and techs, keep your HP up too,
once you destroy the top the bottom should go along with it, even if you do
heal it with your magic.

After the battle pick up a WHITE ROCK and a MEGA ELIXIR. After that continue
on to the top. You will eventually meet another Lavos Spawn.
BOSS BATTLE: Lavos Spawn HP: 10000
Attack the head ignore the shell...blah blah blah.

After that save your game and head straight up, you will find Queen Zeal up
to her usual antics again. This time you finally get to settle the score with
BOSS BATTLE: Queen Zeal HP: 12000
This battle will be tough, her Hallation spell will reduce every party
member's HP down to 1, luckily you have the MEGAELIXIRs to help you out, use
them IMMEDIATELY when your party's HP is down to 1. You should use all of
your strongest attacks, I shouldn't have to tell you which ones since any
attack will do well against her.

After the battle you recieve another MEGA ELIXIR, it appears that her powers
doesn't seem to work here.
BOSS BATTLE: Mammon Machine HP: 20,000
Not really a tough battle, it attacks too slow and you usually can get in a
couple of rounds before it attacks. You should use magic and nonphysical
attack techs because your physical attacks eventually get weaker. You will
have to pretty much rely on your physical attacks until MM drops his defense,
then go ahead and strike, once it defense drops your physical attacks should
do regular damage. Also be noted that the Masamune will allow Frog to absorb
some HP initially...then after that the amount of HP absorbed is raised

After the battle you will be transported to the brig of the Black Omen.
BOSS BATTLE: Queen Zeal and hands HP: 20000(Zeal) 5000(hands)
Tough tough battle. Your main concern is the Hexagonal Mist attack, it does
about 300 HP+ damage to every party member, have a Lapis ready to counter act
that. Avoid hitting the hands, your main concern is attacking the head, if
you attack the hands they will use MP Buster which will zap you of your
entire MP. Keep your HP up to the max, and if she uses her Hallation attack,
quickly use a Mega Elixir or some type of spread heal magic.

After the battle Queen Zeal fusses and complains(sore loser), later the Black
Omen sends a beam directly to the ocean floor but later the Black Omen sinks
to the ocean. Lavos awakens, it looks like you will have to heal up and
prepare yourselves. Lavos will mimick all the opponents you have faced during
the course of the game, well almost...he will also mimick their (fortunately)
and the attacks are pretty weak, you should pretty much breeze by all forms
until the final Lavos shell form.

NOTE: At any time between battles you can heal yourselves and switch party
members from the End of Time.

1st Form: Attack as usual...nothing special.

2nd Form: Use magic.

3rd form: Look at 3rd form.

4th form: Use electricity and then attack as normal.

5th form: Watch for barrier changes, if Lavos uses Water, use Ice or Water,
if Lavos uses fire then use fire...etc, etc, etc.

6th form: Attack the little target, then use wait for Lavos to drop defense
and then attack like normal.

7th form: Use Falchon Hit(Ayla and Crono) if you have it or use Water2,
Ice2, or Shock. Darkmatter works well as well. Attack as normal.

8th Form: About 15000 HP, attack as usual, just keep your HP up and have
your Lapis' ready, once his lava attack or his Chaotic Zone
attack hits, you'll need it. Attack as usual.

After that battle the party heads inside, you will see a save point and a
time warp back to the End of Time, save your game and then head on through.

Party's level: 38-45
Monsters: [Lavos]
Items: None
Party: Whomever

Yes, those are the levels you should be at, after the Black Omen and several
battles with Lavos you should've gained at least 5 levels. Head through to
the top and you will see a creature inside the shell.
BOSS BATTLE: Lavos HP: 25000, 7000(left hand), 9000(right hand)
Attack the left hand first(your left), then the right hand, and then the
head. Watch for the Shadow Doom Blaze attack, it's ultra powerful and can
easily knock your party members out, heal with a Mega Elixir. You should
attack the head mainly with techs and magics really.

After the battle the real lifeform absorbed all the Earth's
resources and gave birth to those creatures up at Death Peak. These creatures
extend to other planets to repeat the loophole...but the party won't just sit
FINAL BATTLE: Lavos Core/Lavos Bit HP: LC(8k), LBitLeft(5k), LBitR(30k)
Talk about powerful, this guy is almost unfair! The Crying Heavens attack can
be absorbed, using the WHITE MAIL(if you are equipped with it) you can absorb
it into HP. You will need to use Elixirs and Mega Elixirs in this battle,
destroy the left bit(your left, not Lavos') first, and then the the middle
target, the right target is the main target and houses the most HP, it has
it's defense locked on for now so you will deal little damage to it, once the
Core and Left Bit are gone, the Right Bit is just a total wuss, it will
eventually drop it's defense and when it does, go head on with full force
against it. If you are wearing the FrenzyBand or RageBand you can counter
attack the Time Warps automatically, even though the Time Warps are mainly
there for special effects. Luminaire, Flare, Shock, and DarkMatter are the
spells you should use often, but don't use it unless you want to take out the
Left Bit because it will basically absorb all magic. The Right Bit will
revive the other two bits, so be prepared, once the Right Bit switches
defense on, ignore the Right Bit since there is little that you can do about
it. The Right Bit is your main goal in this battle because if it goes,
everything else will go down like dominoes. Have Marle be your healer, she
isn't much of an attacker anyways, Frog can use his Leap Slash or you can
give this guy a boo boo with the Frog Flare(Frog and Lucca), with Robo Shock
will be your main weapon, it does quite a bit of damage too. For Magus have
him attack with DarkMatter(or whatever his strongest Shadow Attack is), if
you are going to use a powerful all opponent hitting spell, then I suggest
you focus your attacks on the middle target, and then attack the Left Bit
until it dies, the Bits will counter attack if the Lavos Core is not present
though. Crono should use Luminaire and Ayla should use her Triple Kick on the
Right Bit if it's defense is down, otherwise use it on Lavos Core, the
Falchon Hit will work beautifully in this battle.

After the battle you flash through all time periods basically and then you will
get your ending.

------------------------------- [ ENDINGS ] ---------------------------------

1) Here is the ending that you will get if you had followed all instructions
in the walkthrough:

Someone calls out Crono's name, the soldier tells Crono that they have
a surprise for him, he then tells him that his Stay of Execution has been
canceled, but they must still carry out the sentence. Crono later arrives
at the Throne Room of Guardia Castle, the king wishes to know where Crono
had taken his daughter, Marle comes in and interupts, she sides with Crono
as obviously he has not done a thing, the Chancellor tells the king that
Crono's deeds have had an enormous impact on the Kingdom. Later Doan
comes in and tells the king what happened, Crono had saved the future and
gave them hope, he defeated Magus and his troops and brought peace
among the lands of Guardia in 600 AD, "Crono beat Reptites!", Marle later
wonders where all these people had came from, Lucca appears from behind
the chair and apparently she brought them to Guardia Castle 1000 AD.
Later the King realizes what a mistake he's made, he then tells Crono to
get up as the parade tonight will be dedicated to Crono. Later at the
fair you see the blue imp jumping around, he's mighty wierd...but he's
one of the friendlier mystics. Remember earlier that the Chancellor had
left to prepare for a parade? Well you are witnessing it now...after Marle
and Crono have circled the festival square head straight up to Lucca's
telepod. Kino and Ayla are the first ones to leave, she thanks Crono and
Marle, Marle tells Kino that they better have tough kids or she'd be in
trouble(they are Marle's distant ancestors). Frog and the King awaits,
as the King goes through so does Frog, but not before Marle calls him
out, she kisses him goodbye, later Magus leaves...Marle asks if he will
search for Schala...but he does not give a reply(his way of saying 'yes').
Robo's turn to leave is now, Robo tells Lucca that he will miss her, but
Lucca seems saddened, she thinks that since the future has been changed
then there wouldn't be Robo...he tells Lucca to relax but she wishes he
hadn't had said just makes things worst...Robo thanks her for
the emotions she taught him, as Robo leaves he bumps into a control panel
as oil has gotten in his sight which leads Marle to giggle...he then
leaves. Later Lucca reminds Marle of the talk they had and the Entity
is finally at rest. Marle wishes to dismantle the Epoch, the job is
finished, but then a cat comes by...apparently it was running away since
Crono hadn't been feeding it and then the cat jumps in and Crono's Mom
soon follows as the gate closes...Crono is too late to reach his mom.
Much to his delight, he celebrates as he will never see his mom again,
later the soldier comes in and tells Marle that the king is in need of
her presence...go to the King and talk to him. He then brings in a bell
which is Nadia's bell decorated with balloons, Marle then leaves with
the party is the Epoch as you hear the sounds thrust off. Later fireworks
light the sky courtesy of Taban, the credits roll overlooking the
lands of Leene Square as the Epoch takes off, it sails across the lands
of 1000 AD, might I add the music is quite enjoyable. Later the Epoch
is shown from a far distance as Astropos and Robo overlook from a cliff,
later it is seen in the distance in 65000000 BC as Kino and Ayla ride
off in Dactyls, later they are seen at a distance from Zenan Bridge in 600
AD, Frog notices them and overlooks as does Queen Leene soon follows,
afterwards they are over the skies in 12000 BC, Magus is shown floating
above a mountain and later flies off, the party then returns back to
1000 AD overlooking the georgeous night landscape and they later fly
into the the credits roll a picture zooms away from the Earth
until it is centered, the credits roll by and afterwards a star(namely
the Epoch) shoots by and THE can listen to the last soundtrack
if you wait awhile.

2) If you sailed head on to Lavos WITHOUT going to the Black Omen, all the
above events will occur except for a few minor changes. At the end instead
of the party flying away in the Epoch Marle and Crono will float high into
the sky as Marle holds onto balloons. To get this ending you MUST COMPLETE
ALL QUESTS EXCEPT FOR THE BLACK OMEN QUEST, you can head into Lavos using
the Epoch...that's the only way(as far as I can tell) that you can get
this ending.

3) Everything in ending #1 happened except Magus is nowhere to be found in
the get this ending you MUST have defeated Magus at North
Cape in 12000 BC after Mountain of Woe has crashed down.

4) Everything in this ending happens from #2 except Magus isn't in the
ending. To get this ending you must defeat Magus the 2nd time and then
beat the game without going to the Black Omen.

5) This ending takes place at the beginning of the game, head to Leene Square
and on the right telepod is a small shimmering blue bot, press your
action button over it and it will open up leading you directly to the
battle with Lavos. Marle and Crono warp back to the End of Time, you will
later see a Kiwala to the right, a Nu, Gaspar, Magus, Poyozo Doll
and others. If you head to the time warps you will enter a different
time period:

4 2
7 5 3
8 6

1) You will be in a bar, you see Toma, Taban, and Pierre along with some
other townspeople. If you talk to Toma, he will leave.

2) You will be in the Forest Mae in 65000000 BC, you will see Tata, the
Frog King Glenn and Cyrus fought along with some other reptites.

3) You will end up at the Ocean Palace, you will see Dalton, Masa and
Mune, the Prophet, Melchior and some other man but they are all
producers of the games,

4) You will see Ayla, a blue imp, and a dactyl in the Chief's hut.

5) No time portal.

6) You will be inside Ozzie's Fort, you will see Flea, a downed guard,
a Roly, and two sentries.

7) You will see Astropos, a reptite, a robot on the conveyer and some
other people. If you talk to Astropos it'll ask if you want to see
Chrono Trigger 2, then laughs as "it'll be nice..."

8) You will see Krawlie, a Deceased, a soldier, and a guard in the jail
cell of Guardia Castle. If you talk to Krawlie, you will ensue a
battle...I'm serious! If you talk to the guard he will mention Final
Fantasy 2, as of which Final Fantasy I'm uncertain but most likely
he means the SNES one.

9) You will see an octopus with a blue imp riding it, you will also see
a squirrel running around, and the "Earthbound" people.

You can press the action button over the gate to speak to the Magus
statue, if you talk to the Blue Nu he will open the door in the back.
Inside you see Bekkler along with four Square producers put in Chrono
Trigger form, these are the "big 3" that worked on the game, starting from
the left it's the Dragon Ball Z artist, Dragon Quest producer, and Final
Fantasy producer. Nobuo Uematsu(not really sure if he was music composer
for this game) is in the disguise of Bornstien Bekkler. Heh...the funny
thing is that Nobuo says that he has adjusted the credits to your style
since you beat the game so fast, then the credits scroll 4x faster than
normal and The End as the Zeal Kingdom music plays...hahahaha...that is
my style of credits!

5) This ending involves Crono, Marle, Robo, and Lucca only. You must beat
the game after acquiring the end you will hear Robo's snazzy
music as he sits atop a cliff in 2300 AD.

6) To get this ending you must defeat Lavos after coming back from 600 A.D.
but before Crono gets captured.

After the battle the two make it back to the fair, Crono and Marle head
back to the castle...Marle wonders what is wrong with everyone in the
town...then as the King shows her the old photo album...apparently
Queen Leene had married Frog. The credits scroll by as Queen Leene and
Frog walk down the isle. After the long stroll down the isle, Marle
can't believe what has happened as the ending comes to an end.

7) This ending just makes no sense...see for yourself. Defeat Lavos in the
Ocean Palace after going through Heckran's cave.

8) Defeat Zombor and do not get the Hero's medal and defeat Lavos. This
ending will displace Crono as the new, who would've thunk
it? Tata takes his crack at becoming the hero.

9) Not much of an ending here...various monsters in the game scroll by as
the credits move. Defeat Lavos before giving Frog back the Masamune.

10) Very nice ending...if not the best ending in the game. The land is calm
and Lavos is defeated...but who will win between Magus and Frog?

11) Defeat Lavos after Ayla joins you for a 2nd time. However...the Reptites
did survive, and apparently they co-exist with humans(not sure about the
mystics though) now. Quite odd.

12) Defeat Lavos after defeating Magus but before heading off to 12000 B.C.
Can Magus save Schala? Anyone who has played Chrono Cross would know the
answer to that question.

13) One your first confrontation with Lavos(storyline wise, meaning after
Schala has broken the seal), defeat him. This ending reminds me a little
bit of that atrocious TV show "Love Connection."

------------------------------ [ Bestiary ] ---------------------------------

------- [ A ] -------

Monster: | Acid
HP: | 10
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | Barrier
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Alien
HP: | 1350
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Magic Tab
Spoils: | Shield
Monster: | Alkaline
HP: | 9
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Amphibite
HP: | 100
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | 2 Horns
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Anion
HP: | 152
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | 2 Feathers
Monster: | Atropos XR
HP: | 6000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Avion Chaos
HP: | 45
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Avion Rex
HP: | 327
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Feather
Monster: | Azala
HP: | 2700
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Shield
Spoils: | NA

------- [ B ] -------

Monster: | Barghest
HP: | 450
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Shield
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Base
HP: | 88
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Basher
HP: | 150
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Beast
HP: | 830
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mid Ether
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Beetle
HP: | 12
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Bell Bird
HP: | 94
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Heal
Spoils: | Heal
Monster: | Bit
HP: | 200
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Black Tyrano
HP: | 10500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Magic Tab
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Blob
HP: | 1050
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Magic Ring
Spoils: | Barrier
Monster: | Blue Beast
HP: | 5000
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | Mermaid Cap
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Blue Eaglet
HP: | 16
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Heal
Monster: | Blue Imp
HP: | 13
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Blue Scout
HP: | 300
Weakness: | Water
Charm: | Shield
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Blue Shield
HP: | 24
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Boss Orb
HP: | 850
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Bug
HP: | 89
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Heal
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Bugger
HP: | 100
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Byte
HP: | 192
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ C ] -------

Monster: | Cave Ape
HP: | 436
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Fang
Spoils: | Fang
Monster: | Cave Bat
HP: | 108
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Revive
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Crater
HP: | 80
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Croaker
HP: | 100
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | 2 Fangs
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Cybot
HP: | 1800
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Hyper Ether
Spoils: | Power Meal

------- [ D ] -------

Monster: | Dalton
HP: | 3500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Power Meal
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Dalton Plus
HP: | 3500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Power Meal
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Debugger
HP: | 120
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Debuggest
HP: | 1024
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | Shield
Monster: | Deceased
HP: | 110
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Decedent
HP: | 67
Weakness: | Lightning/Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Defunct
HP: | 1450
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | Elixir
Monster: | Diablos
HP: | 50
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Display
HP: | 1
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Dragon Tank(body)
HP: | 266
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Dragon Tank(Head)
HP: | 600
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Dragon Tank(Wheel)
HP: | 208
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ E ] -------

Monster: | Egder
HP: | 160
Weakness: | Magic/Shadow
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Evil Weevil
HP: | 158
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | Dream Gun
Spoils: | Feather

------- [ F ] -------

Monster: | Fat Hench
HP: | 180
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Flea
HP: | 4120
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Flea Plus
HP: | 4000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Flea Vest
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Flunky
HP: | 390
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Fly Trap
HP: | 316
Weakness: | Physical Attacks
Charm: | Dream Bow
Spoils: | Petal
Monster: | Fossil Ape
HP: | 1800
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mega Elixir
Spoils: | Lapis
Monster: | Free Lancer
HP: | NA
Weakness: | Barrier
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Flyclops
HP: | 900
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Gold Stud
Spoils: | NA

------- [ G ] -------

Monster: | Gargoyle
HP: | 260
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Big Hand
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Giga Gaia
HP: | 9500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Speed Tab
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Giga Mutant(top)
HP: | 5800
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Wall Ring
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Giga Mutant(bottom)
HP: | 4950
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Hit Ring
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Gigasaur
HP: | 2250
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Ruby Armor
Spoils: | Barrier
Monster: | Gnasher
HP: | 90
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Gnawer
HP: | 210
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Gold Eaglet
HP: | 400
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Ether
Spoils: | Feather
Monster: | Golem
HP: | 7000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Magic Tab
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Golem Boss
HP: | 15000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Golem Twins
HP: | 10000
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Goon
HP: | 2800
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Nova Armor
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Great Ozzie
HP: | 6000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Ozzie Pants
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Green Imp
HP: | 21
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Tonic
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Gremlin
HP: | 110
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Grimalkin
HP: | 120
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Guard
HP: | 60
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Guardian
HP: | 1200
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ H ] -------

Monster: | Heckran
HP: | 2100
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Hench
HP: | 49
Weakness: | Maguc
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Hetake
HP: | 14
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Tonic
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Hexapod
HP: | 1000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Barrier
Spoils: | Lapis

------- [ I ] -------

Monster: | Imp Ace
HP: | 54
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Incognito
HP: | 110
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Muscle Ring
Spoils: | NA

------- [ J ] -------

Monster: | Jinn
HP: | 450
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Lapis
Spoils: | Lapis
Monster: | Jinn Bottle
HP: | 97
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Shield
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Juggler
HP: | 450
Weakness: | Varies
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ K ] -------

Monster: | Kiwala
HP: | 160
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Petal
Spoils: | Petal
Monster: | Krakker
HP: | 500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ L ] -------

Monster: | Laser Guard
HP: | 400
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Lasher
HP: | 666
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Lavos
HP: | ????
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Lavos Spawn(Death's Peak)
HP: | 4000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | Elixir
Monster: | Lavos Spawn(Black Omen)
HP: | 10000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Haste Helmet
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Leaper
HP: | 800
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | Shield
Monster: | Lizardactyl
HP: | 1950
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Red Mail
Spoils: | NA

------- [ M ] -------

Monster: | Macabre
HP: | 582
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | Full Ether
Spoils: | Ether
Monster: | Mad Bat
HP: | 18
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mage
HP: | 480
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Barrier
Spoils: | Lapis
Monster: | Magus
HP: | 6666
Weakness: | Masamune Attacks
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mahavor
HP: | 400
Weakness: | Water/Shadow
Charm: | Shield
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mammom Machine
HP: | 18000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mega Elixir
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Man-Eater
HP: | 250
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Pearl Edge
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Martello
HP: | 1245
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Hyper Ether
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Masa
HP: | 1000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Masamune
HP: | 3600
Weakness: | Slash
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Meat Eater
HP: | 75
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Ether
Monster: | Mega Mutant(top)
HP: | 4600
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mega Mutant(bottom)
HP: | 3850
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Vigil Hat
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Megasaur
HP: | 830
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Aeon Blade
Spoils: | Fang
Monster: | Metal Mute
HP: | 1980
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Power Meal
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mother Brain
HP: | 5000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Blue Mail
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mud Imp
HP: | 1200
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Speed Tab
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mune
HP: | 1000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Mutant
HP: | 300
Weakness: | Shadow
Charm: | Full Tonic
Spoils: | NA

------- [ N ] -------

Monster: | Naga-ette
HP: | 60
Weakness: | Magic/Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Nereid
HP: | 138
Weakness: | Lightning/Shadow
Charm: | Ether
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Nizbel
HP: | 4200
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | 3rd Eye
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Nizbel II
HP: | 4200
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | 3rd Eye
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Nu
HP: | 1234
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mop
Spoils: | 3 Petals, 3 Fangs, 3 Feathers

------- [ O ] -------

Monster: | Octoblsuh
HP: | 80
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Octopod
HP: | 130
Weakness: | Attack/Lightning
Charm: | Mid Ether
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Ogan
HP: | 146
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | Shield
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Omnicrone
HP: | 218
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Ether
Monster: | Outlaw
HP: | 182
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Ozzie
HP: | ????
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ P ] -------

Monster: | Pahoehoe
HP: | 250
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Petal
Spoils: | Petal
Monster: | Panel
HP: | 1875
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Speed Tab
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Poly
HP: | 99
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Ether
Monster: | Proto 2
HP: | 128
Weakness: | Shadow
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Proto 3
HP: | 256
Weakness: | Shadow
Charm: | Full Tonic
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Proto 4
HP: | 1024
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | Barrier

-------- [ Q ] -------

-------- [ R ] -------

Monster: | Rain Frog
HP: | 100
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | 2 Fangs
Monster: | Rat
HP: | 45
Weakness: | Shadow
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Reaper
HP: | 1450
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | Elixir
Monster: | Red Beast
HP: | 5000
Weakness: | Water
Charm: | Elixir
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Red Scout
HP: | 300
Weakness: | Shadow/Fire
Charm: | Barrier
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Reptile
HP: | 336
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mid Tonic
Spoils: | Mid Tonic
Monster: | Reptite
HP: | 92
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | Magma Hand
Spoils: | Petal
Monster: | Retinite
HP: | 11000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Speed Tab
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Roly
HP: | 24
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Tonic
Monster: | Roly Bomber
HP: | 99
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Rolypoly
HP: | 50
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Heal
Monster: | Roly Rider
HP: | 30
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | R Series
HP: | 150
Weakness: | Cyclone
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Rubble
HP: | 515
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | Mid Ether
Monster: | Ruminator
HP: | 1500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Runner
HP: | 196
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Horn
Spoils: | Horn
Monster: | Rust Tyrano
HP: | 2500
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | White Mail
Spoils: | NA

------- [ S ] -------

Monster: | Scouter
HP: | 300
Weakness: | Lightning
Charm: | Lapis
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Sentry
HP: | 1280
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | Hyper Ether
Spoils: | Hyper Ether
Monster: | Shadow
HP: | 1
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Shitake
HP: | 158
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | Petal
Spoils: | Petal
Monster: | Side Kick
HP: | 1250
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Sir Krawlie
HP: | 500
Weakness: | Shadow
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Slash
HP: | 5200
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Son of Sun
HP: | 2100
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Black Mail
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Sorcerer
HP: | 220
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Stone Imp
HP: | 300
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Alloy Blade
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Super Slash
HP: | 4000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Slasher 2
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Synchrite
HP: | 2250
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Gold Earring
Spoils: | NA

------- [ T ] --------

Monster: | Tempurite
HP: | 88
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Terrasaur
HP: | 1090
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | Lapis
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Terra Mutant(top)
HP: | 7860
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Muslce Ring
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Terra Mutant(bottom)
HP: | 20000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Thrasher
HP: | 666
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | T'Pole
HP: | 150
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mid Tonic
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Tubster
HP: | 1250
Weakness: | Fire
Charm: | Power Tab
Spoils: | Elixir
Monster: | Turret
HP: | 700
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

------- [ V ] -------

Monster: | Vamp
HP: | 120
Weakness: | Magic
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Volcano
HP: | 257
Weakness: | Water
Charm: | Lapis
Spoils: | NA

------- [ W ] -------

Monster: | Winged Ape
HP: | 450
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Ruby Vest
Spoils: | Fang

------- [ Y ] -------

Monster: | Yakra
HP: | 920
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Yakra XIII
HP: | 18000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | white Mail
Spoils: | Mega Elixir

------- [ Z ] -------

Monster: | Zeal(Black Omen)
HP: | 12000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Mega Elixir
Spoils: | Mega Elixir
Monster: | Zeal(Giant Face and hands)
HP: | 20000
Weakness: | NA
Charm: | Prism Dress, Mega Elixir, Prism Helmet
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Zombor(top)
HP: | 960
Weakness: | Shadow/Water
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA
Monster: | Zombor(bottom)
HP: | 800
Weakness: | Lighting/Fire
Charm: | NA
Spoils: | NA

Monster: | Location:
Acid | Factory Ruins
Alien | Black Omen
Alkaline | Factory Ruins
Amphibite | Hunting Range
Anion | Hunting Range
Atropos XR | Geno Dome
Avion Chaos | Guardia Forest(600 AD)
Avion Rex | Dactyl Nest
Azala | Tyrano's Lair

Barghest | Magus' Lair
Base | Northern Ruins
Basher | Blackbird
Beast | Terra Cave
Beetle | Guardia Castle
Bell Bird | Guardia Forest(1000 AD)
Bit | Arris Dome
Black Tyrano | Tyrano's Lair
Blob | Black Omen
Blue Beast | Terra Cave
Blue Eaglet | Guardia Forest(600 AD)
Blue Imp | Truce Canyon
Blue Scout | Ocean Palace
Blue Shield | Guardia Castle
Boss Orb | Black Omen
Bug | Factory Ruins
Bugger | Proto Dome
Byte | Blackbird

Cave Ape | Tyrano's Lair
Cave Bat | Heckran Cave
Crater | Lab 16
Croaker | Dactyl's Nest
Cybot | Black Omen

Dalton | Zeal Palace, Blackbird
Dalton Plus | Blackbird
Debugger | Geno Dome
Debuggest | Geno Dome
Deceased | Zenan Bridge, Magus' Lair
Decedent | Guardia Castle
Defunct | Northern Ruins
Diablos | Magus' Lair
Display | Geno Dome
Dragon Tank(body) | Guardia Castle
Dragon Tank(Head) | Guardia Castle
Dragon Tank(Wheel)| Guardia Castle

Egder | Sewer Access
Evil Weevil | Reptite's Lair

Fat Hench | Denadoro Mountains
Flea | Magus' Lair
Flea Plus | Ozzie' Fort
Flunky | Magic Cave
Fly Trap | Hunting Range
Fossil Ape | Tyrano's Lair
Free Lancer | Denadoro Mountains
Flyclops | Black Omen

Gargoyle | Mt. Woe
Giga Gaia | Mt. Woe
Giga Mutant(top) | Black Omen
Giga Mutant(bot) | Black Omen
Gigasaur | Black Omen
Gnasher | Cathedral
Gnawer | Cathedral
Gold Eaglet | Mystic Mountain
Golem | Zeal Palace
Golem Boss | Blackbird
Golem Twins | Ocean Palace
Goon | Black Omen
Great Ozzie | Ozzie' Fort
Green Imp | Truce Canyon
Gremlin | Magus' Lair
Grimalkin | Magus' Lair
Guard | Guardia Castle
Guardian | Arris Dome

Heckran | Heckran's Cave
Hench | Magus' Lair
Hetake | Guardia Castle
Hexapod | Fiona's Villa

Imp Ace | Cathedral
Incognito | Guardia Castle

Jinn | Heckran Cave
Jinn Bottle | Heckran Cave
Juggler | Magus' Lair

Kiwala | Mystic Mountain
Krakker | Death Peak

Laser Guard | Geno Dome
Lasher | Mt. Woe
Lavos | 1999 AD, 12000 BC, 600 AD, 1000AD
Lavos Spawn | Death's Peak, Black Omen
Leaper | Giant's Claw
Lizardactyl | Giant's Claw

Macabre | Death's Peak
Mad Bat | Cathedral
Mage | Ocean Palace
Magus | Magus' Lair
Mahavor | Fiona's Villa
Mammom Machine | Black Omen
Man-Eater | Mt.Woe
Martello | Black Omen
Masa | Denadoro Mountains
Masamune | Denadoro Mountains
Meat Eater | Trann Dome
Mega Mutant(top) | Black Omen
Mega Mutant(bot) | Black Omen
Megasaur | Reptite's Lair
Metal Mute | Black Omen
Mother Brain | Geno Dome
Mud Imp | Terra Cave
Mune | Denadoro Mountains
Mutant | Lab 16, Proto Dome

Naga-ette | Cathedral, Guardia Castle(1000 AD)
Nereid | Sewer Access
Nizbel | Reptite's Lair
Nizbel II | Tyrano's Lair
Nu | Hunting Range, Enhasa

Octoblush | Heckran Cave
Octopod | Lab 16
Ogan | Denadoro Mountains
Omnicrone | Magus' Lair
Outlaw | Denadoro Mountains
Ozzie | Ozzie's Fort, Zenan Bridge

Pahoehoe | Hunting Range
Panel | Black Omen
Poly | Truce Canyon
Proto 2 | Lab 16, Factory Ruins
Proto 3 | Factory Ruins
Proto 4 | Gena Dome

Rain Frog | Hunting Range
Rat | Sewer Access
Reaper | Northern Ruins
Red Beast | Terra Cave
Red Scout | Black Omen
Reptile | Tyrano's Lair
Reptite | Reptite's Lair, Tyrano's Lair
Retinite | Sunken Desert
Roly | Truce Canyon, Magus' Lair
Roly Bomber | Magus' Lair
Rolypoly | Heckran's Cave
Roly Rider | Truce Canyon
Roly Runner | Magus' Lair
R Series | Factory Ruins
Rubble | Mt. Woe
Ruminator | Black Omen
Runner | Mystic Mountain
Rust Tyrano | Giant's Claw

Scouter | Ocean Palace
Sentry | Northern Ruins
Shadow | Lab 16, Proto dome
Shitake | Hunting Range
Side Kick | Black Omen
Sir Krawlie | Sewer Access
Slash | Magus' Lair
Son of Sun | Sun Palace(2300 AD)
Sorcerer | Magus' Lair
Stone Imp | Mt. Woe
Super Slash | Ozzie's Fort
Synchrite | Black Omen

Tempurite | Heckran's Cave
Terrasaur | Tyrano's Lair
Terra Mutant(top) | Black Omen
Terra Mutant(bot) | Black Omen
Thrasher | Mt. Woe
T'Pole | Cursed Woods
Tubster | Black Omen
Turret | Blackbird

Vamp | Magic Cave, Magus' Lair
Volcano | Tyrano's Lair

Winged Ape | Tyrano's Lair

Yakra | Cathedral
Yakra XIII | Guardia Castle(1000 AD)

Zeal(Black Omen) | Black Omen
Zeal(Face/hands) | Black Omen
Zombor(top) | Zenan Bridge
Zombor(bottom) | Zenan Bridge

----------------------------- [ Items Listing ] -----------------------------

Item: | Barrier
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2500
Comment: | Reduces damage inflicted by magic attacks by 1/3.
Item: | Bike Key
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | This key operates the Speeder Bike in A.D. 2300.
Item: | Chrono Trigger
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Use this with the Clone at Death Mountain to find Crono.
Item: | Dream Stone
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Use with the Broken Hilt and Broken Sword to get Masamune.
Item: | Elixir
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Comment: | Restores one character's MP and HP. Found inside chests.
Item: | Ether
Buy: | 800
Sell: | 400
Comment: | Restores 10 MP. Sold in most shops or found in chests.
Item: | Fang
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Trade this for items at the Ioka Hut in 65,000,000 B.C.
Item: | Feather
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Trade this for items at the Ioka Hut in 65,000,000 B.C.
Item: | Full Ether
Buy: | 6000
Sell: | 3000
Comment: | Restores 60 MP. Sold in shops or found in chests.
Item: | Full Tonic
Buy: | 700
Sell: | 350
Comment: | Restores 500 HP. Sold in most shops or found in chests.
Item: | Gate Key
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Allows access to all the time portals in the game.
Item: | Heal
Buy: | 10
Sell: | 5
Comment: | Returns a character's status to normal. Buy at most shops.
Item: | Horn
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Trade this for items at the Ioka Hut in 65,000,000 B.C.
Item: | Hyper Ether
Buy: | 10000
Sell: | 5000
Comment: | Restores all MP for one character.
Item: | Jerky
Buy: | 9900
Sell: | 10000
Comment: | Allows access across Zenan Bridge and to the Moon Stone.
Item: | Lapis
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 250
Comment: | Restores 200 HP on every character. Not sold in shops.
Item: | Magic Tab
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5
Comment: | Permanently adds one point to a character's Magic rating.
Item: | Mega Elixir
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 25000
Comment: | Restores all HP and MP for all characters. Buy it inside the
| Black Omen.
Item: | Mid Ether
Buy: | 2000
Sell: | 1000
Comment: | Restores 30 MP. Sold in most shops or found in chests.
Item: | Mid Tonic
Buy: | 100
Sell: | 50
Comment: | Restores 200 HP. Sold in most shops or found in chests.
Item: | Moon Stone
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Changes into the Sun Stone when left in the Sun Keep.
Item: | Pendant
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | This item opens sealed boxes when it is powered up.
Item: | Petal
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Trade this for items at the Ioka Hut in 65,000,000 B.C.
Item: | Power Meal
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Comment: | Removes a "?" or "Lock" status during battle.
Item: | Power Tab
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5
Comment: | Permanently adds one point to a character's Power rating.
Item: | Prism Shard
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Proves the King's innocence at the Trial in A.D. 1000.
Item: | Race Log
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Records your times on the Speeder Bike in A.D. 2300.
Item: | Revive
Buy: | 200
Sell: | 100
Comment: | Revives a character to 50 HP during battle.
Item: | Ruby Knife
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Used to short circuit the Mammon Machine in 12000 B.C.
Item: | Seed
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Give this to Doan at the Info Center in A.D. 2300.
Item: | Shelter
Buy: | 150
Sell: | 75
Comment: | Restores a party's HP and MP at any save point.
Item: | Shield
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2500
Comment: | Reduces damage inflicted by physical blows by 1/3.
Item: | Speed Tab
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5
Comment: | Permanently adds one point to a character's Speed rating.
Item: | Sun Stone
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | With it and the Rainbow Shell, Melchior makes the Rainbow Sword.
Item: | Toma's Pop
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Pour this on Toma's Grave at the West Cape in A.D. 1000.
Item: | Tonic
Buy: | 10
Sell: | 5
Comment: | Restores 50 HP. Found in most shops throughout the game.
Item: | Tools
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Use to fix the Northern Ruins in A.D. 600.
Item: | Yakra Key
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Comment: | Frees the real chancellor in Guardia Castle in A.D. 1000.

---------------------------- [ Weapons Listing ] ----------------------------

-- [ Crono ] --

Name: | Aeon Blade
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 6250
Attack: | 70
Comments: | Get in Ioka Hut after defeating Magus.
Name: | Alloy Blade
Buy: | 21000
Sell: | 10500
Attack: | 110
Comments: | Buy at Kajar in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Bolt Sword
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2500
Attack: | 25
Comments: | Find at the Factory in A.D. 2300
Name: | Demon Edge
Buy: | 17000
Sell: | 8500
Attack: | 90
Comments: | Buy at the Terra Cave, 12000 B.C.
Name: | Flint Edge
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 3250
Attack: | 40
Comments: | Get in Ioka Hut before fighting Magus.
Name: | Iron Blade
Buy: | 350
Sell: | 175
Attack: | 7
Comments: | Buy at Leene Square in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Kali Blade
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 17500
Attack: | 150
Comments: | Find this in the Northern Ruins
Name: | Lode Sword
Buy: | 4000
Sell: | 2000
Attack: | 20
Comments: | Buy at Leene Square in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Mop
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Attack: | 1
Comments: | Charm Nu at the Hunting Range.
Name: | Rainbow
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 30000
Attack: | 220
Comments: | Defeat Yakra XIII, talk to Melchior with Rainbow Shell and
| Sun Stone.
Name: | Red Katana
Buy: | 4500
Sell: | 2250
Attack: | 30
Comments: | Buy at Melchior's Hut in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Shiva Edge
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 20000
Attack: | 170
Comments: | Examine chest this in the Northern Ruins, pick up in future.
Name: | Slasher
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Attack: | 43
Comments: | Find Magus' Lair in A.D. 600.
Name: | Slasher 2
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Attack: | 155
Comments: | Charm Super Slash to win weapon.
Name: | Star Sword
Buy: | 25000
Sell: | 12500
Attack: | 125
Comments: | Buy at the Last Village in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Steel Sabre
Buy: | 800
Sell: | 400
Attack: | 15
Comments: | Buy at the Market in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Swallow
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 19000
Attack: | 145
Comments: | Find in the blue Pyramid in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Vedic Blade
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 15000
Attack: | 135
Comments: | Find at Death Peak, A.D. 2300.
Name: | Wood Sword
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 50
Attack: | 3
Comments: | Crono's very first weapon.

-- [ Frog ] --

Name: | Brave Sword
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 16000
Attack: | 135
Comments: | Find on Death Peak in A.D. 2300.
Name: | Bronze Edge
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 175
Attack: | 6
Comments: | Frog begins with this weapon.
Name: | Demon Hilt
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 13000
Attack: | 120
Comments: | Doubles hits against magic enemies.
Name: | Flash Blade
Buy: | 18000
Sell: | 9000
Attack: | 90
Comments: | Buy it in Terra Cave in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Iron Sword
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 550
Attack: | 10
Comments: | Find in the Cathedral in 600 A.D.
Name: | Masamune
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Attack: | 75
Comments: | Give Melchior the sword hilt and dreamstone in 1000 A.D.
Name: | Masamune
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Attack: | 200
Comments: | Place sword over Cyrus' grave.
Name: | Pearl Edge
Buy: | 22000
Sell: | 11000
Attack: | 105
Comments: | Buy it at Kajar in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Rune Blade
Buy: | 24000
Sell: | 12000
Attack: | 120
Comments: | Buy at the Last Village, 12000 B.C.
-- [ Lucca ] --

Name: | Air Gun
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 150
Attack: | 5
Comments: | Lucca starts out with this gun.
Name: | Auto Gun
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Attack: | 15
Comments: | By at the Trann Dome in 2300 A.D.
Name: | Dart Gun
Buy: | 800
Sell: | 400
Attack: | 7
Comments: | Buy at the Market in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Dream Gun
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 3700
Attack: | 60
Comments: | At Ioka Hut after defeating Magus.
Name: | Mega Blast
Buy: | 9800
Sell: | 4900
Attack: | 80
Comments: | Buy in the Terra Cave in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Plasma Gun
Buy: | 3200
Sell: | 1600
Attack: | 25
Comments: | Buy at Melchior's Hut in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Ruby Gun
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 2900
Attack: | 40
Comments: | At Ioka Hut before defeating Magus.
Name: | Shockwave
Buy: | 11000
Sell: | 5500
Attack: | 110
Comments: | Casts a random "Chaos" spell.
Name: | Wonder Shot
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 16000
Attack: | 250
Comments: | Requires the Sun Stone to build.

-- [ Magus ] --

Name: | Dark Scythe
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Attack: | 120
Comments: | Magus starts off with this weapon.
Name: | Doom Sickle
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Attack: | 160
Comments: | Find in Ozzie's Fort in A.D. 600.
Name: | Hurricane
Buy: | 35000
Sell: | 17500
Attack: | 135
Comments: | Buy at the Last Village in B.C. 12000.
Name: | Star Scythe
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2100
Attack: | 150
Comments: | Find it on Death Peak in A.D. 2300.

-- [ Marle ] --

Name: | Bronze Bow
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 40
Attack: | 3
Comments: | Marle begins with this bow.
Name: | Comet Arrow
Buy: | 7800
Sell: | 3900
Attack: | 80
Comments: | Buy in the Terra Cave, 12000 B.C.
Name: | Dream Bow
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 2900
Attack: | 60
Comments: | At Ioka Hut after defeating Magus.
Name: | Iron Bow
Buy: | 850
Sell: | 425
Attack: | 15
Comments: | Buy in the Market in 1000 A.D.
Name: | Lode Bow
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 850
Attack: | 20
Comments: | Find at Lab 16 in A.D. 2300.
Name: | Robin Bow
Buy: | 2850
Sell: | 1425
Attack: | 25
Comments: | Buy at the Market, A.D. 1000.
Name: | Sage Bow
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 2100
Attack: | 40
Comments: | At Ioka Hut before fighting Magus.
Name: | Siren
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 14000
Attack: | 140
Comments: | Casts a random "Stop" spell.
Name: | Sonic Arrow
Buy: | 10000
Sell: | 5000
Attack: | 100
Comments: | Casts a random "Slow" spell.
Name: | Valkerye
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 19000
Attack: | 180
Comments: | Examine chest in Northern ruins, pick up in the future.

-- [ Robo ] --

Name: | Big Hand
Buy: | 18000
Sell: | 9000
Attack: | 105
Comments: | Buy it at Kajar in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Crisis Arm
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1
Attack: | 1
Comments: | Find it in Geno Dome, A.D. 2300.
Name: | Doom Finger
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4900
Attack: | 50
Comments: | Find in Magus' Lair in A.D. 600.
Name: | Giga Arm
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 12000
Attack: | 135
Comments: | Find it in Death Peak, A.D. 2300.
Name: | Hammer Arm
Buy: | 3500
Sell: | 1750
Attack: | 25
Comments: | Buy at the market in 1000 A.D.
Name: | Kaiser Arm
Buy: | 21000
Sell: | 10500
Attack: | 120
Comments: | Buy it at the Last Village, 12000 B.C.
Name: | Magma Hand
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 5600
Attack: | 70
Comments: | Get in Ioka Hut after defeating Magus.
Name: | Megaton Arm
Buy: | 15000
Sell: | 7500
Attack: | 90
Comments: | Buy in Terra Cave in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Mirage Hand
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2750
Attack: | 30
Comments: | Find in the Denadoro Mountains.
Name: | Stone Arm
Buy: | Trade
Sell: | 3750
Attack: | 40
Comments: | Get in Ioka Hut before defeating Magus.
Name: | Terra Arm
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 14000
Attack: | 150
Comments: | Find it in Geno Dome, A.D. 2300.
Name: | Tin Arm
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 500
Attack: | 20
Comments: | Robo begins with this limb.

--------------------------- [ Protective Gear ] -----------------------------

-- [ Armor ] --

Name: | Aeon Suit
Buy: | 9000
Sell: | 4500
Defense: | 75
Comments: | Buy it at the Last Village in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Black Mail
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4100
Defense: | 70
Comments: | Absorbs "Shadow" based magic.
Name: | Black Vest
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2900
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Reduces "Shadow" damage by 50%.
Name: | Blue Mail
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4100
Defense: | 70
Comments: | Absorbs "Water" based magic.
Name: | Blue Vest
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2900
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Reduces "Water" damage by 50%.
Name: | Bronze Mail
Buy: | 520
Sell: | 260
Defense: | 16
Comments: | Buy at the Market in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Dark Mail
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1900
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Find it in Magus' Lair in A.D. 600.
Name: | Flash Mail
Buy: | 8500
Sell: | 4250
Defense: | 64
Comments: | Found in Terra Cave in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Gloom Cape
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 8200
Defense: | 84
Comments: | Find at Ozzie's Fort in A.D. 600.
Name: | Gold Suit
Buy: | 1300
Sell: | 650
Defense: | 39
Comments: | Buy in the market in A.D. 600.
Name: | Hide Tunic
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 40
Defense: | 5
Comments: | Crono starts off with this armor.
Name: | Iron Suit
Buy: | 800
Sell: | 400
Defense: | 25
Comments: | Buy in the Trann Dome in A.D. 2300.
Name: | Karate Gi
Buy: | 300
Sell: | 150
Defense: | 10
Comments: | Buy at the Market in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Lode Vest
Buy: | 8500
Sell: | 4250
Defense: | 71
Comments: | Buy it at Kajar in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Lumin Robe
Buy: | 6500
Sell: | 3250
Defense: | 63
Comments: | Found in Terra Cave in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Maiden Suit
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 280
Defense: | 18
Comments: | Find in the Cathedral in A.D. 600.
Name: | Meso Mail
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 3000
Defense: | 52
Comments: | Found in Tyrano's Lair.
Name: | Mist Robe
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 3400
Defense: | 54
Comments: | Find it in Magus' Lair in A.D. 600.
Name: | Moon Armor
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 6500
Defense: | 85
Comments: | Find in the Northern Ruins.
Name: | Nova Armor
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5500
Defense: | 82
Comments: | Find inside the Black Omen.
Name: | Prism Dress
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4400
Defense: | 99
Comments: | Give Rainbow Shell to Melchior in Guardia Castle in 1000 A.D.
Name: | Raven Armor
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 7900
Defense: | 76
Comments: | Magus joins wearing this armor.
Name: | Red Mail
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4100
Defense: | 70
Comments: | Abosrbs "Fire" based magic.
Name: | Red Vest
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2900
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Reduces "Fire" damage by 50%.
Name: | Ruby Armor
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 7000
Defense: | 78
Comments: | Reduces fire damage by 80%.
Name: | Ruby Vest
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1800
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Reduces Fire damage by 50%.
Name: | Tabin Suit
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Defense: | 79
Comments: | Increases Speed rating by 3.
Name: | Tabin Vest
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Defense: | 33
Comments: | Increases Speed rating by 2.
Name: | Titan Vest
Buy: | 1200
Sell: | 600
Defense: | 32
Comments: | Buy in the Market in A.D. 1000.
Name: | White Mail
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4100
Defense: | 70
Comments: | Absorbs "Lightning" based magic.
Name: | White Vest
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 2900
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Cuts "Lightning" damage by 50%.
Name: | Zodiac Cape
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 5000
Defense: | 80
Comments: | Find inside the Black Omen.

-- [ Helmets ] --

Name: | Aeon Helmet
Buy: | 7800
Sell: | 3900
Defense: | 33
Comments: | Buy it in the Last Village in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Beret
Buy: | 700
Sell: | 350
Defense: | 17
Comments: | Buy this at the Market in A.D. 600.
Name: | Bronze Helmet
Buy: | 200
Sell: | 100
Defense: | 8
Comments: | Buy this at the Market in A.D. 1000.
Name: | Cera Topper
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1250
Defense: | 23
Comments: | Find in Tyrano's Lair.
Name: | Dark Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 6000
Defense: | 35
Comments: | Reduces "Shadow" damage by 50%.
Name: | Doom Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 4750
Defense: | 29
Comments: | Magus joins with this helmet.
Name: | Gloom Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 6500
Defense: | 42
Comments: | Find in Ozzie's Fort in A.D. 600.
Name: | Glow Helmet
Buy: | 2300
Sell: | 1150
Defense: | 25
Comments: | Buy in the Terra Cave in 12000 B.C.
Name: | Gold Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 600
Defense: | 18
Comments: | Found in Denadoro Mountains, talk to Knight Captain on Zenan
| Bridge after giving him the Jerky.
Name: | Haste Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 6000
Defense: | 35
Comments: | Increases speed by 50% in battle.
Name: | Hide Cap
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 25
Defense: | 3
Comments: | Crono begins with this cap.
Name: | Iron Helmet
Buy: | 500
Sell: | 250
Defense: | 14
Comments: | Buy it at Trann Dome in A.D. 2300.
Name: | Lode Helmet
Buy: | 6500
Sell: | 3250
Defense: | 29
Comments: | Buy it in Kajar, 12000 B.C.
Name: | Memory Cap
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Defense: | 30
Comments: | Find it on Death's Peak in A.D. 2300.
Name: | Mermaid Cap
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 8000
Defense: | 35
Comments: | Charm it from a regular Blue Beast.
Name: | Ozzie Pants
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Defense: | 35
Comments: | Charm it from the Great Ozzie in A.D. 600.
Name: | Prism Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 400
Defense: | 40
Comments: | Requires the Rainbow Shell.
Name: | Rainbow Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 8000
Defense: | 35
Comments: | Charm it from a regular Beast.
Name: | Rock Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 1000
Defense: | 20
Comments: | Trade 3 Horns and 3 Feathers.
Name: | Sight Cap
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 10000
Defense: | 30
Comments: | Nullifies "Chaos" spell effects.
Name: | Taban Helmet
Buy: | NA
Sell: | NA
Defense: | 24
Comments: | Find inside Lucca's House.
Name: | Vigil Hat
Buy: | NA
Sell: | 25000
Defense: | 45
Comments: | Find in the Black Omen.

----------------------------- [ Accessories ] -------------------------------

Name: | Amulet
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Protects a character's status during battle.
Name: | Bandana
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds one point to a character's Speed rating.
Name: | Berserker
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Prevents character from being controlled during combat.
Name: | Black Belt
Equip On: | Lucca, Magus, Marle
Comments: | Invokes the Dark Eternal Triple Attack technique.
Name: | Blue Rock
Equip On: | Kucca, Robo, Magus
Comments: | Invokes the Omega Flare Triple Attack technique.
Name: | Charm Top
Equip On: | Ayla
Comments: | Increases Ayla's chances of Charm Spell success.
Name: | Dash Ring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds three points to a character's Speed rating.
Name: | Defender
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds two points to a character's Vigor rating.
Name: | Flea Vest
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds twelve points to a character's Vigor rating.
Name: | Frenzy Band
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Gives you a 80% chance of a counter-attack blow against a foe.
Name: | Gold Earring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Increases a character's HP by 50%.
Name: | Gold Rock
Equip On: | Marle, Robo, Frog
Comments: | Invokes the GrandDream Triple Tech technique.
Name: | Gold Stud
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Reduces a character's MP expenditure by 75%.
Name: | Green Dream
Equip On: | All
Comments: | One time re-animate, once per battle.
Name: | Hero's Medal
Equip On: | Frog
Comments: | Pair with the Masamune to increase critical hits.
Name: | Hit Ring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds ten points to a character's Strike rating.
Name: | Magic Ring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds six points to a character's Magic rating.
Name: | Magic Scarf
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds two points to a character's Magic Defense.
Name: | Magic Seal
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds five points to Magic Defense and max MP.
Name: | Muscle Ring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds six points to a character's Vigor rating.
Name: | Power Glove
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds two points to a character's Power rating.
Name: | Power Ring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds six points to a character's Power rating.
Name: | Power Scarf
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds four points to a character's Power rating.
Name: | Power Seal
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds ten points to a character's Defense, Power, and Stamina.
Name: | Prism Specs
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Maximizes a character's Attack Power.
Name: | Rage Band
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Gives you a 50% chance of a counter attack blow against a foe.
Name: | Ribbon
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds two points to a character's Strike rating.
Name: | Sight Scope
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Reveals enemy's hit points during battle.
Name: | Silver Earring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Increases a character's HP by 25%.
Name: | Silver Rock
Equip On: | Robo, Frog, Ayla
Comments: | Invokes the Spin Strike Triple Tech technique.
Name: | Silver Stud
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Reduces a character's MP expenditure by 50%.
Name: | Speed Belt
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds two points to a character's Speed rating.
Name: | Sun Shades
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Enhances a character's Attack Power in combat.
Name: | Third Eye
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Doubles a character's Evade rating.
Name: | Wallet
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Turns experience points into gold. Find in 2300 A.D.
Name: | Wall Ring
Equip On: | All
Comments: | Adds ten points to a character's Magic Defense.
Name: | White Rock
Equip On: | Marle, Lucca, Ayla
Comments: | Invokes the Poyozo Dance Triple Tech technique.
------------------------------ [ New Game+ ] --------------------------------

Once you have beaten the game after finishing the Black Omen quest, you will
be prompted a New Game+ at the top right hand corner on the save select will have to restart your game after you see "The End" at the might or might not have noticed but the game did already save after
the ending rolled by.

In New Game+ you can pick any slot you want and you will begin a new game but
with all the stats and weapons you had before. The event items like the
Masamune or the Epoch must be reached again in order for you to use them.
Also new portals leading to Lavos are scattered about the world and it is up
to you to find them...the first new warp can be found in 1000 AD at Leene
Square on the right telepod of Lucca's looks like a shimmering
blue dot.

--------------------------------- [ FAQ ] -----------------------------------

1Q. Is there any character(s) in the game who can amass the 9999 hit mark?
1A. Yes...that's Ayla. I'm not sure how...but once you reach level 99 with
Ayla(that's just an assumption) her critical hits will do 9999 everytime
on anybody no matter what defense they have, guaranteed. You can give
her a FrenzyBand to heighten up the chances of a critical hit...with
9999 HP of damage per round...your practically unstoppable.

2Q. Give me one glitch found in Chrono Trigger.
2A. This is courtesy of and in the Epoch, you can
change the music of it by hopping off it and quickly hopping on it again,
this happens because the game can't switch tracks fast enough. When you
fly in the Epoch you will hear the overworld music instead of the "Wings
Across Time" theme...but I don't know why you would want to do that
since Wings Across Time is one of the greatest themes in the game.

3Q. Give me another glitch.
3Q. Another one courtesty of sure if the address
is correct though, and if you know this site please email me). In
65000000 BC, you can head to the Hunting Range and then wait for it
to rain, then head to the Nu and when it stops raining...quickly head
up to the Nu before it leaves off screen and you will have recieved
all the items neccessary to trade for some weapons and armor in the
Ioka Hut.

4Q. How many endings are in this game?
4A. There are 13 see them all, look above just after the main

5Q. When is the PSX US version of Chrono Trigger coming out?
5A. Not sure...I don't even think it's coming out at all. If it did come out
I'm sure it be an instant hit...even if it is just a re-release. The
PSX version contains over 20 minutes of live animation...the chunky
ones are at the end and beginning of the game while there are a few
small clips in between. The PSX does have about 5 new endings supposedly,
maybe to fit in with Chrono Cross a little better...I'm not sure but I
think that was the case. So if Square Japan has no intentions of a US
release, then we might see a change in storyline in the US version of
Chrono Cross that is myabe slightly different from the Japanese version
of Chrono Cross.

6Q. Will the codes above work with a Game Genie or a similar device?
6A. Oh, you mean the codes at the top of this FAQ. I said, I'm
not 100% sure...but since the ZSNES uses the hexadecimal system, then
I'm pretty confident that they will work on the Game Genie or a similar
device...just so long as the device you are using corresponds to the
hexadecimal system then they should work just fine, exactly as they do
on the ZSNES.

7Q. What happened to Schala?
7A. I don't want to get into too much details...but play Chrono Cross.

8Q. Is Chrono Cross worth getting?
8A. Most just a few short hours of playing Chrono Cross, it
easily became my favorite PSX RPG. It follows CT quite well...but it's
also another side story on it's own.

------------------------------ [ Story Guide ] ------------------------------

Below is a story guide to Crono Trigger...I won't elaborate too much on the
details but I'll make out some key points in the game. You can also think of
this story guide as a bit fo a walkthrough.

Crono wakes up...he was anxiously awaiting the fair all night...just as the
people around Leene Square had been too. As Crono reached Leene Square he
bumped into a wandering girl...after checking over the girl Crono gave back
the pendant that she dropped.

As Crono chooses to accompany Marle, they decide to check out Lucca's new
invention...the Telepod. Crono takes a step at it and is amazingly
transported to the next platform. However, as Marle tries it...she gets sent
thrown back into another time period. Apparently the pendant had triggered
this anomoly.

Crono chooses to travel back in time in hopes of rescuing Marle. As he does,
Lucca will catch up with him...soon after Crono witnesses Marle disappearing
into nowhere...literally. They soon head to the Cathedral and find a crest
from Guardia on the floor...the nuns soon reveal their true selves and attack
the party...but obviously they were no match for the quick sword of Crono and
the quick thinking of Lucca. However, being so young they let their guard
down, but not before a mysterious Frog saves them.

The party agrees to carry Frog in their party as they scavage through the
Cathedral...after many battles they find Queen Leene along with the fake
Chancellor who turns out to be Yakra. They defeat Yakra and head back to
the castle...but Frog runs off, feeling guilt for not protecting the Queen
when she needed it most.

They head back to their own time...but as Crono escorts Marle back to Guardia
Castle...he is taken in and held accountable for the "kidnapping" of Marle.
The trial goes in favor of Crono, but regardless he still has to stay three
days in confinement...although their is no death penalty involved, the
Chancellor decides to precede with it anyways. However, as Crono is locked
up, he makes a lot of noise distractions which irritates the guard and
persuades the guard to come in...which Crono defeats.

After Crono defeats the guards he makes his way to the top bridge...only to
be encountered by a fierce Dragon Tank. But with the wit of Lucca and Crono,
the two defeat the tank and run off to the throne room.

The party soon catches up with Marle, she leaves with them on her own will
but the guards still follow...the party runs into the forest and encounters a
gate...sending them forward many generations ahead of their time. The future
looks so bleak...why? There is not an inch of furtile soil and the snow and
wind never stops. They travel through a completely torn down lab and find a
borken robot...but with the genious of Lucca, she repairs the robot and gives
it the name "Robo."

They soon discover however, that the day of Lavos(1999 A.D.) cuased all this
destruction to the planet. It laid dorment beneath the Earth for eons,
draining mother Earth of it's vital resources. The party can't do much about
that...for now.

However, it appears that they need to restore power by going to the Factory
Ruins up north. They reach the ruins and resotre power...but not before
encountering a few of Robo's previous friends. Crono and the other party
member took care of the robots, but Robo remains in bad shape as they take
him back to the Proto Dome to which Lucca successfully does.

The party then decides to leave...Robo joins them as he cannot do anything
for his own time period. The 4 travel in the gate, but they are sent to the
End of Time. They meet an old man who tells them that if more than three
people step into a time gate, they are sent here...the End of Time. After
the talk, the party heads into the door atop the room...they meet Spekkio,
who is the master of war and magic.

He allows the party to learn their own magic type and soon the party tests
their new found magic on Spekkio...but they lose, badly. No matter though,
it was all a friendly trial. The party is then taken back to their own time
period via the time gate.

When they arrive here, they experience extreme discrimination...the mystics
treats the party like trash and raise the prices atrociously. However, the
party ignores all hostilities and heads towards Heckran's cave. They know
that only magic would work against monsters as fiendish as those in the
Heckran cave. They meet up with Heckran and after a long battle, they defeat
him and by this, the party masters the use of magic as it becomes second
nature to them.

The party heads back to 600 A.D. and they find that the Guardian army is
having trouble. Their food rations are out, so the party heads to Guardia
Castle and gets some food rations and delivers it to the Knight Captain.
They eat up...but the army is much to great for the soldiers of Guardia.

The party plows their way through the bridge and defeat the mighty Zombor
and watch Ozzie take off.

As they reach the southern continent they head off to Denadoro mountains,
where inside they find Masa and Mune. No one has ever defeated them before
and no one who faced them before has lived...until now. The party wins the
tough battle and wins a slightly shattered Masamune and delivers it to
Frog through the treacherous Cursed Woods. However, even the shattered
Masamune now is in no condition to face off against Magus. They find a hilt
in Frog's room and talk to Melchior in 1000 A.D.

Apparently they need the Dreamstone from back in the past and they soon
acquire the dreamstone. But it was no easy task. The party had to travel
millions of years to pre-historic ages, past through the Forest Maze, and
past through Reptites' Lair to get back their stolen Gate Key.

As they take the Dreamstone back to Melchior and after long hours, the
Masamune is whole as they take it back to he is the only one who
can wield such a weapon. With the awesme force of the Masamune, Frog uses
it to cut a giant path in half to get through the Magic Cave and to reach
Magus' Lair.

Upon inside of reaching his lair they find dead ends...or so it seems.
They try to leave, but soon encounter Ozzie and then they defeat Flea and
Slash...but defeating Ozzie is another thing. Going through perilous
tracks, Ozzie evades the party. After many perilous traps they reach Ozzie
and overlook Ozzie's disguises and defeat him.

Yet their biggest challenge lies ahead through Magus' Lair and to the
Mighty Magus! As they approach Magus, Frog shows him the clean blade of the
Masamune...but Magus does not flinch(!). The battle goes on and on...but
the Masamune weakens Magus a little more with every hit...the power of the
sword soon overwhelms the great magician and he goes down for the count.

Yet a portal opens up and sends the party scowering across time...including
Magus, but the party learns that it was not Magus that created Lavos, he only
summoned it. Crono gets a small glimpse of his possible future...but why?
However, it was a dream as the party finds themselves awake in Ayla's hut.

The party learns that Ayla is going to settle the Reptite problem once and
for all as she headed off to Dactyl's Nest. The party follows and soon finds
her there as they take flight aboard the Dactyls...and onto Tyrano's Lair,
a place more fiendish than the Reptites' Lair. The party travels through,
defeating monsters one by one until the great confrontation as to who will
be the one to lead the planet in the next phase of evolution.

The battle is long and fierce, but Ayla and the party prevails, they defeat
Azala...but in an offer of gratitude Ayal extends her hand to Azala. But
Azala cannot accept what FATE has chosen, it was the humans that were meant
to lead the way...and that's how Azala will accept it. At the same time
however, Lavos comes crashing down on the immediate Earth which sends large
shockwaves and explosions near Tyrano's Lair...later causing it's

A new portal opens up near Tyrano's Lair...which leads eons into the future
by still many generations behind the party's real time.

The snow is even greater here than it was in 2300 A.D., but the party travels
on...wary of the snow but wary fo their courage. They find Skyways that takes
them to the beautiful city above...they learn that the people here can wield
magic and those who cannot are the Earthbound people, bound to the Earth
below. The party cares not...yet, they travel until they find Queen Zeal.

They find the Queen...but find many things wrong...a wierd room is cut off
from visitors as only a shining pendant can open it, but yet the party's
pendant cannot open the door...despite the significantly similar features
to the pendant.

The party however, finds a way to power their pendant and enter the room that
was previously locked for them. They don't get far however, they are thrown
back to a period whence they came and Schala is forced to seal the time gate.

But the party can now open those treasure chests that were previously locked
and they unlock everyone of them and collect the new and awesome weapons
that they will sorely need in the coming battles ahead. The party heads back
to Mystic Mountain and travel to the Sewer Access in 2300 A.D., where they
find their way through and defeat the villanous Sir Krawlie.

They reach the Keeper's Dome and release the magical lock on the door in the
back and find a machine that travels across time...the Epoch! They use the
Epoch to travel back to 12000 B.C., but this time however, they have a new
task at rescue Melchior(?!).

They reach the Terra Cave and battle through the nasty beasts and make it
atop Mt.Woe, while it is a dangerous step indeed...they make it atop and
defeat Giga Gaia and release Melchior. But didn't the party speak with
Melchior in the year 1000 A.D.? Regardless, he gives the party the Ruby
Knife...which can destroy the Mammon Machine.

After the battle Dalton comes to drop a visit...but is hurried off by the
strength of the party. They learn that the seal around the palace is broken
and they head off to the palace. As they reach the palace...they also
reach Dalton again, who's up to his tricks again. He toils with the party
but to no avail...his Golem is defeated and the party makes it to the
Ocean Palace...where Queen Zeal had moved the Mammon Machine to drain
more power from Lavos.

The party fights through intense heat and fierce battles and nasty monsters
and makes their way to the center room...where they come face to face with
the almighty Lavos. However, the power of Lavos is great...far more greater
than anything the party has seen as they are taken down easily without a
sweat. Magus tries his luck...but not even a great magician like himself
can even scratch the almight Lavos. Crono recovers however and tries to go
face to face against Lavos but is literally turned to ashes in the awe of
a fierce beam.

The rest of the party can only watch as they must escape as Schala uses her
remaining power to send the party out of the Ocean Palace. Lavos' power grows
as it destorys everything in the sky...the once beautiful kingdom of Zeal
is now in shambles.

Dalton now strikes the party as they are weak, he captures them and locks
them up on the ship. Yet the party escapes soon after finding their way
through long paths of air duct mazes. They defeat Dalton after he stole the
Epoch...but as they recieve the Epoch back...they noticed that Dalton
actually improved making it manuverable.

The party now goes to find a way to bring back Crono. But first they have a
few words to share with Magus. Magus calls Crono a fool...but much to the
dismay of Frog's ears...he challenges Magus, but realizes that fighting will
not bring back Crono. They leave Magus to be, but Magus soon wishes to join
the party.

They head to the End of Time and Gespar gives the party the Time Egg, but
they also need a clone of Crono as well...but where to find one...they got
it! At the Millenium Fair at Leene Square! So they head off and find
the Tent of Horrors, they win the game and pick up the Crono doll clone.

The party now must travel across Death's Peak in 2300 A.D. and even with
much cold win and freezing temperatures, they make it atop and defeat smaller
spawns of Lavos. They place the clone atop an eclipse and travel back to
where Crono was last seen...the Chrono Trigger stops all time around it
as the party is able to switch Crono with the clone. As the party reaches
back, Marle is worried sick about Crono as she comforts Crono from coming
back from the dead.

The hero then travels back to 1000 A.D. to the Northern ruins, only to find
the ghost of Cyrus haunting the place...Frog tries to reason with the ghost
but to no avail. They travel back to 600 A.D. and hire some workers to
fix the place up...afterwards Frog travels inside the ruins and places the
Masamune over Cyrus' grave, Cyrus has seen that Frog is there to take care
of the Queen and finally can rest in peace. The Masamune shows it's true
form and becomes 2x more powerful than before.

The forest looks bleak...but with the help of Robo and the party, they head
off to Fiona's Villa in 600 A.D. and travel down to the Sunken Desert and
defeat the Retinite. Robo stays behind to help grow the forest back, but in
actuallity as the party traveled 400 years in a matter of seconds, Robo
had to wait 400 long years for the party. Regardless, he is back.

There is still much to do...the party heads off to Ozzie's Fort and defeat
the cronies for the last time and soon after they travel to the Geno Dome
in 2300 A.D. Inside the Dome Robo finds the Mother Brain, the very program
that was built to exterminate the humans...but once again, even without a
heart, Robo sides with his friends...making decisions on his own and helps
the party defeat the powerful Mother Brain.

The party's next stop is their last before the big encounter. They head off
to the Sun Palace in 2300 A.D. and defeat Son of Sun and take the Moon Stone
and place it on the Sun Palace in 65000000 B.C., they take a look at it in
1000 A.D. but it's gone! The Mayor has it but he won't give it to the party
because of his selfish the party goes to buy some Jerky(at the
Snail Shop in 1000 A.D.) and travels back to the same house in 600 A.D.
and decides to give it for free to the women, who promises to uphold values
and laws of sharing and honesty for generations to come. The party returns
back to 1000 A.D. and this time the Mayor gives them the Moon Stone to put
back in the Sun Palace...and in 2300 A.D. it shines more brightly than any
star ever will.

They take this back to Melchior in Guardia Castle and he is able to create
and forge powerful weapons never before seen. It looks like the party is
ready to take care of some business.

The party takes a trip to the Black Omen...inside the face newer monsters
that are more stronger than ever before...but so is the party with their
new found experience and weapons. They fight their way through numerous
groups of varying monsters and defeat the Queen and the Mammon Machine.

Lavos still beckons...this will be the party's true test to see if they are
really the ones to change the future. Lavos manipulates many forms in hopes
of out-lasting the party but to no avail, the party fights and defeats
the form...but shockingly enough and as tough a battle as it was...they only
defeated the shell!

The party travels deeper inside and face off against the real force, even
with the full array of weapons the experience that the party has, they still
struggle against this creature. However, their heart is strong and that is
far more superior than any weapon can do...Lavos is slayed and slowly the
energy that was once captured has been restored.

But does this mean it's the end? The future is flourishing...but for how

To be continued in Chrono Cross...

------------------------------- [ Credits ] ---------------------------------

-+- Squaresoft(
If not the greatest RPG of all time, it definitely is one of the best
RPGs of all time...thanx Square.

-+- Gunblade(
Thanks for his NUMEROUS and valuable tips scampered across this guide.

-+- Respox(
Thanks to his help for telling me where the Magic Cave was...I forgot
about it...thanx!

-+- Turokcave(
For their help in the two glitches found in the game...thanks guys!

-+- CJC(
For his hard work and dedication to the site.

-+- Dingo Jellybean(
For the time and effort to typing up this FAQ!


Time of completion: 88 hours, 11 minutes, 34 seconds

This document is Copyright Dingo Jellybean (C) 2000.

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Dieser Patch bewirkt, dass im Spiel hauptsächlich Midi-Musik anstelle der Wave-Dateien abgespielt wird

09.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Game Genie Codes

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ending Guide

13.Oktober 2013

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Bestiary Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Technique Checklist FAQ

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12.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Item Translation FAQ

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Walkt. für/for Chrono Trigger
engl. Walkthrough

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engl. Lösung
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