Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

15.10.2013 18:52:41
New Events Guide

Again, short intro. This is a guide for the new events in Resident Evil
CODE: Veronica X for PS2. For Dreamcast owners DYING to see the new scenes
but can’t get to a PS2, they can go here. This guide will have “quote by
quote” of the new events but it is still better to buy the game itself. In
fact, I encourage you to.


RESIDENT EVIL ______ IS COPYRIGHT 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 AND

Over and out.




Where: Palace Courtyard, Part 1
Who: Claire Redfield, Albert Wesker

*Wesker*: Greetings! You must be the lovely Claire Redfield!

*Claire*: Who’re you?

*Wesker*: Let’s just say I’m a ghost… coming back to haunt you… DEAR

*Claire*: Wesker?

*Wesker*: It seems there’s not much explaining to do, is there? I was the
one who attacked this island. Who would of though you’d be here? HAHAHAHAH!
Now that the cat dragged in this surprise, your ever so caring brother… is
sure to show up!

*Claire*: I don’t know what went on between you but you have him all wrong!
My brother is not kind of person you think he is… AHHH!

[Wesker starts to choke Claire]

*Wesker*: I despise Chris!

*Claire*: What are you gonna do to him?

Claire: AHHHHHH!

[Claire gets thrown across the yard]

*Wesker*: Oh, how your brother will weep to see you die. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!

[Wesker receives call]

*Wesker*: What? What is it? Stay there! I’m coming!

*Wesker*: it appears you’re still of some use to me. I’m gonna let you live…
a little longer!


Where: Underground Airport, Part 2
Who: Albert Wesker

*Wesker*: Alexia? No! And she’s already fully awake!

*Wesker*: Chris! Oh little fishy, come see my hook!

*Wesker*: Chris, I’m gonna send a welcoming gift from ME! ENJOY!



Where: Antarctica Mansion Room, Part 2
Who: Albert Wesker, Alexia Ashford, Chris Redfield

*Wesker*: ROAHHHH!

[Wesker gets hit by Alexia]

*Wesker*: You’re coming with me!

[Wesker dodges Alexia’s fire and punches her]

*Wesker*: CHRIS!

*Chris*: Wesker!

*Wesker*: Chris, since you’re one of my best men… I’ll let YOU handle this!

[Wesker runs off and Chris battles Alexia]


Where: Antarctica (After killing Alexia), Part 2
Who: Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Albert Wesker

*Claire*: Chris! AHH!

*Wesker*: HMHMHMHM.

*Chris*: Claire! No!

[Chris chases Wesker through a hall]

*Wesker*: Well done Chris! It seems that Alexia’s work wasn’t much of

*Chris*: Let her go, Wesker! You don’t want her!

*Wesker*: Fine!

*Chris*: Claire!

*Claire*: Ahh!

*Wesker*: Today’s a good day! I came for Alexia, but killing you is even

*Chris*: Sorry to disappoint you, but Alexia… is GONE!

*Wesker*: That is no longer a concern for me. I have STEVE to work with!

*Claire*: What?

*Chris*: Steve?

*Wesker*: In his body is still a living T-Alexia Virus. Steve should be a
good speciman! Maybe he’ll come back alive just as I did, and be able to see
your sister again!

*Chris*: You FREAK!!!!

*Claire*: Don’t you touch him!

*Wesker*: Sorry dear heart! But my men have already taken him!

*Chris*: You get out of here Claire! I have to finish this!

*Claire*: Alright. But remember your promise!

[Claire leaves the room]

*Chris*: Let’s end this once and for all! Say hello to my comrades who
you’ve killed!

*Wesker*: I don’t WHERE you get your confidence, Chris!

[Chris and Wesker attack each other]

[Scene switches to Claire]

*Radio*: Self Destruct System has been activated! All personal… evacuate

[Scene switches back to Chris and Wesker]

[More fighting]

[Chris smashes Wesker with MANY bars]

[Wesker gets up]

*Wesker*: Nice try!

*Chris*: Wesker!

[Explosion hurts Wesker’s face]

*Wesker*: Today’s your lucky day. Next time we meet, don’t count on another!

*Chris*: Next time!


[Chris and Claire escape]


Here is a detailed description of the story of CODE: Veronica. This will
explain what’s behind the Ashford Family, Albert Wesker’s intentions, and
the whereabouts of Steve Burnside. Unlike RE2 and RE3, there are VERY many
things leaving you out in the blue.

CODE: Veronica X first starts December 17, 1998 in Paris as Claire gains
some leads on her brother, Chris and his whereabouts. It has been 2 and a
half months since Claire and her new partner Leon escaped Raccoon City just
a day before it was bombed.

Claire and Leon traveled to Paris, once again, to gain a lead on Chris
Redfield. Unable to contact his partners Jill, Barry and Rebecca, Claire and
Leon invade Umbrella’s Paris Lab. Leon and Claire are separated because the
guards of the base see them.

Leon manages to escape during the attack, but Claire isn’t so lucky.
Suddenly, a chopper loaded with a Gatling Gun begins to attack Claire. (In
the Beta Version, Jill’s enemy from RE3 (Nicholai) is piloting the chopper.)
The guards are still chasing her. She ducks into a hallway. The guns kill
the guards chasing her.

Claire runs down the hallway, barely missing the choppers’ guns. She ends up
on the base’s rooftop. She uses a slick move to wipeout the guards.
Suddenly, a Hispanic man captures her at gunpoint. Claire is captured.

10 Days later, she is taken to an isolated Umbrella Base, called Rockfort
Island. After being told her identity number, she is butted in the head by a
rifle butt. Time passes and Claire wakes up to a huge explosion. Up above
her seemingly underground cellblock, she hears guns roaring and people
screaming. Moments later silence hits.

The door to the cellblock opens. A heavily breathing man comes in. Somehow
the guards managed to not see Claire’s lighter. She lights the lighter and
she sees the man who captured Claire at Paris. The man frees Claire and sits
down because he was wounded in the chaos above.

Claire discovers he needs Hemostat. Looking at the list, Claire finds out
his name is Rodrigo Juan Raval. Grabbing a nearby Combat Knife, Claire
leaves the cellblock. She eventually climbs a flight of stairs to a

As she passes through, a burning truck explodes. A burning man goes toward
Claire. It’s A ZOMBIE! It seems the attack caused a viral leak in the area.
Claire was luckily to avoid the zombies.

Claire arrives in the main hall of the prison complex. She is then attacked
by a Gatling Gun. Claire sees a pistol and dispatches the gun. Apparently,
Steve Burnside, a prisoner, sees Claire and thanks her for not being a
zombie. After rudely introducing himself, Steve runs off for the island’s
rumored airport.

Claire looks around the prison, which is now a zombie’s hell house. As she
explores the prohibited areas, Claire catches up to Steve, who is looking up
on Chris Redfield on a computer. Steve asks Claire to contact Chris to come
save them. Claire does that, though Steve wasn’t serious about the idea.
Claire can’t contact Chris directly, but she figures Leon can. She e-mails
Leon to get Chris to help them. She gives Leon the coordinates of the island
and Chris himself. Steve runs off angrily.

After finding the right keys, Claire escapes through prison’s main gate,
near where she met Steve. After finding her way up a cliff, Claire sees a
military training complex. She explores the area, but shutters block off
most of the complex.

She manages to find a Bow Gun, though. And she also sees a man get
slaughtered by a yellow zombie in a locked lab. Claire sees a picture she
think may be important later on.

Claire decides to find the key cards elsewhere on the island. Leaving the
military complex for now, she sees a big palace up ahead.

She enters the palace and looks around for the key cards. She finds a few
locked doors. One of them is different. It needs to be unlocked using 2
special pistols. Claire looks on the first floor and after unlocking a
strange movie, she fins the 2 guns she needs. The movie was shot, showing 2
twins, a boy and a girl, feeding a wingless dragonfly to a hill of ants.

Claire grabs the pistols, but then the room locks her in and the room heats
up. She inserts them back in. She decides to exit the palace to look for the
military complex’s keys elsewhere. But as she exits, she hears Steve’s
scream. She runs back to the Luger trap to see Steve caught in it.

Using the reflexes she learned in Raccoon City, she saves Steve. Steve has
the Lugers Claire needs for the door. He offers to trade for 2 fully
automatic weapons. But Claire’s 3 pistols and her bow gun don’t satisfy

As Claire gears up to leave, she sees Alfred Ashford, the owner of the
island. Alfred tells Claire she attacked the island. Alfred continues to
shoot and miss at Claire with his sniper rifle.

Alfred also says his grandfather founded Umbrella originally. Alfred leaves
with a death threat to Claire. Seemingly not intimidated, Claire continues
her mission to find the military complex’s card keys.

Claire sees a submarine beside the palace. She works the controls and sees
it going down. It stops. She gets out to see she’s at an underwater military

She looks around and finds an airplane she can use to get out. She needs 3
special keys to activate the plane, though. She looks around to find another
locked shutter. Looking at some maps, she sees a giant elevator behind the
shutter and remembering the maps of the military complex, she thinks the
broken elevator in the military facility’s yard leads down the airport.

To her surprise, Claire finds a key card she needs for the military complex.
Taking the submarine back to the palace, Claire continues for the military
complex. As she passes by the palace gates, she notices a smaller private
mansion on top of a hill behind the palace.

Continuing for the military complex, Claire eventually arrives. In the yard,
she sees a giant worm attack her. Like the dead alligator she saw in the
sewers of Raccoon City, this thing is huge, but not too smart. Claire
escapes the thing by ducking into the facility.

She gets through the locked shutters. In a room, Claire is ambushed by
Alfred, but thanks to his bad aim, Claire chases Alfred further into the
complex. In a medical room, Claire finds the hemostat she needs for Rodrigo.

Claire gears for the prison, but she then discovers that Alfred lowered a
shutter that leads to the exit. Claire goes further. That yellow zombie that
killed the scientist then attacks her. It is a cross between a zombie and
tyrant. Using her twin pistols, she shrugs them off.

Continuing, the another yellow zombie attacks her. But Steve them saves her
with the Lugers. Claire trades Steve the Lugers for the Submachine Guns she
found a few moments ago.

Alfred suddenly lowers them into the complex’s basement. Steve runs ahead of
Claire and destroys a fresh set of zombies for her. Claire catches up to
Steve. Questioning him about his family, Steve runs off.

She catches up to Steve in an unstable balcony. They fall through. Suddenly,
a zombie rises and then runs toward Claire. Steve hesitates to shoot it.
When it is about to eat Claire, Steve unloads the rest of his bullets into
the creature, while yelling, “father!!!” After the zombie dies, Steve starts

He tells Claire that his father took Umbrella info and sold it. Steve and
his family were caught, his mom was killed and Steve hates his dad for
doing this to him. Claire leaves Steve to mourn his dad’s death. Apparently,
Steve just shot his zombie dad.

Claire finds Alfred’s crest in a room with the facility’s diorama. She uses
it on a little box she found earlier. She finds the last key card needed to
explore the facility. She finds a key for the airport’s plane.

Claire also finds her way into the lab where the yellow zombie killed that
scientist. Claire sees the painting she wanted. Noticing a resemblance to a
painting she saw in the facility’s diorama room, she hooks it on to the wall
where the eagle plate was. As she leaves, albinoid experiments escape the
lab and run up vents. Claire escapes before the lab is locked.

A wall in the diorama room is raised, revealing the actual diorama the wall
was hiding. She sees a key, gold colored. Claire sees that this can open a
door at the palace.

Claire races for the palace. She opens the door she wants to open and sees a
room full of paintings of Alfred’s ancestors. After looking around, Claire
finds a strange queen ant model.

Claire travels to the door with the luger engravings. Using the lugers,
Claire unlocks the door to an office. There, she discovers that Alfred has a
twin sister, Alexia, and according to Alfred’s butler, he’s seen her in
Alfred’s private house.

Claire finds her way to a bridge. Up ahead, Claire sees the private house on
the hill she’s been wanting to explore for more clues. She explores the
house and nearly runs into Alexia Ashford. She’s talking to her brother
about Claire and Steve’s destruction. They then leave.

The house has been damaged by the island’s attack, but Claire finds a key
she needs for the palace’s remaining doors. Heading back to the palace,
Claire finds another eagle plate. She then remembers a door she saw in the
prison complex that had an eagle engraving.

After looking in a slot room, Claire decides to head back to the prison.
There, she goes to the cellblock and sees a dying Rodrigo. Fortunately,
Claire saves him in time with hemostat. After thanking each other, Claire
trades her lighter for Rodrigo’s lockpick.

Claire explores the door behind the one with the eagle plate. Claire
discovers an infirmary. After confronting a powerful zombie, Claire unlocks
the path to a secret basement.

There, she finds a piano roll that fits perfectly into the piano at the
palace. Claire gears for the palace. In the yard, someone familiar attacks
her: Albert Wesker. Wesker tells Claire he attacked the island and is after
Chris now. As Claire is attacked, she notices a key she needs for the
airport. Wesker tells Claire he’ll use her to get to Chris.

Wesker, after getting a call from his men, jumps over a wall, toward the
palace’s dock. Collecting the airport key, Claire heads into the palace’s
piano. Claire finds a king ant model, like the queen model she found

Heading back to the private residence, Claire discovers the ant models where
keys to a secret lair above Alfred and Alexia’s bedrooms. Claire discovers
the final airport key and decides to find Steve and Rodrigo and leave.

Alexia Ashford attacks Claire on her way out. She has a sniper rifle like
Alfred’s. Suddenly, Steve comes in and shoots Alexia through a door. The
door is easy passage between Alexia and Alfred’s bedrooms.

Claire sees Alfred with make up on. Apparently, he’s been dressing like his
sister. Claire decides that Alexia is just Alfred’s imagination. Alfred runs
off crying. He sets off the self-destruct sequence.

Claire and Steve run to the palace gates, near where Claire was attacked by
Wesker. Steve leads Claire to the airport. Claire inserts the keys to the
plane. Unfortunately, the drawbridge is in the way of the plane. Claire
volunteers to raise it.

Claire runs to the controls and raises them. In a room she couldn’t access
before, Claire finds the keys to the shutter blocking the elevator.

Claire decides to ride the elevator up to the military complex and head back
to the plane via the palace’s submarine. She does just that. After fixing
the elevator, the 5 minute timer for the explosion begins. As Claire rides
the elevator up, Alfred releases a monster after Claire… Can it be? Yeah

Claire steps out of the elevator and as she expected, she ends up in the
military complex’s yard. Dodging the giant worm, she gears for the palace.

On her way, a fire traps Claire. Tyrant comes from the fence. Apparently,
it’s the monster Alfred released. Claire uses her bazooka she found earlier
and manages to put Tyrant down. Claire dashes passed the palace and down the
submarine into the airport.

Steve manages to pilot the plane and then the plane lifts off from an
exploding island. As the plane circles the island, the prison, palace and
private mansion are consumed in the blast, but the military complex seems to
withstand it.

Not caring, Claire and Steve fly off. They apologize for everything mean
they said to each other. Suddenly, the plane rocks. In the back, Claire sees
Tyrant. Claire uses her bazooka to weaken it and then catapults it off the
plane. It looks like her encounter with Mr. X on Raccoon City did her some

Back on the exploding island, Alfred runs into the somehow surviving
military complex. He sees the tank and moves it to reveal a secret lift. The
lift leads to a different area of the airport. Alfred hitches a ride on one
of the 2 harrier jets and flies away from the island.

On Claire’s plane, Alfred controls the plane and changes it’s direction.
Steve can’t change it so they have no choice. Hours later Steve attempts to
kiss a sleeping Claire, but fails. Moments later, the plane crashes into an
Umbrella Base in Antarctica.

Claire and Steve get off the broken plane and look around separately. Claire
finds the diary revealing that a monster named Nosferatu is trapped
somewhere in the base. Also, it seems Alfred Ashford spilled the T- Virus
around the base, so there are now zombies in the area. Looking in a private
office, Claire finds the evil monster trapped in a chair beneath wire mesh.
What has Alfred been up to?

Claire looks around and asks Steve to lift a digging car with a crane. Steve
looks at Claire and causes a gas leak in the room. Claire fixes it.
Suddenly, Alfred, still wearing make up and talking like Alexia, tries to
shoot Claire, but Steve comes in and shoots Alfred down a deep chasm.

Nosferatu suddenly feels agitated. He breaks free of his prison and runs
off… Claire grabs Alfred’s sniper rifle and Steve and Claire dig out of the
room with the digging car. They eventually get to a heliport above the base.

Nosferatu suddenly attacks Steve. Steve is KO’ed, while Claire must fight
him on his own. Using the sniper rifle, Claire punctures Nosferatu’s once
human heart and kills him. Claire rescues Steve.

They find a car and drive off to an Australian Base. Meanwhile, Alfred,
nearly dead, releases his sister from cryogenic sleep. Alfred tells Alexia
to kill Claire. Alfred then dies of blood loss.

Alexia uses her mind to attack Claire and Steve’s car. The car burns. Did
Claire and Steve survive?

Meanwhile, on Rockfort Island, Chris Redfield arrives. Leon managed to
contact him. Chris climbs a cliff and arrives in a cave. There, he sees
Rodrigo. After Rodrigo tells Chris he saw Claire and Steve leave the island,
that worm Claire saw swallows up Rodrigo.

Chris chases the worm throughout the cave. Finding some Submachine Guns,
Chris kills the thing. Rodrigo is swallowed up, but dies shortly after,
giving Chris the lighter before he dies. Chris finds his way into a lightly
damaged military complex.

Chris looks around and finds his way to Alfred’s harrier jet bay. He needs a
halberd that was on the eagle plates Claire found to open the harrier doors.

Chris finds his way to the control room. He sees Alexia Ashford singing on
the wide screen. Down in the airport where Claire boarded the plane with
Steve, Wesker is happy that Chris is finally here. He sends Hunters after

Chris finds the eagle plate Claire used to open the box. But unfortunately,
it falls down into the sewers below thanks to a giant hole caused by the
explosion. He finds his way into the lab area thanks to a hole in the wall.

Chris sees a knob-less door Claire didn’t explore. Chris decides to find a
doorknob in the basement. There, he explores a lab where the T- Virus was
leaked from.

He finds a chemical he thinks he needs for getting halberd. It’s called
Clement E. It, mixed with Clement A, can melt the alloy part of Alfred’s
eagle plate.

Chris finds his doorknob and then is scanned by a scanner. Moments later,
Hunters attack Chris. Chris, using a shotgun he found, kills them. Chris
sees the scanners when he gets back to the knob-less door.

Avoiding them, Chris ends up on the other side of the broken balcony that
Steve and Claire fell through. Finding a small tank object resembling the
tank outside the facility, Chris inserts it to the little hole in the
diorama. The paintings in the room slide to reveal3 little keys needed and a
turntable key.

There’s also a note from Alfred saying there’s a passage beneath the diorama
that takes Alfred from the military complex to his private residence. Chris
notices the 3 key holes and notes them.

On his way, Chris sees Albert Wesker. Wesker attacks Claire and says Claire
won’t live long and that she’s in the Antarctic with Steve and the evil
Alexia. Suddenly, Alexia Ashford appears on a screen and laugh. Wesker sees
to have super powers, as he has yellow eyes… Wesker vanishes and a yellow
zombie attacks Chris. Using his submachine guns, he kills it.

After finding his way to the main yard thanks to the turntable key, Chris
sees that he can’t get to the palace.

Taking the elevator down to the airport, Chris sees the keys Claire used to
board the plane. They also fit into the 3 key holes in Alfred’s diorama
room. Grabbing them, Chris tries to use a submarine he saw on a map to get
to the palace.

Unfortunately, the submarine somehow got docked up at the palace, so access
to the palace is impossible. Taking the 3 keys back to the diorama in the
military complex, Chris manages to find the ladder.

Following a tunnel, Chris discovers that the door leading to the private
residence is locked. But nearby, Chris sees Alfred’s private swimming pool.
In it is the eagle plate. There’s also a monster on the pool.

It’s the albinoid Claire released from the lab. It matured really fast.
Chris uses his shotgun to dispose of the electric monster. Chris grabs the
eagle plate. But Clement E alone can’t dissolve the alloy.

Chris backtracks to the basement area. He finds the final Clement A and then
mixes it with Clement E. The mixture solution causes the eagle plate to
dissolve, leaving the halberd.

Using the halberd, Chris gains access to the harrier bay. He jumps on the
last plane and flies to Antarctica.

There, Chris immediately looks for Claire. It seems that the place was
filled with ice from when Claire and Steve tried to escape. This helps Chris
access new areas.

In an area that looks like the Spencer Estate, Chris finally finds Claire.
After saving her, Claire and Chris decide to find Steve. Alexia comes and
curses at them. Claire and Chris give chase toward Alexia, but a giant
tentacle separates them.

Claire wakes to see Chris’ foot and knees injured. Chris tells Claire to
find Steve. Suddenly, they hear Steve scream. Claire chases alexia through a
few doors.

Using her guns, she kills a few of Alexia’s tentacles. Claire finally sees
Steve in a prison. It’s the room Nosferatu was stuck in. Steve tells Claire
that Alexia performed the same experiment that she performed on her own

Steve suddenly expands and mutates into a giant toad-like monster. It then
begins to attack Claire. Claire runs off to the exit. But since the door was
locked by Alexia, Steve begins to attack Claire.

Suddenly, a tentacle grabs and constricts Claire. Steve is about to kill
Claire, but his human personality comes back and Steve cut the tentacle. The
tentacle whacks Steve at about 50 miles an hour and Steve is flung into the

Steve tells Claire he loves her and that he can’t keep his promise of
leaving with her. Slowly, Steve dies. Claire cries and cradles over the body
of Steve Burnside.

During the death of Steve, Wesker calls Alexia to come with him because she
has her experiment, T- Veronica Virus, in her. Alexia then begins to burn.
Her clothing begins to shrivel. Alexia’s choker falls to the floor.

Alexia is now a gray evil mad woman. She looks like a cross between a
dragonfly and ant. Wesker gets punched across the room. He moves across,
tells Alexia he’s coming with her and then punches Alexia. Wesker sees Chris
and then lets him take care of Alexia.

Chris uses his shotgun to kill Alexia. He keeps moving and eventually 10
shotgun shells put Alexia down. Chris, judging from a file he found earlier,
thinks Alexia’s choker can access a door behind the painting above the
staircase of the mansion main hall replica.

Chris looks at the file some more and sees that Alexander Ashford was turned
into a monster thanks to Alfred and Alexia. Chris leaves the main hall and
then heads down an elevator. As Chris exited the mansion, Alexia rises.
She’s still alive. Chris is now in a room with a giant anthill.

Searching around, Chris finds the room Alexia was stored in. He plays with
the controls and then out of the tube falls Alfred Ashford’s dead body.
Chris grabs Alfred’s ring. Looking around the base a second time, Chris
learns that Nosferatu was implanted in the ice thanks to Alexia.

In the file, Alfred said Alexander Ashford was turned into a monster.
Thinking the dead Nosferatu will have the 3rd jewel to open up the painting.

Using a crane to get Nosferatu’s body, Chris grabs the 3rd jewel. Chris
opens up the painting and finds a lab. It’s where Alexander Ashford tested
the T- Veronica Virus. It also reveals Alfred and Alexia where created
through inserting a sperm cell into an embryo that belonged to Veronica,
their ancestor.

The lab leads to where Steve died. Unfortunately, there’s a locked door
between Chris and Claire. Claire tells Chris that Steve id dead and tells
him to set the explosion sequence like in Raccoon City and Rockfort Island.
Chris does just that.

After inserting the CODE: Veronica thanks to the file, Claire and Chris
rejoin each other. Suddenly, a tentacle separates them again. Alexia has

After nearly destroying Claire, Chris shoots Alexia with an acid round and
causes her to mutate into a large monster. Claire gets away. Chris fires
every weapon he has against the giant Alexia. Suddenly, the ants beneath in
the hill start to attack Alexia.

Alexia shrugs them off by growing wings and now flying. The bulk of her body
dissolves. Chris grabs a nearby plasma rifle and shoots a ray into Alexia.
Alexia screams and then the next second, she is liquified.

Chris starts to run as explosions begin to occur. As Chris gets down to the
prison cells and to the elevator, he sees Wesker folding Claire by the neck.
Nearby, the door leading to where Steve died is open.

Wesker pushes Claire through a hole in the wall. Chris chases Wesker through
a horde of zombies and catches up to them. Chris and Claire discover Wesker
took Steve Burnside to get the T- Alexia Virus.

Claire runs off and then Chris and Wesker battle. Explosions are still
rocking the base. Wesker and Chris are separated in a blast. They vow to
kill each other next time. Chris runs to the plane and escapes the exploding
base with Claire.

They apologize for leaving each other and then decide to take out Umbrella
once and for all.

Well, that is CVX’s story. I personally think the Plot Guide has a better
synopsis. Check it out!



Capcom for remaking one of the better Resident Evil games, CODE: Veronica.

Capcom for making Resident Evil GameCube exclusive!

Thomas Wilde for writing a great synopsis on the entire RE series!

Me: For playing this game and typing fast to make the quotes!

Until then… see ya!

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