Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

16.10.2013 19:38:35
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H H y y PPP t t
H H y y P P t t
\ H H aaa r rr r rr y y P P oo ttt ttt ee r rr
HHHHHH a rr rr y y PPP o o t t e e rr
H H \ aaa a r r y P o o t t eee r
H H a a r r y P o o t t e r
H H aaa r r y P oo t t ee r
H y
y y y y
/ d t h
aa n n d ttt h ee
/ aa nn n dd t hh e e
-- - a a n n d d t h h ee
aa n n ddd t h h eee

PPP f AA k b
P P rr i sss o n ee rr o fff A A zzz k aa b aa n
PPP rr i s o o nnn e e rr o o f AAAA z k k aa bb aa nnn
P r i s o o n n ee r o o f A A z kk a a b b a a n n
P r i sss o n n ee r o f A A zzz k k aa bb aa n n

=================== For PC ===================

<<<< version 1.4 >>>>

All Harry Potter names, characters, and related indicia are trademarks
of WarnerBros and EA Games.


A. Introduction
1. History
2. About Me
B. Game Basics
1. Controls
2. Spells
3. Characters
4. Items
5. Enemies
C. Game Over Review
1. What's Good
2. What's Missing
3. What's Bad
D. Walkthrough
1. The Hogwarts Express
2. Carpe Retractum spell
3. The Weasley Shop
4. First Peeves Encounter
5. Pixie Swarm
6. Flying Buckbeak
7. Peeves with Armor
8. Lapifors and Draconifors Spells
9. The Quiddiich Game
10. Anti-Dementor Lesson
11. Book to help Buckbeak
12. Monster Book Challenge
13. Glacius Spell
14. Go to Hagrid's Hut
15. Tunnel to Shreaking Shack
16. Defend Serius from Dementors
17. Save Buckbeak
18. Final Dementor Battle
19. Ron's Final Exam
20. Hermione's Final Exam
21. Harry's Final Exam
22. Hagrid's Hut
23. The Courtyard
24. Peeves with Fire Armor
E. Portrait Walktroughs
1. Dungeon Portraits
a. First Doorway inside the dungeons
b. In Small Chamber inside the dungeons
2. 1st Floor Portrait
3. 2nd Floor Portrait
4. 3rd Floor Secrets
5. 4th Floor Portrait
6. 5th Floor Secrets
7. 6th Floor Portrait
8. 7th Floor Portrait
9. Odds and Ends
a. Landing above main entrance.
b. Floor below the first floor.
F. Card Selling Student locations
G. The Final Card
H. The Bean Room
I. Collectors Cards

A. Introduction >>

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Walkthrough v1.2 for PC
by Aaron and Alan Thorne, amykthorne@tds.net

This Walkthrough is for private and personal use only. You may reproduce or
alter it as long as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear in full.
This Walkthrough is not to be used for profit or promotional purposes, etc.
If you choose to add this Walkthrough on your website, please ask our

All characters used in Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban are
registered trademarks belonging EA Games and others.

1. History

06/12/2004 - Purchased Game
06/14/2004 - Searched Internet for Hints and Walkthroughs
06/16/2004 - First Draft
06/17/2004 - Test and Edit
06/19/2004 - Submit to GameFAQ.com
06/21/2004 - Added Wizard Card descriptions and locations
06/30/2004 - Added Bean Room
07/01/2004 - Corrected some typos
07/18/2004 - Corrected typos found by readers
08/14/2004 - Made various corrections as suggested by readers.

2. About me

My son and I are Harry Potter Fans (Duh!).

We like the books.
We like the audio books.
We like the movies.
We like the fan fiction.
We like the games.

My son and I started getting interested in Game Walkthroughs when I tried to
help him get through the HP COS game for PC. We found that we needed a
little help and finely found a great start for a walkthrough that was done
by dannydjk@yahoo.com.

We liked all the work that Danny had done, but noticed a lot of grammar
errors. So we worked together with him to make some editing suggestions
to improve his walkthough.

For the POA game, we looked everywhere and no one had done one yet.
So we decided to try our hand at making our own.

Here is our first attempt at creating a walkthrough.

Thanks to dannydjk@yahoo.com for getting us started, and thanks also
for the layout.

Thanks to my son Alan for helping me proof this walkthrough.

Thanks to the following people for their excellent comments, tips and

kcombs1@houston.rr.com, jandrking4308@aol.com, spooky@westnet.com.au, LOLmarkTM@aol.com, oroborus21@hotmail.com, weejimmy@pwhosting.com, JimLeas@aol.com, davalachovic@juno.com, CWhite9828@aol.com

Thanks to the following people for posting this walkthru on their sites
as well:

dennis@supercheats.com, dave@cheatcc.com, smda@mail.dlh.net, bw@dlh.net


You should read about the system requirements.
This game calls for a little better machine than the last two.
For example, they specify a 600 Mhz cpu and a 32 Meg Nvidia or
ATI compatible video card.

1. Controls

Here are the default controls. Most keys are the same as in the second game:

Arrow keys : Move and turn the current character.
Alt key : Cast magic
Control key : Jump
A key : strafe left. Moves left while looking forward.
Use to avoid stuff that is thrown at you.
D Key : strafe right. Moves right while looking forward.
Use to avoid stuff that is thrown at you.
S Key : Move backwards or shows down flight.
W Key : Move forward or speeds up flight.
Esc key : Pause game and allow you to see status screens.

You can also configure the controls as you please.

The Enter key can be used to skip cut scenes. However, it does
not skip tutorial scenes.

When you run the application, there will be a window with 4 buttons

- New Game => start a new game
- Load game => Load a saved game
- Options => change the video, sounds, controls, etc
- Quit => Quit the game

2. Spells

similar to the other games, you have to learn a spell before you
can use it. You learn the spells in class. You already know Lumos,
Alohomora, spongify, and Depulso spells.

New Spells:

Carpe Retractum - (Ron)
Lasso like light at certain objects allows you to pull them to
you or you to them.

Draconifors - (Hermione)
Use to animate small dragon statues. You control them from
their perspective. In other words you operate as them until the
spell ends.

Lapifors - (Hermione)
Use to animate rabbit statues. You control them from
their perspective. In other words you operate as them until the
spell ends.

Glacius - (Harry)
Use to freeze streams, salamanders, salamander fires, and Peeves fire armor.

3. Characters
This is the list of characters in the game:

- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Fred and George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Crab and Goyle
- Nevile Longbottom
- Headmaster Albus Dumbledore
- Professor Minerva McGonagall
- Professor Flitwick
- Professor Remus J. Lupin
- Professor Rubeus Hagrid
- Peeter Petegrew
- Serius Black
- some other 'unknown' students

Non Humans
- Crookshanks
- Scabbers the rat
- Dementors (see Enemies)
- Buckbeak
- Black Dog (transformed Serius)
- Werewolf (transformed Lupin)
- A few Ghosts
- Peeves (see Enemies)
- Fire Crabs (see Enemies)
- Salamanders (see Enemies)
- Bundimun (see Enemies)
- Charmed Skeletons (see Enemies)
- Draconifor Dragon (Hermione use Draconifor)
- Lapifors Statue (Hermione use Lapifor)

4. Items
These are items you can find around Hogwarts :

- Chocolate Frogs : replenish Stamina
- Cauldron Cakes : Blue Cup Cakes, valuable for trading
- Pumpkin Pasties : Pumpkin shaped sweets valuable for trading
- Bertie Bott's : Collect for trading
Every Favlour Beans
- spongify Pads : Cast spongify and then jump onto the
glowing symbol.
- Pumpkins : Cast Depulso to break them and find pasties.

These are containers found around Hogwarts :

- Cauldrons : contents vary.
- Tapestries : Goodies and sometimes reveal passages
and secrets.
- Dressers and Cabinets : Cast Alohomora.
- Chests : Contents vary
- Armors : Usually contain beans.
- Statues : Usually contain beans.
- Skulls : contents vary, usually beans.
- Busts : A few contain goodies, some are secret
- Locked Doors : Use Alohomora.

This time you will find symbols on items that indicate that more than one
spell must be cast simultaneously in order to activate. For example you
might find a shield on a statue with three depulso symbols. When you see
this, you will need to hold down the mouse button and let the other
characters join in before you can activate the function.

5. Enemies

- Fire Crabs : Hit them with Rictusempra then again to push
them into traps.
- Pixies : Cast Rictusempra.
Watch out for the glowing balls they throw.
- Imps : Imps have changed.
Now they throw wizard crackers.
Pick up wizard crackers after they land and
throw them back.
- Bundimun : Cast Rictusempra to stun then.
Then jump on top to make them give you pumpkin
- Charmed Skeleton : Most take two Rictusempra spells to knock down.
Many require a multi spell.
Watch out for bones that they throw.
- Flying Books : Cast Rictusempra.
- Monster Book : Cast Rictusempra on the pages it spits out.
Usually takes two hits per page.
Keep going until the book gives up.
- Salamanders : Cast Glacius to freeze and then Rictusempra to
break it. Don't forget to freeze its fire or
it will come back.
- Peeves : Multi cast Rictusempra from more than one player.
Later in game he has armor and then fire armor.
After Rictusempra, use Carpe Retractum on Armor
and Glacius on the fire armor.
- Dementors : Cast Expecto Patronum

C. Over-Review >>

This is the third installment in the Harry Potter series for PC by EA Games.

It is still on one CD, but I'm not sure that is a plus.

This game boasts of having better graphics, new music, new characters, and
new spells. No more picture intro and cut scenes. These are replaced by
full computer animated scenes. The game follows the story line of the
book, but leaves out some key parts. Much of the story line that remains
is in non-interactive movie form.

Game play is similar to the second game, and the timed events are limited.
This is a plus, because the timed stuff was annoying. There are timed
puzzles, but it is still an improvement.

Imps are back, but they are not as aggressive as before. Now they throw
wizard crackers instead of biting you half to death.

The graphics are better and the flow is great on a good machine. However,
in my opinion there was just too much movies and I feel it took away from
the game.

1. What's Good

- The little dragons and rabbits. They are both cute and fun to control.
- Flying Buckbeak. But I wished there was more than just the set courses.
- The new spells were great.
- You learn by doing rather than tracing or arrow pressing.
Much better idea.
- Carpe Retractum was awsome. Had a lot of fun with that one.

2. What's Missing

We don't see the Dursleys.
We don't blow up Aunt Marge.
We don't run away from the Dursleys house and see the black dog.
We don't get to ride the Knight Bus.
We don't go to stay at the Leaky Cauldron.
We don't see the Minister of Magic.
We don't see Arthur, Molly or Ginny Weasley.
(even though Ginny should be at school)
We don't go to Diagon Alley.
We don't get to see Hermione buy Crookshanks.
We don't see Snape.
We don't see the Rediculus spell.
We don't see Devination classes or Professor Treleway.
we don't see Hermione quit the class or the prophesy of the professor.
We don't learn about the Grimm.
We don't see the entrance to the whomping willow.
We don't see any gnomes.
We don't go to Hogsmeade
We don't see HunnyDukes
We don't see the outside of the Shreaking Shack.
We don't see Madame Marathra and hear the conversation about Serius Black.
We don't see fire snails.
We don't learn that petting the spine of the Monster Book will tame it.
We don't see Harry's broom get destroyed.
We don't see the Firebolt broom.
We don't see pigwig.

3. What's Bad

The new cut scene technique was nice, but there was just too much of it.
The picture intros did the job of telling the story before, and they had to
take up less room and would have left room for more game.

I expected a lot more puzzles and secrets than there were. I also expected
to see a more realistic Maurader's Map this time. But it really wasn't
very useful.

The puzzles were a little too simple for the fan base.


1. The Hogwarts Express :

After the cut scenes you walk into the hallway. There is nothing to the

There are a few compartments to the right that have roving students in them.
One of them has Crab and Goyle who will tell you that Malfoy has a surprise
writing for you.

Keep going to the end. Use Alohomora to open the door.

Scabbers is on on some boxes and will run away causing them to fall down.

Then you have to climb over the boxes. Once over the boxes, there will be
some taller boxes. You can jump and climb over them.
Then pick up the beans. The door opens, go through.

There is a big box with a Depulso symbol on it. Hermione cast Depulso to
move box out of way. Just through opening that was left by moving the box
is a chest on either side. Use Alohomora to open both.

On the other side of the box is two locked cages with chests inside.
Use Alohomora to open the cages and chests.

Walk through the save game book and then through the door.

Scabbers will escape through a small hole in the opposite wall. There is
a magically locked cabinet. Hold down the left mouse button to cast
alohomora. Hold it long enough for three symbols to show.
When you release the mouse button the chest will open to reveal a
Gargoyle. Cast Lumos on the Gargoyle to reveal a secret door.
Go through the revealed door.

There is an open cage on the right and a closed one on the left.

As you move forward, a crate will crash and flying books will appear.
Cast depulso to knock them down. Avoid when they spit at you.

Enter the cage on the right and get the beans.
Then look up on the right to see a Depulso symbol. Cast Depulso to open
the other cage. Open the chest inside. Then take the frog and move on.

You will enter a room with a lot of snarling boxes and cages. Ignore them
and move on. You will come to an open gate and you will see Scabbers and
a cage with a snarling book. Move on in. Malfoy will appear and release
the Monster book.

Ron and Hermione will cast on pages which will anger them.
When they fly towards you, cast on the pages to knock them down.
Once you have defeated the book, it will fall down and you will get a
Wizards Card.

Take it and move on.

In the next car, Ron will pick up Scabbers.
A cut scene will show the train stopping.
The end door will open and a dementor will appear.
Harry will faint and then Hermione will close the door and leave Ron to
protect Harry while she goes for help.

Cast Depulso on the symbols as they appear.
Their appearance can be random.
- There is one to the left of the door where Hermione cast to close the door.
Cast again to bar the door.
- There is some crates to your left and right that open to show the symbol.
Cast on them to throw them against the door.
- There is a birdcage looking thing over the door that spins around to
show the symbol. Cast on it to drop the luggage in front of the door.

The Dementor will eventually break through and then Hermione and Professor
Lupin will come in and chase it away.

2. Carpe Retractum spell:

There are 10 challenge shields to be found
There are also 5 secrets in this challenge.
Ron will run the challenge alone.

Watch the cut scene for some hints of challenge shield locations.

Ron will be standing at the edge of a platform. In front of him is a
floating platform with a glowing globe on top of a stand. This is a
statue that Professor Lupin mentioned. Cast Carpe Retractum on the globe.
Cool! You fly over to the floating platform.
Now cast Depulso on the symbol to reveal another globe.
Walk up to the edge of the platform and cast Carpe Retractum on the
globe and fly up to the walkway.

Now turn to the right and cast up on the globe to open a door and reveal a
spongify tile.

To use spongify, cast on it and then hop on the glowing symbol.
You will be propelled to a door.

Once in the door, you will see a pit. Jump down. Cast on the block in
front of you and climb up it.

Turn to left and cast on another block. Climb up and get your first
challenge shield. Go through the door and cast on the armor.
Then move on and jump over the pit.
Cast on the Armor and then go through the door.

Cast on the armor to your left and it will retract revealing a Depulso
symbol. Go in and cast on the symbol to reveal a globe across the gap.
Come back out and cast on the globe across the gap.
Ignore Ron's "Oh Great!" remark. Open the chest.

Now turn right and walk to the edge.
Cast on the globe above the floating platform.
There is a pixie that flies around, but just ignore it.
Cast on the two globes on ropes to reveal planks that you can jump to.

Leap to the plank, then to the next, then to the floating platform for
another challenge shield.

Jump back to the last plank then through the door and up the stairs with
save game.

In the next room is an Imp. After the tutorial you will battle the Imp.
Use the A and D keys to strafe sideways and the W and s keys to move
forward and backwards. Use the mouse for turning. Walk over to an
exploding snap on the ground to pick it up. Then walk toward the Imp
and press the left mouse button to throw. Once you get the hang of
it it isn't that bad. After you beat the Imp, a portrait will open
and two more will attack.

After you beat them, some pumpkin pasties will drop and a
spongify symbol will appear. Ignore the spongify for now.
Take the pasties and open the cabinets on each side of the room for some
frogs and beans. Now cast on the spongify and jump up through the opening.

Now three Pixies will appear. They can throw glowing orbs that can cost
you some strength. Again, use the A,D,W,S buttons to avoid and the mouse
to turn. Cast Rictusempra on each to knock them down. Once you beat
them, three more will appear. Beat them and a Cauldron Cake will appear
at the door. The chest contains up to 3 frogs to boost your health.
Now take the cake and go through the door.

There are 4 amours and if you look down through the grate you will see
another challenge shield. Cast on each of the armors and the shield will
come up. Take the shield and beans and move on.

Open the chest and move to edge. Ignore Ron's fears.
Cast on the first globe above the floating platform
(press the mouse button again to release).
Now turn around to the left and cast on the globe in the alcove.
Open the chest. Now cast on the first globe again and go back to the
floating platform.

The next globe is above a moving floating platform.
So cast on the next globe, but don't click again to release until the
platform is under Ron.

Now keep going to the last moving platform. Look up and cast on the
globe on the door. The door will open and then a globe will drop above it.
Cast on this globe to take you up to the door and take another challenge
shield. Now go back out on to the door and cast on the globe below you.

Go through the door. Save game. Down the stairs. Cast on two Armors.
Do not jump down into next gap, it's too deep.
Cast on block and then jump to it.

Cast on next two Armors, then back up and cast on globe in door above them.
Open the chest and then jump back down.

Turn right. Again, don't just jump in. Cast on block and jump across.
Go down the stairs.

Cast on locked door and go in. There is a fire crab in here.
Cast Rictusempra to knock it over and then again until you knock it into
the trap. This opens the door to the next room.

The next room has two fire crabs. Do the same as before to knock them
into the trap. The next door will open. The chest has two frogs.

Go just through the door and turn right. Walk to the edge and then cast
on the globe and then drop on the moving platform. When it moves back,
jump to the right. Two Pixies will attack. They are aggressive and will
throw a lot of glowing balls. Use A and D to avoid and cast to knock
them down.

Now cast on block and jump across. The chest contains frogs and beans.

Cast on globe to the left and drop on the moving platform.
Let it take you under the next challenge shield. Jump to get it.
Then let the moving platform go back and cast on the next globe.

Cast on the block and jump across. Save game and cast on locked door.
Go through and to the edge. There are two fire crabs on floating platforms.
Cast on each fire crab to knock them off. Two globes will lower above

Cast on the first globe and drop onto the platform. Turn around and look up.
Cast on the globe above to open a door.
Now turn back around and cast on each of three blocks.
Now cast on next globe and drop onto next platform.
Then jump up to the block and climb up to top and in the door.

Cast on each Armor and on the symbol to open a gate and reveal another globe.

Cast on the next globe and then turn to right and jump to the door and take
the next challenge shield. Then jump back and go towards the gate.

Then game will save and the gate will open. The next room has a fire crab.
Knock it into its trap to reveal a passage behind you.
Go down the stairs in the revealed passage. Cast on the globe to pull the
rope. turn around and look up. Cast on the tapestry twice for 5 cauldron

Then go back up the stairs. A walkway is revealed.
Look up and cast on a globe and drop onto the walkway.
Cast on the chests at each end of the hall and then take the challenge
shield. Then jump down take the beans and go out.

Cast on first globe and drop to moving platform.
Cast on next globe and turn right.
Cast on next globe and drop to platform.
Cast on globe to pull rope.
Cast on next globe and drop to platform.
Cast on next globe to go to the ledge. Go inside.
You will find two Armors. Cast on the one on the left until it reveals a
Go up the stairs and open the chest. Go back down and turn left.
Go to the end and take the challenge shield.
Walk to the edge and look down.
Cast on the globe and wait to drop on the moving platform.
Look up and cast on the globe to take you to the ledge.
Now go through the door and save game. Chest contains two frogs.

Go through the door. You will be attacked by 4 Imps.
After you defeat them cast on the left Armor.
Then cast on the right Armor. 4 Pixies will appear.
Defeat them then turn around and cast on the left Armor 3 more times
until it won't give you any more stuff. The chest has 3 frogs.
If you look down through the grate you see a challenge shield and a
spongify pad.

Go out the door and turn right. Ignore the globe for now. Go to the
end of the hall. Turn right and cast on picture of gargoyle to reveal
a gargoyle. Cast on gargoyle.

Turn around and go back down the hall and drop into the pit revealed.
Turn around and open the chest. Follow the passage to the spongify pad.
Cast on pad and jump to get the challenge star. Go through the door again
and now cast on the globe to hop the revealed pit.

Go through the door. Turn left and out the door. Go out on the ledge.
Cast on two blocks. Jump across to the lower block and climb up to the

Cast on the two Armors. Then look up at the ropes with globes.
Cast on the outer ropes first then the center one.
Two planks will be revealed with fire crabs on them.
Cast on the fire crabs then walk to the edge.
Look up and cast on a glob and drop to a platform.
Look a little to the left and cast on another globe to go to the
walkway and the final challenge shield.

This will get all ten challenge shields and earn you a visit to the bean

5 out of 5 secrets revealed.
10 challenge shields found.
You earned a trip through the bean room.
You come out in the shortcut portrait chamber.

3. The Weasley Shop :

Fred Weasley will show up and give you the Marauder's Map.
He will then invite you to follow him to their shop.
Save Game and follow him all the way to the shop.
Ignore the students that call to you on the way for now.

You will stop to talk to Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall.
Then continue to follow Fred.
Just before you enter the hallway into the shop,
Hermione will leave to talk to McGonagall about "something".

Go down the hall and into the shop. If you have enough cakes,
buy a password. Buy any of the cards you can afford.

Leave the shop.

4. First Peeves Encounter :

Peeves pops up and you have to fight him.
Peeves throws stuff at you, so avoid them.
Harry and Ron combine Rictusempra on him to knock him back.
It only takes a couple of good combined hits and he gives up.
Once you defeat him he will drop a scroll and leave.
This will give you the shortcut passwords.
This works on portraits with numbers on top.

Ron and Harry go back to the Shortcut room and meet up with Hermione.

Neville comes along and says to follow him to Hagrid's class.

5. Pixie Swarm :

Follow Neville and just before you go through the gate to the Care of
Magical Creatures class, you will hear a scream and some students will
come running from your left. There is a pixie swarm that needs to dealt

Go down the path to the well.
A girl will explain that there are five cards to get if you defeat
the pixies.

You have to hold the cast on the well until all three characters join in.
This will shake up the pixies and they will come out.

The pixies come out in waves. You have to defeat two waves to get a card
and frogs.

As before, use the A and D buttons to dodge the glowing balls and cast
on the pixies.

Once both waves are defeated you get a card and frogs.
Take them and then do a combined cast on the well again to start the
next wave.

Keep going until you have all five cards.

Now go on to Care of Magical Creatures class.

6. Flying Buckbeak :

There will be a cut scene that will introduce you to Buckbeak.
Then you get to fly him.

- Use the S key to slow down the glide.
This helps you gain or loose altitude in shorter distance.
- Quickly moving left and right can also help you to gain or loose
altitude more quickly.
- Right mouse button will flap wings.
- Try to aim just below the next ring. As you are close and below,
flap and you will come up into the ring.
- Keep looking ahead so that you know where the next rings are.
- You get 100 points for flying through each ring.

The first course isn't too hard.
You only need 1500 points to get the collectors card.

Once you get the card, another cut scene will show Malfoy insulting
Buckbeak and then he gets attacked as a reward. (serves him right!)

After the cutscene you end up in the shortcut room.

You can come back to fly the other courses now or later.

For this walkthrough lets head back out now and run the rest of the
courses. It's supposed to be time for Transfiguration class but you
have plenty of time.

Go back outside and through the gate to the Care of Magical Creatures
class. A short cut scene with Hagrid and then a menu will appear where
you can choose to play the second course.

There are five courses to fly.
Flying through enough rings will get you a collectors card for each.
You get 100 points for each ring.

Points you need to get the cards:
1500 for the first course.
2800 for the second course.
4000 for the third course.
4900 for the forth course.
5600 for the fifth course.

Keep running the courses until you have all five collectors cards.

Now it is time to head to the Transfiguration classroom on the first floor.

Head back to the castle and enter the room with the red carpet off to the
right of the main entrance. This is the shortcut room that you came out
in before.

Walk up to the portrait with the number 1 above it and through.

You are now on the first floor. Just to the left of where you exit the
portrait is the entrance to a hallway. Go in and turn left. Follow the
blue carpet and you will come to a room where the carpet goes around in
a square.

Peeves will attack and lock you in.

7. Peeves with Armor:

This time Peeves has armor and requires a little more strategy.

Notice that he has tipple Rictusempra symbols on his shield.
You will have to cast until all three characters join in before
you can knock him back.

Again, use the A and D buttons to avoid.
Cast long enough to get all three characters to join in.

Once you use multi cast on him to knock him back, Ron can cast
Carpe Retractum to take away some of his armor.

Keep doing this until you have all of his armor.

Then hit him again. He will go away and dropping a couple of
Pumpkin Pasties. The doors will unlock and you can go on to the
Transfiguration classroom.

8. Lapifors and Draconifors Spells:

There are 10 challenge shields to be found
There are also 8 secrets in this challenge.
Hermione will run this challenge alone.


There are statues of Rabbits and little Dragons in the area.
Once you cast on the statues, you become the animal and can control it.
The spell will end when the mini-task is completed or you press Enter.

Right click to hop.
Arrow forward and right-click to hop farther.
Left click to eat grass and to dig.

Right click to flap wings.
Arrow keys turn faster than mouse.
Press the S button to make it slow down and a lot easier to maneuver.
Use normal arrow keys to walk on the ground.
Fly through flaming ball to get fire to breathe.
Left click to breathe fire.

The Challenge:

Hermione appears to be eager to do this challenge.
After the cut scene, You will be in a greenhouse like hallway with a
rabbit statue in front of you.

Cast on the statue. You are now looking back at Hermione.
You are seeing what the rabbit sees.

Look to the left and you will see a rabbit hole covered with grass.
Hop down and eat the grass.

Go in the hole and follow the bean trail to the mound of dirt.
Hop onto the mound and press the left button to dig.

The next door will open and the spell will end.

Go through the door and it will close behind you.
You will see a challenge shield ahead and two armors on the sides.

Cast on each armor and then take the goodies and the challenge shield.
The next door will open.

You will see a tapestry with a rabbit on it in front of you.
Cast on the tapestry to open a room behind it revealing a rabbit statue.
There is a cake behind the statue. Get it first.

Now cast on the statue. Hop down and to the right is a rabbit hole.
Eat the grass and go in. Go forward and hop up onto the hedge.
Follow the beans to the end and hop down onto the mound and dig.

Collect the beans then hop up onto the next hedge with beans and follow the
trail. Turn right and continue to the next rabbit hole.
Eat the grass and go in. Hop up on the mound and then dig.
The gate will open and the spell will end.

Now move Hermione onto the mound under the challenge shield and jump to
collect the shield. Now go through the save game book and through the

There is a rabbit hole to the left and a statue to the right.
Go to the end of the hall. Turn around and look up.
See the dragon head. Cast on it and get a couple of cauldron cakes.
You can also see a challenge shield that you will get in a little bit.

Now go back and cast on the statue. Hop down and go to the hole.
Eat the grass and go in. There is a well in front of you, and two
high hedges with beans on top to the left and right.
There is also a planter to your left and right with beans behind them.
Go collect the goodies behind the planters.

Now go clean out behind the well and go to the high hedge on the left.
There is a hole there. Eat the grass and go in.
Follow the trail of beans to the top. Dig the mound and the well will open.
Follow the trail of beans on top and jump down. Hop up onto the well and in.
Follow the trail of beans hopping over roots.
You will come out on top of the hedge on the right.
Follow the trail of beans to the mound and dig.

A gate will open, A challenge shield will appear, and the spell will end.
Take the shield and go through the door.

You are now in a large room. Look up. There are rings of floating beans,
a fire ball, a statue on the other side. Now look down. There are pumpkins.

Jump down to the lower level. Cast on the pumpkins to get some pasties.
In the center of the room is a large pedestal with a walkway on top.
There is also two dragon heads that are not flowing water.
Cast on each head. A secret door opens and 4 Imps attack you.
Beat the Imps then go into the room. Open the chest for some cakes.
Now go back to the start by climbing the planter steps up. Turn around and
cast on the dragon statue in the center.

The object here is to fly through the fire ball, land on the platform
in front of the big statue and then left click to light the fire.
This will turn the walkway so that you can cross.
It is difficult, but you can get all the beans.
The challenge is not timed, so go for it.

Once you light the Dragon Torch, the bridge will turn and you can get the
challenge shield and exit.

The next room is similar.
It has a turning L shaped bridge and an upper and lower area.

Jump down into the lower part. Now look up.
See the cake under the L shaped bridge. Now cast on the four outer pumpkins.
You will see a spongify pad. Cast on the big pumpkin in the center.
Take the card and then spongify back to the bridge.

Now go into the statue room and cast on the statue. Fly through the
door and down under the bridge and get the cake you saw earlier.
Collect all the beans and pasties then fly through the fire ball land on
the platform and light the fire. The bridge will turn.

Cross the bridge take the shield and save game. Go through the door.

You are in a room with two armors and a Depulso symbol.
Cast on the armors and then the symbol. A spongify will be revealed.
spongify up and go out.

You are facing another rabbit statue. First turn left and see the pumpkin.
Cast on the pumpkin and get the pasties.
There is another pumpkin on the other side of the planter.
Cast on it as well.

Now cast on the statue. Go to the right to the hole.
Eat the grass and go in. Follow the trail of beans around to the next
hole, but don't go in yet. Turn to the right and follow the trail behind
the planter.

Now from the first hole, go strait and hop over the hedge. There is a
mound of dirt. Ignore it for now. Go to the left and there will be a
rabbit hole on the left. Eat the grass and go in to a secret room.
There is grass clumps surrounding the room. Eat each of the grass
clumps and get the goodies.

Then go out and dig the mound of dirt. Turn right and go to the next
mound and dig. Now jump over the hedge and go to the second hole. Eat the
grass and go in.

Dig the mound. The spell ends.

The alcove with the statue turns revealing a dragon statue.

Cast on the statue. Fly following the trail to the ledge. Go in.

Turn right and see beans on the ledge.
Walk towards then and when close flap twice to hop over to it.
Then walk around the ledge and clear the beans.

Now look back to the right. There are three Dragon platforms.
The object here is to light each one.
Get all the goodies before you light the last torch.
Each one opens a lock to extend a block for Hermione to climb onto.
When the three are all lit, the spell will end and the statue will spin
revealing an armor.

Cast on the armor. It will spin revealing a hole that you can jump in.

Jump in and go out. As you approach the center of the room,
four Imps will attack. Defeat them, take the two cakes, then open the chest.
Now go out the open door and a platform will lift you back up.

Climb the blocks. Take the shield and go out.

In front of you is a combination lock. All you need to do is make all
three match. There are four possible matches. Shield, black window,
bean and blank. The former three open gates behind the lock and allow
access to shield and chests. Open them all and cast on locked door to
go out.

Enter the room. You will be introduced to a Bundimun.
Cast on the Bundimun to stun it then jump onto it.
It will throw you off and then give up a couple of pasties.
There is a cake at the end of the planter on the left.
Save game and go through the door.

There is a fountain in the middle of the room and four creature hedges
around it. to the right is a rabbit statue and to the left is a rabbit

Go slowly towards the statue and a Bundimun will appear.
Cast on the Bundimun and jump onto it. Take the pasties then cast on
the statue. Work your way around the outer wall behind all the planters.
Once you are back to Hermione, head to the rabbit hole.
Eat the grass and go in. Don't dig the mound yet.
Turn around and look up. Hop up on a planter and then to the roof over
the hole to get the cake. Now dig the mound. The spell ends and a
shield is revealed as well as some beans.

To your left is a snake hedge. Cast on it and take the beans then work
your way around and cast on each of the hedges. Go slowly.
There are three more Bundimuns that will appear.
Do the same as before. Now collect the shield and frog and go out.

When you move into the next room, six Imps will attack. Defeat them and
the fountains will give you some beans and a frog.
At the end of the room after the planters on each side are pumpkin pasties.
Take them and go out.

Cast on both cauldrons, then turn right and cast up on the symbol.
This will reveal a spongify. Use it to go up into the room above.

There is another combination lock.
Walk a little towards it and then turn around. Look up and cast on
the dragon head for some cakes. Now turn around and look at the lock.
There are three dragon heads on colored boards below the lock with three
colored rings. You cast on a head to move the ring of the corresponding
color. You have to more the rings so that the symbols corespond to the
outer symbols. Once you have done all three combinations, take the
goodies and the shield. Then jump back down where you were, save game
and go out.

Follow the hedge maze around slowly taking out the Bundimuns that appear.
There will be a cauldron on the way. You will come to where there is a
chest. There are two Bundimuns there. Take them out and then open the
chest. There is a square on the ground that will turn into a spongify

Then continue around the maze. There is a save game and then on the left
is an Alohomora symbol on the hedge. Ignore it for now and continue on and
take out the Bundimuns as you go. There is a frog at the end and a
Depulso symbol. Ignore the symbol and go back to the symbol on the hedge.

Open the hedge and then cast on the rabbit.
There is a hole just to the right. Eat the grass and go through.
Turn right. There is a rabbit hole. Ignore it for now.

Turn right. Follow the maze around until you find another rabbit hole.
Eat the grass and go in. There is grass clumps surrounding the mound.
Eat the grasses to get more goodies, then dig the mound.

Note: There is an Alohomora symbol in this chamber but I couldn't figure
out what it was for.

Go back around to the first hole, eat grass and go in. Dig the mound and
the gates will open to allow Hermione to get to the chest and the spell
will end.

Go to the left and then right to the opening. Open the chest.

Now go back to the Depulso symbol. Cast on it and then on the dragon
statue. Turn around and get the cake. Then fly out and get the beans
on the hedges and in the air. Then fly through through the fire ball and
onto the dragon platform and light the fire and the spell will end.
This will reveal the spongify tile.
Activate the spongify and get the final shield.

8 out of 8 secrets revealed.
All 10 challenge shields found.
You earn a trip to the bean room.
You come out in the shortcut portrait chamber.

Once you exit the chamber the Quidditch Game movie will begin.

9. The Quiddiich Game:

This is just a movie where Harry falls from the sky because of the dementors.

Then it is on to Anti-Dementor lessons.

10. Anti-Dementor Lessons:

There are no challenge shields to be found
There are also no secrets in this challenge.
Harry will run this challenge alone.

Follow Professor Lupin's instructions. Basically cast and hold until
the ring is over the wand and then let go. That's it.
It is simply a matter of timing.

First there is a strength meter test.
You have to cast three perfect Expecto Patronum to pass.
You can continue to practice for a while if you wish.
Exit when you are ready.

Down the hall on the left you will find a dresser a skull and an armor.
Cast once on skull and twice each on the armor and dresser.

Then cross the hall for a chest and a skull.
Cast twice on the chest and once on the skull. Then move on.

In the next room you will find a skull on the left. Cast on it.
Then go down the stairs and save game.

There are three dressers towards the end of the room.
As you approach them a Dementor (boggart) will appear from the center
dresser. Cast the spell just like you practiced and it will be defeated.

Next the outer two dressers will produce two Dementors (boggarts).
Again, do just as you practiced and you will defeat them quickly.

A collector's card will appear but it will be a trap. Go for it. You will
drop through a trap door and there will be three Dementors (boggarts).
Take them out quickly. It appears that even if you cast perfect spells on
all of them if you take too long, the first ones will regenerate.

Once you are done, a cut scene will play where Ron will come running out mad.
He thinks that Crookshanks has killed Scabbers.

Then Harry will come in. He heard that they are going to execute Buckbeak.
Hermione remembers a book that might help in Buckbeak's appeal.

11. Book to help Buckbeak:

There are no challenge shields to be found
There are 4 secrets in this challenge.
Harry, Ron and Hermione will run this challenge.

You are in the library. When you move forward, flying books will attack.
Use the A and D buttons to avoid their attacks and cast on them as quickly
as you can. Sometimes it looks like there are no books but the characters
keep casting. Look at the direction they are casting and go on the other
side of the book shelves to that side. Cast on the missing book.
There are three waves of books to knock down.

Once the books are defeated, a globe will appear but ignore it for now.

Go to the right and open the chest twice. Continue around the parameter.
Take the frogs and go on to the Armor. Cast three times on the Armor.
Then turn left and cast twice on the chest. Now continue around to where
you started.

Move forward and cast on the globe. You will be lifted up and a table
will raize. Drop onto the floating table. Another globe will appear.
Cast on the next globe and you will go to the landing. Go to the
left and open the chest then come back. Cast on the globe to pull
the rope. The bookcase will make a stairway for Hermione to climb.

You will change to Hermione. Climb the bookcase stairs.
Notice that there are two locks on the door.
Both Ron and Hermione will have to cast to open the door.
Hold the cast until two spells are showing and then release.

Hermione will go in and dismiss Ron and Harry.

Go down the hall towards the save game. You will see a picture of a
gargoyle on the left. Cast on the picture then on the revealed gargoyle
to see secret door. Save game and move through the door.

Around the corner are six Imps. Beat them and a gate will open for a
dragon statue. Cast on the statue and fly it to the left and up to the
fire ball then to the right to the doorway. Then walk through the door
and up to the fireplace on the left.
Breathe the fire on the fireplace to reveal the room. This will end
the spell.

Move on down the hall and cast on the chest for some cakes.
Then move on to the door. Go in and on through to the book.
Hermione will take the book to Hagrid and then meet up with Harry and
Ron outside the library.

Time for Charms class.

12. Monster Book Challenge:

Almost immediately a girl comes screaming that a monster book is
attacking people. Go and investigate.

On the way a girl will explain that there are five cards to be gained
for defeating the book. Just like the well and the Pixies outside,
you have to cast combined spells to start each wave.

The book will come out and release a bunch of angry pages.

If you wait for Hermione and Ron to cast then cast at the same pages
they do, it will go fairly easily. If you cast on different pages then
they do, you will complicate things.

Keep an eye on the characters health in between waves by pressing escape.
If any of them are getting low, get a frog to replenish them.
Then go on until all the waves are defeated and you have all five cards.
Take the cards and frogs. For some reason you can't come back and get
them later.

Now on to Charms class.

13. Glacius Spell:

There are 10 challenge shields to be found
There are also 5 secrets in this challenge.
Harry will run this challenge alone.

Cast on the Salamander first and then on the fire. Then cast on the
Salamander again to break it up. A shield will appear above where the
fire was. Jump to get it.

Move on and cast on the tapestry on the left. This will open a secret
passage. Go in and open the chest.

Move on to the stream.

Cast on the symbol to freeze the stream.

When the gate opens go on to the right and down the slide.

Notes on slides:
- Use the down arrow to slow down.
- You can use the mouse or the arrows to control the direction.
- Watch your speed on the turns.
- There are two places where the route branches.
- You want the right branch in both cases. But take the left branch first
then when it is cleared, let Harry fall off on a turn to start over.
- There are places where there are cakes and/or pasties on both sides.
Obviously you can't get them all on one try.
- Each time Harry falls, you loose a tiny bit of health, and there aren't
many frogs so keep an eye on the status in between runs.

The first slide is simple. Just guide harry to the end where you land on
a platform with a spongify and a save game. Go ahead and save game then
use the spongify.

There are two salamanders. Hit the salamanders first then hit the fires.
Hit the salamanders again to break them up. A secret room will open.
Two Imps will appear from the room. Defeat them then go into the room.
Open the chest and come back out. Then open the cauldron and use the
revealed spongify. You will get a shield and then you are back on a
slide again. Follow the path and at the end you will land in a gazebo.

Four pixies will appear. Use the A and D to avoid and cast on each of
them to knock them down. A spongify will appear, but ignore it.

Go to the other side and follow the steps to a locked door.
Cast on the door and go in. Cast on the chest. Take all the goodies
in the room then go back out and use the revealed spongify to get
the next shield and start the next slide.

The slide is short and you will land on a platform with two salamanders.

Take out the salamanders and the fires and the stairs will open to the
next platform. Go up and cast on both armors. A shield will appear.
Take the shield and save game. Then use the revealed spongify and on
to the next slide.

At the end of the slide a trap door will open and you will land on a
platform. There is a frog ahead, but when you approach Pixies will
attack. Take them out.

Take the frog and save game then move on.

There is a tapestry on the left, you will come back to it.
First continue on in and there is a salamander on the right.
take him and the fire out and a spongify will appear.

Use the spongify up to the platform which will lower to show a chest.
Open the chest and take the frog. Then go back to the tapestry.
Open the tapestry to reveal a secret room. Go in and open the chest.
Take the goodies then go back out to the bridge and strait across.

Again there is a salamander on the right.
Take it and its fire out first. Then use the spongify that appears.
Open the chest and take the frog and go back out to the center
of the bridge. Turn right and go across.

As soon as you enter the next room, four Imps will appear.
Take them out and then four more will appear. After you take them out,
a spongify and a shield will appear.

Use the spongify to get the shield and get to the next area.

There is a chest on the right and a tapestry on the left.

Open the tapestry to reveal the last secret area. Go in and open
the chest. Take the goodies and go back out and open the chest.

Now you are at another stream. Cast on the symbol to freeze it up.
Now go down the slide. Take the left branch and when it rejoins,
keep to the right to deliberately make Harry fall.

You will start the slide over. This time take the right branch.
On the very last jump, there is a shield moving left and right.
You have to aim Harry so that he catches the shield.
If you miss, you have to take the final shield and do the challenge
over again until you get it.

Or you can immediately quit the game and do a load game.
This will take you back to where you found the stream that you need to
freeze to make the slide.

Once you have the 9th shield, take the final shield and go to the bean

14. Go to Hagrid's Hut:

This is mostly movie. You hear a chop and birds fly away. Buckbeak
has been executed. Then Ron sees Scabbers and runs after him.
He catches up to him at the Whomping Willow.

The Black Dog (Serius Black) will grab Ron and drag him down into the
tree. Now you have to follow and help Ron.

15. Tunnel to Shreaking Shack:

There are no challenge shields to be found
There are 5 secrets in this challenge.
Harry and Hermione will run this challenge.

You are in a tunnel at the top of some stairs. You are locked in.
Go down the stairs. Cast on the skull on the left.
Then continue.

A pile of bones turns into a charmed skeleton.
They throw bones at you so avoid them when they do.
You have to cast a combined spell on them to defeat them.
Once you defeat the skeleton a gate will open. But don't go
there yet.

On the right is an alcove. Go in and look up.
Cast on the skull above.

Now go across and dual cast on the cauldron. Then move on and down
the stairs. Cast on the skull on the right.

Continue on and two skeletons will appear. Take them out.
There is a cauldron on the right and a skull on the left.

Dual cast on the cauldron. Then cast on the skull.
This will reveal a new area. Go in and jump across.
Open the two chests. Then come back out.

There is a gate with two locks. Dual cast to open it.
Take the frogs and the save game. Then move on down the stairs.

In the next room, turn left and duel cast on the locked box.
then turn around and duel cast on the stairs. Two skeletons will
appear. Take them down then go up the stairs that you moved. Open
the chest.

There are three salamanders in the next room.
Take them out and then four skeletons appear. Finish them off.
Once all of them are gone, a room will open.
Go into the room and then open the chests.
Then go out, to the left and then down the stairs.

Take the save game then duel cast on the door.

There is a frog and a pasty on the floor by the next door.
This is a trap, but you have to go for it.

This will split up Hermione and Harry.

Hermione can move on through the door without springing the trap.
In the next room you are on a ledge with a dragon statue to your
right. There is a fire ball above and three dragon platforms.
(one partially hidden to the left.)

Cast on the dragon and fly up to the fire ball then over to the
dragon platform on the left. Set the fire, then jump down to the
ledge. You can see beans through the slot. Walk through.
Then fly and pick up the goodies including the cake on top.

Now fly back to the ledge. Walk through. Fly back up to the
fireball, then to the dragon platform on the right. Set the fire.

Fly back to the fire ball and then to the dragon platform on the
end. Set the fire and now you can get across.
Jump over to the next ledge and then walk up to the door.

Hmmm Double locked. You can't open it alone.
Then a gate closes and locks you in.

Now it switches back to Harry. Walk down the hallway. At the end
of the hall there is a chest on the left. Open it then move on to
the save game and the stream. There is a skull on the right.
Cast on the skull and then on the Glacius symbol.

Save game then go down the slide. The slide ends dumping you
onto a ledge. In front of you is a chest.
Open the chest and reveal a spongify.
Use spongify to get to the next ledge.

Clear the goodies then use the spongify to the next ledge. There
are two skulls across from the spongify. Cast on each to reveal
a passage. Go around and in the passage. Open the chest.
Go back up and around and use the spongify.

Go around the ledge and clear the goodies. Then cast on the skull.
Now save game then up the stairs and open the chest.
Then turn around and cast on the symbol.

Harry will rejoin Hermione. You can hear Ron screaming.
Dual cast on the door and go through.

At the turn are two more skeletons. Dispose of them and continue.

You will come to a cauldron. But ignore it for now. There are
two more skeletons attacking. Take them out then come back for
the cauldron. and don't forget the skull. Continue on.

Duel cast on the chest and save game. (good old chocolate frogs)

The next room is a simple puzzle.
First go to the right and duel cast on the chest.
Two skeletons will appear. Take them out.
Then go to the left and do the same to another chest.
Now go back to the center and dual cast on the stairs.
Now go to the far right and dual cast on the stairs.
Now go back to the center and dual cast on the stairs again.
Now go to the far left and cast on the stairs.
Skeletons will appear. A lot of them. As soon as you cast,
move forward and to the left and turn around. Take the right-most
skeleton first. Then one of the ones from the center.
Now take out the one in front of the stairs. and move back in line
to take out the others. When they are all gone, beans will appear
on the stairs.

Go up the stairs and view the movie of Serius, Lupin, and Petegrew.
It continues to the Whomping Willow where Lupin sees the moon and
changes to a werewolf. Serius tells everyone to run, changes to
the dog, and then attacks the werewolf. The black dog is hurt.
Petegrew gets Ron's wand, knocks Ron out and takes off as Scabbers.
Serius takes off after Lupin or Scabbers?

Hermione tells Harry to go help Serius.

16. Defend Serius from Dementors:

There are no challenge shields to be found
There are also no secrets in this challenge.
Harry will run this challenge alone.

When Harry finds Serius, he is surrounded by Dementors.
Take out as many as you can. There will be two waves.
The first wave is three. The second is five.
Then you will be beaten but saved by 'someone'.

Harry wakes up in the hospital wing. Dumbledore comes in and tells
you that Serius is locked up in the tower and suggests that two
innocent lives can be saved tonight if we only had enough time.

17. Save Buckbeak:

There are no challenge shields to be found
There are also no secrets in this challenge.
Harry and Hermione will run this challenge.

Walk forward into the courtyard. Hermione will see Buckbeak above
you. She will then run over and stand on a platform.

Cast on Depulso symbol. A spongify will appear. Use spongify to
get to another platform which will lower and raise Hermione.
But when she goes in she is trapped inside.

Cast on the dragon statue and fly out the window. There are two
beams on this side of the yard and one on the other with beans.
There is also a fireball surrounded by goodies and a dragon
platform on the building. Clear out the the goodies then get
the fireball and light the dragon platform.

A door opens on the other side of the yard from Hermione.
Harry can't reach it. Fly the dragon again to the fireball and
then through the newly opened door. Fly up to a beam with cakes.
Get the cakes. Then go light the dragon platform.
The spell will end, and you will switch to Harry.

This will open a door on the ground floor that harry can get in.
Go to door and save game. Once inside turn right and approach the
cauldron. 8 Imps will attack. Take them out as quickly as possible.
When you defeat them all a spongify will appear.

Open the cauldron, then use the spongify upstairs for a frog, chest,
save game, and a symbol. Open the chest, take the frog and goodies
and save game. Then cast on the symbol. This will open the doors
and reveal another spongify. Use the spongify to go to one of the
towers. Use this spongify to go to the next tower. Use this
spongify to jump into the room where Hermione is located.

Cast on the cauldron and the dual cast on the door. As you enter
the next room a crate will smash and four pixies will attack.
Take them out and a door will open to reveal a rabbit statue.

First turn around and cast on the cauldron.
Pick up all the goodies and then cast on the rabbit.

Go through the hole and follow the trail of goodies.
After each jump down, turn around and go back for extra goodies.
Then go through the next rabbit hole. There is a circle of beans
and a mound. Take the beans and dig the mound. The spell will
end and a door will open revealing a dual symbol and a frog.

Go into the room and cast on the symbols. A spongify will appear.
take the frog and then go to the left and open the chest.
Then use the spongify. (don't worry, Hermione will follow you)

You are on the roof and there is Buckbeak.
Cast on the two cauldrons and then dual cast on the locked doors
above Buckbeak.

Watch the movie of Buckbeak being saved.

You land near the lake and Harry tells Hermione to wait.
Harry wants to see who had saved him before.
He finely realizes that he was the one that he had seen before.

Then he casts on the Dementors and they come after him.

18. Final Dementor Battle:

There are no challenge shields to be found
There are also no secrets in this challenge.
Harry will run this challenge alone.

There are three waves in this challenge.

The first wave is three.
The second wave is five.
The last wave is seven.

The white stag will appear and drive the Dementors away.
Hermione will comment on how advanced the magic was.

Then you leave and ride Buckbeak to rescue Serious.
Serious tells Harry that he truly his father's son.

Now it is time for final exams.

19. Ron's Final Exam:

There are 5 challenge shields to be found
There are no secrets in this challenge.
Ron will run this challenge alone.

Ron's final exam is in the Defense Against the Dark Arts
classroom on the third floor.

^>From where you start you can see a globe. Cast on it then
wait for the rotating plank to be below before you let go.

Let the plank carry you around until you see another globe.
Cast on the globe and again drop to a plank. Let the plank
rotate around and jump off into the window on the outside
where you see a chest. Open the chest and then jump back
onto a plank when it comes by. Now while riding the plank
look up. When you see another globe cast on it. This will
take you to the next level of planks.

Drop onto a plank. As you rotate around, you will see a
globe in the wall. Cast on it to pull a rope. a gate will
open to allow access to a shield. Let the plank rotate
around and jump into the inside window and take the shield.
Jump back out onto a plank when it comes by. Look up and
cast on the globe to take you to the next level.

Drop onto a plank. Let it rotate you around to the gap
and cast on the far globe.

Drop on a plank and let it rotate you around to the next
gap and cast on rotating globe. Ride the globe to a
stationary platform and drop. Cast twice on the armor.

Cast on the next rotating globe and hold onto it to the next
platform. There is a chest and a globe rope to the left.
Open the chest and cast on the globe to pull the rope.

Go back out and cast on the next rotating globe as it comes
around above you. Drop on the next platform.
There is a save game and a doorway.

Save game and go in. A skeleton will appear. Hit him twice
to take him out. Now turn to the right and open the chest.
Now follow the passageway around and you will run into two
more skeletons around a spongify symbol. Continue around
and take the shield and open the chest at the end. Now go
back and use the spongify.

Cast three times on the armors and twice on the chest.

Go through the window onto the ledge.
Leap from ledge to ledge to the next doorway. There are two skeletons.
Take them out. Then cast three times on the tapestry and once on each chest.

Use spongify to get to the next shield. Then turn around and jump down near
the doorway that has beans. Go out on the ledge and jump from ledge to ledge
until you get to a door with a save game.

Go in and save game. Cast to unlock the door and go in.

Go to end of hall and through the next door.

Inside are four fire crabs. After you knock them into the trap, a door opens.
But don't go just yet. Cast three times on the two armors across from each
other and twice on the other armor and tapestry.

Now go through the door towards the next shield. Before you get to it, turn
to the right and see a ledge with beans. Jump over and get them. Then jump
back to the walkway. Take the shield. There is another ledge with beans.
Take the beans and then move on through the door.

Cast once on the armor. Move to the other end of the room and cast twice
on that armor. Step out on the walkway and cast up on the Hogwarts symbol
across the way. This will reveal a Depulso symbol. Cast on it and a gate
to the right will open. Go in and open the both chests, then come back.
Look down.

Jump on a rotating beam as it comes around. Then quickly turn to look at
the end of the beam. When the two beams are aligned jump across to the next.
Again look towards the end of the beam and when aligned jump to the next.
Now ride this beam around until you see a symbol. Cast on it as soon as
you can and then cast on the globe that appears. Cast on the gobe to take
you to the alcove.

The next room has four rotating globes up high. Cast on a globe as it is
coming, then drop on the near floating platform and ride it down. As
soon as you step off two skeletons will appear. As soon as you defeat them
another two will appear. Defeat them and then move to the opening and cast
on the symbol inside. Now turn around and open the locked grate to reveal
a spongify. Use it to go back to the beginning of the room.

Now cast on a globe and ride it to the floating platform on the far side
and ride it down. There are six Imps that will attack when you step off.
Take them out and a spongify will be opened. Cast once on the chest near
the spongify and twice on the other one. Take the goodies then spongify
to the top center platform. Take the cakes then cast on the globe in
the next room. Take the final shield.

20. Hermione's Final Exam:

There are 5 challenge shields to be found
There are no secrets in this challenge.
Hermione will run this challenge alone.

You start looking at a rabbit statue. Cast on the rabbit.
Look to the right. There is a mound. Go and dig it. It reveals a spongify.
Now come back to the rabbit hole and eat the grass.
Go in and follow the trail.

Eat the grass and go out.

Find the mound and dig. Find the next rabbit hole and eat the grass.
Go in and follow the trail. Get all the goodies. Eat the grass and go out.

Find the mound and dig. The spell ends.

Now go use the first spongify to jump over the wall to the next area. walk
toward the cauldron and a Bundimun will appear. Cast on it, hop onto it,
then cast on the cauldron.

Walk towards the next spongify. Another Bundimun will appear.
Deal with the Bundimun, open the cauldron then use the next spongify.
You will jump over a wall. Walk towards the next spongify.
Another Bundimun will appear. Deal with it and then use the next
spongify. Take the shield and save game.

Quickly cast once on each of the armors. The next shield comes up.
Take the shield. Cast on the locked door and move on.

You are in a room with a dragon platform and fireball but no dragon statue.
There is a puzzle to be solved before you can get the dragon statue.

There are four blocks on the floor. If you go step on one, a symbol will
appear on the far wall. Go cast on it, then come back and do the same
with the other three blocks.

There is your statue. Cast on it and fly up to the fire ball then go start
the fire on the dragon platform. A little hole opens on the other wall
too high for Hermione and the spell is still going. Obviously there is more
to do.

- Each hole (not the rabbit holes) resets the timer.
- Tap the S key to turn tighter.
- Hold the S key while flapping to gain altitude over short distance.

There are several puzzles through that hole that need to be solved.
There is a timer that will end the dragon spell. But there is no time
limit on solving the overall puzzle. So you can keep re-casting on
the statue until you get them done.

So fly through the hole, but avoid the fire ball for now. The timer starts.
Walk through the rabbit hole with the pumpkin. Then fly through the next
hole. go to the end of the hall, turn left and go around.
Now fly up to the top. There are goodies along the outside ledge.
There is also a dragon platform here, but no fire ball.
Get all of the goodies and then let the timer run out.
If it takes more than one cast to get them all, that's OK.
Don't forget to use the S key to slow the dragon down so can turn tight
and fly up faster.

Now re-cast on the statue and fly up to the fireball and through the hole,
walk through the next hole then fly through the next hole and to the end
of the hall around to the left and the up and start the fire on the
dragon statue. A gate will open for the next shield and some beans.

If you have time left, fly back down and see where the rest of the maze
continues from where you flew up. It goes around another corner to the
right then another to the left and then a hole with a pumpkin.

Once through the hole with the pumpkin, the timer resets.
There are some walls to fly over and under to the next hole.
Once through this hole there are two rabbit holes to walk through.
After the rabbit holes are walls moving up and down. Fly through
the openings and through another hole at the end.

Once through the hole the timer resets again.
Now fly around and get the beans. There is a rotating table with
openings. Fly through one of the openings to the upper area.
More beans, pumpkins, a fire ball, and a hole with a pumpkin.
Get the fireball first the go through the hole.

Once through the hole the timer resets again.
There is a hole near the top, inside is a dragon statue
That is what the fire ball from the previous room is for.
When you start its fire, another gate will open for the next shield and
some more beans.

Now let the timer run out and then re-cast and clear all the beans and
goodies from the previous rooms.

In the room with two rotating tables, there are beans above,
and in-between. Below there is a ring of pumpkins and a hole with a
pumpkin. First clear the beans, then the pumpkins.
Then go through the hole.

Once through the hole the timer resets again. Make your way through
planters, columns moving walls and such and then through another hole.

Once through the hole, the timer shuts off. So get all the goodies
before you get the fireball and light the fire. The hole you came
in is closed so you can't go back and clear out the goodies. Once
you light the fire the final gate opens allowing you access to the
final shield and the spell ends. Get the two shields and beans
then go through the door and take the final shield. A door will
open. Go through and see cut scene.

21. Harry's Final Exam:

There are 5 challenge shields to be found
There are no secrets in this challenge.
Harry will run this challenge alone.

You start looking at a stream. Cast on the symbol to freeze the stream.
Time for a slide.

At the end of the slide you land in a room with a shield, two
salamanders, four frogs, and a save game.

Take the shield and the salamanders will attack.
Take out the salamanders. There are no fires.

Take the frogs and the save game then up the stairs.
There are two skulls at the top. Cast on them and get the beans.

Now move on to the next room towards the next shield.
The gate will close and an Imp will attack.
Take him out, and two will attack.
Take them out and three will attack.
take them out and a shield will appear.
Jump to get the shield and the platform will lower.

Now there are two fire crabs.
Knock them into their traps, and two more will appear.
Knock them into their traps, and four more will appear.
Knock them into their traps and a shield will appear.
Take the frog if it is still there, then jump for the shield.

The platform lowers again and there are four more fire crabs.
Knock them into their traps and four chests will lower and open
releasing beans and four Pixies.
Take down the pixies and a shield appears.
Get the goodies and the frog. Then go for the shield.

The platform lowers and two Imps appear.
Take them out and four more will appear.
Take them out quickly because in a little bit there will also
be four salamanders and fires.
Once you take out the salamanders, a spongify will appear.
There are three spongify spells that will take you back to the top
for a bunch of goodies and access to the final shield.

Take the goodies and then the shield.

Watch the cut scene where you rejoin your friends and review your
records with Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore.

You still have some things to do.

22. Hagrid's Hut :

Go out of the castle take the first left towards Hagrid's
Hut and the Pumpkin Patch.

Go to the pumpkin patch.
Cast on the pumpkins until they stop regenerating.

Take the goodies and then multi cast on the scare crow.
Take the cakes and then go around behind Hagrid's Hut.

There is a collectors card at the back door.

Now climb the hill along the fence to get a cake next to the castle.

There is another one on the other side.
Follow the wall past the entrance to the other corner.
Take the cake.

Now go into the entrance.

In the walkway there are all those beans and the two armors that we
passed several times. Take everything. Don't forget to cast on the

Now back into the courtyard.

23. The Courtyard :

There are six secrets in this area.

There is a fountain in the center with four statues around.
Cast on each of the four statues to make them spin and reveal a
spongify. Use it to go up into a secret area.
There is a tapestry and two dressers.

Open the dressers and then the tapestry.

A room is revealed with two Imps and a collectors card.
Take out the pixies then get the card. Go back out and use the
spongify to get back down.

Head over to the right.
There is a door where you can see McGonagall and Dumbledore.
Don't go there yet.

Turn right and multi cast on the shield at the end.
Turn around and go to the other end.
Use the spongify to get up into a room. Get the goodies and the card.
A trap door drops in a short while, so If you didn't get everything,
use the spongify again until you get it all.

Now go to the other side of the courtyard.

Before going through the door, cast on the witch and wizard busts
on either side.

Now turn around and use the spongify pads to follow the bean
trail around the courtyard.

Now go back to the walkway with the busts.
There are triple cast armors at each end.
Multi cast each one to get some beans.

Now go in the door with the busts and turn right. Cast on the
tapestry to reveal a gargoyle. Cast on the gargoyle and head back
out the door with the busts. Go across the courtyard and to the
left beyond the clock tower. There is a spongify revealed.
Use it to get to a secret room. Get the card then jump back down.

Now go back across the courtyard and through the door with the
busts again. Turn left and go down the steps. Go to left and
look at the symbol of the birds head. This is the first switch
in the upcoming puzzle.

Now turn around and walk to the area on the left. After you
pass the steps look to the right and you will see another switch
with a snakes head. This is the second switch for the puzzle.

Keep going around the area to the far corner.
There is another switch with a lion's head. This is the third
switch for the puzzle.

Turn around and go back to the walkway where the gargoyle is and
see another switch with a badgers head. This is the fourth switch
for the puzzle.

OK, lets get to the puzzle.

Head back towards the corner where the third switch is and you
will see a closed window on the side of the castle and a small
platform on the ground in front.

If you step on the small platform the closed window changes
from blank to the birds head and a timer starts. Run to cast on the
first switch and back to the platform. The window changes from
a birds head to a snake. Run to cast on the second switch and back
to the platform. The window changes from a snakes head to the
lion. Go to cast on the third switch and back to the platform.
The window changes to the badgers head. Run to cast on the forth
switch and back to the platform. Take the card.

Now there are animal sculptures hedges around the area.
Cast on each for some beans.

Now go back and cast on the gargoyle. Go out the door and exit
the grounds to the hallway leading out of the castle.
At the end of the hallway are two revealed alcoves.
Open the chests and step into the rooms

This is 6 out of 6 secrets.

Now lets head to Fred and George's shop and get some passwords.

Go into the castle and Peeves will attack with fire armor.

24. Peeves with Fire Armor :

Like before you have to multi cast on peeves while dodging torches
and then cast Glacius on him to take some of his armor.
When you defeat him he will cry and run off.

Now while we're here turn around and look at the front door.
Cast on the torch stand on each side of the door.
This will reveal a spongify to a secret room.
Use the spongify and open the chest. Then spongify back down.

There is a multi cast cauldron on one side near the stairs and
a chest on the other. Open them and take everything.

Now head into the shortcut room and through to the armor in
the next room. Cast five times on the armor.

Head on into the challenge exit room and cast five times on
those armors as well.

Head back to the shortcut room and use the portrait with
the 7 on top.

Go right and in the door, down the hall and to the left
and through the portrait of the fat lady. Go on in and
jog to the right and down the plain hall to
Fred and George's shop.

Buy all of the password scrolls you can afford. If you don't
have enough cakes to buy them all, you can either come back
later or you can buy them in the shop at 50 beans each.

You should have enough by beans to get them all. If not,
or if you would prefer not to buy the cakes, use the rest
of the portrait quest descriptions accordingly.

Also before you leave, buy all the cards they have.
You should have no trouble getting them all except the
secret one. Fred and George will give that one to you
when you get all the other cards.

Now head out from the shop and down the hall.
Where you come out, there is a portrait up high.
Multi cast on it to reveal a secret room and a spongify.
Use the spongify and open the chest. Jump back down.

If you go into the common room, there is a dresser with
some beans.

Now multicast on the armor in the hall.

Head down the stairs and out the portrait.

Buy a card from the student on the left.
^>From this point forward, buy from every student that
will sell to you.

Multi cast on the cauldron.

E. Portrait Walkthroughs >>

Each of the portrait walkthroughs are written as if
you started from the shortcut room and went in the
appropriate portrait.

1. Dungeon Portraits :
Portrait with 0 on top

There is a gargoyle in front of you.

Cast on the gargoyle to reveal a room.

Open the chest and get the goodies then exit the room.

Go in the door opposite of the door with the stairs.

Now you are in the dungeon. On the left is a doorway
with a card selling student inside.

Ahead and to the right is a portrait.

Walk up to the portrait.
If you have the password, you can enter.

a. First Doorway inside the dungeons

There is a save game directly in front. Take it.
The door will close behind you. Go forward. There is a
spongify to the right and a locked gate in front with a card beyond.
Use the spongify.

You will land on a platform with a spongify and a chest.
Open the chest twice then use the spongify.

You will land on another platform with a spongify and a chest.
Open the chest twice then use the spongify.

You will land on yet another platform with a spongify and a chest.
Open the chest twice then use the spongify.

You will land in a room with the card you saw before and two chests.

Open both chests and a bunch of pixies will attack.
Take them out and the gate will open and a goodies trail with be
revealed. Take the card and go out the door.
Then use the spongify and run the course again.

You can keep running the course until you get all the goodies.

Now exit the portrait through the closed door.

Outside the portrait turn right and go to the end of the hall.

To the left is a seller student.
To the right is a hall leading to the next portrait.

Walk up to the portrait.
If you have the password, you can enter.

b. In Small Chamber inside the dungeons

There is a save game directly in front. Take it.

The door will close behind you.

Now cast on the gargoyle.

You see an opening to the left. Go in.

There is a chest on the left and right and a fire crab ahead.
Take care of the crab first. A goodies trail will appear.
Then open the chests, twice on the right and once on the left.

Now follow the goodies trail. After it turns to the left,
there is an area with different colored walkway.
When you step on it doors to each side will open with fire crabs
inside. When you knock them into their cages, a door leading
on will open. Continue following the trail.

You will come to the end of the walkway and doors will open on
each side with fire crabs. knock them into their cages and
the walkway will appear so you can continue on.

The trail will turn to the left and you will enter a room with
two chests on the right. Open the first chest twice.
Then go to the second chest and open it. The exit is now open
to the place where you saw the second seller student.

Head back out and up the stairs to the gargoyle and through
the shortcut portrait.

2. 1st Floor Portrait :
Portrait with 1 on top

Go to the left and in the doorway.

Turn left and down the hallway to the 'T' in the blue carpet.
Turn left and multi cast on the door. Go in and open the chest.
Come back out and multi cast on the cauldron.

Now head back into the hallway from which you came.

Cast on the armor. Then continue down the hall towards the portrait.
Multi cast on the armor. Then walk up to the portrait.
If you have the password, you can enter.

There is a multi cast gate in front of you with a gargoyle behind it.

Multi cast the gate and then cast on the gargoyle. A room is revealed
to the left. Go in. There are multi cast armors all around.

Each one must be multi cast in order from left to right. This
will reveal two passages. One with stairs behind you with cakes
and chest. The other a wall retracts to reveal stairs going up
and out. Go in and open the chest and take the goodies.
Now come back up the stairs and take a bunch of goodies there
as well. and then go where the wall retracted, up the stairs
and out.

Go down the hall and through the door on the left to the stairs
room. Turn right and go through the shortcut portrait.

3. 2nd Floor Portrait :
Portrait with 2 on top

Turn right and go in the doorway.

There is a gargoyle in front. Cast on it.
An opening is revealed to the left. Go in.
There is a spongify with a bean trail and a frog.

Use the spongify. Go to the right and open the chest.
Jump down and get the frog.

Then exit the room back to the hallway.

There is a portrait almost directly ahead. Cast on it.
Cast on the skull.

There is another portrait on the other side of the entrance hall.
Do the same to it.

Now turn around and cast on the tapestry to the right of the
gargoyle three times. Then do the same to the tapestry on the
other side of the gargoyle.

Now turn right and go to the end of the hall.
Cast on the single bookshelf on the right. Open the chest.
Flying books will attack. Take them out and a passage will
be revealed in the double bookcase. Go in and down and open
the chest. Then come back out.

Now head to the other end of the hallway through the door
where the red carpet turns to the right.

Multi cast on the locked box.

Then walk up to the portrait. If you have the password,
you can enter.

Harry will run this alone.

Enter the room.

There are armors on each side of the room. Cast on each.
A spongify is revealed. Use it to go up a step.

Cast on the symbol and two rooms will be revealed with
chest and four Imps will attack.
Take out the Imps and a spongify will be revealed.
Open the chest and then use the spongify to get to the
next step.

There are two fire crabs. Defeat them and another
spongify and a frog will be revealed. Use the spongify
to get the cakes and card, then come back down and out
to join Ron and Hermione.

Follow the red carpet back out to the hall and exit to the right.

Turn left and go through the shortcut portrait.

4. 3rd Floor Secrets :
Portrait with 3 on top

Turn right and go in the doorway.

Go up the stairs and cast on the portrait on the left.
Cast on the skull.

Go back down the stairs and out through the shortcut portrait.

5. 4th Floor Portrait :
Portrait with 4 on top

Turn to the right and go through the door.

Open the chest ahead then follow the green carpet to the left.

There is a room with a seller student, a multi cast cauldron
and a multi cast box.

Open the box and cauldron.

Then walk up to the portrait. If you have the password,
you can enter.

Go in the room. Take the beans then cast on the portrait
above the table with the chest.
Now cast on the chest on the table. A spongify is revealed.
Open the other chest. Now use the spongify to get the other

Cast on each chair and they will turn and give you some more beans.

Then go out of the room.

Head out and back through the shortcut portrait.

6. 5th Floor Portrait:
Portrait with 5 on top

Turn to the right and go through the door.

On the upper right are two small portraits.
Cast on each to reveal a room.

Now turn around and cast on the tall portrait on the left.
Then cast on the skull.

Then cast on the armor and multi cast the box.

Now go in the revealed room.

Cast on the tapestry and then on the chest.

Walk up to the portrait. If you have the password you can enter.

Enter the room and six Imps will attack. Take them out. Open the
cauldron. Then go to the other side of the room and cast twice on
the left armor and three times on the one to the right

Cast on the tapestry to reveal a room.

Go in and take the frog. Around to the right and open the chest.

Then go out and through the shortcut portrait.

7. 6th Floor Portrait :
Portrait with 6 on top

Turn to the right and go through the door.

Cast on the skull.

Then walk up to the portrait. If you have the password,
you can enter.

Harry runs this challenge alone.

Follow the hallway to a room. Cast on the bookcase on
the far right. It will retract and reveal a passage.

Go in and cast on the symbol to open a spongify.
Use the spongify to go in the window above the entrance
at the far end of the hall.

There is a tapestry on the left and an armor. Cast on
the tapestry to reveal a passage. Cast on the armor
then go down the passage to a spongify and another
armor. Cast on the armor and then use the spongify
to go across to another spongify and armor.

Cast on the armor and then use the spongify to go up
into a window.

There is a spongify ahead. Go to the spongify and
look up. Cast on the armor and then use the spongify
to go up into another window.

In the next room there are three armors above.
Cast on each as many times as they will let you.
Then go out and use the spongify to go to another room.

There is a dresser in front of you. Cast on it and be
prepared. A bunch of flying books attack.
Keep moving and casting and take them out.
The dresser then spits out goodies and the door opens.

Exit the area and go through the shortcut portrait.

8. 7th Floor Portrait :
Portrait with 7 on top

Go in the doorway and turn right.

If you haven't unlocked the door, do so.

Inside the door is an armor. Cast on it for a few beans.
Then walk up to the portrait. If you have the password,
you can enter.

Follow the bean trail and you will be attacked by Pixies.
Take them all out and a spongify will appear that will take
you to a new room. Use the spongify. Cast on the symbol.
Jump down and follow the bean trail.
Take the frogs and multi cast on the box for a bunch of treats.

When you come back out, flying books will attack.
When you take them out, a new bean trail will appear and
another multi cast box. Take the beans and open the box for
a bunch more treats.

Now exit the area to the shortcut portrait.

9. Odds and Ends .

There are still some remaining goodies to be taken.

a. Landing above main entrance.
There is a chest with some goodies.

b. Floor below the first floor in the main stairs room.
There is a chest with some goodies.

F. Card Selling Student locations >>

Outside the Castle
- Next to Hagrid's Hut.

Castle Grounds
- As you are looking at the door to the bridge to exit to the
outside of the castle, look left.
- Near the bird switch in the area with the animal hedges.

In the Dungeons
- Down the stairs from the gargoyle and to the left.
- On down the hall past the first portrait and to the left.

Before the first floor
- On the landing between the entrance hall and the first floor.

Below the first floor in the Stairs Room
- None

1st floor
- None

2nd floor
- None

3rd Floor
- None

4th floor
- Near the password portrait.

5th floor
- None

6th floor
- Near portrait of Fat Lady.

G. The Final Card >>

Once you have 79 cards, go back to Fred and George's shop and
walk up to the last card. You will be rewarded with a final
trip to the bean room. This time you will have unlimited time,
so clean up.

H. Bean Room >>

The bean room is available after some of the challenges.
The bean room is timed.The object is to get as many of the
goodies as you can before the time runs out.


Dast depulso on the tile in the center of the big room.
This will open up the chests for a bunch of goodies.

Spongify will collect beans faster. However, in later runs,
there are pasties and cakes that don't appear in the jumps.
The cakes and pasties are worth more for trading, so You must
decide your strategy.

You don't have to cast on the armors. As soon as you get
close, they give up their goodies.

The bonus bean room is not available until you get the 75th
card from Fred and George's shop. The bonus bean room is
not timed, so you can really clean up. There are also 5
collector cards in the final bean room. Three are in
spungify jumps and two are in corner rooms. Once you clear
out the bonus bean room, the main room is flooded with more

I. Collectors Cards >>

The 80 cards that you can collect are devided into 10 sets in the
Folio Universitas.

Set 1 - Famous Wizards Cards.
15 cards in the set.
Turquoise color icon with star symbol.
Card 1 - Fulbert the Fearful. 1014-1090.
Famous for being cowardly.
Died when a charm backfired and his roof caved in.
Find on the train to Hogwarts.
Card 2 - Ethelred the Ever-Ready. Medieval, dates unknown.
Famous for taking offense at nothing and cursing everything.
Died in jail.
Buy from seller students.
Card 3 - Crispin Cronk. 1795–1872.
Sent to Azkaban for keeping sphinxes in his back yard despite
Buy from seller students.
Card 4 – Edgar Stroulger. 1703-1798.
Inventor of the Sneaker Scope.
Buy from seller students.
Card 5 - Oswald Beamish. 1850-1932
Pioneer of Goblin rights.
Buy from seller students.
Card 6 - Norvel Twonk. 1888-1957
Died saving mugol child from runaway Manticore.
Posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin 1st class.
Buy from seller students.
Card 7 - Grogan Stump. 1770-1884.
Popular Minister of Magic appointed in 1811.
Buy from seller students.
Card 8 - Glanmore Peaks. 1677-1761.
Famous slayer of sea serpent of Kroman.
Buy in Fred and George's shop.
Card 9 - Wilfred Elphick. 1112-1199
First wizard to be gored by an African Arimpet.
Buy from seller students.
Card 10 – Professor Armando Dippet..
Former Headmaster of Hogwarts circa 1940.
Find while saving Ron.
Card 11 – Mungo Bonham. 1560-1659.
Famous wizard healer.
Founded St. Mongo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
Buy from seller students.
Card 12 – Dzou Yen. Fourth century BC
Chinese Alchemist.
Buy from seller students.
Card 13 – Falco Aesalon. Ancient Greak.
First recorded Animagas. Could transform into a falcon.
Find in the Library.
Card 14 – Thaddeus Thurkel. 1632-1692.
Famous for producing 7 squib sons and turning them all
into hedge hogs in disgust..
2nd floor Portrait.
Card 15 – Harry Potter.
The Boy who Lived.
Get in Fred and George's shop once you have the other 79 cards.

Set 2 - Famous Witches Cards.
15 cards in the set.
Black color icon with moon/star symbol.
Card 1 - Beatrix Bloxam. 1794-1810.
Author of the Toad Stool Tales. A series of children's books
that were later banned for causing nausea.
Buy from seller students.
Card 2 - Dymphna Furmage. 1612-1698.
Famous for being obducted by pixies while in Cornwall.
Failed to convince the Ministry of Magic to destroy them all.
Buy from seller students.
Card 3 - Honoria Nutcombe. 1665-1743.
Founder of the Society for Reformation of Hags.
Find in Anti-Dementor lessons.
Card 4 - Wendelin the Wierd. Medieval, dates unknown.
Alleged to enjoy being burned at the steak so much that she
allowed herself to be captured 47 times in various disguises.
Buy from seller students.
Card 5 - Jocunda Sykes. 1915-present.
Famous for flying a broomstick across the Atlantic.
First person to do so.
Buy from seller students.
Card 6 - Carlotta Pinkstone. 1922-present.
Famous compainer for lifting the International Confederation
of Wizards Statute of Secrecy and telling Muguls that wizards
exist. She has been in prison several times for blatent use
of magic in public places.
Buy from seller students.
Card 7 - Dorcas Wellbeloved. 1812-1904.
Founder for Society for Distressed Witches.
Buy from seller students.
Card 8 - Elfrida Clagg. 1612-1687.
Chieftainess of Warlocks Council.
Buy from seller students.
Card 9 - Sachanissa Tugwood. 11874-1966.
Pioneer of beautifying Potions.
Discovered pimple curing properties of Bubo Tuber Puss.
Find while saving Ron.
Card 10 – Ignatia Wildsmith. 1227-1320.
The witch who invented Flu Powder.
Buy from seller students.
Card 11 – Hesper Starkey. 1881-1973.
Witch who studied the effects of the phases of the moon in
potion making.
Buy in Fred and George's shop.
Card 12 - Cliodne. Medieval, dates unknown.
Irish Drewidess who discovered properties of Moon Dew.
Buy from seller students.
Card 13 – Mirabella Plunkett. 1839-unknown.
Famous for falling in love with a Merman in Lockloman.
When her parents forbid her to marry him, she turned herself
into a Haddock and dissappeared..
Buy in Fred and George's shop.
Card 14 – Morgan le Fay. Medieval, dates unknown.
King Arthur's half sister. Dark sorceress. Enemy of Merlin.
Buy from seller students.
Card 15 – Gunhilda of Gorsemoor. 1556-1639.
One-eyed, Hump-backed witch famous for developing cure for
Dragon Pox.
Buy in Fred and George's shop.

Set 3 – Quidditch Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Yellow color icon with Golden Snitch symbol.
Card 1 - Jodelind Wadcock. 1911-present.
Chaser for Puddlemere United Quidditch team. Record for highest
number of goals during British season in this century against
the Valley Castle Bats - 1931.
Get from Flying Buckbeak challenge.
Card 2 - Gwenog Jones. 1968-present.
Captain and Beater of the only all female Quidditch team – The
Holy Head Harpists.
Get from Flying Buckbeak challenge.
Card 3 - Cyprian Youdle. 1312-1357.
Only Quidditch Referee to ever be killed during a match.
The originator of the curse was never caught but was believed
to be a member of the crowd.
Get from Flying Buckbeak challenge.
Card 4 - Roderick Plumpton. 1889-1987.
Seaker for England's Quidditch team. Hold British record
for fastest capture of snitch during a game – 3 ½ seconds.
Get from Flying Buckbeak challenge.
Card 5 - Bowman Wright. 1492-1560.
Famous for developing the Golden Snitch.
Get from Flying Buckbeak challenge.

Set 4 – Famous Vampire Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Red color icon with bat symbol.
Card 1 - Sir Herbert Varney. 1858-1889.
Short lived by undead standards. Victorian vampire who prayed
upon women in London in the 1880s. Was subsequently captured
and killed by a special squad in the Department of Regulation
and Control of Magical Creatures.
Find in Carpe Retractum challenge in a chest after you cast
on symbol to reveal a globe across a gap.
Card 2 - Amirilo Lastoat. 1776-1977.
Flamboyant American vampire. Author of 'A Vampires Monologue',
intended to bore the reader into a stupor making him or her
easer prey for vampires..
Find in Carpe Retractum challenge in room with moving floating
platforms. Cast to first stationary platform and turn left.
Cast on globe and open the chest.
Card 3 - Lady Carmillo Sanguina. 1561-1757.
Bathed in the blood of her victims to retain her youthful beauty.
Find in Carpe Retractum challenge.
Card 4 - Blodwyn Bludd. 1922-unknown.
Known as the vampire from the ballet. Known to sing to his
victims before biting their necks.
Find in Carpe Retractum challenge in room with pixies that
has two armors. When you cast on one it spins.
Cast three more times.
Card 5 - Count Vlad Drakul. 1392-unknown.
Notorious vampire that inspired the fictional 'Count Dracular'
created by Bram Stolker. Father to Vlad the Impailer.
Find in Carpe Retractum challenge in a secret room revealed
when you cast on an armor and it slides back.
(just before you get the 8th shield)

Set 5 – Famous Goblins Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Green color icon with goblin profile.
Card 1 - Eargit the Ugly
Goblin representative at 14 century summit in wizards counsel.
Find behind tapestry just before first slide in Glacius
Card 2 - Alguff the Awful
Foul smelling goblin nuisance well known in the goblin world for
trying to sell his sweat to a dung bomb manufacturer
Find after the first slide in Glacius Challenge.
Defeat two salamanders then Imps will appear from secret room.
Card is in chest in secret room.
Card 3 - Ug the Unreliable
Natorious goblin confidence trickster. Organized the infamous
Demeguise Darby and absconded the takings.
Find on second slide in Glacius challenge.
Card 4 - Urg the Unclean
Rebel leader in the 18th century Goblin Rebellion.
Find After second slide, use spongify to lower wall in
Glacius challenge.
Card 5 - Gringott
Founder of Gringott's Wizard Bank.
Find on Last slide in Glacius challenge.

Set 6 – Famous Hags Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Pink color icon with old hag profile.
Card 1 - Babayaga. Medieval, dates unknown.
Russian hag who dwelt in a hut that stood on giant chicken
legs. Ate children for breakfast and presumably for lunch and
Get during Monster Book Challenge.
Card 2 - Malodora Grim. Medieval, dates unknown.
Using a beautification potion to conceal her true hag form, she
married a king and used a charmed mirror to reinforce her self
image. Became jealousy of the most beautiful girl in the land
and fed her a poisoned apple.
MGet during onster Book Challenge.
Card 3 - Leticia Somnolens. Medieval, dates unknown.
This spiteful hag was jealousy of the kings daughter and caused
her to prick her finger on a spindle tainted with a draft of the
living death. A young wizard who had smeared his lips with
wigenweld potion, kissed the princess and brought her out of her
Get during Monster Book Challenge.
Card 4 - Old Mother Hubbard. Medieval, dates unknown.
Lured stray animals into her home and starved them to death.
Get during Monster Book Challenge.
Card 5 - Cordelia Misericordia. 1298-1401.
Hag representative at 14 century summit in wizards counsel.
Get during Monster Book Challenge.

Set 7 – Famous Giants Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Grey color icon with foot prints symbol.
Card 1 - Bran the Bloodthirsty. Medieval, dates unknown.
Lived in a castle on top of an enchanted beanstalk.
Apparently fond of eating bread made from ground bones
and washing it down with the blood of an Englishman.
Was slain by a boy named Jack..
Get during Pixie Challenge.
Card 2 - Cyclops. Ancient Greek, dates unknown.
A one-eyed giant who lived in a cave at the foot of Mt. Etna.
With the help of several sheep, was slain by the Greek
hero - Odissius.
Get during Pixie Challenge.
Card 3 - Goliath. Biblical, dates unknown.
Mercenary giant used by the Philistines in their war with
the Israelites. Was slain by a boy with a sling shot.
Get during Pixie Challenge.
Card 4 - Marholt. Ancient Celtic, dates unknown.
Gigantic brother of the King of Ireland. Wounded Tristain
(the Celtic hero' with a poison sword when the later tried
to kill him..
Get during Pixie Challenge.
Card 5 - Hengist of Upper Barnton. 15th Century.
15th century giant killed by the famous giant slayer
Gifford Oliton.
Get during Pixie Challenge.

Set 8 – Dragon Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Orange color icon with dragon/star symbol.
Card 1 - Common Welsh Green Dragon – The bread is among the least
troublesome of dragons and actively avoids humans unless
provoked. Fire is issued in thin jets.
Get during Lapifors/Draconifors challenge on armor after
you finish the first Lapifors..
Card 2 - Hebridean Black Dragon – Britain's other native dragon –
is more aggressive than its Welsh counterpart and feeds
mostly on deer but it has been known to carry off large dogs.
Get during Lapifors/Draconifors challenge. Cast on big
pumpkin in the lower part center of the first room with
the Drconifors..
Card 3 - Hungarian Horntail Dragon – Supposedly the most dangerous of
all dragon breads, the Hungarian Horntail can breathe fire up
to 50 feet.
Get during Lapifors/Draconifors challenge.
Solve spinning cube combination lock.
Card 4 - Romanian Longhorn Dragon – The horns of this bread of dragon
are highly valued as potion ingredients and as a result its
numbers have fallen in recent years.
Get during Lapifors/Draconifors challenge.
Solve spinning rings combination lock.
Card 5 - Norwegian Ridgeback dragon – The Ridgeback is nowadays one of
the rarer dragon breads and has been known to attack most
kinds of large land mammals.
Get during Lapifors/Draconifors challenge in chest in
locked room in center of final shield room.

Set 9 – Beast Cards.
15 cards in the set.
Violette color icon with phoenix symbol.
Card 1 - Imp - Found only in Britain and Ireland, the Imp has a
slapstick sense of humor and will amuse itself by pushing
and tripping the unweary
Get in Leopoldina Smethwyck's portrait on the 7th floor.
Card 2 - Doxie – Sometimes mistaken for a ferry, nests in bushes and
if approached will attempt to bite with its double rows of
sharp venomous teeth.
Get in Mopsus portrait near the first doorway in the dungeons.
Card 3 - Bowtruckle – A tree guardian, adept at dodging most kinds of
charms. May attempt to gouge out your eyes if you approach
its tree home in a threatening manor.
Glover Hipworth portrait in a small chamber in the dungeons.
Card 4 - Billywig – has a long thin sting that causes giddiness followed
by levitation. Dried Billywig stings are used in a variety
of potions.
Tilly Toke portrait on the first floor at the end of the hallway.
Card 5 - Gnome – A common garden pest. The gnome lurks in holes in
the ground and may run out in an attempt to trip up the
unwary traveler. Can be ejected from the garden by swinging
it in circles and then flinging it over the garden wall.
Secret room on the second floor to the right of the gargoyle.
Card 6 - Giant Squid - /the bane of ancient mariners and students at
Hogwarts should the later decide to go for a dip in the lake.
Bertie Botts portrait in a small chamber on the 4th floor.
Card 7 - Manticore - A rare dangerous beast. The manticore has been
known to sing softly ass it eats its prey. Its sting will
kill instantaneously.
Derwent Shimpling portrait on the 5th floor.
Card 8 - Unicorn – The unicorn is a shy creature and generally avoids
human contact. It is more likely to let a witch near it than
a wizard. And casting magic spells may frighten it off.
Its blood has highly magical properties.
Bridget Winlock portrait near the entrance to the 6th floor.
Card 9 - Mountain Troll – Frequents mountainous regions. Very powerful
but stupid. The troll will attempt to bludgeon anyone who comes
near it.
Buy it at Fred and George's shop.
Card 10 – Streeler – A large orange snail with a poisonous shell which
can only be handled when wearing protective gloves.
Buy it at Fred and George's shop.
Card 11 – Giant Purple Toad – Likes dead flies and other insects.
Has a long green tongue.
Find it in secret room in clock tower. Use spongify that was
revealed by lumos from puzzle area.
Card 12 – Double Ended Newt – Can be purchased from the Magical
Menagerie in Diagon Alley. Swims a lot and likes algae.
End of attic. Use spongify revealed when multi cast shield
on walkway opposite the walkway with busts in the courtyard.
Card 13 – Gytrash – Large dog-like spirit that can be encountered in
the Forbidden Forest either singularly or in groups.
Back door of Hagrid's Hut.
Card 14 – Kelpie – Lurks in rivers and streams and will kneel in
invitation for anyone to ride across. If this is attempted
the kelpie will drag the rider underwater and try to eat.
Use spongify from pool in the center of the courtyard outside.
Cast on four statues around pool to reveal spongify.
Card is behind a tapestry in the room.
Card 15 – Phoenix – A gentle creature. The phoenix can live to immensely
old age because it can regenerate each time it bursts into
flames. Phoenix song is magical and Phoenix tears have healing
Solve puzzle in courtyard beyond the doorway with the two busts.

Set 10 – Bonus Cards.
5 cards in the set.
Purple color icon with Hogwarts symbol.

These cards are only available in the final bean room.
You must have 74 cards and then go to Fred and George's shop.
They will give you the 75th card for free.
Then you get to go to the bean room for an unlimited time.
Three cards are in spongify jumps.
Two cards are in corner rooms on the floor.

Card 1 - Godric Griffindor. Medieval, dates unknown.
Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four
Hogwarts houses.
Bonus bean room.
Card 2 - Rowena Ravenclaw. Medieval, dates unknown.
Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four
Hogwarts houses.
Bonus bean room.
Card 3 - Helga Hufflepuff. Medieval, dates unknown.
Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four
Hogwarts houses.
Bonus bean room.
Card 4 - Salazar Slitherin. Medieval, dates unknown.
Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four
Hogwarts houses.
Bonus bean room.
Card 5 - Dumbledore. present
Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Bonus bean room.

Thanks for reading my walkthrough.

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