Half-Life - Counterstrike

Half-Life - Counterstrike

17.10.2013 09:22:53
ScoutzKnifez In-depth Guide
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|| ||
|| ScoutzKnifez In-depth Guide For Counter-Strike 1.6 ||
|| Copyright 2004 Rahul "Zakaloot" Goyal ||
|| Last Updated 8/23/04 ||
|| Version- 2.2 ||
|| ||


If you have even sent mail to my zakaloot@yahoo.com account, please resend
it, there was an error so I could not receive mail, I found out about this
problem far to late, so if you have sent mail there, please resend it to my
new one- zakaloot_faqs@yahoo.com

|| Table of Contents

[1.0] Introduction
[1.1] Legal Information
[1.2] Revision History

[2.0] ASCII Map

[3.0] Description

[4.0] Terrorist/Counter-Terrorist Strategy

[5.0] Strategies
[5.1] Sniper Strategy
[5.2] Knife Strategy

[6.0] What to do if your team is getting nailed to the wall

[7.0] Warcraft 3 MOD

[8.0] Last Words
[8.1] Credits
[8.2] Contact Info


|| [1.0] Introduction

| [1.1] Legal Information

This document may not be transferred electronically without written
permission, if you would like this on you site, email me. Use of this guide
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright. Sites that can legally use this document are:

1. Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com)
2. ClanloRings (www.ClanLoRings.com)

If you find this on any other site, IMMEDIATELY contact me.
You may print this out but you may not sell it.
All copyright materials are properties of their respective owners.

| [1.2] Revision History

8/23/04 Version 2.2 - Fixed ASCII Logo

8/07/04 Version 2.1 - Added Some User Submitted tips
- Added ASCII Art
- Added www.ClanLoRings.com to FAQ safe list

7/05/04 Version 2.0 - FAQ submitted to GameFaqs

|| [2.0] ASCII Map

*Note*- This map was made as if low gravity was turned off

As you probably noticed, I'm not the best at making maps, but my maps will
give you a _basic_ idea of what goes where.

| Courtyard

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| Terrorist Base |
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| Counter-Terrorist Base- First Floor

| Legend |
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| Counter-Terrorist Base- Second Base

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Stairs to First Floor

| Terrorist Base- First Base

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Stairs to First Floor

|| [3.0] Description

ScoutzKnifez (called SK from here on in) is a map with, you guessed it,
and knifes. This being a primarily sniper map, everyone will be equipped with
sniper rifle, so there is no equipment advantage/disadvantage, this is pure
skill- with a bit of luck thrown in for good taste.

If you are recruiting snipers for your clan, this is a good map to do it on.
This map is best played on Low Gravity so you can float around and jump from
platform to platform (more on that below)

|| [4.0] Terrorist/Counter-Terrorist Strategy

Since both the sides are identical, I have fused the strategies for both
Both teams will spawn in a basement of a larger building. From the basement
can either go up to roof and snipe from there, snipe out of the two doors, or
assault the other base. All situations will be explained in more details in
following paragraphs.

If you choose to go to roof and snipe from there, either stick close to the
door you came in, or pull out your knife and run to the room across from the
door and snipe from there. Beware though, if you chose to snipe from this
make sure you move around a lot as anyone can pull of an easy headshot
your head is the only thing showing. If sniping from the roof, it is also
to kill anyone the on the roof on the other base, so assaulters on your team
don't have to face snipers up on the roof.

There are two doors in the basement, one on the left and one on the right.
now, I will focus on the one on the left. From here you can see the opposite
base and the door on the opposite base, I suggest sniping this place, as many
people will come out of these doors, resulting in many kills. You should also
note that from the position at the door, you are venerable to kill from all
other openings so be sure to watch for enemy snipers looking to put a hole in
your head. About the door on the right, you can't see much inside looking
but if you go out of the door, you have a clear view of the opposite base,
making the right door a more dangerous alternative to sniping the base.

As for rushing, you will want to use your scout at least once to pick off any
snipers you can. Most of the knifing will happen inside the base, it is not
smart to knife in the open as snipers from either side can disturb you and
provide an unfair advantage. You will want to storm the opposing base when
snipers have been killed, and any remaining people seem to be camping in the
base, at this point you should storm the base from both doors and work our
up to flush out any remaining enemies still inside the base. Make sure you
a sniper watching the base so anyone how tries to escape will be killed. So
all you knifers out there, put away that knife for now, pull out a Scout, and
if you get lucky you can thrust cold steel into a Snipers head one day :)

As for General Strategies, there are lots of them, go to both the Scout and
Knife in the weapons section of this FAQ. Here are just some general
for this map:

- NEVER EVER block people, sniping requires a lot of room, and many a times
sniper will need to back out and move back, so if someone is in your fav
sniping spot, don't try to push him out or something, go somewhere else.

- When sniping, fire, and when your character put another bullet into the
quickly strafe behind a wall or something, emerge from the behind the wall,
fire, repeat

- If left-clicking while knifing, aim for the head, as you will be more
accurate and hopefully get a head shot

- If right-clicking while knifing, aim just below the head because the aim
isn't great, and if you miss the head, at least you will do some major
and if you hit the head well good for you :)

- If low grav is on, jump onto the higher platforms to gain an edge over the
opposing team, you can also jump from platform to platform onto the opposing
base, and kill snipers inside with cold hard steel.

|| [5.0] Strategies

| [5.1] Sniper Strategy

- Use the doors, they are important sniper spots

- Unless you are 1337, don't go into the room across the door way on the top
floor, as you will get killed fairly quickly

- If some one ambushes you with a knife, don't scope the scout, instead take
good guess (the middle of the screen will be where the bullet will go) and
with the scout, a knife can only hit at point blank, and as long you keep
distance, you will be fine

- If the above strategy fails because you are trapped or out of ammo, pull
a knife and hack & slash like your life depends on it

- When sniping, fire, and when your character put another bullet into the
quickly strafe behind a wall or something, quick switch to your knife, emerge
from the behind the wall, fire, repeat

- Use double Scope on this map, you'll need it

|--------------|-Tip from Yamato-|--------------|
| |
| ...you can shoot through the walls in almost |
| all the places. That is useful if someone is |
| hiding in the upper roof room behind the side |
| wall. A bullet through there will draw them |
| out usually for the kill. |
| |
|--------------|-Tip from Yamato-|--------------|

| [5.2] Knife Strategy

- If left-clicking while knifing, aim for the head, as you will be more
accurate and hopefully get a head shot

- If right-clicking while knifing, aim just below the head because the aim
isn't great, and if you miss the head, at least you will do some major
and if you hit the head well good for you :)

- Whenever storming the opposing base, always use your knife

- If low grav is on, jump onto the higher platforms to gain an edge over the
opposing team, you can also jump from platform to platform onto the opposing
base, and kill snipers inside with cold hard steel.

- If you are trying to knife some one and they fire their Scout at you, make
sure you strafe, jump and be unpredictable, this will make it harder for the
other person to kill you with a head shot, although he still may kill you
out a head shot, if this is about to happen, pull out your Scout and return

|| [6.0] What to do if your team is getting nailed to the wall

On these kinds of maps, its pretty hard for a team to make a comeback if the
other team is pwning it. If low grav is on, pull out a knife and rush the
roofs, from here you can see and kill everyone on the map (with the exception
of anyone hiding in the base)

Another thing to do is for 2-4 people to camp in a room inside their base
knives, this way you can gang up on any person that comes in and make short
work on him.

|| [7.0] Warcraft 3 MOD

| Humans

Bring human on this map can be very rewarding. Invisibility will make it
so that whenever you pull out your knife, you are near invisible. You
can also camp in a corner with your knife out, and when you find a
target, pull out your Scout an fire away.

Extra health is also good for this map as with out a headshot, a scout
can do 70 damage and 2 hits with a Scout will only do 140, meaning you
will stay alive longer. Bash is useless on this map because after you
shoot and stun the person, you must put in the next bullet, by the time
you get your crosshairs up again, the enemy will be long gone.

The Human ultimate teleport, is useful on this map as you can teleport
behind snipers and knife them.

| Undead

As for the Undead, they are a good choice for any custom map, namely because
their ultimate. Whenever they die, they blow up killing any one nearby, so if
someone knifes you, they will probably die with you. Being a part knife map,
the Undead is a good choice for any snipers who are continusely getting
Speed is also important on this map, but you will already have a lot of it
because you are using the 2 lightest weapons, the Scout and Knife.

| Orc

On this map Orcs aren't that useful, what makes them useful on most other
is their Critical Grenade and Weapon Reincarnation, but since your weapons
respawn anyway, this becomes useless, and you will also notice there is no
grenades, making Critical Grenade useless. Critical Strike is the one thing
that makes this race worthwhile, it increases your damage making your Scout
nearly as powerful as the AWP with out the sound it creates. The Orc
Chain Lighting is good when you are knifing as you in a duel, you are the
one with a ranged attack, meaning you could very well wait in a corner and
chain lightning anyone who tries to knife you.

|-----------------|-Tip from Yamato-|-----------------|
| |
| Orcs are kinda useful with there critical damage. |
| One body shot with LvL 3 critical damage can kill |
| someone. |
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|-----------------|-Tip from Yamato-|-----------------|

| Night Elves

Now I don't use this race so I don't know much about it, if you do drop me a
line. The Ultimate, which wraps the victim is vines and makes him immobile,
extremely useful for Snipers and Knifers alike, one of a Snipers greatest
problem is a moving target, with this ultimate, that problem is eliminated as
your target no longer moves, can you say HEADSHOT? Knifers will also find
ultimate good because a still target is a dead target.

|--------------|-Tip from Yamato-|--------------|
| |
| The elf evasion ability is useful when at LvL |
| 3. You can dodge usually 3-4 of the bullets |
| from one persons clip. |
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|--------------|-Tip from Yamato-|--------------|

|| [7.0] Last Words

| [7.1] Credits

Valve- For making HL and Steam

Jess Clife, Mihn Le, and the entire CS Mod Team- For making a kick ass mod

GameFaqs- For being one of the best damn game sites around

CjayC- For running GameFaqs and posting this guide

Yamato- For submitting some tips for this guide

| [7.2] Contact Info

My email addresses are

zakalot [at] hotmail [dot] com
zakaloot_faqs [at] yahoo [dot] com

Don't send me spam, hate mail or anything of the sort, it wastes your time and
mine. Also whenever you email me regarding this guide be sure to put in the
subject line 'CS FAQ', making the subject line 'hi' or something will
make me delete it on sight, I read all email regarding my FAQs but will delete
any suspicious looking email on sight.

If I don't respond to your email within a week, FEEL FREE TO RESUBMIT IT,
sometimes I get careless with my email deleting and sometimes delete
mail, so if you don't get a response with a week (7 days) resend your email.

An another project by
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