Legend of Mana

Legend of Mana

17.10.2013 11:16:12
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Author : Desmond Xie
E-mail : Gamesempire@hotmail.com
Website : href="http://www.geocities.com/Gamesempirextreme">http://www.geocities.com/Gamesempirextreme
Version : 1.6
Pages : 10
Completion Status: 65%
Last updated : 6/22/2000
Next Update : Daily Updated

Legal notes:
This guide is meant to help those in need to create Pets to help them in
battle. Please do not reproduce them in any form. No text should be
published anywhere. However, feel free to distribute between
individuals. If anyone wants to post this guide on any website, you ARE
lucky, I am a Webmaster too and would really like to have my guide
posted somewhere else. Just e-mail me and I will most slightly approve
you. Keep in mind that if you post this guide onto any website, this
text must be in its usual form with my name and info on it, Please do
not change any information here. PLEASE E-MAIL me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if
any mistakes are detected. Spelling errors and guide wrong information
etc... are welcome. I'm sure that there are quite a number of spelling
mistakes in this guide so please e-mail me as soon as you found one.
C O N T E N T S :
Version History
Introduction to this guide
My Experience
Opening the Monster Corral Quest

Section 1: Egg Location (Updated)

Section 2: Produce List (Edited)

Section 3: Pet raising Guide

Section 4: Egg encounter rate (Updated)

Section 5: Synchros (Updated)

Section 6: Full Pets list (New!!!)

Section 7: Tips and tricks (Updated)

Section 8: Question and Answer (NEW!!!)


A LOT more coming really soon.
Version History:

Version 1.6 (6/22/2000)
-Another Major update
-Added Section 6
-Added a LOT more other things

Version 1.5 (6/21/2000)
-MAJOR Update
-Ran a serious spelling check but I'm sure there are still errors.
-Added a great deal of new information.

Version 1.4 (6/20/2000)
-Added how to open the monster Corral quest
-Added some new locations
-Added new possible pets that you are able to get from some area.

Version 1.3 (6/19/2000)
-Updated the Egg Location
-Added section 4 and some new experiences too.

Version 1.2 (6/19/2000)
-Added various new information
-Added new locations and pets.
-Added a new way to gain a pet level.

Version 1.1 (6/18/2000)
-Added some eggs location
-Added the Pet raising guide section.
-Started to research on meat's effect.

Version 1.0 (6/17/2000)
- Posted this guide and is on the way to GameFAQs.

Introduction to this guide:
This guide is to help people with their "cute" Pets which they caught.
Even though Pets may be lousier than Golems, but they are cheap and
rather easy to manage compared to Golems. If you have seen my Golem
Guide, you will know that it actually takes a lot of time and $$$ to
build one. Even though i had a Golem, but i still bring my pets out to
battle. Some of their special moves are powerful and they move about in
the battle, unlike Golems which only stands there and perform their

This section basically to let people knows what extra information i
require. Please see what i require and you can also let me know about
something else associated with pets.

-Information on the effects of feeding meat
-Stats changes
-Personalities changes

-Eggs location
-What egg you have gotten?
-What kind of Egg it is?
-The specific Area in that place

My experience:
Catching eggs is really fun. Although I prefer bringing golem out to
battle, but I still catch new eggs oftenly.

NOTE: Below are some of the pets that I caught, I even mention which pet
I sold and which pet I keep. The pets that lie under the trash category
are pets that were sold away immediately after they hatch. For the force
to be sold category, I was forced to sell them away under over-crowding
circumstances. Only five pets are allowed, so the lousier ones were sold
away...Oh...how sad... For the last category, they are those pets that
were kept in the Monster corral. Hopefully, these would help you in any

Pets I have so far:

Eye Spy
Curse Doll
Polter Box
Rattle Boa

Pets forced to be sold:
Chobin Hood

Pets recieving my great care:
Kid Dragon
Land Dragon
Sky Dragon

Opening the "Monster Corral" Quest:
First, complete "Niccolo's Business Unusual" Quest, then complete the
"Tiny Sorcerers" Quest.
Then, return to the area that you fought with those two small wizards.
The onion-kid will be there and a monster egg will be there. Follow the
instruction given by the onion-kid, then try to catch the egg. Just put
a fruit or meat in its path, when it gets near the food, it will eat and
MAY sleep after it has finished. This is the time to catch it. Go to it
and press "X" to catch it. Please keep in mind that the egg may not
sleep even if it has eaten some food. After you had caught it, the bird
will come and deliver it back to the monster corral beside your house.
After listening to the onion-kid, you will end the quest. From this
point onwards, you are free to catch any pet you like!!!

Section 1
Egg locations:
Place Area Egg Type Possible Pet
----- ---- -------- ------------
Bone Fortress Throne of Corpses Undead Egg Zombine
Ape Mummy

Domina Western End Beast Egg Rabite

Duma Desert West End Arthropod Unknown

Fieg Snowfields Queen Altena's hill Dragon Egg Land Dragon!
Kid Dragon!
Sky Dragon!

Gato Grottoes Meditation Room Morph Egg Unknown

Junkyard Heap of Junk (Vegetarian) Poltergeist Polter Box
Cursed Doll

Jungle Western Section Chitto Egg Chobin Hood

Jungle punkmaster(boss) Cavern Demon Egg Imp
Fierce Face

Jungle The Spring of Beasts Plant Egg Wooding

Lake Kilma In the Woods Plant Egg Mushboom

Lake Kilma Eastern Shore Beast Egg Rabite
Gray ox

Luon Highway GigaRex(boss) Cavern Reptile Egg Lizardon,
Rattle Boa,

Luon Highway Lorant Tableland Aerial Egg Cockatrice

Madora Beach Eastern Beach Aquatic Egg Pincher Crab

Madora Beach Fullmetal Haggar(boss) Cavern Morph Egg Silme,

Mindas Ruins Boss Area unknown Egg forget

Mekiv Caverns Du'Inke Area Reptile Egg Rattle Boa,

Norn Mountain ????? Aerial Egg ???

S.S. Buccaneer Bottom Aquatic Egg ???

Tower of Lieres Room of Fate(Boss Area) Poltergeist Polter Box
Chess Knight

Ulkan Mines Labanne(boss) Cavern Oddity Egg Eye Spy,

Demi Human:
I know that certain mana level of certain area is required for you to
find Demi Humans. However, I cannot gather enough information to put it
up, but now Insanerest@aol.com has provided me with the information.
Therefore I have place it below. Meanwhile please use the information
below while I confirm the information.

Demi Humans Place Area Necessary Mana Level
----------- ----- ---- ---------------------
Chobin Hood Jungle ??? Dryad Level 3
Goblin Lumina ??? Dryad Level 3 and Shade Level 3
Tomato Man Ulkan Mines ??? Salamando Level 3
Sahagin Duma Desert ??? Dryad Level 3
Succubus Fieg Snowfield ??? Shade Level 3
Narcissos Junkyard ??? Gnome Level 3
Mad Mallard Lake Kilma ??? Wisp Level 3

MORE coming soon...
Section 2
Produce list:

NOTE: This list is solely done by me. All the information are based on
my game so the rarity may differ from yours. This is taken from
the produce encyclopedia in the game. I just copied what the
encyclopedia from the game. When i am feeding pets, i must
always cancel the menu and view the encyclopedia to choose the
right fruit. Now, with this guide, i have made my life easier and
hopefully will make your life easier.

C : Common
R : Rare
N : Not applicable (i haven't get one yet)

Stats :

PWR = POWER Affects attacks
SKL = SKILLS Affects more dexterous attacks such as slashing.
DEF = DEFENSE Affects physical attacks resistance
MGC = MAGIC Affects magical attacks resistance
HP = HP Affects basic physical power, affects poison resistance
SPR = SPIRIT Affects status magic resistance
CHM = CHARM Affects the success rate of pet's magical/special attacks
LCK = LUCK Affects the appearance of chests in dungeons



Fruit Name Color Plus Minus Rarity
---------- ----- ---- ----- ------
Applesocks Red SKL CHM CLM IND None R
Apricat Red DEF CLM None C
Bellgrapes Purple MGC SPR SCH FRD None N
Boarmelon Green PWR SKL SPR LON CHM R
Bumpkink Orange PWR SPR AGR ARR SCH LAZ None R
Cabbadillo Green DEF SPR FRD LON CHM C
Cherry Bombs Purple HP FRD None C
Citrisquid Yellow MGC SCH None C
Conchurnip White PWR DEF AGR ARR MGC N
Cornflower Yellow MGC CHM AGR CLM C
Dialaurel Green PWR LCK AGR CLM N
Diceberry Red PWR AGR None C
Fishy Fruit Yellow SKL MGC CHM HP SCH R
Garlicrown White CHM ARR None R
Gold Clover Blue SKL LCK FRD SCH N
Heart Mint Blue CHM LAZ None C
Honey Onion Orange SKL HP SPR IND PWR C
Loquat-Shoes Orange SKL CHM SCH LAZ HP C
Mangolephant White PWR HP AGR ARR None N
Masked Potato White DEF HP SPR LCK FRD N
Mush-In-A-Box Black LCK None N
Needlettuce Green DEF CHM CLM AGR R
Orange'Opus Orange DEF HP SCH LAZ None N
Orcaplant Purple DEF MCG SCH FRD R
Peach Puppy Red PWR SKL FRD SCH C
Pear O' Heels White PWR DEF CHM ARR SPR N
Rhinoloupe Blue PWR HP SPR MGC CLM R
Rocket Papaya Orange MGC CHM CLM AGR R
Spade Basil Blue SPR LON C
Spiny Carrot Orange MGC SPR CLM IND SKL C
Springanana Yellow HP IND C
Squalphin Green MGC LCK FRD LON PWR C
Sweet Moai Purple DEF MCG LCK LAZ SKL R
Toadstoolshed Black PWR SKL DEF MGC HP SPR CHM LCK None N
Whalamato Red MCG HP CHM DEF AGR R
Section 3
Pet Raising Guide:

Leveling up:
To level up your pet, you have to bring them to battle, hoping that they
will step on crystals or you can leave them to graze to gain new level.
Leaving them to graze is a better idea if you ask me. When pets gain new
level, they gain new technique and abilities too, so it is best that you
leave them alone to graze and bring them out occasionally to let them
'see' the world. Pets have low HP and only leveling them up can raise
their HP. You may think that pets are lousy after you caught one.
Actually you are partially correct. The pets that you caught early in
the game is rather weak but the eggs that you will catch when you are
further into the game has higher HP and stats. They are cheap and easy
to manage compared to Golems. There is another way to let those cute
little things gain new level. The method is that you will equip the
forbidden ring from Daena in the early part of the game and bring your
pet out to battle. Your pet would gain the crystal level as your main
character gets them. For those who have just started to play Legend of
Mana, please do not lose your forbidden ring!!! Do not ever use it to
make logic blocks (like what I did) or sell it. Oh...God...There is also
no gameshark code to get that item back... Anyone knows a way to get
another forbidden ring without replaying the game? I would be really

Giving them the right fruit:
Feeding them can raise their stats and change their personalities.
Please take note that pets will only eat after they gain new levels. For
what each fruit will raise, please refer to the section on Produce. You
may also give them meat to eat which I THINK will raise some of their
stats. I am still researching on it, anyone who knows something about
the effects of meats, please e-mail me at Gamesempire@hotmail.com

Section 4
Egg encounter rate:
To encounter, it depends a lot on your luck, the higher the luck, the
more easily you will meet eggs in areas that they can appear. Most of
the eggs are found in Boss Cavern. There are many different kinds of egg
that you may encounter in different places. Some hatch into really lousy
pets while some hatch into strong pets. Lousy pets should be sold and
strong pets should be kept. Note that there IS unlimited egg in every
area. If you return to the area that you had just caught a egg sometime
later, there will be another egg for you! One of the best place I like
is the fieg Snowfields, it has DRAGON Egg! You will be able to get a
land dragon from there. NOTE that the western end of domina is a special
case. You will not encounter any more egg after you have caught the
first one. Bring a Polter Box with you will also increase your chance to
encounter Eggs. Find one at the junkyard. Those Eggs with 68 HP must be
Polter Boxes.

Section 5
This section will show all the Synchros effect of the pets. Hope it will
be useful to everyone.


EFCT PLS: Petrification (Petrification is added to attacks)

DFNS PLS: Staring (defense against Staring increases)

EFCT DFNS: Confusion (protects against Confusion)

Chimera Beast:
ATTK PLS: Oddities (more damage to Oddity monsters)

Chobin Hood:
ATTK PLC: Indirect Attacks (more Indirect Attacks damage)

Status Recovery (status effects are removed)

Cursed Doll:
DFNS PLS: Poltergeists (less damage from Poltergeist monsters

DFNS PLS: Staring (defense against Staring increases)

Dark Stalker:
EFCT PLS: Darkness (Darkness is added to attacks)

Eye Spy:
EFCT DFNS: Confusion (protects against Confusion)

Fierce Face:
EFCT DFNS: Flame Burst (protects against Flame Burst)

ATTK PLS: Aquatics (more damage to Aquatic monsters)

EFCT PLS: Confusion (Confusion is added to attacks)

Hoppin' Tick:
Luck Plus (Luck level increases)

Skill Plus (Skill level increases)

Bonus EXP (gain more EXP crystals)

Kid Dragon:
DFNS PLS: Breath (Defense against Breath Attack increases)

Land Dragon:
ATTK PLS: Demonics (more damage to Demonic monsters)

Pak'n Choco (drops Pak'n Chocolate)

DFNS PLS: Plants (less damage from Plant monsters)

EFCT DFNS: Darkness (protects against Darkness)

EFCT PLS: Sleep (Sleep is added to attacks)

DFNS PLS: Aerials (less damage from Aerial monsters)

Polter Box:
Rare Item (rare items appear more frequently)

ATTK PLS: Dragons (more damage to Dragon monsters)

DFNS PLS: Demonics (less damage from Demonic monsters)

HP Recovery (HP recovery rate increases)

Rattler Boa:
EFCT PLS: Posion (Poison is added to attacks)

EFCT PLS: Freeze (Freeze is added to attacks)

DFNS PLS: Arthropods (less damage from Arthropod monsters)

Shadow Zero:
EFCT DFNS: Darkness (protects against Darkness)

DFNS PLS: Sound Waves (defense against Sound Waves increases)

Regeneration (quick recovery from KO status)

Sky Dragon:
DFNS PLS: Dragons (Less damage from Dragon monsters)

EFCT DFNS: Freeze (protects against Freeze)

Spiny Cone:
DFNS PLS: Oddities (less damage from Oddity monsters)

Invincible (enemy attacks will not damage you)!!!!!

EFCT PLS: Paralysis (Paralysis is added to attacks)

Tomato Man:
EFCT PLS: Flame Burst (Fireburst is added to attacks)

DFNS PLS: Reptiles (less damage from Reptile monsters)

More Coming soon...

Section 6
Pets list:
Note: What you see below is NOT a monster list, it is only showing
those monsters that you can get as pets. Unfortunately, there are
some missing ones. Guess what? I replay the game when i was half
way through so i have some missing information below. The reasons
for me to replay is that i have lost the forbidden ring and
replaying can let me start researching on pets.

No Name Type Strength Weakness
-- ---- ---- -------- --------
1 Rabite Beast Wisp, Dryad Shade, Aura
2 Molebear Beast Aura, Gnome Dryad, Salamander
3 Teedie Beast Jinn, Undine Gnome
4 Howler Beast Jinn Gnome
5 Gray Ox Beast Aura, Undine Dryad, Jinn
6 Lullabud Plant Wisp, Dryad Shade, Aura
7 Mushboom Plant Shade, Dryad Wisp, Aura
8 Shrieknip Plant Dryad, Gnome Aura, Salamander
9 Marlboro Plant Aura, Gnome Dryad
10 Wooding Plant Wisp, Dryad Shade, Aura
11 Stinger Bug Arthropod Wisp, Dryad, Jinn Shade, Aura, Gnome
12 Hoppin' Tick Arthropod Aura, Salamander Dryad, Undine
13 Silkspitter Arthropod
14 Sand Scorpion Arthropod
15 Gloomoth Arthropod Salamander, Jinn Gnome, Undine
16 Tonpole Reptile Wisp, Undine Shade, Jinn
17 Lizardon Reptile Undine Jinn
18 Rattler Boa Reptile Dryad Aura
19 Basilisk Reptile Jinn, Undine Gnome
20 Tyrranos Reptile Gnome Salamander
21 Iffish Aquatic Undine Jinn
22 Pincher Crab Aquatic Undine Jinn
23 Seajack Aquatic Undine Jinn
24 Seadragon Aquatic Undine Jinn
25 Big Baby Aquatic Undine Jinn
26 Needlebeak Aerial Wisp, Jinn Shade, Gnome
27 Bloodsucker Aerial Shade, Jinn Wisp, Gnome
28 Cockatrice Aerial Dryad, Gnome Aura, Salamander
29 Chocobo Aerial Wisp, Jinn Shade, Gnome
30 Garuda Aerial
31 Shadow Zero Morph Shade Wisp
32 Slime Morph Gnome Salamander
33 Tezla Morph Wisp Shade
34 Denden Morph Dryad Aura
35 Moldy Goo Morph Aura, Undine Dryad, Jinn
36 Skull Beast Undead
37 Zombine Undead Gnome, Undine Salamander, Jinn
38 Specter Undead Gnome, Undine Salamander, Jinn
39 Skeleton Undead Shade, Dryad, Gnome Wisp, Aura, Salamander
40 Ape Mummy Undead Shade, Gnome Wisp, Salamander
41 Imp Demonic Shade, Jinn Wisp, Gnome
42 Fierce Face Demonic
43 Punkster Demonic Shade, Jinn Wisp, Gnome
44 Dark Stalker Demonic Shade Wisp
45 Chimera Beast Demonic
46 Kid Dragon Dragon Salamander, Jinn Gnome, Undine
47 Sky Dragon Dragon Jinn Gnome
48 Land Dragon Dragon
49 Eye Spy Oddity Wisp, Gnome Shade, Salamander
50 Spiny Cone Oddity Dryad, Jinn Aura, Gnome
51 Poto Oddity Undine Jinn
52 Beholder Oddity Aura, Salamander Dryad, Undine
53 Springball Oddity Aura Dryad
54 Cursed Doll Poltergeist Shade Wisp
55 Polter Box Poltergeist Aura, Gnome Dryad, Salamander
56 Chess Knight Poltergeist Shade, Gnome Wisp, Salamander
57 Dainslaif Poltergeist Shade, Aura Wisp, Dryad
58 Machine Golem Poltergeist Aura Dryad
59 Chobin Hood Demi-human Dryad Aura
60 Goblin Demi-human
61 Tomato Man Demi-human Aura, Salamander Dryad, Undine
62 Sahagin Demi-human Undine Jinn
63 Succubus Demi-human Shade, Jinn Wisp, Gnome
64 Narcissos Demi-human Aura, Gnome Dryad, Salamander
65 Mad Mallard Demi-human Wisp, Salamander Shade, Undine

Section 7
Tips and tricks:
#1: Go in and out a area that a egg will appear to find more eggs.
#2: Equip a forbidden ring with you to share your gained experience
with your NPC and pet/Golem.
#3: Take advantage of the pet's Synchros and you will defeat the enemy
more easily.
#4: Purposely kill a enemy near your pet to "help" him gain new level.
#5: When confused, your direction will become opposite.
Pressing... left will moves you right,
right will moves you left,
up will moves you down and
down will moves you up.
#6: Always graze your pet when you are not bringing them along.
#7: Always choose the right fruit to feed them.
#8: Always sell lousy pets away.
#9: Get your luck as high as possible to meet egg more often!
#10: Bring a Polterbox along to find Eggs more easily. You can find
them very easily in the Junkyard. Those eggs with 68 HP is most
probably the Polter Box.
#11. Sell land dragons at 5000G to boast your money really fast. You
can get them easily in the Fieg Snowfield.

More will be coming soon...

Section 8
NOTE: This section shows some of the Questions i recieved, i have
placed down the solution.

Questions And Answers:

QUES:How can i get the forbidden ring?
ANS :1. Complete the Niccolo's Business Unusual Quest.
2. Go to the Inn in Domina, enter the right room at the first
floor. You will see Daena, talk to her. When she ask about the
Mana tree, answer whatever you like but when she ask you what
you think will happen to souls when people die, answer "It
lives forever". She will agree with you and says that she wants
to meet Gaeus. Agrees and head off to Luon Highway and meet the
rock wisdom (Gaeus). After taking to Gaeus, head back a screen
and Daena will thank you and leave you. Before leaving, she
will give you a Forbidden ring. Equip this ring and you can
share experience points with your party members.

QUES: Why I can't find any egg in those area that you mention?
ANS : Ques:1. Is your luck high enough?
2. Did you try exiting and entering that area?
3. Did you went to the right place?

ANS :1. Try to raise your luck by leveling up or bring a Polter
Box along.
2. Try to exit that area and enter that area a few times.
3. After many tries, if you still cannot encounter any egg,
check the location again.
4. You should be able to encounter Eggs!

QUES: Do you prefer Golems or Pets as a party member?
ANS : WOW! this is a sensitive question... Golem are stronger in
attacks if you place the logic blocks at the correct position.
Pets are more active since they move a lot. Golems are EXPENSIVE
while pets are cheap. Now, are you able to determine which type
is better? Well, for me, i bring a pet along if i am going to
search for egg which doesn't include boss fight and bring a Golem
along when i am doing a quest which might involve trashing a

QUES: Why is it that after many tries of exiting and entering the
western end of Domina, i cannot encounter any more egg beside the
first one i've caught?
ANS : Well, for Domina, it is a special case, you WILL NOT encounter
any more egg.

QUES: Can i meet a egg if five pets are already in my Monster Corral?
ANS : YES. You can, after you caught the sixth egg, you will get a
option of selling away the egg that you just caught or selling
away the pets in your corral.

QUES: Why don't my pet eat the food that i have placed in the feedbox.
ANS : A pet will only eat the food when it gain new level.

***************************GREAT CONTRIBUTOR***************************
*Insanerest ================= *
*Insanerest@aol.com *
*-Helped me a LOT *
*-Gave me a GREAT deal of synchros *
*-Gave me some new egg location. *
*-Gave me the way to get Demi-humans!!! *

-Added using forbidden ring to get the pet to gain new level.

Kai Moonbourn
-Gave me quite a number of new location to find eggs
-He mentioned jungle, Tower of Leires, Fieg Snowfields and Norn Peeks.
-Tells me that i have spelt encyclopedia wrongly.

Joe Poisson
-Told me that Chocobo can be hatched from the beast eggs found in the
western end of Domina
-Confirm me that Oddity eggs can be found in mekiv caverns.

-Tells me various monster locations.

-Mention the location in Bone fortress.
-Mention the Beast Egg in Northeastern section in Lake Kilma.

-Gave me the tomato man's Synchros

-pointed out the ape mummy and Gray ox locations.

-pointed out the chess knight location.

Copyright 2000 by Desmond Xie

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12.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels

17.Октябрь 2013
Tempering for Dummies

13.Октябрь 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

17.Октябрь 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Pets and Plants

15.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Map Placement, Dross and Miscellany Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Ring Ring Land Guide

12.Октябрь 2013
Sea Chart

14.Октябрь 2013
Pets Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Mini FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Mastery Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Map Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Figthing Bosses Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Abilities Guide

11.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (DOM).

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Bootfix for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019