Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

16.10.2013 19:23:17
Date: Tue, 22 June 2004

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Walkthrough v1.1 for PC
By Reine Stromstedt and Helena Larsson, lellefot@hotmail.com

This Walkthrough is for private and personal use. It may only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long
as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full.
This Walkthrough is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes,
Please do not use this Walkthrough on your website, in part or in full
asking for our permission first.

Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban are all registered
trademarks belonging to their respective holders.









Version 1.0
First version released June 14th 2004

Version 1.1
Added 4th secret in the castle along with the 5th one for Saving Ron
Added the Final Exams that seemed to have gone missing ;)
Corrected which card is behind Hesper’s Portrait
Changed some of the walkthrough layout to make it a bit more viewable
Made Rescue Buckbeak a separate chapter
Added revision history along with authorized sites


This walkthrough will include how you get through all the challenges as well
where there are secret areas and wizard cards. Since it will not include
places that are not counted as secret areas a good idea is to try and cast
things such as banners, tapestries, chairs, statues and so on. Some cabinets
and chests can also be opened multiple times. Casting Depulso on pumpkins
usually provide pumpkin pasties.

If you during the game suspect that you won't be able to gather enough
to afford all the wizardcards and Portrait passwords you can collect some
during the Final exams in the end. This requires, however, that you have not
completed all the 3rd year requirements (challenges, mini games and so on)
otherwise the game will end directly after the Final exams.


Chase after Scabbers down the corridor. Cast Alohomora on the door. Walk
the next room and climb over the crates. Continue forward and jump over the
crates. Pick up the beans and continue into the next cart. The player will
switch to Hermione. Cast Depulso at the crates and walk straight ahead. Open
the chests on your left and right by casting Alohomora. Proceed and open the
two locked compartments with Alohomora. Open the chests and SAVE.

In the next compartment the player will switch to Ron. Do a triple (wait for
Harry and Hermione to join in also) Alohomora on the cabinet and then cast
Lumos on the gargoyle. Walk into the now visible area and cast Depulso on
flying books. Grab the beans and cast Depulso on the right wall next to the
chest. Open the chest and grab the chocolate frog. In the compartment ahead
the player will switch to Harry again and a scene with Malfoy occurs. Cast
Depulso on the flying pages from the Monster book of Monsters. When you've
gotten rid of all the pages you'll get your first WC (nr 1, blue). A
will appear. Block the door by casting Depulso on the symbols that appear.


Cast Carpe Retractum to get to the platform ahead. Cast Depulso on the
and Carpe Retractum across. Cast Carpe Retractum on the wall to pull down a
ledge. Spongify the tile on the floor and jump up onto it. Drop down into
pit and cast Carpe Retractum on the wall. Climb out on the other side. Use
Carpe Retractum on the wall to the left. Climb up and take the 1st shield.
right and jump over the pit. Go through the door and cast Depulso on the
on the left. Walk towards the armor and cast Depulso on the wall to the
Cast Carpe Retractum to get over to the chest (SECRET). Open the chest for
(nr1, red). Use Carpe Retractum to get over to the next platform. Pull the
ropes by using Carpe Retractum, and jump across and take the 2nd shield.
back a bit to get through the door. SAVE.

Enter the room with some imps. Blow them up by throwing the candy back at
them. Spongify into the room above and defeat the pixies. Proceed and cast
Depulso at all four of the armors to raise the shield. Take the 3rd shield
go on. Carpe Retractum to the platform. Turn around and Carpe Retractum back
(SECRET). Open chest for WC (nr2, red). Go back to the platform and Carpe
Retractum across the room. Cast Carpe Retractum on the left wall and then
Carpe Retractum to get up there. Take the 4th shield. Go back down and
the door. SAVE.

Cast Depulso on the two armors. Use Carpe Retractum on the pit and then jump
across. Cast Depulso at the other two armors and then back up a bit. A new
area will have appeared over one of the armors. Use Carpe Retractum to get
there (SECRET). Open the chest for WC (nr 5, red). Go back down and use
Retractum on the next pit to be able to jump across. Go down the stairs and
cast Alohomora at the door. Walk into the room. Get rid of the fire crab by
knocking it into the trap. Proceed to the next room and defeat the crabs
there. Go on through the door on the left. Carpe Retractum onto the moving
platform and jump onto the ledge on the right. Cast Carpe Retractum on the
and then jump across. Carpe Retractum to another moving platform and take
5th shield. Carpe Retractum to the other ledge. Carpe Retractum and jump
across to save SAVE.

Cast Alohomora at the door. Knock off the two fire crabs. Carpe Retractum
across and use Carpe Retractum to pull out the three stones in the wall.
up and into the room. Cast Depulso at the wall. Carpe Retractum to the now
open doorway (don't go through it yet though). Cast Carpe Retractum at the
spire on the wall to pull down a ledge. Jump onto it and grab the 6th
Jump back and go through the doorway. Dispose of the fire crab in the next
room and go down the stairs to the left. Cast Carpe Retractum at the rope.
back up and Carpe Retractum up onto the recently manifested bridge. Take the
7th shield and proceed. Carpe Retractum onto the moving platform and from
there onto the ledge. Don't go through the door yet, instead Carpe Retractum
to the right. Pull the rope and Carpe Retractum across the room. Cast
at the armor on the left three times. Walk towards it and into the new
corridor that opens there (SECRET). Open the chest to find WC (nr3, red). Go
back down and take a left. Get the 8th shield and Carpe Retractum across the
room. SAVE.

Enter the room with the imps and defeat them. Cast Depulso four times at the
armor on the left, beware of pixies. This will give you WC (nr4, red). Go
through the door and down to the end of the hallway. Cast Alohomora on the
picture of the gargoyle, then Lumos on the Gargoyle behind it. Turn around
drop through the floor (SECRET). Follow the hallway and Spongify to get the
9th shield. Go through the door and use Carpe Retractum to get across the
open floor. Continue on; use Carpe Retractum on the wall to be able to climb
up. Pull the ropes and dispose of the two fire crabs that pop out of the
Use Carpe Retractum to get across the room and take the 10th and final


In this room the objective is to collect as many goodies as you can before
time runs out. Here are a few pointers. Cast Depulso on the center floor to
open up the chests. You don't have to cast anything at the armors, just get
near them and they will give you their loot. Spongifying is a lot faster
running. If you figure out the pattern you can very quickly take a lot of


You come out into the Challenge-room. The two armors recharge each time
done a challenge. Go down the hallway to the Side Chamber. Here you'll meet
Fred and George who will give you the Marauders Map. Use the Marauders Map
find your way around school. From this point on you can pretty much do as
please, use common sense. Follow Fred up to the shop on the seventh floor.
probably don't want to buy anything yet but when you go back out of the shop
you'll encounter Peeves. Defeat him to get the passwords for the picture
shortcuts in the Side Chamber. Follow Neville to the courtyard and then out
the castle.


As you approach the archway a pixie-emergency will arise. You now have a
choice whether to do the pixie mini game now or later. We choose to do it
Follow the trail to the left until you reach the infested well. You'll need
defeat the pixies five times to get all the cards in the set. WC (gray).
Go back along the trail and through the archway.


The Buckbeak mini game is probably the most difficult of them all. This due
the "limited" steering you have over him. Fly Buckbeak through the rings and
beat the set score to receive a WC (nr1, yellow). Come back later and fly
more to complete the set. After your first flight you'll end up back in the


Outside the Transfiguration classroom you’ll encounter peeves. Defeat him by
casting triple Rictusempra and then carpe Retractum to pull of his armor.

Again the only thing mentioned in this walkthrough is shields, secret areas
and wizard cards. There are several places where you can find beans and
goodies but those are up to you to find ;o)

Cast Lapifors on the rabbit statue. Eat your way through the rabbit hole on
the right and go through. Follow the bean trail and dig through the dirt.
Proceed with Hermione. Cast Depulso on the armor on the left.
WC (nr 1, orange). Take the 1st shield. In the next room, cast Alohomora on
the tapestry and then Lapifors on the rabbit. Go through the rabbit hole. At
the other end of the room, go through the rabbit hole and dig through the
Get the 2nd shield. SAVE Cast Lapifors on the rabbit and go through the
On the left of the well there’s another rabbit hole. Go through that one.
Follow the beans and dig the dirt to open the well. Jump into the well and
again, follow the beans. You’ll appear on top of the other hedge, follow the
beans and dig the dirt. Take the 3rd shield. Proceed.

Cast Depulso on the two fountainheads without water in the middle of the
A small room will appear at the other side of the room. Defeat the imps and
get the chest (SECRET). Cast Draconifors on the dragon statue, fly through
fireball and light the "dragon". Jump across to get the 4th shield and
proceed. "Fall" down to the ground below (SECRET). The pumpkin in the centre
contains a WC, nr 2 orange. Spongify back up and go into the room with the
dragon statue. Cast Draconifors and fly up to light the dragon. Take the 5th
shield and SAVE.

Cast Depulso on the wall ahead. Spongify up and go through the door. Cast
Lapifors on the rabbit and go through the rabbit hole. Jump to the other
of the hedge and go left. Go through the rabbit hole (SECRET). The grass can
be eaten for beans and such. Back in the other room follow the beans to the
rabbit hole and go through. Dig through the dirt. Cast Draconifors on the
dragon and fly up to the ledge. Light the three dragons in the next room.
Depulso on the armor where the statues used to be. The armor will turn and
reveal a hole. Jump in and go into the next room. (SECRET) Defeat the imps,
open the chest and take the two cauldron cakes. Go into the other room and
elevator will take you back up. Climb up the three crates and take the 6th
shield. Go on into the next room. Use Depulso to align the three spinning
cubes. This will open the representing rooms. Get the WC, nr 3 orange and
7th shield. Proceed through the left door by casting Alohomora. Defeat the
bundimun and go on ahead. SAVE.

Defeat the bundimuns that appear in the next room. Cast Lapifors on the
and go through the hole on the other side of the room (SECRET). Dig the
Take the 8th shield and proceed to the next room. Defeat the imps. Go into
next room. Cast Depulso on the left wall. Cast Spongify on the tile in the
floor and jump up to the room. (SECRET) Align the symbols by casting at the
fountainheads. WC (nr 4, orange). Take the 9th shield and turn around. Cast
Depulso on the head above the doorway for two cauldron cakes. Go back down

Follow the maze; watch out for bundimuns, to the SAVE-point. Cast Alohomora
the left hedge. Cast Lapifors on the rabbit and go through the hole. Wait
rabbit hole on the stone room and follow the maze back for another rabbit
(SECRET). Eat the grass and then the dirt. Go back to the stone room, enter
through the rabbit hole and dig the dirt. Go into the stone room (SECRET).
Open the chest for WC nr 5, orange. Go to the end of the maze and cast
on the wall. Cast Draconifors on the dragon and fly up and light the dragon.
Spongify up and take the 10th and final shield.


After casting Expecto Patronum three times go through the door on the left.
to the end of the corridor and go down the stairs. SAVE. Walk ahead and
the Dementors. If there are multiple Dementors you need to cast at all of
before they disappear. Take the WC, nr 3, black and you will fall through a
trapdoor and meet some more Dementors.


It says that there should be 4 secrets in the library but since we haven’t
found a single one is seem like there's some kind of programming mistake.

Defeat the books. Cast Carpe Retractum to get up to the "balcony". Go to the
left and open the chest for WC nr 13, blue. Go back to the door and cast
Retractum on the room. Cast double Alohomora at the door. SAVE

Cast Alohomora on the picture and then Lumos on the gargoyle. Go through the
new opening. Defeat the imps. Cast Draconifors on the dragon; fly through
fireball and into the room at the end of the corridor. Light the fireplace.
take the book.


After the library go into the Monster book room. SAVE. Cast a triple Depulso
on the cauldron for the book to appear. Cast Rictusempra at the pages of the
book. After doing this five times you should have all 5 pink/purple WC.


Cast Glacius on both the salamander and the fire. Cast Rictusempra on the
salamander after it’s frozen, and then take the 1st shield. Go left and cast
Alohomora on the tapestry on the left. (SECRET) Go in and open the chest for
WC, nr 1 green. Go back out and cast at the fountain. Go sliding. SAVE.

Spongify ahead and defeat the two salamanders. Defeat the imp in the small
Chamber underneath the balcony (SECRET). Open the chest for WC nr 2, green.
Spongify to get the second shield and go sliding again. Take the 2nd shield
and whether you want to or not you’ll keep sliding. When you eventually
defeat the pixies and go down the stairs on the outside. Cast Alohomora on
the door and go in. (SECRET) the chest contains WC nr 3, green. Go back out
the door and cast Spongify to get the 4th shield. You'll slide to an area
two salamanders. Defeat them and go up. Cast Depulso on the two armors and
take the 5th shield. SAVE.

Spongify to go sliding again. Take a right at the fork to get the 6th
After landing defeat the pixies and SAVE. Follow the beans and cast
on the Tapestry on the right (SECRET). Go back out and defeat the
Cast Spongify and jump onto the ledge to lower it, which will rearrange the
bridge. Go back across the bridge. Get rid of the salamander. Spongify up on
the ledge. After it’s lowered go into the room that was hidden behind it.
chest for WC nr 4, green. Go back to the bridge and jump across to the other
side. Defeat the imps. Spongify ahead to get the 7th shield. Cast Alohomora
the tapestry to the left (SECRET). Go back up and SAVE.

Cast Glacius on the fountain and go sliding. Take the right at the fork for
the 8th shield. Later down the slide you’ll find WC nr 5, green. You'll
eventually also find the 9th shield and you’ll land at the 10th and final


Follow the corridor and defeat the skeleton by casting a double Rictusempra.
In the alcove across from the cauldron, look up and cast Depulso on the
placed near the ceiling (SECRET). Continue down the corridor and you'll
encounter two more skeletons. After defeating them, cast Depulso on the
on the left (SECRET). Proceed down the corridor, cast a double Alohomora to
open the door and SAVE.

Go down to the next room. Cast a double Depulso on the stone stairs. Go up
cast a double Alohomora on the door. Defeat the salamanders and then the
skeletons. After defeating the skeletons a small room will appear. (SECRET)
Then proceed through the doorway and SAVE.

Cast a double Alohomora and go ahead. Harry will fall down a trapdoor. Go on
with Hermione. Cast Draconifors on the dragon. Fly and light the dragon next
to the left wall and a new area will appear under it (SECRET). After
with the goodies in that area go back out and light the other two dragons.
Jump across and you’ll switch to Harry again. Walk forward and SAVE.

Freeze the water and go sliding. After landing, open the chest to get a
Spongify. Jump up and up. Cast Depulso on the two skulls for a room to
(SECRET). Spongify up and SAVE. Go up the stairs and cast Depulso on the
on the left to be reunited with Hermione.

Cast double Alohomora on the door and proceed ahead to meet some skeletons.
Defeat them and move on ahead for some more skeletons. Defeat these ones
and go SAVE. In the next room you need to move the stair pieces into place
casting double Depulso. Beware of the skeletons. You need to get rid of all
them. Go up the stairs and pick up WC nr 9, black. Proceed up and you'll

You’ll be surrounded by Dementors so you need to keep casting Expecto


After all the cut scenes walk ahead to the gate and cast Depulso on the left
side of it. Spongify up to the platform to raise Hermione. Cast Draconifors
the dragon statue and fly up and light the dragon. Fly through the now open
doors and light that dragon also. SAVE. Go through the open doors and defeat
the imps to get a Spongify tile. Jump up and cast Depulso on the wall. Cast
the Depulso on the doors and SAVE. Cast Spongify and jump up to the tower.
Spongify ahead through the roof. SAVE

Cast double Alohomora on the door. Go through and defeat the pixies. Cast
Depulso on the cauldron to the left for WC nr 10, blue. Cast Lapifors on the
rabbit statue and go through the hole. Follow the beans and dig the dirt.
double Depulso on the wall and Spongify up through the ceiling. Cast double
Alohomora to free Buckbeak.

Again you’ll be surrounded by Dementors. Defeat them with Expecto Patronum.



If there’s anything else you feel like doing, such as buying WCs or using
Portrait passwords you need to do it before starting the exams. If you
completed all 3 mini games along with the challenges and 8 Portraits you can
use the Final Exams to collect goodies in order to buy cards or passwords.

Cast Carpe Retractum to move to the revolving platform. Cast Carpe Retractum
again to move into the next room, onto the moving platform. Use Carpe
Retractum to move to the level above. Follow it around until you can pull
rope. That will open the door to the center of the pillar. Enter the room
take the 1st shield. Cast Carpe Retractum to move up one more level and then
again to move into the next room. (If you have trouble moving into the next
room you can cheat a bit by just jumping towards it as far as you can and
will be "reborn" on a platform within the room). Grab the moving spire above
you with Carpe Retractum and follow it around until you reach a platform. Go
into the room and pull the robe. Go back out to the platform and catch a
with the spire again to get to the next platform. SAVE.

Defeat the skeletons by casting Rictusempra twice. Go all the way around the
room to get the 2nd shield. Go back a bit and Spongify up to the next floor.
Follow the beans out the window and jump from ledge to ledge until you can
reenter the room through another window. Defeat the skeletons. Spongify up
get the 3rd shield. Follow the beans out the window again. Keep jumping
you find an opening in the outer wall. SAVE.

Cast Alohomora at the door. Defeat all the fire crabs in the room by
them into the trap. Proceed out through the door and take the 4th shield. Go
on until you reach the room with the moving ledges. Jump from ledge to ledge
until you go around the corner. Be prepared to cast Depulso at the wall and
then Carpe Retractum on the spire to get to safety. Proceed into the next
and drop to the floor below. Defeat the skeletons and cast Depulso on the
inside the pillar. Turn around and open the grate on the spongify tile with
Alohomora. Spongify up. Carpe Retractum on of the moving spires and drop
the platform on the other side of the room. Defeat the imps. Spongify up to
the center platform. Carpe Retractum towards the 5th and final shield and
take it.


Cast Lapifors on the rabbit statue. Dig the pile of dirt and go through the
rabbit hole. Follow the beans into another room. Dig the mound and go
the rabbit hole. Follow the beans across the room and go through the rabbit
hole at the end. Go dig. Spongify across the wall. Beware of Bundimuns.
Spongify over another wall and then use the next spongify tile to get the
shield. SAVE.

Cast Depulso on all four armors to get the 2nd shield. Cast Alohomora at the
door. Step onto a floor tile and cast Depulso on the corresponding wall
After doing all four a dragon statue will appear. Cast Draconifors at it.
up and light the dragon. Fly through the fireball again and then through the
hole in the wall. A timer will start. The timer will be refilled each time
enter a new area and if it runs out, just start over again. Follow the
until you get to the garden area with no ceiling. Fly up and light the
Fly down and continue the course. You'll eventually reach a circular room
a fountain. Fly up through the hole in the ceiling and into the next room.
through yet another hole and light the dragon. Fly back out the hole and go
down to the bottom of the room. Fly through the hole in the wall and
the course. Light the dragon at the end of it. Take the 3rd and 4th shield
the alcoves on the sides and then go take the 5th and final shield.


Freeze the fountain and go sliding. Take the 1st shield. Defeat the
salamanders. SAVE. Proceed onwards into the next room. Defeat the imps
dropping from the tubes to get the 2nd shield. The floor will move
Defeat the fire crabs and take the 3rd shield. The floor will move down
Defeat some more fire crabs and then some pixies. Take the 4th shield. The
floor will once again move down. Defeat the imps followed by salamanders.
Spongify all the way up. Take the 5th and final shield.




Fred and George's shop (behind the Fat Lady)

Behind the portrait of the Fat Lady, opposite the corridor with Fred and
George's shop you can cast a triple Alohomora on the picture. Cast Spongify
the tile and jump up. (SECRET)

Leopoldina Smethwyck Portrait: Watch out for Pixies and Books.
WC (nr 1, purple).


Bridget Wenlock Portrait: After Spongifying into the "Library". Cast
at the cabinet, watch out for books, and get WC nr 8 purple.


Derwent Shimpling Portrait: Cast Alohomora at the tapestry and go in
(Portrait SECRET). Open chest for WC (nr 7, purple)

Cast Alohomora on two of the pictures above Derwent's Portrait. This opens
a room to the left (SECRET)


Bertie Botts Portrait: WC (nr 6, purple)


Defense Against Dark Arts classroom


Charms classroom

Take a right at the gargoyle. Cast Alohomora at the bookcase. Open the chest
and defeat the flying books. Enter the new doorway behind the other bookcase
(SECRET) (This secret can only be done after Care of Magical Creatures

Hesper Starkey Portrait: WC (nr 5, purple)


Transfiguration classroom

Outside the Transfiguration classroom you’ll encounter peeves. Defeat him by
casting triple Rictusempra and then Carpe Retractum to pull of his armor.

Tilly Toke Portrait: Cast Depulso on all armors. Take the stairs behind you
for WC (nr 4, purple).


Side chamber with picture shortcuts

Room with the three challenges

Cast Depulso on the two candleholders on the sides of the main door. Cast
Spongify on the tile in the floor and jump on. (SECRET)


Mopsus Portrait: Spongify around TWICE. WC nr 2, purple

Glover Hipworth Portrait: Defeating fire crabs will produce more floor.
WC (nr 3, purple).


Flip the four statues using Depulso to drain the pool revealing a spongify
tile. Use it to jump into a tower (SECRET). Cast Alohomora on the tapestry
reveal the inner room. Defeat the imps to get the WC (nr14, purple). Jump

Go to the left hand corridor and cast triple Depulso on the shield in the
corner. Go to the other end of the corridor and Spongify up through the hole
(SECRET). Run to the end to get WC (nr12, purple). If you fall down just go

Go through the doorway on the right side of the courtyard as seen from the
castle doors. Look around to find the four animal buttons. Step on the plate
to reveal an animal in the hole. Run and cast Depulso on the corresponding
button. Repeat until you've done all four. On the plate you will now find WC
(nr15, purple).
Go to the tapestry and cast Alohomora at it to reveal a gargoyle behind it.
Cast Lumos on it. Go back out to the courtyard and take the doorway that
outside the castle. Near the end of the hallway you'll find two hidden
(SECRETx2). Go back and cast Lumos again on the gargoyle, this time go to
right of the main castle gates to find a spongify tile on the ground. Use it
to get up into the gatehouse (SECRET). Here you'll find WC (nr11, purple).

Now go outside the courtyard and follow the wall to the left. Behind
cabin you'll find WC (nr13, purple) (SECRET).



Nr 7, blue
Nr 9, purple
Nr 15, black
Nr 13, black
Nr 11, black
Nr 10, purple


Nr 1, black
Nr 6, black
Nr 12, black
Nr 3, blue
Nr 7, black
Nr 2, black
Nr 4, blue
Nr 8, black
Nr 2, blue
Nr 8, blue
Nr 10, black
Nr 5, black
Nr 14, black
Nr 11, blue
Nr 6, blue
Nr 5, blue
Nr 14, blue
Nr 4, black
Nr 9, blue
Nr 12, blue


If you get all the 74 cards you’ll get the 75th from Fred and George. The
card is located in the window alcove just opposite from where you enter the
shop. Directly after getting this card, which by the way is nr 15 blue,
automatically be taken to the Bean Bonus room, though this time not timed
with Bonus WCs (the last 5 cards of the 80).

Nr Color Where

1 Blue Train to Hogwarts
2 Blue Purchased from students
3 Blue Purchased from students
4 Blue Purchased from students
5 Blue Purchased from students
6 Blue Purchased from students
7 Blue Fred & George's Shop
8 Blue Purchased from students
9 Blue Purchased from students
10 Blue Finding Ron
11 Blue Purchased from students
12 Blue Purchased from students
13 Blue Library
14 Blue Purchased from students
15 Blue Fred & George's Shop (see above)
1 Black Purchased from students
2 Black Purchased from students
3 Black Anti-Dementor lesson
4 Black Purchased from students
5 Black Purchased from students
6 Black Purchased from students
7 Black Purchased from students
8 Black Purchased from students
9 Black Finding Ron
10 Black Purchased from students
11 Black Fred & George's Shop
12 Black Purchased from students
13 Black Fred & George's Shop
14 Black Purchased from students
15 Black Fred & George's Shop
1 Purple Leopoldina Smethwyck Portrait
2 Purple Mopsus Portrait
3 Purple Glover Hipworth Portrait
4 Purple Tilly Toke Portrait
5 Purple Hesper Starkey Portrait
6 Purple Bertie Botts Portrait
7 Purple Derwent Shimpling Portrait
8 Purple Bridget Wenlock Portrait
9 Purple Fred & George's Shop
10 Purple Fred & George's Shop
11 Purple Secret Outside
12 Purple Secret Outside
13 Purple Secret Outside
14 Purple Secret Outside
15 Purple Secret Outside
1 Red Carpe Retractum challenge
2 Red Carpe Retractum challenge
3 Red Carpe Retractum challenge
4 Red Carpe Retractum challenge
5 Red Carpe Retractum challenge
1 Grey Pixie mini game
2 Grey Pixie mini game
3 Grey Pixie mini game
4 Grey Pixie mini game
5 Grey Pixie mini game
1 Yellow Buckbeak mini game
2 Yellow Buckbeak mini game
3 Yellow Buckbeak mini game
4 Yellow Buckbeak mini game
5 Yellow Buckbeak mini game
1 Orange Lapifors/Draconifors challenge
2 Orange Lapifors/Draconifors challenge
3 Orange Lapifors/Draconifors challenge
4 Orange Lapifors/Draconifors challenge
5 Orange Lapifors/Draconifors challenge
1 Pink/Purple Monster Book mini game
2 Pink/Purple Monster Book mini game
3 Pink/Purple Monster Book mini game
4 Pink/Purple Monster Book mini game
5 Pink/Purple Monster Book mini game
1 Green Glacius challenge
2 Green Glacius challenge
3 Green Glacius challenge
4 Green Glacius challenge
5 Green Glacius challenge
1 Bonus Extra Bean Bonus Room
2 Bonus Extra Bean Bonus Room
3 Bonus Extra Bean Bonus Room
4 Bonus Extra Bean Bonus Room
5 Bonus Extra Bean Bonus Room



The following sites have our permission to post our walkthrough. This list
last updated at the release of version 1.1.

Adrenaline Vault
Cheat Code Central


This document copyright (c) 2004 Reine Stromstedt and Helena Larsson

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The Captcha element applies the Captcha validation, which uses reCaptcha's anti-bot service to reduce spam submissions.

Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Hinweise

16.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
30.Июнь 2014
25.Июнь 2019