Son of a Witch, the cutesy action roguelike that ended up as an official selection at IndieCade Europe 2016, IndiePrize 2017, and Game Access '17, is about to get out of Early Access and launch... More
Utomik's model just might be the future of gaming, but we won't know for a while; the Netflix-esque game subscription service is headed out of its Beta phase today. Unlike Netflix, the... More
It might finally be time to upgrade your consoles, Minecraft lovers; the next update, titled "Update Aquatic" will be the last for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PS Vita. All future updates... More
This is like a big game of clue, but instead of "Mr. Mustard in the library with a lead pipe", it's "Mr. Mustard has been possessed by a demon and he just ate your... More
In 2017 I was exposed to an amazing pen and paper RPG called Mutant Year Zero. Set in a post apocalyptic universe, the game was intricate, in-depth and fun as hell; in short, I was... More
Iceberg Interactive, mainly known for their 4X Strategy titles, are releasing their first '4D' title, called Starship Corporation. Developed by Coronado Games, Starship... More
Fans howled in outrage when Bandai Namco delayed the Switch version of Dark Souls Remastered until this summer, but hey; what can you do? Besides complain that one of the best games of all time... More
Vampyr, the upcoming action-RPG from DONTNOD Entertainment, had a couple of delays, but now is on track for its June 5th release date. You are Dr. Jonathan Reid, doctor turned vampire, and this new... More
Composer Marty O’Donnell worked for Bungie for 14 years, and is the (genius) composer behind the Destiny and Halo soundtracks; you know, the epic, sweeping, badass soundtracks that you still... More
Red Dead Redemption 2 is the hotly anticipated follow up to Rockstar's smash-hit western, and we finally got a new trailer and some more info on the upcoming title. Players take on the role... More
Team 17 has been working away on their new title, and now that pre-orders have opened up, they've dropped a new trailer to pique interest. The trailer is mainly story based, showcasing the story... More
Taki was mysteriously absent from Soulcalibur V, and fans were not happy about it; not only is Taki a series staple, but she's one of the franchise's iconic fighters, appearing in every game... More
Hot on the heels of the new Ant-Man & The Wasp trailer (which looks pretty rad), I was hunting down more info when I stumbled across these amazing shorts on Disney XD, from French... More
While some say that space is the "final frontier", for the denizens of Genesis Alpha One, space has become the final option. We have finally wrecked our own planet to the point that it is... More
I've loved miniature wargaming ever since I discovered it way back in the late 1980’s. I was hooked almost immediately, and my first love has been an enduring one; my very first rulebook... More
With Mega Man's 30th anniversary coming, Capcom has decided that in lieu of a new Mega Man title, they'll give you an old Mega Man game on a dead platform. Thanks Capcom!
Joking aside,... More
Now that I think about it, Ghost debuted on the cover of Iron Man #219 (alright, I didn't "think about it", I looked it up, ok?), so really, Mass Effect kind of gaffled (that's a... More
Even though season one of the Punisher featured Bernthal drinking (and complimenting) glasses of white wine instead of blasting low-level mafia goons, the powers that be immediately green-lit season... More
Playstation Now has mainly been for returning to the halcyon days of PS3, but no longer! A dozen PS2 games just arrived on the streaming service, and although it isn't exactly the outpouring of... More
Falke, the newest downloadable character to join Street Fighter V's roster arrived last week, and we've got the scoop on her moves and style. The arrival of Falke marks the third character in... More
Techland Publishing has some good news for western FPS fans; Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is back on sale, and to celebrate, the game is now available on Steam with a discount.
Adam Lasoń,... More
This is looking better as each trailer is released, but we'll see how these snippets add up in June when Cloak & Dagger debuts. The show still has a very "teen" feel to... More
Riposte Games & Co and Furnace Games just dropped their new side scrolling hack & slash dungeon crawler, Dungeon Stars in early access on Steam right now for $15 bones, and they are trying to... More
You gotta love how game Hugh Jackman is for these ridiculous gags, especially since it was his starring vehicle, Wolverine: Origins that's getting shit on. Then again, it's not like Jackman... More
Little backstory on me: I didn't see Sharknado 1,2,3 or however many movies that series has produced. I didn't see Piranha 3D or any real or imagined sequels of that either. I didn't... More
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, everyone's favorite explorer, Lara Croft, must survive a deadly jungle, overcome trap-laden tombs, and also save the world from a Mayan apocalypse. By the end... More
There is something wrong with the case that you are working on. You're realizing this isn’t a normal job that you've undertaken, and it's lead you to this strange place. What... More
Comic book news website, recently caught up with Brian Michael Bendis, who recently jumped ship from his longstanding job at Marvel to DC, causing horror and delight among fanboys in equal... More
It's strange to say that Disney needs a win, but after the extremely divisive Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and the turmoil surrounding Solo, they kind of do. Disney is in no danger of... More
I love me some Hellboy, ok? I was on a work trip to Europe about 6 years ago, and before I left, I was raiding the SF library for comics to bring with me (thank you three week check out time, SF... More