WWF Smackdown!

WWF Smackdown!

13.10.2013 09:21:19


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WWF SmackDown! FAQ
by MTRodaba2468 a.k.a. Matt Rodabaugh
Moves, Cheats, Characters, and More.
Version History:

v1.2 (11/3/00) -Added 2 questions concerning Jeff Hardy's Somersault
-Added a new interaction.
-Added a THQ Man creation.
-Added 2 new GameShark Codes.
v1.1 (10/31/00) -Happy Halloween, everyone!
-Added the Move List Modifier GS Code (very large code).
-Answered 2 new questions in the Q & A.
-Added an Alternate Stone Cold creation.
-Added a Kurt Angle creation. It's true, it's true!
-Added a Yokozuna (R.I.P.) creation.
-Added a creation of the star of my favorite sitcom:
Christopher Titus!
-Added a Rikishi creation.
-Added a possibile tip on getting McMahon Family+.
-Added official tips on getting Battle Royal+ and Battle
-Added the New Age Outlaws trick in the Extras section.
-Added some more info about the Pin in a Cage GS Code.
v1.08 (10/23/00) -Saw No Mercy in person yesterday, and saw Austin get
arrested, Los Conquistadors defeat the The Hardy Boyz for
the Tag Team Titles, and Kurt Angle upset The Rock for the
-Added the GS code to Enable All Characteristics.
-Completed the Characteristic Definitions List.
v1.07 (10/22/00) -Added 3 new GameShark Codes from RagnaroK's FAQ (one by
RagnaroK, two by ID).
v1.06 (10/18/00) -Answered another question in the Q & A.
v1.05 (10/16/00) -Added 2 more CAWs by 13 Reza.
v1.04 (10/15/00) -Answered 3 new questions in the Q&A.
-Added a New Undertaker CAW sent to me by 13 Reza.
v1.03 (10/14/00) -Answered a new question in the Q&A.
-Added my brother's CAW, "The Samurai's", finisher (I didn't
know it at the time).
-Added a Perry Saturn CAW sent to me by 13 Reza.
v1.02 (10/12/00) -(Hopefully) Fixed bug involving odd characters in the ASCII
art above.
-Added an interaction that was accidentally left out in the
Pre-Season Walkthrough.
-Added a shovel to the weapons list.
v1.01 (10/11/00) -Added tips on how to get Big Show+, Big Show-, Edge+,
Christian+, Single Match-, Godfather+, and Godfather-.
-Addressed another question in the Q & A.
v1.0 (10/10/00) -First Version!!

Hey everybody. I've been thinking about doing a FAQ for a game for a while, so
I decided to do one for my favorite PSX game, WWF SmackDown!. I know it's been
a while since the game has come out. I just wanted to play the game long
enough to get as much information as I could find. I'll probably do a FAQ for
WWF SmackDown! 2 when it comes out. Anyone who has any questions about the
game can e-mail me at jrodabau@nycap.rr.com. Make sure you put WWF SmackDown!
in the subject line, so I know what game you're talking about.

Table of Contents

1. Review
2. The Controls
3. Matches
4. The Wrestlers, Favorites, and Finishers
5. Tips For Matches
Singles Match
Tag Team Match
Handicap Match
Battle Royal
Royal Rumble
King of the Ring
Hardcore Match
Anywhere Falls Match
Cage Match
Survival Match
Special Referee Match
"I Quit" Match
6. Q & A
7. Double Team Moves
Dudley Death Drop
Official Double Teams
Hardy Boyz Leg Drop (Poetry in Motion)
Edge and Christian Splash
Unofficial Double Teams
Headbangers Stage Dive
Doomsday Device
Kai En Tai Move
8. Move Lists
Stone Cold
The Undertaker
The Rock
Triple H
The Big Show
Mr. Ass
Road Dogg
Chris Jericho
Val Venis
The Godfather
D'Lo Brown
Mark Henry
Ken Shamrock
The Big Bossman
Al Snow
Hardcore Holly
Steve Blackman
Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
D'Von Dudley
Vince McMahon
Shane McMahon
Paul Bearer
9. Create A Superstar Info
Upper Body
Lower Body
Height & Weight
Fighting Style
Characteristics Listings
Characteristic Definitions
Tips on Getting Hidden Characteristics
Moves to Choose From
Front Grapple (Normal)
Front Grapple (Dazed)
Back Grapple
Ground Attack
Ground Grapple (Head)
Ground Grapple (Legs)
Standing in Turnbuckle (Front)
Standing in Turnbuckle (Back)
Sitting in Turnbuckle
Rope Down
Jump to Outside
Jump Down Over
Aerial (Opponent Standing)
Aerial (Opponent on Mat)
Run to Outside
Running Attack
Running Grapple (Front)
Running Grapple (Back)
Running Counter
Special Move
Tips on Choosing a Finisher
Good Move Substitutes.
10. Finisher Definitions
11. Pre-Season Walkthrough
12. Season Mode Info
13. Create A Wrestler
Earl Hebner
Steven Richards
The Goodfather
Val Venis (RTC gimmick)
Lita (mine)
Lita (Dagger)
New Test (mine)
New Test (Dagger)
Perry Saturn (13 Reza)
New Undertaker (13 Reza)
Essa Rios (13 Reza)
Kurt Angle
Justin Credible
Karate Master
Fly Boy
13 Reza (13 Reza)
Christopher Titus
Hidden Wrestlers
The Blue Meanie
Stephanie McMahon
Stevie Richards
Prince Albert
Alternate Rock
Alternate Stone Cold
14. Extras
Pre-Season Extras
Season Extras
Cool Backstage Info
Crotch Opponents into the Ringpost
New Age Outlaws Appearance
15. GameShark Codes
16. Weapons List
17. Create A PPV
Create A PPV
Audience Ranking
18. Default Champions & Belt Ranking
19. Option/Pause Menus
Main Menu
Pre-Game Options
Pause Menu
Options Screen
20. Known Glitches
Cage/I Quit Match Glitch
21. Credits

Graphics: 9/10

The graphics in SmackDown are some of the best I've ever seen. The character's
entrances involve the wrestler doing his entrance taunt (Big Show raising his
arm, Jericho coming out, back facing the crowd, with his arms outstreched) in
front of their TitanTron video, which looks excellent. The wrestlers have only
one outfit, but they all look like what they wear now (with the exception of
Test). The graphics weren't motion captured, so collision detection is a lot
better than in Warzone and Attitude.

Sound: 8/10

The game's sound is great, with OK music during the matches instead of
commentary, which I perfer, so you don't have to hear the same things over and
over, and all the wrestlers authentic theme music which sound great. The crowd
doesn't chant, only cheers, which kind of takes away from the realism of the
game (I'd rather hear the crowd cheer for guys like Rock and Stone Cold and
boo for guys like DX), but it's not a real big deal.

Control & Gameplay: 9/10

The only game that even comes close to SmackDown's control is Wrestlemania's
great control. SmackDown uses the grapple system like Wrestlemania on N64, but
it's more fast pased, which I like, unlike the combo system Attitude has. It's
easy for anyone to pick up and start playing the game for the first time, and
start playing like a pro.

The game's main mode is it's unique Season Mode, which boasted an excellent
story mode. There are some problems with it though. For one thing, there's
only one show a month. Attitude's system is better in this case. The Pre
Season Mode, where you must put CAWs through first, before they can go into
Season Mode, is a lot more interactive.

Speaking of the Create A Wrestler Mode, it's absolute crap. Anyone who buys
these games for the CAW will be turned off immediately from SmackDown. In
Appearence, you can only choose 3 body parts: Head, Upper Body, and Lower
Body. Except for skin color, weight, or height, you can't edit the looks. Not
good at all. If you really care about the CAW this much, buy Attitude or

Extras: 9/10

It's challenging to get everything in the game. SmackDown features 12 hidden
characters, but they aren't pre-made. You have to create them in the CAW Mode.
You can also earn extra ability points to start out with in CAW, and extra
characteristics to use in CAW, and they add replay value to the game (mainly
the characteristics, since it can take a while to earn them all without a

Overall: 9/10

The game's graphic's and control are great, but the CAW kept it from getting a
perfect 10 in this review.
The Controls

Start Pause/Unpause the Game
D-Pad Move Wrestler
X Striking Attacks
Circle (or O) Irish Whip, Raise Opponent
Circle + D-Pad Grapple Attacks (Circle + Down when opponent is on the
ground pins him)
Square Block/Reverse/Counter
Square (running) Baseball Slide/Leapfrog/Sunset Flip
Triangle Run Toward Opponent
Triangle + D-Pad Run/Climb Turnbuckle
L1 Special Move (must be in certain position)
L2 Taunt, Count pin (in Special Referee Mode)
R1 Tag Partner (in Tag Team mode only), pick up weaopn
R1 + D-Pad Climb In/Out Of Ring, Climb onto Cage , Climb up/down
R2 Change Focus Of Wrestler

There are many different types of matches in this game.

Single Match: Normal 1 on 1 match
Single Match w/ Manager: 1 on 1 match, with each superstar accompanied by
another superstar
Tag Team Match: 2 on 2 match
Handicap Matches: 1 on 2 match, or 1 on 3 match
Battle Royal: 4 wrestlers against each other, winner is the only
one not eliminated
Royal Rumble: Starts out as 4 wrestlers against each other, and
once one is thrown over the top rope, he or she is
eliminated, and a new wrestler takes his or her
King of the Ring: A tournament of 1 on 1 matches
Hardcore Match: A no holds barred, falls count anywhere match up
that starts in the ring.
Anywhere Falls Match: Same as a hardcore match, only you can start
anywhere in the building.
Cage Match: 1 on 1 match with a cage around the ring. The first
one out of the cage wins
Survival Matches: A 3-Way (1 on 1 on 1) or a 4-Way (1 on 1 on 1 on 1)
Match, first fall wins.
Special Referee Match: 1 on 1 match, with a WWF superstar as a referee
I Quit Match: 1 on 1 match, where the only why to win is to have
your opponent say he or she gives up in the
The Wrestlers, Favorites, and Finishers (These are the wrestlers actual
finishers and favorites, along with their finishers and favorites in the

Name: Stone Cold
Actual Finisher: Stone Cold Stunner
Finisher in SmackDown: Stone Cold Stunner
Actual Favorite: Lou Theez Press
Favorite in Game: Stunner

Name: The Undertaker
Actual Finisher: The Last Ride
Finisher in SmackDown: Tombstone Piledriver
Actual Favorite: Choke Slam
Favorite in Game: Choke Slam

Name: The Rock
Actual Finisher: The Rock Bottom
Finisher in SmackDown: The People's Elbow
Actual Favorite: The People's Elbow
Favorite in Game: The Rock Bottom

Name: Triple H
Actual Finisher: Pedigree
Finisher in SmackDown: Pedigree
Actual Favorite: Knee Smash
Favorite in Game: Knee Smash

Name: The Big Show
Actual Finisher: The Showstopper
Finisher in SmackDown: The Showstopper
Actual Favorite: Giant Headbutt
Favorite in Game: Body Press Drop

Name: Mankind
Actual Finisher: Mandible Claw
Finisher in SmackDown: Mandible Claw
Actual Favorite: Double Arm DDT
Favorite in Game: Double Arm DDT

Name: X-Pac
Actual Finisher: X-Factor
Finisher in SmackDown: X-Factor
Actual Favorite: Bronco Buster
Favorite in Game: Bronco Buster

Name: Mr. Ass
Actual Finisher: Fame-asser
Finisher in SmackDown: Fame-asser
Actual Favorite: Jackhammer
Favorite in Game: Brainbuster (same thing, just a different name)

Name: Road Dogg
Actual Finisher: Pumphandle Slam
Finisher in SmackDown: Pumphandle Slam
Actual Favorite: Shake, Rattle, and Roll
Favorite in Game: Shake, Rattle, and Roll

Name: Kane
Actual Finisher: Choke Slam/Tombstone Piledriver
Finisher in SmackDown: Choke Slam
Actual Favorite: Flying Clothesline
Favorite in Game: Tombstone Piledriver

Name: "Y2J" Chris Jericho
Actual Finisher: Walls of Jericho
Finisher in SmackDown: Double Powerbomb Pin
Actual Favorite: Lionsault
Favorite in Game: Walls of Jericho

Name: Val Venis
Actual Finisher: The Money Shot
Finisher in SmackDown: The Money Shot
Actual Favorite: Fisherman Suplex
Favorite in Game: Russian Leg Sweep

Name: The Godfather
Actual Finisher: Pimp Drop
Finisher in SmackDown: Pimp Drop
Actual Favorite: Ho Train
Favorite in Game: Ho Train Attack

Name: D'Lo Brown
Actual Finisher: Lo Down
Finisher in SmackDown: Lo Down
Actual Favorite: Sky High
Favorite in Game: Sky High

Name: Mark Henry
Actual Finisher: Death From Above
Finisher in SmackDown: Bear Hug
Actual Favorite: Gorilla Press Slam
Favorite in Game: Body Press Slam

Name: Ken Shamrock
Actual Finisher: Ankle-Lock Submission
Finisher in SmackDown: Ankle-Lock Submission
Actual Favorite: Belly to Belly Suplex
Favorite in Game: Ankle Lock

Name: The Big Bossman
Actual Finisher: Boss Man Slam
Finisher in SmackDown: Boss Man Sidewalk Slam (same thing)
Actual Favorite: Boss Man Rope Attack
Favorite in Game: Rib Breaker

Name: Al Snow
Actual Finisher: Snow Plow
Finisher in SmackDown: Snow Plow
Actual Favorite: Moonsault
Favorite in Game: Jackknife Powerbomb

Name: Hardcore Holly
Actual Finisher: Hollycaust
Finisher in SmackDown: Falcon Arrow (same thing)
Actual Favorite: Standing Dropkick
Favorite in Game: Jackknife Powerbomb

Name: "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman
Actual Finisher: Karate Kick
Finisher in SmackDown: Fisherman Suplex
Actual Favorite: Backbreaker
Favorite in Game: Karate Kick

Name: Test
Actual Finisher: Diving Elbow
Finisher in SmackDown: Diving Powerbomb
Actual Favorite: Gutwrench Powerbomb, Pumphandle Slam
Favorite in Game: Pumphandle Slam

Name: Edge
Actual Finisher: Downward Spiral
Finisher in SmackDown: Downward Spiral
Actual Favorite: Spear
Favorite in Game: Electric Chair Drop

Name: Christian
Actual Finisher: The Unprettier
Finisher in SmackDown: The Impaler (same thing)
Actual Favorite: Diving Reverse DDT
Favorite in Game: Northern Lights Suplex

Name: Gangrel
Actual Finisher: Impaler
Finisher in SmackDown: Implant DDT (same thing)
Actual Favorite: Belly to Belly Suplex
Favorite in Game: Gangrel Suplex

Name: Faarooq
Actual Finisher: Dominator
Finisher in SmackDown: Dominator
Actual Favorite: Spinebuster
Favorite in Game: Spinebuster

Name: Bradshaw
Actual Finisher: Clothesline From Hell
Finisher in SmackDown: Strong Lariat (same thing)
Actual Favorite: Fallaway Slam, Powerbomb
Favorite in Game: Fall Away Slam

Name: Matt Hardy
Actual Finisher: Twist of Fate
Finisher in SmackDown: Northern Lights Suplex
Actual Favorite: Poetry in Motion (w/ Jeff Hardy), Leg Drop
Favorite in Game: NONE

Name: Jeff Hardy
Actual Finisher: Swanton Bomb
Finisher in SmackDown: Senton Bomb (same thing)
Actual Favorite: Poetry in Motion (w/ Matt Hardy), Whisper In The
Favorite in Game: Hurracanrana

Name: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Actual Finishers: 3D, Buh Buh Cutter
Finisher in SmackDown: Jackknife Powerbomb
Actual Favorite: Whassup! (w/ D'Von Dudley)
Favorite in Game: Belly To Back Flip

Name: D'Von Dudley
Actual Finishers: 3D, Inverted Brainbuster
Finisher in SmackDown: Jackknife Powerbomb
Actual Favorite: Whassup! (w/ Buh Buh Ray Dudley)
Favorite in Game: DDT

Name: Vince McMahon
Actual Finisher: Mac Stunner
Finisher in SmackDown: Stunner
Actual Favorite: NONE
Favorite in Game: NONE

Name: Shane McMahon
Actual Finisher: Diving Elbow
Finisher in SmackDown: Test Diving Elbow
Actual Favorite: NONE
Favorite in Game: DDT

Name: Chyna
Actual Finisher: Powerbomb, Sleeper/Neckbreaker
Finisher in SmackDown: Pedigree
Actual Favorite: Low Blow
Favorite in Game: Low Blow

Name: Tori
Actual Finisher: Tori Suplex
Finisher in SmackDown: Tori Suplex
Actual Favorite: ???
Favorite in Game: Snapmare

Name: Debra
Actual Finisher: NONE
Finisher in SmackDown: DDT
Actual Favorite: NONE
Favorite in Game: Snapmare

Name: Paul Bearer
Actual Finisher: NONE
Finisher in SmackDown: DDT
Actual Favorite: NONE
Favorite in Game: NONE
Tips for Matches

Singles Matches:
I usually start out with a running grapple attack, to get the opponent off his
feet. Once he's down, I use ground attacks to keep him down. After that, you
just keep attacking him with anything in your arsenal of moves, and don't let
him get anything on you. Once you get your special, don't use it right away,
especially if your special is the Stone Cold Stunner or Tori Suplex. The
reason is that with the Stunner or Tori Suplex, there's a very high chance
that your opponent will go flying into the ropes, causing a rope break. Wait
until you're sure that they're weak enough to get knocked out. Usually, if
you're meter look higher than your opponents, and you have more specials,
you're in good shape.

Tag Team Matches:
Keep your opponent on your half of the ring, and prevent him from tagging,
while you tag often to stay fresh. If he does go over to his corner, qucikly
give him a running attack, or attack his partner so he falls off the apron,
then bring him back to your side. When you pin the opponent, also make sure
that your on your half, but not directly in the corner. If you're directly in
the corner, you'll block your partner from stopping your opponent from
stopping the pin. The best way to win is by TKO or submission, since you're
opponent's partner obviously can't stop a TKO, and opponent's partner won't
come in to stop the hold.

Handicap Matches:
These matches are tricky, especially the 3 on 1 match. If your competing
against the 2 or 3 opponents, I find the best way to win is by focusing mainly
on the weakest one (you can tell by looking at the hearts on the screen before
the match), and keeping your distance from your other opponent(s). Don't
ignore them, though, because you'll get creamed. Just try to keep your
distance. When you can do your finisher, if you have been focusing on the
weakest one, and he (she) hasn't gotten to many attacks in, use your finisher
on the weakest one, and hope that it knocks him out, since you will almost
never be able to get a pin, with the other guy(s) stopping it. Another idea is
to raise up to your maximum amount of specials (2 in season/pre-season, as
many as you want in exhibition), knock down both or all 3 guys, then do your
special on all of them. If you're lucky, they will stay down long enough for
you to pick up the win. Or if they all won't stay down long enough, you could
try doing a submission move (almost everyone has one). If in Pre-Season,
you'll get more ability points than if you knocked one of them out, and I
believe that the other guy(s) won't stop a submission hold.

Battle Royal:
These matches are always fun. It's basically a 1 on 1 on 1 on 1 match. The
match ends when 3 wrestlers are eliminated, and only one is left. At the
beginning, attack the person you are targeted on with a running attack, and
stay focused on him, until he's eliminated. Once he's out, target onto the
person with the smaller meter (he's been attacked more), and try to get him
eliminated. Once he's done, treat this like a singles match to get the final
guy eliminated, and give you a victory.

Royal Rumble:
This match starts out just like a Battle Royal, only once someone is thrown
over the top rope, a new one comes in. You will usually start out as the first
one in, so you don't want to be attacked too much, because if you are pretty
weak, someone will eventually through you out of the ring. Treat this like a
Battle Royal, and once you've gotten someone pretty weak, Irish Whip them
toward the ropes closest to you. If your lucky, they'll just fall over the
rope. Sometimes, the'll grab the ropes and try to roll back in. Give them a
stomp to keep them from coming in. Other times, the'll just get tied up in the
ropes. Give them something like a clothesline to knock them over the top rope.
Be careful that they don't get you out, though. Another tip is to quickly
eliminate everyone from the ring, making you the only person in the ring. When
someone comes down, wait for him to start moving, and attack him (he'll
usually counter it if you attack when he's just standing there). Pick him up,
and quickly Irish Whip him toward the ropes closest to him to get him out.
Keep this up until you've eliminated everybody. If you don't want to wait for
him to start moving, go to the top turnbuckle, and when he comes in, do an
aerial move onto him (works best if it's a Double Axe Handle). You'll either
knock him down, since he can't block aerial moves, or if you miss, he'll still
be standing there, but you can attack him without him countering you. Either
pick him upand whip him toward the ropes closest to him, or just get behind
him and whip him toward the clostest ropes. No joke, I've beaten the Rumble in
less then 10 minutes by doing the aerial attack strategy. There's another
trick that works if you have a MultiTap and 4 controllers. When you go into
the Rumble, press Select on controllers 2, 3, and 4 (unless your playing
Exhibition Mode, then just choose a 4 player layout before the match begins).
Then just whip the opponents into the ropes, and hopefully, they'll fall out.
When the next guy comes in, press select on the corresponding controller.
They'll now be human controlled, instead of CPU controlled. It should be cake
to get them eliminated. Just keep this up, and you should have an easy Royal
Rumble win!

King of the Ring:
This is nothing more than 3 singles matches in a row. Treat these like a
normal singles match, and you should do fine.

Hardcore Match:
You start this match holding a weapon. Use the weapons to your advantage.
Press X to attack them with the weapon, and Square to throw it at them. Take
them backstage for more weapons. Keep attacking them with moves and weapons
until you're able to pin them.

Anywhere Falls Match:
This match is just like a Hardcore Match, only there isn't as many weapons,
and you start out somewhere backstage. Treat it like a Hardcore Match, just
use moves more than weapons, since there isn't as many. When you start out
backstage, whip your opponent into the background to see some cool stuff, like
car lights flashing into your opponents eyes, and fire burning your opponent.

Cage Match:
This is one of my personal favorites. Just attack your opponents enough to
weaken them, then when you can, use your finisher on them. If they're weak
enough, they won't be able to stop you from climbing over the cage (Press R1
to get on the cage, press all the direction buttons in a circle motion to
climb higher). If they aren't as weak, they'll try to stop you. In that
occasion, jump off the side of the cage, and give them an elbow drop from the
cage. If they start to climb, press X to try to knock him off, or O to shake
the cage.

Survival Matches:
These are 3-Way or 4-Way Matches. To win, concentrate on the weakest opponent,
and try to win by knock-out or submission, because almost any pin attempt will
have everyone else try to stop the pin. If everyone else is stunned, try
pinning the weakest one. That way, the other wretler may not be able to stop
the count.

Special Referee Matches:
This match is just like a Singles Match, only there's a referee in the ring.
No matter who the referee is (if it's being controlled by the computer), they
will count for you, just as long as you don't attack them. Try to keep your
distance from the referee, because if you accidently hit them, they won't be
on your side. If you do stand by the ref, your opponent may accidentally hit
the ref, and the ref will favor you, making it easier for you to win.

"I Quit" Matches:
This match can take a long time to win. The only weapon available is the
microphone. To win, you must pick up the microphone, and press Down + O when
your opponent is on the ground. I find it easier if I try to get them to admit
defeat right after giving them my guy's finisher. Sometimes it works,
sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't, keep attacking them until they give up.
Q & A

If you have any questions, send them to me at jrodabau@nycap.rr.com. Just make
sure you put SmackDown in the subject field, so I know what game you're
talking about.

Q: How do I do the 3D?
A: Sorry, THQ has comfirmed that it's not in the game.

Q: How can I go backstage at the SmackDown arena?
A: You can only go backstage at the Raw arena.

Q: I was playing in Season Mode, and after one season, it said I had unlocked
Ivory. I went to the wrestler screen, and she wasn't there!
A: You have to create the hidden wrestlers. Their body parts appear in the
create a superstar section, then you must create them and put them through
Pre Season before you can use them in Season Mode.

Q: Could you e-mail me the moves for every wrestler?
A: NO! Are you too damn lazy to scroll down and look at the moves themselves?
They're all there!

Q: I heard somewhere there was a casket in the game. Where is it? And is there
a casket match too?
A: The places I've found the casket is under the ring and on the stage. And
there's no casket match. You'll have to wait for SmackDown! 2.

Q: How do I get infinite ability points, or all 5s in each skill?
A: You can't unless you have a GameShark. You can get extra ability points by
playing 5, 10, and 20 seasons.

Q: In Season Mode, I was going to be in an I Quit Match against the Big Show.
Chyna came out with me, and Big Show didn't come out at all. When the match
started, Chyna started attacking Big Show, and made him quit. Then she
started attacking me. I was able to win, and in the celebration scene,
Chyna and I celebrated as if we were in a Tag Team Match. Did I stumble
upon a new match or code?
A: You didn't find a new code. It's a glitch that occasionally occurs in I
Quit and Cage Matches. It's not a real problem, so just have fun.

Q: Is it true that Pin With Bridge never causes a Rope Break?
A: No. Let's say your opponent is in the ropes, and you use the Pin With
Bridge to pin him. If he is perpindicular to the ropes, a rope break
wouldn't be called, because you move the legs or head away. If they are
parallel to the ropes, his arm is in the ropes, and the rope break will be
called. And don't send me mail saying this isn't true because I have gotten
a few rope breaks using this pin. I haven't gotten a Rope Break with the
Mahistrol Cradle, though, and I could tell my opponent's arm was in the

Q: I've heard that The Undertaker's ceremony and Gangrel's bloodbath is in the
game. Is this true?
A: Yes.

Q: OK, how do I get to see them?
A: I believe the Undertaker ceremony and Gangrel's bloodbath cut scenes appear
at random.

Q: How can I get a high ranked PPV?
A: There are some tips in the Create A PPV section of this FAQ.

Q: Is there a Hell in a Cell?
A: No. It's in SmackDown! 2, though.

Q: Are there any double team moves in this game?
A: The Hardy Boyz' Poetry in Motion is in the game.

Q: How do I do it?
A: Take a look in the Double Team Moves section.

Q: I was playing with D'Lo Brown, and I did a sunset flip! I went to go give
my CAW that move, and I couldn't find it!
A: I've heard that it was taken out of the game, but that's not true. The game
calls it the Rolling Clutch Pin.

Q: How do you do the Lionsault?
A: When playing as Jericho, go over to the ropes, press Triangle, then quickly
press X. If you did it right, you should do the Lionsault. On a side note,
Matt Hardy does this move too.

Q: Can I pull my opponent into the ringpost?
A: Yes. You can read how in the Extras section.

Q: What does Stephanie McMahon: Stage 65/House Show ED8 mean?
A: All I know about it is that's how to unlock Stephanie McMahon. The whole
Stage 65/House Show ED8 confused me (as well as a lot of other people), so
I made a Pre-Season Walkthrough, and figured out what it meant. You can see
in the Extras section how to unlock all the hidden characters unlocked
through the Pre-Season.

Q: How do I unlock Tiger Ali Singh?
A: Let me guess, you went to cheatplanet.com? There's no way to unlock Tiger
Ali Singh's body parts. I stopped beleiving them when they posted codes on
how to do the 3D in SmackDown, and how to get Hell in a Cell, Ladder, and
Inferno Matches in Wrestlemania 2000.

Q: When I go to select my created wrestler, it says Superstar 1 instead of the
name I gave it. How can I change this?
A: Sorry, you can't.

Q: What are Matt Hardy's, Vince McMahon's, and Paul Bearer's Favorite Moves?
A: As of right now, they are unknown. I can see why Vince and Paul don't have
any, but I would have at least expected Matt Hardy to have a moonsault for
his favorite. Then again, The favorite moves for Shane McMahon, Jeff Hardy,
and the Dudleyz were unknown for a while, and now they've been discovered,
so you never know.

Q: Is there any way to make your CAW not have a favorite?
A: I believe you can do this by going making your favorite a move you plan on
changing, then changing it. Ex: Make your favorite Hard Scoop Slam, then
change all the Hard Scoop Slams to moves you want. It should say that your
favorite is the Hard Scoop Slam, yet you can't perform it.

Q: Is there anyway to make Player 1 a member of the 2 or 3 man team in a
handicap match?
A: No. The only way a human player can be on the 2 or 3 man team is if there's
more than one person playing the game.

Q: How can I back body drop someone over the top rope?
A: When you are tied up in the ropes, press Square right when they are about
to attack you.
UPDATE (10/12/00): Some wrestlers do a different move other than a back
body drop. Ex. Buh Buh Ray Dudley does a leap frog over
the opponent.

Q: Do you have to be on a specific difficulty in order to unlock any of the
hidden items?
A: No. Despite what some sites may say, you can unlock all the hidden body
parts, characteristics, etc. on ANY difficulty.

Q: When does Season Mode end?
A: It doesn't.

Q: How do I put a belt other than the Hardcore Title in a Hardcore Match?
A: You can't. You can only defend the Hardcore title in a Hadrcore Match. You
could defend any other title in a Falls Anywhere Match. It's the same thing
as a Hardcore Match, only you don't start out with a weapon in your hand,
and you can go backstage.

Q: What is Viscera's lower body? What is Pat Patterson's upper and lower body?
A: Sorry, but I haven't seen Viscera's lower half. I do know that Pat
Patterson's has the maroon button down shirt for upper body (#39) and his
lower body is the white pants (#60).

Q: How do you raise your opponent so that you end up behind him?
A: I believe you have to tap O twice instead of once.

Q: Please could you tell me how to Reverse an Irish Whip, i'v done it alot of
times but don't have the slightest clue how it do it!!
A: I believe you must hit Square and maybe a direction, right when he's about
to whip you, but I'm not to sure. If anyone knows how to officially do it,
let me know.

Q: I noticed that The Rock has the Rock Bottom as his favorite, Kane has the
Tombstone as his favorite, Undertaker has the Choke Slam as his favorite,
and D'Lo has the Sky High as his favorite. Now when I make my CAW, I can't
select these! What gives?!
A: Other than a GameShark, there's no way of using these moves other than

Q: how on earth do i perform matt hardy and jeff hardys dive in smackdown.
that **** that u run towards the ropes andu jump above them in kinda
swanton bomb way????
A: If you mean Jeff Hardy's Somersault Plancha, you run toward the ropes, then
press Square, then press X. It takes almost perfect timing to pull off, but
it looks cool.

Q: I want to give my guy Jeff Hardy's flip over the ropes to the outside, but
I can't find it. how do you do this?
A: In the Aerial section, go to Run To Outside, and select "Rope Flip" (that's
what SmackDown! calls it). Look in the above question on how to pull it
Double Team Moves:

If you have any unofficial double teams, send them in at jrodabau@nycap.rr.com.
Thanks to andy591 for letting me use his Doomsday Device and Kai En Tai Double
Team from his CAW FAQ.

Dudley Death Drop (3D): Unfortunately, it's not in the game. You'll have
to wait for SmackDown! 2 & No Mercy before you
can do this.
Official Double Teams:

Hardyz Leg Drop: Irish Whip your opponent into the corner. With
one Hardy, press L2 to get on all fours. With
the other Hardy, run toward the opponent, and
press X. You should jump off the Hardy on all
fours and onto your opponent.
Edge and Christian Splash: Same as the Hardyz.
Unofficial Double Teams:

Headbangers Stage Dive: You can either make the Headbangers, make their
finishers the Jackknife Powerbomb and their
favorites the Diving FameAsser, or pick someone
with the Jackknife (like the Dudleyz) and
someone with the Diving FameAsser (Mr. Ass,
obviously). Have the person with the Diving
FameAsser on the turnbuckle, and when the other
person performes the Jackknife, do the FameAsser
onto the opponent. It'll look like the Stage
Doomsday Device (andy591): Select two wrestlers for a handicap match (one
must have the Electric Chair Drop, like Edge,
and one must have the Flying Clothesline, like
Kane and The Undertaker). While the wrestler
with the flying clothesline waits on the top
rope, have the one with the Electric Chair Drop
perform it in front of the turnbuckle. Before
the wrestler falls, quickly perform the flying
clothesline, to do the Doomsday Device.
Kai En Tai Move (andy591): Make Taka and give him a Senton Splash for one
of his ground moves and the "Hold Hands In
Prayer" taunt. Make Funaki and give him the
Camel Clutch as one of his ground moves. In a 2
on 1 match, have Funaki do the camel clutch,
then have Taka do the Hold Hands in Prayer taunt
in front of them, then do the Senton Splash.
He'll dropkick the opponent in the face.
Move Lists

Stone Cold
X - Austin Punch
Up + X - Overhand Punch
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Snap Jab
Right + X - Toe Kick
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Austin Punch
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Side Buster
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Piledriver
Down + O - Side Buster
Left + O - Stunner
Right + O - DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Bulldog
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Austin Elbow Drop
Right + X - Austin Elbow Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Foot Choke
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thursts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Stone Cold on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Diving Elbow
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Elbow

Run To Outside:
Square + X - Dive Through Ropes
Running Attacks:
X - Power Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Press & Knuckle
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Press & Knuckle

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Stunner - Opponent Dazed, Left + O
FINISHER: Stone Cold Stunner - Opponent Dazed, L1

The Undertaker
X - Throat Thrust
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Back Elbow Smash
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Austin Punches
X + X + X + X - Throat Thrust, Toe Kick, Back Elbow Smash, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Club to Neck
Down + O - Shoulderbreaker
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Choke Slam
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Rib Breaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Pumphandle Slam
Left + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Right + O - Atomic Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Leg Drop
Left + X - Knee Drop
Right + X - Knee Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mounted Punch
Left + O - Darkness Choke
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Leg
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Knee Stomp
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Choke
Left/Right + O - Walk on the Rope

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Undertaker on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Flying Lariat
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Shoulder

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Running DDT

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Choke Slam - Opponent Dazed, Up + O
FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver - Opponent Dazed, L1

The Rock
X - Rock Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - The Rock Punch, The Rock Punch, Elbow Smash, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Club to Neck
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Manhatten Drop
Left + O - The Rock Bottom
Right + O - Jump Swinging DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Rock Stomp
Right + X - Rock Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mounted Punch
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, The Rock on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Samoan Drop
FAVORITE: The Rock Bottom - Opponent Dazed, Left + O
FINISHER: The People's Elbow - Opponent Dazed on Mat, L1

Triple H
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Elbow Smash
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Chop, Elbow Smash, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Arm Wrench
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Reverse Suplex
Down + O - Rib Breaker
Left + O - Jumping Arm Breaker
Right + O - Manhattan Drop
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Dragon Sleeper
Down + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Double Knee Drop
Down + X - Double Knee Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Reverse Chin Lock
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Figure 4 Leg Lock
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - Superplex

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Triple H on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Jumping Knee Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Knee Smash - Down + O
FINISHER: Pedigree - Opponent Dazed, L1

The Big Show
X - Chop
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Big Boot
Right + X - Body Punch
X + X + X + X - Chop, Chop, Double Axe Handle, Big Boot
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Down + O - Choke Toss
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Body Press Drop
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - Strong Headbutt
Right + O - Bearhug
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Full Nelson Slam
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Camel Clutch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Darkness Choke

Lower Body:
Up + O - Boston Crab
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Big Show on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Front Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Dropkick

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Body Press Drop - Behind Opponent, Up + O
FINISHER: Showstopper Choke Slam - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Body Punch
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Chop, Chop, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Manhattan Drop
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Scoop Slam
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Pulling Piledriver
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - Double Arm DDT
Right + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Down + O - School Boy
Left + O - Facecrusher
Right + O - Back Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Leg Drop
Right + X - Leg Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mounted Punch
Left + O - Camel Clutch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Toss
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Mankind on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Front Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Facecrusher
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Double Arm DDT - Opponent Dazed, Left + O
FINISHER: Mandible Claw - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Middle Kick
Up + X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Down + X - Spinning to Face X-Pac
Left + X - Snap Jab
Right + X - Spinning Kick
X + X + X + X - Middle Kick, Snap Jab, Middle Kick, Spinning to Face X-Pac
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Headlock & Punch
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - DDT
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Hurracanrana
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Spinning Back Drop
Right + O - Fisherman Suplex
Back Grapple:
Up + O - School Boy
Down + O - Reverse Pin
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Leg Drop
Right + X - Leg Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Leg
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Bronco Buster
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, X-Pac on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Spinning Wheel Kick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Flying Lariat
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Bronco Buster

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Pulling Walk Slam
FAVORITE: Bronco Buster - Opponent Sitting in Turnbuckle, X-Pac Running, X
FINISHER: X-Factor - Opponent Dazed, L1

Mr. Ass
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Chop, Dropkick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Brainbuster
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - Headlock & Punch
Right + O - Club to Neck
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Body Press Slam
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Falling Neckbreaker
Right + O - DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Back Drop
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Bulldog
Right + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Austin Elbow Drop
Down + X - Austin Elbow Drop
Left + X - Knee Drop
Right + X - Knee Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Camel Clutch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Reverse Chin Lock

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Leg
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Toss
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Tornado DDT
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Mr. Ass on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving FameAsser

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Jumping Knee Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Rolling Clutch Pin
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Brainbuster - Up + O
FINISHER: FameAsser - Opponent Dazed, L1

Road Dogg
X - Shake Jab
Up + X - Clothesline
Down + X - Body Punch
Left + X - Snap Jab
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Shake Jab, Shake Jab, Shake Jab, Shake Rattle & Roll
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Jumping Arm Breaker
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Double Arm Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Fallaway Slam
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - School Boy
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Facecrusher
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Shaky Knee Drop
Right + X - Shaky Knee Dropp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Road Dogg on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Missle Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Back Elbow Attack

Facing Opponent:
O - Rolling Clutch Pin
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker Drop

Behind Opponent:
O - Facecrusher
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Shake, Rattle, & Roll - X, X, X, X, must connect on last hit
FINISHER: Pumphandle Slam - Opponent Dazed, Behind Opponent, L1
X - Body Punch
Up + X - Kane Throat Thrust
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Big Boot
X + X + X + X - Body Punch, Chop, Kane Throat Thrust, Big Boot
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Lifting Choke Hold
Down + O - Stomach Crusher
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Spinebuster
Down + O - Tombstone Piledriver
Left + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Right + O - Manhatten Drop
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Full Nelson Slam
Down + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Left + O - Reverse Brainbuster
Right + O - Back Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Darkness Choke
Right + O - Camel Clutch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Kick to Leg
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Kane on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Tombstone Piledriver - Opponent Dazed, Down + O
FINISHER: Choke Slam - Opponent Dazed, L1

Chris Jericho
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Spinning Back Kick
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Middle Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Middle Kick, Spinning Back Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Reverse Suplex
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Jumping Arm Breaker
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Fisherman Suplex
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - Double Arm Backbreaker
Right + O - Small Package
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Reverse Brainbuster
Down + O - Reverse Pin
Left + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Right + O - School Boy
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Austin Elbow Drop
Right + X - Austin Elbow Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Reverse Chin Lock
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Walls of Jericho
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Mudhole Stomping

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Jericho on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent inside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Moonsault
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Missle Dropkick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Spinning Wheel Kick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Diving Headbutt
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Moonsault

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Rolling Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - Facecrusher
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: The Walls of Jericho - Opponent on Mat, Left + O
FINISHER: Double Powerbomb Pin - Opponent Dazed, L1

Val Venis
X - Chop
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Austin Punches
Right + X - Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - Chop, Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Scissors Sweep
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Fisherman Suplex
Left + O - Double Arm Suplex
Right + O - Spinebuster
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Octopus Stretch
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right + O - German Suplex Pin
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Reverse Chin Lock

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Groin
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - Superplex

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Val on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Pulling Walk Slam
FAVORITE: Russian Leg Sweep - Behind Opponent, Left + O
FINISHER: The Money Shot - Opponent Dazed on Mat, Venis on turnbuckle, L1

The Godfather
X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Clothesline
Down + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Overhand Punch
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Chop, Shuffle Side Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Club To Neck
Down + O - Manhatten Drop
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Headlock And Punch
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Right + O - Fall Away Slam
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right + O - Bulldog
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Leg Drop
Right + X - Leg Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Slhort Arm Scissors
Left + O - Camel Clutch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Godfather on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Diving Shoulder
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Ho Train Attack

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Rolling Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Samoan Drop
FAVORITE: The Ho Train - Opponent Dazed in Turnbuckle, Godfather running, X
FINISHER: Pimp Drop - Opponent Dazed, L1

D'Lo Brown
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Jumping Calf Kick
Left + X - Austin Punches
Right + X - Shuffle Side Kick
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Jumping Calf Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Sky High
Down + O - Running Powerbomb
Left + O - Whirl Side Slam
Right + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - School Boy
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - D'Lo Leg Drop
Right + X - D'Lo Leg Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Sleeper Hold
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - D'Lo Texas Cloverleaf
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Frankensteiner
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrust

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, D'Lo on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Front Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Twisting Body Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Dropkick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Rolling Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Pulling Walk Slam
FAVORITE: Sky High - Opponent Dazed, Up + O
FINISHER: The 'Lo Down - Opponent Dazed on Mat, D'Lo on turnbuckle, L1

Mark Henry
X - Chop
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Overhand Punch
X + X + X + X - Chop, Overhand Punch, Chop, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Weak):
Up + O - Club to Neck
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Strong):
Up + O - Body Press Slam
Down + O - Body Press Drop Forward
Left + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Right + O - Side Buster
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Full Nelson Slam
Down + O - Back Side Slam
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Atomic Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Camel Clutch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Boston Crab
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Toss
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrust
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Mark on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Body Press Slam - Behind Opponent, Up + O
FINISHER: Bearhug - Opponent Dazed, L1

Ken Shamrock
X - Low Kick
Up + X - Body Punch
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Middle Kick
Right + X - Back Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - Low Kick, Low Kick, Back Elbow Smash, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Dragon Screw
Down + O - Belly to Back Flip
Left + O - Club to Neck
Right + O - Hurracanrana
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Flipping Armbar
Down + O - Rolling Leg Lock
Left + O - Knee Strike
Right + O - Fisherman Suplex
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - German Suplex Pin
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Back Side Slam
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Knee Drop
Down + X - Knee Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Armbar
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Ankle Lock
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrust

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Shamrock on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Spinning Wheel Kick

Facing Opponent:
O - Spear
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Ankle Lock - Opponent Dazed on Mat, Left + O
FINISHER: Ankle Lock Submission - Opponent Dazed, L1

Big Bossman
X - Toe Kick
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Boss Man Uppercut
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Austin Punches
X + X + X + X - Toe Kick, Double Axe Handle, Austin Punch, Boss Man Uppercut
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Manhattan Drop
Left + O - Headlock and Punch
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - Rib Breaker
Right + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Camel Clutch
Right + O - Reverse Chin Lock

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Leg
Left + O - Kick to Groin
Right + O - Toss
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Foot Choke
Left/Right + O - Mudhole Stomping

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Boss Man Attack

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Boss Man on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Back Elbow Attack

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Boss Man Sidewalk Slam
FAVORITE: Rib Breaker - Opponent Dazed, Left + O
FINISHER: Bossman Sidewalk Slam - Opponent Dazed, L1

Al Snow
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Boss Man Uppercut
Down + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Chop, Shuffle Side Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Scissors Sweep
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Shoulder Breaker
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Piledriver
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Hurracanrana
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Reverse Brainbuster
Down + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Bulldog
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mahistorol Cradle
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Leg
Left + O - Texas Cloverleaf
Right + O - Knee Stomp
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Frankensteiner
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Al on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Moonsault

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Back Shoulder Toss
FAVORITE: Jackknife Powerbomb - Opponent Dazed, Down + O
FINISHER: Snow Plow - Opponent Dazed, L1

Hardcore Holly
X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Toe Kick
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Chop, Double Axe Handle, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Arm Wrench
Down + O - Club to Neck
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Scoop Slam
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Piledriver
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Manhattan Drop
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Bulldog
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Double Knee Drop
Down + X - Double Knee Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Frankensteiner
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Holly on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Front Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Dropkick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Jacknife Powerbomb - Opponent Dazed, Down + O
FINISHER: Falcon Arrow - Opponent Dazed, L1

Steve Blackman
X - Low Kick
Up + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Low Kick, Chop, Toe Kick, Shuffle Side Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Knee Strike
Right + O - Scissor Sweep
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Shoulder Breaker
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Knee Strike
Right + O - Dragon Screw
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Atomic Drop
Down + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - German Suplex Pin
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Armbar
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Leg
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Knee Stomp
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - Foot Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Blackman on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Front Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Karate Kick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Shoulder

Facing Opponent:
O - Spear
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Karate Kick - Blackman Running, X
FINISHER: Fisherman Suplex - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Chop
Up + X - Clothesline
Down + X - Big Boot
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Austin Punches
X + X + X + X - Chop, Austin Punch, Chop, Big Boot
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Falling Neckbreaker
Left + O - Side Buster
Right + O - Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Test Neckbreaker
Down + O - Falling Powerslam
Left + O - Falling Neckbreaker
Right + O - Small Package
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Full Nelson Slam
Left + O - Pumphandle Slam
Right + O - Pumphandle Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Camel Clutch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - Boston Crab
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Test on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Test Diving Elbow
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Power Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Yakuza Kick

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker Drop

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Shoulder Back Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Pumphandle Slam - Behind Opponent, Left + O
FINISHER: Diving Powerbomb (Gutwrench Powerbomb) - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - Snab Jab, Chop, Elbow Smash, Dropkick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Reverse Suplex
Down + O - Scissors Sweep
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Scoop Slam
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Spinning Back Drop
Right + O - Rib Breaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Electric Chair Drop
Down + O - Full Nelson Slam
Left + O - Back Side Slam
Right + O - Face Crusher
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Leg Drop
Down + X - Leg Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Short Arm Scissors

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Knee Stomp
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Frankensteiner
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Edge on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Missile Dropkick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Spear

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Dropkick

Facing Opponent:
O - Spear
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - Facecrusher
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Electric Chair Drop - Behind Opponent, Up + O
FINISHER: Downward Spiral - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Dropkick
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Chop, Dropkick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Northern Lights Suplex
Down + O - Stomach Crusher
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Sambo Suplex
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Reverse Pin
Left + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Right + O - German Suplex Pin
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Leg Drop
Down + X - Leg Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Reverse Chin Lock
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Foot Choke
Left/Right + O - Mudhole Stomping

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Christian on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Front Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down + X - Dropkick
Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Northern Lights Suplex - Opponent Dazed, Up + O
FINISHER: Impaler - Behind Dazed Opponent, L1

Gangrel is a trademark of White Wolf, Inc. All Rights Reserved
X - Chop
Up + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Body Punch
X + X + X + X - Chop, Chop, Body Punch, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Manhattan Drop
Left + O - Gangrel Suplex
Right + O - DDT
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Headlock and Punch
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Gangrel Suplex
Right + O - Manhattan Drop
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Pumphandle Slam
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Double Knee Drop
Right + X - Double Knee Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Sleeper Hold
Right + O - Mounter Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Groin
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Toss
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Tornado DDT
Left/Right + O - Mudhole Stomping

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Gangrel on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker Drop

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Gangrel Suplex - Up + O
FINISHER: Inverted DDT - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Toe Kick, Chop, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Rib Breaker
Down + O - Bearhug Front Slam
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - DDT
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Body Press Slam
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - Rib Breaker
Right + O - Spinebuster
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Full Nelson Slam
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Abdominal Stretch
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Camel Clutch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Boston Crab
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Choke
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Faarooq on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Diving Headbutt
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Shoulder

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Powerslam
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spinebuster
FAVORITE: Spinebuster - Opponent Dazed, Right + O
FINISHER: Dominator - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Chop
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Snap Jab
X + X + X + X - Chop, Snap Jab, Chop, Clothesline
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Fall Away Slam
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Side Buster
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Rib Breaker
Down + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Left + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Right + O - DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Full Nelson Slam
Down + O - Pumphandle Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Bulldog
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Camel Clutch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Boston Crab
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Bradshaw on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Power Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Fallaway Slam - Down + O
FINISHER: Strong Lariat (Clothesline From Hell) - Opponent Dazed, L1

Matt Hardy
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Rolling Wheel Kick
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Back Elbow Smash
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Back Elbow Smash, Rolling Wheel Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Scissors Sweep
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Rib Breaker
Left + O - Falling Neckbreaker
Right + O - DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - German Suplex Pin
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Austin Elbow Drop
Down + X - Leg Drop
Left + X - Elbow Drop
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Reverse Chin Lock

Lower Body:
Up + O - Pin with Bridge
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Tornado DDT
Left/Right + O - Mudhole Stomping

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Matt Hardy on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Moonsault

Jump Down Over (opponent inside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Moonsault
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Spinning Wheel Kick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Senton Bomb
Up/Down + X - Diving Moonsault
Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Rope Flip
Running Attacks:
X - Diving Forearm Smash
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Power Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Samoan Drop
FINISHER: Northern Lights Suplex - Opponent Dazed, L1

Jeff Hardy
X - Chop
Up + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Snap Jab
Right + X - Austin Punches
X + X + X + X - Chop, Snap Jab, Snap Jab, Dropkick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Scoop Slam
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Hurrancanrana
Down + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Gangrel Suplex
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Back Side Slam
Down + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - German Suplex Slam
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Flip Splash
Down + X - Flip Splash
Left + X - Double Knee Drop
Right + X - Double Knee Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Frankensteiner
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Jeff Hardy on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Asai Moonsault
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Missile Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Twisting Knee Drop
Up/Down + X - The 450
Left/Right + X - Diving Moonsault

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Rope Flip
Running Attacks:
X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Back Elbow Attack

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Hurracanrana - Opponent Dazed, Up + O
FINISHER: Senton Bomb - Opponent Dazed on Mat, Jeff on turnbuckle, L1

Buh Buh Ray Dudley
X - Body Punch
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Overhand Punch
X + X + X + X - Body Punch, Chop, Overhand Punch, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Manhattan Drop
Down + O - Eye Rake
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Belly to Back Flip
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Body Press Slam
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Bearhug
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Pumphandle Drop
Down + O - Back Side Slam
Left + O - Bulldog
Right + O - Back Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Buh Buh Ray on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Front Dropkick
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Whirl Sideslam
FAVORITE: Belly to Back Flip - Right + O
FINISHER: Jackknife Powerbomb - Opponent Dazed, L1

D'Von Dudley
X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Toe Kick
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Chop, Austin Punch, Shuffle Side Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Club to Neck
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Manhattan Drop
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Fall Away Slam
Right + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Bulldog
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Leg Drop
Down + X - Leg Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Camel Clutch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Foot Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, D'Von on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Headbutt

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Shoulder

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Back Shoulder Toss
FINISHER: Jackknife Powerbomb - Opponent Dazed, L1

Vince McMahon
X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Double Axe Handle
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Toe Kick
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Chop, Toe Kick, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Eye Rake
Left + O - Club to Neck
Right + O - Arm Wrench
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Side Buster
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Club to Neck
Right + O - Arm Wrench
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Turn to Face
Down + O - Turn to Face
Left + O - Turn to Face
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stonp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Vince on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FINISHER: Stunner - Opponent Dazed, L1

Shane McMahon
X - Snap Jab
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Body Punch
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Snap Jab, Body Punch, Chop, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Scoop Slam
Down + O - Suplex
Left + O - Eye Rake
Right + O - Club to Neck
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Arm Wrench
Back Grapple:
Up + O - School Boy
Down + O - School Boy
Left + O - Turn to Face
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - Mudhole Stomping

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Bronco Buster
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Shane on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Test Diving Elbow
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Dragon Attack

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Dive Through Ropes
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Bronco Buster

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: DDT - Opponent Dazed, Down + O
FINISHER: Test Diving Elbow - Opponent Dazed on Mat, Shane on Turnbuckle, L1

X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Toe Kick
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Club to Neck
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Snapmare
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Arm Wrench
Right + O - Rib Breaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Low Blow
Down + O - Low Blow
Left + O - Turn to Face
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mounted Punch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Kick to Groin
Right + O - Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Choke
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Low Blow

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Chyna on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Thump

Facing Opponent:
O - Spear
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Spear

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FAVORITE: Low Blow - Behind Opponent, Up/Down + O
FINISHER: Pedigree - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Middle Kick
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Dropkick
Left + X - Slap
Right + X - Back Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - Middle Kick, Middle Kick, Middle Kick, Dropkick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Scoop Slam
Down + O - Club to Neck
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Snapmare
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Small Package
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Suplex
Right + O - Suplex
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Reverse Pin
Down + O - Reverse Pin
Left + O - Turn to Face
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Tori on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Missile Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Dropkick

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Rolling Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Snapmare - Right + O
FINISHER: Tori Suplex - Opponent Dazed, L1

X - Slap
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Middle Kick
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Chop
X + X + X + X - Slap, Chop, Middle Kick, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Arm Wrench
Down + O - Club to Neck
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Snapmare
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Arm Wrench
Down + O - Suplex
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Snapmare
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Reverse Pin
Down + O - Reverse Pin
Left + O - Turn to Face
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Knee Stomp
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Debra on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Knee Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
FAVORITE: Snapmare - Left/Right + O
FINISHER: DDT - Opponent Dazed, L1

Paul Bearer
X - Chop
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Body Punch
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Austin Punches
X + X + X + X - Chop, Austin Punch, Body Punch, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Club to Neck
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Club to Neck
Front Grapple (Strong):
Up + O - Scoop Slam
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Snapmare
Right + O - Club to Neck
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Reverse Pin
Down + O - Reverse Pin
Left + O - Turn to Face
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Paul on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Shoulder Block
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
FINISHER: DDT - Opponent Dazed, L1
Create A Superstar Info


Name: Type in a name for your wrestler
Nickname: Type in a nickname for your wrestler
Age: Select an age for your wrestler
Gender: Choose whether your wrestler is male, female, or ?
Hometown: Type in a hometown for your wrestler
Favorite Star: This will be your wrestler's run in partner
Entrance Movie: This will be your wrestler's theme music & TitanTron video

Heads: Pick from a variety of heads
* Hidden Heads

00: Stone Cold
01: Undertaker
02: The Rock
03: Big Show
04: Mankind
05: Ken Shamrock
06: Triple H
07: Kane
08: Val Venis
09: Big Boss Man
10: X-Pac
11: Vince McMahon
12: Mr. Ass
13: Road Dogg
14: Hardcore Holly
15: Test
16: Al Snow
17: Gangrel
18: Christian
19: Edge
20: Chyna
21: Tori
22: The Godfather
23: Debra
24: D-Lo Brown
25: Mark Henry
26: Matt Hardy
27: Jeff Hardy
28: Chris Jericho
29: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30: Shane McMahon
31: Paul Bearer
32: Steve Blackman
33: Faarooq
34: Bradshaw
35: D-Von Dudley
36: Mideon*
37: Prince Albert*
38: Pat Patterson*
39: Gerald Brisco*
40: Ivory*
41: Jacqueline*
42: Stephanie McMahon*
43: Alternate Stone Cold*
44: Alternate Rock*
45: Viscera*
46: Stevie Richards*
47: Earl Hebner?
48: Brown Haired Girl
49: Guy with white hair and sunglasses
50: Black and gray mask w/ yellow star
51: Woman with green hair and lips (Godfather's Ho)
52: Japanese girl (Godfather's Ho)
53: Knight's helmet
54: Samurai mask and helmet
55: Red, yellow, and gray robot w/ THQ logo
56: Man w/ Japanese style hair
57: Dino head
58: Helmet w/ visor
59: The Blue Meanie*
60: Red Mask
61: Blue and yellow mask
62: Purple and black mask
63: Blue mask
64: Black and yellow mask
65: Hockey mask
66: Man w/ white hair and black and grey ninja-style mask
67: Blond haired man
68: Blond haired man w/ face paint
69: Blond haired man w/ goatee
70: Blond haired man w/ sunglasses
71: Old man
72: Old man w/ face paint
73: Old man with bandanna and fake eye
74: Hulk Hogan-ish style head
75: Gray robot
Upper Body: Pick from a variety of upper bodies
* Hidden Upper Bodies

00: Stone Cold
01: Undertaker
02: The Rock
03: Big Show
04: Mankind
05: Ken Shamrock
06: Triple H
07: Kane
08: Val Venis
09: The Big Bossman
10: X-Pac
11: Vince McMahon
12: Mr. Ass
13: Road Dogg
14: Hardcore Holly
15: Test
16: Al Snow
17: Gangrel
18: Christian
19: Edge
20: Chyna
21: Tori
22: The Godfather
23: Debra
24: D'Lo Brown
25: Mark Henry
26: Matt Hardy
27: Jeff Hardy
28: Chris Jericho
29: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30: Shane McMahon
31: Paul Bearer
32: Steve Blackman
33: Faarooq
34: Bradshaw
35: D-Von Dudley
36: Mideon*
37: Black tank top
38: Prince Albert* (hairy body)
39: Maroon button down shirt
40: WWF Attitude shirt
41: One strap tank top
42: Black shirt
43: Stephanie McMahon* (beige women's suit)
44: Alternate Stone Cold* (Stone Cold Gym shirt)
45: Alternate Rock* (black Adidias shirt w/ white stripes)
46: Viscera*
47: Camoflauge T-shirt
48: Referee shirt
49: Female referee
50: Red suit w/ yellow tie
51: USA tank top
52: Green vest w/ blue THQ tank top
53: Women's blue top
54: Black tank top
55: One strap tank top
56: White shirt w/ knot
57: Ripped tank top
58: Black and white DX shirt
59: Black tank top
60: White shirt (skinny)
61: White shirt (fat)
62: Blue shirt
63: Red shirt
64: Stone Cold's vest
65: Blue top (female)
66: Red bikini
67: Knight
68: Samurai
69: Red, yellow, and gray robot
70: Samurai 2
71: Multicolored shirt
72: White sumo shirt
73: Tattooed body
74: Hairy body
75: Skinny body
76: Hawaiian shirt
77: Stevie Richards
78: Christian's old shirt
79: Fat referee
80: Paul Bearer w/ green tie
81: Gray robot
Lower Body: Pick from a variety of lower bodies
* Hidden Lower Bodies

00: Stone Cold
01: Undertaker
02: The Rock
03: The Big Show
04: Mankind
05: Ken Shamrock
06: Triple H
07: Kane
08: Val Venis
09: The Big Bossman
10: X-Pac
11: Vince McMahon
12: Mr. Ass
13: Road Dogg
14: Hardcore Holly
15: Test
16: Al Snow
17: Gangrel
18: Christian
19: Edge
20: Chyna
21: Tori
22: The Godfather
23: Debra
24: D'Lo Brown
25: Mark Henry
26: Matt Hardy
27: Jeff Hardy
28: Chris Jericho
29: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30: Shane McMahon
31: Paul Bearer
32: Steve Blackman
33: Faarooq
34: Bradshaw
35: D-Von Dudley
36: Mideon
37: Black and red pants w/ designs
38: Samurai pants
39: Black pants
40: Gray pants
41: Black and pink pants w/ designs
42: Red skirt
43: Stephanie McMahon* (beige skirt)
44: Alternate Stone Cold* (Blue Jeans)
45: Alternate Rock* (black Adidias pants)
46: USA skirt
47: Army pants
48: Black pants
49: Black tights w/ green boots
50: Black pants
51: Red shorts
52: Blue mini skirt
53: Blue shorts
54: Green Samurai pants
55: Japanese pants
56: Japanese pants 2
57: Blue pants w/ white stripes
58: Black skirt
59: Purple pants and green stripes
60: White pants
61: Red pants w/ white stripes
62: Red pants
63: Blue pants
64: Black pants
65: Cowboy pants
66: Cowboy pants 2
67: Clown/jester pants
68: Black and purple skirt
69: White skirt
70: Black skirt
71: Pink skirt
72: Japanese pants 3 w/ wooden shoes
73: Green shorts
74: Droz?
75: Red shorts
76: Pink tights and white boots
77: Knight pants
78: Samurai pants
79: Red, yellow, and gray robot pants
80: Black and blue pants w/ designs
81: Multicolored pants
82: Karate pants
83: Blue shorts with tattoos
84: White shorts with tattoos
85: Orange shorts and boots
86: Blue tights and white boots
87: Blue shorts and black boots
88: Green shorts and boots
89: Black and white shorts
90: Yokozuna style pants
91: Christian's old pants
92: Triple (Red DX Tights)
93: Funaki
94: Paul Bearer w/ green tie
95: Robot pants
Height & Weight: Use sliding bars to determine the height and weight of your
Skin: Choose from 4 different skin colors for your wrestler.
Weapon: Choose a weapon for your wrestler to start out with in a
Hardcore match.
Black chair
Piped chair
Ring bell
Bell hammer
Iron pipe
Kendo stick
Wood stick
Trash can
Soda can

Fighting Style: Pick a style for your wrestler.

Average: Learns all 4 skills at the same rate
Power: Learns power moves quickly, but learns speedy moves slower than
Speed: Learns speedy moves quickly, but learns power moves slower than
Technical: Learns technical moves quickly, but learns roughneck moves
slower than normal.
Roughneck: Learns roughneck moves quickly, but learns technical moves
slower than normal.

Choosing a fighting style determines how many points it takes to fill up an
ability meter. For example, if you choose a powerful fighting style, it will
take only two points to raise one of the Power Abilities up a to Level 2, but
it will take ten points to raise a Speed Ability to Level 2. Meanwhile, it
will take 6 points to raise Technical and Roughneck Abilities up to Level 2.
Here's a listing on how many points it will take to fill up the Ability Levels
by picking a Fighting Style.

Power Fighting Style

Power Speed Tech Rough
Level 2 2 10 6 6
Level 3 6 18 12 12
Level 4 12 28 20 20
Level 5 20 40 30 30

Speed Fighting Style

Power Speed Tech Rough
Level 2 10 2 6 6
Level 3 18 6 12 12
Level 4 28 12 20 20
Level 5 40 20 30 30

Technical Fighting Style

Power Speed Tech Rough
Level 2 6 6 2 10
Level 3 12 12 6 18
Level 4 20 20 12 28
Level 5 30 30 20 40

Roughneck Fighting Style

Power Speed Tech Rough
Level 2 6 6 10 2
Level 3 12 12 18 6
Level 4 20 20 28 12
Level 5 30 30 40 20

Average Fighting Style

Power Speed Tech Rough
Level 2 6 6 6 6
Level 3 12 12 12 12
Level 4 20 20 20 20
Level 5 30 30 30 30

Character: Pick a character trait for your wrestler.

Characteristics Listing
Here is a complete list of all the character traits in the game.

Power Attack Technical Attack
Speed Attack Rough Attack
Power Defense Technical Defense
Speed Defense Rough Defense
Power Skill Technical Skill
Speed Skill Rough Skill
Singles Match Tag Team Match
3-Way Dance 4-Way Dance
Battle Royal Anywhere Falls Match
Hardcore Match Cage Match
Royal Rumble Tournament
"I Quit" Match Title Match
Tag Title IC Title
European Title Women's Title
Hardcore Title Handicap Match
S. Referee Lucky
Favorite Good Looks
Sexy Good Speaker
Somber Power Attack+
Power Attack- Technical Attack+
Technical Attack- Speed Attack+
Speed Attack- Rough Attack+
Rough Attackk- Power Defense+
Power Defense- Technical Defense+
Technical Defense- Speed Defense+
Speed Defense- Rough Defense+
Rough Defense- Power Skill+
Power Skill- Technical Skill+
Technical Skill- Speed Skill+
Speed Skill- Rough Skill+
Rough Skill- Singles Match+
Singles Match- Tag Match+
Tag Match- 3-Way Dance+
3-Way Dance- 4-Way Dance+
4-Way Dance- Battle Royal+
Battle Royal- Anywhere Falls+
Anywhere Falls- Hardcore Match+
Hardcore Match- Cage Match+
Cage Match- "I Quit" Match+
"I Quit" Match- Royal Rumble+
Royal Rumble- Handicap Match+
Handicap Match- S. Referee+
S. Referee- Injured Neck
Weak Neck Injured Waist
Weak Waist Injured Elbow
Weak Elbow Injured Knee
Weak Knee Lucky Life
Unlucky Funny
Smart Sensual
Lady Noble
Don Juan Femme Fatal
Sharp Tounge Teriffic Speaker
Bad Speaker Fashionable
Unfashionable Good Health
Bad Health Loner
Cooperative Roughneck
Rowdy Fair
Betrayer Tenderhearted
Stone Cold+ The Rock+
Triple H+ Mankind+
Ken Shamrock+ Al Snow+
Hardcore Holly+ Big Show+
Kane+ The Undertaker+
Test+ X-Pac+
Road Dogg+ D-Generation X+
Mr. Ass+ Gangrel+
Edge+ Christian+
Big Bossman+ Val Venis+
Godfather+ Chyna+
Tori+ Vince McMahon+
McMahon Family+ D'Lo Brown+
Mark Henry+ Matt Hardy+
Jeff Hardy+ Hardy Boyz+
Chris Jericho+ Shane McMahon+
Paul Bearer+ Steve Blackman+
Faarooq+ Bradshaw+
Acolytes+ Buh Buh Ray+
D'Von+ Dudley Boyz+
Debra+ Stone Cold-
The Rock- Triple H-
Mankind- Ken Shamrock-
Al Snow- Hardcore Holly-
Big Show- Kane-
The Undertaker- Test-
X-Pac- Road Dogg-
D-Generation X- Mr. Ass-
Gangrel- Edge-
Christian- Big Bossman-
Val Venis- Godfather-
Chyna- Tori-
Vince McMahon- McMahon Family-
D'Lo Brown- Mark Henry-
Matt Hardy- Jeff Hardy-
Hardy Boyz- Chris Jericho-
Shane McMahon- Paul Bearer-
Steve Blackman- Faarooq-
Bradshaw- Acolytes-
Buh Buh Ray- D'Von-
Dudley Boyz- Debra-
Tournament+ Title Match+
Tag Title+ IC Title+
European Title+ Women's Title+
Hardcore Title+ Wealth
Characteristic Definitions

Power Attack: This superstar is good with powerful attacks.
Technical Attack: This superstar is good with technical attacks.
Speed Attack: This superstar is good with speedy attacks.
Rough Attack: This superstar is good with roughneck attacks.
Power Defense: This superstar is good against powerful attacks.
Technical Defense: This superstar is good against technical attacks.
Speed Defense: This superstar is good against speedy attacks.
Rough Defense: This superstar is good against roughneck attacks.
Power Skill: This superstar is skilled in power moves.
Technical Skill: This superstar is skilled in technical moves.
Speed Skill: This superstar is skilled in speedy moves.
Rough Skill: This superstar is skilled in roughneck moves.
Singles Match: This superstar is good in singles matches.
Tag Team Match: This superstar is good in tag team matches.
3-Way Dance: This superstar is good in 3 way dance matches.
4-Way Dance: This superstar is good in 4 way dance matches.
Battle Royal: This superstar is good in Battle Royal matches.
Anywhere Fall: This superstar is good in Anywhere Fall matches.
Hardcore: This superstar is good in Hardcore title matches.
Cage Match: This superstar is good in Cage matches.
Royal Rumble: This superstar is good in the Royal Rumble.
Tournament: This superstar is good in King of the Ring.
"I Quit" Match: This superstar is good in "I Quit" matches.
Title Match: This superstar is good in World Wrestling Federation
title matches.
Tag Title: This superstar is good in Tag Team title matches.
IC Title: This superstar is good in IC title matches.
European Title: This superstar is good in European title matches.
Women's Title: This superstar is good in Women's title matches.
Hardcore Title: This superstar is good in Hard-core title matches.
Handicap Match: This superstar is good in handicap matches.
S. Referee: This superstar is good in Special Referee matches.
Lucky: This superstar is lucky.
Favorite: This superstar is popular.
Good Looks: This superstar is a good looking.
Sexy: This superstar is sexy.
Good Speaker: This superstar has speaking talent.
Somber: This superstar is melancholy.
Power Attack+: This superstar is great with powerful attacks
Power Attack-: This superstar is weak with powerful attacks.
Technical Attack+: This superstar is great with technical attacks.
Technical Attack-: This superstar is weak with technical attacks.
Speed Attack+: This superstar is great with speedy attacks.
Speed Attack-: This superstar is weak with speedy attacks.
Rough Attack+: This superstar is great with roughneck attacks.
Rough Attack-: This superstar is weak with roughneck attacks.
Power Defense+: This superstar is great against powerful attacks.
Power Defense-: This superstar is weak against powerful attacks.
Technical Defense+: This superstar is great against technical attacks.
Technical Defense-: This superstar is weak against technical attacks.
Speed Defense+: This superstar is great against speedy attacks.
Speed Defense-: This superstar is weak against speedy attacks.
Rough Defense+: This superstar is great against roughneck attacks.
Rough Defense-: This superstar is weak against roughneck attacks.
Power Skill+: This superstar is very skilled in powerful moves.
Power Skill-: This superstar is lacking in powerful moves.
Technical Skill+: This superstar is very skilled in technical moves.
Technical Skill-: This superstar is lacking in technical moves.
Speed Skill+: This superstar is very skilled in speedy moves.
Speed Skill-: This superstar is lacking in speedy moves.
Rough Skill+: This superstar is very skilled in roughneck moves.
Rough Skill-: This superstar is lacking in roughneck moves.
Singles Match+: This superstar is great in singles matches.
Singles Match-: This superstar is poor in singles matches.
Tag Match+: This superstar is great in tag team matches.
Tag Match-: This superstar is poor in tag team matches.
3-Way Dance+: This superstar is great in 3-Way dances.
3-Way Dance-: This superstar is poor in 3-Way dances.
4-Way Dance+: This superstar is great in 4-Way dances.
4-Way Dance-: This superstar is poor in 4-Way dances.
Battle Royal+: This superstar is great in Battle Royals.
Battle Royal-: This superstar is poor in Battle Royals.
Anywhere Falls+: This superstar is great in Anywhere Falls matches.
Anywhere Falls-: This superstar is poor in Anywhere Falls matches.
Hardcore Match+: This superstar is great in Hardcore matches.
Hardcore Match-: This superstar is poor in Hardcore matches.
Cage Match+: This superstar is great in Cage matches.
Cage Match-: This superstar is poor in Cage matches.
"I Quit" Match+: This superstar is great in "I Quit" matches.
"I Quit" Match-: This superstar is poor in "I Quit" matches.
Royal Rumble+: This superstar is great in the Royal Rumble.
Royal Rumble-: This superstar is poor in the Royal Rumble.
Handicap Match+: This superstar is great in handicap matches.
Handicap Match-: This superstar is poor in handicap matches.
S. Referee+: This superstar is great in special referee matches.
S. Referee-: This superstar is poor in special referee matches.
Injured Neck: This superstar has an old neck injury.
Weak Neck: This superstar's neck is badly injured.
Injured Waist: This superstar has an old waist injury.
Weak Waist: This superstar's waist is badly injured.
Injured Elbow: This superstar has an old elbow injury.
Weak Elbow: This superstar's elbow is badly injured.
Injured Knee: This superstar has an old knee injury.
Weak Knee: This superstar's knee is badly injured.
Lucky Life: This superstar has great luck.
Unlucky: This superstar has bad luck.
Funny: This superstar is a clown.
Smart: This superstar is a handsome.
Sensual: This superstar is really sexy.
Lady: This superstar is gifted with both wit and beauty.
Noble: This superstar is well respected and honorable.
Don Juan: This superstar is gentle with all women.
Femme Fatal: This superstar is beautiful and mysterious.
Sharp Tounge: This superstar is very abrasive.
Talented Speaker: This superstar can really work the crowd.
Bad Speaker: This superstar rarely speaks.
Fashionable: This superstar is a professional model.
Unfashionable: This superstar is not fashionable.
Good Health: This superstar is in good health.
Bad Health: This superstar is in bad health.
Loner: This superstar has no friends.
Cooperative: This superstar has many friends.
Roughneck: This superstar tends to interrupt matches.
Rowdy: This superstar enjoys interrupting matches.
Fair: This superstar doesn't interfere in matches.
Betrayer: This superstar is not trustworthy.
Tenderhearted: This superstar is trustworthy.
Stone Cold+: This superstar is on good terms with Stone Cold.
The Rock+: This superstar is on good terms with The Rock.
Triple H+: This superstar is on good terms with Triple H.
Mankind+: This superstar is on good terms with Mankind.
Ken Shamrock+: This superstar is on good terms with Ken Shamrock.
Al Snow+: This superstar is on good terms with Al Snow.
Hardcore Holly+: This superstar is on good terms with Hardcore Holly.
Big Show+: This superstar is on good terms with Big Show.
Kane+: This superstar is on good terms with Kane.
The Undertaker+: This superstar is on good terms with The Undertaker.
Test+: This superstar is on good terms with Test.
X-Pac+: This superstar is on good terms with X-Pac.
Road Dogg+: This superstar is on good terms with Road Dogg.
D-Generation X+: This superstar is on good terms with D-Generation X.
Mr. Ass+: This superstar is on good terms with Mr. Ass.
Gangrel+: This superstar is on good terms with Gangrel.
Edge+: This superstar is on good terms with Edge.
Christian+: This superstar is on good terms with Christian.
Big Bossman+: This superstar is on good terms with Big Bossman.
Val Venis+: This superstar is on good terms with Val Venis.
Godfather+: This superstar is on good terms with The Godfather.
Chyna+: This superstar is on good terms with Chyna.
Tori+: This superstar is on good terms with Tori.
Vince McMahon+: This superstar is on good terms with Vince McMahon.
McMahon Family+: This superstar is on good terms with the McMahon Family.
D'Lo Brown+: This superstar is on good terms with D'Lo Brown.
Mark Henry+: This superstar is on good terms with Mark Henry.
Matt Hardy+: This superstar is on good terms with Matt Hardy.
Jeff Hardy+: This superstar is on good terms with Jeff Hardy.
The Hardy Boyz+: This superstar is on good terms with The Hardy Boyz.
Chris Jericho+: This superstar is on good terms with Chris Jericho.
Shane McMahon+: This superstar is on good terms with Shane McMahon.
Paul Bearer+: This superstar is on good terms with Paul Bearer.
Steve Blackman+: This superstar is on good terms with Steve Blackman.
Faarooq+: This superstar is on good terms with Faarooq.
Bradshaw+: This superstar is on good terms with Bradshaw.
Acolytes+: This superstar is on good terms with The Acolytes.
Buh Buh Ray+: This superstar is on good terms with Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
D'Von+: This superstar is on good terms with D'Von Dudley.
Dudley Boyz+: This superstar is on good terms with The Dudley Boyz.
Debra+: This superstar is on good terms with Debra.
Stone Cold-: This superstar is on bad terms with Stone Cold.
The Rock-: This superstar is on bad terms with The Rock.
Triple H-: This superstar is on bad terms with Triple H.
Mankind-: This superstar is on bad terms with Mankind.
Ken Shamrock-: This superstar is on bad terms with Ken Shamrock.
Al Snow-: This superstar is on bad terms with Al Snow.
Hardcore Holly-: This superstar is on bad terms with Hardcore Holly.
Big Show-: This superstar is on bad terms with Big Show.
Kane-: This superstar is on bad terms with Kane.
The Undertaker-: This superstar is on bad terms with The Undertaker.
Test-: This superstar is on bad terms with Test.
X-Pac-: This superstar is on bad terms with X-Pac.
Road Dogg-: This superstar is on bad terms with Road Dogg.
D-Generation X-: This superstar is on bad terms with D-Generation X.
Mr. Ass-: This superstar is on bad terms with Mr. Ass.
Gangrel-: This superstar is on bad terms with Gangrel.
Edge-: This superstar is on bad terms with Edge.
Christian-: This superstar is on bad terms with Christian.
Big Bossman-: This superstar is on bad terms with Big Bossman.
Val Venis-: This superstar is on bad terms with Val Venis.
Godfather-: This superstar is on bad terms with The Godfather.
Chyna-: This superstar is on bad terms with Chyna.
Tori-: This superstar is on bad terms with Tori.
Vince McMahon-: This superstar is on bad terms with Vince McMahon.
McMahon Family-: This superstar is on bad terms with the McMahon Family.
D'Lo Brown-: This superstar is on bad terms with D'Lo Brown.
Mark Henry-: This superstar is on bad terms with Mark Henry.
Matt Hardy-: This superstar is on bad terms with Matt Hardy.
Jeff Hardy-: This superstar is on bad terms with Jeff Hardy.
The Hardy Boyz-: This superstar is on bad terms with The Hardy Boyz.
Chris Jericho-: This superstar is on bad terms with Chris Jericho.
Shane McMahon-: This superstar is on bad terms with Shane McMahon.
Paul Bearer-: This superstar is on bad terms with Paul Bearer.
Steve Blackman-: This superstar is on bad terms with Steve Blackman.
Faarooq-: This superstar is on bad terms with Faarooq.
Bradshaw-: This superstar is on bad terms with Bradshaw.
Acolytes-: This superstar is on bad terms with The Acolytes.
Buh Buh Ray-: This superstar is on bad terms with Buh Buh Ray Dudley.
D'Von-: This superstar is on bad terms with D'Von Dudley.
Dudley Boyz-: This superstar is on bad terms with The Dudley Boyz.
Debra-: This superstar is on bad terms with Debra.
Tournament+: This superstar is great in King of the Ring.
Title Match+: This superstar is great in World Wrestling Federation
Title matches.
Tag Title+: This superstar is great in Tag Team title matches.
IC Title+: This superstar is great in IC title matches
European Title+: This superstar is great in European title matches.
Women's Title+: This superstar is great in Federation Women's title
Hardcore Title+: This superstar is great in Hardcore title matches.
Wealth: This superstar's friends have intrest in money.
Tips on Getting Hidden Characteristics:

If you have gotten a characteristic that's not on here, or you got a
characteristic a different way than the tips here, e-mail me at
jrodabau@nycap.rr.com. Note: Using a GameShark doesn't count. Also, just
because you follow a tip on here doesn't mean you will get the characteristic.
You may have to do these many times before you finally get the characteristic.
To help, save before the match so you can redo it if you don't get the
characteristic, instead of starting over.

Power Attack+:
Power Attack-:
Technical Attack+:
Technical Attack-:
Speed Attack+:
Speed Attack-:
Rough Attack+:
Rough Attack-:
Power Defense+:
Power Defense-:
Technical Defense+:
Technical Defense-:
Speed Defense+:
Speed Defense-:
Rough Defense+:
Rough Defense-:
Power Skill+:
Power Skill-:
Technical Skill+:
Power Attack:
Technical Attack:
Speed Attack:
Rough Attack:
Technical Skill-:
Speed Skill+:
Speed Skill-:
Rough Skill+:
Rough Skill-:
Singles Match+:
Singles Match-: I got this by losing every match until October, then I
beat The Hardy Boyz in a handicap match, then losing to
Chris Jericho in a Singles Match.
Tag Match+: I got this by beating Rock n' Sock in a tag match with
Triple H at Wrestlemania.
Tag Match-:
3-Way Dance+: Win all your 3-Way Dances in Pre-Season.
3-Way Dance-:
4-Way Dance+:
4-Way Dance-: I got this by losing the 4-Way match against X-Pac, Road
Dogg, and Mr. Ass in February.
Battle Royal+: In March, if you've followed a specific win/loss
pattern, you should face Vince McMahon, Stone Cold, and
Triple H in a Battle Royal. Win the Battle Royal to get
Battle Royal+.
Battle Royal-: In March, if you've followed a specific win/loss
pattern, you should face Vince McMahon, Stone Cold, and
Triple H in a Battle Royal. Lose the Battle Royal to get
Battle Royal-.
Anywhere Falls+:
Anywhere Falls-:
Hardcore Match+:
Hardcore Match-:
Cage Match+: You must have a perfect record coming into Wrestlemania.
If so, you should be in a Cage Match against Mankind.
Win the match to get Cage Match+.
Cage Match-: You must have a perfect record coming into Wrestlemania.
If so, you should be in a Cage Match against Mankind.
Lose the match to get Cage Match-.
"I Quit" Match+: Win the I Quit Match against Rock in November.
"I Quit" Match-: Lose the I Quit Match against Rock in November.
Royal Rumble+: Win the Royal Rumble, and you might get this.
Royal Rumble-: I think you get this by losing the Rumble.
Handicap+: I beat The Dudley Boyz in Sept, and Rock N' Sock in Feb,
and this characteristic appeared in my list.
Handicap Match-:
Special Referee+:
Special Referee-:
Injured Neck: I ended up getting this after beating Al Snow in a
Hardcore Match, so I'm pretty sure you get this at
random. I've heard rumors about getting this using
Austin's head (because of his neck injury), but I wasn't
using his head, so I don't know about that one.
Weak Neck:
Injured Waist:
Weak Waist:
Injured Elbow:
Weak Elbow:
Injured Knee:
Weak Knee:
Lucky Life:
Don Juan:
Femme Fatal:
Sharp Tounge:
Talented Speaker:
Bad Speaker: I got this after losing to Kane in August.
Fashionable: Debra gave me some advice after I was in a Hardcore
Match against Mr. Ass in August. I thanked her, and at
the end of the show's card, my characteristic screen
came up, and "Fashionable" was added to it.
Unfashionable: I'm assuming that you get this if you tell Debra to shut
up instead of saying thanks.
Good Health:
Bad Health:
Fair: I got this by always saying no when someone asked me to
attack someone.
Tenderhearted: When Al Snow was attacked, and I helped him, I gave him
a nice response. This appeared after I beat him in a
Hardcore Match.
Stone Cold+:
The Rock+: After losing the I Quit Match against the Great One, he
came over and talked to me about the match. I said
thanks to The Brahma Bull, and Rock+ appeared in my
Triple H+: At Wrestlemania, Triple H gave me some advice, and I
said thanks. After a friendly encounter with the New Age
Outlaws, it was me and Hunter vs. The Rock N' Sock
Connection. We quickly won, and at the end of the month,
Triple H+ appeared in my list.
Ken Shamrock+:
Al Snow+: After I lost the Rumble, Bossman attacked Al Snow from
behind. I saved him, and later, when he thanked me, I
gave him a nice response. After he beat me in a Hardcore
Match, I got this characteristic.
Hardcore Holly+: I got this by losing to him in a Hardcore Match in
Big Show+: I lost to Big Show at Summerslam, and after the match,
he talked to me about it. I thanked him, and I ended up
with Big Show+ at the end of the month.
The Undertaker+:
X-Pac+: In February, X-Pac approached me and gave me some
advice. After thanking him, I faced X-Pac, and the
Outlaws in a 4-way Match. After X-Pac won the match,
this appeared in my list.
Road Dogg+:
D-Generation X+: In March, I was approached by Triple H. He gave me some
advice, and I thanked him. Later, The New Age Outlaws
came over and helped me prepare for the next match, and
I thanked them as well. My match was me and Triple H vs.
The Rock and Sock Connection. After Triple H and I won,
I got this at the end of the match.
Mr. Ass+:
Edge+: At Survivor Series, if you've had a perfect record, you
should be facing Edge and Christian in a tag match with
X-Pac as your partner. If you lose Edge and Christian
will come over and talk to you about the match. If you
say "Thanks", you might get Edge+.
Christian+: At Survivor Series, if you've had a perfect record, you
should be facing Edge and Christian in a tag match with
X-Pac as your partner. If you lose Edge and Christian
will come over and talk to you about the match. If you
say "Thanks", you might get Christian+.
Big Bossman+: At Wrestlemania, following a near perfect winning streak
(only losing the Rumble), Bossman approached me and
asked me to attack The Big Show. For some odd reason, I
agreed. After attacking The Big Show, and getting
stopped by Rock N' Sock, I got Big Bossman+.
Val Venis+: In November, you may fight Val and D'Lo Brown in a 3-Way
Dance, depending on what your win/loss pattern was. If
you lose the match, both Val and D'Lo will talk to you
about the match. If you say "Thanks" to them, you might
get Val Venis+.
Godfather+: In December, if the Godfather talks to you, say
Chyna+: When she asked me to attack Ken Shamrock in February, I
told her I would. After we beat up Shamrock backstage, I
got this characteristic.
Tori+: After losing to Road Dogg at Summerslam, Tori talked to
me about the match I had just had. I said Thanks to her,
and Tori+ appeared in my list.
Vince McMahon+:
McMahon Family+: A possibility is when in March, if Vince comes to you,
say Thanks to him, then say to Thanks when Stephanie
McMahon and Shane McMahon talk to you.
D'Lo Brown+: In November, you may fight Val Venis and D'Lo in a 3-Way
Dance, depending on what your win/loss pattern was. If
you lose the match, both Val and D'Lo will talk to you
about the match. If you say "Thanks" to them, you might
get D'Lo Brown+.
Mark Henry+:
Matt Hardy+: After losing a handicap match against these two in
August, these two approached me. I was in a good mood,
so I was nice to them, and Matt Hardy+ was added to my
characteristic list.
Jeff Hardy+: After losing a handicap match against these two in
August, these two approached me. I was in a good mood,
so I was nice to them, and Jeff Hardy+ was added to my
characteristic list.
The Hardy Boyz+: After losing a handicap match against these two in
August, these two approached me. I was in a good mood,
so I was nice to them, and Hardy Boyz+ was added to my
characteristic list.
Chris Jericho+: After having an amazing losing streak, I finally beat
The Hardy Boyz in October. I faced Chris Jericho the
next month, and continued my losing streak. Jericho
approached me after the match, and since Y2J is my
favorite wrestler, I said thanks to the Ayatollah of
Rock and Rolla. The next thing I knew, I had gotten the
Chris Jericho+ characteristic.
Shane McMahon+:
Paul Bearer+:
Steve Blackman+:
Acolytes+: If you are undefeated, including winning the Royal
Rumble, Paul Bearer will give you advice. Say Thanks to
him, then the Acolytes will talk to you. Say Thanks to
them, and you might get this characteristic.
Buh Buh Ray+:
Dudley Boyz+:
Stone Cold-:
The Rock-: After losing an I Quit match against the Great One in
November, I was confronted by The Rock. I told him to
shut up, and I got this.
Triple H-:
Ken Shamrock-: Win every match, then lose the Royal Rumble. Chyna will
ask you if you want to attack Shamrock. Say yes. Your
match will be a 3-Way Match against X-Pac and Shamrock.
Pin Shamrock. That will probably get you this
Al Snow-:
Hardcore Holly-: This proves that Hardcore Holly is a sore loser. You can
get this by beating him in a Hardcore Match in November.
Big Show-: I lost to Big Show at Summerslam, and after the match,
he talked to me about it. I told him to shut up, and I
ended up with Big Show- at the end of the month.
The Undertaker-: After an undefeated streak (including Royal Rumble), I
walked into Wrestlemania. Undertaker asked me to attack
Stone Cold. I refused, then later, he and Paul Bearer
jumped me from behind. After beating Mankind in a steel
cage, I got The Undertaker- characteristic.
Road Dogg-:
D-Generation X-: X-Pac approched me, and gave me advice. I told him to
shut up, and he got angry with me. Later, the New Age
Outlaws beat me up backstage. After the fight, I faced
all three of them in a 4-Way Match, and won. At the end
of the month, this appeared.
Mr. Ass-:
Edge-: I had a perfect record at this point, and in November,
Edge & Christian were my opponents. My tag partner (X
Pac) and I lost the match, and Edge , along with
Christian, came over to talk with me. I was still upset
about my perfect record being destroyed, and told Edge
to shut up. He got angry, and I had gotten Edge-.
Christian-: I had a perfect record at this point, and in November,
Edge & Christian were my opponents. My tag partner (X
Pac) and I lost the match, and Edge , along with
Christian, came over to talk with me. I was still upset
about my perfect record being destroyed, and told Edge
to shut up. Christian apparently didn't like what I said
to Edge, because I got Christian- at the end of the
Big Bossman-: Win every match except for the Royal Rumble. At
Wrestlemania, Big Bossman should ask you to attack The
Big Show. Say no. He will get mad at you. That is how I
got it.
Val Venis-: In November, I beat both Val Venis and D'lo Brown in a
3-Way Match by pinning D'Lo. At the end of the month,
this appeared.
Godfather-: In December, if The Godfather talks to you, tell him to
shut up.
Chyna-: In February, Chyna asked me to attack Shamrock. I told
her I wouldn't do it. Later, she and X-Pac attacked me.
At the end of the month, Chyna- appeared in my
characteristics list.
Tori-: After losing to Road Dogg at SummerSlam, Tori talked to
me about the match. I told her to Shut up, and this
appeared in my list.
Vince McMahon-:
McMahon Family-:
D'Lo Brown-:
Mark Henry-: I got this by beating Mark Henry in October.
Matt Hardy-: In October, I lost against the Hardyz in a handicap
match. When they talked to me, I told them to shut up.
This characteristic appeared in my list.
Jeff Hardy-: In October, I lost against the Hardyz in a handicap
match. When they talked to me, I told them to shut up.
This characteristic appeared in my list.
The Hardy Boyz-: In October, I lost against the Hardyz in a handicap
match. When they talked to me, I told them to shut up.
This characteristic appeared in my list.
Chris Jericho-:
Shane McMahon-:
Paul Bearer-:
Steve Blackman-:
Buh Buh Ray-: After losing to the Dudley Boyz in a handicap match, Buh
Buh Ray and D'Von talked to me about the match, and I
told him to shut up. This appeared in my list.
D'Von-: After losing to the Dudley Boyz in a handicap match, Buh
Buh Ray and D'Von talked to me about the match, and I
told him to shut up. This appeared in my list.
Dudley Boyz-: After losing to the Dudley Boyz in a handicap match, Buh
Buh Ray and D'Von talked to me about the match, and I
told him to shut up. This appeared in my list.
Debra-: When Debra talks to you, tell her to shut up.
Tournament+: Complete 4 pre-seasons
Title Match+: Complete 8 pre-seasons
Tag Title+: Complete 7 pre-seasons
IC Title+: Complete 6 pre-seasons
European Title+: Complete 2 pre-seasons
Women's Title+: Complete 3 pre-seasons
Hardcore Title+: Complete 5 pre-seasons
Wealth: Complete 1 pre-season
Ability: Distribute ability points in 4 categories

Power Skill: The higher the skill level, the more power moves you can do.
Power Attack: The higher the attack level, the more damage your moves
Power Defense: The higher the defense level, the less damage your
opponent's moves cause.
Speed Skill: The higher the skill level, the more speed moves you can do.
Speed Attack: The higher the attack level, the more damage your moves
Speed Defense: The higher the defense level, the less damage your
opponent's moves cause.
Tech Skill: The higher the skill level, the more technical moves you can
Tech Attack: The higher the attack level, the more damage your moves
Tech Defense: The higher the defense level, the less damage your
opponent's moves cause.
Rough Skill: The higher the skill level, the more roughneck moves you can
Rough Attack: The higher the attack level, the more damage your moves
Rough Defense: The higher the defense level, the less damage your
opponent's moves cause.
Logic: Pick 2 logics for your wrestler.

Attack: Good at normal attacks
Grapple: Good at grapple attacks
Aerial: Good at high flying attacks
Ground: Good at ground attacks
Hardcore: Good at using weapons
Average: Good at all logics

Moves to Choose From: Choose a set of moves for your wrestler.
*Powerful Moves
**Speedy Moves
***Technical Moves
****Roughneck Moves


Level 1:
Body Punch*
Double Axe Handle*
Overhead Punch*
Elbow Smash**
Back Elbow Smash***
Snap Jab***
Austin Punches****
Toe Kick****
Throat Thrust****
Level 2:
Shake Jab***
Low Kick***
Level 3:
Overhead Chop*
Big Boot*
Spinning Kick**
Spinning Back Kick**
Spinning Wheel Kick**
Middle Kick***
Shuffle Side Kick***
KANE Throat Thrust****
Level 4:
Roundhouse Dropkick**
Level 5:
Boss Man Uppercut*
Spinning to FaceX-Pac**

Front Grapple (Normal):

Level 1:
Scoop Slam*
Hard Scoop Slam*
Side Buster*
Small Package***
Scissor Sweep***
Eye Rake****
Club to Neck****
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex**
Knee Smash**
Shoulder Breaker***
Hip Toss***
Shin Breaker***
Falling Neckbreaker***
Arm Wrench***
Jumping Arm Breaker***
Headlock and Punch****
Strong Headbutt****
Level 3:
Belly to Back Flip**
Gangrel Suplex**
Dragon Screw***
Lifting Chokehold****
Manhatten Drop****
Level 4:
Choke Toss*
Bearhug Front Slam*
Body Press Slam*
Body Press Drop FW*
Body Press Drop*
Level 5:
Spinning Back Drop**

Front Grapple (Dazed)

Level 1:
Elbow Drop*
Scoop Slam*
Hard Scoop Slam*
Side Buster*
Small Package***
Scissor Sweep***
Eye Rake****
Club to Neck****
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex**
Falcon Arrow**
Knee Smash**
Shoulder Breaker***
Hip Toss***
Shin Breaker***
Falling Neckbreaker***
Arm Wrench***
Jumping Arm Breaker***
Headlock and Punch****
Strong Headbutt****
Level 3:
Stomach Crusher*
Pendulum Backbreaker*
Rib Breaker*
Fall Away Slam*
Pulling Piledriver*
Reverse Suplex**
Belly to Back Flip**
Fisherman Suplex**
Gangrel Suplex**
Tori Suplex**
Pulling Walk Slam***
Dragon Screw***
Lifting Chokehold****
Manhatten Drop****
Level 4:
Choke Toss*
Test Neckbreaker*
Diving Powerbomb*
Bearhug Front Slam*
Body Press Slam*
Torture Rack*
Double Powerbomb*
Body Press Drop FW*
Body Press Drop*
Running Powerbomb*
Whirl Sideslam*
Side Walk Slam*
Jackknife Powerbomb*
Northern Lights Suplex**
Michinoku Driver**
Jump Swinging DDT**
Sambo Suplex***
Rolling Leg Lock***
Double Arm Backbreaker***
Knee Strike****
Double Arm DDT****
Level 5:
Spinning Back Drop**
Flipping Armbar***

Back Grapple:

Level 1:
Atomic Drop*
Back Drop**
Reverse Pin***
School Boy***
Sleeper Hold****
Level 2:
Reverse Brainbuster*
Diving Reverse DDT**
Abdominal Stretch***
Back Side Slam***
Russian Leg Sweep***
Level 3:
Pumphandle Drop*
German Suplex Pin**
Dragon Sleeper***
Level 4:
Pumphandle Slam*
Electric Chair Drop**
Dragon Suplex Pin**
Octopus Stretch***
Level 5:
Full Nelson Slam*
Tiger Suplex Pin**
Low Blow****

Ground Attack:

Level 1:
Austin Elbow Drop*
Elbow Drop*
Leg Drop**
Knee Drop***
Angry Stomp****
Rock Stomp****
Level 2:
Double Leg Drop**
Shaky Knee Drop***
Flip Splash***
Senton Splash***
Level 3:
D'Lo Leg Drop***
Level 4:
Level 5:

Ground Grapple (Head):

Level 1:
Sleeper Hold*
Short Arm Scissors***
Knee Smash****
Level 2:
Reverse Chin Lock*
Camel Clutch*
Darkness Choke****
Level 3:
Darkness Pin*
Mahistrol Cradle**
Mounted Punch****
Level 4:
Level 5:

Ground Grapple (Legs):

Level 1:
Mexican Surfboard**
Leg Lock***
Knee Stomp****
Level 2:
Boston Crab*
Kick to Leg****
Kick to Groin****
Level 3:
D'Lo Texas Cloverleaf**
Pin with Bridge**
Figure 4 Leg Lock***
Texas Cloverleaf***
Level 4:
Walls of Jericho***
Level 5:
Ankle Lock***

Standing in Turnbuckle (Front)

Level 1:
Side Buster*
Shoulder Thrust*
Scissor Sweep***
Eye Rake****
Club to Neck****
Level 2:
Double Arm Suplex**
Knee Smash**
Shin Breaker***
Shoulder Breaker***
Hip Toss***
Falling Neckbreaker***
Jumping Arm Breaker***
Arm Wrench***
Mudhole Stomping****
Headlock and Punch****
Foot Choke****
Level 3:
Belly to Back Flip**
Gangrel Suplex**
Dragon Screw***
Lifting Chokehold****
10 Punch****
Level 4:
Body Press Slam*
Body Press Toss*
Choke Toss*
Walk on the Rope**
Tornado DDT***
Level 5:
Flipping Armbar***

Standing in Turnbuckle (Back):

Level 1:
Reverse Brainbuster*
Back Drop**
Super Back Drop**
School Boy***
Sleeper Hold****
Level 2:
Diving Reverse DDT**
Back Side Slam***
Russian Leg Sweep***
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:
Low Blow****

Sitting in Turnbuckle:

Level 1:
Foot Choke*
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:

Rope Down:

Level 1:
Scoop Slam*
Level 2:
Level 3:
Boss Man Attack*
Running Knee Strike***
Level 4:
Level 5:

Jump to Outside:

Level 1:
Diving Body Press***
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:
Diving Moonsault**

Jump Down Over:

Level 1:
Vaulting Body Press***
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:

Aerial (Opponent Standing):

Level 1:
Double Axe Handle****
Level 2:
Level 3:
Flying Clothesline*
Front Dropkick**
Missle Dropkick**
Level 4:
Shoulder Block*
Spinning Wheel Kick**
Diving Spear***
Level 5:
Diving FameAsser***

Aerial (Opponent on Mat):

Level 1:
Elbow Drop*
Knee Drop****
Level 2:
Level 3:
Diving Elbow*
Test Diving Elbow*
Diving Headbutt****
Level 4:
Twisting Knee Drop**
Twisting Body Attack**
The 450***
Diving Moonsault***
Dragon Attack***
Level 5:
Senton Bomb**

Run to Outside:

Level 1:
Baseball Slide***
Level 2:
Level 3:
Dive Through Ropes**
Rope Flip**
Fake Diving Attack***
Level 4:
Asai Moonsault**
Level 5:

Running Attack:

Level 1:
Shoulder Block*
Back Elbow Attack***
Elbow Attack****
Level 2:
Power Clothesline*
Diving Forearm Splash**
Level 3:
Level 4:
Diving Shoulder*
Flying Cross Chop**
Jumping Knee Attack**
Flying Lariat***
Karate Kick***
Spinning Wheel Kick***
Yakuza Kick****
Level 5:
Ho Train Attack*

Running Grapple (Front):

Level 1:
Neckbreaker Drop***
Level 2:
Rolling Clutch Pin**
Level 3:
Level 4:
Press and Knuckle*
Level 5:
Running DDT***

Running Grapple (Back):

Level 1:
School Boy***
Level 2:
Level 3:
Level 4:
Level 5:

Running Counter:

Level 1:
Shoulder Back Toss**
Monkey Toss***
Level 2:
Samoan Drop***
Level 3:
Pulling Walk Slam***
Level 4:
Whirl Sideslam*
Side Walk Slam*
Level 5:

Special Move:

Level 1:
Elbow Drop*
Scoop Slam*
Hard Scoop Slam*
Side Buster*
Atomic Drop*
Back Drop**
Knee Drop****
Eye Rake****
Club To Neck****
Sleeper Hold****
Level 2:
Reverse Brainbuster*
Double Arm Suplex**
Falcon Arrow**
Diving Reverse DDT**
Arm Wrench***
Jumping Arm Breaker***
Shin Breaker***
Shoulder Breaker***
Hip Toss***
Falling Neckbreaker***
Russian Leg Sweep***
Back Side Slam***
Abdominal Stretch***
Headlock and Punch****
Strong Headbutt****
Level 3:
Stomach Crusher*
Pendulum Backbreaker*
Test Diving Elbow*
Rib Breaker*
Fall Away Slam*
Pulling Piledriver*
Pumphandle Drop*
Diving Elbow*
Belly to Back Flip**
Fisherman Suplex**
Gangrel Suplex**
Tori Suplex**
Reverse Suplex**
German Suplex Pin**
Dragon Screw***
Dragon Sleeper***
Diving Heatbutt****
Lifting Chokehold****
Manhatten Drop****
Level 4:
Choke Toss*
Test Neckbreaker*
Diving Powerbomb*
Bearhug Front Slam*
Inverted DDT*
Falling Powerslam*
Body Press Slam*
Torture Rack*
Double Powerbomb*
Body Press Drop FW*
Body Press Drop*
Running Powerbomb*
Pumphandle Slam*
Jacknife Powerbomb*
Northern Lights Suplex**
Sky High**
Michinoku Driver**
Downward Spiral**
Electric Chair Drop**
Jump Swinging DDT**
Twisting Knee Drop**
Dragon Suplex Pin**
Dragon Attack***
Double Arm Backbreaker***
Rolling Leg Lock***
The 450***
Diving Moonsault***
Octopus Stretch***
Double Arm DDT****
Knee Strike****
Level 5:
Strong Lariat*
Tombstone Piledriver*
Full Nelson Slam*
Show Stopper*
Stone Cold Stunner*
Spinning Back Drop**
Tiger Suplex Pin**
Senton Bomb**
The People's Elbow**
Shamrock Anklelock***
The Rock Bottom***
Flipping Armbar***
The Money Shot***
The 'Lo Down***
Mandible Claw****
Low Blow****
Reverse Death Valley****


Taunt Stone Cold
Taunt The Rock 1
Taunt Kane
Taunt Big Show
Taunt Road Dogg
Taunt X-Pac 1
Taunt Val Venis
Taunt Mr. Ass
Peace Sign
Taunt Chyna
Taunt D'Lo Brown
Taunt X-Pac 2
On All Fours
Finger Appealing
Hand Beating
Swing Hips
Slow Cut Throat
Swing Right Arm
Swing Arms
Holdup & Down Hands
Hold Hands in Prayer
Sexual Walking
Muscle Appealing
Cut The Air
Stepping Around
Taunt Socko!
Taunt Godfather
Taunt DX
Taunt Hardcore Holly
Taunt Chris Jericho
Taunt Vince McMahon
Taunt Debra
Taunt The Rock 2
Taunt Edge
Taunt Pat Patterson
Taunt Stone Cold
Taunt The Rock 1
Taunt Kane
Taunt Big Show
Taunt Road Dogg
Taunt X-Pac 1
Taunt Val Venis
Taunt Mr. Ass
Peace Sign
Taunt Chyna
Taunt D'Lo Brown
Taunt X-Pac 2
On All Fours
Finger Appealing
Hand Beating
Swing Hips
Slow Cut Throat
Swing Right Arm
Swing Arms
Holdup & Down Hands
Hold Hands in Prayer
Sexual Walking
Muscle Appealing
Cut The Air
Stepping Around
Taunt Socko!
Taunt Godfather
Taunt DX
Taunt Hardcore Holly
Taunt Chris Jericho
Taunt Vince McMahon
Taunt Debra
Taunt The Rock 2
Taunt Edge
Taunt Pat Patterson
Stone Cold Special
The Rock
The Undertaker
Normal Win
Woman Win
Stone Cold
The Undertaker
The Rock
Big Show
Ken Shamrock
Triple H
Val Venis
Big Boss Man
Vince McMahon
Mr. Ass
Road Dogg
Al Snow
D'Lo Brown
Mark Henry
Chris Jericho
Paul Bearer
Pat Patterson
Ring In
Over The Rope
Ring Out
Over The Rope
Tips For Choosing a Finisher:

Don't pick a top rope finisher or a finisher off the ropes like The People's
Elbow, because you can't use them backstage.

Another reason why the People's Elbow isn't a good finisher is that it can be
stopped while you're running across the ropes, causing you to lose a Special,
and not take care of your opponent.

The Stone Cold Stunner and Tori Suplex aren't the best moves to pick as
finishers either, since there's a high chance your opponent will land in the
ropes, so you can't pin them.

Pick quick finishers, instead of finishers with long set-ups. If you use
something like the Falcon Arrow or Showstopper as a finisher in a 4-Way match,
someone could hit a quick finisher on the other opponent, and get the knock
out win while you are in the middle of your finisher.
Good Move Substitutes:

The following moves can be used as replacements of other moves.

The Spinning to Face X-Pac can be used as the Enziguri.
The Pimp Drop can be used as Saturn's Death Valley Driver and Kurt Angle's
Olympic Slam.
The Senton Bomb can be used as Sean O'Haire's Seanton Bomb.
The Octopus Strech can be used as Saturn's Rings Of Saturn.
The Tombstone Piledriver can be used as Justin Credible's That's Incredible.
The Lo Down can be used as Eddie Guerrero's Frog Splash.
The Michinoku Driver can be used as Vampiro's Nail in the Coffin and Juventud
Guerrera's Juvy Driver.
The Gangrel Suplex can be used as Kurt Angle's Belly to Belly Suplex.
The Inverted DDT can be used as Raven's Evenflow DDT.
The Stunner can be used as DDP's Diamond Cutter/Kanyon's Kanyon Cutter.
Finisher Definitions

Bear Hug: A submission move, where you grab your opponent
and squeeze them, hurting their back.
Boss Man Slam: Boss Man swings the opponent back after catching
him off the ropes, and slams him to the map.
Choke Slam: Opponent is grabbed by the neck, lifted up in the
air, and slammed to the mat.
DDT: A front facelock, that ends by driving the
opponent's face to the mat.
Diving Powerbomb: A powerbomb, you fall foward doing it.
Dominator: Opponent is picked up for a powerbomb, but is
slammed face first.
Double Powerbomb: Two powerbombs, one is a normal one, then opponent
is lifted up and powerbombed again.
Downward Spiral: A reverse Russian Leg Sweep, opponent landing face
Falcon Arrow: A vertical suplex into a body slam.
FameAsser: While opponent is standing, bent over, you give
him a leg drop, sending him to the mat.
Fisherman Suplex: A suplex where you hook the leg, and end in a
pinning position.
Impaler: 2x Arm Lock from behind, turns around, and lands
in a sitting postion, driving the opponent's face
to the mat.
Inverted DDT: A DDT, where the opponent is lifted in the air
Jackknife Powerbomb: A strong powerbomb
Lo Down: A modified frog splash off the top rope.
Mandible Claw: A submission hold, where you grab the opponent's
nerves under his tounge. You can use Socko to make
this more powerful.
Money Shot: A splash off the top rope.
Northern Lights Suplex: Opponent gets you in a front facelock position,
then you flip him onto his back.
Pedigree: Sets opponent up for a powerbomb, grabs the arms,
and falls to the mat, opponent falling face first.
Peoples' Elbow: You take elbow pad off, bounce off the ropes, and
drop an elbow on your opponent.
Pimp Drop: Opponent is put on shoulders, and is slamed to the
mat. (Also known as the Death Valley Driver)
Pumphandle Drop: Grab opponent's arm, put it between their legs,
and slam them to the mat.
Senton Bomb: A front flip off the top rope onto a laying
Shamrock Anklelock: A submission move, where the opponent's ankle is
Showstopper: A choke slam, only Big SHow holds him up longer.
Snow Plow: Starts out like a suplex, and ends with a
Stone Cold Stunner: For those of you who haven't heard of this move
(all 3 of you), it's a kick to the gut, followed
by a modified neckbreaker (you end in a sitting
position, opponent's neck hits your shoulder).
Strong Lariat: A very strong clothesline.
Stunner: A weaker version of the Stone Cold Stunner
Test Diving Elbow: A diving elbow drop off the top rope.
Tombstone Piledriver: Opponent is flipped upside-down, and dropped on
his head (you land on your knees)
Tori Suplex: Get opponent into a powerbomb position, then flip
him (or her) up while falling backward (opponent
lands face first)
X-Factor: A facebuster, where X-Pac pushes down on the
Pre-Season Walkthrough: Follow this to find out all the matches in the Pre
Season Mode, and to determine which path to take to get all the hidden


April - House Show

Match: A
Opponent: Al Snow
Type of Match: Singles
Win: B
Lose: B

May - House Show

Match: B
Opponent: Ken Shamrock
Type of Match: Singles
Win: C
Lose: Shamrock gives advice, D

June - SmackDown! (C), Raw is War (D)

Match: C
Opponents: The Acolytes
Type of Match: Tag Team w/ Shane McMahon
Win: Shane speaks to you, E
Lose: Jacqueline speaks to you, F

Match: D
Opponent: D'Lo Brown
Type of Match: Singles
Win: E
Lose: Prince Albert speaks to you, F

July - House Show

Match: E
Opponent: Steve Blackman
Type of Match: Singles
Win: G
Lose: Stevie Richards speaks to you, H

Match: F
Opponent: Chyna
Type of Match: Singles
Win: I
Lose: The Blue Meanie speaks to you, J

August - SummerSlam (G & I), SmackDown! (H), Raw is War (I)

Match: G
Opponent: Road Dogg
Type of Match: Singles
Win: K
Lose: Tori will comment on your match (interaction), L

Match: H
Opponent: Kane
Type of Match: Singles
Win: L
Lose: L

Match: I
Opponent: Big Show
Type of Match: Singles
Win: L
Lose: Big Show will comment on your match (interaction), M

Match: J
Opponent: Mr. Ass
Type of Match: Hardcore
Win: Debra will give you advice (interaction), L
Lose: Debra will give you advice (interaction), M

September - House Show

Match: K
Opponents: Dudley Boyz
Type of Match: Handicap
Win: N
Lose: Buh Buh Ray will comment on your match (interaction), N

Match: L
Opponent: Test
Type of Match: Singles
Win: O
Lose: Test will comment on your match (interaction), O

Match: M
Opponent: The Godfather
Type of Match: Singles
Win: O
Lose: Godfather will give you advice, P

October - SmackDown! (N & P), Raw is War (O)

Match: N
Opponent: Mankind
Type of Match: Singles
Win: Q
Lose: R

Match: O
Opponent: Mark Henry
Type of Match: Singles
Win: S
Lose: T

Match: P
Opponents: The Hardy Boyz
Type of Match: Handicap
Win: U
Lose: Jeff Hardy will comment on your match (interaction), V

November - Survivor Series (Q, S, U), Raw is War (R, V), SmackDown (T)

Match: Q
Opponents: Edge and Christian
Type of Match: Tag Team w/ X-Pac
Win: W
Lose: Edge will comment on your match (interaction), X

Match: R
Opponent: The Rock
Type of Match: "I Quit" Match
Win: W
Lose: The Rock will comment on your match (interaction), X

Match: S
Opponents: The Acolytes
Type of Match: Handicap
Win: Y
Lose: Faarooq will comment on your match (interaction), X

Match: T
Opponents: Val Venis & D'Lo Brown
Type of Match: 3-Way Match
Win: Y
Lose: Val Venis will comment on your match (interaction), X

Match: U
Opponent: Chris Jericho
Type of Match: Singles
Win: Y
Lose: Jericho will comment on your match (interaction), Z

Match: V
Opponent: Hardcore Holly
Type of Match: Hardcore
Win: Steve Blackman offers advice (interaction), Y
Lose: Steve Blackman offers advice (interaction), Z

December - SmackDown! (W, Y), Raw is War (X, Z)

Match: W
Opponent: Kane
Type of Match: Singles
Win: Kane will comment on your match (interaction), AA
Lose: AA

Match: X
Opponent: Test
Type of Match: Hardcore
Win: Test will comment on your match (interaction), AB
Lose: AB

Match: Y
Opponent: Gangrel
Type of Match: Singles
Win: Gangrel will comment on your match (interaction), AC
Lose: AC

Match: Z
Opponent: The Godfather
Type of Match: Singles
Win: AD
Lose: The Godfather will comment on your match (interaction), AD

January - Royal Rumble

Match: AA
Opponents: Big Boss Man, Al Snow, Ken Shamrock
Type of Match: Royal Rumble
Win: Paul Bearer gives advice (interaction; if you say shut up, Mideon and
Viscera attack you), AE
Lose: Chyna asks you to attack Ken Shamrock (if you say yes, you and Chyna
attack Shamrock; if you say no, she and X-Pac attack you), AF

Match: AB
Opponents: Big Show, Kane, Val Venis
Type of Match: Royal Rumble
Win: Chyna asks you to attack Ken Shamrock (if you say yes, you and Chyna
attack Shamrock; if you say no, she and X-Pac attack you), AF
Lose: Al Snow attacked (you save him), Al Snow will thank you (interaction; if
you say "Don't get any ideas!", Al Snow attacks you with a kendo stick), AG

Match: AC
Opponents: Mr. Ass, Test, Christian
Type of Match: Royal Rumble
Win: Al Snow attacked (you save him), Al Snow will thank you (interaction; if
you say "Don't get any ideas!", Al Snow attacks you with a kendo stick), AG
Lose: X-Pac gives advice (interaction; if you say thanks, New Age Outlaws talk
to you), AH

Match: AD
Opponents: Mankind, Hardcore Holly, Gangrel
Type of Match: Royal Rumble
Win: Triple H asks you to attack Vince McMahon (interaction; if you say yes,
you and HHH attack Vince, Shane rescues him), AI
Lose: Triple H asks you to attack Vince McMahon (interaction; if you say yes,
you and HHH attack Vince, Shane rescues him), AI

February - Raw is War (4, 6, 8), SmackDown! (5, 7)

Match: AE
Opponents: Rock n' Sock Connection
Type of Match: Handicap
Win: The Acolytes comment on your match (interaction; only occurs w/ a good
response to Paul Bearer), Undertaker asks you to attack Stone Cold
(interaction; if you say yes, you and Undertaker attack Stone Cold, if you say
no, Undertaker and Paul Bearer attack you), AJ
Lose: Undertaker asks you to attack Stone Cold (interaction; if you say yes,
you and Undertaker attack Stone Cold, if you say no, Undertaker and Paul
Bearer attack you), AJ

Match: AF
Opponents: X-Pac & Ken Shamrock
Type of Match: 3-Way Match
Win: Big Bossman asks you to attack Big Show (interaction; if you say yes, you
attack Big Show alone, and Rock N' Sock helps him out), AK
Lose: AK

Match: AG
Opponent: Al Snow
Type of Match: Hardcore
Win: Triple H gives advice (interaction; if you say Thanks, New Age Outlaws
talk to you in another interaction, if you say Shut Up!, New Age Outlaws
attack you, and Mankind helps you) AL
Lose: AL

Match: AH
Opponents: X-Pac, Mr. Ass, Road Dogg
Type of Match: 4-Way Match
Win: AM
Lose: AM

Match: AI
Opponent: Test
Type of Match: Anywhere Falls
Win: AL
Lose: AN

March - Wrestlemania

Match: AJ
Opponent: Mankind
Type of Match: Cage Match
Win: End of Pre-Season
Lose: End of Pre-Season

Match: AK
Opponents: Stone Cold, Big Show, The Rock
Type of Match: 4-Way Match
Win: End of Pre-Season
Lose: End of Pre-Season

Match: AL
Opponents: Rock n' Sock Connection
Type of Match: Tag Team w/ Triple H
Win: End of Pre-Season
Lose: End of Pre-Season

Match: AM
Opponent: Triple H
Type of Match: Special Referee (Shane McMahon)
Win: Pat Patterson will comment on your match (interaction), End of Pre-Season
Lose: Stephanie McMahon will comment on your match (interaction; if you tell
her to shut up, she and Triple H attack you.), End of Pre-Season

Match: AN
Opponents: Stone Cold, Vince McMahon, Triple H
Type of Match: Battle Royal
Win: End of Pre-Season
Lose: Vince will comment on your match (interacton), Stephanie McMahon and
Debra will both give you advice (interaction), End of Pre-Season
Season Mode Info

The season mode is where you take your wrestler through as many seasons as you
what. The seasons go by quickly, since it's only one match per month. You can
start with anyone of the main wrestlers, or any created wrestlers you've put
throgh Pre-Season.
Multi-Player Season:

If you have 2 or more created superstars that you want to add to the Season
Mode, You can choose to have them as a group or solo. Here's a listing of

Solo: All wrestlers are on their own.
Group of Two People: Two wrestlers will be allies. Anyone else will be
by themselves.
Group of Three People: Three wrestlers will be allies. The fourth one will
be by himself.
Group of Four People: Four wrestlers will be allies.
Two Groups of Two People: The wrestlers go through Season in pairs.

If you have seen a cutsceen in Season Mode that is not here, e-mail me, and
I'll put it up.

*I wonder what _____ and _____ are talking about.
*_____ is calling out _____. Look! _____ is on the TitanTron! Who knows
what'll happen next.
*We have a new champion. _____'s dream has finally come true.
*_____ and _____ are handing out a lot of punishment.
*_____ and _____ are handing out a lot of punishment. _____ is attacking _____
with a weapon. The tide has turned and they'd better get out of there if they
know what's good for them.
*Undertaker's ceremony (Is the Undertaker going to perform some kind of
*Gangrel's bloodbath (What's happening? All the lights are off! Damn it! How
could he? Somebody stop this!)
*_____ and _____ look like they are up to no good.
*That's horrible! That's not right! _____ just attacked _____ from behind!
*That's horrible! That's not right! _____ just attacked _____ from behind!
Finally, _____ and _____ are here to stop this. The tide has turned, and
_____ better get out of there if he knows what's good for him.
*We have a new champion. _____'s dream has finally come true.
*_____ is a true champion.
*_____ and _____ are leaving _____ and _____ something to think about.
*It looks like _____ has a few words for _____ before leaving.
*_____ is picking a fight with _____.
*_____ can't wait to get in the ring with _____.
*From the comment we just heard, it looks like _____ is ready for tonight's
main event.
*_____ seems really angry at _____.
Season Schedule

Month Show
----- -----
April House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
May House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
June King of the Ring
July House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
August SummerSlam
September House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
October House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
November Survivor Series
December House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
January Royal Rumble
February House Show/Raw is War/SmackDown!
March Wrestlemania
Create A Wrestlers: This section is devoted to wrestlers people create in the
game. The Karate Master and Samurai were made by me and my brother. Flyboy was
made by a friend of mine. If you have any CAWs you want to be put in the FAQ
(doesn't matter if they're from WWF, WCW, ECW, hidden, or made up), send them
to me at jrodabau@nycap.rr.com to get full credit. If you do see a CAW ripped
off from someone else's FAQ, let me know and I'll take it off. Also, if
anybody has any CAWs for the hidden characters, send them to me, and I'll put
it up.

Earl Hebner

Name: Earl Hebner
Nickname: Earl Hebner
Age: 50
Gender: Male
Hometown: Richmond, Virginia
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter

Head: 47/75 (36/63 if nothing unlocked)
Upper Body: 48/81 (42/75 if nothing unlocked)
Lower Body: 11/95
Height: 0%
Weight: 50%
Skin: 2
Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Speed Skill: 4
Technical Skill: 5
Finisher: I used the Falcon Arrow. You can rename it to whatever
you want (Disqualification, Screwjob, etc.)
Favorite: I made it the Hurracanrana (Hebnercanrana)

Name: Tazz
Nickname: Tazz
Age: 34?
Gender: Male
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter (I used Ken Shamrock's)

Head: 71/75 (59/63 if nothing unlocked)
Upper Body: 24/75
Lower Body: either 3/92 or 45/95 (you must have unlocked the
Alternate Rock to use the second choice)
Height: 0%
Weight: 40-50%
Skin: 3
Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Characteristic: Either Chris Jericho- or Dudley Boyz-

Finisher: Either Octopus Hold or Dragon Sleeper (Rename to
Favorite: Northern Lights Suplex
Note: Must have Mideon unlocked

Name: Raven
Nickname: Raven
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Favorite Star: Unfortunately, his ally, Tazz isn't in the game. So you
can choose, but don't make it either of the Dudley Boyz
or Jericho.
Entrance Movie: Just choose what you think sounds like his new music.

Head: 27/75
Upper Body: 36/81
Lower Body: 87/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Black chair

Characteristic: Either Chris Jericho- or Dudley Boyz-
Power Skill: 4
Roughneck Skill: 4

Finisher: Inverted DDT (Rename to Evenflow DDT)
Favorite: Double Arm DDT
Steven Richards (Current RTC Gimmick)
Note: Must have Stevie Richards unlocked

Name: Steven Richards
Nickname: Steven Richards
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Hometown: ??
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter

Head: 46/75
Upper Body: 4/81
Lower Body: 11/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Ring Bell

Speed Skill: 5
Technical Skill: 4
Finisher: Senton Bomb (I saw him do it once in his copycat
Favorite: Karate Kick or Shuffle Side Kick (Rename to Steven Kick)
The Goodfather (Current RTC gimmick)

Name: The Goodfather
Nickname: The Goodfather
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Anything except The Godfather's

Head: 22/63
Upper Body: 4/75
Lower Body: 11/92
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 3
Weapon: Black Chair

Power Skill: 5
Speed Skill: 2
Technical Skill: 3
Roughneck Skill: 3

X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Clothesline
Down + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Left + X - Chop
Right + X - Overhand Punch
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Chop, Shuffle Side Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Club To Neck
Down + O - Manhatten Drop
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Headlock And Punch
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Right + O - Fall Away Slam
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Diving Reverse DDT
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right + O - Bulldog
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Leg Drop
Right + X - Leg Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Short Arm Scissors
Left + O - Camel Clutch
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - Knee Stomp
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Thrusts
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Goodfather on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Diving Shoulder
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Ho Train Attack

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Rolling Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Samoan Drop
Finisher: The Pimp Drop (Rename to Death Valley Driver, Censor Drop, etc.)
Favorite: Ho Train Attack (Rename to Censor Splash, etc.)
Val Venis (Current RTC gimmick)

Name: Val Venis
Nickname: Val Venis
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Anything but Val Venis's old video

Head: 8/63
Upper Body: 4/75
Lower Body: 60/95 (57/92 if nothing unlocked)
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Black Chair

Power Skill: 3
Speed Skill: 3
Technical Skill: 5
Roughneck Skill: 3

X - Chop
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Austin Punches
Right + X - Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - Chop, Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Arm Wrench
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Scissors Sweep
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Stomach Crusher
Down + O - Fisherman Suplex
Left + O - Double Arm Suplex
Right + O - Spinebuster
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Octopus Stretch
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right + O - German Suplex Pin
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Reverse Chin Lock

Lower Body:
Up + O - Kick to Groin
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - Superplex

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Val on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Back Elbow Attack
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Pulling Walk Slam
FAVORITE: Fisherman Suplex (It's better than using the Russian Leg Sweep)
FINISHER: The Money Shot
Lita (mine)
Note: You must Stephanie McMahon unlocked.

Name: Lita
Nickname: Lita
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Hometown: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Favorite Star: Matt or Jeff Hardy
Entrance Movie: Matt or Jeff Hardy

Head: 42/75
Upper Body: 52/81
Lower Body: 26/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Piped Chair

Speed Skill: 4 or higher
Technical Skill: 4 or higher

Favorite: Hurricanrana
Finisher: Diving Moonsault
Lita (Dagger)

Head: Stephanie McMahon/Ivory(if you can't create Steph yet)
Upper Body: red bikini top
Lower Body: Matt Hardy's pants/red track pants with white pipings st
the side.

Attributes: I placed most of her ability points in the Speed and
Technical category, emphasising mostly on skill.

Moves: Entirely up to the player. But try not to give her moves
where she is able to lift and hold her male opponents
above her head (eg: Falcon Arrow, Front Body Slam, etc.)
or power moves meant more for brute powerhouses (eg:
Jacknife Powerbomb, Bearhug Front Slam, etc.).

Favorite Move: Hurracanrana
Finisher: Diving Moonasult
New Test (mine)

Name: Test
Nickname: Test
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Test

Head: 15/75
Upper Body: 15/81
Lower Body: /95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Black chair

Power Skill: 5

X - Chop
Up + X - Clothesline
Down + X - Big Boot
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Austin Punches
X + X + X + X - Chop, Austin Punch, Chop, Big Boot
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Choke Toss
Down + O - Falling Neckbreaker
Left + O - Side Buster
Right + O - Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Test Neckbreaker
Down + O - Diving Powerbomb
Left + O - Stomach Crusher
Right + O - Jackknife Powerbomb
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Full Nelson Slam
Left + O - Pumphandle Slam
Right + O - Pumphandle Drop
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Elbow Drop
Down + X - Elbow Drop
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Camel Clutch
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Leg Lock
Left + O - Boston Crab
Right + O - Kick to Leg
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Mudhole Stomping
Left/Right + O - 10 Punch

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Test on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Flying Clothesline

Opponent On Mat:
X - Test Diving Elbow
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Test Diving Elbow

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Power Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Yakuza Kick

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker Drop

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Shoulder Back Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam
Favorite: Diving Powerbomb, Pumphandle Slam, or Test Diving Elbow
Finisher: Pumphandle Slam or Test Diving Elbow
New Test (Dagger)

I have heard a few complaints from gamers about Test in Smackdown (eg: Lousy
finisher, doesn't look like him, etc.). So I created a new Test more similar to
the one in the WWF at the moment.

Head: Test
Upper: Test/Ken Shamrock
Lower: Full black leather pants

Attributes: I gave full ability points to the Power category until
it maxed out and then if I received any more ability
points, I would put them in either Speed and Technical.
For Roughneck, I only increased his attack and defense.

Moves: I won't list out all his moves except for the ones I
deem essential. The moves that I don't list out is for
the player to decide himself/herself.

Ready Moves: Choke Toss

Groggy Moves: Stomach Crusher
Jacknife Powerbomb
Diving Powerbomb

Behind: Pumphandle Slam
Full Nelson Slam

Ready Attack: Power Clothesline
Big Boot

Top of Turnbuckle (Opp. Standing): Double Axe Handle
Flying Clothesline

Top of Turnbuckle (Opp. Lying Down): Test Diving Elbow

Favorite Move: Test Diving Elbow/ Pumphandle Slam (Up to the player's whim)
Finisher: Test Diving Elbow/ Pumphandle Slam (Once again, it's the
player's choice)

Name: Sable
Nickname: Sable
Age: Doesn't matter
Gender: Female
Hometown: Doesn't matter
Favorite Star: Doesn't matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't matter

Head: 21/75
Upper Body: 20/81
Lower Body: 20/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Doesn't matter

Power Skill: 4
Speed Skill: 4

L2: Taunt Val Venis
D-Pad + L2: Taunt Val Venis

Finisher: Jackknife Powerbomb (Rename to Sablebomb)
Favorite: Frankensteiner (Rename to Sablecanrana)
Perry Saturn (13 Reza)

Head: 0 (Stone Cold)
Upper: 5 (Ken Shamrock)
Lower: 5 (Ken Shamrock)
Skin : 3
Finisher: Octopus Stretch (rename: Rings of Saturn)
Favorite: ??????? (you choose)
New Undertaker (13 Reza)

Nickname: The Undertaker
Hometown: Death Valley

Head: 01 (The Undertaker)
Upper: 64 (Stone Cold Vest)
Lower: 26 (Matt Hardy)
Skin: 1
Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb /Dominator (rename "The Last Ride")
Favorite: If you have gameshark use Chokeslam !
Essa Rios (13 Reza)

Name: Essa Rios
Nickname: Essa Rios
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Hometown: Tijuana, Mexico

Head: 18 (Christian)
Upper: 28 (Chris Jericho)
Lower: 61 (Red Pants w/white stripes) or 62 (Red Pants)
Height: 0%
Weight: Default
Finisher: Diving Moonsault
Favorite: Hurracanrana
Kurt Angle

Name: Kurt Angle
Nickname: Kurt Angle
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Favorite Star: Doesn't matter, just as long as it's not The Rock or
Triple H
Entrance Movie: Doesn't matter

Head: 5/75
Upper Body: 51/81
Lower Body: 61/95 (he wears this before matches, sometimes)
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Ring Bell or Sledgehammer

Fighting Style: Average
Character: European Title+, IC Title+, Title Match+, Tournament+,
Triple H-, or The Rock- (or all of them, with the help
of a GameShark)
Power Skill: 4
Speed Skill: 3
Technical Skill: 4
Roughneck Skill: 2
Logic: Grapple & Attack
Moves: He must have the Diving Moonsault. Give him the Gangrel
Suplex and normal Suplex.

Finisher: Pimpdrop (Rename to Olympic Slam)
Favorite: Gangrel Suplex (Rename to Belly to Belly Suplex)

Name: Yokozuna (or Rodney Anoai)
Nickname: Yokozuna
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Hometown: Polynesian Islands
Favorite Star: Doesn't matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't matter

Head: 56/75
Upper Body: 3/81
Lower Body: 90/95
Height: Default
Weight: 100%
Skin: 3
Weapon: Doesn't matter

Fighting Style: Technical (Trust me. It's best for his finisher)
Character: Technical Skill or Technical Skill+
Power Skill: 4
Speed Skill: 2
Technical Skill: 5
Roughneck Skill: 2
Logic: Grapple & Attack

Finisher: The Money Shot (Rename to Bonzai Drop)
Favorite: Leg Drop (Ground Attack)

Name: Rikishi
Nickname: Rikishi
Age: 34?
Gender: Male
Hometown: Samoa
Favorite Star: Since he just broke up with Too Cool (who's not in the
game anyway), and is on bad terms with The Rock and
Stone Cold, pick some one other than those two.
Entrance Movie: Doesn't matter

Head: 15/75
Upper Body: 3/81
Lower Body: 3/95
Height: 10%
Weight: 100%

Fighting Style: Average
Character: Power Skill+, Speed Skill+, or Stone Cold- (or all three
with the help of a GameShark)
Power Skill: 3
Speed Skill: 4
Technical Skill: 3
Roughneck Skill: 2
Logic: Grapple & Attack

Moves: He must have the running Thump, Shuffle Side Kick,
Samoan Drop, and Belly to Back Flip
Finisher: Michinoku Driver (Rename to Rikishi Driver)

Justin Credible

Name: Justin Credible
Nickname: Justin Credible
Age: Doesn't matter
Gender: Male
Hometown: Ozone Park, NY
Favorite Star: Doesn't matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't matter

Head: 0/75
Upper Body: 75/81
Lower Body: 87/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Kendo stick

Power Skill: 5
Speed Skill: 4
Technical Skill: 3
Roughneck Skill: 5
Logic: Grapple & Hardcore

X - Austin Punches
Up + X - Austin Punches
Down + X - Austin Punches
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Toe Kick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Brainbuster (it's closest to the Hanging Vertical Suplex)
Down + O - Knee Smash
Left + O - Pendulum Backbreaker
Right + O - Shoulder Breaker
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - NorthernLightsSuplex
Down + O - Diving Powerbomb
Left + O - Jump Swinging DDT
Right + O - Shoulder Breaker
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Low Blow
Down + O - Low Blow
Left + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Right + O - School Boy
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Angry Stomp
Right + X - Angry Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mounted Punch
Left + O - Armbar
Right + O - Armbar

Lower Body:
Up + O - Figure 4 Leg Lock
Left + O - Figure 4 Leg Lock
Right + O - Figure 4 Leg Lock
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Foot Choke
Left/Right + O - Foot Choke

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Justin on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Flying Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Dropkick

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Elbow Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Clothesline

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Powerslam

Favorite: Jump Swinging DDT (Rename to Spinning DDT)
Finisher: Tombstone Piledriver (Rename to That's Incredible)

The Samurai

Name: The Samurai
Nickname: The Samurai
Age: Doesn't matter
Gender: ?
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Favorite Star: Steve Blackman
Entrance Movie: Steve Blackman

Head: 54/75 (43/63 if nothing unlocked)
Upper Body: 68/81 (62/75 if nothing unlocked)
Lower Body: 78/95 (75/92 if nothing unlocked)
Skin: Doesn't matter
Weapon: Kendo Stick

Speed Skill: 4
Technical Skill: 4

My brother's still working on him in Pre-Season, so I won't put in the entire
move list until he's done. My brother did give him moves like the
Hurracanrana, Diving Moonsault, etc.

Favorite: Karate Kick
Finisher: Brainbuster (He renamed it the "Samurai's Blade")
The Karate Master

Name: Karate Master
Nickname: Karate Master
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Hometown: Japan
Favorite Star: Steve Blackman
Entrance Movie: Steve Blackman

Head: 56/75 (45/63 if nothing unlocked)
Upper Body: 72/81 (66/75 if nothing unlocked)
Lower Body: 82/95 (79/92 if nothing unlocked)
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Kendo Stick

Technical Skill: 4
Running Attack: Karate Kick
Fly Boy

Name: Fly Boy
Nickname: Fly Boy
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Hometown: New York
Favorite Star: Jeff Hardy
Entrance Movie: Christian

Head: 65/75 (53/63 if nothing unlocked)
Upper Body: 27/81
Lower Body: 26/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Hammer

Fighting Style: Speedy
Character: Speed Attack
Power Skill: 2
Power Attack: 2
Power Defense: 2
Speed Skill: 5
Speed Attack: 5
Speed Defense: 5
Technical Skill: 4
Technical Attack: 4
Technical Defense: 4
Roughneck Skill: 2
Roughneck Attack: 3
Roughneck Defense: 2
Logic: Aerial & Ground

X - Spinning Back Kick
Up + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Down + X - Roundhouse Dropkick
Left + X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Right + X - Spinning To FaceXpac
X + X + X + X - Spinning Back Kick, The Rock Punches, Slap, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Gangrel Suplex
Left + O - Hard Scoop Slam
Right + O - Shoulder Breaker
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Side Buster
Down + O - Hurracanrana
Left + O - Jump Swinging DDT
Right + O - NorthernLightsSuplex
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Abdominal Stretch
Down + O - Back Side Slam
Left + O - Electric Chair Drop
Right + O - Dragon Suplex Pin
Opponent on Mat:
X - Double Knee Drop
Up + X - Senton Splash
Down + X - Flip Splash
Left + X - Shaky Knee Drop
Right + X - Elbow Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Short Arm Scissors
Left + O - Mahistrol Cradle
Right + O - Knee Smash

Lower Body:
Up + O - D'LoTexas Cloverleaf
Left + O - Sharpshooter
Right + O - Toss
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Walk on the rope

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Super Back Drop
Left/Right + O - Russian Leg Sweep

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down + O - Choke
Left/Right + O - Foot choke
Triangle + X - Bronco Buster
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Fly Boy on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Moonsault

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Up/Down + X - Missile Dropkick
Left/Right + X - Diving Spear

Opponent On Mat:
X - Twisting Body Attack
Up/Down + X - Senton Bomb
Left/Right + X - Twisting Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Asai Moonsault
Running Attacks:
X - Flying Cross Chop
Up/Down + X - Diving Forearm Smash
Left/Right + X - Jumping Knee Attack

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down + O - Neckbreaker Drop
Left/Right + O - Rolling Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - Facecrusher
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Samoan Drop
Up/Down + O - Shoulder Back Toss
Left/Right + O - Monkey Toss
L2 - Taunt Chyna
D-Pad + L2 - Holdup & Down Hands

Winning Move: Cut The Air
Entrance Move: Normal
Ring in Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Finisher: Impaler
Favorite: Hurracanrana

Name: Eclipse
Nickname: Eclipse
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Hometown: Pittsburgh
Favorite Star: Chris Jericho
Entrance Movie: Edge

Head: 70/75 (58/63 if nothing unlocked)
Upper Body: 57/81 (49/75 if nothing unlocked)
Lower Body: 87/95 (84/92 if nothing unlocked)
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Iron Pipe

Fighting Style: Speed
Characteristic: Power Skill+
Power Skill: 4
Speed Skill: 4
Technical Skill: 4
Logic: Grapple & Attack

X - Toe Kick
Up + X - Shuffle Side Kick
Down + X - Spinning Kick
Left + X - Spinning Side Kick
Right + X - Dropkick
X + X + X + X - Toe Kick, Toe Kick (R), Spinning Kick, Dropkick
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Brainbuster
Down + O - Piledriver
Left + O - DDT
Right + O - Jumping Arm Breaker
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Hurracanrana
Down + O - Bearhug Front Slam
Left + O - Jump Swinging DDT
Right + O - Torture Rack
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Pumphandle Drop
Down + O - Bulldog
Left + O - Electric Chair Drop
Right + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Leg Drop
Down + X - Leg Drop
Left + X - Flip Splash
Right + X - Flip Splash

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mahistrol Cradle
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Camel Clutch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Pin with Bridge
Left + O - Walls of Jericho
Right + O - Sharpshooter
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Tornado DDT
Left/Right + O - Walk on the Rope

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Reverse Brainbuster
Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down + O - Foot choke
Left/Right + O - Foot choke
Triangle + X - Bronco Buster
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Running Knee Strike

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Eclipse on turnbuckle):
X - Vaulting Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Moonsault
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Missle Dropkick
Up/Down + X - Spinning Wheel Kick
Left/Right + X - Diving Spear

Opponent On Mat:
X - Twisting Body Attack
Up/Down + X - Diving Moonsault
Left/Right + X - The 450

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Asai Moonsault
Running Attacks:
X - Flying Lariat
Up/Down + X - Jumping Knee Attack
Left/Right + X - Karate Kick

Facing Opponent:
O - Spear
Up/Down + O - Press & Knuckle
Left/Right + O - Running Clutch Pin

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Facecrusher
Running Counterattacks:
O - Powerslam
Up/Down + O - Samoan Drop
Left/Right + O - Samoan Drop
L2 - Taunt Edge
D-Pad + L2 - Slow Cut Throat

Winning Move: Taunt Stone Cold
Entrance Move: Chris Jericho
Ring in Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Finisher: Michinoku Driver (Rename to Eclipse Driver)
Favorite: Pumphandle Drop (Rename to Block Out The Sun)
13 ReZA

Name: 13 ReZA
Nickname: 13 ReZA
Age: ??
Hometown: ???
Favorite Star: The Undertaker
Entrance Movie: The Undertaker

Head: 65 (Hockey Mask)
Upper: 32 (Steve Blackman)
Lower: 32 (Steve Blackman)
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Finisher: Michinoku Driver (Rename to 13 Driver)
Favorite: Karate Kick
Christopher Titus

Name: Christopher Titus
Nickname: Titus
Age: 29?
Gender: Male
Hometown: Newark, CA
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter

Head: 67/75
Upper Body: 40/81 (WWF Attitude Shirt)
Lower Body: 39/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Doesn't matter

Fighting Style: Average
Character: There's no "Ken Titus-" characteristic, so pick whatever
you want.
Logic: Pick whatever 2 you like.
Ability: It doesn't matter what you give him.
Moves: Pick whatever you like.

Name: THQ Man
Nickname: THQ Man
Age: ?
Gender: ?
Hometown: Unknown
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter

Head: 55/75
Upper Body: 69/81
Lower Body: 79/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Fighting Style: Doesn't Matter
Character: Doesn't Matter
Logic: Doesn't Matter
Ability: Doesn't Matter
Moves: Give him moves that match his ability.
Finisher: Doesn't Matter
Favorite: Just pick one of the moves you gave him.

Hidden Wrestlers

Name: Jacqueline
Nickname: Jacqueline
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter

Head: 41/75
Upper Body: 66/81
Lower Body: 46/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 3
Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Speed Skill: 4

Finisher: Jump Swinging DDT
Favorite: Doesn't matter
The Blue Meanie

Name: The Blue Meanie
Nickname: The Blue Meanie
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Hometown: Pepperland
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter (I used Al Snow's)

Head: 59/75
Upper Body: 60/81 (believe it or not, I mean the skinny one)
Lower Body: 87/95
Height: Doesn't Matter
Weight: 75%
Skin: 2
Weapon: Piped Chair

Technical Skill: 4

Finisher: Diving Moonsault (Rename to Meaniesault)
Favorite: DDT

Name: Mideon
Nickname: Mideon
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Hometown: The Dark Side
Favorite Star: The Undertaker
Entrance Movie: The Undertaker

Head: 36/75
Upper Body: 36/81
Lower Body: 36/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Urn

Power Skill: 5
Technical Skill: 4

Finisher: Diving Reverse DDT (Rename To The Eye Opener)
Favorite: ???
Stephanie McMahon

Name: Stephanie McMahon
Nickname: Stephanie Mcmahon
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut
Favorite Star: Triple H
Entrance Movie: Triple H

Head: 44/75
Upper Body: 43/81 (the official one) or 53/81 (it looks more like
the outfits Stephanie wears now)
Lower Body: 43/95 (the official one) or 23/95 (it looks more like
the outfits Stephanie wears now)
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Doesn't Matter

Power Skill: 2
Technical Skill: 5

Finisher: The Pedigree
Favorite: DDT
Stevie Richards (old gimmick, not current RTC one)

Name: Stevie Richards
Nickname: Stevie Richards
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Hometown: ??
Favorite Star: Doesn't Matter
Entrance Movie: Doesn't Matter

Head: 46/75
Upper Body: 77/81
Lower Body: 87/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Piped Chair

Speed Skill: 5
Technical Skill: 4

Finisher: Senton Bomb (I saw him do it once in his copycat
Favorite: Karate Kick or Shuffle Side Kick (Rename to Stevie Kick)
Prince Albert

Name: Prince Albert
Nickname: Prince Albert
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
Favorite Star: Test
Entrance Movie: Test

Head: 37/75
Upper Body: 42/81 or 38/81
Lower Body: /95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2
Weapon: Piped Chair

Power Skill: 4
Finisher: Falling Powerslam (Rename to Albert Bomb)
Favorite: Body Press Slam
Alternate Rock

Name: The Rock
Nickname: The Rock
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Hometown: Miami, FL
Favorite Star: The Rock, Mankind, or Stone Cold
Entrance Movie: The Rock

Head: 44/75
Upper Body: 45/81
Lower Body: 45/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 3
Weapon: Piped Chair

X - Rock Punches
Up + X - Double Axe Handle
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Toe Kick
Right + X - Elbow Smash
X + X + X + X - The Rock Punch, The Rock Punch, Elbow Smash, Double Axe Handle
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - DDT
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Club to Neck
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Suplex
Down + O - Manhatten Drop
Left + O - Sambo Suplex
Right + O - Jump Swinging DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Atomic Drop
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Russian Leg Sweep
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Rock Stomp
Right + X - Rock Stomp

Upper Body:
Up + O - Mounted Punch
Left + O - Knee Smash
Right + O - Sleeper Hold

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Figure 4 Leg Lock
Right + O - Sharpshooter
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Superplex
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thrusts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, The Rock on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Elbow Drop
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Knee Drop

Run to Outside:
Square + X - Baseball Slide
Running Attacks:
X - Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Neckbreaker
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent:
O - School Boy
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - School Boy
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Samoan Drop
Finisher: The Rock Bottom or The People's Elbow
Favorite: If Rock Bottom is finisher, Jump Swinging DDT (Rename to
Laying the SmackDown OR Floatover DDT) or if People's
Elbow is finisher, Sambo Suplex (Rename to The Rock
Alternate Stone Cold

Name: Stone Cold OR Steve Austin
Nickname: Stone Cold
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Hometown: Victoria, TX
Favorite Star: The Rock, Mankind, or Stone Cold
Entrance Movie: Stone Cold

Head: 43/75
Upper Body: 44/81
Lower Body: 44/95
Height: Default
Weight: Default
Skin: 2

Fighting Style: Either Power or Average
Characteristics: Injured Neck, Injured Knee, Vince McMahon-, Triple H-,
The Rock+, OR Title Match+ (or all 6, with the help of a
Logic: Attack & Hardcore
Power Skill: 5
Speed Skill:
Technical Skill:
Roughneck Skill:
X - Austin Punch
Up + X - Overhand Punch
Down + X - Clothesline
Left + X - Snap Jab
Right + X - Toe Kick
X + X + X + X - Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Austin Punch, Austin Punch
Front Grapple (Normal):
Up + O - Eye Rake
Down + O - Side Buster
Left + O - Scoop Slam
Right + O - Suplex
Front Grapple (Dazed):
Up + O - Piledriver
Down + O - Side Buster
Left + O - Stunner
Right + O - DDT
Back Grapple:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Down + O - Bulldog
Left + O - Back Drop
Right + O - Turn to Face
Opponent on Mat:
X - Angry Stomp
Up + X - Angry Stomp
Down + X - Angry Stomp
Left + X - Austin Elbow Drop
Right + X - Austin Elbow Drop

Upper Body:
Up + O - Sleeper Hold
Left + O - Mounted Punch
Right + O - Mounted Punch

Lower Body:
Up + O - Toss
Left + O - Leg Lock
Right + O - Kick to Groin
Turnbuckle Moves:
Facing Opponent:
Up/Down + O - Foot Choke
Left/Right + O - Shoulder Thursts

Behind Opponent:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Super Back Drop

Opponent in Lower Turnbuckle:
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Foot Choke
Triangle + X - Shoulder Block
Rope Opponent:
Rope Down (opponent in the ropes):
O - Scoop Slam

Jump to Outside (opponent outside, Stone Cold on turnbuckle):
X - Diving Body Press

Jump Down Over (opponent outside, you standing by the ropes):
Triangle + X - Vaulting Body Press
Aerial Attacks:
Opponent Standing:
X - Double Axe Handle
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Double Axe Handle

Opponent On Mat:
X - Diving Elbow
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Diving Elbow

Run To Outside:
Square + X - Dive Through Ropes
Running Attacks:
X - Power Clothesline
Up/Down/Left/Right + X - Shoulder Block

Facing Opponent:
O - Press & Knuckle
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Press & Knuckle

Behind Opponent:
O - Bulldog
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Bulldog
Running Counterattacks:
O - Monkey Toss
Up/Down/Left/Right + O - Shoulder Back Toss
Finisher: Stone Cold Stunner
Favorite: Press & Knuckle (Rename to Lou Theez Press)

Pre-Season Extras:
1 pre-season: Wealth
2 pre-seasons: European Title & Ability
3 pre-seasons: Women's Title & Ability
4 pre-seasons: Tournament & Ability
5 pre-seasons: Hardcore Title & Ability
6 pre-seasons: IC Title & Ability
7 pre-seasons: Tag Team Title & Ability
8 pre-seasons: Title Match & Ability
10 pre-seasons: You can skip the matches in Pre-Season

The Blue Meanie: Lose to Chyna in July
Stevie Richards: Lose to Steve Blackman in July
Stephanie McMahon: Lose to Triple H at Wrestlemania
Alternate Stone Cold: Beat Stone Cold, Big Show, and Rock at Wrestlemania
Alternate Rock: Beat Rock n' Sock Connection at Wrestlemania

Season Mode Extras:
1 season: Ivory
2 seasons: Prince Albert
3 seasons: Jacqueline
4 seasons: Viscera
5 seasons: 80 Ability Points in CAW
6 seasons: Mideon
7 seasons: Gerald Brisco
8 seasons: Pat Patterson
10 seasons: 90 Ability Points in CAW
20 seasons: 100 Ability Points in CAW

Cool Backstage Info:
Stage: -Whip your opponent to get a piped chair, or the metal poles
to get an iron pipe.
Hallway: -Whip your opponent into the soda machine to get a soda can.
Kitchen: -Whip your opponent into the stove to burn them, and the sink
to splash them.
-Whip your opponent into the plate rack to get a plate, or
the set of boxes to get a watermelon.
Boiler Room -Whip your opponent into the steam machines to blow steam in
his/her face
-Whip your opponent into the cage style wall to get a barrel,
or into the side walls to get an iron pipe.
Parking Lot -Whip your opponent into the parked cars for them to flash
their lights and blind your opponent.
-Whip your opponent into the ambulence to get a stretcher,
the fire extinguisher case to get an extinguisher, and the
white boxes to get The Undertaker's urn.

Crotch Opponents into the Ringpost:
Irish Whip your opponent into the turnbuckle. Quickly go outside of the ring,
and if he's still standing in the corner, press O. You'll pull him into the
ringpost! It works easier if you do it with a partner. You can wait outside
while your partner whips him into the post.

New Age Outlaws Appearance:
Play a tag team match with Road Dogg and Mr. Ass. When they come out, there
will be a new Titantron video in the background with Road Dogg's music, and it
will say New Age Outlaws.
GameShark Codes:

If you have any GameShark codes that aren't up here, send them to me at
jrodabau@nycap.rr.com to get credit.

Code Title: Code:
----------- -----
Infinite Creation Points D00ED41A 0001
800ED41A 0046
Max Creation Points 800ED418 0FFF
Unlock Extra Heads 80090F7C 00FF
80090F7E 00FF
Unlock Extra Tops 80090F90 00FF
80090F92 00FF
Unlock Extra Bottoms 80090FA4 00FF
80090FA6 00FF
Start With 5 Specials P1 8007AC53 0005
Start With 5 Specials P2 8007AC76 0005
Start With 5 Specials P3 8007AC8E 0005
Start With 5 Specials P4 8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P1 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC5E 0005
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P2 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC5E 0000
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P3 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC5E 0000
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC5E 0000
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P1/P2 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0005
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P1/P3 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0005
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P1/P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0005
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P1/P2/P3 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0005
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P1/P3/P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0005
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P1/P2/P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0005
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P2/P3 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0000
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0000
Infinite Special P2/P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0000
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0000
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P2/P3/P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0000
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special P3/P4 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC53 0000
8007AC76 0000
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special All Players 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
8007AC5E 0005
8007AC76 0005
8007AC8E 0005
8007ACA6 0005
Infinite Special in Season Mode 80047ACA 2400
800497FE 2400
D007AC58 0000
8007AC5E 0005
D007AC70 0000
8007AC76 0005
D007AC88 0000
8007AC8E 0005
D007ACA0 0000
8007ACA6 0005
Never Add A Special (everyone) 800496FE 2400
Never Lose A Special (everyone) 80047ACA 2400
No Power Meter (everyone) 800497DA 2400
P1 Control Modifier 8007AC58 00??
P2 Control Modifier 8007AC70 00??
P3 Control Modifier 8007AC88 00??
P4 Control Modifier 8007ACA0 00??
?? - Quantity Digits for Control 00 - Human
Modifier Codes 01 - CPU
Pin In A Cage 800849B8 F002 (NOTE: If you select a
Singles Match, or are in one during
Season Mode, you will be in a cage.)
Area Modifier 8007ACAC 0??? (NOTE: You can't leave
the area you're in, and will freeze
The Royal Rumble upon entry of the
3rd to 7th opponent.)
??? - Value to Determine Where 104 - Entrance Way
You Wrestle At 105 - Ringside (allows weapons in
any match except for Cage &
Royal Rumbles)
106 - Corridor
107 - Boiler Room
108 - Kitchen
109 - Parking Lot
Characteristic/Victory Music 80090020 ??xx
Modifier CAW Slot 1 80090022 ????
80090024 ????
80090026 05??
Characteristic/Victory Music 8009013E ??xx
Modifier CAW Slot 2 80090140 ????
80090142 ????
80090144 05??
Characteristic/Victory Music 8009025C ??xx
Modifier CAW Slot 3 8009025E ????
80090260 ????
80090262 05??
Characteristic/Victory Music 8009037A ??xx
Modifier CAW Slot 4 8009037C ????
8009037E ????
80090380 05??
?? - Characteristic Mod Value 00 - Power Attack
01 - Technical Attack
02 - Speed Attack
03 - Rough Attack
04 - Power Def.
05 - Technical Def.
06 - Speed Def.
07 - Rough Def.
08 - Power Skill
09 - Technical Skill
0A - Speed Skill
0B - Rough Skill
0C - Single Match
0D - Tag Match
0E - 3-Way Dance
0F - 4-Way Dance
10 - Battle Royal
11 - Falls Anywhere
12 - Hardcore
13 - Cage Match
14 - Royal Rumble
15 - Tournament
16 - "I Quit" Match
17 - WWF Title
18 - Tag Title
19 - IC Title
1A - European
1B - Women's Title
1C - Hardcore Title
1D - Handicap
1E - S. Referee
1F - Lucky
20 - Favorite
21 - Good Looks
22 - Sexy
23 - Good Speaker
24 - Somber
25 - Power Attack+
26 - Power Attack-
27 - Technical Attack+
28 - Technical Attack.-
29 - Speed Attack+
2A - Speed Attack-
2B - Rough Attack+
2C - Rough Attack-
2D - Power Def.+
2E - Power Def.-
2F - Technical Def.+
30 - Technical Def.-
31 - Speed Def.+
32 - Speed Def.-
33 - Rough Def.+
34 - Rough Def.-
35 - Power Skill +
36 - Power Skill -
37 - Technical Skill+
38 - Technical Skill-
39 - Speed Skill+
3A - Speed Skill-
3B - Rough Skill+
3C - Rough Skill-
3D - Single Match+
3E - Single Match-
3F - Tag Match+
40 - Tag Match-
41 - 3-Way Dance+
42 - 3-Way Dance-
43 - 4-Way Dance+
44 - 4-Way Dance-
45 - Battle Royal+
46 - Battle Royal-
47 - Falls Anywhere+
48 - Falls Anywhere-
49 - Hardcore+
4A - Hardcore-
4B - Cage Match+
4C - Cage Match-
4D - "I Quit" Match+
4E - "I Quit" Match-
4F - Royal Rumble+
50 - Royal Rumble-
51 - Handicap+
52 - Handicap-
53 - S. Referee+
54 - S. Referee-
55 - Injured Neck
56 - Weak Neck
57 - Injured Waist
58 - Weak Waist
59 - Injured Elbow
5A - Weak Elbow
5B - Injured Knee
5C - Weak Knee
5D - Lucky Life
5E - Unlucky
5F - Funny
60 - Smart
61 - Sensual
62 - Lady
63 - Noble
64 - Don Juan
65 - Femme Fatal
66 - Sharp Tounge
67 - Teriffic Speaker
68 - Bad Speaker
69 - Fashionable
6A - Unfashionable
6B - Good Health
6C - Bad Health
6D - Loner
6E - Cooperative
6F - Roughneck
70 - Rowdy
71 - Fair
72 - Betrayer
73 - Tenderhearted
74 - Stone Cold+
75 - The Rock+
76 - Triple H+
77 - Mankind+
78 - Ken Shamrock+
79 - Al Snow+
7A - Hardcore Holly+
7B - Big Show+
7C - Kane+
7D - The Undertaker+
7E - Test+
7F - X-Pac+
80 - Road Dogg+
81 - D-Generation X+
82 - Mr. Ass+
83 - Gangrel+
84 - Edge+
85 - Christian+
86 - Big Bossman+
87 - Val Venis+
88 - Godfather+
89 - Chyna+
8A - Tori+
8B - Vince McMahon+
8C - McMahon Family+
8D - D'Lo Brown+
8E - Mark Henry+
8F - Matt Hardy+
90 - Jeff Hardy+
91 - Hardy Boyz+
92 - Chris Jericho+
93 - Shane McMahon+
94 - Paul Bearer+
95 - Steve Blackman+
96 - Faarooq+
97 - Bradshaw+
98 - Acolytes+
99 - Buh Buh Ray+
9A - D'Von+
9B - Dudley Boys+
9C - Debra+
9D - Stone Cold-
9E - The Rock-
9F - Triple H-
A0 - Mankind-
A1 - Ken Shamrock-
A2 - Al Snow-
A3 - Hardcore Holly-
A4 - Big Show-
A5 - Kane-
A6 - The Undertaker-
A7 - Test-
A8 - X-Pac-
A9 - Road Dogg-
AA - D-Generation X-
AB - Mr. Ass-
AC - Gangrel-
AD - Edge-
AE - Christian-
AF - Big Bossman-
B0 - Val Venis-
B1 - Godfather-
B2 - Chyna-
B3 - Tori-
B4 - Vince McMahon-
B5 - McMahon Family-
B6 - D'Lo Brown-
B7 - Mark Henry-
B8 - Matt Hardy-
B9 - Jeff Hardy-
BA - Hardy Boyz-
BB - Chris Jericho-
BC - Shane McMahon-
BD - Paul Bearer-
BE - Steve Blackman-
BF - Faarooq-
C0 - Bradshaw-
C1 - Acolytes-
C2 - Buh Buh Ray-
C3 - D'Von-
C4 - Dudley Boys-
C5 - Debra-
C6 - Tournament+
C7 - Title Match+
C8 - Tag Title+
C9 - IC Title+
CA - European Title+
CB - Women's Title+
CC - Hardcore Title+
CD - Wealth
FF - Blank (No Data)
xx - Victory Music Mod Value 0E - Stone Cold
0F - The Undertaker & Paul Bearer
10 - The Rock
11 - The Big Show
12 - Mankind
13 - Ken Shamrock
14 - Triple H
15 - Kane
16 - Val Venis
17 - Big Boss Man
18 - X-Pac
19 - Vince & Shane McMahon
1A - Mr. Ass
1B - Road Dogg
1C - Hardcore Holly
1D - Test
1E - Al Snow
1F - Gangrel
20 - Christian
21 - Edge
22 - Chyna
23 - Tori
24 - The Godfather
25 - Debra
26 - D'Lo Brown
27 - Mark Henry
28 - Hardy Boyz
29 - Chris Jericho
2A - Steve Blackman
2B - Acolytes
2C - Dudley Boyz
Enable All Characteristics 80090700 FFFF
80090702 FFFF
80090704 FFFF
80090706 FFFF
80090708 FFFF
8009070A FFFF
8009070C FFFF
8009070E FFFF
80090710 FFFF
80090712 FFFF
80090714 FFFF
Move List Modifier CAW Slot 1
Front Grapple (Normal) 80090080 ????
80090082 ????
80090084 ????
80090086 ????
Front Grapple (Dazed) 8009008A ????
8009008C ????
8009008E ????
80090090 ????
Back Grapple 8009009E ????
800900A0 ????
800900A2 ????
800900A4 ????
Ground 800900AA ????
800900AC ????
800900AE ????
Running Grapple (Front) 800900EC ????
800900EE ????
800900F0 ????
Running Grapple (Back) 800900F8 ????
800900FA ????
800900FC ????
Running Attack 800900F2 ????
800900F4 ????
800900F6 ????
Running Counter 800900FE ????
80090100 ????
80090102 ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Front) 800900C8 ????
800900CA ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Back) 800900CE ????
800900D0 ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Lower) 800900D4 ????
800900D6 ????
Aerial (Standing) 800900DA ????
800900DC ????
800900DE ????
Aerial (Down) 800900E0 ????
800900E2 ????
800900E4 ????
Move List Modifier CAW Slot 2
Front Grapple (Normal) 80090193 ????
800901A0 ????
800901A2 ????
800901A4 ????
Front Grapple (Dazed) 800901A8 ????
800901AA ????
800901AC ????
800901AE ????
Back Grapple 800901BC ????
800901BE ????
800901CO ????
800901C2 ????
Ground 800901C8 ????
800901CA ????
800901CC ????
Running Grapple (Front) 8009020A ????
8009020C ????
8009020E ????
Running Grapple (Back) 80090216 ????
80090218 ????
8009021A ????
Running Attack 80090210 ????
80090212 ????
80090214 ????
Running Counter 8009021C ????
8009021E ????
80090220 ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Front) 800901E6 ????
800901E8 ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Back) 800901EC ????
800901EE ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Lower) 800901F2 ????
800901F4 ????
Aerial (Standing) 800901F8 ????
800901FA ????
800901FC ????
Aerial (Down) 800901FE ????
80090200 ????
80090202 ????
Move List Modifier CAW Slot 3
Front Grapple (Normal) 800902BC ????
800902BE ????
800902C0 ????
800902C2 ????
Front Grapple (Dazed) 800902C6 ????
800902C8 ????
800902CA ????
800902CC ????
Back Grapple 800902DA ????
800902DC ????
800902DE ????
800902E0 ????
Ground 800902E6 ????
800902E8 ????
800902EA ????
Running Grapple (Front) 80090328 ????
8009032A ????
8009032C ????
Running Grapple (Back) 80090334 ????
80090336 ????
80090338 ????
Running Attack 8009032E ????
80090330 ????
80090332 ????
Running Counter 8009033A ????
8009033C ????
8009033E ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Front) 80090304 ????
80090306 ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Back) 8009030A ????
8009030C ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Lower) 80090310 ????
80090312 ????
Aerial (Standing) 80090316 ????
80090318 ????
8009031A ????
Aerial (Down) 8009031C ????
8009031E ????
80090320 ????
Move List Modifier CAW Slot 4
Front Grapple (Normal) 800903DA ????
800903DC ????
800903DE ????
800903E0 ????
Front Grapple (Dazed) 800903E4 ????
800903E6 ????
800903E8 ????
800903EA ????
Back Grapple 800903F8 ????
800903FA ????
800903FC ????
800903FE ????
Ground 80090404 ????
80090406 ????
80090408 ????
Running Grapple (Front) 80090446 ????
80090448 ????
8009044A ????
Running Grapple (Back) 80090452 ????
80090454 ????
80090456 ????
Running Attack 8009044C ????
8009044E ????
80090450 ????
Running Counter 80090458 ????
8009045A ????
8009045C ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Front) 80090422 ????
80090424 ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Back) 80090428 ????
8009042A ????
Turnbuckle Grapple (Lower) 8009042E ????
80090430 ????
Aerial (Standing) 80090434 ????
80090436 ????
80090438 ????
Aerial (Down) 8009043A ????
8009043C ????
8009043E ????
???? - Move List Mod Value
Powerful Level 1 1396 - Scoop Slam
1399 - Hard Scoop Slam
13AC - Side Buster
14C1 - Atomic Drop
15E1 - Bulldog
0DDE - Elbow Drop
Level 2 1392 - DDT
1581 - Spinebuster
14BC - Reverse Brainbuster
Level 3 13A1 - Pendulum Backbreaker
13A6 - Bearhug
13A0 - Stomach Crusher
13B2 - Rib Breaker
13B6 - Fall Away Slam
13DF - Pulling Piledriver
1394 - Piledriver
14B6 - Pumphandle Drop
0DAD - Flying Clothesline
0DDF - Diving Elbow
0DE6 - Test Diving Elbow
Level 4 13B1 - Dominator
13AE - Choke Toss
13B4 - Test Neckbreaker
13A3 - Diving Powerbomb
13B7 - Bearhug Front Slam
13B8 - Inverted DDT
13B9 - Falling Powerslam
13BC - Body Press Slam
13C1 - Torture Rack
13CC - Double Powerbomb
13D9 - Body Press Drop FW
13DA - Body Press Drop
13A4 - Pimpdrop
1388 - Stunner
13AA - Running Powerbomb
14BD - Pumphandle Slam
1395 - Jackknife Powerbomb
Level 5 13EA - Strong Lariat
138E - Tombstone Piledriver
14B9 - Full Nelson Slam
1389 - Choke Slam
139B - Showstopper
139D - Stone Cold Stunner
Speedy Level 1 13CD - Snapmare
14B4 - Back Drop
Level 2 13BA - Double Arm Suplex
13AB - Falcon Arrow
157D - Knee Smash
14C0 - Diving Reverse DDT
Level 3 13B0 - Reverse Suplex
1390 - Belly to Back Flip
13BD - Fisherman Suplex
139F - Gangrel Suplex
13DC - Tori Suplex
13A2 - Brainbuster
14C3 - German Suplex Pin
0DAC - Front Dropkick
0DB4 - Missle dropkick
Level 4 13CA - NorthernLightsSuplex
138B - X-Factor
13DB - Sky High
13BE - Michinoku Driver
13E8 - Downward Spiral
1391 - Hurracanrana
14BA - Electric Chair Drop
1397 - Jump Swinging DDT
0DE5 - Twisting Knee Drop
14C4 - Dragon Suplex Pin
14CC - Impaler
0DAF - Spinning Wheel Kick
0E1B - Twisting Body Attack
Level 5 13A8 - Spinning Back Drop
14C5 - Tiger Suplex Pin
0DE4 - Senton Bomb
173E - The People's Elbow
Technical Level 1 1393 - Suplex
13D1 - Small Package
1582 - Scissor Sweep
15AE - Neckbreaker
14C7 - Reverse Pin
15E0 - School Boy
Level 2 13C5 - Shoulder Breaker
13C9 - Hip Toss
13B3 - Shin Breaker
13D4 - Falling Neckbreaker
13A5 - Arm Wrench
13A7 - Jumping Arm Breaker
14BF - Abdominal Stretch
14BB - Back Side Slam
14B8 - Russian Leg Sweep
15E2 - Face Crusher
Level 3 1583 - Pulling Walk Slam
13C2 - Dragon Screw
14B7 - Dragon Sleeper
Level 4 0E1C - Dragon Attack
13D6 - Double Arm Backbreaker
13DE - Snowplow
13BF - Rolling Leg Lock
13CB - Sambo Suplex
0DE7 - The 450
0E1A - Diving Moonsault
14C6 - Octobus Stretch
0DB1 - Diving Spear
Level 5 13D8 - Shamrock Anklelock
138C - Pedigree
138D - The Rock Bottom
138A - FameAsser
139A - Flipping Armbar
0DE0 - The Money Shot
0DE3 - The Lo' Down
14CE - Turn Facing Front
0DB2 - Dragonrana
0DB3 - Diving FameAsser
Roughneck Level 1 139E - Eye Rake
13CE - Club to Neck
14B5 - Sleeper Hold
0DAE - Double Axe Handle
0DE2 - Knee Drop
Level 2 13C6 - Headlock and Punch
13AF - Strong Head Butt
Level 3 13A9 - Lifting Chokehold
13C3 - Manhatten Drop
0DE1 - Diving Headbutt
Level 4 1398 - Double Arm DDT
13C8 - Knee Strike
Level 5 138F - Mandible Claw
14BE - Low Blow
14D3 - Reverse Death Valley
Tornado Match 800849BA 04E2
All Titles on the Line 80090FE6 00FF
Weapons List

If there are any weapons in the game that aren't on this list, let me know, so
I can add it.

Black chair
Piped chair
Ring bell
Bell hammer
Iron Pipe
Kendo stick
Wood stick
Trash can
Soda can
Ring steps
Title belt
Loading Cart
Create A PPV

In this mode, you can either make your own PPV event, or you check check out
your highest ranked PPVs or matches.

Create A PPV
You can choose from all the game's matches (except for King of the Ring and
Royal Rumble). Name your PPV, decide what types of matches you want (limit
of six matches), choose the wrestlers, choose if any titles will be on the
line, and start the show!

Some tips on getting a higher ranked PPV:

-The more title matches you have, the higher the ranking. Put all six
titles on the line to get a higher ranked PPV
-Your ranking will be higher if there's more people in the ring. 4-Way
Matches and Battle Royals are perfect.
-The fans love backstage action too. Put in some Hardcore, Anywhere Falls,
and/or I Quit Matches, and take the match out of the ring.

Audience Ranking
You can check out your 10 highest ranking PPVs, and your 10 highest ranking
Default Champions and Belt Rankings:

Just for the sake of including everything, here are the default champions. If
a created wrestler has a belt, and then is deleted, the belt will go back to
the default wrestler.

Belt Default Champion
---- ----------------
WWF Champion Triple H
Intercontinental Champion Chris Jericho
European Champion Val Venis
Hardcore Champion Big Boss Man
Tag Team Champions Road Dogg
Mr. Ass
Women's Champion Tori

To qualify for the belts, your wrestler must be a certain gender, and at a
certain ranking. Here is a list of the belts and their ranking and gender
needed in order to get a shot at the belt.

Belt Ranking Needed Gender
---- -------------- ------
WWF Champion 5th or better Male
Intercontinental Champion 10th or better Doesn't Matter
European Champion 20th or better Doesn't Matter
Hardcore Champion 20th or better Doesn't Matter
Tag Team Champions Doesn't Matter Doesn't Matter
Women's Champion Doesn't Matter Female
Options/Pause Menus

Main Menu:

Exhibition: Choose the type of match, wrestlers, the amount of
players, and play.
Create a PPV: You can make a PPV, or look at the rankings of
previous PPVs.
Season Mode: You can play in the Season Mode, where you go for
titles, or Pre-Season, where you must put a CAW
through first to gain enemies and alliances.
Create A Superstar: Make up to 4 wrestlers to play as.
Belt Records: Check to see who's the current champion for 6
belts, as well as their titler holder history.
Ranking: See what ranking your wrestler is, so you know
what belts your wrestler is eligable for.
Options: Change the difficulty, copy CAWs, and more.
Pre-Game Options:

Match Length (in min): NL/60/45/30/15
Interruption: On/Off/Random
KO & Give Up: On/Off
Rope Break: On/Off
Out of the Ring: On/Off
Count Out: 10/20/No Countout
Arena: Arena 1 (SmackDown), Arena 2 (Raw), Arena 3 (KOTR)
Ring: Blue, SmackDown!, White, Raw, Heat, KOTR,
SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble,
Pause Menu:

Return to Game
Exit Game: Yes/No
Entrance Movie: On/Off
Move Names: On/Off
Camera Angle: On/Off
Players Indicator: On/Off
Options Screen:

Dificulty: Easy/Normal/Hard
Entrance Movies: On/Off
Moves Indicator: On/Off
Camera Angle: On/Off
Vibration: On/Off
Players Indicator: On/Off
Auto Save: On/Off
Sound: Stereo/Mono
BGM: 1/2/3/4/5/Random
Music Volume: Silent/Minimal/Normal/Maximum
Sound Effects Vol: Silent/Minimal/Normal/Maximum
System Data Save
System Data Load
Create Superstar Copy
Known Glitches

If you have experienced a glitch that isn't up here, e-mail me at

-Cage/I Quit Match Glitch

This is probably the glitch that everyone that owns the game (and a few
people who don't) knows about. Sometimes, in a Cage Match or an I Quit
Match, either you come out with someone (usually the women wrestlers), and
your opponent doesn't come out at all, or the opposite (you don't come
out, and your opponent comes out with someone). When the match starts, the
extra person who came out will help the person she came out with. In a
Cage Match, it allows either you or your opponent to get a very quick
victory. In an I Quit Match, after you or your opponent gives up, the
extra person starts attacking you, and then you or your opponent must get
her to quit. At the end, the extra person celebrates with either you or
your opponent, as if you both won a tag match.

-CAW Bug

If you delete a CAW, sometimes, one of the existing CAW's nickname will
appear as the deleted CAW's nickname (Ex: After I deleted my first Lita
creation, because it didn't turn out good, it said my created Mideon's
nickname was Lita in the Biography mode)

Me, for writing this FAQ, and all the CAWs except for Samurai, Flyboy, Lita,
New Test, Raven, and all of 13 Reza's CAWs.
Sephiroth X and Double H for making the first two Pre-Season Maps, which gave
me the idea to make my own.
andy591 for letting me use the Doomsday Device and Kai En Tai Double Teams from
his CAW FAQ.
Syed Fazrein (Dagger) for letting me use his Lita and New Test creations,
along with my own.
13 Reza, for sending me his Perry Saturn CAW, Essa Rios CAW, 13 Reza CAW, and
New Undertaker CAW.
My friend Tyler, for letting me use his Flyboy CAW.
My brother, for letting me use his Samurai wrestler in my FAQ.
Fredd, for letting me use his Raven CAW
Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com) for all the GS codes except for
the Pin in A Cage code.
Game Over, for the Pin In A Cage GS Code.
RagnaroK, for letting me use the Area Modifier GS code off his FAQ.
ID for letting me use his Characteristic and Victroy Music Modifier GS Codes.
UnknownGreatOne for letting use his Move List Modifier GS Codes.
www.gameshark.com for the Enable All Characteristics GS code.
www.ign.com for the Season Schedule.
Danny Strathman for the All Titles on the Line and Tornado Match GS Codes.
Yukes and THQ for making the best PSX wrestling game ever.
The WWF, for signing THQ to make this game.
And finally, you for reading this FAQ.

The only sites that have permission to use this FAQ are:
1: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
2: Game Advice (www.gameadvide.com OR vgstrategies.about.com)
3: www.psxcodez.com
4: www.neoseeker.com
If any other site has this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. If you do see this FAQ
on another site, e-mail me and let me know.

This FAQ is copyrighted by me, MTRodaba2468. All rights reserved.
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