In Warparty's prehistoric world, the land is inhabited by humans, dinosaurs and of course, magic. Three chieftains discover artifacts belonging to the Go'n, an ancient race that went extinct after a massive war decimated their population. With these artifacts in hand, they set out to succeed where the Go'n failed, attempting to change the world forever, which I am sure you can guess, is not going to go well at all.
As far as the actual gameplay is concerned, you’ll build a base, train units and lead them into battle. Boosting your army is as simple (or as difficult) as capturing ancient Go'n Shrines. Once captured, you’ll draw power from them, which can be unleashed through devastating spells in order to gain the upper hand in battle. Not enough? You’ll also be able to hunt dinosaurs (rad) or recruit them (radder) to supply your army with more numbers and, you know, have dino-warriors on your team. The ability to evolve your tribe with new technology and helpful talents for your Chieftain will be earned by demolishing your enemy, which, to be honest, you were probably going to try to do that anyways.
Featuring three playable factions (Wildlanders, Necromas and Vithara) a survival mode, online multiplayer (PC only), fighting dinosaurs and a robust campaign, Warparty is looking like a prehistoric blast.