Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

15.10.2013 18:56:50
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Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X
Type: FAQ/Walkthrough
Platform: PlayStation 2
Version: Final - Updated: 05/12/02
Ryan Kavanagh (Bonds Legacy)


Table of Contents

1. FAQ Updates/Revision History
2. Game Overview
3. Characters
4. Weapons
5. Items
6. Walkthrough
7. Battle Mode
a. Characters
b. Walkthroughs
8. Frequently Asked Questions
9. Devil May Cry
10. Credits/Thanks
11. Copyright Info

1. FAQ Updates/Revision History

September 9

• Formatted
• Added this section, duh

September 10

• Started the walkthrough. I got up to the 3D duplicator part
• Finished the Prison. Now, onto the Palace

September 12

• Worked on the walkthrough. Finished the airport
• Finished up to the Military Training Facility. More to come...
• Finished part of the controls section
• Added a little bit more to the walkthrough
• Added a few weapons and items to their sections

September 13

• I added a couple of FAQs
• Completed the characters section
• Did a lot of work on the walkthrough, almost done the training facility

September 15

• I've been working almost non-stop on the walkthrough. Up to the Private
• Up to the prison, second time through
• More walkthrough updates, I'm up to the Private residence, part II
• Walkthrough up to the airport
• I'm up to the Tyrant in the walkthrough
• Added a couple of weapon descriptions

September 16

• Added a few more weapon descriptions
• First half of the walkthrough is complete, yay!
• Finished Claire's scenario, yay!

September 17

• Started on Chris's scenario. I'll finish it ASAP
• Did some more of the walkthrough
• Added some item descriptions
• Added some weapon descriptions
• Worked more on the walkthrough. No more updates tonight.

September 18

• Did a little bit more work on the walkthrough
• Submitted version 0.60

September 21

• Sorry, school and work have been keeping me busy, more updates later
• More of the walkthrough. I'm up to the Antarctic base with Chris.
• Finished more of the walkthrough. I'm down to the last little bit now!
• Did more item descriptions
• Added weapon locations

September 22

• Added more to the walkthrough, up to tyrant Steve.

September 23

• I meant to get more done yesterday, I really did. Anyways, added more to
the walkthrough
• Finished the walkthrough! Next, I'll do the Battle Mode

September 25

• After playing the Battle Mode for a little while, I've begun work on the
walkthrough portion.
• Did some work on the characters section of Battle Mode
• Added the walkthrough for Room 1 of the Battle Mode

September 26

• Finished the Battle Mode Walkthroughs for all characters.
• I have decided, that this will be the final update for this FAQ. It was
fun writing it, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

October 4

• Fixed an error with the red herb that I've been getting 10+ emails a day
about. Enough is enough already!

October 8

• Spell Checked the document

December 21

• I changed the version number as well as added a reader FAQ

2. Game Overview


Start...........Pause the game. It can be used to access a variety of menus
as well.

Select..........If at some point in the game, you'd like to skip one of the
wonderful Real-Time cut scenes in the movie, just press
select. The only problem is that the cut scenes tell a lot
about the story, so you might not understand what happens

Square..........Cancel your menu selections

Triangle........Use this as a hot key to trigger your map. Once you are
looking at it, press Square to exit.

Circle..........Fire your gun

X...............Fire your gun. You can also examine items or pick up items
off the ground.

R1..............You have to press this to raise your weapon into the air.
Hold it while you press X or Circle to fire or use the weapon

L1..............Target or change the direction your looking to face another


If you press start, you can see your characters health. It is the little bar.
It starts out green. Every time the character takes damage, the bar will
begin to change colour. If it turns red, the character is in extreme danger!


There are a few things that you can do with blocks. If you just push up
against one, it will be gin to move in the direction you're pushing. While
standing next to it, press X to climb on top of it. To get down again, run
to an edge and press X.

There are 3 different types of herbs that you will find through out the game.
Each has their own effect. You can also mix certain herbs together to make
the effects stronger. The green herb is the most common herb you will find.
It will recover your health. Each one will bring you up one condition (ie.
Caution - Fine). The blue herb, a lot less common will appear in certain
portions of the game where there are poisonous enemies. The blue herb will
heal you when you're effected with poison. Finally, the red herb. The red
herb, when combined with a green herb, will give you 100% health, no matter
how low it is.

3. Characters

Claire Redfield
Claire's inquisite nature makes here more than just an ordinary college
student who loves riding motorcycles. She went to Raccoon City in search of
her brother, Chris, who was missing under mysterious circumstances. But
almost immediately she became involved in a series of eerie accidents
engineered by the Umbrella Corporation. Teaming up with rookie cop Leon S.
Kennedy, Claire managed to escape the city. Three months later, she now heads
to Europe, following up on clues about Chris. However, she is soon caught by
the Umbrella Corporation and transferred to the corporations prison on an
isolated island.

History: Resident Evil 2

Chris Redfield
A member of special tactics force S.T.A.R.S, Chris is a tough agent with a
will of iron and a body of steel. He is an expert at handling fire arms. A
former Air Force pilot, he's also a top-notch airman. After solving the
"mansion innicident," he transferred to Europe with his team members Jill
and Barry to seek the truth.

History: Resident Evil 1

Steve Burnside
Despite being young and often reckless, Steve is a good kid at heart. He has
mixed feelings about his family, and his motivation remains wrapped in
mystery. he was captured along with his father and held in the Umbrella
prison on an isolated island. During a raid by an unknown organization, he
escaped in the chaos. Steve now meets up with Claire as the adventure begins.

History: N/A

4. Weapons

This is the basic gun that Claire will use throughout the game. It is an
okay weapon. It shoots slowly though, and has to reload often. Along your
journey, you can pick up an enhancement to the gun, it lets you aim better,
as well as use a rapid fire! very cool.

Location: Get this during your first cut scene with Steve.


This is a rapid fire gun. It starts out at 100% As you use it, the
percentage will gradually decrease. It is a really good gun. it only takes
a few hits to kill each enemy. If you conserve your ammo, it can aid you
against harder enemies later in the game.

Location: Get this in the prison area from the wood cabin


Hunting Knife
This can be good. if you're skilled with it. It can help save A LOT of ammo.
If you slash at a zombies knees twice, he will fall down. Then, just rip
him to shreds with the knife. It will help you conserve ammo for when you
REALLY need it.

Location: On the desk as Claire, as soon as you get out of your cell.
Chris: he starts off with it


Sub-Machine Guns
Well, you only get to use this once, with Steve. It is an okay gun. The
bullets don't do much damage, but makes up for that by spitting them out at
high speeds. The percentage of the ammo gradually decreases over time. You
can aim at two zombies at once, as well as cross your arms.

Location: Found as Claire right before your first Bandersnatch encounter
Also as Chris at the beginning of his game


Grenade Launcher
Now we're talking. The grenade launcher, what could be more fun than blowing
up a zombie? Well, you don't really "blow" them up, you just give them a
little blast and the collapse to the ground covered in fire. It's still a
good gun though. No doubt about that. it can use a variety of different ammo,
like flame rounds and gas rounds.

Location: Found in B1 of the training facility with Claire.


This is a nifty little gun. it is a cross bow that shoots, you guessed it,
arrows. The thing i like is that the arrows fly up quickly, one after another
without any reloading whatsoever, that is, until you run out of your current
batch of arrows. it can hold up to 30 arrows at one point. The arrows can
also be fitted with special explosive tips.

Location: Found as Claire in the Training Facility on a desk on 2F


Assault Rifle
This gun is great :P It has TONS of ammo when you get it. it has a rapid
fire to it. This is great for mowing down a lot of enemies. The only problem
is, is that it takes quite a few rounds to defeat zombies. they're the
easiest enemy in the game and they take a long time to kill? That just won't
do! Oh well. It's great for OTHER enemies. I like standing their and
spinning while shooting.

Location: Found as Claire in the Antarctic base.


Sniper Rifle
What would ANY game with guns in it be without a useable sniper rifle? While
holding R1, hold L1 to zoom in. it shoots off a single round. The effect is
great because the force of the rifle will cause the run to recoil and fly up
into the air for a moment. The next step of realism.

Location: Found as Claire, in the Antarctic base, after Steve defeats Alfred.


This gun is awesome. Simply awesome. It has incredible force. You can kill a
zombie with one hit at close range. You can kill Hunters with about 3. Now,
that's power. The only downside to is the reloading times. But don't sorry,
just pause and reload at your own pace.

Location: Found in the sewers of the Military Training Facility as Chris


This gun is awesome. There is no other way to describe it. For normal
enemies, it's a 1 hit kill deal. For bosses, it's more like 5-6 hits for a
kill. It's THAT powerful. The only problem is, is that lots of people forget
to take the empty fire extinguisher out of the safety box at the beginning,
so they can't get this awesome gun.

Location: Antarctic Base with Chris. Bring the empty fire extinguisher!

5. Items

There are a lot of different things that come in briefcases. Anything from
top secret files to bow gun arrows can be found. Some, can be opened by the
simple press of a button, while others will require you get a key or lock


There are 3 different types of herbs that you will find through out the game.
Each has their own effect. You can also mix certain herbs together to make
the effects stronger. The green herb is the most common herb you will find.
It will recover your health. Each one will bring you up one condition (ie.
Caution - Fine). The blue herb, a lot less common will appear in certain
portions of the game where there are poisonous enemies. The blue herb will
heal you when you're effected with poison. Finally, the red herb. I haven't
figured out what it does yet, but I'll get back to you on that :P


First Aid Spray
This, like the herbs can heal your health. it's better than a green herb
though, because no matter what condition you're at, you will be returned to
Fine condition. It helps greatly with bosses.


Keys can open the doors. That's the general idea of them. Some of them have
tags attached to them, the tags indicate wich doors they can be used with.
For example, a mining room key can obviously be used to open the mining room

Fire Extinguisher
This little red canister filled with liquid used to put out fires comes in
handy in two places. One, with Claire, to get the TG-01 out of a briefcase
surrounded by fire. Another purpose is to get to the magnum with Chris.


Eagle Plate
You will find a few of these throughout the game. they are a blue plate that
has the picture of an eagle on it. It is really a golden coloured Halbred.
But to see that, you need to find a way to melt the blue alloid off the


This is what is left of the Eagle plate after you use the right chemicals on
it. A mixture of the substances Clement a and Clement E will do the trick.
The halbred is rather cool looking. Almost like an ancient golden boomerang
or something. It can be used to open a door.

6. Walkthrough

In this portion of the FAQ, I will give a detailed walkthrough of the game
from beginning to end. (For both characters)

Claire's Scenario


After the opening FMV, you'll be in a holding cell. It's pitch black and you
can't see anything around you. A text box will turn on telling you that you'd
be able to see if you had a lighter. Your inventory pops up. Equip the
lighter. When the game comes on, the cell will be lit, and there is a man
staring at you! He will let you out of the cell. You're free to go, but
what's the catch? Go to the back of the cell and pick up the green herb. Now,
exit the cell and go right. Pick up the box of bullets. Walk over to the desk
where the guy is sitting at. Grab the knife lying there. Now you've collected
everything in this room, so exit via the door. Out in the hall, turn to the
right and pick up the ink ribbon. Now, you can save your game using the old
type write right beside it. Once you're done with that, continue down the
hall. Go up the stairs at the end. When you reach the top, turn the corner
and walk past the flaming plane crash. Walk along the path. Suddenly, a big
explosion will come from the plane.

A flaming corpse will get up and start walking after you. Then, all around
you, zombies will begin to rise from their graves. Run past them, through the
gate. Walk through the door. Now, walk out into the middle of the area to
trigger a cut scene with Steve. When it's over, Steve will be gone, and
you'll have a hand gun! Now, go through the only other open the door in the
area. In here, go straight. You will walk past a wooden walkway. Keep going
until you reach the stairs of it. Climb up them. Run to the end of the
walkway to get a green herb. Now, go back and enter the door. Kill the zombie
on your right immediately. When he'd dead, another one will come at you. Kill
him. Now, wander around the room collecting items. There are some bullets on
the bookshelf. When you're done, go through the door leading to the next
room. Go forward. There are dead bodies hung over the bunk beds. When you get
to the end, turn right. There is a zombie banging on the window. It seems
that he can't get in, but you can't shoot at him either.

Pick up the bullet box. As soon as you do, the zombie will jump through the
glass of the window and grab onto your leg. Shoot down at him until he'd
dead. Turn around and kill the other zombies that are coming at you. Pick up
the machine guns the first zombie left behind. Now, go straight down the
other hall. It leads to a bathroom. Go to the last stall and pick up the
bullets. Now, exit the room. Make sure to pick up the prisoners diary, that's
lying on the bunkbed, on your way out. Now, when you're back outside, go
right, down the stairs. The view will shift to underneath the stairs. It seems
that something is watching you...Go straight and turn the corner of the
building. There is a dead body lying near the building. When you get near it,
it will be dragged under the building, leaving a bloody trail. Now, continue
around the building until you reach a door. Go through it. In here, kill all
the zombies, except the ones behind the fence, because you can't reach that.
Now, go down the next hallway and open the door.

Now, go forward, through he doorway. You will be stopped. A voice tells you
to place any and all metallic objects in the safety deposit box. Press X and
put all of your metallic objects in the box. Now, walk through the hall.
Since you don't have any metallic objects, the metal detector won't go off.
When you get to the other room, go right. Go to the table and pick up all the
items. There's a first aid spray and an instruction manual that tells how to
use the 3D duplicator. Now, go through the doorway. In here, walk over to the
computer table and pick up the fax. Once you read it, turn the corner of the
room to trigger another FMV. When it ends, walk over to the computer table and
press X. You will find a Hawk emblem here. Pocket it. there is a type writer
here, so pick up the 3 ink ribbons and save your data if you want. Now, push
the button on the wall. Exit the room. Walk over to the 3D duplicator. Open
up the first part of the machine. Then place the hawk emblem inside of it.
Turn around and go back through the hallway.

When you reach the far side, get your items out of the safety box. Exit
through the doors. Now, walk along the wall until you see a button. Push it.
It will open up the big metal door in front of you. There are 2 zombies
inside. Kill them and run in. Get the fire extinguisher. Now, run back, there
are two zombies that were in the fenced area. Kill them and walk into the
fenced area to find a padlock key, hold onto it for now., through the door.
Now, you're in the area where you met Steve. Go through the door here to take
you back to the area with the wooden cabin. Run back around the house. When
you get past one of the windows, two zombie dogs will burst out of it. You
can kill them or run. If you choose to run, you have to be good at the
controls. Run all the way around the house and go straight. Past the wooden
walkway and through the door. Now, you're in the graveyard. Run forward and
kill the zombie. Then, kill the others. Run over to the patch of fire by the
crash. Whip out your fire extinguisher.

When the fire is gone, a briefcase will be revealed. Take it. Now, check it.
On one side, there is a switch, press Square to push it. It will open the
briefcase, giving you what was inside, TG-01. It's a special metal alloy that
can't be detected by metal detectors. Now, head back. Instead of running
past the house and getting involved with the zombie dogs, go to the right.
Open the padlock and throw away the key. Go forward and through the doorway.
In here, avoid the zombies and run into the only door that you CAN go through
Now, you're back in the place where the fenced zombies were. Go down the ally
and through the doors. Put your things in the safety box and run through the
halls (You don't need to put TG-01 in there. When you get to the other side,
go to the 3D duplicator. Go to the part nearest to the wall. This is where
you place the TG-01. It will make a copy of the hawk emblem. Only now, it
can't be detected by metal detectors, ALL-RIGHT! Head back down the hallway.
3 zombies will break in. Run past them since you don't have weapons. Grab your
stuff from the box. Now, exit the room. Go through the doors back to where
you met Chris. Walk over to the big double doors. Place the Hawk emblem in
the little opening.


Now run forward and go to the left. Go down the stairs and run across the
metal grating. On the other side, climb up and turn right. Run to the truck
and pick up the bullets. Turn around and walk over to the block. Push it
against the other one. Then, climb over it, and walk over the other blocks.
Jump down. Now, you're over the fire! yay. Run up the stairs. Now, you're in
the palace courtyard. Run along the path. There are 3 zombie dogs, so be
careful not to be killed. When you reach a big set of stairs, walk up them.
Collect the green herb and go through the doors. Now, go to the right and up
the stairs. At the top, turn right into another set of stairs. Go through the
door at the top. In this room, there are 3 ink ribbons. Pick them up. Beside
them is a type writer if you must save your game. On the shelf, there is a
bullet box. There is also an item box sitting against the wall. Now, go to
the other side of the room, down the hallway, where you will find a small
dresser. Push it over to the side.

Underneath it is an ID card. Take it and examine it. There is a PIN number
on it. Either remember the number or write it down. Now, exit the room and
go back down the stairs to the bottom floor. Walk over to the computer. Pick
up the bullets and examine the computer. It will ask you to put in the PIN
number, so enter it in and press enter. This will release all the lock
system. Walk over to the door by the main entrance, the one with the skull on
it. Walk inside of it. Walk down the stairs. There are bats on the ceiling.
You can either shoot them or hold up your lighter to keep them away. Go to
the sink to get a first aid spray. Then, go to the toilet to find bullets.
Finally, at the back of the room is a briefcase. You can't open it though,
since you don't have a lock pick. Exit the room and turn left. Enter the
first door you see. Inside, kill all of the zombies. Run down the hall. If
you turn right at the end, there is another zombie, as well as a locked door.
Go back and go through the open door.

This is a display room. Run to the other side of it and push the button under
the ant display case. This will trigger a movie to be played. It's a
disturbing FMV, but after it's over, a secret passage will be revealed. Go
into it. Pick up the steering wheel in the corner. now, go to the back of
the room and examine the gold luggers. Don't pick them up though, or the door
will close, and you'll be trapped, until you put the luggers back on the
plaque. Now, exit the room and go back to the main room. Try to exit through
the big double doors. You will be stopped by Steve's crys of terror. Run back
to the room with the secret door. It seems that Steve tried to take the
luggers and is trapped. If you don't help him, he'll suffocate! Walk over to
the computer monitor. 6 pictures will appear with outlines of shapes in them.
You have to choose the two objects that make a match. There are two gun
outlines, so choose them. This re-opens the secret door. Steve will fall out,
out of breath. Even though you need the luggers, he runs off with them.

Now, exit the room and run back down the hallway. Go through the door back
to the main room. There will be a laser moving up your body. Just in time,
Claire jumps to safety behind a pillar. A guy in a red coat, Alfred Ashford,
is the one with the gun. After a brief conversation, he will dissapear
upstairs somewhere. Oh well. Now, go back up stairs to the save room. Deposit
any items you don't need into the item box and save if you want. Now, go
back downstairs and leave via the front exit. Outside, walk down the steps
and turn right. Walk down the path. Pick up the navy proof on your way. At
the end, go through the gate and down the steps. At the bottom, go behind
them. In the little room, grab the bullets and the palace map. Now, go back
and stand on the platform. There is a weird stand thing there. Place the
steering wheel on it and give it a spin. The platform will move out, and a
submarine will surface. Climb down the ladder into it. Move forward and push
the lever to submerge the sub. Before you go back up the ladder, grab the
new backpack, it lets you carry more stuff! Climb up the ladder now.


Now, run down the two sets of stairs. Run through the cool looking tunnels
until you reach a door. Inside, there are a couple of zombies, so kill them.
Now, go through the door by the giant fish tank. Inside, there are bats on
the ceiling. Either kill them or use your lighter to keep them at bay. Walk
over to the flashing monitor and press X. This will bring a raised platform
on the right, within range for you to walk on. Go over to it and place the
navy proof into one of the slots. You still need another two of them for
anything to happen, so don't worry. Now, go back through the door. Go to the
other side of the desk. Pick up the ink ribbon. Go through the door. In here,
run across the bridge. On the other side, open up the big metal shutter.
Inside, run over to the platform so it will raise you to the next floor. Walk
over to the computer monitor and press X. This starts a puzzle. It's like a
crane game. See that big heavy box blocking the panel in the top left hand
corner? That's what you have to move.

Push up on the D-Pad until the shadow of the crane is lined up with the box.
Now, push left on the D-Pad until the shadow is right above the box. Let go.
The crane will lower and pick up the box. Now, go back down the platform.
Walk over to the control panel you just uncovered and press X. This will
raise the bridge on the left. There 5 zombies on it! Step back down the
hallway and shoot them as they come at you. When they're gone, go onto the
bridge and walk over to the briefcase. Pick up the arrows and the BioHazard
Key Card. Now, go back through the door. Run across the bridge. Go through
the door on the other side to get to the office. Run to the other end of it
and go through the door. Run up the stairs and run though the underwater
passage. Go down into the sub. Push the lever to make it rise to the surface.
Climb up the ladder. Turn the steering wheel to make the platform go back to
the shore. Get out and run up the stairs.


Well, now you're back in the area where you were attacked by the zombie dogs,
and where the palace is located. Run right past the stairs of it. When you
reach the gate on the other side, go through it. Go down the small set of
stairs. You need to find the military training facility! But where is it? Run
down the path until you see a large door to your left. Beside it is a smaller
door. It may be hard to spot your first time though, but it's there. Go
through it. In here, there is a giant worm that jumps out of the ground!
Avoid it and run to the giant double doored building behind it. Open the
doors and step inside.

Military Training Facility

Now. Run down to the end of the hallway. On the right is a locked door. Use
the Biohazard ID card on it to open it. When you go in, a laser will begin to
target you. It's Ashford! Run around, avoiding his laser. Walk up the stairs.
He will run away, the little wuss. Follow him through the door. At the end of
the hallway, pick up the 2 boxes of bullets. Then, go through the door on the
right. It's a save room. There is an item box in the corner. There is a green
herb sitting on the floor beside the type writer. There also a few items you
can pick up on the couch. When you're done in here, exit the room. Go to the
right. Try to open the door. Ashford will close the door behind you. Locking
you in this part of the facility. He will come on the radio and talk to you.
Saying it's going to be hard for you to survive, etc. Go back through the
door you were about to before. Go to the left. There are two sub machine guns
on the floor. The only problem is, there's no ammo for them! Pick them up
anyways, they might come in handy.

Now, head back the other way. Walk towards the stairs. This will trigger a
FMV. A shutter door will open near to where the sub machine guns were. A hand
will come flying out and grab onto a post. Then, the monster will fling
itself onto your platform. It's a big two headed thing! It looks pretty gross
too. Now, if you have machine guns with ammo, use them on him. That is the
easiest way. if not, you have to use the hand gun. Shoot him, then run away.
He has really long arms that can stretch really far to grab at you. If you
stop beside him, he will lift you up and snap your neck, so don't get too
close. If you can get behind him, it takes j=him a while to get turned around
so it's an ideal spot to shoot him at. When he collapses to the ground, a
door will open. Walk through that door. As you do, the monster will get up
and grab your head. He will lift you up, ready to kill you. Then, Steve
smashes through the glass above it. He has the gold luggers! He starts firing
at the beast. He kills it. Then, he trades you the luggers for the sub
machine guns.

He gets mad though, since you cheated him and gave him machine guns with no
ammo. Since you saw the ammo on top of a crate earlier, you know exactly
where it is. Steve gives you a boost to get it. After that, the platform you
guys are on will begin to lower, with Ashford laughing at you in the
back ground. When you get to the bottom, Steve will load up his machine guns
and tell Claire to wait behind, as he tries out his new toys. This is your
first time controlling Steve. He handles the same as Claire. Now, as soon as
you get through the door, kill the zombies wondering around the room. Don't
worry about ammo, you have plenty of it. When those zombies are killed, shoot
the barrel behind the fenced area. If that doesn't kill all the zombies in
there, then shoot at them through the fence. Now, turn around and go through
the door. Kill the few zombies in here and go back out. Now, go to the door
across from it. Go down the stairs. There is a zombie directly in front of
you, so kill it.

Now, shoot at the two different barrels. That should take out most of the
zombies. Kill the rest and go up the stairs on the other side. Run across the
bridge. Steve will yell for Claire. When she comes, they both go into an
elevator. You get raised to the 2nd floor. When you get out, Steve is already
gone. Follow the passage around to a door. Go through it. Run around the
wooden walkway to meet Steve again. The weight of both of you makes the
walkway collapse. When you fall down, a cut scene will begin. I won't spoil
anything, because this ones a shocker. Sort of...After it's over, go into the
door beside the jeep. Run through the hallway and into the doors. Inside,
there is a type writer to save your progress. At the other end of the room,
take the item enclosed within the picture. Now, go back to the room with the
jeep. Go through the big double doors in front of you. In here, kill the two
dogs. Now, go over to the door, unlock it and go through. This is back at the
beginning, where the big worm is.

Run past it and go back into the big doors . Run down the hall and reopen the
door at the end on the right. Run down the hallway and open the door. Avoid
the dogs and go up the stairs. At the top, walk over tot he strange shaped
stand on the balcony, place the item you got from the picture inside of it.
The thing will open up, revealing a card key! Now, go back, back to the area
where Steve shot his dad. Go through the door beside the jeep. Take the
elevator to the 2nd Floor. When you get out, use the emblem card on the door.
Go inside, a zombie will fall on the ground, but he isn't moving right now.
Go up the stairs. Read the poster on the wall to find out about a new enemy
that can grow 7 seven feet tall in 10 hours! Freaky. Anyways, turn around and
grab the grenade rounds on the desk. Now, go back down the stairs. Go to the
other side of the room and grab the Navy proof off the computer desk. Now,
examine the computer monitor. You will turn to a view where you get to
control the camera. Cool!

Point it at the picture on the right wall. Zoom in on it. It will give you a
password, "1126" Remember this code, because you need it later. Now, the
zombies will rise off the ground. You have the choice to fight or run. You
need to go through the door across the stairs after whatever you choose to do
Now, you're in the room where Ashford was shooting at you, and you found the
emblem card. Go down the stairs and run past the dogs. Now, you're back in
the main room. Go down to the end and turn to the locked door. Open it with
the Biohazard card, then get rid of it. Go up the stairs past the door. At
the top, turn and go down the hall. In here, walk over to the desk and pick
up the bow gun. You will also automatically pick up a file. It is about the
password needed to get into the lab. Walk over to the door and examine it. It
will zoom into the key pad. Enter "1126" as the code to gain entry. Inside,
walk to the other side of the room. Pick up the skeleton picture off the
wall. One of those new creatures will jump down and run up the vents!

Uh oh, if 10 hours pass, it'll be at full size! Now, a timer appears at the
top of your screen. Run out the door back into the office. Now, run through
this door. The timer goes even as you open doors, so watch it. Run down the
halls and press the action button standing next to the stairs. As soon as you
begin your descent, the timer will disappear. When you get to the bottom, run
out the door, it'll lock behind you. Now, head through the double doors in
front of you. Run past the worm through the door. Go through the next door.
Now, you're in the area with the jeep. Head through the small door. Head down
the corridor and into the save room. Walk over to where you took the picture
down. Put the skeleton picture in it's place. It will make the wall lift up,
revealing a gold key. Now, run back past the jeep. Go through the doors.
Now, go through the next set of doors. Now you're back with the damn worm.
Simply keep to the side and run past it again. Go through the small single
doors to return to the bridge.


Now, you have to head back towards the palace. Be careful though, because two
bandersnatchers will jump up from below. Just run past them and up the stairs
to the palace courtyard. Go up the stairs and into the palace. Go down the
stairs and kill the zombies. Then, go through the door at the back wall. Run
down the hall and turn right. Open the door with the gold key. Inside is a
puzzle. There are seven paintings scattered around the room. You have to push
them in the correct order to solve the puzzle. First, hit the picture with
the woman. Next, hit the one with the man holding two babies. Next, the
picture of a man all by himself. Next, The one with a plate in the background
Next, the one with a guy reading a book. Next, the one with a candle stick
hanging on the wall. There. Now, walk up the stairs leading to a big painting
Read the letter here, file it and examine the painting. Push the button. The
wall will turn around, revealing a vase. Press start and check out the vase.
Rotate it until you can see inside of it.

There is a red Ant thing in there. Hmmm. Anyways, go back out into the hall
and back to the main room. Run up the stairs and kill the zombie. Now, go to
the right and kill the other zombie. Go up the stairs and into the save room.
Do what you need to do. Make sure you have the gold luggers with you. Go to
the door around the corner and place the luggers into the slots on the door.
Now, walk over to the computer and examine it. It will give you a few codes:
Left, Right. Left. Right. Right, Right, Right. A button will appear on top of
a clock thing. Walk over and push it. Now, push Left, then right. It will
land on the number one (1). Next, press Left. It will land on the number nine
(9). Next, press Right. It will land on the number seven (7). Next, press
right 3 times. It will land on the number one (1) again. This is the code.
"1971". Now, go over to the computer and type it in. It will make the clock
move, revealing a secret doorway. As you try to move to it, a bandersnatch
jumps through the window. Avoid it and run through the door. Run down this
long hall and up the stairs to the Private Residence.

Private Residence

Now, go forward. Either kill the two bandersnatches, or simply run past them.
Keep going up the stairs until you reach the door. Once inside, go to the
left. Go through the door. In here, kill the bandersnatch. Now, go over to
the fireplace and light it up using your lighter. Now that you have some
light, run over to the small table and pick up the ink ribbons. Now, exit the
room and begin climbing up the stairs. At the top, go forward and collect the
bullets. Now, go through the door at the end.

A cut scene will begin. I don't like to spoil things, so I won't. When it's
over, go through the door beside you. You're in Alexia's bedroom. Walk over
to the record player and turn it off. It makes the bed snap up, revealing a
silver key. Pick it up. Now, go back to the record player. It should be shut
now, put the Queen Ant Object in the top of the box. This will reopen the
thing. Take the record out of it. Now, go through the nearby door. Pick up
the green herb and go through the next door back out into the main room. Run
down the stairs and out the door. Go down the stairs, avoiding or, if you
already killed them, past the bander snatches. When you reach the stairs, go
down them.


Now, head back down the long hall. Go into the office and out through the
door into the save room. Go out the door and down the stairs. Run across to
the other door and open it using the silver key. In here, pick up the bullets
and green herbs, that's about it that's in the room. Now, go back through the
door and down the stairs. Head forward and go down the big set of stairs. Go
to the back wall and through the door. Open the door in front of you with the
silver key. In here, there are two bander snatches. Kill them and then go to
the middle of the room, where you'll find an Eagle's Plate. There are some
hand gun bullets in the corner of the room if you need them. now, exit the
room and go back to the main room. Go up the stairs and out of the palace.
Make sure you have the hermostatic pills with you! Go to the right and
through the door. Head past the bander snatches and go down the stairs, back
towards the prison...


Now, head down the stairs. jump up on the crate and get off on the other
side. Run down the small set of stairs. Run across the walkway to the other
end. Get up the stairs and go through the door. Now, you should be in
familiar territory, just in case, I'll still walk you through it fairly
easily. Go to the door across from you, behind the crash. There might be a
zombie here, so be careful. Go through the door. Now, you're back in the
graveyard. Go forward and kill the zombie. Then, follow the path around and
kill the other zombies. Go down the stairs, back down into the prison cell.
Run through the halls and back into the cell room. A cut scene will come on.
When it's over, you no longer have the lighter, but you have the lock pick!
Now, head back up the stairs and go through the graveyard. This time, don't
go through the big doors, go through the smaller doors. Now, you're in the
area with the guillotine. Go into the cage and use the Eagle plate on the
door. Go through it.

Here, kill the zombies. Then, go through the door on the left. This is
somewhat a research center. Walk into the office on the left side of the
room. Pick up the memo on the table. It tells how there is a secret entrance
to the basement, but you need a key that doesn't look like a key. Right...
Examine the sculpture of the human body. There's an eye missing, interesting.
Now, exit the office and go to the left. Try to exit through the door. A
body bag will begin to twitch. Uh oh. Now, in here, kill the zombies. There
is a red herb in the corner. Then, walk past the coffins and pick up the
briefcase. Use your lock pick to open it. Inside are custom parts for your
handgun. Attach them. Now, you're gun has rapid fire. You'll need it in a
minute. Go back through the doorway. You will hear a disgusting noise, and
the body bag will be ripped open. Walk around the room to find the doctor
that was in the body bag. He's eating another victim! He will look up at you,
then the dead body he was eating will get up as well.

Now, be careful, because he can run really fast. Shoot him apart with your
custom handgun. When he'd dead, kill the other zombie. Walk over to the
doctors corpse and pick up the glass eye ball. Now, with it in hand, go over
to the statue of the human body. Place the glass eye in the empty socket to
open a doorway. Go through it. Run down the hall, kill the bats since you no
longer have the lighter. When you reach the door, go through it. In here,
kill the zombies, then go forward. Turn left and go through the door. Examine
the statue on the north wall. You will receive a rusted sword. The room will
begin to fill with gas, uh oh. The statue in the middle will rise up,
revealing a horizontal pole. Push it until the shield of the statue is
facing the statue where you got the sword. Doing so will make the statue
turn around, revealing a coffin. Shove the rusty sword into the hole to open
it. A zombie jumps out so kill him. Then, pick up the piano scroll. Now,
exit the room. Go all the way back up to the research lab. Now, exit the lab.
Run down the rest of the alley to reach a door. In here, climb over a box to
reach an item box. Do what you need here and exit. Go all the way back up to
the palace.


Now, head up the stairs and turn left. Go into the room at the end of the
hall. Now, you're back in the casino. Go over to the piano and place the
piano roll inside of it. This will make one of the slot machines open up,
revealing the King Ant Object! Exit the room and go back to the save room.
Go through the doors where you placed the luggers. Go through the secret
door and out through the next door. Here, kill all the zombies and run up to
the Private Residence.

Private Residence

Now, run around the maze and go up the stairs. Go through the door into the
mansion. Now, the mansion has been infested with zombies! Kill the two in
front of you and go up the stairs. There is a zombie here, so take him out.
Continue up the next set of stairs. Here, kill the zombie and go through the
door. Turn left. There is a zombie looking at books. If you can run past him,
do it, if not, kill him. Turn the corner and go through the door. Walk over
to the music box and place the King Ant Object in the slot on top. This opens
the music box, but there's no record! Place the record you took from Alexia's
room in it. The music will start up and a ladder will appear behind you. Climb
up it. Now, you're in the PlayRoom. You're standing on a merry-go-round, so
find the stairs and climb down. Look around on the chairs scattered around
the room for a silver dragonfly. Check it out. It turns out, you can rip
it's wings off, revealing a key! Place it in the picture of the ants.

This will make another ladder appear, on the merry-go-round. Climb up it to
reach a secret study room. Go to the left and pick up the memo. Now, push
the box up against the wall. Climb on top of it to find a letter to Alexia
from Ashford. Underneath it is the Air Force Proof. Take it. Now, hop down
from the box and go over to the typewriter, where you save your game, and
pick up the ink ribbons. Now, climb down the ladder. Climb down the ladder
on the merry-go-round to get back to Ashfords room. When you try to leave
the room, a cut scene will come on. Once again, I won't spoil anything. When
you're done, walk over to the dresser and examine the fabric on the dresser.
This will trigger another cut scene. When it's over, go through the door.
Kill the two zombies and go through the door. Get to the bottom of the stairs
and go out the door. Run past the bandersnatches and down e stairs, back
to the palace. Simply make sure you have all your proofs (navy, army, air
force) with you. Go outside the palace and turn right. Go towards the


Now, enter the sub with Steve. When you get out, run down the stairs. In the
next room, avoid the zombies and go through the door on the left. The one
beside the fish tank. Walk over to where Steve is standing. Place all the
proofs into the machine, and push the button. It will lower you and Steve to
an airplane. When you get in, climb up the stairs. Steve says that you have
to raise the bridge to get out of there. Grab the lever on the ground and
exit the plane. Go back through the doors. Go around the desk and go through
the doors. Run across the bridge and through the door. Run over to the lift.
Let it raise you to the second floor. Run around the walkway until you find
a door. Go through it. Walk over to the control panel and place the lever on
it. Pull it then. it will raise the bridge. Now, to get back to the plane.
Run across the bridge to find a door. Inside, walk over to the bodies
leaning against the wall. Pick up the airport key and exit the room. Run
across the bridge and through the door.

Go back down the bridge. Go over to the big shutter door. Open it with the
airport key and go through. In here, there is an item box and a type writer.
there is also a box of bullets on the crate. Now, notice that there are two
crates blocking the shutter door from closing. Push them under the door so
that it can close. When it does, a timer will come on. Reopen the door and go
inside. It's an elevator. As you're riding it up, Ashford will push a button
and release a huge monster. Uh oh, doesn't look good. When the elevator
reaches the top, you will be in the Military training Facility. Avoid the
worm and go through the door on your left. Walk along the path. The monster
will burst out of the gate. Uh oh!

I suggest emptying your grenade rounds into him. When he falls to one knee,
wait for him to get up again. Then fire at him until he goes down again. Keep
doing this until he's lying flat on his face. Run past him and up the stairs.
Follow the passage around and go down the stairs. Go over to the steering
wheel and give it a turn to raise the sub. Climb down it and push the switch.
Then, climb out. Run down the stairs of the airport. Run past the zombies
into the door beside the fish tank. Run over to the lift and enter it. A cut
scene will come on. When it ends, save your game at the nearby type writer.
Now, enter the door to the cargo area. This is the first boss battle. He's a
toughy. The Tyrant is back, he's burnt, and he looks mad. The idea is to keep
him at bay. Keep shooting at him and running away. When he gets to the far
end of the plane, run back to the doorway and push the switch. This will
cause a crate to fly into he Tyrant and send him sailing out of the
airplane. Another cut scene appears.

Antarctic Base

Now, after you get down from the plane, head straight. Climb down the ladder
and go through the double doors. Walk past the beds and go in between the
lockers. Go to the table and pick up the bow gun powder. A zombie will fall
out of the bunkbed, but it won't move after that. Take the hand gun bullets
and the first aid spray out of the nearby locker. Now, head back towards the
zombie that fell. Him, and a couple of other will get up and come after you.
There isn't much room, so stand your ground and kill them all. Then, go pick
up the bullets on the bunk bed. Walk over tot he wall and get the map of the
base. Now, you can exit the room. head down the stairs. At the bottom, go
straight. There are people stuck in caccoon things on the wall. Go though
the doors at the end of this hall. In here, save your game, etc. Now, push
the bookcase on the back wall. head down the hall and open the locker. A rat
will hop out. pick up the memo left in the locker and try to push the switch.
it won't work though, because the power isn't on.

Hmmm. head back. Out of the save room. Turn down the hallway on the left.
There is a giant moth eating a dead guy. Kill it. If it bites you and you get
poisoned, there is some blue herb at the end of the hallway. o through the
door across from it. Now, you're in a room with a huge belt mover thing in
the center. Run all the way around the room till you find the weapons door.
Go inside. Kill the zombies. Then, go into the next room. open up the
cupboard to get the assault rifle! Then, go over to the corner. pick up the
detonator and attach it to the bomb. Now, go back and pick up the mining
room key. Exit the room. Go over to the door that says B.O.W on it. Inside,
kill the spiders before they can spit their acid at you. When you're done,
head to the back of the room and pick up the B.O.W barcode sticker. Now, exit
the room. Go up the stairs into the next room, the mining room. You can
discard the key as soon as you open the door. Inside, go to the right.
Through the door. In here, kill the dogs. Now, you have to start the power.

To do this, go to the back of the room. Head to the left side of the room.
You have to go in between a bunch of glass walls. When you reach the console
with the blue switch, push it. This will start the power. Now, you have to
turn on the electrical power. Go into the middle part of the room. There is
a big console here. Examine it and push the button. Great! Now the lights and
electricity are back on. Now, exit the room. Exit the mining room. Finally,
exit the next room and go back to where the giant moths are. Just shoot them
as they're stuck to the wall. it makes things easier. Now, run down the hall
and to the left. Back intot he save room. Go tot he back of the room. There
is a green herb on the floor, in case you didn't see it in the darkness. Go
into the room behind the bookcase and push the switch in the locker. The door
will move, revealing a small room. Step out into it. A cut scene will show a
man/thing tied and blind folded sitting int he room underneath you. He
moans...freaky. Now, go into the corner of the room and pick up the pot.

Examine it to find the machine room key! Now, exit the room. Go abck to the
ahllway with the moths. Run down it and up the stairs. Here, go left until
you find a couple of double doors. Open them. Now, go to the right. Use the
machine key on the door. Now, run past the path and open the door. Run out
on the balcony and grab the nozzle. now, start back. Steve is waiting for
you beside the computer. He will try to move the digger, but get distracted
and blow up a pipe, leaking toxic gas everywhere. They escape the room. Now,
you need to find out how to turn off the gas.Hmmm. Walk down the stairs.
Walk over to the belt move controls in the center of the room. Pull the
switch ont he right wall to start the machine, then go over to the controls
and pull the lever. it will make a box stop in front of you. Stick the B.O.W
barcode sticker on the side of it.

Now, pull the lever again. This will send the crate into the B.O.W room. Go
into the B.O.W room now. The box has leaked all over the room! Go to the
right and grab the gas mask from the wall. Now, exit the room. Exit this
room. Kill the moths and run up the stairs. Here, go left until you reach a
couple of double doors. In here, go left. When you reach the door, open it.
Now, run past the caged zombie to a metal cutting machine. Place the valve
in it. It will cut the end of it into an octagon shape. Now, exit the room.
Go back out into the main part of the base. Now, go back down the stairs to
where the moths are. Kill them and run through the doors. Go intot he mining
room now. When it asks you to, say yes to put on the gas mask. Now, when you
enter, it's all yellow with gas. Climb up the snow mound on the right. Go
past the digger and up the next set of stairs. Go over to the pipe and place
the valve on the end of it. It will clear up the gas mess. then, Alfred
appears behind you with his sniper rifle. Uh oh.

I'll let you watch the end of the scene in peace. When it's over, go back
down the stairs and pick up Alfreds sniper rifle. This will trigger a cut
scene. When it's over, you will be standing on the roof of the base. Run to
the bottom corners of the roof to get hand gun bullets and a first aid spray.
Now, go over to where Steve is and try to go down the stairs. Nostufu is
walking up towards you! He knocks Steve off the building and starts coming
after you. Start by running away from him. You can use the sniper rifle for a
while if you want. The idea is to hit the exposed heart in the middle of his
chest. He throws smoke bombs that both do damge to you and poison you. Try
to stay upwind from these attacks. I suggest standing your ground and letting
lose with the assault rifle. You don't have to do this, I just like doing it
that way. When the boss dies, a cut scene will appear. I'll leave it to your
viewing pleasure.

Chris's Scenario


Well, now you're past the halfway point of the game. yay! I guess... Well,
wheny ou start the game after the cut scene, go forward and pick up the
green herb. Continue through the hall to find Rodrigo. Yep, the same guy that
sprung Claire from her cell. After the short cut scene, continue through the
hall to find a type writer, along with ink ribbons. Do what you have to. Then
, exit through the door on your right. In here, is where the gulp worm hides.
Run across the area and get the blue and green herbs. Now, run through the
cavern. At the other end, there is a box of bullets as well as bow gun arrows
on the ground. Pick them up and go over to the elevator. Push the buttont o
call the elevator, while you're waiting, you might want to run from end to
end of the room to keep the gulp worm from taking a chunk out of you. When
the elevator comes up, run over to it. Ride it down to an area of the
Military Training facility.

Military Training Facility

Now, kill all of the zombies around here. When you're done, head through the
giant double doors. To the left is Alfreds tank. Go around to the back of it
and press the button. the tank will move out of the way, revealing a secret
lift. Take it down to the basement. Run through the hallway until you reach a
door, go through it. This is a save room. Pick up the ink ribbons on the
table. There is also a green herb and a blue herb on the ground. In the
locker, there some acid rounds. now, go around to the other side of the desk
to find a set of drawers. Open them in this order: Red first, Green second,
blue third, and brown last. When you open the brown drawer, a golden lugger
replica will be found. Put it in the item box for now. Now, exit the room and
continue down the hall. Pick up the battery off the ground and examine the
door. A spider will come running down the hall after you. Kill it and go back
through the halls. There is another one on the ceiling, so kill it too. When
you're done, go back up on the lift.

Go back through the double doors. Now, go over to the lift and put in the
battery. Now, ride the lift to the ceiling. Go to the left and grab the
letter off of the table. Underneath it is a chemical storage key. Grab it
nd go back across the bridge. Go through the door. Now, go straight past the
elevator and into the computer room. A cut scene will come on. When it's
over, go through the doors on the left. Go over to the crack in the balcony.
It will show an Eagle's plate be washed down into the swuer by a current of
water. Great, you needed that >_< Anyways, go across the walkway and through
the door on the other side. Well, this USED to be a save room, but now it's a
burnt down mess with zombies running a muck. Dispose of the zombies. Go over
to the crate and pick up the side pack to carry more items. There are also
bow gun arrows on the table. When you're done, exit the room. Go back across
the balcony and through the door. Exit this room and take the elevator to
the basement.

Now, head forward and go down the stairs on your left. Grab the shot gun off
the rack. The stairs will raise, but don't worry for now. Go over to the door
and pick up the ink ribbons. There is also a box of bullets sitting on the
floor. When you're done, go through the door. There is a shiny item in the
middle of this room. Go pick it up, it's a door knob! Picking it up will
trigger a cut scene. Two Hunters will appear from the ceiling. Use your
shotgun to blow them to pieces. Make every shot count if you don't have
extra ammo. You can also use other weapons if you want to. When both of them
are dead, go through the door. In here, run through the doors until you reach
a lab. Pick up the shot gun shells on the table. There are hand gun bullets
on the other side of the table. On the counter, there are both red and blue
herbs. Now, go over to the cold storage cabinet and open the door using the
chemical storage key. Now, when it asks you to, say yes to adjust the
temperature. Set it to "128"

This will cause the yellow chemical in the fridge to turn blueish green.
Pick it up. When you do so, a Hunter will jump out of the vent to your right.
Kill it with the shot gun and go back through the doors. When you get to the
area with your first hunter encounter, go back the way you came in, back
towards the sewers. Now, put the shotgun back on the rack to amke the stairs
come down. Climb them to the top. Then go to the right and into the elevator.
Ride it to the second floor. Get out and go into the computer room. From here
, go in the door on the left to reach the courtyard. Run across the balcony
and through the door. There is a scanner thing above you. If you step into
the beam it emitts, then it will signal a Hunter to come for you, so don't
step into the beam. Go through the hole in the wall and go through the door.
Walk down the hall and put the doorknob in the door, now, you can open it.
Inside, pick up the Tank Object and leave. Now, go back the way you came, go
all the way back to the elevator.

Ride it to floor 1. Get out and go into the save room, avoiding the scanner
as you run by. When you're inside, go over to the model of the training
facility and place the tank object in the hole. The model turns around,
revealing a turntable key. With it, turn around and exit the room. Ride the
elevator down to the basement. Get out. Now, go down the stairs and through
the door. Walk over to the console beside the broken door. Put the turntable
key in it and press the button to ride it to the top. Get out. Climb over
the crates and go through the hole in the wall. Now, you're in the first
hallway of the facility. Go through the door across the hall. In here, kill
the 3 zombies. Then, run into the door in the back. Now, exit through the
hole in the wall. In the next hall, go through the door. You're back in the
cortyard, but now on the other side of the huge hole in the floor. Go into
the door to the left. Climb down the ladder to the basement. At the bottom,
pull the lever to the right of Chris.

This will ventilate the basement. Now, if you have the emblem card, you can
go tot he left and open the door with it. If not, you'll have to go the
longer way. You have to go all the way back. Ride the turntable back down to
the sewers. Run back to the stairs leading upwards. Once up the stairs, go
left and through the door. This is the room that you just ventilated. Kill
all the zombies and run to the opposite side of the room, go through the door
. In here, kill the hunter. Then, go through the door on the other side of
the door. Walk around the bend and pick up the Clement a off the shelf. Now,
you have two chemicals! Mix them together to get a chemical that can melt
the metal off of a eagle plate. Cool. Now, pick up the custom attachments for
your Glock 17 from the table. Now, exit the room. Go back to the turntable
and ride it to the top. Climb over the crates and go through the big double
doors on the right. Here, kill the two Hunters. Then go forward and pick up
the shotgun shells. Now, go back ind go down the big elevator.


Now, at the bottom, go forward to find an item box and a type writer. Do
what you need to and go out the other door. Kill the hunter that comes
running at you. Then, go to the left and let the lift raise you to the
surface. Run along the pathway to find a door. Go through it. Now, run across
the bridge and go through the door. Now, you go to the right and examine the
computer. It will give you the chance to play a little mini-game of sorts.
The idea is to get 7 leters of oil into the 10 leter guage. Now, press the 3
leter guage twice. Emptying 6 leters into the 10-leter guage. Press the
5-guage to empty 4 leters into the 10-leter guage. Press the button next to
the 10-leter guage to empty the 10 leter guage. Now, there should be a single
leter left in the 5 leter guage. Press that. Then, press the 3 leter twice
to get 7 leters! This turns the power back on, yay! But it also makes three
zombies awaken behind you. Go back and kill them. Pick up the shotgun bullets
behind their corpses. Exit the room.

Go back across the bridge and pull the lever on the machine to lower the
bridge. now, exit through the door. Run around the path and take the lift
downt ot he floor. Exit through the door on the right hand side of the screen
. Here, is where the bridge is. There is a Hunter on it, so kill it. Then,
run across the bridge and go through the door. There is a zombie sitting
there doing nothing. Kill him and run around the desk. There are two more
zombies, but these one shave red eyes! Kill them and go through the door by
the fish tank. Kill the hunter. Then, walk over to the computer and turn the
power off. Now, walk onto the lift and take the navy, army and air force
proofs out of the holes. Go back through the door. Go around the desk and
through the door. Go back across the bridge and through the door. Finally, go
inot the save room. Do what you need with the type writer and itms box and
then take the elevator back up to the military training facility.

Military Training Facility

At the top, when you get out of the elevator, kill the two Hunters. Then, go
through the big double doors. Go to the elevator and ride it to the 1st floor
. Get out and go to the right. Go past the scanner thing and into the room.
Walk over to the laser beams, and place the 2 proofs into the holes (navy,
army, air force) This will reveal a switch. push it to make the model of the
facility behind you retract into the wall. it reveals a ladder leading
downwards! Now, go over to the ladder. There is a box of shot gun bullets
here. Take them. There is also a green herb. This might help you as well.
Now, go down the ladder. Kill the spider that is on the ceiling. Then,
continue on down the sewer tunnel. There is another spider so kill it. If
you get poisoned, don't worry right now. Go to the end of the tunnel and go
down the ladder. Now, run down the tunnel. You will find 2 green herbs and a
blue herb. use the blue herb if you're poisoned. Now, make sure you have one
opening in your inventory.

Go forward to find a pool of water. The eagle plate is sitting in the center
of it! The only problem is that the zomboid that escaped through the air vent
in Claires game is now swimming around in the pool. It's at adult size now.
And it shoots out electric sparks, shooting all the way across the pool.
Hmmm. When it isn't looking, jump in and run over to the eagle plate. Quickly
run back to the ledge and climb up. Now, press start. You need to combine the
mixture of Clement a and E with the eagle plate. Doing so will eliminate the
blue coloring of the plate. Now, it's a golden Halbred. Exit the sewers by
going back through the tunnels. Exit the save room and go into the elevator.
Ride it to the second floor. Now, go aalong and go through the door. Use the
lift to carry you back to floor 1. head out the big double doors. To your
left is Alfreds tank, which should look somewhat familiar by now. Head down
the lift. Avoid the scanners and run down the hall. At the end, use the
halbred on the door.

Antarctic Base

Yay! Now, you're back at the Antartic! Wait...that's not a good thing.
Anyways, go to the left and follow the railings around to find two doors. Go
to the one on the far left. Now, kill the tentacle thing in front of you and
run past. When you come to the next one, kill it just like the last. Now,
climb down the ladder. Run straight and head down the stairs. Head down the
hall and into the save room. You can save if you want. But take the halbred
and stick it int he groove on the wall. This opens up a cupboard where you'll
get ammo and a paper weight. Hold onto the paper weight.Go through the
double doors at the bottom. Now, go to the right. go through the doors. Jump
down onto the icy floor. Run around to find the octa valve that you used as
Claire to stop the gas from flowing. With it in hand, start to turn back. Uh
oh. Zombies will begin to rise as well as break through the thin layers of
ice. I don't think chris expected to see them there by the look on his face.
Anyways, when you get ahold of Chris, do a 180 and run past the zombies. Get
back on solid ground and go through the door. Go back along the railings to
get to a spot where the walkway is broken. Jump down on the ice. Now, climb
up on the walkway on the opposite side. Go through the doorway here.

Now, there is even the scanner things! The first one will get you, so kill
the hunter that comes at you. Then, go forward and enter the door on the
right. Now, walk over to the console beside the pit. press it to make a bin
of extinguish come up. If you have your fire extinguisher with you, great.
If not, you'll have to run back and go down the stairs, past the moths to get
to the save room (you should remember where that is). Anyways, fill the
extinguisher up. then, hop on the lift beside it and ride it to the bottom
floor. Put out the fire. Now, run past the ashes and grab the magnum off the
crate. yay! I highly suggest not to use ANY of the ammo right now though.
Save it for a boss. Anyways, climb back on the lift and let it raise you to
the top. Exit the room. Continue running down the hallway until you get to
the end. When you reach the elevator, go in it. When you get out, look to up
the hallway. There is a poisonous Hunter that will start running at you. Kill
it and enter the door across from the elevator.

Now, take the first door on chris's left. In here, run to the back of the
room and use the octa valve to start the power. Walk over to the breakers by
the door and pull the lever, turning on all the power in this area of the
base. Now, walk over to the desk to find a type writer. There are also some
shotgun shells on the floor beside it as well as a green herb beside the door
. When you're done, exit through the door. Go up the hallway and kill all the
zombies. there is a blue herb and a green herb sitting on the ground in case
you need them. When you get to the end of the hallway, go through the door.
Now, push the statue ovr to the crack in the floor by the desk. Grab the map
from it's hand. Now, take the 2 boxes of hand gun bullets off the desk and go
into the red hallway. Run through it, past the lab coats to a tiger statue.
It will ask you if you want to take one of it's eye's out. Take the right
one out. The statue will twist around, revealing magnum bullets. Now, put
the eye back.

This time, take the left eye. You will get a door knob in return. Now, turn
around and go into the elevator. AT the bottom, step out into the catwalk to
find a GIANT ant mound! There are literally millions of ants running around.
Now, go straight and pick up the wing object. Now, go to the right, stepping
on the ants as you go. When you reach the hallway, grab the green herb and
go down it. Open the door. Now, go into the door on the left. Kill the three
zombies and pick up the bullet boxes on the desk. Now, exit the room. Kill
the other zombies in this room, now, walk over to the desk to find a file
about the T-veronica virus. When you're done, exit the room. Go back down
the hallway. Go the other way, again, stepping over ants as you go. When you
reach the next hallway, go down it. There's blood on the wall. Scary. Go
through the door at the end. Walk forward and turn left. Pick up the
T-Veronica file. Now, walk up the stairs in front of you. Walk to the right
and examine the computer thingy.

It will ask you to enter in a code. In case you can't figure it out, check
your paper weight and rotate it to the left. this is the code. It's the AA
symbol, crown, heart, spade. Then, a drawer opens up. Place the paper weight
inside. A capsule willr ise out of the ground behind you and Alfred will fall
out, dead! Walk over to his corpse and pick up his ring. Check it and remove
the metal part to get Alfreds jewel! Great, now, exit the room. Run over the
ants and go back into the elevator and go up. When you get back into the red
hallway, exit it. Exit the room into the hall, Follow it around to find like
a courtyard. Go around to the backside of it. Beside the carousul is a wing
object. Now, hop into the water and wade over to the fountain. grabt he third
wing object. Now, climb out of the water and go through the double doors.
Wierd. the mansion from the original resident Evil...Anyways, go straight
and up the stairs. At the top, grab the combat knife and go back down. head
behind the steps to find claire trapped in a cocoon!

Use the combat knife to cut her out. Afterwards, if she was poisoned in the
fight against the boss, then you'll have to find a serem for her. To find it,
head back to the room where you found the extinguish for the fire
extinguisher. Ride the lift down to the basement. Now, kill the 3 zombies
before they have a chane to come at you. Then, walk over to the bookshelf
and take the shiny purple bottle of serem. Now, go back to Claire. On the
way, you may want to stop and save because there's a hard part coming up.
Also, you really should place the shotgun in the item box. Make sure you
have the magnum equipped with the extra bullets that you found. Now, walk
into the mansion look alike. A cutscene will trigger. When it's over, you'll
be playing as...Claire!

Claire Mini-Guide
Well now, it might feel a little bit wierd at first, but don't worry. You'll
get the hang of it again. Anyways, look down at Claire's feet to find a red
and a green herb. There are some hand gun bullets on the table, so grab them
too. Now, go over to the bookcase and push it off to the side. It will reveal
2 hooks. Looks familiar, huh. Pull out the shotgun from the item box beside
you. Hang it on the hooks to make a picture raise on a wall down on the other
side of the room. Run over to the opened thing and grab the fire rounds and
the grenade rounds. Go back and place them in the item box. Pick the shotgun
off the hooks and put that in the item box, too. Now, Go through the door
beside the raised picture. If you go forward a little, a tentacle will come
flying out of the middle portrait. Shoot it until it retracts into the wall.
Now, continue on along the hall. On the next set of portraits, a tentacle
will come out of the middle one. Kill it and go through the door. Now, go
forward. On Claire's right, ther eis an open jail cell.

Inside, there is a zombie. Kill it. Now, go out of the cell and up the short
flight of stairs. walk over besdie the cannon. Pick up the file that is
found here. When it asks you to, say yes to turn the handle. Doing so will
make the cannon lower, making a crystal ball fall out. Run over and pick it
up. There is a key card stuck in the center of it, but you can't get to it
because the crystal is so strong. Then, you notice the big grey block that
comes smashing down whenever something goes under it. Run under it. Place the
crystal in the center. Claire will automatically walk out, so don't worry.
When the block comes down, the crystal will be shattered. Run in and pick up
the key card. This wills top the big block from falling down anymore. Go
through the cell behind it and pick up the 2 sets of bow gun arrows. Now,
head back down the stairs and go down the hall. take the door on the left.
Inside, go to the computer and opent he shutter door with the keycard. Run
in. When the cut scene is over, do a 180 and start running. If Steve hits you
, use a first aid spray or a herb or something. Keep doing this until you get
to the end, and back to safety.


This will trigger a cut scene. It's a long and sad one. When it's over,
you'll be Chris, standing in front of a mutated Alexia! This boss battle is
really easy if you have the magnum. Just avoid the fire she shoots out and
fire at her with it. It will take some where between 4-6 shots to kill her.
If you don't have the magnum however, just use grenades and stuff until she's
dead. You want to finish it as soon as possible though, so that you have lots
of places to run around and avoid the fire. When she's dead, you'll know it.
She collapses on the ground and all the fire in the room begins to dissappear
. Now, go over to the stairs and pick up Alexia's choker. Check it out and
remove the metal part. Now, you have two jewels! Exit the room. Alexia will
rise off the floor. Uh oh. Don't worry though, because if you try to go back
in, she's gone. I guess you'll be fighting her another time...

Antarctic Base

Now, go over to the elevator. Ride it to the basement. Get out and run down
the hall, avoiding the scanners on the ceiling. Go through the door. In here,
run to the back and ride the lift up to the top. Get out and go over to the
piping. Combine the socket and octa valve together and use it to turn the
piping and empty the water tank beside you. When it's done draining, climb
down the ladder. Pick up the crane key. A Hunter will burst through the
glass. Kill it quickly and climb back up the ladder. Go back down the lift
and exit the room. Now, go down the hallway to Chris's right. Now, go once
again, to Chris's right and you will find a booth. Use the crane key on the
computer inside. It will raise Alexanders dead body into the air. It will
also create quite a big hole in the glass. A hole big enough for a giant
spider to crawl out of! Simply run past it's claws and jump down onto the
ice. Run over to Alexanders dangling body and pick up his jewel. Now, run
back to the cat walk you came from and go through the door.

Now that you have time, check out Alexaders jewel and remove the metal part.
Great, now, you have all three jewels. Go back down the hallway and go up the
elevator. Now, go back to the replica mansion, A.K.A, the place where you
fought Alexia. Go up the stairs and stand in front of the family portrait.
Place all three jewels into the open slots. This will make the painting
dissappear, revealing a doorway! Go through it. Kill the zombies and run
straight down the hall. Turn left. Go through the first door you see. This is
a save room. Go over to the type writer and pick up the ink ribbons. Now, go
over to the lab coat in the corner and pick up the shotgun shells. beside it,
there is a first aid spray. Now, open the drawer of the desk to find a
Sterile key. Exit the room. Go back down the hall and go back through the
portrait door. Go down the stairs. Now, instead of going through the front
doors, go through the door at the side. Use the Sterile Key to open the door.

Go through. Now, exit through the door in this room. Go down the cold hallway
and enter the save room. Turn off the power using the breaker. Now, exit the
room. Go through the door on the right. Go down the hall and enter the
replica mansion again. Now, go through the door on the side. Run down the
red hallway until you reach the lion head. Take both of the jewels out of
it's head and exit the room. Go back into the replica mansion. Run up the
stairs and through the portrait door. Run down the hallway and turn left. Go
past the save room and go through the next door. This is liek Alfred's room
from the Privent residence. You also have the same puzzle to solve. First,
go over to the music box. Place the blue jewel in the top of it. This will
open it. Now, exit the room via the iron maiden thing at the side. This will
lead to a replica of Alexia's room. Go over to the music box and stop the
music. The lid will slam shut in front of you.

Place the red jewel in the top of it. This will re-open the box. Take the
music plate inside of it. Now, return to Alfred's room and place the music
plate in the music box. A secret ladder will be revealed behind you. Climb
up it. Run down the small pathway that leads into a larger room. Run around
the table until you find a pot of dirt. Walk over to it and examine it to
find a dragonfly object. Hold onto it for now. Further along on the table is
a box of handgun bullets. On the floor nearby, there are two green herbs.
Pick them up and leave the room. Exit the replica Alexia room. Go back down
the hallway. Past the save room. Go through the next door you see. This is
almost like a lab of some sort. Walk over to the chair to find a Veronica
Complete file. After reading it, go over to the lift and let it carry you to
the bottom. Go over to the computer and push the button. This will open the
glass case behind you. Go over to it to find the fourth wing object! Combine
all four of them with the dragonfly object to get a golden dragonfly. on the
ground, there is also some shotgun shells.

Now, go back to the lift and let it raise you to the top again. Walk up the
stairs and unlock the door. Go through. This is the area where you played as
Claire. You're in the room where the tentacles came out of the picture. By
going south, you can reach an item box. by going east, you will reach where
you must go. As soon as you go through the door, a cut scene will begin. When
it's over, run down the hall and go up the stairs. Go to the first door.
Place the silver dragonfly into the grooves on the wall. Go through the door.
Here, kill the two zombies. Now, go into the caged area and pick up the
green herb. Exit and climb up the platform. Run to the end of it to find
another green herb. Now, go to the computer. it will ask for the security
card and a password. The password is "Veronica" Now, run back and hop down
from the platform. Exit through the door. Another cut scene will begin, when
it's over, it's time to face the final boss.

Alexia (2nd Form)

This is supposed to be the hardest boss in the game. I don't see how. When
you start, pull out your magnum and shoot Alexia before she can knock Claire
over the side of the level. Alexai will mutate into her second form. It's
pretty gross. She basically sits in a mound of goo. She will wack at you with
tentacles though. Some will come from her body, others will come from the
ground. She even releases little larva things that will jump at you. When
ever you're "caution" turns orange, use a potion to refill your health to
Fine. Use your magnum on her when you get the chance. Stop and aim at her.
Let a few rounds go. After about 6-7 hits, another cut scene will begin.
Alexia will mutate into yet another form. this time though, she can fly. The
linear launcher will come loose from the wall. Run over and grab it. Equip
it. Now, avoid the flames Alexia will shoot down. When she stops for a while,
hold R1 to pull out the linear launcher. Aim at Alexia and let loose. You
have unlimited ammo. As soon as you hit her once, she will be defeated and
the final cut scene will begin.

*Congratulations on beating Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X!*

7. Battle Mode

To unlock Battle Mode, you first have to complete the game. In this mode, you
must run through the set course while a timer times you. The idea, is of
course, to do it as fast as you possibly can. In this section, I will list
each of the characters, the weapons they start out with, and a walkthrough
for each course.

a. Characters

Starting Weapons: Bow Gun with Explosive arrows (unlimited ammo)
Hand Gun (unlimited ammo)
Combat Knife
Starting Items: Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb
Hand gun bullets (unlimited)

Alternate Claire (Beat Claire's Battle Game Mode)
Starting Weapons: Assault Rifle (unlimited ammo)
Grenade Launcher
Combat Knife
Starting Items: Fire Rounds (unlimited)
Acid Rounds (unlimited)
Grenade Rounds (unlimited)
Mixed Herb

Starting Weapons: Combat Knife
Magnum (unlimited ammo)
Starting Items: Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb
Magnum Bullets (unlimited)

Steve (Collect the Gold Lugger Replica as Chris in single player mode)
Starting Weapons: Sub-machine guns (unlimited ammo)
Golden Luggers (unlimited ammo)
Combat Knife
Starting Items: Mixed Herb

Wesker 9Beat Chris's Battle Game Mode)
Starting Weapons: Combat Knife
Starting Items: Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb
Mixed Herb

b. Walkthroughs


Room 1
This room is in the basement of the prison. Pull out your bow gun arrows
and shoot straight ahead at the zombies. Then, run down the hall. Turn the
corner and shoot the other 2 zombies. When you turn the next corner, kill
the last zombie and run up the stairs behind him.

Room 2
Now, you're on the ground level of the prison. Shoot ahead and hit the
barrel. When it blows up, just let loose with your arrows at the herd of
zombies coming at you. When they're all gone, go forward, as soon as you're
view changes, shoot the zombie crawling on the ground. Now, go through the

Room 3
In this room, there are a couple of Bandersnatches. Shoot ahead at the first
one until it dies. Then, aim at the other one walking down the Military
Training Facility's main room. Run down the hall. Kill the Bandersnatch
coming through the door. Then, run down the next hall and through the door.

Room 4
Now, kill the zombie in front of you. He has a bomb srapped to him. Now,
kill the zombie beside him. Now, run through the red hall, killing zombies
as you go until you reach the elevator. Go through it.

Room 5
In here, kill the zombie in front of you. Then, run down the stairs. Kill
the zombie in front of you. Now, kill all the zombies scattered around the
room. Run up the stairs on the other side and go through the door.

Room 6
This is a Hunter room. I HATE these things...Kill the hunter directly in
front of you. Then, turn to Claire's right and kill the one running towards
you. Now, exit through the door. On your way, there is a green herb sitting
on a crate.

Room 7
Now, you're in a room in the Antarctic Base. Kill the Poisonous Hunter
running at you from the left. Then, kill the one that begins to run at you
from the front. Then, run forward and turn the corner. Go up the stairs and
through the doorway.

Room 8
This room is really easy. Simply shoot at the zombie in the corner. Now,
shoot the barrela nd make it explode. Shoot all the zombies hiding out in
the hallway before you and run down it. Open the door.

Room 9
Now, kill the zombie in the corner, he was explosives strapped to him, so be
careful not to get too close. Then, kill the two zombies in the control
room, at least, the two that you can see. Go into the room. Go to the stairs
and look up them. There is a zombie coming down them so shoot him. Now, turn
and go farther into the computer room. Shoot the zombie that comes around
the corner. Then, kill the zombie playing dead on the floor.

Room 10
Now, this is another room in the Antarctic base. Kill the zombies directly
in fornt of you. Then, run down the hall. There are two zombies that turn
the corner around the same time that you do, so be careful. Kill them and
run down the hall and open the door.

Room 11
Now, kill the zombie right in front of you. Turn the corner and kill the
next. Now, two more will wander out into the middle of the room. Take them
out. Now, try to leave the door. A zombie will wander out. Kill him. Now,
beside the door is a first aid spray. Take it if you want. Go through the

Room 12
Shoot the zombie. Then, shoot the barrel behind him to blow up the rest of
the zombies. Run down the hall. On a crate, there is a green and blue herb.
Take what you want and go through the silver door, IF you're not trying to
get a record time. If you ARE, then ignore the next room and go through the
brown door.

Room 13
You're in the casino. Walk over to the slot machine and examine it. The door
at the bottom will open up. Inside, there are the sub machine guns. Behind
the slot machine, on the counter, there are two green herbs and one blue
herb. Go back the way you came.

Room 14
Now, you're in the locker room of the Training facility. Kill the Hunter
around the corner. Then run around to the next aisle of lockers. Go to the
open locker and examine it to find some first aid spray. Kill the poisonous
Hunter that comes running around the corner, and go through the doorway
behind it.

Room 15
Shoot the zombie in front of you. After that, just run through the icy hall,
shooting all the zombies. Go through the door at the end.

Room 16
This is the easiest room in the entire Mode. Just shoot in fornt of you. It
will blow up the barrel, causing a chain reaction, destroying all the
zombies in the room! Cool. Now, exit through the double doors.

Room 17
Simple. Really simple. Shoot the barrel in front of you. It will kill the
few zomnies, leaving a few for you to kill. Shoot them all. Then, turn to
the corner of the room, there is a zombie crawling on the ground. Kill him,
then go through the doorway inside the caged area.

Room 18
Kill the two bandersantches in fornt of you. Then, turn to the desk area.
Kill the Bandersnatch here. Then, run past the desk. Grab the first aid
spray sitting on it if you want. Now, exit through the shutter doors.

Room 19
Last room, yay! The only problem is, it's a boss. In Claire's case, it's
Alexander Ashford, AKA Nosfertu. Simply run to a corner of the helipad and
let loose with your explosive arrows. If he gets close to you, run to
another corner. Don't let him knock you over the edge. He isn't hard and
doesn't take too many hits to beat.


Alternate Claire

Room 1
This room is in the basement of the prison. Pull out your bow gun arrows
and shoot straight ahead at the zombies. Then, run down the hall. Turn the
corner and shoot the other 2 zombies. When you turn the next corner, kill
the last zombie and run up the stairs behind him.

Room 2
Now, you're on the ground level of the prison. Shoot ahead and hit the
barrel. When it blows up, just let loose with your arrows at the herd of
zombies coming at you. When they're all gone, go forward, as soon as you're
view changes, shoot the zombie crawling on the ground. Now, go through the

Room 3
In this room, there are a couple of Bandersnatches. Shoot ahead at the first
one until it dies. Then, aim at the other one walking down the Military
Training Facility's main room. Run down the hall. Kill the Bandersnatch
coming through the door. Then, run down the next hall and through the door.

Room 4
Now, kill the zombie in front of you. He has a bomb srapped to him. Now,
kill the zombie beside him. Now, run through the red hall, killing zombies
as you go until you reach the elevator. Go through it.

Room 5
In here, kill the zombie in front of you. Then, run down the stairs. Kill
the zombie in front of you. Now, kill all the zombies scattered around the
room. Run up the stairs on the other side and go through the door.

Room 6
This is a Hunter room. I HATE these things...Kill the hunter directly in
front of you. Then, turn to Claire's right and kill the one running towards
you. Now, exit through the door. On your way, there is a green herb sitting
on a crate.

Room 7
Now, you're in a room in the Antarctic Base. Kill the Poisonous Hunter
running at you from the left. Then, kill the one that begins to run at you
from the front. Then, run forward and turn the corner. Go up the stairs and
through the doorway.

Room 8
This room is really easy. Simply shoot at the zombie in the corner. Now,
shoot the barrela nd make it explode. Shoot all the zombies hiding out in
the hallway before you and run down it. Open the door.

Room 9
Now, kill the zombie in the corner, he was explosives strapped to him, so be
careful not to get too close. Then, kill the two zombies in the control
room, at least, the two that you can see. Go into the room. Go to the stairs
and look up them. There is a zombie coming down them so shoot him. Now, turn
and go farther into the computer room. Shoot the zombie that comes around
the corner. Then, kill the zombie playing dead on the floor.

Room 10
Now, this is another room in the Antarctic base. Kill the zombies directly
in fornt of you. Then, run down the hall. There are two zombies that turn
the corner around the same time that you do, so be careful. Kill them and
run down the hall and open the door.

Room 11
Now, kill the zombie right in front of you. Turn the corner and kill the
next. Now, two more will wander out into the middle of the room. Take them
out. Now, try to leave the door. A zombie will wander out. Kill him. Now,
beside the door is a first aid spray. Take it if you want. Go through the

Room 12
Shoot the zombie. Then, shoot the barrel behind him to blow up the rest of
the zombies. Run down the hall. On a crate, there is a green and blue herb.
Take what you want and go through the silver door, IF you're not trying to
get a record time. If you ARE, then ignore the next room and go through the
brown door.

Room 13
You're in the casino. Walk over to the slot machine and examine it. The door
at the bottom will open up. Inside, there are the sub machine guns. Behind
the slot machine, on the counter, there are two green herbs and one blue
herb. Go back the way you came.

Room 14
Now, you're in the locker room of the Training facility. Kill the Hunter
around the corner. Then run around to the next aisle of lockers. Go to the
open locker and examine it to find some first aid spray. Kill the poisonous
Hunter that comes running around the corner, and go through the doorway
behind it.

Room 15
Shoot the zombie in front of you. After that, just run through the icy hall,
shooting all the zombies. Go through the door at the end.

Room 16
This is the easiest room in the entire Mode. Just shoot in fornt of you. It
will blow up the barrel, causing a chain reaction, destroying all the
zombies in the room! Cool. Now, exit through the double doors.

Room 17
Simple. Really simple. Shoot the barrel in front of you. It will kill the
few zomnies, leaving a few for you to kill. Shoot them all. Then, turn to
the corner of the room, there is a zombie crawling on the ground. Kill him,
then go through the doorway inside the caged area.

Room 18
Kill the two bandersantches in fornt of you. Then, turn to the desk area.
Kill the Bandersnatch here. Then, run past the desk. Grab the first aid
spray sitting on it if you want. Now, exit through the shutter doors.

Room 19
Last room, yay! The only problem is, it's a boss. In Claire's case, it's
Tyrant. you remember, from the plane. He's not that hard. You ahve to face
him where you fought Alexander though. Simpley use your fire and acid
round son him. Shoot them off as fast as possible at the beginning though,
so that he won't come running at you. After he begins to slow down, you can
stand fairly close to ghim and fire away.



Room 1
This room is in the basement of the prison. Pull out your bow gun arrows
and shoot straight ahead at the zombies. Then, run down the hall. Turn the
corner and shoot the other 2 zombies. When you turn the next corner, kill
the last zombie and run up the stairs behind him.

Room 2
Now, you're on the ground level of the prison. Shoot ahead and hit the
barrel. When it blows up, just let loose with your arrows at the herd of
zombies coming at you. When they're all gone, go forward, as soon as you're
view changes, shoot the zombie crawling on the ground. Now, go through the

Room 3
In this room, there are a couple of Bandersnatches. Shoot ahead at the first
one until it dies. Then, aim at the other one walking down the Military
Training Facility's main room. Run down the hall. Kill the Bandersnatch
coming through the door. Then, run down the next hall and through the door.

Room 4
Now, kill the zombie in front of you. He has a bomb srapped to him. Now,
kill the zombie beside him. Now, run through the red hall, killing zombies
as you go until you reach the elevator. Go through it.

Room 5
In here, kill the zombie in front of you. Then, run down the stairs. Kill
the zombie in front of you. Now, kill all the zombies scattered around the
room. Run up the stairs on the other side and go through the door.

Room 6
This is a Hunter room. I HATE these things...Kill the hunter directly in
front of you. Then, turn to Claire's right and kill the one running towards
you. Now, exit through the door. On your way, there is a green herb sitting
on a crate.

Room 7
Now, you're in a room in the Antarctic Base. Kill the Poisonous Hunter
running at you from the left. Then, kill the one that begins to run at you
from the front. Then, run forward and turn the corner. Go up the stairs and
through the doorway.

Room 8
This room is really easy. Simply shoot at the zombie in the corner. Now,
shoot the barrela nd make it explode. Shoot all the zombies hiding out in
the hallway before you and run down it. Open the door.

Room 9
Now, kill the zombie in the corner, he was explosives strapped to him, so be
careful not to get too close. Then, kill the two zombies in the control
room, at least, the two that you can see. Go into the room. Go to the stairs
and look up them. There is a zombie coming down them so shoot him. Now, turn
and go farther into the computer room. Shoot the zombie that comes around
the corner. Then, kill the zombie playing dead on the floor.

Room 10
Now, this is another room in the Antarctic base. Kill the zombies directly
in fornt of you. Then, run down the hall. There are two zombies that turn
the corner around the same time that you do, so be careful. Kill them and
run down the hall and open the door.

Room 11
Now, kill the zombie right in front of you. Turn the corner and kill the
next. Now, two more will wander out into the middle of the room. Take them
out. Now, try to leave the door. A zombie will wander out. Kill him. Now,
beside the door is a first aid spray. Take it if you want. Go through the

Room 12
Shoot the zombie. Then, shoot the barrel behind him to blow up the rest of
the zombies. Run down the hall. On a crate, there is a green and blue herb.
Take what you want and go through the silver door, IF you're not trying to
get a record time. If you ARE, then ignore the next room and go through the
brown door.

Room 13
You're in the casino. Walk over to the slot machine and examine it. The door
at the bottom will open up. Inside, there you will find the D.I.J's Diary.
Behind the slot machine, on the counter, there are two green herbs and one
blue herb. Go back the way you came.

Room 14
Now, you're in the locker room of the Training facility. Kill the Hunter
around the corner. Then run around to the next aisle of lockers. Go to the
open locker and examine it to find some first aid spray. Kill the poisonous
Hunter that comes running around the corner, and go through the doorway
behind it.

Room 15
Shoot the zombie in front of you. After that, just run through the icy hall,
shooting all the zombies. Go through the door at the end.

Room 16
This is the easiest room in the entire Mode. Just shoot in fornt of you. It
will blow up the barrel, causing a chain reaction, destroying all the
zombies in the room! Cool. Now, exit through the double doors.

Room 17
Simple. Really simple. Shoot the barrel in front of you. It will kill the
few zomnies, leaving a few for you to kill. Shoot them all. Then, turn to
the corner of the room, there is a zombie crawling on the ground. Kill him,
then go through the doorway inside the caged area.

Room 18
Kill the two bandersantches in fornt of you. Then, turn to the desk area.
Kill the Bandersnatch here. Then, run past the desk. Grab the first aid
spray sitting on it if you want. Now, exit through the shutter doors.

Room 19
Last room, yay! The only problem is, it's a boss. In Chris's case, it's the
final form of Alexia. At first, just run around avoiding the things being
thrown at you, then pull out your magnum and fire way at her until she turns
into the flying form. You don't have the linear launcher, so this part is a
little bit tougher. Avoid the fire she throws at you. After she does that,
she will become tired and stop moving. This is your chance, fire a few shots
of your magnum while aiming up at her. After about 12 shots, she will be
down for the count and Chris's battle game mode will be complete. You unlock
Wesker for doing so.



Room 1
This room is in the basement of the prison. Pull out your bow gun arrows
and shoot straight ahead at the zombies. Then, run down the hall. Turn the
corner and shoot the other 2 zombies. When you turn the next corner, kill
the last zombie and run up the stairs behind him.

Room 2
Now, you're on the ground level of the prison. Shoot ahead and hit the
barrel. When it blows up, just let loose with your arrows at the herd of
zombies coming at you. When they're all gone, go forward, as soon as you're
view changes, shoot the zombie crawling on the ground. Now, go through the

Room 3
In this room, there are a couple of Bandersnatches. Shoot ahead at the first
one until it dies. Then, aim at the other one walking down the Military
Training Facility's main room. Run down the hall. Kill the Bandersnatch
coming through the door. Then, run down the next hall and through the door.

Room 4
Now, kill the zombie in front of you. He has a bomb srapped to him. Now,
kill the zombie beside him. Now, run through the red hall, killing zombies
as you go until you reach the elevator. Go through it.

Room 5
In here, kill the zombie in front of you. Then, run down the stairs. Kill
the zombie in front of you. Now, kill all the zombies scattered around the
room. Run up the stairs on the other side and go through the door.

Room 6
This is a Hunter room. I HATE these things...Kill the hunter directly in
front of you. Then, turn to Claire's right and kill the one running towards
you. Now, exit through the door. On your way, there is a green herb sitting
on a crate.

Room 7
Now, you're in a room in the Antarctic Base. Kill the Poisonous Hunter
running at you from the left. Then, kill the one that begins to run at you
from the front. Then, run forward and turn the corner. Go up the stairs and
through the doorway.

Room 8
This room is really easy. Simply shoot at the zombie in the corner. Now,
shoot the barrela nd make it explode. Shoot all the zombies hiding out in
the hallway before you and run down it. Open the door.

Room 9
Now, kill the zombie in the corner, he was explosives strapped to him, so be
careful not to get too close. Then, kill the two zombies in the control
room, at least, the two that you can see. Go into the room. Go to the stairs
and look up them. There is a zombie coming down them so shoot him. Now, turn
and go farther into the computer room. Shoot the zombie that comes around
the corner. Then, kill the zombie playing dead on the floor.

Room 10
Now, this is another room in the Antarctic base. Kill the zombies directly
in fornt of you. Then, run down the hall. There are two zombies that turn
the corner around the same time that you do, so be careful. Kill them and
run down the hall and open the door.

Room 11
Now, kill the zombie right in front of you. Turn the corner and kill the
next. Now, two more will wander out into the middle of the room. Take them
out. Now, try to leave the door. A zombie will wander out. Kill him. Now,
beside the door is a first aid spray. Take it if you want. Go through the

Room 12
Shoot the zombie. Then, shoot the barrel behind him to blow up the rest of
the zombies. Run down the hall. On a crate, there is a green and blue herb.
Take what you want and go through the silver door, IF you're not trying to
get a record time. If you ARE, then ignore the next room and go through the
brown door.

Room 13
You're in the casino. Walk over to the slot machine and examine it. The door
at the bottom will open up. Inside, there are the sub machine guns. Behind
the slot machine, on the counter, there are two green herbs and one blue
herb. Go back the way you came.

Room 14
Now, you're in the locker room of the Training facility. Kill the Hunter
around the corner. Then run around to the next aisle of lockers. Go to the
open locker and examine it to find some first aid spray. Kill the poisonous
Hunter that comes running around the corner, and go through the doorway
behind it.

Room 15
Shoot the zombie in front of you. After that, just run through the icy hall,
shooting all the zombies. Go through the door at the end.

Room 16
This is the easiest room in the entire Mode. Just shoot in fornt of you. It
will blow up the barrel, causing a chain reaction, destroying all the
zombies in the room! Cool. Now, exit through the double doors.

Room 17
Simple. Really simple. Shoot the barrel in front of you. It will kill the
few zomnies, leaving a few for you to kill. Shoot them all. Then, turn to
the corner of the room, there is a zombie crawling on the ground. Kill him,
then go through the doorway inside the caged area.

Room 18
Kill the two bandersantches in fornt of you. Then, turn to the desk area.
Kill the Bandersnatch here. Then, run past the desk. Grab the first aid
spray sitting on it if you want. Now, exit through the shutter doors.

Room 19
Last room, yay! The only problem is, it's a boss. In Steve's case, it's



Room 1
This room is in the basement of the prison. Pull out your bow gun arrows
and shoot straight ahead at the zombies. Then, run down the hall. Turn the
corner and shoot the other 2 zombies. When you turn the next corner, kill
the last zombie and run up the stairs behind him.

Room 2
Now, you're on the ground level of the prison. Shoot ahead and hit the
barrel. When it blows up, just let loose with your arrows at the herd of
zombies coming at you. When they're all gone, go forward, as soon as you're
view changes, shoot the zombie crawling on the ground. Now, go through the

Room 3
In this room, there are a couple of Bandersnatches. Shoot ahead at the first
one until it dies. Then, aim at the other one walking down the Military
Training Facility's main room. Run down the hall. Kill the Bandersnatch
coming through the door. Then, run down the next hall and through the door.

Room 4
Now, kill the zombie in front of you. He has a bomb srapped to him. Now,
kill the zombie beside him. Now, run through the red hall, killing zombies
as you go until you reach the elevator. Go through it.

Room 5
In here, kill the zombie in front of you. Then, run down the stairs. Kill
the zombie in front of you. Now, kill all the zombies scattered around the
room. Run up the stairs on the other side and go through the door.

Room 6
This is a Hunter room. I HATE these things...Kill the hunter directly in
front of you. Then, turn to Claire's right and kill the one running towards
you. Now, exit through the door. On your way, there is a green herb sitting
on a crate.

Room 7
Now, you're in a room in the Antarctic Base. Kill the Poisonous Hunter
running at you from the left. Then, kill the one that begins to run at you
from the front. Then, run forward and turn the corner. Go up the stairs and
through the doorway.

Room 8
This room is really easy. Simply shoot at the zombie in the corner. Now,
shoot the barrela nd make it explode. Shoot all the zombies hiding out in
the hallway before you and run down it. Open the door.

Room 9
Now, kill the zombie in the corner, he was explosives strapped to him, so be
careful not to get too close. Then, kill the two zombies in the control
room, at least, the two that you can see. Go into the room. Go to the stairs
and look up them. There is a zombie coming down them so shoot him. Now, turn
and go farther into the computer room. Shoot the zombie that comes around
the corner. Then, kill the zombie playing dead on the floor.

Room 10
Now, this is another room in the Antarctic base. Kill the zombies directly
in fornt of you. Then, run down the hall. There are two zombies that turn
the corner around the same time that you do, so be careful. Kill them and
run down the hall and open the door.

Room 11
Now, kill the zombie right in front of you. Turn the corner and kill the
next. Now, two more will wander out into the middle of the room. Take them
out. Now, try to leave the door. A zombie will wander out. Kill him. Now,
beside the door is a first aid spray. Take it if you want. Go through the

Room 12
Shoot the zombie. Then, shoot the barrel behind him to blow up the rest of
the zombies. Run down the hall. On a crate, there is a green and blue herb.
Take what you want and go through the silver door, IF you're not trying to
get a record time. If you ARE, then ignore the next room and go through the
brown door.

Room 13
You're in the casino. Walk over to the slot machine and examine it. The door
at the bottom will open up. Inside, there are the sub machine guns. Behind
the slot machine, on the counter, there are two green herbs and one blue
herb. Go back the way you came.

Room 14
Now, you're in the locker room of the Training facility. Kill the Hunter
around the corner. Then run around to the next aisle of lockers. Go to the
open locker and examine it to find some first aid spray. Kill the poisonous
Hunter that comes running around the corner, and go through the doorway
behind it.

Room 15
Shoot the zombie in front of you. After that, just run through the icy hall,
shooting all the zombies. Go through the door at the end.

Room 16
This is the easiest room in the entire Mode. Just shoot in fornt of you. It
will blow up the barrel, causing a chain reaction, destroying all the
zombies in the room! Cool. Now, exit through the double doors.

Room 17
Simple. Really simple. Shoot the barrel in front of you. It will kill the
few zomnies, leaving a few for you to kill. Shoot them all. Then, turn to
the corner of the room, there is a zombie crawling on the ground. Kill him,
then go through the doorway inside the caged area.

Room 18
Kill the two bandersantches in fornt of you. Then, turn to the desk area.
Kill the Bandersnatch here. Then, run past the desk. Grab the first aid
spray sitting on it if you want. Now, exit through the shutter doors.

Room 19
Last room, yay! The only problem is, it's a boss. In Wesker's case, it's

8. Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I heard a Weskers report DVD came with this game, where's mine?
Answer: Only if you preordered. You can still find some at Ebay or Capcoms


Question: What's so different about this game compared to the DC version?
Answer: Not much, except for 10 extra minutes of cut scenes, and an
interactive Devil May Cry Demo


Question: How do I beat Tyrant the second time?
Answer: You don't beat him. You just have to use up ammo on him to slow
him down. When he gets really tired, lure him to the back of the
plane and press the button next to the door to shoot a catapult at


Question: I don't have any ammo, what do i do?
Answer: Just use your knife, or, if you're at a boss, you may need to
restart, or retrack to an earlier save point.


Question: How do I contact you?
Answer: My e-mail address is located at the top of this FAQ. If it's really
important, ask me for my AIM/MSN name in the email


Question: Can I post this on my site?
Answer: No, it's exclusive to Neoseeker and GameFAQs, sorry.


Question: How come your FAQ isn't complete
Answer: You answered your own question. I don't always have time to work on
this Guide.


Question: Can I download this file to my desktop?
Answer: Only if you're using it for private and personal use.

9. Devil May Cry Demo


I.......FAQ Updates/Revision History
II......Game Overview
IV......Weapon Combos
i......Mission 2
ii.....Mission 3
iii....Mission 4
VII.....Copyright Info

I. F A Q U p d a t e s / R e v i s i o n H i s t o r y (Devil May Cry Demo)

September 9th, 2001

- I formatted. Nothing else for now
- Finished the controls section
- Finished up the parts dealing with orbs
- Added the weapons section
- I added one combo to the weapon combo section
- I finished the cedits/thanks section
- Did the copyright Info
- Begun work on the walkthrough. I only did one sentence ;) I'll do the rest
- Finished Mission 2 of the walkthrough
- Did Mission 3 of the walkthrough, only one more to go!
- Finished Mission 4. This FAQ/Walkthrough is now 100% complete

II. G a m e O v e r v i e w (Devil May Cry Demo)


Start Button......Use this to pause the game. There are a lot of options for
you to choose from this menu, including a map, items,
weapons, and objectives screen. To unpause the game, press
start again. When you first turn the demo on, you will need
to press start to begin the game.

Triangle..........Use your sword. One of Dante's main attacks is to use a
gigantic sword. You can find many different combos to do
with it. Experiment, see what you can come up with.

Circle............Jump. This button can make Dante jump into the air. If you
jump while pushing forward ont he left analog stick, you
can do a summer sault through the air. If you jump at a
wall, press Circle again to kick off the wall, sometimes to
reach secret places. You can also roll on the ground to
avoid enemy attacks.

X.................Use this button to use your gun while holding R1. You can
also cancel menu selections with it.

Square............While holding R1, this too can fire your gun

R1................Lock onto the closet enemy. If you want to lock onto a
different enemy, then just press it again.

L1................When the power guage is full in the top left hand corner
of the screen, press this button to change into a devil
form of Dante. It can run faster and do more damage than
Dante can usually do. The only problem is that it doesn't
last for a long time.

Red Orbs
Sometimes, when you defeat enemys, red orbs will pop out of their corpses.
Get them. They are important. They allow you to buy new weapons/moves at the
start of each new mission. You also need them to open doors.

Green Orbs
From a select few enemys, a green orb will pop out of their corpse. These
orbs will refill your entire health bar. There aren't that many of them in
the demo, I think there are 3. So be careful and try not to take too much
damage from enemies.

Yellow Orbs
These are perhaps the most important orb. At least in some respect...The
yellow orbs act as continues. When you die, you use up an orb and are put
back into the level. When you run out of yellow orbs completely, it's Game
Over. Don't let that happen...I'm not 100% sure on this, but you might be
able to buy some from a shop.

III. W e a p o n s (Devil May Cry Demo)


What It Does: You hold two guns when you have this equipped, two pistols to
be exact. You fire both of them at the same time. They aren't
that powerful, they usually take about 7 well placed shots to
take out an enemy completely.
Where Is It: You start the game out with it


What It Does: This is the only other gun available in the demo. It is a
really cool one at that. Dante holds it above his head. When
you fire it, he bings it down at the speed of light and lets a
couple of rounds off. One or two well placed hits will take
out most enemies.
Where Is It: This gun takes a little bit of searching to find. In Mission 1,
go to the library. Go up to the seconf floor. Across from the
picture where you get the rusty key is a desk. Slash it with
your sword. It will crumble to pieces. All that's left is the
Shotgun. Pick it up with X and equip it through the pause menu.

IV. W e a p o n C o m b o s (Devil May Cry Demo)

I have made wierd names up for the following weapon combos. If you have any
that aren't in this FAQ, then please, by all means, send them to me.

Soaring Blast
Weapons Involved: Sword + Gun (Pistol or Shotgun)
How To Do: Hold R1. Now, press Triangle while holding the analog stick
in the direction away from Dante. You should be doing this
in front of an enemy by the way. Your sword will lunge
into the enemy and throw him up in the air. While still
holding R1, press X. This will make Dante pull out his gun
and shoot at the demon while in the air! Very cool. The
body will explode if you use the shotgun.

V. W a l k t h r o u g h (Devil May Cry Demo)

In this section, I will explain how to complete the Demo in detail. There
are 3 sections. One for each mission in the demo.

i. Mission 1: Judge of Death
Objective: Open the door of the Cathedral

Start by running south. Some where in this hallway, a portal will appear and
enemies will start to pur out of it. When this happens, just keep slashing
away until they're dead. As you go up the hallway, the view will shift to
behind you. There is a door on your left, but it's locked and needs a Rusty
Key. Continue on down the hallway until you reach the door. Go through. Now,
you're in a library. if you want, you can go over to the books and press X to
find out about them. Wheny uo're done with that, go underneath the bridge to
the other side of the room. Go up the stairs. Notice that there is a big
tree blocking the entrance to a doorway. You need to find another way through
there. Anyways, when you get to the top of the stirs, head south. Go to the
left. Slash at the desk so that a Shotgun will pop out.

Pick it up. Now, head the other way. Go to the picture and get the ruted key.
Now, jump over the balcony. Go through the doorway and back down the hallway.
Go back to the doorway that needed the rusty key. Open it up and go through.
In here, there is a fountain. Run to the other side of it. Run into the
force filed that's surrounding the lion thing. You will be sent backwards.
The lion will speak, telling you that you need a sign. A lot of enemies will
start to appear. Kill all of them until there isn't anymore coming through
the portal. Now, jump over the broken section of the stairs. Go up them.
Then, jump to the second floor. Run around the room, jumping over the gaps in
the floor. When you get to the end, go through the door.

When you go through, run down the hall. There are a lot of enemies to kill,
so do it with the shotgun. When they're all gone, continue down the hall.
Take the first door on the right. Inside, slash at the coffin with your
sword. It will start to be pushed backwards. When it's back against the wall,
a secret door under it will be revealed. Press X while standing on top of it.
You will be plunged into the darkness below. Walk forward and grab the Staff
of Judgement. A door will open up behind you. Go through it. Now, you're in
the library again, beside the big tree that had grown to block the entrance
to a room. Try to exit the room through the big double doors. A hand will
appear in it. Making it impossible for you to leave.

3 Grim Reaper persons will fly down from the ceiling. They aren't hard to
kill, at least not when there's one left. When there's all 2 of them, they
get tough because when yuo try to attack one, one will attack your back. Just
use your shotgun or pistols while moving around the room constantly. This is
a sure-fire way to beat them. You can also use your sword if you feel you
have to. Now, when they're all dead, the hand in the door will shatter into
glass. Exit through the door. At your feet, there are a lot of cock roaches.
If you want, you can blow them up, they turn into a gross brown ooze. Eww.
After that, examine the picture of the judge on the wall. It will ask you if
you want to put the Staff of Judgement in it. Say yes.

Mission: Complete


ii. Mission 3: Destroyer of Ardor
Objective: Overcome the trial and acquire the Pride of Lion.

Well, doesn't SOUND too difficult, does it? Well, guess what, it ISN'T. When
you start, run towards the Pride of Lion. It's sitting on a red pedistle, and
glowing with a golden light. Examine it. It will tell you that you must face
a trail before you become worthy enough to take the Pride of Lion. It will
shoot a beam at the door across from it. Shattering the hand that's in it.
Go through that door. You'll be outside now. Run across the bridge. The
camera will zoom out, and out. Stand on the multi-coloured portal and
examine the sign. It'll give you a clue about how to complete the trial.
Start heading back across the bridge.

When you get to the middle, a beam of light will shoot down from somewhere,
causing the bridge to crumble into pieces. When you get to play again, head
down the underwater passage. You lose health every second that you're down
here, so you must do it fast. Stand on the portal at the end of the tunnel.
A bunch of skulls will appear around you. With the shot gun, blast each of
them, a few well placed shots will take them out. You also have the choice to
use your sword. When they're all dead, enter the portal. You'll appear back
on the broken bridge. Go through the doors. Run up the path and grab the
Pride of Lion.

Mission: Complete


iii. Mission 4: Black Night
Objective: Display one's strength to the Lion and open the Path.

You start back in front of the judge's picture, the one you stuck the staff
into, well, go back down the hallway and go through the doors into the
fountain room. Walk behind the fountain to see the forcefield. Go near it.
It will say you need to show it a sign. Then an option appears to show it the
Pride of Lion. Do that, and the force field will disappear. Examine the Lion
statue. it says you have to give it a magical blow or something. Slash at it
3 times with your sword, or once if you're Devil Dante. An evil spirit will
creep out of the statue and turn into a Saber toothed Tiger or something.
It's sort of difficult to kill. Use your guns. Fire at it from a distance,
which is harder than it sounds because the thing jumps all around the place.

Sometimes, it turns into a spear and lunges at you, other times it turns into
a gas and crawls along the floor. Sometimes, it tuens into a giant set of
teeth. Just keep shooting at it until it's dead. When that happens, a door
above the lion statue will open. Run up the broken set of stairs. Wehn you
get to the top, jump to the platform with the door. Go through. Kill the two
enemies and go up the stairs. When you reach a door, kill the two enemies and
go through. There are a lot of hints in here. To your left, beside the
mirror, is a statue. Examine it to find out there is a slot to put something.
I guess that means you have to find something. Exit the room and climb up the
stairs to the very top. Read the scroll. It sys the soul is at the very
highest point.

Well, you're at the very highest point, but you can't see a thing! Jump over
the blacony. You should land at the very bottom, in a small pool of water.
Right in front of you is a wierd looking circle thing on the wall. Slash at
it. The lights around it will begin to fill up. Keep doing this until a red
portal appears in the middle of the room. A pillar will carry you to the very
top of the tower. In front of you is a sword. Jump across the gap and pick it
up. You can't use it though. Now, jump to the side, over the balcony. Run
down the stairs until you reach the double doors. Go inside amd turn left.
Examine the statue again. When it asks you, say Yes to insert the sword. It
will trigger a cut scene. The Black Night will come out of the mirror and
exit through the door. Follow him. Outside, jump over the balcony into a
coutyard. The Night is standing on the top of the building.

---Coming Ocober 16---

10. Credits/Thanks

Credit/Thanks for this Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X FAQ/Walkthrough go to:

- CJayC: Webmaster at He's posted all of my FAQs.

- Capcom: For developing another good RE game.

- Adrenaline: For recommending me the DMC demo, i didn't know it came with
a great game too

- Nemesis: For the disclaimer at the bottom

- You, the reader, for putting up with my poor spelling

- Myself: For writing this

11. Copyright Info

Copyright 2002 Ryan Kavanagh (Bonds Legacy). This FAQ and everything
included within this file cannot be reproduced in any way, shape or form
(physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside from being placed on a freely
accessible, non-commercial web page in it's original, unedited and unaltered
format. This FAQ cannot be used for profitable purposes (even if no money
would be made from selling it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in
any sort of commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of
bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is
therefore prohibited.

Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers, editors, employees
or associates, etc. of any company, group, business, or association, etc.
nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines
guides, books, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media
(including mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form
(including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express written
permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me,
Ryan Kavanagh. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected
that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

This FAQ was written for GameFAQs ( only. I don't want it
to be put up on any other web site and am not above explaining this to your
ad banner guys or whoever else I can get a hold of if you decide to violate
this disclaimer.

To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by the
Berne Copyright Convention of 1976, not to mention International Copyright
Law. Remember that plagiarism is a crime, and that this is a copyrighted
work--stealing from this guide is putting yourself at risk, plain and simple,
because the law is on my side. If you would like to contribute to this FAQ
(you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions, comments,
or corrections, to the address above.

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( P l a y S t a t i o n 2 )


~ End of File, Copyright 2002 (c) Ryan Kavanagh ~
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