Legend of Mana

Legend of Mana

16.10.2013 15:33:07
Legend of Mana: Map/Artifact Placement Guide, version 2.1
Updated: April 26, 2001
Frederic Desroches: fdesroches@juno.com ICQ- 13239989 AIM- Mindless Russian
Anthony Nelson: amn001@bridgewater.edu (primary) or majordragon@hotmail.com ICQ- 65074395
AIM- MjrDragon
Future Plans: I'm mostly just hanging around the gamefaqs LoM message board, just about
anything you need to know about the game you can find from one of the many wonderful
members there ^_^

Update number 5! Just a little clean-up over insignificant errors on Map 4. Surprised no one
mentioned it, but no harm no foul ^_^ No thoughts of another useful Map yet, nor any
suggestions, so for now, the same 5 maps remain =)

Onto the cartography! =)

This map guide was created for beginners and experts of the game alike to have a simple,
easy to follow guide for placing artifacts (AFs). These maps, when followed effectively,
will give all of the necessary points for doing every quest, getting every pet and doing
serious blacksmithing. EVERY map in this guide has these characteristics:

1) The option to do the Wimpy Thugling quest in Duma Desert
2) Access to every demi-human pet (Chobin Hood, Mad Mallard, Goblin, Tomato Man, Succubus,
Narcissos and Sahagin in no particular order)
3) All four levels of mineral shops for all the blacksmithing materials (all available
levels of wood, metal, stone and fabric, as well as the Mana stones, Mercury/Sulpher, Holy
Water and Aroma Oil)
4) The highest possible weapon shop levels while placing these mineral shops (Lorant Silver
weapons in Lumina, VizelGold in Polpota and IshePlatinum in Geo)
5) Full Mana levels in the Orchard for fastest growing produce.
6) The option to do every quest, including both the Seeing Double and Pee Wee Birdie quests
in Domina

And hopefully you will find the guide very flexible and simple to follow without any awkward
placement orders. Doing all the quests, getting all the pets, making all the weapons and
armor your heart can handle, and making killer golems are all covered with these maps ^_^

Plan 1 was our very first completed map, is the easiest to follow and goes along pretty
closely with the normal progression of the quests throughout the game.
Plan 2 is just a small alteration to Plan 1, giving 2 pieces of Altena Alloy in return for
a slightly more awkward change to the order.
Plan 3 is a map for higher mana at Home and better chance of getting rare Reptile/
Demonic eggs, just a slightly more advanced Plan 1/2 with a few more benefits =)
Plan 4 gives maximum mana levels for several lands, and is overall the best for catching the
rarest pets.
Plan 5 utilizes lands with very high mana to give Home the best mana levels without using
the Sword of Mana (which would ruin getting both quests at domina) and gives the highest
number of Altena Alloy producing lands.

All but Plan 1 have lands placed far and late enough in the game for you to receive Altena
Alloy upon completion of the quests there, and plan 5 can give you the most pieces of Altena
Alloy per game.

---------------------------------{Universal Starting Point}---------------------------------

When you choose your land, head to the northeast portion of the map, and position the cursor
to a piece of land with a mere two water spots at the far left and right edges. This will be
your starting point for the process. This includes all five maps.

The land should look roughly like this drawing, with ** representing water, and the rest
open places to place artifacts. Because the world is at an unusual angle, I've noticed that
some people who haven't used this FAQ before aren't sure how to start, so I've indicated
each part of the map here:

(North) Upper Left Corner----> | | | | | | | <---- Upper Right Corner (East)
|**| | | | | |
| | | | | |**|
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
(West) Upper Left Corner----> |__|__|__|__|__|__| <---- Lower Right Corner (South)

The corners correspond to poles of a compass. So if you go up and to the left (which would
normally be North), the corner should be one space above the water.


For a simple, quick guide, here are SUGGESTIONS of what the overall maps might look like:

Plan 1: Easy Rewards, Basic Map

This is by far the most flexible map, and is especially tailored to be quick and easy to

Potential Overall Map: Workable Artifact Order:

------------------- 1-MB Mailbox 14-GS Golden Seed
| | | | |BL|TM| 2-CB Colorblocks 15-TS Trembling Spoon
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 3-WH Wheel 16-SL Skull Lantern
|**|RA|FH|BS|MM| | 4-JE Jade Egg 17-DB Dragon Bone
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 5-FL Flame 18-GC Green Cane
| |GS|SM|FF|TS|PH| 6-ME Medallion 19-RA Rusted Anchor
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 7-BD Broken Doll 20-MM Moon's Mirror
|AT|BD|CB|SE|TC| | 8-AT Ancient Tablet 21-FH Frozen Heart
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 9-SE Stone Eye 22-SM Sword of Mana
|JS|JE|MB|ME|SL|DB| 10-SR Sand Rose 23-BL Brooch of Love
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 11-FF Firefly Lamp 24-PH Pirate's Hook
| |FL|WH|SR|GC| | 12-TC Torch of Coral 25-TM Tome of Magic
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 13-BS Bottled Spirit 26-JS Jumi's Staff

Plan 2: Foreign Forest, an alternative for the Basic Map

It has come to our attention that some would prefer the White Forest be placed further from
home. Some possible advantages to this would be a higher % of catching Gray Ox, higher level
Woodings for easier access to DiorWood, the chance to get two pieces of Altena Alloy, one
from the completion of Dragon Princess, another from Catchin' Lillipeas.

Potential Overall Map: Workable Artifact Order:

------------------- 1-MB Mailbox 14-GS Golden Seed
|GC| | | |TM| | 2-CB Colorblocks 15-TS Trembling Spoon
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 3-WH Wheel 16-SL Skull Lantern
|PH|RA|FH|BS|MM| | 4-JE Jade Egg 17-DB Dragon Bone
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 5-FL Flame 18-MM Moon's Mirror
| |GS|SM|FF|TS|**| 6-ME Medallion 19-RA Rusted Anchor
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 7-BD Broken Doll 20-FH Frozen Heart
|AT|BD|CB|SE|TC| | 8-AT Ancient Tablet 21-SM Sword of Mana
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 9-SE Stone Eye 22-BL Brooch of Love
|JS|JE|MB|ME|SL|DB| 10-SR Sand Rose 23-PH Pirate's Hook
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 11-FF Firefly Lamp 24-TM Tome of Magic
| |FL|WH|SR|BL| | 12-TC Torch of Coral 25-JS Jumi's Staff
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 13-BS Bottled Spirit 26-GC Green Cane

Plan 3: Wide Open Spaces, Intermediate Map

This map is a little more awkward than the first map, but is more favorable to players who
have gone through the game a few times and want a little more than what the first map can
give. You can still get all demi-human pets, do every quest, get every level of shop and all
the benefits of the first. In return, you get better access to some pets and better mana in
that soil for Trent at Home =)

Decent mana levels at Home for better produce
Reptile and Demonic eggs placed further from Home for higher % of Tyrranos and Chimera Beast
Beast: 6-7 steps away
Poltergeist: 6 steps away
Plant, Demonic, Arthropod, Aerial: 5 steps away
Undead, Oddity, Reptile, Aquatic: 4 steps away
Morph, Dragon: 3 steps away

Have to place Brooch of Love in specific spot for Chitto the Chobin Hood
In general, slightly less flexibility than the other pattern(s)

Potential Overall Map: Workable Artifact Order:

------------------- 1-MB Mailbox 14-TS Trembling Spoon
|TM|GC| |DB|SL|MM| 2-CB Colorblocks 15-GS Golden Seed
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 3-WH Wheel 16-SL Skull Lantern
|BL|RA| |FH|TS| | 4-FL Flame 17-MM Moon's Mirror
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 5-AT Ancient Tablet 18-DB Dragon Bone
|ME|SR|GS|SM|FF|PH| 6-BD Broken Doll 19-RA Rusted Anchor
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 7-BS Bottled Spirit 20-FH Frozen Heart
|JE|BS|BD|CB|SE|TC| 8-JE Jade Egg 21-BL Brooch of Love
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 9-SE Stone Eye 22-SM Sword of Mana
| | |AT|MB|FL| | 10-ME Medallion 23-PH Pirate's Hook
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 11-FF Firefly Lamp 24-GC Green Cane
| | |JS|WH| | | 12-SR Sand Rose 25-TM Tome of Magic
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 13-TC Torch of Coral 26-JS Jumi's Staff

Plan 4: 'Round the Tree Again, Expert Map

For people who are done with creativity and want straight results, this is the map for you!
Excellent mana levels are all around, and it has the same benefits of all demi-human pets,
all quests, all shops, and the opportunity to get Altena Alloy from the White Forest and
Pirate's Hook quests, for a total of 4 pieces! You'll want to do most of your produce in the
Orchards, but this isn't a big price to pay.

Many lands with top Mana level, including the Orchard and five lands with Spirits rooms,
making it rather easy to gather elemental coins
All egg families can be caught far enough from home to make it easy to get the rarest pets
Aquatic: 6 steps away
Beast, Demonic, Plant, Arthropod, Aerial, Morph: 5 steps away
Reptile, Oddity, Undead: 4 steps away
Poltergeist, Dragon: only 3 steps away, but there are no L5 Dragon or Poltergeist pets

Low Mana level at home, making produces grow slower
HIGHLY rigid order with very little flexibility

Potential Overall Map: Workable Artifact Order:

------------------- 1-MB Mailbox 14-TS Trembling Spoon
| | | | | | | 2-CB Colorblocks 15-SL Skull Lantern
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 3-WH Wheel 16-DB Dragon Bone
|PH|GC|DB|SL|TS| | 4-FL Flame 17-FH Frozen Heart
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 5-AT Ancient Tablet 18-BL Brooch of Love
|TC|RA|FH|TM|ME|BL| 6-BS Bottled Spirit 19-SM Sword of Mana
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 7-BD Broken Doll 20-RA Rusted Anchor
|SE|SR|SM|FF|JE| | 8-JE Jade Egg 21-GS Golden Seed
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 9-MM Moon's Mirror 22-TC Torch of Coral
|MM|JS|CB|GS|BD| | 10-SE Stone Eye 23-TM Tome of Magic
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 11-FF Firefly Lamp 24-GC Green Cane
|FL|WH|MB|AT|BS| | 12-ME Medallion 25-PH Pirate's Hook
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 13-SR Sand Rose 26-JS Jumi's Staff

Plan 5: Home Grown Crops, Advanced Map

This map utilizes the three artifacts with the highest total number of essences to be placed
next to Home. This will give the highest total essences at home without putting the Sword of
Mana next to Home (which would prevent you from doing both quests at Domina, which we're not
cool with =) so you can grow produce at home rather fast! Placement of later AFs in this
plan in relation to Home also means that you can acquire up to 5 pieces of Altena Alloy!

Our best mana levels at home:
Wisp-3 Shade-0 Dryad-3 Aura-2 Salamander-2 Gnome-3 Jinn-3 Undine-2
Potential for up to 5 pieces of Altena Alloy!

Beast: 8 steps away
Aquatic: 6 steps away
Reptile, Oddity: 5 steps away
Dragon, Plant: 4 steps away
Poltergeist, Arthropod: 3 steps away
Undead, Morph, Aerial: 2 steps away
Demonic: 1 step away

Virtually no chance of obtaining a Chimera Beast, overall mediocre for catching some rare
General need to do the Matilda/Irwin quests to obtain the Sword of Mana for best results, as
some steps are highly rigid.

Potential Overall Map: Workable Artifact Order:

------------------- 1-MB Mailbox 14-TS Trembling Spoon
| | | | |TM|GC| 2-CB Colorblocks 15-SL Skull Lantern
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 3-WH Wheel 16-MM Moon's Mirror
|**| |BS| |RA| | 4-FL Flame 17-RA Rusted Anchor
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 5-ME Medallion 18-DB Dragon Bone
| |DB|BD|AT|JE|PH| 6-BD Broken Doll 19-GS Golden Seed
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 7-AT Ancient Tablet 20-BL Brooch of Love
|MM|SL|WH|SR|SE|TS| 8-JE Jade Egg 21-SM Sword of Mana
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 9-MM Stone Eye 22-TM Tome of Magic
|ME|MB|CB|SM|FF|FH| 10-FF Firefly Lamp 23-FH Frozen Heart
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 11-SR Sand Rose 24-GC Green Cane
|BL|TC|FL|GS|JS| | 12-TC Torch of Coral 25-PH Pirate's Hook
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 13-BS Bottled Spirit 26-JS Jumi's Staff

But please realize, these orders are NOT entirely rigid and set in stone! There are many
different roads you can take in these, and only with the timing of shops, and a few AFs at
the beginnings do the orders need to be as set as these map imply. Look below for MUCH more
extensive step-by-step processes for these.

For your personal reference, here are the mana levels of each artifact:

Mana Essences:

Home/Mailbox Wisp Dryad Gnome
Domina/Colorblocks Aura×2 Salamander
Luon Highway/Wheel Dryad Gnome Jinn
Mekiv Caverns/Jade Egg Shade Gnome Undine
Lumina/Firefly Lamp Wisp Shade×2
Lake Kilma/Stone Eye Wisp Dryad Undine
Gato Grottoes/Flame Salamander Jinn×2
Jungle/Medallion Dryad×2 Salamander Gnome
Mindas Ruins/Ancient Tablet Dryad Salamander Gnome
Duma Desert/Sand Rose Wisp Salamander Jinn
Madora Beach/Torch of Coral Wisp Jinn Undine×2
Polpota Harbor/Rusted Anchor Wisp Aura Undine
Ulkan Mines/Bottled Spirit Aura×2 Gnome
Fieg Snowfields/Frozen Heart Jinn Undine
SS Buccaneer/Pirate's Hook Aura Undine×2
The Underworld/Trembling Spoon Shade×2 Salamander×2
Junkyard/Broken Doll Wisp Shade Undine
Norn Peaks/Skull Lantern Wisp Gnome Jinn×2
Bone Fortress/Dragon Bone Aura Salamander Gnome
White Forest/Green Cane Wisp Dryad Jinn
Bejeweled City/Jumi's Staff Shade Aura×2
Orchard/Golden Seed Dryad×2 Gnome
Tower of Lieres/Moon Mirror Shade Salamander Jinn
Geo/Tome of Magic Shade Aura Salamander
Lucemia/Brooch of Love Dryad Undine
Tree of Mana/Sword of Mana All essences

Now if you're wondering how these all work, and I'm SURE you are.... or just want to see
what parts are flexible and what parts of these maps are in a specific order, we've outlined
the steps in detail.

Map Plans 1 and 2: Easy Rewards and Foreign Forest

Step One:

------------------- MB Mailbox (Home)
| | | | | | | CB Colorblocks (Domina)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| WH Wheel (Luon Highway)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
| | | | | |**|
| | |CB| | | |
| | |MB| | | |
| | |WH| | | |

This is just your basic starting point. Note that Wheel gives Home its second Gnome point.

Step two:

------------------- JE Jade Egg (Mekiv Caverns)
| | | | | | | FL Flame (Gato Grottoes)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ME Medallion (Jungle)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
| | | | | |**|
| | |xx| | | |
| |JE|xx|ME| | |
| |FL|xx| | | |

This step covers one of the demi-human pets, and is the first part to getting Narcissos.

With the Home's second Gnome, the Jade Egg starts with two Gnome as well.
Also, because of the Home's two Dryad points, the Medallion will immediately start with
three Dryad when placed. Chitto the Chobin Hood will await you in the jungle maze.

Step three:

------------------- BD Broken Doll (Junkyard)
| | | | | | | AT Ancient Tablet (Mindas Ruins)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| SE Stone Eye (Lake Kilma)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
| | | | | |**|
|AT|BD|xx|SE| | |
| |xx|xx|xx| | |
| |xx|xx| | | |

This step puts you close to getting the Narcissos.

With the Jade Egg's extra gnome, the Doll will start with one Gnome essence upon placement.
The Ancient Tablet gives the Junkyard its second Gnome point.

Step four:

------------------- SR Sand Rose (Duma Desert)
| | | | | | | FF Firefly Lamp (Lumina)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TC Torch of Coral (Madora Beach)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
| | | |FF| |**|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|TC| |
| |xx|xx|xx| | |
| |xx|xx|SR| | |

The order of placement in this step is completely up to you, but placing the Firefly Lamp
as the second or third artifact gives you better weapons in Lumina. This step also starts
the Desert toward getting the Sahagin.

Since the Highway has one Dryad, and Jungle has three, the Rose will start with 2 Dryad.
The Rose will also add a second Salamander to the Jungle.
The Torch of Coral adds the final Wisp to Lake Kilma, so Captain Dayang the Mad Mallard is
now waiting there to join you.
Lumina now has a level 2 mineral shop. And if you waited to place it as the second or third
AF in this step, you can also buy level 4 weapons there!

Step five:

------------------- BS Bottled Spirit (Ulkan Mines)
| | | | | | | GS Golden Seed (Orchard)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TS Trembling Spoon (The Underworld)
|**| | |BS| | | ** Water
| |GS| |xx|TS|**|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
| |xx|xx|xx| | |
| |xx|xx|xx| | |

Pretty self-explanatory step here.

The Orchard fills the Junkyard's Gnome, go meet Fernando the Narcissos there to celebrate.
The Spoon gives Madora Beach two Salamander.

{{NOTE}} These next few steps merely show you how the rest of the AFs should be placed. It
is NOT by any means a mandatory order for doing these. You could do steps seven through nine
then come back and do step six and still get the same results. It is merely a suggestion,
and it was chosen because it gives Polpota Harbor level 6 weapons. But you don't have to
conform, its your game, not ours! =)

Step six: Dragon Quests layout

------------------- SL Skull Lantern (Norn Peaks)
| | | | | | | DB Dragon Bone (Bone Fortress)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| Plan 1 only-->GC Green Cane (White Forest)
|**| | |xx| | | ** Water
| |xx| |xx|xx|**|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
| |xx|xx|xx|SL|DB|
| |xx|xx|xx|GC| |

These artifacts only come in one order, so there's no trick to this one.

Because both Jungle and Madora Beach have two Salamander, the Skull Lantern will have two
Salamander when placed.
The Dragon Bone's Salamander fills up Norn Peaks, leaving Mambo the Tomato Man there, happy
to join your adventure.
The Green Cane's Dryad opens up the Wimpy Thugling quest in Duma Desert, and Tikkle the
Sahagin will be at your disposal upon completion.
(note) While testing this map, I placed the Rusted Anchor (the next step) before the Green
Cane, and even before the Moon's Mirror and still had the L3 mineral shops, as well as
VizelGold weapons for purchase.

Plan 2: Simply remove the Green Cane from this step, check step nine for the alternate plan,
all you have to do is put the Brooch of Love down in that spot instead.

Step seven:

------------------- RA Rusted Anchor (Polpota Harbor)
| | | |--| | | MM Moon's Mirror (Tower of Leires)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| -- Alternate spot for Mirror
|**|RA| |xx|MM| | 1x Covered only in Plan 1
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| |xx| |xx|xx|**|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
| |xx|xx|xx|xx|xx|
| |xx|xx|xx|1x| |

The Moon's Mirror is there to help push Geo as far away from Home as possible.
Polpota Harbor will have a level 3 mineral shop!
It also has a L6 weapon shop, the highest level possible for a L3 mineral shop.

Step eight: The Sword of Mana

------------------- FH Frozen Heart (Fieg Snowfields)
| | | | | | | SM Sword of Mana (Tree of Mana)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 1x Covered only in Plan 1
|**|xx|FH|xx|xx| | ** Water
| |xx|SM|xx|xx|**|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
| |xx|xx|xx|xx|xx|
| |xx|xx|xx|1x| |

The easiest way to do this is to place the Frozen Heart before the Sword, but if you're too
impatient and want those full mana benefits immediately, simply see the note in step nine.

The Sword of Mana itself is, of course, the key to many things:
Domina's full mana levels allow you to do both the Seeing Double and Pee Wee Birdie quests.
The Orchard's full mana levels helps to grow the best produce, and as fast as possible.
Guri the Goblin will now be wandering around the back alleys of Lumina for you.
The Shade levels in Fieg Snowfields will bring Elysia the Succubus out from hiding.

Plan 1, Step nine: Miscellaneous

------------------- BL Brooch of Love (Lucemia)
| |÷÷|øø|÷÷|BL|TM| PH Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TM Tome of Magic (Geo)
|--|xx|xx|xx|xx|++| JS Jumi's Staff (Bejewled City)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| -- Another location for the Hook
| |xx|xx|xx|xx|PH| ++ Another location for the Brooch
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ÷÷ Where to place Staff before Heart (see note)
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| | øø Where to place Staff after Heart (see note)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| 1x Covered only in Plan 1
| |xx|xx|xx|1x| |

The Brooch of love is included in this step, but it can actually be placed as soon as Lumina
is created, as long as it doesn't take another's artifact's place. Here we're simply using
it as a pedestal to get Geo all the way in the corner.
The Pirate's Hook can also be placed earlier than this, just place it whenever you
have an artifact next to the water for it.
The Jumi Staff has no bearing on your game if you have gone at this pace.
The Tome of Magic should be placed far from Home to give a level 4 mineral shop, and level 7
weapons and instruments available for purchase.

{{NOTE}} Sword-before-Heart Plan:

If you've completed the Larc/Sierra or Matilda/Irwin scenarios to get the Sword of Mana
before the Frozen Heart, this is still easy to solve. Since Ulkan Mines will have two Shade
(one from Lumina's two, the second from the Moon's Mirror), and the Tree of Mana obviously
has three, the Frozen Heart will start with two Shade. To add a third, just put the Jumi
Staff in the øø spot. You could use the Tome of Magic, but its better to save Geo instead.

Or if for some bizarre reason you feel compelled to make the Heart the very last artifact
(you weirdo!), just put the Jumi Staff next to the Mines or Harbor (÷÷), that way the Frozen
Heart will be surrounded by six total Shade, and will start with full Shade.

And there you have it, without any awkward order of placing artifacts, you have all the
possible pets are at your disposal, you can do every quest, and can buy all the
materials necessary for serious blacksmithing! And for the same results with a little twist:

Plan 2, Step Nine: Finishing Touches

------------------- BL Brooch of Love (Lucemia)
|GC| |++| |TM| | PH Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TM Tome of Magic (Geo)
|PH|xx|xx|xx|xx|÷ø| JS Jumi's Staff (Bejewled City)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| GC Green Cane (White Forest)
| |xx|xx|xx|xx|**| ++ Staff location for Sword-before-Heart plan
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
| |xx|xx|xx|BL| |

This alternate step leaves the White Forest much further from home, and lets Brooch of Love
take over the job of giving Duma Desert the third Dryad point.
This isn't quite as practical as the original plan, as the flexibility is limited, but it
still works.

Thank you for your e-mails! I hope this has been of help! =)

And now, your road to the nearly perfect, slightly Advanced Map-

Map Plan 3: Wide Open Spaces

Step One:

------------------- MB Mailbox (Home)
| | | | | | | CB Colorblocks (Domina)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| WH Wheel (Luon Highway)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
| | | | | |**|
| | | |CB| | |
| | | |MB| | |
| | | |WH| | |

This is just your basic starting point. Note that Wheel gives Home its second Gnome point.

Step two:

------------------- FL Flame (Gato Grottoes)
| | | | | | | AT Ancient Tablet (Mindas Ruins)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|**| | | | | |
| | | | | |**|
| | | |xx| | |
| | |AT|xx|FL| |
| | | |xx| | |

Ancient Tablet will start with two Gnome because of Home's second Gnome essence.
With both artifacts place, Home now has full Dryad, Salamander, Gnome, and Jinn!

Step three:

------------------- BD Broken Doll (Junkyard)
| | | | | | | BS Bottled Spirit (Ulkan Mines)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| JE Jade Egg (Mekiv Caverns)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
| | | | | |**|
|JE|BS|BD|xx| | |
| | |xx|xx|xx| |
| | | |xx| | |

The Broken Doll starts with one Gnome because of the Ruins' two Gnome points.
Bottled Spirit adds a second Gnome point to the Junkyard.

Step four:

------------------- SE Stone Eye (Lake Kilma)
| | | | | | | ME Medallion (Jungle)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| FF Firefly Lamp (Lumina)
|**| | | | | | ** Water
|ME| | | |FF|**|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|SE| |
| | |xx|xx|xx| |
| | | |xx| | |

Stone Eye starts with one Wisp, and Firefly Lamp gives it a second Wisp essence.
Placed as the third item in this step, Firefly Lamp will have a level 2 mineral shop with
L4 (Lorant Silver) weapons for sale.

Step five:

------------------- SR Sand Rose (Duma Desert)
| | | | | | | TC Torch of Coral (Madora Beach)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TS Trembling Spoon (The Underworld)
|**| | | |TS| | ** Water
|xx|SR| | |xx|**|
| | |xx|xx|xx| |
| | | |xx| | |

Thanks to the Jungle, the Sand Rose will start with 1 Dryad point.
The Torch of Coral adds the third wisp point to Lake Kilma, go there and say hi to the Mad
Mallard waiting for you =)

Step six:

------------------- GS Golden Seed (Orchard)
| | | |DB|SL|MM| SL Skull Lantern (Norn Peaks)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| MM Moon's Mirror (Tower of Lieres)
|**| | | |xx| | DB Dragon Bone (Bone Fortress)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|xx|xx|GS| |xx|**|
| | |xx|xx|xx| |
| | | |xx| | |

First, the Golden Seed proves to be VERY useful, as it will fill Duma Desert with Dryad, and
the Junkyard with Gnome! Join the Sahagin for the Wimpy Thugling quest in the Desert, then
marvel at the Narcissos' pecs at the Junkyard ^_^

Obviously since the Skull Lantern has to go before the other two AFs, this order isn't
tricky. Since The Underworld has 2 Salamander, the Lantern starts with its first Salamander
Then Moon's Mirror and Dragon Bone each add another Salamander, so the Tomato Man will await
you at the entrance to help you burn things. Pyromaniacs rejoice!

Step seven:

------------------- RA Rusted Anchor (Polpota Harbor)
| | | |xx|xx|xx| FH Frozen Heart (Fieg Snowfields)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| BL Brooch of Love (Lucemia)
|BL|RA| |FH|xx| | SM Sword of Mana (Tree of Mana)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| | |xx|xx|xx| |
| | | |xx| | |

Go ahead and place Rusted Anchor first! You'll have your level 3 shop and L6 (VizelGold)
weapons for purchase immediately.

If you're in need of a cocky archer, the Brooch of Love will help you out by giving Jungle
its third Dryad essence. Now you can listen to Chitto the Chobin Hood's self-promotion.

Regardless of whichever goes first, the Frozen Heart or Sword of Mana, Fieg Snowfields will
have three Shade by the end of this step. Which is great, because if you ever wanted an
unholy Succubus who thinks you're kooky and oozy as a pet.... well, you could get it now! =)

With the Sword of Mana down, the Orchard now has full mana levels, and a friendly little
Goblin will be skipping along in the alleys of Lumina. Make friends with him and help him
polish up on his evilness. Maybe he won't realize that you're the good guy. Also, Domina has
sufficient Mana levels to let you do the Seeing Double and Pee Wee Birdie quests.

Step eight:

------------------- PH Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer)
|TM|GC| |xx|xx|xx| GC Green Cane (White Forest)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TM Tome of Magic (Geo)
|xx|xx| |xx|xx| | JS Jumi's Staff (Bejewled City)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| | |xx|xx|xx| |
| | | |xx|JS| |

Pirate's Hook- Its not like you have a choice here ^_^

Green Cane/Tome of Magic- To be honest, it matters not which you put in the spot. Either way
Geo will have a L4 Mineral Shop with L7 (IshePlatinum) weapons for sale.

Jumi Staff- Place it wherever you want! May as well just use it to give extra mana to any
adjacent areas.


Map Plan 4: 'Round the Tree Again

Step One:

------------------- MB Mailbox (Home)
| | | | | | | CB Colorblocks (Domina)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| WH Wheel (Luon Highway)
|**| | | | | | FL Flame (Gato Grottoes)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| AT Ancient Tablet (Mindas Ruins)
| | | | | |**| BS Bottled Spirit (Ulkan Mines)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| BD Broken Doll (Junkyard)
| | | | |JE| | JE Jade Egg (Mekiv Caverns)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| | |CB| |BD| |

The order here is kinda obvious due to the order you'll receive these AFs. You don't have
any choice but to place them in the order listed here.

The mechanics behind this step are a bit complex though. The Wheel gives the Home a second
Gnome point. The Tablet then absorbs one of these points and also gets to two Gnome. The
same thing happens with the Bottle, so the Junkyard finally absorbs its first Gnome point.
Then, the Jade Egg gives the Junkyard a second Gnome point.

Step Two:

------------------- MM Moon Mirror (Tower of Leires)
| | | | | | | SE Stone Eye (Lake Kilma)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|**| | | | | |
| | | | | |**|
|SE| | | |xx| |
|MM| |xx| |xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

Nothing much to say here. Just make sure you complete "The Lost Princess" before you enter
the Tower of Leires or you'll miss the quest. And while you're at it, do "The Wisdom of
Gaeus" too. It'll be too late once you've entered the Jungle.

Step Three:

------------------- FF Firefly Lamp (Lumina)
| | | | | | | ME Medallion (Jungle)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|**| | | | | |
| | | | |ME|**|
|xx| | |FF|xx| |
|xx| |xx| |xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

This step gives you a level two material shop in Lumina, as well as Lorant Silver
weapons and armors.

Step Four:

------------------- SR Sand Rose (Duma Desert)
| | | | | | | TS Trembling Spoon (The Underworld)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|**| | | |TS| |
| | | | |xx|**|
|xx|SR| |xx|xx| |
|xx| |xx| |xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

The only worthy note here is that the Sand Rose gives the Lake a second Wisp point.

Step Four:

------------------- SL Skull Lantern (Norn Peaks)
| | | | | | | DB Dragon Bone (Bone Fortress)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| FH Frozen Heart (Fieg Snowfields)
|**| |DB|SL|xx| | BL Brooch of Love (Lucemia)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| | |FH| |xx|BL|
|xx|xx| |xx|xx| |
|xx| |xx| |xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

Norn Peaks absorbs its first Salamander point from the Underworld.
It then receive a second Salamander point from the Dragon Bone.
Also, the Brooch of Love gives the Jungle its last Dryad point required to get Chitto
the Chobin Hood.

Step Five:

------------------- SM Sword of Mana (Tree of Mana)
| | | | | | | RA Rusted Anchor (Polpota Harbor)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|**| |xx|xx|xx| |
| |RA|xx| |xx|xx|
|xx|xx|SM|xx|xx| |
|xx| |xx| |xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

The Tree of Mana raises the levels of the lands surrounding it, and gives you access to the
Seeing Double and Pee Wee Birdie quests, Guri the Goblin, the Wimpy Thugling quest with
Tikkle the Sahagin, as well as Elysia the Succubus!
Polpota then absorbs the mana of the desert and snowfield and gets maxed out too.
It's also placed just soon enough so you don't miss your level 3 mineral shop.
Be sure to thank the tree for a job well done! ^_^

Step Six:

------------------- GS Golden Seed (Orchard)
| | | | | | | TC Torch of Coral (Madora Beach)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
|**| |xx|xx|xx| |
|TC|xx|xx| |xx|xx|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
|xx| |xx|GS|xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

Since two of the lands touching the Orchards are filled with Mana, it also starts with three
everywhere, speeding up the growth speed of produces, and only two steps away from Home.
The Orchard also gives the Junkyard its final Gnome point, letting Fernando the Narcissos
come out, ready to fight.
Madora Beach also starts with 2 or more mana points everyhere by absorbing Polpota's energy.
The Torch of Coral also adds the final Wisp point to Lake Kilma, giving the Mad Mallard pet
a happy lakeside home.

Step Seven:

------------------- TM Tome of Magic (Geo)
| | | | | | | GC Green Cane (White Forest)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| PH Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer)
|PH|GC|xx|xx|xx| | JS Jumi's Staff (Bejewled City)
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |
|xx|JS|xx|xx|xx| |
|xx|xx|xx|xx|xx| |

The Tome of Magic gives Norn Peaks a third Salamander point, releasing Mambo the Tomato Man.
Also, Geo gets a level four material shop, as well as Ishe Platinum weapons and armor.

>VERY IMPORTANT< Do NOT step onto the outdoor fruit parlor in Geo! If you do, Gilbert's
School Amour quest will begin, and since you haven't placed the S.S. Buccaneer, there's no
way you could have completed Gilbert: Love is Blind. This means also that you won't be able
to complete Nicollo's Business Unusual 4 or Blessed Elixir, but those are not as important.

As with Madora, the Forest starts with two or more mana points everywhere.
The SS Buccaneer thus gets high mana upon placement.
By the way, the SS Bucanneer's quests will now give you two pieces of Altena Alloy. The
White Forest should as well.

The Bejeweled City is also two steps away from home, making it faster to level up your level
by fighting the Machine Golem. You really need to place this AF last if you want to be able
to do Gilbert: Love is Blind.


Map Plan 5: Home Grown Produce

Step one:

------------------- MB Mailbox (Home)
| | | | | | | CB Colorblocks (Domina)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| WH Wheel (Luon Highway)
|**| | | | | | FL Flame (Gato Grottoes)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ME Medallion (Jungle)
| | | | | |**| ** Water
| | |WH| | | |
|ME|MB|CB| | | |
| | |FL| | | |

Order isn't too important here. The only important aspect is that Home now has two
Salamander points.

Step two:

------------------- BD Broken Doll (Junkyard)
| | | | | | | AT Ancient Tablet (Domina)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| JE Jade Egg (Luon Highway)
|**| | | | | | SE Stone Eye (Lake Kilma)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ME Firefly Lamp (Lumina)
| | |BD|AT|JE|**| ** Water
| | |xx| |SE| |
|xx|xx|xx| |FF| |
| | |xx| | | |

Well the order here is rather obvious if you ask me =)

The Ancient Tablet gives the Junkyard its first Gnome point.
The Firefly Lamp upon placement will have a Level 2 mineral shop with Lorant Silver weapons,
gives Lake Kilma its second Wisp point, and finally gives Lake Kilma 2 Shade points. Another
important note, the Lamp gives Lake Kilma two Shade points.

Step three:

------------------- SR Sand Rose (Duma Desert)
| | | | | | | TC Torch of Coral (Madora Beach)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| BS Bottled Spirit (Ulkan Mines)
|**| |BS| | | | TS Trembling Spoon (The Underworld)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| SL Skull Lantern (Norn Peaks)
| | |xx|xx|xx|**| ** Water
| |SL|xx|SR|xx|TS|
|xx|xx|xx| |xx| |
| |TC|xx| | | |

Plenty going on in this step!

Bottled Spirit gives the Junkyard its second Gnome point.
Sand Rose gives Lake Kilma the third crucial Wisp point to let Captain Dayang the Mad
Mallard come out from hiding.
The Underworld gets a third Shade point from Lake Kilma.
As Skull Lantern is placed, it absorbs one Salamander point from Home.
With the Torch of Coral placed, the Home has these mana levels: (the point of this map)

Wisp-3 Shade-0 Dryad-3 Aura-2 Salamander-2 Gnome-3 Jinn-3 Undine-2

Very good for growing most every type of produce!

Step four:

------------------- MM Moon's Mirror (Tower of Leires)
| | | | | | | RA Rusted Anchor (Polpota Harbor)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| DB Dragon Bone (Bone Fortress)
|**| |xx| |RA| | GS Golden Seed (Orchard)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| |DB|xx|xx|xx|**|
|xx|xx|xx| |xx| |
| |xx|xx|GS| | |

Get Polpota down second or third to get a Level 3 mineral shop and Vizel Gold weapons.

Moon's Mirror gives Norn Peaks its second Salamander point.
The Dragon Bone not only gives the third Gnome point to Junkyard to lure out Fernando the
Narcissos, but also adds the third Salamander point to Norn Peaks, adding enough fire to
make Mambo the Tomato Man feel right at home.

Step five:

------------------- BL Brooch of Love (Lucemia)
| | | | |TM| | SM Sword of Mana (Tree of Mana)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| TM Tome of Magic (Geo)
|**| |xx| |xx| | FH Frozen Heart (Fieg Snowfields)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| ** Water
| |xx|xx|xx|xx|**|

(Sorry about all the writing here, but there's a lot to say about this step)

The Brooch of Love gives the Jungle its final Dryad point, leaving Chitto the Chobin for
your listening pleasure.

I would strongly recommend you use the run of Matilda and Irwin scenarios to obtain the
Sword of Mana. Doing this will guarantee that you can get at least two pieces of Altena
Alloy from quests in the White Forest. If you choose the Jumi quests, you will not be able
to get full mana levels in Bejewled City... granted, it's just for show, but it looks nice
^_^ But you also have to put Geo down earlier, which may prevent the chance of getting
Altena Alloy from a quest there.... and worse YET, it'll mean that you have to place down
the S.S. Buccaneer first if you want to do Gilbert: Love is Blind! o_O And doing the dragon
arc forces you to place the Green Cane down and in most cases forfeit your chance for
getting Altena Alloy.

The Sword of Mana upon placement:
Gives Duma Desert three Dryad points, enabling the Wimpy Thugling quest and subsequently the
Sahagin, Tikkle, to join you if you do things right =)
Fills Lumina's mana levels, giving access to the Goblin, Guri.
Adds the necessary mana levels for the Pee-Wee Birdie and Seeing Double quests in Domina.
Provides for an Orchard that will grow the fastest produce.

The Tome of Magic will have a Level 4 mineral shop and Ishe Platinum weapons for sale. If
you're able to place it late enough, you may also receive some Altena Alloy there.

>VERY IMPORTANT< Do NOT step onto the outdoor fruit parlor in Geo! If you do, Gilbert's
School Amour quest will begin, and since you haven't placed the S.S. Buccaneer, there's no
way you could have completed Gilbert: Love is Blind. This means also that you won't be able
to complete Nicollo's Business Unusual 4 or Blessed Elixir, but those are not as important.

ALSO IMPORTANT! Don't place the Frozen Heart until the Sword of Mana is down already if you
wish to follow this plan as best as possible.

Because the Underworld and Lumina both have 3 shade, placing the Frozen Heart will let you
immediately have access to Elysia the Succubus =)

Step six:

------------------- GC Green Cane (White Forest)
| | | | |xx|GC| PH Pirate's Hook (SS Buccaneer)
|__|__|__|__|__|__| JS Jumi's Staff (Bejeweled City)
|**| |xx| |xx| | ** Water
| |xx|xx|xx|xx|PH|
|xx|xx|xx|xx|JS| |

Basically, these last three items are last because the first two have two quests each that
give you a metal upon completion. Wait to place them now and it means that you can get up 4
Altena Alloy! Jumi's Staff will have full mana levels, but it only really important for
completing quests.

Boy, that was a lot less complicated than the last step ^_~ That's all folks =)

--------------------------------{Frequently Asked Questions}--------------------------------

Instead of leaving a few mysteries open, I thought I'd answer some potential questions now
so you don't have to e-mail us and wait for an answer. Aren't I the good little samaritan?

Q. Why would you want the White Forest further from Home?
A. We received an e-mail from someone who was complaining that White Forest's proximity to
home made it difficult for him to get DiorWood. Let me debunk this right now, when FAQs
mention that you can get more rare items from being further from home, they do NOT mean
dropped from enemies. I've gotten 4 DiorWood within about an hour in Gato, which is just
about right next to Home! What this WILL do however, is make high level Woodings on normal
mode, and therefore increase your chance of getting DiorWood =) So inadvertently this is
correct, but its nice to know why things work.

Regardless, it brought up the idea that keeping the Forest further from Home would increase
the potential of Larc giving a strong metal after Dragon Princess. If you're lucky, you just
might get some Altena Alloy handed to you! Even from Catchin' Lillipeas too! Plus, for those
Gray Ox lovers out there, you'll have no problem getting them in the forest! =)

Q. Then why did you keep the Standard map if there's this extra revision?
A. Simply put, the standard map is the most practical and customizable.

Q. What's this about Tyrranos, Chimera Beast and Gray Ox?
A. If you didn't know, the likelihood of catching the rarest eggs of each type of monster is
proportional to the distance of the egg's location from home. The further from home a
location it is, the higher the frequency of catching rare eggs. In the standard map, Jungle,
the only location with Demonic Eggs, is right next to home. It would literally take you
hours and hours of catching eggs, and you may never come up with a Chimera Beast. And if you
think hours is an exaggeration, just try me ^_^ And the same goes for Tyrranos, as Luon
Highway and Mekiv Caverns, the two locations with Reptile Eggs also are touching Home. Thus
if you really want these pets, I STRONGLY suggest you use the Intermediate or Advanced map,
rather than catching and selling eggs for hours on end for the infinitesimally small chance
of getting the rare pet.

Q. Do I have to do the Dragon Quests to get the Sword of Mana, since the Brooch of Love and
Jumi Staff are listed as being placed later in most plans?
A. Not at all. The Jumi Staff only matters if you for whatever reason need to follow the
Sword-before-Heart plan, and the Brooch of Love has a set place in 2 of the 3 Plans, and
you're not likely to get the Brooch before it can be useful. HOWEVER! On the newer maps 4
and 5, it's recommended that you do the Matilda/Irwin scenarios first to use Lucemia to help
get the Sword of Mana if you want to follow the plans to their maximum potential.

Q. Huh? I checked other FAQs and it says Tomato Man is in Ulkan Mines!
A. That wasn't a question, but anyways, they're wrong! He's at Norn Peaks, the Ulkan Mines
was just a mistake that others repeatedly copied.

Q. Why is the Sword of Mana placed next to the same AFs in most maps?
A. Domina- The Seeing Double quest requires 3 Shade, and the Pee Wee Birdie quest requires 3
Wisp and 3 Salamander. Because it has to be placed next to home, and there's no other
artifact that gives 2 or more Wisp, its impossible to get both quests without placing the
sword here.
Lumina- Requires 3 Shade and Dryad for the Goblin. It very possible to get those levels
without the Sword, but its much less of a hassle this way.
Orchard- Higher mana = Faster growing produce. Full mana = Fastest growing produce =)

Q. How come I can't place an AF at certain places of the map, even if all spots are open?
A. You can't place an Artifact down in a spot until at least one adjacent area has had a
quest completed in it. Certain places such as Domina, Lumina and Geo however, do not need
this condition.

Q. Why would I want Altena Alloy?
A. It's the highest level metal that you can receive for a quest. It's stronger than Lorimar
Iron (the strongest metal material that you can purchase) and is especially good for making
cheap equipment without having to fight tons of enemies to drop rare items like Dragon
Scales and Adamantite. Also it makes the second strongest powered magic from instruments,
just barely less than Dior Wood.

Q. If two people made this, who should we e-mail questions, comments or love letters?
A. Well I (Anthony) personally wrote almost all of this out, but believe me, none of our
work is one-sided, nor is our knowledge of how this stuff works. Either one would be glad
to answer questions, we're both on ICQ rather frequently, I'm on AIM a lot, and we both
check e-mail regularly.

Q. Why can the Torch of Coral be placed where it is in Map Plan 5, if there's no water next
to it?
A. On the contrary, there is! When you select the map, there's a space with water just below
that map, which to your benefit, still can affect placing the two water based artifacts.

Q. OOH! I have a map that I made, can I submit it to your FAQ?
A. Well I would hate to be the bearer of bad news if you've gone through hard work and we
don't have room for it, so let me put up some credentials:
1) Sword of Mana MUST be placed next to Domina, and the Orchard must have full mana as well.
2) All 4 levels of mineral shops MUST be available.
3) It is preffered that you have level 4 weapons with the level 2 mineral shop, level 6
weapons with the level 3 mineral shop and level 7 weapons with the level 4 mineral shop.
4) You MUST have access to all 7 demi-human pets, which means 3 Dryad at Duma Desert and the
Jungle, 3 Dryad/Shade at Lumina, 3 Shade at Fieg Snowfields, 3 Salamander at Norn Peaks and
3 Wisp at Lake Kilma, and 3 Gnome at the Junkyard.
5) It is recommended that you try to push lands with eggs far away from home to give better
chances for catching the rarest monster for each monster breed.
6) It is also recommended that you position lands to obtain a few pieces of Altena Alloy
upon completion of quests in that/those land(s).
But most importantly.....

Your map MUST include some important aspect that either strongly sets it apart from what we
already have available, or is completely ommitted from our maps that the average player
would find useful or helpful. Please submit it to both of us so we can both look it over
without having to send it to each other.

I realize that this is a lot to ask, but we wish to keep a very solid list of map plans in
this FAQ, and these guidelines are important not only for giving players access to the very
vital parts of the game, but to ensure that each map has something unique to contribute. If
you can make a map that does all this, we would LOVE to see it! If we're able to put it up,
you will receive all the credit necessary with our thanks =)

Q. Are you two insane?
A. Yes, Mr. Bond....

Created by the joint efforts of-
Frederic Desroches & Anthony Nelson
Contact info is listed at the beginning of the FAQ

If you see any glaring errors, something important we've missed or most importantly if you
have a question, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask or notify us! Suggestions and comments have
already made a VERY big difference in this FAQ, so keep it up! If you haven't guessed, we
love getting mail and would be glad to implement your workable ideas if they can help others
out in any way! So contact us in any way you can for whatever reason! =) If you'd like to
submit a map to us, read up in the Question/Answer section before you do.... We don't want
you to spend too much time on something that we can't put up for you.

Legal stuff that has to be said:

This Faq is copyright work by Anthony Nelson and Frederic Desroches.

All right, we made the FAQ for all of you LoM fans to use right? The point is for you to
pass the link along to other people so it can be used around.....

But don't take our names off this or replace them. We did the work, not you, and that's just
not cool.

If you wish to put this on an LoM site, go ahead, knock yourself out! But keep it as this
text file, and in its entirety..... don't just steal the good parts, or change what specific
parts. And you don't have to, but we'd love it if you sent us a link if/when you put
this up somewhere. We kind of like that "pride" thing in our work ^_^

Thanks go to:

Zach Keene, for noting an important mishap in our last few plans. I owe ya one =)

CJayC, for well, putting this up in the first place, being quick with updates, and changing
the title of the FAQ on the page for us ^_^

Al Amaloo, for taking the interest in our guide!

Kurasu Soratobu, for thanking us in his Pets and Plants FAQ =P

All the members of the GameFAQs for supporting our work, and letting me shamelessly guide
people to this FAQ when they need help when I don't like the idea of gloating. Oh, and for
just being a really cool and fun group of people as a whole =)

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12.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels

17.Октябрь 2013
Tempering for Dummies

13.Октябрь 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

17.Октябрь 2013
Characters are at Level 99.

15.Октябрь 2013

16.Октябрь 2013
Pets and Plants

15.Октябрь 2013
Spoiler Free Guide

17.Октябрь 2013

13.Октябрь 2013
Map Placement, Dross and Miscellany Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Ring Ring Land Guide

12.Октябрь 2013
Sea Chart

14.Октябрь 2013
Pets Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Mini FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Mastery Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Map Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Figthing Bosses Guide

17.Октябрь 2013
Abilities Guide

11.Октябрь 2013

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
engl. Hinweise
10.Октябрь 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version.

15.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Октябрь 2013
PAL Patch for the US NTSC Version (DOM).

16.Октябрь 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and Bootfix for the Japanese NTSC Version.

17.Октябрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
11.Февраль 2016
25.Июнь 2019