Half-Life - Counterstrike

Half-Life - Counterstrike

17.10.2013 16:32:46
Specific Weapon Techinques
Author: Danne Wong
GameFAQs ID: Howyadoing (Hyd) / Seven Face
Date Started: November 6, 2002
Date Ended: NIL
MSN ID: wormey2000@hotmail.com
E-Mail: wormey2000@hotmail.com
Aim: Man Named Hyd (Rarely comes on, or almost never)


January 21, 2003
Updated the General Techniques for AWP section.
Completed it.
Started the Basic Techniques for AWP section.
Currently still in the midst.
Added a BEFORE YOU BEGIN... Section.
Currently still in the midst.

January 19, 2003
Updated the AWP section.
Completed it.
Started the General Techniques for AWP section.
Currently still in the midst.
Edited the Specific Weapons Section.
Completed it.

January 18, 2003
Updated the shotgun portion.
Completed it.
Started the AWP section.
Currently still in the midst.

January 13, 2003
Hey! I updated it!

November 12, 2002
Hmph. It didn't get uploaded. I have changed it to a specific weapon
tactics FAQ! Do not despair! I will try again!

November 8, 2002
Updated a bit on the knife tactics, preparing to send this FAQ for
reviewing by the Webmaster.

November 6, 2002
Yeepers! The birth! The glory!

Especially for Counter Strike 1.5, the best FPS that has come to Earth.
Table of Contents

I. Introduction
II. Review
III. Before you Begin... [UC]
a. Be on your Best
b. Know every Nook and Cranny of a map
c. Teamwork Is the Best
d. It's Just a Game
IV. Knife and its usage, besides stabbing of course.
V. Weapon Damage
VI. Specific Knife Tactics
a. To camp or not to camp?
b. Life points are worth more
c. Stealth
d. Superman Jump
e. Slash or Stab?
f. Sidestep or not to Sidestep?
g. SIDESTEP - Deeper View
h. Retreating
i. Figure Eight
j. Knife Rush
VII. Shotgun and its usage
a. Benelli M3
b. Benelli XM1014
VIII. Weapon Damage
IX. Specific Shotgun tactics
a. Camper's Best Friend
b. Move! Move! Move!
c. Best Sidearm?
X. Specific Weapons Section
XI. Artic Warfare/Magnum Rifle
a. Strengths and Weaknesses
b. Deeper Insight
XII. Artic Warfare/Magnum Rifle Techniques [UC]
a. Aiming (General Techniques)
b. Mouse Sensitivity (General Techniques)
c. Best Sidearm? (General Techniques)
d. Knife Rush (General Techniques)
e. Weapon Switching (General Techniques)
f. Killing Instinct (Basic Techniques)
g. Prediction (Basic Techniques)
h. Choosing the Right Spot (Basic Techniques)
XIII. Credits
XIV. Legal Notice

*[UC] - Under Construction
I. Introduction
Hello everyone! Welcome to my umpteenth attempt of making an FAQ and
this time, I'm sure it will hit the GameFAQs pages. Well, let's see.
Anyways, I'm Hyd, a friendly little boy that knows nothing of the world
but doesn't give a flying baboon ass about it. I'm happy as what I am
and that's what I need to know. Anyways, I'm not going to pour you over
with my very own philosophy in looking at life. Instead, I'm going to
show you how to use some specific weapons techniques, if you haven't
noticed yet.

Before I begin, I must first tell you that all these tactics doesn't
make you win. As the old saying goes, success comes to those who never
give up. These are just tips, and some of them may be garbage. It is
just your personal view whether to listen to it or not. Besides, they
may not work well towards you. I hope I'm not boring you but I have to
settle these stuffs first before I receive flaming mails.

Oh right, onto mails. I openly receive question about my FAQ, critics,
but not too much. You can send me mails for whatever reason besides CS
if you want. However, no illegal stuffs, no dirty stuffs. If you want
to just chat, marry me, kill me, tell me off, talk about the weather,
send me a mail and add the tag [CS: Fun]. But if you are sending me a
mail and stating that my FAQ sucks, with no reason whatsoever, your E-
mail address would be blocked the mail filtered and deleted. Then, I
would then return you with the question, "Do I look like I care?"


I'm doing a favor to you, the reader, and me, to get a life. -.- We FAQ
writer don't get money out of this. Its just pure effort and time we
spent on this document so if you could understand a bit and don't send
flaming mails, you've done a good deed yourself as a wonderful reader
and supporter. Ok, and please add a [CS] tag onto the subject so that I
could easily track down the mail and reply as soon as possible. I get
crap mails very often and sometimes I just delete mails that I have no
relationship with.
Everything okay?

Send me critics only if you have reason to back it up.
Attach a [CS] tag to the mail subject if you want information about CS.
Attach a [CS: Fun] tag to the mail subject if you just want to chat.
This guide is exclusively for Counter: Strike 1.5
II. Review
The following is an extract of my personal review on Counter-Strike,
also available on GameFAQs, Half Life Counter Strike review page.

Counter Strike - Bang!
Half Life boasts a mod that became a game of its own very quickly. And
this isn't surprising because of its excellent qualities and attributes
I will explain later on. Counter Strike is more realistic, for one
thing and encourages teamwork and spirit between players. This is what
makes Counter Strike stands out more than Quake III or Unreal

Gameplay: 10
Its excellent, this game is very fun and it takes training, a lot of
training. However, training itself is very fun! Basically, you are
suppose to kill, kill and kill. It's a world between Terrorists and
Counter-Terrorists, your job? Choose one side and eliminate the other.
No, it doesn't sound as sadistic as it sound, there's no real violence
in it. A little bloodshed here and there, but not the entire head
flying off. Besides, there's a command, which can disable this for
little kids to play. But I'm a kid that isn't afraid of bloodshed and
stuffs. I played Resident Evil since I was 10. -.-

Audio: 10
No background music in Counter-Strike, don't ask me why, it's obvious.
But, the gun sounds and the radio commands make up for this. Every
single gun has a different sound emitted when the trigger is pulled.
And all of them are recognizable by a veteran Counter Strike player.
Also, radio commands are clear, not muffled at all. Plus, there's a
small dialogue between Counter Terrorists and hostages, I can't make up
most of them but it doesn't affect the game a bit.

Graphics: 9
Everything is easy to see. Each gun is easy to spot and the
surroundings are very real. However, no game is perfect and there are
some minor flaws in between Counter Strike. One irritating thing is
clipping. A part of your body will cut through the wall sometimes. This
is annoying and an opposing player can just aim at that area and fire
as if there's no tomorrow. Needless to say, you're toast if a gun with
high caliber bullets is fired straight at you. However, despite of
that, many other attributes of the game cover that small flaw. There
are also small gaps with shadows covering it and a smart player can
just sit squat there. Basically, you can see the others but others will
have difficulty spotting you. This is an art, a technique that will
rack high your kills.

Story: 1
No story involved, not surprising, no tragedy. Small information about
the map is displayed at the start, but nobody gives it a damn. Besides,
it doesn't affect the game at all. It's just additional information
that can be ignored if you want.

Replayability: 10
No matter whether you lose or win, you'll definitely want to get
another round. One round only lasts about 4 minutes, average of 2
minutes a round! You will definitely not get a kick of it, and you may
want to take revenge, or kill that fool again. *Evil Laugh* Well, have

Buy Or Rent?: BUY
If you were a great fan of FPS and loves realistic games, I would urge
you to get this. It's very realistic as many gun facts and laws of
physics are applied here. Even if you don't give a flying baboon ass
about education, it would be fun thrashing your little brother's over
and over again. ^.^
III. Before you Begin.
Before you begin playing every CS game, bear a few points.

Get your worries out of the window. Finish your homework.
IV. Knife and its usage (Besides stabbing of course)
Obviously, you must have known that the knife is free. It's the
lightest and one of the most dangerous weapons when used properly.
Firstly, never underestimate this piece of melee weapon. The most basic
feature of this little blade is that it's the lightest weapon in the
game. So, if someone is carrying a Para, and you'd better hope it's a
newbie. Reason? Easy, you can destroy and humiliate him with this handy
blade. Okay, maybe you don't get it. But if this weapon is the lightest
weapon in the game, and if you are equipped with it, what would you be?

You'd be the fastest user in the map obviously.

And since the Para is the heaviest and one of the most useless weapon
in the game, and with the killer recoil, you can be sure you should be
able to figure-eight him and send a sadistic stab down his spine. Or
better still, his neck and finish him off with a little help from your
secondary or a fast knife stab.

Secondly, the knife has two kinds of attack. Hope you figured out that
already. The left click, assuming you are right handed, is the fast
knife stab. It's definitely your best choice if you are face-to-face to
an enemy. It deals lesser damage, obviously, and you should be able to
do a second time before being spotted. Basically, it's a better choice
in up close and personal battles. If you managed to sneak up to an
enemy, and maybe get closer you may want to choose to use the right
click attack. The right click initiates a sadistic stab. With that, you
plunge the knife deep into the flesh of the enemy. Taking about 50+ or
60+ HP. That's a lot, you're dealing more damage than a USP. When
there's an up, there's always a down. And that's the problem with the
sadistic stab; it takes a second to restart the attack. So, after doing
the damage, you are best to retreat back to your hiding place or
hurriedly figure eight to prepare for bloodshed. Alternatively, you
could say your prayers and pray that your enemy doesn't realize it.
It's a one in a millionth chance though.

Thirdly, the knife is one of shortest weapon in the game. That's a
relief to campers with the Colt M4A1, better known as the killing
Carbine. You see, the Carbine has this annoying feature of its
extremely long barrel and silencer. So, if you camp behind a crate or
something and you're that extremely unlucky to have the tip of your
Carbine popping out, you're toast. A smart camper or backstabber will
choose to switch to their knife and hide while waiting for their victim
to walk by.

Fourthly, the knife plays an important part in fire-and-run tactics.
This works extremely well with sneaky Arctic users. They fire, switches
to their knife hopefully jamming the enemy's head with a .338 bullet
and run to hide again while re-chambering their gun. A variation could
be used with the Benelli M3, but I'm not sure. Basically, its just a
weapon that many switch to when they are planning to retreat and run.
At the start of each round, no matter terrorists or counter-terrorists,
they would buy the weapons of their choice and switch to their knife.
Many newbies laugh at them, going knife-frenzy, what they do not know
is that these people are actually pros and are using the knife to reach
to the key point of the map as soon as possible. This achieved easily
due to the lightness of the knife.

Also, some side note, the knife was one deadly weapon in the early BETA
days. If you aim the head, 2 slashes with the normal attack would kill.
I reckon one, but just to be sure. 3 slashes would kill an enemy

The knife is the lightest weapon in the game. If you're equipped with
it, you will run like the wind.
There are 2 kinds of attack with the knife, the normal slash and the
sadistic stab. The slash does lesser damage but have faster recovery
time. The sadistic stab does more damage but have lesser recovery time.
When camping, switch to your knife for a more secure position.
Switch to your knife when using the Arctic to ensure faster re-
Switch to your knife and run to the key point of the map at the start
of the round.
V. Weapon Damage
Through hard work, I managed to get a bot to stab me with a sadistic
stab and the normal stab. Don't laugh. Okay, here's the slight table.

Damage Part: Normal Stab Damage; Sadistic Stab Damage

Head: 50+; KILL
Body: 15-20; 48-52
Legs: 10-15; 60-65

I have no idea why the sadistic stab does more damage to the legs than
to the arms. But after checking with other FAQs, it seems that my
report is correct. Weird eh?

Now's for damage with Kevlar vest and helmet.

Head: 45-50; 55-60
Body: 12-15; 40-45
Legs: 10-15; 50-55

There. The helmet apparently helps reducing damage a lot. Maybe I made
a mistake, but oh well.

Always aim for the head, 'nuff said.
If you're a level lower than the enemy, use the sadistic stab at their
If you're a level higher, by all means use the sadistic stab at their
head, obviously.
VI. Specific Knife Tactics
Okay, I know this section is pretty lame. But you would be surprised;
there are some tactics for knife matches. Speaking of knife matches,
you may have never experienced them before. Whatever it is, a knife
match is basically a match where only knives and armors are allowed.
Sometimes, a match may allow grenades. Knife matches are never serious;
these matches are basically to have fun. But, to lose a knife match is
pretty humiliating. But I'm here to help you, I hope.

To use the knife properly, you must bear in mind its strengths and

Lightest weapon, you'd be the fastest user when equipped.
No recoil, for obvious reasons. This means you can slash and stab away
as if there's no tomorrow.
99.9% accuracy at all times. If you aim before you slash, you should
get the target.
You also have unlimited Ammo, for obvious reasons yet again.

Short range, and I mean really short range. You have virtually no
chance against any of the rifles at long range.

The one weakness is enough to ruin your day. Against an Arctic user,
you have basically not a single percent of chance, no fraction, of
surviving. Even a shotgun have 5 percent or so, but with a knife, zero.
However, against mad recoil rifles with stupid users, you stand a great
chance. You're fast, you have supreme accuracy, you have no recoil and
you hold a weapon stronger than the USP. Yes, bear that in mind. It
will keep your spirits up. You are holding a weapon that is lighter
than the USP, but more powerful. I know its lame but it helps sometime.
And it gives you a good laugh.

On one-on-one matches, you may choose to camp if you're on the
defending side. However, if a player chooses to play a die-or-die kind
of match, you have no choice but to charge. However, you can resort
into a sneakier way of charging. But, I'll first explain basic

Life Points are worth more in Knife Matches
In knife matches, life points are worth a lot. If you lost ten life
points, you are one slash short. This means you are easier to get
killed. This doesn't apply only to knives; rifles and other guns apply
too. However, it just seems more important in knife matches. Maybe it's
because of the reputation on the stake. Don't be lazy; take the longer
and safer route. Remember, it's always the slow and steady who wins the
race. Don't blow up stuffs for no apparent reason as well. You'll get
killed easily.

I can't stress this point anymore. Stealth is VERY important in knife
matches, it's also VERY important in normal matches. In one-on-one,
it's SO important, your life is on it. Don't go around acting like a
lunatic hacking away glasses at CS_ASSAULT. Don't be stupid and slash
the wall. You're giving yourself away. Don't run too often; walk when
it's nearer to the prone areas where your enemy might be lurking around
the corner. Don't slash stuffs that will blow up when you overdo it.
Its pointless and you get deducted life points AND you give yourself
away. CROUCH and WALK when climbing ladders. Yes, using your pinkie to
touch the buttons won't hurt too much. It doesn't slow you a bit and it
reduces the sound to a zip. In addition to that, you get a smaller leap
when you reached the top. Rather than dropping down and plunging to
your death, and get more life points deducted. All these add to your
survivability percentage chance in this match. So, keep stealthy and
act like a ninja. But don't act like on too often, remember that this
is the new millennium.

Superman Jump

If your resort to camping, camp in somewhere where an enemy can go past
you and you're relatively a higher level. I know it sounds kind of a
superman style, hence the name. Back to the technique, when an enemy
passes by you, jump on him and go on stabbing away. The key of a knife
match is to save as much life as possible. Never waste unnecessary life
points. The moment you jump on him, you should be able to hack away a
good 20-30 amount of life. This means that you are a few slashes ahead
of him. After getting his attention, go on with the assault techniques
and finish him off. You have advantage, remember. One more point, don't
act as if you ARE superman. Don't leap off the top of the building just
to get hands on the enemy. You may be dead before you even touch down
on the floor safely. Hide somewhere where you are certainly sure you
won't deduct much or none life points when you jump off and hit the

Slash or Stab?
It depends on the situation. If you are able to sneak up on the enemy,
by all means stab. If you can reach it so close, stab his head. He's a
goner. If it's a figure eight match, slash away. Sometimes, you may wan
to move towards the enemy and you might be lucky to get a stab in and
hurry retreat back. In fierce up close and personal matches, and I mean
REALLY close, crouch and aim the crosshair at his head and STAB. If
your aim is true, he should be dead. If its not, you should be dead by
then. However, if you're not, slash. He should be down in one or two
more slashes.

Sidestep or Not to Sidestep?
If you're up against a player that isn't using a knife, sidestep for
goodness sake. If you're against a player that is using an Arctic or
any sniping weapon, RUN. If you're up against a player using a knife,
don't sidestep, FIGURE EIGHT. I'll explain each point as we go along.

Sidestep is basically moving left and right without turning at all. So,
you're just moving like a crab. Some people call sidestepping strafing,
but from the dictionary, strafing means attacking an area from higher
ground or something like that. That's why I don't call it strafing, its
sidestep. What does it help then? Sidestepping makes you a harder
target to attack. However, this is not recommended with all guns. Some
guns are heavy and impede your movement. Others are light enough, like
the MP5 Navy and sidestepping is allowed to maintain your accuracy from
going to wild. However, sidestepping with an Ak-47 just doesn't click.
The recoil is bad enough already. With you sidestepping, it makes the
bullet goes haywire. So, only sidestep when you have a weapon that has
great accuracy, low recoil and light. Submachine guns fall in here
mostly, though shotguns too. But if you are sidestepping with a shotgun
and attacking the other player, you should be in trouble.

There are different methods of retreating, but they fall in two broad
categories. One kind is firing while retreating, while the other is
retreating totally. The second kind is more cowardly, but it saves your
life. Also, people have the tendency of jumping while moving backwards
and firing at your target. If you are the attacker, you are getting a
frag, for sure. Why? Jumping pulls down your accuracy by a great deal
of amount. If you jump and fire, there's virtually not much chance of
hitting the target. Your bullets go higher, lower, or more to the left,
right and all kinds of direction. So, what should you do? Jump and run
that's the best tactic. However, don't go jumping around Arctic users.
Smart and crafty players may aim and predict your landing, and then
they will pull the trigger. God knows when you'll die. Also, its good
to sidestep and run, mixing a couple of jumps in between. That way,
people would be totally confused and fire madly. This results in
wastage of bullets. Especially to newbies with AK-47s, they will auto-
fire, and you can be sure you'll survive. The killer recoil definitely
swings the bullets around you.

What's figure eight? Basically, it's just moving around the opponent
like an arc in the eight. If you can't picture it, it's like
surrounding the enemy while moving around him. This has a great effect.
Normally, the enemy will use the mouse and turn one round with you.
Generally, he would be slower as he isn't moving horizontally and
vertically. You should be faster due to momentum. In addition to that,
you are carrying a knife; you are surely faster than the opponent.
However, up against veterans, they may have the same bright idea and
figure eight as well. In this kind of situation, you are actually
opposite your opponent and he is chasing you, and you are chasing him
in a merry-go-round kind of style. If you are using a gun, you should
aim slightly opposite to the direction you are moving. IE, you are
moving right, you should aim a little to the left to ensure that the
bullets will compensate to the figure eight.

Knife Rush
This tactic is best used in ordinary matches as it gives you a good
chance of slipping away from your enemy and making his aiming go
disorderly. To cut a long story short, it's basically changing whatever
primary or secondary weapon you are currently equipped with, to your
knife. After you've done that, sidestep and move forward towards your
enemy. In ordinary cases, the enemy will smirk and think they will get
an easy frag.

Well, think again.

When you're doing the sidestepping, you are making him aim more
vigorously. Left, then right, then left again. A higher chance of him
missing is definitely obvious. Once you achieved that level, quickly
switch to your primary or secondary and finish him off. There, as easy
as that. In knife matches, this confuses the enemies a bit. After that,
the enemy should retrace his steps and retreat, or figure eight in
front of you to enter battle.

VII. Shotgun and its usage
If you just started Counter Strike, which I seriously doubt, you should
at least know that there are two kinds of shotgun. The Benelli M3 and
the XM1014. For honor, I would suggest that you stick to the Benelli M3
for one simple reason: people loathe users who use the automatic
shotgun, which is the second one. I'll explain in detail.

Name of Gun: Benelli M3
Cost of Gun: $1700
Maximum Ammo: 8
Ammo Type: 12 Gauge
Special Options: None
The Benelli M3 is intended for skillful users. Users who have refined
their skills to such a standard that they are very sneaky, and can
crawl up to your back without you knowing before pumping a shot or two
into your back. At close range, the Benelli M3 is ONE lethal weapon. If
you get a shot at point blank, no matter where you hit, you are
guaranteed a frag. However, this is different at long range. The reason
is twofold, the Benelli M3, and the XM1014 uses gauge bullets. Gauge
bullets are also known as shotgun shells. To cut a long story short,
each shell consists of 12 smaller pellets, hence the name. So, if you
can get the 12 pellets concentrated, packed together at one opponent's
chest, you are easily getting a frag. See the picture? However, if you
are against an opponent at long range, and you fire at him, the pellets
soon separate, and get further and further from each other. Thus, maybe
only 1 or none of the pellets hit. Even if all the pellets hit, you are
not guaranteed a frag because of concentration power. In close range,
the force is greater and so is the impact. In further range, everything
decreases. To sum everything up, a shotgun is useless in long range.
Also, the Benelli M3 has a snail-speed rate of fire. Typically, you
only get 1 shot before an angry victim of the other side mow you down
with whatever weapon he has. Sadly, that's the price a shot gunner has
to pay.

Name of Gun: Benelli XM1014
Cost of Gun: $3000
Maximum Ammo: 7
Ammo Type: 12 Gauge
Special Options: Only auto-fire shotgun
The XM1014 is loathsome, but powerful. Under a really skillful shot
gunner that has no form of honor, the XM1014 is very powerful. All
thanks to its auto-fire ability, now you are a walking tank. Pumping 12
gauge bullets into many chests in mere spilt seconds are irritating to
many, and some may despise you when you use it. You may think that you
are winning, but in many other people eyes, you are just a newbie that
has no form of skill. The XM1014 is commonly known as the gun for the
unskilled. However, since it is a gun, I might else well discuss about
it. The XM1014 costs a bomb, $3000! I would rather go for an AK-47
anytime, any day. On the other hand, the extra $1300 has to be for
something right? Yes, you are correct. It is for something that is
really important. The auto-fire ability has been inserted into this
gun, making it the scariest close-range weapon, for a while. What do I
mean for a while? Well, in a typical scene, one guy will charge in the
middle of the fray in the battle, pumping about 2-3 shots killing one
guy. Someone jumps on him, and gets killed by another 2-3 shots. Okay,
time to round it up, reload. This is YOUR chance to resist. Reloading
in the shotguns takes eons. Now, charge him and finish him off. Take
wary though, as the pump action allows the user to use a shot while
reloading. You may suffer some damage unless you attack from far. Good
job, you just rid the world from another pesky unskilled user.

Okay good, so that sums up the different shotguns. Now back to its
typical usage of shotguns. But before I begin the small talk, I want to
stress that I'm doing this based on my research on the Benelli M3, so
it may be quite inaccurate if you use these theory and apply it to the
Benelli XM1014. Whatever it is, use the M3 trust me. You'll be better

First up, at $1700, you can don't spend any money on the first round.
Just charge with your USP or Glock can get maybe one frag and die. Or
maybe, you can camp and pray that your team wins. Either way, just to
try not to spend more than $400 on the first round. In case your team
loses, you still have $1400, and if you followed my rules, you will
have at least $1800, enough to get a shotgun plus some additional
shells. After that, you're off!

Secondly, the shotgun archetype is a light weapon. Perhaps the lightest
archetype of weapon second to the pistols, and the knife obviously. So,
with this shotgun, you should charge straightway and find a key camping
spot. After finding it, squat and wait for footsteps. Don't camp in a
tunnel and facing your opponent directly, try to camp sideways and out
of view. This is to ensure that if the opponent passes you, they have
to TURN, and fire. In the spilt second of the turning of your opponent,
your job is to fire a critical shot and hopefully, kill him. If not,
you are in for some payback. You're gonna get mow down by whatever
weapon he uses. If it's an Arctic, prays he misses and in the second he
re-chambers, pump a shot in. However, smart and crafty users will
change to their secondary and kill you. Oh well. If you camp in a
tunnel facing your opponent, you will die. You see, when the opponent
sees you, you fire. He fires, and continues to fire. Basically, he has
the advantage of catching you off-guard, whereas if you hide in a fork,
you have the advantage if he turns around. Better still, he may not
even notice you! If that's the case, chase him and pump a few shots.
You may even have time to shoot two times!
VIII. Weapon Damage

Shotgun weapon damage is basically depending on how far you are, and
how many gauge shots hit the target. If you are near, and most of the
small pellets hit the target, you are guaranteed higher damage over
someone who is far away, and only 1-2 pellets hit. Depending on
whatever the situation is, here's the breakdown. Note that this is my
estimation. It is not really foolproof, but I think I got some parts
correctly done.

To make things simpler, I have to break the results into range

Close Range:
(From point blank, to about couple of steps in front of you.)

Simple enough, a headshot with any of the shotguns kills. At this
range, it will take one shot from the M3 and two shots from the XM1014
to kill. It's easy to get the frag here for the auto-shotgun. However,
the M3 requires you to perfect your aim.

Medium Range:
(Maximum efficiency for the shotguns.)
At this range, you'll have to charge towards the enemy and fire the
shots. Most shots would do 30 damage each, so it isn't very useful.
Your best bet would be hiding and wait for a better chance.

Long Range:
This is extremely far. Imagine you on one end on the awp_map and
someone on the other end. That's the long range. With a shotgun,
there's nothing you can do. One shot will merely do less than 10
damage. It's good for irritating the enemy, but there's nothing happier
for the enemy to mow you down with their rifles.

A shotgun is best used up close and personal
Long-range attacks are NEVER recommended
Shotguns are lethal at close range, and I mean LETHAL
IX. Specific Shotgun Tactics
The shotgun is one lethal weapon at close range but next to useless in
medium or long range. Bear that in mind always when you use this

Camper's Best Friend?
If you are hiding behind the door, or basically crouching at a place
where the enemy is sure to pop up closely to you, there's nothing
better than a shotgun to complete the picture. However, it's easier
said than done. The shotgun is lethal under the hands of a specialist.
You have to learn how to aim, and when to fire. Let's talk about aiming
first. For the shotgun, it would be best to aim around the general
chest or neck section. The reason is twofold. The shotgun fires 12
shells at one time, which disperses pellets towards the enemy. 12
shells is a huge number, and you need to fire it where the surface area
is large enough for 12 shells to fit in. The best would be the neck and
the chest area. Some pellets would hit the torso, and some would hit
the head. Majority of them would be targeted at the chest and this is
good enough. If you are behind the enemy, aim at his back and fire.

Now, we'll talk about patience. Being a camper is all about patience.
Sometimes, you might think that the enemy is not coming. Then, you get
up and start to walk into the area where you supposedly think the enemy
would come. What do you know? The enemy is right there. If you had
waited for three more seconds, you would have mowed him down. Now,
you're toast. Also, if one enemy walks past you, still leaving you
unnoticed, wait for a moment. If you cannot hear anymore footsteps
beside the first enemy, go ahead and slaughter him. However, some would
walk. So just wait for a while. If no enemy appears, get your kill. If
you are really cautious about getting the frag, you can blow the brains
of the first enemy, and pray that you can blow the second one before he
gets you. Chances are, you'll be dead.

Move! Move! Move!
The shotgun is a light weapon. Even lighter than some sub-machine guns.
So, charge right into your camping area as soon as you start the round.
You could knife rush for a while, then switch to your shotgun just in
case some sonic-speed enemy gets there faster than you. And NEVER
switch weapon when you are using your shotgun whilst walking. You may
be caught off guard, and get killed.

Best Sidearm?
The ideal sidearm for the shotgun, for me, is the USP Tactical Pistol.
I don't trust the Desert Eagle because, just because of its incredibly
small magazine size. Some people can easily wipe out someone with 7
bullets. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, I can't. But, with 12
bullets and about ¬ less power than the Deagle, no problem at all. CTs
should just stick to their default sidearm, and maybe Ts can buy a USP.
However, you can stick to the Glock if you want. Switch on the Burst
Fire mode if you are camping, and switch to full-auto if you're not.
The process is like this. Fire with your shotgun, and if he doesn't
dies, switch to your Glock and fire one time in burst-fire mode. If
your aiming isn't as bad as my three year old nephew, you should do
fine. You should always make a habit to change to your sidearm whenever
X. Specific Weapon Sections
The following sections will be dedicated to the weapons, which I will
describe them thoroughly and show you all the techniques I know about
them. Personally, these are my favorite weapons I love to use during
game play. This means, if I love any more weapons, I may include them
in this guide. In this current version, there are these weapons I will
talk about.

A. Artic Warfare/Magnum
B. AK-47
C. Colt M4A1 Carbine
D. Steyr AUG/Bullpup
E. MP5 Navy
All these weapons can be found when you continue reading the guide.
X. Artic Warfare/Magnum Rifle

Ah...the Artic Warfare rifle, dubbed the AWP or AWM. It's definitely
the most powerful gun in the game. Note that I said powerful, not
perfect. Why do I say that? The AWP (I prefer calling it this way) has
a destructive .388 bullet. When this bullet hits anywhere in your body
except the leg area, you are history. That's how powerful it is.
However, when there's an up, there's definitely a down. The AWP has
countless flaws overly watered down over and over again by the CS team
because of its one-shot kill ability. They should stop the downgrading
right now. The AWP isn't as powerful as it is back in the early days.
And if you're asking why did I dedicate one whole section to this
rifle, the answer is that I simply love this gun.

Some say it's a no-skill gun, but every gun in the game takes skills.
Even the automatic shotgun. Yeah, I hate it, but I got to admit that it
does take skill. I shall list down the strength and weaknesses of this
gun now.

One shot-kill ability
Single & Double Scope, making it a Sniper Rifle
Dragshot Ability, exclusive to Sniper Rifles

Now for the nightmare.

EXPENSIVE. It costs 4750 bucks!
Heavy. Second heaviest gun.
Horrendous accuracy without the scope, unlike the Steyr Scout.

And now, I shall discuss every single point.

One-Shot Kill.
Yep. It's that scary. If you get a shot anyway except the legs, that
guy's toast. However, it can be countered if you jump. Every now and
then, the opposing sniper might either miss or hit your legs. That's
about it.

Single & Double Scope.
This makes it a sniper rifle. Kinda obvious, but thanks to this add-on
ability, this is where you get all your frags from. Logically, one
would scan the area with his naked AWP or the AWP with a single scope.
Once he spots the enemy, he should move on to double scope and finish
him off. Try not to fire in single scope, the accuracy is still not
perfect. Always move on to double scope, then either aim, click or

The art of dragshot is what makes sniper rifle useful. In this ability,
you move into the scope view, then search for the enemy. Once you find
him, let's say he sidestepped to the left. The sniper would jerk his
mouse to the left, and the scope aims to the person and he fires. This
happens very quickly. Occasionally, or if the sniper is a specialist,
that guy should be shot. Sometimes, accuracy is not that good and the
shot may not be made. Thus, always practice and train.

Unless you win the first 2 rounds, you won't get it until the third or
forth round. And, it would be very depressing to lose the rifle on the
round where you bought it. You have 2 solutions to this. Either you
forgo your first 2 rounds and just camp, or you pick up someone's AWP
and get a couple of wins. The second option is normally better.
Scavenge if you must, there's no dishonor in it.

Always knife rush, or pistol rush if you want to the location you want
to cover with your sniper rifle. People normally switch between rifle
and grenade during re-chambering, but I always say pistol. In case
someone pops out, you still have something to protect you. If you are
firing extremely long range, you can use your grenade if you want.
Conclusion, always switch to your pistol when you want to move from one
location to another. During sniper fights, use your grenade.

Horrendous Accuracy.
Trust me! Crouch and fire a couple of bullets to the wall. You'll see
that the shots are completely random. If you walk and fire, it's even
worse. Thus, if there's a need to, always crouch then fire.

This can be countered with a grenade when switching weapons. The rifle
would be silent. This depends on how fast you switch the weapons
though. However, if the opponent is a veteran CS player, he can still
recognize the faint sound of the AWP. Whatever it is, your job is to
ensure that this will be the final time he heard it. In other words,
silence him in one shot.
XI. Artic Warfare/Magnum Techniques
Welcome all to the meat of the FAQ. Here, you'll witness the special
killing techniques of the AWP. But first, we'll have to go through the
basics. Everything got to start somewhere right?

The general techniques section will show you the skills which you have
to master before advancing any further into the advanced techniques.
These are basic, and without these, you'll get nowhere. Let's get
started then!

The rule of the thumb is to aim at the chest area. Since the chest is
the biggest part of a CS skin, that makes it the easier part to hit.
Bear in mind that any AWP bullet that hits the chest is a kill. It
defies whether the opponent wears a Kevlar or not. Don't bother getting
a headshot; you'll do over 150+ damage already. I had experiences from
playing at Xstat.net. At that server, they will show you how much
damage the opponent has inflicted on you when you die. Once, I got
headshot by an AWP bullet. Then, they stated, "Blah blah blah did 163
damage to you with a headshot using the AWP." One word: Overkill.

Mouse Sensitivity
A lot of people question about this option. Do you aim better with
lower sensitivity or higher? It totally depends on your aiming skill,
but I'll say higher. The sensitivity range is from 1-20. I took 7. It's
a comfortable range for me to jerk the mouse and get the kill. If you
take 4, it's too low. 16 is overkill, you'll have problem aiming. 7-10
is a comfortable range.

Best Sidearm?
Again, it depends on your personality and skill. Do you spray like a
maniac and pray that you get a shot? Or do you aim before you shoot and
do it well? For most of us, we take the USP. Others took the Desert
Eagle. These two pistols are the most popular choices of many AWP-ers.
The USP has immense speed and reasonable ammunition. The Desert Eagle
has sheer power and deadly accuracy. Plus, the Deagle can punch through
walls and doors to a certain extend. The USP has the silencer if you
are going sneaky. And if you are wondering, both pistols can kill with
a headshot.

Knife Rush
Ever wondered how your teammates seem to get to the destination faster
than you do? Of course! You're holding an AWP! The second heaviest gun
in the game! So, whenever the round starts, get an AWP and knife rush
to the area where you want to cover. It's that simple.

Weapon Switching
The AWP has a long re-chambering time. For the unenlightened, it's the
part where your hand pushes the bolt of the rifle and you get your zoom
scope back again. To counter this long time, and maybe to retreat, many
people switch to another weapon after they made the shot. The weapon
that they switch to plays a part as well. The knife is never
recommended, the pistols make a better replacement. Why? The pistol is
a little bit heavier than the knife, but it can protect you if anything
unexpected happens. Some choose the grenades. That's not a bad choice.
However, if you are intending to make that shot silent, you have to
switch back to your AWP. But, assuming you hit the leg of an opponent,
hurl your HE grenade right away. If your aim is true, you should get a
HE Frag.

If you have accomplished all those above techniques, move on to the
basic techniques. Over here, you'll learn the easiest way to kill an
opponent using your AWP. One shot is all that it takes. Remember that

Basic techniques are really simple. But nobody turns a killing machine
overnight, and these techniques must be practiced over and over again
to achieve the fullest potential each technique has to offer. Read on.

Killing Instinct
The attitude you have in your mind must be fast and furious. There is
no 'giving chance' in CS. If you give chance, you'll be dead before you
even know it. Strike fast and quick, and silence the enemy in one
perfect shot. To hone your skills, you need to be in your best both
physically and mentally. No point playing CS and hope you'll get tons
of frags if your big Maths paper is coming tomorrow. Your mind would be
pulled down with worries of the upcoming Maths paper, and the
consequences if you never prepare for it. Always be in a mind that is
totally cleansed, and all that is in your mind is one thing. And that
is to win. There's no way you can do to improve this technique. Maybe
some of you may suggest meditating. It may work for some people. But
for the majority of us, let's just finish what worries us most. The
housework, homework and stuffs like that. If you have a sprain in your
arm, shoulder or neck, don't bother playing. You won't be at the
fullest form. Bottom line; be at your best every time you play a game.

The most basic stuff you have to do before you even begin a playing a
map, any map. You have to know every nook and cranny of that particular
map. Be sure to go into spectator mode if you don't. Familiarize with
the surroundings. Check where the bombsites/hostages are. Where does
the CT spawn? Where does the T spawn? Where do the T and CT meet up for
the big bloodshed? For example, in dust, the big bloodshed battle is
normally in the tunnel. Know every camping spot and backstabbing
places. Know where your enemy goes, and then begin predicting. Let's
take dust for example again. If you're a CT, you can storm into the
primary bombsite (Not your base) and then take a sneak peek into the
tunnel exit there. Normally, Ts rush out to get the bomb planted. Your
job is to blow their bodies apart with your AWP before they even
stepped foot into the bombsite. However, prediction is universal. A T
could be camping at that shadowy area on the other end of the tunnel.
Once you poke your head into his view, you're history. The easiest
countering method to this situation is to make variation to the places
you always go. Sometimes you go from the other exit and sometimes you
go from that exit. Don't stick to the same old boring move. Remember,
you can't pull a same trick twice in a row.

Choosing the Right Spot
Sniping isn't as easy as ABC. You have to calculate and take note of
many factors. I shall list some of them here.

Is it useful to the team?
No point camping at an area, which has low traffic. You want to get
frags, and aid your team with your AWP support. Even if you can't aim
and shoot well, the sound of your rifle may scare some of the
opposition and cause them to retreat.

Does it have obstacles to help/ruin you?
Some obstacles are irritating and block your view. However, while
blocking your view, the obstacle is actually helping you in providing
some extra form of shield. Do take note that rifles and the Desert
Eagle can punch through weak obstacles though. Also, you may want to
surprise the opponent behind the obstacle. Like jumping out suddenly,
or maybe flattening yourself on the crate and pray that the opponent
walks by without noticing you. Whatever it is, scan your area before
you choose it.

Can your enemy spot you before you spot them?
The dumbest mistake a sniper makes is to allow the enemy to scan your
location before you can see him. This is terrible. You may even be
sniped before you know it. To ensure this, you can either switch teams
to double check, or go to somewhere that you are a hundred percent sure
you have the upper hand.

XII. Credits
In this section, I will list the person whom I want to thank.

My Parents - For giving life to me, and basically helping me in my
fourteen years of life.

My Computer - For not cranking up and breaking down, phew, that's a
hell lot of help already.

CjayC - For posting this FAQ, thanks big man, for the Karma boost as
well. =) I'm a Legend now thanks to you.

My friends in school - For getting through boredom with me, heh, thanks
a lot.

My online friends - They are basically LC, Spidey and FE, for just
chatting with me, and getting through boredom as well. Also, there are
those few SGSB members whom I haven't mentioned, but anyways, thanks to
all of you.

Mochan - I've never talked to him before, but his own CS guide helped
me a LOT. Thanks man, you are the boss.

These are pretty much the people I want to thank, and if you want to
enter the list above like the few people above who have done it,
contribute a bit of information. My e-mail address can be found at the
top of the guide.

XIII. Legal Notice

This guide is written by me, Danne Wong, and it is copyrighted 2002.
This guide can only be found at:


The author, me, is in no way affiliated with Sierra, Valve, or the CS
Team in any way whatsoever. This guide is mainly written to get through
boredom and is the sole effort and time spent by the author himself.
The guide aim is just to provide a good laugh, or giving players a
chance to give knife matches a shot. If you want to use this FAQ on
your website, you'll have to contact me by the E-mail. I'm a pretty
easygoing guy and if you contact me and ask me nicely, I would allow
you. To use it personally for non-commercial purposes, it's OK. But
please don't go show offing to your cousins/siblings that you wrote
these information. I would appreciate it greatly if you do not rip me
off. This FAQ should also NOT be used for commercial purposes, bonus
gifts, or extra information slip for a magazine/game guides etc. It
should also not be reproduced for commercial purposes whether
electronically or otherwise. If you cannot follow the legal notice
stated above, and I find you out, I'll do whatever I can to shut you
down for good. If you're smart, do a guide yourself or ask me nicely.
But doing a guide all by your own would be more rewarding, trust me.

Also, if you see any obvious or glaring errors that definitely needs
help to me mended or changed, or you would like to contribute as I
stated above, you can contact me by E-mail:


Or by any methods stated at the top of my FAQ.

Final Words:

This FAQ is last updated at January 21, 2003 on a boring Tuesday
evening. Have a nice day.

Here's Hyd, signing off.


Copyright Danne Wong 2002-2003

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