Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

16.10.2013 22:42:25
Skate Through FAQ
This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Skate-Through
Platform: PlayStation
Version 0.95
Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
My website:

Created: Thursday, September 28, 2000 3:24:47 PM
Last Updated: Monday, October 30, 2000 6:53:04 PM


04. Basic Movelist
05. The Skaters
06. Controls
07. Skate-Through
08. Music Track List
09. Gap Checklist
10. My Created Skater Stats
11. Secrets
12. Credits
13. Contact Info




Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 is an impressive game. It's WAYYYY better than
the first game, and is much more addicting. Add to it the Create-a-Skater
option, and Skate Park Editor and tons of new skaters, moves, and a new
Money system, and you have one of the greatest games of all time, and
easily one of the PlayStation's best. Don't miss out, or I'll grind your
shiny new you have one that is. :P

Welcome to your new obsession...


02. Legal Stuff


This FAQ can only appear on the following sites (w/out having to ask me):

• GameFAQS
• Cheat Code Central
• GameSages
• FAQ Domain
• Cheat Planet

__________________________NOT WWW.MEGAGAMES.COM__________________________

If anyone finds it on any other site or, please inform me ASAP.

E-Mail Address:

© Copyright 2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered,
or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and
printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed
in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute
to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions,
comments, or corrections, to the address above.




Version 0.95 (10/30/00)

• Added the "Basic Movelist" section to this FAQ

Version 0.9 (10/04/00)

• Added the walkthrough for Philadelphia and The Bullring, and finished off
the walkthrough for Skatestreet. The skate-through is basically complete

• Added the Secrets section

• This guide is basically finished, I will only add some minor stuff and/or
corrections if necessary

Version 0.6 (10/03/00)

• Added the walkthough for the Marseille, Skatestreet Ventura, and the
walkthrough for Venice Beach. More to come...

• Finished up the Gap Checklist, courtesy of Psychoboy16.

Version 0.3 (09/30/00)

• Added the School II and New York City "Skate-Through"

• Added the 'Gap Checklist' to the document.

• Added the 'My Created Skater Stats' section to the document... ;)

Version 0.1 (09/29/00)

• First non-beta version of the FAQ, first released version. Contains
only the first level Skate-Through...


04. Basic Movelist


Button Command.......... Move Result (Grinds only)
Up + Triangle........... FS Nosegrind
Up/Right + Triangle..... FS Crooked
Up/Right + Triangle..... FS Overcrook
Right + Triangle........ FS Tailslide
Right + Triangle........ FS Noseslide

Down/Right + Triangle... BS Feeble
Down/Right + Triangle... BS Smith
Down + Triangle......... FS 5-0
Down/Left + Triangle.... BS Feeble
Down/Left + Triangle.... BS Smith

Left + Triangle......... FS Tailslide
Left + Triangle......... FS Noseslide
Up/Left + Triangle...... FS Crooked
Up/Left + Triangle...... FS Overcrook

Up, Up + Triangle....... FS Bluntside
Down, Down + Triangle... FS Nosebluntside
Triangle................ FS 50-50
Triangle................ FS Boardslide
Triangle................ FS Lipside


05. The Skaters


Here's the list of the skaters available in Tony Hawk 2 (plus the ratings
of each skater from a scale of 1-10, "1" being the worst, while "10" is
obviously the best rank):

• Tony Hawk (Rating: 9.5/10)
• Bob Burnquist (Rating: 7/10)
• Steve Caballero (Rating: 7/10)
• Kareem Campbell (Rating: 8/10)
• Rune Glifberg (Rating: 8.5/10)
• Eric Koston (Rating: 7.5/10)
• Bucky Lasek (Rating: 8/10)
• Rodney Mullen (Rating: 9/10)
• Chad Muska (Rating: 9/10)
• Andrew Reynolds (Rating: 8.5/10)
• Geoff Rowley (Rating: 7/10)
• Elissa Steamer (Rating: 7/10)
• Jamie Thomas (Rating: 7.5/10)
• My Created Skater(s) (Rating: 11/10) :P


06. Controls


Ollie: Hold down "X" to crouch, release it to jump. The longer you hold down
"X", the higher the ollie/jump.

Nollie: Tap "L2", then hit "X".

Wallride: Press "X" to jump, then hold down "Triangle" near a wall to

Manuals: Tap up-down or down-up when skating or landing.

Boneless: Tap up-up, then "X".

No Comply: Tap up then press "X".

Big-Drop bail avoid trick: Hold down "X" when falling from a "Big Drop" to
to keep from bailing.

Get up faster: Mash the button together to get up faster from a bail.

Combos: While in the air, hold "Square" or "O" with a Directional button
to do a combo.

50-50: Hold "Triangle" near a rail.

Nosegrind: Up + "Triangle".

5-0: Down + "Triangle".

Boardslide/Tailslide: Hold left or right + "Triangle", then move the
directional pad to rotate your slide.

Smith/Feeble: Diagonally down + "Triangle".

Crooked/Overcrook: Diagonally up + "Triangle".

Nosebluntslide: Tap up-up + "Triangle".

Bluntslide: Tap down-down + "Triangle".


07. Skate-Through


The Hangar: Mullet Falls MT (Opened at start of game)

Level Goals: Prize:
High Score - 10,000 $100
Pro Score - 25,000 $200
SICK Score! - 75,000 $500
Collect S-K-A-T-E $150
Barrel Hunt $150
Collect 5 Pilot Wings $250
Nosegrind Over The Pipe $150
Hit 3 Hangtime Gaps $150
Find the Secret Tape $150
100% Goals and Cash $200

Collect S-K-A-T-E:

S- On the rail that goes across the large halfpipe gap near the start of the

K- Floating above the quarterpipe near the airplane.

A- On top of the airplane near the windows.

T- Floating above a quarterpipe near the helicopter.

E- On the other side of the helicopter, above the other quarterpipe.

Barrel Hunt:

• Some right after the first large halfpipe
• Some near the "T", near the helicopter
• Some inside the halfpipe leading to the secret area beyond the hole in
the wall
• Some to the left of the opening ramp, near the airplane
• Some on the ledge leading to the Secret Tape

Collect 5 Pilot Wings:

• One on small slanted wall near airplane
• One near windows next to the helicopter
• One on the set of propellars inside the halfpipe area
• One floating above the level, on some pipes near the starting ramp
• One floating on the other side of the airplane, near the helicopter
area, next to the glass, and above the quarterpipe

Hit the 3 Hangtime Gaps:

• One gap is the one where the helicopter is
• One gap is the large halfpipe near the starting ramp
• The last gap is the one where the airplane lies, near the glass

Nosegrind over the pipe:

To accomplish this feat, simply grind the helicopter to make it leave, then
build up speed in that area. Now hit the ramp that leads to the glass,
and get as much air as you can. Now just nosegrind across the long pipe
that is here, and you're set.

Find the Secret Tape:

The Secret Tape is well an extent. To get to it, find the
helicopter on the room beyond the glass, and grind it's propellars to
cause it to hover away, revealing a new entrance outside in the snow. Now
just skate out there, and nap the Secret Tape from the air above a halfpipe.


There is some cool extra cash here. To get to it, find the wings in the
large halfpipe near the start of the level, the ones on a wall, at the
end of the halfpipe. Grind the wings, and it will open a new, hidden
area complete with rotating fans, and some extra cash floating above the
halfpipes for you to take. Also, you can access a small halfpipe outside
in the snow by grinding the helicopter. There is also some other scattered
cash on some very high rails in this level.

School II: Southern Cali (Need 1000 dollars to unlock)

Level Goals: Prize:
High Score - 45,000 $200
Pro Score - 40,000 $350
SICK Score! - 100,000 $500
Get 5 Hall-Passes $400
Wallride 5 Bells $500
Collect S-K-A-T-E $400
Kickflip TC's Roof Gap $400
Grind 3 Roll Call Rails $500
Find the Secret Tape $500
100% Goals and Cash $500

Get 5 Hall-Passes:

• One is on a rail near the start of the level
• One is near some tables, by a table-to-table gap
• One is by the gym entrance
• One is near a brown (wood) quarterpipe
• One is floating above a planter near the 4th pass

Wallride 5 Bells:

• One bell is to the right of where you start the level. Use the ramp to
wallride the bell
• One is near the "K", in a small corridor past some lockers, on a wall
with a ramp that circles it
• One is on a wall behind the mobiles, near the Opunsezmee Rail
• One is above a trash bin, near TC's Roof Gap
• One is on a wall, near a uphill slope/ramp, by the bike racks

Collect S-K-A-T-E:

S- On the rail that goes down in the tunnel to the right of the first
bell you find

K- Just beyond the "S", the "K" lies above the quarterpipe past the "S"

A- Past the "K", the "A" is on another long rail

T- Floating above a quarterpipe, near the "A"

E- Once more, floating above a quarterpipe, near the trash bin

Kickflip TC's Roof Gap:

This one is easy. To find TC's Roof Gap, head over to the trash bin where
the "E" is, and one of the bells are. Now you should see a ramp that leads
to the roof of a mobile-house (there's a ramp on each side). Use one of
the ramps here to launch yourself onto the roof, and then fly to the other
mobile, while performing a kickflip in the process. Land the trick to
complete this goal.

Grind 3 Roll-Call Rails:

• One is the first LONG-ass rail near the beginning of the level, the one
that goes off to the right as you go down it
• One is the rail that leads down to the Mobil-house area, by the bike racks.
This one is the Opunsezmee Rail
• The last rail is the rail near the trash bin, to the left to be exact.
Grind this rail from top to bottom for the Gonz Rail

Find the Secret Tape:

The secret tape for the School 2 is well hidden, but easy to get to once you
know how to find it. First, start off by heading to the quarterpipe where
the "K" used to be. Use it to gain speed, then go full-speed to the other
side of this "stage", go down the wooden ramps (they're tough to see, but
they're there), and launch off the planters to fly onto the roof area. Now
just use the next planter to nap the Secret Tape that's floating in mid-air,
and land it. This also leads to a hidden area full of extra cash, just waiting
to be taken...


Some secrets are the cash locations. One is the fifty-dollar bill floating
above a quarterpipe to the right of the start of the level, and another
cash location is on the ledge that is straight ahead and to the slight
left of the start of the level. To get here, just ollie over the rail, onto
the ledge, then fly off the ledge to grab some cash floating here. Another
cash location, although harder to get, is worth it. There's a 100-dollar
bill on a rail near the entrance to the level. Simply use the ramp near the
first Bell in the level (near the start of the level), ollie onto the
roof, go forward and over the gap, then fly OVER the green elecrical box
perfectly to land on a long rail, which the 100-dollar bill is floating

Also, you can access the gym too. To do this, head to the Opunsezmee Rail
near the bike racks, and when you hear the second bell in the background,
grind the entire rail. If done correctly, the gym will open (the gym is
just past the first Roll Call rail, then to the left. The doors lead
to a giant pool, which is great for combos, and is essential to getting
high enough scores to get the Pro and SICK scores for this level.

There is also some more cash lying around this level, which is easy
to spot. Check out the area just beyond the Secret Tape to find at
least $150 lying around...

Marseille, France (Need 3000 dollars to unlock)

This is just a Competition where you compete for a medal, and that is all.
This is "The Bluetorch Pro Bowl Jam."

• 3 Heats per skater
• Best 2 Heats wins
• Points deducted for bails
• $7500 prize

"Find all cash icons to 100% the level."

100 Dollar Bill: On the long rope that holds the "Bienvenue Marseille" banner,
that hangs above the center area of quarterpipes.

50 Dollar Bill: Above the banner that reads "Bluetorch", to the left of
a bunch of speakers and near some flags.

50 Dollar Bill: Go to the secret area (find the small fence board, smash it,
and go through the new area, and head into the hole).

100 Dollar Bill: Find the hidden area, and grab the 100 dollar bill floating
above the fountain here.

50 Dollar Bill: On one side of the fountain in hidden area.

50 Dollar Bill: On the other side of the fountain in the hidden area too.

50 Dollar Bill: Also in the hidden area.

NY City, New York (Need 1 Medal to unlock)

Level Goals: Prize:
High Score - 20,000 $750
Pro Score - 50,000 $1000
SICK Score! - 150,000 $1250
Collect S-K-A-T-E $800
Ollie the Hydrants $700
5 Subway Tokens $800
50-50 Joey's Sculpture $900
Grind the Subway rails $1100
Find the Secret Tape $1200
100% Goals and Cash $500

Collect S-K-A-T-E:

S- On the brick ledge to your left right as you begin the level

K- Also on the brick ledge, just past the "S"

A- Floating in mid-air near Joey's Statue. Use the LARGE quarterpipe near
the statue for acceleration, then use the planter in front of the
statue to launch and nab the "A"

T- Floating on the bridge past Joey's Statue

E- Floating above a quarterpipe, just past the "T"

Ollie the Hydrants:

• One is to the right of the entrance, past Joey's Sculpture, near some
"road closed" signs
• One is opposite of the first Hydrant, on the right-side of the street
on the sidewalk, near some different sets of "road closed" signs
• One is to the right of the second hydrant, past the bridge where the
"T" was, and past the quarterpipe where the "E" was, on the sidewalk

5 Subway Tokens:

• One is near the second hydrant, near the "road closed" signs, floating
above a quarterpipe
• One is right across from the first coin, above a rock. Use the rock to
fly to the coin in the air
• One is to also near the second hydrant, to the left of the "road closed"
signs, above some rails
• One is just past the third coin, on one side of the bridge that oversees
the center statue of the city
• One is on a bench near where the "T" is found.

50-50 Joey's Sculpture:

Near the beginning of the level, to the right, you'll find a bridge, and
a blue rail-looking thing to the right of the bridge. Hop over the main
rail, and grind this blue rail, which is Joey's Sculpture. You'll know
that it's his sculpture, because there's a diner behind it called "Joey's

Grind the Subway rails:

Head straight from the start of the level until you reach the other side,
and you can't go any further. Do a 180, and skate forward, back towards
the beginning of the level. You should see a escalator moving, and going
up. (BTW, you must have all 5 tokens before doing this). At the top,
grind the subway rails all the way to the end, and into the secret area
filled with extra cash.

Find the Secret Tape:

Access the secret area by grinding the subway rails to the very end, then
find the bridge with a 50-dollar bill on it. Go onto the bridge, and
grind the longest rail at the end to the right, then immediatly ollie off it
to the left, and onto the next rail to the left. This rail leads to the
Secret Tape, which is floating at the end of it.


There is a lot of cash just lying around the city. Look on benches, bridges,
underneath bridges, and whatnot for lots of 50-dollar bills. Also, the
secret area past the subway rails contains lots of 50 and 100-dollar bills
for your spending pleasure. But other than that, there aren't many cool
secrets here, although you can see the famous bridge that leads into downtown
New York in the background from the secret area. It's highlighted with
bright blue lights. Very cool indeed.

By the way, there is $250(!) floating above the large statue in the center
of the park, near the "A" letter. To get it, gain plenty of speed by using
the large quarterpipe near the statue, and, in the same fashion that you
got the "A" letter, launch yourself off the small planter-type thing in
front of the statue, and fly over the statue. If you are high enough, then
you will nab a cool $250. :D

Venice Beach, California (Need 15,000 dollars to unlock)

Level Goals: Prize:
High Score - 40,000 $1500
Pro Score - 100,000 $1750
SICK Score! - 200,000 $2000
Collect S-K-A-T-E $1250
Ollie the Magic Bum 5x $1250
Collect 5 Spray Cans $1250
Tailslide Venice Ledge $1000
Hit 4 VB Transfers $1250
Find the Secret Tape $1250
100% Goals and Cash $500

Collect S-K-A-T-E:

S- Resting on top of a small elevated building to the very of you when
you begin the level.

K- Floating above a small gap to the right of the "A", on a small rooftop.
You'll have to find a way onto the roof, then jump the gap and grab the
"K" as you do...

A- On a small ledge, in the shadows near some glass enclosed windows, near
the high-wire where the Secret Tape is located.

T- Floating near the Secret Tape, on top of the roof, above a small funbox,
which you should use to access the "T". Near the Vent 2 Roof Gap.

E- Floating above a small quarterpipe, to the left of the start of the level,
in a sort of hidden area, near the edge of the beach.

Ollie the Magic Bum 5x:

*NOTE: You can always find the bum lying on top of some cardboard and he's
always near a trash bin. Beware of this...*

• First time he's lying on the ground in the path that you take to get to
the roof with the two quarterpipes.

• 2nd time he's lying in an enclosed halfpipe area, by a VB Transfer location.

• 3rd time he's near a wall, to the right of where you start the level.

• 4th time he's lying underneath a large banner near the beach, and by the
letter "K".

• 5th time he's right near the start of the level, to the left, snoozing

Collect 5 Spray Cans:

• One is directly to your left as you start the level, floating above a

• One is to the right of you when you start, beyond the fence, and floating
above the small ledge.

• One is right behind the "A", on a quarterpipe near the bum.

• One is above a quarterpipe just beyond the "S".

• One is floating in mid-air, between two quarterpipes, near the 4th
appearance of the magic bum

Tailslide Venice Ledge:

Skate off to the second bum, and use the Quarterpipe and fly off to the
right. You will see a 100 dollar bill on a ledge. Grind then tailslide
this ledge to complete this goal.

If this does not work, head backwards to the large set of stairs, and
tailslide the left side of these stairs to complete this goal.

Hit 4 VB Transfers:

• One is near the start, to the right near a Spray Can. Just fly off this
quarterpipe and onto the next one to the left.

• One is near another spray can near the 4th appearance of the magical
bum. Launch off the ramp closest to the beach, and land on the ramp to
the left of this one.

• There's a VB Transfer that leads to a Bum, and near another Spray Can.
Just launch off the ramp to the right of the bum and spray can, and
land on the quarterpipe with the bum near it.

• The last VB transfer is just the transfer you can make with the ramps near
the Venice Ledge.

Find the Secret Tape:

Make your way to the "A" letter location, then head to the "T" location,
and use the Vent 2 Roof Gap to get there. Now turn left, and you will see
the Secret Tape floating near a powerline in mid-air. Get as much acceleration
as you can, then launch yourself off the ramp that leads to it, and if you
have enough air, you will barely nab the tape.


There aren't many secrets in this level, unfortunately. :( The only thing
worth mentioning are some of the more "well hidden" quarterpipes, but you
can easily find these by riding the tops of the concrete ledges around
the area. There is a lot of cash scattered around the level, especially
above planters, kickers, ledges near letters and spray cans, and on the
edges of some fences. Just search for yourself to find some cool extra
cash. BTW, there is an easy 100 dollar bill near the Venice Ledge. ;)

Skatestreet, Ventura (Need 25,000 dollars to unlock)

This is just a Competition where you compete for a medal, and that is all.
This is the "Plywood Paradise."

• 3 Heats per skater
• Best 2 Heats wins
• Points deducted for bails
• $20,000 prize

"Find all cash icons to 100% the level."

100 Dollar Bill: Floating above the small bridge to the right of the giant

50 Dollar Bill: Floating above a quarterpipe, near the large halfpipe and
near some soda machines.

100 Dollar Bill: Floating in mid-air, to the left of a giant quarterpipe. You
need to launch off the pipe to the left, and grab it in mid
air, or use the rail on the other side of it, near some
trees to get to it.

50 Dollar Bill: Floating above the rail that is right in front of the large

100 Dollar Bill: Use a rail near the another 100 dollar bill, and enter
a hidden area with this 100 dollar bill.

100 Dollar Bill: Floating on the van in the hidden area.

250 Dollar Bill: Yet again in the hidden area, in mid-air between the

250 Dollar Bill: Also in the other hidden area, near some large speakers.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Need 2 Medals to unlock)

Level Goals: Prize:
High Score - 50,000 $2500
Pro Score - 125,000 $3000
SICK Score! - 250,000 $4000
Collect S-K-A-T-E $2000
Drain the Fountain $2500
Collect 5 Bells $2000
Bluntside the Awning $2000
Liptrick 4 Skatepark Lips $2500
Find the Secret Tape $2000
100% Goals and Cash $500

Collect S-K-A-T-E:

S- To the right of the start of the level, on a high concrete ledge by
some grass, and to the left of a Bell. Almost floating in between two

K- Right next to the "A", on a small blue ledge, on top of some stores. Use
the planter to reach it, and grind the ledge to get the "K".

A- On a small ledge near some trees, near the "K", and across from the "S",
and the fountain.

T- Just past the "A", near a motel and floating in mid-air at the top of
the motel stairs.

E- The "E" is floating in the air just past the "T". Simply hop onto the
grassy ledge to the left of the "T", and launch off it and grab the
"E" from mid-air.

Drain the Fountain:

Head straight from the start of the level, and go over the World's Most
Obvious Gap and the Second Most Obvious Gap, then launch yourself off the
nearby planter and land on the nearby ledge that is above it. Up here you
should find a valve. Grind it to drain the fountain.

Collect 5 Bells:

• One is right next to the letter "S", floating on the other side of the ledge,
in mid-air.

• One is floating in mid-air next to the "K" above a planter/kicker.

• One is on another grassy ledge, to the right of the letter "T", near
the motel.

• One is near the start of the level, floating in between two ramps, one
of them being green.

• One is near the World's Most Obvious Gap

Bluntside the Awning:

Locate the "K" letter, and bluntside this awning as long as you can. Remember
to use the kicker/planter to get up here, and make sure you get enough
air to reach it. After enough grindage, the game will tell you that you've
grinded (actually Bluntside it) the Awning.

Liptrick 4 Skatepark Lips:

• One is on the halfpipe just past the motel with the "T". Some rails lead
to this halfpipe, which is near some train tracks and a fence that blocks
them from you. Just liptrick the lip of the halfpipe, then head to the
right of the halfpipe to the next area...

• The next Lip area is near the halfpipe. Simply liptrick one of the edges
here. This is also near the train tracks.

• Move out from the second lip trick area towards the fountain, and you'll
find a semi-enclosed quarter (3/4ths is more like it) pipe. Lip trick
this one too.

• Right next to it is another quarterpipe. Lip trick this one to finish
off the skatepark lips goal.

Find the Secret Tape:

Head to where the "S" was, and where one of the bells was, and grind up the
long wire near here. You can easily see the Secret Tape lying on the
wire, but you need plenty of speed and balance to reach it without falling
off the wire, and back to the cold, hard concrete.


Once again, there aren't many hidden areas or secrets in Philly. There is
the skatepark, but it's not that secret. To find it anyways, locate the
"T", then skate past it (you can also skate past the "E" as well), and
follow the rails in the dirt to find a cool halfpipe, as well as some
more kickers and quarterpipes near it, and near the train tracks. This
area is great for picking up easy points, since you can manual and trick
out the pipes easily. There are also some cool rails where you can string
together a grip of grinds for some kick ass points. There is also some
easy cash in the halfpipe: There's a $250 bill floating right above the
halfpipe. Talk about easy cash...

By the way, there is some extra cash located in the drained fountain, so be
sure to check it after you've drained it.

The Bullring, Mexico (Need 6000 dollars to unlock

This is just a Competition where you compete for a medal, and that is all.
This is the "Bullhorn Brawl."

• 3 Heats per skater
• Best 2 Heats wins
• Points deducted for bails
• $65,000 prize

"Find all cash icons to 100% the level."

250 Dollar Bill- Search within the piles of crap in the outer bullring area,
where the bull runs.

250 Dollar Bill- Search within the piles of crap in the outer bullring area,
where the bull runs.

250 Dollar Bill- Search within the piles of crap in the outer bullring area,
where the bull runs.

250 Dollar Bill- Search within the piles of crap in the outer bullring area,
where the bull runs.

250 Dollar Bill- On the long wires above the bullring. See 'Secrets' below
for info on how to get here.

250 Dollar Bill- On the long wires above the bullring. See 'Secrets' below
for info on how to get here.

250 Dollar Bill- On the long wires above the bullring. See 'Secrets' below
for info on how to get here.

250 Dollar Bill- On the long wires above the bullring. See 'Secrets' below
for info on how to get here.

250 Dollar Bill- One of these is near the stands, but on a banner that over-
hangs the outer ring with the crap. Grind the banner to
snatch the easy $250.

250 Dollar Bill- One of these is near the stands, but on a banner that over-
hangs the outer ring with the crap. Grind the banner to
snatch the easy $250.


There are some cool secrets in this level. First off, most of the cash is
hidden. There is a lot of $250 bills in the outer ring of the ring, where
the bull runs. Where is it? In the piles of bullsh!t of course. Yeah, if
you skate over some certain piles of crap, $250 will just pop out for your
keeping. Be careful though, since there is a raging bull running around this
area. But if you know where he's coming from, you can ollie and grind his
ass for an easy 2000 points (at first...then the points reduce the more you
do it). Also, if you launch above the crap ring where the bull is, you
can land in the stands. Skate around this area to find some ramps leading
towards some long ropes that string across the entire bullring, containing
a bunch of cash and other extra stuff too. Be sure to cover all of these
ropes and grind them for as long as possible in order to gain the most
money and points at the same time.


08. Music Track List


The music is an intregal part of Tony Hawk 2. I mean, how can you skate
well if you don't dig the tunes? That's what I thought. So, I composed
this track list for your 'listening' pleasure. This list will list each
track number along with the artist and song name.

| | | |
| Track # | Artist | Song |
| | | |
| 01 | Papa Roach | "Blood Brothers" |
| | | |
| 02 | Anthrax & Chuck D | "Bring The Noise" |
| | | |
| 03 | Rage against the Machine | "Guerilla Radio" |
| | | |
| 04 | Naughty By Nature | "Pin the Tail on the Donkey" |
| | | |
| 05 | Bad Religion | "You" |
| | | |
| 06 | Powerman 5000 | "When Worlds Collide" |
| | | |
| 07 | Millencolin | "No Cigar" |
| | | |
| 08 | The High and Mighty F/ | "B-Boy Document '99" |
| | Mos Def & Mad Skillz | |
| | | |
| 09 | Dub Pistols | "Cyclone" |
| | | |
| 10 | Lagwagon | "May 16" |
| | | |
| 11 | Styles of Beyond | "Subculture" |
| | | |
| 12 | Consumed | "Heavy Metal Winner" |
| | | |
| 13 | Fu Manchu | "Evil Eye" |
| | | |
| 14 | Alley Life F/ Black | "Out With the Old" |
| | Planet | |
| | | |
| 15 | Swingin' Utters | "Five Lessons Learned" |
| | | |
| 16 | Born Allah | "City Star" |
| | | |


09. Gap Checklist


This "checklist" can also be found within the game, in the Options menu.
Here I have listed all of the Gaps/Transfers/Extensions in each of the
game's levels, along with their point value. And since there are already
guides out there with the actual locations of these Transfers and Gaps
(Tom Hayes' FAQ is great, check it out), I decided to skip that, and
list their point values instead of the locations. If __anyone__ out there has
point values that I am missing, please let me know the point values. Thanks.

And without further adou...

The Hangar: (21 total gaps; Me: 8/21)

Air Gaps: Point Value:
Rollin' Gap 100
Chopper Hop 100
Halfpipe Grind 250
Flyin High 250
It's Cold Up Here 250
Halfpipe Hangtime 500
Wingtip Hangtime 500
Skycrane Hangtime 500
Air Over the Door 1000

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Rail Guided Missile 100
Raildrop 100
Lil Light Hopper 250
Big Light Hopper 500
Light Corner 500

Manual Gaps: Point Value:
Instrument Landing 500

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
High Steppin' 100
One Half Pipe Up 100
The Other Half Pipe Up 100
Wind Tunnel Back Wall 100
Upwind Lip 100
Downwind Lip 100

School II: (43 total gaps; Me: 20/43)

Air Gaps: Point Value:
TC's Roof Gap 250
Table Transfer 250
Over the Wall... 250
Leap of Faith!!! 500
Drop out Roof Gap! 500
Awning Hop 500
OverHang Air 500
And down the bank! 500
Carlsbad 11 Set 500
3 Points!!! 500
Carlsbad Gap 750
Crazy Roof Gap!!! 750
2 Da Roof!!! 750
Huge Transfer!!! 750
Suicidal Transfer!!! 1000
Mad Skeelz Roof Gap!!! 1000
Balcony 2 Awning!!! 1000
Are you serious?!! 2500

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Roll Call! Gonz Rail! 250
Gym Rail 2 Rail 250
Overhang Stomp! 250
Rack 'Em Up 250
Pole Stomp! 250
Roll Call! Opunsezmee Rail! 250
Big Ranchero Bench Gap 500
Pole 2 Brix! 500
Bank 2 Ledge 500
Roll Call! Nightmare Rail! 500
Bendy's Curb 500
Flyin' The Flag! 750
Stage Rail 2 Rail 750
Kicker 2 Hook 750
Backboard Dance! 1000

Manual Gaps: Point Value:
Planter on Edge 250
2 Wheelin' TC's Roof 500
Ledge on Edge 500
Bendy's Flat 500

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Arch Extension 500
Starting Blocks Extension!!! 500
Lil' Guppy Extension!!! 1000
Mid Squid Extension!!! 2500
High Dive Extension!!! 5000

Other Gaps: Point Value:
Rock the Bells! 500

Marseille: (33 total gaps; Me: 02/33)

Air Gaps: Point Value:
Over the Lil' 4 100
Shorty Dumpster Pop 150
Shorty Table Pop 150
Dumpster Pop 200
Over the Gate 250
Table Pop 250
2 The Box 250
Over the Table 250
Box 2 Box Action 250
Up the Lil' 4 250
Water Up Le Backside 250
Up! 250
Over the Crossbar 500
Big Ol' Stanky Gap 500
Up!! 500
Freakin' Huge Hip 1000
Humpty Humps!!! 1000
Big Mouth Gap 1000
And Away!!! 1000

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Rail 2 Rail 50
Rail 2 Ledge 250
Ledge 2 Rail 250
The Hidden 4 Kink 500
Dumpster Stomp 1000
Kink Clank 1000
Kink Stomp 1000
Crossbar Stomp 1500
Lamp Stomp 2000
Knucklin' Futs!!! 2000

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Boomin' Extension 250
Stanky Extension 250
U.U.A. Extension 250

Other Gaps: Point Value:
Wall Crawler 500

NY City: (41 total gaps; Me: 11/41)

Air Gaps: Point Value:
Kick It 50
Rock It Air 50
Pigeon Puddin' Gap 100
Ramp to Park Gap 100
Awning Air 100
Over the Banks Barrier 100
Take it to the Bridge 150
Ramp to Statue Shorty Gap 250
Pouncer was here 250
Over the Road 250
Big Air out of the Banks 250
Pillar Air 500

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Re-Rebar 50
Bench-Hoppin 100
Left Side Pit Rail Stomp 100
Banks Spank 100
Parking Meter Gap 100
You're Next in Line 100
The Easy Way 100
Joey's Sculpture 100
Right side Pit rail stomp 100
Jamie's Steps 100
Banks Fence Gap 100
Banks Road Gap 100
Rebar to Rail Gap 100
Ride the Rails 100
Across the Pit 100
Corner Cut 100
Park Entrance Gap 100
Grab a snack and sit down 100
Buuurp! Now go skate. 100
The Hard Way 500
Slam Dunk 500
Sidewalk Bomb 100
Changin' Trains 1000

Manual Gaps: Point Value:
The Bridge 250
Going Down? 250

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Phat Up 100
Waaaay Up There 100

Other Gaps: Point Value:
Banks Barrier Wallride 100

Venice Beach

Air Gaps: Point Value:
VB Skinny Transfer 100
Up! 100
Table Pop 200
Shorty Planter Pop 200
Cake Transfer 250
West Side Transfer 250
Wee Lil' Roof Gap 250
Up!! 250
Canyon Jump 250
Ledge 9 Set 250
Muska's Gap 500
Tight Landing Transfer 500
Big Double 5 Set 500
VB Pit Transfer 500
Nice Mid Size Roof Gap 500
Planter Pop 500
Roof 2 Ramp 500
And Away!!! 500
VB Ledge Transfer 500
Lil' Vent Gap 500
Ramp 2 Roof 750
Uphill Canyon Jump 750
Vent 2 Roof Gap 750
VB! Huge Transfer 1000
Massive 20 Set 1000
Siiiiick Roof Gap 1000
Huge Roof 2 Ramp 1000
Fatty Transfer 1000
Big Vent Gap 1000
Huge Ramp 2 Roof 1500

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Seaside Handrail 200
The Venice Ledge 250
Bench Trippin' 500
Ledge 2 Ledge 500
10 Point Landing! 500
The High Wire 1000
'Round The Horn!!! 2500

Manual Gaps: Point Value:
He Could Go... 250
All The Way... 500
Candy Cane Manual 750
Touchdown!!! 1000

Skate Street

Air Gaps: Point Value:
Over The Wall 10
Railing Hop 50
Over The Bridge 50
HP To Bowl 100
Bowl To HP 100
Bullet Bowl Hop 100
Over The Deck 100
Daaaaay Tripper 100
Gimme Gap Redux 100
Sodee Pop Gap 100
Cut The Corner 100
High Sticker 100
Shoot The Gap 100
No Kidding Around 150
Stairset 150
Hexbox Gap 150
High Jumper 250

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Rail Secret Area Key 50
Rail 2 Rail 50
Van Secret Area Key 100
Nail The Rail 100
HP 2 Railbox 100
Wave Wall Minigap 100
Surfin' U.S.A. 100
Skatin' On The Dock Of The Bay 100
Havin' A Picnic 100
Extension Transfer 100
Big Air Railing Grind 100
Circle The Pool 500

Manual Gaps: Point Value:
Funbox Wheelie 100

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Bowl Lip 100
HP Lip 100
Ride The Wave 100
Gully Lip 100
Bowl Envy 100
Mr. Small Lips 100


Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Easy Post Ollie 10
Post Ollie 50
Statue Hop 50
Stair Set 100
Up The Small Set 100
Bench Gap 100
The World's Most Obvious Gap 100
Phillyside Hop 100
Phillyside HP Transfer 250
Pillar Fight 250
THPS Fountain Gap 500
Chillin' On The Balcony 500

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Track Smack 50
Hobo Grind 100
Planter Transfer 100
Railing to Planter 100
Pillar Hop 150
Planter Double Pillar Gap 150
Just Visiting 150
Short Stair 150
Telephone Co. Gap 250
Funbox Transfer 250
Medium Stair 250
Grind Up Dem Stairs 500
Awning Grind 500
Little Corner Grind 500
Fly By Wire 500
Death From Above 500
Train Hard 500
Long Stair 500
World's Second Most Obvious Gap 750
Fountain Ping! 750
Grind Of Faith 1500

Manual Gaps: Point Value:
Funbox Wheelie 100
Flatlands Techin' 500
Manual Stimulation 500
Rockin' The Stairs 2500

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Phillyside New Bowl Lip 100
Phillyside HP Lip 100
Phillyside Big Bowl Lip 100
Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip 100

The Bullring

Lip Gaps: Point Value:
Wussy Rollin Gap 50
Plat Gap 100
Gate Gap 150
Launchin On Up 200
Launchin The Pipe 300
Rollin Gap 300
Air Toro 400
Big Enchilada Mama 600
Tight Gap 1000
Jumpin Da Humps 1500

Grind Gaps: Point Value:
Lil' Wee Wussy Gap 1
Enjoyin The View 250
Kink 400
Grindin The Pipe 450
Friggin A Hombre 500
Ramp Rail To Banana 500
Box To Rail 500
Nice Friggin Ankles 500
Nailin Da Rail 500
Way To Go Amigo 500
Ramp Rail To Rail 500
Taking The High Road 650
Rail Plat Gap 750
Box To Banana 1000
Launch To Banana 1000
Clenchfest! 1500
Finesse Test 1500
Launch To Rail 2000

Other Gaps: Point Value:
Up To Stands 50
Threadin The Needle 2000
Way To Go Gringo!!! 5000


10. My Created Skater Stats


For all of you out there who would like to create your own "Nemesis" skater
(like you really would, lol...), here are the "stats" for my created skater,
so you can have the same skater(s) that I use:

Skater 01 (Gangsta-Skater):
HEAD Hair Net
TORSO Tank Top
LEGS Bunched Up
SHINS No Socks
SHOES Airwalk Lasek

Skater 02 (Me :P):
HEAD Black Hair
TORSO Shirtless
LEGS Bunched Up
PANTS COLOR Light Yellow
SHINS No Socks
SHOES Circa Muska Red

Skater 03 (Basketball Fan):
HEAD Head Band
TORSO Jersey 3/Sweat Bands
LEGS Baggy Cargo
SHOES Axion Campbell

Escaped Criminal:
HEAD Mullet B
TORSO Stripe L. Sleve
LEGS Ripped Pants
SHOES Emerica Black

>Send me YOUR creations to:!<


11. Secrets


I got some of these cheats from For the rest of the cheats, visit:

• Unlock Spiderman: Beat the game 100% with a created skater to unlock this

• Unlock Private Carrera: Get every Gap in the game. Complete the Gap

• Chopper Drop: Hawaii level: Get 3 Gold medals with every character to get
this new level.

• Skate Heaven: Complete the game 100% with all characters (even secret
ones), and a created skater to unlock this beauty of a

• All stats at 10: Pause the game during gameplay, then hold down L1 and
enter: X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle,
Up, Down.

• Infinite Special Bar: Pause the game during gameplay, then hold down L1
and enter: X, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Up, Left,
Triangle, Square.




CJayC- For accepting all of my FAQS, and for creating the best web site on
the net!

Me- For making this FAQ! :p

Game Manual- For the basic moves.

Psychoboy16- For the kick ass Gap and Transfer scores. Thanks! For a few of the secrets in the 'Secrets' section.




My Resident Evil Code Veronica site:
My website:
E-Mail Address:

This document intellectual and legal property of...

"_____ __ _____ "
___ | / /___________ __________________(_)_______
__ |/ /_ _ \_ __ `__ \ _ \_ ___/_ /__ ___/
_ /| / / __/ / / / / / __/(__ )_ / _(__ )
/_/ |_/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\___//____/ /_/ /____/

One final word:

"Don't Do Drugs!"

Copyright © 2000 Nemesis

nd of Document~

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Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

16.October 2013

16.October 2013

17.October 2013

14.October 2013
thanks to Kai (
Action Replay Codes

10.October 2008
Here is a replay of a 9 000 000 point combo in Skatestreet, achieved using absolutly NO CHEATS.

17.October 2013
Create Skater FAQ

12.October 2013
High Score FAQ

14.October 2013
In Word format

14.October 2013
Replay in the School 2 Level, no codes used.

13.October 2013

11.October 2013
Savegame editor

18.October 2013
Super savegame with all gaps, cheats and skaters

18.October 2013
All Skaters, All Boards, All Levels, All Specials.

14.October 2013
Transfer Listing FAQ

14.October 2013
Park Editor FAQ

17.October 2013
Money trainer

15.October 2013
Skate Through FAQ

16.October 2013

11.October 2013
Playguide FAQ

16.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European UK PAL Verson.

17.October 2013

14.October 2013
Cheats and hints for the Demo
10.October 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and +26 Trainer for the US NTSC Final Version.

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11.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Final Version.

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Custom Skate-Park in Livermore

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