Silent Hill

Silent Hill

13.05.2008 16:52:35

There are violent and disturbing images in this FAQ. (hehe)

Rura Penthe's (& Tetsuo for those badass ascii maps)-


The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.


F A Q / W A L K T H R O U G H
Version 1.1

This FAQ is best viewed in Monaco 9 point or another small font.

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

o 1.01 What's New
o 1.02 General information about this walkthrough
o 1.03 Contact Information

o 2.01 Introduction to Silent Hill
o 2.02 Characters
o 2.03 Controls
o 2.04 Difficulty Level Information
o 2.05 Items
o 2.06 Weapons
o 2.07 Maps
o 2.08 Puzzles
o 2.09 Quick Hints

o 3.xx Walkthrough
o 3.00 Walkthrough Explanation
o 3.01 First Scene
o 3.02 The Cafe
o 3.03 Convenience Store/Car
o 3.04 The Alley
o 3.05 On the Way to the School Part 1
o 3.06 Inside the House
o 3.07 The Second Alley/Basketball Court
o 3.08 On the Streets of Old Silent Hill
o 3.09 Back in the House
o 3.10 On the Way to the School Part 2
o 3.11 In the School/Reception Area
o 3.12 Infirmary/Courtyard/Second Hallway
o 3.13 Third Hallway/2nd Floor
o 3.14 Music Room
o 3.15 The Boiler Room
o 3.16 Alternate School?!
o 3.17 Alternate School?! Floor 2
o 3.18 Roof/Courtyard
o 3.19 Floor 2 Part 2/Basement
o 3.20 Alternate Boiler Room/Normal School
o 3.21 Streets of Old Silent Hill/Balkan Church
o 3.22 Central Silent Hill/Normal Hospital
o 3.23 Alternate Hospital?!
o 3.24 Alternate Hospital?! Part 2
o 3.25 Antique Shop
o 3.26 Alternate Town?!
o 3.27 Waterworks/Tunnels
o 3.28 Resort Area
o 3.29 Alternate Resort Area
o 3.30 Lighthouse/Going to Amusement Park
o 3.31 Sewers/Amusement Park
o 3.32 Final Alternate Hospital
o 3.33 FA Hospital Floor 2/Floor 3
o 3.34 Hall of Phaleg/Room of Aratron/Child's Room
o 3.35 Final Boss

o 4.xx Quick Walkthrough
o 4.00-4.xx See Normal Walkthrough Namings.

o 5.01 Next Fear Mode
o 5.02 GameShark Codes
o 5.03 Game Endings
o 5.04 Miscellaneous
o 5.05 Game Result Explanation
o 5.06 !!!Spoiler!!! Game Ending Descriptions

o 6.01 About the Authors
o 6.02 Credits/Thanks
o 6.03 Legal Crap
o 1.01 What's New
1.1, 3/18/99 - Hospital maps have been added, as well as lots
of miscellaneous info in section 5.04 (think Extra Options).
Section 5.06 (Game Ending Descriptions) has also been added at
the request of readers. Added a new strategy to defeat the
Winged Demon. Waterworks (3.27) has been updated with a better
way to break the lock. Corrected bullet location in 4.23
(office). Modified 3.22 a bit as well. 1.02 and 1.03 have been
modified with some small changes. Added 5.05, Game Rating
Explanation, as well (I need more info on gold ratings in the
game result screen!). I'm still missing a few items in the
walkthrough. If anybody knows where they are and can send
detailed directions on how to get them, I will be forever in
your debt. (6.02) Credits/Thanks have also been slightly modified,
along with (2.04) Difficulty Level information. Channeling
stone has been added to the items (keys) area. Quick Hints
(2.09) also got a huge update. I got an interesting email
from ( after 1.0 was released too...

"Hey whats up? Completed SH and got ten star rating. With that
my Hyper Blaster was powered up, it says so in the Next Fear
File. It now has a yellow laser thats 4 times more powerful.
Let me know what ya think."

Can anybody else tell me they've been able to get this?

1.0, 3/07/99 - OK, I decided to release this version because
Tetsuo hasn't finished the hospital maps yet, and many people
have wanted an update. So here is 1.0! Tons more stuff still
planned, just check below for the additions and fixes in this
version, and a little bit lower for planned stuff in the next.

Added info on safe in Indian Runner, fixed missing data in
sewer (3.26) section, added convenience store/car info,
reorganized item lists, difficulty level info (2.04) added,
other misc. spelling and grammar fixes. Added ending info and
information about the Channeling stone's use, redid controls
section, added more and fixed character information, redid
2.01 (Intro to SH), added Next Fear Mode info, all Next Fear
weapons (katana still needs full info). Added valve twisting
info (that I originally forgot) into the Alternate Boiler room
information. Also did the info about gas station, and how to
get the chainsaw and rock drill. 5.04 (Miscellaneous) added with
'other' notes. Added so many other things, I lost count...
Suffice it to say, this is a huge update.

_However_, I still have alot of work to do, mostly involving the
fact that I don't have item descriptions for the Hyper Blaster or
Katana, and I don't have all 204 possible items listed in the
walkthrough. Look for those in subsequent updates, along with the
usual round of fixes. Oh yeah, and watch out for the hospital maps
within a week or so. (Please send me info on any item i missed,
no matter how small)

0.5b-.9b, Decided update was way too big to be just one little number,
skipped .5b all the way to 1.0.

0.4b, 2/26/99 - Tons of new walkthrough, lots of new maps, new
character descriptions, countless corrections, a new strategy
for beating Cybil, quick walkthrough fixes and updates, and
puzzle additions. Check the end of the walkthrough for a
complete list (and trust me, its huge) of what is expected in
the next version of the FAQ. Remember to send us your info and

0.3b, 2/15/99 - Added a bunch of walkthrough and the 'quick
walkthrough' for those of you who don't need tons of information.
Maps area added, and puzzles area added too.

0.2b, Developer/Private Release only

0.1b, 2/2/99 - First version of the walkthrough. Basically, in this
version of the walkthrough, we want to just have a guide to get
you through the game. Once that's completed, later on (Like
when we actully have a manual for the game), we'll go back and
list all the weapons, items, monsters, etc.

o 1.02 General information about this walkthrough

*The latest version of this FAQ will always be at GameFAQS*

* *

This is a walkthrough for the Sony PlayStation game, Silent
Hill, by Konami.

I've laid this document out with numbered sections, so that
you can easily get to any section by just typing the number in
your browser or text editor's search function.

Throughout the walkthrough, you'll see things like this:

[!] And text would go here...

Pay attention to these! They tell you things that you need to

o 1.03 Contact Information

If you have corrections/questions/comments/flames/declarations
of love/death threats/candy/money/or anything else, you can
email Rura at:


If you are sending me corrections, they will be included in the next
version of the walkthrough.

o 2.01 Introduction to Silent Hill (From the manual)
The resort town of Silent Hill slips into quiet desolation,
now that the peak of development and growth has passed by.
The memories of a tragic fire 7 years ago still haunt the
townsfolk, and with the tourist season long past, there is
hardly a shadow stirring.

Harry Mason prefers to take late vacations with his daughter
Cheryl. This year they've made plans to visit Silent Hill.
Due to car trouble, they reach the outskirts of the town
late at night. Cheryl is sleeping in the back seat as a
motorcycle cop roars past his truck.

Moments later Harry spots the motorcycle dumped on the shoulder.
There is no one to be seen. It paints an ominous picture.
Suddenly, a shadow appears in front of the car. Harry turns
the wheel in panic. The car slides off the edge of the
road and into a gully.

Harry eventually regains consciousness. Cheryl is nowhere
to be seen. Snow is falling out of season. Where has
Cheryl disappeared to?

Harry walks toward a town he sees in the distance.

o 2.02 Characters

1. Harry Mason
Age: 32
Occupation: Writer
Losing his wife to disease has left a shadow over his soul.
His daughter is the only bright spot left in his life. He
goes to Silent Hill to go on vacation with his daughter, to
be mired in bizarre events. That was the beginning of this
tale, or was it predetermined somehow? That's the truth that
Harry has yet to discover.

2. Cheryl Mason
Age: 7
Occupation: Harry's daughter
She lost her mother at a young age and lives with her father.
A gentle, normal child, she goes on vacation with her father
to Silent Hill. However, an unimaginable event is waiting to

3. Cybil Bennett
Age: 22
Occupation: Police officer
She is an officer that patrols near Silent Hill. A sudden call
causes her to investigate Silent Hill. She is faithful to her
duties and investigates Silent Hill on her own.

4. Dahlia Gillespie
Age: Unknown (old)
Occupation: Unknown (servant to dark powers?)
Strange old woman you meet in the church. People say her son
died in a fire, and she hasn't been the same since. She's more
than she seems.

5. Dr. Kaufmann
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Doctor
You meet him in the hospital, holding a gun over a dead monster.
He was knocked out and when he came to everything was like
it is. His involvement with the events may be more than it

6. Lisa
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Nurse
A nurse you meet in the alternate hospital, you see her many
times throughout the game. She's very scared and doesn't know
whats going on.

7. Alessa
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Harry runs across this mysterious girl several times. Who or
what is she?

o 2.03 Controls
L1&R1 Button
Press L1 or R1 to make Harry side step left or right. Press
L1 and R1 simultaneously to make Harry turn around.

L2 Button
Search View

R2 Button
Press and hold to make Harry prepare his weapon (provided a
weapon is equipped).

Directional Buttons and/or Left Analog Stick
Moves Harry forward and back and also rotates him left and right.

Analog Mode Switch
Turns the left stick on or off.
Note: The vibration function can be turned on and off from the
Options screen.

Select Button
Opens up the Item screen.

Start Button
Pauses the game. Skips movies.

Circle Button
Turns light off/on (after finding the flashlight).

Triangle Button
Map window (after finding a map).

X Button
Attack (while pressing the R2 button)/Decide/Search.

Square Button
Press and hold to run/Cancel actions on menu screens.

o 2.04 Difficulty Level Information
Easy - Few monsters, little damage. Can't stay on this setting
for Next Fear mode. Four of the five endings available. A box
of bullets gives you 30 bullets in this mode.

Normal - Normal monsters, normal damage. You can get the Next
Fear weapons in this mode. All five endings available (four on
easy, then UFO ending on Next Fear Normal). A box of bullets
gives you 20 bullets in this mode.

Hard - Large quantities of monsters, huge amounts of damage.
Experienced players should play this mode, and you can get all
the bonus weapons and extra endings in this mode. (It has been
my experience that hard mode is much scarier and more fun than
easy or normal.) A box of bullets gives you 15 bullets in this

o 2.05 Items (incomplete)
Handgun bullets
-Ammo for the handgun.
Rifle shells
-Ammo for the rifle.
Shotgun shells
-Ammo for the shotgun.

-Relieve pain to recover stamina to high. Effect lasts for a while.
First aid kit
-Heals injury to provide moderate stamina recovery.
Health drink
-Supplies nutrition to recover a small amount of stamina.

Antique shop key
-The tagged key with a shop name on it that Dahlia left at the
Basement key
-The hospital basement door key, found on the table in 1st floor
conference room.
Basement storeroom key
-The hospital basement storeroom key found in the operating room.
Bird cage key
-Bird cage key with engraved handle.
Channeling stone
-A mystical stone possessing power. If used somewhere the result
will be...?
Classroom key
-The tagged classroom key. Found hanging in a drainpipe on the roof.
Drawbridge key
-Key to operate the drawbridge. Found in the church.
Examination room key
-Found in patient room in the 2nd floor basement.
House key
-Go back and get it later
K. Gordon Key
-The tag says "K. Gordon;" found in the school's boiler room.
Kaufmann key
-A "3" is written on the tag. The key was thought to have been
dropped by Kaufmann.
Key of "Woodman"
-The key to the garden of the house. Found in the basketball court.
Key of "Scarecrow"
-The key to the garden of the house. Found in mailbox blocked by
a fallen tree.
Key of "Lion"
-The key to the garden of the house. Found in patrol car's trunk.
Key of "Ophiel"
-The word "Ophiel" is engraved on the key.
Key of "Hagith"
-The word "Hagith" is engraved on the key.
Key of "Phaleg"
-The word "Phaleg" is engraved on the key.
Key of "Aratron"
-The word "Aratron" is engraved on the key.
Key of "Bethor"
-The word "Bethor" is engraved on the key.
Library reserve key
-The key to the school's 2nd floor library reserves. Picked up in
the locker room.
Motorcycle key
-Key to an old motorcycle, which was dropped between the floorboards
in the motel room.
Picture card
-A rectangular card with a picture of a key. Found on a desk
in a classroom.
Plate of "Cat" (acts as key)
-Square, yellow plate with a picture of a "Cheshire Cat."
Plate of "Hatter" (acts as key)
-Square, green plate with a picture of a "Mad Hatter."
Plate of "Turtle" (acts as key)
-Square, blue plate with a picture of a "Mock Turtle."
Plate of "Queen" (acts as key)
-Square, red plate with a picture of a "Queen of Hearts."
Sewer key
-Sewer passageway door key.
Sewer exit key
-Key to exit from the sewer to the resort area, which was dropped
in the water.

Amulet of Solomon
-The amulet is a star shaped object with 6 corners named after the
ancient magician.
-Elliptical talisman with a cross inside.
Blood pack
-200ml blood pack. Found in the hospital storage room.
Crest of Mercury
-Snake in the symbol of mercury signifies alchemy.
Dagger of Melchior
-The ancient dagger named after the Magi.
Disinfecting alcohol
-Isopropyl alcohol bottle. Found in ICU at the hospital.
Disk of Ouroboros
-Ring of a snake biting it's own tail.
-One touch on/off switch. In the chest pocket.
-Pyramid shaped object found in the church. Purpose and use
Gold medallion
-A picture of a clock tower is engraved on the surface. Found in
the chemistry lab.
-Oil lighter found in Room 201.
-Long, thin magnetic rod with a string attached, found in the
motel office.
Plastic bottle
-Empty bottle found in the kitchen of the hospital.
-Tool to use on metal and wires. Rusted but usable.
Pocket radio
-Portable radio that emits static when monsters are near.
-Receipt from General Store, thought to have been dropped by
Ring of contract
-Rustic, hefty-looking ring of unknown material.
Rubber ball
-Florescent pink rubber ball used by children.
-Tool for screws. Rusted but usable.
Silver medallion
-A picture of a clock tower is engraved on the surface. Found in
the music room.
Stone of time
-Large stone with clock-face design on pillar with astrology
chart hanging from it.
Unknown liquid
-Red liquid found in a broken vial in the Hospital Director's room.
Video tape
-Nothing on the label. Found on 2nd floor hospital basement.

o 2.06 Weapons (incomplete)

Kitchen Knife
--Movement During Use: Yes
--Aiming: No
-Description from Inventory: Hard to use, but better than nothing.

Steel pipe
--Movement During Use: No
--Aiming: No
-Description from Inventory: 3' long steel pipe. Long range

but of limited use.

--Movement During Use: No
--Aiming: No
-Description from Inventory: Emergency hammer. Highly damaging,
but hard to use.

--Movement During Use: Yes
--Aiming: No
-Description from Inventory: Small one hand axe. Moderately
effective as a weapon.

--Movement During Use: Yes
--Aiming: Yes
-Ammo: Handgun bullets
-Holds: 15 rounds
-Description from Inventory: Handgun recieved from Cybil. Holds
up to 15 rounds.
--Movement During Use: Yes
--Aiming: Yes
-Ammo: Shotgun shells
-Holds: 6 rounds
-Description from Inventory: Fires in a wide radius. Holds up to
6 rounds.
Hunting Rifle
--Movement During Use: No
--Aiming: Yes
-Ammo: Rifle shells
-Holds: 6 rounds
-Description from Inventory: Holds up to 6 rounds.

[Next Fear Only Weapons]
--Movement During Use: Yes
--Aiming: No
-Ammo: (Need Gasoline to operate)
-Description from Inventory: Power tool used for cutting down
trees, etc., highly deadly.

Rock Drill
--Movement During Use: No
--Aiming: Yes
-Ammo: (Need Gasoline to operate)
-Description from Inventory: A tool used in road construction
to create holes in the road for poles.

Katana (Two to choose from in the room, diff. descs?)
--Movement During Use: Yes
--Aiming: No
-Ammo: None
-Description from Inventory: NEED THIS!

Hyper Blaster
--Movement During Use: Unknown
--Aiming: Unknown
-Ammo: None
-Description from Inventory: NEED THIS!

o 2.07 Maps
h1 - Health drink k1 - Gold medallion
h2 - First aid kit k2 - Silver medallion
h3 - Ampoule k3 - Picture card
k4 - Library reserve key
a1 - Hangun bullets k5 - Basement key
a2 - Shotgun ammo k6 - Plate of "Queen"
k7 - Plate of "Hatter"
c - Chemical k8 - Plate of "Cat"
s1 - Statue of hand k9 - Plate of "Turtle"
r1 - Rubber ball k10 - Hospital basement storeroom key
b1 - Plastic bottle
l1 - Unknown liquid g1 - Handgun
b2 - Blood pack g2 - Shotgun
d1 - Disenfecting alcohol g3 - Hammer
v1 - Video
m1 - xxxx map
m2 - xxxx map
m3 - Hospital map
m4 - Hospital basement map

Midwich Elementary School (Normal), 1F
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| stairs | | storage | a1 | hall |
| | | | | |
|---------| |--------------=========----===--------===-----------|
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
| | |-----------| |-----------| |classroom|
|teacher's| | |--========--| | | |
| room | | | | a1 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| || | | | |
| || | courtyard | | |
|==-------| | | |-------==|
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
|teacher's| | clock tower| |classroom|
| room | | |-----| | |
| | | | | | |
| | | |------------| | | | |
| | |-----------| |-----------| | |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
|---------| |- ----------========---===--------| |---------|
| boy's | | reception | | | | |
|bathroom|| |===--------| | | | |
|---------| | | lobby | infirmary | | stairs |
| girl's || | | | | | |
|bathroom | | | | h2 | | |

Midwich Elementary School, 2F
| | |lab | chemistry | library | library |
| | |equip. | lab | reserve | |
| stairs | |room | | | h2 |
| | | c | s1,k1 | | |
|---------| |----===--===--------------------===-|===------------|
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
| | |-----------| |-----------| |classroom|
|classroom| | |--========--| | | |
| | | | | |
| h1 | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| || | | | |
| || | | | |
|==-------| | | |-------==|
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
|classroom| | | |classroom|
| | | | | a1 |
| | | | | |
| | | |--========--| | | |
| | |-----------| |-----------| | |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
|---------| |-===----------========---===--------| |---------|
| boy's | | | | | | |
|r.r. || | music | | locker | | |
|---------| | room | | room | | stairs |
| girl's || | | | | | |
|r.r. a1 | | k2 | | | | |

Midwich Elementary School (Alternative), 1F
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| stairs | | storage | h1,h2 | hall |
| | | r1 | | |
|---------| |--------------=========-----------------------------|
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
| | |-----------| |-----------| |classroom|
|teacher's| | |--========--| | | |
| room | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| || | | | |
| || | courtyard | | |
|==-------|-----| |-----|-------==|
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
|teacher's| | clock tower| |classroom|
| room | | |-----| | |
| | | | | | k3 |
| | | |------------| | | | |
| | |-----------| |-----------| | |
| || || h3 || || |
| || || || || |
|---------| |- ----------========---===--------| |---------|
|boy's | | reception | | | | |
|r.r. g2 || |===--------| | | | |
|---------| | | lobby | infirmary | | stairs |
| girl's || | | | | | |
|bathroom | | | | | | |

Midwich Elementary School (Alt.), 2F
| | |lab | chemistry | library | library |
| | |equip. | lab | reserve | |
| stairs | |room | | | a1 |
| | | | | h1 | |
|---------| |----===--===--------------------===-|===------------|
| || | | || |
| || | | || |
| | |-----------| |-----------| |classroom|
|classroom| | |--========--| | | |
| | | | | |
| a1 | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| || | | | |
| || | | | |
|==-------|-----| |-----|-------==|
| || h1 | | h1 || |
| || | | || |
|classroom| | | |classroom|
| | | | | |
| a2 | | | | h1 |
| | | |--========--| | | |
| | |-----------| |-----------| | |
| || || || || |
| || || || || |
|---------|-----|-===----------========---===--------| |---------|
| boy's | | | | | | |
|r.r. || | music | | locker | | |
|---------| | room | | room | | stairs |
| girl's || | | | | | |
|r.r. | | | | k4 | | |

Normal Hospital, 1F
| | | | |
| || | || |
| waiting room || entrance | || elevator |
| || | || |
| | | | |
| _______________| | |----------------|
| |reception m3,h2| | || stairs |
| ------------===---| | || |
| | | | |---------- |
| | | | | |
| | office | | | |
| | | | |----------------|
| |===---------------| | | director's |
| | | | | office |
| || examination | | || l1 |
| || room | | |----------------|
| | | | | |
| | | | | kitchen |
| | |----------------| || |
| | || | || h1,b1 |
| | || medicine | | |
| | | room | | |
|-=====-|__________________|_____________===| |----------------|
| | | |
| || || doctor's |
| || || office |
| | | |
|-------------------===-----===------======----------| |
| | | | | | | |
| | stairs | mens | ladys | store | office |-----======-----|
| | | rest | rest | room | | |
| | | room | room | | | conference |
| | | | | | | room |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | k5 |
| | | | | | |

Normal Hospital, Basement
| | | |
| morgue | | | | h1,h3 | | elevator |
| | | |
| | |-------------------|
| | | |
| | | stairs |
|-------------------| | |
| | |-------------------|
| storeroom | | |
| a1 | | generator room |
| | | g3 |
| | | |
| | |-------------------|
| | | |
| | | boiler |
| | | room |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |

Alternate Hospital, 3F
-------------------------- -------------------------
| | | | | |
| room | | | | |
| 304 | | | || elevator |
| | | | || |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | |-=====-------------------|
| | | | || |
| || | | || room 307 |
| || | | | |
|------------------| | | | |
| room | | | |-----------------|
| 303 | | | | |
| || | | | room 306 |
|------------------| | | || |
| room | | | || k8 |
| 302 | | | | |
| a2,v1 || | | | |
|------------------| |----------------| |-----------------|
| room | || linen | | |
| 301 | || room | | room 305 |
| || | | | |
|------------------| |_____________===| || |
| | | || |
| || || | |
| || || | |
| | | | |
| | |----===-===---------=======-----|-----------------|
| | | | | | |
| | | mens |womans | storage | store |
| | | rest |rest | room || room |
| | | room |room | a1,h2,b2 || |
| | | | | || |
| | | k9 | | || |
| stairs | | | | |
| | | | | | |

Alternate Hospital, 2F
-------------------------- -------------------------
| | | | | |
| room | | | | |
| 204 | | | || elevator |
| | | | || |
| k7 | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | |-=====-------------------|
| | | | || |
| || | | || room 206 |
| || | | | h2 |
|------------------| | | | |
| room | | | |-----------------|
| 203 | | | | |
| || | | | room 205 |
|------------------| | | || |
| room | | | || |
| 202 | | | | |
| || | | | |
|------------------| |----------------| |-----------------|
| room | || nurse | | |
| 201 | || center | | intensive |
| || | | | care unit |
|------------------| |_____________===| || d1 |
| | | || |
| || || | |
| || || | |
| | | | |
| | |----===-===---------=======-----|-----------------|
| | | | | | |
| | | mens |womans | operating | operating |
| | | rest |rest | prep room || room |
| | | room |room | k10 || |
| | | | | || |
| | | | | || |
| stairs | | | | |
| | | | | | |

Alternate Hospital, 1F
| | | | |
| || | || |
| waiting room || entrance | || elevator |
| || | || |
| | | | |
| _______________| | |----------------|
| |reception | | || stairs |
| ------------===---| | || |
| | | | |---------- |
| | | | | |
| | office | | | |
| | | | |----------------|
| |===---------------| | | director's |
| | | | | office |
| || examination | | || a1,k6 |
| || room | | |----------------|
| | | | | |
| | | | | kitchen |
| | |----------------| || h1 |
| | || | || |
| | || medicine | | |
| | | room | | |
|-=====-|__________________|_____________===| |----------------|
| | | |
| || || doctor's |
| || || office |
| | | |
|-------------------===-----===------======----------| |
| | | | | | | |
| | stairs | mens | ladys | store | office |-----======-----|
| | | rest | rest | room | | |
| | | room | room | | | conference |
| | | | | | | room |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |

Alternate Hospital Basement, 2F (2nd basement)
/----- locked door
|-------| |
| || |
| k11 || |
|-------| |--------|
| || |
| || v2 |
| |--------|
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

Final Alternate Hospital Floor 1 Map
|Door of Hagith|
| |
| |----------------------
| |- Stairwell |
| |- Down |
| |----------------------
| |- Door of |
| |- Ophiel |
| |----------------------
| |- Warp Door 1 |
------ | |- (locked from inside)|
|Faucet| | |----------------------
| Room | | |
------ | |
|--------| || | | ----------
|elevator|---------------- |- Furniture|
|(start) |------------------ - Room |
|--------| || || ----------
-------- -------
|Birdcage||Door of|
| Room ||Phaleg |
-------- -------

Hall of Ophiel Map
-------- _
| Locked-| |
--------| |
| Locked-| |
--------| |--------
| Locked-| |-Locked |
-----------| |--------
|Con. Puzz.-| |-Locked |
-----------| |--------
------- ---| |---------- ------------
|Locked-| |-Wall Puzzle|
------- ---------------- ------------
|| ||
------- ------
|Door of| |Locked|
|Ophiel | ------

Final Alternate Hospital 2F Hall 1 Map
| Next Hall
| ------===---------
| | locked
Jewelry || |
| |
locked || |
| |
locked || |
| |
| |
Elevator Room

Final Alternate Hospital 2F Hall 2 Map
locked key
Warp Door 1 / | \ room
| |
| ----==----------------
locked || | nurses
| | center
locked || |
| |
| |
Previous Hall

Hall of Phaleg Map
| |
Child's Room || || Door of Aratron
| |
Graffiti Room || || Storage Room (Side Door to Video Room)
| |
Door of Bethor || || Dagger Room
| |
| |
Door of Phaleg

o 2.08 Puzzles
In the school reception area:
'10:00 "Alchemy laboratory" Gold in an old man's palm. The future
hidden in his fist. Exchange for sage's water.'

'12:00 "A place with songs and sound" A silver guidepost is untapped
in lost tongues. Awakening at the ordained order.'

'5:00 "Darkness that brings the choking heat" Flames render the
silence, awakening the hungry beast. Open time's door to beckon prey.'

In the school music room:
"A Tale of Birds Without a Voice"

First flew the greedy Pelican,
Eager for the reward
White wings flailing.

Then came the silent Dove
Flying beyond the Pelican,
As far as he could.

A raven flies in,
Flying higer than the Dove,
Just to show he can.

A swan glides in,
To find a peaceful spot,
Next to another bird.

Finally out comes a crow
Coming quickly to a stop
Yawning and then napping.

Who will show the way,
Who will be the key,
Who will lead to
The silver reward.

In the school library:
"Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said, "I will kill
the lizard." But upon meeting his opponent, he held back, taunting,
"Who's afraid of a reptile?" At this, the furious lizard hissed, "I'll
swallow you up in a single bite!" Then the huge creature attacked, jaws
open wide. This was what the man wanted. Calmly drawing his bow, he shot
into the lizard's gaping mouth. Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing
the defenseless maw, and the lizard fell down dead."

In the Nurse Center (2nd floor hospital):
Clouds flowing over a hill.
Sky on a sunny day.
Tangerines that are bitter.
Lucky four-leaf-clover.
Violets in the garden.
Dandelions along a path.
Unavoidable sleeping time.
Liquid flowing from a slashed wrist.

In the Hall of Ophiel:
Names engraved on a lithograph.
The Grim Reaper's List.

Yes, the headcount is set
Young and old lined up
In order of age.

Then, the pathway opens
Awaiting them, the frenzied
Uproar, the feast of death!

Also in the Hall of Ophiel:
The Grim Reaper's List reads:
35 Lydia Findly
60 Trevor F. White
18 Albert Lords
45 Roberta T. Morgan
38 Edward C. Briggs

o 2.09 Quick Hints
If you die you will get a general hint on how to play the game,
but there are also several listed in the Silent Hill manual that
I have typed out below... (If anyone types up some more hints
from within the game, please send them to us!)

Aiming in the Dark
When the light is off, accuracy with the gun goes way down.
When Harry has the light turned off, carefully approach the
enemy and shoot from close range to ensure a hit.

Complete Kills
When Harry has beaten an enemy, make sure he has completely
taken it out or it may rise again to cause trouble. You will
know it is dead when the radio falls silent.

It is not always best to confront an enemy in front of Harry.
Rather than wasting bullets, sometimes it is better to run.

If you find the night scenes too dark, try increasing the
brightness level in the options menu.

Flying Monsters
It is difficult to pinpoint flying enemies. However, if Harry
keeps a wall to his back, he can cut down on blind-side attacks.

Gun Aiming
When using guns, hitting the weapon button will aim at the nearest
enemy in front of Harry. Hitting left or right on the directional
button will change the aim on to the next enemy.
Since the character is a normal person with no special training
in shooting a gun, his skill with it is marginal. Even in
daylight or with the light on, his accuracy with the weapon is
questionable and is certainly dependent on the distance. Try
to let the enemies close in a bit to get off a sure hit.

Light and Sound
The creatures have eyes and ears and use these to locate the
character. So if they are not alerted to the character's
presence, they will not start attacking. NOTE: If the light
is turned off and the character is careful not to go right in
front of the creatures, he can avoid needless confrontations.
However, with the light off, the character cannot search or
look at the map. Also his accuracy with projectile weapons
will go way down. Therefore, it is not possible to complete
the adventure with the light off.

Multiple Enemies
Harry will be quickly overwhelmed if surrounded by several
enemies. When there are many enemies around keep your distance
or try turning off the light to avoid them. Try to keep
confrontations to one-on-one situations.

Quick Turn
Pushing the L1 and R1 buttons simulataneously will make Harry
quickly reverse his direction. This is useful for getting out
of situations in which Harry is in danger quickly.

The radio will alert the player to a creature's presence with
white noise. This white noise will change slightly depending
on the number and distance of the creatures, so listen carefully.
The creatures cannot hear this noise, so there is no reason to
turn the radio off.

Search View
While pressing the L2 button, the camera angle changes to the
Search View mode. This mode changes the focus of the camera from
having the character centered on screen, to focus on where the
character is looking. In this view mode, the player can look
further forward and around corners. Utilize the Search View to
your advantage. (There are some areas where the Search View
cannot be used).

Wielding Weapons
While using a weapon that you swing, the motion will change
dependent upon how the action button is pressed. Tapping it
quickly will make the weapon swing around, while holding it
down will cause it to swing down or thrust, dependent on the

o 3.00 Walkthrough
Quick Intro: Ok people, this is what you've been waiting for.
the walkthrough for the whole game. We've split it up into
scenes. each scene gets a number, 3.xx (For example, The Cafe
is 3.02). Here goes nothing... This version of the walkthrough
is based on a game done on 'Easy', with additions on Next Fear
mode 'Normal' and some other 'Hard' data.

o 3.01 Walkthrough - First Scene
The game begins as you wake up in a car that has crashed, you
get out and then you see a non-FMV scene where Harry speaks
(Text only, no actual speech in this part) and talks about how
he's looking for Cheryl as he runs around. You see someone who
looks like Cheryl and she runs off into the distance, run after
her and you will go into an alley. Run down to the back of the
alley and go through the gate that says 'beware of dog'. Then
run towards the camera and through the narrow alley until you
reach another gate. Once you go through it gets darker and you
will light a flare. Continue down the alley and you'll see a
broken wheelchair with a wheel still spinning. After this go
to the dead end of the alley and you'll see a scene with a body
that is horribly mutilated and splayed out on a chain link fence.
Then baby zombies will jump out of nowhere and kill you (you
can't fight back since you have no weapon.)

o 3.02 Walkthrough - The Cafe
Items in this area:
Pocket radio
2 health drinks
Kitchen knife
Map of Silent Hill
You wake up after being killed by the baby zombie monsters and
there's a scene with Cybil and you. She gives you a gun and then
you're free to roam around the cafe. Over in the upper corner near
the bar there is a health drink, flashlight, a map of Silent Hill
and a save point. Get the items, then go to the other end of the
bar and pick up the kitchen knife and another health drink. After
you get all the items and save get out your gun and go to the door.
A short scene involving the radio will commence and afterwards you
will have to kill a flying monster. Go get the pocket radio (it
will crackle whenever monsters are nearby), then continue out
the door.

o 3.03 Walkthrough - Convenience Store/Car
Items in this area:
2 boxes of bullets
4 health drinks
First aid kit
Channeling stone (Next Fear Only)
When you're out on the street, check your map and run up Bachman
Street towards the convenience store. On a bench near the
cafe on the righthand side of the map, there are 2 boxes of
bullets. Once you get these, go towards the convenience store.
On the side of the building (the side facing Bachman Street)
there will be a door slightly ajar. Enter it, and you can pick
up 3 health drinks on the shelves in there, and a first aid kit
in the upper righthand corner of the room near a save point.
When you're done with this, continue north on Bachman Street
(staying to the lefthand side of the road as it appears on the
map), and you'll run into the car you wrecked. If you examine
it, you'll get another health drink. Once you've done this, go
to the alley that the game originally instructed you to head

Next Fear Update: The convenience store has the "Channeling
stone" in it in Next Fear mode (Good+ ending only). This stone,
if used in the right places (which are listed in the FAQ at 5.03),
can unlock another ending in addition to the four standard ones.

o 3.04 Walkthrough - The Alley
Items in this area:
2 boxes of bullets
Steel pipe
Note left by Cheryl
After you exit the cafe a map will come up and show you where to
go next. It points towards the alley where you first were looking
for Cheryl at the introduction to the game. Be sure to refer to
the map often in the game so you don't get lost. Go up to the
alley and go straight back to the gate you went through last time.
------------------------------- When the screen loads you will
[!] I didn't kill the monsters see something dead on the ground
attacked me before I went There's nothing to do on this
through the gate because I screen so run straight towards
wanted to conserve bullets. the camera and continue down the
------------------------------- alley until you reach some
bullets. Take these and look at the papers on the ground. After
doing this go back the way you came until you're back on the main

o 3.05 Walkthrough - On the Way to the School Part 1
Items in this area:
Note from Cheryl
House key
Run west down Finney Street until you reach the intersection
to Levin Street. Then go south down Levin Street until you get
to Matheson and go west there. You'll reach a deep chasm in the
ground where the street should be, and some papers lying near the
hole. Look at the one with obvious text on it and you will read
it and pick it up. Go up Levin Street on the left side until you
------------------------------- reach the fifth house with a porch.
[!] Be sure that when you kill Search the doghouse and take the
the dogs around the doghouse house key inside. Then go up to
you remember to kick them (X) the door of the house next to the
or else they won't die. doghouse and unlock it and go
------------------------------- inside.

o 3.06 Walkthrough - Inside the House
Items in this area:
First aid kit
2 boxes of bullets
Health drink
Katana (Next Fear Only)
When you enter the house go get the first aid kit on the table
near the door, then go down the hallway. The door on the right
hand side is locked, so keep going. There's a save point on the
table to the left of the room you come into, as well as a pack of
bullets. On the dinner table there is another pack of bullets.
Continue on into the kitchen area itself, and pick up the health
drink that is on the stove. Go left and then up to get to the back
door, but before exiting examine the map on the wall to your left.
You will copy the information on the map on the wall to your own
map, but if you attempt to exit through the back door, you will
find that there are three locks. Thats all there is to do in this
area, so go back through the front door to Levin Street.

Next Fear Update: If your stats were sufficient to see the Katana
on the Game Ending screen, you can get the Katana from the door
on the side of the hall in the house that was locked the first time

o 3.07 Walkthrough - The Second Alley/Basketball Court
Items in this area:
Health drink
Key of 'Woodsman'
Run north up Levin Street, then east on Finney until you reach
the new downward red slash on the map (Its across from the
convenience store label on the map). Go down until you see
chain link fence and a fence door on your right. Go through
the door and you'll be in what looks like a basketball court.
On the trash can near the hoop, there is a health drink. Get
it, then look at the white spot on the ground that is near
the basket, and what looks like a bloody ripped up corpse.
The white spot is the Key of 'Woodsman'. Take it, then go back
up the alley to Finney Street because there's nothing else to
do in this area.

o 3.08 Walkthrough - On the Streets of Old Silent Hill
Items in this area:
Key of 'Scarecrow'
2 health drinks
Box of bullets
Key of 'Lion'
First aid kit
Go east on Finney Street and attempt to go across the bridge.
You will run into a section where the bridge is gone and there's
a police car thats trashed near it. Next to the police car there
is a box of bullets. Get those, then look in the car's trunk to
find the "Key of 'Lion'". Now go south on Ellroy Street until
you reach another hole in the ground. Go to the right until you
reach a building. The camera angle will change and you'll see a
plank to walk across as well as a mailbox with a white spot in
it, surrounded by blood. Examine the white spot to get the "Key
of 'Scarecrow'". Then go up the steps and get the health drink
next to the door of the house. You now have all three keys to
open the back door of the house! Go west on Matheson Street
until you see an alley (its near the E of the name of the street
and is between Levin and Bachman). If you go to the back of
this alley you can pick up a first aid kit. Then continue
on until you reach Levin Street and go south. The last house
on the left (in relation to the camera) of this street near the
L in Silent on the map has a health drink next to its door.
Once you have these items, go back to the house with the
doghouse near it, which is now marked by a red dot on your

o 3.09 Walkthrough - Back in the House
Items in this area:
2 health drinks
Go through the house directly to the back door and use the keys
to get into the backyard (There's nothing new in the house).
As soon as you go outside, there will be a short little scene
and then you will automatically turn your flashlight on. Walk
over to the table and chairs and get the two health drinks sitting
on the table. Then go out the door in the back of the fence and
you'll be in an alley.

o 3.10 Walkthrough - On the Way to the School Part 2
Items in this area:
2 boxes of bullets
4 health drinks
Run north up the alley you come out in until you hit Finney
Street. Then go west on Finney and north on Midwich until you
hit the hole in the road. There is a health drink and a box
of bullets here. Now make your way to Matheson Street and
go into the alley between Midwich Street and Levin Street.
------------------------------- About halfway down in this
[!] The game has now gotten alley there is a box of bullets
very dark, so I suggest that on the righthand side, as well
you remember to check your map as a health drink. Once you
often, or else you will get pick them up, continue south
lost. until you reach Bloch Street.
------------------------------- Go west from here until you
hit Midwich, then go south past the school and on the side of
the road where the school is, there will be a school bus. Go
inside and you can save your game and pick up two health drinks
from a seat. Now go back up to the school and go in the front

o 3.11 Walkthrough - In the School/Reception Area
Items in this area:
Map of school
Box of bullets
As soon as you enter, walk toward the righthand side of the
camera until the view changes and you can see some white benches
and something on top of them. Look at the map (The item on the
benches), then take it. Go through the doors into the main part
of the school, then go west until you get to the reception area.
Go into the reception area, and look on the counter for a note
written in blood. The note reads:
'10:00 "Alchemy laboratory" Gold in an old man's palm. The future
hidden in his fist. Exchange for sage's water.'
On the opposite side of the room there is another book with a
note written in blood on it. It reads:
'12:00 "A place with songs and sound" A silver guidepost is
untapped in lost tongues. Awakening at the ordained order.'
The last note, on the other side of the room, and also written
in blood, reads:
'5:00 "Darkness that brings the choking heat" Flames render
the silence, awakening the hungry beast. Open time's door
to beckon prey.'

These are clues to what to do in the school. If you wish to
figure this out for yourself, skip the school part of this
walkthrough. Otherwise, read on... If you go to the other
side of the counter (Outside the reception area, but looking
into it) there is a list of teachers in a book. Go into the
door that is in the reception area and look on the coffee table
to get a box of bullets. You can also look at the picture on
the wall, and see some information on it. After you have done
all this go back into the hallway.

o 3.12 Walkthrough - Infirmary/Courtyard/Second Hallway
Items in this area:
Health drink
First aid kit
Box of bullets
Go east across the front hallway until you get to the infirmary
door, then open it. Inside there is a first aid kit on one of
the beds, and a health drink in the cabinet marked with a big red
cross. There's also a save point on the desk near the cabinet.
Exit the infirmary and go into the courtyard through the doors
that are opposite the original entrance to the school. There's
nothing in the courtyard except a short monster with a knife, so
either dodge or kill him, then go through the doors. In the
second hallway there are two monsters. Either kill (suggested) or
dodge those, and go through the set of doors opposite the ones
you just entered through. On the bench on the lefthand side of
the camera there is a box of bullets. You'll also see a translucent
monster that doesn't seem to hurt you walk around for a bit. Exit
this room, then go west to the side door that puts you in another

o 3.13 Walkthrough - Third Hallway/2nd Floor
Items in this area:
Health drink
3 boxes of bullets
Gold medallion
First aid kit
In this hallway all the doors are jammed, so go up the stairs
immediately and you will be on the 2nd floor of the school.
The door right next to the stairwell is open, and if you go in
you can run to the other side of the room (On the desk near the
window and next to the chalkboard) and get a health drink. There
isn't anything in the next classroom, so go down to the girl's
bathroom. In there, after killing two monsters, you can get a
box of bullets. Leave then, and go back up near the stairwell,
and go through the east door into a side hallway. Go into the
lab equipment room, and walk towards the righthand side of
the screen. On the shelf closest to the camera on the righthand
side there is a bottle, if you search near there you can pick it
up. Go back to the hall, and then enter the chemistry lab. On
one of the tables there is what appears to be a man's hand holding
a chunk of gold. Use your 'chemical' which is now shown to be
concentrated hydrochloric acid, and it will burn away the hand and
leave you with just the gold medallion. Get the medallion, then
go into the little area to the left of where you melted the hand.
There is a box of bullets here. Pick them up, and then leave
the chemistry lab. Go west through the double doors to the next
hallway, then into the library. Pick up the first aid kit sitting
on the table in there, then leave. If you go down to the farthest
south classroom there is a box of bullets on the table near the
front left of the room. Pick them up, then go back down to floor
one via the stairs. (Note: You can search the locker room for a
scene with a cat, but it does nothing). Make your way to the
courtyard again, and then place the medallion in the spot to the
left of the door. You'll hear a rumbling sound and then the clock
hands will point to 12:00 (You can see what the clock hands point
to by trying to go in the clock tower doors).

o 3.14 Walkthrough - Music Room
Items in this area:
Silver medallion (Once you solve the puzzle)
Now that you've put the gold medallion in it's place on the clock
tower, the piano keys are now accessible (If you tried before placing
the gold medallion you couldn't get to the keys), and you can now
obtain the silver medallion. Go back up to the second floor and
make your way to the music room. Then go to the piano...

The poem on the wall says:

"A Tale of Birds Without a Voice"

First flew the greedy Pelican,
Eager for the reward
White wings flailing.

Then came the silent Dove
Flying beyond the Pelican,
As far as he could.

A raven flies in,
Flying higer than the Dove,
Just to show he can.

A sawn glides in,
To find a peaceful spot,
Next to another bird.

Finally out comes a crow
Coming quickly to a stop
Yawning and then napping.

Who will show the way,
Who will be the key,
Who will lead to
The silver reward.

That gives you hints on which keys to press. Heres the order:
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
| |5| | | | | | | | |3| |
| |_| |_| | |_| |_| |_| |
| | | | | | | |
| | 1 | | | 4 | 2 | |
[They're all dead notes that produce clicks]

A silver medallion will fall from above the piano. Pick it up
and head back down to the clock tower.

o 3.15 Walkthrough - The Boiler Room
Items in this area:
Place the silver medallion in its side of the clock tower, and
the clock changes to 5:00. The poem for 5:00 is listed at (3.10)
if you wish to read it and figure out for yourself what to do
at this point. Go back through the doors opposite the clocktower.
Climb the stairs to the 2nd floor. Look at your map. There should
be two sets of stairs, one in the top left, one in the bottom
right. Make your way down the ones at the bottom right. Doesn't
matter which way you go, just get there. Go down those stairs,
you're at the first floor. Go down them again, you're at the
Boiler Room. Don't bother trying to open the Storage Room,
it's locked. Go into the Boiler Room, and turn on the boiler
(It's the red switch). Theres nothing else you can do here, so
leave and make your way up the stairs and back out to the courtyard.
The doors to the Clocktower are now unlocked and you can go inside.

o 3.16 Walkthrough - Alternate School?!
Items in this area:
First aid kit
2 health drinks
Rubber ball
2 boxes of bullets
Picture card
Go through the clocktower and down and up the ladders until you're
back in the courtyard. There will be a short scene and then you
can move again. Go to the door opposite the clocktower and into the
door directly opposite the one you just came from. There is a first
aid kit and a health drink on the lefthand side of the room, and a big
fan in the back. Exit this room and enter the storage room. Here you
can get a rubber ball off the counter. Leave the room then use the
door into the 'hall' room on the west side. Take the other door in
the room to get into a new hall. Go into the first classroom and
search the table in the center of the room to get the picture card.
Go through the rest of the classroom then, and go south through
the first one, through a door linking the two together, and into
the second. Go out the door in the lower left corner of the
room and run up in the hall (back towards the top of the map) and
you'll see a health drink on a bench. Get that, then through
the door at the bottom of the map on the left to be in a new hall.
Go into the infirmary to save, get the health drink off the shelf
that is behind glass in there, then go to the lobby and search the
wheelchair to get an ampoule. Go the reception area and enter the
door. There is a box of bullets on the couch in the room, and the
picture of a grotesque door is now a real door! Use the picture
card on this door, then open it, and you're in the final hallway
----------------------------- of the first floor. Go into the boy's
[!] The girl's restroom restroom and open the stall near the
acts as an elevator. Go back to see a hanging mutilated body.
in it and then exit to Go into the stall with it, and look
go to the 2nd floor, and on the floor towards the left of the
repeat to go back to the 1st. camera. On the floor there is a
----------------------------- bright thing. Examine it and
you will get the shotgun. Go back out into the hall and go into
the teacher's room that is the closest to the stairs up. In there
you will find a box of bullets sitting on a chair, and a table
that has several phones on it. When you try to exit the room
the phone will ring and a short scene will follow. Then exit
the room and go up the stairs to get to the second floor.

o 3.17 Walkthrough - Alternate School?! Floor 2
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
Health drink
Shotgun shells
Library reserve key
Once you get on this floor, go into the classroom directly below
the stairs and go across the room to a box of bullets sitting on
a chair. Get those, then exit the room and go down the hall
until you see a health drink on a bench. Get that, then reenter
the first classroom and go through the door that links the two
classrooms on that side of the building together. On a chair
near the bottom of the room there's a purple box. Examine it
and take the box (shotgun shells). Exit the room and go through
the double doors at the bottom of the hallway to get into a new
hallway. The music room door is jammed, so continue on to the
locker room. Once you're there, go over and open the locker
that's shaking, then try to leave. You'll see a short scene (All
I can say is DAMN THAT SCARED ME!!!), and then you can see a
gold key lying on the ground. Pick up the library reserve key,
then go back into the hall. Go back to the stairs and head up
to the roof from here.

o 3.18 Walkthrough - Roof/Courtyard
Items in this area:
none (Roof)
Classroom key (Courtyard)
Ah the roof. Creepy isn't it? Theres no bad guys here, so don't
worry. Walk over to the water tank, and look at the valve. Then
follow the gutter over to the blood, look down the hole near the
blood, and you'll see a key just out of reach. Follow the gutter
down until you reach the first hole. Plug the hole up with your
rubber ball, then go back over to the water valve, and it will let
you turn the water on. This will make the key fall down the drain.
Leave the roof, and go back down the stairs to the first floor.
Then go back out into the Courtyard. As you're facing out to the
Courtyard, the key is to your left behind the corner of the building,
in the gutter.

o 3.19 Walkthrough - Floor 2 Part 2/Basement
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
First aid kit
2 health drinks
2 boxes of shotgun shells
Now that you've gotten the key go up to the Library Reserve room
and use the key. Once in there you can get a first aid kit off
the shelf on one side of the room. Now go through the door into
the library. In the library there is a box of bullets on the
table and a book open that tells a strange fairy tale that goes:
"Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said, "I will
kill the lizard." But upon meeting his opponent, he held back,
taunting, "Who's afraid of a reptile?" At this, the furious
lizard hissed, "I'll swallow you up in a single bite!" Then the
huge creature attacked, jaws open wide. This was what the man
wanted. Calmly drawing his bow, he shot into the lizard's gaping
mouth. Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw,
and the lizard fell down dead."
Thats all there is in this room now (unless you like hanging
mutilated bodies), so continue into the hallway you haven't been
in yet on this floor. Use the classroom key on the door to the
first classroom and go through the adjoining door to the next
classroom. On a chair in this room there is a health drink.
Then exit the room and get the health drink off the bench in
the hall. After that go down the stairs that are on the lower
righthand side of the map. You're now back down in the basement.
Go in the storage room to get an ampoule and two boxes of shotgun
shells, then go into the boiler room.

o 3.20 Walkthrough - Alternate Boiler Room/Normal School
Items in this area:
K. Gordon Key
Upon entering, you'll see two wheels and a blocked door, you
must get the right combination of turns on the wheels to gain
access to the boiler room. The combination that works is...
Left Valve: One turn to the right.
Right Valve: Two turns to the left.

Once you do this, the passage will be clear and you can enter
the next room. You enter this area, and a body begins to burn,
but behind it there is the first real boss of the game!
---------------------Boss : Largemouth-----------------------
Remember the story from the book? (Full text in 3.18 or 2.08
which is the puzzles area) This gives you the hint on how to beat
the monster! Fire shots at the monster (with any weapon) until
a small puddle of something appears on the floor, then equip your
shotgun and wait until it opens up its mouth (it WILL be obvious)
and blast it as much as you can.
---------------------Boss : Largemouth-----------------------
It will die, and you will see a short FMV scene and then you'll
be back in the normal boiler room. On the floor next to the boiler
with the red switch there is a silver key, pick it up and you'll
have the K. Gordon Key. Leave the room and you'll notice you're
back in the 'normal' school. Go up the stairs and there'll be a
short scene, and then you'll be off to the Balkan Church.

o 3.21 Walkthrough - Streets of Old Silent Hill/Balkan Church
Items in this area:
5 boxes of bullets
Drawbridge key
Health drink
First aid kit
2 boxes of shotgun shells
Gasoline Tank (Next Fear Only)
Chainsaw (Next Fear Only)
Rock drill (Next Fear Only)
Once you leave the school, go south on Midwich, and then east
on Bradbury until you get to the alley that goes north off of
Bradbury Street. Go up that, and a little past halfway up the
length of the alley on the right there will be a door. Go in
that and you'll be in a backyard. Go into the house (you'll
use the K. Gordon Key), and go into the kitchen and get the box of
bullets off the stove, then get the box of bullets off the table
next to the save point in the dining area. Then save and continue
on back down to Bradbury Street. Go into the next alley and about
halfway up this one there will be another box of bullets on the right.
Pick those up, then go through the rest of the alley up to Bloch
Street. Go directly west to the church, and when you enter it
you'll see some FMV, and then some game engine FMV (ala MGS) with
voiceovers. Once those are over, if you go up to the altar there
are items there. The key is the 'drawbridge key' and the other object
is a 'Flauros' whose function is unknown. Once you've gotten these
items, go over to the niche to the left of the altar and get the
health drink sitting there. Then go back near the entrance, where
you'll see a desk with a save point. Once you save, exit the church
and go west on Bloch Street and go into the door that is slightly
ajar on the gas station. Inside, there's a box of bullets on
the other side of the car, and a gasoline tank on the shelf if
you're in Next Fear mode. Now go south on Ellroy Street on the
righthand side of the road until you see a truck off to the side.
Go towards it and you'll see a box of bullets and some shotgun
shells next to it. After this go to the bridge you haven't
been to yet, and make your way towards the Bridge Control Room
(its on the map). As you run west down Bloch Street, if you stay
to the righthand side of the road as you get near the bridge you'll
see some (broken) stairs. Go down to where they're broken and you
can get a first aid kit and some shotgun shells, then go to the
Bridge Control Room. Go up to the second floor door, and on
the chair inside there is a map of central Silent Hill. Pick it
up (obviously), then save at the save point on the desk. Then go
directly towards the camera and you'll be in a small area (not a new
room, just an extension of the booth that you couldn't see before).
This area has a control panel and a health drink to the left of the
panel. Pick up the health drink, then use the Drawbridge key on the
panel and you'll let down the drawbridge. Now you have access to
central Silent Hill!

Next Fear Update: Go to the gas station to pick up the gasoline
tank. Now, if you've only beaten the game once, you can only
choose one of the two weapons. Either the chainsaw or the rock
drill. If you've beaten it twice on the same save already, then
you can use them both however. Choose the weapon you want to
get (use the weapon guide at 2.06 if you want), then continue.

I want the Chainsaw: Go west on Bloch Street until you reach
the hole in the road. On the south side of the road (look at
it on the map) there's a broken window with the chainsaw
sitting there. Use the gasoline on the chainsaw, then pick it

I want the Rock drill: Go to the bridge control room and go in
the bottom door. Use the gasoline on the rock drill at the
back, then pick it up.

o 3.22 Walkthrough - Central Silent Hill/Normal Hospital
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
First aid kit
Hospital map
Hospital basement map
Health drink
Plastic bottle
Basement key
Unknown liquid
If you run down the righthand side of the drawbridge (the south
side of the drawbridge on the map) you can find another set of
------------------------------- broken stairs. At the bottom
[!] Note the names of the of these there is a box of bullets.
streets of Central SH. All Pick them up, then go south on
famous authors... Kinda Crichton Street to get to
interesting in my opinion... Alchemilla Hospital (which is circled
------------------------------- on your map). Go onto Koontz Street
and there's an entrance to the hospital there. Once you get inside,
save at the save point on the reception desk, then continue on
further into the room and you will hear a gunshot. Go down the
hall and enter the first door on your left. There will be a short
FMV sequence. You will meet Dr. Kaufmann, a doctor at the hospital
who was taking a nap, and when he woke up, everybody was gone and
monsters were all over the town and in the hospital. After wishing
him luck you and him will part ways and then you have control again.
You will be facing towards the door you came in from, so turn to the
right and go in the door on that wall. There's nothing interesting
in this room, so continue on down to the door at the bottom of this
room and go through. You will be behind the registration desk area
of the hospital's front room, and on a box near the door there is a
first aid kit. Examine the board on the wall to get the hospital
map, then go back to the room where you first met Dr. Kaufmann. Go
into the other door that was in this room (run towards the camera)
then go through the medicine room into the hallway (Remember to
check your map often! But you don't need me to tell you that anymore,
do you?). The store room and office locks are jammed, so go into the
doctor's office from here. Inside on the desk next to the side door
that leads to the conference room there is a map of the hospital
basement. Take that, then continue through to the conference room.
On the conference table in the conference room there is a bluish
green key that is the basement key. Take it, then make your way
back to the hall. If you go into the kitchen there is a health
drink on the counter and search the plastic bottles in the room
and you'll be able to pick one up. Now go into the director's
office and use the plastic bottle on the liquid that is lying on
the floor and you'll get some. (This liquid is very important later
on...) Once you get that, continue on to the door to the basement
and go down. Once you get down to the basement level (you'll
have to run down a set of stairs) go into the generator room and
walk toward the large generators in there. The camera view will
change and you'll see some stuff on the right hand generator.
Examine it and press the switch. Now go to the elevator on
the basement level. Once inside, examine the area where the
level buttons usually are to get a full screen view of them.
Choose floor 2 and go up there. Try to open the door and you
will get the message that its jammed. Repeat the same process
on floor 3. Now go back into the elevator and you'll notice that
a new floor option, floor 4, has appeared! Go to floor 4 and
you'll see a short little scene, and then you're in the Alternate

o 3.23 Walkthrough - Alternate Hospital?!
Items in this area:
Shotgun shells
3 health drinks
2 boxes of bullets
Blood pack
First aid kit
Plate of "Queen"
Plate of "Hatter"
Plate of "Cat"
Plate of "Turtle"
Once you step off the elevator onto floor 4 go through the
only door in the room (this one is not jammed). Go through the
entire next hallway to the door at the end (all the side doors
are jammed) and you'll come out into another hallway. As you
walk away from it, the lock will lock behind you so you can't go
back. The doors in this hall are locked too, so go down the
first set of stairs and you'll be on the third floor (you have
a map for this floor). There's nothing in Room 301, but if you
go into Room 302 there is a save point on the bed, a box of
shotgun shells on the bed near the back, and a TV that is 'old
but usable'. Next go into Room 304 (Room 303's lock is jammed)
and on the righthand side of the room between two beds on a table
there is a health drink. On the wall on one side of the room
there is a light area, examine it and you will be told that a
'steel plate is screwed to the wall.' Now go over to the
storage room and on the shelves in there there's a box of bullets,
a blood pack, and a first aid kit. Once you get those, go back
into the hall and into Room 306 (Room 305 and the Store Room
have jammed locks). On the far wall in Room 306 there is a
'Plate of "Cat"'. Remember the room with the steel plate screwed
into the wall? (Room 304) Well thats not what you use the plate
on. Ha! Unlock the door to the room with the elevator (so you
can use it later), then go into the boys bathroom. On the back
shelf in the room there is a 'Plate of "Turtle"'. Grab that, then
go back to the stairs and go down to floor 2. Go into Room 201
and get the lighter off the bed, then go into Room 204. In the
back of the room there is a 'Plate of "Hatter"' and a tentacled
thing blocking your way. Use the blood pack on it and get the
Plate of "Hatter", then leave the room. Go into the Nurse Center
next, and on the far wall there is a white sheet with writing in
blood on it. The writing is a poem that says:
Clouds flowing over a hill.
Sky on a sunny day.
Tangerines that are bitter.
Lucky four-leaf-clover.
Violets in the garden.
Dandelions along a path.
Unavoidable sleeping time.
Liquid flowing from a slashed wrist.
This poem gives you the clues you need to set the four plates
in the correct placements on the door to make it unlock...
If you try to go through the door in the Nurse Center to the
new hallway on the 2nd floor you will see that there are 4
square indentations that you must fill. You currently only
have three of these plates, so go back to the stairs and down
to the first floor. Go through the door to the kitchen and
on the back counter there's a health drink. Now go into the
Office and on the back desk there's a box of bullets. If you
go into the medicine room and try to go through the side door
into the examination room you will find its locked but there's
a sound on the other side of the door. Also, if you go into the
store room there's nothing there, but when you start to leave
you'll hear a loud crash (but nothing happens...). So continue
on up to the director's office. In the director's office there
is a 'Plate of "Queen"' on the desk, and a save point at the back.
You'll also hear another crash (these things are scaring me!). You
can go back to the Nurse Center now and put in the four plates. If
you would like to figure this puzzle out on your own, then look up
above at the poem and get to work. Otherwise, here is the placement
of the plates:

------ | _____ | ------
|red | | |white| | |blue |
|here | | | | | |here |
------ | |_____| | ------
------------ -------------
______ ______
|black | |orange|
|______| |______|
------------ -------------
------ | _____ | ------
|yellow| | |pur- | | |green |
|here | | |ple | | |here |
------ | |_____| | ------

Red is in the upper left, yellow in the lower left, blue in the
upper right, and green in the lower right. The door will click,
but before going through be sure to equip the shotgun.

o 3.24 Walkthrough - Alternate Hospital?! Part 2
Items in this area:
Hospital basement storeroom key
Disinfecting alcohol
First aid kit
Box of bullets
2 boxes of shotgun shells
Video tape
Examination room key
Once you come out in the new hallway, kill all the damn zombie
type nurses and doctors, and then go into the operating
prep room, then through the side door into the operating room.
On a table in that room there is a key (basement storeroom), get
it, then go into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) room. On the
table directly in front of the camera there's a group of bottles
sitting there. Examine them and you can take the disinfecting
alcohol. There is a first aid kit on a chair in the back of
Room 206, but other than that the doors are jammed. Now take the
elevator down to the basement. Go into the morgue room and on the
tables with the cadavers (Dead bodies for you uncultured people,
hehe) there's a health drink and an ampoule. Next go into the
generator room and pick up the hammer thats there. Then to the
storeroom. Once you use the storeroom key and go inside, you'll
find a box of bullets and a box of shotgun shells on the shelves.
In one corner of the room you'll see a shelf with some white marks
on the ground near it if you examine the marks it will say that
they appear to be from the cabinet being moved. Go around to
the other side of the cabinet and push it. (Get up next to it
and hit (X)) Now go through the door that is revealed and you'll
be in another part of the storeroom. On the floor near the end of
the room there is a grate with vines growing all over it. To get
off the vines and open the grate, first pour the disinfecting
alcohol on it, then light it on fire with the lighter. Now go
through the open grate and you'll be in a place that you have no
map for. Go down the hall until you get to a dead end (a door is
there thats jammed), then backtrack a few steps until you find a
door (its somewhat camoflauged) on the side. Open it, then go
into the door to the right side of the camera. On a gurney in
here there is a blackish looking object. Examine it and you'll
get the video tape! Go back out of this room and into the last
room of the hall on the left. You'll see a short scene, and
then take the key (Examination room key) next to the picture of
Alessa. Now go waaay back up to Room 302 on the third floor so
you can watch that video tape you just got. (Take the elevator if
you've got any brains). The video tape is scratchy audio and no
video, so have fun piecing whatever the hell its about together,
but once you're done look behind you for some shotgun shells that
somehow appeared while you were engrossed in that fascinating
movie (hehe), then go to the examination room door on floor 1
and use the key you found. You'll see a long scene, and then
you'll pass out. When you wake up you'll be back in the normal
hospital, and there will be another long scene involving the
crazy old lady named Dahlia Gillespie. She'll tell you that
you need to go to the 'other church' and that the mark of
'Samael' is what was in the schoolyard in the alternate school.

o 3.25 Walkthrough - Antique Shop
Items in this area:
Antique shop key
Once the scene is over, go over to the desk where Dahlia left
the green key and pick it up (antique shop key). Save if you
want, then leave the hospital. Once outside, check your map.
Zoom in (X) to above the Silent Hill Town Center. The orange
square right above it says 'Antique Green Lion'. Go down Koontz
St., then turn on Simmons St. The Antique store's door will be
open. It leads down some stairs to another door where you use
the key. Use the save point if you want, then go over to the
cabinet against the wall. Just like in the hospital, you can
push this one. Once you do, a hole is revealed and a cinema
starts where Cybil comes in. She says she saw Cheryl walking
on Bachman Road toward the lake, but like all the other roads,
Bachman is caved in, so it was like she was walking on thin air.
Once the cinema ends, Harry through the hole and into a tunnel.
You go down the tunnel untill you reach a room. It's some kind
of altar. Grab the axe off the wall, examine the altar, You can
try the door if you want (It's locked). As you start to leave
through the hole, the altar catches fire. Cybil yells after Harry,
and when she enters the altar, he's gone. He wakes up in the
hospital with Lisa, she says that was all just a bad dream. She
then goes on to tell Harry about how the town used to be a cult
that practiced a strange religion, but when more people arrived
everyone hushed up about it. After that little experience you
wake up AGAIN, this time in an alternate altar, with a mark of
Samael on the ground, and some really dizzing camera angles.

o 3.26 Walkthrough - Alternate Town?!
Items in this area:
2 boxes of rifle shells
First aid kit
Once you save, exit the antique shop and you'll be back on the
streets of Central Silent Hill. Only now everything is metal
and really weird like the alternate school and hospital. Walk
down Simmons Street on the side with the Town Center. You'll
find a hole in the fence right next to the town center, so go
through it and you'll be in there. Once inside, try to go up
the escalator and a short scene with a bunch of TVs will ensue.
Once that is over, go up the escalator, then run towards the
right side of the camera and walk down that wall until you find
a door. Go into that door, and you'll find two boxes of rifle
shells (woo, new weapon soon) and a first aid kit. Then go back
into the hall. Continue just a little bit down it and you'll
see something on the ground. Walk or run towards it and the
floor will suddenly fall out from under you and you'll be fighting
a boss that looks alot like a grub or worm of some sort. Quickly
pick up the rifle thats laying against a wall before you start to
fight it.
-----------------------Boss : GrubWorm-----------------------
Just stay standing until it roars, then run away for a few steps,
turn around, then blast it with your gun (rifle recommended).
After doing this several times it will curl into a ball. Stop
shooting when it does this since you can't hurt it.
-----------------------Boss : GrubWorm-----------------------
It will uncurl after this and break a hole in the wall, if you
go through it you will be out of the Silent Hill Town Center and
on the street behind it. Run down the street until you reach Sagan
Street, then go west on Sagan and south on Crichton Street and go
in the gate of Alchemilla Hospital. (This is the only route, all
other roads have large holes in them.) Once inside, go into the
examination room after saving and you'll have a long scene with
Lisa, who then tells you to go to the waterworks near her old
elementary school (the only unblocked way to the lake). Once you
leave the school, you'll notice that both ways off the street are
blocked! So run straight across and up the set of stairs you find.
You'll come out on the roof and a large moth type monster that
appears to be an adult form of the GrubWorm you fought earlier.
-------------------Boss : Moth/Adult Grub--------------------
Now would be a good time to equip that rifle. This boss will
shoot poison balls at you, and if you get too close it will sting
you with the stinger on the end of its tail. So run around alot
and whenever possible turn around and fire. This boss is very
simple so if you're lucky you won't even have to use a health
drink or first aid kit.
-------------------Boss : Moth/Adult Grub--------------------

o 3.27 Walkthrough - Waterworks/Tunnels
Items in this area:
4 health drinks
5 boxes of bullets
3 boxes of shotgun shells
Rifle shells
Sewer map
Sewer key
First aid kit
Sewer exit key
Once you've beaten the boss he'll collapse and die and then
you'll be back in normal (if you can call it that) Silent Hill.
Go back down to the street and go back into the hospital to
save quickly. Then go over to the corner of Koontz and Simmons
and pick up a health drink that is sitting on a table outside of
a cafe. Then go back to Crichton Street and go into the police
station. Once inside pick up the two boxes of bullets on the
counter and some shotgun shells on the bench, then go in the
left door (the one without a board with pictures on it near it)
and get another box of bullets and some shotgun shells. There
is also a save point in here. Once you save, go back out of the
police station and continue west down Sagan Street towards the
bridge and Old Silent Hill. If you go to the small pinkish
rectangle on the map near the bridge you'll find a health drink
on a barrel outside the building. Then continue west on the
bridge to get back to Old Silent Hill. Once the screen loads,
you'll see the map showing that you are directly outside of
Midwich Elementary School (Yay! You don't have to walk all that
distance!). Walk towards the gate and examine the lock. Then
equip your hammer that you got in the Hospital and hit the lock
once. This will break the lock and you can go inside the gate.
------------------------------- Go down into the tunnels and
[!] Your radio is useless in then walk through the tunnels
the tunnels so listen for the until you reach a big room.
sounds of your enemies There's a key and a map on the
carefully or you will be hurt desk. Then turn left here and
frequently. run down the side until you reach
------------------------------- the third metal passover of the
water. Go over this one and continue up until you reach a dead
end. At this dead end there is a health drink, a box of bullets,
and some shotgun shells. Get these, then go back across the
metal bridge and continue up to the dead end on the other side.
There are some rifle shells here, so get those and then go back
to the big room you first came into. Go the other direction
this time and get to the lefthand side of the water (go over
the first passover you find) and go into the door marked
'Keep Out'. Go down the passage until you reach the next
'Keep Out' door. On the table in this 'room' there's a save
point, the sewer map (Yay!), and the Sewer key, which is hidden
on the shelf on the wall next to the books (tricky.....).
Get these, then continue through the next 'Keep Out' door.
Continue to the next door and use the key, then once you step
through the door, equip your gun (Trust me). After that,
follow the map to get to the locked door at the southern end
of the tunnels. Use the sewer key on that, and then go up
the ladder to be in the next area. Once you get up to the
next level of the tunnels, go right on the blue platform to
get a first aid kit, then go south on the map and east into
the first hole. Continue through this tunnel until you reach
a 'room' like place. Near one wall there is a health drink
and a box of bullets. Once you have those, go south down the
next tunnel, then go west until you reach a dead end. Search
the water near the blood here and you'll get the sewer exit key.
Then 3 of those damn monsters that hang from the ceilings will
drop down and attack you. Run away from these and go back east
on the map until you reach another "Keep Out" door. Use the
sewer exit key on it and run up to the ladder. On the barrel
next to the ladder there is a save point, so use it and then
go up back to the surface.

o 3.28 Walkthrough - Resort Area
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
3 boxes of rifle shells
First aid kit
Resort map
Kaufmann key
6 health drinks
Safe key
Shotgun shells
Motorcycle key
The Dr. Kaufmann material in this section (if done) causes a
"Good" ending. If you don't do it, you can get a "Bad" ending.
The Cybil section later can affect the + or (no +) rating. If
you don't wish to do this, then don't do the motorcycle section
in this part, and go towards the lighthouse. Otherwise, read

Once you're back on the surface, run towards the camera, then
left and into the 'building'. There is a box of bullets and
some rifle shells in here. Once you get those, go over to the
corner of the room and get the first aid kit. Then go out to
the road and on the righthand side there is an information board
with a resort map. Now run down Bachman Street and go into the
entrance of Annie's Bar. You'll have a scene with Dr. Kaufmann,
and then he'll leave. Go near where the monster was attacking him
and you'll see a yellowish packet on the ground. Examine it and
you'll have the receipt and Kaufman's key (to the Indian Runner
hotel). On the right corner of the bar there is a save point and
on the left corner, two health drinks. Once you have those go back
out side and make your way to the Indian Runner. If you read the
description of the key it will tell you which room you need to go
to (Room 3) and examining the receipt will give you a combination
("0473"). Once you've looked, try to open the door to the Indian
Runner and you'll have to use the combination that you just got from
the receipt. Once inside pick up the rifle shells off the end of the
counter and the health drink on the inside of the counter by the cash
register. Next to the health drink there is a diary. On the wall
next to the locked safe on the wall there is a note. If you examine it
you will see the combination to the back lock of "Norman Young's"
place. (The combo is 0886). You can open the drawer behind the counter
and get the Safe key. This key opens the safe (What else?). When Harry
opens the safe, he sees bags that look like cocaine. Then you look at
the picture to the right of the note you'll see that Norman's place is
a motel. The only inn in town is "Haerbey Inn", so run down
Weaver Street and on the side of the Inn there's a door with a
keypad next to it. Examine the keypad and put in the combination
you got from the Indian Runner. Once inside, get the magnet off the
sofa, then go into the door next to the one you originally came
into. This is a garage, and on one wall in here you can pick
up a health drink and some shotgun shells. Also, be sure to
examine the motorcycle before you go back into the first room.
Once you're back in the first room, go through the door thats
already open. In this room there's a save point on the counter,
but nothing else, so go through the other door and you'll be
in the courtyard of the inn. Once the new screen loads find
Room 3 and enter it (you'll use the Kaufmann key). There is a
health drink on the sink in Kaufmann's room, and if you examine
the chest you can choose to slide it. Examine the area that
the chest was previously on top of and you'll see something in
the cracks, but you can't reach it. So use the magnet and you
will get the Motorcycle key. Now go back to the motorcycle
and use the key and you'll get a 'small glass vial', but
Kaufmann will come in and there will be short scene, and then
he'll take the vial. Now go back out on to the streets and
run west down Sandford Street on the side with the lake.
A little ways past the intersection at Bachman Street there is
a niche and if you run back there you will find a broken set
of stairs. At the bottom there is a health drink and some
rifle shells. Now cross the bridge and you'll see a scene
where normal Silent Hill becomes Alternate Silent Hill again...

o 3.29 Walkthrough - Alternate Resort Area
Items in this area:
2 health drinks
Rifle shells
Box of bullets
First aid kit
Shotgun shells
Damn! You're back in this crazy place again! Look in your map and
run up into the alley north of you (its between Sanford and the
West Sanford labels on the map). In this alley there's a box of
shotgun shells and a health drink. After you get those, run down
towards the lighthouse again, and when you reach a dead end,
there's a set of stairs on the lefthand side near it. Go down
those, and then over the plank and go into the door of the boat.
Once inside go down the hall and into the next door. Now you'll
see a LOOOONG scene involving Cybil and Dahlia Gillespie. Dahlia
will tell you that you need to defeat the demon and that you should
go to the lighthouse. She also says that you'll need to use the
'Flauros' (finally!). Once the scene is over and Cybil has left
to go to the amusement park (the other place Dahlia tells you that
someone must go), pick up the health drink and rifle shells on the
counter, and the box of bullets on the chair. There's also a
save point by the door that you came in, so once you save go out
the door that Dahlia went in and continue on to the lighthouse.
You'll go up some stairs and then you'll see another set of stairs
down on the righthand side of the walkway. So go down those
and then cross the planks and keep going towards the lighthouse.
Next time you have an option to go up the stairs, stay on the
lower level and run to a deadend to get a first aid kit. Then
go back up the stairs and go across this level to find a set of
stairs back down (blah, too many stairs...). Now run down the
walkway some more and run up yet another set of stairs. Turn
right and you can go into the lighthouse.

o 3.30 Walkthrough - Lighthouse/Going to Amusement Park
Items in this area:
Once inside the lighthouse there is a save point right next to
the door. Once you've saved your game go up the stairs and
you'll come out on the roof where there is a BIG mark of Samael.
You'll see a ghostly image of Alessa, but she vanishes and there's
nothing else you can do here. Try to go back away from the
lighthouse and the game will automatically take you back to the
boat. Once you save, get back onto W. Sanford Street and go
west on it until you reach an open door (its at the pink square
on the building right above the name 'W. Sanford Street'.
Go into the hole in the ground in here and you'll be back down
in those damn sewers...

o 3.31 Walkthrough - Sewers/Amusement Park
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
Health drink
First examine the board on the wall and get the map of the sewers,
and then get down to the lowest left dead end on the map to find
a box of bullets and a health drink. Now run up and get to the
ladder and you'll be in the amusement park. Run down the only
path and then right and past the red ride to get to an ice cream
shop with a save point on a counter at the back. Then wander
around until you find a horse ride. Go up the stairs and you'll
be attacked by Cybil, who now looks possessed...
-------------------------Boss : Cybil------------------------
This boss fight determines the ending of the game! If you
remembered to get the liquid from way back in the hospital you
have two choices, otherwise you have to kill Cybil. So anyway,
Cybil can fire one shot and put you flat on your back with it,
so try not to get hit often.

---(Non +) Ending Strategy---
My strategy was to walk and/or run around her until she ran out
of bullets (you'll notice when that happens) and then run around
the carousel until I found her and proceed to blast her as many
times with my rifle until she got too close, then run away and
turn around and shoot her some more. If you do this, pretty soon
she'll collapse (yes, it takes alot of shots even from the rifle)

This strategy is from (Tarek Yared):
When you first get control of Harry hold "square" and press back on
the pad twice (this will make you jump back twice). When Cybil is
about to shoot you (when she reaches for her gun) keep holding "square"
and press "R1" so that you will strafe to the side and you will now be
behind a horse. She will shoot and hit the horse. The keep holding
"square" and press "L1" to go back in to her line of vision so that
she is persuaded to try to get her gun out and shoot you again. As
she does this hold "square" and press "R1" again. Repeat this until
she wastes all her shots.
---(Non +) Ending Strategy---

---(+) Ending Strategy---
When Cybil first walks up to you to hit you (after you regain
control of Harry), press select and use the bottle of liquid
you got back in the hospital and.............extra scenes if
you beat her this way? (I haven't done it yet)
---(+) Ending Strategy---
-------------------------Boss : Cybil------------------------
Now you'll have a really long sequence of events that I won't ruin
for you here. When you wake up again you'll be back in the hospital
with Lisa.

o 3.32 Walkthrough - Final Alternate Hospital
Items in this area:
Box of bullets
First aid kit
Shotgun shells
Key of "Ophiel"
Stone of time
Amulet of Solomon
Key of "Hagith"
------------------------------- When you get off the elevator,
[!] Refer frequently to the go to the birdcage room and pick
maps of these areas (in 2.07) up the box of bullets in there.
so you know what rooms the Then go to the furniture room,
walkthrough refers to and so save your game, grab the first
you don't get lost. aid kit on the chair, and get
------------------------------- the shotgun shells sitting in
the corner of the room. Now go to the stairwell down and once
you descend the stairs you'll be in a classroom. Look closely
at the desk to see some text, and then go through the other door
in the room to be in an 'alternate' looking room with a table in
it. Examine the items on the table to get the screwdriver and
pliers. Now go back up the stairs to the faucet room and use the
pliers on the faucet in there to get the 'Key of "Ophiel"'. Now
go to the Door of Ophiel and use the key to enter a new area.
(Consider saving at any time, you never know when zombies may pop up).
Refer to the map of the Hall of Ophiel in the maps section and
go into the door that is marked as the Constellation Puzzle.
Once inside there are plaques on the side walls and 3 plaques with
keypads under them on the far wall. The plaques on the side walls
are as follows...
Libra (A scale) is 2
Pisces (Two fish) is 0
Cancer (Crab) is 10
Aries (Ram) is 4

The leftmost plaque with a keypad has a picture of Saggitarius
and you need to push 6 on the keypad. Next go to the center plaque
which is a picture of Taurus (push 4 here). Then go to the last
one, which is a picture of Gemini and you need to push 8 here.
So its 6, 4, 8 in order from left to right. When you do it
correctly the greenish stone will slide out and you can pick
up the 'Stone of time'. Once you have this item go over to the
room on the map that is labeled the Wall Puzzle. This next
puzzle requires that you figure out how to order the names
on the plaque (The Grim Reaper's List) on the wall near the
Wall Puzzle door. You can get a clue in the form of another
plaque at the end of the Hall of Ophiel if you run down to that
end. It reads:
Names engraved on a lithograph.
The Grim Reaper's List.

Yes, the headcount is set
Young and old lined up
In order of age.

Then, the pathway opens
Awaiting them, the frenzied
Uproar, the feast of death!

The Grim Reaper's List reads:
35 Lydia Findly
60 Trevor F. White
18 Albert Lords
45 Roberta T. Morgan
38 Edward C. Briggs

This obviously means you need to arrange the Reaper's list in
order of the people's age, from youngest to oldest. For those
of you numbering declined (hehe) I've put them in order below...

The Organized Reaper's List...
18 Albert Lords
35 Lydia Findly
38 Edward C. Briggs
45 Roberta T. Morgan
60 Trevor F. White

The riddle also said "headcount" and while I know its a stretch
and most people would figure it out through trial and error
(you can only input 5 letters) you need to just put in the first
initial of each person's name. So the code is 'ALERT'. Once
you've put this in the door will unlock and you can go through.
Continue down the halls until you reach a morgue with a blue
object on the wall. Examine it and get the 'Amulet of Solomon'.
Then go back towards the Hall of Ophiel and you'll see a long
scene involving Lisa that I won't spoil for you here... Suffice
it to say that afterwards you actually get some decent music
instead of that ambient stuff thats been in the whole game until
now. Now go back to the furniture room and use the 'Stone of
time' on the clock and the face will shatter. Get the Key of
'Hagith' and then go to the Door of 'Hagith' and use it. Now
enter the elevator and go up to floor 2.

o 3.33 Walkthrough - FA Hospital Floor 2/Floor 3
Items in this area:
Crest of Mercury
Rifle shells
Ring of contract
Box of bullets
Bird cage key
Health drink
Key of "Phaleg"
Enter the third door on the left (Jewelry Room on the map) and
pick up the 'Crest of Mercury' off a pillow, rifle shells in
the corner, and the 'Ring of contract' off another pillow farther
into the room. Then go back into the 2F hallway and continue
on to the last door. Once you open it you'll be in yet another
hallway (gasp!). Go to the Nurse's Center (check the map in
2.07 to find out where this is obviously) and grab a box of
bullets off one table, and the camera off the back desk. Then
go into the key room and use the screwdriver on the steel plate
on the back wall to expose the 'Key of "Aratron"'. However,
it is electrified and you can't get it yet. Warp Door 1 takes
you back to the very first hallway that you were in (freaky)
so don't take it unless you want to save. Once you've done
what you wanted to do, go back to the elevator and go up to
floor 3. Floor 3 looks exactly like the "Other Church" you
saw back in Central Silent Hill (are you warping around like
crazy here, or is it all really contained within the hospital?).
There are locked doors with buttons to push on either side of
room, and pictures on the sides of the altar. Go up to the
pictures and read the captions. The captions give you the
clue of how to solve this puzzle. They both give references
to light illuminating the darkness, and this should tip you
off that you should use your camera to look at these pictures.
Use the camera, and white symbols will appear on the canvases.
On the left side picture (corresponding with the lefthand door)
the symbols look like... (where O is a pushed button)



On the right side picture (corresponding with the rightside
door) the symbols look like... (where O is a pushed button)



Once you've unlocked the doors, go through the left door and
get the bird cage key off the chair. Then go through the
right door, pick up the health drink on the counter and take
a look at the book near the health drink. It is a book that
tells you a bit about some hallucinogen, so after reading it
go back down to 1F in the elevator and go to the birdcage room
to use the bird cage key. Once you use it you'll get the
'Key of "Phaleg"' (yay, yet another key...). Quickly save in
the furniture room, then go to the Door of Phaleg and use the
o 3.34 Walkthrough - Hall of Phaleg/Room of Aratron/Child's Room
Items in this area:
Dagger of Melchior
Box of bullets
Health drink
Key of "Bethor"
Key of "Aratron"
First go into the Dagger room and examine the big cabinet in the
center of the room. Use the 'Ring of contract' on it (do NOT
take the dagger before doing this unless you want to see a
somewhat amusing death). Once you have used the 'Ring of contract'
you can safely remove the Dagger of Melchior. Now go into the
storage room and pick up the box of bullets, the health drink,
and examine the jelly beans and open them to get the 'Key of
"Bethor"'. Go into the other door in the room and use the video
tape on the VCR again to see the movie without all the garbled
sound. Then go across the hall into the graffiti room to see a
short scene. Once the scene is over go pick up the Ankh and go
use your key to unlock the Door of Bethor. This room looks just
like the generator in the basement, so once you shut off go back
down to the key room on 2F to pick up the 'Key of "Aratron"'
(you'll have to use Warp Door 1, because when you shut off the
power it put the elevators out of commission). Use the Key of
"Aratron" on the door and you'll see a long scene. Once its done,
look at the red object next to the picture of Alessa to pick up
the 'Disk of Ouroboros'. Once that is done, go into the Child's
Room, save your game, and place all the strange artifacts you
have collected in the door. The five items you need to place
(in no particular order) are...
Amulet of Solomon
Crest of Mercury
Dagger of Melchior
Disk of Ouroboros

Once you have placed all five artifacts the door will unlock
and you can go through. You'll see a medium length scene, and
then you have control again and you can go down the stairs.

o 3.35 Walkthrough - Final Boss
Items in this area:
There is a long (and I do mean long) scene with several characters
and then you're fighting the final boss.
------------Final Boss : Child Goddess (Bad/Bad+)------------
This boss was disgustingly simple. Just whip out your hunting
rifle and start blasting away and she'll be dead within 5-15
------------Final Boss : Child Goddess (Bad/Bad+)------------

----------Final Boss : Winged Monster (Good/Good+)-----------
This boss was disgustingly simple. It can shoot lightning
at you that does a high amount of damage, but quickly cure,
then whip out your hunting rifle and avoid the lightning. Then
watch for sparks to come out of the chest of the demon before
it shoots another round of lightning. If you fire with your
weapon at this point, it will do far more damage than a normal
attack. Repeat this strategy until it dies.
----------Final Boss : Winged Monster (Good/Good+)-----------

After this there is another series of long scenes and the
credits start to roll. Congratulations, you've beaten Silent

To get information about Next Fear mode and extra weapons, as
well as information on how to use the Channeling stone, go
to section 5.01 (Next Fear Mode)

To get info about the five (four normal, one secret) endings
and how to obtain them, go to section 5.03 (Game Endings).

o 4.00 Quick Walkthrough
This is the quick walkthrough section. It will not tell you
everything to do, only where the main items are and how to get
them. Use this if you don't want to be walked through the
entire game.

o 4.01 Quick Walkthrough-Intro
Get in this area:
-Nothing, you can handle this if you're reading the quick
walkthrough... Otherwise go to 3.01 and read on.

o 4.02 Quick Walkthrough - The Cafe
Get in this area:
-Pocket radio (on table)
-2 health drinks (in corner of bar)
-Kitchen knife (other corner of bar)
-Flashlight (in corner of bar)
-Map of Silent Hill (in corner of bar)

o 4.03 Quick Walkthrough - Convenience Store/Car
Get in this area:
-2 boxes of bullets (both on bench next to cafe)
-4 health drinks (three on shelves in convenience store, one
in Harry's truck)
-First aid kit (back right corner of convenience store)
-Channeling stone(Next Fear Only) (in convenience store)

o 4.04 Quick Walkthrough - The Alley
Get in this area:
-2 boxes of bullets (near back of alley)
-Steel pipe (at back of alley next to note)
-Note left by Cheryl (back of alley)

o 4.05 Quick Walkthrough - On the Way to the School Part 1
Get in this area:
-Note from Cheryl (at intersection of Finney and Levin)
-House key (in doghouse on Levin Street)

o 4.06 Quick Walkthrough - Inside the House
Get in this area:
-First aid kit (table near the door)
-2 boxes of bullets (table near door, dinner table)
-Health drink (on stove)
-Katana(Next Fear Only) (In side door of hall)

o 4.07 Quick Walkthrough - The Second Alley/Basketball Court
Get in this area:
-Health drink (trash can near hoop)
-Key of 'Woodsman' (white spot next to bloody corpse near basket)

o 4.08 Quick Walkthrough - On the Streets of Silent Hill
Get in this area:
-Key of 'Scarecrow' (in mailbox across plank)
-2 health drinks (on steps near key, on steps of house on
Levin Street)
-Box of bullets (next to police car on Finney Street Bridge)
-Key of 'Lion' (in police car's trunk)
-First aid kit (in alley off Matheson between Levin and Bachman)

o 4.09 Quick Walkthrough - Back in the House
Get in this area:
-2 Health Drinks (on table in backyard)

o 4.10 Quick Walkthrough - On the Way to the School Part 2
Get in this area:
-2 boxes of bullets (halfway down alley between Matheson and
Bloch, far north of Midwich Street)
-4 health drinks (2x in bus south of school, in alley between
Matheson and Bloch, far north of Midwich Street)

o 4.11 Quick Walkthrough - In the School/Reception Area
Get in this area:
-Map of school (on white benches)
-Box of bullets (on coffee table in room adjacent to reception

o 4.12 Quick Walkthrough - Infirmary/Courtyard/Second Hallway
Get in this area:
-Health drink (in cabinet with red cross)
-First aid kit (on bed)
-Box of bullets (on bench in room across from entrance to 2nd

o 4.13 Quick Walkthrough - Third Hallway/2nd Floor
Get in this area:
-Health drink (in room next to stairwell near window)
-3 boxes of bullets (in girl's bathroom, chemistry lab, farthest
south classroom on right of map)
-Chemical (in lab equipment room)
-Gold medallion (in chemistry lab, held by stone hand)
-First aid kit (in library)

o 4.14 Quick Walkthrough - Music Room
Get in this area:
-Silver medallion (Once you solve the puzzle of the piano)

o 4.15 Quick Walkthrough - The Boiler Room
Get in this area:

o 4.16 Quick Walkthrough - Alternate School?!
Get in this area:
-First aid kit (in room opposite the door you enter if you run
directly away from the clocktower)
-2 health drinks (next to first aid kit, on bench in hall)
-Rubber ball (in storage room)
-Ampoule (in the lobby/original school entrance near infirmary)
-2 boxes of bullets
-Picture card (in first classroom on right of 1F map)
-Shotgun (in boy's restroom)

o 4.17 Quick Walkthrough - Alternate School?! Floor 2
Get in this area:
-Box of bullets (in classroom below stairwell on map)
-Health drink (in hall)
-Shotgun shells (in 2nd classroom on left on chair)
-Library reserve key (in locker room, must search shaking locker

o 4.18 Quick Walkthrough - Roof
Get in this area:
-nothing (Roof)
-Classroom key (in gutter in courtyard)

o 4.19 Quick Walkthrough - Floor 2 Part 2/Basement
Get in this area:
-Box of bullets (in library)
-First aid kit (in library reserve room)
-2 health drinks (in lower classroom, in 2nd part of hall)
-2 boxes of shotgun shells (in basement storage room)
-Ampoule (in basement storage room)

o 4.20 Quick Walkthrough - Disgusting Boss Thing/Normal School
Get in this area:
-K. Gordon Key (next to boiler after you defeat boss)

o 4.21 Quick Walkthrough - Streets of Old Silent Hill/Balkan Church
Get in this area:
-5 boxes of bullets (in Gordon house (2x), in alley off Bradbury
Street, in gas station, next to VOWO truck south of gas station)
-Flauros (on altar in church)
-Drawbridge key (on altar in church)
-Health drink (in church)
-First aid kit (on broken stairs (still in Old Silent Hill))
-2 boxes of shotgun shells (on broken stairs (still in Old
Silent Hill), south of gas station near VOWO truck)
-Gasoline Tank(Next Fear Only) (in gas station)
-Chainsaw(Next Fear Only) (in window of Cut-Rite Chainsaws)
-Rock drill(Next Fear Only) (in bottom door of bridge control

o 4.22 Quick Walkthrough - Central Silent Hill/Normal Hospital
Get in this area:
-Box of bullets (on broken stairs (in Central Silent Hill))
-First aid kit (behind reception desk)
-Hospital map (on wall behind reception desk)
-Hospital basement map (in doctor's office)
-Health drink (in kitchen)
-Plastic bottle (in kitchen)
-Basement key (in conference room)
-Unknown liquid (on floor in director's office)

o 4.23 Quick Walkthrough - Alternate Hospital?!?!
Get in this area:
-Shotgun shells (in Room 302)
-3 health drinks (in Room 304, 1F kitchen, morgue)
-2 boxes of bullets (in storage room, office (1F))
-Blood pack (in storage room)
-First aid kit (in storage room)
-Ampoule (in morgue)
-Plate of "Queen" (director's office (1F))
-Plate of "Hatter" (Room 204)
-Plate of "Cat" (Room 306)
-Plate of "Turtle" (3F boy's bathroom)

o 4.24 Quick Walkthrough - Alternate Hospital?!?! Part 2
Get in this area:
-Hospital basement storeroom key (in operating room)
-Disinfecting alcohol (Intensive Care Unit room)
-First aid kit (in Room 206)
-Box of bullets (in basement storeroom)
-2 boxes of shotgun shells (in basement storeroom, on bed after
watching video tape)
-Video tape (in first door on right that opens on 2F basement)
-Examination room key (in last door on left on 2F basement)
-Hammer (in basement generator room)

o 4.25 Quick Walkthrough - Antique Shop
Items in this area:
-Antique shop key (on desk after Dahlia leaves)
-Axe (on wall in altar room)

o 4.26 Quick Walkthrough - Alternate Town?!
Items in this area:
-2 boxes of rifle shells (both in room on 2nd floor of Town Center)
-First aid kit (in room on 2nd floor of Town Center)
-add police station shiiit.

o 4.27 Quick Walkthrough - Waterworks/Tunnels
Get in this area:
-4 health drinks (on table near cafe on street, on barrel outside
small building on bridge, at deadend in sewers, in upper eastern
junction of upper level sewers)
-5 boxes of bullets (2 on counter in police building, in side
room of police building, at deadend in sewers, in upper eastern
junction of upper level sewers)
-3 boxes of shotgun shells (on bench in police building, in side
room of police building, at deadend in sewers)
-Rifle shells (at deadend in sewers, opposite side of other items)
-Sewer map (on table in sewers)
-Sewer key (on shelf next to table in sewers)
-First aid kit (near ladder on upper level of sewers)
-Sewer exit key (in water next to blood near the bottom left of
the map of the upper sewers)

o 4.28 Quick Walkthrough - Resort Area
Get in this area:
-Box of bullets (in broken room near exit of the sewers)
-3 boxes of rifle shells (in broken room near exit of the sewers,
on counter in Indian Runner, on stairs near bridge)
-First aid kit (in broken room near exit of the sewers)
-Resort map (on board near road near exit of the sewers)
-Kaufmann key (on floor in Annie's Bar)
-Receipt (on floor in Annie's Bar)
-6 health drinks (2 on bar in Annie's Bar, on counter in Indian
Runner, in garage, in Kaufmann's room, on stairs near bridge)
-Safe key (In drawer behind counter in Indian Runner)
-Shotgun shells (in garage)
-Magnet (on couch in Haerbey Inn, in room with keypad on door)
-Motorcycle key (in crack of the floor in Kaufmann's room "3")

o 4.29 Quick Walkthrough - Alternate Resort Area
Get in this area:
-2 health drinks (in alley between W. Sanford and normal Sanford,
on counter in boat)
-Rifle shells (on counter in boat)
-Box of bullets (on counter in boat)
-First aid kit (on ground near lighthouse )
-Shotgun shells (in alley between W. Sanford and normal Sanford)

o 4.30 Quick Walkthrough - Lighthouse/Going to Amusement Park
Get in this area:

o 4.31 Quick Walkthrough - Sewers/Amusement Park
Get in this area:
-Box of bullets (in lower left dead end of sewer map)
-Health drink (in lower left dead end of sewer map)

o 4.32 Quick Walkthrough - Final Alternate Hospital
Get in this area:
-Box of bullets (in birdcage room on bed)
-First aid kit (in furniture room on chair)
-Shotgun shells (in furniture room in corner)
-Screwdriver (in room adjacent to classroom on table)
-Pliers (in room adjacent to classroom on table)
-Key of "Ophiel" (in faucet in faucet room, use pliers to remove)
-Stone of time (solve const. puzzle in Hall of Ophiel)
-Amulet of Solomon (on wall in morgue past Wall Puzzle)
-Key of "Hagith" (in clock, use stone of time to shatter glass)

o 4.33 Quick Walkthrough - FA Hospital Floor 2/And More...
Get in this area:
-Crest of Mercury (in jewelry room)
-Rifle shells (in jewelry room)
-Ring of contract (in jewelry room)
-Box of bullets (in nurse's center)
-Camera (in nurse's center)
-Bird cage key (in left door of altar room on 3F)
-Health drink (in right door of altar room on 3F)
-Key of "Phaleg" (in birdcage in birdcage room)

o 4.34 Quick Walkthrough - Phaleg/Room of Aratron/Child's Room
Get in this area:
-Dagger of Melchior (in dagger room stuck in cabinet)
-Box of bullets (in storage room)
-Health drink (in storage room)
-Key of "Bethor" (in bag of jelly beans in storage room)
-Ankh (in graffiti room)
-Key of "Aratron" (in key room on 2F, electrified at first)

o 4.35 Quick Walkthrough - Final Boss
Get in this area:

o 5.01 Next Fear Mode
Next Fear mode is the mode you can play after you've beaten the
game once (on the same save). You can pick up additional weapons
and see a new ending (read information about the channeling stone
for that data).

When you get to the 'Game Result' screen, you'll see the weapons
you can pick up in Next Fear mode in the background! The weapons
that you can get will be shown based on your stats in the round
of the game you just beaten. The possible weapons are the katana,
the chainsaw, the rock drill, and gasoline (for the rock drill).
Please note that not all of these items will necessarily be available
in Next Fear mode (specifically the katana, which is a very hard
weapon to obtain), so don't feel bad if you can't get them all.

1. Chainsaw
This item can be obtained by going to Cut-Rite chainsaws.
When you've only beaten the game once, you can either have this
item or the rock drill, so choose wisely. (Refer to weapons to
help you make your choice.) Once you've beaten it on Next Fear
mode in addition to normal mode, you can have both of these weapons.

2. Rock Drill
This item can be obtained by going into the lower door of the
Bridge Control Room. When you've only beaten the game once, you
can either have this item or the chainsaw, so choose wisely.
(Refer to weapons to help you make your choice.) Once you've
beaten it on Next Fear mode in addition to normal mode, you can
have both of these weapons.

3. Katana
This item is in the locked door of the house on Bachman Street
(the one you use the key from the doghouse to get into).

4. Gasoline
At the gas station (big surprise). Use it to power the chainsaw
or the rock drill.

5. Hyper Blaster
Obtained by getting the UFO ending, read below. (Channeling stone
shows up on the Game Ending screen, not this weapon).

The channeling stone is another possible item (it is in the
convenience store in Next Fear mode if you beat the game with a
Good+ rating). To get the UFO ending with it (and subsequently
the Hyper Blaster IMMEDIATELY in the Next Fear mode after you
beat it), use the item at these locations...

-(Old Silent Hill) On the roof of the Alternate School
-(Alternate Central Silent Hill) Right outside the hospital
before you fight the Moth/Adult Grub.
-(Resort Area) Norman's Motel, in front of the apartments
-(Alternate Resort Area) On the bridge of the boat.
-(Alternate Resort Area) Roof of lighthouse.

o 5.02 Gameshark Codes (Thank

1J Reverse Joker Command D00BC33C ????

1 Have Max Slots 300BC6AF 0028

Inventory Modifiers
2 Slot 1 - Max 255 800BC604 FF??
3 Slot 2 - Max 255 800BC608 FF??
4 Slot 3 - Max 255 800BC60C FF??
5 Slot 4 - Max 255 800BC610 FF??
6 Slot 5 - Max 255 800BC614 FF??
7 Slot 6 - Max 255 800BC618 FF??
8 Slot 7 - Max 255 800BC61C FF??
9 Slot 8 - Max 255 800BC620 FF??
10 Slot 9 - Max 255 800BC624 FF??
11 Slot 10 - Max 255 800BC628 FF??
12 Slot 11 - Max 255 800BC62C FF??
13 Slot 12 - Max 255 800BC630 FF??
14 Slot 13 - Max 255 800BC634 FF??
15 Slot 14 - Max 255 800BC638 FF??
16 Slot 15 - Max 255 800BC63C FF??
17 Slot 16 - Max 255 800BC640 FF??
18 Slot 17 - Max 255 800BC644 FF??
19 Slot 18 - Max 255 800BC648 FF??
20 Slot 19 - Max 255 800BC64C FF??
21 Slot 20 - Max 255 800BC650 FF??
22 Slot 21 - Max 255 800BC654 FF??
23 Slot 22 - Max 255 800BC658 FF??
24 Slot 23 - Max 255 800BC65C FF??
25 Slot 24 - Max 255 800BC660 FF??
26 Slot 25 - Max 255 800BC664 FF??
27 Slot 26 - Max 255 800BC668 FF??
28 Slot 27 - Max 255 800BC66C FF??
29 Slot 28 - Max 255 800BC670 FF??
30 Slot 29 - Max 255 800BC674 FF??
31 Slot 30 - Max 255 800BC678 FF??
32 Slot 31 - Max 255 800BC67C FF??
33 Slot 32 - Max 255 800BC680 FF??
34 Slot 33 - Max 255 800BC684 FF??
35 Slot 34 - Max 255 800BC688 FF??
36 Slot 35 - Max 255 800BC68C FF??
37 Slot 36 - Max 255 800BC690 FF??
38 Slot 37 - Max 255 800BC694 FF??
39 Slot 38 - Max 255 800BC698 FF??
40 Slot 39 - Max 255 800BC69C FF??
41 Slot 40 - Max 255 800BC6A0 FF??

Quantity Items to Accompany Inventory Modifier Codes
20 - Health Drink
21 - First Aid Kit
22 - Ampoule
40 - Lobby Key
41 - House Key
42 - Key of Lion
43 - Key of Woodman
44 - Key of Scarecrow
45 - Library Reserve Key
46 - Classroom Key
47 - K.Gordon Key
48 - Drawbridge Key
49 - Basement Key
4A - Basement Storeroom Key
4B - Examination Room Key
4C - Antique Shop Key
4D - Sewer Key
4E - Key of Ophiel
4F - Key of Hagith
50 - Key of Phaleg
51 - Key of Bethor
52 - Key of Aratron
53 - Note:to School
54 - Note:Doghouse
55 - Picture Card
57 - Sewer Exit Key
58 - Channeling Stone
60 - Chemical
61 - Gold Medallion
62 - Silver Medallion
63 - Rubber Ball
64 - Flauros
65 - Plastic Bottle
66 - Unknown Liquid
67 - Plate of Turtle
68 - Plate of Hatter
69 - Plate of Cat
6A - Plate of Queen
6B - Blood Pack
6C - Disinfecting Alcohol
6D - Lighter
6E - Video Tape
70 - Kaufmann Key
71 - Receipt
72 - Safe Key
73 - Magnet
74 - Motorcycle Key
75 - Bird Cage Key
76 - Pliers
77 - Screwdriver
78 - Camera
79 - Ring of Contact
7A - Stone of Time
7B - Amulet of Solomon
7C - Crest of Mercury
7D - Ankh
7E - Dagger of Melchior
7F - Disk of Ouroboros
80 - Kitchen knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster
C0 - Handgun Bullets
C1 - Rifle Shells
C2 - Shotgun Shells
E0 - Flashlight
E1 - Pocket Radio
E2 - Gasoline Tank

42 Infinite Health 300B9C8D 0040
800B9C8E 0006
43 Infinite Ammo All Weapons/No Reload
800B9BD8 0001
44 Have Map 800BC768 0002
45 Weapon-In-Hand Modifier
300BC6AE 00??
46 Walk Thru Walls
8006A1F8 A88B
8006A1FA 0801
8006A264 A8A2
8006A266 0801
47 Always First Save 800BC6AA 0000
48 Quick Load D00BC33C 0110
800BC88C 0008
49 Maxium Brightness In Options
300BC31B 001F
50 Roller Skate Mode 800B9D02 3800
51 Infinite All Items 1
50002804 0000
300BC605 00FF
52 Game Time 0:0:0 800BC854 0000
800BC856 0000
53 Infinite All Items 2
80053136 2400
54 Radio Always On 800BC6B0 0001
55 Completed Map 800BC7D8 FFFF
56 Flashlight Always On
800BBF2C 0100
57 Control Demo Mode D00BC33C 0100
800BC882 00E0
D00BC33C 0100
800BBE28 0004
58 All Weapons 50000404 0001
300BC604 00A0
50000304 0001
300BC614 0080
50000404 0001
300BC620 0084
300BC630 00E2

o 5.03 Game Endings
There are four (well, actually 5) game endings based on what
you do within the game.

Below is exactly how to get the four endings, courtesy of!

1. Don't do anything of what Kaufmann leaves in the bar and
don't save Cybil. That's the Bad Ending.

2. Don't do anything of what Kaufmann leaves in the bar, but
do save Cybil. That's the Bad + Ending.

3. Do the things of the stuff that Kaufmann leaves in the bar,
but do not save Cybil. That's the Good Ending.

4. Do the things of the stuff that Kaufmann leaves in the bar
and also save Cybil. That's the Good + Ending.

Use the Channeling Stone at these locations for the UFO ending
and hyper blaster in Next Fear (immediately available in the
item list). (Please note that you need a Good+ ending to get
the Channeling stone item.)

-(Old Silent Hill) On the roof of the Alternate School
-(Alternate Central Silent Hill) Right outside the hospital
before you fight the Moth/Adult Grub.
-(Resort Area) Norman's Motel, in front of the apartments
-(Alternate Resort Area) On the bridge of the boat.
-(Alternate Resort Area) Roof of lighthouse.

o 5.04 Miscellaneous
This section is just for interesting things that I, and people
who submitted information, have seen that don't belong in the
normal part of this FAQ/Walkthrough.

Extra Options Screen

If you hit L1+L2+R1+R2 all at the same time while on the
"options" screen (the options screen off of the item menu),
then you will be taken to an extra options menu where you can
change blood color and do other cool customizations. A bullet
option appears if you use this in Next Fear mode. A useful
menu that Konami chose to hide...I wonder why? The options in
the "Extra Options" screen are:
-Weapon Control
If you switch this option to "switch" when you hit R2 Harry
will keep his gun ready until you hit R2 again.

-Blood Color
This option lets you change the color of blood in the game
from red to green, violet, or black.

-View Control
This option, when changed to "Reverse" makes it so when you
are normally walking around you are in 1st person view mode.
Holding L2 changes you back to the view mode you're used to.

-Walk/Run Control
This option allows Harry to run without pressing square if
reversed. To walk when the option is reversed, hit square.

-Auto Aiming
This option simply turns off what little autoaiming Harry
does. This makes the game far more challenging.

-View Mode
Similar to view control, only when view mode is set to
"self view" when you hit L2 the camera will switch to
directly behind Harry's head.

If you beat the game on Next Fear mode, the Extra Options screen
includes two new options:
-Bullet Adjust
With each time you beat the game, the bullet adjust max will
go up by 1x (2x, 3x, 4x...) all the way to 9x. These options
multiply the number of bullets gotten from a box by whatever
you have it set on. So if you have 4x bullet adjust on, you
will get 4 times as many bullets as the normal amount in the
mode you are in.
-Retreat Turn
This one makes no sense to me... Someone want to email me
a good explanation? =)

Silent Hill Street Names

The Silent Hill street names are all names of famous
science fiction writers. Perhaps there's a scifi fan on the
Konami staff?

Teachers in the School (This is from

The names of the three teachers on the list in the office
of the school correspond with 3/4 of the members of Sonic Youth
(and the only 3 original members): (Kim) Gordon, (Thurston) Moore,
and (Lee) Renaldo. In fact the key to the house reads K. Gordon.
So there you go: must be an old-school alternative music fan in
the Konami Corp.

Hyper Blaster

The Hyper Blaster (a weapon in Next Fear Mode) is actually
the name of Konami's light gun for psx. Interesting...

Psychick TV

(Thanks to for the info)
It is a reference to a very inovative band much like Sonic
Youth.- They are an industrial band from the mid 80's much like
Front 242 and Skinny Puppy.- Unfortunately they weren't very
popular and have since moved on.

(Thanks to
It's headed up by some of the members who made up Throbbing
Gristle in the seventies, the band which invented the term
"industrial music".- I've been a fan of theirs forever.- They
called themselves Psychick TV when they had their own religion
called "Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth" (told you they were wierd),
but the religion has since been almost eradicated.- The band still
exists, though.- They release most of their work on Invisible

o 5.05 Game Result Explanation
When you beat the game, you will see a screen at the very end
that rates how well you did during the game. This area will
explain exactly what each thing means.

Mode: This just tells you what mode you just beat the game on.
Pretty straightforward.

Game clear: This says how many times you've beaten the game on
the save you're on. So if this is your first time, it will say
"1" and go up from there.

Ending: This tells what ending you got, see 5.06 for descriptions
of the game endings, or 5.03 for how to get the different game

Saves: This says how many times you have saved throughout the

Continues: This says how many times you died and were forced
to continue.

Total time: This tells you how long it took you to beat the

Walking distance: How far in kilometers you made Harry walk
during the game.

Running distance: How far in kilometers you made Harry run
during the game.

Items: How many items out of a possible 204 you got. The
parentheses are for + items that you can obtain in Next Fear

Defeated enemy by fighting: This is how many enemies you killed
without a gun.

Defeated enemy by shooting: This is how many enemies you killed
with a gun.

Shooting style: This is how accurate your shots were at
short, middle, long, and 'no aim' ranges.

Your rank: This is a general rank on how well you did based
on all the other statistics. The big stars on top are worth
ten times as much as the little stars. So a way to give a
number to the star ratings would be this... Each big star is
1 point, and each little star is a tenth of a point. So if you
got 8 big stars and 9 little stars your rating would be 8.9.
The maximum possible rating here is 10.0 to my knowledge.

Gold Ratings: If you do well enough in the game in certain
areas you can get "gold ratings". This just means that the
color of your rating looks gold on the result screen. To
get gold ranking in the different areas, you must have the
following or greater.
Gold in Game clear: 5 or more
Gold in Ending: Good+
Gold in Saves: 2 or less
Gold in Continues: 1 or less
Gold in Total time: 1hr 30min or less
Gold in Items: 150 or more (not sure.)
Gold in Shooting style
Short range shots: Unknown
Middle range shots: Unknown
Long range shots: Unknown
No aiming shots: Unknown

Items in the Background: Depending upon how well you did and
what endings you got, you will see items in the background. For
a full description on what possible items you can see in the
background, check out 5.01 (Next Fear Mode).

o 5.06 !!!Spoiler!!! Game Ending Descriptions
Spoilers describing the game endings to follow, don't read them
if you don't want it spoiled! For info on how to get the endings
go to 5.03.

----- Bad -----
After defeating the Child Goddess (Alessa) you will hear Cheryl
saying 'thank you' to Harry, and then Alessa will disappear.
After this, the game will show a scene with Harry's jeep, only
this time, Harry is dead at the wheel...

----- Bad + -----
After defeating the Child Goddess (Alessa) you will hear Cheryl
saying 'thank you' to Harry, and then Alessa will disappear. Harry
calls out in horror and then the credits will roll. After them
Cybil will tell Harry to leave, and then the building you are in
will collapse.

----- Good -----
After defeating the Winged Monster (Samael) Cheryl will call out
for her dad, and then Alessa (the winged monster changed again)
will give you Cheryl (who is now a baby again). Harry will run
off and Kaufmann will be seized by Lisa and dragged back under
the metal grating. Then Harry will run down the street with
Cheryl in his arms. After the credits Harry will stop and look
at the sky.

----- Good + -----
After defeating the Winged Monster (Samael) Cheryl will call out
for her dad, and then Alessa (the winged monster changed again)
will give you Cheryl (who is now a baby again). Harry and Cybil
will run off, and Kaufmann will be seized by Lisa and dragged
back under the metal grating. In the next scene Harry and Cybil
will be running down the street with Cheryl cradled in Harry's
arms. During the credits movie, Harry will get up from the
couch, but Cheryl will be in his arms. Also, Cybil touches her
nose and looks at Harry. The intro FMV to the game (before you
start a new game) will now have Cybil instead of Harry's dead
wife after you beat it this way.

----- UFO (Use Channeling Stone) -----
Aliens descend upon the lighthouse and zap Harry (you) with a
stun gun. Harry screams, and then collapses and the aliens
talk a little more in their bizarre language. When you start
a Next Fear mode game after this, the Hyper Blaster will
instantly be in your item list. Also, the credits feel like
science fiction, and they scroll in a "Star Wars" style.

o 6.01 About the Authors
--------X Rura Penthe X--------
Well, I'm Rura Penthe and I wrote most of the walkthrough. Uhh, I
would say more, but I really have no clue what to put here. Ah well,
screw it. Shouldn't you be playing Silent Hill right now? At any
rate I'm not going to say anything about myself here, because I'm
not a dumbass. If this FAQ is successful I might write a Syphon
Filter FAQ or a Parasite Eve FAQ (I originally wanted to do a
Xenogears FAQ, but there's a very well done one out now, so I
won't waste my time...).
Update (.5b):
Well, this FAQ seems to be quite successful, and with this new
edition we've made it grow by leaps and bounds yet again, so
watch out for a new FAQ by me sometime in the future. Don't
expect it to be on Syphon Filter or PE though...I've checked
and there are now good FAQs out about them.

--------X Tetsuo (I made the maps) X--------
Whoa, hey...about me. Well letsee. First and foremost, I am a
badass. I gotta fight off all the ladies with a stick. I
just can't help it. And with this FAQ, i'm gonna have to get like
a steel reinforced stick or something, cause it'll just bring more
lovely ladies. And if you thought I was actually going to put
something of importance in this section, then man you a sucka.

o 6.02 Credits/Thanks

o The whole 8-bits crew, too numerous to name here.
o CJayC, for hosting this faq!
o All the people who have emailed us, without you we would have
missed so many things!
o Konami, for making such a kickass game
o Capcom, for making a kickass game for Konami to rip off
o Whoever made ASCIIPaint for Mac, cause thats how we made the
ascii logo at the top.
o haywire, for...well, you know whatcha did. and whoever it was
that "helped" haywire.
o The GameShark Code Creator's Club (, for the
GS codes 'cause hey, we don't have GameSharks.
o (mnm) for pointing out several things
I missed, as well as helping me find many of the items I failed
to list in the FAQ.
o The Silent Hill manual (wow), where I got some of the character
descriptions and the introduction to Silent Hill.

Did I miss anyone?
o 6.03 Legal Crap
This guide can not be copied without permission of the author.
It can not be used as a means of profit. In no way is this FAQ
to be cut up into sections or altered in any way. It is to remain
in it's original state and in one piece if used on websites. It may
not be put in a magazine or publication of any kind without both the
authors' express permission.
This document is copyright 1999, Rura Penthe and Tetsuo, all rights

HTML ® 1999 Just The FAQs. All images and content ® by the respective owner(s). All rights reserved.

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The Complete Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Handgun Speed Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Plot Analysis

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Drei verschiedene Spielstände: einen für den Anfang, einen am Ende des Krankenhauses und einen für das schlechte Ende.

17.Oktober 2013
Plot Guide FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

16.Oktober 2013
Survival and Secret

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Spoilers FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Items List FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Fighting Techniques FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Bestiary FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
Pal 2 Ntsc Patch

17.Oktober 2013
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Alternative Lösung (incl. FAQ)
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engl. Cheats
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engl. Lösung
13.Mei 2008
engl. FAQ
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