Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

15.10.2013 19:32:55
"This document Copyright 2001-2002 Nathan Norris"

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Resident Evil: Code Veronica X - PS2 Version - Version 1.4
By: Minesweeper (Nathan Norris) Email:


Last Updated: 8/14/02

-Table of Contents-

1: Revision History
2: Introduction
3: General Strategies
4: Walkthrough
5: Enemies Section
6: Bosses Section
7: Weapons Section
8: Thanks
9: E-mail Policy
10: Copyright


1: Revision History

Version 1.0 9/15/01 - First Edition (BTW, if you care, this is the first
year anniversary of the day I released my first guide!)


Version 1.1 10/18/01 - All I am updating is putting in a notice that any
emails sent to me that say, "I have x amount of ammo and y amount of health
items, can I beat Tyrant/Alexia?" will likely be ignored. Sorry, but I
never got around to determining exactly how much ammo these two bosses take.
I recommend you at least TRY to beat the boss a few times before you come
to ask help for me. This will be repeated above the key newbie filters, as
I like to call them.


Version 1.2 11/26/01 - This is a small copyright revision about
hosting my guides, and not much else.


Version 1.3 12/26/01 - Hope you all had a good Christmas. Anyway, I am
making a minor update concerning looking for the SERUM. You DO NOT need the
FIRE EXTINGUISHER for the SERUM. Okay, glad we got that straight, so please
stop sending me irritating emails to ask if you need the FIRE EXTINGUISHER.


Version 1.4 8/14/02 I have a small copyright revision today and a new email
address. may now host my guides, and my new email
address is


2: Introduction

So here I am again...I said that in my Resident Evil 2 guide that it would
be my last RE guide. It turns out I am wrong. I am here again writing yet
ANOTHER Resident Evil guide. I checked the message boards at and there seemed to be A LOT of people having trouble with
this game. So, in an effort to slow the tide and create another survival
horror guide, I am making this walkthrough to get you through the big bad
world of Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. It will be perilous, in fact far
more than every other RE game I have played, but this guide will aim to help
beginners get through the difficult spots.


3: General Strategies

To save, you must find an INK RIBBON and use it on a TYPEWRITER. I will not
tell you if there are INK RIBBONS nearby, as it is mostly a waste of item
space to collect them. You will find A LOT of them near TYPEWRITERS so you
won't have to look far to save. You can save as much as you want, I will
only tell you to save when there is a potentially lethal situation just
around the corner.

As this is an action game, you have a health meter. And like most other
games that have a health meter, once the meter's empty, you're dead. You
check your health inside the inventory screen. These are the different
statuses you can be in.

FINE - Everything is A'ok. You can move quickly and effortlessly.

YELLOW CAUTION - You've suffered from some damage and have become injured.
You move more slowly and your character will clutch at his or her stomach.

ORANGE CAUTION - This is the same as YELLOW CAUTION, except it means you are
teetering on the edge of DANGER STATUS. Immediately heal if you are in this

DANGER - the worst of the worst statuses to be in. You move VERY slowly and
any monster would find it very easy to attack you. This is bad, as the next
blow will very likely kill you. It is extremely important you heal as soon
as possible!

POISON - you enter this status when you get hit with an attack that poisons
you. You'll move as if you are in CAUTION or DANGER status, depending upon
how much damage you have sustained. What is extremely dangerous about this
status is that you can't check your health in the inventory screen, as the
meter simply reads "POISON." You ought to seek out a BLUE HERB as fast as
you can because you are gradually losing health while you run around in this

You can only carry eight items in this game, until you locate a SIDEPACK
which allows you to carry ten items. The only way to free up your inventory
well is to go to a CHEST. Here you can store an almost infinite legion of
items. I will say what to take and what not to take so you won't have to
backtrack TOO often...

If you use a key on a door, and the game says the key is worthless now, then
choose to discard it, because there are no more doors to use it on anyway.

A few times throughout the game, you will switch characters. Typically,
this is after a boss encounter or a very sticky situation. At these times
beginners often stock up as many items as they can on their characters.

The problem is that when you change characters, whatever items the first
character had will not go to the second character. Its a very common
mistake made by newbies which often forces them to restart due to not having
enough firepower or healing items, as all that stuff is on another character
they can't get back to. I will warn when these character changes are
approaching, so you won't accidentally leave your GRENADE LAUNCHER on Claire
while Chris desperately needs it to defeat a boss.

This quest would be impossible without these things. For the majority of
the game you will be using the HANDGUNS or the BOWGUN, as ammo for them is
extremely plentiful and due to the fact that more powerful weapons do not
come until the last third of the game. I would prefer relying upon the
HANDGUNS for most of the game and only using the BOWGUN in emergencies as it
is extremely weak. For experts, the only reason to take the BOWGUN is for
it's explosive arrows. You only find enough gun powder to make about 50 of
them, so use them wisely.

Later in the game, though, you will FINALLY be able to upgrade to the
SHOTGUN. It's weaker than it's predecessors in the former games, but you
can still kill zombies with a headshot. Sadly, they took out the zombie
dismemberment in the game. No more exploding heads :(

And then we have the percentage weapons. Most of them are fully automatic,
but not terribly useful. You usually have a TON of ammo for them, but it
takes multiple shots to kill even a zombie.

Lastly, there are the weapons that will be used exclusively for bosses. We
will use the GRENADE LAUNCHER for Claire, and Chris will use the MAGNUM.
BTW, notice that this MAGNUM is none other than...the Colt Python from RE1!
It's a joy to be using this weapon again.

You'll find many documents during your travels. They are there to provide
clues for you as to what to do next. Beginners will find them very useful
so I am telling you where they are in the game.

Like all of the other Evils, this one has preset camera angles, which can
lead to confusion when I say "go thru the right door" or "take the items on
the left." So, from now on, when I say go right or left, I mean it from
your characters perspective.


4: Walkthrough

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After the incredible firefights, explosions, and Matrix effects of the
opening, you find yourself staring at a figure in the darkness. Equip the
LIGHTER in your inventory. It's the guy who captured you in the opening!
He lets you go free, as he doesn't see any point in keeping you locked up,
because a "special forces team" has attacked the complex. He then falls
asleep in a chair. Check the clipboard and you'll find out his name is
Rodrigo Juan Raval. If you check him, you'll be told he needs a HEMOSTATIC.
We'll need to come back later after we find some. Read the PLAYING MANUAL
to make it disappear from your inventory, then go back inside your cell and
take the GREEN HERB. Next, take the HANDGUN BULLETS off the chair. Take
the COMBAT KNIFE off the desk. Leave out the only exit.


Take the HANDGUN BULLETS near the typewriter and go up the stairs at the end
of the corridor.


Go around the bend and past the tombstones. Then, the truck you walked past
will blow up, releasing a briefcase. After that, a guy climbs out through
the windshield. When he looks up, you can see he's a zombie! Just then,
approxiomately three billion other zombies will come out of their graves and
surround you. As you are only armed with a butter knife, don't try to
fight. Continue down the path, evading any deadheads who try to stop you.
It's okay if you get bitten once or twice. Leave out the gate at the other
end of the passage.


You only manage to take a few steps before somebody in a guardtower shoots
at you. Claire ducks to evade the oncoming fire, and finds a HANDGUN near a
corpse. She returns fire and manages to get the gunman to surrender. He
then sees you are not a zombie and jumps down. Claire holds him gunpoint.
He introduces himself as Steve Burnside. He's a Leonardo DiCaprio wannabe
(a bad one at that), and unfortunately you'll be spending a fair amount of
time with him during the first half of the game. He quickly runs off
through a gate. The front gate is locked and needs an emblem of some kind,
and another one is nailed closed, so you have only one route to take from
here. Choose the gate Steve left through.


Run past the broken gutter then go up on the porch in front of the bunk
house. Take the GREEN HERB at the far end of the porch then enter the


Turn left after entering and climb up the stairs. Kill the zombie up here
and take the GREEN HERB from the table. Use all three GREEN HERBS to make a
FULL GREEN MIXTURE. Now if you are patient, you can just wait up here and
downward-slash any zombie who dares to come up. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS
from the magazine shelf and then take the PRISON MAP from the kitchen.
Don't bother searching the toilet as there is nothing useful inside it. Use
the door you did not use to get in here.


You can hear a rapping noise, but ignore it for the moment. Take the
PRISONER'S DIARY from the bed. From the information inside it, there was
obviously some really creepy stuff going on here before you arrived.
Continue into the room. After you pass the last of the prison bunks, you
can see a box of HANDGUN BULLETS on the shelf, but DO NOT take them right
now. Instead, go around behind the bunks to enter the showers. Check the
dead body in the last shower for a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Turn around and
take the HANDGUN BULLETS off the shelf. When you do, the zombie crashes
through the window, but notice he drops a pair of sweeeeeeeet pistols.
Knock down the zombie and take the M-100P'S he dropped, then run back into
the bunks. A crawling zombie has appeared on the floor. Scrape along the
bunks on the left to pass him and get out. You ought not use these guns
unless you run out of HANDGUN BULLETS. The M-100P's will be necessary


Even if you killed every zombie in this room, new ones have taken their
places. Knock down the zombie next to you, then get out the door he was in
front of.


Go down the stairs. You'll get a short POV shot of...something...underneath
the porch. Run forward and follow the path around the side of the building.
You then see a dead body, being dragged into a hole. Eeew, nasty. Follow
the path to the door at the end. Ignore the chainlink gate as it is locked.


Kill both zombies in the area, but ignore the ones behind the fence. For a
weird reason, your bullets cannot penetrate it. When you get to the turn
near the shutter, be careful because a zombie has been cleverly hidden just
out of sight behind the corner. Kill him then enter the door he was in
front of.


Walk forward and a stern female voice will order you to leave all metal
items you have in the security box. Do as the voice commands you, or you
will not be allowed to proceed any further, thanks to the automated security

NOTE: These security boxes are not compatible with the CHESTS nor each
other. Anything you put in them stays in them and goes to no other boxes.
So, make sure when you leave to take everything you will want to keep later.

Deposit every metal item you have, including the LIGHTER, then proceed
through the security checkpoint. Walk down the hall past the zombies
banging on the windows, and you will come to a second metal detector. After
passing through it, you find yourself in a kind of workshop. But before you
go exploring, exit out the blue door near the metal detector.


Take the FAX ON THE FACILITY ACCESS APPLICATION. If you read the file, it
will point you to your next clue. The briefcase mentioned in the file is
the one we saw come out of the burning truck in the beginning, so remember
to go back there after we leave here.

Walk around the filing cabinets to discover Steve working with a computer.
He is researching surveilance data...on Chris Redfield! Claire gets excited
and checks the computer. She then sends the files to Leon Kennedy, via
e-mail, so that Chris might be able to find her whereabouts faster. Steve
says that Chris will probably never come, to which Clairs protests. Steve
can't stand the thought that he might actually be wrong and bolts out the

Turn around and check the computer's desk again. You will find the HAWK
EMBLEM inside the drawer! Great! You found the key to get out of
here...but it's made out of metal, so we won't be able to take it past the
metal detector. D'oh! Throw the switch near the barricaded door, then
leave out the door you used to enter.


Go over to the machine in the back corner of the room. Read the USER'S
MANUAL. It will tell you that the weird machine is a "3D Duplicator," used
to make exact copies of three-dimensional objects. Cool, why not take it
for a test drive? Turn on the 3D Duplicator and put the HAWK EMBLEM inside
it to be scanned. Unfortunately, you don't have any materials to make the
duplicate with, so you'll have to look for something to use. But before you
go, take the FLAME ROUNDS, the B.O.W. GAS ROUNDS, and the FIRST AID SPRAY.
Put all of them inside the security box you are nearby, as all of these
things are made of metal. Don't worry, we'll be able to come back later to
get them out. Go past the metal detectors and exit out the door at the end
of the hall. Remember to get your stuff from the security box before you
leave. You should leave behind the COMBAT KNIFE as you shouldn't have to
use it anymore.


Run back to the shutter and press the button next to it. The shutter will
raise up to reveal two zombies. Then, the zombies trapped in the cage will
crash out to make your life even harder. Run back around the corner, then
aim at the explosive barrel. When you see a zombie about to pass it, shoot
to kill the enemies around it. Kill the survivors and take the FIRE
EXTINGUISHER from the little storage room you opened up. Next, take the
PADLOCK KEY from the guillotine and leave out the gate around the corner.
Don't fuss with the gate here as you won't find the key to unlock it for a
LONG time.


Run down the path. Dogs will then crash through the vents underneath the
bunkhouse and attack. If you keep running to the gate at the other end of
the path, then you should be able to escape without having to fight.


Zombies have infested the courtyard while you were gone. Run to the door
leading to the GRAVEYARD.


Run past the zombies and get to the flaming truck. Use the FIRE
EXTINGUISHER to put out the fire so you can take the BRIEFCASE. Check the
BRIEFCASE on the inventory screen and rotate it so you are facing the side
with the handle. Press the red button to open the case and get the TG-01
you read about in the PRISON OFFICE. There's also a TG-01 PRODUCT
DESCRIPTION with it. It says that it cannot be detected by metal detectors,
great! We can use this to make a copy of the HAWK EMBLEM that we can take
past the detectors. Leave the GRAVEYARD through the door you used to enter


Run across the yard to the only other unlocked door.


Turn right and use the PADLOCK KEY to open the gate. Discard it and enter
the door just past it.


Enter the door past the open shutter.


Dump everything inside the security box except for, of course, the TG-01 and
GREEN HERBS you might have left over. Run down the hall, and take something
out of the second security box. Use the metal object to purposely activate
the security system. This will keep the zombies from crashing in through
the windows, so you won't have to take them on bare-handed. Use the TG-01
on the 3D Duplicator to get a SPECIAL ALLOY EMBLEM.

As all the windows have been locked down thanks to you "accidentally"
triggering the security system, the zombies won't be able to crash through
as you exit. Deactivate the alarm then as you walk down the hall, laugh
maniacally as the zombies make a futile attempt to get at you.

When you get back to the security box near the exit, take all your stuff,
INCLUDING THE EMPTY EXTINGUISHER! Hundreds of beginners I have seen on
message boards make the mistake of not taking it. You'll be kicking
yourself later if you leave it behind. Purposely activate the security
system again so the zombies won't be able to attack when you come back to
this room later. Leave.

BTW, remember to leave behind the COMBAT KNIFE as it is no longer useful for
a beginner. Exit out the blue door.


When the path is blocked by the jeep, go down onto the walkway next to the
bridge and use it to get around. Take both of the GREEN HERBS nearby. Use
them to heal up if you are injured. Search the jeep on this side to get a
box of HANDGUN BULLETS. The next thing to do is to find a way around the
fire blocking the stairs. Shove the lone crate on the bridge over the fire
to make a path. Mount the stairs.


We encounter a fork here. You can either take the door to the left and
enter the MILITARY TRAINING FACILITY, or you can go straight and enter the
PALACE. You ought to go to the PALACE first as you don't have a necessary
key to explore the MILITARY TRAINING FACILITY. Run down the path straight
ahead, evading zombies, until you come to a set of stairs. Go up them and
Claire will automatically open the gate.
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Gun down the three dogs here, as you'll be passing through this area quite
frequently for the first half of the game. Look at the little sparkly near
the collapsed passageway. Take the NAVY PROOF then enter the front doors of
the grand building. If you have the item space, then take the GREEN HERB on
the porch.


Walk down the stairs in front of you, then go up the long flight to the
right. Turn right and go up yet another set of stairs. Enter the door on
the landing here.


Walk around the desk to find your first CHEST in the game. Take the HANDGUN
BULLETS on the shelf, then empty your inventory here so you can take all the
other items in the room.

Check the little nook on the other side of the room. You find another GREEN
HERB. Take it, then examine the odd door here. Instead of a key, you have
to have a pair of guns to open the door. After doing that, shove away the
cabinet to discover an ID CARD. Check the card and then flip it over to
find an employee's registration number: NTC0394. BTW the "0" in the word
NTC0394 is not the letter "O", it is the number zero. I just wanted to say
that so people won't whine to me about the password not working.

Read the SECRETARY'S NOTE on the coffee table. The secretary talks about
his boss, "Sir Alfred," which you might remember being mentioned in the
PRISONER'S DIARY. The secretary complains about how he is not allowed to
have any access to information about Alfred's private house. He also
mentions Alexia, Alfred's sister. They live with each other there, but no
one except Alfred has personally met her.

Go back to the CHEST and organize your inventory:



Go down to the main floor, then go behind the desk. Take the HANDGUN
BULLETS, then check the computer. Enter the number NTC0394 to unlock a door
in the rear corner of the room. But before you check it out, take the blue
door behind a pillar.


Equip your LIGHTER so the bats will not torment you. Take the HANDGUN
BULLETS from the broken toilet stall, the FIRST AID SPRAY off the counter,
and last the DURALUMIN CASE in the back of the room. Leave.


Enter the door you unlocked earlier.


Kill every zombie in here, then take the HANDGUN BULLETS from nearby the
vase, and lastly search behind the bench for a RED HERB. Use it with a
GREEN HERB to make a RED-GREEN MIXTURE. Enter the single door at the far
end of the hall.


Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the coffee table. You can look around in here
for a little while if you like, but there's nothing important. Also, you
can't steal any of the guns on display, d'oh! When you are finished with
your examination, check the case with the jewel ant inside it. Press the
button beneath the ant to start an interesting film. A kid and his sister
are playing with a dragonfly, tearing off the wings of it before droping it
into an ant farm and letting the ants feast upon it. Aww, ain't dat cute?
Naw, but the end of the film triggers a secret passage opening up. Look
inside this new room and take the STEERING WHEEL, then leave. DO NOT try to
take the GOLD LUGERS, or the secret passage will close up again. There's
nothing you can do to get the guns out of here, so you'll just have to

(Well, you could just drag a couch in the way of the display case, but that
would be too easy, and we can't have that, can we?}


Take the single door at the far end of the corridor. All the other doors
are locked anyway.


Go to the main entrance and leave. But before you can do that, Steve cries
for help. He fell for the trap in the WAR MUSEUM, so we'll have to come to
his rescue. Reenter the door you used to get into this room.


Retreat to the WAR MUSEUM.


The projection screen has now been replaced by a kind of control panel.
Check the panel, and it will tell you to choose a pair of items. Choose C
and E, then press Decide. The trap will be disabled, and Steve will come
out. He took the GOLD LUGERS that he claims that *he* found, and refuses to
hand them over to you. Now Steve wants you to find an automatic weapon for
him in exchange for the GOLD LUGERS. Before Claire can give her answer, he
charges out of the room. Follow him out the door.


For the THIRD time, go to the door at the other end of the corridor.


As you enter the room, Claire is caught in a sniper rifle's laser sight.
After the sniper takes a few potshots, he identifys himself. The guy is
Alfred Ashford, the man you have been reading about in everyone's diaries.
Finally we get to match the name to the face. Alfred is quite off his
rocker, listen to that voice of his! He brags about family, then boasts
about his grandfather being one of the original founders of Umbrella. Good
for you, but do we really care? He interrogates Claire for a little while
longer, then gives up and says Claire is "a rat in a cage anwyway." He then
walks away, giggling. Do what you were originally planning to do and exit
through the front doors.


Walk down the stairs and turn right. Go down the stairs at the other end of
the path.


Before going straight, walk around the stairs to find a hidden nook
underneath them. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS and the PALACE MAP. Next, go the
other way to find a supply pile. Take the BOWGUN ARROWS, then use the
STEERING WHEEL on the podium. Rotate the STEERING WHEEL to summon a
submarine. Go inside the submarine.


Walk around the ladder to find a SIDEPACK on a bench. Equip it and you will
gain two extra item slots, which will be very handy, believe me. Pull the
lever on the control panel to send the submarine on its merry way. When it
docks, climb up the ladder.
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Walk down the stairs, and enter the door at the end of the passage, whilst
being amazed by the cool camera shots.


You can easily evade the zombies here, as there is much floorspace to work
with. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the couch, then enter the door near the


Equip your LIGHTER to keep the bats away. Go to the glowing screen to
activate the boarding lift. You can see a seaplane, in perfect condition,
waiting to get you out of here. Unfortunately, we don't have all the keys
needed to open the hatch yet. You have only one proof, and there are three
holes, so there has to be two others somewhere on the island. You'll be
running all over this blasted place before making your escape in that thing.
Use the NAVY PROOF on the podium then turn around and leave.


Enter the shutter behind the desk.


Go across the bridge.


Far below in the elevator shaft, you can see a little sparkly.
Unfortunately, there is no way to get down there, so you have to make the
lift come up. Take the one-man lift in the back corner to a little control
box. Operate the panel giving off blue light to find the controls for a

Push the crane up as far as it will go, then push it to the left as far as
it will go. The crane will then pick up a box, clearing the way to a
control panel. Take the little elevator down again then operate the panel
you moved the box from. The big cargo elevator will rise up so you can get
to the key, but it also brings up a crowd of zombies with it. The zombies
will all home in on you, leaving a clear path behind them. Run around the
crowd, then snatch the BIOHAZARD CARD and the BOWGUN ARROWS off the crates.
Now get out of here and out the shutter before you get surrounded.


Run back across the bridge again.


Exit out the first door beyond the desk.


Run up the stairs and enter the submarine.


Throw the lever to go back to the palace. Then climb up the ladder.
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Rotate the STEERING WHEEL, then go upstairs.


Go to the little gate at the other end of the path.


Run down the path, evading zombies. When you come to the fork, use the
little pink door on the left next to the big pink door.
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(there wasn't enough room to write "FACILITY")


We have finally arrived at the MILITARY TRAINING FACILITY. This calls for a
welcoming committee, in the form of one giant Gulp Worm. Evade the worm and
enter the front door of the building. Don't bother to pick up the items
around here, or wormie-boy will torment you endlessly.


Go up the stairs to your immediate right. The first door you see has no
doorknob, so you'll have to take the second door.


Search the table with the laptop computer to find the BOWGUN and MEMO ON THE
PASS NUMBER. It says that the code to the door nearby you is the number on
the painting in the back of the lab behind the glass. Unfortunately, the
lights are out in there, so you can't see the number. You'll have to leave.
But before you can get out the door, an alarm goes off inside the lab
behind the glass. A lab tech is trapped inside, but Claire can't get the
door to open. Suddenly, the lab guy is killed by...something...and eaten.
Do what you were originally planning to do and exit the lab.


After exiting, the computer declares the air in the area to be contaminated.
Claire quickly runs down the stairs and just manages to get into the main
lobby before a shutter can lock her in the lab. Take the RED HERB on the
bench, and the BOWGUN ARROWS from the telephone booth. Enter the door near
the shutter on the other side of the laboratory.


Kill all the zombies in here. Check the locker doors that are slightly ajar
to discover more items. After searching the two lockers you can open,
you'll get two quivers of BOWGUN ARROWS. Search the dead body near the
other door in here to find one last pack of BOWGUN ARROWS. You should
combine all these BOWGUN ARROWS with the BOWGUN so they only take up one
item slot. Enter the door with the broken window.


Go down the stairs and jump into the wading pool. Look around for a valve
and rotate it to stop the water from flowing out from the statue. You'll
discover the incredible KEY WITH TAG in the water after doing this. Take it
and exit the room. Don't bother searching the sauna, as it has nothing you
can use in it.


Run down the "corridor" to the door at the other end.


Take the door between the two shutters.


Kill the sleeping zombie to the left and take the GREEN HERB he was
protecting. Use it with the RED HERB you found in the LOBBY. Next, check
the big computer on the other wall. Print out the MTF MAP on the computer,
then take it from the printer. Search the table near the computer for more
BOWGUN ARROWS, then enter the cubicle behind the table. Use the KEY WITH
TAG on the cabinet in the back of the room to get BOWGUN POWDER. Combine it
with the BOWGUN to get some GUN POWDER ARROWS. Don't EVER use these special
arrows until I tell you, or you'll be extremely sorry later. Leave the


Open the shutter to the right with your BIOHAZARD KEY and run down the hall
to the door at the other end. Note how the shutter goes back down


When you step out of the little nook, Alfred begins taking potshots at you.
He misses with his first shot and hits an oil drum, blocking the gate.
Quickly go up the stairs. Alfred will get scared and run away. You have no
choice but to follow him as the shutter locked down in the lobby and the
other door up here is locked. You know, it's almost like we're being
pushed, herded to where the game wants us to go...


Walk down the corridor and take the boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS near the soda
machine. Enter the white door in this little area.


Your inventory is laden with junk right now, so for the moment, dump
everything inside the CHEST, then take the HEMOSTATIC and the two GREEN
HERBS. After doing that, go to the CHEST again and organize your inventory:


Leave the room.


Try the tan door nearby and then the shutter closes down, locking you into
this room. Alfred then talks to you over the intercom. What follows is
among the most laughable speeches in the game: "Hehehehe!
are in...a special sort of...PLAAAAYYYYYYGGGROUUUUNNNND I have prepared
JOOOOOOOSSSSTTT for YOOOOOOOOOUUUU. Please try and keep me amused,
anddonotdisappointmebydyingtosoon! want to enjoy this,
hawhawhawhawhaw!" Ooooohhh, great speech, I feel SO intimidated! Walk
through the tan door that you were going to enter.


Turn left and take the SUBMACHINE GUNS. Unfortunately, they have no ammo.
But don't worry, there's a clip right on the other side of the room. Go
past the door you used to enter here and then it will lock automatically.
Suddenly, another door opens in the room and releases a strange monster
known as a bandersnatch. It consists of a deformed human body with one
REALLY flexible arm. Continue down the catwalk until you get to a set of
stairs. Shoot from here and the bandersnatch will be unable to hit you.
After winning the fight, go down the stairs. A door will be unlocked as you
descend. Enter this door.

As you enter the door, another bandersnatch jumps you, but it grabs Claire
before you can react. Looks like it's all over, when Steve crashes through
a window while shooting at the creature, complete with Matrix effect. He
then unleashes a stream of hot lead and eventaully kills it with one final
shot. He brags about him being "your knight in shining armor." Clare
responds, "You wish." She then offers him the SUBMACHINE GUNS in exchange
for the GOLD LUGERS. Steve agrees to the trade and accepts the new guns.
He then decides to test them out, only to discover they have no ammo in them
"You cheated me!" Hey, you gave us an empty pair of GOLD LUGERS so who
cheated who? Anyway, Claire gets the extra ammo for Steve. Just then,
Alfred activates the lift they are standing on and says "Now that your
knight has made his made his appearance, he can join you in your descent
into DEATH..."

(BTW, I love to describe cutscenes :)


Steve runs off to play with his "new toys." You will now get control of


This is the "descent into death?" All Alfred did was force you into a room
with three zombies. The point of this little mini-quest is to KILL
EVERYTHING. After doing that, enter the door on the wall across from the




Go to the tan door across the room from you.


KILL EVERYTHING. Leave out the door on the other side of the room.


Run across the bridge to trigger another cutscene. Claire asks Steve some
questions, to which he does not respond favorably. The scene ends with him
shoving you into an elevator. Steve then moves the elevator to go to the
second floor.


Steve runs off alone. Follow his path and enter the door you come to.


Turn left and walk over to join Steve. Suddenly, the walkway collapses and
you two fall to the floor. As Claire struggles to free herself, a zombie
climbs up from its sleep and advances on the pair. Steve aims his gun at
the zombie but he just can't shoot it. He lets the zombie get all the way
to Claire and then he wakes up from his trance and yells
"FATHEEEEEEEEEERR!!!" while simultaneously emptying every bullet he has
into it. Steve explains everything about why he is here and all the trouble
his dad caused. He then slumps down next to his dad to mourn.

Claire decides that it would be better if she left him alone. Walk out
Climb up the crates to the left of the double doors to find a box of HANDGUN
bullets on an oil drum. Take then and exit thru the door to the left of


Take the hard-to-see HANDGUN BULLETS to your immediate right. Kill all the
zombies, then enter the door at the far end of the hall.


Examine the painting nearby you as you enter. It's a picture of this very
room. If you proceed further into the room, you'll notice that the picture
is different from the actual thing. In the place of the red painting in the
picture is an EAGLE PLATE. Take it and leave.


Go back to the door at the far end of the hall.


Exit out the double door to the right of Steve.


Run to the little pink door but do not use it yet. This is the safest place
to take out the dogs from. After shooting them down, take the BOWGUN BOLTS,
then use the little pink door to exit the area.


Enter the front doors of the building. Again don't stop to collect items or
fight the worm.


The lab is still being ventilated, so use your BIOHAZARD CARD to unlock the
other shutter in this area. Enter the door at the end of the hall it was


Run past the sleeping dogs and get up the stairs. Use the EAGLE PLATE on
the podium-like thing in the railing to get the EMBLEM CARD. Enter the door
to the left.


Unlock the shutter, then use the white door in this little area.


Go to the CHEST and load the BOWGUN with the BOWGUN ARROWS you found while
searching the facility. Then organize your inventory:



As the other door nearby is locked, enter the door past the shutter.


Go down the stairs, then enter the area that is fenced off. Climb down the
ladder here.


Run down the corridor and use the EMBLEM KEY to raise the shutter. Jump
down then enter the door on the side of the room with the big machine.


Take the GRENADE ROUNDS from the shelf in the background, then use the
EMBLEM KEY here to raise another shutter. Take the coveted GRENADE LAUNCHER
from its hiding spot. DO NOT use this GRENADE LAUNCHER, ever, until I give
you clearance. You'll spare yourself lots of trouble later. DO NOT take
the door near the GRENADE LAUNCHER. It only leads to a dead-end room which
has nothing inside it but two bandersnatches and one measly quiver of BOWGUN
BOLTS. Instead, exit out the door that you used to get into this room.


Take the door on the other side of the room.


Search the statue head for HANDGUN BULLETS, then take the elevator to 2F.


Unlock ANOTHER shutter with the EMBLEM CARD then discard it. Go thru into
some kind of a control room. Walk up the stairs and search near the
commmander's post for a bag of GRENADE ROUNDS. If you want to, you can
check the computer screen on the wall for info on a creature known as an
albinoid. It's a salamander which is infected by the T-virus. It emits
bursts of electricity and even reaches adult form in just ten hours. Oooh,
sounds like one big, bad monster, not. I myself did not feel intimidated
when reading this for the first time. Go down the stairs again and turn
right. Take the GREEN HERBS and then check the glowing monitor at the front
of the room. You'll find the ARMY PROOF here. Two proofs down, one to go.

After collecting the proof, you'll get to control a security camera which is
installed in the lab where you got the BOWGUN. Aim the camera at the red
painting on the back wall to get the number 1126. You now know the code to
unlock the laboratory in this part of the island. After that discovery, the
computer declares the lab's ventilation process complete. You'll exit out
of the computer and then the zombies in the room will wake up. Quickly
unlock and escape thru the brown door in the control room.


Go down the stairs, then enter the door in the nook down here.


Run to the shutter blocking the lab, then use and discard the BIOHAZARD KEY
to unlock the door. Go upstairs and enter the lab again.


Use 1126 on the door in this room, then enter the other half of the lab thru


Search the desk with the computer to find ACID ROUNDS, then take the
SKELETON PICTURE off the back wall. As you remove it from the wall, an
albinoid breaks loose from its tube and quickly scurries out thru a
ventilation duct. The lab declares the air contaminated again, and a
countdown begins. You have to get out of here before the countdown finishes
or it's GAME OVER. Quickly retreat thru the electronic door whilst evading
the other baby albinoids.


Get to the other door in this room.


Get down the stairs to escape the lab before it seals off. Whew, safe
again. Exit out the main entrance.


Turn left and enter the door at the rear of the yard.


Take the double doors.


Take the door to the right.


Kill the zombies again and go to the door at the far end of the hall.


Put the SKELETON PICTURE in its rightful place on the wall, and a model of
this facility will be revealed. Take the GOLD KEY, then check the podium to
the left of the model. You will read "Dedicated to the training facility's
completion. December 8th Alfred Ashford." Whoop-de-doo, but be sure to
keep the date in mind, it will important later. Leave the room.


Exit out the door at the other end of the hall.


Exit out the double doors.


Exit out the pink door nearby.


Instead of going back to the LOBBY again, enter the other pink door at the
other end of the courtyard.


Turn right at the fork and enter the gate at the other end of the path
before the new bandersnatches can start a slap war.
___ __ __ __ __
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Go inside the palace.


Zombies have found their way inside, but they won't cause a lot of trouble.
Go upstairs and kill both zombies up here. Take the door into the WAITING


Organize your inventory:


Use the GOLD LUGERS to unlock the door with the indentation, then go thru


Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the coffee table, then examine the paper on
the desk near the...big...window (shudder). What is written on the paper is
rather cryptic. It reads:

(First digit: Left, Right)
(Second digit: Left)
(Third digit: Right)
(Fourth digit: Right, Right, Right)
You must not reset while maneuvering.

Hmm...well, while we're thinking about it let's turn on the PC. You get a
short, edited version of the film you saw in the WAR MUSEUM, which concludes
with the strange, clock-like mechanism near the corner activating. Check it
and you will recieve the commands left and right. So, this is where we are
supposed to put those strange directions to good use. Press the buttons as
the paper tells you to, and you should wind up with the number 1971.

Use it as the PC's password and the clock will slide aside to reveal a
secret passage. Hurray! But before you can get a party started, a
bandersnatch interloper busts in and ruins the fun. Kill it if you want to,
but you'll save a lot more health and ammo if you simply run for it. Exit
out thru the new passageway.


Whoa, is this Spooksville or what? Run down the bridge. On the other side
of the bridge is a staircase...leading up into mist...and at the a
creepy house. Did we just step into the movie "Psycho"? All that's missing
is a dark figure of an old woman in one of the windows. As you mount the
stairs, spine-chilling laughter rings in your ears.
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There are two bandersnatches hanging around. I wouldn't kill them, as
you'll save more health and ammo by running away. After going up a
staircase, be sure to get the RED HERB hidden behind the railing. Enter the

SPIRAL STAIRCASE ROOM the residence...of EVIL!!! Bwahahaha :) Now THIS, has to be
among the freakiest rooms in the entire series. There are spooky dolls and
decorations everywhere. The crown jewel of the room, however, is the big
doll hanging from the ceiling that's all torn up. As for the room's enemies
all this room has is bats so all you need to safely traverse this room is
your good ol' LIGHTER. Before going up the stairs, turn left and use the
door there.


Turn left and take the HANDGUN BULLETS, then exit. It's not worth killing
the off-screen bandersnatch to get the BOWGUN ARROWS or the INK RIBBONS.


Go up the stairs and continue going up and circling the room until you at
long last come to the top of the room. Take the FIRST AID SPRAY and the
HANDGUN BULLETS on the table, then use the door nearby.


Claire does some eavesdroppin' on a conversation between Alexia we've been
hearing about and Alfred, who is hidden off-screen. Alexia says that it is
up to Alfred to restore the Ashford family's glory. Just then, Claire
nearly gets spotted by Alexia when she comes to the window, but she remains
undetected when Alexia believes it to have only been her imagining things.
They then leave the room, but nobody comes into the corridor...Check the
back corner you are hiding in for a GREEN HERB, then search around on one of
the stands for a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Enter the door near where you
found the GREEN HERB.

(Ya know, I think that one of the books on those shelves was titled "Eagle
of East, Wolf of West." :)


You hear a music box playing upon entering the room. Go over and check the
music box. There is writing on the inside. It reads: "Red queen and blue
king return. The path opens." Yet another cryptic phrase that we'll have
to decipher if we want to progress further, hmph...Anyway, turn off the
music box and a key is revealed on Alexia's bed. Take it and exit the room,
because there is nothing else that is useful in this room.


Don't bother searching Alfred's bedroom on the other end of the corridor,
because there is nothing to do there for now. Instead, leave out the door
at the midway point of the hall.


Run down the stairs and leave out the front door.


Go to the staircase at the other end of the path while fleeing the


Run across the bridge to the door at the other end. Nothing'll jump out at
___ __ __ __ __
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| | ||__ | ||__ |__


Quickly exit the secret room and get out the entrance before the
bandersnatch can attack.


Go to the CHEST and organize your inventory:


Go into the FOYER.


Unlock the door on the other side of the balcony, but don't go in there yet.
Instead, go downstairs and enter the door in the back left corner.


Run down the hall towards the WAR MUSEUM, but turn right into an alcove
where a set of double doors are. Use and discard the GOLD KEY, then enter
the room.


Ah yes, the famous RE puzzle of pushing buttons underneath paintings in a
certain order. This second edition of the puzzle though is much harder than
its predecessor in RE1 as there is no distinct order unless you closely
examine the information in this room.

To begin, walk to the front of the room where the big portarit of Alfred is
and take the MESSAGE TO THE NEW FAMILY MASTER. Study this document
carefully, as you'll need the information inside it to solve this difficult

According to the document, there is a tradition in the Ashford family in
which a butler presents some kind of beautiful object to a family member
when they become the new family master. The document then says that the
first person to start this tradition was Veronica, when she was given a tea
cup. So obviously, you must choose the only portarit in this room that
displays a woman.

After you do that, read more. It says that the second and third masters,
Stanley and Thomas, were also given tea cups like Veronica. Next, you
should press the portarit of the man with the twins in his lap, followed up
by the red-haired man with a tea cup.

The fourth master, Arthur, did not recieve a tea cup. But, the file says he
was a twin brother of Thomas, so next press the painting of the other man in
the room who has red hair.

The fifth master was Edward, and the sixth one was Alexander, however it
does not say what they received, so maybe you ought to search around the
room a little for anothe clue. If you check the burning candles next to the
big portarit, you'll read: "In memory of Alexander Ashford's succession."
So, Alexander's picture ought to have a candlestick in it, and Edward's will
not. Press the painting of the man with the vase, and next press the
painting of the man with the candlestick.

Finally, the only painting left to press is the big one of Alfred at the
front of the room. Do so at this time. If you did everything correctly,
the picture rotates to reveal a portarit of Alexia, and the vase that Alfred
was supposedly presented with. Take it and then check it on the inventory
screen. If you look inside the vase, you'll find a QUEEN ANT OBJECT. If
you screwed up, you can leave the room again and reset the puzzle.

I'll simplify this puzzle's solution down here in case you didn't catch it

1. The only woman.

2. The man with the twins.

3. The red-haired man with the tea cup.

4. The red-haired man with the earthenware plate.

5. The man with the earthenware vase.

6. The man with the candlestick.

7. The large portarit at the front of the room.

Leave the room after collecting the QUEEN ANT OBJECT.


Go to the double doors at the other end of the hall. Use and discard the
SILVER KEY, then go thru the doors.


Get ready when you come into this room, as you'll be attacked by two
bandersnatches. After entering, immediately run to the front of the room
where the video screen is, and shoot from there. They'll be unable to hit
you. When they get close enough to start slapping, run to the other side of
the room and continue the attack. Repeat the maneuver until they are dead.

Now that you are alone, search the room. You will find a box of HANDGUN
BULLETS on a chair, and HUNK'S REPORT at the front of the room. It does not
have any useful information, unless you would like to find out what Mr.
Death has been up to since RE2. When you are finished exploring, take the
second EAGLE PLATE from the floor in the middle of the room and leave.


Since there's nothing to do here right now, let's do some backtracking and
revisit the prison. Exit out the single door across the hall.


Leave out the front entrance.


Turn left after going down the steps and take the gate there.


Evade the bandersnatches and go down the stairs at the fork.


Follow the route back into the prison's front gates.
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Take the door behind the wrecked truck.


Evade the zombies and get to the stairs at the other end of the path.


Run down the corridor to the door at the other end.


Claire walks over to greet Rodrigo, and Rodrigo is there to greet her with a
pistol to the face. He then realizes that it's only Claire and slumps
again. Claire hands him the HEMOSTATIC and the LIGHTER, and Rodrigo thanks
her. In exchange, he gives her a LOCKPICK. How he knew that Claire knew
how to pick locks I have no idea. Anyway, there's absolutely nothing else
to do here, so leave.


Run down the corridor to the door at the other end.


Evade the zombies and get to the door at the other end of the path.


Run across the courtyard to the BARRACKS.


Turn right and go thru the unlocked gate, then take the door just past it.


Go inside the fence, and use the EAGLE PLATE on the door in this bloody area
to unlock the gate that you saw a long time ago. Two zombies will pour out.
Shoot them down and then continue on with the original plan of seeing what
was beyond that gate.


Shoot the oil drum after entering to give you some breathing room, then run
down the path in front of you and shoot a second oil drum to kill more
zombies. After dispatching the survivors, take the chain-link gate at the
back of this passage.


Search the oil drums to the left for a box of HANDGUN BULLETS, and then
climb over the one box in front of you. Push it away from the door so you
can enter the building.


Well, this looks familiar. Run around the filing cabinets and take the blue
door back there.


As you left the security system active in here, the zombies will not be
hanging around. Go to the security box and withdraw the B.O.W. GAS ROUNDS,
the FLAME ROUNDS, and the FIRST AID SPRAY. Exit out the way you came in.


Go back outside.


Go to the CHEST and take out the DURALUMIN CASE. Rotate the case so you are
facing the handle. Unlock it with the LOCKPICK and you will get BOW GUN
POWDER. Use it to make more GUN POWDER ARROWS. Again these special arrows
will spend almost all of part one inside the CHEST. I'm not lying, you'll
be VERY sorry if you foolishly waste them before I allow you to use them.
Organize your inventory:


Exit via the gate.


Go near the door at the far end of the passage, then turn into a nook to
find another door and a GREEN HERB. Don't use it yet, as we'll find a RED
HERB inside. Enter the door.


Search around near the cabinets to find a box of HANDGUN BULLETS. Then
check the cubicle to the left. If you look on the desk, you'll find the
ANATOMIST'S NOTE. From what you read, he was REALLY sick, sicker than any
patient he ever had. The doctor has a secret room at the bottom of this
building, and he has the key. But, he could be anywhere, or dead, so we'll
just forget about it for now. Leave the cubicle and take the door near the
stacked body bags. Notice that a body bag on the bed trembles. May I hear
a shudder? *crowd shudders* Thank you.


Gun down the zombie to your right and take the RED HERB he was in front of.
You know what to do with it. Now, proceed further into this room and
eventually you'll find a DURALUMIN CASE and HANDGUN BULLETS on a shelf.
Check the case and rotate it until you are facing the handle. The game will
tell you that it is only locked with a simple lock. Use your LOCKPICK to
open the case and take the M39R PART. Combine this with your HANDGUN to get
a CUSTOM HANDGUN. It now gains rapid fire and can hold up to 20 bullets!
Get out of this terrifying room.


As soon as you enter, you can see that the body bag on the bed is empty,
plus, there's a loud chomping noise on the other side of the wall...Walk
around and you'll see that doc has come back to life. His patient also
joins him and they both rush you. Too bad for them that you just obtained
the CUSTOM HANDGUN. Rip'em to shreds then search doc's body for a GLASS
EYE. Plug the GLASS EYE into the model of the human body in the cubicle and
a secret passage will open up. Go down the stairs into what the doc refered
to as "the sacred place."


There are bats down here, but as long as you walk and don't run, they will
not attack you. When you reach a bend in the path, take the GREEN HERB and
slowly walk to the door at the other end of the hall.


Whoa, now this place is REALLY sick-o. Antique but well-used torture
devices are in every available space. Blood covers everything else. Still
worse, there's a comfortable chair in the middle of the room where the doc
could watch it all happen at his leisure. Kill off the zombies and take the
HANDGUN BULLETS from the chair and the BOWGUN darts from the restraining
chair on the right side of the room. Go down the stairs and use the door


If you check the statue at the back of the room, you'll be asked if you
would like to take the RUSTED SWORD from its grasp. Do so, and the statue
in the middle of the room will rise up with its handle. The door lock, and
then poison gas comes in! Quickly shove the statue's handle up and behind
it, and once you have pushed it 180 degrees, the statue lowers down. The
statue that had the RUSTED SWORD then turns around to reveal an iron maiden.
Stab the RUSTED SWORD through the hole, and a zombie will pop out, with
your sword stuck in it! Kill it, then take the PIANO ROLL from it's elusive
hiding place. Leave the room.


Finally, we've done everything the prison has to offer, now we can get out
of here. Run up the stairs and take the door out of this place.


Tip-toe...through the the exit...with me...bleh...


Go out the front door.


Take the door closeby.


Walk out of the fenced in area, then turn right into the door leading to the


Turn left and go thru the gate. Then enter the door just past the gate.


Leave out the front gates.


Follow the path to the stairs.


You have a choice. Since you have a LOCKPICK now, you can go back to the
MILITARY TRAINING FACILITY and unlock every cabinet you saw to get more
ammo. If, like most beginners, you have foolishly spent your ammo on
everything, then go there to collect more ammo. You can find HANDGUN
BULLETS in the MTF OFFICE, a FIRST AID SPRAY in the MODEL ROOM, and last but
definitely not least, you'll get ACID ROUNDS in the WEAPON MAINTENANCE ROOM.
Those are all the locked cabinets I know of around there that need a
LOCKPICK. I'll be waiting here for you after you've gotten the stuff.

You're back? Okay, good. Now let's head back to the palace. Remember to
evade the bandersnatches.
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Go inside the palace. However, before you can do that, a hearty voice
interrupts you. Claire turns around and it's Albert Wesker! YAAAAAYYYY!!!
He's back! Everyone loves Wesker! Even if he is the most evil dude to ever
walk the earth.

He does his usual thing: makes death threats, choking, throwing really far,
and doing a lot of evil stuff. However, before he can finish Claire off,
somebody calls him with a CODEC he stole fron Solid Snake in Metal Gear
Solid. He says Claire might be of some further use to him, so he's letting
her live...a little longer. Then, he does this, erm...jump over the palace
wall that's kind of funny.

Resume your original quest and enter the palace.


Go upstairs and enter the one door that you still haven't explored yet.


This place is thankfully free of zombie life, plus Alfred left behind a lot
of goodies for you to steal. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the podium, the
BOW GUN POWDER from the roulette table, and the two GREEN HERBS from the
bar. The last thing to do here is use the PIANO ROLL in the piano to start
that song you've been hearing over and over ever since beginning the game.
A slot machine's door opens, revealing something blue...It's the KING ANT
OBJECT. You have finally gotten both the queen and king. We now need to
pack our bags for the private residence, as we did not explore that area
thouroughly enough the first time. Leave the casino.


Walk across the balcony to the WAITING ROOM.


Use your BOW GUN POWDER to make another batch of GUN POWDER ARROWS. Again
DO NOT do anything at all with the special arrows. Sorry about making such
a big deal about it, but if you don't use them until I say go ahead, you'll
save yourself a very large quantity of pain and frustration in the near
future. Organize your inventory:


You'll be facing stiff resistance unlike the last time you were at the
private house. That's why we're taking an extra gun. Take the GOLD LUGER


Quickly take cover in the secret passage before the bandersnatch can attack.
Get out the door.


There are now zombies all over the place. I would recommend running, but if
you must shoot at them, use the BOWGUN, as you probably have a ton of ammo
for it right now. Get up the stairs at the opposite end.


Run from the bandersnatches like always and get inside the house as fast as
you can.


The bats are gone, but now there are zombies everywhere. If you need to,
put them down with the BOWGUN to preserve HANDGUN ammo. Your ultimate goal
is to take the door at the top of the stairs.


There are even more zombies here! Go to Alexia's bedroom first. It's to
the right, remember?


Place the QUEEN ANT OBJECT in the music box and it will open up. Remove the
MUSIC BOX PLATE and leave the room.


Go to Alfred's bedroom, which is at the other end of the hall.


Use the KING ANT OBJECT on the music box, just like in Alexia's room, and it
will open up. Place the MUSIC BOX PLATE here and yet another secret passage
is revealed. Up the ladder you go.


You emerge into a...playroom?! Get off the carousel and search around the
room for a GREEN HERB and a SILVER DRAGONFLY. You'll notice that one of the
drawings on the wall is an ant. Remember the old film you saw near the
start of the game? Check the SILVER DRAGONFLY to remove the wings, just as
the boy did in the film, and place the de-winged insect in the mouth of the
ant drawing. The carousel will then start up, spinning around to give
access to a new area even higher up above you. Climb up the completed


Search the stool to the left to find a NEWSPAPER CLIPPING. It tells of a
girl who graduated from a top university at age 10, probably Alexia. She
was then offered a high position at Umbrella Inc. Wow, from what I've seen,
that even breaks the real-world record of age 11 held by a boy. Check
behind the chair at the desk to find another box of HANDGUN BULLETS, then
push the box on the right to the butterfly display case. Climb on top of it
to find the CONFESSION LETTER. Whoa, Alfred is EXTREMELY psycho. After you
finish reading, you'll find the AIR FORCE PROOF underneath the paper. Take
it, then climb down the ladder again.


Climb down the second ladder.


Climb down from the stand, and as you try to leave, Alexia ambushes Claire
from behind. I love her lines in this part: "Claire Redfield...hold it
right theeh. So we finally meet at lastapityImustsaygoodbye so soon. I am
Alexia...Ashford...for the glory of the Ashford family, I will KEEEELLLL
YOOOOOUUU!!!" BAM! She missed, but Alexia casually strides over and
reloads before Claire can react.

But before she can shoot, Steve bursts in. He mutters in a Barry-esque way
"What's going on in here?" Alexia shoots, but misses...AGAIN. Petulant
rich people should NOT use guns. Steve fires a flurry of bullets her way
and scores a hit. Alexia manages to escape through a secret door, which
explains how she was able to just pop up out of nowhere when she ambushed
Claire. Steve nearly got hit by the bullet, but was only scratched. Him
and Claire pursue Alexia through the secret passage.


Hmm...a party dress, a trail of blood, and what's this? A blond wig? Let's
look a little Claire checks it, Alfred leaps down from above the
bed to attempt to crush her skull. Not only does Claire swiftly dodge the
attack, but Steve manages to pin him against a wall. He staggers up, then
sees his reflection in the window. He shrieks and runs off like a little
girl. It turns out that Alfred was only PRETENDING there was an Alexia.
Just after this realization hits the two...*cough*a self-destruct sequence
is activated...*cough.* Not THIS again. Capcom must really think of better
ways to end their RE games. Anyways follow Steve out the door. Our
destination is the airport. Forgive the long string of short sentences to


Exit out the door in the middle of the corridor.


Go down all the staircases to the bottom of the room. Then go out the front


Follow the path down the second set of stairs.


Sprint down the bridge to the patiently waiting door.


Get out the front door before Bandy can launch an attack.


Go to the chest and organize your inventory:


Go out into the FOYER.


Go down the long staircase and exit out the front door.


As you skip down from the porch, Steve catches up to you. Both of them spot
an amazing THREE planeloads of survivors overhead. Steve says they ought to
hurry up too. He sprints towards the MOAT. Follow him down the stairs.


Join Steve at the podium and he will summon the platform to move over to the
docked submarine.


Steve pulls the lever and the submarine moves over to the airport.
___ __ __ __ __ ___
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| ||| \| |__|| \ |


Follow Steve down the corridor and into the next room.


Turn left at the fork and take the door over there.


Plug in the crests...erm...the AIR FORCE PROOF and the ARMY PROOF at the
podium then press the button to go down to the plane.


Walk up the stairs nearby and Steve discovers that the bridge in the hangar
is blocking the way. Claire volunteers to go and fix the problem. Take the
CONTROL LEVER off the floor and exit the plane.


After the lift carries you up, take the door out of here.


Take the shutter behind the desk.


Run across the bridge to the the next door.


Take the one-man lift up into the crane box, then take the door on the other
side of the overlook.


Insert the CONTROL LEVER into the console and then pull it. The bridge will
raise up, clearing the path for the plane, but this also means you'll have
to take a long detour through the military training facility and the palace.
Go over the bridge and take the door at the other end.


Search the dead bodies in here for the AIRPORT KEY, then turn tail and


Go across the bridge again and out the door at the other end.


Take the lift down, then use the AIRPORT KEY at the blocked-off shutter.
Discard the key and enter the shutter.


You now know why you could not get the elevator to come to the military
training facililty, it was because there were crates blocking the way of the
door down here. The crate on the right, push it under, then shove the
second crate on the left as far up as it will go, then push it under the
door as well. This will allow the door to close.

Before going up to the surface however, collect all the goodies in here.
now give you permission to remove the GRENADE LAUNCHER from it's resting
place. Load up your GRENADE LAUNCHER with GRENADE ROUNDS, and set up your


Take the elevator, and the computer will announce the official countdown.
There are five minutes remaining. Elsewhere on the island, Alfred is
talking to himself in his female voice while punching in passwords. He says
to "feel my revenge!" and releases Tyrant T-078 from cold-storage to stalk
you. Meanwhile, your elevator has arrived at its destination.
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Run around the corner and take the pink door there.


Run towards the palace and an explosion will hike Claire off her feet while
blocking all access to the prison from now on. At the same time, the Tyrant
manages to find Claire here, despite how slow it walks, and crashes through
the gate in front of you. You are now sandwiched between a fire and a

Run up to Tyrant and blast him twice with the GRENADE LAUNCHER. He'll slump
down from the attack, but don't shoot him then as it won't hurt him. Wait
for him to get up and repeat the two-grenade attack three or four times and
Tyrant will be defeated. Sprint past and resume your run to the airport.
___ __ __ __ __
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Run to the stairs at the far end of the path.


Go to the STEERING WHEEL and summon the submarine again. Climb down.


Throw the switch to go to the airport.
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Go down the stairs and enter the door at the end.


Take the door to the left.


Take the lift down to the plane.


At long last we are now ready to take off. Steve does so then and they make
their escape from "that crazy island."

Meanwhile, back on the island, we see Alfred drunkedly stumble towards the
tank in the TANK YARD. He reveals a hidden switch on the back of the tank
which causes the tank to roll forward, exposing yet another secret passage.
He uses yet another special key he has to unlock another hangar where two
Harrier VTOL's are stored. He promises to show Claire "what reeeeeeell
terror is ALL about!" He lifts off and zooms off.

Returning to the seaplane, something causes the plane to shake. Steve
checks the controls and says that the cargo room door is open for some odd
reason. Claire again volunteers to check it out. We're now going to use
the GUN POWDER ARROWS I have made forbidden to you. Go to the CHEST and
organize your inventory:


I would recommend saving your game here, as things are going to get real
tough in just a few moments. When you're ready, walk out into the cargo


As Claire looks, she sees the Tyrant has somehow gotten aboard the plane and
has mutated its hand into a giant single claw. The computer then announces
that the catapult is ready to be fired.

BEFORE YOU EMAIL ME: Emails sent to me that say, "I have x amount of ammo
and y amount of health items, can I beat Tyrant?" will likely be ignored.
This makes up like 90% of the email I get regarding this game. Sorry, but I
never got around to determining exactly how much ammo this boss takes. I
recommend you at least TRY to beat the boss a few times before you come to
ask help for me.)

If you listened to my command and saved all your GUN POWDER ARROWS for this
fight, it'll be over in seconds, and you'll waste minimal ammo and life.
Run forward a bit and when you see the back of Tyrant's head, unleash a
stream of GUN POWDER ARROWS. After you use up some of them, Tyrant should
get to you and knock you down. Quickly get out of the way while it is
charging up its overhead slam punch. After getting a safe distance away,
continue firing until you run out of arrows. Then, evade the Tyrant again
and hit the switch for the catapult. It will slingshot a crate towards
Tyrant and knock him out the back door. The crate will then blow up and
kill the beast.

On the other hand, if you thought "Pfff, whatever, I don't need to listen to
Minesweeper, I'm tough enough for anything this game throws at me," and you
used up most or all of your GUN POWDER ARROWS, then you are in DEEP trouble.
Plus, you'll get to prove just how tough you are. Be sure to bring along
A LOT of extra healing items. The GRENADE LAUNCHER is effective against
Tyrant, but loads slowly, giving the Tyrant more time to get to you. About
a dozen or so shots ought to do it, but you'll have to run back and forth
past that terror a lot more. When the Tyrant begins to bleed heavily, this
is your cue to activate the catapult and send him plummeting to his death.

After you win, retreat to the COCKPIT.


Steve asks what was back there, and Claire casually says it was nothing but
"a giant bug that needed to be stepped on." Suddenly, the plane
automatically goes into auto-pilot mode. Steve tries to fix it, but to no
avail. Then, Alfred comes on over a video screen in the plane. STILL
talking in a female voice, he says he cannot allow you to escape. "Alfred!
Cross-dressing freak!" Claire responds, and gets one of the biggest laughs
in the game.

We now fast-forward ahead several hours. Night has gone to day, and Steve
and Claire are sleeping next to each other. Well, actually, Steve woke up
early, and we now must endure the "romance" between them for the rest of
Steve's screen time. Steve looks at Claire sleeping, then, he decides to
give her a kiss. But, right before he can make it, Claire stirs. Steve
gives up the attempt and pretends to be just waking up. He then bangs the

Steve then looks outside, and sees...snow...and mountains! While Steve
checks their position, Claire rises and glances out the window. After
reading off latitude and longitute, Steve determines they are in the

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | / / - THE SECRET ANTARTIC BASE
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They both strap into their seats, and see a kind of base below, where all
the other escape planes are! The auto-pilot steers the plane to the ground,
but it can't land well and totally demolishes the plane and the wall of a
building after it hits the ground. Steve and Claire are knocked unconsious
by the impact.
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A little later, they wake up. Steve bangs out the entrance hatch and drops
to the floor of a huge shaft.


Steve then holds out his arms to catch Claire. Steve slips under the impact
and they end up hugging each other on the floor. Claire quickly rises to
her feet and offers Steve a hand. Steve refuses and gets up on his own.
Hastily changing subjects, he points out that the plane is wrecked and that
they'll have to find another way out. He then runs off alone again to
explore. Don't worry, you'll only be around here for a VERY short time
compared to Part One, which is long enough to be its own RE game IMO.

After you are allowed control again, run forward and go down the ladder.
Ignore the double doors to the left for now. Instead, proceed down the
walkway to the second door you see.


You'll notice that it's very dark in here. That's because the power is out.
Be sure to make getting the power back on your first priority.

Walk between the rows of bunks until you come to an area with a set of
lockers and a bookcase. You can see a sparkly on the table here. DO NOT
PICK IT UP RIGHT NOW! Instead, scrape along the bookcases while searching
them to find HANDGUN BULLETS, then scrape along the lockers to find a FIRST
AID SPRAY and another box of HANDGUN BULLETS.

After taking these items, you may now take the BOW GUN POWDER which was the
sparkly. When you do this, a body will fall down from the bunks. Then it
will come to life! Kill all the freshly undead, then continue to search the
room. You can find a box of HANDGUN BULLETS on the lower bunk of the bunk
bed the first zombie fell off of, another box of HANDGUN BULLETS on the
other side of the bookcase, a bag of GRENADE ROUNDS on another bed, the
TRANSPORT FACILITY MAP on the wall, and last the WORKER'S DIARY on the

The worker who writes says that working here is like living in a prison, and
that he would rather be dead than do his job here. I think he finally got
his wish :)

Anyway, the other workers say there's a weird guy here who's been confined
in a cell under the facility for ten years. People call him Nosferatu, and
they also say you can sometimes hear him howling at night. The worker
doesn't believe the story, but a few nights later, he hears howling from
deep within the base. He continues to chalk it up to his imagination.

BTW, that BOW GUN POWDER you found, save it and don't use the explosive
arrows you make until I say so or you will be crying to mommy near the end
of the game. When you are done reading, leave the room.


Take the set of stairs nearby you.


Go down the small set of stairs, then take the door directly in front of
you. DO NOT go down the corridor to the left.


You can hear a "scritch-scritch" sound from somewhere in the room. Run to
the bookcase near the desk and push it backwards to reveal a secret room.
In here, you can see a small set of lockers. One of them is rattling, so
that's the source of the odd noise. You ought to go in closer to inspect
it...When you get near, the locker will burst open and a rat will jump out,
then run away scared.

If you look inside the locker you can find the BUTLER'S LETTER. It details
some of the events as to why Alfred is so insane. As his father Alexander
disappeared and his sister Alexia was killed during an experiment 15 years
ago, he was forced to assume the responsibilities of an adult at a young age
and nearly lost his sanity. So...there really WAS an Alexia, but she was
killed a decade and a half ago.

Okay, now that those plot points have been cleared up somewhat, try to press
the switch you see in the locker. There's no electricity, so it's not
working right now. Go back to the CHEST in the room and temporarily empty
your inventory so that you can gather up all the items in here. Take the
BOWGUN ARROWS and the GREEN HERB, then search the stand that has the record
player on it.

You will find ALEXANDER'S MEMO, which details upon the creation of the
T-virus and the founding of Umbrella. It seems that there are also other
competitors in the field of bio-weapons research, and Umbrella was formerly
about to go bankrupt because of it. To deal with this, Alexander made a
secret research base, namely the one you are standing in, to expedite the
process. Towards the end of the note, Alexander also states that there is a
room built in this facility to resemble the design of his old mansion. The
mansion?...from RE1?

Oh well, you have no time to think about this. Go to the CHEST and organize
your inventory:


I know the BOWGUN is bad, but we are taking it because it only needs one
item slot to function well. We'll be gathering up a lot of stuff in a short
while so we need to conserve inventory space. Don't bother searching the
cabinet, there is no way to make it open as Claire. Leave the room.


Turn right and go down the corridor to see the appearance of the most
ANNOYING enemy ever in a RE game, the moth. They fly about, dropping clouds
of poison mist all over you, and if you allow them to land on your back,
they will plant an egg. It won't cause any initial damage, but after the
egg hatches, you'll suffer a little damage and will be poisoned.

Plus, with the odd way they flutter about at high speeds, they are difficult
to hit. BTW, no matter how often you kill them, they keep regenerating.
This makes it very hard to ever cross through their territory without being
poisoned or getting implanted. Be sure to avoid this corridor as much as

Anyway, evade this first moth and quickly escape through the double doors
past it.


Dodge or kill the zombies here, doesn't really matter. As the power is out,
you can't use any machinery in here. Enter the first set of double doors
you come to.


Equip your GRENADE LAUNCHER and get ready for a fight. We are about to take
on the spiders, who have been beefed up A LOT since RE3. Run out into the
main part of the room to grab their attention, then retreat to the alcove
where the exit is and shoot from there. About two shots from the GRENADE
LAUNCHER ought to do it. Don't think of using the HANDGUN, all it does is
give them an itch. Also, watch out for the one beneath the floor, as it can
spit poison at you from below and cannot be killed.

When you have exterminated both spiders on your level, collect the items in
this room, which include two boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS on the box under the
conveyor belt, some BOW GUN ARROWS on the receiving platform, a GREEN HERB
and a BLUE HERB near the big cage in the back corner, and last, but most
important, the BAR CODE STICKER next to the big spider web. Leave after
looting the place of all its items. BTW, on the way out, note there's a
GASMASK inside an emergency case that only opens if gas floods the area. It
could be useful later.


Run forward, deeper into this room, to another set of double doors. Before
you can open them, you'll get a brief cutscene indicating a sparkly on an
overhead conveyor belt. Ignore it for now and enter the double doors.


Gun down the zombies in here. Take the MINING ROOM KEY from the recieving
platform, then look in the back corner for a body that is truly dead. Take
the DETONATOR from its grasp, then use the DETONATOR on the plastique on the
locker next to you. You can't blow up the plastique right now, so you'll
have to leave for now. On the way out, search the green lockers near the
rack of missiles for an ASSAULT RIFLE. You ought not use it right now.
Save it for later when you change to Chris. Leave the room.


Go to the area with the door at the top of a small set of stairs. If you
search to the left, you'll find an alcove where the controls for the
conveyor belts are. Go to the box on the conveyor belt and post the BAR
CODE STICKER on it. Turn around and unlock the door on the stairs with the
MINING ROOM KEY. Enter the room.


After entering the room, climb up the ledges to your right and examine the
hole in the pipe on the work platform. You will be told it is a octagonal
hole, and that it is for sealing off poison gas should it leak into the
area. The reason we are doing this is because eventually you will have to
check the hole to solve a puzzle. Better to do it now while things are
quiet. Enter the other door in this room.


There are three dogs in here, but currently they are sleeping. Immediately
turn left then hook right into an alcove where a dog is sleeping. Kill it
then wait for the other dog to foolishly rush into the path of your bullets.
The last dog is in an alcove further down the "corridor." As it is waking
up, kill it.

You are now free to safely explore the room. Walk around the X supports of
a platform above you, and eventually you'll come to a glowing panel.
Activate the panel to start up the generator. Next, go back to the alcove
where you killed the first two dogs and activate the switchboard there to
get the power running through the facility. The lights will come on and you
can now see clearly at long last.

Search the room for items. If you sniff around on the outer walls of the
chamber, you'll stumble upon four GREEN HERBS and two boxes of HANDGUN
BULLETS. If you look around on the middle piece of machinery, you'll
discover another GREEN HERB. Combine three of the GREEN HERBS to make one
FULL GREEN MIXTURE. You can use the last two to heal CAUTION status if you
were wounded during the battle. Leave the room.


Cool, we at long last get some music in here. Leave the room through the
other door in this room.


Go down the steps, then enter the alcove where the control panels were.
Activate the one with the blue light to send the mysterious sparkly on its
merry way. Then, throw the switch next to the belt to send the crate you
posted the BAR CODE STICKER on to another room. Go back to the B.O.W.


Collect the GAS MASK from the cabinet nearby then exit.


Go back to the set of double doors you used to enter this room the first


Snipe the moths from where you are with the BOWGUN (or ASSAULT RIFLE if you
have poor accuracy), then enter the ANTARTIC OFFICE.


As power is now supplied, you can push the switch in the locker. The
lockers will slide aside to reveal ANOTHER secret room. Go inside and
Claire will kneel down to see a downright hideous-looking guy under the wire
mesh. I believe we have found the Nosferatu mentioned in the WORKER'S
DIARY. Anyway, after the scene is over, look inside for PLANT POT, which
has no herb for once. Check underneath it to discover the MACHINE ROOM KEY
taped to the bottom of it. Leave the secret room and go to the CHEST to
organize your inventory:




Run straight for the stairs. If you move fast enough you won't even have to
fight the moths.


Run to those double doors you passed by at the beginning of this part.


Turn left up here and unlock the door you come to with the MACHINE ROOM KEY.
Discard it and enter the room.


DON'T check the machinery in front of you, instead go to the door at the
other end of the catwalk.


Notice that almost this entire floor is nothing but catwalks? :) Anyway,
take my most hated item in all of RE history, the VALVE HANDLE. (shudder)
It has a square-shaped end, so we can't use it yet to turn off the gas.
See? It's already irritating us! Turn around again and leave.


Steve pops up out of nowhere, and then hatches a plan. There's an
Australian observation base only a few miles away, and Steve says they can
get away if they lift the digging vehicle on the crane platform to the
ground and then use it to drill a hole in the wall.

Well, this plan WOULD have gone smoothly, had not Steve temporarily taken a
moment off to stare at Claire. Claire then wakes him up from his trance,
but not before he can accidentally break a pipe, releasing toxic gas into
the area. They are forced to retreat out of the room.


Steve frets about his mistake, and Claire gets him to calm down. Claire
says they will have a better chance of shutting off the gas if they split
up. I dunno what Steve could do, as he has neither the tool nor the gasmask
required to get into the room and shut it off. Anyway, he sprints off to
look for some way to help. Go to the other extreme end of the catwalk and
enter the door there.


There's lots of neat stuff in here, including two boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS,
and a BLUE HERB and a GREEN HERB. Take it all, then use the machine in the
back of the room to make the VALVE HANDLE an OCTA VALVE HANDLE (only if you
checked the hole in the pipe as I told you to do), so it can fit the hole in
the MINING SHAFT. Leave the room.


Leave through the double doors.


Go downstairs.


Get into the ANTARTIC OFFICE as fast as you can, before you are overwhelmed
by moths.


If you got implanted or poisoned in the last room, DON't use the BLUE HERB
you found in the METAL PROCESSING ROOM. You'll have to make another run
through the moths anyway, so its kind of stupid to use up a BLUE HERB only
to get poisoned again right after you use it. Go to the CHEST and organize
your inventory:

FULL HEALING ITEM, BLUE HERB (if you have one)

You are about to change characters, so don't bring anything you don't want
to have to wait until almost the end of the game to get back. Save your
game and then leave the room.


Try to get out through the double doors without being poisoned/implanted.


If you were poisoned, then use the BLUE HERB. Try not to shoot at the
zombies as you move through the room, you'll need to conserve what ammo you
have for the fight to come. Enter the door at the top of the little


Go to the hole in the pipe and use the OCTA VALVE HANDLE to shut off the
gas. At that point Alfred springs another suprise attack, but it gets
foiled by Steve. After Alfred misses THREE shots in a row, Steve fires a
burst and manages to knock him over the railing. Alfred is in extreme pain,
he reaches over to grab his rifle but the cliff gives way beneath him. He
plummets into the fog and disappears. Suddenly, there is a loud growling.
Unfortunately, Claire cannot remain silent about it.

Meanwhile, back at the ANTARTIC OFFICE, Nosferatu manages to break free from
captivity and is now on the loose in the base. The scene will shift back to
Claire and Steve.

Take the SNIPER RIFLE Alfred dropped to start the next cinema. Steve pushes
you into the digging vehicle and he starts it up. The drill starts going
into the wall, but the ice the drill is breaking through melts into water
and fills up the base as Steve drills on. They finally crash out of the
base altogether. Steve and Claire then leap out and climb a ladder up to a
helipad because "maybe we can escape through there!"


Steve urges you on, but before you go, check the heliport beacons on the
bottom of the heliport (from the camera's view) to discover a box of HANDGUN
BULLETS and a FIRST AID SPRAY. When you're ready, take the stairs.

Claire starts down them, but then she sees someone coming up in the opposite
direction, someone with heavy's Nosferatu, and he's coming
after you! The first time I saw this, I was wondering how he was going to
attack me, as his hands were tied behind his back. My question was then
answered as tentacles sprouted from his body. " THAT'S how
he's going to attack me..." I said.

Anyway, he quickly swats Steve off the helipad like a fly before he can
shoot him up. Claire runs to look, but fortunately Steve did not fall to
the ground. Instead, he is almost literally hanging by a thread. Claire
says she'll help after she "waxes that monster!"

Nosferatu has two attacks. He either swings his tentacle around in a long
arc, whilst dropping poison vapors that blow in the direction of the wind.
If you are poisoned, don't bother using a BLUE HERB as it will have no
effect on Nosferatu's special poison. If you get too close, he'll grab you
and throw you off the helipad, killing you in one attack.

You have the SNIPER RIFLE equipped. Note how Nosferatu has a large, exposed
heart in the middle of his chest. That is what you ought to aim for. If
you PRECISELY hit him on the heart, you'll get a special scene of Claire
taking Nosferatu out with a single bullet. Get a little distance, then aim
with R1. Use L1 to zoom in and out.

You'll only get the seven bullets the rifle comes with, so don't waste them.
Be careful when sniping, as Nosferatu appears much farther away than he
really is when you look at him thru the scope. If you stand still for too
long, he might suprise you by hurling you off the helipad, so stay mobile
while sniping.

If you run out of bullets for the SNIPER RIFLE, then use the M-100P'S. Fire
constantly and Nosferatu will be too busy being pushed back by the bullets
to attack. It will take about 42-50% of the ammunition if all your shots
were right around the heart, so I hope you didn't waste a lot of ammo for
the guns on the way here.

After you win, Claire helps Steve get out of his predicament, and they both
head off to escape the complex. They run down a short staircase, then they
discover a large truck with snow treads that they can use to escape. They
take off into the tundra.

Meanwhile, deep inside the base...Alfred staggers down a corridor, promising
to Claire that he will never forget what she has done. He stumbles into a
lab, muttering "Alexia..." Suddenly, the computers in the lab activate by
themselves, releasing a woman from a tube. It is Alexia. Alfred's final
words after this occurs are "'re finally
awake...Alexiaaaaaaaaahhhhh......." He then slumps dead.

A tentacle then crasshes out of the complex, streaking across the tundra at
lightning speed. Steve spots it in the rearview mirror as it approaches
their vehicle. Claire tries to evade it but the tentacle is upon the truck
before she can even change course. The snowmobile is then beaten up and
down with Claire and Steve rolling over each other.

Again the scene returns to the secret lab. Alexia sits there humming while
she strokes Alfred's hair. On a monitor, she sees the snowmobile burning

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| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - ROCKFORT ISLAND REVISITED
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | ___| |
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_____|


While all this mess is happening, a boat arrives at Rockfort Island.
Somebody gets out and prepares to scale the cliff. It turns out to be Chris
Redfield. Leon managed to contact Chris, and despite what Steve said, he
DID come to help.

We hear a real awesome music score as he scales the cliff. Chris is doing
real good, but at one point he accidentally grabs a loose rock. It breaks
in his hands, causing him to lose his balance, his bag, and almost his life.
However, he bears with it and continues on without the extra gear.
Eventually, he climbs over the lip of a ledge where a cave is.
___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __
|\/||| | | |__||__|\_/ | |__||__|||\ |||\ || _ |__
| |||__ | | | || \ | | | \| ||| \||| \||__| | O


As soon as Chris enters the cavern, an earthquake causes a rockslide,
sealing off the entrance. Well, looks like the search for Claire is off to
a real good start. :) Anyway, take the GREEN HERB and proceed around the
corner. Chris finds Rodrigo down here. Why he dragged himself with those
wounds all the way here I do not know. Rodrigo tells Chris about what
happened and says that Claire is gone. Chris thanks him for his
information, and then suddenly Rodrigo is swallowed by the Gulp Worm that
Claire saw in the MTF COURTYARD! Chris says to himself that he must save
him. Run around the corner to find a CHEST. Organize your inventory:


Take the door nearby.


Turn right and go to the area of the passageway where it turns to the left.
Run back and forth along the outer wall in this area and shoot at the Gulp
Worm everytime it surfaces. It's real easy as long as you keep running
along the wall, only pausing to shoot when the worm surfaces.

If you kill the worm in time, it will spit out Rodrigo and the worm will
die. Rodrigo repays the favor by giving you the LIGHTER that Claire gave
him in Part One. He then dies.

After that happens, gather up all the goodies in the room, which are a GREEN
You can see an elevator in one end of this room. Don't take it yet.
Rather, go back to the other door in this room, the one you used to get in


Walk around the corner to the left, then check the wall to your right. You
will find a relief of a monk holding an unlit torch. A phrase written here
reads "Dedicate a light on my right hand." Use your LIGHTER to, err, light
the torch and a secret compartment beneath the statue will open, revealing
two SUB-MACHINE GUNS! Take them then go to the CHEST in the area to
organize your inventory:


Leave the room.


Note that the Gulp Worm's corpse has long were we in that
other room anyway? Take the elevator at the other end of the passageway.


Kill off all the zombies in here, as you will be passing through this room
quite frequently. As the single door in this room is blocked by an
"unmoveable" barrel, you'll have to take the double doors.


Do as Alfred did in the cutscene at the end of Part One and press the switch
on the back of the tank. It will roll aside, revealing the secret passage
that Alfred used to escape the island. Before taking the elevator down,
pick up the HANDGUN BULLETS someone carelessly left underneath the tank.


Run down this dull corridor until you collide with a cache of items. Take
the SHOTGUN SHELLS, the BLUE HERB, and the GREEN HERB, then enter the door


Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS and the HANDGUN BULLETS from the desk, then take the
GREEN HERB and the ACID ROUNDS from the lockers. Free up your inventory a
little at the CHEST, then examine the drawers in the back corner with the
helmet on top of it.

This is a small puzzle that you can solve to get Steve in Battle Mode after
you complete the game. If you know the proper way to mix a BROWN MIXTURE
from herbs, then this puzzle is cake.

1. Open the red drawer.

2. Open the green drawer.

3. Open the blue drawer. (something unlocks)

4. Open the brown drawer to receive the LUGER REPLICA.

This model of the GOLDEN LUGERS cannot be used as a weapon, and serves no
purpose in the main story game. You only get it to unlock Steve in the
Battle Game. Stow it away in the CHEST and forget about it for the rest of
the game. While you're there, organize your inventory:

GRENADE LAUNCHER (whatever type has the most rounds, preferably flame)



Turn left to find the door Alfred opened to get into his VTOL hangar. You
don't have the special key Alfred used to ge used, so you'll need to do some
exploring. Take the BATTERY PACK and head for the elevator. Before you can
do that, two spiders crash out of a vent in front of you. Kill them with
the GRENADE LAUNCHER as this room is bound to be an area that beginners will
pass through frequently. When they are dead, go up the elevator.


Use the double doors.


Walk around the back of the jeep to discover a slot in a lift platform. Put
the BATTERY PACK here to get the elevator running again, then use it to
ascend to the second floor. Turn left to find a little stand. Take the
This document is important to this part of the game.

It says that Umbrella developed a special alloy that resisted almost all
types of corrosion, but it could not be utilized as there was a mixture of
two chemicals that could make it dissolve easily. They are called "CLEMENT
a" and "CLEMENT Z." So, they decided to use this new alloy to make the

It says that CLEMENT a is used in weapons maintenance, and that CLEMENT Z
changes color to blue when a certain temperature is reached in the
surrounding area. The file then says that it's odd that the temperature is
the same as the date this facility was completed.

The gold HALBERD on the EAGLE PLATE does kind of look like the thing Alferd
used to open the VTOL room... That's it! We know how to make the key to
leave the island now! You simply get CLEMENT a and CLEMENT Z, mix them
together, then use them on an EAGLE PLATE to get a HALBERD that Alfred used
to open up the hangar! But first, we have to actually FIND these

After finishing your reading, go back across the elevator platform and take
the door you come to.


Walk down the hall some and Chris will hear someone singing. It turns out
to be Alexia on one of the video screens, still caring for her dead brother.
Chris mumbles "Who is THAT?"

Meanwhile, at the airport, Wesker is looking at a computer, getting worried
about Alexia awakening from her sleep in the cryo chamber too soon. Wesker
then accidentally hits a wrong button, showing the security camera's view of
the control room where Chris is. He says "Oh little fishy, come see my
hook," then turns around and opens up a container that he carried here.
Wesker opens it up, then activates a kind of hovercraft, with a camera
mounted on top, from now on known as a spotter. The machine scurries off as
a dark green monster, with long claws and yellow beady eyes, climbs out of
the canister.

The scene quickly shifts back to Chris. Take the door in this control room.


Whoa, this place is real different from when Claire explored it. We get a
quick scene of an EAGLE PLATE falling into the sewer and being dragged down
into the depths. There's nothing you can do to reach it, so take the door
across the balcony from you.


Gun down the zombies shambling about, then take the SIDEPACK from the top of
the fallen cabinet. Go out the way you came in as the door in the lab leads
to only a deadend for now.


Run across to the door on the other side of the balcony.


Take the elevator down to B1F.


Go down the new stairs. You can see a SHOTGUN mounted on the wall, but DO
NOT take it yet. Instead, collect the FLAME ROUNDS from the shelf, and the
HANDGUN BULLETS off the floor. Take the door nearby.


You may recognize this as the place where Alfred unleashed the Tyrant. Take
the GREEN HERB at the foot of the stairs, then go up the steps. Run around
the railing and across the wire mesh platform. At the end of the platform,
you'll come to a terminal on the wall. Activate it and one of the huge
containers will descend. Search the top of the canister to find ASSAULT
RIFLE BULLETS. Leave out the double doors up here.


You can see a sparkly on the turntable, but DON'T pick it up yet or you'll
be sorry. Enter the door across the room from the turntable.


Walk through various electronic doors until you enter the lab itself.
Before picking up anything else, go to the back of the lab and search the
table there for a RED HERB and a BLUE HERB. Use these with the GREEN HERB
you found in the TYRANT LAB to make a BROWN MIXTURE. Next, search the
chemical refrigerator near the table with the ammo on it.

Use the CHEMICAL STORAGE KEY here to unlock it, then the game will ask if
you wish to reset the temperature. Say "Yes" and you are presented with a
temperature indicator. Remember what the file said about CLEMENT Z, that
the right temperature would cause it to change color, and that the date this
facility was completed is the same as the temperature.

Think back a long time ago, in the MODEL ROOM, when you looked at the podium
honoring the facility's said December 8th, remember? Punch
in "128," then hit the activation button. A chemical will change to blue,
indicating the right vial to take. Take CLEMENT Z, then collect the HANDGUN
BULLETS and the SHOTGUN SHELLS in the room. Leave.


Now, this time, look at the sparkly. Take the DOOR KNOB, and Chris will
then be seen by a spotter. An alarm will go off, and you'll get a POV shot
of an agile creature, springing about the WAREHOUSE, right above you, before
leaping down the turntable shaft...

...and then it will land on top of the crates next to you. It's a hunter,
one of the longest running enemies in the RE series. Unfortunately, the
creators decided to use the green, tough fighting machines from the original
RE1 for this game. Also note that their introduction in this game is
similar to their debut in the original RE1.

Oh well, enough distractions, blast away the hunter and his buddy with the
GRENADE LAUNCHER, then leave out the double doors. One last similarity I
would like to point out: like in RE1, when the hunters stormed the mansion,
replacing all the zombies, they will also do the same here. D'oh! Only,
now the hunters have little cameras to help them find you even faster!


Walk to the door at the other end of the passage.


Take the SHOTGUN from the wall, and like in RE1, the hooks will rise up,
setting off some weird mechanism. In this case, it activates a pulley which
causes the stairs to rise up, sealing off one passage while opening up
another. Run under the stairs and jump into the water. Climb up the ledge
at the other end of the waterway, then blast the zombie who drags himself
out. Take the ladder up.


Oh look, two adorably cute spotters are running around in here. Try your
best to evade the spotter's searchlights as you go to the VTOL OFFICE.


You have A LOT of junk in your inventory now I expect, so go to the CHEST
and organize your inventory:




Evade the spotters and take the manhole's ladder down.


Take both RED HERBS. Use one of the RED HERBS here to make a RED-GREEN
MIXTURE. Place the SHOTGUN back on the rack to make the stairs come down,
then go up the steps and take the elevator to 2F.


Go into the control room and take the door in there. Shoot any undead who
try to stop you.


Run across the balcony to the other door.


Quickly run through the hole in the wall to escape the spotter's beam. Take
the door in the lab area.


Use the DOOR KNOB on the door knobless door. Take the door.


Turn right to find a box of HANDGUN BULLETS, then go left past the door to
find another small stand, this time with a TANK OBJECT on it. Leave the


Enter the lab as the stairs are blocked at the bottom.


Exit out the door in the hall. If you get spotted just run for it as you'll
never have to come back to this room again anyway.


Take the door across the balcony.


Take the elevator to 1F.


Turn right at the fork and enter the MODEL ROOM. Watch out for the spotter
directly in front of it.


Use the TANK OBJECT on the model to reveal a secret compartment behind a
painting. Take the TURNTABLE KEY, and read the SECRET PASSAGE NOTE. It
details the construction of the secret bridge that was built behind Alfred's
office, and also says there is a secret passage that can be opened using the
"diorama trick." A diorama is a fancy name for a model, so it's safe to
assure that it has something to do with the model in this room, and with
that curious hole in the secret panel. Leave the room.


Take the elevator to B1F, and don't worry about the spotter; it's scurried
off to somewhere else.


Go down the stairs and enter the door at the bottom.


Go up the stairs, and after you walk around some, Wesker will make his
appearance to Chris, with that robotic laugh again. Chris accuses Wesker of
attacking the island and his sister, then pulls his gun. But Wesker uses
superhuman speed and strengh to knock him flying across the room before he
can even raise the gun.

As Chris moans, Wesker calmly adjusts his sunglasses before zooming over to
grab him by the throat. Chris gets hiked off the ground and up into the
air. As Wesker chokes him, he tells Chris that his sister is in Antartica,
and that its too bad he won't get to see her again. As Alferd continues to
laugh, someone else joins in with his laughter. It's Alexia on a video
screen. The image quickly fades away as fast as it appeared. Wesker,
suprised by the image, throws Chris into a glass tube, cracking it. A
bandersnatch claws its way out.

You are now in control. Sprint past the bandersnatch and out the double
doors, as you'll never be coming to this room again anyway.


Use the TURNTABLE KEY on the console in the turntable to raise it up.


Thanks to a hole in the wall, you have easy access to the lobby. Before
going inside, climb over the crate blocking the way, then push the crate
near the gap between the double stacked crates. Climb up and search on top
to find BOW GUN POWDER. This, like every other batch of explosive arrows
you make, must never be used until I tell you to use them. Go inside the
lobby now. Whoa! What a mess...anyway, leave out the front door, and get
your running shoes ready.


Quickly turn right and scrape along the wall to elude the hunters. Take the
cargo elevator Claire used after the self-destruct sequence was activated.
___ __ __ __ __ ___
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| ||| \| |__|| \ |


Organize your inventory:


Leave out the shutter.


Kill off the hunter that approaches from the left. Take the one-man lift
up, then use the door up here.


Go across the bridge to the door at the other side.


Go to the blue lights to find the controls for the bridge's oil pressure.
The goal for this puzzle is to get 7 liters of oil into the 10 liter tank.
You only have a 3 and 5 liter tanks available though. So how do you do it?
Follow my directions.

1. Use the 5 liter tank once.

2. Use the 3 liter tank twice. After you empty the tank the second time,
you'll have 1 liter inside it.

3. Use the 3 liter tank three times to reach 7 liters.

As you make for the door, the zombies in the back of the room come to life.
Run for it as all you will get for putting them down is a box of SHOTGUN


Run to the other end of the bridge and use the lever to send the bridge down
to the first floor. Leave.


Take the lift down, then exit out the shutter to the left.


Blast the hunter that is lurking about on the bridge, then use the shutter
at the other end of the passage.


Evade or kill the zombies here, I don't really care. Just take the door
near the fish tank.


Kill the hunter, then use the glowing monitor to shut off the electricity
running to the boarding platform, then take all three PROOFS. Leave.


Take the shutter behind the desk.


Guess what you are supposed to do here.


Enter the shutter dead ahead.


Organize your inventory:


You'll only need the HANDGUN Chris brought if you want to modify it. It's
not really necessary, as the CUSTOM HANDGUN you already have is adequate
protection. Take the elevator after making your choice.


Quickly get into the front door as the new, poison hunters are closing in.


Take the door past the destroyed shutter.


Gun down the zombie that is in your face upon entering. Note that a box of
SHOTGUN SHELLS has been shaken loose from the shelf near you. Take them
then enter the cubicle. Kill the zombie that pitifully tries to stand in
your way. Search the locker nearby for a bag of ACID ROUNDS. Walk into the
back of the cubicle and you will discover that the back wall here has been
blown in. Go thru the hole and out the door in the hall.


Go into the fenced-off area. Take the ladder there. The sleeping zombie
you can easily slide around.


Throw the switch nearby you to turn off the gas and make the area accessible
again. Gun down the zombies with CHRIS'S HANDGUN (as you'll get a free
reload for it shortly), and take the door past the big boiler.


Run to the door across the room from you.


Walk around the corner into the area with all the supplies. Take CLEMENT a
from the shelf to the left. Two ingredients left, one to go...

If you brought CHRIS'S HANDGUN with you, use it with the modification part
on the desk to make an ENHANCED HANDGUN plus a free reload. It kills with
fewer bullets than the CUSTOM HANDGUN, but it has the distinct disadvantage
of not being able to rapid-fire. Occasionally it does get a random
headshot, like the SHOTGUN does, but this is VERY rare. Leave.


Run across the room to the door you used to enter this room. All the other
doors are blocked anyway.


Go across the room and take the door at the top of the stairs.


Go into the elevator and take it to 1F.


Turn right at the fork, and use the door at the end of the hall.


Plant all three crests, err, PROOFS in the hole beneath the secret
compartment. All the laser beams will deactivate, giving you access to a
lever. Pull this lever and the whole model will slide into the wall to
reveal the secret passage Alfred mentioned in the SECRET PASSAGE NOTE.
Before going down the ladder, take the GREEN HERB and the two boxes of
SHOTGUN SHELLS hidden behind the podium.


There are spiders lingering above. Use your GRENADE LAUNCHER to blow them
up. Take the GRENADE ROUNDS and the GREEN HERB. Go down the ladder at the
other end of the corridor.


Walk until you come to a group of two GREEN HERBS, and a BLUE HERB. Use
three GREEN HERBS to make a FULL GREEN MIXTURE. You are gonna need one for
what's just around the corner. As you move forward some more, we see the
EAGLE PLATE in the water!...with something else...It's the albinoid that
escaped the lab upstairs, and the little guy sure has grown. The beast will
not come out of the water, but unfortunately, that is exactly where you need
to go.

You COULD try to shoot it to death, but its a heckuva lot easier just to
leap into the water, get the EAGLE PLATE, quickturn, then get out of there
before you are too severely damaged by electricity. It will likely cost you
the FULL GREEN MIXTURE you recently made, but you would have wasted a TON of
ammo just trying to hit the Albinoid.

You now have all three ingredients to create the key to get out of here.
Let's be making our way back to the VTOL CORRIDOR. Taunt the albinoid on
the way out.


Take the ladder at the other end of the corridor.


Leave out the door in here.


Take the elevator to B1F.


Go down the stairs, take the SHOTGUN from its resting place, and wade
through the water to the ladder on the other side of the room.


Enter the VTOL OFFICE. We have some preparations to make before takeoff.


Organize your inventory:


MIXTURE on the EAGLE PLATE to get the HALBERD! At long last we have the key
required to get out of here! Leave.


Use the HALBERD on the door to the left to open up the hangar. As Chris
walks in, automated machinery guides a Harrier into position for takeoff.
Chris says to himself that he's coming for Claire. According to his
biography in RE1, he was formerly with the Air Force, so he knows how to
pilot one of these things. He climbs in and zooms off into the night.

______ _____ _____ _____ _ _
| _ | | _ | | _ | |_ _| | | | |
| |_| | | |_| | | |_| | | | | |_| |
| ___| | _ | | _ / | | |___ | - THE SECRET ANTARTIC
| | | | | | | | \ \ | | | | BASE REVISITED
|_| |_| |_| |_| \_\ |_| |_|


A few hours later, it's daybreak and Chris has finally found the secret base
in Antartica.


Chris skillfully guides his plane into a hangar as automated machinery again
drops a ladder for him to disembark on.

After you regain control, leave the room out the silver door.


Tentacles have bashed through the walls, but fortunately they are too short
to reach you. Stand at a safe distance while pounding them full of HANDGUN
BULLETS until they go away. Take the stairs at the far end of the platform.


As the moths are not adapted to cold weather, they have all hoo,
boo hoo hoo...:p Take the door straight ahead. There is nothing down the
left way except for a zombie ambush and a pot of BLUE HERBS, because the
door over there is blocked by ice now.


Look at the pillar near the locked cabinet you couldn't open before. Place
the HALBERD here to unlock the cabinet. Inside, you will find a PAPER
WEIGHT and ALFRED'S DIARY. Before we begin reading, keep in mind this file
was written 15 years before, in 1983.

In this file, a teenaged-Alferd says he knows there is a hidden room in a
hallway. He has no idea what is inside, but he does know how to open it.
He needs the three family jewels that he, Alexia, and their father Alexander
have in their possesion. He can easily get hold of every one of them,
except for Alexander's.

A couple of weeks later, he manages to get hold of Alexander's piece somehow
and gets inside the hidden room. He discovers that he and his sister were
merely created as an experiment. The twins begin to concoct a plan to get

Another couple of weeks pass, and they succeed in their revenge. By using
the T-Veronica virus Alexia created, Alexander has now become a product of
THEIR experiments. They have high hopes for the new virus.

About a month and a half later, the experiment turns out to be a failure.
The twins are forced to lock the uncontrollable monster their father has
become inside a hidden prison cell. That explains why there was a monster
hidden in this base. After this failure, Alexia volunteers to try the virus
again, this time on her own body.

She determines that she must be stored in a cryo-chamber for 15 years so she
will be able to control the virus's effects rather than the virus taking
over her. Alfred is extremely angry that he won't be able to see Alexia for
all that time, and says that he must now stay on alert, as he believes he is
the only person who can protect her now.

After finding out all these major plot points, go to the CHEST and organize
your inventory:




Go up the stairs in front of you.


Take the set of double doors on this walkway.


Cool. (sorry, couldn't resist :) Anyway, go left and take the door at the
end of the catwalk.


This place has also been filled up with ice. Run over to where Claire used
the OCTA VALVE HANDLE and take it. As you try to exit the room, all the
zombies come to life and attack you. Run along the outer wall to avoid
fighting, as you'll never be coming back to this room again anyway. Escape
out the door you used to enter. The other door in this room leads to a
dead end.

Beware, some of them were implanted by the moths earlier. If you get too
close, a parasite will burst out of the body and cling to your back, like
the moth eggs. Like eggs, you can't do anything until the parasite is ready
to let go.


Go to the other end of the catwalk and take the door before the broken


Kill off the zombies, then search inside the cage that was inaccesible
earlier. Take the DURALUMIM CASE and the SHOTGUN SHELLS. Leave.


As ice has filled the room, you can now cross the gap that was inaccessible
to Claire. Take the door you find here.


Chris sees a spotter heading right for him. Wesker must be around here too.
It's almost impossible to evade the spotter's beam, so don't feel bad if
you are seen. Stay where you are and aim at the turn ahead of you. The
hunter will come from a long ways down the corridor, so he's a sitting duck.
Knock him down, then stand over the hunter and fire down to finish him
off. Take the double doors nearby.


If you look inside the water tank, you can see a sparkly. Unfortunatley,
the water is too deep to traverse. Also your OCTA VALVE HANDLE is not the
right shape. Don't fret, we'll be able to fix that a little later. Press
the blue button on the console in the middle of the room to raise a barrel
of extinguishant up to your level. Refill the FIRE EXTINGUISHER, then take
the elevator nearby.


You can see that a fire has started in this room. Use your FIRE
EXTINGUISHER to put out the blaze, then take the all-mighty MAGNUM from the
crate. Go to the back of the room where Claire put the detonator in the
plastique. Use the LIGHTER to ignite the explosive. Open the cabinet to
get three boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS. You see, I told you you would be
kicking yourself for not hanging onto the EMPTY EXTINGUISHER :) If you
didn't bring it, you would not have been able to get the MAGNUM at all.
Take the elevator after collecting the stuff.


Leave out the double doors.


The spotter is active again, and he also has another buddy with him. Go
left immediately to get away from the first spotter. The second spotter you
must get past. When you hear the "rhee" noise, run past and get in the


You can hear splashing somewhere nearby, but ignore it for now. Take the
door in front of you.


Take the door to your immediate left.


Go to the corner of the room with the green light, and use your OCTA VALVE
HANDLE here to push the giant socket into the power outlet. Next, go to the
panel on the other side of the socket, and throw the switch to activate the
power again.

You can now see all the cool stuff in this room! Take the SHOTGUN SHELLS
from the green corner, the two GREEN HERBS and BLUE HERB from the other side
of the room, and last the two boxes of HANDGUN BULLETS off the desk. Go to
the CHEST and organize your inventory:




Go left and run down the hall to the electric door. Battle any undead you
see and take the two GREEN HERBS along the way. I would leave behind the
BLUE HERB, as it will only eat up space in your inventory.


Whoa, this is one of the rooms from the mansion in RE1! Alexander wasn't
kidding in his file. They even have the same statue in the middle of the
room, with the same map tucked inside the vase. Unfortunately, this time
there is no stepladder to climb up to get it.

What you must do this time is push the statue itself. Shove it into the
corner of the room where the floor is cracked. The tile will break under
the weight, allowing you to reach the LAB MAP. After taking that, get the
HANDGUN BULLETS and the SHOTGUN SHELLS off the table nearby.

Enter the open door to go inside a red room. If you go past the biohazard
suits, you will find an elevator, but don't go there yet. Continue down the
hall, and we get to see another relic from RE1, the tiger statue. This
time, Tigey already has his eyes, so take out the RED JEWEL and he will give
you MAGNUM ROUNDS. Put the RED JEWEL back and take the BLUE JEWEL this
time. Our ol' buddy Tigey will then hand over the SOCKET. Take it as well
and give him his BLUE JEWEL back. Use the elevator you passed by.


Walk forward and you will see a HUMONGOUS anthill, with plenty of little
ants to go with it. Take the WING OBJECT Chris stops over, then turn around
and go left to find a GREEN HERB. Use it to make a FULL GREEN MIXTURE. You
will realize this is where Alferd was when he staggered to his death in the
secret lab, judging from the bloody mess he left as he scraped along the
wall. Enter the lab.


Go to the broken video monitor to discover the VIRUS RESEARCH REPORT. In
it, Alexia tells of why she chose to go into cryo-storage. She is doing it
so that when she awakens, she will be the queen ant of the world, where all
the other "ants" will exist to serve only her. This is her dream, and it
looks like it may come true now, if you don't hurry!

Go up the stairs to find the place where Alexia's capsule is. Go to the
podium to the right of the capsule, and you will read an odd sentence:

"As twins, Alexia and I are two sides of a coin."
"Heart, Spade, AA, Crown"

Next examine the PAPER WEIGHT. You will discover it has all the symbols of
the podium on it, plus two more. We already know what Alexia's sequence is,
now we must figure out Alfred's. If you start at the heart symbol on the
PAPER WEIGHT and rotate it to the left, you will find Alexia's sequence.

The sentence said it was like two sides of a coin, so for Alferd, start with
the symbol on the other side of the cube, "AA", and again rotate it to the
left. You should get "AA, Crown, Heart, Spade." Input this into the
podium, then put the PAPER WEIGHT in the compartment that appears. This
will cause the capsule to slide up and open, releasing Alfred's body. Take
ALFRED'S RING from his hand and leave.


Go to the door at the other extreme end of the catwalk. Take the GREEN HERB
here. You can use it if you were wounded because of the ants nibbling on
your feet. Enter the door.


Exterminate every zombie you see, then use the LIGHTER on the oil lamp in
the first room to get some light in here. Take the BLUE HERB and the GREEN
HERB from the first room, then take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the table in
the "queen ant" room.

Read the RESEARCH REPORT ON QUEEN ANT in the first room. It says how the
T-Veronica virus was created, and how to cure the special poison generated
by Nosferatu. If needed, it is in the ARMORY. You only need read this if
you were poisoned during the fight with Nosferatu at the helipad. Oh yeah,
and did I mention Alexia brags again about what the world will be like when
she becomes queen? :)

Leave the room.


Take the elevator in the middle of the catwalk.


Use the electric door as the double doors are locked.




You are probably loaded down with a ton of junk right now, so go to the
CHEST and organize your inventory:




Take the door right next to you.


Ignore the splashing and take the elevator directly in front of you.


Take the double doors at the other end of the corridor, while trying to
evade the spotters' beams.


Take the elevator in the back of the room up, then use the SQUARE VALVE
HANDLE for the FINAL time to drain the tank. Climb down the ladder and get
the CRANE KEY, then hold R1 + X during the short cutscene. You'll blast a
poison hunter point blank. Stand over the fallen monster and fire
repeatedly until dead. Climb out of the tank again and leave out the double


Quickly turn right and get out the door. If you move fast enough, the
spotter beam won't even have time to fully activate.


Turn right and enter the crane control box. Use the CRANE KEY here to drag
Nosferatu's body from the ice. Alexia appears, saying "said the spider to
the fly, how do you wish to die? Hahaha!" A giant spider crawls out of the
big hole and attacks. It crushes the control box right after Chris leaps to

Don't try to fight it, as you won't get anything for your trouble. Instead,
leap down, look for the green sparkly near Nosferatu's body, take
ALEXANDER'S PIERCE, then get back into the SPOTTER CORRIDOR. You've got two
family jewels now, all that's left is Alexia's...but how will you make her
give it to you? Don't worry, we'll figure something out.


Hurray! The spotters are gone, this time for good. Take the elevator at
the other end of the corridor.


Again take the door in front of you.


Enter the door next to you.


Organize your inventory:


Save your game here, as there will be many good opportunities to die very
soon. Leave.


Take the door next to you.


You can still hear that splashing, run down the hall and you will emerge
into an open area under some arches. Wait here for the poison hunter, then
kill it with one shot from the MAGNUM. Examine the area you are in. You
are in some kind of room, designed to look like a garden on a lovely spring
day. Take the GREEN HERB near the double doors, then take the WING OBJECT
from near the carousel, and another one from the fountain in the water.
After you do that, enter the double doors.


WHOA! Did we just step back through time or something?! This is the MAIN
HALL from the mansion in RE1! Is this cool or what? This room was always
one of my fav rooms from all the games. Anyway, go upstairs (odd, no
loading sequence this time). Look around on the balcony for a COMBAT KNIFE,
then go down stairs again.

Look behind the staircase. In the original there was nothing back there,
but this time Claire is hung up here in some weird slime. Use the COMBAT
KNIFE to cut her loose. At long last, brother and sister united!

Claire then wakes up, and Chris is very happy to see her alive. But if
Claire was poisoned during the fight with Nosferatu, Chris will have to go
looking for the SERUM. Follow the directions after this row of stars and up
until the second row of stars if Claire needs the SERUM.

(NOTE: I have received many irritating emails concerning this particular
part of the game. You DO NOT need the FIRE EXTINGUISHER to get the SERUM.
It will be on a shelf that is not blocked by the fire, so you don't need to
panic if you made the massive error of leaving behind the FIRE EXTINGUISHER
at the security box in Part One.)


Exit out of the mansion through the front door.


Go to the place where the two doors are and take the one on the right.


Evade the spotters, then take the double doors.


Take the elevator down.


The SERUM will be on the non-overturned shelf to the right of where the fire
was. Take it and leave.


Leave out the double doors.


Get to the elevator at the far end of the hall.


Go into the front doors of the "mansion."


Use the SERUM on Claire. She will be cured of the poison.


Chris says they should go, but Claire says they have to find Steve first.
He agrees, and then Alexia makes an appearance, saying she'll take care of
the "genetically inferior siblings." The Redfields try to pursue her, but
are stopped by a tentacle that bashes the baclony in half.

Both of them are okay, but Claire will have to go alone as the balcony is
now impassable.


Yet another old RE1 room that returns to my delight. Claire has a lot to do
here. Take the GREEN HERB and RED HERB here. Use them to make a RED-GREEN
MIXTURE. Take the HANDGUN BULLETS from the coffee table and the SHOTGUN
SHELLS off the couch. and then open up the CHEST. Take out the SHOTGUN and
the DURALUMIN CASE. Use Claire's LOCKPICK to unlock it and get more MAGNUM

Next, push away the bookcase to reveal a shotgun rack, again just as in RE1.
Place the SHOTGUN here and a secret compartment will open, and it has
GRENADE ROUNDS and FLAME ROUNDS. Put all of this stuff, including the
SHOTGUN, back in the CHEST and organize your inventory:

M-100P'S (with at least 40%)

Don't take anything else, as whatever Claire has at the end of her turn
Chris will not be allowed to have ever again. Leave out the door next to
the secret compartment.


Run down the hall and a tentacle will crash out of a painting. Shoot it
until it goes away, then run around the corner. Another tentacle will burst
from a painting. Treat this one in the same fashion. Leave out the door it
was protecting.


Shoot the lone zombie that is standing up and not imprisoned, then go up the
small steps here into a place with a cannon. Take the SECURITY FILE, and
read it.

In this file, Alexander tells about his self-destruct system he installed.
It says all door locks will be released, and an emergency elevator will
activate, allowing easy escape if it is activated. The password is "the
name of my beautiful ancestor." No brainer figuring out who that is.

After you stop reading, rotate the handle on the cannon and a CRYSTAL will
fall out. This also activates a booby trap in the form of a smashing
concrete block. Run under its shadow, then take the CRYSTAL and run under
the shadow. Place it in the middle of the shadow, where the bright spot is.
If you do it correctly, the block will smash the CRYSTAL. If not, then

If you were successful, take the SECURITY CARD and the trap will deactivate.
Take the door to the left of the door you used to get in here.


You find yourself in a room devoid of any features save a card reader beside
a gate. Use the security card to raise the gate. After hearing the spooky
noise of the door locking behind you, go past all the statues, to where you
see Steve in the exact same place as Nosferatu was...this could be bad.
Claire tries to help get him out of his restraints, but she can't do
anything. Steve then starts to...grab at his chest. Claire backs away
scared, and Steve transforms into a terrible monster...and most
frighteningly...his head remains almost unchanged.

Quickturn and run for it! You can't kill him, and he'll bash you in with
only two blows from that axe. While you are fleeing for the exit, heal
everytime he hits you, no matter what. If you go fast enough you should
only need two FULL HEALING ITEMS. For most of you, two FULL HEALING ITEMS
is the MINIMUM toll to proceed onward. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

Claire will slide under the gate while Steve pounds relentlessly on it.
Suddenly, a tentacle bursts out and ensnares Claire. Meanwhile, Steve has
managed to break down the bars and is moving in to finish Claire off. He
takes a big swing, but stops literally inches from her face. He says
"Claire!" and then cuts the tentacle instead. The tentacle slaps Steve
against a wall as Claire falls to the floor.

Steve shrivels back into his old self again, and says a few things before
saying goodbye to Claire. Claire tries to wake him up, but to no avail, he
has passed away.


Meanwhile, one of the best cinemas in the game is about to unfold here.
Chris is spying in on a conversation between Wesker and Alexia. Wesker is
after the T-Veronica virus, and as the only sample is in Alexia's body,
Wesker orders her to come with him. However, Alexia is not as helpless as
she looks. She suddenly catches on fire, and all her clothes burn away.
Her skin goes gray, and she grows some insect-like growths on her body.

Wesker is a bit taken aback by this. Alexia gives him one gentle slap and
he goes head over heels. Wesker quickly climbs to his feet, evading a foot
stomp from her. He yells "You're coming with me!" Not today, pal. Alexia
thows some strange blood at him, which catches on fire. Wesker runs up the
wall to evade the fire, then kicks off and flies past Alexia while
delivering a solid left to her face.

She is stunned for a moment, but begins throwing fire again. When Chris
grunts to evade an oncoming throw, Wesker finally realizes he's there and
says that since Chris IS one of his best men, he leaves Chris to handle it.
Wesker manages to get out the front door right before it goes aflame. Chris
then tries to go upstairs but Alexia's fire is there before him, forcing him
back to the main floor.

You now have control. The first thing I must say: don't EVER let her touch
you, or she will set you on fire, killing you instantly. Her other attacks
consist of throwing flamable blood, or shooting acid.

The easiest way to kill her is to take some distance, fire two shots from
the MAGNUM, then run to the other side of the room. Shoot two more shots,
then run back again. One last bullet and she is down for the count. Alexia
will shoot her projectiles at you, but they will always go where you AREN'T.

After you win the fight, take ALEXIA'S CHOKER near the foot of the stairs,
then ascend them. When you come to the painting of the three current
members of the Ashford family, check each piece and remove the jewel portion
from the metal. Plant all three JEWELS in the painting to reveal a secret
door. Take this door. Meanwhile, Alexia gets back up on her feet behind


Take the double doors next to you, as you don't want to be wasting MAGNUM
BULLETS on stupid zombies.


Look at the CODE: VERONICA REPORT on the chair. It tells of how Alexia and
Alferd were created. Their unfertilized egg was implanted into a woman, and
they were born as twins. It says Alfred was a smart kid, but not enough to
be considered overly intelligent. However, Alexia is VERY smart, and has
enough intelligence to easily be classified as a genius.

After you are done reading, get the GREEN HERBS up here, then take the lift
down to the lower floor. Get the HANDGUN BULLETS from the tubes, then get
the SHOTGUN SHELLS from atop the computers. Press the shiny blue button on
the console. This opens a tube which gives you access to the fourth and
final WING OBJECT. Take that then go up in the elevator. Use the door at
the top of the little steps.


In here, push aside the middle case in each row of cases to find GRENADE
ROUNDS in one, and BOWGUN BOLTS in the other. Take the door at the right
end of the hall, from the view of the middle door.


Go to the CHEST and organize your inventory:


Go out the door you used to get in.


Take the door at the curve in the hall.


Go out the double doors.


Blast any zombie who dares get in your way. At the fork in the hall, go
left and you will find a door on the left wall.


Check the bench that is nearly hidden behind the table with the typewriter.
Here you will find a FIRST AID SPRAY and a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Next,
check the drawers on the right side of the other desk to find the STERILE
ROOM KEY. Leave.


Turn right, then go right at the fork. Take the door at the end of the
little hall.


Go down the stairs and unlock the double doors to the left with the STERILE
ROOM KEY. Discard it and enter.


Take the electric door out of here.




Shut off the power. Leave.


Take the door next to you.


Enter the front doors of the "mansion."


Take the double doors to the right.


Walk around to the tiger statue in here. As the power is off, you can
easily remove both the BLUE JEWEL and the RED JEWEL. Leave out the double


Go upstairs and take the secret door.


Turn left at the fork and enter the door at the end of the hall. Take the
GREEN HERBS here too.


Put the BLUE JEWEL in the music box to unlock it, then use the secret
passage of the woman relief.


Stop the music box, then put the RED JEWEL in. Take the MUSIC BOX PLATE and
use the secret door again.


Put the MUSIC BOX PLATE in to cause the secret ladder to appear. Climb the


You may recall this place as the exact room where Alfred and Alexia were
filmed feeding the dragonfly to the ants. Take the DRAGONFLY OBJECT and
combine it with all four WING OBJECTS to get the GOLD DRAGONFLY. We nearly
have all the pieces to finish the puzzle now...all that is needed is one
last item to escape this place.

Take the HANDGUN BULLETS off the table, and the GREEN HERBS in the corner.
Go down the ladder again.


Leave out the green door.


Go out the door at the end of the middle hall.


Go downstairs and out the front doors.


Go into the FREEZER HALL.


Take the door next to you.


It's now time to prepare for the final fight! Organize your inventory:

BOWGUN (with explosive arrows), GRENADE LAUNCHER(type with most ammo)
GRENADE ROUNDS(type with second-most ammo), GOLD DRAGONFLY

Be sure one item slot is free, and take as many BROWN HERB MIXTURES as you
can. And be sure to save your game too. Leave.


Take the door next to you.


Enter the front doors of the "mansion."


Go upstairs and take the secret door.


Take the double doors.


Take the door atop the little steps.


Take the door dead ahead.


You can hear Claire crying. She is crying over Steve, and what's worse, the
door won't unlock. Claire tells him how to unlock it, and slides the
SECURITY FILE under the door. Check the SECURITY FILE and rotate it so you
are facing the side that opens. Take the SECURITY CARD. Go up the stairs
at the end of the hall.


Run across the platform to the door with the dragonfly hollow. Put the GOLD
DRAGONFLY there and it will unlock the door. Go inside.


Use the GRENADE LAUNCHER to get the zombies out of the way, then use the
SECURITY CARD to activate the computer. You ought to know the password.
It's VERONICA. After inputing the password, the self-destruct system
activates. Take the GREEN HERB, equip the MAGNUM, and get out.


Claire and Chris are united again. But, then a tentacle crashes through the
wire mesh platform, and it starts forming itself into a human
shape...Alexia's shape! Chris quickly hatches a battle plan. They operate
the controls to a new type of anti-B.O.W. weapon called the LINEAR LAUNCHER.
They manage to release the cover, but the weapon must be recharged before
it can be used.

Alexia has now fully formed, and slowly strolls towards Chris and Claire.
Chris tells Claire to run for it, but Alexia puts up a firewall before she
can get away. Quickly shoot Alexia with the MAGNUM before she can slap
Claire off the platform. If she does that, it's GAME OVER.

If you are successful, Claire manages to get away while Alexia is stunned by
the bullet. She then transforms into a new form, basically just a giant
mountain of flesh.

BEFORE YOU EMAIL ME: Emails sent to me that say, "I have x amount of ammo
and y amount of health items, can I beat Alexia?" will likely be ignored.
Sorry, but I never got around to determining exactly how much ammo this boss
takes. I recommend you at least TRY to beat the boss a few times before you
come to ask help for me.)

Fire away with the MAGNUM, until Alexia's little slug helpers surround you,
then run to another corner of the platform and fire a couple of shots, then
move again. By doing this you will somewhat be able to stay away from the
little bugs on the ground and Alexia's tentacles and acid spits. When you
run out of bullets for the MAGNUM, use the BOWGUN with explosive arrows,
which you hopefully saved up. I hope you learned your lesson from the fight
with Tyrant that explosive arrows must be reserved for bosses. The BOWGUN
shoots very rapidly and causes a lot of damage, so it ought to finish off
this form. If she still is not dead, then use the GRENADE LAUNCHER.

When you finally kill off that form, Alexia is attacked or something by her
fellow ants from the anthill. She drags herself away from the base of her
body and is now a giant mutated dragonfly. At this time, the LINEAR
LAUNCHER has finished charging, so take it and use it to kill Alexia. Her
only attack that she has left is the flame spit. Take only two shots
between bursts or you will be hit. Alexia flutters about, so you'll
probably miss a lot.

However, as the LINEAR LAUNCHER has infinite ammo, you ought to get her
eventually. Just don't run out of time and you'll be okay. After you nail
Alexia with that lucky shot, she will be vaporized into a million pieces.
The explosions begin coming and Chris bounds down the stairs.

Chris sees Wesker holding Claire by the neck. He laughs, then roughly
shoves her into a hole that has been blown in the wall. Chris follows after
the two.

Chris stumbles into a dim corridor, searching for where Wesker and Claire
might have run off to. Suddenly, zombies lurch out of the fog after him.
Chris chooses one hall and just prays it will lead to where he needs to go.
He sprints down the corridor, punching and shoving zombies that get in the
way. Eventually, he comes to a set of double doors and crashes through

Chris finds Wesker and Claire inside the submarine bay he enters. Wesker
says that the only objective he has left now is revenge. Chris tells Wesker
to release Claire, saying that he really wants him. Wesker simply says
"Fine," and shoves Claire over to Chris. He helps Claire to her feet, and
tells her to leave. Claire protests, but Chris says that as a surviving
member of S.T.A.R.S., its his job to handle this. Claire says not to forget
their promise, then runs off, leaving him alone with Wesker.

Chris says to say hello "to my teammates, who you killed!" Wesker accepts
the threat and starts walking towards Chris. Chris backs away, afraid of a
repeat of the last fight. His hand taps on a pipe, and he decides to pick
it up and use it as a club. He slams Wesker across the face, but it does no
damage. He doesn't even flinch!

Chris attempts another swing, but Wesker blocks it with his arm and the bar
dents under the impact! He then kicks Chris across the room and onto the

Meanwhile, Claire has arrived at the VTOL HANGAR and is patiently waiting
for Chris to burst out of the emergency elevator.

Back at the submarine place, Wesker is beating the crud out of Chris with
some lefts and rights. Chris begins to stagger and kneels on the floor as
blood dribbles from his mouth. Wesker gives him a little break to boast
about his new strengh. "Sure I'm not human anymore! But just look at all
the power I've gained!" While Wesker is bragging, Chris sees a load of
steel beams overhead, attached to a little crank on the floor...

Wesker give Chris another solid hit and he goes flying. Wesker does one of
his Matrix tricks and leaps hight into the air. He comes down for a final
killing blow, but Chris rolls out of the way as Wesker dents the concrete
beneath his fists. Chris dives ont the crank and the steel beams start to
wriggle. Wesker looks up as the first beam intersects with his face. He is
totally covered by the load of metal.

Chris looks at the damage he's done and seems to think he has gotten rid of
Wesker for good, but the beams start to slide, and Wesker drags himself out
of the steel. He looks up, and he doesn't even have a scratch on his face!
Chris stands up and they both drunkedly stumble towards each other to
continue the fight.

At that time, an explosion causes a large pipe to collapse between them.
Wesker gets his face horribly burned by the fire, and as the flaming
wreckage is in the way, they can't get to each other. Wesker says Chris is
lucky today. Chris says he will get him next time. Wesker waves him off.
As Chris runs for the exit, Wesker stands amid the fires and laughs.

Chris runs back to the emergency elevator and it begins its descent down to
the VTOL HANGAR. The explosions threaten to catch up to the elevator as it
slowly makes its way downward. Claire hears the booms and continues to
worry. When the elevator arrives, Chris just steps out the door before
being blown onto the nose of the Harrier. Chris says to Claire that "I
always keep my promises."

They lift off as explosions follow them out into the sky. After they are
out of harms way, Claire asks Chris to never leave her again. Chris says he
is sorry, but they still have to take down Umbrella. They zoom away into
the sky as a giant explosion destroys the secret base.

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5: Enemies Section

This section tells about enemies you will encounter in the game. Beware,
there are spoilers here so read at your own risk! They are listed in the
order you encounter them in.
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DIFFICULTY - Easy-Hard (depends upon situation)
Of course the ol' zombie had to be in this game. They are not as smart as
in RE3. In RE3, they were smart enough to not stick to the wall and arrowed
in right on you while easily evading obstacles. Now, they drag along walls,
allowing you to slip past.

But, to make up for this lapse in AI, the range with which a zombie can
reach is far greater. I have seen them reach up to over a foot past the
reach of their arms to grab you. It will be extremely hard to stay out of
harms way if you try to zip past them. They also are much speedier. They
can 180 and home in on you faster than your character can.

Also to make up for reduced intelligence, they are more durable than before.
While every zombie in RE3 only took about 7 HANDGUN BULLETS at the most to
kill, I have seen RE:CVX zombies take up to 10 before going down. Bring
plenty of ammo.

On occasion, there is the rare exploding zombie. This kind of zombie has a
brick of C4 strapped to its back. Be sure to take distance when fighting
it, as it could blow up at any moment while you shoot at it.

WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?...urgh, I hate that song. Anyway, since someone let
them out, you'll have to deal with them. They are extremely fast and can be
upon you in seconds. They can chomp on your arm, giving the rest of the
pack time to get to you.

Unfortunately, they have some BIG weaknesses that you can exploit to make
them mostly harmless. They tend to sleep on the ground when you are not
around, and when you do come, they are slow to rise, allowing you to easily
escape without fighting.

If you want to kill them, then an easy way to take them down is to let them
run to you, then shoot down right before they leap. They will fall to the
floor, where you can easily shoot them over and over on the ground until
they die. It works equally well with packs, as long as you can keep all of
them in front of you.

These guys are real nasty-looking and absorb much firepower. With that
stretch arm of theirs, they can hit you from across the room! They can also
use their stretch arms to follow you up and down ledges if you try to flee.
There are two effective ways to engage them.

The first way is to get VERY far away from them and shoot from a distance.
Their arms can only reach so far, despite how long they are. And, as their
arms are their only means of attacking, they will be totally helpless.

The second way to engage them, if you don't have enough room to try the
first way, is to get behind them. Unlike zombies, they are very sluggish
when turning around. If you can stay behind their backs, you can kill them
even with the COMBAT KNIFE without taking a hit!

DIFFICULTY - Super Easy!
The mostly harmless crows are replaced by the TOTALLY harmless bats. Just
flick your LIGHTER on and they won't be able to attack you. If you don't
have the LIGHTER, then don't run or shoot when in their presence and you
also will not be attacked. If you MUST shoot them, just one shot from
anything will take them down.

There is only one room you will see them in. If you get close you'll get
electrocuted and take small damage, but otherwise they are harmless. Don't
shoot at them as there is a time limit to escape the lab you are in. I
assume that one shot from anything will kill them as they are so weak in
causing damage.

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These...abominations easily take the title of "Most Annoying RE Enemy."
They are in only one room, but as this room is a major crossroads in the
facility you are exploring, they will cause major frustration.

As they fly about, they sprinkle poison dust, which in addition to causing
damage has a good chance of inflicting POISON status. Another annoying
trait is their ability to lay eggs in your back. It causes no damage
initially, but when the baby hatches, you'll take some damage and you will
be poisoned. It is EXTREMELY easy to be poisoned or implanted by them.
Better have some BLUE HERBS handy...

Since they fly in an erractic pattern, it is difficult to hit them. But if
you do, it only takes one bullet to either kill or send them wiggling on the
floor. I just love to watch them suffer as they die because I hate them so
dearly. They will respawn every time you come through the area, so beware
of that too.

They finally redid the spiders so they are actually a threat to you. They
can spit poison, and now they can also hug you by the chest while getting a
severe chomping, kind of like the Drain Deminos in RE3.

Spare no expense in firepower when fighting them. Use nothing less than the
GRENADE LAUNCHER. Two hits and it's dead. It's a real good thing they only
appear in three rooms in the whole game.
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These guys are real pains in the butt. They zoom in quickly on you, then
slash you until you are in CAUTION, which is quickly followed by the
trade-marked decapitation cut. If you are in pairs, they like to play cheap
by slashing you one after the other. If this happens, you will be unable to
attack as you are busy recoiling from the hits.

The most effective way to fight hunters is to keep your battles one-on-one.
There is a good chance you will be overwhelmed if there are two of them
after you at the same time. A hunter by itself cannot do the one-two slash
described above to prevent you from attacking. Also, learn where hunters
appear, so that you will be prepared for them. If you know they are coming
around the next corner, you'll have a big advantage.

Use the SHOTGUN or something more powerful as they walk right through
HANDGUN BULLETS. If you knock them down, you ought to also play dirty by
standing over them and shooting repeatedly so they cannot climb to their
feet. This will end battles quickly and painlessly.

There is also a special variety of hunter in this game called the poison
hunter. It is very colorful in contrast to the typical dark green hunter.
Their claws have poison, so not only do you have an enemy that can kill in
one hit, but can keep damaging you even after they are dead.

These tiny machines scurry about on the walls and ceilings, searching for
someone to walk into their search light. If you are spotted, an alarm will
go off, triggering the appearance of a hunter.

They don't directly attack you, and you can't destroy them. All you can
really do is stay out of the way of that search light.


6: Bosses Section

stuck on a boss! Most of this information is cut and pasted from the
walkthrough, this is only here for reference really.
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After you get trapped between the beast and the fire, run up to Tyrant and
blast him twice with the GRENADE LAUNCHER. He'll slump down from the
attack, but don't shoot him then as it won't hurt him. Wait for him to get
up and repeat the two-grenade attack three or four times and Tyrant will be
defeated. You ought to win easily if you have enough firepower.

If you listened to my command and saved all your GUN POWDER ARROWS from Part
One for this fight, it'll be over in seconds, and you'll waste minimal ammo
and life. Run forward a bit and when you see the back of Tyrant's head,
unleash a stream of GUN POWDER ARROWS. After you use up some of them,
Tyrant should get to you and knock you down. Quickly get out of the way
while it is charging up its overhead slam punch. After getting a safe
distance away, continue firing until you run out of arrows. Then, evade the
Tyrant again and hit the switch for the catapult. It will slingshot a crate
towards Tyrant and knock him out the back door. The crate will then blow up
and kill the beast.

On the other hand, if you thought "Pfff, whatever, I don't need to listen to
Minesweeper, I'm tough enough for anything this game throws at me," and you
used up most or all of your GUN POWDER ARROWS, then you are in DEEP trouble.
Plus, you'll get to prove just how tough you are. Be sure to bring along
A LOT of extra healing items. The GRENADE LAUNCHER is effective against
Tyrant, but loads slowly, giving the Tyrant more time to get to you. About
a dozen or so shots ought to do it, but you'll have to run back and forth
past that terror a lot more. When the Tyrant begins to bleed heavily, this
is your cue to activate the catapult and send him plummeting to his death.
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Nosferatu has two attacks. He either swings his tentacle around in a long
arc, whilst dropping poison vapors that blow in the direction of the wind.
If you are poisoned, don't bother using a BLUE HERB as it will have no
effect on Nosferatu's special poison. If you get too close, he'll grab you
and throw you off the helipad, killing you in one attack.

You should have the SNIPER RIFLE equipped. Note how Nosferatu has a large,
exposed heart in the middle of his chest. That is what you ought to aim
for. If you PRECISELY hit him on the heart, you'll get a special scene of
Claire taking Nosferatu out with a single bullet. Get a little distance,
then aim with R1. Use L1 to zoom in and out.

You'll only get the seven bullets the rifle comes with, so don't waste them.
Be careful when sniping, as Nosferatu appears much farther away than he
really is when you look at him thru the scope. If you stand still for too
long, he might suprise you by hurling you off the helipad, so stay mobile
while sniping.

If you run out of bullets for the SNIPER RIFLE, then use the M-100P'S. Fire
constantly and Nosferatu will be too busy being pushed back by the bullets
to attack. It will take about 42-50% of the ammunition if all your shots
were right around the heart, so I hope you didn't waste a lot of ammo for
the guns on the way here.
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Turn right and go to the area of the passageway where it turns to the left.
Run back and forth along the outer wall in this area and shoot at the Gulp
Worm everytime it surfaces. It's real easy as long as you keep running
along the wall, only pausing to shoot when the worm surfaces.

This is the albinoid that escaped from the lab after Claire took the
SKELETON PICTURE, and the little guy sure has grown. The beast will not
come out of the water, but unfortunately, that is exactly where you need to

You COULD try to shoot it to death, but its a heckuva lot easier just to
leap into the water, get the EAGLE PLATE, quickturn, then get out of there
before you are too severely damaged by electricity. It will likely cost you
the FULL GREEN MIXTURE you recently made, but you would have wasted a TON of
ammo just trying to hit the Albinoid.
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Just quickturn and run for it the minute the cutscene ends! You can't kill
him, and he'll bash you in with only two blows from that axe. While you are
fleeing for the exit, heal everytime he hits you, no matter what. If you go
fast enough you should only need two FULL HEALING ITEMS before reaching the

The first thing I must say: don't EVER let her touch you, or she will set
you on fire, killing you instantly. Her other attacks consist of throwing
flamable blood, or shooting acid.

The easiest way to kill her is to take some distance, fire two shots from
the MAGNUM, then run to the other side of the room. Shoot two more shots,
then run back again. One last bullet and she is down for the count. Alexia
will shoot her projectiles at you, but they will always go where you AREN'T.

Fire away with the MAGNUM, until Alexia's little slug helpers surround you,
then run to another corner of the platform and fire a couple of shots, then
move again. By doing this you will somewhat be able to stay away from the
little bugs on the ground and evade Alexia's tentacle swings and acid spits.

When you run out of bullets for the MAGNUM, use the BOWGUN with explosive
arrows. The BOWGUN shoots very rapidly and causes a lot of damage, so it
ought to finish off this form. If she still is not dead, then use the

Alexia drags herself away from the base of her body after you defeat her
second and is now a giant mutated dragonfly. At this time, the LINEAR
LAUNCHER has finished charging, so take it and use it to kill Alexia. Her
only attack that she has left is the flame spit. Take only two shots
between bursts or you will be hit. Alexia flutters about, so you'll
probably miss a lot.

However, as the LINEAR LAUNCHER has infinite ammo, you ought to get her
eventually. Just don't run out of time and you'll be okay. She's just more
annoying than hard.


7: Weapons Section

These are all guns you will obtain thoughout the game. I have listed them
in the order you receive them, except for the customized HANDGUNS, which are
right next to each other.
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This is the first weapon you obtain, but fortunatley this is the very first
game when the knife can actually be used as a effective weapon. The knife
multi-hits as it passes thru monsters, so one dies in like a few slashes.
It is excellent on lone zombies. Just slash down at their kneecaps and they
will fall down. You can slash them over and over on the ground till they

On other enemies, it is quite risky. You COULD use it to kill a
bandersnatch if you can stay behind it.

The second weapon you find. You'll be using this gun a LOT, especially
after you modify it. When unmodified, it works good on all monsters you'll
find in Parts One and Two except for bosses and bandersnatches.

Bandersnatches can still be easily taken care of as long as you stay VERY
far away while shooting.

This is the most useful weapon in the game. It's the M92R after you modify
it. It gains a 20-round clip and can fire three-shot bursts. If you are
skilled enough with this gun, you can even take down hunters with it!
You'll be using this weapon a LOT, up until Part Four.

If you stick to my walkthrough, there are only two places where you will use
this gun. Both of those times it is right before you switch from Claire to
Chris. These guns are nice, somewhat more powerful than the regular
HANDGUNS, but IMO I see them as only a weapon for Claire to use before
switching, so she won't be totally defenseless, and yet Chris will have all
the great guns.

The WORST weapon, aside from the knife returns to annoy us to death again.
It has the weakest damage per hit of any gun, one regular arrow has about
the same power as a knife stab in the past RE's. At least this time you can
make special explosive arrows that actually makes it worthwhile to take.
Sadly, there is only enough BOWGUN POWDER in the game to make 50 explosive
arrows. All of these will be expended upon bosses if you follow my

This is your primary hunter-killer. Reserve this gun for bosses and hunters
as ammo is difficult to come by. Ammo comes in several flavors: grenade,
flame, acid, and B.O.W. Each one is effective on a certain type of monster.
Zombies will succumb under GRENADE ROUNDS, bandersnatches hate FLAME
ROUNDS, hunters sometimes die in one hit from ACID ROUNDS, and the best use
of the B.O.W. ROUNDS would be upon Tyrant.
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This is essentially the SUB-MACHINE GUNS with only one of the guns. It's
good for taming hunters that are traveling alone, but don't even THINK about
using it on two of them at the same time. Most other monsters will easily
be killed by it as well. One advantage it has over the SUB-MACHINE GUNS is
that it's more accurate.

Alfred and Alexia carry this gun with them throughout the game, and at one
point you will get to use the gun for yourself. The only monster you get to
use it on is Nosferatu. If you hit Nosferatu right on the heart with this
weapon, you'll kill him with one shot. This is very hard to do though,
mostly due to all the defenses he has to keep you from getting a clean shot.
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This is the gun Chris begins his section of the game with. It's essentially
the same as Claire's first handgun, except it holds three more bullets.

After you modify the Glock 17, you'll get this. It's virtually the same as
the unmodified gun, except for the fact it occasionally fires a bullet that
has the same power as one bullet shot from the MAGNUM. But, by the time you
get it, you will have already received the SHOTGUN which makes this gun

When you first find these, they will have no ammo. That is because you need
these to trade Steve for the GOLDEN LUGERS. They stop hunters right in
their tracks when they get too close to you. You can focus them on two
enemies, but you'll get more efficient use of them if you focus on one

A RE classic returns again. This is the most versatile, non-boss exclusive
weapon you'll get. It is terrific for killing anything, especially zombies.
Point it up at their heads then blow their faces off when they are about
arms-length away.
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If you check this weapon, it says that this is the Colt Python, which was
the same model as the magnum featured in RE1. You will get ONLY 18 bullets
during the whole game so use them wisely. If you stick to my walkthough you
will use it exclusively for Alexia's mutant forms, with the exception of one

This will be obtained right before the game is over to kill Alexia's final
form. It's basically the ROCKET LAUNCHER with a 3D scope. It's a real pain
to hit Alexia with this cumbersome gun, both due to its painfully slow
fire-rate and Alexia's aeriel acrobatics.
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You will get these guns in your inventory at least once during your game.
Sadly, you will have no ammo for it at all during the game. These guns are
EXCLUSIVELY for Steve in the battle game. I love them very dearly. You
would know that if you read my Steve Battle Game walkthough for the original
RE:CV on Dreamcast :)

If you aim correctly, you can pop a zombies head like a shotgun can in the
battle game.

You get this as a prize for finishing the game in under 4 hours and 30
minutes, while not saving at all except for the midway point save, not using
any FIRST AID SPRAYS, saving Steve quickly from the trap in the palace,
giving the HEMOSTATIC and LIGTHER to Rodrigo, AND saving Rodrigo quickly
from the Gulp Worm. BTW, some guides I have read are misled, you DO NOT get
the LINEAR LAUNCHER for finishing the game with all above requirements, you
get this gun. This is NOT the same gun as the LINEAR LAUNCHER. It looks
like the ROCKET LAUNCHER from RE2, and it also resembles the one Nemesis
used in RE3.

Is it worth all this trouble? To be honest, no. The ROCKET LAUNCHER drains
away all the fun, because it kills almost anything with one shot, except
some bosses. It has unlimited ammo, so you can use it as often as you like.
You can't aim it up or down so it is worthless against flying enemies. I
see it more of as something to show off to friends that you are a RE master.


8: Thanks

- Thanks to myself because if it wasn't for me, this FAQ wouldn't exist!
- Thanks to my dad for giving me jobs to do to pay for my PS2 and this game!
- Thanks to Capcom! This is their game after all.
- Thanks to S.D. Perry for her brilliant novelization of the Resident Evil
- BIG, Big thanks to GameFaqs, THE best video game site on the net!


9: E-mail Policy

I have recieved a lot of stupid e-mail in the past, but now it is starting
to get ridiculous so I am going to start enforcing what kinds of messages
will and will not get answered.

Please DO:

- read the whole document before sending a question. If you have time to
waste your life away on video games, then you have enough time to scan my
document for a few minutes for an answer to a problem.

- put the name of the game in the message topic. It makes it A LOT easier
for me to pick out which messages are on games and which are not. Also if
the name is not there, I might accidentally delete it, thinking it is junk

- spell correctly. I won't be able to help much with your problem if you
send me something like "Hy mn cn u hlp me wth ths 1 prblm, I cnt bt ths 1
lvl ok thnks gby."

- send a message in English. I can barely read Spanish, let alone translate
Japanese. You wouldn't believe how many messages I have recieved in some
foreign languages that I don't even know which continent they are from.

- be polite. Any mail with excessive flaming will be instantly deleted.

Please DO NOT:

- write the title of the message as "About your walkthrough" or something
similar to that.

- flame. I hate flaming. Especially messages with the f-word or the
s-word. These will be instantly deleted.

- send advertisements. These will be considered junk mail and will be
deleted instantly.

- ask me something that is already answered in the walkthrough or the
manual. C'mon, would you rather spend a few minutes skimming my guide, or
would you rather spend a few hours, days, or even weeks waiting for me to
get back to you?

- forget to include the name of the game in the message or on the title. I
am not a psychic. I cannot tell what game you are after if you do not
include the name in it.

- send me a message in any language other than English. The only other
language I can barely understand at all is Spanish, and even then, I can
hardly form simple sentences. So don't send the message in any language
besides English or I simply won't be able to help you.


10: Copyright

This guide is the sole property of Nathan Norris, author of this guide.
Don't rip off this guide in part or whole, or I will be forced to act
against you. Don't rip off this guide then alter it to death and claim it
as your own. This guide may not be used for ANY profitable reasons
whatsoever, even if no money is made.

I'm tired of all these websites requesting my guides for their sites, so
from now on, these are the only sites which may use my guides:

This makes it very simple for me to keep track of what state each version is
in each site. If you find this guide on some other site, and it is
incomplete, go to before requesting help from me. Since is the first place I send every piece of my work, they are sure
to have the most up-to-date version of my guides.

Also, if you find this guide on, notify me immediately.
They have ripped off of me before and I'm not gonna let them do it again.

I bid you farewell.


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