Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

15.10.2013 18:52:43
Spoilder Free Walkthrough


Short intro. This is a guide for spoiler-free purposes. My other guide has
spoilers and WAY TOO many of them! I got an e-mail recently complaining
about this. So I will answer his e-mail!

My favorite quote of all time… c’mon! This is a bit of a stratch AND he
spelled it wrong!

“I KNOW Soul Caliber is crappy!” - Lord Atomic


September 17, 2001
UPDATE: Began and finished the FINAL version of this guide. Perhaps it won’t
be the final version, but I probably won’t update this guide much. Thanks!


After the cut-scene is over, equip the Lighter. You’ll see a scene. If you
play the game right, you’ll be back in this room later. Grab the Combat
Knife. Exit through the door.

Pass the room and climb the stairs. When you’re at the top, equip the Combat
Knife. Walk passed the burning truck until a cut-scene happens. After it,
DODGE the zombies for the door passed them. Just try to get through the
exit. You’ll be back here. Exit through the door passed the open gate.

Upon entry, walk and then you’ll see a cut-scene. Claire now has a Pistol.
After he leaves, grab the ammo over by the burning truck (near corpse of
door you just came from). Head through the door in front of Claire.

Upon entry to the area around the Barracks, turn right to see a chain link
fence. You’ll unlock it shortly. Go around the Barracks until you are on the
other side of that gate. Go through the last door.

There are M100P’s within that area, but zombies, too! Be careful!

You are now in the Guillotine area. Slash and shoot all the zombies. You
can’t get to the ones behind the cage yet. Turn the corner and enter.

You are now in the Security Area. You’ll see a metal detector. Insert your
Handgun, bullets, Lighter, everything except Herbs. Proceed through the
hall, passed the windows. You’ll see another metal detector. Skip the door
for now and activate the Duplicator machine to the left of the metal
detector. After turning it on, go through the door to the right of the metal

Inside, cut-scene. Go examine that yellow clip. You’ll find a Hawk Emblem.
Before leaving, examine the pad next to the blocked door. After moving the
lever, you can forget about this door. You can open it later. Exit and head
back to the duplicator.

Put the Hawk Emblem inside the glass part and watch it scan. Now go back to
the first metal detector. Pick up the Handgun with bullets. Pick up a First
Aid Spray, too. Go back to the Guillotine Cage.

Go passed the roll-up gate. Press the button and the red gate will rise.
Blast the 2 zombies and the ones that escape the guillotine. In the garage,
get the Extinguisher. Now go inside guillotine and get the Padlock key from
the slick. Now go back to the Barracks with the Pistol equipped.

As you circle the area again, zombie dogs will come out and attack Claire.
DODGE THEM. Go to the chain gate and unlock. Now you can get back to the
guillotine without going all the way around! Now exit to the door leading
back to where Claire encountered Steve. There, go back to the graveyard.

In the graveyard, use the Extinguisher on the fire and get the Briefcase.
Check the top with the “check” option and you’ll find TG-01. Now you have to
go back to the duplicator passed the metal detectors. Go there now, using
the shortcut in the barracks.

Deposit your weapons and ammo and since TG-01 is alloy, can be taken passed
the detector. Once back at the duplicator, place it in the machine right of
where the Hawk Emblem is. The TG-01 slab will now be a Hawk Emblem copy that
can be taken passed the metal detectors. Get the Hawk Emblem Alloy. You’ll
hear shattering glass and zombies, so run passed them. At the first metal
detector, take only the Pistol, Hawk Emblem Alloy, Bullets, Combat Knife and
a First Aid Spray. Now go back to where you first met Steve.

There, blast or avoid the zombies and look for the giant gate. Place the
Hawk Emblem Alloy and then go through. You are now out of the Prison- for


Claire is now out of that damn Prison, but remember the area well because
you will be back much later in the game. Send Claire across the Bridge.
You’ll see white crates. Grab the 2 green herbs. Push the far out one toward
the fire. Then push it right over the fire. Now climb over it. Climb the
stairs. You are now in the Passage.

Blast all the zombies in sight. Now run passed the first door toward the
gate. Remember where that door is- it leads to the Military Training
Facility. Climb the stairs and you are now in the Palace’s yard.

In the yard, use the Handgun on the zombie dogs. You’ll see a green glowing
key, but you don’t need to get it until the end of PART 1. Enter the main
doors into the mansion. Inside, go to the computer and type in the code:
NTC0394 and the northwest door will open. The west door does NOT need to be
explored. Enter the door you just unlocked.

Blast all the zombies, pick up the Pistol bullets and head through the only
open door. Go to the right of the table and press the button to watch a
movie. Watch the movie closely, as it will be a clue to a puzzle at the end
of PART 1. A panel will then open. Inside, grab the Steering Wheel. Now go
back to the entrance of the Palace.

When you try to exit, you’ll hear a loud scream. Go back to the room where
you saw that movie and now go to where the projector screen used to be.
Examine the computer and enter options C and E and then DECIDE. Steve will
come out with 2 Gold Lugers. Claire needs those and you’ll find out why.
After Steve leaves without giving them to Claire, go back to the main hall.

A cut-scene will happen. Exit the mansion.

In the Palace yard, turn right from the entrance and down another gate.
You’ll see a dock. Use the Steering Wheel on the dock and then turn it. The
dock will move and a Submarine Elevator will rise. Go inside.

Inside the Submarine, equip the Side Pack on the bench. The Side Pack gives
2 extra item slots. Now press the glowing button and the Submarine will
descend. When it stops, climb the ladder and you are now in the Airport
Steve was talking about when you first met him. Go down the tunnel until you
reach a door. Go through.

You are now in the Fork Room. Go to the gate at the right fork. You are now
in the Bridge. Cross the Bridge with the Lighter equipped to fend off the
bats. Go through the other gate.

You are in the Cargo Room now. You’ll see a lift in the corner. Ride it up
to the crane controls. Operate them. Push the control pad up until it stops.
Then push it left all the way until it stops. Passed the crane controls,
you’ll see a door leading to the Bridge control. It is missing a lever.
Don’t worry about this puzzle for now- it is for the end of PART 1. Go ride
the lift back down.

Now go to where the crate was. Operate the cargo elevator. When it rises,
kill all the zombies. Grab the Biohazard Card. Now cross the bridge again
and head back to the Submarine. Press the button again and the Sub will rise
back to the dock.

Exit the Sub and use the Steering Wheel to push it back toward the pier. Now
climb the stairs back to the Palace yard. Pass the Palace entrance and
through the gate leading to the Passage. In the Passage, head into the door
leading to the Military Training Facility, near the stairs leading down to
the Prison.


*Note: The reason why I call this Military Training Facility “A” is because
when you control Chris, he explores the MTF as well. But what he explores is
quite different from what Claire explores. So try not to get mixed up with
Chris and Claire’s MTF missions.

As you enter, a HUGE worm will attack Claire. Dodge the thing and enter
through the building. When you enter, go to the shutter on the far back and
use the Biohazard Card to open it. When you pass through, it will lower
again. Pass through the door into the courtyard.

When you enter the courtyard, Alfred will try to shoot you with his Sniper
Rifle. Evade by running up the stairs. Go passed the locked brown door and
the blue box on the balcony handle. Enter through door Alfred went through.
Remember where that blue box is! You will be in a hall. Go down and then to
the gray door. It is a save room. Make sure you have 3 spaces at least.

Now go through the brown door. Alfred will lower a shutter and lock you in.
Go through the brown door. Turn left and collect the pair of Machine guns.
Now attempt to go down the stairs and a Bandersnatch will appear. Use the
Pistol at a far distance.

A door at the bottom of the stairs will open. Go through it and another
Bandersnatch will attack Claire. After the cut-scene Claire trades the 2
machine guns for the 2 lugers. Now Claire can access that door in the Palace
Save Room.

The floor starts to lower. Then you will control Steve. Steve is now in
Steve Room 1. Blast all the zombies and then head to the door on the left.

Head through the door next to the gate. You are now in Steve Room 3. Blast
all the zombies. Now climb the stairs and then exit into the Sewer Balcony.
Cut-scene and then you are in control of Claire again. Claire and Steve ride
an elevator up. When you control Claire, follow Steve through a door.

You are now on 2F of the Steve’s Dad room, and you’ll soon see why it is
called the “Steve’s Dad” room. Go to Steve and you will fall down into 1F of
Steve’s Dad room. Sad, sad cut-scene…

When the scene is over, head to the door left of Steve. Blast all the
zombies and then head to the door at the end.

You are in the Model Room. Grab the Eagle Plate and then head back to
Steve’s Dad Room 1F. Head through the double doors to the Tank Room. Exit
the Tank Room through the single door. You are back in the yard where you
fought the worm. Head into the door you went through before.

Inside the Main Hall, head to the far shutter and raise it. Go through the
door to where Alfred attacked you. Dodge and dogs and go to the blue box on
the balcony. Insert the Eagle Plate and the box will reveal an Emblem Card.
Put the Lugers inside the Item Box.

Travel to the save room and collect the Hemostat from the Save Room and
deposit it into the item box. Now go back to the yard where Alfred attacked

Go down the stairs and then through the gate passed the fire. You’ll see a
ladder. Go down. Go passed the lever to the gate. Remember that lever when
you play as Chris. Use the Emblem Card on the gate. Climb down the step and
you are now back in Steve Room 3. Now go back through Steve Room 3 to the
Sewer Balcony.

In the Sewer Balcony, head through the elevator and ride it to 2F. On 2F, go
to the gate and use the Emblem Card on the blue gate. When it rises, discard
the Emblem Card. Run passed the brown door to the main screen. Examine the
computer and then take the Army Proof. You need that Proof for the end of
PART 1. Examine the camera computer and you will see an infra red scope of a
room. Zoom in on the Skeleton Picture and remember the code “1126”.

Now exit the room through the brown door. You are now back on the balcony
where you got the Emblem Card. Go down and back into the Main Hall. Now go
to the first shutter and use the Biohazard Card. Discard the Biohazard Card
and then climb the stairs. Pass the door with no doorknob. Chris will open
that door. Go through the open door. Inside, look for the other door and
enter the “1126” code.

Enter and collect the Skeleton Painting. An Albinoid will then escape. Dodge
them and run for the Main Hall before you get trapped. Go back to where
Steve shot his dad. Head into the room where you got the Eagle Plate. Put
the Painting in the spot where the Eagle Plate used to be and a wall will
slide up. A model of the MTF will appear. There’s a Gold Key on it. Grab it.
Now leave the MTF and head back to the Palace.


Once back in the Palace, go through the door you unlocked with the computer.
Inside, pass the door where Steve got the Lugers. Unlock those double doors
with the Gold Key and discard it.

Inside, press these paintings in order. Press the women painting first. Then
press the painting with the man and 2 babies. Then press the red-haired man
holding a teacup. Then press the other red-haired man painting with a plate
in the back round. Then press the painting with a guy holding paper. Then
press the painting with the man wearing blue. Then press the giant painting.
It will spin and a vase will be revealed. Grab it and check the inside. A
Queen Ant Object is inside.

Now go to the Save Room on the second floor, right of the area where Alfred
first met you. Deposit the Bow Gun and Army Proof. Grab the Lugers and use
them on the door in the back. The door will now open. Go through and find
the computer on the desk.

Enter the code “1971” and then a shelf will slide, revealing a passage. A
Bandersnatch will appear. Dodge it. Go through the door in the tunnel.

Follow the tunnel until you reach the stairs. You are now in the Private
Residence. In the yard, dodge the Bandersnatch and then enter the building
with the Lighter equipped.

Inside, climb the staircase until you reach a door. Go through. Cut-scene.
After “they” leave, go inside the nearest door. Examine the Music Box and
close it. The bed will drop and reveal a Silver Key. You can’t climb the
ladder on Alexia’s bed right now. Go back to the Palace.

Once back, use the Silver Key on the door across the save room. Inside, are
a casino and a piano. Collect the Herbs if you want to heal. Deposit them in
the item box. Now go back through the door you unlocked with the computer.

There, go to the nearest double doors and unlock them with the Silver Key.
Discard the Silver Key and enter. Dodge the Banders. Now go to the floor
between the two desks and collect another Eagle Plate.

Go back to the Save Room and grab the Hemostat medicine. Now gear up with
the Hemostat and Eagle Plate because you are going back to the Prison! Head
back to the Passage and down to the Bridge. Head through the giant gate.


When you are back in the room where you met Steve for the first time, head
to where Rodrigo is. Claire will feed him the hemostat and trade her Lighter
for the Lockpick. After the scene, go back to the Guillotine. Inside, passed
the slick, use the Eagle Plate on the door. When it slides, blast the

Go through the door. Blast the zombies and head through the left door. You
are in the Doctor Room. Pass through the room to another door. Pass through
that door. Knife all the zombies. Find the Duralumin Case and use the
lockpick to open it.

It will reveal Handgun parts, useful against all bosses. Combine it with the
Handgun to create a 3 burst Handgun. Go back into the Doctor Room. You’ll
see a Doctor zombie and a normal zombie.

Aim for the Doctor with the Custom Gun. Try to ignore the other zombie. The
Doctor Zombie dropped a Glass Eyeball. Pick it up. Now go to the back area
of the room and place the eyeball in the cadaver. A secret stairway will
form. Go down.

Cross the Bat Hall and go through the door to the Torture Room. Dodge the
zombies and go down the stairs into the door. You are in the Armor Room.
Grab the Rusted Sword. The middle statue will rise and gas will begin to
spread. Push the bar on the statue counter clock-wise and the gas will stop.

The statue you got the Rusted Sword from will spin into an armor. Insert the
Rusted Sword in and a zombie comes out. Dodge it and collect the Piano Roll.
You have now explored EVERY room in the Prison! Go back to the Palace.


Go back to the Casino Room in the Palace. As you enter the yard, a new scene
will occur. Wait till it ends.

Insert the Piano Roll into the Piano and one of the slot machines will open.
Grab the King Ant Object. Now go back to the rooms of the Private Residence
where you saw Alexia talking to Alfred. Watch out for zombies and

Go to the room where you got the Silver Key. Insert the Queen Ant Object
into the Music Box and it will open. Grab the Music Box Plate. Go back out
the hall and head into Alfred’s Room. Put the King Ant Object into the music
box in this room. When it opens, put the Music Box Plate in. Alfred’s bed
will lower, revealing a ladder. Climb it.

You’ll be on carousal. Step off toward the ant painting. Circle the carousal
until you see a glittering object- a Silver Dragonfly, on a chair. Check it
and remove the wings. Go back to the ant painting and insert the Dragonfly
Key. The carousal will spin and a ladder will be revealed. Climb the ladder.

There, push the crate right toward the bookshelf. Climb it and then grab the
file and Airforce Proof like the one you got in the MTF Control Room. Now
descend down the ladder to that carousal and down the ladder into Alexia’s

As you leave Alexia’s Room, you’ll see a cut-scene. As Claire gives chase
into Alfred’s Room via a secret door, you find out Alfred has been… After
the cut-scene, head back to the yard of the Palace.

When you get there, grab the Navy Proof. The self-destruct system will then
activate. After a cut-scene, go to the dock leading to the Airport.


At the dock, Steve will lead you to the Sub and the Airport. Follow him to
the Fork Room. This time, go to the left fork. You’ll be at a seaplane
terminal. On the loading lift, insert the Navy, Army and Airforce Proofs and
go into the plane. Steve is in control. Climb the stairs in the plane and a
scene with Steve occurs. Claire needs to raise the bridge to fly off the
island. Grab the lever and head back to the Fork Room.

Go to the Right Fork again. Cross the bridge into the Cargo Room. Ride the
lift; pass the crane controls and head through the door. Insert the lever
and raise the bridge to level 2. Cross the bridge to the Oil Room. You’ll
find out why it’s called “Oil Room” when playing as Chris.

Go to the pile of dead zombies and get the Airport Key. After that, Use the
lockpick next to the Oil Machine to get an important First Aid Spray. Go
back to the Cargo Room and use it on the gate next to the lift. Go through
to the Airport Save Room. Collect as much healing items as you can and as
much Pistol Ammo as you can. A preferred number is at least 50. If you don’t
have that, cheat and use the G. Launcher if you got it.

Crates jam the elevator. Push the right crate into the elevator. Now push
the left most crate all the way right and then push it in.

Now board the elevator. It will rise, while there is another cut-scene.
Also, there’s 5 minutes until detonation. When the elevator stops, head out.
Claire is now in the MTF yard where she fought the worm. Head toward the

On your way, Tyrant appears. Trapped, shoot it with the Custom Handgun LIKE
CRAZY. Get far from it with the auto-turn. When it gets up again, fire more
shots and then fall, face down. It will get fairly close to you, but it
should fall. Reload manually when you are down to 5- bullets.

Run passed it and head passed the Palace for the dock. Call the Sub with the
Steering Wheel and then head down. Get to the Fork Room and take the left
into the plane.

The seaplane flies off the exploding island. Pay close attention to Alfred
in the next few cut-scenes… they’ll be important for Chris’ game.

Back on Claire’s plane, the Tyrant gets into the back area of the plane.
Tyrant has returned. In the item box, pack ALL your bullets and FAS. Herbs,
everything. Even the Knife.

***BOSS 1***
Difficulty: HARD
Hmmm… this isn’t VERY hard. From the door, fire the catapult. Then shoot
your Handgun and it will charge hopefully before Tyrant gets to you. Don’t
worry about wasting ammo.

Keep shooting. If it gets close, run passed it. If it hits you, heal with a
Green Herb. Now the method is to dodge. Shoot and dodge. Then heal and aim
for the catapult and launch it again.

Tyrant will probably survive. Repeat the above tactic, no matter how many
healing items it takes. Tyrant will eventually be able to be taken out with
the catapult.
***BOSS 1***

Once back in the cockpit, cut-scenes occur and you are now in Antarctica.

Use the free save! It is important when playing A Rank games.


After Steve leaves, head to the right of the busted seaplane. Climb down the
ladder and go further right. You’ll see a door. Enter. There, grab all the
items lying around. Bullets, Explosive Powder and First Aid Spray are in
this room, inside the lockers. Dodge/slash the now live zombies and exit.
Proceed down the stairs.

You are in the Moth Room. Go to the door ahead. It is a Save Room. Look at
the bookshelf behind the desk. Push it forward and then turn right in the
new passage. You’ll see lockers. Run toward them and acut-scene will occur.
Examine the locker and you will find a button that doesn’t work yet. You
need power for it to work.

Go back to the Moth Room. Arm the Pistol. Turn the corner and you’ll see a
moth. Blast the moth before it poisons and sends a parasite to Claire’s
back. Whenever you enter this room as Claire, blast the moths with the
Pistol. Enter through the door into the Production Room. Dodge the easily
dodges zombies.

Turn left and go passed 2 doors and then turn right toward the Gun Room.
Blast the zombies and then collect the Mining Room Key. Go back to the
Production Room. Go to the first door you passed and use the Mining Room
Key. Go through.

You are in the Mining Room (duh!). turn right and climb 2 sets of stairs
until you reach an Octa Valve Handle hole. MAKE SURE YOU EXAMINE IT!!! Now
go back down the stairs and turn right toward a door. It’s called the Power

Inside the dark Power Room, use the Knife on the dogs. Now find the
generator runner. Push it. To get to it, turn left from the entrance and
then make a right. Keep going and turn left and then right again to reach
it. Now go back to the entrance of the Power Room and find the power switch.
Turn it and the base now has electricity. Go back to the Production Room.

In the Production Room, go to the only door you haven’t gone through- the
BOW Room. Inside, QUICKLY shoot the spiders. They are very dangerous.

Then look on the silver crates and collect the Bar Code Sticker. Near the
door, you’ll notice a Gas Mask you can’t get yet. Grab the 2 Handgun Boxes.
Go back to the Production Room.

Back there, go to the conveyer belt area near the Mining Room entrance.
Power up the conveyer belt and a crate will enter the Gun Room. Forget that;
you aren’t getting the Magnum in this guide.

Attach the Bar Code Sticker to the crate on the belt and press the button.
The crate will go to the BOW Room. Head back to the BOW Room now.

Grab the Gas Mask and then exit. Now go back to the save room. Go back to
that locker where the mouse came from and press the button. The locker will
slide, revealing a chamber. Inside, underneath the grating, is a cut-scene.

In that same area, look for a pot. Grab it and check the bottom for a key.
It’s the Machine Room key. Now go back to the Moth Room and climb the
stairs. Go passed the door (never go there!) until you see double doors. Go
through and you are in the Upper Production Room.

Go to the door left of Claire and use the Machine Room Key. You are in the
Upper Mining Room. Go through the other door in this room. You are now in
the Upper Power Room. Collect the Valve Handle and then exit back into the
Upper Mining Room. Steve is there and after the cut-scene, you’ll be back in
the Upper Production Room.

Go to the other door in the Upper Production Room. It is the Valve Handle
Room. Using the machine in the back, change the Valve Handle to an Octagon
Valve Handle. Now go back to the save room. Gear up on Pistol Ammo. Grab the
Knife, too. Bring LOTS of gun ammo. LOTS.

Now go back to the Lower Production Room. Enter the Lower Mining Room and
equip the Gas Mask. Go to the Valve , escape in the vehicle and you will be
on a helipad battling Nosferatu.

***BOSS 2***
Difficulty: Medium
Get FAR, FAR away from Nosferatu. We must avoid his poison. Shoot your
Handgun clean from the distance. Run around him to avoid poison. Nosferatu
is vulnerable at a distance. Keep shooting.

Don’t forget to grab the Handgun Bullets and FAS on the edges of the
helipad. Keep shooting and you will probably run clean on ammo. Nosferatu
will be very weak by then.

Run up to his chest with the Knife and SLASH. Slash upward. By chance, a
clean hit will happen and you’ll see a scene with him. Keep slashing if it
doesn’t and Nosferatu should die soon.
If you die, you are basically screwed in getting an A, but you can restart
from the area after Tyrant.
***BOSS 2***

A few cut-scenes later, Chris is now in control.


*The reason why this is called MTF B is because the place has changed from
when Claire was here due to the self-destruct sequence.

After the cut-scenes, Chris will be in a cave. Walk up and talk to Rodrigo.
Cut-scene. If you fed him the Hemostat as Claire, the Gulp Worm that Claire
fought in the yard will swallow Rodrigo whole! If not, Rodrigo will just

After the scene, go to the nearby item box and grab any Handgun ammo Claire
may have left behind.

***BOSS 3***
Difficulty: Medium
We need to kill him. The Knife is basically useless, but 20 or so Handgun
Bullets from the Glock can cut it.

When it rises, shoot as many clean shots as you can. Repeat this pattern.
The Gulp Worm doesn’t have a strong body, so bullets are effective. Rodrigo
will eventually be swallowed up if you fed him Hemostat. Grab his lighter.
You need it for 45 crucial bullets.
***BOSS 3***

After the cut-scenes, activate the elevator at the end of the hall where you
killed the worm. Ride the elevator up and Chris will end up in the room
where Steve killed his dad. A barrel blocks the single door leading to the
Elevator Hall, so take the double doors to the Tank Room. Slash the zombies
at the legs, as usual.

In the Tank Room, crates block the door leading to the Main Yard. Remember
the cut-scenes as the island exploded? Well, look on the tank for that
button and press it. The Tank will move, revealing a lift. Go down into the
Harrier Jet Hallway.

In the Harrier Jet Hallway, look for the double doors. It needs a Halberd to
open. So, you need to find an Eagle Plate. Didn’t Claire use one in the
balcony? That’s where we are headed. Inside the other room in this hall, a
save room, unload anything uneeded (probably not). Go back outside and pick
up the Battery. Spiders will then attack, so hurry and get back to the room
where Steve killed his dad.

Back there, look for the yellow lift over by the elevator leading to where
Rodrigo died. Insert the Battery. Then ride the lift up and you will now be
on 2F Steve’s Dad Room. Look at the desk to the left of the lift and collect
the file and Chemical Storage Key. Head through the door to the Control

Upon entry, you’ll see a cut-scene. In the Control Room, head through the
brown door to the Balcony.

Go to the elevator and ride it to the Sewer Balcony. On the Sewer Balcony,
don’t bother going to Steve Room 3 because there’s gas in the room. Instead,
there’s a set of stairs that weren’t there before. Walk down them and you’ll
see a Shotgun. DON’T GRAB IT PERIOD! Go to the door near the Shotgun. It is
the Tyrant Storage Room. It’s called that because this is the room Tyrant
was stored in. Proceed through this room into the Turn Table Room.

In the Turn Table Room, proceed to the door on the left. Proceed through
slide-up doors until you reach a room called the Chemical Room. Find the
storage fridge and use the Chemical Storage Key to open it. When it says to
set the temperature, set it at “12.8”. You’ll then get an item called
Clement E. Grab it and the head back to the Turn Table Room. You’ll find a
Doorknob on the ground. Grab it and Hunters will appear. Blast them. Beware
that there are seeker machines. If they sense Chris, Hunters will come and
attack him.

Dodge the Hunter because the Glock isn’t strong against them. Be sure to
dodge them!

Go back to the room where Claire got the Skeleton Painting, via the brown
door in the control room. In that room, avoid the seeker and head out
through the other door in that room. Grab the Side Pack on the tables.

In the hall, attach the doorknob into the other door in that hall. Enter and
you are on the other side of the broken catwalk in the room where Steve shot
his dad (remember when Claire and Steve fell through before Steve had to
kill his dad?). Turn to Chris’ left to see a desk. Grab the Mini Tank. Now
go back to the elevator and ride it to 1F.

Once there, head to the room with the MTF model. Place the Mini Tank in the
model and a painting will slide to reveal a Turn Table Key and a note. There
are also 3 holes and a lever behind lasers. The 3 holes are also in the
shape of those proofs that Claire used to board the plane. Go back to the
Tyrant Room.

There, cut-scene. After the cut-scene, dodge the Bander. Now go to the Turn
Table Room. Use the Turn Table Key and the Turn Table will rise. When it
stops, head out of the hole in the wall. You are now in the Main Hall of the
MTF. Head into the yard.


In the yard, blast the Hunters. The path to the Palace is blocked by rubble,
so enter the giant elevator leading to the Airport Save Room. Once there,
make sure you have 3 spaces open. Enter the Cargo Room dodge the Hunter.
Then ride the lift up to the room with the crane controls. Go to the door
passed the crane controls. You are now in the Upper Bridge.

The lever machine isn’t working, so cross the bridge into the room where
Claire got the Airport Key- the Oil Room. To the left of the door, is an oil
machine. You’ll see cylinders with oil in them. Press the button with the 3
twice. Then press the 5 button once. Then press the 10 button once. Then
press the 3 button twice and then press the 5 button once. The puzzle will
finish. Zombies will also rise, but you don’t have to kill them.

Get back to the bridge lever and push it to lower the bridge. Now go back to
the Cargo Room. Now go to the bridge. Cross it and kill the Hunter. Now go
to the Fork Room. Shoot the zombies and then head to the left fork. Go to
the boarding lift, kill the Hunter (possible with Knife and a Green Herb)
and grab the Army, Navy and Airforce Proofs.

Don’t bother going to the submarine because it isn’t there. Go back to the
Main Hall of the MTF, avoiding Hunters and Sweepers (poison Hunters) that
get in your way. In the Main Hall, go into the brown door you never have
gone through yet.

Inside, blast the zombies. Then head through the open door. You’ll see a
hole in the wall. Go through and head through the final door. You are now in
the lower balcony on the other side of big hole. Kill the zombie and head
down the ladder.

You are now in Steve Room 3. To the right of Chris is a lever. Pull it and
the gas in the room will dissolve. Now go to Steve Room 1. There, blast the
Hunter and head into Steve Room 2. In the back area of that room, look for
the green liquid and grab it. It is Clement A. Combine it with Clement E and
you have Clement Mixture. Update your Glock on the table, too, because it is
a little stronger. Go back to the room with the MTF model.

There, place the Army, Navy and Airforce Proofs in the 3 slots. The MTF
model moves and a ladder is revealed. Go down. Go down the tunnels, blasting
the Spiders with the Grenade Launcher. Collect the Grenade Rounds and go
down the other ladder.

Down there, is another boss, called Albinoid Adult. It seems the Albinoid
that escaped that room reached this area and has grown.

***BOSS 4***
============ ALBINOID ADULT
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: jump in the water and grab the Eagle Plate. Do it. Don’t kill
this guy. It wastes ammo. Heal when shocked by the monster. Or spell your
F-U-N-E-R-A-L. Grab the Eagle Plate, and get out. Grab all the Handgun Ammo
and Herbs.
***BOSS 4***

Combine the Eagle Plate with the Clement Mixture and you have the Halberd
you need. Go back to the Sewer Balcony.

There, go down the stairs and take the Shotgun this time. The stairs will
rise into the position it was in when Claire was here. Go into the water the
stairs were blocking and then get onto another platform. Climb the ladder
and you are now back inside the Harrier Jet Hallway.
Go back into the Save Room.

Deposit the Shotgun (you won’t use it) and inspect the chest with 4 drawers.
Open the top one, the third one and then the second one. Open the bottom one
and you will get a Luger Replica. Deposit the Luger Replica, as it has no
importance in the main game.

Now go to the Harrier Jet Hallway. Use the Halberd on the double doors and
they will open. Chris gets on the last harrier jet and flies to Antarctica.


When the FMV is over, go through the double doors. You are now in the Main
Terminal. Blast the Tentacles. Then go passed the seaplane wreckage and down
the ladder. Head towards the save room.

There, look at the display cabinet. To the right is a Halberd engraving. Put
the Halberd in there and the bottom cabinet will open. Grab the Paperweight
and the file. Forget about the Ink Ribbon. Now go to the Upper Production

There, you will notice the place is filled with ice from when Steve and
Claire tried to escape. NORMAL players should go to the room where Claire
modified the Valve Handle. There, kill the zombies and grab the Duralumin
case. Go to the Upper Mining Room. Since the Lower Mining Room is filled
with ice, walk on the ice to where Claire left the Octagon Valve Handle.
Grab it and zombies will attack. Dodge all of them.

Now go back to the Upper Production Room. Go to there the catwalk is broken
(near the door leading to where Claire modified the Valve Handle). Step into
the ice and then climb to the other side of the broken catwalk. Go to the
door nearby.

You are in the Scanner Hall because there are scanners that belong to...
You’ll automatically be scanned, so kill the Hunter… the Knife puts it down.
Ignore the double doors for now and head down the hallway to an elevator.
Take the elevator down.

When you are out of it, you are in the Carousal Room. Go through the door in
front of Chris. You are in the Ice Hall. Go to the door closest to Chris. It
is the Power Save Room. Bring the Combat Knife. Collect all the Pistol Ammo.
Bring the Empty Extinguisher.

Now inspect the machinery. You’ll see a hole you need to use the Octagon
Valve Handle in. Use it and then get turn the switch. Now there is power to
the lower areas of the base. Go back to the Ice Hall.

With caution, proceed down the Ice Hall. Blast the zombies you see and head
through the door at the end. You are in the Tiger Statue Room. Does it
remind you of anything? Anyway, go down the red hall, passed the door until
you reach a Tiger Statue (does THAT remind you of anything?). Inspect it and
pull the Blue Jewel out. The tiger will spin, revealing a Square Valve
Handle Socket! Combine that with the Valve Handle so the Handle is square
again. Now put the Blue Jewel back in. The statue will return to normal
position. Don’t grab the Red Jewel.

Now go back to that door you just passed and enter through. That door is
really another elevator. When it stops, you’ll lots of ants. Just step on
them. After a cut-scene involving that HUGE anthill, grab the nearby Wing
Object. Then turn left and then turn right until you see blood on a wall.
Enter the double doors into the storage room.

In the storage room, go up the flight of steps and inspect the computer
right of the capsule. Examine it and you will have to press the code in
order. Press the AA, then the CROWN, then the HEART and finally the SPADE. A
little compartment will open. Put the Paperweight in there. The capsule will
then open and Alfred Ashford’s dead body will fall out. Inspect his hand and
you will get Alfred’s Ring. Check it and it will turn into Alfred’s Jewel.

Now go back to the Scanner Hall. Go through the double doors. You are in the
Water Tank Room. Now ride the far lift up. Proceed until you see a Square
Valve Handle hole. Insert the Square Valve Handle and the water will vanish.
Go down the ladder to the tank and grab the Crane Key. After you grab it, a
Sweeper will jump in. Kill it by any means necessary.

Near the other lift is an Extinguishant barrel. Refill your Empty
Extinguisher. If you left it in the Prison, too bad. You can’t get 45
Handgun Bullets. Now ride the other lift down. Use the Extinguisher to put
out the fire. Pass the Magnum. You won’t get it. Run down and to the cabinet
and grab the detonator. Attach it to the cabinet and use the Lighter. Grab
the 45 Pistol Bullets.

Go back to the Upper Production Room. There, find the crane to the right of
the door leading to the Scanner Hall. Use the Crane Key and Nosferatu’s body
will rise from the ice and a green jewel drops near him. Cut-scene. After
it’s over, another boss will appear. Resident Evil: Director’s Cut players
will recognize this boss as the Black Tiger.

***BOSS 5***
Black Tiger
Difficulty: TOO easy
This boss is TOO easy! Like the ALBINOID ADULT, you can avoid this guy. Get
on the ice. Run to Nosferatu and collect the Alexander Pierce. ============
***BOSS 5***

Check the Pierce and it will turn to Alexander’s Jewel. Now go back to the
Carousal Room.

Once back in the Carousal Room, blast the Sweeper. You’ll also notice more
wing objects, so pick them up. Now enter through the double doors. You are
now in the Mansion Hall. Does it look familiar?


Anyway, go up the staircase and inspect the painting on the top. Attach
Alfred and Alexander’s Jewels into the painting and go back downstairs. No
go behind the staircase and you will find Claire. She is wrapped in some
gooey crap, so use the Combat Knife to free her.

She’ll regain her senses. After that, one of 2 things will happen. If she
was poisoned during her fight with Nosferatu, she’ll collapse. If she
wasn’t, you can continue on with the next section. If she was poisoned, you
have to find serum.

If she was poisoned, go back to the room where you got the Crane Key. Over
by the big barrel, there is a lift that goes down. Take it down and you will
be in the Gun Room, where you got the 45 Bullets. On the shelf is Serum.
Take it and get back to Claire.

After she is cured, Alexia will appear again. She taunts. After the
cut-scene, you will temporarily be in control of Claire again.


Your next objective is to find and save Steve. Claire starts out 2 First Aid
Spray. YOU MUST HAVE 2 FULL HEALING ITEMS. Also, heal if you were poisoned.
Deposit the Custom Handgun and pack the Knife. Head through.

You are now in the Tentacle Hall. Pass through the hall and kill Tentacles
that appear. Slash them at a distance. Pass the locked door and enter
through the other door at the end of the hall. You are now in the Jail Cell

Go up the small flight of stairs passed the steel door. Grab the file near
the cannon. Then, inspect the cannon and push it down to reveal a Crystal
Ball. A slab of concrete will then fall and pull back up.

When it rises, quickly grab the Crystal Ball before Claire gets crushed.
After you get it, go UNDER where the slab falls and quickly use the Crystal
Ball in the white area. Claire automatically backs up. The concrete falls
and crushes the Crystal Ball. The Security Card can now be taken. When the
slab rises, grab the Security Card and the trap will disappear.

Now go to the silver door you passed and enter. You’ll see a gate with a
Security Card reader. Swipe the Security Card. Now run passed the armors to
Steve. After the cut-scene, he’ll be a monster.

***BOSS 6***
Difficulty: Impossible
Even if Claire brought a tank (THERE IS NO TANK IN RE, SO DON’T ASK ME HOW
TO GET A TANK WEAPON), it’s impossible to even hurt Tyrant Steve so just run
away. If you get hit twice, heal and then keep running for the door.
***BOSS 6***

After you finish running, a cut-scene will occur. This is a sad scene. VERY


Cut-scene. Now we are fighting MONSTER ALEXIA!

***BOSS 7***
Difficulty: Hard
Arm the Glock and run far from Alexia. Shoot her her with as many bullets as
you can and don’t let her corner you. If you do, you’re dead.

Keep moving and shooting and utilize that 180* turn. Alexia will eventually
***BOSS 7***

After Alexia is down, go to where she dropped her necklace by the stairs.
Collect Alexia’s Choker and check it to become Alexia’s Jewel. Run back to
the save room to get Claire’s Custom Handgun. As you leave the room, Alexia
will rise. She isn’t done for yet.

Go up the stairs in the mansion hall and attach Alexia’s Jewel to the
painting. The painting will then slide to reveal a door. Go through that
door to the Y-Shaped Hall.

In the Y-Shaped Hall, pass the double doors and turn left. You’ll see a
door. Go through. This is the Desk Room. Search the desk without the
Typewriter on it and you’ll find the Sterile Room Key. Go back to the
Mansion Hall (where you fought Alexia).

Back here, go to the double doors and use the Sterile Room Key to unlock
them. Go through and you are in the room with the Tiger Statue. Go back to
the Power Save Room. There, switch off the power. Now go back to the Mansion
Hall via the Carousal Room.

Back in the Mansion Hall, go though the double doors to the Tiger Statue
Room. Go to the Tiger Statue and take both of the jewels from the eye. Now
go back to the Y-Shaped Hall.

There, go passed the Desk Room to another door. Enter. You are now in
Alfred’s Room. It is exactly like the one from the Private Residence. Look
at the Music Box and insert the Blue Jewel from the Tiger Statue in. The box
opens. Now go through the door with the woman on it to Alexia’s Room. In her
Music Box, shut it off and place the Red Jewel in. Then grab the Music Box
Plate. Go back to Alfred’s Room and put the Music Box Plate in his Music
Box. The bed will lower a ladder. Climb it to the Dinner Table Room.

There, look for a container and collect the Dragonfly Object. Combine the
Wing Objects with the Dragonfly Object. Now go back to the Y-Shaped Hall.
Remember the double doors by the entrance? Go through them now.

You are now in the Computer Room. Ride the lift down and you’ll see a Wing
Object in a glass casing. Examine the nearby computer to open the case. Grab
the final Wing Object and combine it with the Dragonfly Object to get a Gold
Dragonfly. Ride the lift up and go through the door up the stairs.

Chris is now in the Tentacle Hall. Go back to the Tentacle Hall and then go
through the door at the end to the Prison Cells. There, Claire will be
behind that locked steel door.. She will hand Chris a Security Manuel. Check
the inside of the book (where you can see the pages) and it will open. You
will now have the Security Card. Since Claire is trapped, Chris has to set
the self-destruct system to unlock the doors.


Now go to the end of the room, passed the brown double doors to a flight of
stairs. Go up and you will be in the Upper Anthill Room. Go to the door and
attach the Gold Dragonfly to open it. Go through.

You are now in the Security Room. Blast the zombies and go to the computer.
Swipe the Security Card and type in the code: Veronica (duh!). The
self-destruct systems will activate. Go back to the Upper Anthill Room.

There, Claire will rejoin Chris and then Alexia will come back. As she
morphs into a monster, the Linear Launcher is activated, but you have to
wait for it to charge.

***BOSS 8***
Alexia II & III
Difficulty: Medium
After the cut-scene, fire a shot at Alexia before she kills Claire. Claire
then runs off. Alexia then becomes a BIG blob. When you regain control of
Chris, fire 3 rockets until Alexia morphs into a Dragonfly monster. Other
players, unload the Custom Handgun until she turns into flying form.

During her blob form, heal when in Caution… this boss is surprisingly hard.

The Linear Launcher will then finish charging. Grab it. It is the only
Non-Handgun/Knife weapon used in the game. When you fire, a periscope will
appear (first person like RESIDENT EVIL SURVIVOR). Fire one shot at Alexia
and she will finally die. The periscope moves a little slow- be careful!
***BOSS 8***

After Alexia dies, you have officially defeated RESIDENT EVIL CODE: VERONICA
X on ANY MODE!!! Watch the new ending theme involving Chris and…


Well, that is my RE:CVX Spoiler-Free FAQ. I have some people to thank.


-Capcom for making RE.

-CJayC for posting this.

-Myself, for writing this.

I will NOT update this anymore. Everything is accurate. Good enough, eh?



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