Tokimeki Memorial

Tokimeki Memorial

15.10.2013 19:41:35
Tokimeki Memorial Private Collection (Konami, Misc, PSX)
Secrets FAQ
V1.0 4/12/99

Written by: Richard Uyeyama (ru e ama*

* Instances of the letter "y" and the "at" symbol have been removed
(replaced with spaces) from the above e-mail address in order to prevent
unscrupulous UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) bot processes from
adding to the amount of e-mail I already get...

The latest version of this file can be found at:
Music, Graphics, Trivia, Fortunes Told at Kirameki High

Document formatting, organization, and wording Copyright 1999 by Richard

Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its
entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. Author
reserves the right to rescind specific or general permission, if he sees a
reason (such as loophole abuse) to do so.

Tokimeki Memorial and Konami are registered trademarks of Konami Co., Ltd.
Tokimeki Memorial Private Collection is Copyright 1996 by Konami Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Table of Contents:

0. Document History
I. Basic Stuff
1. The purpose of this document
II. Main Menu
1. Phone numbers, mini-characters
III. Tokimeki Karuto Pair Quiz
1. Perfect game, extra scene
2. Playing again, after winning
3. Beach scene, hidden lines
IV. Lucky Check
1. Title screen, character walking
2. Birthdays, mini-characters
3. Fortunes, character chosen
V. CG Gallery
1. Library, extra pictures
2. Zoom in, zoom out
3. BGM, lotsa music!
VI. Miscellany
1. Greetings, load-initial
2. Reset, 6-button
3. No auto-save, auto-load?
4. .bmp files, Himitu directory!
VII. Thanks and Stuff

0. Document History

V1.0: 4/12/99
Launch version

I. Basic Stuff

I.1 The purpose of this document

This document is an informational resource for Konami's Tokimeki
Memorial Private Collection (PSX,J), a miscellaneous collection of
TokiMemo stuff, including art, music, voices, a fortune telling game,
and even a trivia game based upon characters and events from TokiMemo.
In this Secrets FAQ (side note: I'm using "faq" herein with its more
colloquial definition of "document of organized information", rather than
its more traditional definition, which implies organizational headings in
the form of questions...), I'll be covering codes and secrets and other
such information which may be of interest. Note that in this document,
the player will be assumed to have at least some basic knowledge of the
Japanese language... so as to be able to complete Karuto Quiz mode... and
enjoy the various bits of amusing dialogue throughout TMPC... ^^

II. Main Menu

II.1 Phone numbers, mini-characters

On the Main Menu screen (where you choose between Tokimeki Karuto
Pair Quiz, Lucky Check, CG Gallery, Music Clip, and Option), if you input
a character's phone number, a mascot-sized version of that character will
proceed to walk across the screen (cross r. to l.), at a speed which
varies according to the character (Yukari walks the slowest, Yumi walks
the fastest). Only one character can be on screen at a time. If you poke
a character (O button) while she's walking, she'll stop, and utter one of
her telephone lines (the lines are spoken in a specific order), before
continuing to walk...
Here's a chart showing the characters' phone numbers (note: "T" =
"triangle button", for those unfamiliar with that notation...), and the
number of telephone lines each one will speak:

Character Phone # # of lines
Shiori O X T - X O T O 5
Mio X X T - O T O X 4
Yuina T T T - O O X O 5
Ayako T X O - X O X O 4
Saki T X O - T T X X 4
Yukari O O O - X T T X 4
Nozomi T X X - O X T X 6
Mira T T X - O X X T 4
Yuko O T O - X T O T 4
Megumi O X T - T X O O 6
Yumi O O O - T T X O 4
Rei O T X - O T X O 11

I don't think Miharu has an assigned telephone number, but if
somebody finds one that works for her, do let me know. =)

III. Tokimeki Karuto Pair Quiz

III.1 Perfect game, extra scene

As it turns out, if you win against *all* characters (including Rei)
without getting a single answer wrong, you'll get a special Rei scene at
the end, instead of the normal group photo (of all 13 characters).
** SPOILER WARNING ** Note that if you haven't yet seen the Rei-
related ending in Tokimeki Memorial, there is a potential spoiler in the
extra scene you get here...
After the extra scene, you get kicked back to the main menu, and get
a special message from Shiori, telling you that you've earned some extra
pictures in the CG Library. See the CG Gallery section of this faq for
more information...

Tips on getting a perfect score:
The basic tactic is quite simple, really: Abuse the SAVE process. =)
Play a game, and if you get an answer wrong, reset the game, then LOAD
your last game. If you make it through 10 questions without getting any
wrong, exit from the beach scene, and immediately SAVE. Repeat for all 12
(plus Rei makes 13) characters.

Further tips:
Since you aren't given an opportunity to SAVE immediately before
facing Rei (i.e. right after your 12th opponent), you're basically going
to have to get 20 (!) questions in a row correct. Thus, I'd probably
recommend leaving your favorite character (or whichever character you know
best) for 12th, in order to make this 20-question run a bit easier.

Some final notes:
Each character has around 30 questions, I think. So after playing
against a character 4 or 5 times, you've probably seen most, if not all of
that character's questions. Note that even if you've gotten a question
wrong, you can still play through the rest of your game before resetting,
in order to become more familiar with that character's questions...

III.2 Playing again, after winning

For a character you've won against, if you select (from the character
select map) her with the O button, you'll go to that character's beach
scene. However, if you select her with the X button, you'll get to play
Karuto Quiz against her again!
Note that some of the wrong answers will actually provoke some
amusing responses... =) However, do note that if you're trying for the
extra scene and graphics, these will count against you, even if you
originally played a perfect game against that character... (so either
don't SAVE, or wait until after you've earned the extras before trying out
the wrong answers...)

III.3 Beach scene, hidden lines

In a beach scene, if you poke (O button) the screen (anywhere on the
screen; it doesn't have to be on the character) 101 times, you'll provoke
a response from the character. After that first response, you'll only
have to poke the screen 21 times for each subsequent line...
Each character has up to three lines, spoken in order, it seems,
though the characters with only two lines (Yukari, Nozomi, Yuko, and
Miharu) repeat their second line as their third, before going back to the
first... Mio, Ayako, and Megumi have only one line each. I think most of
these lines are actually lines from TokiMemo, though they've been ummm,
taken out of context here...

IV. Lucky Check

IV.1 Title screen, character walking

The character walking across the Lucky Check title screen is, I
believe, chosen randomly. Yes, Miharu and Rei are in the lineup...

IV.2 Birthdays, mini-characters

If you choose a character's birthday as the Lucky Check birthday (oh,
btw, note that the default b-day will be the b-day of whichever character
greeted you when you loaded TMPC...), a mascot-sized version of that
character will appear next to (to the left) of the birthday. Poking (O
button) the mini-character will give you the character's telephone
Here's a list of character birthdays, in case anybody's interested:
Shiori 5 27
Mio 2 3
Yuina 7 7
Ayako 9 30
Saki 1 13
Yukari 6 13
Nozomi 12 3
Mira 11 15
Yuko 10 17
Megumi 9 5
Yumi 5 16
Miharu 3 3
Rei 8 23

Yoshio's b-day (4/4) doesn't seem to do anything special...
Interestingly, Shiori's b-day, which is variable (chosen by the
player) in TokiMemo, has been assigned to May 27th... Hmmm... =) In
case anybody's wondering, 1994.5.27 was the release date for the PC Engine
version of TokiMemo (the original!). Similarly, the default checkday
(1996.4.26) was the release date for TokiMemo Private Collection...

IV.3 Fortunes, character chosen

The character chosen to read your fortune seems to be random (Miharu
is included). Except that I think Rei is reserved for reading the bad
fortunes... ^^;

V. CG Gallery

V.1 Library, extra pictures

If you perfected *all* characters in Karuto Quiz mode (see the
Tokimeki Karuto Pair Quiz section of this document for more information),
you will have unlocked two extra pictures in the Library section of the CG
Gallery (note: the same spoiler warning as for the extra scene in Karuto
Quiz mode applies for these extra pictures...). They're on the last page,
so simply click back one page from the default (first) page of the

V.2 Zoom in, zoom out

When viewing a picture in the CG Poem or Library section of the CG
Gallery, if you press the O button, you can zoom in for a closer view.
Pressing the X button will zoom you back out to the normal view, or exit
you from that picture, if you're already in normal view.

V.3 BGM, lotsa music!

Note that the BGM in the CG Gallery will change every once in a while
(there's a *lot* of music it can cycle through... =) ), if you stay there
for long enough. The CG Poems, however, seem to each have a specific BGM
assigned to them, so playing a CG Poem, I think, will automatically change
(or reset) the music to that BGM...

VI. Miscellany

VI.1 Greetings, load-initial

The character who greets you after the TMPC title screen appears to
be chosen randomly. Each character seems to have only one greeting. And
yes, Miharu and Rei are both in the lineup...
Oh, also, the default birthday in the Lucky Check section of TMPC
will be the birthday of whichever character did the load-initial

VI.2 Reset, 6-button

If you press R1+R2+L1+L2+SELECT+START, you can reset TMPC back to the
Konami logo. Note that this *will* reset anything you may have done
during your session, and so you *will* have to reload from your memory

VI.3 No auto-save, auto-load?

TMPC doesn't seem to have an auto-save process. Nor does it
auto-load from your memory card. Thus, you'll have to manually LOAD or
SAVE, every time you want to do either...

VI.4 .bmp files, Himitu directory!

If you view your TMPC game CD on a computer, and look in the "Himitu"
directory, you should find 19 TokiMemo .bmp files there! =)

VII. Thanks and Stuff

Thanks to:
Kasahara Yasuhiko's PlayStation Secrets Room
(, for mentioning the
main menu mini-characters, the beach scene lines, and how to get the
omake graphics (perfecting Karuto Quiz mode)...

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