Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

13.10.2013 15:15:01
Tactical Espionage Action
Metal Gear Solid
Tactical Espionage Action

Author: Djoaniel S Hernandez
Date : 04 April 2002
Site :

Created 27 April 1999
Last Modified 04 April 2002

Updated the disclaimer
Checked wrong spellings
Probably the last update before I retire
Added contact
Changed credits

Table of Contents

-| disclaimer and contact
-| introduction
-| story so far
-| moves of the snake
--| combat
--| sneaking/non combat
-| items and weapons
--| items
--| weapons
-| walkthrough
-| more asked questions
-| tips of my personal spying
-| more tips
-| characters
-| closing remarks
-| credits
-| copyright


Plagiarism is a sin, in the eyes of the god who created heaven and earth, in the
eyes of the FAQ writers, in your parent’s eyes, even your mom’s if she is not
blind. But again, no one can win in court with that, we have those international
copyright laws. So just a warning, I’m a 17 web hobbyist so I’m not planning to
get involved in any legal disputes for I am not yet in legal age nor have a job
to support myself.

Don’t email me with threats, flames, spams. Nobody wants their mailbox to be
cluttered with those.

If you want to print this out, go ahead, as long as you’re not selling it.

If you intend to post this on your website, do so but ASK ME FIRST contact me
for permissions.

If you happen to hate me or have problems with the game, email me about it in a
well and civilized manner. Be logical that’s all.

And if in any event I failed to email you back, I am sorry, I have limited time
to do my online life. It was not like 4 years ago.

So I leave you with this, read well...


What is "METAL GEAR"?
Metal Gear first went on sale in Japan on July 7th 1987. That game was
born with the notion: "Fighting alone does not make a game. Stealth is
more important!!". Metal Gear had a huge impact on gamers and
manufacturers alike. Not only was it a new and original game design,
but its story, full of plot twists and intricate human drama, garnished
praise from the critics and made it into a huge international hit. The
sequel, "Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake" would mark the last time that
"Metal Gear" appeared on any platform. Nevertheless, the "Metal Gear"
series continued to be widely discussed as a visionary masterpiece.
Today, the true vision of Metal Gear will be unveiled to fans across
the world in the form of "METAL GEAR SOLID".

The Dawn of the New
Millennium; the 21st Century... The nuclear weapons disposal facility
on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago is attacked and
captured by Next Generation Special Forces led by members of FOX-HOUND.

The terrorists have secured hundreds of nuclear warheads and they're
demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss. They
warn that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch
a nuclear weapon.

Solid Snake is once again called back to duty in a top-secret mission
to deal with the greatest terrorist threat the world has ever seen.

First, he must single-handedly infiltrate the nuclear weapons disposal
site and rescue two hostages, DARPA Chief Donald Anderson and the
President of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker, and then eliminate the terrorist
threat and prevent a nuclear launch. The clock is ticking. Once again,
Snake heads into battle...alone.

Outer Heaven Revolt (1995)
A small, but powerful armed nation called "Outer Heaven" emerges from
deep within South Africa. NATO learns that they are designing a
nuclear-equipped walking battle tank called "Metal Gear," and they send
in one of their best agents, Gray Fox. But, he is taken hostage, and
they are forced to send in the newest member of FOX-HOUND, Solid Snake.
He rescues Gray Fox and forces the surrender of Outer Heaven. As Solid
Snake escapes, he is confronted by one man. Its FOX-HOUND's commander,
Big Boss! It seems that Outer Heaven was a mercenary company and Big
Boss was the mastermind behind it. Big Boss had intentionally chosen
his most inexperienced agent, Solid Snake, thinking he would fail, but
he seriously miscalculated. After a fierce battle, Snake defeats Big
Boss as Outer Heaven burns around him. From "Metal Gear"

Zanizbar Riot (1999)
In 1999, Dr. Kio Marv, inventor of the oil refining microbe, OILIX, was
taken hostage by Zanzibar, a heavily armed nation in central Asia ruled
by a minority ethnic group. Zanzibar was planning to gain political and
military hegemony over a world suffering under the cruel weight of a
worldwide energy crisis. Roy Campbell, commander of FOX-HOUND, called
Solid Snake, now in retirement, back to active duty to infiltrate
Zanzibar and recover Dr. Marv.

Solid Snake make it past Zanzibar's impressive steel wall and
penetrated deep into its interior. Once inside he destroyed Metal Gear,
which had been completed after being transported from Outer Heaven, and
defeated Gray Fox, former member of FOX-HOUND and now leader of the
Zanzibar mercenary corps. He was also successful in retrieving the
OILIX manufacturing process. Finally, he would once again meet his
destiny with the man who was pulling the strings in Zanzibar, Big Boss!
He had survived Outer Heaven and created Zanzibar in order to make a
world rife with conflict and war, a world in which soldiers such as
himself would always have a place. After defeating Big Boss for the
second and final time, Snake gave up on war and retired to the peaceful
Alaskan wilderness. From "Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake"


And so the pawn they saved the worthless butt of the octopus is sent by
the agency to find and shutdown the whole operation by a terrorist
group that is planning for world domination. That simple (advance
apologies who like the story, I'm too lazy to detail all the elemnts)
Base but packs a lot of surprises.


This is a list of things that the snake can do.


Walk/Run: Use the directional buttons or the left analog stick.
Wall sneek: Use direction to push him to it.
Wall tapping: Use the [X] Button to tap while sneeking
Sitting: While standing still push [X] button
Crawling: While sitting use the directional buttons or left stick.


Choker: Behind a genome soldier simply press [square] button
repetedly to choke him.
Neck Breaker: While choking a guard press [square] more quickly to
perform a neck break. [kids don't try this at home]
Guard Guard: The guard can be a guard by pressing choking and holding
[square] instead of pressing it more quickly.
Flip Out: While running into a genome soldier press [square]
Button to flip the fellar(use this in catwalks)


Scope: It got a zoom by using the [circle] button and zoom out
By using [x] button
NVG: Night vision goggles evplain everything. But incase you
Don't know its function it is to see In the dark
TG: Thermal Goggles are goggles desinged to see objects
That generates heat.
Camera: camera states everything! One shot = two blocks.
Mine Detector: used to detect mines(in radar only)
Ration: In MGS this is the primary source in refiling life gudge
Diazeperm: Tranquilazers that calms down nerves for presise
Shooting and sniping
Medicine: If you are one of the guys who have been affected by the
Cold of the guard use this item.
Level Cards: This cards are used to open up certain door levels in
The game.Pal Key: This key alters it schape by altering the
Used at the laptops in the late part of the game.
Disk: Data of MG REX conducted execrsize
Body Armor: use this to protect from enemy bullets.
Stealth: optical camofloudge suite prevents you from being
Bandana: Limitless means infinite, so as your equipped weapon!
Cigerette: Snakes favorate brand. Use this to waste life.
Scarf: To make wolves in love with snake equip this!
Katsup: Used to play dead in the medical room
Carboard Box: Used to hide in a certain building. Also used for
Transportation in the indicated letter of the box.


Granades: Figure it out for yourself!
S Granades: Stun granades are used for stunning enemies!
C Granades: Chaff granades are used for jamming cameras!
Mines: Mines are used for laying traps
C4: That is a remote controlled explosive that can be
Strapped at the back of Genome soldiers.
Socom: Useful with a silencer. Weak but does the job.
Famas: A Machine gun used for fire fight. Noisy!
PSG-1: Sniper rifle that can kill a normal soldier in one hit!
Nikita: Guided missles that can be used to blow something up
Stinger: Homing missles used for tight fights. Highly damaging!


Area 1: Cargo Dock
You start this area behind a water filtration tank. Before moving an
inch, check out your map on the upper right hand corner of the screen.
There are three Ration pick-ups in this level, in the water (at the
bottom left hand side), behind the water filtration tank on the right
sidewall, and behind the forklift at the upper right-hand corner. Study
the guard's movements and patterns. Now you're ready to go. First, move
to the left wall and go up. At the water filtration pipe, duck and
crawl under. Past the pipe, standup and move towards the railing to the
right. Run to the right wall avoiding the puddle. At the wall make a
left and head to the north wall behind the forklift and wait for the
elevator (it usually takes about 45 seconds). When the elevator
arrives, a Genome Soldier steps out. Wait for the soldier to move Out
of the way and enter the elevator.

Area 2: Heliport
After the mission briefing study the area map. There's a ration behind
the elevator and behind the cargo boxes in the snow bank. There are two
exits in this level, one at the ground level and another on the
balcony. From the start position, run to the heliport ramp to the
north. As you enter the helipad, stop and wait for the searchlight to
move up. Run by the left railing as the light moves up. In the middle
of the helipad is a chaff grenade pick-up. Wait for the searchlights to
cross paths and run to the center. Quickly run back to the left and
down the ramp. Up moving to wards the left wall and into a storage room
with a Motion Activated Machinegun Camera (MAMC). Move underneath the
camera to avoid detection. In this room is a stun grenade pickup. Move
towards the left wall while side stepping with your back against the
crates. When the camera moves to the right run down to get the stun
grenades. Now exit the room using the same method. To the north of the
helipad is a utility truck with a socom pistol. Pick up the pistol and
go to the north wall. Remember that your socom does not have a silencer
yet so hold back on using it. To get to the ground level exit move to
the north wall. At the north wall move to the left corner with a MAMC
and a sleeping guard underneath. Staying close to the wall, crawl
behind the guard and into the air vent duct behind him. The balcony
level exit is a little more difficult. After picking up the socom
pistol, head towards the north east corner. While hugging the wall,
sidestep underneath the MAMC. Once me MAMC pans to the left, run to the
right and up the steps. At the second flight of steps, watch the guard
on the catwalk. Wait for the guard to move away and back. After the
guard has gone, follow the catwalk to the second inlet where the air
vent duct is located.

Area 3: Vent Shaft (bottom level)
After the cut scene, move forward to the T-junction. To the left is a
ration pick-up and to the right is the exit. Heading to the right your
old instructor Master Miller will contact you about how to exit the
vent shaft. Following the master's suggestion, follow the rats to the

Area 3: Vent Shaft (balcony level)
After the cut scene, follow the path to the right. Moving above a vent
screen a short movie will play between two guards talking about some
person infiltrating the base and killing three guards. They will also
give you a clue about a girl in the holding cell. After the movie, keep
following the shaft to exit.

Area 4: Tank Hangar (from the ground level)
>From the start position, run the right and around the tank to the
staircase. Underneath the staircase is a socom ammo pick-up. Run up the
staircase and watch out for the MAMC on top. Follow the catwalk around
to the room with the open door. Here you will get the thermal goggles.
Exit the room. At the end of the catwalk is a chaff grenade pick-up
waiting for you. Now head back around the catwalk and down the
staircase. Behind the stairs is the elevator. Stand on the left side of
the elevator and press the circle button. Inside the elevator select B1
to go to the next level.

Area 4: Tank Hangar (from the balcony)
>From the start position, to the left is a chaff grenade pick-up and a
MAMC waits on the right. After eluding the MAMC, follow the catwalk to
the room with the open door. In this room, there is a pair of thermal
goggles waiting. After picking up the goggles, exit the room and follow
the catwalk to the left. At the end of the catwalk, there is a MAMC
waiting and a staircase leading to the ground floor. Head down the
steps and go behind it to pick-up some socom ammo. Now go to the
elevator to the right. Stand on the right side of the elevator and
press the circle button. When the elevator arrives get inside and
select B1.

Area 5: B1 Holding Cell
After exiting the elevator, Mei Ling will contact you to inform you
about the DARPA Chief Donald Anderson. All the doors in this area are
locked so follow the hall to the end where there is a ladder leading to
another ventilation shaft here is a ration box inside the vent opening
on the ground.). Climb the ladder and follow the vent shaft. After
making the first left, move forward and make another left. Crawl on top
of the vent screen; hold down the triangle button and press down on the
directional pad to view a guard sitting on the throne. Keep moving
forward to get more socom ammo then head back. At the T-junction, make
a left, move forward to the end and make a left. At the first vent
screen again hold down the triangle button and press down on the
directional pad to see a woman getting in shape. Move forward to the
next vent screen; press the circle button to enter the room. Watch the
sequence between Snake and the DARPA Chief. He will give you a level1
security card. When Mr. Anderson dies, press your select button to talk
to the commander. Equip the security card and exit the room. Watch the
sequence that occurs between snake and a female voiced guard. Outside
the door waits three guards getting ready to ambush you so equip your
socom pistol and rations, and get ready for a shootout. To aim your
gun, hold down the square button and snake will automatically aim at
the closest guard. To shoot, release the square button. It takes three
bullets to kill each guard. After two more waves of guards grenades
will be thrown in the room. Move to the upper left corner to avoid
taking damage. After the shootout, watch the sequence and be introduced
to Psycho Mantis. After Dr. Campbell assures you that you are not
hallucinating go back into the holding cells to pick up a ration box
under the DARPA chiefs bed and more socom ammo in the guards office and
bathroom. Make your way back to the elevator and select B2.

Area 6: B2 Armory
There are six ammo storage rooms in this area. Exit the elevator and
equip the thermal goggles. Go to the top center room, equip the
security card and enter. Pick up the CA. Exit the room and go to the
bottom center room to pick up some socom ammo. The room on the bottom
right has some grenades for you to pick up. Leave the room and find the
unfinished wall on the bottom wall on the left (try tapping the wall to
hear the sound change). Plant a CA run away and press the circle
button. Enter the opening on the wall run down and locate the next
unfinished wall on the right wall close to the end. Plant another CA
and blow up this wall. Enter the hole in the wall. Run to the right and
look for yet another unfinished part of the wall. Use another C-4 to
cerate a hole. Before exploring the next room, equip your rations and
socom pistol. In the next room, you will see President Baker tied up.
Watch the sequence and prepare to battle Revolver Ocelot. The battle
starts with Ocelot on the upper left corner and snake on the lower
right corner. Hide behind the pillar, after Ocelot's first shot, run up
and make a left. Immediately aim and shoot to the left. Once you have
hit Ocelot, follow him around the next corner and shoot. Repeat this
strategy until most of Ocelot's energy is depleted. Watch the sequence
between Snake, Ocelot and the Ninja. After the sequence, President
Baker will give you his level 2-security card and he is going to tell
you more about Metal Gear Rex and Foxhound's plans. He will also
instruct you to contact the female soldier on the CODEC. Her frequency
is 14O~15. When the president dies head back to the Armory. Now one
more or the storage rooms will be accessible to you. The bottom left
room holds a FAMAS Rifle and bullets. Equip the thermal goggles and
crawl under the lasers to get the rifle. Collect more CA's and go back
to the elevator. The walls to the sides of the elevator have unfinished
portions. The wall to the left has a secret room with some stun and
chaff grenades. The wall to the right has a secret room with two trap
doors, some famas and socom ammo, and more CA's. After collecting your
ammo enter the elevator and go back to the tank hangar.

Area 7: Tank Hangar
After exiting the elevator, go to the right wall into the room with the
sleeping guard. Choke this guard to death and pick up the socom
suppressor. Head back to the stairs and up the steps. Enter the first
room you come across. In this room is a cardboard box and chaff
grenades. Run around the catwalk and look at the area towards the end
of the catwalk. You will notice a guard pacing back and fourth guarding
the room you need to get into. Eliminate the guard using the socom
pistol and enter the room. Here you will find a mine detector. After
collecting the mine detector, contact the commander for more
information. After speaking with the commander press the select button
and switch to frequency 140.15 (Meryl Silverburgh). Meryl will help you
by unlocking the hangar doors. Head back down the stairs or jus hang
out until Meryl unlocks the hangar door. When the door opens up head
towards the door and equip the thermal goggles. You will see a set of
lasers moving up and down at various speeds. budge the speed of each
laser and run past each one by one. Equip the security cars after
passing the last laser and exit the hangar.

Area 8: Canyon
As you walk forward, you will receive a call from a certain Deepthroat.
After the conversation equip the mine detector to see where all the
mines are in the area. Do not try to run around the mines as they have
a wide range of motion detector. Crawl over each mine to collect them
then run to the left wall. By the left wall is a ration box and another
mine. Run to the north and an Ml Abrams Tank will come rumbling in.
watch the sequence with Vulcan Raven and prepare to do battle. From
your start position, run to the left wall and crawl north hugging the
wall. After Raven fires his first shot, run to the pillar just north of
your position. Run right next to the tank and start throwing your
grenades. You target is the gunner on top of the tank. After a direct
hit, the gunner will be thrown off the tank and a second gunner will
emerge. Use the same tactic to throw the guard off the tank and watch
the sequence with Vulcan Raven.

Area 9: Nuke Building
Inside the Nuke, building there is a catwalk to the left. At the end of
the catwalk is a ration box if you need it. Move north from the start
position to the half-opened gate. There are grenades on the bottom left
corner, chaff grenades under the stairs on the left wall, FAMAS ammo
under the camera and under the stairs on the right wall and socom ammo
to the left of the cargo truck. Wait out side the gate until the guard
passes by. Crawl under the gate and run to the left by the bottom wall.
Run up the stairs on the left wall and watch out for the guard on the
catwalk. Follow the catwalk to the elevator press the circle button and
position yourself on the wall to the right of the elevator. When the
elevator arrives, select 61.

Area 10: Nuke Building B1
Exit the elevator and enter the room across the hall. As you enter the
door go to the right to collect some stun grenades. The first room on
the right wall holds the Nikita launcher and some missiles. In the
center of the room, underneath the table is a famas ammo pick-up and to
the left of the table is a socom ammo box. After collecting all the
weapons and ammo that you can, exit the room and make a left. Go in to
the bathroom where a guard is relieving himself of excess body fluids.
Creep up to the guard and choke him. There is also a ration box inside
the last stall for you to collect. Make your way back to the elevator
and select B2.

Area 11: Nuke B2
Step of the elevator and walk to the right wall. Push up against the
wall until the camera pans to the right to show Dr. Emmerich. Go to the
right and view the room behind the glass wall. In this room, you will
see the electrical switchboard and a couple of pick-up items. Enter the
door on the south wall. Go through the second door and Deepthroat will
inform you about the room. Equip the Nikita launcher aim south and fire
a missile. From the first person perspective, make a left at the T-
junction. Make another left into the computer room. Avoid making too
many turns as this slows down the missile and gives the MAMC is a
chance to shoot down the missile. At the end of the computer room is a
door on the left, go through the door, make a right, into the next
room. The electrical switchboard is on the wall to the left. After
destroying the switchboard, enter the second room on the right to
collect the gas mask. The gas mask does not prevent you from dying; it
lust slows down the effect of the poisoned gas. Outside the room, run
down to the T-junction and head to the right, and enter the door at the

Area 12: Laboratory
Walk over to the door on the right. Enter the next room and go through
the door on the left. In the hallway with six dead guards, watch the
sequence then follow the hallway to the left. At the end is a door,
enter it and watch the sequence between the Ninja and Dr. Emmerich.
After the sequence, the Ninja will challenge you to a fight. To defeat
the Ninja, stay away from his kicks. After performing the last kick of
his attack, run towards the Ninja and perform the punch, punch, kick
combo. After your combo, run after the Ninja and perform the combo
again before he starts his own. After a few hits on the Ninja, he will
turn invisible. Use your thermal goggles to find out where he is
hiding. A few more hits and the Ninja will stand in place waiting for
you. Get close to the Ninja and as he positions himself behind you, run
away and run back after he performs his punch. After more hits the
ninja will be surrounded by an electrical energy ball. When the ball
shrinks run to the Ninja and perform your combo until the Ninja leaves.
After the fight, watch the sequence between Snake and Dr. Emmerich.
When the doctor leaves return to the elevator and do not forget to
enter the rooms you were not able to before. In the elevator select 81
to search for Meryl. In 81, inside the room across the hall from the
elevator, Meryl waits dressed in guards uniform. If a guard discovers
you, notice one of them runs out of the room. Follow that guard into
the women bathroom. Go to the last stall and watch the sequence between
Snake and Meryl. After the conversation, follow Meryl out the door and
to the hallway beside the men's bathroom. Enter the door at the end to
go the Area 13.

Area 13: Commander Room
Here, Psycho Mantis will take control of Meryl. Walk into the commander
room. Move towards the center and watch Psycho Mantis manipulate Meryl.
Do not hurt or kill Meryl. Each time she points the gun at you flip her
over until she gets dizzy. To show off his powers, Mantis will make
Snake blind twice during battle, this Is his way of showing that he can
control every aspect of the game. The text HIDEO on the black screen,
when Snake goes blind, refers to the creator of MGS Hideo Kojima. Now
Psycho Mantis is not impossible to beat, just frustrating. The trick is
to run up as close to the psycho one and fire a couple of shots. his
first attack is a ball of energy which he hurls at you, run away to
avoid this attack. Next, he will levitate a few of the things in the
room and make it go after you. To avoid these items duck and crawl
towards Psycho Mantis. After each attack is over, get as close to
Mantis and fire a couple of shots at him. With half his energy gone,
Mantis will revive Meryl again to try to kill you, just flip her over a
few times to get her off your back. Now Mantis will throw nothing but
energy balls. Study his patterns and get your socom pointed in the
direction of where he will be appearing next. After defeating Psycho
Mantis, watch the sequence and go through the door on the upper left-
hand corner. Down and around the ramp are some famas ammo and a ration
box. Exit through the door at the end to clear the area.

Area 14: Cave
>From the level start position, run to the right to collect a ration box
and some socom ammo. Go back to the left to the snow covered path. At
the end of the path is a small cave, press the X button and crawl to
the other side. Once on the other side, a pack of wolves waits for you.
head north to the wall and make a left then run down. At the bottom
wall are two small caves. The left cave has some PSG-1 ammo, famas
ammo, diazepam and a ration box. The cave on the right leads to the
exit where Meryl awaits.

Area 15: Underground Passage
The area begins with Meryl showing off her newfound knowledge. Follow
the footprints she left behind to avoid the mines. At the other end, a
red dot appears on Meryl. It's the laser from Sniper wolf's gun. Meryl
is shot and goes down. Watch the dramatic sequence then contact
commander. After your talk, head back to the tank armory 82. Inside the
room at the bottom right-hand corner is a PSG-1 sniper gun. Quickly run
back to the underground passage. Once there, face north, equip the PSG-
1 and take a diazepam to calm your nerves. Sniper Wolf is in the second
floor getting ready of her next shot. After beating Sniper Wolf, run
north to the tower enter the door on the right and watch the sequence
that follows.

Area 16: Medical Room
After being caught, Snake is brought to the torture room. Ocelot will
try to force you to give up. If you do, Meryl will die. so get your
fingers ready for a workout. When the torturing begins, press the
circle button rapidly and repeatedly. Keep tapping even after the timer
runs out. Ocelot will continue to torture you three more times. After
the third round, Snake will be taken to a holding cell where the dead
DARPA chief's body lays. Contact Otacon for help. When Otacon arrives,
he will give you a bottle of ketchup and Sniper Wolf's handkerchief.
There are a few ways to exit the room. First wait for the guard to run
to the bathroom then hide under the bed or use the ketchup and lay on
the floor. When the guard returns and notices you gone or dead on the
floor, he will open the door and check up on you. Time your attack
right, get up too early and you will be shot. If this is too hard, have
patience and wait for the Ninja to spring you out of the room. Once out
of the room, go into the torture room. Behind the table are your
clothes and weapons. Exit to the right and watch out for the MAMC's
guarding the door.

Area 17: Comm Tower A
Exiting the torture room will bring you to familiar surroundings. You
should now have a level 6-security card. It is now time to go treasure
hunting. On your way back to the underground passage, go into all the
rooms you have not been to collecting all the weapons and ammo. In the
underground passage, enter the door on the right side of the building.
Follow the hallway to the door at the end. Leave a couple of Claymore
mines before you enter the door. Through the door, guards will ambush
Snake. Collect all the items from the guards then exit through the door
at the bottom. If you need more ammo there are, a lot of ammo to be
picked up on the right side. If not, equip your famas and rations and
run up the steps. Do not bother to kill all the guards coming from
behind you. As for the guards shooting you from above just hit them
once and continue running up. The first door you come across is frozen
shut, so do not even bother stopping. At the top of the staircase,
follow the catwalk around to the ladder and climb up. Exit through the
door on the bottom right. Go to the flight of steps north and watch
Liquid destroy the communications tower. After the cut scene, use your
rope to go down the side of the building. At the bottom, pick up the
ration box on the left. Position yourself in front of the frozen door
face north and equip the PSG-1. At the end of the scaffold awaits three
guards with machine guns pointed at you. Pick them off one at a time
and proceed down the scaffold. Make a left at the end where Liquid
awaits you in the Hind-d. As you move around the corner stay close to
the left railing to avoid being hit. Equip your security card and exit
the level through the door at the end.

Area 18: Comm Tower B
Pick up the Stinger Launcher and some missiles. Head down through the
door. The path down leads to an elevator that seems stuck. Go to the
right and run down the stairs as fast as you can. The catwalk will be
destroyed between the second and first floors. Run back up the stairs
to the elevator. Talk with Otacon then proceed up the stairs. Run up
the remaining flight of stairs avoiding the MAMC's on the 11th, 15th,
19th and 23rd floors. Use the chaff grenades to confuse the MAMC's. At
the top, collect more stinger missiles before climbing the ladder to
the roof.

Area 19: Tower Battle
Get your Stinger and rations ready. Liquid is the red dot on your map.
The trick is to hit and run. Use your stingers only if the Hind is
locked on and if you have a clear shot. After firing off a missile, press the R1
button and run behind the center roof unit. With half of
Liquid's life gone, he will try to get you with a barrage of missiles.
Hide behind the center roof unit and patiently wait for a clear shot.
When the Hind goes down, Otacon will contact you to let you know that
the elevator is working. Arm your self with the famas rifle and return
to the ninth floor. Press the elevator's call button and go down to
level one. Otacon will again contact you to inform you about the four
optic camouflage suits that are missing. You are not alone. The
camouflage suits are in the elevator with Genome Soldiers inside them.
Hold down your fire button and hit each soldier five times. When the
elevator stops, exit and run to the left to collect more PSG1 bullets.
Get your Security card and enter the door on the bottom right. Watch
out for the MAMC as you move to the right Another MAMC is positioned
around the corner and two more at the end of the hallway. Use a chaff
grenade and exit through the level 6 door at the end.

Area 20: Snowfield
As you enter the snowfield, there is a ration box and a PSG-1 ammo box
to the right. Walk towards the center of the map. Snake goes down.
After a brief conversation with Otacon, it is confirmed that Sniper
Wolf is somewhere taking aim at Snake. Equip the PSG-1 and face
northward. Sniper Wolf is hiding behind the trees waiting to get a
clear shot at you. Take a diazepam to calm your nerves and try to keep
Sniper Wolf in your cross hairs. When you defeat Sniper Wolf, walk
forward and watch the sequence between Snake, Sniper Wolf and Otacon.
After her death, it is time to collect more ammo there are a lot of
storage rooms in the snowfield and most of them have MAMC's or mines so
be careful. The bottom room by the east wall stores grenades and chaff
grenades and is protected by two MAMC1s. The top room hides FAMAS,
Socom and PSG1 bullets. Towards the west wall are two more storage
rooms and a cargo truck. There is nothing inside the truck, so head to
the bottom room. Open the door and throw in a Chaff grenade for the
MAMC's. Run inside and pick up some rations and a cardboard box. The
upper room will also need a chaff grenade for its MAMC's. Inside you
will find Nikita missiles. Now head up to the storage rooms in the
north. The right most room is lined with mines. Crawl inside to collect
the Claymore mines, rations and stun grenades. The middle room is a
level 7 secured room. The storage room to the left is protected by
MAMC's. Collect the socom ammo on the upper left corner and run to the
exit on the upper right comer.

Area 21: Blast Furnace
Enter the door at the bottom of the staircase. Equip the PSG-1 and aim
for the guard on the upper left side. Collect the Stun grenade at the
end of the top catwalk. Run back to the bottom path and go to the left,
Hug the wall and sidestep along the edge. When the moving arm moves
towards you duck until it passes you by. Once across the ledge, make
your way down the steps. Collect the ration box, socom ammo and the
famas ammo below the first staircase. Down the steps and to the right
is the steam room. In here, you can pick up more PsG-1 ammo and Nikita
missiles. Exit the steam room and run up to the large door at the
bottom of the staircase.

Area 22: Cargo Elevator
In the first cargo elevator room there are a Jot of famas and socom
ammo along the east and west edges. Step onto the large cargo elevator
and press the down button on the control panel on the right. At the
bottom of the ride, on the upper right wall is a MAMC waiting for
action? The room to the right is where the second cargo elevator is
located. In this room are five mines along the bottom and bottom right
corner along with more famas and socom ammo and a ration box. Ride the
elevator down. Step off the elevator and collect the Nikita missiles,
ration box and C-4's along the left and right walls. Run up and enter
the large door.

Area 23: Warehouse
As you enter this frigid room, Vulcan Raven will challenge you to a
fight to the death. Watch the sequence that follows and prepare for a
fight. To defeat Raven, lay mines around the area and make good use of
your map to locate the beast. As he rounds the corner equip the stinger
and fire off a shot. You do not have to wait for the stinger to lock
on. Another good weapon to use is the Nikita. Make sure you hit Raven
from behind or he will just shoot your missile down. When you defeat
Vulcan Raven, he will give you his security card. Exit the level
through the door at the north end.

Area 24: Underground Base
Get your chaff grenades ready; you will need them here. There are two
trap doors in the first hallway. Follow the hallway to the staircase.
At the top1 me right path leads to stinger ammo, and the left path is
the exit. The long hall after the door has no traps so you need not
worry. At me end of the hall stands Metal Gear Rex. Run to the left and
climb the ladder. Make a left at the top of the ladder and make a right
at the fork on the scaffold. Up another ladder, to another ladder and
you should be on top of Rex. Use the ladder across Rex to get to the
other side. Follow the scaffolding to the control room. Watch the
conversation between Liquid and Ocelot. After their conversation, the
PAL key will be shot of your hand and fall to the bottom. Make your way
down Rex and look for the PAL key in the sewer surrounding Rex. The PAL
key falls in different spots so search every area of this toxic molt.
After retrieving the key make your way back to the control loom and
follow Otacon's directions. As you enter the control room, throw in a
chaff grenade to avoid detection. Place the PAL key in the first
computer. Now head back to the cold room where you fought Vulcan Raven.
Stay In this room for a while until the PAL key turn blue. Do not hold
the PAL key as you make your way back. Place the key in the middle
terminal men run back to the blast furnace. Enter the steam room and
wait for a minute. When the key turns red, make your way back up to the
control room. Do not take your time, as the key tends to cool off
pretty fast. Place the hot PAL key in the third computer and get ready
for a surprise. You have lust armed the nuclear warheads. Master Miler
will contact you to let you know that he really is Liquid Snake. The
control room doors automatically lock and the room begins to fill with
poisonous gas. What to do, what to do. Give your friend Otacon a call.
He will unlock the doors to the control room for you to exit. As you
exit the room, go down the stairs and follow Liquid to the right.

Area 25: Underground Base Cave
To disable Rex, use the chaff grenades to disrupt his radar. Position
your self in front of Rex and shoot off a stinger missile towards Rex's
left shoulder. Throw another chaff and fire off another stinger. Repeat
the process a few more times. When half of Rex's energy gone, the mech
swings violently. However, nothing is over. As the Random explodes, the
Ninja appears revealing his identity. After damaging Rex severely, and
leaping from one place to another, the Ninja is finally caught by Metal
Gear Rex. You can only watch in anguish as the Ninja is crushed like a
bug underneath Rex's foot. Now Liquid turns his attention back to you.
Your target has changed; it is now the beak of Rex where Liquid sits.
Do not' bother using the chaffs, Liquid is controlling Rex manually.
Run in between Rex's legs to avoid the laser and the missiles. Once
behind Rex get the stinger ready, as soon ass it locks on, fire a
missile and run between his legs. Repeat this pattern a few more times
to bring Metal Gear Rex down.

Area 26: Underground Base (Solid vs. Liquid)
After Rex goes down, watch the sequence between Solid and Liquid.
Liquid tells you of his inferiority complex and calls you out. Atop the
broken down Rex is the site for the final battle. You will have five
minutes to save Meryl (or Otacon depending on whether you gave up or
not in the torture chamber) Chase after Liquid and hit him with your
Punch, punch, kick combo. As Liquid runs away blinking, follow him
until the blinking stops. Then hit him again with the combo. After
defeating Liquid, it is time to make your escape.

Area 27: Escape Route
Follow Meryl (or Otacon) to the garage. The only jeep with keys is the
one on the far left. Avoid having a guard behind you as you make your
escape. Aim for the barrels at the corner of the gate to create an
opening. As you drive to escape, a checkpoint blocks your path. Again,
aim for the barrels on the left and right side to continue your escape.
As you keep driving, another checkpoint blocks your way. This time
shoot all the guards as fast as you can to clear the way. On your way
out Liquid comes up from behind in his own jeep. Aim your machine gun
right at liquid and shoot in the hood. Liquid will try everything to
prevent you from escaping. He will shoot you, ram you from behind, hit
you from the side and even try to block your path. At the end of the
tunnel, your jeeps crash. Liquid emerges from the wreck while you are
pinned under your jeep. As Liquid gets ready to finish you off Keep
your eyes on the TV you might miss something.

PHEW!!! That was a good one. Or did I missed something. Tell me!!!


Q: Why is the heroes name snake?
A: His name is not snake, its Dave!

Q: Is the Konami Code worth inputing
A: hey buddy listen up up down down bla bla don't dork, OK?

Q: Why does he wear the sneak suit?
A: Coz it does not make a single noise!

Q: Where is the Stealth Suit?
A: Get it from Otacon near the snow sled!

Q: Is there an infinite ammo cheat?
A: NO!!!

Q: How do I get unlimited ammo
A: Equip the bandana that Meryl Gives you.

Q: I finished the game twice but I didn't got the toxedo? Why?
A: You have to go to the elavator to for snake to dress up.

Q: Is there a code that makes Lara Croft naked?
A: NO!!! and besides lara croft is not even in the game?!

Q: Can I see Meryl Naked?
A: No, But you can se her in her underwear. Only panties coz she don't
Wear a bra in the first place!

Q: Where I can see her in panties?
A: In the ladies toilets and the vent

Q: How do I get the stealth suit?
A: Submit to Ocelot's torture and beat the game, then the stealth suit
from otacon is totally yours! You may want to submit rather than to
survive the torture coz this is more useful than the bandana with
will hive you unlimited ammunition!!!

Q: Where can I find the bandana?
A: It is the snow ski. If you managed to save Meryl then she'll find
it for you!

Q: How can I beat the psycho guy?
A: When Psycho Mantis starts levitating any piece of furniture, crawl
towards him and shoot him once. If all else fails, wait for the 3rd
continue, and the colonel will contact you with instructions on how
to beat Psycho Mantis.

Q: How do I beat the ninja guy ?
A: Use the way of the true warrior! Don't use chaffs else use snakes's
punch punch kick combo. Gray Fox will consider you a chicken if you
use chaffs to disable him.

Q: What is the ketchup for?
A: When Otacon gives you the ketchup, wait for the guard to run to the
toilette. Lay snake down on the ground and wait for the guard to
open the cell door.

Q: How do I use rations if they are frozen?
A: As I said before metal gear uses a lot of brain. so go to a warm
place and stay there for a while
[not hot place, WARM]

Q: How do I get to comm tower A?
A: Common TowerA is the area where you fought Sniper Wolf. From the
commander's room, use the secret passage Psycho Mantis revealed. Go
to the opposite end of the caves and enter the door. Follow the
path to the tall building north of your current position. The
entrance is on the right hand side.

Q: How do I get to the TOP of comm tower A
A: Run like there is no tomorrow.(there wont be any if you are a slow
poke) Don't bother trying to kill all the guards. If you see one in
front of you, just shoot him once and keep on running.
Note: The guards are infinite!


this are the things I discovered myself while I was playing the game.
It is really fun playing it. And I enjoyed it. If I missed something
please e-mail it at the address at the end of this FAQ'!

This is a good one, I discovered it since the Japanese version and
while I was looking at the technical demonstration that snake aims while
walking I decided to find the key itself. So it end up holding crouch
button while holding the aim button.

Another useful one is the stafe mode in eyesight view. I found out that
pressing [L1] or pushing [R1] will pan the sight of snake either left
or right.

Piss the guards at the medical room Is a fun one. Just knock it the
wall many times to make the genome soldier mad

The make Meryl blush is a good one too. First I saw her in her panties
then I decided to look for more secrets about making fun of Meryl and I
accidentally discovered that staring her for a time will make her bush!

When the time I was really bored I tried to trip on Mei Ling and called
her without doing nothing(just for fun) when she started to say nothing
I called her till she smiled in a sarcastic way (then I called her
again and she stuck her tongue out at me she really looks cute!


For the beginner type, he'll just break the neck of the unsuspecting
guard. Breaking necks are really useful but what if you get caught? You
can use the genome soldier that you just GRABBED as a shield! To do it
while holding him in his neck hold the [square] button and keep holding
it while moving the [directional] button.

Every move is a sneak in metal gear. But what about noisy catwalks?
Don't you just hate those places! If you are the one of those who
wished there were no cat walks at all. Read this section! To sneak and
grab a lazy genome soldier in a cat walk use the crawl system. That way
you will be quiet enough to break his neck un founded!

If you are one of the socom die hards then you need to read this. Socom
usually aim great but you probably cant move while aiming. So while
drawing and aiming hold the [square] button and the [x] button to move
while aiming. Although you cannot lock into an enemy while doing this,
this is pretty useful in avoiding fire fights and casualties.

The nikita is one of the most un-used item here in the game. So if
you'll use it as a stealth weapon hod [triangle] button to see the
first person view. If you want to use it in a Hurry way don’t use the
first person view. Rather use the [directional] buttons and don’t make
many turns. Making turns slows down the speed of the Missile.

Looking for something? Use the L1 and R1 buttons while in the first
person view. This is useful in corners to spot a guard. But this is
usually used in the EXTREME mode! Witch there is no radar!

To kill a Genome Soldier in one flip, he must be standing near a ridge.
And then flip him. If he falls to a lower level then he's dead. If he
falls into the lava (in the blast furnace) then he is toasted. I mean

Although that smoking is dangerous to your health and snake's us it to
see infrared sensors. Or use it just for fun. By the way if a guard
sees the smoke then hell know you’re in a particular place.

The box have many uses. To use it for stealth use box a and b in their
places while a guard is still away. Don’t try to make any unnecessary
moves while in the box or you will be detected. To use it with dogs, In
the place before the Meryl Gets Shot flip her and quickly hide under
the box. When the wolf pisses on it they will no longer harm you. To
use it as a transport sys hide in it while in a truck. Wait for a
while, and you will be brought to the place designated in the box!

The Characters


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 30s
nationality: USA
height: 182 cm

Ex-FOX-HOUND member. Single.
IQ 180. Speaks 6 languages fluently.
Expertise in parachuting, SCUBA diving, free climbing.
"The man that makes the impossible possible".
The man who made the name FOX-HOUND known worldwide through his actions
during the OUTER HEAVEN Crisis.
Since, he spent "rehab" time in deep Canada but was then brought back
by Campbell to take part in the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR, completing an
infiltration mission to bring down the military state of Zanzibar.
After the death of Big Boss, he went back to his solitary life in the
Twin Lakes area in the Alaskan mountains.
He talks about these peaceful days to Meryl.
He lived in a log house and picked blueberries and salmonberries just
like the wild animals around him.
He was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which he
got through the two chaotic missions. The abnormal experiences and
trauma in the battlefields bring about illusions as well as guilt,
causing him mental confusion while in solitude. He indulges in dog
sleigh races to try and forget everything.
He was preparing for the world's longest and toughest dog sleigh race
taking place at Iditarod.
Note: The race starts on the first Saturday of March. A 1,688 km (1,049
miles: Alaska being the 49th state) race between Anchorage and Nome
with 60 contestants from all over the world.

real name: Meryl Silverburgh
sex: female
age: teens
nationality: USA
height: 175 cm

She is Campbell's niece. Joined FOX-HOUND the very day of the terrorist
act. Born in a house of military tradition, from her childhood days she
has trained herself to become a soldier. She1s never fallen in love,
for she was raised as a soldier. Her meeting with Solid Snake and the
subsequent mission in Alaska makes a big impact on her view of life.
Being a woman, she can still handle a gun with only one hand. She is a
genetically superior soldier but with no real battle experience. Only
simulator experience like other Genome soldiers.
Side info:
Received minor genetic treatment to not fall in love. However, begins
to be attracted to Solid Snake. Also begins to doubt the
military/soldier world.

real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 30s
nationality: UK (USA)
height: 183 cm
IQ of 180. Born in the 70s.
Long, white hair. Dark skin.
At birth, Liquid was given from the US government to the British
government. This was to measure effects of acquired surroundings and
not only inherited traits. Under the tutelage of MI5 he was educated
and received battle training. Fluent in 7 languages such as English,
Spanish, French, Malay, etc. Speaks Arabic like a native.
He does not serve in an official military organization, but instead in
the dark world as a mercenary and assassin.
He was recruited by the British information agency (SIS) to act as a
sleeper in the Middle East for espionage and destruction activities. To
further vitalize his skills, he was put in real combat in his teens. In
his late teens he worked for the British special force (SAS) to destroy
the mobile launchers of SCUD missiles in the Gulf War. During the
mission he becomes a POW of Iraq and disappears.
Due to his outstanding battle skills he was brainwashed and used for
terrorist activities in the Middle East.
Withstands the cold and heat due to his experience in the Arab nations
and deserts. Fox hunting in the Middle East is actually jackal hunting.
After the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR (after Solid left the unit) he joined
FOX-HOUND, an official unit for the first time. Becomes battle leader


real name: Roy Campbell
sex: male
age: 60s
nationality: USA

Ex-Commander of FOX-HOUND. Though already retired from the armed
forces, he has been called out because there was no other commander who
could get in touch with Solid Snake.
Accepted this mission in order to save his niece Meryl.
Though civilian now, he shows up in a military uniform wearing a beret.
Before entering the "former" FOX-HOUND, he served in the US Marine
Corps, Green Beret and Delta Force. In Foxhound, he was assigned to
X.O. of the unit for his strategic planning capabilities and his battle
experience. After the death of Big Boss, he discarded the code name
system in the unit, and had built up the "new" FOX-HOUND making full
use of various hi-tech equipment including reconnaissance satellites.
After being discharged, serves as special instructor of the Marines
Boots Camp. Friends with Master Miller.
Called to persuade Solid, but does not know of the true story at all.
Was against the FOX-HOUND's introduction of genetic treatment and steps
down from Commander post. After Campbell left, the commander less FOX-
HOUND returns to the code name system.
Gives orders from the nuclear submarine Ohio.


real name: Mei Ling
sex: female
age: teens
nationality: China (Kwangtung)

She is in charge of the communication data processing in this
operation. A student of MIT. Her nationality is China (Kwangtung),
though born in the U.S., she grew up in a Chinese Town.
Specializing in the image and data processing operations of spy
satellites, she also developed the new communication equipment and
radar used by Snake in this mission.

She was initially influenced by a fighter plane pilot movie and is fond
of the Air Force. Participates in the ROTC program at MIT to become an
officer, but gives up due to the lack of talent. She has poor vision
and must wear corrective lenses. Has an inferiority complex due to her
poor vision, but this also adds to her motive to develop a new radar
system that would assist one's vision and thinking abilities.
Was scouted by the military for her expertise in image and data
processing. Works together with the technicians at NOR in Fort Mead and
ENPIC in image processing and electronic and communication espionage
with the use of spy satellites. Not good at dealing with people. Learns
what "real espionage" and "communication between people" are through
dealing with Solid Snake.
The CODEC used by Solid Snake, codifying satellite communication
system, anti-wiring coding, digital real time burst communication,
sonar-utilizing radar, etc. were all developed by her.
Normal communication (10s of seconds) instantaneously codified,
compressed and transmitted in a burst (1 microsecond), received real
time, unscrambled, and decoded. Incomparably more innovative than the
conventional anti-wiring frequency scrambler. Made possible a 24-hour
system unaffected by weather, integrating information from high
altitude reconnaissance satellites and low altitude reconnaissance
planes. She saves all information data in this mission and manages the
communication systems.


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 70s
nationality: USA (assumed)

Former chief of FOX-HOUND.
In Vietnam, participated as an "unofficial soldier" (mercenary) along
with the Green Beret and ranger units at part of LRRP (Long Range
Reconnaissance Patrol) and the US Scouting Unit.
Worked in special units such as the SOG (Special Operations Group),
Green Beret, Wild Geese, Delta Force. Took part in more than 70
No records of him until his remarkable action in LRRP.
>From where and why he showed up is unknown.
Big Boss lost sight in one eye as a mercenary and then left the
battlefields and instead participated in military education. In the 90s
he is appointed as chief of the unofficial high-tech special unit of
FOX-HOUND and is brought back to the United States.
Utilizing the huge funds, human resources, and connections acquired in
his mercenary years, he establishes an independent military state of
OUTER HEAVEN in Salzburg. However, OUTER HEAVEN was destroyed by Solid
Snake. He escaped to the Middle East and built a military fortress
called Zanzibar Land. He turned refugee camps into a military base and
used the refugees and mercenaries to build Zanzibar Land. However,
Solid Snake once again interfered and brought Zanzibar down. By this
time, Big Boss was assumed to be in his 70s.
He died in the UPRISING OF ZANZIBAR. His corpse was collected by the
government, and his genetic information and genomes were analyzed using
the remaining tissues, and then saved as a sample for the base
(nucleotide) arrangements that constitute the "strongest warrior."
Liquid Snake is asking for the corpse of Big Boss so he can extract his
genetic information.

real name: Jim Houseman
sex: male
age: 50s
nationality: USA

Minister of the Department of Defense.
Controls the whole operation from AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control
System). A patriot who still believes in nuclear deterrence. He was in
active service when the US enjoyed strong leadership over the world.
Formerly belonged to the US Marine Corps and took part in the Vietnam
War. Friends with ArmsTech president. Crew cut; still unable to leave
behind his 30 years in the military.
Advocate of "PAX ATOMICA" -- peace brought by nuclear deterrence, and
considers nuclear deterrence to be the fundamentals of post-Cold War
nuclear strategy.

real name: Donald Anderson
sex: male
age: 50s
nationality: USA
race: African-American
height: 185 cm
The chief of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). An
advocate of the nuclear deterrence theory. A strategist from the days
of the Cold War. He is currently in charge of the DARPA program.
Secretly ordered the development of METAL GEAR as a black project. When
he participates in training exercises, he uses a bio-transmitter-
nanomachine which is digested in 12 hours (excreted and flushed down
the toilet).
He knows the PAL -- a cipher for disarming the detonation code of
nuclear warheads. This is his main motivation to visit the Alaskan
Worked as an analyst in the CIA for more than 10 years and was awarded
the most honorable Intelligent Star Badge. Expertise in international
politics and international military strategy. His analyses and opinion
are very influential.
DARPA is located in the IDA (Institute of Defense Analysis) building
near the Pentagon in Washington D.C.


real name: Kenneth Baker
sex: male
age: 60s
nationality: USA
race: white
height: 168 cm

The President of ArmsTech and main person responsible for the Rex
Project. A rotund, politician-like middle aged man. Walks with a cane.
He has continued the development of METAL GEAR to survive in the
stagnant military industry along with ARDEC (Army Research and
Development Center). However, after the Cold War, the project was
terminated, and this is why he approached the DARPA chief.
(Army Research and Development Group)
Due to the influence of military cut downs and dual use after the Cold
War, he was worried about drastic decrease in revenues. Tries to
persuade the DARPA chief to realize the project by mentioning increased
revenues for ArmsTech as well as lowering the unemployment rate. Became
number 2 in the military industry during the Cold War. Took part in the
SDI project and invested a lot of money and time to develop mass
destruction satellite weapons but suffered a major loss due to the
termination of the project.
Lost the bidding for the next generation fighter plane F22 (ATF) and
suffered even more losses. The technology of ArmsTech was far more
superior but was not chosen due to its enormous costs.
This defeat was what made Baker approach the Minister of the Department
of Defense as well as the DARPA chief.
His ambition was to become number 1 in the weapon development industry.
He wanted to bring back the good old' days for the industry. He was not
at all interested in making civilian use out of military technology


real name: Hal Emmerich
sex: male
age: 30s
nationality: USA
race: white (Jewish)
height: 177 cm
weight: 62 kg

ArmsTech METAL GEAR Project chief engineer.
Wears glasses, and has a friendly nature but he is a weapon development
genius. He did not attend school but studied through the Internet and
matriculated at MIT. Earned his PHD at an early age. Earned his
bachelors and masters degrees at Princeton -- a genius too young. In
his college years, he put together a program to solve the year 2000
digit changing problem in computers and drew major attention as the
savior of the computer world. Came up with the idea but earned no money
from it.
Note: Today's Internet was started among researchers in DARPA for
communication purposes in 1969. It is so ironic that Otacon got into
college and lost his job as a criminal due to the Internet developed by
DARPA and then being involved in this time's DARPA-related incident.
Loves Japanimation (Japanese animation). His nickname "Otacon" comes
from the "OTAKU CONVENTION" which is a fan event of Japanese animation
held in the US, and of which he is a regular participant.
He joined the METAL GEAR project for his love of robot animation.


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 50s
nationality: Russian
height: 182 cm

Ex-Spetsnaz. After the fall of the Soviet Union, he joined the Russian
police. Then he joined the special tactics division of the SVR, which
was formally the KGB Administration Headquarters No.1. However, he did
not adapt well to the old KGB system, and he was scouted by the US and
joins FOX-HOUND.
A gun nut who loves cowboy movies and spaghetti Westerns. He uses a
revolver (single action army). He shoots with one hand (western style).
He is an amazing gunfighter and uses all of the angles. He hates
wasting bullets.
He fought mainly in Afghanistan, Eritrea, Mozambique, and other local
dispute areas in Central Asia. This is when he met and was scouted by
Big Boss who was running his mercenary business in Africa.
During his Afghan days, his helicopter was shot down by an Afghan
guerilla with a stinger missile, to this day he suffers from PTSD.


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: unknown
nationality: unknown
height: 181 cm

Little is known about this "cyborg ninja" He uses stealth camouflage
and wields a Japanese katana that can cut through steel like butter and
even deflect bullets


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 30snationality: Russian
height: 190 cm

Was a psychic secret agent for KGB. Losing his position in the Soviet
Union after its crumble, he moved to the US and served in the FBI for a
while. He was in charge of several cases in the FBI. He dove into the
minds of serial murders and ended up uniting with such minds (after
going beyond the threshold of the element of crime), becoming a serial
killer himself. He then became a freelance espionage agent to be
scouted to join FOX-HOUND.
Has powerful psycho-kinesis powers and the ability to read people's
In his childhood, for the first time he dove into the mind of his
father and found out his father hates him. His father hated him because
his mother died when giving birth to him. He then finds out about the
different facets (the "parasite") in one's conscience. This shock
changes his personality. This feeling of despair within himself wakes
up his subconscious and makes him kill his father. The power that was
released from him during that episode wiped out a whole town of 1000
The KGB was impressed by his ESP abilities took him in and trained him.
He is from the "dormitory school" known for training former Soviet
agents. In order to prevent his own destruction with his ESP powers, he
keeps another personality (the parasite) within himself. He is called
Mantis because of this mental parasite in him. By mentally living
together with this single-celled mental parasite, he can somehow manage
to keep his original self.
He wears a gas mask to hide his facial burns he suffered when wiping
out the town. The mask is also necessary to protect his self from
spiritual powers and thought powers in the air.
In his youth he was a muscular athlete, but since the awakening of his
ESP powers he had no reason to act physically, making him lose his
muscles and leaving him with just skin and bones.
Due to his childhood trauma, he has no happy memories. When he
assassinates he dives into the target's mind and "deprives" the target
of his likes. He is also known as the dream robber.


real name: unknown
sex: female
age: 20s
nationality: Iraqi (Kurd)
height: 176 cm

Genius in sniping. Has such incredible patience that she can keep
aiming at her target for a long time (even a week) without eating or
drinking. Learned sniping techniques from a Gurkha sniper from Nepal,
known to be the world's best sniper. Scouted by FOX-HOUND as a sniper.
Uses special mercury chips (bullets packed with mercury).


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 30s
nationality: USA
origin: half Alaskan Indian and half Eskimo (Inuit)
height: 210 cm

Handles a gatling gun (normally equipped on jet fighters) as easily as
a small rifle.
Has an Alaskan Indian (Athapaskan) and an Eskimo (Inuit) as his
Athapaskans: 12,000 people living in the Alaskan inland. Related to the
Navajo Indians in Arizona, and anthropologically close to the Japanese,
with the same ancestry. The tribal language shares some similarities
with old Japanese.
Hates the word "Eskimo" used by the white man.
Calls the white man by the Yupik word of KASACK. Being an Eskimo, he
can stand severe cold temperatures. An elite soldier who graduated from
the University of Alaska. When frozen, he walked across the Bering
Strait and visited Russia, making his connections with Russia strong.
He knew Ocelot well in his GRU days. Took part in a special mission in
the former Soviet Union along with this one secret unit. He was demoted
upon the coup in Moscow in 1993. Like fellow members of this secret
unit, he leaves Russia.
He then joins the mercenary dispatching company "OUTER HEAVEN" and is
introduced to FOX-HOUND by Revolver Ocelot.
Can withstand extreme cold because of his amazing physical prowess.
Has a birthmark of an raven on the forehead and a tattoo of circuit
wiring (actually PETROGLYPHS) all over the body. Eskimos and Indians
worship the raven as the creator. PETROGLYPHS: pattern carved into
stone in the Indian culture from 2000 years ago.


real name: unknown
sex: male
age: 30s
nationality: Mexico

A master of disguise utilizing cutting edge special effects techniques.
Worshipped Hollywood and left Mexico to go to the U.S.
Formerly a Hollywood actor and SFX artist.
Scouted by the CIA for his disguising skills and then joined FOX-HOUND.
During his agent days he disguised himself as government VIPs to divert
attention to him. This is why he is called Decoy. Has good command of over 10
languages. Can also change his voice.
His disguise goes into the person's habits, his country's traditions
and culture, and history. People in this business call him "Mimic."
To help his disguise, he has shaved his cheek bones, jaw, and nasal
bones. He has also cut off his ears. Without his makeup he looks like
no normal person. He has a flexible body, so he can walk in any way,
and can also dislocate his joints to go through narrow holes. He has
also mastered biofeedback and can freely control his senses of touch
(skin). This quality has given him the name of Octopus. To assume the
identity of someone else, he takes steroids and changes his physique as
well as his metabolism.
Sometimes he gets confused himself because he turns into a different
person completely. In order to protect himself, every time he disguises
as someone, he asks the military for a mental deprogramming.


real name: Naomi Hunter (Dr. Naomi)
sex: female
age: 20s (assumed)
nationality: half Japanese half Indian

The medical chief of FOX-HOUND. A beautiful woman, she is half Japanese
and half Indian. In charge of gene therapy and gene strengthening. Her
staffs affectionately call her "Doctor Naomi" and not "Doctor Hunter."
She had formerly worked at ATGC.
The name of the firm ATGC comes from the first letters of the 4 DNA
bases: adenine thymine, guanine, cytosine.
In charge of the upgrading and maintenance of FOX-HOUND members. Every
half year, she integrates a newly discovered Soldier gene through "gene
therapy" to all members and conducts additional programming.
She discovered a spreading gene that could be used as a vector and
contributed to the field of gene therapy. She also came up with the
modern gene targeting method. She is also doing research for the cure
of symmetry-ism (a disease) which is caused by gene therapy.
She has spent a lot of time in Japan and now speaks Japanese fluently


real name: McDonnel Benedict Miller
sex: male
age: 50s
nationality: USA
race: white

Survival instructor. Contacts Snake via codec and gives information on
survival and on battlefield strategies as well as hints.


real name: Nastasha Romanenko
sex: female
age: 30s
nationality: Ukrainian

Military analyst, female, in her thirties, loves smoking. Specializing
in hi tech weapons and nuclear weapons. Lives in Los Angeles.

Born in Ukraine in the 1970s.
In 1986 at 1:23 40 sec AM on April 26, when she was 10 years old, she
and her family were showered by the radiation from the Chernobyl
nuclear power plant disaster in a town 3 kilometers from Chernobyl.
After losing her parents who participated in the cleanup at Chernobyl,
she moved to the US. Her hometown is still severely polluted by
radiation and is now a ghost town. Although it has been many years
since the accident, the deep soils are still radiated, and agriculture
of all kinds is still prohibited.

Due to the radiation, people still suffer from thyroid abnormalities,
sterility, and other symptoms. Although treatment has continued, cancer
diagnosis is not conducted, and proper medical treatment is not given.
She refers to nuclear fallout as the "invisible war transcending
borders and generations." She detests nuclear weapons and prays for the
abolition of all of them and joins the Pentagon. She is against the
nuclear deterrence theory which prevailed after World War 2 (during the
Cold War), opposed strategic arms reduction proposals such as SALT and
START and sticks to the idea of total abolition.

"What is necessary for the continuation of mankind is not the reduction
of nuclear weapons but its abolition."

She served in the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and then in the NSA
(National Security Agency) and was associated with a number of top
security matters.

The end of the Cold War deprived her of her position in the government
organizations, just like other military analysts (who were referred to
as military archeologists excavating the remains from the Cold War).
She leaves the bureau to become a freelance analyst. She writes for a
few information magazines and US Naval info magazines. In 1996 she
attends the Canberra Committee, the world's first nationally hosted
nuclear weapon abolition proposal group.
She provides explanations and info on nuclear weapons, TMD, etc. She
also gives info on the handling and capabilities of weapons.

She hacks the mercenary/criminal databanks of the ICPO (International
Criminal Police Organization) and US police force and can touch upon
the newest data of mercenaries and criminals all over the world.

Note: The ICPO of Paris has owned a list of world's famous mercenaries
for more than 30 years.

In this mission she acts as counselor of NEST (nuclear energy survey
team). Role as person against the idea of "nuclear peace and nuclear


The Djoaniel S Hernandez scholarship fund is now open for your donations.
Contact me at for inquires.



Cara Cruz | for creating the new and better Djoaniel by breaking the old
one and destroying him first
Mom | for doing whatever she does everyday untiringly
Dad | for thinking about BUYING ME my own domain / hosting service


Those who call Filipinos cheaters
Those who misjudge Muslims
Those who don’t believe in dinosaurs

Copyright Djoaniel Hernandez 2000
(c)2002-2003 Djoaniel Hernandez

Made in the Philippines
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Leben, Munition, Blickwinkel ändern und Levelrestart

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