Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

10.10.2008 14:05:31

M E T A L G E A R - S O L I D S N A K E

Compiled by Phiber Optik

This walkthrough was written for the full Japanese version of
Metal Gear Solid. However it will get you through the Japanese playable demo to.

Version 0.09a

1. Introduction / Story

2. Controls / Basic Techniques

3. Characters

4. Hints & Tips

5. Walkthrough;
I. - Underground Storage Room
II. - The Hind
III. - first house (floor 1)
IV. - The Holding Area (floor B1)
V. - Storage Area (floor B2)
VI. - Underground Storage Room
VII. - The Snowy Gap
VIII. - Nuclear Storage Facility
IIX. - Thank you Dr. Octacon

6. Acknowledgements

1. Introduction / Story


Before I start this FAQ / Walkthrough lemme let you in on a couple of things;

a) I don't know any Japanese so the story is basically compiled from
magazines and web sites. Sorry if it's not all there but I'm gonna get
you through the game then work on getting the story straight.

b) This is my first time writing something like this. My format is
pretty much based on others that I've seen so if I'm writing it out
of "style" please let me know!

c) This is just a BASIC WALKTHROUGH, It's based on my experience with
the game. So if I've found a secret, I probably don't even know it.
Basically the path this walkthrough will lead you is just a log of
my adventure.


The story begins in Alaska towards the early part of the 21st century.
The American nuclear weapon storehouse off the coast of the Fox islands is
occupied by the active special troops, The Fox Hounds. Liquid Snake, the head
honcho of the Fox Hounds, and former comrade of Solid Snake threatens the
United States that if they don't cancel the launch the nukes in their mainland
killing millions of innocent people within 24 hours it's going to be a nuclear
winter for the United States.

Once again, Solid Snake, a former ex-Fox Hound leader, is back to save
the US from the Fox Hounds. Snake has to sneak in the heavily secured weapon
storehouse and stop the threat with in 24 hours. Snake must also seek two other
hostages which no one knows if they are even still alive. Can Solid Snake stop
and defeat his former group and his former comrade, Liquid Snake?

2. Controls / Basic Techniques

L1/L2: (Item Select)
While holding down L2, use the D-Pad to cycle through your inventory
and selected item. When you let go of L2, the selected item will be equipped.
If you press the L1 button when you are equipping items, they can be quickly

R1/R2: (Weapon Select)
Weapons work much the same way. While holding down R2, use the D-Pad
to cycle through your weapons. When you let go of R2, the selected weapon will
be equipped. If you press the R1 button when you are equipping weapons, they
can be quickly deselected.

This enables you to move Solid Snake. It can change your field of
view in first person mode, and you can use it in battle to change your direction.
The pad is also used during item selection.

Left Stick: (Snake's movement, viewpoint change)
You can only use this if the Analog Mode is switch is on. This has the
same functions as the D-Pad with no additional functions.

Start, Select, and Analog Buttons:
START pauses the game, SELECT changes the game to Radio Mode (to talk
with your contacts), and the Analog Button switches control to the stick.

X BUTTON: (Action)
This button enables Snake to punch, Tapping this button rapidly produces
combos. At first, this button can be easy to confuse with the first weapon button

Under normal conditions, the circle button will cause you to crouch.
If you hold the button down, You can use the D-Pad to crawl around on the ground.

SQUARE BUTTON: (Weapon, Throw, or Strangle)
This will discharge your weapon when a weapon is equipped. If you have
no weapon, you will throw, or strangle an enemy if you catch him by surprise.

TRIANGLE BUTTON: (First-Person Mode Switch)
This button keeps you in first-person mode as long as you hold it down.
L1 makes you look left, R1 makes you look right. In this mode, you can analyze

3. Characters

Solid Snake -
The Hero of the game, an ex Foxhound leader, Expert in scuba diving, parachuting
and free climbing. Solid Snake has an IQ of 180 and is fluent in six languages.
"A man who changes impossible to possible." After leaving Foxhound, he worked as
a mercenary in covert operations for politicians. But now he's back this time
to stop the Foxhound gang from launching nukes. Can Solid Snake defeat his
former friends, before they launch the nukes?

Liquid Snake -
The head leader of the Foxhounds. Former comrade of Solid Snake. His name and
age is unknown

Ninja -
The Ninja appears to be constantly watching Solid Snake. Rumors say that the
Ninja is a cyborg. Don't know if he is a friend or foe. He can deflect bullets
off his sword easily.

Meryl Silverburgh -
Raised by military men, Merrill grew up very much as a tomboy. Older sister of
Roy Campbell, commanding officer of the Foxhound. Merrill longed to join the
group. The day her dream of joining the crack squad was finally realized, a
terrorist incident occurred, throwing her immediately into the action.

Dr. Naomi -
She supports SOLID SNAKE via wireless communication.

Sniper Wolf -
An incredible sniper. She is trained by one of the Nepalese GURKHAS who boast
to be the best snipers in the world. She joined the Foxhound as a Sniper.

Vulcan Raven -

He is of the mixed blood between an Alaskan Indian and an Eskimo. He has a
strong body and can take the cold. He has a raven shaped birthmark on his

Psycho Mantis -
Former KGB spy, has super-natural power. After the collapse of the Soviet
Union he lost his job and went to the United States. He is employed by the FBI
for some time but later joins the FOXHOUND troops.

Revolver Ocelot -
Former SPETSNAZ. After the collapse of the Soviet Union he worked for Omon and
later for the Russia Tax Police Shock Battalion but was hired to work in the USA
and joins the FOXHOUND troop. Gun mania. He is extremely fond of Westerns and
Italian Westerns.

Mie Ling -
She is in charge of the communication data processing in this operation.
Specializing in the image and data processing operations of spy satellites.
She also developed the new communication equipment and radar used by Snake
in this mission.

Roy Campbell-
Ex-Commander of FOX HOUND. Though already retired from the armed forces, he
has been called out because there was no other commander who could get in touch
with Solid Snake, the only man who can interdict the terrorist act of this time.

Nastasha Romeneko -
Military analyst. In her thirties, loves smoking. Specializing in hi-tech
weapons and nuclear weapons. Lives in Los Angeles. Her support to Snake is
provided via vidcom.

Octacon -
An engineer of Arms Tech company. He _______ as one of the _______ in
the _______ terrorist act of this time.

Decoy Octopus -
Information and details are unknown.

Master Miller -
Master of survival Training. A third generation AJA ( American Japanese
Ancestry ) . He served in the SAS, Green beret,Marine Corps and FOX HOUND as a
master of survival training. In those days he was familiar among soldiers as a
hard-hearted instructor and was called " Master Miller " with respect. After
retiring from the armed forces, he lives in the nature of Alaska.

The chief of DARPA -
The chief of DARPA ( Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ) . An advocate
of the nuclear retaliation theory. He was taken hostage at Alaskan base during
the terrorist act. The reason why he came to the nuclear weapon disposal
facility was unknown.

Kenneth Baker -
The President of ArmsTech Company. Which is the leading company of the
military industry. Rotend middle age man. He was taken hostage at Alaskan base
during the terrorist act. It is unknown why the president of ArmsTect who is
a civilian, was in the nuclear weapon disposal facility.

Jim Houseman -
Minister of the Department of Defense. Jim Houseman. Controls the whole
operation from AWACS. He was in active service when the US enjoyed strong
leadership over the world.

Big Boss -
Ex-FOX HOUND commander. Taught as a mercenary around the world in the 70's.
Respected by the people as the mythological " Great Soldier " In the 90's, he
was appointed as a member of hi-tec unconventional warfare force, FOX HOUND.
By the ample funds and connections from his mercenary days, he built an
independent militarized nation, " OUTER HEAVEN " but it was destroyed by Solid

4. Hints & Tips

- Play the previous Metal Gear games. You'll appreciate the demo more and feel
superior to those who have not played them.

- Play through the first VR Training - Training Mode , The others help but
evasion is priority number one in this game. There are only 10 stages
in each category but PLEASE beat the first one! The VR Training modes I've
found are; Training Mode, Time Attack Mode and Gun Shooting Mode. I really
don't feel like beating the Gun Shooting Mode!

- Rather than running out and start shooting the guards, try to sneak up behind
the guard and snap his neck or if you get caught, use him as a human shield against
gunfire. Anyone that's played the first two Metal Gears knows that you need to
preserve anything and everything!

- Stay hidden, don't expect to kill all the guards you run across and live.

- Lean up against corners to peek around so you can see approaching guards
because it's always nice to know what lies ahead.

- Try to stay far behind a guard. Sometimes they'll spin around while making
their rounds and spot you closing in for the kill. Watch and study their
motions before attempting to subdue them or pass by them.

- Guards can hear. Don't run through puddles, tap on walls, break necks, or set
off explosives within earshot. (For the lesser noises, i.e. not weapons, being off
screen is good enough most of the time!)

- Pay attention to your radar. You can tell where and what the guards are doing by
it. It turns red when they notice something strange, (In other words, foot prints
and sounds) it will disappear when they yawn or sneeze (Their eyes close) and most
important of all, you can see if guards are coming, looking your way or if their
back is turned.

- When crawling out from under something (Vehicle or ventilation duct) wait for the
guard to pass by first. (There's always a guard, trust me) Your radar will
disappear when you switch to the crawling viewpoint, so you can't see the guards

- When you use the chaffs, remember that the guards can hear them. (The best advice
is to not use them at all, sneaking is just as easy and doesn't alert the guards)

- The cardboard box isn't the uber item it was in the first one. Guards will notice a
suspicious box sitting there and tip it over, exposing you, in a crouching position.
(Although I have heard some interesting things about the box and security cameras...

- When snapping a guard's neck, you have to be quick enough to run up while his back is
turned (Or his attention is diverted) and tap that square button, a lot. If he's
facing you, you could wait in case he yawns or sneezes, than, run up and throw him
(Square button again) as he gets up, position yourself behind him and tap the square
button until you feel that shudder on your Dual Shock pad.

- When using the Socom, fire controlled precise shots. It only takes three to kill and
you don't want to run out of ammo.

- Using an enemy as a shield involves the same method as breaking his neck. Press Square
from behind him but don't tap it. You can than move freely with a shield. (After three
or so shots,he's gone and you'll need to get a new shield) He'll struggle every few
seconds and try to break free, when he does tap the square button once to subdue him for
a bit. (You'll feel him struggle with your Dual shock, BTW) Don't try to break his neck
after he begins to struggle. (One tap is enough to subdue him) If you try to snap him,
you'll just drop him to the ground, giving him a chance to turn the tables on you.

- Elevators wont work while an alert is active, you'll have to wait it out.

- Items, weapons and enemy awareness will change depending on your actions. Staying
inconspicuous will result in fewer guards.

5. Walkthrough

I. - Underground Storage Room:

The game starts when Snake comes out of the water and takes off some of
his gear. Catch the call that you get from Roy Campbell. Crouch and head under
the steel box. Stay to the left and run towards the wall right in front of you.
Keep you back to the wall and catch the pattern of the soldier walking around near
you. When he heads towards the top of this room run along the left wall and stand
near the boxes. When the same guard heads down the middle aisle run to the far top
right hand corner of the room. You'll get a call around now from Roy Campbell
again but wait until your hidden between the forklift and the top wall to answer
it. While you're back there grab the ration in the corner. Stay here until the
elevator comes back down and when the coast is clear head straight for it.
Remember that if you're spotted the elevator isn't going anywhere until the
alert is off so be careful.

II. - The Hind

After the cut scene, run to the left of the elevator and grab the ration that's
over there. Now move up to where the spotlights are moving across the helicopter pad.
Make your way to the ramp on the left. Stand here until you can run between the spotlights
and grab the chaff grenades. Run back to the left and you should see a security camera.
Sneak past it and grab the stun grenades towards the left wall. Now make your way back to the
crates that you started this area. Make your way to the right up the snow covered bank
and get to the third box up. Grab the ration to the right of it and hide here. Don't worry if
you can't carry anymore rations. This is a good thing! Be alert because this guard looks
between the second and third boxes so be on the right of it. When this guard continues
down, make your way to the left. You should see a truck. Hop in the back of it and grab your
Socom behind the crate. Hide here until the guard makes his rounds. When he's off somewhere
else run towards the camera you see on the right of your radar. A soldier will be making his
rounds near here so evade him to your best abilities. When you can, run under the camera
and up the first flight of stairs. Stay here because sometimes there's a guard at the top
and you don't want to be spotted. Since he walks the entire length of this platform, wait
until he's to the far left. Run to the second indentation and duck to crawl through this
shaft. Catch the call you get here by Roy Campbell.

III. - Tank Storage Room:

The lower vent duct: (With the underwater section)
Crawl forward. Take the right passage and answer the radio call from Master
Miller. Once you're finished, continue forward into the underwater section.
Keep moving forward and you will have enough oxygen. Follow the passage until you
reach the grates. Continue on to the last grate and wait for the guard to pass.
(Careful, he'll stop and check the wall before moving on.)

The upper vent duct: (In this duct, you'll see an extra cut scene)
There is no way to deviate from the vent here. You'll get a call from Master
Miller at the beginning and a call from Roy Campbell at the ladder informing you to
descend using the action button. As you pass over the first grate, it will switch
to a cut scene of the guards talking below you. Follow the vent to its exit and answer
the call from Master Miller if you want. If you need a ration just pass the exit in
the air duct and grab it. When you get out it places you right outside of the
camera's view. Don't move, answer your call if you wish from Roy. If you need them,
there are some chaff grenades to your left. Sneak past the camera and onto the room
on the right. Evade the camera and grab the thermal goggles. Exit this room and
continue down and around to the lower floor.

The lower floor:
Use a chaff grenade or just sneak past the camera and get to the middle
section of the stairs. Crouch here and observe the guards movements. When you're
in the clear run down to call the elevator with the circle button. It takes only
five seconds until it opens but if a guard is coming run back to the staircase and
hide until you can get to it again. Don't worry if you didn't catch it before because
now when you call it opens immediately.

The Elevator:
The panel is in the lower left hand corner of the elevator, run
up to it to activate it. Highlight B1 and press circle, this will take you down to
the prison.

IV. - The Holding Area (B1):

First off answer the call you get. In the full game it's from Mie Ling.
Press the circle button a couple of times until you get to a menu that has two
choices. Select the first to save your game, select the second to cancel. Now
follow the corridor down and to the right to the ladder. Answer the call you
get and climb the ladder. Once inside, crawl forward. Take the fork to the left
if you want to pick up some Socom bullets. Continue through the vents until you
come to the last grate. Also a call will come in about this time. Hit the circle
button to make Snake bust open the grate and let himself down into the cell
with The chief of DARPA. [End of demos.] After this long movie you seem to be
stuck in the cell. You'll hear a little bit of noise outside of the cell but
crouch and go under the bed to grab a ration. By this time someone will have
unlocked your cell. When you exit there will be a cutscene. Be aware though
that RIGHT after this scene troops are running in the room to nail you two.
Snake will already have his gun pulled and so will the lady that let you out.
The soldiers come in groups of three so they're not to hard to take care of.
Another thing is most of the troops you blast will drop rations and ammo. Stay
up on both of these because they keep coming! After you kill the first three a
VERY SHORT cutscene breaks in. The lady you're with guns down three more troops
and Snake runs back beside her. (If you've moved anywhere.) After this when
the next three are moving in gun them down and run to the top of your screen.
Just stay here to shoot everyone in the side before they can pivot to shoot you
and grab everything they drop. Be sure to keep your health up to since the
rations they drop won't be there in a bit. Also a few soldiers try and get
sneaky by throwing three mines into the room. If you're at the top in the corner
you won't get scratched. After these three are dead the alert is up and
everything seems cool. Set back and watch the crazy cutscene that introduces
Psycho Mantis. Now you have a new item, the level 1 access card. Ring the
elevator and head to Tank Storage room (1). When the elevator opens stay against
one of the walls to the guards don't see you. Head out the elevator and to the
left. The camera angle now changes so you're heading to what is now your right.
Equip your level 1 access card and head towards the wide door with a "1" on it.
When it opens duck behind one of the crates. The door will slide shut behind you
and the guard in the room still doesn't know what's up. For some reason he really
likes to look at the ammunition so sneak up behind him and take him out by breaking
his neck. Grab the Socom suppressor(silencer) and a ration. Head back to the
elevator and go to the Storage Area (B2).

V. - Storage Area (B2)

When you walk out of the elevator equip your thermal goggles. This will
allow you to see the trap doors in the floor. Look for a room with a "1" on it.
It's the room right below the elevator. Equip your access 1 card and enter the
room to grab the 2 crates of C-4. Equip your thermal goggles again and run to
the lower left hand corner of the Storage Area room. Place C-4 in the
bottom-left corner here. Walk away to a safe distance and detonate all of it.
Go back to the elevator and take it to any floor you wish. Ride back to B2 and
head into the same room you got the C-4 in. Look it' back. Oooooh! Now that you
have some extra C-4 head through the hole you just made. In the corridor go down
until the floor texture changes. On the right hand side where the concrete ends,
place some C-4 and nuke it to reveal another passageway. In this cluttered
corridor place a C-4 at the very right and nuke it. Now to the top you may want
to notice a place that has no cracks but looks like it's been cemented over. Place
a C-4 there also and nuke it. Don't enter this one yet unless you have as much
ammo as you can carry for your gun and you have two rations. If not don't go in
there just yet. Head to the right into another hallway avoiding a camera/gun at
the bottom and another at the top. You can find two rations in here. When you
think you're ready head into that hole at the top of the corridor. In a cutscene
you'll find Kenneth Baker tied up with trip-wires all around him that are connected
to C-4. You now have to fight Revolver Ocelot. Now this is a gun using fool. Watch
out for his sure-shot aim and the skill he has to ricochet bullets off the wall to
hit you. Watch his bullet count and your health in this fight. When he goes to
reload, go stomp his ass whether it's your fists or your gun. Just don't try and trap
him with C-4 somewhere because I'm telling you it doesn't work like that.
However the super easy way to beat him is just to run in crazy patterns after
him and wait for him to boast. This is the preferred time to pop him. Notice that
when he's hit he has kind of a grace period of which he can't be hit. Don't waste
your ammo if he's blinking. Once you get his life to zero you get a long ass
cut scene. First Introducing the cyborg Ninja. Nice. Now you need to save. Hit
select and go to your radio menu. Hit down on the D-pad. It should bring you to
a menu which is of preset radio stations. Highlight the one with 140.96. Talk
to Mia Ling and save your game. From now on I won't tell you when to save it.
I'll let you think of that. Now that you have acquired the level 2 access card
you can go crazy in B2. While you're here we'll learn a new trick. Watch out
though because now there are guards in there with you. Beware that the room
to the bottom right has traps in it, BUT it has the FA-MAS machine gun. Awe yea!
Get all the weapons from here and head back to the elevator. Go to level 1.

VI. - Underground Storage Room

Now that you're back on level 1. If you haven't gotten them yet then grab
the Socom bullets from behind the steps. Head up the stairs and use the level 2
key to open the door next to the stairway. There you will find the cardboard box
and chaff grenade. Get out of there and go down and back around on the second floor
to the room above where you got the thermal goggles. Use your level 2 card here
to enter. Grab the mine detector and the ration if you need it. Go next to the
computer and change frequency to 140.15. Here you'll talk to the female spy which
turns out to be Meryl Silverburgh. You can also call 141.52 and talk to Nastasha
Romeneko. When your running back around to go to the lower level of floor one Meryl
Silverburgh and the female spy will ring you. They open the wide door next to
the elevator on level 1. Run down to this and when you go in you'll get a call.
Answer it if you want. Watch out in this room because there are invisible trip lasers
that will trigger the door to shut and you'll be gassed to death. This part is very
easy. Just equip your infrared goggles and you'll see the lasers moving up and down.
When you get past them equip your level 2 access card and open the door.

VII. - Snowy Gap

When you start this part you best equip your mine detector. Note that they
show up in your radar screen and not in your actual vision. Here you're introduced
to Vulcan Raven and his big toy. The way to kill him is simple. Land a couple of
well tossed grenades RIGHT ON TOP of the tank. Take your time trying to get them in the
right place because with limited ammo everything has to count. If you run out or
want to try and beat him with fewer grenades just die. You start out RIGHT there.
By the way, it IS possible to beat him with two grenades.

VIII.- Nuclear Storage Facility

Now you're in the Nuclear storage facility. You also have acquired the
level 3 access card. Head over to the left and up the steps to grab the ration.
Go back down and head down the ramp to the garage door that's barely open. Crawl
under it and head all the way to the left. Run up the steps and while avoiding
the guard call the elevator. Go to (the offices) B1. When you exit the elevator
equip your level 3 key and head to the room directly below you. In this room head
to the center to avoid detection.when you get a chance go up the mini staircase and
into the office on the right. Grab the Nikita and the extra rockets and go out of
that room. Head back to the elevator and now go to B2. Have your level 3 card
equipped and head down through the set of sliding doors. In this room snake will
notice a small security measure. If it isn't obvious after watching the cutscene
what it is you have to do, stand right at the second door. Now once you're in this
section of offices know that you're being gassed. However it's quite alright because
it doesn't affect you so much. Equip your Nikita and fire a missile straight down over
the walkway and left at the end. (YOUR LEFT) Note that if you have an analog controller
doing this is MUCH easier than with the digital pad. After making the missile turn to
your left guide it into the office with the table. From here on up there will be camera
guns that will shoot you down so get through these rooms as quick as possible. Guide the
missile up past another camera gun and past the other desk to the doorway that's on the
left-hand side of the office. Now guide your missile to the right and through that doorway
to nail the generator with all the wires in front of it. If you missed run back up to the
room right before the walkway to get your breath back so Snake won't die. When you nail
the generator head down the walkway and the first office on your right will have a
ration in it. The second on the right is locked, it's for the elite level 4. The third
will posses the gas mask but it also is guarded by a camera gun. I suggest running back up
to get your breath back. From now on I'll leave it up to you to decide when to run back
for air. So equip your gas-mask. You'll toggle back and forth as needed. Running back down
the walkway head to your left and up to the first office. Use your keycard and grab the
grenades and C-4. At the second office use your keycard and grab the extra Nikita missiles.
The third office is for level 4 users. Up through the walkway go into the room that contains
the generator that you nuked. Grab the Chaff grenades and ration. Head back down to the hall
way and continue all the way to the right. This door has something sprayed on it that looks
like "Hall's Lab, keep out". Use your keycard and enter this door. Walk through this strange
door going to the right until you get to the room with the door at the top. When you walk
through this door you should get a cut scene. Follow through this bloody hallway until
you get the next cut scene with the ninja. Follow the Cyborg Ninja through the broken
level 4 door. This cutscene introduces Octacon the computer geek. The Ninja has to be
beaten with your bare hands and feet. This is a lot of fun let me tell ya. The prime
choice to beat him id right where you started. Just run in awkward circular patterns
and when he gets done doing his flip kicks and all that fancy stuff just nail him
with one of Snakes combos. When he cloaks himself he's just as simple to find.
Watch for him landing his jumps. When he lands kick his ass. Now that you have
his energy super low he doesn't do as many of his pretty tricks. He stands to taunt
you and when you run to hit him he disappeared and reappears behind you. So run
up to him and punch once. Make a 180 and do a combo. You've finally got him when
he turns into a blue ball of light and teleports. When he's tweaking out just
chase him around and cap him with one of your guns. Don't try and punch or kick him
or you'll get nailed by his energy field.

IIX. - Thank you Dr. Octacon

Finally you have the level 4 key you always wanted. You also have a new
hookup. Go ahead and call the doc on 141.12 to get him into your radio's
memory. Exit the Computer lab and run through the bloody hallway until you get
back to the gas filled hallway. Go to the level 4 room you couldn't access
earlier to grab the night vision goggles. Also pick up the extra rations that
if you were around if you didn't need them before.

When you start playing Psycho Mantis he takes control over Meryl. Just punch her
a couple of times to knock her out. Mantic is very easy, however the trick to beating him
is patience. He starts with a very simple pattern so watch it and take notes. And also note
that the ONLY way to beat him is with your hand combat skills. In my opinion the best spot
to crouch and wait for him to finish levitating everything is right above the desk. I beat him
by always running back here and waiting him out and nailing him when he made the paintings
and pictures fly off the wall. Remember patience is the key, I think it took my twenty minutes
or so to beat him. Finally when you get his life to around twenty-five percent he switches things
up a bit. He revives Meryl and makes her bust herself in the head. Learn his new pattern and then
kick his ass. When your done he moves the bookshelf for you in the cutscene. Now you have
your direction.

6. Acknowledgements

First thanks to Konami. I saw this game for the first time
at the E3 in Atlanta in 97'. It was a showstopper then and it always will be.
Mad Skills Konami!

All my friends that thought it was pointless to play the Japanese
version of the game. WHO CARES ABOUT THE PLOT! When it gets out here I'll
breeze through it, reading everything like a book. Nothing is wrong with that!

Mad thanks to my girlfriend. She was back home to visit me from school
in New York and understood my passion for this game but she only let me play it
when she was working. Sounded good to me!

Metal Gear is a registered trademark of Konami Japan and Hideo Kojima

Also if you wanna rip this up and / or put your name on it, know that I own you.
We'll both know that you didn't write any of this. So have fun! ])

HTML ® 1998 Just The FAQs. All images and content ® by the respective owner(s). All rights reserved.

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Tactical Espionage Action

13.Oktober 2013
Lebens- und Munitionstrainer für die Demoversion

18.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Full text dump

15.Oktober 2013
Neues Spiel mit Camera, Bandana, Stealth und Tuxedo im normalen Modus.

18.Oktober 2013
VR Missions Variety Mode

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Waffen-FAQ

02.Oktober 2013
Unendlich von Allem am Ende des Spiels

15.Oktober 2013
Spoiler Free

17.Oktober 2013
Leben, Munition, Blickwinkel ändern und Levelrestart

15.Oktober 2013
Complete Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Secrets FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Quick FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Quick FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Mini FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Meryl FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Info FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Ghosts FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Fun Stuff Guide FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Boss Guide FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020