Half-Life - Counterstrike

Half-Life - Counterstrike

16.10.2013 01:53:58
Real Weapons Faq
Fixed Version 1.11
Spacing Set=72 CPI
Copyright Wavehawk 04/01/2004

"Conventional warfare is outmoded, and we must prepare ourselves for the
unconventional in any future conflict."
- Maj. Gen. F.W. Farrell, 82nd Airborne Division (U.S. Army)

This article is intended to describe and compare the weapons, equipment,
and teams found in Half-Life:CounterStrike with their real-world
counterparts. It is intended primarily to set to rest the arguments
between various CS fans over the accuracy of the CounterStrike game
modelling of such real-life weaponry, and how it affects gameplay. Know
also that Half-Life:CounterStrike does not make any claim to be an
accurate simulation of real-life Counterterrorist actions, and thus
should not be assumed as so.

FYI: This info is true as of CS Version 1.5. I have not played 1.6 yet,
and none of the LAN gaming areas have adopted it, mainly since they have
issues with using STEAM 1.6 on their servers, so bear with me if I
haven't mentioned anything about the Shield or other weapons available
in 1.6 and Condition Zero.

CS ETIQUETTE: It is generally impolite for you to toss a Flashbang in
the same room wherein your teammates are.

04/01/04- Version 1.11
- Reformatted to 72 CPI as standard.
- Condition Zero is finally out, making this FAQ pretty much obsolete.
This is more or less the final version of the Half-Life: Counterstrike
FAQ. I will write a completely new FAQ for Condition Zero when it comes
out, but for the meantime, this is my last version. I will still
entertain questions on it, but most likely will not make further changes
to the FAQ. Thanks!
- Added definition of PASGT.
- Thanks to Rob Pyler for pointing out that "Standard SOP" is redundant.
Gah, need to check my grammar...
- MAJOR Apologies to Specialist Daniel Rosenthal, whose info I kept
missing out on crediting these past few updates, especially pertaining
to the info I had on the M249 SAW. Jeez, I really deserve to get my
'nads kicked in every few days or so when I forget important stuff like
this. Danny's contributed info are below:
* Why the "Para" M249 first SEEMS to appear without a stock (The real
gun DOES have a stock).
* Additional notes with the 9mm, .45ACP, and 5.7mm rounds, and some
Caliber/millimeter info
* Update with the M4/M4A1 and Picatinny Rails
* What the "C" in C4 stands for, and the basis for SEMTEX.
* Update on P90 performance in actual combat

09/01/03 - Version 1.10
- I already knew this, but thanks to Andrei Jirnyi
for pointing out that millimeter measurements of bullets include the
cartridge, and not just the slug itself. Clarified that segment in the
OTHER FAQ section.
- Rectified description of how the XM82 Flashbang grenade works in real
life. Thanks to "Echoside Racing" for the
- Condition Zero will include the Alfa Group Spetsnaz! Spasiba! >D

06/01/03 - Version 1.09
- Minimal updates from now on; the Counterstrike boom has begun to
fade somewhat, and Condition Zero seems to be pretty much vaporware at
this point in time, what with Half-Life 2 looming on the horizon.
- Thanks to Carlos for the heads-up on the
version of CS. I wrote CS Ver 1.2 when it was really Ver., my
mistake. However, until I get to do a side-by-side, I still feel the
Five-seveN is less accurate in the newer versions...not as many good
CS players around anymore.
- Added notes on Picatinny rails for the M4A1. Thanks to Johnston
for that reminder.
- Thanks to for the link to the Glock G18
video. Now I am vindicated. :)

02/20/03 - Version 1.08
- Slight changes to format; I reformatted the FAQ to 70 CPI once again
for readability.
- New updates. I FINALLY got to handle a real-life Benelli XM1014 (M4)
Shotgun! Didn't fire it, but I was able to get some additional insights
into the real weapon.
- This FAQ can now be seen on GameFAQs and German website DLH.net
- Splinter Cell ROCKS. Er...oops, wrong FAQ. :p

01/31/03 - Version 1.07
- Correction on the SG552 entry; It is a burst-fire weapon. The weapon
used in game, thus is the full-auto SG551.
- Corrected notes; PSG-1 should be PSG1, MSG-90 should be MSG90, and the
G3/SG-1 should be G3/SG1.
- Thanks to Peter "Hairy Dude" Berry for his help with the definition of
- Additional notes on Kevlar body armor.
- Updated info on the 12-inch figures, out of sheer boredom. SEAL
Snipers rule!
- Minor notes added on the M249 Para and its 'family'. Mainly notes on
its more common variants, firing speed, nicknames, etc. For purely
educational purposes.

09/30/02 - Version 1.06
- Finally figured out what's so special about the MP5N. See entry below.
- More trivial entries. Added mention of the semiauto-only TMP, the
Steyr SPP.
- For you diehard nuts looking for action figures, better hurry; BBI
toys has officially ceased production of its Elite Force SEAL 6, GSG-9,
and SAS action figs. That means the toys you bought for their CS-like
appeal are going to be worth a fortune if you keep them well.
- Am beginning to wonder if Condition Zero is vaporware. I don't recall
it being released, at least not here in the Philippines...
- Added note about the P90's little 'magazine problem'.
- Answered just one more REALLY STUPID question in the OTHER FAQ
segment. I was REALLY hoping not to, but...it...It just begged for an

04/15/02 - Version 1.05
- Hopefully this will be the VERY last update I have to make. Minor
spelling fixes. Despite it all, I still play CS on occasion.
- Greatest apologies to Guns Magazine reporter Jacques Lenaerts; I
forgot to credit him for the info on the Steyr TMP. Same to G. Francis
and Al Paulson of Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement, for their info
on the SIG P228 and FN P90, respectively. I've since credited them
- Added trivia information on the Desert Eagle, AK-47, M4A1 and some
other weapons. Nothing really groundbreaking.
- Added note about SEAL 6 Protec Helmet.
- Added some updates and additional details to the Counterterror
forces descriptions.
- Added mention of MediCom Toys' GIGN 12-inch action figure in the OTHER
FAQ section, as well as some information on how to customize your own CS
action figures.
- Added BIBLIO segment noting down my other FAQs, including my Gundam
RvsZ Mobile Suit-specific FAQs and the Metal Gear Solid 2 Real Weapons
- Reformatted to 75 CPI. I now use Textpad to edit my FAQs, so it may
have a different effect when seen in Wordpad or another text editor.

11/15/01 - Version 1.04
- Added and updated comment about 12-Inch Counterterrorist Action
Figures in the OTHER FAQ section.
- Added note about the Terrorist Groups in the game. Yes, they aren’t
real Terror groups, but ones made up for the game. I’ve already argued
these to death with other CS fans, and I’m sticking by my statement.
Check out the note in COUNTERTERRORIST TEAMS segment.

10/30/01 - Version 1.03
- Changed references of 'Clip' to 'Magazine', a correction I should have
done long ago (but kept forgetting).
- Additional notes to weapon-specific tactics.
- Additional Points made for the Steyr AUG in-game.

08/15/01 - Version 1.02
- Rephrased the LEGALESE segment. Thanks to Lord Zero for pointing out
that Mao Tse-Tung's quote in the TACTICAL THOUGHTS segment actually came
from Sun Tzu. I noted it below as Mao paraphrasing Sun Tzu.
- Corrected the acronym for SFOD-D (Delta Force). Added some additional
notes on the M4A1 Suppresser and ammo. TACTICS segment added to describe
the basic use of some weapons. This TACTICS segment pertains to in-game
tactics, while the POINT segment discusses the in-game weapon itself.
- Some additional questions are also answered in the OTHER FAQ segment
(I get SO many questions -_-x;;;). Added to WISHLIST: M79 Grenade
Launcher (I kid you not) and some other CT skins players want. I might
be doing even less updates of this FAQ save for minor corrections if and
when Condition Zero comes out.

07/30/01 - Version 1.01
- Slight revisions; changed all references of 'RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON' to
'ALTERNATE FIRE BUTTON', refined some commentary on the Tactical
Thoughts segment, addendum on some of the weapons, and some additional
questions are answered in the OTHER FAQ segment, such as the reason
the REAL Glock G18 is not a burst-fire weapon. Looks like this FAQ's
not quite done with just yet...

07/07/01 - Version 1.00
- Latest and probably final version of this Real Weapons FAQ, as I have
heard that a new version of CS will be coming out soon. Added some
anecdotal notes on both the Kevlar Armour and PASGT Helmet's
predecessors. Also included for the Wishlist are a Double-barrelled
shotgun, Claymore Mines, as well as various other errors fixed. I will
still be making occasional fixes to the weapons data, but for all
intents and purposes, this is the full version.

05/20/01 - Version 0.99 (Not Posted)
- Corrected a lot of incorrect data on this FAQ, such as the description
of C4, and some other equipment such as the M249, SIG P228, Beretta 96G,
and added some M4A1, AUG, MAC-10, AK-47, P90, and TMP data. Am
considering whether or not to add other factors (Muzzle velocity, Rate
of fire, etc.) to the weapons data. Thanks to Foxy for his help. Added
some more queries in the OTHER FAQ section. Also, reformatted text to
length=70 ASCII text characters per line. One more thing: Please check
the OTHER FAQ section before emailing me anything; I get a lot of
questions already answered in that section.

04/20/01 - Version 0.98
- First version of FAQ, Weapons/Ammo, Equipment, and Counterterrorist
teams described. Some Tactical Thoughts mentioned. Hopefully the next
update will have a more complete listing of the weapon data,
particularly for the Rifles and the UMP45.

This FAQ can only be shown EXCLUSIVELY on the following websites:
* Gamefaqs

Any reprinting or publication of part or the whole of this article
without the author's permission is prohibited. Any attempt at copying
part or the whole of this FAQ and pass it off as another's work is
considered blatant plagiarism and will be punished accordingly and
personally by the author himself.

This is a non-profit FAQ written for free and informational purposes
only and not to be marketed for any reason. Know fully well that if this
is violated in any way, the writer and the maintainers of the page this
FAQ is displayed on are perfectly within their legal rights to sue the
pants off of you, since murder is not permissible.

The information written in this FAQ is neither sponsored by nor endorsed
in any way by software developers Sierra, Valve, or the CounterStrike
development team. Nor has this FAQ been sponsored or approved by the
companies mentioned below: Heckler & Koch GmbH, Fabrique Nationale,
Glock GmbH, Kalashnikov Iszmash JSC, Schweizerische Industrie
Gesellschaft (SIG) Arms/Sauer and Sons, Israeli Military
Industries/Magnum Research Inc, Steyr GmbH, Colt Armaments USA, Pietro
Beretta Inc, or Accuracy International.

1 - Pistols
1-1 HK USP .45 Tactical (K&M .45)
1-2 Glock G18 Select Fire (9x19mm)
1-3 Desert Eagle .50 AE (Nighthawk)
1-4 SIG P228 (228)
1-5 Dual Beretta 96G (.40 Dual Elites)
1-6 FN Five Seven
2 - Shotguns
2-1 Benelli M3 Super90 (Leone 12 Gauge Super)
2-2 Benelli XM1014 (Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun)
3 - Submachine Guns
3-1 HK MP5-Navy (SMG)
3-2 Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol (Schmidt MP)
3-3 FN P90 (ES C90)
3-4 Ingram MAC-10
3-5 HK UMP45 (K&M UMP45)
4 - Rifles
4-1 AK-47 (CV-47)
4-2 SIG SG552 Commando (Krieg 552 Commando)
4-3 Colt M4A1 Carbine (Maverick M4A1 Carbine)
4-4 Steyr AUG (Bullpup)
4-5 Steyr Scout (Schmidt Scout)
4-6 AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum (Magnum Sniper Rifle)
4-7 HK G3/SG1 (D3/AV-1 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle)
4-8 SIG SG550 Sniper (Krieg 550 Commando)
5 - Machine Guns
5-1 FN M249 Para (ES M249)
6 - Primary Ammo
A - Gauge 12 Buckshot (18.4 mm Shell)
B - 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Caliber Remington)
C - 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Caliber Winchester Magnum)
D - .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6x70mm)
7 - Secondary Ammo
A - 9x19mm NATO (Parabellum/Luger)
B - .45 Caliber ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
C - .357 Caliber SIG/Magnum
D - 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
E - .50 Caliber AE (Action Express)
8 - Equipment
8-1 Kevlar Armour
8-2 Kevlar Armour with Helmet
8-3 Flashbang
8-4 HE Grenade
8-5 Smoke Grenade
8-6 Defuse Kit [Counter-Terrorist Only]
8-7 Night Vision
C4 Explosives [Terrorist Only]
SEAL Team Six

Unlike most FPS (First-Person Shooter) games and multiplayer
tournaments, the weaponry in Half-Life:CounterStrike are all modelled
after existing real-world weapons. All of these are currently in use by
one or other Military or Counterterrorist organization in the world
today. Those weapons are the primary reason for the existence of this
FAQ; many of the players of CounterStrike are fans of the Military Spec
Ops/Counterterrorist Genre, and often disagree upon the data of some
weapons used in the game. Truth be told, there are naturally some tweaks
in the game that make the weapons different from their real-life
counterparts, and those differences are noted here.

In Version 1.0 of Half-Life:CounterStrike (Retail), the weapon names
were changed from their real-life names to fictitious ones, to avoid
potential copyright infringements and/or misrepresentation of guns. I
have listed the weapons under their real names, but beside them are
their alternate names in V1.0 where possible. V1.1+ now has the guns
with their real names. For ease of reference, I've also sorted the
weapons and equipment in the same way as it appears in the buy menu

1 -- Pistols
There is a saying that every Special Operations man is a shooter. In
general this is very true, since many Special Operations Forces,
especially those assigned to Counterterrorist roles, usually have to
work in situations where combat is up close and personal. Pistols are
weapons specifically meant for these CQB (Close-Quarters Battle)
situations. When a rifle or submachinegun is empty or fails for any
reason in the middle of a heated firefight, only a pistol and the
troopers' skill stand in the way of him and being just another Terrorist
kill statistic.

The handguns in CS are all known Special Forces or Government-Issue
weapons, and in the case of the Glock G18, USP Tactical, and Five-SeveN,
are sold exclusively to government organizations.

1-1 HK USP .45 Tactical (K&M .45)
WEAPON TYPE: .45 Tactical Semiautomatic Combat Pistol
AMMO TYPE: .45 Caliber ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
AMMO/MAX: 12/48
AMMO COST: $25 (12)

In 1991, the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) requested a new
kind of handgun for Special Operations, an Offensive Handgun for use
with all US Special Forces. Until that time, most military handguns were
used only as back-up weapons in case a primary weapon (Rifle or
Submachinegun) failed or was emptied. The new weapon was developed as an
alternative: a handgun that could itself be used as an assault weapon if
a suitable submachinegun or rifle was unavailable, impractical, or
simply unusable for the task. The requirements were that it should be
powerful, suppresser-capable, and above all dead accurate to a quarter

The contract fell to Heckler & Koch, which based the design upon the
successful USP-series pistols. Labelled the HK Mk23 Mod 0, it was better
known as the SOCOM pistol. It carried 12 rounds of .45 Caliber
ammunition because SpecOps people complained that the 15-round 9mm
Beretta 92F (known as the M9) was too weak, and the older Colt .45 M1911
carried only 7 bullets (10 if you were using the extended magazine).

The Mk23 SOCOM was matchless in terms of accuracy, durability, and
reliability. It was a near-perfect weapon with one major, irreparable
flaw: size. Many Special Forces operatives complained of its bulky
size--almost as large as a Desert Eagle. Add the Sound Suppresser and
LAM (Laser Aiming Module) and it became absolutely huge--16.65 inches of
gun. Despite its great qualities, the SOCOM was hardly a widely
acclaimed gun among SOF units.

HK had to trim the SOCOM down to a more manageable size, and the result
was the HK USP Tactical, a gun that was a smaller version of the SOCOM.
The USP Tactical was built over an existing HK pistol, the HK USP45, and
had some features added to it in order to improve its performance.
Accurate (though not as pinpoint-accurate as the SOCOM), cheaper,
lighter, and smaller than the SOCOM, it was quickly adopted by SpecOps
in lieu of the bigger gun. On the downside, it was not as amenable to
harsh environments and seawater as the SOCOM, but the USP Tactical was a
welcome alternative to the SOCOM pistol's size. The USP Tactical uses
the same Sound Suppresser but not the LAM designed for the bulkier-
bodied SOCOM.

The USP Tactical should not be confused with the HK Mark 23, a
'civilianized' version of the SOCOM Pistol sold to gun collectors. The
Mark 23 is almost exactly the same as the Mk23 Mod 0 SOCOM pistol with a
10-round civilian-issue magazine and no suppresser, as well as slightly
different markings. Most of these are overstock SOCOM pistols HK is
selling off to gun collectors. The USP Tactical, on the other hand,
though based upon the SOCOM, is actually an upgraded USP45 and can be
purchased by some civilian security forces and police, but it is a
completely different weapon from the SOCOM/Mark 23.

POINT: As an all-round handgun, the USP Tactical is the best handgun in
the game to have as it has moderate power, accuracy, and range, not to
mention one of the few suppresser-capable weapons there. It goes to CT
players free of charge. It may not be of much use to a sniper, but to an
assaulting CT player, the USP makes for a fair backup weapon. The Desert
Eagle and Five-SeveN are more accurate at range, and the Glock G18 (in
Burst Mode) and SIG P228 pack more power up close and personal, but for
the middle ground, the USP Tactical is best.

TACTICS: Use the suppresser when up close and sneaking around. In an
open firefight or at range, don't bother unless he's alone and
completely unaware. Practice Double-Tapping (See OTHER FAQ on Double-
Tapping) your opponent (upper body to head). A lot of people complain
that it lacks power and that the suppresser weakens this further, but
that all depends on the individual shooter's skill.

HK USP Tactical
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Caliber: .45 Cal ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
Type: .45 Tactical Semiautomatic Combat Pistol
Total Length: 218mm (8.58 in.)
Height (Total): 154mm (6.06 in.)
Width of Frame: 32mm (1.26 in.)
Empty Weight: 817g (1.8 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 12 Round Magazine

1-2 Glock G18 Select Fire (9x19mm)
WEAPON TYPE: 9mm Select-Fire Automatic Machine Pistol
AMMO TYPE: 9mm Parabellum (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 20/100
AMMO COST: $20 (20)

The Glock G18 is a handgun that at first glance looks exactly like
Glock's widespread G17 9x19mm pistol. The only visible differences are a
small dial-like selector on one side, different 'cuts' (gas vents) along
the slide, and a slightly protruding barrel. When holstered, even a gun
expert could be forgiven for mistaking the G18 as its more popular and
civilized older brother, the G17. But the two guns can't be more
different; where the G17 is your standard 9mm handgun, the G18 might be
considered one of the world's smallest submachine pistols.

In CS, the Glock G18 can fire either single-shot semiautomatic or in a
burst of 3 shots. The real G18 however, is more of a mini-SMG, firing
either single-shot or full automatic. Originally designed as a small
full-auto weapon for Counter-Terrorist use, it's been used by agencies
such as the U.S. DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) in some
situations. Though a handgun, it's actually a fairly good shot using
short bursts, although the full-auto recoil kick is quite powerful. The
Glock G18 normally uses the 17-round G17 9mm magazines, but Glock also
manufactures extended 20- and 30-round extended magazines specifically
for this use.

If you STILL don't believe that the G18 is automatic, check out this

For security reasons, the Glock G18C's parts are not completely
compatible with the older G17, at least in the sense that it is not
possible to convert an exisitng G17 into a full-auto G18.

POINT: This is more or less the same as the Glock G17 9mm handgun that
you first get in the Half-Life game, only with a Burst-Fire option. The
3-Burst mode in CS is obviously a game balancing point; surely in the
first round a Terrorist with a fully automatic G18 would easily make
short work of his USP Tactical-armed rivals! Of course, the Glock being
a pistol, a full-auto G18 would not only empty its magazine quickly, but
also suffer horrendous recoil from it. The Burst Mode also makes it
superior to the USP Tactical in Close Combat; if all 3 9mm bullets hit
(and this only happens in EXTREMELY Close Quarters), the total does a
lot more damage than a single .45 Caliber ACP shot.

TACTICS: Use semiauto mode at medium to long ranges. Burst Fire is
better in very close quarters, but remember that Burst fire also has a
lower ROF per 3-burst than semiauto. Swap to a better handgun if you
have cash to spare, but in skilled hands, this is an exceptional weapon
in close-combat.

Glock G18
Manufacturer: Glock GmbH
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Type: 9x19mm Select-Fire Automatic Machine Pistol
Total Length: 188mm (7.32 in.)
Height (Total): 138mm (5.43 in.)
Width of Frame: 30mm (1.18 in.)
Empty Weight: 620.86g (1.37 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 15/30 Round Magazines

1-3 Desert Eagle .50 AE (Nighthawk)
WEAPON TYPE: .50 Semiautomatic Pistol
AMMO TYPE: .50 Caliber AE (Action Express)
AMMO/MAX: 7/35
AMMO COST: $40 (7)

Few semiautomatic handguns, outside of the venerable Colt M1911 .45
Caliber, are as well-known as the Desert Eagle. Its appearance alone
speaks volumes and exudes a nasty attitude. The Desert Eagle was
originally called the "Magnum Eagle", and was designed by Magnum
Research as an automatic pistol capable of firing the powerful .357 Cal
Magnum round, which had until then been solely a revolver round. IMI
(Israeli Military Industries) offered funding and assistance to the
company, and the result was the .357 Cal Magnum Desert Eagle, quickly
followed up by a .44 Cal Magnum version. In 1991, a completely new
round, the .50 Cal Action Express, was developed, and the Desert Eagle
.50 AE became the single most powerful automatic handgun in the world.

The Desert Eagle isn't just a big and threatening gun, it's practically
a Hollywood celebrity. Since it first appeared in the 1984 Mickey
Rourke/John Lone film "Year of the Dragon", the Desert Eagle has been
the 'big and bad' gun to use in action films; The handguns that the MIB-
like Agents in "The Matrix" use are all Desert Eagles, for example.

Quoting Clair Rees of American Handgunner: "Whenever a script calls for
a wicked-looking, thoroughly intimidating handgun, the Desert Eagle
still gets the nod". On the practical side, the Desert Eagle 50 is also
one of those rare few handguns that used for big-game hunting; the heavy
.50 round has been known to kill moose with a single shot. Surprisingly,
the Desert Eagle .50 also has less recoil than one would expect, due to
rifle-style gas control venting inside the gun, which explains why it is
so accurate, even with follow-up shots.

In reality, the Desert Eagle isn't used much by the military, much less
by Special Operations Forces. Although it's powerful, it still packs
only 7 shots for .50 Cal AE, is incredibly loud and hard to conceal, and
despite the semiautomatic function which allows one to fire it faster
than a revolver, the 7 rounds in the gun really don't lend well to it.
Most conventional troops usually don't carry handguns, and Special
Forces need either quieter guns or those that carry more ammo.

The triangle-frame slide design of the Desert Eagle is unique and sleek,
and smaller-caliber handguns by IMI have been released under the name
"Baby Eagle", "Uzi Eagle", or "Jericho". These smaller pistols have a
similar form and shape to the Desert Eagle, but should not be confused
with the larger gun. The 9mm IMI Jericho 941R, in particular is the
standard sidearm of the Israeli Military, although Israeli Spec Ops
teams like the Mossad and Sayeret Matkal prefer the Glock (much to the
consternation of homegrown company IMI) for their comfort, lighter
weight, higher mag capacity, and sheer practicality.

POINT: Because of its sheer size and weight, I think that the Desert
Eagle should be a bit heavier to move with; Empty, they're almost as
heavy as shotguns, and definitely heavier than a pair of Berettas!

TACTICS: Don't double-tap too often with this weapon as you will run out
of ammo too quickly. Take full advantage of its power and accuracy at
mid and long range. Good as a last-ditch finishing weapon for skilled
shooters. Though it can pierce through crates, don't waste too much ammo
firing through them. Don’t buy this weapon just for it's power; practice
your shooting skills to make it count.

IMI Desert Eagle
Manufacturer: Israeli Military Industries/Magnum Research Inc.
Caliber: .50 Cal AE (Action Express)
Type: .50 Semiautomatic Pistol
Total Length: 273mm (10.75 in.)
Height (Total): 159mm (6.25 in.)
Width of Frame: 32mm (1.25 in.)
Empty Weight: 2050g (4.52 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 7 Round Magazine

1-4 SIG P228 (228)
WEAPON TYPE: .357 Semiautomatic Pistol
AMMO TYPE: .357 Caliber SIG
AMMO/MAX: 13/52
AMMO COST: $50 (13)

The SIG P228 is a compact pistol based upon SIG's popular (albeit
expensive) 9mm handgun, the SIG P226, and is originally chambered for
9mm. The P228 has better ergonomics, a solid construction, and
aesthetically more pleasing than the older P226. (Gun aficionados
consider the P226 to be "an ugly duckling of a gun".) The real P228 is
chambered only for 9mm; only the older P226 and the newer compact P229
are chambered in a .357 Cal Magnum version. The P228 is a compact 9mm
handgun favoured by the US Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID),
US Secret Service, and some sections of the FBI as the gun is highly
reliable straight out of the box with little to no adjustment. Special
Forces also use the Sig as a lightweight backup pistol.

Admittedly in CS, the SIG P228 can't hold a candle to the USP Tactical
when it comes to sheer range accuracy, but its lighter weight and .357
ammo make it an incredible stopper at close combat ranges, where smaller
guns excel. This being a compact pistol, it isn't really meant for mid-
range, drawn-out pistol duels. Like the Glock G18, the P228 in CS is
best when used 'in your face', and its higher ammo capacity makes it an
attractive alternative to the 7-shot Desert Eagle. Despite this, the
P228 is still meant more as a defensive pistol (unlike the offensive USP
Tactical) rather than an assault pistol, and is best used as such--a
backup weapon.

POINT: Technically, this should have been listed as the .357 Cal Magnum
SIG P229; the SIG P228 only comes chambered in 9mm. Until the Five-SeveN
appeared, the SIG P228 was the second best handgun in the game. Powerful
.357 Cal ammo and fairly good capacity were its best traits, although it
isn't as good as the USP Tactical when taking slightly longer-range
shots. Now that the Five-SeveN is available, CTs have a better choice
for ranged shots. Terrorists who can't afford the Desert Eagle but need
some considerable punch in a backup can still purchase this as an
alternative, though.

TACTICS: Best in medium to close-range battles. Not as powerful as the
Desert Eagle, but has more ammo, and does very good damage. Best use of
this gun is preferably to get in close and let loose. Not many people
use this gun currently, as they gravitate more to the Desert Eagle,
which is a shame as the P228 is a fine enough weapon in its own right.

SIG P228
Manufacturer: Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft (SIG) Arms
/J.P. Sauer & Son
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum [Real]
Type: 9x19mm Semiautomatic Pistol
Total Length: 180.34mm (7.1 in.)
Height (Total): 137.16mm (5.4 in.)
Width of Frame: 38mm (1.5 in.)
Empty Weight: 740g (1.63 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 13 Round Magazine

1-5 Dual Beretta 96G (.40 Dual Elites) [Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 9mm Semiautomatic Combat Pistol
AMMO TYPE: 9mm Parabellum (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 30/120
AMMO COST: $20 (30)

The 9mm Beretta 92F series of pistols were first developed in the
mid-80's as a 9x19mm Parabellum replacement for the U.S. Army's old Colt
.45 M1911 pistol (to the consternation of many longtime Colt 45 fans in
the Military). Since then, the Beretta (Designated M9 by the U.S. Army)
has been a popular pistol choice for various Military, Police, and
Civilian shooters. Arguably 7 out of every 10 9mm pistols in the world
are Berettas.

The real Beretta 96G Elite is a 1993-issue .40 Cal S&W edition of the
Military-issue Beretta 92, but in CS these are chambered for the 9mm
round and have the 15-round capacity of the 9mm Beretta. In CS, the
Berettas are sold as a pair, held John Woo-style, and are actually used
in the same way--running around with your fingers frantically pulling on
the triggers and throwing a lot of 9mm ammo in the air. This is why they
are so expensive in the game--You're basically buying 2 Berettas at $500

POINT: I am wondering why the guns were labelled as 96Gs; the 15-
round/magazine 9mm capacity suggest that these are the older and more
common 92F types, not the 11-round/magazine .40 S&W 96G. Also, it would
be nice if the Dual Berettas had an alternate fire mode. As they are
now, the guns are fairly accurate in the first shot but lose it badly
after following it up (No surprise. Hong Kong cinema aside, it's
ridiculously hard to shoot accurately with a gun in each hand).

If it were possible, I'd prefer the Berettas to be firing normally (i.e.
one gun at a time) with the advantage of 30 shots (since you merely draw
the second Beretta after emptying the first), and make the two-handed
and faster firing stance a secondary fire option instead. This would
make the Beretta more accurate when in normal mode. But no matter how
you stretch it, one 15-Round pistol plus one 15-Round pistol does not
equal one 30-Round SMG.

TACTICS: Best if you have a VERY fast trigger finger. A spray and pray
pair of handguns. Shots are slightly to one side, opposite of the gun
firing. Strictly for bragging rights only.

Beretta 96G Elite
Manufacturer: Pietro Beretta Inc.
Caliber: .40 Cal S&W (Smith & Wesson) [Real]
Type: .40 S&W Semiautomatic Combat Pistol
Total Length: 210.82mm (8.3 in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 985g (2.17 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 11 Round Magazine

1-6 FN Five SeveN [Counter-Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 5.7mm Semiautomatic Tactical Combat Pistol
AMMO TYPE: 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
AMMO/MAX: 20/100
AMMO COST: $50 (50)

Developed at the same time as the FN P90, there's just no other handgun
in the world like FN's Five-SeveN (Take note that the capital "N" at the
end is not a typographical error; Fabrique Nationale emphasizes the "FN"
in Five-SeveN as a marketing point). First developed in 1995 and
chambered in FN's new 5.7x28mm round, the Five-SeveN is a weapon that
can punch through any kind of Kevlar body armour or helmet currently in
existence--Even CRISAT armour (Light Titanium Flak Vest with Kevlar
layering). At the same time it's lighter, smaller, and still packs more
ammo than most standard combat 9mm pistols, has an ergonomic grip, and
possessing very low recoil, making it ridiculously easy to shoot
accurately with it.

Critics of the Five-seveN say that it does very little actual damage,
pointing to its caliber (5.7x28mm is only slightly larger than .22 Cal
pistol round). FN and some NATO shooters claim that the specialized ammo
is more powerful than the standard 9mm NATO round. The use of the P90
has shown the 5.7mm ammo to have the same performance as the 9mm against
unarmored targets, but it remains to be seen if the same is true of the

FN hopes that the 5.7mm round will soon replace the 9mm round as NATO
standard-issue pistol ammo, which is why the Five-SeveN and the
critically-acclaimed P90 are currently being issued to some NATO
frontline units. Since it uses an armour-piercing round, the Five-SeveN
is one pistol that will most likely never be sold to anyone outside the

POINT: Since the 5.7mm is designed as an armour-piercing round, I think
the Five-SeveN rounds should, like the Desert Eagle, go through crates.
Of course, there should be a corresponding drop in damage, but every
little bit counts. It's easily the most accurate gun in the game, good
enough that you can actually snipe with it to some extent. I actually
prefer it to the Desert Eagle when packing shotguns, if only for the
range accuracy. It also has an incredible 20-round magazine, high rate
of semi-auto fire, and almost negligible recoil from it. It's a fairly
versatile gun for the CT player who wants a little more ammo than what
the USP or P228 can offer.

TACTICS: Very accurate, but as of V1.0.0.2 a little bit less than it
used to be. Low damage but high kevlar armor penetration, and doesn't
'stun' an opponent as much as the 9mm or .45 rounds. Very large magazine
size. Highly underestimated and misused by many players, the Five-SeveN
can be a nasty surprise in the hands of a skilled shooter.

FN Five-SeveN
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
Type: 5.7x28mm Semiautomatic Tactical Combat Pistol
Total Length: 208mm (8.2 in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 618g (1.36 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 20 Round Magazine

2 -- Shotguns
Forget everything you know about Shotguns from the movies and from other
FPS games such as Doom, Duke Nukem, or Quake. Although shotguns are
indeed monster weapons at close range, they're practically worthless
anywhere else. Among Counterterrorist Units, a shotgun is used not as a
combat weapon but as an entry weapon--to blow the hinges off of doors
when door charges or lock-picking would take too long, and silence is
not essential.

Nonetheless, Shotguns also make for incredible room-clearing weapons
wherein there are lots of Terrorists, cramped quarters, and no civilians
or hostages in the area. That said, it takes an exceptional kind of
skill for someone to master a shotgun in such close-range combat,
especially a pump-action (or Manual) shotgun. Most true combat shotguns
are semiautomatic or automatic for the purposes of room-clearing. Still,
they lack the mid-range capabilities of SMGs or the long-range finesse
of a good rifle.

2-1 Benelli M3 Super90 (Leone 12 Gauge Super)
WEAPON TYPE: 12-Gauge Tactical Entry Shotgun
AMMO TYPE: 12 Gauge Buckshot
AMMO/MAX: 8/32
AMMO COST: $65 (8)

The Benelli M3 Super 90 Tactical Entry Shotgun is a gun designed by
Benelli of Italy and marketed by Heckler & Koch. The weapon is primarily
used by Police SWAT units as a door-entry device as well as a crowd-
control weapon. If you've played Rainbow Six or Rogue Spear before, this
is practically the same as the Benelli M1 Tactical Shotgun in that game.
The difference is that while the Benelli M1 is a Semiautomatic self-
loading shotgun, the M3 is a select-fire weapon, and can be fired in
either Semiautomatic or Manual (Pump-Action) modes.

The version used in CS is configured purely for Pump-Action (for game
balance purposes) and fitted with a solid polymer stock. Also, the
weapon skin shows it with a Mag-lite flashlight attached on the pump
handle. In real life, the 12-Gauge shot may not penetrate the Kevlar
vest at all, but the power of the round itself (especially when used at
close range) is enough to break ribs or even cause internal bleeding. If
you're lucky, it'll only feel like you were kicked pointblank by a mule,
and will leave you unconscious for quite some time. At the worst, you
could be looking at crushed lungs despite the Kevlar protection.

The M3 is configured for semiautomatic firing when using standard 12-
Gauge shotgun loads. But when the shotgunner needs to quickly swap from
that to another ammo type, say Tear Gas rounds or Flares, he can quickly
select the Pump-Action mode and manually load in a new round. The
semiautomatic feature, it seems, also makes the loading of the shotgun
harder and slightly slower than a typical pump-action. The gun allows a
shotgunner to load the full capacity of 7 shot shells plus one in the
barrel chamber, giving the M3 a total of 8 rounds.

POINT: It would be nice if you could select-fire this weapon from
semiautomatic to Pump-Action manual, but that would completely defeat
the reason and existence of the 2nd shotgun in the game, the Benelli
XM1014. There are two advantages to the M3: one is that at close range,
it's virtually a one-shot kill weapon. The other is that it's one of the
lightest primary weapons that pack a considerable punch. However, this
power is only of good use in close combat, so equipping a shotgun in a
map with a lot of wide open spaces is suicide. There are only very few
maps wherein the M3 can be used to its fullest. The cramped hallways of
cs_italy, cs_backalley, or cs_estate/cs_mansion are the best; close
range areas wherein you only have to face one opponent at a time, since
the manual pump-action takes considerable re-readying time in between

TACTICS: Best used at extremely close range and one opponent at a time,
for a one-hit kill. Pump-action gives it slower rate of fire. Used best
in cramped and small enclosures. It is, without a doubt, the weapon of
true skill among CS players. In some circles, it is also referred to as
the 'Snobgun' due to the high regard ace shotgun players have for it.

Benelli M3 Super 90
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH/Benelli Inc.
Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot (18.4 mm Shell)
Type: Select-Fire Tactical Shotgun
Total Length: 901.7mm (35.5 in.)
Height (Total): 184.15mm (7.25 in.)
Width of Frame: 57.15mm (2.25 in.)
Empty Weight: 2950g (6.5 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 7 + 1 Shells

2-2 Benelli XM1014 (Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun)
WEAPON TYPE: 12-Gauge Semiautomatic Combat Shotgun
AMMO TYPE: 12 Gauge Buckshot
AMMO/MAX: 7/32
AMMO COST: $65 (8)

The Benelli XM1014 is actually the Benelli M4 Super 90, a Tactical
shotgun with a compressible buttstock. The weapon was officially adopted
on 02/12/99 by the U.S. Marine Corps as their new Combat Shotgun. Since
there already was a weapon in the US arsenal labelled the M4 (The Colt
M4A1 Carbine), it was re-designated the XM1014, though some units still
refer to it as the M4 'Shotgun' as opposed to the M4 'Carbine'. To
Police and Civilian markets, it is still sold as the Benelli M4 Super
90, and can carry a full 8 shots (7+1), leading me to believe that tne
USMC XM1014 might have a shorter choke tube (A shotgun's 'internal
magazine') than the standard-issue shotgun.

The weapon is Semiautomatic, like the Benelli M1, but is designed
tougher; The M1 and M3 shotguns were originally designed for Police and
Urban work, while the M4/XM1014 was developed for jungle or other
hostile environments. It carries 6 shells and can load another in the
barrel, a total of 7 rounds. Technically, the XM1014 and the Benelli M3
fire off the same ammunition of 12 Gauge shot, but in CS, the XM1014 is
slightly weaker than the M3. This is most likely an adjustment due to
game balance than anything else.

POINT: Unlike the M3, the XM1014's semiautomatic capabilities allow for
incredibly fast close-quarters room clearing. Like the M3, it has a
lighter weight than most SMGs (Save for the Steyr TMP), but the
automatic ability allows it to fire much faster than the M3. The
downside is that unlike the M3, it isn't possible to do a one-hit close-
combat kill with the XM1014 (it takes the XM1014 at least two shots for
a CQB kill) unless with a headshot.

But the ability of full automatic fire makes this a better choice when
against two or more SMG-wielding opponents in cramped quarters. The
full-auto ability and the stunning effect it has on hit opponents make
this one of my favorite weapons. A full SMG is still a better-rounded
option, though. CAUTION: Do not use this when in the same room as
Hostages; since hostages have no body armor, even a glancing shot can
kill them (and this has happened to me a couple of times).

TACTICS: Best used at extremely close range. Slightly weaker than the
M3, but with a higher rate of fire. Used best in cramped and small
enclosures with few friendly teammembers or hostages to get in the way.
Some older players, especially M3 Shotgun users, turn up their noses at
this gun due to its popularity with new players.

Benelli XM1014 Combat Shotgun System (Telescoping Stock)
Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH/Benelli Inc.
Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot (18.4 mm Shell)
Type: Semiautomatic Combat Shotgun
Total Length: 1010.92mm (39.8 in.) with stock extended,
886.46mm (34.9 in.) with stock compressed
Height (Total): 184.15mm (7.25 in.)
Width of Frame: 57.15mm (2.25 in.)
Empty Weight: 3840g (8.44 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 6 + 1 Shells

3 -- Submachine Guns
Generally, a submachinegun is any light weapon that fires pistol ammo,
but at high rates of fire close to those of a true machine gun. That
said, there's a lot of inconsistencies between different SMGs. Some like
the MP5/N are accurate, while others like the MAC-10 simply have a high
rate of fire. No two SMGs were designed with the same goal in mind,
which is why directly comparing one SMG with another isn't quite fair at
times. To sum up, here are the usual ideas behind SMGs:
- A smaller, scaled-down version of an Assault Rifle. (MP5/N, UMP45)
- A small weapon capable of high rates of fire. (MAC-10)
- A personal defense weapon more powerful than a pistol but not as big
as a rifle. (Steyr TMP)
- A more compact alternative to a full-scale assault rifle (FN P90)
- A fully-automatic firing pistol. (Glock 18C)

3-1 HK MP5-Navy (SMG)
WEAPON TYPE: 9mm Combat Submachinegun, (Navy SEAL variant)
AMMO TYPE: 9mm Parabellum (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 30/120
AMMO COST: $20 (30)

The HK MP5 is one SMG that really needs no introduction. Based upon HK's
G3 rifle design, it was the first SMG known for accuracy and
controllability in combat. In fact, many note that the MP5 appears as a
scaled-down G3 chambered for 9mm, and the MP5's rifle-like design (As
opposed to the pistol-configured designs of Uzis, Ingrams, and most
other SMGs) adds to that idea. As a weapon, it is the single most
successful SMG design in the world, and without a doubt the most popular
and trusted. Variants of the MP5 abound, chambered for 10mm, .40 Cal
S&W, and .45 Cal ACP.

The MP5 version in CounterStrike is the MP5/N, also known as the MP5
Navy. It is a full-size MP5 with a retractable stock and 3-stage firing
type (Safe, Single-shot, Full Auto), and is almost identical to the
MP5A3 (full-size MP5 with a retractable stock) version, only made more
durable for Spec Ops usage. The main difference of the MP5/N is that it
has an ambidextrous fire selector and safety; thus both left-and right-
handed shooters can manipulate the MP5 with ease, although the ejector
port remains on the right side of the weapon.

The Navy version is every bit as accurate as the next MP5 model, and the
robust and reliable construction make it a winner in any respect.
Consequently, it is the one SMG adopted by almost every small-unit team
in the world from the Navy SEALs, British SAS, GSG-9, etc., up to the
SWAT teams of various countries. The MP5 is THE submachinegun to beat,
and the world's standard in terms of hostage-rescue weaponry.

The official HK designation for this weapon is the HK54. It got its
current name of MP5 due to the West German Border Guard--MP5 stands for
Machine Pistol number 5. The A, SD, and other extensions added to the
designation of the MP5 indicate what variant they are. The weapon itself
is the same. Thus, an MP5A2 (With solid Kevlar stock) can be changed
into an MP5A3 (With retractable stock) simply by swapping attachments.
The MP5K (K - Kompakt or compact) however, due to its smaller size,
cannot fit a normal MP5-size stock and must use a modified stock. With
all that has been done for the MP5, it's considerably hard to improve on
what many consider a near-perfect SMG.

POINT: The MP5/N is the ideal SMG to use, and in terms of balance plus
cost, the single best SMG in the game. Even more so because it is
available to both sides. A secondary fire option providing the MP5/N
with a suppresser would be nice, but not really all that necessary in
the game. The MP5/N in CS is modelled very faithfully after the real
MP5/N in the sense of its use and effectivity (Although a real MP5/N
would be far costlier). Whether it's to assault, to ambush, or to cover
a hasty retreat, the MP5/N is the best SMG to have at a relatively cheap
price. But to get the most of the weapon, remember that it's a weapon
intended to assault, and does so best in middle range or closer.

TACTICS: Best mid- to close-range weapon in the game. Ideal newbie
starter weapon. Not recommended for long-range combat, especially
against rifles. Often mocked by older players due to its inherent
accuracy at close range and low cost.

Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Type: 9x19mm Combat Submachinegun (Navy SEAL variant)
Total Length: 660mm (25.98 in.)
Height (Total): 210mm (8.26 in.)
Width of Frame: 50mm (1.96 in.)
Empty Weight: 2880g (6.34 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

3-2 Steyr TMP (Schmidt MP) [Counter-Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 9mm Tactical Machine Pistol/Personal Defense Weapon
AMMO TYPE: 9mm Parabellum (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 30/120
AMMO COST: $20 (30)

The handguns used by support forces such as aircraft maintenance crews
and medics were next to useless when an enemy armed with SMGs or assault
rifles attacked these non-combat troops. On the other take, a full-size
SMG or rifle was too large and bulky to be used by people who weren't
supposed to fight in the first place. Out of this was developed the PDW
(Personal Defense Weapon) concept. The TMP is an SMG designed with the
PDW concept in mind. It has the full-automatic capabilities of a good
SMG, and at the same time light and easy to handle as a pistol. Since
the TMP was designed for non-combatants, it also had to be intuitive
enough for someone to fire well even with little training.

The TMP does not have the range of most other SMGs, being designed for
very close-in engagements. It also has no stock whatsoever; Steyr
believes that adding one would only add weight and hinder a person's
reaction time. But this lack of stock (upon which to brace and absorb
recoil) is one of the reasons the TMP isn't quite as good as the MP5/N
in terms of recoil absorption (i.e. absorbing the kick of the gun

This isn't to say that the weapon is inaccurate; in fact, it's quite
sharp at close ranges and fires very quickly. But being a PDW, it's not
really meant as an offensive weapon, which is why the TMP isn't as good
as the MP5/N when taking out ranged targets. Nonetheless, TMPs can also
fit a Sound/Flash Suppresser, and the combination of light weight and
small size make it a viable option for Special Operations forces
undergoing highly covert operations.

Steyr has also made a semiautomatic-only version of the TMP called the
SPP (Special Purpose Pistol). It is basically a TMP frame minus the
forward handgrip and a 15-round magazine. Other than for US gun
afficianadoes, I don't see much point in making this, though--the TMP is
a small for an SMG but big for a handgun. The accuracy is reportedly
top-notch: better than most 9mm handguns out there, but the size does
sting a bit. Not a gun you can easily holster, that's for sure.

POINT: Because of its high rate of fire, it's sometimes difficult to
fire the TMP single-shot all the time. Even with a suppresser, firing
the TMP full-auto gives a noise akin to that of a zipper going Mach 1.
The TMP's much lighter and pistol-like characteristics make it quicker
to aim and shoot than an MP5. On the other hand, its small size and high
rate of fire give it a considerable recoil kick for a small weapon; A
full-auto burst bucks straight upwards. In CQB, this can sometimes work
to your advantage in getting headshots at close range. The TMP is best
used as a hit-and-run or ambush weapon (see MAC-10, as well) than a
dedicated assault weapon, so a straightforward charge with it is not

TACTICS: Less accurate and weaker than the MP5/N. Best used for ambush
due to suppresser. Use the upwards recoil to your advantage. Almost no
CT player uses this SMG, which is a waste, as it is an effective and
cheap weapon when used properly (in close combat ambush).

Steyr TMP
Manufacturer: Steyr GmbH
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Type: 9x19mm Tactical Machine Pistol/Personal Defense Weapon
Total Length: 400mm (15.74 in.) [With Suppresser]
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 1300g (2.86 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 20/30 Round Magazines

3-3 FN P90 (ES C90)
WEAPON TYPE: 5.7mm Submachinegun/Personal Defense Weapon
AMMO TYPE: 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
AMMO/MAX: 50/100
AMMO COST: $50 (50)

In the mid-1980s, NATO began seriously considering the existence of an
enemy wearing Kevlar body armour, and how it would affect future combat
engagements. Against a rifle, Kevlar provided only minimal protection,
but it was a lifesaver against SMGs and pistols, which prompted NATO to
consider switching to another small-arms ammo round. Fabrique Nationale
(FN) of Belgium presented an answer: the 5.7x28mm FN round, a small
bullet that looked like a smaller version of the 5.56x45mm rounds used
by NATO for its Rifles and Carbines. Not only that, FN produced two
weapons for the new round, the FN Five-SeveN pistol (see above) and the

The FN P90, like the Steyr TMP, it was originally designed with the PDW
(Personal Defense Weapon) concept in mind, only chambered for 5.7mm as
opposed to the 9mm SMGs currently existing. The weapon has been tested
against Kevlar and CRISAT (Titanium plus layered Kevlar) and easily made
short work of its targets. It was highly compact (far smaller than the
MP5), carries a large magazine, and is easily maintained due to the
simplicity of most of its working parts. Top it off with an incredibly
robust construction, and it is small wonder that European Special Forces
teams have literally fallen in love with the P90.

The unique P90 magazine can pack a total of 50 rounds, and actually
turns the 5.7x28mm bullets 90 degrees within the magazine case in order
to fit the great amount of ammunition. Before firing, the magazine turns
the bullets back into the 'normal' position and into the weapon. There
have been some reports that a mishandled magazine will jam if struck too
hard (thus destroying the rotating mechanism), but so far, no serious
problems have been experienced with the gun.

The recent Iraq war (2003), the performance of the 5.7mm rounds in the
P90 against unarmored targets is comparable to most 9mm submachineguns.
However, take note that this may be in part due to the P90's long barrel
(as opposed to the Five-seveN pistol). It remains to be seen if the
pistol will liv eup to it's reputation, but for all intents and purposes
the submachinegun P90 performed well.

In the early versions of CS, the P90 is equipped with the .338 Lapua
round. The real P90, on the other hand, is armed with the 5.7x28mm FN
round. Since the FN Five-SeveN only appeared starting with V1.0, it's
likely that the incorrect caliber was to accommodate the ammo type. The
P90 as of V1.0 now uses the 5.7mm round, even if the data file (at the
buy screen) still shows it as .338 Lapua Magnum. Other than that and one
other detail, the FN P90 in CS functions almost like the real thing.
However, its accuracy has been woefully downgraded due to game balance
reasons. As either a PDW or assault SMG, the P90 leaves little to be
desired, and may someday revolutionize the way SMGs are made and used.

POINT: The other little detail is the same note mentioned above for the
Five-SeveN. 5.7m rounds should be able to punch through crates easily.
The P90's power and high ammo load sometimes prompts one to forget that
this is still an SMG, after all. Light, maneuverable, and capable of
putting a LOT of heavy lead in the air, it's a good weapon to use when
in a pinch and cramped in close quarters with two or more enemies
bearing down on you. If it were only more accurate while moving (like
the real P90), the P90 would be the best weapon to use in a head-on

TACTICS: Poor accuracy while moving. Better than the MP5/N only for the
armor-piercing ammo and larger magazine size. Shoot in short bursts at
medium range, full-auto in extremely close (shotgun) range. One of the
few weapons new and old players seem to enjoy equally.

FN P90
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
Type: 5.7x28mm Submachinegun/Personal Defense Weapon
Total Length: 500mm (19.7 in.)
Height (Total): 210mm (8.25 in.)
Width of Frame: 55.88mm (2.2 in.)
Empty Weight: 2500g (5.9 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 50 Round Magazine

3-4 Ingram MAC-10 [Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: .45 Automatic Machine Pistol
AMMO TYPE: .45 Caliber ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
AMMO/MAX: 30/96
AMMO COST: $25 (12)

The Ingram MAC-10 was one of the first (of many) SMGs used by the Navy
SEALs until the more accurate MP5/N was adopted. Named after its creator
Gordon Ingram, the MAC-10 was chambered for 9mm and .45 Caliber ACP (The
MAC-11, which was based on the MAC-10, was chambered for .380 Caliber
and 9mm). In the 1970's it was the most popular SMG in America--cheap,
easy to manufacture, mass-produced, and usually reliable in performance.
AFAIK the gun is no longer being produced, thanks to US laws banning the
sale and production of automatic weapons, and the emergence of the more
accurate and reliable MP5 for Police and Military use. Nicknamed the
"American Uzi", it also (thanks to many late 80's action movies) has the
dubious reputation of being the favorite weapon of Colombian Druglords
and Cartels. The MAC-10 is also one of the first SMGs designed to accept
a Sound Suppresser (long before the HK MP5SD SMGs), and among some of
its fans is called "The Silent Killer".

The MAC-10 was actually made by various different gun makers, so there
has been notable inconsistency of quality between the various guns. The
original Military Armaments Corporation MAC-10s are the best (MAC stands
for Military Armaments Corporation, Gordon Ingram's company which went
bankrupt in 1976), while others were anywhere between good quality to
bottom-of-the-barrel bad in terms of construction or reliability
(depending on who made them). The version of the MAC-10 in CS is most
likely not one of the originals; First-Edition Mint-Condition MAC-10s
fetch a fairly good price among gun collectors on the Internet nowadays.

SMG fans are usually divided about the MAC-10. But all of them, fans and
detractors alike, admit that the MAC-10 is a real bullet-hose, emptying
a 30-round magazine in less than 3 seconds. It's certainly not the kind
of SMG to use when engaged in a delicate hostage-rescue operation, but a
good weapon to use when in close quarters and needing lots of cover
fire. One of the reasons that the Ingram MAC-10's name was not changed
at all (unlike the other guns) in v1.0 retail of CS might be due to the
fact that there are no more copyrights pending on this weapon, and the
companies that made it are no longer in business.

POINT: It would be interesting if the next version of CS allowed a
Terrorist to attach a Suppresser to the MAC-10. Not only would it be
realistic, it'd also give Terrorists more reason to use this weapon.
More than any other SMG in CounterStrike, the MAC-10 should be used to
ambush rather than directly assault. The MP5/N and UMP45 outshoot it at
medium range, the P90 has a bigger magazine plus better ammo, and the
weaker but suppressed Steyr TMP has a slightly higher rate of fire. The
MAC-10 works like the TMP in the sense that its pistol configuration
makes it faster to shoot with, but the bigger kick of the .45 Cal ACP
rounds also make it a bad choice for ranged duels. It's best to hide,
waiting for some poor schmoe to walk by and nail him up close and
personal with the MAC-10, much the same way you would do with the TMP.

TACTICS: Cheapest SMG in the game, yet very powerful in the right hands.
Can be used for ambush or assault, preferably at close range or better.
Like the TMP, use the powerful recoil to your advantage. Terrorist
players tend to buy this for its low cost, in order to save cash for
bigger and better weaponry.

Ingram MAC-10
Manufacturer: Military Armaments Corporation (MAC), various others
Caliber: .45 Cal ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
Type: .45 Automatic Machine Pistol
Total Length: 279.4mm (11 in.)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 2450g (5.4 lbs.)Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

3-5 HK UMP45 (K&M UMP45)
WEAPON TYPE: .45 Combat Submachinegun
AMMO TYPE: .45 Caliber ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
AMMO/MAX: 25/100
AMMO COST: $25 (12)

The HK UMP45 (Universal Machine Pistol 45) is a new SMG partially based
upon HK's MP5 design, chambered for the .45 Cal ACP round. The UMP45 has
a much lower rate of fire, in order to fire more accurately and control
the .45 Cal round's recoil. The weapon is much larger than its famous
predecessor is; it is also has a boxy design, and has an MP5K-inspired
front vertical grip for stability.

In the late 1980's HK developed a new Submachinegun called the SMG-II
(There was an earlier 'SMG-I', also done by HK on request by the Navy
SEALs, but it was scrapped for the MP5/N). The SMG-II had an MP5K-like
silhouette, only with a boxy, hi-tech hexagonal look and various other
adjustments made that were distinct improvements on the MP5.
Unfortunately, the high initial and maintenance cost of the SMG-II kept
it from becoming anything more than an expensive made-to-order automatic
weapon. The UMP45, developed in the 1990's, is HK's first attempt to put
some of the finer qualities of the SMG-II in a more affordable package.

POINT: The UMP45's design and accuracy are all reminiscent of the MP5,
and many consider it a more powerful MP5. However, despite its inherent
accuracy, it's not the kind of SMG to be stuck with in close combat
with, as its slow rate of fire will allow an enemy with a faster gun
(say the TMP or MAC-10) to easily ventilate you before you score a good
hit. Like the MAC-10, the UMP45's advantage lies in its ammo power, but
while the MAC-10 excels at extremely close range, the UMP is more of a
mid-range assault or snipe weapon; more like a lighter assault rifle
than a heavier SMG.

TACTICS: Does poorly at close ranges due to lower rate of fire. Best
used in medium to far medium ranges. Treat as a more powerful, slower-
firing MP5/N. Far too many players make the mistake of using it in close
combat and thus gain a lasting bad impression of the UMP45.

Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Caliber: .45 Cal ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
Type: .45 Combat Submachinegun
Total Length: 690.12mm (27.17 in.) with stock extended,
449.83mm (17.71 in.) with stock folded
Height (Total): 324.10mm (12.76 in.)
Width of Frame: 63.5mm (2.5 in.)
Empty Weight: 2100g (4.63 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 25 Round Magazine

4 -- Rifles
Regardless of what country you're in, it's Rifles, not SMGs that are the
standard infantryman's weapon. From the ancient muskets to the modern
assault rifles, a rifle is the mainstay long arm of all troops, and one
that it is mandatory for all military forces to learn to use. They lack
the maneuverability and lighter weight of submachineguns, but they also
pack more firepower and recoil as well. That said, most rifles are best
used from a stationary position, to take shots at range, rather than the
CQB of SMG combat. Of course, there are exceptions...

4-1 AK-47 (CV-47) [Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 7.62mm Main Battle Rifle (Soviet)
AMMO TYPE: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Caliber Winchester Magnum)

If there is any single weapon in the world that has become synonymous
with the word 'Terrorist', it is this--the Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault
rifle. First designed in 1946 by Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov as a
combat rifle for Soviet Tank crews to use, the AK47's robust design,
cheap manufacturing costs, and high firepower immediately made it the
standard infantry rifle for the Soviet Union and all of its allies as of

Although dated by modern standards, and long since replaced by newer
guns in Russia (such as the AN-91 and AKS-74U), the AK47 is still the
favored rifle of some Post-Communist Russian units and other small
forces, especially terrorist groups.

The Kalashnikov may well be the most successful Assault Rifle design in
the world. Over 30-50 million were produced, and that still does not
include bootleg copies produced in Iraq, China, or in other countries.
In fact, Israel's Galil and Finland's Valmet rifles are based on the
AK-47, despite the fact that neither country was a member of the Warsaw

The AK47 is a very heavy rifle, more in the class of the older 7.62mm
M14 Rifle than the 5.56mm M16, and highly inaccurate when used on fully
automatic fire; However, its semiautomatic firing capabilities are very
good. The famed Russian Dragunov Sniper Rifle, in fact, has many of the
AK47's parts as its base.

To address the weight problem, the AK-74 series of rifles were created,
an AK chambered for 5.45x39mm Soviet. These would later be distributed
throughout the Russian forces (especially the AKS-74U carbine version
for Special Operations), but the AK-47 proper still stands as the
standard service longarm.

POINT: The real AK47 actually uses the 7.62x39mm Soviet round, but for
game simplicity it uses the 7.62x51mm NATO round in CounterStrike (Same
as the Steyr Scout and HK G3/SG1). It is actually a fairly accurate
weapon, but the horrific recoil tends to throw its fire off greatly in a
sustained burst. Even Burst-Firing the AK47 is a tough task, as the
7.62mm round's powerful recoil can throw the succeeding shots way off
unless in close combat. Used Single-Fire, it is highly accurate and
damaging. It's also an extremely heavy weapon; the older AK uses
hardwood and cast-iron parts rather than the Kevlar/Polymer and Steel
construction of other (European/American) guns.

TACTICS: Cheapest and most powerful assault rifle in CS. Weight and
recoil are problems. Best used in medium to long range, firing single
shot or short two/three-round bursts. A favorite of Terrorist players.

Kalashnikov AK-47
Manufacturer: Kalashnikov Iszmash JSC
Caliber: 7.62x39mm Soviet
Type: 7.62x39mm Main Battle Rifle (Soviet)
Total Length: 869.95mm (34.25 in.)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 4300g (9.47 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

4-2 SIG SG552 Commando (Krieg 552 Commando) [Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 5.56mm Assault Carbine
AMMO TYPE: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
AMMO/MAX: 30/90
AMMO COST: $60 (30)

The SG550-series Assault Rifles ("Sturmgewehr" or "Storm Rifle") are SIG
arms' answer to the US Army Colt M16 or the German Army HK G3 rifles.
These weapons were made as the standard rifle of the Swiss Army.
Previously there were two variants: the original SG550 Rifle and the
SG551 SWAT Carbine used by the French GIGN. The SG552 Commando is a
semi-auto and burst only version of the SG551 for close-quarters battle,
equipped with a foldable stock and a scope.

The SG-series folding stock is an important feature; because of this,
any of the rifles can be compacted even further, to the dimensions of an
SMG, but retaining the power of the Assault Carbine that it is. All of
the SG-series assault rifles are ambidextrous, and SIG boasts that they
can actually be operated with only one of either hand. Further, the
weapon is highly precise and accurate, a rival for HK's renowned G3/G36
rifles in terms of sharp-shooting potential (See the SG550 Sniper,
below). Rugged, lightweight, and horrendously accurate, the SG552 is,
indeed, a dangerously effective carbine.

POINT: The SG552 is slightly smaller than its full-auto elder brother
the SG551 SWAT Carbine. Although the game version of the weapon is
called the 552, it functions more like the 551. As an assault weapon,
the SG552 is simply incredible. The attached 2x Scope that it packs also
gives it some limited sniping ability. Having smaller recoil than the
Steyr AUG also helps as you can have less worries about going full-auto
in CQB. The only other rifle weapon in CS that can possibly match the
SG552's performance would be the Colt M4A1, but the M4A1 lacks the
SG552's 2x Scope.

TACTICS: Use the scope to snipe at long range. Functions like the M4A1
in medium to close-range combat, with a higher rate of fire and slightly
less accuracy (so slight it is considered negligible). It is a good
halfway weapon between the Steyr AUG and M4A1.

SIG SG552 Commando
Manufacturer: Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft (SIG) Arms
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
Type: 5.56mm Assault Carbine
Total Length: 825.5mm (32.5 in)
Height (Total): 285mm (11.22in.)
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 3492.66g (7.7 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

4-3 Colt M4A1 Carbine (Maverick M4A1 Carbine) [Counter-Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 5.56mm Assault Carbine (Suppressed)
AMMO TYPE: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
AMMO/MAX: 30/90
AMMO COST: $60 (30)

The M4 Carbine is one of the most popular assault weapons in the Western
world at the moment. Basically, it is a Colt M16A2 Rifle that has been
shortened, made more durable and lighter for maneuverability and use,
while still retaining the tack-driving accuracy of the original M16A2
rifle. The firing mechanism is exactly the same as the M16, but with a
shorter scope and a collapsible stock. This basically gives the
firepower of a full Assault Rifle in a more manageable package, hence
the name Carbine (A shortened rifle sacrificing some long-range reach
for maneuverability). There have been Carbine versions of the M16A2
before, but the M4 thus far is the most successful, its capabilities
having been requested by none other than the U.S. Marine Corps for their
operations. The weapon is also slowly replacing all M16A2 rifles in U.S.
Military Service.

The M4A1 is a variant of the M4 designed specifically for use with the
U.S. Army Special Operations Forces (SOF or Green Berets), and Navy
SEALs. It uses a modular rail mounting system that allows it to mount
various add on equipment from scopes (Normal or Night Vision) and laser
aimpointers to the M203 Grenade Launcher. The front muzzle can also
mount a small Flash/Sound Suppresser attachment, and the top carrying
handle can be removed. Although initially implemented on the M4A1, the
rail system has since been adopted for use by most M4/M16/M249 weapons
systems throughout the US Armed Forces. This rail system is known by
many names: FIRM (Floating Integrated Rail Mount), FIRE (Fully
Integrated Rail Enhancement), RIS (Rail Integrated System), or Picatinny
rail system, and can be implemented on other weapons as well.

I've actually had the privilege of handling an M4 as well as live firing
the M16A1 (The older Vietnam-era M16), and there really is a huge
difference between the two; the M4 carries quite easily--comfortably,
even--with the stock retracted, while still retaining the quality and
reliability of a full M16A2.

There were initially two variants of the M4A1 Suppresser being
considered by the US Military, but various other companies have since
supressers for Law Enforcement purposes. Of the military versions, the
first military variant is the Knight Armaments suppresser, which looks
like a canister filled with holes. It was the original type, until
replaced by the Gem-Tech suppresser, which is smaller and does not have
holes. The Suppresser shown in CS is based upon the Gem-Tech version.

One note is that for the suppresser to work, the M4A1 must be equipped
with subsonic 5.56mm rounds (normal 5.56mm rounds are supersonic). Using
the suppresser with supersonic rounds will still reduce the sound
somewhat, but nowhere near as well as subsonics. Subsonic rounds, on the
other hand, have less range than normal 5.56mm rounds.

One other reason for the M4A1's modular design is because of the US Army
"Land Warrior" system. Eventually, the M4A1 will mount a mini-camera and
links to a targeting computer (worn by the soldier). This rifle's view
camera will not allow a soldier to accurately fire the M4A1 around
corners and over obstacles without exposing his head, this also feed
video to other members of his squad as well. The Land Warrior system is
but one of the many applications of Force XXI currently in development.

POINT: Although CS fans gripe about the M4A1 losing its scope, it makes
sense for practical reasons, since real M4A1 Carbines in service with
the Navy SEALs were intended for mid- to close-range assault-style
combat than actual sniping. Still, the M4A1 is a good weapon in-game for
both long- and close-range shooting. CT players favour this weapon over
all the others, as it is the one weapon that goes the whole nine yards;
accuracy, light carry weight, and fair recoil make it a good rival to
the Terrorists' SG552.

TACTICS: Most well-balanced Assault rifle. Does well at nearly all
ranges. Accurate, and has a good rate of fire. Has a suppresser, which
makes it good for ambush tactics. The most maligned rifle in the game
due to this ease of use and reliability.

Colt M4A1
Manufacturer: Colt Armaments USA
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
Type: 5.56x45mm Assault Carbine (Suppressed)
Total Length: 861mm (33.88 in.) with stock extended,
780mm (30.69 in.) with stock compressed
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 3320g (7.3 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

4-4 Steyr AUG (Bullpup) [Counter-Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 5.56mm Bullpup Battle Rifle
AMMO TYPE: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
AMMO/MAX: 30/90
AMMO COST: $60 (30)

Steyr designed the Steyr AUG (Armee Universal Gewehr : Universal Army
Rifle) for the Austrian Army, and it is easily the most recognizable
Bullpup-styled Assault rifle in the world. Its sleek and futuristic form
makes it easy to carry, and the built-in scope also doubles as an
equally durable carrying handle. It's also highly accurate, even more so
than the M16A2 assault rifle. Light, maneuverable and powerful, it was
an early favorite in the days before Carbine Assault Rifles became
widespread. Currently, the AUG is the standard rifle of the Austrian
Armed Forces, and is a good combination of maneuverability and power.

POINT: The real AUG's scope is locked at 1.5x rather than 2x
magnification. And yes, the AUG is the most accurate of the Assault
Rifles, but its powerful recoil makes even a 3-shot burst fairly
inaccurate at long ranges. The AUG works best from mid-range short
bursts and limited long-range single-shot sniping.

However, it completely loses it when going full-auto; only the AK47 has
worse recoil than this, and it at least packs a heavier bullet. And the
AUG's rate of fire and weight doesn't justify its use in CQB (unlike the
high ROF/high recoil MAC10). Apparently the AUG's recoil problem is like
the P90--a game-balance issue, where the weapon was intentionally
downgraded. IMHO, the AUG user should avoid close combat where possible,
especially against SMG or M4A1/SG552 users. I've heard some people do
quite well with the AUG in close quarters, but haven't heard much from
them about tactics (if you do have AUG CQB tactics, drop me a line).

TACTICS: Use the scope for sniping. Fire in short bursts as the AUG's
recoil is too high. Avoid full-auto with this weapon as much as
possible, except in very close quarters. Ideally a mid- to long-range

Steyr AUG
Manufacturer: Steyr GmbH
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
Type: 5.56x45mm Bullpup Battle Rifle
Total Length: 787.4mm (31 In.)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 3606.05g (7.95 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

4-5 Steyr Scout (Schmidt Scout)
WEAPON TYPE: .308 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
AMMO TYPE: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Caliber Winchester Magnum)
AMMO/MAX: 10/60
AMMO COST: $80 (30)

The full name of this weapon is the Jeff Cooper Scout Rifle, named after
the man who formally defined the term 'infantry scout': a highly-trained
solo operative performing recon and sniper operations on his own. The
bolt-action of the weapon ensures that this rifle would be best left in
the hands of well-trained and highly dedicated snipers.

There are many other weapons that are either more accurate or pack more
of a punch than the Scout. That said, it is still an ideal weapon for a
single Recon or Scout trooper, hence the name. Although most modern
Recon units now use Assault Rifles and Carbines, the Scout is a good
weapon to have; a fairly accurate Sniper Rifle that is light, effective,
and packs a 7.62mm wallop. Consequently, the Scout is also a very good
hunting rifle--no surprise since many of the smaller bolt-action
'Sniper' rifles are modified variants of existing bolt-action hunting

One does not pick the Scout and hole up in a sniping perch as you would
with other Sniper Rifles. Its light weight make it more ideal for a
Recon trooper to take quick, lethal potshots at enemies from a distance,
then scamper away for another cover. This is real-life Assault Sniping;
taking a shot only at the best opportunity, immediately escaping after
firing the shot.

POINT: The reason many people dislike the Scout is because unlike the
AWM, it cannot kill in one shot. Nonetheless, it is a very good weapon
in the right hands, and must be used as a true Scout is used--to hit and
run as much as possible. The key word is: Target of opportunity fire.
Don't stick around; the Steyr is not the rifle to use for a camping
Sniper. Take a bead with your rifle, aim for the head, fire off a shot,
then swap to your knife and run like your behind was on fire. Most
importantly, don't get too close; even though the Scout is the lightest
sniper rifle in CounterStrike, it's still suicidal to engage in mid- and
close-range battles with it.

TACTICS: Never stick around too long in one place. Use long-range hit-
and-run tactics. Get a partner with a good medium-to-close combat weapon
when assaulting. And always, ALWAYS go for a headshot.

Steyr Scout
Manufacturer: Steyr GmbH
Caliber: 7.62x51mm Nato (.308 Caliber Winchester Magnum)
Type: .308 Winchester Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Total Length: 1006mm (39.57 in.)
Height (Total): 279.4mm (11 In.)
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 3143.4g (6.93 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 10 Round Magazine

4-6 AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum (Magnum Sniper Rifle)
WEAPON TYPE: .338 Magnum Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
AMMO TYPE: .338 Magnum Lapua (8.6x70mm)
AMMO/MAX: 10/30
AMMO COST: $125 (10)

Accuracy International is a British-based arms company that manufactures
both sporting and sniping rifles. The AWM (Nicknamed "Super Magnum") is
chambered for the unique .338 Cal Lapua Magnum, one of the few rounds
short of an antiaircraft gun than can easily penetrate thin concrete or
vehicles with little decrease in power. Technically speaking, the AWM
and the AWP are two completely different weapons; the AWP (Police) is
chambered for .308 Winchester Magnum (7.62mm), while the AWM (Military)
is chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum. The CS version is most definitely the
more powerful AWM rifle.

POINT: In real life, all of the rifles in CS can achieve a one-hit kill
with or without Kevlar. Game-wise, however, only one weapon can do this
at any and all ranges--the AWM rifle. In the earlier Beta editions of
CS, the AWM was accurate and lethal at all ranges (one of the reasons I
hadn't jumped onto CS until V1.0), but with V1.0 it is now inaccurate
without the scope. Version 1.1 lowers the non-scope shooting of the AWM
even more, and will only kill with direct head or torso shots. Although
old-time players gripe, I think it's a good thing, because there are
many gamers out there who are afraid to play due to fear of the
Anything-Goes AWM. Nonetheless, the AWM is still the most powerful gun

TACTICS: Find a safe spot from which to snipe from and shoot. Do not
engage with this rifle at anything closer than long range. Always aim
for the main body or head, as arm or leg shots no longer kill. Though it
is the most powerful weapon in the game, it still takes some skill in
use, and not really recommended for new players.

Accuracy Intl AWM
Manufacturer: Accuracy International
Caliber: .338 Cal Magnum Lapua (8.6x70mm)
Type: .338 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
Total Length: 1200mm (47 in.)Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 6000g (13.2 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 5/10 Round Magazines

4-7 HK G3/SG1 (D3/AV-1 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle) [Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 7.62mm Select-Fire Automatic Sniper Rifle
AMMO TYPE: 7.62x51mm Winchester Magnum (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 20/60
AMMO COST: $80 (30)

The very first rifle ever designed by Heckler & Koch, the 7.62mm G3
Assault Rifle was made into the German Army's standard long weapon. It
became the basis of practically all of Heckler & Koch's long arms,
influencing the design of the MP5-series Submachineguns (which in effect
is like a scaled-down G3 in construction), the famous PSG1/MSG90 Sniper
Rifles, and the G36 Assault rifles in use today.

The G3/SG1 is a special project of HK made at the request of the German
Armed Forces (Deutsche Bundeswehr). At first glance, it merely looks
like an extended G3, mounted with a PSG1 style Hensoldt telescopic sight
(The G3/SG1 is actually the PSG1's direct ancestor). The difference is
in the handling; the G3/SG1 in Semiautomatic (single-shot) mode
functions like a sniper rifle. But when in Full-Auto mode, it becomes
more like an Assault Rifle. What HK created, in effect, was a 'halfway'
rifle--one that could be used either as a Sniper or an Assault Rifle in
any given situation. In theory, it's a good weapon. In practice, it is
slightly harder to manage, but the G3/SG1 apparently adapts well. So
much so, in fact, that HK also allows optional modifications to be made
to the MSG90 Sniper Rifle that allow it to fire full-auto.

The HK G3-series of rifles were surprisingly developed due to political
conflicts. Germany initially wanted a contract to produce the French FN
FAL rifle for their military in 1957, but Fabrique Nationale bluntly
rejected the offer. HK eventually won a contract for the Spanish CETME
(Compania de Estudios Tecnicos de Materiales Especiales) rifle, and
further refined it into the G3 rifle, from which nearly all HK weapons
of today trace direct lineage from.

POINT: A nice adjustment would be to allow the G3/SG1 to fire full-auto
when in normal view but semiautomatic only in Zoom view. The real G3/SG1
can fire either in semi or full auto. In CS, it fires full-auto in the
sense that you merely need to hold down the trigger to achieve a
continuous stream of firepower. But technically, its slower rate of fire
than the Assault guns makes it more of a semiautomatic rifle. The G3/SG1
has great power and first shot accuracy, but has horribly powerful
recoil and heavy weight.

Take note that the recoil of the bolt-action Steyr Scout and AWM rifles
aren't as noticeable as that of the G3/SG1 mainly because the weapon
automatically zooms out to work the bolt-action after firing a shot. The
advantage is that the G3/SG1's automatic firing gives it one over the
Scout in that you can quickly follow up your first shot, faster than a
Scout user can work the Bolt system.

TACTICS: Like the AWM, best used from a safe sniping position. Best used
against enemies at long range who do not pack an AWM or other good
sniper rifle. Rarely ever used.

Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Caliber Winchester Magnum)
Type: 7.62x51mm Select-Fire Automatic Sniper Rifle
Total Length: 1024.89mm (40.35 in.)Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 5540g (12.22 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

4-8 SIG SG550 Sniper (Krieg 550 Commando) [Counter-Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: 5.56mm Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
AMMO TYPE: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
AMMO/MAX: 30/90
AMMO COST: $60 (30)

The SIG SG550 Sniper is another modification on SIG Arms' 550-Series
Assault rifles. It's a 5.56mm semiautomatic Sniper Rifle that accepts
5-, 20-, and 30-round magazines; the 30-round magazines being
interchangeable with regular 550/551/552-series rifles. The Sniper
version has a longer, heavier barrel and a bipod as well as the same
folding stock as the standard SG-series rifles and carbines.

Unfortunately, the SG550 Sniper also negates many of the things that
made the original SG-series rifles so attractive to use; it's heavy,
bulky, and being a sniper rifle, requires some skill to fire. Rifle
tests have shown it to be at least on par with the famous HK PSG1 in
terms of point accuracy.

POINT: Unlike the select-fire G3/SG1, the SG550 Sniper is a purely
semiautomatic sniper rifle, with no full-auto function. In CS, holding
down the trigger will allow you to fire continuously. It doesn't achieve
one-hit kills like the AWM, but a quick follow-up shot can do quite a
lot when aiming for the head. The SG550 Sniper is a great sniper rifle,
but not the kind of weapon to duel against a Scout or AWP with. A lot of
people find the SG550 Sniper worthless, but I've personally had some
very good frag streaks with this gun. Like the G3/SG1 it's automatic,
but fires the smaller 5.56mm round and is just slightly faster.

TACTICS: Never stay in one place. High firing rate gives it a better
chance than the other snipers in mid- to close-range combat, but still
not as effective as SMGs or assault rifles. Like the G3/SG1, best
against enemies without long-range capabilities. It seems to function
better than the G3/SG1 in some respects.

SIG SG550 Sniper
Manufacturer: Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft (SIG) Arms
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
Type: 5.56x45mm Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
Total Length: 1130mm (44.48 in.)
Height (Total): 285mm (11.22in.)
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 7020g (15.47 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 5/20/30 Round Magazines

5 -- Machine Guns
If you use a Machine Gun, you had best expect to kill or hurt very
little and get shot at a lot. The duty of a Machine Gunner is to provide
his teammates with cover fire, prompting the enemy to keep their heads
down. The one machinegun in this game is the FN M249 Para, a SAW or
Squad Automatic Weapon. As the name suggests, it is not an individual's
weapon, but is used to protect and cover the squad--your teammates.

5-1 FN M249 Para (ES M249)
WEAPON TYPE: 5.56mm Squad Support Weapon (Paratrooper Type)
AMMO TYPE: 5.56x45mm Remington (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 100/200
AMMO COST: $60 (30)

The FN M249 was a late entry among the contenders for the US Military's
search for a new SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon), to replace the previous
squad automatic weapon, the BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle). The BAR had
been in service since just before World War II, and with the development
of the 5.56mm round as standard, the .30-08 BAR was far more than

What was needed was a machine-gun type of support weapon that was easily
carried by members of small units. The 7.62mm M60 was a fairly good
General-Purpose Machine Gun but (As Vietnam proved) a horrible squad
weapon to carry around, being heavy to lug around and requiring constant
maintenance. Later Army experiments in making the 7.62mm M14A1 and
5.56mm M16A1 rifles into mini-machineguns also failed miserably.
Finally, in 1982, the Army chose the FN M249.

The small and lightweight machinegun had already been accepted fairly by
Europeans (It is known as the FN Minimi in Europe). At first skeptical,
Army and Marine Corps later embraced the new weapon's abilities. The
M249-series of machineguns have since been used as replacements for some
M60 machineguns on Humvees and small squads. There are many differing
versions of the M249 depending on its use in the field:

- The standard US Army Infantry M249 SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon), also
known as the AR (Automatic Rifle) comes with a folding bipod and a fixed
plastic stock. It can operate under two rates of fire, slow (750rpm, for
short bursts) and fast (1000rpm, for full covering fire). Every SAW has
a full-length quick-change barrel.

- The Special Forces variant, the M249 SPW (Special Purpose Weapon) is
a version with a retractable stock, FIRM mounting rails (also known as
Picatinny rails) similar to the M4A1, to mount scopes, lasers, and
flashlights, and a detachable bipod.

- The version in CS, the M249 Para SAW, is also called the Special
Operations Peculiar Modification (SOPM). The weapon packs a shortened
barrel and telescopic buttstock. PFC Daniel Rosenthal, himself a SAW
Gunner, points out that the retractable stock is very uncomfortable, and
many soldiers prefer to fire the weapon with the buttstock retracted.
This explains why I'd mistakenly thought the M249 Para has no stock--the
stock is retracted.

- The European version FN 'Minimi' is almost identical to the standard-
issue SAW, only it comes with a full metal frame stock and is used by
the British forces such as the SAS. Unlike the US Army-issue M249s, the
Minimi does not have a secondary feed mechanism for M16/M4 magazines.

Originally, only the SPW had picatinny rail mounts, but as with the
M4/M4A1/M16, these soon became standard for most, if not all M249 SAW
guns down the line. The rail system is mounted on top of the Feed Tray
Cover Assembly, which can be used to mount the PVS-4 and PVS-5 night
sights, as well as the MGO (machine gun optic).

The M249 is potentially the highest-casualty producing weapon in a
squad, and is highly accurate to 500 meters with the first 5-7 round
burst fired from the prone position and bipod set.

POINT: The M249 Para, at least in CS is not a high kill ratio weapon at
all. It is indeed accurate, but only for the first two or three round
bursts (Automatic Rifle). Its primary purpose is to lay a suppressive
fire to cover your teammates and force your opponents to keep their
heads down or get hit. It's not really a weapon for finesse. That is why
it packs a 100-round belt-fed magazine; 80% of that ammo will go
straight into the air.

As a team player's weapon, it works wonders. Often, an M249 can soften
up enemy players enough for your lighter SMG or Rifle-armed teammates to
pick off with ease much later. It also does quite well when firing
blindly at walls behind which enemy players lurk. Clearly, it's a gun
that you'd use for helping out your team and ignoring your own self,
since majority of enemy players will try to nail you second (The AWM
Snipers come first, of course).

As an individual's weapon, it's the worst you could pick. Now I know
that there are some people who are actually good with this weapon,
firing it in bursts to preserve a sense of accuracy, and that method
works quite well for them. But I find the weight (low movement rate)
plus the 5.56mm rounds completely unacceptable. Then again I prefer the
use of SMGs and Carbines over Assault/Sniper Rifles. In any case, if you
pick this gun you'd best know what you're doing.

TACTICS: Support only. Lay a suppressive fire to protect your teammates
and force the enemy down. The M249 is very heavy, so close-range combat
is almost suicide. Best used by experts. In the Philippines, it has the
ubiquitous distinction of being called the "Macho Gun" due to its high
firepower and low hit rate despite the accuracy.

FN M249 Para
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Cal Remington)
Type: 5.56x45mm Squad Support Weapon (Paratrooper Type)
Total Length: 739.09mm (28.98 in.)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 6000g (13.22 lbs.)
Magazine Capacity: 100 Round Beltfeed Magazine

6 -- Primary Ammo
These are the rifle and machine gun rounds. SMG primary rounds are
actually pistol rounds, but they are purchased in CS as primary ammo.
For the purposes of this FAQ (and to avoid repeating myself), I arranged
the data on SMG ammo under Secondary Ammo. You will also notice that
Millimeter rounds are arranged like this: 9x19mm. This is to indicate
the bullet's dimensions; 9mm in diameter and 19mm in length. Thus, a
5.56x45mm rifle round is smaller in width than a 9x19mm pistol round,
but is far longer, and thus has more penetrating power.

A - Gauge 12 Buckshot (18.4 mm Shell)
2-1 Benelli M3 Super90 (Leone 12 Gauge Super)
2-2 Benelli XM1014 (Leone YG1265 Auto Shotgun)

12-Gauge Buckshot is the standard type of shotgun shell used by Military
and SWAT forces. Although there are many types of shotgun rounds, 12-
Gauge is the best blend of power and shot size for security use; shot
ball large enough to cause considerable injury and an acceptable spread
area of fire. The shell is called Buckshot since this particular pellet
type was originally designed for deer hunting. The other commonly used
type is Birdshot (Duck/Fowl hunting), which has a wider spread but not
as much power due to the smaller pellets.

B - 5.56x45mm NATO (.223 Caliber Remington)
4-2 SIG SG552 Commando (Krieg 552 Commando)
4-3 Colt M4A1 Carbine (Maverick M4A1 Carbine)
4-4 Steyr AUG (Bullpup)
4-8 SIG SG550 Sniper (Krieg 550 Commando)
5-1 FN M249 Para (ES M249)

The U.S-made 5.56mm round was developed as a lighter alternative to the
powerful but heavy 7.62mm NATO rounds. Before the 5.56mm (previously
known as the .223 Cal Remington), NATO rifles and machineguns were
chambered for the bigger 7.62mm round. The 5.56mm was later developed as
a scaled-down rifle round, and with the introduction of the M16A1 it
quickly became a more popular ammo type, being adopted by NATO soon

C - 7.62x51mm NATO (.308 Caliber Winchester Magnum)
4-1 AK-47 (CV-47)
4-5 Steyr Scout (Schmidt Scout)
4-7 HK G3/SG1 (D3/AV-1 Semi-Automatic Sniper Rifle)

In real life, the AK-47 fires the 7.62x39mm WP (Warsaw Pact/Soviet), but
for CS purposes it uses the NATO 7.62x51mm round. It's an older round
type developed after World War II and can directly trace its lineage
from the .30-06 Cal rounds used in the old M1 Garand rifles. After WWII,
the .308 Cal was developed and chambered for many NATO rifles and
machineguns, and adopted by NATO as standard rifle ammo until the
appearance of the 5.56x45mm round. The 7.62mm is still used in most
sniper rifles for its sheer power, but has mostly been replaced by
lighter weapons chambered for the lighter 5.56mm round.

D - .338 Lapua Magnum (8.6x70mm)
4-6 AI Arctic Warfare/Magnum (Magnum Sniper Rifle)

This special round was originally developed in 1983 for the US Navy SEAL
team snipers. It provided the teams with a sniper round that could
easily punch through walls and vehicles like the .50 Cal BMG (12.7mm)
Barret rifle, but with a weight and size closer to the more manageable
standard .308 Cal Winchester (7.62mm NATO) sniper rifle ammo.

7 -- Secondary Ammo
Secondary ammunition are the pistol rounds. In the case of SMGs, some of
these are actually bought as Primary Ammo, unless both of your Primary
and Secondary weapons are equipped with the same Ammo Type. Examples of
these combinations are:
5.7x28mm FN - Five-SeveN & P90
9x19mm NATO - Glock G18/Dual Beretta & MP5/Steyr TMP
.45 Cal ACP - USP Tactical & UMP45/MAC-10

If both your Primary and Secondary weapons have the same ammo type, then
whether you buy Primary (6) or Secondary (7) on the buy menu, you're
equipping ammo for both weapons at the same time. The advantage to this
is that buying ammo is much quicker, but you're limited by the total
amount of ammo you can carry. For the most part, I'd recommend using
dissimilar Primary and Secondary Ammo types, so that you can carry more.

A - 9x19mm NATO (Parabellum/Luger)
1-2 Glock G18 Select Fire (9x19mm)
1-5 Dual Beretta 96G (.40 Dual Elites)
3-1 HK MP5-Navy (SMG)
3-2 Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol (Schmidt MP)

The 9mm Parabellum/Luger round has been around since World War II,
originally chambered for the now-infamous German Luger 9mm pistol. Since
then, it has become one of the most common handgun rounds in the world,
especially in Europe. It packs more of a punch than the older .38 Cal
S&W and .22 Cal LR pistol rounds, and is smaller than the older and
bulkier .45 Cal ACP round, which is why it is quite commonplace.
Naturally, many pistols and SMGs use the 9mm as its ammo type. It's
cheap, plentiful, and a fairly effective stopper against unarmoured
targets. Against Kevlar-wearing opponents, it is a slightly different

B - .357 Caliber SIG/Magnum
1-4 SIG P228 (228)

The .357 Cal Magnum was the first of the high-powered ammo rounds
designed for handguns, and is currently the smallest of the Magnum-class
rounds. The .357 round's reputation has since been overshadowed by its
siblings, the .44 Cal Magnum and the .50 Cal Action Express, but it
still has incredible stopping power for a handgun.

C - .45 Caliber ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
1-1 HK USP .45 Tactical (K&M .45)
3-4 Ingram MAC-10
3-5 HK UMP45 (K&M UMP45)

The .45 Cal ACP round was introduced by Colt Firearms as a more powerful
handgun ammo type to replace the .38 Cal revolvers then in service (in
no small part due to us Filipinos). Not long afterward, John Browning
developed the weapon that would make Colt and the .45 ACP round a
household name: The Colt M1911 Autopistol. Although it is bigger than
the .357 Cal rounds, it does less damage since it is an older round and
subsonic. Conversely, it is easier to suppress the sound of a subsonic
round than a supersonic round (no sonic boom), which is why the USP
Tactical has a good Suppresser--though it is subsonic, the bullet's
sheer bulk still packs a wallop.

D - 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
1-6 FN Five Seven
3-3 FN P90 (ES C90)

A new round developed by Fabrique Nationale of Belgium, the 5.7x28mm
round easily looks like a smaller version of the 5.56x45mm or 7.62x51mm
rifle rounds and is designed to penetrate armour easily yet still do a
considerable amount of damage. The 5.7mm when used in the P90 is very
promising, and may someday replace all 9mm rounds in service.

E - .50 Caliber AE (Action Express)
1-3 Desert Eagle .50 AE (Nighthawk)

A specialized .50 Caliber round for the Desert Eagle pistol, this is NOT
the same as the .50 Caliber BMG (Browning Machine Gun) round used by
Antiaircraft guns and the Barret .50 Cal Sniper Rifle. Nonetheless, it
is without a doubt the most powerful handgun round developed to date,
and is considered illegal in many countries and many states of the
United States.

8 -- Other Equipment

Guns alone are not your only tools in the fight for or against
Terrorism. There are also many other pieces of equipment necessary to
your well-being as well as devices that can change the course of combat
in your favor...

8-1 Kevlar Armour
COST: $650

This is the standard Medium-Level waist-length Kevlar body armour with
solid plate inserts used by most Counterterrorist and SWAT operatives in
the field, and is designed to stop most pistol rounds and a certain
level of SMG fire.

Kevlar is not like old plate or flak armour. Rather, it consists of many
layers of plastic coating and foam padding designed to act like a
trampoline, catching a bullet and spreading its kinetic energy around
the vest, thus preventing it from hitting the body. Of course, rifle
rounds and the new 5.7mm rounds have a sharp, tapered tip designed to
rip through Kevlar and cause serious damage, so most Kevlar armor have
solid 'Strike Plates' inserted that can help absorb anything short of a
pointblank hit from a rifle round.

Kevlar was developed as a lighter and more comfortable alternative to
the Flak Vest. Flak Vests are vests with steel or titanium inserts
designed to deflect most small-arms fire, and were in use from as old as
the Civil War up to the Vietnam era. The major complaint with Flak vests
was that they were heavy and uncomfortable, especially in the hot
jungle/swamp conditions of Vietnam. Kevlar still acts an encumbrance,
but not nearly as uncomfortable or heavy as old-fashioned Flak armour.

POINT: Except for the L337 Crew and Arctic Avengers Terrorist Skins, all
of the player skins of CS have the Kevlar Vest illustrated. In CS, even
when hit by a rifle round, Kevlar still provides some protection, but
not much. Still, it's best to wear it as it provides a measure of
protection against most pistols and SMGs in combat.

8-2 Kevlar Armour with Helmet
COST: $1000

This is the same as the Kevlar armour above, plus the addition of the
Personnel Armor System for Ground Troops (PASGT) Kevlar helmet that is
standard for U.S. Troops. The PASGT helmet is slightly tougher than the
Kevlar vest since it is Kevlar molded around a hard helmet shape (Vests
have to be flexible for one to move in, but a human skull is fixed). A
rifle round can still penetrate it, but only when direct on; this helmet
will still deflect a shot slightly at an angle.

It's a little-known, but very odd, fact that when the PASGT Helmet was
developed, many Army and Marine Corps personnel didn't like it, even
though it was lighter, more comfortable, and generally better at
deflecting small arms. The main reason was that unlike the old 'Steel
Pot', you can't cook food in a plastic helmet. This practice (of using
helmets for cooking) has been around since World War I, and eventually
changed in the mid to late 1980's, as the new non-cook MRE (Meals Ready
to Eat) Rations became widespread among military forces.

US Troops have nicknamed this the "Fritz" Helmet due to its similarity
in design to German Stormtrooper helmets of World War II. This was
another reason for the US Military's dislike. The PASGT thus had to also
fight off the negative impressions such a design hinted at.

POINT: The PASGT helmet is the one seen on the GSG-9 skin. The REAL
GSG-9 uses a protec helmet, but in the same colors as those shown in
CS. Many CS players eschew the helmet to save cash since many of the
higher-powered weaponry can still kill with a headshot. This should
not be an excuse, since equipping the helmet in CQB can mean the
difference between life and death at such ranges with SMGs or pistols.

For the record, the hemlet seen on the SEAL skin is a matte-black
colored Protec helmet. It's a light polymer helmet normally used by
athletes and sportsmen to absorb small impacts. AFAIK unlike the PASGT,
it is NOT designed to deflect small-arms fire.

8-3 XM-82 Flashbang
COST: $200

It's a little known fact, but the British SAS were the first to develop
the Flashbang, though blinding explosive devices have been in use long
before modern times. Also known as a Stun or Concussion Grenade, its
primary use is to stun or temporarily disable a terrorist without
actually harming them; a very important point if the terrorist is
holding a hostage or if it is desired to take the terrorist alive.

Flashbangs live up to their name; upon exploding, they impair vision and
hearing alike with a blinding flash of light and a painfully loud blast.
The air pressure from the blast can disrupt a person's eardrums, and
likewise their balancing organs. This is what really causes terrorists
to be stunned;the disruption of your sense of balance will keep you from
reacting normally to an attack.

The blinding flash of the blast itself impairs vision. At close enough
range and cramped quarters, the concussive blast of the grenade can
knock out a person. For Real-life CTs, these are far more useful than
normal grenades.

POINT: In CS, Flashbangs can blind vision, turning your view white for
anywhere between 2-5 seconds. Unlike the real Flashbangs (or those in
Rainbow Six for that matter), they do not completely impair your hearing
(though there is a slight ringing sound), a vital point to remember when
you're firing blind. Another thing to remember is that it affects both
teams, so one must take care not to blind himself or teammates with
their own Flashbangs. Sadly, this is something that a lot of players,
newbie or otherwise, fail to consider.

You can carry 2 Flashbangs at a time in CS, which is important since
many of the wiser players know to shield their vision behind an obstacle
when a grenade is thrown their way. Toss one, then immediately prep
another. Again, take care not to blind yourself or your teammates when
doing this.

TACTICS: Learn to 'Breach and Bang' properly (See OTHER FAQ, below).
Practice your throwing angle religiously. When in doubt and NO teammates
are in the room, flashbang. Listen for anyone panic-firing after being
flashed. Works best if the enemy is NOT expecting it, such as a dark
corner, ESPECIALLY if he's wearing NVGs.

8-4 HE Grenade
COST: $300

The HE (High Explosive) Grenade or Fragmentation (Frag) Grenade is the
most common indirect weapon of attack among troops. CTs only use these
in situations wherein there are few to no civilians or hostages and are
pinned down by enemy firepower. It is standard operating procedure (SOP)
for room clearing to toss in either a Flashbang or HE grenade in before
entering, in order to stun or injure opponents hiding inside.

The grenade seen in CS is of a canister shape. Normal HE Grenades (such
as the standard US army-issue M61 and M67 Defensive) are spherical-
shaped or oblong-shaped for better throwing and area explosion.
Canister-shape grenades are either smoke or flashbangs.

POINT: Players prefer this grenade to all others simply because of its
damaging capability. Still, many players get careless with it, often
tossing it haphazardly into areas without checking first. Ideally, HE
grenades should be thrown only into areas where enemies are confirmed,
otherwise it is useless. Personally, I use Flashbangs more than HEs, but
HEs work better in trying to flush out campers in the shadows. Use HEs
wisely since you can only carry one at any time.

TACTICS: Learn to 'Breach and Bang' properly. Practice your throwing
angle, to avoid an accidental bounce-back (HE's, unlike Flashbangs, can
kill you). Remember that on some servers, Friendly Fire Off does not
apply to HE grenades.

8-5 Smoke Grenade
COST: $300

There are two purposes of Smoke Grenades in real life: One is to provide
cover for an escaping unit and mask them from enemy fire. The other is
as a signal for other team members to regroup in that direction.

POINT: 9 out of 10 CS players find this weapon useless. This is because
the smoke is not as thick as they would like it, or as fast as they
would like. For blinding purposes, they would rather use Flashbangs. But
Smoke Grenades work best indoors or in enclosed spaces wherein the smoke
builds up, and it makes for a good way to avoid snipers.

But the best way to use them is to confuse your opponents in closed and
already-dark spaces. In cs_mansion as a Terrorist, I once herded all 4
hostages to one dark corner of the house. I then ran out to take
potshots at the remaining 2 CTs nearby, before running into the
hallways. After grabbing their attention, I then tossed a Smoke Grenade
as they followed. The result was chaos; the beleaguered CTs ended up
emptying their M4A1s into the hostages while at the same time providing
me with two picture-perfect, no-brainer headshots. Unfortunately, the
smoke in the game does not go high enough into the sky to work as an
efficient signal system.

TACTICS: Use smoke to cloud enemy sniper's vision. Has a more lasting
effect than flashbangs, and NVGs can't see through them. However, there
are certain settings in CS that can make smoke nearly transparent and
therefore useless.

8-6 Defuse Kit [Counter-Terrorist Only]
COST: $200

This kit speeds up the disarming of explosives. As a set, it has a full
complement of electronic and diagnostic equipment as well as the proper
tools in order to safely and efficiently defuse a bomb.

POINT: Many CS players ignore this mostly since it isn't necessary to
defuse a bomb with the Defuse Kit. However, the time needed to defuse a
bomb is cut in half when using this piece of equipment, so I believe at
least one CT member should carry one, just in case.

8-7 Night Vision
COST: $1250

The Night Vision system works on low-light amplification. It takes in
what little light is available and intensifies it. The result is a
greenish-looking view of the world, but it is better than going
completely blind in many situations. Early versions of this system were
first developed in the latter years of World War II as vehicle or weapon
mounted bulky scopes. Since they were initially developed to use even
the faint light of stars at night, this device was once called the
'Starlight Scope' when mounted on rifles.

These devices do have many drawbacks. The greenish tinge is unavoidable
due to the low-light nature of the device, making it hard to distinguish
detail at certain distances. The other, more serious, drawback is that a
sudden bright flash of light is capable of shorting out the system and
blinding the wearer temporarily.

POINT: Although Half-Life is known for its dark corners and areas, most
of Counter-Strike's locations are not completely and absolutely dark
enough to warrant the use of NVGs. The only map location wherein the NV
Goggles are of any use would be in cs_mansion's darkest corridor (the
pitch-black hallway on the second floor). Even then, there are easier,
cost-free ways to view the surroundings than with the goggles, and the
greenish tinge is occasionally an eyesore.


In reality, most CT units don't use a knife. Many of the CQB situations
that they find themselves in do not lend much to hand-to-hand combat,
and in fact, it's avoided as much as possible. Only in certain and rare
situations are knives used, and those are in situations wherein a
suppressed gun is not effective or usable in the given situation, which
is highly rare.

POINT: The knife in CS actually comes from the knife used in the Half-
Life: Opposing Force expansion pack (which in turn replaced the crowbar
in Half-Life). In the beta versions, it was highly feared, but not as of
V1.0, wherein slashes are not enough to kill. It is good to use against
a weakened opponent whom you get the jump on at -extremely- close range,
but otherwise leave it in favor of your guns.

TACTICS: Only use in very close quarters in ambush, and when you either
want to conserve ammunition or have no ammo left. Do NOT try a kill with
a knife simply for bragging rights, unless you are THAT skilled a CS

C4 Explosives [Terrorist Only]

Plastic Explosives are highly prized by both Terrorist and Counter-
Terrorist units. They are light, easily moldable, infinitely more stable
than other types of explosives (such as dynamite), and leave very little
trace once used. They can also be used underwater given the right
waterproofing, and it takes very little to destroy a whole lot.

C4 (Composition 4) is the current standard US Military-issue plastic
explosives. In real life, Terrorists often use Semtex, a slightly more
touchy Czechslovakian version common to former Soviet military forces,
and based on C3 (the predecessor of the US Army C4).

POINT: Terrorists only get C4 in Bomb missions, and they can only be
placed in one of two (or more) 'Bombsites' on the map. Despite this, it
packs a terrific punch when it explodes, so anyone unfortunate to still
be in the effective area of the bomb blast is liable to be killed
outright or at least seriously injured (Not to mention get additional
'Frequent Flier' premiums as they're blasted into the sky ^^x).

TACTICS: Do not leave bomb as soon as it is planted, as CTs can still
defuse it. Wait awhile, then leave just before it explodes. Always
protect the bomb-carrier as much as possible until he plants the bomb.


Listed here are short descriptions of the 4 CT teams portrayed in CS, in
a nutshell. The Terrorist teams, on the other hand, are NOT based on any
existing Terrorist groups. This should be apparent already with the
names given them: Phoenix Connection, Arctic Avengers, L337 Krew, and
Gorilla Warfare. The L337 Krew names comes from the term "LEET" (or
Elite), for example.

United States
US Navy

USN Commander (Ret.) Richard Marcinko originally formed SEAL Six (Now
officially known under the jawbreaking moniker of Naval Special Warfare
- Development Group [NAVSPECWAR - DEVGRU]) as a standalone
Counterterrorist unit for the Navy. Considering that it is much younger
and infinitely smaller than the older and more legendary SAS, SEAL Six
has made an almost mythic (Detractors would say 'infamous') name for
itself in many circles. The team cross-trains regularly with other Spec
Ops teams including GSG-9, GIGN, and SAS as well as their Army
equivalent, First Army Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta -
(1st SFOD-D or Delta Force), and other CT groups worldwide.

Though SEAL Six was originally designed for (and still is) primarily
focused on maritime Counterterror operations, they are also
exceptionally skilled masters of CQB (Close Quarters Battle), each team
member emptying 2500-3000 bullets per week and constantly practicing to
further perfect their dead-on target shooting. Taken a step even
further, SEAL Team Six is one of the few Counterterror units in the
world with the authorization to take the first strike at Terrorism
(meaning assassination of Terrorist targets), if and when given the go-
ahead by the President of the United States. As a result, SEAL Six is
also one of the most clandestine CT units in the world.

SEAL Six's Counterterror and CQB requirements, as well as seagoing
nature is one of the reasons Heckler and Koch developed an MP5 SMG
specifically to cater to the Navy SEALs' needs--the MP5/N Submachinegun.

There is no word on whether SEAL Six has been assigned to any
counterterror operations in the world as of late. It is, however,
certain that no SEALs are currently in Afghanistan.

GSG-9 (Grenzschutzgruppe 9)
Republic of Germany
Bundesgrenzschutz (Border Police)

After the horrors of World War II, Germany was naturally apprehensive
about creating an elite military force for any given reason, and thus
tried to bring up a wholesome and friendly image. That image was
shattered in 1972, when members of the terrorist group Black September
kidnapped and murdered Israeli athletes during the Munich games, made
even worse by (even Germany admits) horribly inept police action.

In 1973, the West German government, precisely because of this fiasco,
then wrote up the plans for GSG-9, an elite Counterterror unit. The
GSG-9 is actually a part of the West German Border Police Forces
(Bundesgrenzschutz) and not the military. This is both to avoid any
stigma from the World War II connotations and that the Border Police
were already used to dealing with terrorism to some degree (More so than
the regular police at Munich).

Life in GSG-9 is spartan to say the least, and each member prides
themselves on their ability to live in such conditions; many GSG-9
members go undercover, actively infiltrating Terrorist groups and
nipping many actions in the bud. Clearly, this Counterterror unit's
members are not the type to merely sit back and wait for a Terrorist
action to happen.

GIGN (Groupe de Securite et d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie
Republic of France
Gendarmerie (Police)

The French GIGN, like the German GSG-9, is operated by the Police, not
the Military. But that is where the similarity ends. The GIGN are unlike
any other Counterterrorist unit, firstly because of its small size
(barely over a hundred men, inclusive of staff members), and the fact
that they are the only CT unit of renown with standing orders NOT to
shoot to kill. GIGN was formed 1973, around the same time as GSG-9.

GIGN troops are police officers first and foremost, which is why GIGN
has such an odd non-lethal policy of taking down Terrorists and the
like; Police officers must make arrests and are not allowed to take the
law into their own hands. GIGN prides itself on its marksmanship--to
injure but not to kill, and that more often than not, they manage to
have both hostages AND Terrorists alive at the end of a mission. Even
though other CT units scoff at what they regard as both pointless and
potentially hazardous, all of them cross-train with GIGN, hoping to
learn some of that legendary marksmanship.

SAS (Special Air Services)
Great Britain
British Royal Army

The SAS is both the oldest and thus far the best-known Counterterrorist
Special Operations Force still existing in the world today. First formed
in World War II as a commando-style unit, the SAS eventually branched
out into other divisions of Spec Warfare. In 1980, the SAS
Counterterrorist team intervened successfully in the Iranian Embassy
siege in London, and that one action was what put the SAS
Counterterrorist function in the limelight.

One thing to note is that the SAS is actually divided into various
'Squadrons' with differing duties, from Mountaineering to vehicles, up
to Recon units. The SP (Special Projects) team, which engages in
Counterterror, however, is not a regular unit of the SAS. It is a group
in which all SAS members have to go through for six months at a time,
with constant refresher courses. Because of this, it can be said that
ALL members of the SAS are qualified in CT warfare.

Even today, all Counterterrorist units in the world have nothing but the
deepest of respect for the British SAS. SEAL Team Six, GSG-9, GIGN,
regardless of who, there is no unit (save maybe the Israeli Mossad) that
does not give the SAS at least some measure of respect.

The SAS is currently in Afghanistan, alongside US Special Forces in the
pursuit of al-Qaida. It is currently not known whether this is the SP
unit or one of the other SAS divisions. They are currently the largest
non-US force in that country to date.

It's often been said that good soldiers aren't born, they're made. That
is certainly the truth with Counter-Strike. You may have been blessed
with better reflexes, a fast eye and trigger combination, but without
the proper training and orientation, you're not going to last long in
Half-Life: CounterStrike. In fact, a lot of seasoned DOOM/Duke
Nukem/Quake players find themselves hopelessly splattered in CS their
first time out. In here are some Tactical Thoughts that apply well in
the game.

"I am your War Lord and wrathful god of combat, and I shall
lead you from the FRONT, not the REAR."
- Richard Marcinko, 10 Commandments of SpecWar

Don't expect to tell your team to charge while you cower behind a crate.
If you want to lead, lead by example. If you're an assaulter, this means
you head into battle first. Obviously, this lends better to assaulters
than campers. I'm not saying for you to charge in blindly and suicidal;
that's just plain stupid. If you have a plan in mind, run with it. Don't
just TELL people about it and expect them to do it for you, do it
yourself! For example:

* In one game of cs_assault (and the very second time I played CS in my
life), we'd been regularly creamed by the Terrorists for three straight
rounds. No teamwork among us at all, while the Terrorist team had
incredible teamwork.

I was about to kick myself in the head when I realized, rather late in
the 3rd round, that the Terrorist team had taken the bridge as their
sniping point (in real life, you don't get a second, much less a third
or fourth chance).

On the fourth round, I bought an M4A1, swapped to the knife and ran all
the way to the bridge before the Terrorists did, then armed my M4A1 over
the bridge, just in time for the poor unsuspecting Terrorists to run out
and kiss 5.56mm headshots instantly. They were all in panic as their
team leader and one other teammate bit the dust first; obviously that
had never happened to them before.

Taking my cue (and not even needing any verbal prodding!), the rest of
the team took advantage of the situation to attack the warehouse
building from behind and nail the Terrorist Team, who were still messed
up and freaking over how 'the newbie' popped a surprise like that on

We CTs won that round flat out, and after everybody (Both CT and
Terrorist Teams) got smart to those tactics and played like a team, we
had tons of fun. Had I not gone and taken the initiative, it would have
been another boring game of getting sorely whacked on the LAN.

"Secure every advantage before attacking."
- Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Dicta Boelcke

Advantages include cover, speed, weapon range, and a lot of others. Try
to secure every advantage in an attack; know the map territory, your
enemy's weapons against your own, and most importantly surprise, to get
the jump on him. This is especially vital for AWM Snipers since they
have to take a spot which is hard to get at and yet easy to shoot from.
Rest assured that any advantage you ignore may eventually become the
enemy's advantage.

* Every Terrorist knows that the window overlooking the CT spawn point
in cs_italy is the best sniping position in that map. What many neglect
may be the point that directly under it is a recessed area with crates.
I took advantage of this once--Bought an M249 Para, swapped to my knife
and went for that particular region (I didn't buy armour at all since I
wasn't playing all that seriously at the time--also why I picked the
M249 in the first place).

I then armed the M249 when I saw and heard an AWM take out one of my
teammates. What happened next was a no-brainer; I swung the M249 to the
ceiling and let loose. Two Terrorists dead and one wounded, and all of a
sudden, every Terrorist was voting for de_dust. ^^x;;;

"Attack from behind, when your enemy does not see you."
- Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Dicta Boelcke

"Attack where they are not prepared, go out to where they do
not expect."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

To many FPS game players (those in Quake Tournaments especially), this
sounds low and 'dishonorable'. Maybe it is, but from the standpoint of a
Counter-Terrorist, much less that of a Terrorist, this is the rule and
not the exception. Look at it from a logical point of view. Attacking
from the side doesn't always produce good results. There's less body
area of your enemy to hit, and the slightest twitch or recoil (As with
AK47s and AUGs) may make you miss the target entirely and attract his
notice for him to counterattack. Not to mention that moving forward as
he is makes for a slightly harder to hit target.

The only cases wherein you can get a larger hit chance if he was facing
directly forward or directly behind you. Obviously, a head-on attack
would be risky if your opponent has a superior weapon or superior skills
to yours (Can you say AWM Sniper Master?).

So all that's left is attacking from behind. It takes a bit longer for
your enemy to react, as he has to spin around to attack you, and by that
time you've hopefully riddled him with enough bullets to kill or at
least seriously injure him. For snipers (especially those who do NOT
have the AWM), taking him out from behind and above also gives a higher
chance of a headshot on your target. Behind and slightly below (Such as
in cs_assault or in de_aztec) also presents a good angle if you are a
'counter-sniper' out to nail a pesky AWM sniper upstairs. And simply
nothing beats the sheer satisfaction of sneaking up on a sniper from
behind and knifing him to death. ^^x;;;

* In the very first game of CS I ever played, there were 7 Terrorists
(average players, my guess) and 4 Newbie CTs including myself, map

Two rounds into the game I noticed that the CTs were all going to the
first bombsite and effectively getting massacred while the Terrorists
(all 7 of them) stayed inside the halls and AWM-sniped us at their
leisure. Third round, I bought a P90 and HE grenade and went under the
bridge. No snipers at all were guarding the place.

Running up back and into the Terrorist side of the hallways, I noticed
all of them firing at my teammates and their backs turned to me. I
tossed the HE grenade and ran my behind off firing the P90, eventually
getting waxed by one Terrorist with an AK47, but not before I HE'd three
of them to death and seriously injured the AK wielder, not to mention
give my teammates the win for that round.

No surprise that there were then 7 Terrorist players out for my "Newbie"
blood...Is it my fault they were overconfident? I just used their
oversight to my advantage. Warning to vets: NEVER underestimate the
unpredictability of a Newbie; they might have new ideas that might be
useful to learn.

"Attack in groups."
- Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Dicta Boelcke

This is another tactic that a great majority of FPS players find
'dishonorable'. Then again, other FPS players have the benefit of
respawning immediately after dying...which they do a lot. In CS, you
only respawn after the match ends. I need not add that there are a lot
of Rambo types who play CS charging in like some fool knight on
horseback, only to be carried home in a litter box. Oswald Boelcke
himself lectured to his students constantly this tenet of the Dicta
Boelcke, emphasizing teamwork above all else, for yours and your team's

Attacking in groups has many advantages. You'll have more firepower,
your enemy will be overwhelmed, and that'll be one less guy to worry
about. Never assume you've done just enough damage to kill him with the
NEXT shot; ALWAYS treat your enemy like he was at full health. Also, the
more firepower hitting him, the harder it will be for him to single one
of you out--A large number of bullets hitting him all at once is a lot
of stopping power. Also noted is the fact that some weapons in CS work
much better as part of a group. Examples are that of an M249 Para
wielder supporting a group of SMG users, or an assaulter with an M3
being backed up by a teammate with the M4A1 for support.

Alternatively, when there are two or more opponents, don't bother to
gang up; split and each of you take one. Though this might be dangerous
initially, at least it takes a load off your mind; two ganging up on one
opponent when another opponent is unscathed and nearby is a turkey shoot
waiting to happen. Above all, stop worrying about which of you gets the
kill; the point is that your opponent is dead and both you and your
teammates are alive.

There's a nickname for this kind of tactic: It's called a Wolf Pack.
Each one of you is like a wolf; you each want to get the highest frag
rate possible. But you also work in packs, so that your chances of
killing the enemy are higher than that of him killing you.

"Fixed formation is bad."
- Miyamoto Musashi, Go Rin No Sho

"When we're on the march we march single file, far enough
apart so one shot can't go through two men."
- Major Robert Rogers, Standing Orders of Roger's Rangers,

You'd normally think that running around in a large united group makes
for both an imposing appearance. Actually, this makes an enemy AWM
sniper's ability to get 3-in-1 kills all the easier. Don't EVER crowd up
elbow-to-elbow with your teammates, especially in tight hallways and
corners! Attack within groups, but don't get in your buddy's way. You're
a group of Special Forces or Terrorist units, not a Junior Band Parade
Drill team, so stop trying to bunch together. Even if you stick close to
your teammates, you must give them enough maneuvering room.

* One game of cs_italy was particularly annoying for me. Three of us CTs
were in the wine cellar (small route leading to the Hostage Area), with
me in the right corner of a neat triangle formation, which left me

When we got to the stairs at the wine cellar, there was -ONE- Terrorist
armed with an AK47 strafing us. I was ready to attack, but the guy in
front of me panicked (I found out later that he'd swapped to the USP
Tactical in his panic) and then tried to double back. The bad news was
that the guy to my left and back wanted to attack, and was trying to
push FORWARD while our point man was moving BACK.

The coup de grace of all of this was that I was smack-dab in the middle
of the DOORWAY when this happened, and couldn't move or even jump any
way at all without one idiot or other in my way. So I got stuck
sandwiched between a pair of idiots while the Terrorist mowed all three
of us down courtesy of the AK47's 7.62mm round. Doom on you, Wavehawk.

"Don't be fooled by the Enemy's tricks."
- Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Dicta Boelcke

"Warfare is the Way of deception."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

A wily enemy team will know when to lead you by the nose--right into one
of their traps. This takes some practice and observation of your enemy's
moves. For an Assaulter, this is already very important, but for a
Sniper this skill is VITAL. The entire point of a Sniper, especially in
a sniper duel, is to convince the enemy, directly or indirectly, to
kindly appear long enough for you to put a bullet through his head. The
goal is for you to trick your enemy, not him trick you. Its a mind game
at long range, and whoever gets the lethal shot in first wins,
regardless of how he did it. As a Sniper, you MUST trick your
enemy...without having him trick you in turn.

* Spying an enemy sneak behind a crate (his rifle barrel was sticking
out the side) in the first bombsite area of de_dust, I let loose into
the crate with my Steyr AUG, emptying my stash of 5.56mm ammo when I saw
his weapon, an AK-47, fall to the ground.

Not waiting a second and thinking he was dead, I chucked my AUG (I was
completely out of 5.56mm and wanted to get a rifle, quick) and rushed to
the crate.

Well, I found the very same guy, crouching there and waiting to blow my
head away with a Desert Eagle. Bammo.

Smart guy apparently tossed his AK aside and swapped to his pistol, just
waiting for me to take the bait. Niiice. ^^x;;;

"Never quit an attack once started."
- Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Dicta Boelcke

If there is any rule that needs reminding over and over and over again,
it's this one. Hit-and-run tactics are good. Attacking then changing
your mind in mid-attack is not. If you attack, then suddenly chicken out
in mid-attack, your enemy will use that to his advantage and kill you.
When you turn tail and retreat, you are presenting your opponent with a
golden opportunity to kill you. Even if you are firing back (strafing)
while running away, you are still at a disadvantage; I've seen a lot of
CS players run backward firing frantically, then unwittingly end up
slamming into a wall.

A hit-and-run is not the same as this; a hit-and-run ultimately still as
the motive of killing or seriously injuring the enemy enough to make him
fear for his life. Stopping in mid-attack, even to reload, is a death
sentence. Remember your Weapon Switch key ("Q" by default), and make
sure that before a battle, you've got it automatically set to your
secondary. Then practice tapping it once your primary is empty.

* There are far too many close calls I've had in CS wherein this simple
swap to my pistol was all that kept me from being outgunned. In real
life, CT operatives are trained to quick-draw their handgun the second
their primary is empty. Often, the difference of a single pistol bullet
is what keeps you alive.

"Fire at close range."
- Hauptmann Oswald Boelcke, Dicta Boelcke

"When your enemy fills your cockpit window, fire. You can't
possibly miss at that range."
- Lt. Erich Hartmann (World War II's Top Fighter Ace with 352

This lends better to assaulters than snipers but in any case, the closer
you are to your opponent, the easier it is to hit him (obviously). Keep
in mind the earlier rule (Attack from behind) when doing this, so that
you don't somehow give your opponent the opportunity to kill you before
you kill him. At close range, all weapons are effective. Some more than
others, but at that range, it's hard to blame a failure on a
miss...unless of course, you're really THAT inept a player.

It's a common newbie mistake to suddenly open all-out once he sees an
enemy player. Remember that at long ranges, most weapons either weaken
(Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns) or have less accuracy (All assault rifles), so
all this does is nick the enemy a little and end up blowing the element
of surprise. Spraying the air and hoping that something hits your
opponent's head is NOT the best way of staying alive in CS.

At this particular stage, first-shot accuracy really counts. If you have
the element of surprise and a good shot, you had best take it. And the
closer you are to your enemy, naturally your chances of getting that
all-important head shot are greater.

"Your Buddy is Your Body"
- Basic Military Training Tenet

"NEVER leave your swim buddy!"
- SEAL tenet

Don't EVER go anywhere without someone covering your rear! If you've
read the previous two notes I'd made, it should be obvious why. This is
the one thing that most local (Philippine) CS players almost NEVER
listen to (save for the dedicated CS Clans), and it's what gets most of
team killed, since they're thinking of high frag rates first and
teamwork second. Result? Players who are better, smarter, or just plain
nastier nail them (again, see above two).

After playing CS for some time, I found that 95% of these deaths could
have easily been avoided had they been playing as a team, with one guy
watching another's back. For this, you should put 'fragging' people as
secondary and your life (and teammates' lives) as first. And the best
way for you to stay alive is if you have an extra pair of eyes covering

* There was a time in de_dust, wherein three other CTs and I charged in
to take over the bombsite. Just our luck, two Terrorists popped in at
the same time that we did, and I opened fire with my Steyr TMP.

A split-second later, I realized that I was the ONLY one firing.

Naturally, I bit the dust instantly, and upon that happening, I saw that
the three idiots who were with me all decided to chicken out and ran OUT
of the bombsite (not even firing!) the second the two Terrorists
appeared, leaving me very alone and very dead. No surprise that we lost
that round and every round after that.

After the sixth loss due to sheer cowardice on the CT teams' part (Seven
CTs against THREE Terrorists, and with six of the blankety-bleep-
blanking CTs running away each taking separate vacations!), I quit the
game in frustration and logged onto a different game.

"A general who listens to my calculations, and uses them, will
surely be victorious, keep him; a general who does not listen
to my calculations, and does not use them, will surely be
defeated, remove him."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

A lot of you will most likely have seen or heard of CS players being
kicked off their servers. I support this wholeheartedly; anyone who does
nothing but be a pain in the side for your team should be booted. If he
makes life hard (game-wise) for the opposing team, by all means keep
him; he's going to be one of your most valuable assets. But if he does
nothing but boast, complain, and generally uncomfortable to be around,
feel free to chuck him. It's these bad players that take most of the fun
out of playing CounterStrike.

"Heavy casualties can be inflicted by one trained sniper."

If you've played CS for ANY length of time, you'll know that the AWM
(Also known to CS old-timers as the AWP) Sniper Rifle is the deadliest
weapon in the game, with its one-shot kill ability. It's a powerful and
expensive weapon, but very few people actually manage to use it
properly, if at all. Too many people out there charging in blindly with
this weapon without really knowing how it works.

Conversely, many people also eschew the other Sniper rifles in the game,
such as the lighter and cheaper Steyr Scout, and the two 'Automatic
Snipers', the HK G3/SG1, and the SG550 Sniper. Truth be told, ALL of
these Sniper Rifles are highly efficient weapons, but only in the hands
of the right kind of sniper. And usually, it means a true specialist.
Save for the AWM, all other Sniper Rifles were intended for the sole
purpose of getting headshots--like real-life snipers do.

The Scout is a mini-AWM in the sense that it's a bolt-action sniper
rifle. The Scout functions pretty much the same as the AWM in 2x/4x
Scope mode, but without the scope it is a much lighter weapon. In the
hands of an intuitive sniper (one who can actually snipe well without a
scope), the Scout is deadly, not to mention very affordable.

The G3/SG1 and SG550 Sniper are both Automatic sniper rifles. Although
they do not have the one-shot kill ability of the AWM, their advantage
lies in that unlike the two Bolt-action rifles, you can quickly follow-
up missed headshots because of the Semi-auto ability. Don't compare
these weapons with the AWM or Scout; Think of the G3/SG1 as a slower and
slightly more accurate AK-47 with a 2x/4x scope, and you can appreciate
it better. The SG550 Sniper is less powerful than the Terrorists' G3/SG1
(5.56mm against 7.62mm), but it has a higher rate of fire and less
recoil to make up for it.

Snipers: Work VERY closely with a buddy. The Sniper and his spotter or
Defensive Guard, or two snipers. Snipers have one major weakness: Get in
very close with a shotgun or SMG, and he's got only a slim chance of
out-shooting you...if he somehow notices you sneaking up on him. The
buddy system works best here. Find a buddy who is your seatmate in a LAN
game, or someone you can easily communicate with one-on-one--Your
'spotter' should be armed with an SMG or assault rifle to protect the
sniper from being ambushed by a wily opponent. At the same time, he acts
as an extra pair of eyes, singling out targets for you to pick off. In
fact, a good tactic (which this author was at the receiving end of) is
to trust your buddy when you're firing blind:

* If you're behind a crate or wall and a buddy you trust (Who has a
better view of the goings-on) tells you to fire, you fire. This simple
but surprising tactic nailed me and my friends numerous times, all of us
wondering how a sniper could still hit us while firing blind. But it
worked, and worked horrifically by systematically wiping six of us out.
One spotter outside, with a clear view of us (Occasionally darting to
and fro from the Terrorist-side entrance of the halls in de_dust), and
an AWM sniper outside, firing blind save for instructions from the
zipping spotter.

"Don't never take a chance you don't have to."
- Major Robert Rogers, Standing Orders of Roger's Rangers,

This is an old piece of advice that becomes vital to you all. It was an
important tenet of the old Pre-American Revolution Rangers, and it
worked well; the Rangers actually adopted the tactics of the very people
they fought, the Native American Indians, and they learnt from their
enemy well. Never go on any harebrained suicidal scheme just because you
MIGHT rack up a high kill ratio or a reputation; you'll just end up
humiliating yourself.

* In the much-overplayed de_dust, it eventually boiled down to one
Terrorist player and myself. I had one HE grenade, an M4A1 with only 10
rounds remaining. My opponent and I attacked each other, and I was
reduced to 4 HP left, so I ran for the first Bombsite (Right outside the
hallways) and crouched in the corner outside the doorway.

All this time, my enemy was sending messages all over for me to stand up
and fight, occasionally firing through the door. I waited until I could
hear his footsteps close, then tossed my HE into the hallway, killing
him and winning the match. He then made a huge issue of it at our LAN,
accusing me of being a coward.

My counter-argument, in turn, was that I wasn't so STUPID as to go in
rushing at him when I had only 4 measly hit points left. Turns out, he
still had 8 HP himself left when the HE came bounding at him. ^^x;;;

"When in doubt, ATTACK!"
- Richard Marcinko

This may seem to run counter to what I mentioned above about taking
chances, but it isn't. The above assumes that you've still got lots of
better, safer options to rely on and hopefully the time to think about
them. If there's a less risky way of defeating your enemy, take it. But
if you're in doubt and left with no other recourse, the best defense is
a good offense. If you've got a lot of cover and are relatively safe,
then think your way out. But if you're pinned down and have little other
recourse, then better to take the chance and attack. You might even
succeed and live to brag about it.

"Don't stand up when the enemy's coming against you. Kneel
down, lie down, hide behind a tree."
- Major Robert Rogers, Standing Orders of Roger's Rangers,

NEVER give your enemy a good old, stand-up fight. That only happens in
the old movies, and you're not John Wayne. When under fire, take cover;
There isn't a real CS player worth his salt who'd just walk right up to
you in the open without any nearby cover and engage you in a straight-on
rifle/SMG joust. Better yet, hide yourself so that he doesn't see you,
then ambush him from behind. If there's a crate just high enough for you
to aim over, don't jump on top of it; use the crate as cover. This is
one of my favorites:

* In de_dust, I had been recently killed by a Terrorist who was using a
skin cheat. The previous round, he masqueraded as an SAS member and
nailed me when I held my fire (This was a friendly fire off server) to
my consternation and a boatload of profanity.

Next round, I grabbed the Benelli M3, Kevlar Vest and some reloads, then
swapped to the knife and made a beeline for the hallways. Finding the
crate area, I hid behind there. Sure enough, not one, but two skin-
cheaters, their skins flickering, passed me by without noticing me. Even
better, the leader was the guy who suckered me the previous round. Big
mistake, as I then swapped to the Benelli and took them both down
instantly. April fool, buddy-boy.

"The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass;
the enemy tires, we attack; the enemy retreats, we pursue..."
- Mao Tse-Tung (Paraphrasing Sun Tzu)

Basically, this means that you should go for guerilla warfare. This is
especially important if you've got very little cash and your enemy has
AWMs and other nasty things at their disposal. It's an opportunistic way
of fighting your enemy--grab their superior weapons when they fall, toss
HEs at their preferred campsites, when outnumbered you run instead of
giving them a stand-up fight, and when they're outnumbered, you dog them
to the ground. This tactic usually favors Terrorists more than CTs in
Bomb missions since CTs are often forced to guard the bombsites or lose
the game.

"Verily, thou art not paid for thy methods, but for thy
results, by which meaneth thou shalt kill thine enemy before
he killeth you by any means available."
- Richard Marcinko, 10 Commandments of SpecWar

Before you go on, let me note that the above statement is NOT a
justification to cheat in the game. It simply tells you to use
everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) at your disposal to defeat your
enemy. There's nothing more humiliating than dying in-game without ever
having fired a single shot at your enemy. Rephrase the above statement
this way: "If it's stupid but it works, then it ain't stupid." Use
everything. Some weapons that may seem useless to some people might be
tailor-made for others (like the SG550 Sniper). Try everything, use any
tactic; sometimes the outlandish or impossibly simple work far better
than a by-the-book play.

- Richard Marcinko, 10 Commandments of SpecWar

One of the most important lessons, if not THE most important thing to
remember in CS. KISS: Keep it SIMPLE, stupid! Don't show off, and don't
try to think up of a complicated and convoluted plan to get back at your
enemies. Keep your tactics unpredictable and as uncomplicated as
possible. Rather than overplan long, drawn-out strategies on which to
attack and counter-attack your enemies, keep it simple: Go in, hit them,
then get out. End of discussion.

* One of my friends and his band of Merry Marauding Terrorists adopted a
KISS-simple strategy that earned them a lot of ire in many de_dust

There was only one simple strategy: Wait just outside the Terrorists'
opening to the hallways and gather around, loitering there and waiting
until the very last 30 seconds of the Map round was ticking. By then,
the CTs would be very edgy, set themselves up camped in one spot or
another, if they weren't stupid enough to try and attack the gang-bang
of terrorists just outside of HE grenade range.

At the tick of the last half-minute, the whole Terrorist team suddenly
charges in as one gang and mows down the opposition on the way to the
bombsite. More often than not, they wipe out all the CTs before getting
to the site. A lot of CTs who go up against them say it's an unfair
tactic. I, for one, like it: It's simple, direct, and it works.

Some weapons and/or equipment upgrades I hope to see in CounterStrike

Smith & Wesson M29 .44 Caliber Magnum Revolver
AMMO TYPE: .44 Cal Magnum
AMMO/MAX: 6/30

The original Half-Life already has a Magnum Revolver, but noticeably,
all of the CounterStrike pistols are all Semi-auto weapons. A revolver
would be a good and cheap alternative to most players, sacrificing high
ammo capacity and fast firing rate for power and accuracy; most
revolvers are easier to aim than autopistols.

The S&W M29 .44 Magnum is a good choice, cheaper than an automatic
pistol and packing a good punch to its round (.44 Cal Magnum is more
powerful than .357 Magnum or .45 ACP but less than .50AE). It would make
an attractive and cheap alternative to the Desert Eagle in terms of
power and accuracy. On the downside would be its rate of fire (Same as
the Desert Eagle), small ammo capacity, and a slow reload time. It's a
revolver after all, and even with a speedloader will take just a bit
longer to reload than a magazine. Still, it'll be a good option to think

POINT: Some real-life CT agencies DO use a revolver instead of a pistol
when in maritime operations. Navy SEAL teams occasionally use revolvers
because the fewer working parts make it tougher and handier than
automatic pistols when damp. Also, revolvers are generally cheaper and
more comfortable to handle than most autopistols. The M29 would be like
a cheaper SIG P228 in the game but lighter and more accurate to run
around with, albeit with a smaller load and slower firing rate.

Thermal Vision

Many players find the Night Vision Goggles costly and useless, and to an
extent they are right, since merely adjusting the gamma of your monitor
screen usually does the job for most. What would be better would be if
Thermographic Vision goggles (Or a Thermal Scope like those used on
certain versions of the M4A1) were had instead, to replace the NV

Advantages would be that one could finally see behind some thin walls
and crates with it. The downside would be that it would only appear as a
reddish glob; you won't be able to tell the difference between a
hostage, a teammate, or an enemy. It'd be nicer and more of a challenge
than the old NV goggles; Therm Goggles could replace them entirely. Of
course, Flashbangs and Smoke Grenades (hot smoke) can still foul these
goggles up...

POINT: In real life, Thermal-vision equipment is big and bulky. Not
recommended for Counterterrorist use, but I felt that a device more
effective than the Night Vision goggles was needed.

Double-barreled Shotgun [Terrorist Only]
AMMO TYPE: 12 Gauge Buckshot
AMMO/MAX: 2/32
ALTERNATE FIRE BUTTON: Fire both barrels

This idea was first brought up to me by Foxy, and it's one of the
suggested weapon add-ons found on his CS page. I became even more
convinced of the validity of this weapon after playing Half-Life: Wanted
(An older, cowboy-themed mod for HL). Though the double-barrel shotgun
takes forever to load, it's absolute terror when used against two
simultaneous enemies; firing the second barrel immediately after the
first is faster than the pump-action of the Benelli M3. The double-
barreled shotgun would be cheaper than the other two due to its two
barrels and longer reload time. But it would also be lighter than the
other shotguns and the alternate fire would be a devastating instant
wide-area kill in close quarters.

POINT: The normal firing mode would be just like the M3 in close combat,
but only packing 2 shots before reloading. Secondary fire would have a
wider spread area of damage, meaning that enemy players slightly to one
side will still be hit by the shotgun's force.

Beretta PM12S
AMMO TYPE: 9mm Parabellum (NATO)
AMMO/MAX: 32/120

The PM12S is Beretta's SMG, designed for security details and the
Italian COMSUBIN frogmen. It has a slower rate of fire than most SMGs
(About the same as the HK UMP45), thus has lower recoil and relatively
high accuracy. The PM12S is about as small as an MP5K and just as
flexible in combat. The slower ROF coupled with the 9mm rounds may be
its only drawback, but this is made up for with its high accuracy
(comparable or superior to an MP5), and low recoil.

POINT: Though the Steyr TMP is rather good, many complain of its heavy
recoil penalty; unlike the MAC-10, the TMP lacks the sheer punch you'd
expect from a high-recoil weapon, though it is good when used in optimal
conditions (in ambush and by surprise). The PM12S is the TMP's direct
opposite; it has a slower rate of fire, making it more accurate and
possessing very low recoil. Of the many optional attachments to the
PM12S, I feel that the laser aiming point is best, giving the PM12S a
pseudo-sniping ability.

Fake Grenade
A dud canister painted to look like a grenade. Does not explode; just
lands and stays there. It may be a good replacement for the Smoke

POINT: It would be nice to mess around with your enemy's head by tossing
in a fake HE every now and then to spook them out. Since grenades in CS
are color-coded (Red for HE, Grey for Smoke, and Green for Flashbang),
it would be ideal to paint the Fake Grenade in either red or green in
order to send the enemy running. Of course, you'd only be limited to two
of these. But that's just me; I LIKE messing with my enemy's head.

M18A1 'Claymore' Mine

The Claymore is a directed antipersonnel mine that is not buried like
most mines, but planted aboveground, based on a World War II German
design. The actual weapon is simple; a block of plastic explosive with
700 solid steel pellets embedded within, shaped like a convex lens to
direct the explosion towards one direction. It operates either by
tripwire or remote detonation.

When triggered, explodes in a conical area in the direction of the
enemy, shooting small pellets and/or fragments at high speed, like a
giant shotgun. Anyone near the Claymore when it goes off also has the
explosion to worry about, so it is usually deployed over 20 yards from
friendly positions. Incidental fragmentation may cover a larger area to
the side and rear; most troops take cover before detonating a Claymore.

The original Half-Life game already has a Laser Tripwire Mine and C4
Satchel Charges; This Claymore mine can be an amalgam of both. For game
balance, these will not be instantly lethal but will do the same amount
of damage as a grenade. Alternate fire will remotely detonate the mine.
Because of the versatility of this weapon, you can only carry one at any

POINT: The next CounterStrike release (Condition Zero) will reportedly
have a Claymore mine available. Whether it will be like the version I
mentioned above, or completely different, remains to be seen.

M79 Grenade Launcher [Counter-Terrorist Only]
WEAPON TYPE: Grenade Launcher
AMMO TYPE: 20mm Grenades

This is the old stand-alone one-shot grenade launcher used by the US
Army before the M16/M4-mounted M203 launcher came along. It functions
similar to a break-open single-shot shotgun in the sense that it must be
reloaded after every firing. The M79 is still used by some CT forces to
shoot special 20mm flashbangs or Tear Gas grenades at ranges far longer
or higher than by hand. This could be based upon the M203 Launcher
(Secondary Fire option of the MP5) in Half-Life, but with an improved
range and slower rate of fire due to reload animation.

POINT: Normally, I would be against such big 'power weapons' in a
Counterterrorist themed FPS game, but the M79 has its merits. It would
allow one to fire HE Grenades higher up and farther than normal, and the
low ammo count (1 reload per shot, maximum of 4 shots in reserve) will
keep it from being abused too often. Another is the reload animation
(Definitely longer than the AWM bolt-action), which should be long
enough to keep players from 'autofiring' their grenade launcher. Since
it fires grenades, close combat with this weapon is NOT an option.

I would really like to see other OFFICIAL player skins made available
for CS players. The Terrorist skins are limited only to the imagination,
but some skins I'd like to see would be the following (With short
descriptions below)

U.S. Marine Force Recon
United States
US Marine Corps

The US Marine Force Recon units are one of two elite forces in the
Marine Corps (the other are the Marine Scout-Snipers). Force Recon units
trace their history as far back as World War II, and were meant to be
smaller and faster units than the regular full-scale Marine
reconnaissance battalions. Force Recon training is similar in intensity
to SEAL training, which includes SCUBA and parachute training. It is
because of this that rivalry and comparison with SEALs is quite common.

However, as of this writing, Force Recon was disbanded, as the US
Marines leave the Special Operations missions to the Army SOF and Navy
SEALs. Current Force Recon members have since been moved to duty under
the Marine Expeditionary Units (MEUs), and most have been assigned to

Delta Force (1st SFOD-D)
United States
US Army

The US Military's first truly official Counterterrorist unit, SFOD-Delta
was the brainchild of Colonel (Ret.) Charles "Chargin' Charlie" Beckwith
in 1977. Designed heavily after the British SAS, Delta comprises mostly
of Army Airborne, Rangers, and Special Forces personnel. Like SEAL Six
(NAVSPECWAR-DEVGRU), it can be authorized by the President of the United
States to initiate a first strike against foreign terrorist elements.
SEAL Six and Delta Force often cross-train with one another on occasion.

Delta Force's most recent mission was touched upon in the movie Black
Hawk Down. Currently, Delta Force may or may not be in Afghanistan
undertaking recon and hunting operations against Taliban and al-Qaida
forces. As with DEVGRU, Delta Force's existence is officially denied on
the geopolitical level.

UPDATE: Delta Force is one of the playable skins in Condition Zero.

Alfa Group
Democratic Republic of Russia (former USSR)
Russian KGB/FSB/Spetsnaz

Formed by former KGB chairman Yuri Andropov in 1974, Alfa Group's
primary mission is as a special hostage-rescue unit. Consisting mainly
of the elite Russian Spetsnaz, it has also seen action in Afghanistan,
Chechnya, and other hotspots. Currently, the main Alfa group members are
subordinate to the Russian FSB (Federal'naya Sluzhba Beznopasti, Federal
Security Bureau). Though not as popular as the European and American
Counterterror groups, Alfa holds its own as one of the best in the
world. Alfa currently engages in domestic counterterror and SWAT actions
within Russia proper.

UPDATE: The Russian Spetsnaz are a playable skin in Condition Zero.

Some other random questions that need answering. Note however, that
though I'm knowledgeable about weapons and ammo, I'm not an expert, and
may make a few mistakes; Do NOT treat my answers as expert advice on
real weapons! I only know enough as to be relevant WRT the game
mechanics of CS.

Q - Why are some ammo types listed as "Caliber" and the others
as "MM" or "Millimeter"?

A - These are acutally measurments of the ammo used usually
the diameter of the round. "Caliber" is used by the U.S. and
is based on the English measurement system (Inches). One
Caliber as one Inch, so .50 Caliber is 0.50 of an inch (half
an inch), and so on. Europe now uses the Metric System, so
their ammunition is measured the metric way (Millimeters).

Also, The European system is a little more descriptive, since
they usually include the width AND length of a bullet (like
9x19mm). This refers to the length of the ENTIRE bullet (slug
and cartridge. Take note again of the description of the
Kalashnikov AK-47 as to the importance of this length
measurement for bullets.

AFAIK, Caliber only refers to the width (diameter) of the
bullet. For some cases, the Caliber has a metric equivalent
(such as .223 Cal Remington = 5.56x45mm NATO), but not all.

Q - Where did the word "Caliber" come from?

A - I'm not 100% sure of its origin. Hairy Dude informs me:
Collins English Dictionary: calibre (n) ... [C16: from Old
French, from Italian _calibro_, from Arabic _qalib_
shoemaker's last, mould]

The word "calibrate" appears to have derived from "calibre",
not the other way round. In any case, this is how they
measured bullet widths; by calibrating them to size.

Q - Where do you get your weapon info?

A - Same way Tom Clancy does. ^^x From the 'Net, from handgun-
shooting friends of mine, from observing the local military,
and other such stuff. In other words, lots of research. You'd
be surprised at what info you can find just lying around the
'Net, or in any book or magazine for that matter. Info for
many of the weapons in CS can be found off the Remtek Arms
site at and is generally where I
found most of the weapons data for this FAQ.

Q - How good are you at CounterStrike?

A - If you're talking purely in terms of frag rates, not that
good; about average or so, at least break-even or better. But
in terms of simply driving the enemy team up the wall, I guess
I rank a number one for sheer originality.

In short, I simply %@## people off. ^^x;;;

Q - Have you ever used a REAL firearm?

A - This is a question I got a lot, even before I started this
FAQ. Honestly, among Military-Issue weapons I have handled but
not fired were the MP5A2/A3, MP5SD3, M4A1, and the HK Mark 23
pistol, so I have a feel for their empty weights and
ergonomics but not their actual combat performance.

I have fired the M16A1 (Sorry; I erroneously typed A2 in the
previous FAQ version) back in my ROTC days. It's quite an
accurate tack driver when used properly (i.e. firing semiauto.
None of that full-auto running and screaming Rambo bull). From
that I can tell you that the M4A1 in the CS game functions
pretty close to the real thing. Well, close as you can get
when pointing a loaded mouse at someone. I was also supposed
to have been trained with the Colt M1911A1 in those days but
was denied the chance to even field strip it.

Among civilian weapons, I've handled the Glock 17 and HK USP9,
but certain legal circumstances prevented me from actually
test-firing these two.

Q - What's your favorite CS skin?

A - I use SEAL Six, of course. ^^x I find that the green
fatigue hides better in some dark corners of de_dust and
de_aztec than the HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) Blue the other CT
skins have, and a better color all round. As a Terrorist I
usually use the Arctic Avengers skin because of limited
camouflage in certain maps, but for cs_assault and cs_mansion
(not cs_estate however) I strictly use the Phoenix Connection
skins for their black color.

Q1 : What are 'Suppressers'?
Q2 : Why do you call Silencers 'Suppressers'?

A : In the earlier version of this FAQ, I made the mistake of
calling suppressers 'Silencers' (Thanks again to Foxy for
pointing this out). A 'Suppresser' is a canister-like device
(thus the nickname 'can') that is either attached to the gun
muzzle (USP Tactical) or part of the gun muzzle itself, that
reduces the sound and flash of a gun while firing. A
'Silencer' is an object that completely removes a gun's firing
noise and DOES NOT EXIST in real life, only in movies.

A gun with a Sound Suppresser has a lower sound signature, but
it is not completely silent. The .45 ACP bullet used in the
USP Tactical for example, is quite loud when fired; with the
suppresser on its sound is reduced to that of a .22 Cal round.
That's much quieter than a normal .45, but it is still not
completely silent.

Also, some of the larger suppressers also tend to slow down
bullets in order to minimize sound. 9mm rounds are normally
supersonic (as mentioned above), so a suppresser slows the 9mm
round down to subsonic levels in order to quiet its report.
However, this also considerably reduces the damage caused by
the bullet itself.

Q : You mentioned that the Beretta 96G is chambered for the
.40 Cal S&W. What kind of ammo round is that?

A : The .40 Caliber S&W is a pistol/SMG round developed by
Smith & Wesson for Law Enforcement, but the round eventually
became popular with civilian shooters. It is a bullet whose
performance is halfway between the widespread 9mm and the
older but proven .45 ACP. It's a round that is a compromise
between the .45's stopping power and the 9mm's high ammo
capacity. It was developed to replace the 10mm round
(originally developed by the FBI for their Hostage Rescue
Teams, but eventually canned due to the round's unpopularity).

Early issue .40 Cal rounds had a tendency of exploding under
pressure (most notably with .40 Caliber Glock and Smith &
Wesson pistols, though the USP40 also had this problem). This
was more because of the ammo itself rather than the guns, as
the .40S&W packed a lot of gunpowder per round casing. Later
developments have since corrected this flaw. Currently, the
.40 S&W is gaining a lot of popularity among pistol users who
want near .45 ACP power but with a high ammo capacity.

Q : What's an M16/M14?

A : The M14 is a 7.62mm Rifle that was developed after World
War II and shares many design similarities to the old M1
Garand rifle used in WWII, only bigger, heavier, and more
accurate. It's actually better than the M16 at long-range
shooting, and some Spec Ops teams still use the M14 as a
sniper rifle on occasion.

The M16 is a 5.56mm Assault Rifle that was originally
developed by the Armalite Company as the AR-15. It was later
adopted by for use in Vietnam by the US Army, to replace the
M14. The M16A2 is an improved version of the M16 (M16A1 for
the Vietnam-era M16) which was more durable, lighter, and less
prone to stoppages. One of the early problems the M16 had was
that some touted it as a 'self-cleaning' rifle, but there is
no such thing. The modern M4/M4A1 Carbine is based upon the

Q : If Kevlar is designed to protect against pistols and SMGs,
why do I still get killed by them?

A : In real life, Kevlar catches the bullet and absorbs its
forward energy, keeping the round from doing damage. However,
the bullet is still stuck in the Kevlar armour, and causes the
tension to break little by little. Eventually, the Kevlar will
fail, and the succeeding bullets that come afterward will
penetrate easily.

And that doesn't even begin to cover the impact of the bullets
themselves. Pistol and SMG bullets can still kill you. It just
takes a lot more of them than the usual if you're wearing
armour. In fact, that's why FN's 5.7mm rounds were developed;
to give rifle-like Kevlar armour-piercing capability in a
pistol or SMG. On the other hand, 12-Gauge shotgun pellets
will NOT pierce Kevlar, but the sheer force of a close-range
blast will most certainly knock the wind out of you, and
possibly break a few bones while you're at it.

In game terms, if Kevlar protects so well that pistols and
SMGs are useless, there'd be little point in getting the
pistols or SMGs at all in the game, even if they were cheap.

Q : Is there a Quad Damage in CS? How can you buy the Quad
Damage in CS?

A : *Sigh* Yes, a GREAT NUMBER of people DID ask me this. I'm
sorry, there is no "Quad Damage" in CounterStrike. You can't
buy it and you can't find it. If you REALLY want to get a Quad
Damage power-up, you're in the wrong game. CS isn't brutally
realistic, but it's not like the other deathmatch FPS games
out there. I say again: _There is NO Quad Damage in Counter-

Repeat after me: _There is NO Quad Damage in Counter-Strike._

One more time: _There is NO Quad Damage in Counter-Strike._

Are we clear now?

Q : I heard that 9mm ammo is more powerful than .45ACP Cal
ammo. Is this true?

A : That depends on what your definition of 'power' is. If you
mean power as in actual wound damage (against an unprotected
body), the 9mm rounds are more powerful since they're
supersonic, and thus can cause some serious internal injuries.
If you're talking about the bullet's ability to stun or shock
a person (which some people call 'Stopping Power'), then the
bigger but slower .45ACP is more powerful.

If you're talking about damage to a target wearing Kevlar, the
9mm now has more of an advantage over the .45ACP, since it is
supersonic, and the Kevlar will take a little more stress from
it than the .45ACP round.

But if you're talking about 9mm or .45ACP from a suppressed
gun (like the USP Tactical or Steyr TMP), then the .45ACP is
more powerful; suppressers have to slow a supersonic bullet
down to subsonic speed to work. A suppressed 9mm round against
Kevlar would lose too much velocity to be effective, and might
not even damage the body wearing the armour. a .45ACP on the
other hand, has sheer bulk on its side.

I haven't even begun to list the different kinds of rounds
such as FMJ (Full Metal Jacket), JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point),
or AP (Armourpiercing), and already it's complicated. Truth be
told, there are far too many variables in CQB combat to really
say that one ammo type is more powerful than the other. But in
terms of handguns, .45ACP pistols are better for one-shot
power. .45s also have a powerful and satisfying 'kick' when

Of course, in real life any single bullet can kill you.

Q : Is the Five-SeveN and P90's 5.7mm round as powerful as
they say it is?

A : To be honest, I really don't know. The P90 became popular
because of its handling and control, and had little to do with
its unique pistol round (though it might have been a minor
factor). The Five-SeveN is still being considered, though by
now it's becoming widespread.

It's because the 5.7x28mm round was -specifically- designed to
be used against a kevlar-wearing opponent. So far, the British
SAS and French GIGN (two users of the 5.7mm round) haven't yet
encountered a situation which needed the use of this type of
weapon, since most terrorists nowadays don't carry kevlar
armour. The weapons haven't been (publicly) used against
living targets, either, so unless a new hostage crisis erupts
wherein terrorists wearing body armour turn up, we might not
fully know just how good the 5.7mm is in action...

It's fully possible that Spec Ops have already used the P90
and Five-SeveN in combat, but given the top-secret nature of
Special Operations, I doubt anyone is going to come out into
the open to declare how well the 5.7mm round works.

Q1 : Why aren't there more burst-fire weapons?
Q2 : Why is the Glock 18 the only burst-fire weapon in the
Q3 : I don't believe you. How can the REAL Glock 18 NOT be a
burst-fire handgun? (NOTE: Question 3 has been 'cleaned up'
from the original mailed to me. Too much profanity to be used
in this FAQ).

A : I mentioned earlier that the Glock was only made into a
burst-fire pistol for game balance reasons. In reality, the
Glock 18 is a full-auto pistol that works like an SMG. In real
life, Special Operations Forces rarely if ever use 2- or 3-
Burst fire weapons; only Civilian Police SWAT teams and
regular army forces use the 3-Burst. This is because:

a.) SWAT teams have to control their fire; Burst-fire reduces
the chance of an accidental full-auto 'spraying' of their
weapons, especially if the shooters somehow panic.

b.) Burst-Fire weapons actually have more working parts than
'normal' full-auto weapons, to control their firing rate. Thus
they also cost more.

c.) Special Forces are often trained well enough to control
the full-auto bursts of their weaponry.

Burst-Fire weapons are already Full-Auto weapons. They simply
have additional parts to limit the number of shots it fires.
More parts means higher cost and more ways a gun can
accidentally fail. This is why the REAL Glock G18 cannot be
made into a burst-fire weapon.

Since the Glock was meant as a compact, pistol-sized fully
automatic weapon, adding a burst fire option to it (or
converting it to pure burst fire mode) in real life is too

Second, the number of added parts will not fit in the existing
Glock G17/G18 pistol body.

Third and most important, there's no point in making a burst-
fire handgun when you can make a full-auto handgun for less
price, effort, and parts. Now I know there are burst-fire
pistols available on the market (like Beretta's 93R Full-
Auto), but you've probably also noticed that they're hardly
handguns anymore with all of the fancy add-ons.

Special Forces people are usually trained to be intuitive with
their weapons, so they can control their fire in full-auto
mode, like the way CS players can approximate the bursts of
the SMGs and Assault Rifles in the game. There are some
exceptions, of course, but Full-auto is the rule for most
SpecOps people. There is no real need to include any burst-
fire weapons in CS.

Q : What is a 'Double-Tap'?

A : This is common terminology among Special Forces and
handgun afficianadoes, and Tom Clancy fans will have read this
term to death by now. It refers to two quick shots, one after
another, from a semiautomatic pistol. In a Double-Tap, you
pull the trigger of your handgun, and immediately after this,
you 'tap' the trigger again for a near-immediate follow-up
shot. For Special Forces, they aim the first shot at the upper
body or neck area, so that the second shot or 'tap' jumps up
from the gun recoil and lands in the opponent's head.

In CS, it's actually quite simple to do this. If you can tap
your finger twice rapidly, you can do a double-tap in the
game. All of the pistols like the USP, Glock G18 (In Semiauto
mode), and Five-SeveN can be double-tapped, but this tactic
usually favors handguns with big magazines. Just be careful
not to tap too hard, or you might destroy your mouse.

Q : What is a 'Breach and Bang'?

A : Breach and Bang is SWAT terminology for entering and
flash-banging a room with enemies in it. In CS you open a door
(if there is a door), toss a flashbang in, and duck or hide
away from the entrance for a second (to avoid being flashed or
fired upon) before going in. It's practically a textbook way
for counterterrorists to enter possibly dangerous rooms in the
least dangerous way. It works better when in teams.

Q : What's the purpose of Subsonic rounds?

A : With the exception of the .45ACP, nearly all ammo types
currently used in the world today are supersonic rounds,
meaning they're faster than sound. This makes them more
powerful despite their small size. The trouble is that it also
makes a very loud BANG as the weapon is fired; the sound of a
gun firing comes mostly from the bullet hitting the sound
barrier. Subsonic rounds are slower, and thus can be
suppressed more easily. Most rifles and SMGs that use
suppressers must use subsonic rounds in order to work; using
normal supersonic rounds make suppressers useless. The only
exceptions to these are weapons with specially-designed large
suppressers like the MP5SD, which work by slowing down the
supersonic rounds to subsonic speed.

Q : Are there any Counterstrike toys/action figures?

A : You and I wish. ^^x;;; There are no official CS toys or
action figures being sold to my knowledge, though rumors have
been quite persistent both on the net and in the toy industry.
Given that it's 2003 already, I don't think it'll ever be

On the other hand, you can check out the 12-inch (1/6 scale)
action figures BBI (Blue Box Toys International) and Dragon
Models have made of the GSG-9 and SAS. These figures look
almost exactly like the player skins in CS, and IMHO are a

BBI's "Elite Force" 12-inch action figure line used to make
SEAL, GSG-9, and SAS 12-inch figures that were very close to
CS skins, but they are no longer in production. On a good
note, though, they have released a SEAL Team 6 Helicopter
Sniper, which looks incredibly cool--though it lacks the face
mask of the CS SEAL skin.

Another company, Japan-based MediCom Toy, also produces an
SAS, a GSG-9, and SEAL 6 figure. Trouble is that MediCom Toys
are Japan-based and a bit harder to locate and buy in some
places, added to the fact that they tend to be more expensive.
However, they are the only one (to my knowledge) selling a
GIGN figure. If you're a completist or simply must have a
geniuine GIGN figure, you can try them out. Otherwise, you can
try making your own (see below).

To my knowledge, there are definitely no Terrorist figures
that match the existing CS skins, but that shouldn't stop you
from making your own.

Q : Can I make my own Counterstrike Action Figures?

A : I can't believe it, but I actually got enough questions
like this to warrant answering.

You can reasonably dress up one of BBI’s Elite Force:
Terminate figures (Carlos) to look like the L337 Krew skin,
given the right accessories. The Elite Force SWAT figure can
also likewise be modified to look like a GIGN (All one has to
do is to remove the helmet.

21st Century Toys "Ultimate Terrorist" figure has the right
head for either a Phoenix Connection or Arctic Avengers
figure; get a black shirt and urban camo pants for the Phoenix
Connection skin, or an Arctic Warfare uniform for the Arctic
Avengers skin. Have fun.

I can't seem to find the means to build a Guerilla Warfare
skin, though. Not many hairy apes in the 12-inch world, so to

I also constructed a SEAL 6 and L337 Krew pair of figures from
some busted up 3-3/4 inch G.I. Joe parts, but I wouldn't
recommend doing this (considering how much old Joes cost

Q : I don't care about the figures, but I like the guns!

A : If you're a gun fan, you could try looking through the
Internet for airsoft replicas of the guns featured in CS. Be
warned, though, that some countries prohibit anything that can
be mistaken for a real weapon. Most well-designed and
realistic airsoft replicas are very costly, and some of the
very good ones can pack a punch--thus qualifying as a harmful
weapon in some countries.

Alternatively, you could also go for 1/6 scale models of the
weapons. If you're not interested in buying the action figures
but like some of the weapons in Counterstrike, these sets
could be an alternative.

BBI toys sells weapons packs called "Full Metal Gear" (no
relation to Konami's Metal Gear games) for these 12-inch
figures, all heavily detailed in die-cast metal. These sets
have a lot of gear, including the Flashbangs. Eventually they
will also release a standalone M249 Para set, also die-cast

Dragon Models also sell weapon packs, but are far more
prolific (and are highly recommended); there are many
different weapons sets containing combinations of the M4A1,
AK47, Desert Eagle, USP Tactical, P90, Glock, UMP45, MP5N,
P228, Beretta, and Desert Eagle. All of them are in the same
scale as the BBI ones. A Shotgun set containing the M3 Benelli
is also available.

InToyz makes weapons sets that have insane levels of detail
(the triggers and firing bolts actually work, as do the rate-
of-fire selectors, and you can peep through the scopes), but
tend to be fragile. An HK set (includes the MP5 and USP
Tactical) and a SIG set (includes the Sig P228, SG552, and
SG550 Sniper) are out now. In fact, I have the SG550-SN Sniper
on display at my home desk.

I can't seem to find anyone selling the Five-SeveN, G3/SG1,
MAC-10, Steyr Scout, Steyr AUG, Steyr TMP, or AWM Rifle

Q : Do you own one of those 12-Inch toys?

A : Yes. I own the 12-Inch Elite Force Navy SEAL action
figure. In fact, all except two of my 12-inch figures are
SEALs (the other two being a Special Forces trooper and a 12-
inch Solid Snake figure). A friend of mine likewise owns an
SAS figure. Not all CS players would want this, but those who
do tend to gravitate towards figures matching the skins they
play in-game. Needless to say, there are more Terrorist
players than Counter-Terrorist players nowadays.

(Copy-pasted in it's original form):

Q : R U a 6rr1? I 1yk 6rr1z N Kountrstryk WN!

A : ..............*

I'm a MAN, man. Be glad that I won't post your EMail addy here
for the whole world to know and mock...

For any further queries or comments, please email me at
with Subject: CS Weapon FAQ Query if you
have any questions, and I'll try my best to answer them. Send me no
Spam; my mother just unloaded 60 cans of it on me wholesale.

These FAQs I have worked on as of this writing. All game FAQs listed
here are available exclusively on GameFAQS unless otherwise noted. I
have also written some material for GURPS.

Half-Life: Counterstrike (PC):
- Counterstrike Real Weapons FAQ

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Real Weapons FAQ

Gundam: Renpou vs Zion (Arcade):
- MS-14A/S Gelgoog FAQ
- MS-09/R09 Dom/Rick Dom FAQ
- MS-07B Gouf FAQ
- RX-77-2 Guncannon FAQ

Gundam: Renpou vs Zion DX (Arcade):
- RGM-79(G) Ground Combat GM FAQ
- The Dicta Boelcke: 8 rules for success in space combat

- Thanks and no thanks to Cliffe, Gooseman, and the rest of the CS team
for making one of the biggest bites in my wallet ever. Kidding aside, CS
is the best ever combination between Rainbow Six's realism and Half-
Life's sheer and spooky all-out FPS fun. It's not the pure realism I
know of and enjoy, but it's fun nonetheless.

- Mochan and the Gulay brigade of AWM Snipers, for their advice, info,
and nefarious cackling.

- Konami Japan for Silent Scope/Sogeki (Which helped a bit for sniping
tactics) and Metal Gear Solid (sneaking and ambush tactics), as well as
a few other games I will not mention on this FAQ. ^^x;;;

- Remtek.com's armaments site for the real-world info and data for most
of the weapons found in this FAQ.

- "Foxy" for his extensive help with some of the more difficult-to-find
weapon data, as well as corrections made recently. Actually, you can go
and visit his webpage:

for a more interactive interface than this text-only FAQ.

- GameFAQS for hosting this FAQ exclusively, as well as the Message
Boards, the discussions on which prompted me to write this FAQ.

- The Terrorism Research Center and Special
Operations.Com websites, for their
invaluable help and info on the four Counterterrorist units described

- Very special thanks to the following for their informative articles on
most of the weapons found here:
* Clair Rees (American Handgunner)-[Desert Eagle]
* Walt Rauch (Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement)-[M1/M3
Benelli, Glock G18]
* G. Francis (Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement)-[Sig P228]
* Al Paulson (Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement)-[FN P90]
* Peter G. Kokalis (Technical Editor: Soldier of Fortune
Magazine)-[MP5, Steyr Scout, M249]
* Jacques Lenaerts (Guns Magazine)-[Steyr TMP]

- Doctor William D. Ehringer, Ph.D., for the ONLY non-CS related Ingram
MAC-10 article I could find on the web. (I owe you big time, Doc)

- Richard Marcinko (Commander, US Navy Retired), the late Oswald
Boelcke, and many other REAL Soldiers past, present, and future...for
the 'Tactical Thought' concepts I noted in this FAQ. (Sirs of the
present, please don't $@#!-can me for this)

- The Gundam fan's ever-lovin apeface: Lt. Bernard Monsha and his
patented "No Tactics" Tactics. ^^x;;;

- Lord Zero, for the true origin of Mao Tse-Tung's quote.

- A -HUGE- NO THANKS to the morons who have nothing better to do than to
throw Flashbangs in front of their own teammates, and somehow manage to
get killed by their own HE Grenades in "Friendly-Fire Off" matches. (Who
also go out of their way to call ME a stupid newbie at this game.) Hey
man, I'M not the one who plays CS because he doesn't have a date on
Saturdays! -_-x

- Mega-thanks and apologies to Specialist Daniel Rosenthal, US Army M249
gunner, and Lance Corporal Robert Plyler, US Marine MARFLORANT, for
reminding me that I'm NOT the expert on weapons other people think I am.

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Weapon Fix FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Buy Script FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
cs_siege map Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
cs_militia map Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

15.Oktober 2013
cs_assault map Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Deutsch-Patch für v1.6

16.Oktober 2013
de_aztec Map Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
ScoutzKnifez In-depth Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Zero Weapon Fix FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Sniper's Handbook
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
De_Dust2 Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Real Weapons Faq
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Specific Weapon Techinques
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Vertigo Strategy Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Stealth Playing Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer Teil 2 (nur für POD_BOTS v2.5; Achtung: 1.4 MB)

17.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer Teil 1 (nur für POD_BOTS v2.5; Achtung: 1.6 MB)

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Ausführlicher dt. Guide für CS im HTML-Format

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
22.Oktober 2014
24.Juli 2014
11.Februar 2016
09.November 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020