Legend of Mana

Legend of Mana

17.10.2013 12:20:06

This document Copyright © 2000 Nemesis™. All rights reserved.

Legend of Mana: Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
{Fat-Free™ Version}
Written by: Brett "Nemesis" Franklin
Version 1.00

Table of Contents:
01. Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
02. Copyright Information


01. Spoiler-Free Walkthrough


This Spoiler-Free walkthrough lays out each event in Legend of Mana. This
is the order that I played the game, but is not necessarily the way that
everyone should play it, because there are several ways to play though
the game.

• Leave Home
• Get Colorblocks from Sproutling
• Build Domina
• Check out Encyclopedias
• Go to the Church
• Get Encyclopedia from the Reverend
• Head over to the Domina Marketplace
• Speak with Niccolo
• Agree to take him with you
• Begin "Niccolo's Business Unusual"

• Go to Teapo's House
• Get AF: "Wheel" from Niccolo
• Build Luon Highway
• Head over to Luon Highway
• Take Lower route first
• Talk to Gaeus
• Go back
• Take Upper path now
• Work your way to the end of the path
• Fight boss

• Build Gato Grottoes and Jungle
• Go to Gato Grottoes to start "Flame of Hope"
• Find hurt Sproutling
• After finding him, he'll leave again
• Go to the Dungeon
• Follow the green leaves to find him at the top of the Mountain
• Get AF: "Ancient Tablet" and AF: "Torch of Coral"

• Head back Home
• Go south
• Talk to the Tree
• Take whatever Produce you've grown
• Feed him more seeds
• Leave this area

• Enter Jungle
• Let strange man cast a spell on you
• Find one of the two hunters
• Join them
• Follow them when they run away
• Make your way into "Du'Cate's Territory"
• And eventually into "Spring of the Beasts"
• Fight Boss fight: Du'Cate
• Get 500 Lucre
• Get AF: "Sand Rose"

• Create Duma Desert
• Head back to Domina
• Go to the Pub
• Talk to Elazul
• Go to the Domina Outskirts
• Take northern path
• Talk to Duelle about monster raising

• Use Jade Egg to create Mekiv Caverns
• Go to Mekiv Caverns
• Job is to find Pearl
• Take upper path at the fork
• Eventually you will reach dead-end
• Fight Boss: Du'Inke
• Get AF: "Stone Eye" and AF: "Firefly Lamp"

• Go to Polpota Bay
• Talk to Hotel owner
• Agree to help him
• Head back to the Hotel
• Tell him about the Knight
• Get AF: "Spirit Bottle"

• Go to Mindas Ruins
• Start Event "Teatime of Danger"
• Talk to Duelle
• Mission: Save Teapo
• Chest: Virgin's Sigh
• Go north
• Talk to girl: Learn about Flowerlings
• Go left: Save
• Remember this tower
• Go left: talk to jester
• 2 chests: Sharp Claw and Morph Meat
• Go back, head north to find the Keys to the Gates
• Go south from there
• Go back to tower
• Go south
• Go east, then take lower right path
• Follow path until you reach a green man
• Keep going through the open gate
• Chest: Knockout Dust
• Go into small structure to the left
• Speak with green man to make 2 more fall
• Speak to upper-left one '<'
• Go back to the previous screen, and go through the
now open gate at the upper left
• Run past Megalithic Structor to "Western Gates"
• Take upper right path, past Boa, and to the three girls again
• Speak to lower-left girl until they look like this ''
• Go back to Western Gates
• Take lower left path
• Go straight to next screen
• Chest: Creepy Eye
• Talk to green man
• Exit area, then take southern path
• After Chess Knight, go forward to Flowerkey's Corner
• Speak to upper and lower right men to make a '>' shape
• Return to Western Gates
• Take upper right path
• Return to the girl flowerkeys corner again
• Speak to them to make a '/' shape
• Leave and go east to Tower of Winds
• Run past Tower of Winds to Eastern Gates
• Get Vampire Fang from lower-right path
• Follow path
• Speak to the green men to make a '/' shape
• Return to Eastern Gates and take upper left path
• Speak to pink girl to reveal hidden passage
• Take the hidden stairs
• You should be inside the structure
• Fight Chess Knight
• Fight Succubus
• Fight Ape Mummy
• Chest: Clear Feather
• Meet Teapo, then talk to him
• You'll have to fight a Level 8 Count Dovula:
• Use Power Hits the most
• Avoid his fire attacks and ceiling attacks
• Remember that he has 3 Life Bars
• When you beat him, he'll drop a ton of HP Crystals
• You will also get the AF "Bottled Spirit"
• And the AF "Rusty Armor"
• You'll hear about Teapo's adventure afterwards

• Head over to Ulkan Mines
• Enter mines
• Run into the first room with the chest
• Chest: Rust
• Head into first room to the north
• You will be in Watt's Shop
• Talk to Pokiehl, and he'll tell you about Watts
• Begin Event: "Mine Your Own Business"
• Exit shop
• Head east and fight Molebear
• Head down stairs
• Speak with Duelle
• Continue down stairs
• Go west at the foot of the stairs
• Fight molebears
• Go across the bridge and into next area
• Go down stairs until you reach a Save Statue
• Save your game
• Go right and up the upper right path to find a level 17 Narcissos. This
is a great way to level up easy because he's easy to beat, and he gives
out lots of HP Crystals
• Exit and head down the lower right path and down stairs
• Keep going down the stairs until you reach a Springball
• Kill Springball to open the doors
• Go through northern door
• Fight the 2 Specters
• Take nothern path
• You are now in the Digger's hideout
• I don't know what they say yet, but I will translate it soon
• Remember this place, then go back to the area with the Springball
• Go through door on the right
• Speak to the farie
• Chest: Bug Meat
• Continue north
• 3 Chests:
• Little Eye
• Sulpher
• Moss
• Return to Save Statue
• Run past statue, and go north to Abandoned room
• Search room, then exit
• Take upper left path
• Fight 3 Slimes
• Fight Specter and 2 Hoppin Ticks
• Speak to the bear
• Take upper left path
• Go up stairs
• Go across bridge
• Fight Slime, and 2 Hoppin Ticks
• Fight 2 Molebears
• Go through west door
• Head down stairs and into the next room
• At the end you will see Watts
• Speak to him a lot to make him talk about how dangerous the room is
• You will have to fight a Level 17 Labanne Boss:
• Concentrate on knocking the blue hand thing down, and don't try to
attack the redish one yet.
• Stay towards the bottom of the screen to avoid the attacks of the boss
• Use your Power hits
• Use uppercuts to slash the blue hand AWAY from you
• Use the crouch ability to replentish your health
• When the boss has been defeated, he'll yeild a bunch of Huge HP Crystals
• You will also speak with Watts
• You will recieve the AF "Moon's Mirror"

• Go back to Gato Grottoes
• Head to north to village of Gato
• Go into Items Shop
• Meet Niccolo again, and agree to go with him
• Save your game
• Go south and then east to the caves
• Choose the Option: To the Waterfall, unless you want to level up in the
dungeon, this is the only logical choice
• At the Waterfall, exit the area to the east, then come back so Niccolo
will stop gathering Greenballs
• After a while, a Faerie will come and ask you what you are doing
• Say that you are waiting for Niccolo
• Tell Niccolo you are talking to a Faerie
• He'll give you a Greenball Bun, AF "Broken Doll", and 500 Lucre

• Go to Lumina
• Head into the Item Shop
• Save your game then speak with Niccolo
• He'll ask you to go with him to the Mindas Ruins
• Agree to start Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part 3
• Go to the Mindas Ruins
• Go to the female Flowerkeys, and speak to them to make them into a ''
• Go to the Western Gates, and take the open route at the lower left side
• Speak to the Psychokenetic guy and Niccolo will chase him and call him
a fake, then ask you to get him out of there
• Take him to the entrance
• This will end this quest

• Go back Home
• Enter then exit your house
• As you leave, Pelican will tell you about pumkins taking over West Domina
• Head over to Domina, then to the Outskirts, then to the north western
• You will find Bud and Lisa, and a bunch of pumpkins everywhere
• You will overhear their conversation
• Now you'll have to fight Bud and Lisa. They're not too tough, but since
they're small, it can be frustrating
• After the fight, they'll ask you if they can be your apprentice. Say yes
to end this Event

• Go to the Junkyard
• You will overhear a conversation between some toys
• This will begin the event "The Infernal Doll"
• Speak to the Jack-In-The-Box
• He'll tell you these directions: Jack-in-the-box, teddy bear, the
doll, the jack-in-the-box, and rocking horse
• Go up the north path
• Chest: Little Eye
• Now take lower-right path
• Chest: Magical Meat
• Exit from where you came, then take the upper right path into
the Pathway of Garbage
• Pass through here into the next area
• Go through the next area to the Acropolis of Trash
• Take the right path past the Rocking Horse
• Speak to Louie
• Chest: Wad of Wool
• Chest: Electricity
• Save Statue, so save your game
• Exit this area and return to the Acropolis of Trash
• Now talk to the nearby Jack-In-the-Box, and choose to Back Away.
He'll teleport you back to the entrance.
• Now follow the paths of the Jack-in-the-box, teddy bear, the
doll, the jack-in-the-box, and rocking horse.
• After passing the rocking horse, follow the path, kill the
Moldy Goo, then follow it into the next area, the Heap of Junk
• You'll have to fight 2 Cursed Dolls, a Chess Knight, and a Polter
Box to get the AF: Tome of Magic (Geo).
• You'll end up in Louie's Room
• This concludes The Infernal Doll

• Build Geo with the Tome of Magic
• Find Niccolo there, and agree to take him to the Ulkin Mines
• Go to the Ulkin Mines
• Head over to Watt's Shop
• Let Niccolo do his thing
• Each time you exit the shop, just re-enter to continue where you
left off
• After a while, Watts will figure out how big of a fool he is
and you Niccolo will take some stuff from him
• This concludes Niccolo's Business Unusual: Part 4

• Head over to Mandora Beach
• You will overhear a conversation between David and Val on the beach. It's
just like a mini-soap opera. :p
• When they leave, you will start the event "Summer Lovin'"
• Take the right path (east), and into the next area
• Fight the two crabs
• Continue onward
• Enter the cave
• Go through the lower path to the right
• Fight the Sahagin and the 2 Bloodsuckers
• Kill the Big Baby, and enter the next area with some crabs
• Take upper left path
• You are now in Prince Beach
• Kill the enemies here, then enter the next cave
• Go into the next area
• Take the lower right path to fight the boss: Fullmetal Haggar
• Some tips:
• Just stay very close to him, and use combos fast
• Use Special Techniques whenever possible
• Just attack him so he can't attack you
• This guy is so easy that I beat him with 100% health left over!
• After beating him, take the HP Crystals
• You'll get Granz Steel

• Go to Domina
• Head to the Park of Mana Angel
• Speak to Diddle, and he'll run away
• Talk to Cappella twice
• Follow Diddle
• After going to the Outskirts, return to the Park and speak with Cappella
• Go to the Center of Domina and speak with the sproutling
• Now head into the Hotel and watch Miss Yuki yell at Cappella
• Follow Cappella to the Outskirts
• He'll get taken away
• Leave then return to the Outskirts to find Pelican
• Speak to Pelican and he'll tell you he took him to a highway...
• Leave for the Luon Highway
• Use the Boink at the beginning to warp to Cappella
• He'll find Diddle's Letter, and read it no matter what you say
• Follow Cappella to the cave entrance
• Talk with Diddle at the cave entrance
• Tell on Cappella, and Diddle will run into the Cave
• Inside the cave, and pass through the first area
• In the next area, take the upper left path first
• Chest: Blackened Bat
• Chest: Needle
• Return to the previous room, and take the lower left path, down the stairs
• Chest: Angry Eye
• Chest: Poison Fang
• Keep going west until you find Cappella
• He'll say there is a monster in the next room
• Enter the room and fight the Giga Rex (Lv21)
• Fight the Giga Rex and defeat him to get tons of HP Crystals
• You will overhear another conversation between Diddle and Cappella
• You will recieve Gator Skin
• This concludes "Diddle's Letter"

• Head over to Lake Kilma
• You will overhear a small conversation between a captain and some penquins
• They'll ask you what the password is, and it doesn't matter what you say
• They'll run away
• Follow the penquins
• Follow the path until you reach some stoned penquins and a chest
• Chest: Fish Meat
• Follow the upper right path to the Southern Shore
• Pass through this area until you reach a place with a chest and another
stoned Penquin
• Chest: Healing Claw
• Help the turtle here
• Take the lower right path, past the stoned (petrified) Penquin
• Pass through the next area into the place where you find the captain
and his penquins
• You will overhear their conversation
• You will find a Save Statue, so save your game here
• Take the lower right hand path
• You will see 3 Faeries and a chest
• Chest: Hairball
• Continue going right
• Eventually you will reach another area with Faeries and statues
• Take the upper left path
• Chest: White Feather
• Keep going left until you reach the Save Statue again
• Now take the lower right path again, until you reach the second area
with Faeries
• Take the path on the right from here, and you will be in an area with
a bunch of statues and two chests
• Chest: Poison Powder
• Chest: Ear of Wheat
• Take the upper left path
• You will watch a weird cinema involving some penquins
• Now jump off the side of the cliff
• You will overhear another conversation between some penquins and the turtle
• You will now fight the boss: Gorgon's Eye
• Some tips:
• Stay on him and stay as close to him as you can
• Combo moves and attacks so he cannot attack you
• Always use Special Techniques whenever possible
• When everything gets dark, move out of the range of his eye
• When he becomes dazed, use a Special Technique to do the most
• After you beat him and take the HP Crystals, you will get Wendel Silver
• This concludes the event, "The Gorgon Eye"

• Head over to the Ulkin Mines
• Go to Watt's Shop and speak with Watts
• He'll tell you he's lost his hammer, and asks you if you would find it
• Say yes, and this will begin the event, "Watts Drops The Hammer"
• Go back to the first screen to the west to find a sign with an arrow
• Read the sign to see it's the Dudbear Express
• A Dudbear will come by and take you to their home
• Grab the hammer from the ground towards the top of the house, then
return it to Watts
• He'll thank you and you will conclude this event, "Watts Drops the Hammer"

• Go back Home
• Head over to the Workshops to find Watts
• Once inside of the Workshop, Watts will teach you how to make your own
weapons and armor
• After you've asked him all the questions, it will stop, and he'll give you
some MenosBronze
• Before he leaves, he'll ask you again if he gave you anything, and if you
say no, then he'll give you some more MenosBronze!
• This concludes the event, "The Path of the Blacksmith"

• Enter Jungle on World Map
• Talk to the male Flowerkey here
• He'll warp you to three places: Forested Ruins, the
Greenwood Gardens, or the Courtyard of Rain
• Choose Forested Ruins first
• Head north past the save statue, and talk to Roane about her missing
sister in the Courtyard of Rain
• Leave, then go south-west into an area with Faeries, and they will
warp you back to the entrance
• Talk to the Flowerkey again, and warp to the Courtyard of Rain
• Talk to the penquin that runs in and let her cast a spell on you
• Go back to the entrance and warp back to the Forested Ruins, and
go north again to where the king of the forest is
• Talk to Selkie, and she'll ask you if you want her to remove the
evil spell on you. Say yes, and she'll ask you for a favor. Agree
to the Favor to start the event, "The Murmering Forest."
• Go south, then take the south-west path again to the Faerie area
• Watch the scene involving some Faeries and a nun
• When it's over, head south, then go east
• On the next screen after you fight some enemies will be a chest
• Chest: Moth Wing
• Head back the way you came, and back to the place where the Faeries
beat up the Nun
• Go left the way the guy who killed the Faeries went
• Keep going left past the next few screens, fending off enemies along
the way, until you get to a screen where the music changes
• Talk to the flying guy here, and he'll tell you about a King
• Talk to him twice to fight him
• Even though his life bar is huge, he's not at all tough, so just
beat him fast
• After you've beat him, take the HP Crystals and you will be back
at the King's throne area
• After the conversation is over, the event, "The Murmering Forest" will
be completed

• Head over to the Tower of Leires
• Talk to Pearl at the Gates to start the event, "The Looking-Glass
• Agree to go with her, then run north
• Go left immediately on the First Floor
• Fight off the enemies, and at the end of the path you will find a
• Chest: Aroma Oil
• Go back to the entrance and go to the right this time
• Pass the Bloodsuckers here, and go onto the next screen
• Kill the Dainslaifs, and head up the stairs to the Second Floor
• Head right, then go up (north) at the end of the hallway
• Follow this path, while killing any enemies along the way, until
you reach some stairs
• Take them up and into the room with the Teleportation Device in it
• The Teleportation Device allows you access to the sixth floor right
• Use the Teleportation Device to skip to the sixth floor
• When you leave the room, you will be on the Sixth Floor
• Go right, and head up the flights of stairs to the Seventh Floor
• Fight the enemies here, then hop out of the right-most hole in the wall
to fall to to the Fifth Floor
• Head right, then down
• Now go left, and fight the enemies here
• Take the stairs at the end of the hall to the left
• At the Sixth Floor, you will find a chest
• Chest: Demon Meat
• Go left and up the stairs to the Seventh Floor
• Go right and up the stairs to the Eighth Floor
• At the end of the hallway, go down instead of left
• Follow the path to the right to find another Transportation Device
• Use it to get to the Tenth Floor
• Go right to find a chest
• Chest: Mercury
• Now go back to the right and go up the stairs to the 11th Floor
• Head right then down into the next area, and Pearl will start
• Enter the large doors to the right for a boss battle: Iron Centaur
• Some tips to help you defeat him:
• None really. Just avoid his axe strikes
• Also, when he starts to glow, move because he's gonna jump and come
down with force
• When he's done for, Elazul will enter and demand that you take Pearl
back to the entrance
• So, take her back to the entrance
• Leave the room, and go up
• Jump out of the hole in the wall to get to the fifth floor and a Save
• Save your game, then return to the First Floor
• Once there, try to leave, and will enter
• She'll summon the Jewel Hunter
• The Jewel Hunter is easy, so just use any Special Techniques that you
can to kill him fast
• When it's done, Pearl will give you 2 AFs: Frozen Heart (Fieg Snowfields)
and AF: Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer)
• This will end the Event, "The Looking-Glass Tower"

• Head over to the Village of Gato, and go north to the Temple of
• Once inside, go either right or left, and to the north to find a
room being blocked
• Talk to the person here (Daena), and she'll let you inside
• Go inside the room
• After the conversation, exit the room, and you will see a nun
who has been hurt
• Follow the other nun back into the room to see a fake num kidnap
• Talk to Daena and she will go with you to save her
• Exit the Temple of Healing and you will see another cut-scene
• Go south and into the Dungeon area in Gato
• Daena will offer to take you to the Sealed Room
• Take her offer, and head up the stairs to the right to find
the kidnapper and a Boss Fight: Spriggan (Lv.24)
• He's not that tough, but he can summon another enemy to fight
along side him
• He also casts spells that put you to sleep and Daena to sleep
• Just stay very close to him, so he won't dodge your attacks
• He can also dodge your Special Techniques, so get him in a corner
if you want it to work on him
• When he's dead, you will be back at the enlightened room, and you
will overhear a conversation
• You will recieve Granz Steel from Daena
• This concludes the event, "Two Torches."

• Go to the Junkyard, and use the Flowerkey to warp to Professor Bomb
• Talk to him and he'll ask you to find his Golem, Pavlov
• Agree to do it, then head off to Lake Kilma
• At the entrance, you will see the Golem towards the top left
• He'll laugh and run away
• Follow him onto the next screen
• Talk to the Golem and he'll say something about taking over the world
• Time to fight the Golem
• He's easy to beat
• Just avoid his laser and swipe attacks and you will be fine
• When the fight is over and you've taken the HP Crystals, you will be
back at the Professor's Lab
• This will end the event, "Professor Bomb's Lab"

• Head back Home
• Go around your house and over to the Workshops
• Professor Bomb will meet you there if you try to enter the Workshops
• He'll say he made a Golem Laboratory for you
• This begins the event, "Golem Go Make 'Em"
• Follow him inside the Workshop
• He'll give you the Basic Golemology Encyclopedia
• Read it, then go back and answer his questions
• When you passed the test four times, you will get a Lifeball each time,
and a Logic Block Jar
• You will get MenosBronze, Forsena Iron, and Granz Steel
• This concludes the event, "Golem Go Make 'em"

• Head over to Lumina, and into Bright Moon Alley
• Go north then take the upper right path past the bridge
• Run past the stairs and go up the second set of stairs
• Enter the door at the top
• You are now in the Lamps "Limelight" shop
• Speak to the girl working here
• Gilbert will enter and offer to sell some lamps so that Monique won't
have to close down the shop
• This begins the event, "The Faeries Light"
• Leave the shop
• Gilbert will ask you if you would help him
• Choose to sell them, and Gilbert will join you
• Return to the City Map and head west to the Mischievous Spirt Tavern
• Speak to the bartender here
• He'll teach you Dudbear language
• Now go find 2 of the Dudbears here that talk to you a lot
• Translate what they say until they ask to be your friend, then
• Now sell them each a lamp
• 2 lamps have been sold
• Head around the back of the Tavern and down the steps to find a Raven
Feather in a chest
• Head back to the first area, Bright Moon Alley, and sell the last lamp
to the Dudbear out here
• Now go and talk to Gilbert
• Follow him into the Lamp Shop
• After the conversation, follow Gilbert and Monique outside
• Listen to their conversation
• When Monique goes back inside the shop, follow her and talk to her
• Three Dudbears will enter and tell Monique how much they like the lamps
• She'll give you AF: "Trembling Spoon"
• This completes the event, "Faeries' Light"

• After creating the SS Buccaneer, go there
• Head right and down the stairs
• Keep going left and into the Deckhouse at the end
• Once inside the Deckhouse, go left a little bit, then go down
into the Wheelhouse
• Speak to RamTiger and he'll ask you which direction you want to go
• Choose these in this order: North, North, East
• The Captain will ask you to join him to look for a Treasure Map
• Agree, and you will end up in the Mekiv Caverns
• This will start this event, "The Treasure Map"
• Follow the upper right and fight the enemies here
• Now take the lower right path to see Roger with some Dudbears
• After they have finished talking about the Treasure Map, they'll run
• Follow them
• Run all the way to the right, and take the lower right path
• You'll see the Treasure Map, but 8 Dudbears tear it apart and run
off with it. It's up to you to get them all back
• Immediatly get one piece from the Dudbear here
• Go back a screen and take the lower right path to find 2 more Dudbears
• Get the 2 pieces, then head back to the entrance where the two Pink
Boinks are
• Take the lower right path here
• Continue all the way to the right, past a few screens, until you reach
2 more Dudbears
• Talk to them to get the last 2 pieces of the map
• You will be returned to the Ship, and the Captain will give you a crab
• This concludes the event, "The Treasure Map"

• Head into the Duma Desert
• Speak to the Students then talk to Kathinja
• She'll tell you about a theif
• Agree to help her to start the event, "Reach for the Stars"
• Head right
• Now take the lower right path
• Chest: Lizard Meat
• Okay, now take the upper right path near the Student
• Follow the path to the right, after killing the enemies here
• Keep going until you reach an area with another path to the upper right
• Take that path to find a chest and some more students
• Chest: Rust
• Talk to the two students, and you'll have a choice on where to go
• Choose to Go through
• Run through the path when they move
• Fight the enemies, then take the upper left path to the Oasis
• Save your game at the Save Statue
• Chest: Scissors
• Go back a screen and take the lower left path
• Fight the enemies here, then take the northern path to an area with
some more students
• Talk to them over and over again until you can choose whether or not you
can go past them
• Choose Go Through
• Walk past them
• Now take the upper left path onto the next screen
• Run left until Kathinja approaches you and talks to you
• Talk to her again, and she'll ask you if you are ready
• Say yes to move onto the next screen
• Here you will find Mephianse, and he's planning on making stars
• He'll push you off the screen and you will have to fight two mini
• Just fight them like any normal enemy, and you should be able to
defeat them easily
• When it's over, you will watch a semi-cool fireworks show from the
World Map
• You will recieve Vizel Gold
• And this concludes "Reach for the Stars"

• Enter the Fieg Snowfields when you are prepared
• As soon as you enter, a man will start talking about a deceased wife
• This begins the event, "Can't Look Back"
• Run onto the next screen
• Fight the enemies here, then move onto the next screen
• Keep going left until you reach an area with a chest
• Chest: Sharp Claw
• Keep going left onto the next screen
• Fight the enemies here, then continue forward until you reach an area
with a Save Statue
• Save your game
• Take the upper right path
• Continue to the right, while killing any enemies along the way
• At the end will be a camp site with some chests
• You will overhear a conversation about finding treasure
• Chest: Knockout Dust
• Chest: Wad of Wool
• Talk to Mephianse and he'll run away
• Follow him to the Field of Innocence
• Once there, follow the lower left path
• Chest: Giant's Horn
• Now take the lower right path
• Fight the enemies here, then run onto the next screen
• You will find Mephianse here along with the Ice Witch
• Run past the Ice Witch and into the next area
• When you reach an area with two paths, take the upper left one to
fight the boss: Du'Mere!
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his whirlwind attack, because it takes off serious
• When he's defeated, take the HP Crystals and you will end up in a
conversation with Mephianse.
• You will get some Wendel Silver
• This concludes the event, "Can't Look Back"

• Go over to Gato Grottoes and head north to the Temple of Healing
• Go the to top room and talk to Matilda
• She'll ask you if you would find Daena
• Agree to help her, then head over to The Jungle
• Once at the Jungle, and warp to the Forested Ruins
• Go north again and speak to Rosiotti
• He'll tell you about Daena if you ask him about her
• Okay, now go to Lake Kilma
• Once you are at the Lake, follow the paths all the way to the
cliff where you met Tote the turtle
• You will meet Tote here. Speak to her
• Return a couple of screens back to find Daena
• She'll leave, so follow her to the Area with the Faeries
• Take the southern path where the Faeries are
• Pass through this screen and onto the next one to watch a cut-scene
• After the cut-scene, go through the lower left path
• After the short cut-scene, run to where Daena was to fight the boss:
Boreal Hound
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his lightning attacks, because it takes off serious
• When you have beat him, you will be speaking to Matilda
• You will also watch another cut-scene with Matilda
• This will end the event, "In Search of Faeries"

• Okay, when you are ready, head over to the Domina Inn
• Look in the lower right hand Guest room to the right of the inn-keeper
• You should find Daena in here
• Speak to her and she'll say she wants to meet Gaeus
• Take her with you
• Head over to the Luon Highway
• Head right, and then take the lower right path when you reach the fork
• Continue onward until you reach the end
• You will find Gaeus here
• Speak to him a couple of times, and Daena will give you the Forbidden Ring
• Once you have done this, the event will end
• This concludes the event, "The Wisdom of Gaeus"

• Go back home, and head upstairs
• You should find out that L'il Cactus isn't in his pot anymore
• Leave you house and then re-enter
• Speak to Lisa, and she'll tell you that she's lost her broom
• Go back upstairs and speak to L'il Cactus
• He'll tell you he threw away the broom in the Junkyard
• Go back downstairs, and Lisa will be gone
• Bud says she went to the Junkyard
• Head over to the Junkyard.
• Take the same path as you took when you played "The Infernal Doll",
and eventually you will find Lisa
• She has found her broom!
• Bud will enter the scene, and they'll talk about their dad
• After this, you will have to fight a boss: Gremlin
• Even though he's small, he can be tough
• Some tips to help you defeat the Gremlin
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his whipping attacks, because it takes off serious
• When you have beaten the Gremlin, you will head back home
• Bud fixes the broom, and this will end the event, "Daddy's Broom"
• This concludes the event, "Daddy's Broom"

• Head back Home
• Go around your house and over to the Workshops
• You will meet a student here
• She'll say that she needs your help to play instruments for an assignment
and she wants to catch and Elemental
• You will end up in the Western Section in the Domina Outskirts
• There will be some blue elementals here
• She'll give you the GustMarimba to play
• Select Play a Soft Tune, and the Main Part
• Wait for the Elementals to get very close to the instrument, then stop
• Now run up to one of them and speak to it before it dissapears
• You should get a coin and 3 Wisp Silvers
• When you are done, you will have returned to the Workshops
• The student will tell you how to make instruments
• She'll also give you Aura Silver, Sala Silver, and a MenosBronze
• She'll say goodbye and leave
• This concludes the event, "Enchanted Instruments 101"

• This is the one event that a lot of people don't like :)
• Head back Home, and enter your house
• Talk to Bud, then talk to Lisa
• She'll say Bud is sick, and that you should speak to the Fortune Teller
in Domina
• Head over to Domina
• The Fortune Teller will say that Cactus Juice will cure Bud
• Head back Home and to your house
• Right when you run inside, Lisa tells you that the Cactus ran away!
• This starts the event, "L'il Cactus"
• Let her join you, then go upstairs, and examine the Pot L'il Cactus was
• Read the note, and it says he went to see Gaeus
• Now head on over to the Luon Highway
• Take the path to Gaeus, and speak to him when you get to the end
• He'll say that the cactus came by but he told him to ask Selkie about
• Go on over to the Jungle
• Speak to the Flowerkey, and warp to the Forested Ruins
• Now head north
• Speak to Selkie and she'll say to talk to Brownie
• Okay, now go over to Geo
• Once there, head into the city and up to the school entrance
• Brownie is the one next to the entrance
• Speak to her, and she'll tell you about the Pirate named David
• It's off to the SS Buccanner!
• Head down to the Lower Deck and speak with David the penquin
• He'll say that he gave Cactus the potion, and he let Amalette take him
• Now go to the Domina Outskirts
• Talk to Amalette the Pelican, and he'll say that Cactus hurt him
• He also says he delivered him in the box.....hmmm....
• Go back Home and check your mailbox to find Li'l Cactus
• He'll say that he's got Potion!
• This concludes the event, "Li'l Cactus"

• Head over to Gato Grottoes
• Head west into the Dungeon Area
• Search the caves until you get to a place with some nuns and some barrels
• Talk to them and they'll say someone drank all of their Elixer.
• Exit the cave and you will find Niccolo
• You'll have to fight a drunk Niccolo here
• He's easy to beat, so just beat him fast
• Afterwards, go back into the cave and the nuns will ask you to get some
water from the Oasis
• Go to Geo, and find the bar there, and talk to the person in the back of
the bar
• Head off to Lumina and go to the bar there
• Speak to the Bartender twice, and answer 'yes' twice
• Okay, time to get some water
• Head into the Duma Desert
• Remember the Oasis towards the west side of the Duma Desert? Go there
• The barrel will fill itself up with water, and when it's done, you will
automatically be back at Gato Grottoes
• This concludes the event, "The Blessed Elixir"

• Go over to Geo
• Go north to The Palace of Arts
• Run past the two people and right into the next room (screen)
• You will overhear a conversation about some medicine and them having to
raise ten Billion Lucre for Niccolo
• It appears that they owe him ten billion Lucre for curing Kristie
• This officially starts the event, "Niccolo Calls it Quits?"
• Speak to the queen
• Now head over to Polpota Harbor
• Go to the area near the shore to find Niccolo, and he can't remember a
• Have him join you, then go back to Geo
• Go back to the Palace of Arts
• Talk to Kristie, and Niccolo will give her the medicine!
• Head over to Domina when you are done, and Niccolo will run off
• Go back to the Polpota Harbor again to find him
• With Niccolo along your side, go back to Gato Grottoes and head north to
Cancun Bird's Nest
• Niccolo will get the cure here
• Go back to Geo and give Kristie some more of the cure
• Okay, now head back to Gato Grottoes again, and back to the Cancun Bird's
• After Niccolo gets the rest of the cure, he'll fall off the edge!
• Now head back to Polpota Harbor again, and Niccolo will be in the same
place as before
• After you speak to Niccolo, you will be back at the Palace of Arts in Geo
• Since they can't pay the ten billion Lucre, Niccolo takes over the Palace!
• This concludes the event, "Niccolo Calls it Quits?"

• Go over to the Ulkin Mines and examine the sign to take a ride on the
Dudbear Express!
• Inside the hut, you will overhear a conversation between two penquins
• They kidnap Putty when you get there
• Exit the Ulkin Mines
• Head off to the SS Buccanner
• Go to the area where you found David in "Li'l Cactus"
• Search this area, and you should find a room with a barrel
• Search the barrel, and you will find Putty
• Leave the ship
• Head over to Polpota Harbor, and go to the cliff where you found
the Knight Thoma earlier in "Drowned Dreams"
• Putty will be there
• The Dudbears will come into the scene if you speak to him, and they will
thank you for saving Putty
• This concludes the event, "Where's Putty?"

• Head over to Geo
• Go to the West part of the City, to the left of the city entrance
• You'll see Gilbert hitting on Kathinja! She'll blow him off and leave
• She'll ask Gilbert to make the students go to school
• He'll agree, and this will start the event, "Gilbert: School Amour"
• Head north to the Academy of Magic
• Head into the basement, and into the Library
• Speak to the student in the lowest part of the library
• Answer it this way: "Yes you saw it", "Marching Ants", and "Clearly"
• This will make the student study
• Now speak to the other student in the room, and make her study
• Do this to every student in Geo. EVERYONE of them
• When you have done it to all of the students, the screen will say that
you've gotten all students back to school!
• You will watch a short-cut scene involving Gilbert and Kathinja. LoL.
• This concludes the event "Gilbert: School Amour"

• Head over to the Ulkin Mines and find Pokhiel
• Listen to his story about Escad
• He'll leave
• Follow him
• Speak to Pokhiel again, and he'll tell you about Matilda and Irwin
• Keep following him, and talk to him whenever he stops
• After you've taken the path after a while, you will wake up
• Escad will be with you when you awaken
• He'll ask you which side you are on, and say you are on his side
• This concludes the event "Pokhiel: Dream Teller"
• NOTE: This is one of the easier Events in the game, and it can take
a while, or it can go by fast, it just depends on how you answer his
questions as you follow the path
• To make it go faster, say "yes" when you talk to him for the second time.
It works.

• When you are ready, head into Gato Grottoes
• Go north to the Temple of Healing
• Go right, and up to the back room of the Temple of Healing
• You will overhear a conversation between Matilda and Daena
• After this is over, you will be sucked underground by Faeries
• Once you are at the bottom, go right (east) to exit this area
• Once you are at the right place, you will need to go left (west)
to find some Flowerkeys
• Arrange the Flowerkeys so that the southwestern path is open
• Head into that path and eventually you will meet up with Niccolo
• He'll take you to the Temple of Wind
• Along the way you will find a Save Statue, so save your game
• Now head upstairs
• At the top, you will find Daena and Escad fighting
• Depending on who's side you choose, you will fight a battle with either
Daena or Escad
• Tips to beat them (although this battle is easy):
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him or her and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his whipping attacks, because it takes off serious
• Once the fight is over, you will be back with Matilda again
• She'll tell you a story...
• This concludes the event, "Star-Crossed Lovers"

• Right after you have completed "Star-Crossed Lovers" go into the back room
of the Temple of Healing and you will overhear a story about the end of
the world
• After the long-winded conversation, Matilda will give you the Brooch of Love
• Now use the Brooch of Love to create Lucemia
• Go there now
• Pass the dead snake, and follow the path to the north
• Now go inside of the snake
• Head straight until you reach a fork in the path, then go right
• This is inside The Avenue of Deterioration
• If you follow it you will find the exit out of this area
• Once you get outside, you will meet Selva
• You will overhear the conversation
• When it's over, continue climbing the caves until you reach the Embracement
of Ancients
• Once inside this cave, follow the path until you get to a fork in the road
• Now take the upper right path
• Pass by the first exit you reach, because it's a dead end, then head out of
the second exit
• Continue along the path until you get to Destiny's Decay
• Make your way through here
• At the end of this path, you will find either Daena or Escad
• You will see them dissapear
• Now take the path up and to the left to find Irwin, who will then challenge
you to a fight
• Boss: Irwin
• Some tips to beat him:

• After the boss fight, Lucemia will collapse and destroy
• The story will advance, but I will not spoil it for you
• This concludes the event, "Heaven's Gate"

• Head over to Domina
• Make sure you don't have anyone else in your party (you'll see why in a
• Go into the Domina Pub, and speak to Elazul
• Let him join your party (see?)
• Now exit the Pub
• Wait! As you leave, you will meet up with Pearl
• After the conversation, wait until "Gnome Day" on the map, then head into
• On your way in, you will find Esmeralda
• Talk to her, then go into the Geo Inn and stay there until it's "Jinn Day"
• Now leave the Inn and head over to the Academy of Arts
• Head into it, and you will find Esmeralda
• Speak to her, then go back to the Inn and wait until Gnome Day
• Once it's Gnome Day, head back into the Academy, and into the basement
• Speak to Esmeralda again, and you will be in a coversation
• Okay, leave and wait until Gnome Day again, then return to the Library
and speak to her again
• When you finally get a choice, choose Knighthood, and Esmeralda will join
• Once you have done this, you will overhear a conversation with Mephinase
• Return to the Inn and wait until Dryad Day comes along, then head back to
the Academy and into the Principal's Office
• After Esmeralda takes the Jewel, leave the office
• Head back to the Inn, and the innkeeper will say that they don't have a
jewel core
• Head off to the Palace of Arts up north in Geo
• In here you should find a jewel core
• Take it, then return to the Inn to find the 3rd Jewel
• After you cannot find it, head back into the city, and Esmeralda will ask
you to return to the Inn, so do it
• You'll find the 3rd Jewel core here!
• After the conversation with Teapot, leave and go outside
• You should find a note on the ground
• After Esmeralda leaves, head back to the Academy and speak to Inspector
• Once you have spoken to him, go back to where you left Elazul and speak
with him
• Head back to the palace after talking to him, and go into the basement area
• Examine the statue, and you will be warped to the battle arena to fight
a boss: Jewel Beast
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his whipping attacks, because it takes off serious
• When it is done, The Jewel Thief will dissapear and you will get some Vizel's
Gold from the Statue
• You will be back at Home, and after the conversation, this event will end
• This concludes the event, "The Lucky Clover"

• Go to the SS Buccanner, and speak with RamTiger again
• Give him proper directions, and you will end up in the Fieg Snowfalls
• The Captain will ask you to help him look for treasure
• Agree, and this will start the event, "The Nordic Snowfield"
• Follow the only path that leads to the Field of Innocence, and you should
spot some Faeries
• Talk to them, and they'll say they can give you level 7 and level 6 eyesight
• Try not to talk to some of the Faeries, since some will lower your eyesight,
which is a bad thing :P
• Head up the upper left path, and head northwest so you can find Lakeshumi
• When you find her, you will also find the Treasure!
• You will recieve another crab from the Captain as thanks for helping him
• This concludes the event, "The Nordic Snowfield"

• Head onto the SS Buccanner
• Go to the room with RamTiger
• Speak to him, and say the correct directions to go
• If you did them correctly (I have no clue how to do it, it just happened for
me :), then he'll tell you that the wind has stopped blowing
• This starts the event, "The Quiet Sea"
• Head back to where you first boarded the ship
• You will see a penquin fishing, so speak to him
• Return downstairs, then go back and talk to him again
• He'll open a bottle for you and a ghost emerges!
• When this is done, head downstairs to the Lower Deck where David is
• There is someone in a barrel, so speak to him
• Head back upstairs and into the captain's room
• Speak to him, and he'll ask you to get the bottle back
• Go back to the area with the person in the barrel
• Speak to him again
• Talk to him and make him come out of the bottle
• He'll give you the bottle, and he'll run away
• Follow him, and once you are on the main deck, you will have to fight a
boss: Gova
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his flame attacks, because it takes off serious
• When you are done beating him, you will get some Wendel Silver and another
crab from the Captain
• This concludes the event, "The Quiet Sea"

• Exit your home and go outside right after "The Lucky Clover" and you will
meet Elazul out there
• He'll tell you that Pearl has been kidnapped
• This begins the event, "Cosmo"
• After you have agreed to help him out, you will find out that letter
has flown to an area (I think it varies, but I'm not sure: I got the
• Go there, and you will find a smoking Duck
• Speak to him, then follow the path he tells you about
• Talk to everyone along the way, and they'll give you hints on what to
• After a while, you wil meet up with Sandra (Jewel thief) and Pearl
• You will overhear a long coversation
• When it's done, Sandra will attack Elazul and hurt him!
• Pearl becomes incredibly powerful, and you will then have to face another
boss: Jewel Beast (again!)
• This fight isn't too hard, since you've got Pearl on your side
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his whipping attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, Pearl and Sandra will leave the scene, and Elazul
will go back to your Home to recover
• This concludes the event, "Cosmo"

• After building the Underworld, go there by yourself
• This begins the event, "The Fallen Emperor"
• Once you enter the Underworld, you will meet a Spirit
• Head straight into the tomb and you will hear (or read) a voice
• It says that your strength will be tested....ohhh!
• Once you wake up from your dream, you will be with Larc
• He'll ask you if you want to take the test, and say 'yes'
• Follow the path, and keep going for a while
• Do this until Larc tells you that you need to meet Olbohn
• After this is over, a ghost comes out of nowhere, so talk to him
• He'll baptise you with fire...ouch
• After this is over, head south until you reach a purple doorway
• Go through it
• Keep going and head into another violet cave entrance
• Head downstairs a few levels
• Once you are at the bottom, Larc will ask you if you are ready to meet
his master
• Say yes
• You will now have to face the boss: Hitodama
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, you will end up at the Pulpit of Eternal Flame
• Larc will come here and ask you to defeat 3 dragons for him
• Agree
• He'll give you the AF: "Skull Lantern"
• This concludes the event, "The Fallen Emperor"

• Go back Home, and to your house
• Speak to Bud, and he'll say he wants to see the Seven Wisdoms
• Agree to take him to start the event, "The Seven Wisdoms"
• Here are the Seven Wisdoms and their locations:
• Gaeus: Eastern Luon Highway
• Tote: Lake Kilma, on the cliff to the very north
• Pokiel: Ulkin Mines, inside of Watt's Shop
• Rosiotti: Inside the Jungle, to the north of the Forested Ruins
• Olbohn: The Underworld, in the same route of "The Fallen Emperor"
• Selva: Inside of Gato Grottoes, and near the Avenue of Deterioration
in Lucemia
• That's it. There is no Seventh Wisdom :P
• After you have seen all of these Wisdoms, go back Home WITH Bud, and this
will end the event
• This concludes the event, "The Seven Wisdoms"

• When you are ready, find Larc in the Temple of Healing at Gato Grottoes (or
at least that's where I found him)
• Use the Skull Lantern and make the Norn Peaks
• Now go into the Norn Peaks
• Once there, Larc will notice something odd.....a dragoon
• She'll tell you that one of your "friends" is fooling you
• When she leaves, follow her
• At the end of the path that she took, is The Village of the Wind
• Speak to the huddled group of Dragoons towards the upper right of this
• Larc will frighten them away...no!
• Keep going along the path until you reach a boss: The Windcallers
• Beat this easy boss, then continue along
• Once you get to the path that has a statue near it, don't take it, or
else you will have to start over
• At the end you will find another boss: The Windcallers...again
• This boss is the exact same as the previous boss
• After the fight, head to the left, and fight another Windcaller
• After beating him, head to the upper right path
• Head back to that statue, and examine it
• It'll dissappear
• Now go up that path
• Keep going forward, past the next bunch of Windcallers, and to the
left, then upward until you get to the boss: Akravator
• Some tips to beat the Akravator:

• After you beat him, Larc will give you the Dragonbone AF!
• This concludes the event, "The Guardian of Winds"

• Use the Dragonbone to create the Bone Fortress
• Enter it
• Once you are inside, you will overhear a conversation about a field
• This will start the event, "The Field Trip"
• This quest involves you getting 3 ingrediants for a student
• You need to get: Star Sprinkels, Silver Mushroom, and Fairy Scales.
• After finding these items within the Fortress (they're not hard to find),
you will get a seed for your troubles. Ugh.
• This concludes the event, "The Field Trip"

• One of my favorite events! (See, because "Nemesis" is in the name and all,
and my name is Neme.......sigh....nevermind.)
• Anyways, head over to Polpota Harbor, and head to the left of the city
and to the cliff where you first found Thoma the Knight
• Speak to him, and another Knight will enter and then leave
• He'll say something about the Bone Dragon
• Now go over to the Bone Fortress
• NOTE: Make sure Larc is with you for this event
• Enter the Bone Fortress, and start to head east (left)
• Speak to the students from the Academy, and you will learn of a "roaring"
coming from the center of the Fortress
• After you have spoken to them, Thoma will yell at you and tell you to leave
• Refuse to leave, and you will have to fight a small boss fight: Skeletal
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• Afterwards, you will find out that you need a third party member
• Head back Home and either get a pet or a Golem from the Workshops
• Now return to the Bone Fortress
• Enter the Fortress and head east again
• Enter the giant skull
• Once you are in the middle of the Fortress, activate the button there
and you will reveal a trap
• Continue forward a few screens, until you find some skulls
• Speak to them
• They'll open up a hidden room
• Enter it and talk to the Statue inside
• He'll open another hidden door and you should be able to get your third
party member back again
• Okay, go back to the middle part of the Fortress and activate the other
two buttons to open the door to the north
• Go through it
• Go onto the elevator and head up to the 3rd floor
• At the top you will fight another small boss: Sierra
• Some tips to beat her:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, you will recieve a key
• Go back to the elevator and head down to the second floor
• Run to the right (west) until you meet up with Larc again
• Wake him up and have him join your party
• Go back to the elevator and go up to the 3rd floor again
• Head to the right again, all the way until you reach some stairs
• Go up them
• Attempt to cross the bridge at the top...
• Another small boss: The Deathbringer
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, continue to the left until you encounter yet another
small boss: Jajara
• Some tips to defeat her/him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• After THAT fight, you will finally have to fight the final boss: Jajara
• Some tips to beat this boss:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his bone attacks, because it takes off serious
• When the fight is over, you will overhear a conversation with Larc
• You will get the AF: "Green Cane"
• This concludes the event, "The Ghost of Nemesis"

• Head over to Lumina
• Head into the Pub to find Diddle and Cappella
• After Diddle leaves, speak to Cappella
• Exit to the World Map to watch something unusual happen....
• Return to the Lumina Pub
• This time Cappella will run away
• Time to head to the Underworld, so go there
• You will meet up with Sierra there
• Let her join you, then search the nearby gravestone to get into the
• Enter and let the Shadole suck you into the bottom of the Underworld
• Now make your way all the way to the top again
• Make sure to avoid any and all Shadoles along the way, because they will
suck you back down if they touch you
• Once back at the top, you will meet up with Cappella and Diddle again
• You will hear a coversation between Diddle and Cappella
• Afterwards, you will find out that you will have to fight in order to
escape the Underworld....uh oh...
• You will now have to fight the boss: Ape Mummy
• Some tips to beat it:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• Afterwards, you will return to the surface and out of the Underworld
• You will overhear another conversation between Diddle and Cappella
• This concludes the event, "Diddle Had It!"

• Use the Green Cane AF to make the White Forest
• NOTE: Take Larc with you again for this event
• Just walk forward, and listen to Larc's comments, since his comments
will lead you to the White Dragon
• After a while, you will meet Sierra at the Ancient Tree
• Vadise will also appear and hand a Mana Stone to Larc
• Larc will give you some Ishe Platinum
• After the conversation, you will be forced to fight two bosses: Sierra and
• Some Tips to beat them:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of them and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for their elemental attacks, because it takes off serious
• Once the fight is over, Vadise will ask you to find Larc
• Agree, and this event will be over
• This concludes the event, "The Dragon Princess"

• Head all the way back to the Underworld
• You will find Sierra there
• Speak to her and allow her to join you
• Once you have done this, you will end up back in the Underworld
• After Sierra kills all of the incoming enemies, continue to head to the
bottom of the Underworld
• At the bottom, you will find Larc and someone else
• After a long conversation, Larc changes into something....super
• You will have to fight a boss: Larc the Centaur
• Some tips to beat Larc:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• Afterwards, make your way to the firey place and you will have to fight
another small boss: Zenoa
• Some more tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• Once the battle is over, pass through the newly opened hallways
and you will meet another mini-boss: Sky Dragon
• And yet some more tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, more paths will open
• Head south and into the lower basement area to find another mini-boss:
Land Dragon
• More tips for you:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• Once the fight is over, every single path will be open
• Take the north paths all the way up to fourth level
• Enter the doors that are being patrolled by some elementals
• Make your way through here until you find Drakonis
• Time for another boss fight: Drakonis
• Tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his fire attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, a bunch of stuff will happen and the Underworld will
go back to normal again
• This concludes the event, "The Crimson Dragon"

• Okay, when you are ready, head back to the White Forest
• You will meet Sotherbee, Skippie, and Hamson here
• Listen to their story, choose to do the event, and catch Lilipeas
• You have to find and rescue 5 Lilipeas from the Hunters
• Explore the Forest to find them (they aren't hard, but the locations
vary, so I can't list them out.....I think...)
• Once you have found all 5 Lilipeas, the event will end
• This concludes the event, "Catchin' Lilipeas"

• This event starts during the "Catchin' Lilipeas" event
• It starts when you meet and speak with Skippie at the entrance to
the Lilipea Village
• Speak with him, and you will find out that he cannot enter the village
• Enter the village
• Now talk to Reverend Nouvelle
• He will now speak with the Village Elder
• He will tell you to fight a monster in the village
• You will now have to fight a boss: Hegs Ant
• Some tips to beat him:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• When you beat the Ant, the Elder will hand over some Ishe Platinum for your
hard work
• This concludes the event, "The Legend of Skippie"

• Head Home
• You will find tons of Sproutlings around your house
• Follow the leaves to your Workshops
• Here you will meet Nunzuac
• After the conversation about the Mana Tree, leave the Workshops
• Outside, you will meet Pokhiel
• You will overhear a conversation
• Afterwards, speak to Nunzuac again
• She'll transport you to another dimension....weird
• Once you have arrived there, make your way southwest, then east (right)
until you find the lost Sproutling
• You will recieve the Sword of Mana AF!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!
• This concludes the event, "The Cage of Dreams"

• Head over to the Tower of Leires
• Once there, you will meet with Elazul
• Speak to him and you will find out that he is looking for Pearl again
• Agree to help him out to start the event
• Head all the way to the Seventh Floor
• Once there, head south to the Warp Room (the transportation device)
• Warp to the tenth floor
• Now go up to the Eleventh Floor and through The Doors of Fate again
• Inside you will find that there are 2 Pearls: A good one and a bad one
• You'll have to fight the bad one in a boss fight: Lady Blackpearl
• Some tips to beat her:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of her and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to her so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for her special attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, you will hear a conversation
• After the conversation, the event will conclude

• Head over to Domina when you are ready
• You should meet up with Elazul and Pearl, but Elazul will go off to Geo
• Pearl will join your party
• Head off to Geo and after Elazul
• Go north to the Palace of Arts
• Head into the basement area and examine the statue here
• Head back upstairs and speak to Sotherbee and Kristy
• You will now find out that you need 3 keys to unlock Diana's heart
• The 1st key is inside the Geo Instrument shop, on the first floor
• The 2nd key is inside the Principal's Office, and speak to the guy there
to get it
• The 3rd key is near the entrance to Geo, near the Save Statue
• After getting all of the keys, return to the Palace of the Arts
• Go back downstairs to Diana's statue, and examine it
• She'll turn back to life if you have the 3 keys!
• After you have done this, you will overhear a LONG conversation
• This concludes the event, "Alexandrite"

• Head over to Geo
• Go into the Instrument Shop there to be warped to another dimension!
• You will then meet Florina and Belle
• They'll ask you your name, so tell it to them
• Afterwards, they'll ask you to help Florina of her nightmares
• Accept the mission, and the event will start
• When it starts, speak to Niccolo who is nearby
• Let him lead you to the next area
• You will eventually meet with some fishes, so talk to them, then have
Niccolo lead you some more
• He will now take you over to Lady Blackpearl and Elazul
• Talk to him to get to a Dudbear
• Now talk to him once more to get back to Elazul and Lady Blackpearl
• You will hear a conversation
• Once it has ended, go left until you get to Lady Blackpearl and Sandra
• They'll talk some more (blah!)
• When it ends, Sandra will run away again, and you will now have to fight
the Jewel Beast...again
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• Afterwards, the story will advance, and you will be warped back to normal
• This concludes the event, "Flourite"

• When you are ready, go back to Domina
• Head to the path that leads to the Church
• Along the way you will meet Inspector Boyd
• Tell him about Elazul and Pearl
• Agree to help him in his quest
• Go to Geo
• Head into the abandoned jewel shop
• Search it, then leave
• You will meet up with Pearl and Elazul on the way out
• Agree to let them help you, then search the chest inside the shop
• You will be warped to the room of Flourina
• You will overhear a lot of conversations
• When they are all over, you will recieve the AF: "Jumi Staff"
• Now go to the World Map and make the Bejeweled City
• Go in it
• Once in the city, enter the large building
• Take the topaz, sapphire, the emerald, and the ruby
• At the end of the last pedistal, you will meet a small boss: Jewel Beast
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• Once the fight is over, head over to the pedistals, and use the sapphire
and topaz on them to open a door
• Head through the next area, all the way to some more double doors
• If you try to enter, another small boss will attack you: Jewel Beast
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• Head back down to the first floor and go through all of the doors and
collect all of the crystals so you have 6 of them
• Head back up to where you left off
• Use the jems in this order: Red, green, and blue
• The door should open nearby
• Go back downstairs and get all of the jems again, then go back up and
through the newly opened door
• Head upstairs to the 3rd floor and fight the golem to get the white jem
• Now head through the nearby door to fight another small boss: Jewel Beast
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• Now use these jewels (left to right): Green, dark blue, white, light blue
• Head to the 3rd floor and you will meet with Alex and Florina
• After the long winded conversation, the story develops further, and you
have to fight a boss: Lord of Jewels 999
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, a coversation will arise, and you will have to fight
the actual boss for this event: Lord of Jewels 1000
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• There will be a long conversation and a lot will happen after the fight
• This concludes the event, "Teardrop Crystal"

• Go to Geo
• Head north to the Palace of Arts
• Go into the basement to find Gilbert
• You'll find that he's a statue
• Head back upstairs and speak with Sotherbee
• He needs to find a buyer for his statue
• Now go to the Ulkin Mines and take the Dudbear Express
• Once inside the Hut, read the book of poems inside
• Roger will run in and yell at you
• You will notice that the hut will start to cave in, and Roger kicks you out
• Enter the mines again and search them until you reach a room with the
Gilbert statue
• Speak to him to learn of his love for Monique
• Go to Lumina
• Head into Monique's Lamp Shop
• Speak to Monique
• She'll run off to Mandora Beach
• Go there!
• Once there, use the Pink Boink to get to the lighthouse immediately
• Inside you will meet Monique again
• A Flameshe will enter and tell you the spell to remove the stone spell off
of Gilbert. Listen up!
• Afterwards, go back to the Ulkin Mines and to the room with Gilbert's
• Monique is there too, and she'll ask you for your help
• Here is what you should answer:

1) Earth with Life...
2) The ancient memories
3) Of mother earth fill
4) The truth that
5) Of energy for all

• After you do this, a cut-scene will happen
• This concludes the event, "Gilbert: Resume for Love"

• Head over to Polpota Harbor when you are ready
• Go north and through the hotel
• Take the southeast exit out of the hotel (near the seashell)
• Out here, you will find Monique
• You will view a cut-scene with some police officers taking a Siren instead
of Monique....weird
• Exit this area and leave the hotel, then go to the west part of the harbor
to find some police
• Speak to them, then leave again
• Now head over to Mandora Beach
• Head to the left (west) until you reach the caves, then head north to
eventually get to the Lighthouse
• Now speak to Flameshe the mermaid, and she'll get pissed at you
• For some reason she won't let you enter the lighthouse
• Go as far right of the screen and wait until Flameshe dissapears
• When she is gone, enter the lighthouse
• As you enter the lighthouse, you must face a boss: Tropicallo
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• After the fight, Elle will be freed once again. Yay!
• This concludes the event, "A Siren's Song"

• Head over to Mandora Beach when you are ready, and crush as many
crabs as you can
• Now go to the end of the caves where "Summer Lovin'" ended
• The crab will tell you how many crabs you crushed, then leave
• Once back at the World Map, go to the SS Buccanner
• Speak to Ramtieger again
• Go these directions: West, North, West
• This will lead you to the Captain's room
• After you talk with him, agree to help him
• He says he'll give you 15 Halo Coins to get rid of the pesky Dudbears
• After this, you will be back at Mandora Beach, and you will find the
Dudbears here again
• Run to the right side of the screen and give a Halo Coin to the center
Dudbear, and they'll leave
• Now run right some more, and enter the cave at the end
• Walk over to the Dudbear closest to you and give him 3 Halo Coins
• He will then hand over 3 L'il Bottles
• Find the Dudbear to the Lower-Right part of this area, and give him a
L'il Bottle to leave
• Now keep going right until you reach some more Dudbears
• Walk over to the Dudbear that is nearest to the light, and give him 2 L'il
• He will hand you 2 Pucashells
• Head north to the next screen with another Dudbear and give him a
Pucashell. He should leave now
• Okay, once you are outside, go left and go inside the next cave
• Now follow the cave path until you get to another Dudbear
• Give him a Pucashell
• He'll leave, and you will find the Treasure!
• Roger will then enter, and try to turn the Dudbears against you
• Give them Halo Coins and they'll remove Roger
• You will be back at the ship, and the Captain will give you another crab
and some Wendel Silver
• This concludes the event, "Buried Treasure"

• Whenever you are ready, go to Domina, and into the house to the left
of the Domina entrance
• Head upstairs to find Rachel and Mark
• Speak to them to begin the event
• Now leave and wait until Gnome Day, then head into the Weapons Shop
• Head upstairs to the Weapons Shop to find Mark
• Speak to him and you will learn about Rachel running off
• Leave and head to Geo
• Head into the cafe and wait until Salamander's Day, then go to the Academy
of Magic and into the Library
• After the explosion, speak to the students, then go back to Domina
• You will now find that Rachel has returned
• Go back and speak with Rachel's mom in the Weapons' Shop
• Exit, the wait until Gnome Day again, and go to the Weapon's Shop
and speak with her again
• Once there on Ghome's Day, go upstairs to find Rachel and Mark once more
• Speak to them to hear a story
• Afterwards, leave Domina and come back when the day changes
• Speak with Rachel's Mom again to hear her complain
• Once she is finished, leave and go into the Weapon's Shop to find Duelle
• Go upstairs once again to find Rachel
• Listen to the story to end the event
• This concludes the event, "Rachel"

• Since you are still in Domina, head north to the Church
• You will see that the Dudbears and Roger have taken the Church over
• Go to the Mana Park in Domina and you will find Diddle there
• Speak to him and the Dudbears will take him....kidnap him!
• After this has happened, go over to the White Forest
• NOTE: When you are in the White Forest, there are around 6 Dudbears you
will need to knock out. Find them and speak to them to do this
• Now go left and then take the northern paths
• After you have knocked out every Dudbear, you should find Roger and Diddle
at the end of the path
• You will hear a coversation, and you will be forced to fight a boss:
Chimera Lord
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• When the fight is over, Diddle will be happy, and so will Cappella
• This concludes the event, "Diddle Kidnapped?!"

• Make sure you are alone on this event
• Go to the Duma Desert
• Follow the path until you reach a fork in the road
• You should find a fish person
• Agree to help him, then follow the Thugling to get to an easy boss
• Some helpful tips:
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of him and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to him so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for his special attacks, because it takes off serious
• After you beat the boss, this event will conclude

• Go to the Mandora Beach and use Boink to get to the Lighthouse
• Once there, allow Elle to join you
• Now go to Polpota Harbor and find Gilbert in the Cafe area on the east side
of the town to end this event
• This concludes the event, "Gilbert: Love is Blind"

• Make sure the Mana Tree is right next to Domina
• It has to be at Level 3
• Go to the Domina Inn, and Miss Yuki will ask you for the following:

• MenosBronze
• Bobab Wood
• Animal Hide
• Flat Seed
• Cotton
• Rotten Meat
• Sulphur
• Citrisquid

• Find these items for her beloved Pee-Wee around Domina or elsewhere
• This concludes the event, "Pee-Wee Birdie"

• Use the Sword of Mana and make the Mana Tree
• Go inside it
• Speak to Polkiel inside here
• Now make your way to the top of the Mana Tree, while killing all of the
enemies along the way
• Once you have killed them all, you will be warped to the final boss:
Goddess of Mana
• Just like almost every other boss in the game, just stay on top
of her and attack as fast as you can
• Get as close to her so that you won't take as much damage
• Use plenty of Special Techniques
• Watch out for her special attacks, because it takes off serious
• After you defeat her, the game will end and the FMV ending will roll
along with the credits

• Go to Lumina and talk to Pokiehl by the gem shop on Bright Moon Alley.
Answer "yes" to his question
• Head over to Domina and see your clone beating up a sproutling!
• Talk to the sproutling.
• Follow your clone to the marketplace and watch him beat up another
• Talk to the sproutling.
• Follow your clone back to Teapo and watch Duelle up Teapo!
• Head back out of the shop and watch your clone beat up ANOTHER sproutling!
• Talk to the sproutling.
• Go throu Mana Angel Park and to the outskirts of Domina.
• Talk to the pelican (Bad hero!)
• Go to the West End and beat up your clone!


02. Copyright Infomation


© Copyright 2000 Brett "Nemesis" Franklin. It may not be stolen, altered,
or used for any type of profit. It may be reproduced electronically, and
printed for PRIVATE, PERSONAL use. It may not be placed on a CD, printed
in a magazine or any type of publication. If you would like to contribute
to this FAQ (you will be credited,) please e-mail me, as well as any questions,
comments, or corrections, to the address above. This document may NOT
appear on www.megagames.com. PERIOD.

Copyright © 2000 Nemesis

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12.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels

17.Октябрь 2013
Tempering for Dummies

13.Октябрь 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

17.Октябрь 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Pets and Plants

15.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Map Placement, Dross and Miscellany Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Ring Ring Land Guide

12.Октябрь 2013
Sea Chart

14.Октябрь 2013
Pets Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Mini FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Mastery Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Map Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Figthing Bosses Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Abilities Guide

11.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (DOM).

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Bootfix for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019