WWF Smackdown!

WWF Smackdown!

13.10.2013 09:17:36
Finishers FAQ
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WWF Smackdown! Finishers Guide v1.5
By: DaLadiesMan Steve Saunders
E-mail: mcfaddendaman@aol.com
I have all messengers, see below for my user names on them
Date: May 29, 2000
Last Updated: October 8, 2000
Number of Updates to Guide: 3

-THQ for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-Al Amaloo, and VG Strategies, for posting this guide (hopefully)
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-Celestial Avenger for the setup to finishers guide
-Matthew Brown (brownienz1@icqmail.com) told me about the Walls of Jericho,
Kane's tombstone, Test's diving elbow, and Mankind's taunt with socko
-Mark Williams (vwilliams@cwcom.net) told me about the Test Diving Elbow,
Jericho's Walls of Jericho, and Mankind's Socko Taunt
-Jason (shin-Long@hotmail.com) told me about the Walls of Jericho, Test's
Elbow, and the Socko taunt from Mankind
-Brian Genna (genacide8@hotmail.com) told me that the Falcon Arrow was
the Hollycaust.
-Evan Ralston (evmeister69@hotmail.com) also told me that the Falcon
Arrow was the Hollycaust.
-Several People for telling me about the exclusion of the 3D in the game

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Finisher Move Guide
Al Snow
Big Boss Man
Big Show
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Chris Jericho
D'Lo Brown
D-Von Dudley
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
Ken Shamrock
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
"Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn
Paul Bearer
Road Dogg
The Rock
Shane McMahon
Steve Blackman
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
The Undertaker
Val Venis
Vince McMahon
3.0 Credits and Conclusion

1.0 Introduction

Hello, and welcome to another one of my wonderful WWF Smackdown guides!
This time, I have decided to do a finishing move guide for the game. In
the game, I will explain how to do each finishing move in terms of where
you must be in relation to your opponent, as well as my description of
the move and my overall rating of the finishing move. This guide is all
but finished now, but if you have any questions or comments please send
them to the e-mail address above. Thanks, and enjoy my finishing move
guide for WWF Smackdown!


v1.5 (October 8, 2000): This was a pretty large update, as I completely changed
the format of the guide, and added lots of new information. Unless I get more
information, this will be the final update of the guide.

V1.1 (May 29, 2000) Second version of this guide, now make sure that everyone
knows that the moves I wanted to see as finishers are in the game as regular
moves. Also added the "Use the Mandible Claw with Socko" information. Also
the "Great Set Ups to Finishers" guide, thanks to Celestial Avenger.

v1.0 (May 27, 2000) First version of this guide, pretty much complete although
forgot to mention the fact that some of the moves I wanted to see as finishers
are in the game as regular moves.

2.0 Finishing Move Guide

Al Snow
Finishing Move Name: Snow Plow
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Al Snow goes for a vertical suplex then crushes the
opponent with a facebuster. One of my favorite finishing moves in the game, the
Snow Plow is really quite a dangerous move.

Big Boss Man
Finishing Move Name: Boss Man Slam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: This finishing move is pretty stupid, in my opinion. I
have seen the Big Show do the same exact move a lot harder, and use it as a
setup. The Boss Man uses his as a finisher. I could probably kick out of this

Big Show
Finishing Move Name: Show Stopper Chokeslam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: It is just another normal chokeslam basically, but the
cool thing about this move is the fact that the Big Show actually pauses for a
few seconds, choking the opponent and setting him up for the huge landing.
Better than the average chokeslam.

Finishing Move Name: Clothesline from Hell
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: On TV this move is probably the one that looks like it
hurts a lot most. In WWF Smackdown, the move really goes by too quickly to be
noticed, but it does get the job done on the opponent.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Finishing Move Name: Jackknife Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: No, the 3D is not in the game, and yes, the Jackknife
Powerbomb is the same move that Kevin Nash uses. The finisher is okay, but I
would have loved to see the true Dudley Boyz finisher.

Chris Jericho
Finishing Move Name: Double Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Again, the Walls of Jericho would have been a cool
addition to the game, but it is really no huge loss because Jericho uses this
move a lot too (though not as much as he used to)

Finishing Move Name: Impaler
Posistion to Do the Move: From Behind
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move, although it doesn't look like it
hurts that much. Basically, Christian flips the opponent around then slams him
to the ground with a facebuster. It really looks cool, and is one of my
finishing moves.

Finishing Move Name: Pedigree
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Well, she doesn't use this move on TV anymore, but the
Pedigree is still my favorite finishing move in the WWF, even if I do prefer
HHH version more.

Finishing Move Name: DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 2
Description of the Move: Okay, this finishing move really sucks, and I have
about 20 wrestlers use this move before. And furthermore, Debra is weaker than
the other wrestlers. So this move wouldn't really hurt at all.

D'Lo Brown
Finishing Move Name: Lo Down
Posistion to Do the Move: Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Okay, this finishing move on television looks really
cool. But in the game something seems missing due to the lack of animation. It
just moves too fast for my liking, just like all the other "off the top rope"
moves in the game.

D-Von Dudley
Finishing Move Name: Jackknife Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: No, the 3D is not in the game, and yes, the Jackknife
Powerbomb is the same move that Kevin Nash uses. The finisher is okay, but I
would have loved to see the true Dudley Boyz finisher.

Finishing Move Name: Downward Spiral
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: Edge used to be my favorite wrestler, the thing I
most about him was this stupid finisher. Thankfully he uses the spear as a
finishing move now. I think the Downward Spiral hurts Edge more than it hurts
the opponent.

Finishing Move Name: Dominator
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Faarooq is one nasty son of a gun. And this move looks
like it could seriously kill some one. Faarooq picks up the opponent then slams
him to the ground HARD. One of my favorite finishers in WWF Smackdown.

*Gangrel is trademark of White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved.
Finishing Move Name: Inverted DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 6
Description of the Move: I really don't like these DDTs that they change a tad
bit then make it seem like a whole new move. But Gangrel's version of the DDT
okay, but still, it is a DDT.

Finishing Move Name: Pimp Drop
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Come get on the ho train with this fantastic finishing
move! Godfather picks his opponent up and throws his opponent around his
shoulders. Then he twirls the opponent around and slams him to the ground hard!
I love this move!

Hardcore Holly
Finishing Move Name: Falcon Arrow
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Another fantastic finishing move from an underrated
wrestler. Now called the Holycaust, Holly picks up the opponent into a vertical
suplex, then slams him to the ground with a huge facebuster!

Jeff Hardy
Finishing Move Name: Senton Bomb
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: The Senton Bomb is my second favorite finisher (behind
the Pedigree) on the real television WWF, but it just doesn't look as good on
WWF Smackdown. Still, you got to love the athleticism that Jeff Hardy shows
while doing this incredible move off the top rope.

Finishing Move Name: Chokeslam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 4
Description of the Move: Yes, that is it, the Chokeslam. Not the "Fiery Tombs
Doom" Chokeslam, just the chokeslam. And where's the Tombstone Piledriver? Im
disappointed, THQ!

Ken Shamrock
Finishing Move Name: Shamrock Anklelock
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: If I am not mistaken, this is one of only two
submission finishers in the entire game. And I would not want to be put in this
move by Shamrock, that is for sure!

Finishing Move Name: Mandible Claw
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 6
Description of the Move: Yes, this move is cool, but he doesn't put Socko on
hand before doing the move, so the Mandible Claw loses some of its mystique.

Mark Henry
Finishing Move Name: Bearhug
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: I really don't like Mark Henry, and this finishing
is a dud too. All he really does is picks up the opponent and hugs them. And
trust me, it hurts!

Matt Hardy
Finishing Move Name: Northern Lights Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: I have no problems with this finishing move, althought
THQ made another bad mistake by not including the twist of fate, which is one
the cooler finishing moves in the WWF today.

"Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn
Finishing Move Name: Fame Asser
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move, even if it is just a glorified
version of the Jaw Dropper. I like it when he points up in the air then does
move. One of my favorite moves in the game.

Paul Bearer
Finishing Move Name: DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 2
Description of the Move: Yeah, like this move really hurts. Like I said before,
it is just a DDT. So what is the point of the move itself? I mean, I hate the
DDT as a finisher.

Road Dogg
Finishing Move Name: Pumphandle Slam
Posistion to Do the Move: From Behind
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 4
Description of the Move: This move is okay, and I wish that Test would have had
this as a finisher. Still, I don't like the move that much, although I do admit
is is better than the "Shake Rattle and Roll"

The Rock
Finishing Move Name: The People's Elbow
Posistion to Do the Move: On the Mat
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: yeah, the move in WWF Smackdown does look pretty cool,
but I definitely like the Rock Bottom as a finishing move better. Mainly
this is just a friggin elbow. But I will admit that it is pretty effective in
this game, as it leads to the most knockouts.

Shane McMahon
Finishing Move Name: Diving Elbow
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Yeah, a diving elbow off the top rope, and it actually
looks somewhat realistic. Here's another move I wish Test would have had in

Steve Blackman
Finishing Move Name: Fisherman's Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: Yeah, like this finishing move REALLY looks like it
hurts. And the move looks really bad in the game too. I would have preferred
"whack the opponent with a kendo stick" finisher better.

Stone Cold Steve Austin
Finishing Move Name: Stone Cold Stunner
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: If you have never heard of or seen this move, what
planet are you from? The second most recognizable finisher, only behind the
People's Elbow.

Finishing Move Name: Diving Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10):
Description of the Move: Like I have mentioned already, I would have much
seen the Pumphandle Slam or Test Elbow then this wussy powerbomb finisher. The
move borders on being okay, but I do not like the powerbomb as a finisher at
all, and it is a shame that my favorite WWF superstar is stuck with it as his
finisher in this game.

Finishing Move Name: Tori Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Oh my gosh, a women's finisher that actually is
Tori's version of the suplex is actually the best version of the suplex in WWF

Triple H
Finishing Move Name: Pedogree
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 10
Description of the Move: The best finisher in "The Game", Triple H stuns the
opponent with this glorified facebuster. And the move looks really cool too,
even if it doesn't have as much power as I would have liked to see.

The Undertaker
Finishing Move Name: Tombstone Piledriver
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move too, and I hope the Undertaker will
use this move again now that he is back on television! At least the move is in
the game, because Kane doesn't use it.

Val Venis
Finishing Move Name: The Money Shot
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Another great off the top rope move that doesn't look
great when translated to a video game. He uses a new version of the 360
powerbomb as his finisher now, and I hope it gets put into WWF Smackdown! 2, as
it would probably translate into a video game much better than the money shot.

Vince McMahon
Finishing Move Name: Stunner
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Basically a one handed Stone Cold Stunner. I guess
Vince uses this move because of the big rivalry that Stone Cold and Mr McMahon
have had on WWF television. It does not seem to get as many knockouts as the
Stone Cold Stunner, which is why it gets a lesser grade.

Finishing Move Name: X-Factor
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 10
Description of the Move: The second, and final, finisher that gets a 10/10 from
me, mainly because I love the look and strength of the move. Some of you may be
saying that it is unfair of me to give it a 10/10, but hey, I love the move,
it is pretty effective, so I am giving it the 10.

Good Set Ups for Finishers

This is a list of moves that you can use to set up your finishers. I will add
own personal great set up to finishers at a later time, but for now enjoy
Celestial Avenger's list of great set ups to finishers.

1) tornado ddt, roll to the turnbuckle while you're still down, quickly clmb up
and do the 450. works every time (unless you're in arcade mode and started with
5 specials, you bastard you)

2) running knee strike, at the end, use the turn facing front move and pull off
the finisher (works with most finishers (i.e. the rock bottom or michinoku

3) irish whip into the ropes. after the guy bounces off twice, run up and do a
karate kick. now would be a good time to do the finisher.

3.0 Credits and Conclusion

Name: Steve McFadden
E-Mail: mcfaddensteve@netscape.net, webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com

My Web Pages Links: http://gamereviewers.cjb.net

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SmcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger: neverforgotaboutdre@hotmail.com

TOTALS as of 9/30/00
Reviews: 377 FAQs: this was my 44th, I now have 44.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!


http://www.gamefaqs.com : GameFAQs
http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!

-THQ for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-Al Amaloo, and VG Strategies, for posting this guide (hopefully)
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-Celestial Avenger for the setup to finishers guide
-Matthew Brown (brownienz1@icqmail.com) told me about the Walls of Jericho,
Kane's tombstone, Test's diving elbow, and Mankind's taunt with socko
-Mark Williams (vwilliams@cwcom.net) told me about the Test Diving Elbow,
Jericho's Walls of Jericho, and Mankind's Socko Taunt
-Jason (shin-Long@hotmail.com) told me about the Walls of Jericho, Test's
Elbow, and the Socko taunt from Mankind
-Brian Genna (genacide8@hotmail.com) told me that the Falcon Arrow was
the Hollycaust.
-Evan Ralston (evmeister69@hotmail.com) also told me that the Falcon
Arrow was the Hollycaust.
-Several People for telling me about the exclusion of the 3D in the game



Reviews: 375 FAQs: 44

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester¹s Quest
Yo! Noid

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on

The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
12. http://www.psxcodez.com
13. http://www.hype.se
14. http://www.supercheats.com
15. http://www.psxgamer.com
16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
17. http://gamereviewers.cjb.net
18. http://stephaniemcmahon.freeservers.com
19. http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber
20. http://www.psxpower.com
21. http://smcfadden.freeservers.com/faqs

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if you see
this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these guides,
especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete guide,
FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

Closing Line
I hope that you have enjoyed my 29TH FAQ ever, as well as this being my
1st large guide. Here's to many more charcater guides
by me for both WWF Smackdown and WWF Wrestlemania 2000!!!

The Shortest Copyright Line Ever

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)

| This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Steve Saunders a.k.a. DaLadiesMan. The only
| sites allowed to use this FAQ are:
| 1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
| 2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
| 3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
| 4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
| 5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
| 6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
| 7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
| 8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
| 9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
| 10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
| 11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
| 12. http://www.psxcodez.com
| 13. http://www.hype.se
| 14. http://www.supercheats.com
| 15. http://www.psxgamer.com
| 16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
| If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
| happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately.

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-Steve Saunders

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