Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

18.10.2013 06:19:53


Good Dog:
To slip through those pesky wolves in the cave where you fight Sniper Wolf, select one of the
cardboard boxes. Now de-equip it with L1. Punch
Meryl and immediatly press L1 again. Meryl will call one of the dogs and they will do their thing on
your cardboard box. Hope you remember what
cardboard box it was (you can do this with all three, though)! When you come back, equip the
cardboard box, move around and the dogs will like

Derek Arrington (

Kill Sniper Wolf (Pt.2) Easily:
Go to the far right and keep using your Nikata missiles and scan for her.

Derek Arrington (

Extra Movie:
In the vent shaft, approaching Meryl's cell, if you take a detour left you'll come to another grate
in the floor of the shaft. Look down
it and a brief cut scene will occur, showing the guard sitting on the lavoratory, saying how he
hates Alaska because it's too cold ("Damn, I
hate Alaska")

Tim (
Changed Camera Angles:
Some of the cut scenes vary when you play them. For instance, when Snake finds Meryl for the first
time in the prison cell, he grabs the
barrel of her gun. But sometimes, in this same scene, he points his own gun at her instead. Also,
the camera angles at this point can change
too. Sometimes the camera looks outward from the cell, while other times it looks inward.

Tim (
Changing Cut Scenes:
Earlier, in the vent shaft to the Tank Hangar, there's a cut scene with two guards talking (if you
take the upper shaft), and Snake is over
hearing their conversation. This scene can vary: sometimes the guards mention Meryl ("the woman in
the cell"), and other times they mention
that there's an intruder in the base, someone who's using stealth (Snake says "There's an intruder
besides me?").
There doesn't seem to be any pattern to why these scenes vary, and I can find no other instance
except for the part where Snake is about to fight
the Hind, and needs a rope to abseil down. Sometimes he says: "If only I had a rope. There's got to
be one around here somewhere", while other
times he says "If only I had a rope. I should be able to use the one a got."

Tim (
Extra Modes:
The regular game is excellent, but the built-in VR Training mode is a definate
must.At first there is only one choice, Practice. Finish all 10 stages, then you
gain Time Attack, where the difficulty is heightened a little, but shouldn't be
a problem besides the time limit. Complete these 10 and you gain Gun Shooting
mode, in which the difficulty is at max, and you HAVE to kill ALL the guards to
progress within the time limit. You are given a Socom regular gun with
silencer and 5 bullets per guard. If you run out of bullets, youll have to choke
your way outnot recommended. If you can finish the 10 stages, one last stage can
be chosen, Survival Mission, where you rush through all 10 stages one after
another, in under 7 minutes. You start with 30 bullets and dead guards drop
bullets. Good luck, if you can complete this, you are a true Metal Gear Solid


See enemies easier:
When Otacon gets the elevador to work when you are at the top of the
Communications Tower, and the four guys in stealth camoflague attack you,
eventhough you can probably already tell where they are, equip your Thermal Goggles, and you will be
able to see them a lot easier.


Hidden Ghosts:
Take a picture of the following locations using the camera to view hidden ghosts who are KCEJ
development team members.
Fujimura Elevator in the Comm Tower B complex
Fukushima Heliport; looking out to sea from cliff
Hirano Elevator in Comm Tower B; deep in the shaft of top level
Ishiyama Heliport top of building
Ito Inside elevator to tank hangar
Jerem Blaustein Sniper Wolf's corpse
Kaneda The mirror located in the Women's restroom
Kimura MG underground base; tip of Metal Gear 's railgun
Kinbara Dark area of stairs
Kitao Decoy Octopus (fake DARPA chief) corpse
Kobayashi Rock in canyon
Kobayashi Johnny Sasaki holding cell, near DARPA chief
Kojima Otacon lab; the picture frame to the right
Korekado Men's restroom
Kozyou Behind the watertank-like structure in the Canyon
Kutome Observation room
Makimura Hidden armory store room; behind the weakened wall
Matsuhana Hallway of corpses; outside Otacons lab
Mizutani When fighting Metal Gear
Mori Lowest point of elevator; Comm Tower B
Mukaide Reflection in wolfdog cave puddle
Muraoka Water in cargo dock
Nakamura In Meryl's blood pool; where she is sniped
Negishi Sewage waterfall
Nishimura Next to Baker's corpse
Okajima Maggots of the real DARPA Chef in cell
Onoda Where Baker is tied up
Sasaki Picture frames in the Commander's room
Sato Comm Tower A; roof destroyed by Hind D missiles
Scott Dolph Deep down in the dark from the walkway between Comm Towers A and B
Shigeno Heliport,security caera by staircase
Shikama Electric floor
Shimizu Wolf dog cave; first crawling point
Shinkawa Deep in Sniper Wolf's hallway behind the second pillar
Sonoyama Torture machine
Takade Ninja room; glass atedga
Tanaka Heliport; sleeping soldier
Tougo End of boiler room; in Blast Furnace with the steam
Toyota Container in the middle of Raven's warehouse
Uehara Edge of elevator; where the ravens are
Yamashita Tip of nuke warhead in nuke storage room
Yoshimura Dead end of air duct
Yoshioka Bridge on the third floor of the blast furnace

Defeat Boss easily:
He is very easy to fight. pass under the robot and stay (derriere )him. shot
with the missile when you can, he can't tuch you.

vagne 98a443u ( >

If you don't choose to submit while you are being tortured Meryl will live at the end of
the game and you will get a bandana.Equip it in a new game and you will have unlimited
ammo for any weapon.

Submission: and

See "Ghosts" in Japanese Version:
First, you need to obtain the camera either by [A] Finishing the game with the
ending where Meryl dies and starting that newly created save file with the
camera automatically in your inventory or ... [B] Getting at least as far as
defeating Liquid Snake in the hind helicopter sequence, then going to the room
located in Base 1, floor B-2 with a Level 7 cardkey where there are two autoguns
you will have to use C4 explosives to the wall below and to the right of the
bottom entrance to the room where you fight Revolver Ocelot -- in one of the two
rooms here, the camera is located in the top one. BTW if you run into a jammed
door that you should be able to, try using a C4 explosive on it and trying to it
then. In either case, here is how you see "Ghosts". Make sure you have at least
2 blocks free on a memory card to save at least one picture Take pictures of
different things and you may find a "Ghost" image of different programmers,
artists, etc. superimposed on your new snapshot Ive found two by taking
pictures of the ravens on the last major elevator and one by snapping a shot of
the dead guy in the prison cell.

James Lane (

Change Title Screen Colors in the Japanese Version:
When at the the Title Screen, simply press up/down/left/or right on the d-pad to
cycle through the different colors in the background graphics.

James Lane (

Defeat Mantis:
Use controller port 2 on Mantis to defeat


Secret Place:
hey guys found a secrete place last night when you travel through the armory on
your way to fight Oscelot and you have to blow holes in the walls to get to him.
If after you blow the wall that leads you to the room that you fight Oscelot
turn right and at the end of the hallway blow that wall in that room there are
two doors a level 4 door and a level 6 door, behind the level 4 door is the
camera and behind the level 6 door there is some chaff's but watch out because
there are two radar guns in there, so be careful the camera is cool........
SO far i've beaten the game 3 times and i now have the stealth suite(too cool,
but doesn't work when fighting the level boses), bandana(does nothing so far),
but all in all i like the game very cool. Make sure you check this out it
really works and you don't have to beat the game to get the camera.

Kevin Price (

When you are going into The Nuclear Storage Facility and you have the PSG-1 (the
sniper rifle ) before you enter inTHE NUCLEAR STORAGE FACILITY you can equip the
PSG-1 and shoot all the gaurds on the lower level . It;s pretty kewl and you
will have enough amo so u don;t have to worry about running out of it as long as
u don't miss the gaurds to many times!!??


When your fighting psyco mantis just put your controller into port 2 and he
won't be able to "read your mind" (he won't be able to dodge your bullets).
Use stun grenades to knock Meryl out without her taking damage. I can beat him
in under 7 minutes using these techniques. good luck!

A.Viking >[]

Fight the Ninja with your bare hands, else you won't be able to defeat him. Use
your infra-red goggles and you can always see anybody using a stealth-suit,
including the Ninja. When the Ninja is almost beaten (after the 3rd movie) & is
suffering from a sort of electronic shock, you can use your shaffy-grenades to
freeze him. When he's freezed, you can kick him. repeat this untill he's a gonner....
Patrick de Wilde

Undress Meryl...
When you go into the air shaft that leads you to the cells. Look down into
Meryls cell to watch her doing sit-ups. Back-up and exit the shaft, then re-enter and look into her
cell again. She will be doing one armed push-ups.
Continue this and she will be doing leg stretches. Once more and she repeats all
her actions without pants on!


One really cool trick in the game Meatal Gear Solid is that if you beat the game
twice consecutively (using the game looping) the characters' clothing will change the third time you
play. One way to tell that you are doing this
correctly is that the color that the game saves are written in will change from
green the first time, to gold the second time, and red the third time on. When
this trick comes into effect Solid snake will be wearing a tuxedo when he takes
off his SCUBA gear, and the Ninja will be wearing black and red instead of grey
and orange.

Carlos Miranda (

To beat the ninja you cant use any weapons just use fists and kicks.


Psycho Mantis:
To beat psycho mantis you are not going to believe this when the fight starts
take out controller one and put it in controller 2 slot whats he point you ask well by doing this he
can not read your mind.....

Submission: and Keith Richard

Psycho Mantis Help:
I found a little trick for beating Psycho Mantis very easily by just talking
to Otacon by codec while playing from controller slot two. He says that if
you equip the thermal goggles you can see him when he turns invisible and
teleports around the room. when you do this you see that he's not teleporting at all, just moving
really fast and using optic camouflage. You
can also don't have to wait for him to be visible to hit him, just run
behind him and punch/shoot him whenever you get a chance.

Carlos Miranda ( >

Pantless Meryl:
Follow Meryl into the Women's bathroom and reach the last stall in under five seconds. Then, Meryl
will be caught with her pants down during the next FMV sequence.

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game two times using the same saved game location.
Snake will change into a tuxedo in the elevator during the next (third) time the
game is played. Successfully complete the game once more. Snake will change into
a ninja costume during the next (fourth) time the game is played.

Konami game surprise:
Play the game using a memory card that contains a saved game from any prior Konami title
(Castlevania, ISS Soccer, Suikoden, Silent Hill etc.) When Psycho
Mantis attempts to read your character's mind, he will mention various game

Infinite Ammo:
Successfully complete the game without submitting to Ocelot when being tortured to save Meryl. Then
at the end of the game you will receive a bandana. Save your game, then start a new game using the
same saved game. Now when you equip the bandana you can use an unlimited amount of ammo and will not
have to reload your gun.

Stealth Camouflage:
Successfully complete the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured to not save Meryl. Then
at the end of the game you will receive stealth camouflage. Save your game, then start a new game
using the same saved game. Now when you equip the stealth camouflage enemies (except bosses) and
cameras will not detect you.

Reach area B2 of the tank hanger. Then at the end of the hallway to the right of the door where you
fight Ocerot is a secret room that is entered after using C4 explosive. In the room are security
card level 4 and 6 doors. The camera is in the room behind the security card level 4 door.
Alternatively, beat the game with submitting to Ocelot when being tortured. After you receive the
camera there will be an "Album" option on the main menu, use this option to view pictures that have
been taken.

Alternate title screen (Japanese version):
Press the D-pad at the title screen to change the background color.

Mel Ling140.96

Technical Demonstration Mode:
What happens is the PS plays the stage for you and shows you how to complete it
faster. Such as that Stage 10 that you've had so much trouble on, the PS clears
it in alittle over 17 secs.

ReRun * >[]

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Megatrainer (für US-Version)

17.Oktober 2013

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Dt. Lösung im HTML-Format mit Bildern

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Tactical Espionage Action

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Lebens- und Munitionstrainer für die Demoversion

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Neues Spiel mit Camera, Bandana, Stealth und Tuxedo im normalen Modus.

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VR Missions Variety Mode

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engl. Cheats

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Dt. Waffen-FAQ

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Unendlich von Allem am Ende des Spiels

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Spoiler Free

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Leben, Munition, Blickwinkel ändern und Levelrestart

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Complete Guide FAQ

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Secrets FAQ

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Quick FAQ

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Quick FAQ

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Mini FAQ

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Meryl FAQ

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Info FAQ

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Ghosts FAQ

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Boss Guide FAQ

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