Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

11.10.2013 13:17:32
Secrets FAQ
Game: Tony Hawk 2
Console: Sony Playstation
Contained in FAQ: Hard to get stuff, Secrets, Hidden Stuff, Cheats, Gaps, and
Version: 2.5
Author: Christoff (

1) A Bit About Me
2) Version History
3) Hidden Cash Icons of Heat Levels
4) Hidden and Hard To Find Gaps
5) Hidden Areas
6) Hidden Characters
7) *NEW!* Tricks & Cheats for Tons o' Points
8) *NEW!* Button & In-Game Cheats
9) *Updated* Secret Levels
10) Bugs 'n Stuff
11) Closing

1) A Bit About Me
Hey, this is my first FAQ. And you'll probably be seeing more of my FAQs around
for only the greatest games for the Playstation and Dreamcast. So I figure how
about a little information about me to break the ice?

I've always been the guy at the arcades explaining how to do stuff. How to turn
on the score counter in House of the Dead 2, how to find the bad guy faster
then he can find you in Silent Scope, And how the hell your supposed to use Dan
in Marvel VS. Capcom 2. So after I ran across Tony Hawk 2, noticed there wasn't
one FAQ on GameFAQs for it, I decided to write one.
I love video games. The only thing I love more then video games are their
secrets and cheats (I'm not talking GameShark here. I'm taking IN GAME
secrets). So don't expect walkthroughs from me. Expect the hidden stuff, the
secrets, and the things in the game you can only find at 3:00AM after playing a
game for 14 hours straight. I might throw in a strategy or cool bugs every once
in a while too, but none of the basic stuff. No move lists, no walkthroughs,
nothing like that. But enough about me, lets get to the important stuff, the
stuff you came here for!

2) Version History:
2.5 made some new sections, made it a little neater Updated secret levels, made
the cheats 4 points section and the button cheat section.

2.12-fixed a few typos that made stuff hard to understand


2.1-Woohoo! Gaps Gaps and more gaps! Thanks to No1PurePimp for oh so many of
these gaps. A bug or two has been added. But that's mainly it. I also tracked
down some sites that have this FAQ that I forgot to send updates to. You can
find the most current version on

2.0-YEAH! Beat THAT Mr. "I Got The Full Gap List Using My Amazing Skills Of
Copy And Paste". 2.0, yeah. Personally i didnt think i was gonna get past 1.0.
And once i got to 1.2, i thought that was the end. Aow im thinking this is the
end, but i know its not gonna be. Maybe i'll write some more FAQs for other
games, 'eh? I like writing, but i kant spelle for shite, soe donte buthor me
aboot it, OKE? Im really working on a BUG HUNT, so if anyone knows any bugs NOT
LISTED IN THIS FAQ, tell me. Hey, a full, DEATILED gap list might also be in
the future of this FAQ. Wouldn't that be nice? All right, enjoy 2.0.

1.2 - Added things people told me to add. Email me a question and I'll put the
answer in the next FAQ, as well as email it to you. Also expanded on stuff I
already have. This was a big update

1.1 - Added Hidden and Hard To Find Gaps, Hidden Areas, Hidden Characters and
Other Really Cool Secrets

1.0 - Its 1.0! Whata think? I'm just putting this here so I don't forget when I
update it. AND I WILL UPDATE IT.

3) Hidden Cash Icons of Heat Levels
After realising you need 100% on EVERYTHING to get the cool secrets (more info
next update) of Tony Hawk 2, I had to go back to the heat levels and find all
the damn cash icons. Well, I found 'em, so here they are for all you people who
just aren't as cool as me ;-). The best way to do this is to collect all the
cash icons you can in the first heat, then 1 second before the heat ends, pause
and select "Restart Competition". You keep all the cash icons you already got
(this goes for all levels). After getting them all, restart one more them then
really play the Competition. This method will take up less time and it will
raise the amount of money you get.

Marseille, France:
2 Cash Icons in plain view
6 Hidden Cash Icons

See the area with the grass and the trees, and that big blue T in the middle?
That's your target. Head over there. Go right behind the blue T, there should
be a little piece of wood holding it up. Sake right over it. Wait a few seconds
after the wood breaks, and the T will crash down into the wall, opening up a
secret. Down there are the secret cash icons. They are all in plain view,
EXCEPT one. That one is behind you when you first enter the secret area. NOTE:
if you try to get that one, you will go back to the start of the level (you
will get it though. but you'll have to knock down the T again), so be sure to
get all the other cash icons down there first.

Skatestreet, Ventura:
6 Cash Icons in plain view
2 Hidden Cash Icons

Unlike Marseille, the Hidden cash icons are in 2 different parts of the level.
When you first start, these 2 areas are locked off, and entree is imposable.
But, a law of video games is if there is a door, there is a way to open it. And
this level is no exception. Kinda strange though, because to open these gates
you need to get 2 keys. A key in a skateboarding game...all right, whatever.
The keys are invisible; in fact they are actually gaps. I'm not sure if you
need to get both keys, one key might open up BOTH gates, but I'll put them both
here just in case.

Hidden Cash #1 - at the start of the level, instead of going down the ramp,
turn around. You will see a fence to the left, and a half pipe to the right. I
don't think its very easy to turn around if your turning is set to "tight". I
like to always keep it on "loose". Look at the halfpipe. Seams normal, except
for that bar running the left end to the right end with a cash icon in the
middle. Hop on and grind starting a little bit before the bar starts. Go all
the way around, get the cash icon (DONT JUMP or try to combo this one, or else
you wont get the gap) when you reach the other side of the halfpipe (its not a
long grind) you'll get the gap called "Van Secret Key Area". This will open up
the gate to the far left of the halfpipe you got the gap on. Go into that area,
you'll be on a mini skatepark outside. Turn right, and there's a $100 cash icon
on top of a van, just waiting to be snatched.
Hidden Cash #2 - The second key you'll probably end of getting it by accident
getting the Cash Icons you can already see. To get it, go down the ramp you
start on to the BIG quarter pipe in front of you. Grind on the left side of the
lump in the middle, then when you reach the end jump off onto the bar. Unless
you hold down left or right or you forget to jump, you'll land on it perfectly.
That's the "Real Secret Key Area" Gap, and it'll open up the gate to the right
of where you land. Go into that area. Another mini skatepark. There is a $250
cash icon between the two quarterpipes. Build up speed on one then transfer
from one to the other. If you go high enough and get your transfer right you'll
grab the last cash icon.
Note: If you did it right, you should land on the other quarterpipe after you
get the cash icon. Smooth.

The Bullring, Mexico:
6 Cash Icons in....well you can SEE them
4 Hidden Cash Icons

Set aside some time for this one, its not very easy, but then again, all the
Cash Icons are worth $250, and there are 10 of 'em. I'm gonna have to explain
how to get all the cash icons.

Cash Icon #1 & #2 - Probably the first you'll get. Start on the halfpipe; just
go back and forth until you grind on the black rope above you. Once on it,
you'll start grinding away from the halfpipe. Grind until you pick up the cash
icon. Do the same with the other side of the rope (which side of the halfpipe
you get to the rope determines which cash icon you'll get. You wont be able to
turn around, so make sure that you get it on one side of the halfpipe, and the
other side of the halfpipe).

Cash Icon #3 & #4 - A little harder. Head left or right of the halfpipe you
start on. Transfer (hold up) to the stands when you reach the end of the arena.
You'll get up to the stands. Now, there are 2 ways to proceed. You can either
go up the quarterpipe and try to land on the rope that way (Note that if you go
to the left or the right of the quarterpipe, you'll be sent back to the start
of the level. very annoying) or you can skate off the ramp and jump onto the
wire. Skating off the ramp is a better idea, unless you forgot to raise your
character's Ollie and Air. Once on the wire, grind and jump when you reach the
cash icon. Keep grinding and there's the second cash icon. Jump when you reach
it, its not sitting on the rope, ya gotta jump.

Cash Icon #5 & #6 - not very easy. You can't get both of these at the same time
like Cash Icons #3. Head to the left or right (there's one Cash Icon on each
side) of where you start and hit the small halfpipe. You'll go high. Hopefully
you can catch a glimpse of the flaggy, ornament thingy up high in the air.
You'll know what I'm talking about. Work up speed, hit the halfpipe, and grind
on that flaggy thing. If anyone knows what that is called, please tell me. I
fell pretty stupid calling it a
"Flaggy ornament thingy". There are 2 of those, and each one has a cash icon.
You need to JUMP to get it, and time your jump because they are pretty high off
of that. You should get 1 a heat, you can get both if you don't mess up.

Hidden Cash Icons #7, #8, #9, - These took me a while, but yet another
video game law proves to be in effect in this game. Danger = Prizes. Figured it
out? Its in the area around the arena (just after and below the halfpipe where
you had to use to get Cash Icons #5 & #6.) where the bull is. Guess where it's
hidden? Yeah, those big green blobs of bullcrap. Run over the ones that are
lighter green, they hold the Cash Icons. After running over one, turn around
and jump to get it (after you run over one, the Cash Icon pops into the air).
If you have good timing, you can jump right when you hit the crap to get the
Cash Icon. This saves alot of time. Pick up all 4 in that area and your done!

4) Hidden and Hard to Find Gaps
Here it is, hidden and those hard to find gaps. I'm PROBABLY not gonna explain
the easy to find gaps. But maybe I'll get bored and write out a whole list and
where they are. This is not finished yet, and if anyone knows any hidden or
hard to find gap locations, email me ( Thanks to No1 PURE
PIMP for a large ammount of these gaps. He's really helped out in finding and
explaining alot of these hard to find gaps where others have failed


# = Hard to complete
* = Hard to find
~ = In a hidden area
@ = Often overlooked
% = Thanks to NoPUREPIMP
The Hanger:

*#Rail Guided Missile: Definitely not the easiest gap to find. Can be pretty
irritating too. Skate from the tail of that plane onto the mid section of it.
Then Ollie and grind the rail separating the two sides of the level. If you hit
it, you'll get this gap. Moon Physics help, you don't even have to Ollie if you
have that cheat turned on.
@RAIL GUIDED MISSILE (EASY METHOD)-grind from the center divider (the room
sperator wall) and then ollie to the smaller rail next to the plane. Thats it.
Its a bug, but hey, makes it alot easyer.

School II:

@Bendy's Curb/*Poll Stomp/*Rail 2 Brix: Hit all 3 of these gaps together. Go by
the Roll Call: Gonz Rail gap. Grind the area that's off the ground a little bit
(where a bell is). That's the Bendy's Curb gap. GO STRAIGHT after you get off
it. Crash right into that poll. It'll fall down. NOW, go back and do Bendy's
Curb again, then jump to the poll for Poll Stomp! Then jump to brick area after
it to get Pole 2 Brix!. There ya go! 2 Hidden gaps and an often overlooked gap,
all in one big shot.

#*%ARE YOU SERIOUS?!) - from the starting point in the school go straight and
then take a right down the corridor with the concrete wall rail in the middle.
this leads to the what i like to call the "bathroom area". once inside this
area stop and look for a little wooden quarter pipe on the right end of the
island section located in the middle of this area. what you need to do is jump
off this wooden ramp to get speed then let your skater cruise down the "island"
until you reach a slew of wooden planks right before a planter. if you have
enough speed you should be able to launch from the planter up on the roof with
two jump ramps on it. next task is to jump from either one of these ramps onto
the other roof with the flag poles sticking out it. if you're feeling lucky you
can just clear the gap with a leap of faith to get the MAD SKEELZ ROOF GAP or
just jump to the flagpoles and grind one of them to reach this new "secret"
area. Most people call this the Carlsbad area, so that's what i will refer to
it as. this area is small and has a wooden quarter pipe nestled on the right
wall. use this pipe to get some speed then go straight and let your character
cruise for a bit. hit the first wooden ramp that you see! not the one next to
the wall! remeber this. OK if you make it past the curved rail after you use
this little kicker ramp, then jump off the other wooden ramp straight ahead to
get over the wall and make it to the roof with the vent system on it. USE THE
MOON PHYSICS CHEAT! i did, there is no crime in doing this and you still
recieve the gap if you do use it. i think it's accesible if you beat the game
with Officer Dick but that remains to be proven. good luck on getting this gap
without this cheat!
*Knucklin Futs: This one isn't too hard. All you have to do is grind the top of
the blue T, the one you knock down to get to the secret area (See section 3:
Hidden Cash Icons of Heat Levels). To do this, work up some speed on the area
in front of it, then transfer out of that area and onto the T. If you find
yourself going over to T often, try transferring on an angle.
New York City:
@Going Down? -Manual down the escalator (where you go up to the subway tracks).
Simple as that.

@The Bridge-Manual across the brdige by the subway token. Its close to the

*%Pillar Air: From the starting point of NY turn right a little up to the
subway escalator. If you don't know where it is or what it is, you must first
have all of the tokens to access it. If you don't know where it is, form the
staring point pan right and it is the huge pillar with the red and white spray
paint on the back. After finding and going up the escalator grind on the
"subway" rails leading to the "secret area" called the Banks. When you're in
the banks go straight down to the water lined by the chain-linked fence. To the
right (assuming you're looking straight at the water) you'll find a small
wooden quarter pipe. This is the one RIGHT NEXT to the water! Do NOT mistake it
for the others. Your next task is fairly simple. Session this quarter pipe to
get some adequate speed. Just cruise along the chain linked fence and go
straight and just NAIL the pillar. Did you do that? Ha, good. This is the
pillar you need to launch off of. Now that you know this, session off the
quarter pipe once again and head towards the pillar again. But, THIS TIME
remember NOT to hit it! This time, jump at a diagonal angle to the pillar on
the left. In case you are foggy on this, it is the two pillars linked with the
rail above the ground. Good luck on this one.

*%Path Less Traveled: From the starting point in this stage, go straight a
little bit and then turn left at the park entrance (it's the first left you
will see). Then take a right and go across the bridge. After doing these first
couple tasks, stop and take a look at the rail to your right. This is your
rail. Now go straight up to the street and then turn around and look at the
rail you were just looking at. This time it is on the left (it didn't move
don't worry, it's just on your left opposed to your right now). Your next task
to accomplish will be to grind this rail. While grinding, take a gaze at the
blue bench to your right. This is your gap! Wow, you say, that's quite a
distance! Hardly, just use MOON PHYSICS (if you have it) and this gap will be
yours in no time. Remember from the street grind the rail to your left. Then
after awhile jump to the blue bench on your right. Get all that? I hope so

*%Slam-Dunk: From the starting point, pan right and skate towards the subway
escalator. Once up the escalator, grind the "subway" rails leading to the
"secret area" called the Banks. Once inside stop! Hug the brick wall to the
left of you (assuming that you jumped into the Banks looking straight). Hug the
wall until you reach the basketball court. Right before the first basketball
hoop you see there is a message in yellow and black spray paint spelling "DAP"
or "PAP" on the wall. This wall is the wall you need to wall ride (say that
sentence five times fast). OK, here is how to get the gap. I'll try to make it
as simple as it really is. First you need to wall ride the wall with the "DAP"
or "PAP" message on it. Second try to do a "WALLIE" (basically an "OLLIE" while
wall riding) on to the very top of the basketball hoop. Don't get it? There is
only one thing to grind on that hoop anyway and that is the very top. So, again
wall ride then "WALLIE" then grind. I hope you found this as simple as I did.
Good luck!

*%Sidewalk Bomb: From the starting point in this stage pan right once again
towards the subway escalator. Go up the escalator and once your skater is at
the top, stop! Look at the concrete wall to your left, see it? Grind it. Once
you get towards the end of the wall you will see a brown awning below you. Jump
to it. See how you did that? Do it again but this time try to jump from the
concrete wall and land on the edge of the awning in a grind. THIS IS VERY
DIFFICULT! You will not get it the first time but remember this IS the way to
get the SIDEWALK BOMB! So again, find concrete wall then grind it then find
awning jump to it then try to grind the edge

Venice Beach:

*#HUGE VB Trasnfer: This VB trasnfer is hard. turn right from where you start.
go all the way down, until you reach the quarterpipe. Trasnfer from that
quarterpipe, OVER the one next to it, to the one next to that one. its hard,
but if you do it right, you'll get 3 different gaps and alot of points.

@Cane Manual-Go by where you get the letter K (by the Muska gap) on the roof
(ring a bell? it should). There is a long vent looking thing that curves a bit.
Manual that vent to get the Cane Manual.

@#He Could Go.../All The Way.../Touchdown!-This is a bit hard to do, but you'll
hit all 3 of these gaps. Somewhere in this level (its not on a roof, its on the
ground. The area right in front of where you start) there is a bunch of tables
with wood planks over them. Manual the whole thing without stopping or jumping
to get these 3 gaps. It only works in one direction.

@#Huge Gap-Ollie the two 5-set staircases to the left of where you start (moon
physics help ALOT) to get this gap

@'ROUND THE HORN!!!-After the huge gap, there is a quarterpipe that wraps
around the walls of this small area. Grind the lip of the whole thing to get
this gap

%*#Nice Mid Size Roof Gap: I'm going to explain this the LONG way so be
prepared. From the starting point of this stage go straight down the little
quad set of stairs in front of you. Go past the "CRAZY JOE" graffiti and jump
over the next quad set of stairs directly in front of you. Go left into this
tiny alcove and straight again until you see a good size wooden quarter pipe.
Use this to get onto the roof with the curved ceiling window structure in a
pyramid type shape. OK, look straight at this structure then turn left until
you see a "vent" ramp (it's rather small and metal). This "vent" ramp leads to
another roof with metal quarter pipes and ramps on it. Once on this roof turn
right and hop over to the roof below this one (it's the one with the wire
structure on it kind of resembling a triangle). OK, first task completed. Now
assuming you are looking forward after hoping over to this roof, take a left
until you see a small roof with nothing on it. NOTHING AT ALL! Remember this!
Now, jump over to it and you may get the WEE LIL ROOF GAP. If you do you are in
the right spot so congratulations on following my directions crud though they
are. Now, here is how to get this confusing gap. First do the WEE LIL GAP to
get used to it. Second try to jump further to the right on the roof. Do you
know what I mean? Well, the two roofs kind of make a "V" shape. So, try to make
it from the middle of the roof with the wire structure on it to the middle of
the roof with nothing on it! Get it? If you do I owe you an award! Good job on
following these instructions!

*%Ramp To Roof: From the starting point of this stage go straight down the
little quad set of stairs in front of you. Go past the "CRAZY JOE" graffiti and
jump over the next quad set of stairs directly in front of you. Go left into
this tiny alcove and straight again until you see a good size wooden quarter
pipe. This is almost it, you've nearly finished! All you have to do now is to
make your skater jump from this wooden quarter pipe onto the metal quarter pipe
on the roof to your left. USE MOON PHYSICS to lessen the chance of any physical
Play Station damage. Good luck! I hoped these directions helped!

*%#Sick Roof Gap: Déjà vu? Yes it is! This is one of the only times I will do
this on any of these gaps but do the NICE MID SIZE GAP but this time make the
gap between the two roofs wider by jumping further to the right. I apologize
for doing this I can not stress this enough. Look for my COMPLETE gap list soon
to be posted for better instructions on this gap.

*#%Huge Roof To Ramp: From the starting point go straight a bit but pan right
and grind on top of the chain linked fence in front of you. This fence leads to
a roof. Jump up on here. If you go left after jumping up here you will see a
"BLUETORCH" banner hanging from a rail spreading across a space in between the
roofs. Follow this banner until you see a curved vent in the shape of a "candy
cane." A little ways left of this is a metal quarter pipe. Stop here! Go to the
edge of the roof you are on and try to find a wooden half pipe. The left end of
the half pipe is the end you need to jump to from the metal quarter pipe on the
roof. Got all of this so far? I hope so. Next all you have to do is hope you
can clear the gap, but to save the stress you may want to take the easy way and
use MOON PHYSICS! Good luck!

*%#10 Point Landing: From the starting point of this stage go straight down the
little quad set of stairs in front of you. Go past the "CRAZY JOE" graffiti and
jump over the next quad set of stairs directly in front of you. Go left into
this tiny alcove and straight again until you see a good size wooden quarter
pipe. Use this to get onto the roof with the curved ceiling window structure in
a pyramid type shape. OK, look straight at this structure then turn left until
you see a "vent" ramp (it's rather small and metal). This "vent" ramp leads to
another roof with metal quarter pipes and ramps on it. Once on here stop and
turn completely around. Go to the edge of the roof and if you did this
correctly you should see a rail to the right of a fleet of stairs. This rail is
your key! All you have to do is land on this rail from the roof in a grind! The
easy way, behind the first metal quarter pipe you see on this roof is (of
course) the left edge. If you grind the left edge to the end and let your
skater fall without jumping, you should land on this rail easily. The hard way,
blindly trying to make it on the rail. Which do you prefer?


*%Over The Deck: From the starting point cruise right down that roll in ramp in
front of you. After making it down turn left and straight to the small wooden
quarter pipe with the "FIRM" logos on it below its lip. Don't session off of
this quarter pipe! Instead turn your skater around and look at the succession
of ramps in front of the brick steps in front of (if you listened to
directions). Getting this? This gap is actually fairly easy if you know what to
do and you DO know what to do right? OK, I'll explain further despite your
intelligence. All you need to do is launch off of any of the ramps in front of
the brick steps and air over the "deck." There is nothing more to say or else I
would just be repeating myself, so I hope this much was enough.

*%Cut The Corner: From the starting point cruise down the roll in ramp. When
you get down turn right but not too hard. Go straight for a bit and you will
see a platform with orange cones on it. Go on the right end of this platform
where the Van Secret Key entrance is. Get some speed (somehow) and when you
feel your skater is ready launch off of the rightmost ramp on this platform (it
has two cones on it and is right next to the Van Secret key entrance) at a
diagonal. Try to land on the floor to the left. Confusing? I'm not surprised
this is very tricky especially with bad directions. So here we go again,
staring point go right find the platform with the orange cones go on the right
end of it pick up speed launch off right side at diagonal angle and try to land
on floor to the left. Good luck on this gap!

@%Rail To Rail: After going down the roll in ramp, turn right hard and you
should run into a brick wall with a rail to the right of it. Pick up some speed
and grind the brick wall a bit then try and jump over to the rail and land in a
grind. This is not too hard at all, right?

*#%Nail The Rail: This is a hard one but fear not. I'll explain it the best
that I can. All right, from the starting point turn around completely and face
the half pipe. If you found it, then look at the wall at the end with the
painting of a city. Look at it for a bit. Splendid isn't it? Now move your
skater to the left and over the lip of the left end of the half pipe. This
takes you to the bowl lined with logos and what not below its lip. OK, remember
the half pipe lip you just hopped over to get into the bowl? Well, your next
task is to jump from the bowl and land in a grind on the lip of the half pipe.
This is so hard to get it shouldn't even be a gap. But you know what to do now
you just have to do it so remember, jump from the bowl and land in a grind on
the lip of the half pipe. Good luck, you're going to need it.

*%Skating On The Dock Of The Bay: For this you will need to access the Van
Secret Area. To access it you need to grind the little curved rail linking both
sides of the half pipe. The half pipe is right behind you when you start so
just grind that little curved you see OK? All right we're on our way. Next you
need to find the actual area. So from the starting point of view go down the
roll in ramp and turn right and you will see a green light. Behind it is a
door, an open one if you've already accessed the secret area. Go in here, skate
forward for a bit and then turn right and you will see a concrete quarter pipe.
Now all you have to do is grind the lip of the quarter pipe from one end to the
other to get the gap. So easy it's impossible.

*%Funbox Wheelie: From the starting point, go down the roll in ramp and pan
right to find a hexagonal fun box. Your next task is very simple. All you need
to do is to hold a manual all the way across the fun box. YOU MUST MANUAL THE
ENTIRE THING ACROSS! Do NOT wander to the left or right or you won't get the
gap. Just go straight across!

*%Pillar Hop: You must have the PHILLYSIDE secret area to do this. I'm not
going to tell how to get in here so if you don't already know how you need to
find out else where. OK, from this stages starting point go left towards the
PHILLYSIDE secret area. When inside go over to the teal humps (there are four
of them). Now do you see the two pillars behind them? (They have red spray
paint on them) this is your gap. All you need to do is grind the curved quarter
pipe next to the train and grind to the right towards the first pillar with the
red spray paint on it that I was just talking about. When you get close to the
pillar jump and past the pillar over to the small grind on the other side
leading to the other pillar with red spray paint. If you did this correctly
then you will have this gap. I know this is hard and this is hard to explain
let me tell you so forgiveness for any confusion is all I ask.

*%Just Visiting: From the starting point head straight. Stop at the planter to
your right. Now if you grind this planter to the end for me I will appreciate
it. Did you notice how it curves at the end towards the planter below? I sure
do hope so. Tricky isn't it? Ha, that's what I thought too. Now all you have to
do is grind the planter to the end when you reach the curved part try to land
and grind on the edge of the planter below. Congratulations on following

*%Funbox Transfer: From the starting point head left towards the PHILLYSIDE
secret area. From the direction you are heading you will see two rails to your
left inside this secret area. Grind the leftmost one (the one that curves to
the right at the end). Once you reach the curve, you should see a fun box right
in front of (It is concrete and weird looking). All you need to do is jump from
the curved part of the rail onto the concrete rail part of the fun box and land
in a grind. Hopefully you get this one.

@%Train Hard: Easy, easy, and easy. From the starting point head left towards
PHILLYSIDE once again. Go next to the four teal humps. To the left of them is a
concrete quarter pipe with graffiti (some of it is blue and with and some of it
is blue and yellow) around its lip. All you have to do is grind the entire lip
from one end to the other to get this simple gap. If this helps, you can
actually see a train behind this quarter pipe so it's hard to miss.

%Funbox Wheelie: From the starting point you don't even have to move. Just look
at the fun box straight in front of you. This is what you need to manual
across. Need my expert explanation? Ha, OK here we go. First find the fun box
which shouldn't be hard because it's right in front of you when you first start
the stage. Second you need to manual all the way across the fun box from one
side to the other. Third pat yourself on the back, good job!

#%Flat Lands Techin: This gap is fairly hard. From the starting point to
straight past the fun box and past the planter to your right down the stairs at
the end of this path. Stop after going down the stairs. What you need to do now
is jump up the stairs and land in a manual. Keep on with the manual past the
planter past the fun box and past the two ramps with the barrel in the middle
in the distance over to the stairs with four rails on it. Right before the
stairs is where the gap ends. In case you want to be brave and jump down the
stairs and land in another manual go right ahead. Remember you must be in a
manual at ALL times for this gap. If you do slow down a jump and flip move are
allowed to get you going

5) Hidden Areas
As of now, I don't know if every level has a hidden area. As I update this FAQ
I'll list every secret area I can find. And if someone out there knows of an
area not listed here, tell me about it! These are only areas that I KNOW OF.

The Hanger:
Hidden Areas - 1
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 1
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 2
Total Hidden Areas - 2

Somewhat Hidden Area: This isn't too hard to get to. You need it for the secret
tape in this level. Grind the blade of the chopper. The only real point that
you MUST grind on is the last white tip. So basically, hit the kicker, grind
across the blade, and just don't jump off. This will open up a part of the wall
revealing an area outside. The wall is just left of where the chopper just took
off (away from where you started the level)

Hidden Area: This isn't hard to get, but it's not the most obvious one either.
After you start the level and go down the ramp, turn toward the right. Hit the
right wall. Too much speed here will mess you up. Now, go toward the halfpipe
in front of you, staying close to the wall. Don't ollie here, instead once you
get off the group GRIND. You should grind on a little propeller attached to the
wall. Grind TO THE END OF IT, DONT jump off, and if you did everything right
(not like its a hard task; Grind and fall) the wall where the propeller is will
blow up, revealing a secret area with some cash icons.
School II:
Hidden Areas - 1
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 1
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 1
Total Hidden Areas - 2

Somewhat Hidden Area: Really simple if you take a good at the situation BEFORE
to attempt it. At the start of the level, take a right and go down the ramp.
Head up and hit the quarter pipe. Do a trick or something for some extra air
and speed. Now speed down that area, and STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE of it. Although
it's tempting, DONT skate down the middle. At the end, you'll head down a wood
plank then hit a little ramp. Ollie when ya hit it to go up onto that wall. Hit
the ramp in front of you, then grind on one of the flags. Get the secret tape,
then go off that wall. This small area has a gap or two to get and 2 cash icons

Hidden Area: The Gym. Damnit, I did this at first by accident. It took me
FOREVER to figure out how to get it to work. But I finally figured it out. You
have to make it down to the Opunsezmee Roll Call Rail in under 20 seconds.
While the second schoolbell is ringing, (Timer will be around 1:41) start
grinding the rail. When you reach the bottom (and get the Opunsezmee gap), the
doors to the Gym will open up. The Gym is the set of doors after the LunchTable
gap. It shouldn't be hard to find. The Doors will stay open forever after that
point (unless you play carrier mode with a different character). The Gym has a
bunch of gaps, and easy ways to rack up points, but no cash icons or anything
required to get 100%
Hidden Areas - 1
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 0
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 1
Total Hidden Areas - 1

See section 3: Hidden Cash Icons of Heat Levels
NY City:
Hidden Areas - 0
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 1
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 1
Total Hidden Areas - 1

Somewhat Hidden Area: This area is where the secret tape is, as well as some
cash icons. There are two ways to get into this area. It is behind the brick
wall that's straight ahead of you when you start the level. One way to get in
is to knock down the streetlight in front of the area (I'm not quite sure HOW,
it was just always already knocked down for me. if you know how tell me, or
just look down for how to get it the second method). You can also wallride this
wall then grind the top of it and get in (if the streetlight isnt down). The
second way, which I think is smarter (takes a bit more time though) is to go up
the escalator to the above group subway tracks. Hop on the tracks on the LEFT
(the trains come right at you on the right, so only go there if you wanna get
runover) and just grind all the way down. You'll get the Grind The Tracks tape.
Once you get the tape (the Gap "Railroad Tracks" jump off into the somewhat
hidden area. You can take it from here.

Venice Beach:
No Known Hidden Areas :-(
Hidden Areas - 0
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 2
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 2
Total Hidden Areas - 2

See section 3: Hidden Cash Icons of Heat Levels
Hidden Areas - 0
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 2
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 2
Total Hidden Areas - 2

Somewhat Hidden Area #1 (Skatepark) - not hard to get to at all. Cash icons and
a level requirement reside in this cool little area, as well as some gaps you
can't get anywhere else. Go to the visitors center (its to the left of the
fountain. It has a ramp going up and blue rails on each side. Hard to miss).
See that Cash Icon just hanging out on the wire? Grind up that wire and grab
it. Once you do, the wire will snap, and the telephone polls will come crashing
down onto the fence blocking the skatepark. There ya go. Just go right in and
have fun. This is the best area to get points in this level too.

Somewhat Hidden Area #2 (balcony) - This area isn't really hidden, its just a
total pain to get too. There are two ways to get to it. Method #1-grind that
weird banner like thing in front of you when you start the level. Hit the "Most
Obvious Gap", grind down the rails, then Ollie when you get to the little bump
(where the pavement ends and the grass begins). You MIGHT be able to make it,
but it can be pretty hard. Method #2-Work up some speed before you do this,
it'll help. See the wire that goes over the fountain? The one the secret tape
is on? Well find where it starts (on a ledge to the left of the fountain) and
grind it. Grind and jump, grind and jump. Keep up the speed. When you reach the
balcony, DO NOT try to jump to it. Instead keep grinding. Make sure that you
don't jump off the end. When the wire ends, instead of you falling to the
ground your grind will transfer to the edge of the roof. NOW you jump off. Fall
down to the balcony below to shut off the fountain, and if you jump from the
balcony to the OTHER wire (not the one you came in on) you can get a $250 cash
icon as well as the "Telephone Company Gap".
The Bullring:
Hidden Areas - 0
Somewhat Hidden Areas - 1
Hidden Areas Required for 100% - 1
Total Hidden Areas - 1

See section 3: Hidden Cash Icons of Heat Levels
6) Hidden Characters
Officer Dick - Beat the game with 100% on every level with any character
BESIDES Tony Hawk or a skater you made.

Spiderman - Beat the game with 100% on every level with a skater you created.
Spiderman is cool.

Private Carrera - hit all the gaps in the game (ouch)

McSqueeb - Beat every level 100% with Tony Hawk. McSqueeb is Tony from the
80's, his Style 3. He has different moves, pretty cool.

Play as Neversoft Staff and other guys (thanks to Mark Green)-
On the MAIN MENU SCREEN (no, NOT the pause menu) hold down the L1 key
and enter USSTRUCT then release L1, the selection wheel should make one
complete spin. Then, go to Create A Skater mode and create a new skater,
and enter one of the following names exactly:

Jeremy Andersen
Aaron Cammarata
The Pouncer
Ralph D'amato
Edwin Fong
Noel Hines
Gary Jesdanun
Joel Jewett
Ryan McMahon
Nolan Nelson
Johnny Ow
Scott Pease
Chris Rausch
Junki Saita
Aaron Skillman
Darren Thorne
Jason Uyeda
Mick West
Connor Jewett
Robert Earl

If done correctly, the disc will spin briefly after you END the name
selection and a hidden preset skater design will be loaded. (Your hometown
will change and the appearance of the skater will change.) Some of the
appearance settings these skaters use are ones that are not conventionally on
the menu. If you change these settings you CANNOT change them back without
re-entering the name.
Entering USSTRUCT on the title screen again will cause these names to
stop having any effect.
7) Tricks & Cheats for Tons o' Points
This section is for those tricks and loopholes to get a ton of points. Some of
these will require cheats, they will be noted. I've marked all the tricks that
don't need cheats with a *. These aren't offical names for these cheats and
tricks, just names I thought of.

*¡Mucho Pointas!-
Level: The Bullring
I found this cheat first! Yeah, woohoo. Hehe, sorry, but was the first cool
buggy thing I found.
On the BullRing level, go on the backside of the loop-de-loop. The side away
from the halfpipe. Stand on the wood part (before the loop starts) and hold
downleft or downright. You'll go around in circles. Just do that until you have
around 7 seconds left on your timer, then stop spinning and go directly into
the loop. After you stop spinning, but sure to press and hold X for more speed.
Heh, do this trick in Freeskate. On the 1-minute heat I was able to get a 9260
Way To Go, Gringo! That was around half a million points!

Manual of the Gods-
Level: Any of 'em
This trick requires the perfect balance cheat.
This trick is cool. After you get the perfect balance cheat, get the Casper to
360 flip trick and go into any level. Now, simple jump up in the air and do the
trick. Casper to 360 flip is a special manual. The cool thing is, you stop
moving when you do it. So with perfect balance, you just stay there forever!
Points points and more points! Want evenMORE points? Do a bunch of grinds and
kickflips and regualr manuals. Get the multiplier to 28.5X, THEN do this trick.
(don't do Casper to 360 flip when your working the multiplier up, because the
points will be reduced when you need to actualy GET the points). Also, if you
hold down the button you use to do the trick (either O or Square, whichever one
you use) and you'll do Freestylin', a cool little trick that'll get ya a good
ammount of points.

*Soul Train-
Level: Philidelhpia
Get by an area where the train comes and wait for the train to come. Skate next
to it and obtain a similar speed. Then, use a no comply or boneless jump (tap
up and then let go of x) and try to land on the top of the train by holding
triangle and back. It keeps hitting the multiplyer cause you can't land.
After the train passed, land and you'll geta crapload of points. If ya wanna
push your luck a bit, after the train passes do a manual, then go and grind a
curb or something. I dunno. (thanks to zippy180)

Grind of the Gods-
Level: Skatestreet
This trick requires the perfect balance cheat or kid mode.

Go around the curving rail on the halfpipe (the halfpipe that is behind you
when you start. There's a cash icon on the rail) in ventura very slowly, so you
are about to stop. as you finish the curve, you will run out of speed on the
lip of the halfpipe because it slopes up. as you stop, you turn around and
automatically start grinding the other way. the process repeats itself on the
other side, and does so infinitely. you can add tricks by doing them as soon as
your character changes direction. if you do it any time other than that, you
run the risk of gaining too much momentum and going over the slope on the pipe
lip. Also, you'll hit the "Van Secret Area Key" gap each time around, addeding
even more to the multiplier. (thanks to Bryce)

Grind of the Gods 2-
Level: Philadelphia
This trick requires the perfect balance cheat or kid mode.

Ya know the fountin in the middle of this level? With the perfect balance cheat
or kid mode, you can grind the inside of it forever. Rack up an infanate
ammount of points with this baby!

8) Button & In-Game Cheats
YEAH! Button cheats! Just like THPS1! WOOHOO! To use these, pause the game,
hold down L1, then enter the button combination. All these codes actually spell
something, but I see that a bunch of people havnt figured that out, soooo I
added in what all of them actually mean.

U = Up (D-Pad)
D = Down (D-Pad)
R = Right (D-Pad)
L = Left (D-Pad)
C = Circle
T = Triangle
S = Square
X = X

USTUD (You Stud)- When your special bar becomes active (turns yellow) all your
stats will be raised to max, or maybe higher. We're not quite sure... (Thanks
to tanakasan)
XTCSTUD (Ecstasy Stud)- Raises stats to 10 each.
RUST (Rust)- Turns blood on or off.
XXXXLXXXXLXXXXL (Extra Extra Extra Extra Large...)- Increases Weight of skater.
Enter as many times as you want for a heaver skater. (Try doing this one alot.
then take a look at your skater, even though he's hard to miss)
XXXXSXXXXSXXXXS (Extra Extra Extra Extra Large...)- Reduces Weight of skater.
Enter as many times as you want for a lighter skater (try doing this one alot.
then take a look at your skater, if you can find him, that is.)
XTCCULTS (Ecstasy Cults)- Infinite special bar.
DSTRUCDSTRUC (Destructed Truck???)- Makes the game move faster. Pretty cool.
SCULLSRUL (Skulls Rule)- Gives your character a big head (thanks to
XXXSTUDLUSTXTCXTC (XXX Stud Lust Ecstasy Ecstasy)-WOW! have all cheats, all
levels,two secret levels, $500,000 (enough money to buy EVERYTHING), and 100%
with every one. Then go to end run and the screens will pop up saying that you
have completed everything(Thanks to Dylan Stewart for this one!)

Play as Neversoft Staff and other guys-See section 6: Secert Characters

9) Secret Levels
YES! Its True! Hidden levels, 2 of 'em! Here's how to get them and some stuff
about them. There's no tapes in these levels, only gaps. But they are pretty

Chopper Drop, Hawaii: Get a gold medal in every competition with every
character except Carrera. This level is very small and only has a few gaps.

Skate Heaven: Get 100% in every level with every character except Carrera. Wow,
this level is cool. Its really big, and has a bunch of gaps. There's not much I
can say about this level, only except its worth it. Very VERY cool level.

10) Bugs 'n Stuff
Yeah, bugs kick ass. Here are some I (and others) have found, and how to get
them. I came up with these names :-)

The Blind Man's Video-
Weird. This only works in free skate. You may have noticed a few times if you
hit your desk or where you PSX it, after the song the game is on it just stops.
Strange, and annoying. But if you wait for a good 10 or so minutes, eventually
the game will have to call on SOME audio, so it pulls the audio out of all the
video clips. Starting with the Neversoft opening video, then bails, and so on.
Pretty cool, but not really useful.

This is a weird one. On the school II level, if you land dead center (doesn't
always work) of the awning over the Gym, you'll get stuck! What does this mean?
Well you can do all the tricks you want, all the spins you want, and everything
else you can dream of! Rack up the points! Only problem is, the only way to get
out of it is have someone run over you (2 player mode). You won't bail; you'll
just fall to the ground, racking up tons of points! Thanks to Drew Squire for
this one.

Show Me What You've Got! -
This is really weird. On School II, by the leap of faith instead of jumping
off, grind on that small side area. Normally, this is where you would get a
Cash Icon, but if you miss where it would be, and fall AND LAND in the corner
between the 2 walls (wall of the level, and the part of the wall that comes a
bit out, the corner. You'll understand it when you see it) if you hit that
corner and land a REGULAR MANUAL, your character will do all their specials,
without leaving the ground! This'll rack up some nice points, and the best
thing is you can Ollie then do manual again to link it with other moves!

A Little Too Excided-
This is a cool, but strange one. Apparently it can only happen in the Hanger
and Bullring. Outa nowhere, your character will just start jumping. SO? Your
character Ollies over and over, WITHOUT HITTING THE GROUND! Yay! Multipliers!
Do all the tricks you can, hell, do all the tricks you know! When you're
finished with this one, just grind to stop it. In bullring, to activate this,
wallride on the outside of the stands. A bit tricky. This bug works alot more
often if you have gameshark codes on, unlimited special and unlimited stat
points seam to aggravate the game the most, and cause the most bugs. Thanks to
Drew Squire for this one.

Slip 'n Slide-
This is a very annoying bug that can really ruin a 2 player game (well, for the
person it happens too, its pretty damn funny if your not the guy it happened
too). This bug happens most of the time on created parks. It happens rarly on
regular levels. If you bail on a halfpipe, or even on a ramp, you'll fall but
wont get up. You'll start just sliding all over the level in the bail position.
you wont be able to get up until the time runs out (or if you fall off some
place big).

Was This The Demo?-
This isnt really a bug, just a little thing. If you go to a level before the
level's movie has loaded, it says "Not Avaliable In Demo". Once it loads, that
it replaced with the level's movie.

11) Closing
I wanted to add a full gaplist in this version, but its not gonna happen. Not
this time around at least. No1PurePimp is making a full gap list and once we
add it, we'll have the biggest, best tony hawk 2 faq anywhere! Yay. That'll be
in versoin 3.0.

This FAQ Copyright 2000 by Chris Davidson

No reproduction or distribution of this document may be made without written
permission from the author.

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Geheime Arenen/Easter Eggs

16.October 2013

16.October 2013

17.October 2013

14.October 2013
thanks to Kai (
Action Replay Codes

10.October 2008
Here is a replay of a 9 000 000 point combo in Skatestreet, achieved using absolutly NO CHEATS.

17.October 2013
Create Skater FAQ

12.October 2013
High Score FAQ

14.October 2013
In Word format

14.October 2013
Replay in the School 2 Level, no codes used.

13.October 2013

11.October 2013
Savegame editor

18.October 2013
Super savegame with all gaps, cheats and skaters

18.October 2013
All Skaters, All Boards, All Levels, All Specials.

14.October 2013
Transfer Listing FAQ

14.October 2013
Park Editor FAQ

17.October 2013
Money trainer

15.October 2013
Skate Through FAQ

16.October 2013

11.October 2013
Playguide FAQ

16.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the European UK PAL Verson.

17.October 2013

14.October 2013
Cheats and hints for the Demo
10.October 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector and +26 Trainer for the US NTSC Final Version.

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11.October 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US NTSC Final Version.

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Custom Skate-Park in Livermore

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