A lot of people have forgotten just how bad Batman games were before Rocksteady rocketed Bats back to the top with the Arkham games. Before that, there were maybe one or two acceptable titles, one of... More
Based on the 1974 YA novel of the same name, Down A Dark Hall is a supernatural suspense novel that tells the story of Kit Gordy (AnnaSophia Robb), a troubled young girl who is sent to... More
This is how you make a teaser!
The Sinking City is a creepy, Lovecraftian looking title from Frogware, where players assume the role of a 1920s private investigator who finds himself in the... More
Omen of Sorrow is one of the stranger fighters out there these days, and if you haven't heard of it, you should check it out, because the theme and characters are super unique in a pretty... More
Stephen King always seems to have some project of his being adapted in one way or another, but since IT was a smash hit, his works have been getting adapted left and right, with 1922 and Gerald's... More
Castle of Heart on the Switch just got a burly update, and to celebrate, they're dropping the price by 10%. I know that doesn't make sense, but what do you care?... More
Paramount and developer Saber Interactive are still working on a World War Z title, but does anyone really care? I mean, the movie was a thing, but it was back in what? 2013? And wasn't it... More
Dead By Daylight hasn't had an update for a while, but it looks like the devs have been hard at work on one just the same. The last killer we got was The Pig, who was part of the Saw... More
Bandai Namco Europe just made something else that we are all going to be forced to pony up money for. To celebrate the release of Dark Souls Remastered for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Swtich,... More
Xenosis: Alien Infection is a retro-inspired, top down sci-fi adventure/survival game, with a heavy focus on a story-driven single-player experience, which all sounds pretty damn good to me. Blending... More
Straight from the mouth of The Hollywood Reporter, we've got news on the new, most likely ill-advised Boba Fett standalone film, and it's good news so far; Logan director, James Mangold will... More
Ubisoft has unveiled their plans for E3, and they've got a ton going on: new reveals, some hands-on demos, celebrations, prizes, an some long awaited updates on some of their bigger titles, like... More
Marvel Strike Force, the free to play phone/tablet title just got a new addition today, in the form of Cable, the time traveling badass who just co-starred in Deadpool 2 (Josh Brolin). The game sets... More
After Vampyr went gold earlier this week, new content and info has started pouring in, with the biggest glut of info coming in the form of a Dev sitdown/playthrough today, with another live... More
After almost a year of delivering non-stop beat-downs, Bandai Namco is releasing a huge DLC update for Tekken 7, and in a stunning move that almost no one will follow, it's free!
Even though... More
If you haven't checked out the well-received Detroit: Become Human, now might be the time; the PlayStation Store has a "PlayStation Store Quest" going, and if you... More
Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition (boy, that name is a mouthful), the FPS set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, just hit PS4 and PC today. If you're down with it, grab your Terminator... More
The long awaited, star-studded animated series from Simpson's creator Matt Groening, titled Disenchantment, has finally gotten a release date for its first 10 episodes, headed our way... More
Well, late May/early June, depending on what you've got. Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast is hitting PS4 May 29th and Xbox One on June 1st. If you haven't played it, Oh...Sir! The Insult... More
We were just talking about the Retron and SNES Classic, now the NES Classic Edition is headed our way for another go-around in June.
Much like the SNES classic edition, this thing sold out almost... More
When will Dragon Ball FighterZ run out of DLC characters? This is getting ridiculous!
DBFZ fans are getting yet another addition to the already stacked roster, with Fused Zamasu and SSGSS Vegito... More
Vampyr is one of my more highly anticipated titles this year, and the game has just gone gold, meaning that short of an act of god, this bad Larry is gonna launch right on schedule, Tuesday June... More
...but it won't be. Dammit.
No offense to any of my female readers, but I could tell it was going to suck as soon as they introduced the girlfriend. Actually, I take that back (apologies,... More
This game is getting so much controversial hype, you have to wonder if the actual gameplay can live up to the hysteria. Don't get me wrong, there have been tons of games that are... More
How has no one told me about this before?? I blame the schools and all of you. If you've been on a constant hunt for the SNES Classic, you might wanna knock it off, because this is probably going... More
Microsoft has made a few controllers for their machines over the years, but never one like this. Built for people with one hand, no hands, or trouble with precise motor skills, this bad boy is... More
In one of the dumber (personal opinion) attempts to drum up interest for what I assume is going to be another massive "event" (yawn), Marvel has released the following... More
Wipeout, the hyper fast futuristic racer is dropping a free demo tomorrow, so you can see if you're any good at hover-racing before you plunk down your hard-earned dollars. You can race on... More
The new villain is in for the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, and although it's one of the more B list villains in Spidey's rogue's gallery, it's one that has never hit... More
There are a ton of toy companies out there, so don't feel too bad if you missed Just Toys. They hold a few solid licenses, like Mega Man, Sonic, Shovel Knight and more, and they've got some... More