WWF Smackdown!

WWF Smackdown!

13.10.2013 07:05:19
WWF Smackdown! FAQ
Sony Playstation
Version: 3.0
Created: June 21, 2000
Made by: TheGreatOne
E-mail: tctarheel48@aol.com
Last updated: Tuesday, September 12, 2000

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It was written and owned by me,
thegreatone (tctarheel48@aol.com). If you want to post my FAQ's on your site,
please ask me for permission first. This FAQ is for private and personal use.
It was written and owned by me, thegreatone (tctarheel48@aol.com). It can only
be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be
altered as long as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered
and in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes,
etc. Please do not use this FAQ on your website without asking my permission

For Webmasters-
I guarantee that I will give you that permission. However I have some terms
that you must fulfill:
- You give me the name of the website it will be posted on.
- You don't sell it away or give it as some kind of bonus
- You don't change anything inside my FAQ, that is including my name as author
and disclaimer.
- You must check a least once a month or updates at my contributor recognition
page at gamefaqs.com. The link is
That's all. I'm not asking much and it's not to hard, so please do that.

For Readers-
*School has started back so updates are going to come about once a week or

*Please E-Mail me your created wrestlers and I will be posting them as soon as
possible. Remember be as detailed as possible. I will be posting just 1
creation of each superstar.*

*E-Mail* If you have any questions, comments, or would like to contribute to
this FAQ please e-mail me (tctarheel48@aol.com). If you think there is any
inaccurate information please e-mail me. Please put WWF Smackdown in the
subject line. Thank You.

This Document is copyrighted 2000 Tarrant Carter (TheGreatOne)

This FAQ's latest version can be found only at

Table of Contents
1. Latest Updates
2. Introduction
3. Start Menu
4. How to Play
5. Move Lists
a.Al Snow
b.Big Boss Man
c.Big Show
e.Buh Buh Ray Dudley
f.Chris Jericho
j.D'Lo Brown
k.D-Von Dudley
p.Hardcore Holly
q.Jeff Hardy
s.Ken Shamrock
u.Mark Henry
v.Matt Hardy
w.Mr. Ass
x.Paul Bearer
y.Road Dogg
z.The Rock
aa.Shane McMahon
bb.Steve Blackman
cc.Stone Cold Steve Austin
ff.Triple H
gg.The Undertaker
hh.Val Venis
ii.Vince McMahon
6. Finishers and Trademark moves
7. Moves
8. Create a Superstar
a. Rikishi Phatu
b. Updated Test
c. Jeff Jarrett
d. Bull Buchanan
9. Secrets and Codes
10. Questions and Answers
11. Miscellaneous Info
Created Wrestlers
12. Credits
13. My Other Works

1. Latest Updates
Version 1.0(6/21/00), my first attempt to write an FAQ, so every thing is
new. Please forgive me, my FAQ is not even close to being complete. I will be
updating at least once every week. Added Al Snow, Big Boss Man, Big Show,
Bradshaw, Buh Buh Ray Dudley, and Chris Jericho to the move list.
Version 1.1(7/4/00), I fixed the tab problem.
Version 1.2(7/7/00), fixed the copyright notice.
Version 1.3(7/8/00), added my other works section.
Version 1.4(7/8/00), fixed the spacing problem and added Rikishi
Version 1.5(7/10/00), added Updated Test creation.
Version 1.6(7/17/00), added pre-season question and weapons trick.
Version 1.7(7/19/00), completed finishing and trademark moves section.
Version 1.8(7/20/00), added DX characteristic question and updated my
other works section.
Version 1.9(7/22/00), began construction of the Create-A-Superstar Moves.
Version 2.0(7/23/00), continued work on the Create-A-Wrestlers Moves
section and added a new section Miscellaneous Info.
Version 2.1(7/28/00), added Christian, Chyna, Debra, D'Lo Brown, D-Von
Dudley, and Edge Move Lists. Also added two questions to the Questions and
Answers Section.
Version 2.2(8/2/00), added Faarooq, Gangrel, and Godfather's Move Lists.
Also added a question to the question and answer section.
Version 2.3(8/2/00), added Hardcore Holly, Jeff Hardy, and Kane's Move
Lists. Also answered all my e-mail.
Version 2.4(8/6/00), reformatted my FAQ and also added a question.
Version 2.5(8/7/00). Added a few questions to the questions and answers
Version 2.6(8/8/00), changed copyright notice.
Version 2.7(8/11/00), updated Start Menu and added moves section and
added more questions and made a few changes.
Version 2.8(8/18/00), updated the questions and answers section.
Version 2.9(8/25/00), updated the questions and answers section and also
added a Jeff Jarrett creation.
Version 3.0(9/12/00), updated the questions and answers section and added
a lot of new CAW's.

2. Introduction
Welcome to my first ever FAQ for WWF Smackdown! for playstation, the
greatest wrestling game ever made for playstation. Smackdown! Was made by Yukes
and published by THQ. This game has some awesome new features. With the
Pre-season mode and Special Guest Referee matches and the best graphics for a
playstation wrestling game.

WWF Smackdown! Was shipped March 1 and arrived in stores March 2.

Please read on and enjoy my very first FAQ.

3. Start Menu

Choose from any 12 different types of matches from Royal Rumble to Special
Referee. Here is a list of the different types of matches, how many players and
what belts can be put on the line and a brief description of each one and some
tips on how to win each match.

a. Singles Match
Players: 1 to 2 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
Go one on one with any Jabroni of your choosing. Pin fall, KO, or submission
victory. Select with or without manager. Choose to play with a manager and you
will be able to throw your opponent out of the ring and have your manager tear
into him. If you choose not to use a manager you won't have the extra help.
b. Tag Match
Players: 1 to 4 players
Belts: Tag Team Title
Go two on two against your buddies or the CPU. Pin fall, KO, or submission to
win. To tag your partner you most go by him and press R1.
Tip* Try to focus all your blows on the weakest opponent and don't allow him to
tag his partner in.
c. Handicap Match
Players: 1 to 4 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
See if your superstar has what it takes to go 2 on 1 or 3 on 1.You can win by
pin fall, KO, or submission. One of the hardest matches in the game to win.
Tip* First leave the ring and try to get one of your opponents to follow you.
Then abuse him with your whole arsenal of submission maneuvers. Keep doing this
until you have a least two specials. Then try to use all your finishers on the
opponent you were abusing on the outside while he is in the ring to get a KO
victory. If this does not knock out your opponent repeat the process over.
d. Battle Royal
Players: 1 to 4 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
Battle Royal is an all out brawl between four superstars. You must Eliminate
all other opponents to win. You can win by pin fall, KO, or submission. You
can't leave the ring in this match so you can't escape the abuse.
e. Royal Rumble
Players: 4 to 40 players
Belts: No title can be put on the line
Royal Rumble is one of the greatest spectacles in sports entertainment. The
Rumble consists of 4 to even 40 superstars. The event begins with four people
in the ring. As an opponent is eliminated a countdown from 10 begins. The only
way to eliminate an opponent is to throw them over the top rope.
Tip* One easy way to win the Royal Rumble. You need a Multi- tap adapter. The
mascots multi-tap will not work for Smackdown. Plug in all 4 controllers and
get some friends of yours to be the other three players in the ring.
f. King of the
Players: 1 to 8 players
Belts: No Titles
Aw one of my favorite matches. King of the Ring is an 8-man elimination
tournament. Every match is just a plain singles match except other wrestlers
are more likely to interfere in the matches.
Tip* To win King of the Ring you need to have a superstar that have a lot of
endurance. I seem to have good luck with Stone Cold, Jericho and X-Pac.
Here is what the King of the ring bracket looks like.
|Wrestler 1|\ ----------
---------- \ |Winner of |
---------- / |the Match |\
|Wrestler 2|/ ---------- \ ----------
---------- \ |Winner of |
/ |the Match |\
---------- / ---------- \
|Wrestler 3|\ ---------- / \
---------- \ |Winner of | \
---------- / |the Match | \
|Wrestler 4|/ ---------- \ ----------
---------- \ |Winner of |
/ |the Match |
---------- / |King of |
|Wrestler 5|\ ---------- / |the Ring |
---------- \ |Winner of | / ----------
---------- / |the Match |\ /
|Wrestler 6|/ ---------- \ ---------- /
---------- \ |Winner of |/
/ |the Match |
---------- / ----------
|Wrestler 7|\ ---------- /
---------- \ |Winner of |
---------- / |the Match |
|Wrestler 8|/ ----------

g. Hardcore match
Players: 1 to 2 players
Belts: Hardcore Title
The hardcore and anywhere falls match are two of the best matches in the game.
This match is a no-holds barred, anywhere falls, free-for-all. Battle your
opponent all the way to the backstage area or hand out a blistering punishment
with an unlimited arsenal of weapons.
h. Anywhere Falls
Players: 1 to 2 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
This match is very similar to the hardcore match except you usually start
i. Cage Match
Players: 1 to 2 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
There's no escape from punishment in a Cage Match. The only way to win is to
climb over the top of the cage. There are no pin falls, KO, or submission
victories. To get on the cage press R1. To climb the cage spin your thumb
around the direction button.
j. Special Referee
Players: 1 to 3 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
My favorite match in the game. The Special Referee mode is one of the
unpredictable matches in the game. Since the referee can count as fast or slow
he can it makes it hard to make a straight-line strategy. You can win by pin
fall, KO, or submission. If you are the referee press L2 to make all counts(pin
fall and out of the ring).
Tip* To get an easy victory stay by the ref and try to get your opponent to hit
the ref after he has done this the ref will count in your favor.
k. Survival Match
Players: 1 to 4 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
Almost like Battle royal except the first one to get a pin fall, ko, or makes
an opponent submit is the winner.
Tip* To win a survival match try to focus your attacks on the weaker opponent.
You can tell in Pre-season, Season, and Paper View mode that is weaker by
looking at how full their heart is. But beware of the other opponents try not
to let any opponents get there finisher off. After you have built up your
special, use it. If this does not knock out your opponent try to get him to
submit or get a second special.
l. I Quit
Players: 1 to 2 players
Belts: Women's, European, Intercontinental, WWF Title
The I Quit match is just like a normal one-on-one match except the only way to
win is to get your opponent to give up. To make your opponent submit beat him
up badly and then pick up the mic, with R1, and press circle to make him

Pre-Game Options
Here is a list of the pre-game options before each exhibition match.
Match Length: No Limit/60 minutes/45/30/15
Interruption: On/Off
KO & Give Up: On/Off
Rope Break: On/Off
Out of the Ring: On/Off
Count Out: 10/20/No Count out
Decision: When your done customizing your game, press X and head to the

Pause Menu
Return to Game: Press X
Exit Game: Yes/No
Entrance Movies: On/Off
Moves Name: On/Off
Camera Angle: On/Off
Player's Indicator: On/Off

(Options Menu)
The Basic options menu. You can customize your game play.
Difficulty Easy/Normal/Hard
Entrance Movies On/Off
Moves Indicator On/Off
Camera Angle On/Off
Vibration On/Off
Players Indicator On/Off
Auto Save On/Off
Sound Stereo/Mono
BGM(In ring music)1/2/3/4/5/Random
Music Volume Silent/Minimal/Normal/Maximum
Sound Effects Vol Silent/Minimal/Normal/Maximum
System Data Save
System Data Load
Create Superstar Copy

Check the rankings list to see if your superstar is eligible for a title. To
get a higher ranking you need to compete in more matches and win more matches.

(Belt Record)
This is the history of who has held the belts. You can find out who has the
titles and how to qualify for them by looking at the Belt Record.
Belt How to Qualify Gender
WWF Championship must be ranked 1-5 males only
Intercontinental must be ranked 1-10 all genders
European must be ranked 1-20 all genders
Hardcore must be ranked 1-20 all genders
Tag Team all rankings all genders
Women's title all rankings females only
*Note* To put the tag team and hardcore titles on the line you must be in that
kind of match.
Example: To put the hardcore title on the line you have to play in a hardcore


I will explain this feature later on in my FAQ.

Pre-Season is the feature that separates Smackdown! From other wrestling games.
You can only use this feature with a created superstar. You must complete a
Pre-Season with the C-A-S you want to use him in the season mode or he won't be
able to compete in the season mode. When you win a match in the pre-season you
will gain attribute points to add to your superstar. As you increase your
ability you can select more powerful moves to give your superstar. Different
matches are worth more points than others. Like winning a Battle Royal is worth
more points than winning a singles match.

Alliances & Enemies
After some matches, usually after you lose the match, a wrestler will come up
to you and give some advice. You can say thanks to possibly create an alliance
or you can tell the wrestler to shut-up and possibly make a long-term rivalry.
However be careful in how you respond because what you say in the pre-season
mode will carry over to the season mode and it is irreversible.

Once you have taken your C-A-S through pre-season you may now enter the season
mode or can be a regular superstar and take him through a season. During the
Season mode you will not be able to select the matches you are in. But you can
play the matches.

Here is the default list of titleholders:
Title Title Holder
WWF Champion Triple H
Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho
European Champion Val Venis
Hardcore Champion Big Boss Man
Tag Team Champions Road Dogg and Mr. Ass
Women's Champion Tori

By adding two or more created superstars to a new season, you can create your
own group of allies.

Solo: Each created wrestler will begin the season on there own.
A Group of Two People: Two created wrestlers will be allied with each other.
Any other created superstars will begin on their own.
A Group of Three People: Three created wrestlers will join as a group. If a
fourth created wrestler is involved, he will begin the season alone.
A Group of Four People: All four created superstars will begin as a solid unit,
the go through season mode together.
Two Groups of Two People: The four created wrestlers can split off and go
through the season mode in pairs.

*Note* You will have to battle your allies in certain matches, like Royal
Rumble and Title Matches.

The pay-per-view feature allows you to create your on WWF event. You can choose
from all matches except Royal Rumble and King of the Ring. Design all six
matches, put titles on the line. The more titles you put on the line the higher
the ranking of your pay-per-view. The Pay-per-view mode is very similar to
previous wrestling games. The only difference is the audience ranking and
ability to put titles in the line. Pay-per-view events are all about the
ratings. So try to get as many people in the ring as possible with 4-way and
Battle royals are perfect. The matches that get the highest audience ranking in
my opinion are Battle Royals. Hardcore matches seem to get high rankings too.

Audience Ranking
The crowd ultimately decides who the most popular Superstar in the ring is, and
the fate of those less fortunate. Check out which matches have had the loudest
crowds in your Pay-Per-View events.

Best Top 10 Match
Shows the all time top ten of your created pay-per-views best matches.

4.How to Play
(Control Legend)
X: X
S: square
O: circle
T: triangle
L: left
U: up
R: right
D: down
R1: R1
R2: R2
L1: L1
L2: L2

(Basic Controls)
X: Striking Attacks
S: Reverse/Counter
O: Irish Whip/Direction + O: Grapple Attacks
T: Run/Slide into ring/direction + T: Climb Turnbuckle
R1: Tag Partner/Pick-up, Put down weapon/Direction + R1:
Climb in/out of ring/Climb turnbuckle
R2: Change who you are locked on to
L1: Use your special
L2: Taunt your opponent/Direction + L2: Taunt your

(Basic Moves)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples: U + O
R + O
D + O
L + O
Striking Attacks: X
U + X
R + X
D + X
L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples: U + O
R + O
D + O
L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: 0
Rear Grapples: U + O
R + O
D + O
L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Jump over Ropes: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Rope Move: Press T + X by the Ropes
Rope Move: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks: X
U + X
R + X
D + X
L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves: U + O
R + O
L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves: U + O
R + O
L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks: X
L or R + X
U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks: X
L or R + X
U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Aerial Attacks: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves: L or R + O
U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves: L or R + O
U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves: O
L or R + O
U or D + O
Running Attack: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves: O
L or R + O
U or D + O
Running Attacks: X
L or R + X
U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves: O
L or R + O
U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks: O
L or R + O
U or R + O

Finishing Moves
Facing Groggy Opponent: L1
Behind Groggy Opponent: L1
Opponent in Turnbuckle: L1
Opponent on Mat: L1
On Top Rope- Opponent Standing: L1
*Note* To perform a finisher you must have at least one dot by your
name and be in the position to do your finisher.

Tag Match Moves
Tag Partner: Press R1 while you are by your

Royal Rumble Moves
Throw Opponent over the Top Rope: Press O, then press and hold the
Direction you want to throw your

Hardcore and
Anywhere Matches
Pick-Up/Put Down Weapon: R1
Use Weapon: X
Throw Weapon: S

Cage Match Moves
Get on Cage: R1
Climb Cage: Spin the direction buttons

Special Referee
Count Out: Press L2 for every count
Referee Taunts: U + L2
R + L2
D + L2
L + L2

I Quit Match Moves
Pick-Up/Put-Down Mic: R1
Hit Opponent with Mic: X
Throw Mic at Opponent: S
Get Opponent to submit in Mic: Press O while opponent is lying on
the mat

5.Move Lists
Here is the moves I have so far but I will be updating this section soon.

(a. Al Snow)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Suplex: U + O
Shoulder Breaker: R + O
Scissors Sweep: D + O
Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Snap Jab: X
Boss Man Uppercut: U + X
Chop: R + X
Shuffle Side Kick: D + X
Toe Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Piledriver: U + O
Hurracanrana: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
DDT: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Reverse Brainbuster: U + O
Bulldog: R + O
Diving Reverse DDT: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Mahistoral Cradle: U + O
Mounted Punch: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Kick to Leg: U + O
Knee Stomp: R + O
Texas Cloverleaf: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Double Axe Handle: L or R + X
Double Axe Handle: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Diving Moonsault: L or R + X
Diving Moonsault: L or R + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Choke: L or R + O
Frankensteiner: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or R + O
Running Attack:
Clothesline: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Clothesline: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Snow Plow: press L1 while in front of a groggy
Favorite Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: press D + O while in front of a
Groggy opponent

Snap Jab: Press X 4 times
Snap Jab:
Shuffle Side Kick:
(b. Big Boss Man)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Eye Rake: U + O
Side Buster: R + O
Manhattan Drop: D + O
Headlock and Punch: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Toe Kick: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Austin Punches: R + X
Boss Man Uppercut: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Stomach Crusher: U + O
Pendulum Backbreaker: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
Rib Breaker: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Diving Reverse DDT: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Boss Man Attack: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Reverse Chin Lock: R + O
Camel Clutch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Kick to Leg: U + O
Toss: R + O
Kick to Groin: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Double Axe Handle: L or R + X
Double Axe Handle: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Mudhole Stomping: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or R + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Neckbreaker: L or R + O
Neckbreaker: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Clothesline: X
Back Elbow Attack: L or R + X
Back Elbow Attack: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Side Walk Slam: L or R + O
Side Walk Slam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Side Walk Slam: Press L1 while in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Rib Breaker: Press L + O while in front of a
Groggy opponent

Toe Kick: press X 4 times
Double Axe Handle:
Austin Punches:
Boss Man Uppercut:

(c. Big Show)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Pendulum Backbreaker: U + O
Side Buster: R + O
Choke Toss: D + O
Hard Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Chop: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Body Punch: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Big Boot: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Body Press Drop: U + O
Bearhug: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
Strong Head Butt: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Turn Facing Front: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Full Nelson Slam: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Camel Clutch: U + O
Darkness Choke: R + O
Angry Stomp: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Boston Crab: U + O
Kick to leg: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Front Dropkick: L or R + X
Front Dropkick: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Choke: L or R + O
Mudhole Stomping: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or R + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Neckbreaker: L or R + O
Neckbreaker: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Shoulder Block: X
Dropkick: L or R + X
Dropkick: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or D + O

Finishing Move
Show Stopper: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Body Press Drop: Press U + O in front of a groggy

Chop: Press X 4 times
Double Axe Handle:
Big Boot:
(d. Bradshaw)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Eye Rake: U + O
Side Buster: R + O
Fall Away Slam: D + O
Hard Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Chop: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Snap Jab: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Toe Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Rib Breaker: U + O
DDT: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
Pendulum Back Breaker: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Full Nelson Slam: U + O
Bulldog: R + O
Pump Handle Drop: D + O
Bulldog: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Smash: U + O
Camel Clutch: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Boston Crab: U + O
Knee Stomp: R + O
Leg Lock: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Flying Clothesline: L or R + X
Flying Clothesline: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Shoulder Thrust: L or R + O
Suplex: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or R + O
Running Attack:
Power Clothesline T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Power Clothesline: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Powerslam: L or R + O
Powerslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Strong Lariat: Press L1 while facing a groggy

Favorite Move
Fall Away Slam: Press D + O while facing an

Chop: Press X 4 times
Snap Jab:

(e. Buh Buh Ray Dudley)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Manhattan Drop: U + O
Belly to Back Flip: R + O
Eye Rake: D + O
Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Body Punch: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Overhand Punch: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Toe Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Body Press Slam: U + O
Bearhug: R + O
Piledriver: D + O
DDT: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Pumphandle Drop: U + O
Back Drop: R + O
Back Side Slam: D + O
Bulldog: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Knee Smash: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Leg Lock: R + O
Knee Smash: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Front Dropkick: X
Double Axe Handle: L or R + X
Double Axe Handle: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Choke: L or R + O
Superplex: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or R + O
Running Attack:
Clothesline: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Neckbreaker: L or R + O
Neckbreaker: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Clothesline: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Whirl Sideslam: L or R + O
Whirl Sideslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Belly to Back Flip: Press R + O in front of an

Body Punch: Press X 4 times
Overhand Punch:
Double Axe Handle:

(f. Chris Jericho)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Reverse Suplex: U + O
Jumping Arm Breaker: R + O
DDT: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Snap Jab: X
Spinning Back Kick: U + X
Chop: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Middle Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Fisherman Suplex: U + O
Small Package: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
Double Arm Breaker: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Reverse Brainbuster: U + O
School Boy: R + O
Reverse Pin: D + O
Diving Reverse DDT: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Moonsault: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Angry Stomp: U + X
Austin Elbow Drop: R + X
Angry Stomp: D + X
Austin Elbow Drop: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Reverse Chin Lock: U + O
Knee Smash: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
Walls of Jericho: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Missile Dropkick: X
Spinning Wheel Kick: L or R + X
Spinning Wheel Kick: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Diving Head Butt: X
Diving Moonsault: L or R + X
Diving Moonsault: L or R + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Mudhole Stomping: L or R + O
Superplex: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or R + O
Running Attack:
Back Elbow Attack: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Rolling Clutch Pin: L or R + O
Rolling Clutch Pin: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Back Elbow Attack: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Face Crusher: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Double Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of groggy

Favorite Move
Walls of Jericho: Press L + O at the feet of your

Snap Jab: Press X 4 times
Snap Jab:
Middle Kick:
Spinning Back Kick:

(g. Christian)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Suplex: U + O
Side Buster R + O
Arm Wrench D + O
Scoop Slam L + O
Striking Attacks:
Austin Punches X
Dropkick U + X
Chop R + X
Clothesline D + X
Toe Kick L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Northern Lights Suplex U + O
Sambo Suplex R + O
Stomach Crusher D + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
U + O
R + O
D + O
L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Leg Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Leg Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Smash: U + O
Mounted Punch: R + O
Reverse Chin Lock: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Front Dropkick: L or R + X
Front Dropkick: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Mudhole Stomping: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Back Elbow Attack: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Back Elbow Attack: X
Clothesline: L or R + X
Dropkick: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Impaler: Press L1 while behind a groggy

Favorite Move
Northern Lights Suplex: Press U + O in front of a groggy

Austin Punches: Press X 4 Times
Austin Punches R:

(h. Chyna)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Eye Rack: U + O
Snapmare: R + O
Club to Neck: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Austin Punches: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Toe Kick: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Stomach Crusher: U + O
Rib Breaker: R + O
Piledriver: D + O
Arm Wrench: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: 0
Rear Grapples:
Sleeper Hold U + O
German Suplex Pin R + O
Reverse Pin D + O
Diving Reverse DDT L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Mounted Punch: U + O
Mounted Punch: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Stomp: U + O
Kick to Groin: R + O
Kick to Groin: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Double Axe Handle: L or R + X
Double Axe Handle: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
Elbow Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Shoulder Thrusts: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Low Blow: L or R + O
Low Blow: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Spear: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Shoulder Block: X
Thump: L or R + X
Thump: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Powerslam: L or R + O
Powerslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Pedigree: Press L1 while in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Low Blow: Press U or D + O while behind an

Austin Punches: Press X 4 Times
Austin Punches R:
Austin Punches:
Double Axe Handle

(i. Debra)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Arm Wrench: U + O
Snapmare: R + O
Club to Neck: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Slap: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Chop: R + X
Middle Kick: D + X
Toe Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Arm Wrench: U + O
Snapmare: R + O
Suplex: D + O
Snapmare: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Reverse Pin: U + O
Turn Facing Front: R + O
Reverse Pin: D + O
Turn Facing Front: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Angry Stomp: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Angry Stomp: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Knee Smash: R + O
Knee Smash: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Stomp: U + O
Leg Lock: R + O
Leg Lock: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Double Axe Handle: L or R + X
Double Axe Handle: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Knee Drop: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Choke: L or R + O
Shoulder Thrusts: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Neckbreaker: L or R + O
Neckbreaker: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Shoulder Block: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or R + O

Finishing Move
DDT: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Snapmare: Press L or R + O in front of an
Opponent or a groggy opponent

Slap: Press X 4 Times
Middle Kick:
Double Axe Handle:

(j. D'Lo Brown)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Suplex: U + O
Side Buster: R + O
Piledriver: D + O
Hard Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Snap Jab: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Shuffle Side Kick: R + X
Jumping Calf Kick: D + X
Austin Punches: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Sky High: U + O
Pendulum Backbreaker: R + O
Running Powerbomb: D + O
Whirl Side Slam: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
School Boy: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Sticking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Angry Stomp: U + X
D'Lo Leg Drop: R + X
Angry Stomp: D + X
D'Lo Leg Drop: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Smash: U + O
Mounted Punch: R + O
Sleeper Hold: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Leg Lock: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
D'Lo Texas Cloverleaf: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Spinning Wheel Kick: X
Front Dropkick: L or R + X
Front Dropkick: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Twisting Body Attack: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Frankensteiner: L or R + O
Shoulder Thrust: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker Drop: O
Rolling Clutch Pin: L or R + O
Rolling Clutch Pin: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Dropkick: X
Clothesline: L or R + X
Clothesline: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Pulling Walk Slam: L or R + O
Pulling Walk Slam: U or R + O

Finishing Moves
The 'Lo Down: Press L1 on turnbuckle when
Opponent is lying on the ground

Favorite Move
Sky High: Press U + O in front of a groggy

Snap Jab: Press X 4 Times
Snap Jab R:
Snap Jab:
Jumping Calf Kick:

(k. D-Von Dudley)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Suplex: U + O
Club to Neck: R + O
DDT: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Austin Punches: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Toe Kick: R + X
Shuffle Side Kick: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Manhattan Drop: U + O
Pendulum Backbreaker: R + O
Piledriver: D + O
Fall Away Slam: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Diving Reverse DDT: U + O
Bulldog: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Leg Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Leg Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Camel Clutch: U + O
Mounted Punch: R + O
Knee Smash: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Double Axe Handle: L or R + X
Double Axe Handle: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Diving Head Butt: L or R + X
Diving Head Butt: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Superplex: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Clothesline: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Neckbreaker: L or R + O
Neckbreaker: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Clothesline: X
Diving Shoulder: L or R + X
Diving Shoulder: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
DDT: Press D + O in front of a opponent

Austin Punches: Press X 4 Times
Austin Punches:
Shuffle Side Kick:

(l. Edge)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Reverse Suplex: U + O
Scoop Slam: R + O
Scissors Sweep: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Snap Jab: X
Shuffle Side Kick: U + X
Elbow Smash: R + X
Dropkick: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Stomach Crusher: U + O
Rib Breaker: R + O
DDT: D + O
Spinning Back Drop: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Electric Chair Drop: U + O
Face Crusher: R + O
Full Nelson Slam: D + O
Back Side Slam: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Leg Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Leg Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Smash: U + O
Short Arm Scissors: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Knee Stomp: R + O
Leg Lock: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Missile Dropkick: X
Diving Spear: L or R + X
Diving Spear: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Knee Drop: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Shoulder Thrust: L or R + O
Frankensteiner: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Spear: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Spinning Wheel Kick: X
Dropkick: L or R + X
Dropkick: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Facecrusher: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Shoulder Back Toss: L or R + O
Shoulder Back Toss: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Downward Spiral: Press L1 in Front of a Groggy

Favorite Move
Electric Chair Drop: Press U + O behind an opponent
Snap Jab: Press X 4 Times
Elbow Smash:

(m. Faarooq)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Rib Breaker: U + O
DDT: R + O
Bearhug Front Slam: D + O
Hard Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Austin Punches: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Chop: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Toe Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Body Press Slam: U + O
Spinebuster: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
Rib Breaker: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Full Nelson Slam: U + O
Abdominal Stretch: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Camel Clutch: U + O
Sleeper Hold: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Boston Crab: U + O
Kick to Groin: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Flying Clothesline: L or R + X
Flying Clothesline: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Diving Head Butt: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*
Diving Body Press: X

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Shoulder Thrusts: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Clothesline: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Clothesline: X
Diving Shoulder: L or R + X
Diving Shoulder: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Powerslam: O
Spinebuster: L or R + O
Spinebuster: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Dominator: Press L1 while in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Spinebuster: Press R + O in front of a groggy

Austin Punches: Press X 4 Times
Toe Kick:
Double Axe Handle:

(n. Gangrel)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Eye Rake: U + O
DDT: R + O
Manhattan Drop: D + O
Gangrel Suplex: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Chop: X
Shuffle Side Kick: U + X
Body Punch: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Toe Kick: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Headlock And Punch: U + O
Manhattan Drop: R + O
Piledriver: D + O
Gangrel Suplex: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Diving Reverse DDT: R + O
Pumphandle Slam: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Scoop Slam: Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Double Knee Drop: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Double Knee Drop: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Smash: U + O
Mounted Punch: R + O
Sleeper Hold: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Kick to Groin: U + O
Toss: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Flying Clothesline: L or R + X
Flying Clothesline: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Mudhole Stomping: L or R + O
Tornado DDT: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Back Elbow Attack: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Neckbreaker Drop: L or R + O
Neckbreaker Drop: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Back Elbow Attack: X
Clothesline: L or R + X
Clothesline: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Powerslam: L or R + O
Powerslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Inverted DDT: Press L1 while in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Gangrel Suplex: Press L + O while of an opponent or
A groggy opponent


(o. Godfather)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Club to Neck: U + O
Suplex: R + O
Manhattan Drop: D + O
Hard Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Austin Punches: X
Clothesline: U + X
Overhand Punch: R + X
Shuffle Side Kick: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Headlock and Punch: U + O
Fall Away Slam: R + O
Piledriver: D + O
Pendulum Backbreaker: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Diving Reverse DDT: U + O
Bulldog: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Russian Leg Sweep: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Leg Drop: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Leg Drop: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Short Arm Scissors: U + O
Sleeper Hold: R + O
Camel Clutch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Leg Lock: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
Elbow Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Shoulder Thrusts: L or R + O
10 Punch: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Ho Train Attack: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Rolling Clutch Pin: L or R + O
Rolling Clutch Pin: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Diving Shoulder: X
Ho Train Attack: L or R + X
Ho Train Attack: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Samoan Drop: L or R + O
Samoan Drop: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Pimp Drop: Press L1 while in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Ho Train Attack: Press U, L, R, or D + X while
Running at an opponent


(p. Hardcore Holly)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Arm Wrench: U + O
Scoop Slam: R + O
Club To Neck: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Austin Punches: X
Double Axe Handle: U + X
Toe Kick: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Piledriver: U + O
Manhattan Drop: R + O
Jackknife Powerbomb: D + O
DDT: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Diving Reverse DDT: U + O
Bulldog: R + O
Atomic Drop: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Drop: X
Double Knee Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Double Knee Drop: D + X
Angry Drop: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Knee Smash: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Kick To Leg: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Front Dropkick: L or R + X
Front Dropkick: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Knee Drop: L or R + X
Knee Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Frankensteiner: L or R + O
Shoulder Thrusts: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Choke: L or R + O
Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Drop Kick: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Powerslam: L or R + O
Powerslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Falcon Arrow: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: Press D + O in front of a groggy


(q. Jeff Hardy)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Suplex: U + O
Scoop Slam: R + O
Arm Wrench: D + O
Snapmare: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Chop: X
Shuffle Side Kick: U + X
Austin Punches: R + X
Dropkick: D + X
Snap Jab: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Hurracanrana: U + O
Gangrel Suplex: R + O
Knee Smash: D + O
DDT: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Back Side Slam: U + O
German Suplex Slam: R + O
Diving Reverse DDT: D + O
Back Drop: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Flip Splash: U + X
Double Knee Drop: R + X
Flip Splash: D + X
Double Knee Drop: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Smash: U + O
Sleeper Hold: R + O
Mounted Punch: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Toss: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
Knee Stomp: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle X
Missile Dropkick: L or R + X
Missile Dropkick: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Twisting Knee Drop: X
Diving Moonsault: L or R + X
The 450 U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Shoulder Thrusts: L or R + O
Frankensteiner: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Spinning Wheel Kick: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker: O
Spear: L or R + O
Spear: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Spinning Wheel Kick: X
Back Elbow Attack: L or R + X
Back Elbow Attack: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
School Boy: O
School Boy: L or R + O
School Boy: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Powerslam: L or R + O
Powerslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Senton Bomb: Press L1 on turnbuckle while
Opponent is lying on ground

Favorite Move
Hurracanrana: Press U + O in front of a groggy


(r. Kane)
Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes: O
Front Grapples:
Lifting Chokehold: U + O
Side Buster: R + O
Stomach Crusher: D + O
Hard Scoop Slam: L + O
Striking Attacks:
Body Punch: X
Kane Throat Thrust: U + X
Big Boot: R + X
Clothesline: D + X
Chop: L + X

Facing a Groggy
Stronger Grapples:
Spinebuster: U + O
Manhattan Drop: R + O
Tombstone Piledriver: D + O
Pendulum Backbreaker: L + O

Behind Opponent
Irish Whip: O
Rear Grapples:
Full Nelson Slam: U + O
Back Drop: R + O
Diving Reverse DDT: D + O
Reverse Brainbuster: L + O

Rope Attacks
Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X
Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes),
When near ropes press S + X
Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes
Press any direction + O while
Opponent is tied up in ropes

Opponent on Mat
Raise Opponent - Front: O
Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O
Pin Opponent: D + O
Ground Striking Attacks:
Angry Stomp: X
Elbow Drop: U + X
Angry Stomp: R + X
Elbow Drop: D + X
Angry Stomp: L + X
*Upper Body*
Ground Moves:
Sleeper Hold: U + O
Camel Clutch: R + O
Darkness Choke: L + O
*Lower Body*
Ground Moves:
Knee Stomp: U + O
Kick to Leg: R + O
Kick to Leg: L + O

Top Rope Attacks
*Opponent Standing*
Aerial Attacks:
Double Axe Handle: X
Flying Clothesline: L or R + X
Flying Clothesline: U or D + X
*Opponent on Mat*
Aerial Attacks:
Elbow Drop: X
Elbow Drop: L or R + X
Elbow Drop: U or D + X
*Opponent Outside Ring*

Turnbuckle Moves
*Facing Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Front Turnbuckle Moves:
Choke: L or R + O
Mudhole Stomping: U or D + O
*Behind Opponent*
Irish Whip: O
Rear Turnbuckle Moves:
Super Back Drop: L or R + O
Super Back Drop: U or D + O
*Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle*
Lower Turnbuckle Moves:
Raise Opponent: O
Foot Choke: L or R + O
Foot Choke: U or D + O
Running Attack:
Shoulder Block: T + X

Running Attacks
*Facing Opponent*
Running Moves:
Neckbreaker Drop: O
Neckbreaker: L or R + O
Neckbreaker: U or D + O
Running Attacks:
Clothesline: X
Shoulder Block: L or R + X
Shoulder Block: U or D + X
*Behind Opponent*
Running Moves:
Bulldog: O
Bulldog: L or R + O
Bulldog: U or D + O

Running Counter
*Opponent Running*
Counter Attacks:
Monkey Toss: O
Powerslam: L or R + O
Powerslam: U or R + O

Finishing Move
Chokeslam: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Tombstone Piledriver: Press D + O in front of a groggy


(s. Ken Shamrock)
*Coming Soon*

(t. Mankind)
*Coming Soon*

(u. Mark Henry)
*Coming Soon*

(v. Matt Hardy)
*Coming Soon*

(w. Mr. Ass)
*Coming Soon*

(x. Paul Bearer)
*Coming Soon*

(y. Road Dogg)
*Coming Soon*

(z. The Rock)
*Coming Soon*

(aa. Shane McMahon)
*Coming Soon*

(bb. Steve Blackman)
*Coming Soon*

(cc. Stone Cold Steve Austin)
*Coming Soon*

(dd. Test)
*Coming Soon*

(ee. Tori)
*Coming Soon*

(ff. Triple H)
*Coming Soon*

(gg. The Undertaker)
*Coming Soon*

(hh. Val Venis)
*Coming Soon*

(ii. Vince McMahon)
*Coming Soon*

(jj. X-Pac)
*Coming Soon*

6.Finishers and Trademark Moves
Here is a list of all the wrestlers finishers and trademark moves.
(a. Al Snow)
Finishing Move
Snow Plow: press L1 while in front of a groggy
Rating (1-10): 8
Description: One of my favorite moves. Al picks you up
like a Suplex and then spins you around and drops you on your back.

Favorite Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: press D + O while in front of a
Groggy opponent

(b. Big Boss Man)
Finishing Move
Side Walk Slam: Press L1 while in front of a groggy
Rating (1-10): 3
Description: This move is a regular move that you can
choose and it doesn't have to be your finisher. Boss Man picks up by the side
and drops you on your back and covers you. Not very effective.

Favorite Move
Rib Breaker: Press L + O while in front of a
Groggy opponent

(c. Big Show)
Finishing Move
Show Stopper: Press L1 in front of a groggy
Rating (1-10): 8
Description: This move is really cool. The Big Show picks you up with one hand
and holds you in the air for a few seconds and slam down onto the canvas.

Favorite Move
Body Press Drop: Press U + O in front of a groggy

(d. Bradshaw)
Finishing Move
Strong Lariat: Press L1 while facing a groggy

Favorite Move
Fall Away Slam Press D + O while facing an

(e. Buh Buh Ray Dudley)
Finishing Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Belly to Back Flip: Press R + O in front of an

(f. Chris Jericho)
Finishing Move
Double Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of groggy

Favorite Move
Walls of Jericho: Press L + O at the feet of your

(g. Christian)
Finishing Move
Impaler: Press L1 behind a groggy opponent

Favorite Move
Northern Lights Suplex: Press U + O in front of a groggy

(h. Chyna)
Finishing Move
Pedigree: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Low Blow: Press U or D + O behind an opponent

(i. Debra)
Finishing Move
DDT: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Snapmare: L or R + O in front of an opponent

(j. D'Lo Brown)
Finishing Move
The 'Lo Down: Press L1 on turnbuckle when
Opponent is lying on the ground

Favorite Move
Sky High: Press U + O in front of a groggy

(k. D-Von Dudley)
Finishing Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
DDT: Press D + O in front of an opponent

(l. Edge)
Finishing Move
Downward Spiral: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Electric Chair Drop: Press U + O behind an opponent

(m. Faarooq)
Finishing Move
Dominator: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Spinebuster: Press R + O in front of a groggy

(n. Gangrel)
Finishing Move
Inverted DDT: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Gangrel Suplex: Press L + O in front of an opponent

(o. Godfather)
Finishing Move
Pimpdrop: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Ho Train Attack: Press U, L, R, or D + X while
Running at an opponent

(p. Hardcore Holly)
Finishing Move
Falcon Arrow: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Jackknife Powerbomb: Press D + O in front of a groggy

(q. Jeff Hardy)
Finishing Move
Senton Bomb: Press L1 on turnbuckle while
Opponent is lying on the ground

Favorite Move
Hurracanrana: Press L1 in front of a groggy

(r. Kane)
Finishing Move
Chokeslam: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Tombstone Piledriver: Press D + O in front of a groggy

(s. Ken Shamrock)
Finishing Move
Shamrock Anklelock: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Anklelock: Press L or U + O at the feet of an

(t. Mankind)
Finishing Move
Mandible Claw: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Double Arm DDT: Press L + O in front of a groggy

(u. Mark Henry)
Finishing Move
Bearhug: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Body Press Slam: Press U + O in front of a groggy

(v. Matt Hardy)
Finishing Move
Northern Lights Suplex: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move

(w. Mr. Ass)
Finishing Move
Fame Asser: Press L1 in front a groggy

Favorite Move
Brainbuster: Press U + O while in front of an

(x. Paul Bearer)
Finishing Move
DDT: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move

(y. Road Dogg)
Finishing Move
Pumphandle Drop: Press L1 behind a groggy opponent

Favorite Move
Shake Rattle & Roll: Press X 4 times and on the fourth
Punch it will Shake Rattle & Roll

(z. The Rock)
Finishing Move
People's Elbow: Press L1 at the head of a fallen

Favorite Move
Rock Bottom: Press L + O in front of a groggy

(aa. Shane McMahon)
Finishing Move
Test Diving Elbow: Press L1 on turnbuckle while
Opponent is lying on ground

Favorite Move
DDT: Press D + O while in front of a
Groggy opponent

(bb. Steve Blackman)
Finishing Move
Fisherman Suplex: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Karate Kick: Press L or R + X or X while running
At an opponent

(cc. Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Finishing Move
Stone Cold Stunner: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Stunner: Press L + O in front of a groggy

(dd. Test)
Finishing Move
Diving Powerbomb: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Pumphandle Slam: Press L + O behind an opponent

(ee. Tori)
Finishing Move
Tori Suplex: Press L1 while in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Snapmare: Press R or L + O in front of an

(ff. Triple H)
Finishing Move
Pedigree: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Knee Smash: Press D + O in front of an opponent

(gg. The Undertaker)
Finishing Move
Tombstone Piledriver: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Chokeslam: Press U + O in front of a groggy

(hh. Val Venis)
Finishing Move
Money Shot: Press L1 on turnbuckle while
Opponent is lying on ground

Favorite Move
Russian Leg Sweep: Press L + O behind an opponent

(ii. Vince McMahon)
Finishing Move
Stunner: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move

(jj. X-Pac)
Finishing Move
X-Factor: Press L1 in front of a groggy

Favorite Move
Bronco Buster: Press X when running at an opponent
While his head is propped up the

7. Moves
Below are all the moves in WWF Smackdown!

Ready Moves

Irish Whip: O

(Fighting Pose)
Shoot Wrestling
The Rock


Level 1:
Scoop Slam
Hard Scoop Slam
Side Buster

Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Choke Toss
Bearhug Front Slam
Body Press Slam
Body Press Drop FW
Body Press Drop
Level 5:

Level 1:
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex
Knee Smash
Level 3:
Belly to Back Flip
Gangrel Suplex
Level 4:
Level 5:
Spinning Back Drop

Level 1:
Small Package
Scissor Sweep
Level 2:
Shoulder Breaker
Hip Toss
Shin Breaker
Falling Neckbreaker
Arm Wrench
Jumping Arm Breaker
Level 3:
Dragon Screw
Level 4:
Level 5:

Level 1:
Eye Rack
Club To Neck
Level 2:
Headlock and Punch
Strong Head Butt
Level 3:
Lifting Chokehold
Manhattan Drop
Level 4:
Level 5:


Level 1:
Elbow Drop
Scoop Slam
Hard Scoop Slam
Side Buster
Level 2:
Level 3:
Stomach Crusher
Pendulum Backbreaker
Rib Breaker
Fall Away Slam
Pulling Piledriver
Pumphandle Drop
Level 4:
Choke Toss
Test Neckbreaker
Diving Powerbomb
Bearhug Front Slam
Body Press Slam
Torture Rack
Double Powerbomb
Body Press Drop FW
Body Press Drop
Running Powerbomb
Whirl Sideslam
Side Walk Slam
Level 5:

Level 1:
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex
Falcon Arrow
Knee Smash
Level 3:
Reverse Suplex
Belly to Back Flip
Fisherman Suplex
Gangrel Suplex
Tori Suplex
Level 4:
Northern Lights Suplex
Michinoku Driver
Jump Swinging DDT
Level 5:
Spinning Back Drop

Level 1:
Small Package
Scissor Sweep
Level 2:
Shoulder Breaker
Hip Toss
Shin Breaker
Falling Neckbreaker
Arm Wrench
Jumping Arm Breaker
Level 3:
Pulling Walk Slam
Dragon Screw
Level 4:
Sambo Suplex
Double Arm Backbreaker
Level 5:
Flipping Armbar

Level 1:
Eye Rake
Club to Neck
Level 2:
Headlock and Punch
Strong Head Butt
Level 3:
Lifting Chokehold
Manhattan Drop
Level 4:
Knee Strike
Double Arm DDT
Level 5:

Double Team Moves
Hardy Boyz:
First have someone Irish Whip your opponent to the turnbuckle, then
have one Hardy perform the On All Fours taunt (L2). Have the other
Hardy run over him then when he jumps press X.

Edge and Christian:
Same as Hardy Boyz except press circle instead of X.

The 3D is not in the game.

*More Moves Coming Soon*

8. Create a Superstar
WWF Smackdown! Create-A-Superstar mode allows you to make up to four created
wrestlers. Here is a list of the things you can change in Create-A-Superstar

Name: choose from 1 to 18 characters
Nickname: choose from 1 to 18 characters
Age: choose from 21 to 99 or ?
Sex: Male, Female, or undecided
Hometown: choose from 1 to 18 characters
Favorite Star: any of the 36 WWF Superstars
Entrance Movie: any of the 36 WWF Superstars

Head: choose between 80 different head styles
Upper Body: choose between 83 different upper bodies
Lower Body: choose between 97 different lower bodies
Height: sliders for height
Weight: sliders for weight
Skin Color: choose from four different colors of skin
Weapon: choose from 20 different weapons. Here is a list of them:
Microphone, Black Chair, Piped Chair, Ring Bell, Bell Hammer, Bat, Mop, Iron
Pipe, Kendo Stick, Wood, Stick, Extinguisher, Trash Can, Head, Pierre, Soda
Can, Nightstick, Guitar, Hammer, Cane, Urn.

Fighting Style: choose from Average, Powerful, Speedy, Technical, and Roughneck
Character: choose from over 200 character traits. Here is a list of all of
Power Attack Technical Attack
Speed Attack Roughneck Attack
Power Defense Technical Defense
Speed Defense Roughneck Defense
Power Skill Technical Skill
Speed Skill Roughneck Skill
Single Match Tag Match
3 Way Dance 4 Way Dance
Battle Royal Anywhere Fall
Hardcore Cage Match
Royal Rumble Tournament
I Quit Match Title Match
Tag Title IC Title
European Title Women's Title
Hardcore Title Handicap
S. Referee Lucky
Favorite Good Looking
Sexy Good Speaker
Somber Power Attack +
Power Attack - Technical Attack +
Technical Attack - Speed Attack +
Speed Attack - Rouchneck Attack +
Roughneck Attack - Power Defense +
Power Defense - Technical Defense +
Technical Defense - Speed Defense +
Speed Defense - Rouchneck Defense +
Roughneck Defense- Power Skill +
Power Skill - Technical Skill +
Technical Skill - Speed Skill +
Speed Skill - Roughneck Skill +
Roughneck Skill - Singles Match +
Singles Match - Tag Match +
Tag Match - 3-Way Dance +
3-Way Dance - 4-Way Dance +
4-Way Dance - Battle Royal +
Battle Royal - Anywhere Fall +
Anywhere Fall - Hardcore Match +
Hardcore Match - Cage Match +
Cage Match - I Quit Match +
I Quit Match - Royal Rumble +
Royal Rumble - Handicap +
Handicap - S. Referee +
S. Referee - Injured Neck
Weak Neck Injured Waist
Weak Waist Injured Elbow
Weak Elbow Injured Knee
Weak Knee Lucky Life
Unlucky Funny
Smart Sensual
Lady Noble
Don Juan Female Fetal
Sharp Tongued Talented Speaker
Bad Speaker Fashionable
Unfashionable Good Health
Bad Health Loner
Cooperative Roughneck
Rowdy Fair
Betrayer Tenderhearted
Stone Cold + Rock +
Triple H+ Mankind +
Ken Shamrock + Al Snow +
Hardcore Holly + Big Show +
Kane + Undertaker +
Test + X-Pac +
Road Dogg + Degeneration X +
Mr. Ass + Gangrel +
Edge + Christian +
Bossman + Val Venis +
Godfather + Chyna +
Tori + Vince McMahon +
McMahon Family + D'Lo Brown +
Mark Henry + Matt Hardy +
Jeff Hardy + Hardy Boyz +
Chris Jericho + Shane McMahon +
Paul Bearer + Steve Blackman +
Faarooq + Bradshaw +
Acolytes + Buh Buh Ray +
D'Von + Dudley Boyz+
Debra + Stone Cold -
Rock - Triple H -
Mankind - Ken Shamrock -
Al Snow - Hardcore Holly -
Big Show - Kane -
Undertaker - Test -
X-Pac - Road Dogg -
Degeneration X - Mr. Ass -
Gangrel - Edge -
Christian - Bossman -
Val Venis - Godfather -
Chyna - Tori -
Vince McMahon - McMahon Family -
D'Lo Brown - Mark Henry -
Matt Hardy - Jeff Hardy -
Hardy Boyz - Chris Jericho -
Shane McMahon - Paul Bearer -
Steve Blackman - Faarooq -
Bradshaw - Acolytes -
Buh Buh Ray - D'Von -
Dudley Boyz - Debra -
Tournament + Title Match +
Tag Title + IC Title +
European Title + Women's Title +
Hardcore Title + Wealth
Ability: Raise your characters ability in 12 different areas
Logic: this the style of moves your superstar knows the most about, choose from
attack, grapple, aerial, ground, hardcore, or average.


Ready Moves

Irish Whip: O

(Fighting Pose)
Shoot Wrestling
The Rock


Level 1:
Scoop Slam
Hard Scoop Slam
Side Buster
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Choke Toss
Bearhug Front Slam
Body Press Slam
Body Press Drop FW
Body Press Drop
Level 5:

Level 1:
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex
Knee Smash
Level 3:
Belly to Back Flip
Gangrel Suplex
Level 4:
Level 5:
Spinning Back Drop

Level 1:
Small Package
Scissor Sweep
Level 2:
Shoulder Breaker
Hip Toss
Shin Breaker
Falling Neckbreaker
Arm Wrench
Jumping Arm Breaker
Level 3:
Dragon Screw
Level 4:
Level 5:

Level 1:
Eye Rack
Club To Neck
Level 2:
Headlock and Punch
Strong Head Butt
Level 3:
Lifting Chokehold
Manhattan Drop
Level 4:
Level 5:


Level 1:
Elbow Drop
Scoop Slam
Hard Scoop Slam
Side Buster
Level 2:
Level 3:
Stomach Crusher
Pendulum Backbreaker
Rib Breaker
Fall Away Slam
Pulling Piledriver
Pumphandle Drop
Level 4:
Choke Toss
Test Neckbreaker
Diving Powerbomb
Bearhug Front Slam
Body Press Slam
Torture Rack
Double Powerbomb
Body Press Drop FW
Body Press Drop
Running Powerbomb
Whirl Sideslam
Side Walk Slam
Level 5:

Level 1:
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex
Falcon Arrow
Knee Smash
Level 3:
Reverse Suplex
Belly to Back Flip
Fisherman Suplex
Gangrel Suplex
Tori Suplex
Level 4:
Northern Lights Suplex
Michinoku Driver
Jump Swinging DDT
Level 5:
Spinning Back Drop

Level 1:
Small Package
Scissor Sweep
Level 2:
Shoulder Breaker
Hip Toss
Shin Breaker
Falling Neckbreaker
Arm Wrench
Jumping Arm Breaker
Level 3:
Pulling Walk Slam
Dragon Screw
Level 4:
Sambo Suplex
Double Arm Backbreaker
Level 5:
Flipping Armbar

Level 1:
Eye Rake
Club to Neck
Level 2:
Headlock and Punch
Strong Head Butt
Level 3:
Lifting Chokehold
Manhattan Drop
Level 4:
Knee Strike
Double Arm DDT
Level 5:

*Please E-Mail me your created wrestlers and I will be posting them as soon as
possible. Remember be as detailed as possible. I will be posting just 1
creation of each superstar.*

a. Rikishi
(by Mscnyid)

Name: Rikishi Phatu
Nickname: Rikishi
Age 35?
Gender: Male
Favorite Star: The rock
Entrance video: Godfather

Head: 15 (test)
Upper: 28 (Y2J)
Lower: 15 (Test)
Height: 0%
Weight: 100%
Weapon: Piped Chair

Fighting Style: Powerful
Character: Speed Skill
Power: Skill: level 3
Attack: level 1
Defense level 1
Speed: Skill: level 4
Attack: level 1
Defense: level 1
Skill: level 3
Attack: level 1
Defense: level 1
Skill: level 2
Attack: level 1
Defense: level 1
Logic: Attack and Grapple
Finisher: Michinoku Driver/rename Rikishi Driver
Favorite: Thump/rename Stink face (do this when opponent is in the
corner to make it look real)

b. Updated Test
(by Mscnyid)

Name: Test
Nickname: Test
Favorite Star: You Choose
Entrance Video: Test

Head:15 (Test)
Upper: Christian, I'm not sure on the number
Lower:1 (Undertaker)
Weapon: Iron Pipe

Fighting Style: Powerful
Character: Speed Skill
Power: Skill: level 4
Attack: level 1
Defense: level 1
Speed: Skill: level 3
Attack: level 1
Defense: level 1
Skill: level 3
Attack: level 1
Defense: Level 1
All level 1
attack and grapple
Finisher: Test diving Elbow
Favorite: Pump Handle Slam

c. Jeff Jarrett
(frank_blanco@yahoo.com (Michael Barker))

Jeff Jarrett
Double J
age: 33
Nashville, TN
fave: ( I use Shane personally)
movie: Debra ( gotta love the puppies)

head:69 ( guy with buzz cut and shades )
upper: 8
lower: 52 ( neon blue shorts)
height: around 10%
weight: around 25%
weapon: guitar ( like you didn't know)
moves can whatever ever you want but for realism I use the Downward Spiral as a
finisher and rename it The Stroke and use the Figure 4 as a favorite move.

d. Bull Buchanan
(by Marvin Marv007143)

Name and nickname: Bull Buchanan
Head: Austin #0
Upper body: Bossman #09
Lower body: bossman #09
Height: 90%
Weight: 50%
Skin: 2nd
Weapon: night stick
Entrance Movie: Bossman
Favorite star: Godfather
Fighting style: Powerful
Characteristic: Bossman -
Logic: Grapple and average

Standing Grapple: Club to neck, bely to back flip, body press drop, hard scoop
Groggy moves: Pendulum backbreaker, stomach crusher, Piledriver,Jacknife
standing Attack: Clothesline, Big boot, Kane throat thrust, Austin punch
Behind: Atomic drop, diving reverse DDT, backdrop, abdominal stretch Upper
ground: Mounted punch, Reverse chin lock, Knee smash
Lower ground: Kick to groin, Boston crab, Leg lock
ground: Attack Angry stomp, elbow drop, double knee drop, Senton splash, leg
Upper turnbuckle: Superplex, Foot choke
Behind turnbuckle: Super back drop, Backside slam
Lower turnbuckle: Foot choke, choke
Rope apponent: Bossman attack, Diving body press, Vaulting body press Aeral
standing Double axe handle, Shoulder block, Flying clothesline Aeral ground:
Elbow drop, diving elbow, Test diving elbow
Run to outside: Baseball slide
Running grapple: Neckbreaker drop, neckbreaker, Rolling clutch pin Running
grapple behind: School boy, Bulldog, Face crusher
Runnung attack: Clothesline, Power clothesline, Diving shoulder
Counter: Shoulder block, Whirl side slam, sidewalk slam
Special: Fame asser change to Axe kick
Favorite move: Foot choke
Combination move: Austin punch, elbow smash, throat thrust, overhand punch
Taunt: hardcore holly, chris jericho
Winning move: normal
Entrance move: normal ring in:
normal ring out: normal

e. Kurt Angle
(by Rosskerne@tank71.freeserve.co.uk (Kevin Ryan))

Name: Kurt Angle
Nickname: Kurt Angle
Sex: Male
Hometown: Your guess is as good as mine OHIO?
Entrance: I use Hardcore Holly's

Head: 5 (Ken Shamrock)
Upper: ? Vest with American Flag on it
Lower ? Blue ruffled shorts

Height: 10%
Weight: 30%

Finisher : Pimpdrop-Rename "Olympic Slam"
Favourite: Gangrel Suplex-"Kurt Suplex"
These are if u have 100 ability points at C_A_S
Power skill : 4
Speed Skill :4
Put the rest on the Attack levels for these
Characteristic: Good Speaker !

e. Goldberg
(by jwcsdav@hotmail.com (Jim Davis))

You use stone cold's head, ken shamrock's top
body, and then the big show's bottom. When it all comes out you get
GOLDBERG. His height and weight are default settings. His profile
you can get at wcw.com and his music is ken shamrock. And favorite wrester
??. You pick. His finisher is of course the Brainbuster(jackhammer). His
favorite move is the spear(Goldberg spear). His fighting style is of course
powerful and characteristic is speed attack or speed attack +. which ever
you have, but if possible go with the "+" one, it's better. His other
characteristic is attack and grapple. For best fighting technique looks of
the real Goldberg I threw in some of the body press moves, and that is my
Goldberg caw.

f. Lita
(by Dagger)

Head: Stephanie Macmahon/Ivory(if you can't create Steph yet)
Upper: red bikini top
Lower: Matt Hardy's pants/ red track pants with white pipings at the side

Attributes: I placed most of her ability points in the Speed and Technical
category, emphasising mostly on skill.

Moves: Entirely up to the player. But try not to give her moves where she is
able to lift and hold her male opponents above her head (eg: Falcon Arrow,Front
Body Slam, etc.) or power moves meant more for brute powerhouses (eg: Jacknife
Powerbomb, Bearhug Front Slam, etc.).

Favorite move: Hurracanrana
Finisher: Diving Moonsault

g. Test
(by Dagger)

I have heard a few complaints from gamers about Test in Smackdown (eg: Lousy
finisher, doesn't look like him, etc.). So I created a new Test more similar to
the one in the WWF at the moment.

Head: Test
Upper: Test/ Ken Shamrock
Lower: Full black leather pants

Attributes: I gave full ability points to the Power category until it maxed out
and then if I received any more ability points, I would put them in either
Speed and Technical. For Roughneck, I only increased his attack and defense.

I won't list out all his moves except for the ones I deem essential. The moves
that I don't list out is for the player to decide himself/herself.

Ready Moves:-
Choke Toss

Groggy Moves:-
Stomach Crusher
Jacknife Powerbomb
Diving Powerbomb

Pumphandle Slam
Full Nelson Slam

Ready Attack:-
Power Clothesline
Big Boot

Top of Turnbuckle (Opp. Standing):-
Double Axe Handle
Flying Clothesline

Top of Turnbuckle (Opp. Lying Down):-
Test Diving Elbow

Favorite Move: Test Diving Elbow/ Pumphandle Slam (Up to the player's whim)
Finisher: Test Diving Elbow/ Pumphandle Slam (Once again, it's the player's

g. The Goodfather
(by MTRodaba2468)

Head: The Godfather
Body: Mankind
Legs: Vince McMahon

Power Skill: 5
Speed Skill: 2
Technical Skill: 3
Roughneck Skill: 3

Use the Godfather's move list.

Finisher: Pimpdrop (Rename to Censor Drop, or something like that)

h. New Undertaker
(by LittleB)

New Taker:

Finisher:dominator(last ride)
Signiture:powerbomb(last ride2)or if u have gameshark,get the Showstopper and
call it(chokeslam from HELL).

keep the other moves from his list that he has

i. Justin Credible
(by Dagger)

Head: Stone Cold Steve Austin (0)
Upper: HHH (6)
Lower: D'von's black bermudas (35)/ the cutaway jeans (87)

Attributes: When creating this character, I made sure I increased his Skill
level in Power, Tech and Speed categories first so that more moves would be
able to him. Raise the Skill level in Tech to 4, Power to 5 and Speed to 4 for
best results. Any remaining points should be distributed according to the
player's choice. But I recommend increasing the Attack level of the desired

I won't list out all his moves and unless you are a die-hard fan of ECW or a
big fan of Credible, here are some moves that I deem essential to the CAW.

Ready moves:-

Groggy moves:-
Falcon Arrow/Brainbuster (Whichever you think makes for a better hanging
vertical suplex)
Jump Swinging DDT
Jacknife Powerbomb
Diving Powerbomb

Ready Attack:-

Ground moves:-
Figure Four Leg Lock

Turnbuckle (Opp.Facing):-
Tornado DDT

Favorite Move: Spinning DDT (Jump Swinging DDT/Tornado DDT; like I said
whichever you think is better!)
Finisher: That's Incredible! (Tombstone Piledriver)

j. Dean Malenko
(by Dagger)

Head: Vince Macmahon (11)
Upper: Stone Cold Steve Austin (0)
Lower: Big Show (3)

Increase his Skill level in Tech and Power first to level 5 and 4 respectively,
and then increase his Attack and Defence levels. If possible, try to max out
his Tech stats for best results.

Here are some moves that I find crucial for this CAW:

Ready moves:-
Scissor Sweep
Small Package
Arm Wrench

Groggy moves:-
Stomach Crusher
Jacknife Powerbomb

Ready Attack:-

Ground Moves:-
Texas Cloverleaf

Running Attack:-

Favorite Move: Texas Cloverleaf (Texas Cloverleaf)
Finisher: In the case of Malenko's finisher, choose a submission based finisher
like Shamrock Anklelock, Flipping Armbar or Octopus Stretch as he is known as
The Man Of A Thousand Holds so it's only right that he uses a hold as a

k. Essa Rios
(by Dagger)

Head: Jeff Hardy (27)/ Stevie Richards (46)
Upper: Test (15)/ Jericho (27)
Lower: Red tights with flame pattern (41)/ Dark red tights with geometrical
patterns (81)

Essa is a speedy character so your main emphasis should be in increasing his
Skill level in Speed to 5. And you should also increase his Skill level in Tech
to 4 to be able to use his Diving Moonsault as a finisher.

Essa is a talented, high-flying, risk-taker so be creative with his repertoire!

Favorite move: Hurracanrana (Hurracanrana/ Frankensteiner; not much difference,
one is while standing and the other from the turnbuckle)/ The 450 (The 450)
Finisher: Diving Moonsault

9. King of the Ring Guide
Make your way through a bracket-style tournament to become King of the Ring!
King of the Ring tournament Bracket:
|Wrestler 1|\ ----------
---------- \ |Winner of |
---------- / |the Match |\
|Wrestler 2|/ ---------- \ ----------
---------- \ |Winner of |
/ |the Match |\
---------- / ---------- \
|Wrestler 3|\ ---------- / \
---------- \ |Winner of | \
---------- / |the Match | \
|Wrestler 4|/ ---------- \ ----------
---------- \ |Winner of |
/ |the Match |
---------- / |King of |
|Wrestler 5|\ ---------- / |the Ring |
---------- \ |Winner of | / ----------
---------- / |the Match |\ /
|Wrestler 6|/ ---------- \ ---------- /
---------- \ |Winner of |/
/ |the Match |
---------- / ----------
|Wrestler 7|\ ---------- /
---------- \ |Winner of |
---------- / |the Match |
|Wrestler 8|/ ----------

The key to winning King of the Ring is to have a very agile wrestler that can
last 3 straight matches.
The top 5 best guys to be in King of the Ring:
1. Chris Jericho- he's quick but powerful at the same time.
2. Stone Cold- You can be the crap out of him but he still keeps getting right
back up.
3. The Rock- Not much to say he's the WWF champ.
4. Triple H- Great Strength and stamina.
5. Kane- Massive size and power but very agile, has great stamina.

The 5 worst guys to be:
*Coming Soon*

9. Secrets and Codes
Here is a list of Hidden Secrets I have unlocked:
Hidden Characters/Characteristics How to unlock it
Wealth characteristic Complete 1 Pre-Season
European Title+ Complete 2 Pre-Seasons
Women's Title+ Complete 3 Pre-Seasons
Tournament+ Complete 4 Pre-Seasons
Hardcore Title+ Complete 5 Pre-Seasons
Intercontinental Title+ Complete 6 Pre-Seasons
Tag Title+ Complete 7 Pre-Seasons
Title Match+ Complete 8 Pre-Seasons
Pre-Season Skip Complete 10 Pre-Seasons
Blue Meanie Win your match at Summerslam
Stevie Richards Lose your match at Summerslam
Stone Cold's Alternate Outfit Not Sure
The Rock's Alternate Outfit Not Sure
Stephanie McMahon Lose to HHH at Wrestlemania

Season Mode
Hidden Character/Ability Points How to unlock it
Ivory Complete 1 Season
Prince Albert Complete 2 Seasons
Jacqueline Complete 3 Seasons
Viscera Complete 4 Seasons
80 Ability Points Complete 5 Seasons
Mideon Complete 6 Seasons
Gerald Brisco Complete 7 Seasons
Pat Patterson Complete 8 Seasons
90 Ability Points Complete 10 Seasons
100 Ability Points Complete 20 Seasons

All Modes
(Any Match w/ Weapons)
submitted by The Nuttcraker

You can get a different weapon from under the ring. All you do is grab a weapon
lying around. Then stand next to the ring, hold select, and press R1. Your
wrestler will bend down and pick up a new weapon. Keep pressing R1 until you
have the weapon you want.

(Dudley Boyz HeadButt)
submitted by coolcon12114@hotmail.com (Conner Tierney)

I figured out how to do the Dudley Boyz headbutt to Groin. I did it with my
friend with 2 Created wrestlers. Pick a 2 on 1 handicap match and have two
people control the team with the advantage. Knock the opponent down buy the
turnbuckle so their legs are buy the turnbuckle. Have someone do pin with
bridge and the other person do diving headbutt from the top of the

(DX Characteristic Tip)
submitted by capintern@BAM.ORG (capintern)

I saw that someone asked for Prince Albert's finisher. Its the Falling
Powerslam. I forget what he calls it in real life. I got a DX- with the
Eddie Guerrerro I created last night. I forget the win and loss pattern
that it takes to get there but you have to get up to a point where you
interact with X-Pac before a 4 Way match between your created wrestler,
X-Pac and the New Age Outlaws ( in February I think). The characteristic
should be unlocked then. By the way more characteristic seem to be unlocked
when playing on normal or hard difficulty. For what I've seen on normal
when you create someone all there character slot get filled unlike easy
where you usually only fill 2 at the most.

(XXXX Move Glitch)
submitted by Jpika9920

When my friend was creating a wrestler and messing around the moves, for the
combo you do when you push X four times for the fourth one, above speedy Level
1 there was something called XXX. We tried it out only to find that it made his
wrestler fall down and not hurt the opponent like a leg drop.

(In Game Glitch)
submitted by mr_drood@mailandnews.com (Steve)

Edge (me) Test, and Val Venis. Anyway, Edge and Test wound up laying
next to each other near the turnbuckle. Val had a Smackdown so climbed
the turnbuckle and used it. He hit BOTH Edge and Test, eliminating both.
They climbed out the ring which means Val won, except the system didn't
realize this. It just sat there, Val standing in the ring, with all the
other wrestlers outside. Must be a bug involving 2 wrestlers being
eliminated simultaneously by the remaining wrestler. Only way out was
to exit the game.

Submitted by jrodabau@nycap.rr.com (Jon Rodabaugh)
In the glitches section, about the one in battle royal where
two guys were eliminated once, the same thing happened to me. Only it
counted as eliminating both guys, and I won. I think the reason was that
one guy was on the ground, and the other was standing right by him,
instead of both guys on the ground.

Gameshark Codes
If you would like Gameshark Codes for this game please visit

10. Questions and Answers
Please E-Mail me with any questions about the game.

I created a wrestler, and I put him through pre-season, and Vince McMahon told
him to continue, and I can't put him through anymore pre-seasons. But I keep
hearin how you can still put him through pre-seasons, but it won't let me,
what's wrong?

You can play multiple pre-seasons but not with the same created superstar. Each
created superstar can only go through one pre-season. So if you want to play
more than 1 pre-season then create more created superstars.

I've been going through pre-seasons for a couple of months now and I am still
unable to unlock the DX+ or DX- characteristic. Do you have any idea how I can
do this?

I do have an idea how to unlock DX+ and DX-. What you need to do is say thanks
to each DX member you encounter in pre-season mode to get DX+. Or you can say
shut-up to each DX member and get DX-. If this doesn't work than I hope you
have a Gameshark. Use Unlock all Characteristics cheat (found at cmgsccc.com)
and you will have all the characters traits selectable.

(Creed's Answer)
You got me, I unlocked them all with a GameShark code, but I *suspect* it would
be done during Pre-Season, when they come talk to you, and you respond
postively or negatively. By the way, being 'Fashionable' or 'Unfashionable'
depends on how you answer Debra when she speaks to you - I know you were SO
anxious to know that bit of information!

(Dirk-Kuns Answer)
As far as I know, DX+ and DX- is just the short form they used to write NEW
AGE OUTLAWS+ and - ... You get the characteristic when you encounter both
Road Dogg and Mr Ass together and tell them to shut up or thanks. To be
able to do that you need to actually be nice to Triple H since they attack
you if you tell him off (but then again, this may or may not get you the
DX- ;P).

I have just finished one season, then how do I properly unlock Ivory? Do I have
to go to the create a superstar mode or what? Could you tell me the steps as to
how I could properly unlock and use all the hidden characters.

Well this is one of the bad things about WWF Smackdown. Even though you have
unlocked Ivory you have to go to Create-A-Superstar mode and create her
yourself with appearance, profile, and moves. When it says you have unlocked
Ivory what it really means is you have unlocked her body parts and you must use
up one of your created superstar spots.

I recently played through the season mode and unlocked a few wrestlers and 90
points but I don't know how to give my wrestlers cool moves like the Rock
Bottom, torture rack, 450's, and other not in the regular wrestlers moves. I'm
going through Pre-Season having already completed it with another created

What you need to do is to play through a pre-season with your created
superstar. By winning matches, you receive attribute points. Use them to
increase your skill in all four categories, so you can get higher-level moves.
(Preston Carter [Phenom])

(Creed's Answer)
Moves like the Torture Rack are only listed under Groggy Attacks. The Rock
Bottom is considered a finisher (hey, how come The Rock gets two?!), and the
450 is a Top Rope move requiring Level 4 Tech or Speed (Can't recall which).
However - the ONLY way to get moves like X-Factor, Money Shot, Mandible Claw,
and Reverse Death Valley Driver in a non-finisher slot is some creative use of
a GameShark.

How do I climb over the cage faster?

Keep on pressing all the directional buttons as fast as you can. You can press
all of them real fast if you keep on slide your thumb around all of them.

In Create a player mode how do u unlock all of the moves???????

I don't think you can without a Gameshark but if any body knows please e-mail
me. You need to use the infinite creation points code with a Gameshark and put
your skill level to 5's in all 4 categories. Then you can choose from all the

(Creed's Answer)
Much easier way to see all of the moves: Create a new wrestler, give him Level
5 Skill in 1-2 catagories (if you have a Skill +, use that to help - getting
the 80, 90, or 100 CAW Pts. will help), then go and look at all the Level 3, 4,
and 5 moves that were just "???" before that! Once you've seen what you want
to see, go back and change his attributes (give him Power Skill + instead of
Speed Skill +, etc.) and unlock the rest of them!


Answer: Action Replay Codes are for a Gameshark devise. (It doesn't come with
your playstation you have to buy it) A Gameshark costs about $40 and allows you
to access more cheats than you can without it. It comes in handy a lot if
you're a hard-core cheater.

i took my C-A-S through a pre-season in smackdown and got parts of stevie
richards the "wealth" and i was just wondering "how come i can't go to
pre-season again and work my way of getting the other hidden characters? it
says you have completed a pre-season and won't let me go in.

You can play multiple pre-seasons but not with the same created superstar. Each
created superstar can only go through one pre-season. So if you want to play
more than 1 pre-season then create more created Superstars.

my bro was and he told me that when he was wrestling someone they did a pinning
move where they run with u from behind and push u into the room and roll u
back and pin u. do u know how to do this?

I think the move your talking about is the Sunset Flip. How to do it- I'm not
sure. I think the move was supposed to be deleted but wasn't.

In Smackdown for ps, can u do the Dudley Death Drop or not? If so how?

Sorry the 3D is not in the game. What a bummer.

in season you can give two caw a tag name and i put it in and the name never
appears on screen how do you make it appear?

I had the same problem myself. Originally THQ said you could do this but you
can't. Sorry.

have two questions.. one is how do you do the 3D deathdrop... the other is..
can you do the thin where Dvon headbutts the genitals? in other words the gys

Sorry none of those moves are in Smackdown. That really sucks.

(Creed's Answer)
Well - you SORTA can. The easy answer is to slam the wrestler so his legs
point to the turnbuckle (a Bearhug Front Slam works great for this!), then
launch a Diving Headbutt from the top, and it will LOOK like you just nailed
the guy in the nuts. Another way is, assuming you can get help, to have
someone hit the Pin With Bridge just as you jump (gotta be quick on this one!)
for the Diving Headbutt - it's not perfect, but it looks WICKED!

Are there any buttons to push while you are being pinned to allow you to kick
out of a pin sooner?

I think you press Select, but my cousin says you press square. If anybody could
confirm this please e-mail me.

Likewise are there any buttons to push while you are pinning someone to allow
you to pin them longer?

I'm not really sure I think it is the same as the answer above but I could be
wrong. If anybody can confirm this that would be great.

I noticed in the royal rumble as well as well as other matches in the game,
when someone throws or hits you over the top ropes sometimes you grab the ropes
and slide back underneath, is there a way to control this?

Yes I believe you can press Square and that will prevent you from falling over.

I'm playing season mode with X-Pac, and I'm ranked number 2. I've gone through
about 2 and a half years, but I haven't had a shot at any belts yet. How do I
get belts? Also, in King of the Ring I haven't been in the tournament. I was
wondering if the selection is random, because if it's not, I don't know why I'm
not in it.

The process to get picked for a title shot is random if your eligible. If you
really want a title shot make it yourself in exhibition or Pay-Per-View mode.
The selection to be in King of the Ring is also random.

Where do you create Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley? And is the code true where
"lose to HHH at Wrestlemania?"

Yes the code is true. You go to create-a-superstar and create her. When it says
you have unlocked Stephanie McMahon that means you have unlocked her body

(Creed's Answer)
Yes, but you have to go thru the chain of events which GETS you to WM vs. HHH,
so you can lose. Also, she'll come out with Vince at the end of Pre-Season
instead of Austin or 'Taker!

I have completed the season mode for about one year in easy mode and I do not
get Ivory even in C-A-W mode.

I don't know how you didn't get Ivory because when I played a season on easy I
unlocked Ivory.

I'm wondering if you could put a belt up for grabs without being involved in
the match?

Yes you can. In a created Pay-Per-View or an exhibition match.

have succesfully created Mideon , Viscera and Prince Albert BUT I DONT NOW
appear in the game) AND FINISHER AND FAVORITE MOVE NAMES(the REAL wrestler's
finisher name)

First of all I don't know Mideon, Viscera, or Prince Albert's finisher. Let
alone what it is in the game. Sorry I can't help you with this one.

(Creed's Answer)
Okay, here you go:
Mideon: Diving Reverse DDT - "Eye Opener"
Viscera: (Jumping Splash - Try the Money Shot or Falling Headbutt as a
Prince Albert: Falling Powerslam - "Albert Bomb"
However, Albert's move is slightly different, as in real life, he drops them
straight down in power bomb position, not off to the side.

(bigbadmofo316@hotmail.com (vadim verkhoglyad) Answer)
Prince Albert's finisher is not the Falling Powerslam. In the game, his
finisher is the "Sky High;" Level 4 finisher in either technical or speedy,
I forget. Anyways, in real-life WWF, it's called the Lifting Powerbomb.
(bigbadmofo316@hotmail.com (vadim verkhoglyad))


I can't really help you but I have encountered a similar problem. I have a mega
memory card and sometimes it recognizes that its there but doesn't save.

(jwcsdav@hotmail.com (Jim Davis)'s Answer)
You have to go to the option mode at the begining.Then go to the bottom and
turn on the auto save, or hit r1 and go to system data save. These are how i
saved all my caw's. I didn't know if you had the answer or not so i decided
to tell you if you had it anyway.
(jwcsdav@hotmail.com (Jim Davis))

How can you make the favorite move of a CAW one of the strong ones like the
rock bottom, shy high, and ect?

You can only give him one of the moves you have selected previously for him. I
had the same problem. I tried to get the Rock Bottom but I could only select it
as a finisher.

Do you have problems using WWF Smackdown with a multitap? Using two controllers
(two players) is not a problem but when i have three or four players, as soon
as the match starts with all 4 people or 3 in the ring, the game goes to pause
and the pause letters switch from Pause to Controller Removed and the game is
not playable with it going to pause constantly. Did this happen to you and what
did you do to fix it?
(Triple H 0134)

Yes I had the same problem. You must have a madcatz mutli-tap. The only
multi-tap that will work is Sony Playstation's multi-tap.

Hey, I was reading your FAQ on Seagsages and I was wondering how exactly you
unlock the pre season secrets.

You complete a pre-season.

I was just wondering 2 things. First, if my opponent is against the
ropes, when I have ran at him and pressed square sometimes he grabs my
opponents waist and attempts to roll him into a pin. I believe someone else
asked this, but phrased it wrong. I am pretty sure that it isn't a school
boy, but I am not quite sure how to do it, but it involves square. And,
secondly, when you toss someone by their legs, are you supposed to smack
them off something?
(dilweed33@hotmail.com (Chris S.))

I'm not sure how to do the move but the move is called the sunset flip but it
doesn't appear in the moves dialogue box.

(Creed's Answer)
They're talking about the same thing, and it's not the Sunset Flip (Rolling
Clutch Pin) - it's one of the moving blocks. You know how if you run at
someone and block, you slide under their legs, or leapfrog over their back?
It's like that - only they have to being running AWAY from you. You push them
to the ropes, almost like you're going to do a rolling prawn hold (kinda like a
School Boy off the ropes), but you roll backwards and nothing happens. It's
VERY uncommon, and as far as I can tell, it's just a cool looking block, it
isn't an actual 'move', so you can't pin someone off of it.

(Rosskerne@tank71.freeserve.co.uk (Kevin Ryan)'s answer)
The Sunset flip is nothing to do with square- It is under the name in running
moves of ROLLING CLUTCH PIN and is performed in the same way you would do a
running DDT etc. No-one uses it as it sounds like a component of a car engine!
Just push triangle so you are running at an opponent facing u and push circle
about a meter from him.voila!
(Rosskerne@tank71.freeserve.co.uk (Kevin Ryan))

Okay, it was a 1 player Battle Royal. It was down to 3 wrestlers left.
Edge (me) Test, and Val Venis. Anyway, Edge and Test wound up laying
next to each other near the turnbuckle. Val had a Smackdown so climbed
the turnbuckle and used it. He hit BOTH Edge and Test, eliminating both.
They climbed out the ring which means Val won, except the system didn't
realize this. It just sat there, Val standing in the ring, with all the
other wrestlers outside. Must be a bug involving 2 wrestlers being
eliminated simultaneously by the remaining wrestler. Only way out was
to exit the game.

I had a similar experience but in an I quit Match. Okay, it was me vs. the
Rock. The match started with me and the rock in the ring a Chyna outside. Then
she came in the ring a made the rock submit. Then I began to fight her but she
would not lock on to me. I beat her but it said I had between the Rock 1 on 1.

(Creed's Answer)
Got one for you - went to have my C-A-W ("Creed", no relation to the band) vs.
'Taker Cage Match - and the Rock was in there, too! I made the mistake of
slapping a Figure 4 on the dead man, so Rock just ran away. Oddly, it happened
AGAIN two 'months' later (in Season mode, not real life!). But this time, I
was wise to his tricks. I just kept wailing on both of them, while they kept
trying over and over to escape the cage - two finishers later, I was FINALLY
able to get them down and get out!

please tell me how to get tables in Smackdown?
(derocky@netzero.net (derocky))

Tables are not in the game.

how do find tables in smackdown the game. And how do put people in push
(gameboy113@juno.com (trethony t lewin))

Tables are not in the game. To get the cart, find it press R1 to pick it up.
Then press X to slam it into people.

In your walkthrough you state that you have to play many preseasons to unlock
codes, ex. 10 preseasons - preseason skip. I haven't actually tried this, but I
thought you only could play 4 preseasons with 4 different wrestlers. Can you
please help me out here?

Well, you have to create more wrestlers and delete your old ones if you want to
do that.

i e-mailed u before concerning smack down about putting the title on the line
WITHOUT being involved in the match meaning I'm not fighting against anyone,
they are fighting against each other to get my belt. For example, the Rock and
Kane are fighting in a single's match for the european title which i have
"x-pac" and i'm not in the match.


Hi I was wondering if you could tell me how to get Rikishi, Scotty 2 Hotty
and Grand Master Sexay for Smackdown.
(paulbennett3@hotmail.com (Paul Bennett))

Rikishi, Grand Master Sexay, and Scotty 2 Hotty are not in the game. You have
to create them yourself.

Is it really possible to crotch your opponent on the ring post?

(Answer by Creed)
YES. It's easier to do with two people working together, but if you work fast,
you can do it all yourself. First, get your opponent whipped into the corner,
facing either direction (toward the ring or away). Then, slide out of the ring
near the victim's feet, and press O. If he didn't step away from the
turnbuckles, you'll pull his feet out from under him, then pull him back right
into the ringpost! Ouch!

One thing I can't seem to figure out is how to create a tag team. I know if you
use Jeff Hardy in a season you will have a lot of tag matches with your brother
Matt. But if I create two guys I want to tag together I'm lost. I get them both
through a pre season then when its time to go to a season I have no idea how to
pair them up. I don't even know how to get two CAW's in a season at the same
time. If you could answer this I would truely appreciate it. E mail me and let
me know what you've got on it. Thanks, an olympic hero's fan...
(scryptic5@home.com (Mike Casey))

You go to season mode and put the two superstars in the season. Then you select
a pair of two. Make sure you have a second human player you be your other
created star. Then it will ask you to give your tag-team a name. Do that and
then your tag-team should be set up.

With Kane he has the tombstone piledriver as non finisher,how can
i do that???
(komrakov@web.com (a a))

You can't it just some kind of thing that the original wrestlers only have.

When i completed pre-season the first and the 2 and the
3,4,5,6 then i got wealth all the time then i tryed to lose (easy
mode) and now i'm having all the time euro+ (the second reward)
how can i get the rest cuz i have completed pre-season 20 times or
so...can you help me?????????????????????????????????????????????
(komrakov@web.com (a a))

I don't know what the problem is. Try playing a pre-season on normal or hard.

how do you do the thing where the rock spits in his hands and slaps you?
(sngchick@hotmail.com (Mary Vang))

You can't it is not in the game. Just like so many other cool moves.

Firstly, are you sure that the Rock Bottom cannot be used as a favourite
move, only a finisher? It seems strange that the original Rock in the game
can do this but a created one can't.

Secondly, are you now aware of how to get the Rock's Alternative Outfit? My
guide says to complete 'Stage 61, House Show ED4' but I have no idea what
this means. What are stages and ED4's?
gamesmad@hotmail.com (Chris Green)

Yes, I'm sure that the Rock can only do that. ED4 and Stage 61, that's just
computer talk. It's where the match is found on the game engine.

How do you help other people like computers that are playing? I mean come
out and beat up a guy for the other computer and then go outside of the
(osmart1@prodigy.net (OLIVER SMART))

You can't. If anybody knows a way please e-mail me.

how do i put a title up for graps
meaning i won't be in a match while they are fighting over my belt and is there
a way i can put it on the line without being involved in the match.
i want to get rid of a belt.

You can't do that. Whichever wrestler holds the title must be in the match. You
could put your guy in the match and let the computer be him.

*If you think I have answer any question wrongfully please e-mail me if you
have a better answer.*

11. Miscellaneous Info
This FAQ is 156,973 characters long
To print this FAQ it would take on the average 101 pages
This is my first FAQ

(Created Wrestlers)
*Please E-Mail me your created wrestlers and I will be posting them as soon as
possible. Remember be as detailed as possible. I will be posting just 1
creation of each superstar.*

12. Credits
GameFAQs, for posting this guide.

The WWF, for providing great entertainment for years and years to come.

Yukes, for making such a great game.

THQ, for publishing the greatest wrestling game for playstation.

Preston, for helping me with the finisher and trademark move guide and the move

Lindsay, for helping me with the FAQ especially the move lists.

Mscnyid, for his Rikishi and updated Test Creations.

The Nuttcraker, for his weapons match tip.

bigtyma561@icqmail.com, for his pre-season question.

Lampon123, for his DX question.

Stone10@musclemail.com, for his Ivory question.

monacofc@hotmail.com, for his created wrestlers moves question.

JlW0221@aol.com, for his question.

ATran67471, for his Smackdown question

gokcy@hotmail.com, for his Gameshark question.

Jabrony564, for his moves question.

Hockeymann2@hotmail.com, for his 3D question.

Tltrombone, for his questions.

johnyf@hotmail.com, for his Smackdown questions and for helping answer the
royal rumble question.

Gt2dude@aol.com, for helping confirm the royal rumble question.

Dirk-Kun, for his answer to a question.

swcs_10@hotmail.com, for his title shot question.

RADICALS2006, for his question.

sahnibat@del3.vsnl.net.in, for his question.

robsalviato@hotmail.com, for his confirmation of the hidden move.

bardock@lycos.com, for his question.

Triple H 0134, for his question.

DanJF11, for his question.

dilweed33@hotmail.com (Chris S.), for his question.

Jpika9920, for there glitch.

mr_drood@mailandnews.com (Steve), for his glitch.

derocky@netzero.net (derocky), for his question.

gameboy113@juno.com (trethony t lewin), for his question.

coolcon12114@hotmail.com (Conner Tierney), for his tip.

capintern@BAM.ORG (capintern), for his tip.

frank_blanco@yahoo.com (Michael Barker), for his Jeff Jarrett creation.

BBills83, for his question.

paulbennett3@hotmail.com (Paul Bennett), for his question.

-Marvin Marv007143, for the Bull Buchanan CAW.

Creed, for his answers to questions.

scryptic5@home.com (Mike Casey), for his question.

bigbadmofo316@hotmail.com (vadim verkhoglyad), for his answer to a question.

komrakov@web.com (a a), for his questions.

sngchick@hotmail.com (Mary Vang), for his question.

Rosskerne@tank71.freeserve.co.uk (Kevin Ryan), for his Kurt Angle creation and
for his help on a question.

osmart1@prodigy.net (OLIVER SMART), for his question.

gamesmad@hotmail.com (Chris Green), for his question.

jwcsdav@hotmail.com (Jim Davis), for his answer to a question and for the
Goldberg CAW.

jrodabau@nycap.rr.com (Jon Rodabaugh), for his glitch.

Dagger, for the CAW's. Thanks a lot.

LittleB, for the New Undertaker creation.

MTRodaba2468, for the Goodfather creation.

Thanks to all that have contributed to this FAQ (including questions, answers,
and tips).

Me, for typing this guide.

You, for reading this FAQ.

13. My Other Works
To view my other works please go to the link below

Faqs: 20 Reviews: 3
Ranking: 242
(as of 8/11/00)

(Playstation FAQ's)
NBA Live '98
MLB '99
WWF Smackdown!
March Madness '98

(Playstation Character FAQ's)
WWF Smackdown:
Faarooq Character Guide
Bradshaw Character Guide
Matt Hardy Character Guide
Mr. Ass Character Guide
Paul Bearer Character Guide

WWF Attitude
The Rock
Owen Hart
Shawn Michaels
Brian Christopher
Jerry (The King) Lawler

(Playstation Reviews)
NBA Live '98
MLB '99
March Madness '98

My Guides will only be found on

http://www.gamefaqs.com : GameFAQs

*E-Mail* If you have any questions, comments, or created wrestlers please
e-mail me (tctarheel48@aol.com). Please put WWF Smackdown in the subject line.
Thank You for reading my FAQ.

This Document is copyrighted 2000 Tarrant Carter (TheGreatOne)

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17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Test Character Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Tori Character Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Starte eine neuee Karriere mit 90 Charakter Punkten.

18.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Character FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Complete Guide FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Finishers FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Finishers FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Mark Henry FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Big Show FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Ken Shamrock FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Shane McMahon FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Vince McMahon FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Val Venice FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Create A Wrestler FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Rock FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Steve Blackman FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Chyna FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Acolytes FAQ

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Charakter FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Character Move FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020