Tokimeki Memorial

Tokimeki Memorial

15.10.2013 19:40:46
Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzledama (Konami, Puzzle Game, PSX)
Secrets FAQ (Frequently Asked Questios)
V1.1 3/3/99

Written by: Richard Uyeyama (ru e ama*

* Instances of the letter "y" and the "at" symbol have been removed
(replaced with spaces) from the above e-mail address in order to prevent
unscrupulous UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) bot processes from
adding to the amount of e-mail I already get...

The latest version of this file can be found at:
All Roads Lead to Kirameki High

Document formatting, organization, and wording Copyright 1998, 1999 by
Richard Uyeyama.

Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its
entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. Author
reserves the right to rescind specific or general permission, if he sees a
reason (such as loophole abuse) to do so.

Taisen Puzzledama is a trademark of Konami Co., Ltd. Tokimeki Memorial
and Konami are registered trademarks of Konami Co., Ltd. Tokimeki
Memorial Taisen Puzzledama is Copyright 1995, 1996 by Konami, Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents:

0. Document History
I. Basic Stuff
1. What is this document?
2. Can you help me with the character names?
3. Can you help me with the Options Menu?
II. The Game
1. Is there a way to continue without having to reselect my character?
2. Is there anything special about Stage 9?
3. What do I get for finishing the game?
4. Is there a way to start the game at Stage 7?
5. Can I play Cho-rensa Mode in a 1P game?
6. Do continues affect my score?
7. What attack patterns do the CPU opponents use in Renshuu stories?
III. Hidden Characters
1. Can I play as Miharu, Yoshio, or Rei in 1P games?
2. How about in 2P games?
IV. Entering Names and Passwords
1. Can you help me with the name entry screen?
2. Are there any passwords in name entry mode?
A. Easy Mode
B. Hard Mode
C. Koala-damas
V. Voices and Stuff
1. Is there any way to select which game-initial greeting I get?
2. Is there a voice test option in the game?
VI. Miscellany
1. Do the characters have more than one costume each?
2. Is there a game-internal reset code?
3. Is there a playable CD track on the game CD?
4. Is there anything else neat on the game CD?
5. Is there any other neat stuff in the game?
VII. Thanks and Stuff

0. Document History

V1.1: 3/3/99
Okiniiri assigns character in demo battles (Options Menu section)
Miharu added to Okiniiri listing in Options menu section
CPU attack patterns for Renshuu stories listed (The Game section)
Miharu pattern clarifications added to hidden characters section
Miharu Okiniiri info added to hidden characters section
Shiori's fifth greeting (morning 2) info added to greetings section
Miharu greeting info added to greetings section
P1/P2 costume variance info added to Miscellany
Instructional demo text removal P1-only clarification (Miscellany)
Thanks section added
Minor editing in a various sections
V1.0: 12/14/98
Launch version

I. Basic Stuff

I.1 What is this document?

This document is an English language informational resource for
Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Puzzledama, a puzzle game (available in Japan)
based around the characters in Konami's immensely successful Tokimeki
Memorial (abbr. TokiMemo) game, a (Japanese) high school life and dating
simulation. Puzzledama belongs to the "falling pieces" genre of puzzle
game, probably best defined by Compile's PuyoPuyo series of puzzle
In this document, I'll be covering codes and secrets and other such
information which may be of interest to Puzzledama fans. I'll also be
including a bit of Japanese language help for a couple things which may
(or may not, depending upon your language skills) warrant it...

I.2 Can you help me with the character names?

Sure. Here's the arrangement of characters (family name on bottom)
in the standard character select screen:

Shiori Yumi Nozomi Saki Megumi Yukari
Fujisaki Saotome Kiyokawa Nijino Mikihara Koshiki

Mio Yuina Yuko Mira Ayako
Kisaragi Himoo Asahina Kagami Katagiri

The extended character select screen (see the Hidden Characters
section of this document) will add Yoshio, Rei, and Miharu, as follows:

Shiori Yumi Nozomi Saki Megumi Yukari Rei Yoshio
Fujisaki Saotome Kiyokawa Nijino Mikihara Koshiki Ijuin Saotome

Miharu Mio Yuina Yuko Mira Ayako
Tatebayashi Kisaragi Himoo Asahina Kagami Katagiri

In referring to the characters in this document, I will generally use
their personal (as opposed to family) names.

I.3 Can you help me with the Options Menu?

Sure. Here are the contents of the Options Menu:

LEVEL - 1 (EASY), 2 (NORMAL), 3 (HARD). Sets CPU skill.
CONTROLLER - (can assign: O,X,[triangle],[square],R1,R2,L1,L2)
SKIP - OFF, ON. Skip Mode disables dialogue sequences.
POSITION - (-16 to +16) Vertical adjust.
OKINIIRI (Preference) - (choose voice for in-game system sounds)
OMOIDE (Memories/remembrances/records) - (endings you've gotten)

Some notes:
Defaults: Level NORMAL, Controller (X counterclockwise, O clockwise),
Cancel (none), Skip OFF, Position +/-0, Sound STEREO, Okiniiri ALL.
The LEVEL setting doesn't seem to make a difference in getting
characters' omoide, so you can set it as easy (or hard) as you want.
Using the CANCEL option, you can remove any or all of the special
pieces from the game. Use the O button to deactivate a piece, or to
reactivate a cancelled piece.
The OKINIIRI option only affects a couple things in the game, but
it's still kinda nice to have, if you like a particular girl's voice or
manner of speaking for some reason... ^^ These are the things I've found
that the Okiniiri option affects: game greeting, instructional demo, Level
select ("easy/normal/hard") option, "Now saving/loading" message (and the
"can't find your memory card" message), 1P Konjou story "Please enter your
name" message, and of course, the actual Okiniiri selection (except for
"All"). =) The "All" selection will make it so that a girl is randomly
chosen each time... Also, it seems that a girl selected for Okiniiri will
always appear (first on the P1 side, then on the P2 side) in the demo
Here's the order of the name listings for the Okiniiri option. The
names in the Omoide section will also show up in the same pattern (except
that there's no "All" in Omoide)... Names are given here in "Western"
name order (given name first, family name second).

Shiori Fujisaki Yumi Saotome
Nozomi Kiyokawa Saki Nijino
Megumi Mikihara Yukari Koshiki
Mio Kisaragi Yuina Himoo
Yuko Asahina Mira Kagami
Ayako Katagiri [Miharu Tatebayashi]

Lastly, note that TokiMemo Puzzledama does not have an auto-save
feature (though it does auto-load at the beginning), so make sure to
manually SAVE once in a while, lest you lose any newly made high scores
or records or omoide!
Oh yes, and in exiting the Options screen, press START to confirm any
options changes you've made, and press SELECT if you wish to exit without
changing anything...

II. The Game

II.1 Is there a way to continue without having to reselect my character?

At the "Continue?" prompt, press SELECT to continue your game with
the same character (pressing START will bring you back to the character
select screen). In 2P mode, this will do a rematch with the same
characters and conditions you just played with.

II.2 Is there anything special about Stage 9?

A couple things, actually. In this battle against Shiori (or Miharu,
if you're playing as Shiori), you aren't allowed to continue. So if you
lose, instead of the "Continue?" prompt, you'll get your character's "bad"
Also, regardless of what mode you're playing, the attack patterns
for both characters will be the Cho-rensa Dai-kassen (Robo-saku Mode)
patterns (all one color, from bottom)...!

II.3 What do I get for finishing the game?

Here's what you get for finishing the game (in any mode):

Renshuu story - "easy" ending (no credits).
Kokuhaku story - good ending, "good" credits.
Konjou story - good ending, "good" credits, epilogue scene,
and a fragment of the "start at level 7" code...
(for Tokimemo Mode (Type A) and Susume! Mode
(Type B) (but *not* for Robo-saku (Cho-rensa)
Mode!), you'll also get the character's omoide!)

Of course, losing against Shiori (or Miharu) on stage 9 will earn you
the bad ending and "bad" credits for your character instead...
The "bad" credits also include a "Try again" message from your
character, just as the "good" credits include a "Congratulations" message.
Once you've earned the omoide for all 11 standard characters, you'll
also get a special congratulations message (an SD group photo (of all 14
characters), with your character at bottom center)! In case anybody's
interested, here's how the characters stand in the group portrait
(character you won with will switch places with Shiori):
Miharu Megumi Yuina Ayako Yuko Mira Yoshio
Rei Saki Mio Shiori Yumi Nozomi Yukari

II.4 Is there a way to start the game at Stage 7?

Why... yes, there is. As mentioned above, each time you finish the
Konjou story, you get a fragment of the code. If you line the keys up in
the order the characters appear on the character select screen (left to
right), you'll get the complete code:

(T = [triangle] button, in case you're not familiar with that

Simply input the above code (on either controller) at the title
screen (the one that prompts you to choose between "START" and "OPTION"),
and for all Konjou story games, you'll start at Stage 7 (Yoshio). If you
did it correctly, there will be a tone (same as when you look at a
character's omoide). Once inputted, the code should last for your entire
gaming session (though a game-internal system reset will negate the code,
as it turns out...).

II.5 Can I play Cho-rensa Mode in a 1P game?

Actually, yes. However, note that you can't get any omoide out of
Cho-rensa (Robo-saku) Mode...
At the Konami logo (either when you first load the game, or after
doing a game-internal "soft" reset), input the following command (on
either controller):


There isn't that much time to input the code, so try to do it
quickly. If you entered it correctly, you'll get a tone (same as when
you look at a character's omoide). Once inputted, the code should last
for your entire gaming session (though a game-internal system reset will
negate the code, as it turns out...).
In addition to allowing Cho-rensa Mode for 1P games, this code will
also allow katakana and roman character entry for Konjou story games (see
the Name Entry section, later in this document, for more details...).

II.6 Do continues affect my score?

Yes, in Konjou story games, but only after your game is over. Once
your game is over, your total score (including any score bonuses you get)
will be divided by the number of "credits" you've used. So if you haven't
continued at all, your score will be divided by 1, if you've continued
once, your score will be divided by 2, and so on...
Note that high scores will be recorded only from Konjou story

II.7 What attack patterns do the CPU opponents use in Renshuu stories?

The CPU opponents in Renshuu stories don't always use their standard
attack patterns. Here are the patterns they use in Tokimemo and Susume!

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

y y b b b b b b Pattern A
Tokimemo y y b b b b b b (normal pattern)
Mode {- y y (from bottom)
y y
y y
(from top)

r r g g g g g g Pattern B
Susume! r r g g g g g g (normal pattern)
Mode {- r r (from bottom)
r r
r r
(from top)

The CPU attack patterns for Robo-saku Mode will be the normal
Cho-rensa Dai-kassen patterns for all three stages.

III. Hidden Characters

III.1 Can I play as Miharu, Yoshio, or Rei in 1P games?

Yep. Once you've gotten omoide for all 11 standard characters, go to
the Options Menu and turn SKIP mode ON. Now if you start a 1P game,
you'll find that Miharu, Yoshio, and Rei have been added to the character
select screen. I guess since these characters have no "story" in this
game, you can only play them when SKIP mode is ON...

Since Miharu's attack patterns aren't listed in the manual, here they

A Type B Type Cho-rensa Dai-kassen
(Tokimemo Mode) (Susume! Mode) (Robo-saku Mode)

r b r b g g g g g g
r b r b y g g g g g g g
r b g y r b r -} {- b (from bottom)
(from top) y g
r b
(from top)

Note, however, that in 1P games, Miharu will always use her Cho-rensa
(Robo-saku Mode) pattern...

Interestingly, you can actually earn omoide for Miharu...
Also, it's possible to make Miharu available in the Okiniiri list in
the Options menu. To do this, simply get Shiori's bad ending (lose
against Miharu) in a Konjou or Kokuhaku story (continues don't matter;
difficulty setting doesn't matter)...

III.2 How about in 2P games?

Of course. =)
After selecting a 2P game, do the following:

1) select game mode while P1 holds d-pad left,
and P2 holds d-pad right.
2) select number of rounds while P1 holds d-pad up,
and P2 holds d-pad down.

If you've done this correctly, you should find that Miharu, Yoshio,
and Rei have been added to the character select screen. They will remain
available in 2P mode for your entire game session (i.e. so long as you do
not turn off or reset your system), even if you exit 2P mode, or do a
"soft" reset, or even Load a game from your memory card(!), it seems...

IV. Entering Names and Passwords

IV.1 Can you help me with the name entry screen?

Here is the standard name entry screen. The characters are given in

HA HI FU HE HO tsu ya yu yo wa - ~ . ! ?
[SWITCH] {- -} E N D

The "Switch" option can be made available by, at the Konami logo,
entering the code: u,u,d,d,l,r,l,r,X,O. See the 1P Cho-rensa mode
section, earlier in this document, for more details...
The "Switch" option will allow you to switch from the standard name
entry screen (above) to an alternate name entry screen (and back again, if
you wish). The alternate name entry screen is basically the same as the
standard one, except that the first two (left and middle) sections are in
katakana, and the third (right) section gives you roman characters
instead, as follows:

Z + - , .

At the entry entry screen, you can enter a name of up to five
characters long. If you just select "END" without inputting anything, the
game will default to whatever name was used last. If no name has ever
been entered before (for example, if it's your first time playing a Konjou
story), the default will be "Bancho-" [BA -N CHI yo -].

IV.2 Are there any passwords in name entry mode?

There sure are. Here are the ones I know about:

A. Easy Mode
In katakana, enter: "Konamiman" [KO NA MI MA -N]
If you entered this correctly, you'll get the standard tone, and the
message "kantan!" ("easy!"). CPU skill will go down.
Note: If you enter "Konamiman" in hiragana instead of katakana,
you'll get the message "zannen!" ("sorry!"), and no special benefits...

B. Hard Mode
In hiragana, enter: "tsugi no tama" ("next piece") [TSU GI NO TA MA]
If you entered this correctly, you'll get the standard tone, and the
message "muzukashii" ("difficult"). The next piece for neither player
will be shown.

C. Koala-damas
Tokimeki Memorial Taisen Koala-dama! =)
In hiragana, enter:
"Shiritsu Kirameki Koukou" [SHI RI TSU KI RA ME KI KO U KO U]
If you entered this correctly, you'll get the standard tone, and the
message "arigatou" ("thank you"). All normal pieces in the game will
become koala-shaped(!).
Note: Yes, I know the above is more than five characters long, but if
you enter it correctly (make sure to hit "END" after the final character),
the game will continue to allow input of the above "name" even after five
Note2: Since "Shiritsu Kirameki Koukou" (that's the name of the high
school, btw) is too long to easily fit in the high scores list, any
koala-dama game will get you listed there as "Arigatou" instead...
Note3: Unlike the Easy and Hard Mode name-passwords, the Koala-dama
password, probably because of its length, cannot become a "default" name
(if you select "END" without inputting anything, the game normally uses
the last name that was inputted); you'll instead be assigned the name
"Arigatou", with no special benefits. So in other words, every time you
want to play with Koala-damas, you'll have to enter the Kaoala-dama code

V. Voices and Stuff

V.1 Is there any way to select which game-initial greeting I get?

Yes. Most of the characters have four greetings (Shiori has five;
Nozomi, Yuko, and Mira have only three (each); and Miharu has only one),
corresponding roughly to: Morning greeting, afternoon greeting (general
greeting), evening greeting, and late evening greeting. By holding down a
particular button (on the P1 controller) while the game loads, you can
select one of these greetings, as follows (buttons listed in order of
decreasing priority, for cases where more than one is held down...):

L1 - morning
L2 - afternoon/general
R1 - evening
R2 - late evening
SELECT - morning 2 (Shiori only)

If you don't hold down any of these, one will be chosen at random.
Note: For those characters without a "morning 2" greeting, the SELECT
button will instead give you the standard "morning" greeting.
By setting the Okiniiri option in the Options Menu to a particular
girl (and saving to your memory card), you can get her to greet you the
next time you load up the game. If you set Okiniiri to "ALL", a girl will
be randomly chosen for the greeting (exception: the first time you load
the game (i.e. if the game doesn't detect a TokiMemo Puzzledama save file
on your memory card), Shiori will always be the one to greet you, and will
default to her SELECT button (morning 2) greeting, unless you specify
something else).
Note: See the Hidden Characters section of this document for
information on obtaining Miharu in the Okiniiri list. Miharu will not
appear in the "ALL" lineup unless she's available in Okiniiri...

Finally, in case anybody's interested, since I've actually compiled
all of the greetings, I figured I might as well include them here, for
those of you who know Japanese... So:

L1 Ohayou! Kyou mo ichi nichi gambatte ne!
L2 Konnichi wa! Sore ja gambatte ne!
R1 Konban wa! Sore ja gambatte ne!
R2 Osoku made gambaru no ne. Gambatte ne!
SEL Ohayou gozaimasu! Kyou mo ichi nichi yoroshiku onegai shimasu!

L1 Sempai, ohayou gozaimasu!
L2 Sempai, konnichi wa!
R1 Sempai, konban wa!
R2 Sempai, osoku made gambarun desu ne.

L1 Ohayou!
L2 Yaa!
R1 (same as L1)
R2 Osoku made gambarun da na.

L1 Ohayou!
L2 Konnichi wa!
R1 Konban wa!
R2 Osoku made gambaru no ne.

L1 Ano... ohayou gozaimasu.
L2 Ano... konnichi wa.
R1 Ano... konban wa.
R2 Ano... osoku made taihen desu ne.

L1 Ohayou gozaimasu.
L2 Konnichi wa.
R1 Konban wa.
R2 Osoku made gambaru no desu ne.

L1 Ohayou gozaimasu.
L2 Konnichi wa.
R1 Konban wa.
R2 Osoku made taihen desu ne.

L1 Ohayou.
L2 Anata mo hima ne.
R1 (same as L1)
R2 Zuibun osoi no ne.

L1 Ohhayo-!
L2 Nee nee. Kore kara nanda.
R1 Naninani? Kore kara yo-asobi?
R2 (same as L1)

L1 Ohayou.
L2 Ara. Guuzen ne.
R1 Ara. Osoi no ne.
R2 (same as L1)

L1 Good morning! Ohayou!
L2 Hi! Konnichi wa!
R1 Good evening! Konban wa!
R2 Wow! Mada okiteta no?

L1 Gomen nasai.
L2 (same as L1)
R1 (same as L1)
R2 (same as L1)

V.2 Is there a voice test option in the game?

Well... sort of. After you've earned a character's omoide, if you
select that character's omoide in the Options menu, in the "epilogue"
section of the omoide (the letter from afar), you can listen to various
lines your character says in the game, as follows:
(P1 side only) While holding down L1, L2, R1, or R2, press u, d, l,
or r on the d-pad. (shoulder buttons listed in order of decreasing
priority, for cases where more than one is held down...)
There are sixteen combinations possible, but I don't know if every
character has sixteen different lines you can listen to (no, I didn't
compile all of these... =) ).

VI. Miscellany

VI.1 Do the characters have more than one costume each?

Yes, sort of. For all characters except for the "boss" characters
(Yoshio, Rei, and Miharu), the P1 and P2 costumes are slightly different.
For most of them, some part of their clothing is colored differently (in
Mio's case, it's the book she's carrying...). There isn't, as far as I
know, any way to choose, however; the P1 costume will always be used for
the P1 side, and the P2 costume will always be used for the P2 side...

VI.2 Is there a game-internal reset code?

On either controller, hold L1+L2+R1+R2+SELECT+START for a second or
two, and the game will "soft" reset back to the Konami logo. This will
reset the Level 7 code and the Cho-rensa code (you'll have to re-input
them), but will leave pretty much everything else alone (you won't have to
reload from your memory card).

VI.3 Is there a playable CD track on the game CD?

First off, let's get the CD warning out of the way: ** WARNING - Do
not play CD ROM data tracks on regular CD players! You risk damage to
your system, your speakers, and your hearing! ** Playing CD tracks from
a game CD via the CD Player on your game system is usually safe, though,
since it's programmed to filter the data tracks out, and so it shouldn't
send them to the audio output...
And just for the record, track 1 on the Tokimeki Memorial Taisen
Puzzledama game CD is a data track, so DO NOT play track 1 on a CD player!

Track 2, on the other hand, is a playable CD track. It runs about
2:59, and contains:
a) Miharu "legend of the tree" intro
b) Miharu "Kyaaa! Dareka nozoiteru!!"
c) Yoshio "legend of the tree" intro
d) the epilogue (vacation) music from the good endings

VI.4 Is there anything else neat on the game CD?

Actually... yes. There are some .bmp files on it! If you examine
the game CD on your computer, you should find a subdirectory called
"Himitu" (note: "himitsu" = "secret"). Inside there, you should find
eight .bmp files, named "Ps_0.bmp" through "Ps_7.bmp".

VI.5 Is there any other neat stuff in the game?

Instructional demo - At the game title screen, if you press the
SELECT button (on either controller), the game will jump directly to the
instructional demo. During the instructional demo, if you hit the SELECT
button (P1 side only), the speech text will disappear (i.e. the demo will
be voice only).

End credits SD character order - During the "good" credits, you'll
see SD versions of various characters walk across the screen (enter, stage
left; brief performance; exit, stage right). There will be a total of 9
SD characters, selected from the following order, so as to end with the
character you won with:
Shiori Mira Yumi Saki Yukari Nozomi
Yuina Ayako Megumi Yuko Mio
So if you won with Yumi, for example, the order would be: Nozomi,
Yuina, Ayako, Megumi, Yuko, Mio, Shiori, Mira, Yumi.

VII. Thanks and Stuff

Thanks to:
Kasahara Yasuhiko's PlayStation Secrets Room
(, for the 1P Cho-rensa
code, the hidden characters info, the easy mode and koala-dama name
passwords, the "voice test" info, and the instructional demo
Tutokku's puzzle game secrets page
(, for the
hard mode name password...
The KCET Tips & Codes section of the Konami (Japan) website
(, for mentioning the
SELECT button game-initial greeting...

The latest version of this file can be found at:
All Roads Lead to Kirameki High

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