WWF Smackdown!

WWF Smackdown!

17.10.2013 14:04:37
WWF Smackdown! Faq
Version 5.0
Written By: Tazzmission
E-Mail: ddoyle@tconl.com
AOLIM: Real Tazzmission
ICQ: 41909042
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 07, 2000

Please Visit www.Wrestling-Games.com for the latest version of my faqs
and the latest news on Wrestling Games.

Also visit www.WrestlingTalks.com to talk about the latest wrestling
news and games.

Note: If something is not in the faq, I don't know how to do it. Such as
the 3D.

*Table O' Contents*
1. Introduction
2. Updates
3. How To Play
4. Moves
-Stone Cold Steve Austin *Full Movelist*
-The Undertaker *Full Movelist*
-The Rock *Full Movelist*
-Big Show Paul Wright *Full Movelist*
-Mankind *Full Movelist*
-Ken Shamrock *Full Movelist*
-Triple H *Full Movelist*
-Kane *Full Movelist*
-Val Venis *Full Movelist*
-Big Boss Man *Full Movelist*
-X-Pac *Full Movelist*
-Vince McMahon *Full Movelist*
-Mr. Ass Billy Gunn *Full Movelist*
-Road Dogg *Full Movelist*
-Hardcore Holly *Full Movelist*
-Test *Full Movelist*
-Al Snow *Full Movelist*
-Gangrel *Full Movelist*
-Christian *Full Movelist*
-Edge *Full Movelist*
-Chyna *Full Movelist*
-Tori *Full Movelist*
-The Godfather *Full Movelist*
-Debra *Full Movelist*
-D'Lo Brown *Full Movelist*
-Mark Henry *Full Movelist*
-Matt Hardy *Full Movelist*
-Jeff Hardy *Full Movelist*
-Y2J Chris Jericho *Full Movelist*
-Buh Buh Ray Dudley *Full Movelist*
-Shane McMahon *Full Movelist*
-Paul Bearer *Full Movelist*
-Steve Blackman *Full Movelist*
-Faarooq *Full Movelist*
-Bradshaw *Full Movelist*
-D-Von Dudley *Full Movelist*
5. Create-A-Wrestler
-Kurt Angle
-Earl Hebner
-Rikishi Phatu
6. Create-A-PPV
7. Weapons and Misc. Info
8. Q/A
9. Codes
10. Credits

*1. Introduction*

Welcome to my WWF Smackdown! Faq for the Sony Playstation. This game is
running on Yukes' Toukon Retsuden 4 Japanese engine. This game has the
best graphics seen on any wrestling game ever. With moving hair,
clothes, tons of animation, and a huge list of moves.

This game has been released. Visit your local video game retailers now!

*2. Updates*

Version 5.0(03.07.00)- Added the rest of the movelists all 17 of them so
now the faq is complete. Also Added a Rikishi creation. I will add
more CAWs later.

Version 4.5(03.06.00)- Added Hardcore Holly, Test, Al Snow, and
Gangrel's full movelist. Also added a full Earl Hebner(Yes The Referee)

Version 4.0(03.05.00)- For Today's Second Update I Added Val Venis,
Vince McMahon, Big Bossman and Ken Shamrock's Moves Lists.

Version 3.5(03.05.00)- Added Mr. Ass, Road Dogg, Kane, and Jericho's
moves list with a little help from IGN. Also added a full Tazz creation
thanks to ShawdowedCross16@aol.com.

Version 3.0(03.04.00)- 2 Updates in one DAY! Added Move Lists for the
Rock, Big Show, Triple H, Mankind, and X-Pac.

Version 2.5(03.04.00)- Added the Hardyz corner double team move(yes it
really does work) thanks to Brendon Lindsey. Also added Undertaker's
move list and a full Kurt Angle creation.

Version 2.0(03.03.00)- Added Stone Cold along with a list of Create a
Wrestler and Create A PPV Options and some CAWS and a modes list of the

Version 1.5(02.28.00)- Added some finishers and more misc. info

Version 1.2(02.01.00)- Added some misc. info and Q/A

Version 1.0(01.30.00)- Everything is new.

*3. How To Play*


Square- Block/Counter
Triangle- Run/Enter Ring/Climb up on Things
Circle- Irish Whip/Use Microphone in I Quit/Pick Up Opponent(By Head)
X- Attack
L1- Do Finishing Move
L2- Taunt
R1- Pick Up/Drop Weapon/Climb in/Out Of Ring/Tag Partner
R2- Switch Focus
Triangle+Directional Pad- Climb Turnbuckle
Down+O- Pin
Square While Running- Slide Under Opponent

Referee Controls

L2- Each Count During Pin Attempt
L2- Point Taunt
Up+L2- C'mon Taunt
Down+L2- Get Out Taunt
Right+L2- Oh Man Taunt
Left+L2- I didn't see it Taunt

Throw your opponent backstage- O by the ramp.



-Single Match
A normal one-on-one match up.

-Tag Match
A two-on-two match up.

A one-on-two or a one-on-three.

-Battle Royal
A match where you select the number of wrestler and have to be the last
player in the ring by throwing them over the top rope. As soon as you
eliminate a wrestler another comes in. Only 4 players on screen at

-Royal Rumble
A battle royal type match except wrestlers come in at timed intervals.
Only 30 wrestlers in the match. Only 4 players on screen at once.

-King of The Ring
A Tournament where you can have 8 or 16 wrestlers.

-Hard Core
A falls count any where, everything legal, and tons of weapons match.

-Anywhere Falls Match
Like a hardcore match but not as many weapons. Also sometimes you will
start in the back stage area.

-Cage Match
A match where a cage surrounds the ring and the only way to win is to
climb over the top rope.

-Survival Match
A 4-on-4 match where only two members from each team is on the screen
at once. Once a wrestler is pinned, submits, Dqed, or disqualified
another member from that team comes out.

-Special Referee Match
You pick the referee and the 2 wrestlers. You can be the referee or

-I Quit
A match to where after you knock down your opponent you have to find a
microphone and put it in front of there face to make them submit.

I'll get into this in the Create A PPV section of this faq.


-Season- This is where you can take as many wrestlers as you want
through a real life WWF season. You can play as many year as you want
with one card per month. You can select which wrestlers you want in for
your season and which you don't. You can unlock secret wrestler this

-Preseason- This is for you created wrestlers. You must take a CAW
through here before going to regular season mode.

I'll get into this in the CAW section of the faq.

-Belt Record
This has a history of the belts that have changed during career mode.

This is a ranking of all the current Superstars currently competing in
career mode.

This is your basic options menu.
Difficulty: Easy/Medium/Hard
Entrance Movies: On/Off
Move Indicator: On/Off
Camera Angle: On/Off
Vibration: On/Off
Player's Indicator: On/Off
Auto Save: On/Off
Sound: Stereo/Monaural
BGM: 01/02/03/04/05/Random
Music Vol: Silent/Min/Normal/Max
SE Vol: Silent/Min/Normal/Max
System Data Save
System Data Load
Create Superstar Copy

*4. Moves*

Note: The best way to get your opponent dizzy very quick is to do a
grapple move then pick them up and they will be dizzy.

*Double Team Moves*

Hardyz Double Team Move: With one hardy(the one by the guy in the
corner) you press L2 and with the other you just run at him and then
press X in the air.

Dudley Death Drop: If you know how to do this move, please e-mail me and
tell me how. I will be grateful.

*Finisher List*

Stone Cold Steve Austin
Finisher: Stunner Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

The Undertaker
Finisher: Tombstone Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

The Rock
Finisher: People's Elbow Press L1(Opponent Laying/Player Standing Over
Opponent's Head)

Big Show Paul Wright
Finisher: Chokeslam Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Mandible Claw Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Ken Shamrock
Finisher: Reverse Arm Bar To Ankle Lock Press L1(Both Players
Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Triple H
Finisher: Pedigree Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Chokeslam Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Val Venis
Finisher: Money Shot Press L1(Opponent Laying/Climb to top turnbuckle)

Big Boss Man
Finisher: Bossman Slam Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: X-Factor Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Vince McMahon
Finisher: Stunner Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Mr. Ass Billy Gunn
Finisher: Fameasser Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Road Dogg
Finisher: Pumphandle Drop Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy/
Opponent's Back Facing You)

Hardcore Holly
Finisher: Falcon Arrow Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Diving Powerbomb Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent

Al Snow
Finisher: Snowplow Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Inverted DDT Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Impaler Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent
Dizzy/Opponent's Back Facing You)

Finisher: Downward Spiral Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Pedigree Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Tori Suplex Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

The Godfather
Finisher: Pimp Drop Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: DDT Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

D'Lo Brown
Finisher: The Lo Down Press L1(Opponent Laying/Climb To The Top

Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry
Finisher: Bearhug Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Matt Hardy
Finisher: Northern Lights Suplex Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent

Jeff Hardy
Finisher: Senton Bomb Press L1(Opponent Laying/Climb To The Top

Y2J Chris Jericho
Finisher: Double Powerbomb Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent

Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent

Shane McMahon
Finisher: Test Diving Elbow Press L1(Opponent Laying/Climb Top

Paul Bearer
Finisher: DDT Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman
Finisher: Fisherman's Suplex Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent

Finisher: Dominator Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

Finisher: Strong Lariat Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)

D-Von Dudley
Finisher: Jackknife Powerbomb Press L1(Both Players Standing/Opponent

*Stone Cold Steve Austin*

Stunner(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)- Press L1 when you have a
green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Overhand Punch- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Snap Jab- Left+X
Toe Kick- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Side Buster- Down+O
Scoop Slam- Left+O
Suplex- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Bulldog- Down+O
Big Back Drop- Left+O
Turn Opponent Around- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Piledriver- Up+O
Side Buster- Down+O
Stunner- Left+O
DDT- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Austin Elbow Drop- Left Or Right+X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left Or Right+O
*Near Legs*
Slingshot- Up+O
Kick To Groin- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Power Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Press And Knuckle- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Whip To Opposite Corner- O
Foot Choke- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Whip To Opposite Corner - O
Super Back Drop - D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Diving Elbow - X

*The Undertaker*

Tombstone(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy)- Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Throat Thrust- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Back Elbow Smash- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Body Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Club To Neck- Up+O
Shoulder Breaker- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Pumphandle Slam- Down+O
Reverse DDT- Left+O
Atomic Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Choke Slam- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Rib Breaker- Right + O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Leg Drop- Down + X
Knee Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Up Opponent- O
Darkness Choke- Left+O
Mount Punches- Up+O
Sleeper- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Lift Opponent To Feet - O
Kick To Leg- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left Or Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Flying Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Choke- Up or Down+O
Top Rope Walk- Left or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X

*The Rock*

*In Ring Finisher*
Peoples Elbow(Opponent laying on ground/by head) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Out Of Ring Finisher*
Rock Bottom(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
The Rock Punches: X
Double Axe Handle: Up+X
Clothesline: Down+X
Toe Kick: Left+X
Elbow Smash: Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip: O
Eye Rake: Up+O
DDT: Down+O
Club to Neck: Right+O
Scoop Slam: Left+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Sleeper Hold: Up+O
Atomic Drop: Down+O
Russian Leg Sweep: Right+O
Back Drop: Left+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Suplex: Up+O
Manhattan Drop: Down+O
Jump Swinging DDT: Right+O
Rock Bottom: Left+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp: X, Up or Down+X
Rock Stomp: Left or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick up: O
Mounted Punch: Up+O
Knee Smash: Left+O
Sleeper Hold: Right+O
*Near Legs*
Rock Kick: Left+O
Leg Lock: Right+O
Slingshot: Up+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Samoan Drop- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip - O
Superplex- Up+O
Foot Choke- Down + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left+O
Foot Choke- Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X

*Big Show Paul Wright*

Chokeslam(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Big Boot- Left+X
Body Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Pendulum Back Breaker- Up+O
Choke Toss- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
Bearhug- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Full Nelson Slam- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Body Press Drop- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
Strong Headbutt- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X
Angry Stomp- X Or Left or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Up Opponent- O
Camel Clutch- Up+O
Mounted Punches- Left+O
Darkness Choke- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Boston Crab- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Leg Kick- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Running Shoulder Block- X
Drop Kick- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Block Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X


Mandible Claw(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Body Punch- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Manhattan Drop- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Scoop Slam- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Diving Reverse DDT- Up+O
School Boy- Down+O
Face Crusher- Left+O
Back Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Pulling Piledriver- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
Double Arm DDT- Left+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop - Up Or Down+X
Leg Drop- Left Or Right+X

Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Mount Punches- Up+O
Camel Clutch- Left+O
Sleeper Hold- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Lock- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Slingshot- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Face Crusher- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
10 Punch - Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Whip To Opposite Corner- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Front Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop - X

*Ken Shamrock*

Reverse Arm Bar To Ankle Lock(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) -
Press L1 when you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Leg Kick- X
Body Punch- Up+X
Hook- Down+X
Head Kick- Left+X
Elbow- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Leg Whip- Up+O
Belly-To-Belly Suplex- Down+O
Forearm Clubs- Left+O
Hurricanrana- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Northern Lights Suplex- Down+O
Side Suplex- Left+O
Suplex Takedown- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Arm Bar- Up+O
Leg Lock- Down+O
Knee Shots- Left+O
Fisherman's Suplex- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Knee Drop- X Or Up Or Down+X
Angry Stomp- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Arm Bar- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Knees To Arm- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Knee Smash- Up+O
Ankle Lock- Left+O
Stomp To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Flying Elbow- X
Flip Kick- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Spear- O
*In Back*
Rollup Pin- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Hurricanrana- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Superplex- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X

*Triple H*

Pedigree(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Elbow Smash- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Knee Smash- Down+O
Scoop Slam- Left+O
Arm Wrench- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Dragon Sleeper- Up+O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Turn Opponent Around- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse Suplex- Up+O
Rib Breaker- Down+O
Jumping Arm Breaker- Left+O
Manhattan Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Double Knee Drop - Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Reverse Chin Lock- Up+O
Mounted Punches- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Figure Four Leg Lock- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Jumping Knee Attack- X
Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up+O
Foot Choke- Left Or Right Or Down+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X


Chokeslam(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Body Punch- X
Kane Throat Thrust- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Big Boot- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Choke Hold- Up+O
Gut Buster- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Full Nelson Slam- Up+O
Reverse DDT- Down+O
Reverse Brainbuster- Left+O
Back Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Spine Buster- Up+O
Tombstone Piledriver- Down+O
Pendulum Back Breaker- Left+O
Manhattan Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Darkness Choke- Left+O
Camel Clutch- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Knee Stomp- Up+O
Leg Kick- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker Drop- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
Choke - Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X

*Val Venis*

Money Shot(Player On Turnbuckle/Opponent Laying) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle Smash- Up+X
Hook- Down+X
Punch- Left+X
Elbow- Right+X

*Front Grapple Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Gouge- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Leg Sweep- Right+O

*Back Grapple Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Arm Bar- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Russian Leg Sweep- Left+O
Northern Lights Suplex- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grapple Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up+O
Fisherman's Suplex- Down+O
Double Underhook Suplex- Left+O
Spinebuster- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Elbow Drop- X Or Up Or Down+X
Angry Stomp- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Chinlock- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Groin Kick- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Elbow Smash- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Clothesline- O
*In Back*
Rollup Pin- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Leg Sweep- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Choke- Up Or Down+O
Superplex- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X

*Big Boss Man*

Bossman Slam(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Kick- X
Double Axe Handle Smash- Up+X
Punch- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Hook- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Gouge- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Headlock and Punch- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Reverse Atomic Drop- Down+O
Belly-To-Back Suplex- Left+O
Reverse DDT- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up+O
Powerbomb- Down+O
Side Buster- Left+O
Back Breaker- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Camel Clutch- Left+O
Chin Breaker- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Kick To Leg- Up+O
Kick To Groin- Left+O
Slingshot- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Elbow Smash- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Bossman Slam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Choke- Up Or Down+O
Mudhole Stomping - Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X


X-Factor(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Middle Kick- X
Spinning Wheel Kick- Up+X
Enziguri- Down+X
Snap Jab- Left+X
Spinning Kick- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake - Up+O
Headlock And Punch- Down+O
Snapmare - Left+O
DDT - Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
School Boy- Up+O
Reverse Pin- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Hurricanrana- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Spinning Back Drop- Left+O
Fisherman's Suplex- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X
Leg Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Sleeper Hold- Right+O
*Near Feet*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Kick- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Groin- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Flying Lariat- X
Bronco Buster- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Pulling Walk Slam - D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
10 Punch- Left Or Right+O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Spinning Wheel Kick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X

*Vince McMahon*

Stunner(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have a
green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Kick- X
Double Axe Handle Smash- Up+X
Double Axe Handle Smash- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Kick- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Gouge- Up+O
Eye Gouge- Down+O
Forearm Clubs- Left+O
Arm Wrench- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Turn Opponent Around- Up+O
Turn Opponent Around- Down+O
Turn Opponent Around- Left+O
Turn Opponent Around- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Side Suplex- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Forearm Clubs- Left+O
Arm Wrench- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Knees To Arm- Left+O
Knees To Arm- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Knee Smash- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Shoulder Block- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Opponent Running Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Back Body Drop- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
Vicious Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- D-Pad+X

*Mr. Ass Billy Gunn*

Fameasser(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Dropkick- Up+X
Double Axe Handle- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Jackhammer- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Headlock And Punch- Left+O
Club To Neck- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Back Drop- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Bulldog- Left+O
Russian Leg Sweep- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Press Slam- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Neck Breaker- Left+O
DDT- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Austin Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X
Knee Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Camel Clutch- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Reverse Chin Lock- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Kick- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Overhead Toss- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Back Elbow- X
Drop Kick- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Rolling Clutch Pin- O

*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Tornado DDT- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Top Rope Fameasser- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- D-Pad+X

*Road Dogg*

Pumphandle Drop(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy/Opponent's Back
Facing You) - Press L1 when you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Shake Jab- X
Shake, Rattle And Roll- X, X, X, X, and X
Clothesline- Up+X
Body Punch- Down+X
Snap Jab- Left+X
Chop - Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up+O
Arm Breaker- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Double Arm Suplex- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up+O
School Boy- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Face Crusher- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Fallaway Slam- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Shaky Knee Drop- Left Or Right+X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Sleeper Hold - Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Lock- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Back Elbow Attack- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Rolling Clutch Pin- O
*In Back*
Face Crusher- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
10 Punch- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+X

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Missile Drop Kick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X

*Hardcore Holly*

Falcon Arrow(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Punch- X
Double Axe Handle Smash- Up+X
Clothesline- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Kick- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Arm Wrench- Up+O
Forearm Clubs- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Bodyslam- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse DDT- Up+O
Reverse Atomic Drop- Down+O
Side Suplex- Left+O
Bulldog- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Piledriver- Up+O
Powerbomb- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Atomic Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Knee Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Knees To Arm- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Knee Smash- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Dropkick- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
Hurricanrana- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Stomp- D-Pad+X


Falling Powerbomb(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when
you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Clothesline- Up+X
Boot To Face- Down+X
Kick- Left+X
Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Gutbuster- Up+O
Reverse Neck Breaker- Down+O
Side Buster- Left+O
Suplex- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Full Nelson Slam- Down+O
Pump Handle Slam- Left+O
Pump Handle Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Test Neckbreaker- Up+O
Falling Powerslam- Down+O
Falling Neck Breaker- Left+O
Small Package- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Camel Clutch- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Sleeper Hold- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Lock- Up+O
Boston Crab- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Power Clothesline- X
Yakuza Kick- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
10 Punches- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Test Diving Elbow- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X

*Al Snow*

Snowplow(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Uppercut- Up+X
Shuffle Side Kick- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up+O
Scissor Sweep- Down+O
Scoop Slam- Left+O
Shoulderbreaker- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse Brainbuster- Up+O
Reverse DDT- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Bulldog- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Piledriver- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Hurricanrana- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Mahistrol Cradle- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Mount Punches- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Kick To Leg- Up+O
Texas Cloverleaf- Left+O
Knee Stomp- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Frankensteiner- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X
Diving Moonsault- D-Pad+X


Inverted DDT(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up+X
Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Body Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Manhattan Drop- Down+O
Gangrel Suplex- Left+O
DDT- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Pump Handle Slam- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Reverse DDT- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Headlock And Punch- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Gangrel Suplex- Left+O
Manhattan Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X
Double Knee Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Sleeper- Left+O
Mount Punches- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Kick To Groin- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Slingshot- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Back Elbow- X
Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Tornado DDT- Up Or Down+O
Mudhole Stomping- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X


Impaler(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy/Opponent's Back Facing You)
- Press L1 when you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Drop Kick- Up+X
Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Scoop Slam- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Reverse Pin- Down+O
Reverse DDT- Left+O
German Suplex Pin- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Northern Lights Suplex- Up+O
Gut Buster- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Sambo Suplex- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Leg Drop - Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Reverse Chin Lock- Left+O
Mount Punches- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Back Elbow Attack- X
Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Foot Choke- Up Or Down+O
Mudhole Stomping- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X


Downward Spiral(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when
you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up+X
Drop Kick- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Elbow Smash- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse Suplex- Up+O
Scissors Sweep- Down+O
Snap Mare- Left+O
Scoop Slam- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Electric Chair Drop- Up+O
Full Nelson Slam- Down+O
Back Side Slam- Left+O
Face Crusher- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Stomach Crusher- Up+O
DDT- Down+O
Spinning Back Drop- Left+O
Rib Breaker- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Leg Drop - Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Short Arm Scissors- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Knee Stomp- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Spinning Wheel Kick- X
Drop Kick- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Spear- O
*In Back*
Face Crusher- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Frankensteiner- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Missile Drop Kick- X
Diving Spear- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X


Pedigree(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Clothesline- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Toe Kick- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Club To Neck- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Snapmare- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Whip To Ropes- O
Low Blow- Up+O
Low Blow- Down+O
Turn Facing Front- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Stomach Crusher- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Arm Wrench- Left+O
Rib Breaker- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Camel Clutch- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Mount Punches- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Stomp- Up+O
Kick To Groin- Left+O
Kick To Groin- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Shoulder Block- X
Thump- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Spear- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Choke- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Low Blow- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X


Tori Suplex(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Middle Kick- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Dropkick- Down+X
Slap- Left+X
Back Elbow Smash- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Scoop Slam- Up+O
Club To Neck- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Snapmare- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Whip To Ropes- O
Reverse Pin- Up+O
Reverse Pin- Down+O
Turn Facing Front- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Small Package- Up+O
DDT- Down+O
Suplex- Left+O
Suplex- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or D-Pad+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Knee Smash- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Stomp- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Shoulder Block- X
Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
School Boy- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Missile Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X

*The Godfather*

Pimp Drop(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Standing Clothesline- Up+X
Shuffle Side Kick- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Overhand Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Club To Neck- Up+O
Manhattan Drop- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
Suplex- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Whip To Ropes- O
Reverse DDT- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Russian Leg Sweep- Left+O
Bulldog- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Headlock And Punch- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Pendulum Back Breaker- Left+O
Fallaway Slam- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X
Leg Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Short Arm Scissors- Up+O
Camel Clutch- Left+O
Sleeper Hold- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Lock- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Diving Shoulder- X
Ho Train- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Samoan Drop- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
10 Punch- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X


DDT(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have a
green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Slap- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Middle Kick- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Arm Wrench- Up+O
Club To Neck- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Snapmare- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Whip To Ropes- O
Reverse Pin- Up+O
Reverse Pin- Down+O
Turn Facing Front- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Arm Wrench- Up+O
Suplex- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Snapmare- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or D-Pad+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Knee Smash- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Stomp- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Shoulder Block- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
School Boy- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X

*D'Lo Brown*

The Lo Down(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Austin Punches- Left+X
Shuffle Side Kick- Right+X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Jumping Calf Kick- Down+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
School Boy- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sky High- Up+O
Running Powerbomb- Down+O
Whirl Side Slam- Left+O
Pendulum Back Breaker- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp - Up Or Down+X
D'Lo Leg Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Irish Whip- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Sleeper- Left+O
Mount Punches- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Irish Whip- O
Leg Lock- Up+O
D'Lo Leaf- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Drop Kick- X
Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker Drop- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Pulling Walk Slam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
Frankensteiner- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Spinning Wheel Kick- X
Front Drop Kick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Twisting Body Attack- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X

*Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry*

Bearhug(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have a
green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Overhand Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Club To Neck- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Full Nelson Slam- Up+O
Back Side Slam- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Atomic Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Body Press Slam- Up+O
Front Body Press Drop- Down+O
Pendulum Back Breaker- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Move*
Angry Stomp- X Or D-Pad+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Camel Clutch - Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Overhead Toss- Right+O
Boston Crab- Up+O

*Running Player Moves*
Shoulder Block- X
Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
*Facing Back*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X

*Matt Hardy*

Northern Lights Suplex(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1
when you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Rolling Wheel Kick- Up+X
Drop Kick- Down+X
Back Elbow Smash- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Scoop Slam- Left+O
Scissors Sweep- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up+O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
German Suplex Pin- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Stomach Crusher- Up+O
Rib Breaker- Down+O
Falling Neck Breaker- Left+O
DDT- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Right+X
Austin Elbow Drop- Up+X
Leg Drop- Down+X
Elbow Drop- Left+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Reverse Chin Lock- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Pin With Bridge- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Diving Forearm Smash- X
Power Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker Drop- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Samoan Drop- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Tornado DDT- Up Or Down+O
Mudhole Stomping- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Spinning Wheel Kick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Senton Bomb- X
Diving Moonsault- D-Pad+X

*Jeff Hardy*

Senton Bomb(Player On Turnbuckle/Opponent Laying) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up+X
Drop Kick- Down+X
Snap Jab- Left+X
Austin Punches- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Scoop Slam- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Back Side Slam- Up+O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
German Suplex Pin- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Hurricanrana- Up+O
Knee Smash- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Gangrel Suplex- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Flip Splash- Up Or Down+X
Double Knee Smash- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Sleeper- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Spinning Wheel Kick- X
Back Elbow Attack- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Frankensteiner- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Missile Dropkick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Twisting Knee Drop- X
Diving Moonsault- D-Pad+X

*Y2J Chris Jericho*

Double Powerbomb(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when
you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Spinning Back Kick- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Middle Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse Suplex- Up+O
DDT- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Jumping Arm Breaker- Right+O

*Rear Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse Brainbuster- Up+O
Reverse Pin- Down+O
Diving Reverse DDT- Left+O
School Boy- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Fisherman's Suplex- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
Double Arm Back Breaker- Left+O
Small Package- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X
Austin Elbow Drop- Left Or Right+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Reverse Chin Lock- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Overhead Toss- Up+O
Walls Of Jericho- Left+O
Leg Kick- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Back Elbow Attack- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Face Crusher- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Superplex- Up Or Down+O
Mudhole Stomping- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Missile Drop Kick- X
Spinning Wheel Kick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Diving Headbutt- X
Diving Moonsault- D-Pad+X

*Buh Buh Ray Dudley*

Jacknife Powerbomb(Both Players Standing) - Press L1 when you have a
green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Body Punch- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Overhand Punch- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Manhattan Drop- Up+O
Eye Rake- Down+O
Scoop Slam- Left+O
Belly To Back Flip- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Pumphandle Drop- Up+O
Back Side Slam- Down+O
Bulldog- Left+O
Back Drop- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Body Press Slam- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
DDT- Left+O
Bearhug- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Whirl Sideslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Superplex- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Dropkick- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- D-Pad+X

*Shane McMahon*

Test Diving Elbow(Opponent Laying/Climb To Top Turnbuckle) - Press L1
when you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Snap Jab- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Body Punch- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Scoop Slam- Up+O
Suplex- Down+O
Eye Rake- Left+O
Club To Neck- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
School Boy- Up+O
School Boy- Down+O
Turn Facing Front- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Hard Scoop Slam- Up+O
DDT- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Knee Smash- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Stomp- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Back Elbow Attack- X
Bronco Buster- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
Mudhole Stomping- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Test Diving Elbow- X
Dragon Attack- D-Pad+X

*Paul Bearer*

DDT(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have a
green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Body Punch- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Austin Punches- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Clubs To Neck- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse Pin- Up+O
Reverse Pin- Down+O
Turn Facing Front- Left+O
Turn Facing Front- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Scoop Slam- Up+O
Arm Wrench- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Clubs To Neck- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Angry Stomp- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Sleeper- Up+O
Knee Smash- Left+O
Knee Smash- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Leg Lock- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Shoulder Block- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up Or Down+O
Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
School Boy- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- D-Pad+X

*Lethal Weapon Steve Blackman*

Fisherman's Suplex(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when
you have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Low Kick- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up+X
Drop Kick- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
DDT- Down+O
Knee Strikes- Left+O
Scissors Sweep- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Atomic Drop- Up+O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
German Suplex Pin- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Breaker- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Knee Strikes- Left+O
Dragon Screw- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or D-Pad+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Arm Bar- Left+O
Sleeper Hold- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Kick To Leg- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Knee Stomp- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Karate Kick- X
Diving Shoulder- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Spear- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up Or Down+O
Foot Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backwards*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Front Drop Kick- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X


Dominator(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you have
a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Chop- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Rib Breaker- Up+O
Bearhug Front Slam- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
DDT- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Full Nelson Slam- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Abdominal Stretch- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Body Press Slam- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
Rib Breaker- Left+O
Spine Buster- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop - Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Camel Clutch- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Sleeper- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Boston Crab- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Groin- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Diving Shoulder- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Powerslam- O
Spine Buster- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Forward*
Irish Whip- O
Choke- Up Or Down+O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Left+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Diving Headbutt- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X


Strong Lariat(Both Players Standing/Opponent Dizzy) - Press L1 when you
have a green dot next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Standing Clothesline- Down+X
Toe Kick- Left+X
Snap Jab- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up+O
Fallaway Slam- Down+O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left+O
Side Buster- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Full Nelson Slam- Up+O
Pumphandle Slam- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Bulldog- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Whip To Ropes- O
Rib Breaker- Up+O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down+O
Pendulum Back Breaker- Left+O
DDT- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Elbow Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Knee Smash- Up+O
Mount Punches- Left+O
Camel Clutch- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Boston Crab- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Leg Lock- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Power Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neck Breaker- O
*In Back*
Bulldog- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Powerslam- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left Or Right+O
Superplex - Up Or Down+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- D-Pad+X

*D-Von Dudley*

Powerbomb(Both Players Standing) - Press L1 when you have a green dot
next to your life bar.

*Attack Moves*
Austin Punches- X
Double Axe Handle- Up+X
Shuffle Side Kick- Down+X
Chop- Left+X
Toe Kick- Right+X

*Front Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up+O
DDT- Down+O
Snapmare- Left+O
Club To Neck- Right+O

*Back Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Reverse DDT- Up+O
Atomic Drop- Down+O
Back Drop- Left+O
Bulldog- Right+O

*Opponent Dizzy Grappling Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Manhattan Drop- Up+O
Piledriver- Down+O
Fallaway Slam- Left+O
Pendulum Backbreaker- Right+O

*Opponent Laying Attack Moves*
Angry Stomp- X Or Left Or Right+X
Leg Drop- Up Or Down+X

*Opponent Laying Moves*
*Near Head*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Camel Clutch- Up+O
Knee Smash- Left+O
Mounted Punches- Right+O
*Near Legs*
Pick Opponent Up- O
Slingshot- Up+O
Knee Stomp- Left+O
Kick To Leg- Right+O

*Running Player Moves*
Clothesline- X
Diving Shoulder- D-Pad+X
*In Front*
Neckbreaker- O
*In Back*
School Boy- O

*Running Opponent Moves*
Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Back Toss- D-Pad+O

*Turnbuckle Moves*
*Facing Front*
Irish Whip- O
Superplex- Up Or Down+O
Foot Choke- Left Or Right+O
*Facing Backward*
Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- D-Pad+O

*Top Turnbuckle Moves*
*Opponent Standing*
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- D-Pad+X
*Opponent Laying*
Elbow Drop- X
Diving Headbutt- D-Pad+X

*5. Create-A-Wrestler*

This is where you first start out.
Name: Input the name of your wrestler
Nickname: Name that will appear when wrestler comes out.
Age: Select the age of your wrestler.
Gender: Select Male, Female, or ?.
Hometown: This is where you can type in your wrestlers' hometown.
Favorite Star: This will be your Run-In partner so pick a good one.
Entrance Movie: This will be your Titantron and Theme Music.
Head: Select from 64 heads to start with.
00: Steve Austin
01: Undertaker
02: The Rock
03: The Big Show
04: Mankind
05: Ken Shamrock
06: Triple H
07: Kane
08: Val Venis
09: Big Bossman
10: X-Pac
11: Vince McMahon
12: Billy Gunn
13: Road Dogg
14: Hardcore Holly
15: Test
16: Al Snow
17: Gangrel
18: Christian
19: Edge
20: Chyna
21: Tori
22: Godfather
23: Debra
24: D-Lo Brown
25: Mark Henry
26: Matt Hardy
27: Jeff Hardy
28: Chris Jericho
29: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30: Shane McMahon
31: Paul Bearer
32: Steve Blackman
33: Farooq
34: Bradshaw
35: D-Von Dudley
36: Earl Hebner
37: Stephanie McMahon?
38: Old Guy With Gray Hair and Glasses
39: Star Mask
40: Green Hair With Teeth Girl(Ho)
41: Short Haired Girl(Ho)
42: Knight's Helmet
43: Samurai Helmet
44: THQ Robot
45: Bald Samurai
46: Dinosaur
47: Riot Helmet
48: Long Hair With Small Mask
49: Gold Mask With Blue Trim
50: Shiny Blue/Purple Mask
51: Blue Mask
52: Gold Star Mask
53: Hockey Mask(Jason)
54: Glacier Look-a-like
55: Normal Guy With Short Hair
56: Same As Above With Clown Type Makeup
57: #55 With Goatee
58: #55 With Glasses
59: Big Head Man
60: Big Head Man With Make Up
61: Big Head Man With Glass Eye and Bandana
62: Hogan/Bill Goldberg Look-A-Like
63: Silver Roboty Mask
-Upper Body
Choose From 75 To Start With
00: Steve Austin
01: Undertaker
02: The Rock
03: The Big Show
04: Mankind
05: Ken Shamrock
06: Triple H
07: Kane
08: Val Venis
09: Big Bossman
10: X-Pac
11: Vince McMahon
12: Billy Gunn
13: Road Dogg
14: Hardcore Holly
15: Test
16: Al Snow
17: Gangrel
18: Christian
19: Edge
20: Chyna
21: Tori
22: Godfather
23: Debra
24: D-Lo Brown
25: Mark Henry
26: Matt Hardy
27: Jeff Hardy
28: Chris Jericho
29: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30: Shane McMahon
31: Paul Bearer
32: Steve Blackman
33: Farooq
34: Bradshaw
35: D-Von Dudley
36: Black Singlet
37: Red Dress Shirt
38: WWF Attitude Shirt
39: Single Strap Singlet(Andre The Giant)
40: Black T-Shirt
41: Camouflage T-Shirt
42: Referee Shirt
43: Female Referee Shirt
44: Red Suit With Polkadotted Tie
45: Flag Singlet
46: THQ Female Shirt With Green Vest
47: Yukes Female Shirt
48: Black Singlet(Different Body)
49: Single Strap Singlet(Different Body)
50: T-Shirt tied at the bottom
51: Black T-Shirt With No Sides
52: DX T-Shirt
53: Black Muscle T-Shirt
54: White T Shirt
55: Another White T Shirt
56: Blue T Shirt
57: Red T Shirt
58: Steve Austin Vest
59: Blue Female Shirt
60: Red Bikini
61: Robot
62: Samurai
63: Another Robot
64: Another Samurai
65: Weird Shirt
66: Samurai Vest Shirt
67: Tattooed Body
68: Hairy Body
69: Skinny Body
70: Hawaiian Shirt
71: Blue Shirt(Stevie Richards)
72: Gangrel Type Shirt
73: Fat Referee
74: Dark Blue Suit With Green Shirt
75: Silver Robot Shirt
-Lower Body
Choose From 92 To Start With
00: Steve Austin
01: Undertaker
02: The Rock
03: The Big Show
04: Mankind
05: Ken Shamrock
06: Triple H
07: Kane
08: Val Venis
09: Big Bossman
10: X-Pac
11: Vince McMahon
12: Billy Gunn
13: Road Dogg
14: Hardcore Holly
15: Test
16: Al Snow
17: Gangrel
18: Christian
19: Edge
20: Chyna
21: Tori
22: Godfather
23: Debra
24: D-Lo Brown
25: Mark Henry
26: Matt Hardy
27: Jeff Hardy
28: Chris Jericho
29: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30: Shane McMahon
31: Paul Bearer
32: Steve Blackman
33: Farooq
34: Bradshaw
35: D-Von Dudley
36: Black Pants With Blue Design
37: Fire Type Pants(Jin Kazama)
38: Brown Shorts
39: Black Pants
40: Grey Pants
41: Barb-wire Type Pants
42: Red Skirt
43: Flag Skirt
44: Green Pants
45: Black Disco Pants
46: Black Speedo With Green Boots
47: Bottom Of Red Suit
48: Red Thai Shorts
49: Blue Skirt With Nylons
50: Blue Thai Shorts
51: Green/Blue Pants
52: Samurai Type Pants
53: Different Colored Samurai Type Pants
54: Jeans With Tennis Shoes
55: Black Skirt
56: Blue Adidas Pants
57: White Dress Pants
58: Red Adidas Pants
59: Red Karate Pants
60: White Pants With Black Boots
61: Skinny Black Pants
62: Cowboy Chaps
63: Indian Type Pants
64: Clown Pants
65: Black/Pink Long Skirt
66: Long White Skirt
67: Long Black Skirt
68: Long Pink Skirt
69: Samurai Shorts With Sandals
70: Green Shorts
71: Blue Pants(Droz)
72: Red Shorts
73: Pink Shorts
74: Samurai Pants With Skirt
75: More Samurai Pants
76: Robot Pants(For Ratt!)
77: Black Karate Type Pants
78: Weird See Through Design Pants
79: Karate Pants
80: Blue Speedo With Tattoos
81: White Speedo With Tattoos
82: Orange Shorts
83: Blue Shorts
84: Jean Shorts
85: Green Shorts
86: Ref Type Shorts
87: Sumo Pants
88: Christian Pants With Towel?
89: Old HHH Pants
90: Blue Striped Shorts
91: Black Pants/Skirt
92: Weird Robot Silver Pants
Height: Adjust Height
Weight: Adjust Weight
Skin: Pick from 4 colors White, Tan, Black, Really Black
Weapon: Choose The Weapon you will start off with in a hardcore match
-Fighting Style
Choose the fighting style of your CAW; Choose Between Average, Rough
Neck, Powerful, Speedy, and Technical
Choose the type of character your CAW is. Choose between Power Attack,
Speed Attack, Technical Attack, Rough Attack, Power Defense, Speed
Defense, Technical Defense, Rough Defense, Power Skill, Speed Skill,
Technical Skill, Rough Skill, Single Match, Tag Match, 3 Way Dance, 4
Way Dance, Battle Royal, Anywhere Fall, Hardcore, Cage Match, Royal
Rumble, Tournament, I Quit Match, Title Match, Tag Title, IC Title,
European Title, Women's Title, Hardcore Title, Handicap, Special
Referee, Lucky, Favorite, Good Looking, Sexy, Good Speaker, Somber,
and a bunch of ?.
Split 70 Points between Skill Power, Skill Speed, Skill Technical,
Skill Rough, Attack Power, Attack Speed, Attack Technical, Attack
Rough, Defense Power, Defense Speed, Defense Technical, and Defense
Choose 2 things your wrestler is good at between Attack, Grapple,
Aerial, Ground, Hardcore, and Average.
Choose your wrestlers Ready, Behind, Ground, Turnbuckle, Rope
Opponent, Aerial, Running, Special, Appealing Moves.
Now your ready to save your CAW!

E-Mail Me You CAWS!

*Kurt Angle*

Head: 5/66
Upper: 46/76
Lower: 51/93
Height: 0% Full
Weight: About 40% Full
Skin: #2
Weapon: None
Name: Kurt Angle
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Hometown: Pittsburgh
Entrance Video: I used Ken Shamrock, because none of them make any
sense. I figured Kurt Angle looked a little like Ken, so I used that
Favorite Wrestler: Big Show (because of his recent connection to him)
Technical Skill
Grapple & Ground
--Fighting Pose--
Irish Whip
Hip Toss
Dragon Screw
Side Buster
Irish Whip
Falcon Arrow
Shuffle Side Kick
Double Axe Handle
~Behind Moves~
Irish Whip
Reverse Pin
School Boy
Back Side Slam
Dragon Sleeper

round Moves~
Short-Arm Scissors
Sleeper Hold
Camel Clutch
Angry Stomp
Angry Stomp
Angry Stomp
Angry Stomp
Angry Stomp
Irish Whip
Hip Toss
Foot Choke
Irish Whip
Back Side Slam
Russian Leg Sweep
Raise Opponent up
Shoulder Block
~Rope Opponent~
--Rope Down--
Scoop Slam
--Jump to Outside--
Diving Body Press
--Jump Down Over--
Vaulting Body Press
Double Axe Handle
Double Axe Handle
Double Axe Handle
Elbow Drop
Elbow Drop
Elbow Drop
--Run To Outside--
Baseball Slide
Shoulder Block
Shoulder Block
Shoulder Block
Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop
--Special Moves--
Back Drop (rename to Olympic DDT)
--Favorite Move--
Samoan Drop (rename to Olympic Slam)
--Combination Move--
Body Punches
Back Elbow Smash
Toe Kick
Double Axe-Handle
Hold up & Down Hands
--Winning Move--
Stepping Around


(This Creation assumes you have took the wrestler though the pre season
mode. I included the status points after one year of winning all but the
Royal Rumble with the wrestler.)
Head: Range of 60-65. Long face, frown. Clone of it w/Glass eye.
Upper: 24/76 - D-Lo
Lower: 3/92 - Big Show
Height: 0
Weight: 45%
Skin: 3rd.
Weapon: "My hands are my weapons".
Name: Tazz
Nickname/Shortname: Tazz
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Hometown: Red Hook, NY
Favorite: I didn't know, you decide.
Movie: Shamrock (Cuz of the "DANGER" flashing).
Character: Rough Attack
Logic: Grapple & Attack
Fighting Pose: Shoot Wrestling


1. Manhattan Drop
2. Side Buster
3. Bearhug Front Slam
4. DDT

G1. Spinebuster
G2. Full Nelson Slam
G3. Jumping Arm Breaker
G4. Double Arm Suplex


Overhand Punch
Austin Punches
Overhand Punch
Low Kick


Reverse Brainbuster
Russian Leg Sweep
Dragon Sleeper (RENAME)


U1. Mounted Punch
U2. Sleeper Hold
U3. Camel Clutch

L1. Leg Lock
L2. Toss
L3. Mexican Surfboard


All Angry Stomp



F2. Choke

B1. Super Back Drop
B2. Back Drop


F1. Choke
F2. Choke


G1. Shoulder Block



G1. Scoop Slam


Blank or Diving Body Press


Blank or Vaulting Body Press




F1. Neckbreaker Drop
F2 & F3. Neckbreaker

B1, B2, B3. Bulldog


X: Power Clothesline
X2. Shoulder Block
X3. Elbow Attack


O: Monkey Toss
O2. Shoulder Back Toss
O3. Powerslam

(In Sorry Japanese Translation...SPEACIAL)


~-~-~ The Tazzmission ~-~-~
Move: Dragon Sleeper
Rename: Tazzmission


~-~-~ The Tazz Plex ~-~-~
Move: Back Drop
Rename: Tazz Plex


Austin Punches
Body Punch
Body Punch (Reverse)
Double Axe Handle



L2: Slow Cut Throat
<^>L2: Taunt Edge


Slow Cut Throat






-Very Important-
Match number for number


Power Speed Tech Rough
SKILL: 5 3 3 4

ATTACK: 3 2 2 4

DEENSE: 3 3 2 3

*Earl "The Peoples Ref" Hebner*

Name: Earl Hebner
Nickname: Earl Hebner
Age: 50?
Gender: Male
Hometown: Stanford
Favorite Star: The Rock
Entrance Movie: The Rock(It's Just Funny)

Head: 36/64
Upper Body: 42/75
Lower Body: 39/92
Height: 0%
Weight: 40%
Skin: 2
Weapon: Ring Bell

Fighting Style: Technical
Character: Technical Skill

Skill: 2
Attack: 2
Defense: 1

Skill: 3
Attack: 2
Defense: 2

Skill: 3
Attack: 3
Defense: 3

Skill: 2
Attack: 1
Defense: 1

Logic: Grapple and Ground

*Fighting Pose*
The Rock
Irish Whip
Dragon Screw
Double Arm Suplex
Shoulder Breaker
Irish Whip
Scissors Sweep
Shin Breaker
Arm Wrench
Rock Punches
Snap Jab
Irish Whip
Abdominal Stretch
Russian Leg Sweep
Sleeper Hold
Face Crusher
Camel Clutch
Reverse Chin Lock
Arm Bar
Boston Crab
Figure 4 Leg Lock
Leg Lock
Rock Stomp
Elbow Drop
Falling Headbutt
Elbow Drop
Senton Splash
Irish Whip
Falling Neckbreaker
Irish Whip
Diving Reverse DDT
Reverse Brainbuster
Raise The Opponent Up
Foot Choke
Shoulder Block
*Rope Opponent*
*Rope Down*
Running Knee Strike
*Jump To Outside*
Diving Body Press
*Jump Down Over*
Vaulting Body Press
Missile Dropkick
Front Dropkick
Double Axe Handle
Knee Drop
Elbow Drop
Knee Drop
*Run To Outside
Dive Through Ropes
Neckbreaker Drop
Rolling Clutch Pin
School Boy
Diving Forearm Smash
Back Elbow Attack
Samoan Drop
Shoulder Back Toss
Pulling Walk Slam
*Special Move*
German Suplex Pin(Rename To HebnerPlex)
*Favorite Move*
Senton Splash(Rename To Hebner Bomb)
*Combination Move*
Rock Punches
Rock Punches
Rock Punches
Shuffle Side Kick
On All Fours
Taunt The Rock 2
*Winning Move*
The Rock
*Entrance Move*
The Rock
*Ring In Move*
*Ring Out Move*

*Rikishi Phatu*

Name: Rikishi Phatu
Nickname: Rikishi Phatu
Age: 31?
Gender: Male
Hometown: Miami?
Favorite Star: The Rock
Entrance Movie: The Godfather(Just Cause Of The Sound And Music)

Head: 38/63
Upper Body: 6/75
Lower Body: 3/92
Height: About 20%
Weight: Full
Skin: 3
Weapon: Iron Pipe

Fighting Style: Powerful
Character: Power Skill

Skill: 4
Attack: 3
Defense: 3

Skill: 2
Attack: 2
Defense: 1

Skill: 2
Attack: 1
Defense: 2

Skill: 2
Attack: 2
Defense: 1

Logic: Average and Grapple

Irish Whip
Body Press Slam
Irish Whip
Side Walk Slam
Stomach Crusher
Rib Breaker
Pulling Piledriver
Low Kick
Mongolian Chop
Throat Thrust
Big Boot
Irish Whip
Atomic Drop
Sleeper Hold
Reverse Chin Lock
Sleeper Hold
Camel Clutch
Boston Crab
Leg Lock
Falling Headbutt
Angry Stomp
Elbow Drop
Angry Stomp
Leg Drop
Irish Whip
Choke Toss
Foot Choke
Irish Whip
Reverse Brainbuster
School Boy
Raise The Opponent
Foot Choke
Foot Choke
Shoulder Block
*Rope Opponent*
*Rope Down*
Scoop Slam
*Jump To Outside*
Diving Body Press
*Jump Down Over*
Vaulting Body Press
Flying Clothesline
Shoulder Block
Shoulder Block
Knee Drop
Elbow Drop
Elbow Drop
*Run To Outside*
Baseball Slide
Press and Knuckle
Rolling Clutch Pin
School Boy
Power Clothesline
Diving Shoulder
Shoulder Block
Samoan Drop
Samoan Drop
*Special Move*
Falcon Arrow
*Favorite Move*
Samoan Drop
Throat Thrust
Low Kick
Swing Hips
*Winning Move*
Swing Hips
*Entrance Move*
Pat Patterson

*6. Create-A-PPV*

This mode allows you to create a PPV. You select the matches, the
participants, and the arena.

-Create A PPV
First you must name your ppv. Then you must select the matches and who
will wrestle in them and for which title(s). After you select that you
select Completion and you watch participate or watch your PPV in

-Audience Ranking
-Rating Top 10
Shows the all time top ten rankings for your created PPVS according
to ratings.

-Bestmatch Top 10
Shows the all time top ten matches from your created PPVS according
to ratings.

*7. Weapons and Misc. Info*


-Fire Extinguisher
-Shopping Cart
-Cargo Cart
-Blue Chair
-Black Chair
-Toilet Seat
-Plastic Garbage Can
-Aluminum Garbage Can
-Kendo Stick
-Wooden Crate
-Cardboard Box
-Parking Cone
-Baseball Bat
-Golf Club
-Sledge Hammer
-Ring Steps
-Metal Pole
-Watermelon(Comes out of wooden crate)

-WWF Smackdown!
-WWF Raw Is War
-Sunday Night HeAT
-Royal Rumble
-King Of The Ring
-Summer Slam
-Survivor Series

Backstage Areas

-Corridor leads to the other backstage areas
-Boiler Room
-Parking Lot

*8. Q/A*

Send In Your Questions

Q: When Chris Jericho comes out.. does everything happen (including
lights go out, and explosion)?
A: Yes, the countdown hits, everything goes black, then bam and the

Q: About how many moves does each wrestler have?
A: It depend on which wrestler. The number is about 20 per wrestler.

Q: How many double team moves are in the game?
A: I've heard the 3D is in and the Move the Hardyz do.

Q: When a wrestler gets tangled in the ropes.. can you do other moves to
them go over the ropes besides a clothesline?
A: Yes, you can splash and butt bump.

Q: If you are at the top of the cage and the opponent is standing up in
the ring.. does the wrestler still do an elbowdrop since I've heard
that's the only move that is possible from the top of the cage?
A: Yes, only the elbowdrop.

*9. Codes*

If you have any codes please E-Mail me.

Unlock Wrestlers Faces

To Unlock there face play through Season mode you will unlock one every

1st Year- Ivory
2nd Year- Prince Albert
3rd Year- Jacqueline
4th Year- Viscera
5th Year- Unlock 70 Creation Points
6th Year- Mideon
7th Year- Gerald Brisco
8th Year- Pat Patterson
9th Year- Unlock 90 Creation Points

Unlock Stevie Richards Face- Complete Pre Season

Unlock Blue Meanie's Face- Complete Pre Season(It seems that Blue Meanie
switches with Stevie Richards)

Unlock Stephanie McMahon's Face: Complete Pre Season under the medium
difficulty and meet her to unlock her face.

Unlock Steve Austin's Hunting Gear- Complete Pre Season.(Another one I'm
not exactly sure on.

*10. Credits*

Jake Lawson(GB)- For a lot of the info/moves/etc.

Wrestling-Games.com- For hosting my faqs.

GameInformer.com- For A lot of info and how to unlock the hidden
characters faces.

EBWorld.com- For Release Date

Gamefaqs.com- For Hosting My Faqs

T*HQ and Yukes- For Making This Game

JeffHrdyIsMyIdol@aol.com- For some questions

Jubu316- For the Kurt Angle creation.

Brenden Lindsey- For the hardyz double team move.

IGN- For their help on some moves.

ShawdowedCross16@aol.com- For his Tazz creation.

2000 Copyright Tazzmission. WWF and WWF Smackdown! are trademarks of
World Wrestling Federation Entertainment(NYSE: WWFE). Gangrel is a
trademark of White Wolf Entertainment.

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17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Test Character Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Tori Character Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Starte eine neuee Karriere mit 90 Charakter Punkten.

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13.Oktober 2013
Character FAQ

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Complete Guide FAQ

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Finishers FAQ

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Mark Henry FAQ

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Ken Shamrock FAQ

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Vince McMahon FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Val Venice FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Create A Wrestler FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Rock FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Steve Blackman FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Chyna FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
Acolytes FAQ

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

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Charakter FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
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11.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020