Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

17.10.2013 08:07:25
Spoiler Free
This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

Metal Gear Solid: Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
{Fat-Free™ Version}
Written by: Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
Version 1.01

Table of Contents:
01. Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
02. Copyright Information


01. Spoiler-Free Walkthrough


== Dock =====================================================================

• Search underwater for some rations
• Check the rest of the area for some more rations
• Make your way to the elevator, and ride it up

== Heliport =================================================================

• Check the room to the west (the one with the camera) for some Stun Grenades
• Search the parked truck to find a SOCOM pistol
• Search the rest of the area for some ammo/items
• Avoid the camera near the stairs to the north-east, go up the stairs,
and crawl into the small vent on the balcony

== Tank Hangar ==============================================================

• Take the Chaff Grenades from right behind you where you land from the vent
• Check one of the rooms to the east to find some Thermal Goggles
• Search the other rooms on this level for Cardboard Box A, and some more
Chaff Grenades
• Head down the stairs
• Ride the main elevator down to B1 Cell Area

== Cell Area ================================================================

• Head south, then to the east and climb the ladder, and head into the
• Crawl through the vents until you reach the end, and drop down into the
• Fend off wave after wave of guards by standing near the door when they
enter, and grab the items they drop as you drop them (heh...)
• You should have the Level 1 Keycard, so head to the elevator, and take it
to B2 Basement: The Armory

== Armory ===================================================================

• Search the center room in the Armory to find some C4 Explosives, but beware
of the traps in this area
• Search the rest of the unlocked rooms to find cool items and weapons
• Set some C4 on the wall on the south-west wall of the Armory to create
a new path by detonating it
• Enter the hall, and place some C4 on the wall to the right (the wall is
discolored), and detonate it
• Enter the next hall, and blow up the northern discolored wall with some
more C4 to meet the first boss
• Fight the boss, and be sure not to hit the C4 surrounding, or else you
will blow the place up
• Take the Level 2 Keycard
• Watch the cut-scene, then return to the elevator, go to the Tank
Hangar, and use the Level 1 Keycard on the door to the right of the
elevator. Enter it, kill the guard, and take the SOCOM Supressor
• Exit through the large exit to the right of the elevator, and go into
the Canyon

== Canyon ===================================================================

• Crawl along the ground and pick up as many claymore mines as you can (use
the Thermal Goggles to see them)
• Run to the center of the Canyon to fight another boss
• Defeat the boss, get the Level 3 Keycard, then enter the Nuclear Building
from the opposite side of the Canyon

== Nuclear Building ==========================================================

• Search the left-hand ramp for some rations, then enter the building
• Make your way to the elevator near the stairs, and ride it to B2 Floor
• Enter the gaseous room, and use the Nikita Launcher (if you don't have it
by now, then grab it from the Armory). Shoot the rocket into the next room
to the west, then to the north, and blow up the large power generator
in the glass-protected room
• Run down the path that you have made safer, then head into the west room
• Toss a Chaff Grenade into it, and search the rooms to find items like
Grenades, rations, and some Night Vision Goggles
• Check the room at the end of the first hallway that you came in here
through (the last room on the right), to find a Gas Mask
• Put the Gas Mask on, and enter the room to the east
• Pass through the hallway that has been "used" previously, and enter the
door to the north to fight a boss
• DO NOT use weapons on this boss, just hand-to-hand combat
• Defeat the boss, get the Level 4 Keycard, then return to the elevator, and
take it to B1 Floor
• Find the disguised guard with a "different" walk, then follow them into
the bathroom
• Get the Level 5 Keycard from the "guard", and search the now-empty rooms
to find stuff like: Rations, Cardboard Box B, Diazapam, Medicine, ammo.
• Run past the men's bathroom, and enter the door at the end of the hallway
to encounter another boss
• To make this fight easier, remove your controller from controller port
1, and place it into controller port 2
• After the fight, go back to B2 floor, and use the Level 5 Keycard on the
room with the Night Vision Goggles, take them, then return to this room
• Head through the new door in the room where you fought the latest boss

== Caves ====================================================================

• Equip the Night Vision Goggles, search the area for some items, then crawl
through the cave, avoid the dogs, head east, and crawl through the other
hole under the cave to meet Meryl

== Underground Passage =======================================================

• Follow her into the next area, watch the cut-scene, then return to the
• Once here, use a Keycard to get the Sniper Rifle from one of the many rooms
• Return to the Underground Passage, where Meryl is
• Fight the boss, then save your game, and search the area to get some rations
and ammo
• Head through the door to the north of the Underground Passage
• In this next scenario, try to avoid "giving up" as much as possible
• In the cell, call Otacon, and use the Ketchup he gives you while lying
down, and when the guard enters the cell, kill him
• Grab your stuff from behind the large machine, toss the the Timed Bomb
from your inventory, then exit this room
• Ride the elevator up to the first floor, and go past the Canyon, and enter
the Nuclear Building
• Head to the Underground Passage where you fought Sniper Wolf, and enter
the north door

== Comms Tower A & B ========================================================

• Run forward, avoid the guards, and climb the stairs to the top of the
• Climb the next ladder to the roof
• Head to the edge of the building, and use the Rope to rappel down the
side of the building
• At the bottom, snipe the 3 guards at the end of the catwalk with
guessed it-• A Sniper Rifle
• Enter the door at the end of the catwalk, take the Stinger Rocket Launcher,
and enter the next area
• Go downstairs to the dead-end, then go back upstairs to the roof, and
fight another Boss
• Defeat the next boss, then return downstairs, and hop onto the now-working
• Defeat the guards on the elevator
• Exit through the Level 6 doorway, and enter the Snowfield

== Snowfield ================================================================

• Fight the next boss
• After beating the boss, examine all of the outer-rooms that surround the
Snowfield, then enter the door to the north-west, avoid the cameras, then
enter the next door and into the Blast Furnace

== Blast Furnace ============================================================

• Go across the small ledge that overhangs the lava, and head down the stairs
and enter the room to the south, and search it for some Nikita Rockets, and
some PSG1 ammo
• Leave the room, and enter the doors across from you. Ride the large elevator
and kill the guards that come along
• Ride the next elevator down as well
• Collect some items from the area at the bottom, then enter the Warehouse
• Fight the boss here, then collect even more items from the aftermath
• Exit through the next large door using your Level 7 Keycard
• Toss a Chaff Grenade into this room, run through it, grab the Stinger
Missiles from the catwalk, then enter the next door into the Underground

== Underground Base =========================================================

• Climb up the large mech to the top, then follow the catwalk to the south
to find a large control room
• After the cinema, run down the mecha to the bottom, and search the sewage
around it to find the PAL Keycard. Return to the large control room atop
the mecha
• Place the PAL Key into the first computer, then go into the Warehouse
where you fought the last boss until it turns blue. Return to the control
room, and place the PAL Key into the second computer. Now go back to the
Blast Furnace, and enter the hidden room that was very hot, and had
PSG1 and Nikita rockets in it, wait until the PAL Key to turn red,
go back to the large control room, and place it into the third computer
• Run outside of the room, and approach the mecha, and fight another boss
• After the fight, fight the next boss that takes place on top of the
• When the fight ends, escape with someone, head through the exit door,
and hop into the jeep
• Fend off the ensuing jeep that is following you to reach the end of the
tunnel, and complete the game.


02. Copyright Infomation


© Copyright 2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered,
or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and
printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed
in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute
to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions,
comments, or corrections, to the address above. This document may NOT
appear on PERIOD.

Copyright © 2000 Nemesis

nd of Document~

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