Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear Solid

17.10.2013 06:26:57
Mini FAQ
Metal Gear
/S O L I D/
tactical espionage action
Mini Faq by: Dhan Samson
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Version 1.0
-this is the first version, contains list of weapons, enemies, tips on
beating bosses, secrets and answers to puzzles.
1. Controls
2. Items
3. Weapons
4. Enemies and Boss tips
5. Secrets
6. Others
7. Credits
1. Controls
/T\ - triangle, the look button.
[S] - square, fires a weapon when equipped, holds an enemy when barehanded,
sets C4s.
(O) - circle, confirm/action button. Attacks enemies when pressed once, does
a lethal punch,punch, kick when pressed consecutively twice. Knocks on
walls, and confirms switches. Detonates bombs. Uses inventory items.
|X| - x, cancel button. Press once to crouch, press once with a direction to
L1 - Equip or unequip inventory item.
L2 - Cycle through inventory.
R1 - Equip/unequip selected weapon.
R2 - Cycle through weapons.
2. Items
Rations - It restores your health. When equipped, it works automatically and
restores your health when it becomes low. To use manually, select
it on the menu and press (o).
Ammo - Ammunition for your guns and grenades
Medecine - Cure for the cold, found at Nuclear Warhead Storage Building
level B1.
Diazepam - Medecine for snipers to stop involuntary shaking of the body.
Thermal Goggles - Infra red goggles to see traps and enemies.
N.V.G. - Night vision, used to see in the dark.
Scope - Binoculars to see from a distance.
Bomb - Get rid of it!
Camera - Works like a camera. You do know what a camera is, don't you?
Disc - No use, has info on Metal Gear.
C. Box A - Used to go to Heliport.
C. Box B - Used to go to Nuclear Warhead Storage Bldg.
C. Box C - Used to go to Snowfield.
Gas Mask - Let's you breath in poisonous gas longer.
Cigars - Cigarettes that is used to see infra red beams but slowly depletes
your health.
Mine Detector - As the name suggests, it is used to detect mines in your
Ketchup - Used to pretend that you're dead.
Scarf - Used as protection from wolves.
PAL key - Used for overriding Metal Gear.
Keycard - Card keys thet open doors of the corresponding numbers.
Body Armor - Body Suit that lessens the damege of bullet shots.
Bandana - You can get this after beating the the game with a good ending. It
gives unlimited ammo to guns.
Stealth Comuflage - Beat the game with bad ending, makes you invisible.
3. Weapons
Socom Pistol - Semi-automatic pistols, used with suppressor.
FA-MAS - Assault rifle that makes a lot of noises. Hold [S] for autofire.
PSG1 - Sniper Rifle, used to fire at distances. Used with Diazepam.
Nikita - A grenade launcher, the grenade can be controlled by using the
Stinger - Portable SAM, useD-pad to aim, and [S] to fire.
C4 - Plastic explosive device. Used to blow up walls and people. Press[S] to
set and (O) to detonate.
Claymore - Mines to trap enemies. Press [S] to set. Explodes automatically
when an object is within range.
Grenades - Grenades, press [S] to pull pin, release to throw. Explodes after
five seconds.
Chaff G. - Disables all electronic devices, works like a grenade.
Stun G. - Disables all enemies, works like a grenade.
4. Enemies and Boss tips
Genome Soldiers
The soldiers you fight, they are the minions. Three Socom bullets in their
guts will do it. Can be used as shields.

Revolver Ocelot
A gun shooting enemy, his gun can contain six bullets, so he'll need to reload
every time. His bullets can bounce off walls, so watch out. Don't get
too close to the Armstech president or gameover. Just follow him and shoot him
everytime you get a chance. If possible, shoot him twice. When he's reloading,
shoot him. If you run out of bullets, there are some there. Just keep shooting
until you beat him.

Tank Gunner
First, locate all the mines through your radar by equipping the Mine Detector.
Crawl over them to get them so you won't be trapped later. Then equip the
grenade and go to the tank. Throw Chaffs, then throw Grenades. Two grenades are
enought to kill the gunner.

Don't use guns cause you will constantly waste your ammo. Equip the Thermal
Goggles to see where he is. Just punch and combo him. When he does a flip kick,
get out of his way. He will also try to stomp on you so be careful. When his
life bar becomes zero, he will be exploding and asking for more. Shoot him or
throw grenades at him. Very easy.

Psycho Mantis
First, plug your controller to port 2, then equip the Thermal Goggles. Throw
Stun Grenades at Meryl when Mantis controls her. Don't use your weapons cause he
can easily dodge them. Use your hands instead. When he controls objects, crawl
toward him and then punch him. Continue doing this until he's dead.

Sniper Wolf
When Meryl gets shot, go back to the Armory B2 at the First Building to get the
PSG1 sniper rifle. You must also have some Diazepam with you. Return to where
Meryl got shot and equip it. Just aim it at her and shoot. When she hides, look
for her breath or the laser pinter of her gun. When you can't control the
shaking, take Diazepam. Shoot her a couple of times until she's defeated.

The Hind
When you face the Hind, you must have a Stinger and ammo. Then go to the roof.
He will constantly move around shooting at you. Hide behind the crates and equip
the Stinger. Wait for him, and when he appears on your screen, shoot TWICE.
After shooting, unequip it and go to the other side for safety. Equip it again
and wait. Sometimes, he'll hover above you and catch you. Most of the time, you
won't be able to see him, but just use your radar to find him. If you run out of
ammo, there should be some there, find it.(There will always be ammo during boss
fights. They always regenerate when you run out of it.) Continue this until the
cinema where Liquid says eat this, then you've beat him.

Sniper Wolf
In your second encounter with Wolf, it will be easier then the first because you
already have the PSG1 and can use the Nikita.(Stinger if you're sadistic)
Do the same thing you did during the first, but The space is bigger and she has
more places to hide. She will be easy to find because of her movement. Find her
and keep shooting her till she's dead.

Vulcan Raven
This guy is easy because he is stupid. Plant C4s on the places he passes through
very often. Guide the Nikita to his back so he can't shoot it down. When you see
him on your radar and he will pass in front of you(not very close) equip the
Stinger and shoot him. This guy is tough cause the Stinger Missle takes only a
portion of his life. Detonate the C4s when he passes by. Keep shooting him with
the Nikita and Stinger till he's dead.

Metal Gear Rex
This is a tough battle. All I can say is stand in front of him. Don't get too
close or he'll stomp on you, that will mean instant death. Don't stand too far
either, or he'll shoot missiles. Stay where you can aim at the Radome. Equip
your rations and the Stinger, then keep shooting at the Radome. Don't move
unless he's going to step on you. Don't wait for the heat censors to shoot.
Shoot when the Radome is on your target. You will take some damage, but that
will make the battle faster and you will only consume one ration, which you will
need on your next battle. Keep shooting until Ninja comes.
Use chaffs so he won't see you.

Metal Gear Rex
Very, very hard. This is much harder cause Liquid is controlling Rex, so you
can't use Chaffs. Stand in front of him again. Avoid his stomp and his missiles,
but it's okay to take the gunshots. Keep shooting your Stinger, on the cockpit
this time. Keep shooting at it as long as it is on your target. You will most
probably consume 2 rations.

Liquid Snake
It is an easy one on one fist fight against Liquid Snake. It will be very easy
cause it's just like your fight with Ninja. But remember, you can't let yourself
fall on the ledge cause it will be a waste of time and he can step on your.
There is also a time limit of three minutes, so don't waste too much time. Keep
punching him and doing your combo on him. But be careful, he also has some
damaging moves. When he falls down to the ground, move away from him because he
will do a 'Chinese Get-up' kick. When he looks like he's gonna tackle you, move
away or get to him and punch him. When he's running around, follow him and punch
him so you don't waste time. Do this until he falls off Metal Gear.

After you've beat him, the rest is all up to you now. The chase is easy if you
have the two rations. After finishing the game, all I can say is you should be
thankful that you've had the privilege of beating on of the best games of all
5. Secrets
Snake in a Suit.
Play the game three times on the same memory slot. You should have The good and
the bad ending. The third time you play, Snake will wear a suit on the elevator.

Protection from Wolves
To make the wolves NOT attack you, equip Sniper Wolf's scarf or punch Meryl and
hide in a box. She will ask the cub to pee on your box. Now everytime you pass
through here, equip that box and the wolves won't attack you.
Note: You can kill Meryl so be careful.

Meryl Exercise
You first enter the duck and look at Meryl, she will be excercising. Get out of
the vent and she will do another exercise. Do this repeatedly.

Meryl Underwear
After beating Ninja, go to Nuclear Warhead Stroage Bldg. B1, and wait behind the
post near the women's restroom. After two guards have passed through, a third
guard will come out and head for the women's restroom, it's Meryl, follow her to
the last stall. She won't have enough time to change and will be wearing her
underwear in th first part of your talk.

Shy Meryl
Look at her in the first person view until she asks,"What? What is it?" It's
nothing, just something fun to do.

Mute Mei Ling
Keep calling her without saving, after several calls, she won't talk to you
unless you save again.

See Through Meryl's Eyes
After Meryl changes her voice, press /T\ and you will see through her eyes. This
is because Mantis is controlling her mind, and his telekenesis is so powerful,
you will see through his eyes.

See Through Mantis' Eyes
When fighting Mantis, press /T\ and you will see through his eyes. It has the
same explanation as above.

Mantis and Your Memory Card
If you have some Konami games in your memory card, Mantis will talk to you about
them before fighting you.

C. Box Tricks
If you stay in the truck and equip a C. Box, a soldier will notice you and drive
you to the place written on the box.

If you have a cold and hide in the box, you won't sneeze.

Stealth Camouflage and Bandana
To get Stealth, beat the game and submit to the torture. To get the Bandana,
beat the game but don't submit to the torture.
Naomi and Campbell - 140.85
Mei Ling - 140.96
Master Miller - 141.80
Nastasha Romanenko - 141.52
Meryl Silverburgh - 140.15
Deepthroath - 140.48
Otacon - 141.12
6. Others
This is my first FAQ. I am Dhan Samson, a student of Colegio San Agustin in
Makati, Philippines. I am a Filipino, and I am proud that I am. Whatever, Nobody
will be interested in what I say.

Other Games I Have Played Like MGS:
Tales of Destiny
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Tekken 3
Tomb Raider 1
Die Hard Trilogy

This FAQ is dedicated to my friends, all the Ninjas in 7D Ade>. Julius, you're gay. Daniele, Galing Ko!
7. Credits
I would like to thank all the MGS Faq writers from, they are:
Johan Henriksson, Rudy Hendrawan, Mark Stephenson, Jonathan Leissler, Wan
Zafran, Phiber Optik, Korn, X-treme, and that other guy,
I don't know his name.

Although I never had any contact with any of them, I used their Faq as

Thanks to Paolo Martin and Adrian Continuado for recommending MGS to me.
I hope GameFAQs posts this FAQ on their site.

All games and names mentioned are copyright their respective companies and
owners. This Faq is made by me, Dhan Samson and owned by me. Feel free to post
this anywhere you want as long as I get some credit. Thank you.

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