Half-Life - Counterstrike

Half-Life - Counterstrike

15.10.2013 06:49:17
cs_militia map Strategy Guide
Half Life: Counterstrike
cs_militia map Strategy Guide
By Lord Zero
Version 1.0



1.- File History.
2.- Introduction.
3.- About this file.
4.- The Militia Map.
5.- Graphics.
6.- Map overview.
7.- Tactical Ideas.
8.- When the Action Starts.
9.- Frequently asked questions about this map.
10.- Credits.
11.- Legal Stuff.


1.- File History.

-0.1 Start of the file (10/23/2001, 15:14)
-1.0 File finished (10/25/2001, 21:59)
-1.1 Email Changed. (10/29/2002, 16:36)


2.- Introduction.

Welcome to this guide.

Counterstrike is a MODification of the FPS (First Person Shooter) Half
Life, which, while it hasn't been the most successful FPS game in history
(That spot will remain owned by DoOm)has spawned a legion of MODs and
gamers looking into it. While the original Half Life was played on a
somewhat futuristic setting, Counterstrike simulates Counter-Terrorists
missions with objectives to accomplish.

The game plays on two teams, the Terrorists (the bad guys), and the
Counter Terrorist (The good guys). While the game can be won by simply
killing everyone on the other team, is much more satisfactory to play
by the rules. Game modes include VIP (One player assumes the role of
the VIP, and has to escape poorly armed from the map while the Terrorists
have to kill him or her), Defuse the Bomb (The Terrorist have to plant
a C4 bomb on a marked site while the CT have to either prevent it, or
disarm it once is planted), and Hostages (The Terrorist have to keep
the CT from rescuing the Hostages), and more. This has made this game a
hit, and one of the points (and precisely the one I love) is that
choosing a weapon actually requires to know it, unlike, say, Quake III,
when you only need to know that the Rockets explode and the slugs kill.

This guide is the second on the series for especific map strategy guides.
This is based on my own experiences when playing both sides, and shows
the best ways of finishing a level with the victory on your hands I've
found, always from the view of playing on a cooperative-comunicative
It's also important to note that I'll be focusing mostly on getting the
map objectives, that's rescue the hostages, protect the bomb site, or

Good Luck! You'll need it ^_^.


3.- About this Guide.

I recommend reading this on 800 X 600 to avoid scroll moving, which is
annoying, believe me.

This guide is focused to get the maximum effectivity on the cs_militia
Map, commonly named just "Militia". It's somewhat based on team
comunication, and it would probably work much better for LAN based games
than for internet games ('coz you can yell and hit your partners).


4.- The Militia Map.

cs_militia, or the Militia map is a "rescue the hostages" scenery that
plays on a mountain house with many obstacles, and sports tunnels and
many ways of playing. It's a great map because, like the Assault map, has
a lot of things to do, the Terrorists(T) have the advantage, but the Counter
Terrorists (CT) have so many ways of breaking the place that is unfair to say
that the T have the upper hand the whole time.

Militia is, in escence, a very balanced map, as long as the CT actually
play on teams, because, unlike the Assault map, it takes a helluva lot of
work to start playing for both the T and the CT. It also offersplenty of
ambush spots.


5.- Graphics:

This section will show a few ugly ascii graphics to help you and myself
to show the strategies. They aren't pretty, but I guess they do they
work (I think).

NOTE: I'm doing these from memory. I'm fairly sure they are right, but
if you spot any mistake, I'm happy to correct it)
Also, when I say (X,Y), X is the horizontal axis, and Y is the vertical

| __| | | L a L= Ladder
| _______/ _ T | | // __ | b D= Door
| | _______/__###| | || | | D c T= Tunnel entrance
| | | | | \ | || |__| | d B= Box.
|###| |___|____| \__| \ ___ | e APC= Armored personnel
| |B | | ___ | | | f carrier
| |B |_/ /| | | | |B | g #= Fence.
| __/ | | | | |B D h
|APC | | |___| | | | i
|_________|____|_________________|___|___| j

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t

NOTE: I am missing many objects, as I've only shown the ones
that are of actual importance. This map isn't very accurate, but
for the efforts of this guide, it works. Most of the objects missing
aren't of strategical importance.

|\ | | | a S= Stairways leading to second floor.
| \ |_| T | b B= Boxes.
|\ \---->* | c T= Tunne exit.
| \ \ | d V= Ventilation open.
| |S| | e *= (there is a door somewhere there, but I can't
|_| | | f quite recall its location)
| | _ B | g
|V| | |BB | h
|B | | | i
D T |_| | j
|_______________________| k

a b c d e f g h i j k l

NOTE: Ditto with above, but I doubt there's anything of importance
back here besides the two tunnel exits.


| |_W_ | a TV= Television (duh)
| | b W= Bar.
| | | | c D= Door.
| |TV | | d S= Stairway.
D | | D e h= Hostage.
|___| ______|_h_|h | f C= Car.
|___S___|h |D| g
| C | h
|h_S__|_| i
|-----> This stairway leads to an small room with many
boxes and an small vent exit which is connected to the
backyard. Mapping that place would be pointless and
it would take me a tremendous ammount of work ^_^.

a b c d e f g h i j

| P| | | a P= Small pool.
|__|___|_____L_ | b L= Ladder to the roof.
|______S__| | |_ c S= Stairway.
W _|_ | W | d W= Window.
| _ | W | S| e B= Bed.
W | | | B | | | f D= Door.
| | | D | g
|_____|________|___| h
a b c d e f g h i j k

NOTE: I know there is another way out of the bedroom, but, alas, read above.


6.- Map Overview.

TERRORIST: OBJECTIVE: Keep the CT from rescueing the hostages.

The CT on this map start on a very good position: Defensive-minded, is
perfect to set up (Unlike, err... Assault anyone?). They start on (b,i)
on the first map, and are provided with an APC, though is useless on
this mission. It works for cover, though I wouldn't recommend setting
an ambush over here.

To the left of the spawning position is a tunnel which leads to the
underground water tunnels, which has two exits on the backyard: (c,j)
and (k,b). The tunnels are widely recommended due to the fact that going
there you can avoid likely snipers on the main battleground, but is
itself a risky option: Prepared T could wait for your men to rise up
and simply erradicate them. It's important to get in by surprise.

The T start inside the house, which is an sniper's paradise: Plenty of
sniper points are offered, starting for the normal windows (a,d) and (a,f)
on the second floor, and ending anywhere on the roof. Besides it, the
house is only a med-fortified place to start: the house has plenty of doors,
and playing defensively is very hard.

The whole battleground has a lot of obstacles, making grenades a must.
Is also a heated zone all the game, especially nearby the cave which
connects the CT spawning points. As a T or as a CT, this place needs a
lot of care, as snipers can be found from the house zone acting against
CT or ambushers in the zone of (i,b), behind and in front of the fence,
hunting for unwary T.

The "corridor" which starts in (n,b) and ends in (n,e) is a great place
to look for cover, but you gotta keep an eye on your back if your enemy
is rushing. The rest of the obstacles are perfect indeed if you bought
the damn grenades, to rain and hide behind them. Quick location of the
enemy, and fast finding of a new hiding place is important of this map.

The action inside the house is fast and furious, and you need fast
reflexes. Breaking thru the corridors firing is esencial, to confuse and
dissorient your enemies. A gas grenade inside here is a motive for panic
for both sides (Here's where the "Fire in the hole" Message helps
inmensely to avoid a massive confusion and everyone shooting at you),
and blocks so much the vision that's truly one of the only places I've
found to work on. If you are a CT, make your point going for the
hostages nearby the bar. The garage is a dangrous place, and due to the
crossfire, hostages there are ussually killed.


7.- Tactical Ideas:


Suggested Teams:
| |

(based on a 6 person team)
RUSHERS: M4A1, HE grenades, Flashbangs, Gas grenades, Desert Eagle(4 CT).
ANTI-SNIPER TEAM: Steyr Aug, Flashbangs, HE Grenades, Five SeveN(2 CT).
(Ussual strategy- It works most of the time, as long as you keep
together. Failure to this will spell out defeat.)
| |

(based on a 6 person)
TEAM A: M4A1, HE Grenades, Flashbangs, Gas Grenades, Desert Eagle (2 CT).
TEAM B: MP5, HE Grenades, Flashbangs, Gas Grenades, Five SeveN (2 CT).
TEAM C: FN P90, HE Grenades, Flashbangs, Gas Grenades, Five SeveN (2 CT).
(another good strategy. Both strategies can be combined, but due to the
fact that the T are ussually caught looking scattered exits -especially
if there isn't an strong leader on their team, who can lead them to
the battle- one way or another is best used).

The CT team needs to keep together. That's the key. The CT deployment
pont isn't of much practical value, better get out of there. Following
thru the tunnel to the battleground, setting up a couple of guards on
(d,j) and (d,h) are great for keeping and spoting early T scouts. The
two anti snipers have to work as a retaguard until you actually spot
snipers, while the rest of the team throws grenades to split the T
forces attacking.

As soon as you hear the first AWP shot (Which is very, VERY likely to
sound sooner than later), everyone take cover behind (n,b-n,e), or
behind any obstacles, the nearer to the house, the better. Under the
cover of fire, one of the Anti sniper quickly surveys the roof of the
house to spot anyone. Any HE grenades left shall be used against the
sniper, the house roof is high enough to nulify most of the effect of
a Flashbang. From two different sides, shot him.
The spot which is most likely to find an sniper is (a,t)

Also worth nothing that smart T could place an sniper (a,t), but on
the ground. That's a nightmare, but is more vulnerable to Flashbangs and
HE grenades, thought is important to confuse him before engaging to a
firefight, thing not needed against snipers in the roof.

Now, against T rushing (thing that I do, for example), after the HE
grenades, quickly locate the rushers on two teams, one flanking from
the right, and the other to the left side. As soon as the anti-snipers
say "Go" (yep, the annoying "go, go, go!" ^_^), you run, guns firing
towars the house. You have to rely on your team, because you may fall
to an ambush.

The Tunnel entrance is a better tactical option, as I told you, while
is a little risky. I ussually send my HE grenade to clear my entrance,
but take this in consideration: HE grenades explode with time, not when
they hit the floor. I've found it great to make it bounce towards the
wall nearby the tunnel in the surface. That way, you confuse guards,
and if you manage to hear the footsteps of the Ts evading the grenade,
you know that you are (or were) expected.

It doesn't really matter which entrance you take, though the left one
is more risky, because a fast T with an AK-47 may kill your whole team
at the door. In fact, I recommend going to the left of the door, and go
up the ladder. Enter thru the window or the door, and storm any sniper
who may be fighting still your Anti-snipers.

Once inside, make your priority to take the hostages near the bar.
Taking on the ones in the garage is quite a hazaphardous thing, as
there may be a few T hiding. If you suspect any, flashbang them, and
get inside for the hostages, and get out. You will hear shots, but
you will be covered by the hostages, and you will known that there's
someone on your tail.

On the backyard, if you come out from the tunnels, you have to strike
fast, and get out fast. In this map, once you get inside the house, you
have the battle practically won.

| |

(based on a 6 person team)
TEAM A: MP5, HE grenades, Flashbangs, Gas grenades (2 T).
TEAM B: Sigg 552, HE grenades, Desert Eagle (2 T).
FRONTMAN: AK-47, HE grenades, Flashbangs, Gas Grenades, Fire SeveN.
SNIPER: AWM, HE grenades, Desert Eagle or Dual Berettas.
(It's a sin to don't put an sniper here, is so damn funny ^_^, besides
it serves as a diversion. This is, in my opinion, the best thing to do
in this map, because the CT ussually don't expect it.)
| |

(based on a 6 person team)
SNIPERS: AWM, HE Grenades, Flashbangs, Desert Eagle (3 T).
MOBILE ATTACKER: Sigg 552, HE grenades, Flashbangs, Gas Grenade, Desert
HOUSE GUARDS: AK-47, HE grenades, Desert Eagle(2 T).
(This tactic isn't bad, but being trapped inside the house is quite
a problem- you really need to keep them from entering the house. Place
guards: one next to the door in front of the house, other hidden in
the bar. The snipers have to choose their own points, while the mobile
attack needs to be a kamikaze on the ground.)

When playing terrorists, you have to hold one thing on your mind: You
have to kill them before they enter the house. It's extremely easy for
the CT once they enter the house to get wild on your asses, and it's
not funny to lose this way.

If you need snipers, please, try to avoid putting one on the roof.
While is definitely a very good position with GREAT view (though it
doesn't reachs the tunnel leading the CT spawning position), but first,
you are just a bullseye to swallow a good HE grenade, not only from
below, but also from everywhere else. And second: in a firefight, you are
very likely you fall from the roof and find the floor on "non-virtual
reality", which is quite humilliating.

Points to look for are (a,t) both in the crack climbing the ladder, the
floor, the two windows (though you are inviting as a target there), and
the point (j,t), which is quite good since you have cover, and is an
awdkard position to find. Those places are the best sniping points in
the map.

The roof is more well suited for ambushing CT trying to get inside the
house, especially in the back part of the house, on the area with the
door and the window in the second floor.

I find it more effective and fun to take the battle to the main
battleground, having your team jumping out of the front windows and
crossing the front door to get to the main battleground as soon as
you can. You can maximize the reach of your grenades by jumping when
you throw them. The only fear you have when you get first is watching
out for snipers or ambushers in (d,i) area, and behind the fence (is
damn hard to see the CT there), and you can save your HE grenade for
clearing out that area just to make sure if you are surprised that
the enemies there aren't healthy.

Setting up a gas grenade into the tunnel leading to the CT spawning
point is a killer: It blocks the vision of the CT, since they come from
a darker and more closed area, while you will be most likely free of
its effects.

Take care of the tunnel exits: two T with AK-47 should be more than enough.
Don't stay there for too long, however, and make sure the two guards keep
comunication. Quickly ask for help with the command "Taking fire, need
assistence", to make sure they don't break out from the tunnels.

Inside the house, setting up an ambush in the garage is great, WITH THE
LIGHTS TURNED OFF. Once a partner sat there with the lights off and with
the nightvision. I was patroling there since a few CT were scatered around
the house, and I saw him, and, confused, shot him. Luckily, I was using an
dual beretta, but that didn't stop the bitched that followed ^_^.
Also a good idea is to duck and hide in the little bar. A friend of mine
managed to kill four (!) people with that tactic.

As long as the CT don't reach the house, you have the upper hand.


8.- When action starts.

Unlike the Assault map, this map requires strategy, and lots of it. Careful
thinking and looking is important for both CT and T. We haven't reached
the maps which strictily needs a massive ammout of bravery, strategy,
hearing, creativity and ability to wield the correct weapon (So far, the
only maps I've found which needs such a mastery are Italy and Siege-
Siege being the one I've perfected), but this map is a true trainer for
the maps to come.

CT, "be as fast as the lighting, and you'll be just as deadly". Make your
way to the house, strike in, strike out, and get the praises. You can't
allow yourself to slow your assault, you have to move quick, and earn
swift and descisive kills. Take note of the best players of the Ts, and
gang up on them.

T, here you need to know everything about positions. Camp around, hold your
ground, stick to the best places, don't wait for the CT to come for you,
you take the battle to them. Remember, snipers work best from a distance,
is up to the rest of the team to keep the CT team at the distance required.


9.- Frequently asked questions about this map.

Q. Which side actually has the advantage on this map?
A. The Terrorists, though is actually only because they have quicker
ways of reaching the main yard, since the Counter Terrorist have so many
ways of breaking the house defense that is unfair to say the complete
advantage is on the T side.

Q. Why do you plan with just 6 people on each team?
A. Because that's what's ussually avalaible on my LAN place. I've played
with as much as 11 persons on each team, and it's amazing, but it's not
what you could call "organized". It's a damn madness.

Q. Can bullets go thru the walls of the house?
A. Nope, but Desert Eagle bullets truly wreck havoc among idiots caught
in a door. I'm guessing the rifles do the same thing, but I haven't had
the time to try it.

Q. Is there another map like this one?
A. Assault is pretty much the same, but with a terrorist advantage. Siege
is available once you master this map, but trust in me, is much harder
to learn.


10.- Credits.

- Thanks, somehow, to Jonat4z, Yunqu3, MaNsOn, Marilyn, Phantom Phreak,
and all the guys who lurk in Time Net and like to get slaughtered by me
(Yeah sure... ^_^).
- To my hands, as always.
- To CjayC for hosting this guide on his site.
- To Gorillaz for giving me a new sound to listen before I get a full-time
rock monster.
- And to everyone I would like to thank but I can't recall them or they
have nothing to do with this faq, but thanks anyway ;^)


11.- Legal Stuff.

This file is owned by Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com)

You MAY distribute, print, read, show to your friends or enemies this
guide freely, AS LONG as you credit Lord Zero as the author, keep
the copyright on it, and is used for non-profit purposes. You MAY NOT
change ANYTHING on this guide, adding or taking anything out of it,
including banners, links, or anything else. You MAY NOT distribute this
guide on any non-electronic media. All I ask from you if you wish to
publish this guide on your site, is to keep it updated, and to notificate
me of your URL.

All Rights Reserved. Anything not mentioned on this text can be discussed
via email to the address below.

Copyright 2001-2002 By Lord Zero (dskzero@yahoo.com).

The last version can always be found in gamefaqs.com.
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