Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

16.10.2013 08:06:48
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban (PC)
Wizard Cards
By: Tricrokra
e-mail: tric1975@hotmail.com (Add "[Tric-FAQ]" to your subject
or my spam filter will block you)

Version 1.0

- Copyright
- Version History
- Sites with permission to host this FAQ
- About Wizard Cards

- A few words before you start searching

- Famous Wizards (15 cards/Blue)
- Famous Witches (15 cards/Black)
- Quidditch ( 5 cards/Yellow)
- Famous Vampires ( 5 cards/Red)
- Famous Goblins ( 5 cards/Green)
- Famous Hags ( 5 cards/Magenta)
- Famous Giants ( 5 cards/Grey)
- Dragons ( 5 cards/Orange)
- Beasts (15 cards/Purple)
- Bonus Cards ( 5 cards/Purple)

This guide is copyrighted by JBC Soft, Jeroen Broks (Tricrokra), 2004.
All rights reserved. This guide may only be downloaded and printed
for personal use. If you want to put this guide on your site, please
contact me for permission. Permission can only be granted assuming that
people are not charged for looking at this guide and that the guide
remains in its origininal form.

This document is not officially authorized by the creators of the game.

Version History
0.1 ??-??-???? Pre-version. Supposed as a quick list more than the
actual FAQ. Many cards missing.
0.2 07-02-2004 More cards found.
1.0 07-14-2004 First version of actual FAQ. New Lay-Out and cards
sorted out a little better.

Sites with permission to host this guide:
http://www.tbbs.nl <- The official site for this guide

About wizard cards
These are the all famous collectors items you can acquire all
along Hogwarts. To prevent any sort of confusion about these cards.
They are NOT required to complete the game. However some bonusses
will reveal if you collect them all before finishing the game.
(The only cards you MUST acquire are the "Famous giants", "Quidditch"
and "Famous Hags" cards, since collecting them is part of
the required achievements).

A few words before you start searching
In Harry Potter 3 all cards are sorted into categories.
Most categories are linked to a particular part of the
game, and thus the cards can only be found there.
Before you start looking for those cards, please
refer to the little discription for each card category.

For each card there's only one way to get it. If you
miss a card, please keep in mind that most cards can
be found again if you take on that part of the game
again, however there are a very few cards which you
can never find again when you missed them.
Those cards are marked with a "*".

(Don't think you can buy missed cards from students.
You could do that in HP2, but in HP3 you can't).

Famous Wizards (15 cards/blue)
There are serveral ways to get famous wizard cards.
Most can be bought from students, a few from
Fred & George. And a very few during some subquests.

(WARNING! This section contains some cards that once missed
can never be found again).

Here are the Cards you need to find along the game
| 1 | Fulbert the fearfull* | Rewarded after beating |
| | | monster book at the train |
| 13 | Falco of Aesalon* | When you are sneaking into|
| | | library, turn left after |
| | | Ron used Carpe Retractum, |
| | | alohomora the chest |

These ones can be bought from students
| 3 | Crispin Cronk 100 Bn |
| 4 | Edgar Stroulger 150 Bn |
| 2 | Elthered the Everready 80 Pm |
| 8 | Glanmore peakes 60 Pm |
| 11 | Mungo Bonham 50 Bn |
| 6 | Norvel Twonk 125 Bn |
| 5 | Oswald Beamish 225 Bn |
| 10 | Professor Armando Dippet 250 Bn |
| 14 | Thaddeus Thurkell 70 Pm |
| 9 | Wilfred Elphick 40 Pm |
| 12 | Dzou Yen 20 Pm |

These ones can be bought from Fred & George
| 7 | Grogan Stump 25 Pm |

Then that secret card from Fred & George
| 15 | Harry Potter | Collect all other cards |
| | | and you can get that one |
| | | for free at Fred & George |
| | | Does not include the bonus|
| | | cards |

Famous Witches (15 cards/Black)
For the Famous Witches goes the same as for the famous

These ones can be bought from students
| 1 | Beatrix Bloxam |
| 6 | Carlotta Pinkstone |
| 12 | Cliodne 30 Pm |
| 7 | Dorcas Wellbeloved 175 Bn |
| 2 | Dympha Furmage 50 Bn |
| 8 | Elfrida Clagg 125 Bn |
| 10 | Ignitia Wildsmith 10 Pm |
| 5 | Jocunda Sykes 200 Bn |
| 14 | Morgan Le Fay 50 Pm |
| 4 | Wendelin the Weird 75 Bn |

These ones can be bought from Fred & George
| 11 | Hesper Starkey |
| 15 | Gunhida of Gorsemoor |
| 13 | Mirabella Punkett 25 Pm |

These ones are lying around
| 3 | Honoria Nutcomb* | You'll get it during your |
| | | anti-dementor lesson after|
| | | your 1st set of dementors |
| | | Beware for the trap you'll|
| | | trigger when taking the |
| | | card! |
| 9 | Sacharissa Tugwood* | You can get it while you |
| | | are rescueing Ron. After |
| | | creating the stairs and |
| | | killing the skeletons |

Quidditch ( 5 cards/Yellow)
Warning! Getting these will cause you years of therapy
to forget them, alas these are required to finish the game.

These cards will be given by Hagrid when you beat a round
in Hippogriff flying.
| 1 | Joscelind Wadcock | Beat Round #1 |
| 2 | Gwenog Jones | Beat Round #2 |
| 3 | Cyprian Youdle | Beat Round #3 |
| 4 | Roderick Plumpton | Beat Round #4 |
| 5 | Bowman Wright | Beat Round #5 |

Famous Vampires ( 5 cards/Red)
These cards can all be acquired during the Carpe Retracto

| 1 | Sir Herbert Varney | After jumping over the 1st|
| | | gap, depulso the armor and|
| | | It'll move to uncover a |
| | | tile. A Retracto pole |
| | | will appear. Pull yourself|
| | | over to get to the chest |
| | | with the card. |
| 2 | Ammarillo Leastoat | When Ron says "I'm not too|
| | | sure about this", jump to |
| | | the first platform. Turn |
| | | around to see a new area |
| | | go in there to get the |
| | | card |
| 5 | Count Vlad Drakul | After the part containing |
| | | the previous card, you get|
| | | a gap with a retractoblock|
| | | jump over it and depulso |
| | | both armors. A passage |
| | | open above which you can |
| | | with carpe ratractum |
| 3 | Lady Carmilla Sanguina | In the 2nd part at the 1st|
| | | big-gap-platform section |
| | | hop over, but ignore the |
| | | savespot. Turn right |
| | | instead, and hop over the |
| | | platforms you see there. |
| | | You'll get in a room with |
| | | 2 armors. Depulso the left|
| | | one multiple times to |
| | | create the passage to the |
| | | card. (Hard to spot due to|
| | | the darkness |
| 4 | Bloodwyne Blood | In the 2nd section in the |
| | | room with the imps. |
| | | Depulso the armor on the |
| | | left multiple times |

Famous Goblins ( 5 cards/Green)
These cards can all be acquired during the Glacius Challenge.
| 1 | Eargin the ugly | Behind a tapestry right |
| | | after your first |
| | | salamander |
| 2 | Alguff the Awfull | Kill both salamanders and |
| | | their fire after your 1st |
| | | slide and a passage opens |
| | | Kill the imps in there to |
| | | get by the card. |
| 3 | Ug the unreliable | After your 2nd slide, |
| | | ignore the sponfigy tile |
| | | and go downstairs. Then |
| | | alohomora the door. |
| 4 | Urg the unclean | You'll find it after the |
| | | second time you spongify |
| | | upon a wall that will |
| | | lower immediately |
| 5 | Gringott | On the last slide |

Famous Hags ( 5 cards/Magenta)
These cards are given for beating the Monster Book of
| 1 | Babayaga | Beat round 1 |
| 2 | Maladora Grymm | Beat round 2 |
| 3 | Leticia Somnolens | Beat round 3 |
| 4 | Old Mother Hubbard | Beat round 4 |
| 5 | Cordelia Misericordia | Beat round 5 |

Famous Giants ( 5 cards/Grey)
These cards are given for beating the pixie-mini game
| 1 | Bran the Bloodthirthy | Beat round 1 |
| 2 | Cyclops | Beat Round 2 |
| 3 | Goliath | Beat round 3 |
| 4 | Morholt | Beat round 4 |
| 5 | Hengist of Uppper Barnton| beat round 5 |

Dragons ( 5 cards/Orange)
These cards can be acquired during the Draconifors/Lapifors
| 1 | Common Welsh Green Drgn | In the armor on the left |
| | | after the 1st rabbit sctn |
| 2 | Gebridean Black Dragon | Jump down from the |
| | | L-shaped bridge, and aim |
| | | for the big pumpkin |
| 3 | Hungarian Horntail Drgn | In the 2nd part, depulso |
| | | the 3-cube pillar that way|
| | | that it displays 3 wizard |
| | | cards. |
| 4 | Romainian Longhorn Drgn | After the section in which|
| | | you had those bushes |
| | | which were shaped like |
| | | animals, and after the imp|
| | | room after that. Ignore |
| | | savespot but depulso the |
| | | tile above. Spongify up |
| | | and you'll see a wheel |
| | | depulso the fountains to |
| | | make it move. Put all the |
| | | card symbols to the right |
| | | to get the card. |
| 5 | Norwegian Ridgeback Drgn | In the final garden find |
| | | the bush you can alohomora|
| | | Lapifors the rabbit, and |
| | | send it into the tower. |
| | | Dig here to trigger the |
| | | plate to open the tower. |
| | | The card is in the chest. |

Beasts (15 cards/Purple)
These cards can be found on the next ways:
- Buy from Fred & George (2 ones)
- Find in the portrait subquests (8 ones)
- Find in and around Hogwarts (5 ones)

The ones you can buy from Fred & George
| 9 | Mountain Troll |
| 10 | Streeler |

These ones can be found when completing the portrait
| 1 | Imp | Leopoldina Smethwick |
| 2 | Doxy | Mopsus |
| 3 | Bowtruckle | Glover Hipworth |
| 4 | Billywig | Tilly Toke |
| 5 | Gnome | Hesper Starkey |
| 6 | Giant Squid | Bertie Bott |
| 7 | Manticore | Derwent Shimpling |
| 8 | Unicorn | Bridget Wenlock |

These ones can be found in and around Hogwarts
| 11 | Giant purple toad | Lumos the gargoyle behind |
| | | the tapestry (courtyard). |
| | | go to the right of the |
| | | entrance and spongify with|
| | | the hidden tile |
| 12 | Double-ended Newt | When leaving the school |
| | | turn left. In this section|
| | | a tile that requires a |
| | | depulso from all 3 at once|
| | | Now you can spogify up. |
| | | The card is at the end of |
| | | this corridor, but beware |
| | | the floor drops all the |
| | | time. It can be advisable |
| | | to ignore the goodies and |
| | | not to walk on the wooden |
| | | part |
| 13 | Gytrash | At Hagrid's front door |
| 14 | Kelpie | Depulso the bird statues |
| | | on the pool in the middle |
| | | of the grounds. A spongify|
| | | tile appears. Use it and |
| | | remove the tapestry with |
| | | alohomora. |
| 15 | Phoenix | There are 4 buttons in the|
| | | courtyard. Find them. |
| | | Then stand on the tile and|
| | | a house symbol appears. |
| | | You must depulso the |
| | | correct button. And then |
| | | stand on the tile again |
| | | the next one. Here are the|
| | | locations of the buttons: |
| | | - Ravenclaw. Located under|
| | | a highered floor. |
| | | - Slyterin. On the floor |
| | | in a corner between |
| | | bushes. |
| | | - Gryffindor. On the wall |
| | | beside the wall |
| | | representing the |
| | | required symbol |
| | | - Hufflepuff. On the wall |
| | | near the exit. |

Bonus Cards ( 5 cards)
These can be found in the bonus room
if you find all other ones.
Once you pick up your last card
you'll automaticly get there, instantly.
| 1 | Godric Gryffindor | Use the spongify tile at |
| | | the left side on the |
| | | opposite of the entrance |
| 2 | Rowena Ravenclaw | From the entrance cross |
| | | the room, and turn right |
| 3 | Helga Hufflepuff | From the entrance, turn |
| | | left. |
| 4 | Salazar Slytherin | Use the spongify tile just|
| | | in front of you at the |
| | | entrance. |
| 5 | Albus Dumbledore | After picking up card #1 |
| | | use the spongify tile |
| | | you're on |

This should cover all cards.
I hope this guide is useful for you!

Yours truely
-- Tricrokra
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