Silent Hill

Silent Hill

14.10.2013 18:11:20
Silent Hill: The Complete Guide

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'The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh'

01. Document Info
02. Review
03. Start Menu/Options Menu
04. Controls
05. Characters
06. Prologue
07. Walkthrough
08. Endings
09. Ranking
10. Secrets
11. Game Tips
12. Item List
13. Weapon List
14. Enemies And Combat Tips
15. FMV List
16. Map List
17. Notepad Locations
18. Cheat Codes
19. Essential Items/Speed Guide
20. Versions
21. Soundtrack Info
22. Legal Stuff


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Document History

Version 1.0 - 1.9
History Deleted

Version 2.0 -
Final version of this guide.

'There are violent and disturbing scenes in this game'


The Story
Silent Hill, not really a name to bring in the tourists but it works
for Harry Mason and his daughter. In fact they like it so much that
this is now their favourite vacation spot, something tells me that
this might change.

The game begins with Harry and his daughter driving towards Silent
Hill. The first thing you will notice is that this intro isn't like
any other you've ever seen before, it's more like a trailer with bits
of the game you are about to play thrown in as well as a scene-
setting drive. As they approach Silent Hill, a cop speeds past on a
motorcycle. The same motorcycle is then seen lying at the side of the
road. Harry is distracted by this and loses concentration long enough
to not see the girl in the road; he swerves at the last minute and
crashes through the railing. When Harry awakes Cheryl is missing,
maybe she went to get help. Harry heads into town to find out.

As expected the game plays very similar to the Resident Evil games
with almost identical controls. The play basically revolves around
solving puzzles to get items to allow you to move to the next area.
You collect health and ammo to survive and maps so you know where to
go. While all this is fun in itself, it takes a back seat to the
engrossing storyline which will make you want to finish the game

Silent Hill was the first game of its kind to use real 3D
environments and while this sounds like an excellent thing there are
some drawbacks. The actual surroundings can be a little messy and
indistinguishable and the in-game characters are slightly blocky but
once you get into the game you really won't notice this at all. The
only other thing that needs mentioning is the fog and the darkness,
they hinder your view a lot and while this builds the tension it can
get a bit irritating when you're running around trying to find
things. The FMV however is fantastic and certainly improves the games
overall graphical impact.

The sound in Silent Hill is so good it is almost like the game was
made to go with the music as opposed to the other way around. Every
piece of music builds an incredible amount of atmosphere and the
music with the intro is probably my favourite piece of all time.
However it isn't all praise in the sound department due to some
fairly slack voice acting which while not being as laughable as RE1
it is nowhere near as good as Konami's other adventure game, Metal
Gear Solid. The dialogue itself isn't too bad but how it is said can
sometimes be very unbelievable and although it doesn't ruin the game
I am still hoping it can be fixed for the sequel.

All adventure games have the problem of being a bit short or a bit
crap. Silent Hill is the former but does have 5 endings and loads of
secrets to find. There are also references to other horror classics
disguised as street names etc to find, which adds another few hours
play. Silent Hill has no mini-games so isn't really the type of game
to play for a few minutes and is aimed at the more hardcore gamer who
will play it all the way through in one sitting to get the full
effect of the game.

Everything negative I have said about this game doesn't change the
fact that this is the best horror game ever bar none. For those
people who think RE is going in the wrong direction by being more
action packed with each instalment, this is the game for you.

The only game for people who prefer to be scared rather than shocked.

Score - 10/10


When the game is first switched on, only Start and Option will be
available. Choosing start will prompt you to choose a difficulty
level - Easy, Normal or Hard.

Difficulty Levels

Easy - 30 handgun bullets per pack, easiest enemies to kill, least
damage done by enemies. The inventory will have a green design.

Normal - 20 bullets per pack, average enemies that do average damage.
The inventory will have a blue design.

Hard - 15 bullets per pack, tough enemies that do loads of damage.
The inventory will have a purple design.

Choosing Option will take you to the options menu which can also be
accessed in-game. Here is what you will find within the options menu
and an explanation of how each option can affect play.


Exit - allows you to leave the options menu.

Brightness level - allows you to increase the brightness of the game
so that you can see better in the dark gloomy Silent Hill. Default
set to 3 and can be lowered to 0 or increased to 7.

Controller config - allows you to change controls in the game. See
controls section for details.

Screen position - allows you to centre screen, useful if you're using
a SCART lead.

Vibration - On/Off, you should leave this on if you have a dual shock

Auto Load - On/Off, you should probably leave this off as it will
load up your last game every time you switch the game on.

Sound - Stereo/Monaural, leave on stereo for best sound with standard
set up.

BGM Volume - 16 bars with 16 max and 0 min. BGM is background music.

SE Volume - Same scale as BGM. SE stands for sound effects.

When loading the game with a memory card inserted that contains a
Silent Hill game file Continue and Load will appear. Continue auto
loads the last game that you saved and load will allow you to load up
any game you have saved.
If you die during play you may be able to continue from the start of
the last section you started despite if you have saved or not. The
sections are split up as follows:

Alternate School
The lizard fight
Outside School
Alternate Hospital
Antique Shop
Larva fight
Hospital after seeing Lisa
Resort area
Alternate resort area
Sewer 2
Cybil fight
End boss fight

Load game allows you to load a game from a memory card inserted in
either of the 2 slots.


These are the default controls which are type 1 in the control
configuration menu.


X - Action/Select
Square - Run
Triangle - Map
Circle - Toggle light On/Off
Start - Pause Game
Select - Enter/Leave Inventory
R1 - Step right
L1 - Step Left
R2 - Aim
L2 - View change
D-Pad - Move Character, Toggle option (Yes/No), Move camera in view
change mode
Left Analogue Stick - Same as D-Pad
Right Analogue Stick - No Use
R3 - No Use
L3 - No Use
Analog - Toggles use of analogue sticks

Up + Square - Run Forward
Back + Square - Jump Back
R1 + Square - Strafe Right
L1 + Square - Strafe Left
R1 + L1 - 180 Turn
L1 + Square + Right - Circle clockwise facing inwards
L1 + Square + Left - Circle anti-clockwise facing outwards
R1 + Square + Right - Circle clockwise facing outwards
R1 + Square + Left - Circle anti-clockwise facing inwards
Start + Select + L1 + R1 + L2 + R2 - Reset Game


X - Select
Square - Cancel
Triangle - Cancel
Circle - Cancel
Start - Select
Select - Leave Inventory
R1 - No Use
L1 - No use
R2 - No use
L2 - No use
D-Pad - Move selector
Right Analogue stick - No use
Left Analogue Stick - Same as D-pad
R3 - No Use
L3 - No Use
Analog - Toggles use of analogue sticks


X - Zoom in/zoom out
Square - Leave map screen
Triangle - Leave map screen
Circle - Leave map screen
Start - Zoom in/zoom out
Select - No use
R1 - Toggle position arrow on/off
L1 - Toggle position arrow on/off
R2 - No use
L2 - No use
D-Pad - Change floor
Right Analogue Stick - Same as D-pad
Left Analogue Stick - No use
R3 - No Use
L3 - No Use
Analog - Toggles use of analogue sticks


Left - Change target while aiming.
Right - Change target while aiming.

*Note* In the control configuration menu you can set a shortcut
button to the option menu. Only R3 and L3 are spare so you can use
one of those. Other buttons can also be used but you must always have
an aim and fire button when you are jumbling them around.

There are 2 other standard control settings - type 2 and type 3.
Type 2 is as above except R1 and R2 are switched and L1 and L2 are
switched. This is useful for those of you who are used to pressing R1
to aim a la Resident Evil.
Type 3 is as above but with Select and Triangle switch. This is
useful for those who don't see select as a game button and prefer to
stick to the 4 shape buttons.

Just to clear this up. The pad doesn't actually vibrate unless you
are shooting or injured. It is not his heartbeat as is said by a lot
of people. It just vibrates when you shoot for obvious reasons and
rhythmically when your injured to let you know your injured and
possibly to build some tension.


Harold 'Harry' Mason
Age: 32
Occupation: Writer
The star of the show and the only playable character. During the
intro he crashes and when he regains consciousness his daughter is
missing. He's got to find her...

Cheryl Mason
Age: 7
Harry's little girl who mysteriously disappears and is lost alone in
a world full of monsters. Or is she...

Cybil Bennett
Age: 28
Occupation: Police Officer
A cop from Brahms, a town close to Silent Hill. Cybil seems to want
to help but doesn't quite seem to be experiencing what Harry does.

Alessa Gillespie
Age: 14 (?)
The mysterious ghostly figure who shows up at various places
throughout the game and seems to lead you around. Why?

Dahlia Gillespie
Age: 46
Occupation: Antique Shop Proprietor
Another mysterious woman who seems to what to lead you around while
playing her little games. Must be a family thing.

Dr. Michael Kaufmann
Age: 50
Occupation: Physician
Finally someone who genuinely seems lost and confused. A little moody
mind but then, he is a doctor.

Lisa Garland
Age: 23
Occupation: Nurse
A nurse who has a poor explanation of why she doesn't know anything.
Seems scared though so she might be telling the truth.

Harry's Wife
Age: ?
Occupation: Unknown
Helped Harry raise Cheryl but died mysteriously a few years ago.


Harry Mason and his daughter Cheryl are driving to their favourite
vacation spot. Late that night, a figure suddenly appears from out of
the darkness. Harry turns the wheel in panic, and the car careens off
the road, knocking Harry unconscious. Awakening sometime later, he
realizes that Cheryl is missing. Stumbling out of the wreckage, he
heads towards the small town of Silent Hill.


'Someday, someone may experience these bizarre events. Hopefully,
they will find my notes useful.'

'Every town has its secrets, some are just darker than others'


FMV 2. After the intro you will find yourself in the street looking
for Cheryl, your daughter. Follow the figure in the fog (the game
guides you if you stray) until you see FMV 3, Cheryl in the fog.

Go down the alley and through the gate. Follow the path (only 1 way
to go) and through the next gate. It will get dark, carry on. When
you have gone far enough a cut scene will show a rotting body hung on
the fence, then you're attacked. Don't worry you are meant to die.
You cannot escape as a fence is now in the way.

CAFE - you start here in next fear mode (games after your first)
Items (6) - Handgun, 2x Health drink, Flashlight, Knife, Radio.

FMV 4. You meet Cybil here and after answering a few questions she
gives you the Handgun. Pick up the items (not radio) and the map. You
can also save using notepad 1 if you wish. Try to leave and the radio
will start emitting static. Then a window smashes and you get to kill
your first monster (Air screamer). After the kill take the radio and
leave. You must kill the air screamer before you can take the radio.


Pressing action on the notepads that you see lying around will allow
you to save your game. You can save 11 times for each memory card



When using the flashlight you cannot:
-Pick up items
-look at the map
-aim accurately
-see very well

The advantages are:
-enemies cannot see you very well
-you can 'cheat' by increasing the brightness on the TV so you can
see without improving your enemy's vision.
-you can use hand weapons without being seen by other enemies


Access your inventory using the select button (default). Here you can
choose a weapon to equip or reload or an item to use. The map can
also be accessed here as can the options menu. The inventory is also
useful for checking items such as keys and papers to find an address
or code. Harry's face will be in the top corner. The colour behind
Harry represents his health state. The main colours are Green,
Yellow, Orange and Red. Green is the healthiest and Red is the most
injured. One colour will fade into the other as Harry becomes


Access your map by pressing triangle or through the inventory. See
controls section for how to use each button. You can only use the map
if you have picked it up. You cannot see the areas that you have
already been to (like res evil). Open/Locked doors and other info
will be shown on the map.

Items (7) - 4x Handgun bullets, Health drink, Steel pipe, Note

After the cut scene which shows you where you last saw Cheryl go
right and get the 2X handgun bullets from the bench. Turn around, go
past cafe and carry on to the Queen Burger. Get Health drink from the
outside windowsill. Look at your map. Make you way to the alley that
has been marked on.

Down the alley are groaners to kill/avoid. Go through the gate and
carry on, there is a groaner down here as well (only in Hard mode).
Notice that the gate says beware of dog, that's the bloody mess just
to the other side of the gate. Just after going through the second
gate you will find 2X handgun bullets, a steel pipe and a note from
Cheryl indicating that she is at the school. (This is now marked on
the map). You will also find Sheryl's Sketchbook but you can't take
it with you.

Items (6) - Note, Key, First aid kit, Health drink, 2x Handgun

Make your way out of the alley. Turn left when you reach the street.
The school is in the bottom left corner of map. Head down the first
street you come to. At the end of the street turn right. The road is
blocked by a huge chasm but there is a note saying 'Dog house Levin
street'. (Time saver - all roads to school are blocked so save time
and don't bother looking for another route).

Check map to find Levin street then go looking for the dog house.
Check the kennel to find the key for the house. Go in the house.
Inside you will find a first aid kit, 2X handgun bullets and a health
drink. Check the door on the right. If it is unlocked you can go in
and pick up the katana. Head for the back door. It's locked by 3
locks. Check the map next to the door for info on where the keys are
(this is copied to your map). You can save in here if you need to
using notepad 2.

Items (6) - 2x Health drink, First aid kit, 2x Handgun bullets, Key

Leave the house and turn right. Cross the road at the bottom and then
cross to the other side, the last house before the chasm has a health
drink on the doorstep. Get off the doorstep and follow the street
around corner and straight on until you get to an alley, go down and
get First aid kit before carrying on until there is another alley.
Down the alley you will find 2X handgun bullets. Back to the road and
check your map, head for the circled area. It's a dead end but a
plank leads across to a small island where you will find a key and a
health drink.

Items (2) - Key, Health drink

Check your map and head towards the marked alley. About halfway up on
your left are some gates that say 'off limits' on them. Go through to
a small basketball court where you will find a key and a health
drink. There is also a dogs head on the floor, maybe part of the dog
that was a bloody mess on the floor earlier and they were playing
basketball with it!

Items (2) - Key, Handgun bullets

Leave the way you entered and turn left. When you reach the road go
right and carry on until you reach a chasm where you will find a
police car. Check the boot for a key and there's some handgun bullets

Items (5) - 4x Health drink, First aid kit

Turn around and go straight until you reach Bachman Road (check map).
On Bachman road turn right and go to the convenience store. Inside
you will find 3X Health drinks and a first aid kit. You can also save
in here using notepad 3 and pick up the channelling stone if you have
earned it.

Leave and go straight until you reach the other side of the road. Go
right to find your jeep. It's wrecked but has a health drink in it.
Check your map and head for the house marked on the map (on Levin
Street). Go in the house and to the back door. Use the 3 keys.

Items (8) - 6x Health drinks, 2x Handgun bullets

In the garden everything will go dark again. Harry turns on his
light. (toggle on/off with circle). Collect the 2X health drinks from
the table and go out the gate. Turn right and head to the top left
corner of the map where you will find a health drink and handgun
bullets behind a pillow. Head South to the alley with the letter 'O'
in it from Old Silent Hill (check map).

Down the alley you will find a health drink (on your left next to the
second lot of bins) and some handgun bullets on your right. At the
end of the alley cross the road and go right, round the corner and
cross over again. Run down this road till you find a school bus. Go
in to find a couple of health drinks and notepad 4. Leave and go in
the nearby school (check map). The name of the school is engraved on
a stone near the entrance.


Items (3) - Health drink, First aid kit, Handgun bullets

Collect the map from the lobby and go through the double doors. Go
right to the infirmary and get the health drink and First aid kit
from here. You can also save in here using notepad 5. Leave and go
left past lobby and to the reception. There is a list of teachers and
3 clues here.

"Alchemy Laboratory"

Gold in an old man's palm
The future hidden in his fist
Exchange for sage's water

"A place with songs and sound"

A silver guide post is
untapped in lost tongues.
Awakening at the ordained order.


"Darkness that brings
the choking heat"

Flames render the silence
awakening the hungry beast.
Open time's door to beckon prey.

Go to the room behind the reception and collect the handgun bullets
and check the pretty picture. Leave and have another good read of the
clues. Head towards the courtyard via the double doors opposite the
lobby. Turn right to find the clock tower. Click on the door to check
the time. It says 10:00, which was a time mentioned in the clue.

CHANGING TIME FROM 10:00 to 12:00
Items (8) - 4x Handgun bullets, Chemical, Gold Medallion, Health
drink, First aid kit.

Leave the courtyard via the doors opposite the ones you entered by.
In the corridor go straight forward and through the doors. Pick up
the handgun bullets. Leave and turn right, through the double doors
at the end. Go up stairs (checking map shows lab, which was mentioned
in clue is on 2F). On 2F the lab is just through the doors in front
but we are going long way round to get everything.

Go into classroom to your right for a health drink. Leave and carry
on down corridor to the girls toilets where you will find handgun
bullets. In the boys toilet you will hear someone crying but there is
nothing to do in here. Go back up the corridor to first double doors,
go through. The first door leads to the music room which has a clue
in it as well as a piano (can't use yet). Leave and carry on to the
next door which is the locker room. Go in and investigate the noise
that you hear.

Leave and go through doors on right. Go through the door in front and
get the handgun bullets. Leave and head up the corridor to the
library where you will find a first aid kit. Now check your map and
go to the lab equipment room. Inside you will find the chemical.
Leave and go next door to the Lab. Inside you will find handgun
bullets and the gold medallion which is held by a stone hand. Use
chemical to dissolve the stone hand and take the medal. Check the
medallion in your inventory to discover a clock tower engraved on it.

Leave, turn right and go through doors, down stairs and through
nearby double doors. The courtyard is through the doors on the right.
Use gold medallion on the clock tower. Check the time again.

Items (2) - Silver Medallion, Handgun bullets

Head back up to the second floor, the same way you just came down. Go
to the music room (check map). Once in check the clue and now the
piano can also be used.

'A tale of birds without a voice'

First flew the greedy pelican,
Eager for the reward,
White wings flailing.

Then came a silent Dove,
Flying beyond the pelican,
As far as he could.

A Raven flies in,
Flying higher than the dove,
Just to show he can.

A Swan glides in,
To find a peaceful spot,
Next to another bird.

Finally out comes a Crow,
Coming quickly to a stop,
Yawning and then napping.

Who will show the way,
Who will be the key,
Who will lead to
The Silver Reward

The clue refers to the colours of the keys to play by using the
colours of birds. There are 5 birds and 5 keys that are broken. You
need to play the broken keys so that they coincide with the rhyme.
Number the keys 1-12 from left to right including black and white
keys. The keys which are broken are 2,3,8,10,11.
2 and 11 are black so they are the Crow and Raven.
The order of the keys is White, White, Black, White, Black as this is
the order of bird colours.
The crow comes to a stop quickly so must be key 2, as it is the first
key we get to and so must be played last as the crow is the last bird
in the clue.
This makes the Raven key 11 as it's the only black key left so key 11
must be played third.
The Raven is above the Dove so the Dove must be key 10 and be played
Key 3 must be the Pelican as the Dove flies as far away as it could
and the only other key left is 8 which makes it the Swan. So 3 must
be played first and 8 must be played forth.

Pelican - 3
Dove - 10
Raven - 11
Swan - 8
Crow - 2

Now play the following keys 3,10,11,8,2. This gets you the silver
medallion. Phew that was tough.

Leave the room and go right and through doors at end. Go downstairs
and into the classroom to your right. Carry on to the next classroom
where you will find Handgun bullets. Leave to the corridor and turn
left and go straight until you see the double doors. Unlock them and
go through. The courtyard is through the doors to your right. Go use
the silver medallion on the clock tower. The time changes to 5:00.

Items (0) - none

Go through the door you just entered through and turn left. Go down
the nearby steps to the basement. Enter the right hand door and press
the red button. Head back up to the clock tower and you can now go
through the door. Follow the route until you leave into another
courtyard (?!) where you will see a strange sign on the floor.

Items (14) - 2x First aid Kit, Rubber ball, Picture card, 5x Handgun
bullets, Shotgun, 2x Health drink, Ampoule, Shotgun shells

Now you're in the alternate school. There is a small part of the last
clue left to complete (the part about the prey). So you're going to
have to face a boss. It's in the basement where you heard the growl
after switching on the boiler (you may have guessed). But it's not a
straight forward route there as you will need to up and round before
going down. Let's go.

First job is to head through the double doors to your right. Once in
the corridor enter the door in front. Pick up the first aid kit and
handgun bullets then leave. Go into the room on your right which is
the storage room. There you will find a rubber ball (play catch?).
Leave and go left to the last door on your left. Inside immediately
turn right and get out of this room, it's full of roaches (on hard

Go through the door on you left and collect the picture card from the
large table. Check the card in your inventory to discover it has a
picture of a key - a 'key' card then. Go into the next classroom and
leave via the door at the far end. Collect health drink from nearby
bench and go back down the corridor to the double doors. Go through
and into the infirmary (first door on left). Inside you will find a
first aid kit and a health drink and notepad 5 still. Leave and go
into the next room for an ampoule found in the wheelchair.


Many people are confused about what this item actually does. It
recovers your health to the highest state when you first use it and
for a short period of time (about 3 minutes) will recover you slowly
from any injury you sustain after using it. After a short period of
time it will have no effect.

The final room on this corridor contains handgun bullets and a door
like the one in the picture that was previously here. Check the door
and there is a slot. The card in your inventory has a picture of a
key and is used on this door.
Use the picture card on the door to unlock it and go through. Go into
the boys toilets to find the shotgun and a clue:

Leonard Rhine
The Monster Lurks

Leave and go into the girls toilets. The girls toilets warp you
between floors (more loading time as well) so when you leave your on
the 2F. Go into the boys toilets to find 2X handgun bullets and
shotgun shells. Leave and use the girls to warp back downstairs.
Enter the door after the boys toilets and go through to the next
room. In here you will find handgun bullets and take a phone call
(when you try to leave). Leave this room and go up the nearby stairs.

Items (12) - 3x Health drink, 2x Handgun bullets, 3x Shotgun shells,
2x key, First aid kit, Ampoule

Head right to find health drink on the end of the bench. Go into the
classroom via the door on the other side of the corridor. Inside you
will find handgun bullets and the next room contains shotgun shells.
When you leave the second classroom go through the double doors in
front of you. Only the locker room can be accessed this time (far
door on right). Do what you did last time and you will have a key
when you leave.

The key is for the Library reserve room, so head over there now. You
will need to go back on yourself. Inside this room will be a First
aid kit. There is an open book on the shelf as well. It is the one
referred to in the boys toilets.

Chapter 3:
'Manifestation of Delusions'
...Poltergeists are among these. Negative emotions, like fear, worry
stress manifest into external energy with physical effects.
Nightmares have, in some cases, been shown to trigger them.
However, such phenomena do not appear to happen to just anyone.
Although it is not clear why adolescents, especially girls, are prone
to such occurrences.

Go into the library next door and pick up the Handgun bullets and
read the book which gives clues to how to kill the boss.

Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said 'I will kill
the lizard'. But upon meeting his opponent he held back, taunting,
'Who's afraid of a reptile?' At this, the furious lizard hissed,
'I'll swallow you up in a single bite!' Then the huge creature
attacked, jaws wide open. This was what the man wanted. Calmly
drawing his bow, he shot into the lizards gaping mouth. Effortlessly,
the arrow flew, piercing the defenceless maw, and the lizard fell
down dead.

Leave this room and attempt to enter the door on your left. It is

There is only 1 place left to go now, the 3F. Head up there now. Once
there just go through the door and out onto the roof. In the top
right corner there is a drain with 2 holes. One of the holes has a
key in but you can't reach it, the other is empty. If you turn the
valve water will flow down the hole in the corner before it reaches
the key. If you use the rubber ball on the empty hole then the water
will flow past that hole and wash the key down the drain.

*Use the channelling stone here if you have it.*

You now need to collect the key from the drain in the courtyard which
is where the clock tower is. When you have the key check it in your
inventory. The tag says 2NW which stands for 2F North-West, but we
already found the locked door. Go back upstairs to the classroom and
use the key.

Leave this room and go into the next classroom and collect the health
drink. Now go out through the door at the far end. Turn right and get
the health drink from the nearby bench before going downstairs. Once
downstairs you can unlock the fence to your right, go through the
double doors and into the infirmary to save or straight down to fight
the boss. When downstairs go into the door on the left for 2X shotgun
shells and an ampoule. Leave and go into the room next door.

There are 2 valves that need to be turned until a gap appears in the
turning gates.
Turn the right valve left twice and left valve right once. It's just
trial and error for the answer. To figure it out yourself just turn
the valves until the path is clear and write down what you did. The
cancel all the lefts and rights out until you get the minimum amount
of turns needed. Once done go through the gap and you will be
transported down.

Items (1) - Key

After the cut scene which shows the arrival of the giant lizard you
will need to equip your handgun and fire away until he starts to
split his head. At this point the music changes and the real fight
begins. Equip your shotgun and get some space between him and you.
Don't go near the outer walls, if it traps you - you're dead. Wait
for him to come up to you (you may stumble) and open his mouth, then
fire twice while walking back (the book in the library is the clue to
this). He dies at this point on easy mode but you will need to repeat
the process on normal and hard mode. You may need some practice, I

After you win dark Silent Hill will return to the light version and
you will get a key after the cut scene and FMV 5.
*There is an adolescent girl in the cut scene as mentioned in the
book you read in the Library reserve. Perhaps she is making this

Leave the boiler room and go up the stairs. After another cut scene
you know that your next destination is the church (marked on map). Go
through the double doors and over to the reception at the end of the
corridor and check the teachers list. Gordon's name is on the list as
is his address. His house is now marked on the map and you have his
house key......

*You can also visit his house on the way to the school in alternate
Silent Hill but you can only go into the garden and there's no real
reason to bother.*


Items (5) - 3x Handgun bullets, 2x Health drink

Leave the school through the main entrance and go up the alley which
is more or less in front of you. Check your map and it leads to the
back of Gordon's house. The garage door has a dodgy paint job and
also his name is on a plaque. Inside the house you will find 2X
handgun bullets and notepad 6, leave through the front door. Turn
left and go up the street until you reach a chasm, the last house on
the other side of the road has a health drink on the door step. You
now need to go to the alley behind the houses opposite Gordon's
house. The last bench you pass on the way has a health drink on it.
Go all the way up the alley stopping about halfway to collect some
handgun bullets on the right. Turn right at the top and go straight
until you get to the church. (check map). The plaques either side of
the door say Balkan church.

Items (3) - Key, Flauros, Health drink

In the church you will be met by FMV 6 followed by a cut scene which
tells you that the hospital is your next stop, it's in the other part
of town though. Afterwards pick up the Flauros and the key from the
front then the health drink to the left. You can also save using
notepad 7.

Items (6) - 2x Handgun bullets, 2x Shotgun shells, First aid kit,
Health drink

Leave the church and turn right. When you reach the garage (check
map) go inside and collect the handgun bullets and save if you wish
using notepad 8. If you have finished the game before you can pick up
the Gasoline.

Chainsaw Detour
Head out the garage and turn left, back past the church and right to
the end of the road where a chasm prevents you going any further. On
your left will be Cut-rite chainsaws where you can pick up the

When you leave turn right and follow the wall all the way until you
see a truck with VOWO written on the side. Collect the handgun
bullets and shotgun shells from the corner and turn around. Follow
the chasm round until you find a low wall, follow the wall till you
find some steps. You can only go down a bit but there is a first aid
kit and shotgun shells down there.

When you have these items go back up and carry on the way you were
going until you see the control tower. The sign says 'Orridge bridge
Control room'.

*If you go in the lower section of the tower you can find the Rock
Drill after switching on your flashlight.*

Go up the steps and inside. Pick up the map and health
drink then use the key on the controls next to where the health drink
was. Save if you want using notepad 9. Leave when you have control
and go over the bridge.


Items (10) - 5x Handgun bullets, 3x Health drink, 2x shotgun shells

Once over the other side look at the map for a small purple block on
the bridge. Go there and get the Health drink. Cross back over and
find the steps on that side to find some Handgun bullets. Carry on
down that road until you get to the police station on the corner
(check map). Inside you will find 2X handgun bullets and shotgun
shells. Go through the door on the left as you enter to find shotgun
shells and handgun bullets as well as a memo and plot info on the
chalk board. You can save in here using notepad 10.

Coroner seals called.
Officer Gucci unlikely to be murdered. He apparently died naturally.
But, medical records show Officer Gucci had no prior symptoms of
heart disease.

Product only available in selected areas of Silent Hill.
Raw product is White Claudia, a plant peculiar to the region.
Manufactured here?
Dealer = manufacturer?

*Drug dealers and unexplained 'murders'?? Weird.*

Leave the station and go down the road in front of you towards the

On the same road as the hospital, there is a small alley where you
will find handgun bullets and a health drink (check map, its next to
'L' in the word Hospital). Across the road is a cafe with a health
drink on one of the tables. Go to the hospital entering through the
metal gates. The sign says 'Alchemilla Hospital'. Enter through the
door on your right.


Items (5) - First aid kit, key, Health drink, Plastic bottle, Unknown

To your left is notepad 11 if you need it. Go round the corner to the
first door on the right. Inside you will see FMV 7 and a cut scene.
After the cut scene go through the door on the right and straight
through to the next room. You will be behind the desk that you passed
a while ago. Take the map and the First aid kit, then return to the
room where you saw the cut scene. Go through the door to the left and
you will be in a small room. There is a newspaper and an article has
been cut out. Something important? Leave this room through the other
door and you will find yourself in a corridor. There are lots of
rooms but only some are accessible.

Go into the Doctor's office to your left and get the map. The door
leads to the conference room where you will find a key.

* Good+/Bad+ endings only.
* Return to the corridor and go into the kitchen (double doors) and
* pick up the plastic bottle from the back and a health drink from
* one side. The next room along is the directors office. Inside is a
* smashed vial on the floor and the room has been wrecked. Use the
* plastic bottle on the puddle to pick up the unknown liquid.

Go to the last door on this side of the corridor which leads to the

Items (0) - none

Go left to the generator room and active the generator. Now go to the
lift round the corner. Choose 2F. The door on the second floor is
locked. Go back in lift, choose 3F. This door is also locked. Go back
in lift and a new button has appeared, choose 4F. You see a cut scene
and everything changes before you take control again. You were shown
an antique shop, better go there next.

Items (26) - 4X Plate, 2X Shotgun shells, Lighter, Alcohol, 6X health
drink, blood pack, 2X first aid kit, 3X handgun bullets, 3X key,
ampoule, video tape, Hammer

Go through the double doors and carry on to the end of the corridor
(hear the door lock behind you, creepy). Go through the double doors
and down the steps (again the door locks behind you).

On the 3F enter the double doors to find yourself in a corridor. Go
into the men's toilets for the Plate of turtle. Leave and go into
room 301 to find an empty birdcage - might be useful later on.
In room 302 you will find shotgun shells and notepad 12 as well as a
VCR which might be useful later on. In room 304 you will find a
health drink and see a steel plate screwed to the wall. Even more to
remember for later!

Go into the next half of the corridor via the double door or linen
room. Enter the storage room to find a Blood pack, First aid kit and
handgun bullets. Leave and enter room 306 to find the plate of cat.
Leave the room and go through the double doors at the end of the
corridor. Use the lift to go to 2F. The door is locked so go back in
the lift and go to 1F.

Go forward and search the broken vending machine to find 3 health
drinks. Enter the directors office to find the plate of Queen and
notepad 13. Leave and enter the Kitchen to find a health drink. Go to
the office to find some handgun bullets. Leave and go to the medicine
room. Check the door to see that it is locked but there is a noise on
the other side. Return to the corridor and go through the double
doors and up the stairs to 2F.

Go through the double doors to arrive in a corridor. Enter room 201
to find a lighter. Go to room 204 where you will find some tentacles
coming out of the wall. They are stopping you from reaching the plate
on the wall. The tentacles seem to like the blood on the floor so use
you blood pack to distract the tentacles while you get the plate.
Leave the room and turn left to have a look at the plate on the wall.
Now go to the Nurse Centre.

Inside check the message on the wall:

Clouds flowing over a hill.
Sky on a sunny day.
Tangerines that are bitter.
Lucky four-leaf-clover.
Violets in the garden.
Dandelions along a path.
Unavoidable sleeping time.
Liquid flowing from a slashed wrist.

Now check the door. There are 4 squares and 4 empty slots. You have 4
square plates but you must figure out the order. The riddle is a
colour riddle so assign each line a colour and put the plates in that

White - clouds are white
Blue - sky is blue
Orange - tangerines are orange
Green - clover is green
Violet - violets are violet (really they are)
Yellow - Dandelions are yellow
Black - Sleep at night, night sky is black
Red - blood is red

Take out the colours already present and the order starting top right
is : Blue, Green, Yellow, Red.

The door is now unlocked so go through. Enter the operating prep room
and go through to the operating room to pick up the Basement
storeroom key. Now return to the corridor. Enter the intensive care
unit to find the disinfecting alcohol. Leave the room and go to room
206 to find a first aid kit. Exit and go through the nearby double
doors and down the lift to the basement.

Enter the morgue and search the last 2 beds for a health drink and an
ampoule. Now leave and enter the storeroom. Inside there are handgun
bullets and shotgun shells. Check the scratches on the floor next to
the cupboard to find that the cupboard has been pushed along. Go to
the other side and push it back (over the scratches) to reveal a
door. Enter the door.

Check the grate to discover that it is covered in vines. They look
very dry but when you use the lighter on them the fire goes out
straight away. But if you use the alcohol first the fire is a lot
more intense and burns the vines away. Go down the revealed stairs.

Go straight on and through the door at the end. In the next corridor
only the door on the left can be opened. Go through to another
corridor. The first door on the left is empty but there is a smashing
sound when you go in. The first door on the right has a videotape in.

Only the last door on the left is unlocked so go there and watch the
cut scene. There is also a key and a picture of a girl named Alessa
who is the girl that you've seen a few times before. Return to the
first floor basement corridor. Go to the generator room to find the
hammer. Use the lift to go to floor 3F. Check the map to see that the
VCR is in room 302 so that's where we're heading. After watching the
video head down to the first floor via the lift as that is where the
examination room is and we have a key for it.

Once on 1F head for the examination room using your key to unlock the
door. Inside you will see FMV 8 and a cut scene. After the cut scene
take the key left for you. Leave the room to go into the waiting
room. Check the phones and phonebooks to find the position of the
antique shop (now labelled on map) and leave the hospital through the
main entrance.


Items (1) - Axe

There is nothing to collect on the way to the antique shop so just
head straight there. Inside the antique shop is notepad 14 and a
cabinet that appears to have been moved. Move it out of the way to
reveal a secret entrance before another cut scene starts.
When you have control run down the tunnel and through another hole to
find an alter. This is the 'other church' that Dahlia was talking
about. Check the chalice at the front of the altar to discover some
white powder which has been left behind. Collect the axe from the
wall and try to leave. After the cut scene you find yourself in the
alternate world.

Items (3) - First aid kit, 2X rifle shells

Leave the antique shop and turn left and run down the street, the
camera will switch to guide you into the Silent Hill Town centre.
Inside try to go up the escalator to trigger a cut scene and FMV 9.
Watch it then go up the escalator.

*If you hang around for a while watching the screens then the
familiar circle pattern that was in the alternate school courtyard
will appear as well as some which you will recognize later on.*

Upstairs head forward and left to enter the wooden door into a
jewellery store. Pick up the first aid kit and 2X rifle shells and
save if you wish using notepad 15. Leave and turn left, run until the
floor collapses and then watch the cut scene which will introduce the
next boss.

Items (1) - Hunting Rifle

Stay where you are until you know where it will rise then move out of
its way, turn and shoot. Using the shotgun you should finish it off
in about 6 shots. An easy boss, but its not dead yet. When the boss
is defeated collect the Hunting rifle from the outskirts of the
fighting area and then go through the exit that the LARVA makes for

Items (2) - Rifle shells, Handgun bullets

Outside turn right and run along the mesh floor until you can go
right. At this point go along all the way to the police station.
There is nothing to collect or do so just run for your life. The
police station doors are invitingly slightly open so go in and pick
up the Rifle shells and handgun bullets. Now leave and sprint in an
almost straight line to the hospital. Once inside go round the corner
and into the room on your left. Watch the cut scene. When you regain
control, leave the hospital.

*Use the channelling stone here if you have it.*

Go out the gate and across the street to the post office (it's the
only place you can go). Go up the stairs and watch the cut scene.

Items (0) - none

Equip your Hunting Rifle and start firing away checking your health
after each stab with the tail. You could also use the shotgun but
after the previous 2 boss fights and any other times you used the
shotgun, you may not have many left. The shotgun is best to use if
you have any as you can move and shoot at the same time. When the
enemy is dead watch the cut scene and everything will return to

Items (0) - None

From the roof of the post office, head for the drawbridge. Run across
the bridge and you are taken straight to the waterworks entrance. The
sign says 'Reservoir. Authorized Personnel only'. The gate is locked
but the padlock is rusty and if it is hit hard it might break. Use
any weapon (even the knife eventually breaks it) to break the lock.
Aim and action as though shooting to break the lock.


Items (6) - Rifle shells, Handgun bullets, Shotgun shells, Health
drink, Key, First aid kit.

From the start turn right and down the tunnel. At the end turn left
and follow the wall to the end to find some Rifle shells. Turn around
and start to go back then across to the other side of the water at
the first opportunity. Turn left and head to the end where you will
find Handgun bullets, Shotgun shells and a health drink. Now turn
around and go straight forward until the path on this side stops.
Cross over to the other side at this point. Carry on in the direction
you were going and cross back over to the other side at the first
Carry on going forward until you reach a gate. Go through and follow
the only route around to the office where you will find a key and a
map as well as notepad 16.

Go through the gate and follow the path to unlock the next gate. Go
through the gate and straight on until the path comes to an end.
Cross over at this point and carry on going forward. Cross back over
as soon as you can and then go back in the direction you came and
round the corner. Carry straight on until you reach a big fence. The
gate at one side can be unlocked with the key that you have. Go
straight on and follow the wall around to the dead end to find a
first aid kit. Go back on yourself and across the water to find the

Items (4) - First aid kit, Health drink, Handgun bullets, Key

From the start collect the first aid kit from your left. Check your
map, you need to go down the long thin tunnel that goes across the
map. At the end of the tunnel carry on going forward until you reach
a wall. You will find a Health drink and handgun bullets here. Check
your map again, you need to go downwards. At the end of the tunnel
turn left. The gate is locked so turn around and go the other way.
If you check your map you will notice 3 fences in a row. To avoid
being hurt you should learn where the gates are so you can go
straight through. The first gate is on the right, so is the second
but you will need to crossover and back again due to a missing
walkway and the last gate is on the left.

At the end check the blood pool to find a key. A cut scene will then
make you want to leave, quickly. Turn around and run for the gate.
The first is now on the right, the second is on the left and so is
the third but you will need to cross over when you see a big white 2
on the wall. The last gate is also on the left and can now be
unlocked. Go up the nearby ladder saving at notepad 17 first if you
need to.


*If you want the bad ending, bad+ ending or UFO ending then skip the
Good/Good+ only section below.*

* Good/Good+ endings only.
* Items (17) - First aid kit, 3X rifle shells, handgun bullets, 3X
* key, receipt, 6X health drink, magnet, shotgun shells
* Hmm, Cheryl went over the lake so she must be around here
* somewhere...
* Go straight forward to find a map and then check the ruins next to
* where you started to find a first aid kit, rifle shells and handgun
* bullets. Head for Annie's bar as it's the closest labelled building
* on the map. Inside you will see a cut scene look around near the
* dead monster for a key and a receipt. Check the receipt to discover
* it has a code on it - 0473. Remember it for later. Also in the bar
* are 2 health drinks and notepad 18.
* Leave the bar and head for the Indian runner as that is where the
* receipt is from. There is a padlock on the door with a four digit
* code. Try the one from the receipt and bingo, the door unlocks.
* Inside you will find Rifle shells and a health drink on the counter
* and a key in the drawer. Use the key on the safe and you will find
* some drugs inside.
* *More drugs stuff.*
*Check the memo on the wall:
* ===================================================================
* 3 Loaves of bread.
* 3 Cartons of milk.
* 2 Dozen eggs.
* Deliver to back door daily 8 a.m.
* Rear entrance code 0886
* Norman Young
* ===================================================================
* Another code to remember. Also check the photo next to the memo,
* 'Normans Grand Opening' of a motel and there's a motel on the map.
* We'll go there next. Last thing to do here is check the diary on
* the counter:
* ===================================================================
* August 20
* He came by. I handed over the package that the woman left here.
* September 12
* He showed up at Norman's, too. Don't want to be involved with the
* likes of them anymore, but...
* I'm getting creeped out even more than before. Thought of leaving
* town, but I'm afraid of what will happen if I do.
* ===================================================================
* *More drugs and mystery goings on. Perhaps the Indian runner owner
* also died of a mysterious heart attack.*
* Now leave the Indian runner and head towards the motel. When you
* get there go around to the back door (we have the code you see).
* The back door is on weaver ST. Enter the code from the memo (0886)
* to unlock the door. Inside you will find a magnet and a newspaper
* that is the same as the one in the hospital but the article isn't
* missing this time.
* ===================================================================
* Investigation stalled.
* 'PTV' dealers still at large.
* Suspicious deaths continue.
* Like the anti-drug mayor,
* A narcotics officer dies of
* A sudden heart failure of
* Unknown origin.
* ===================================================================
* *The officer is probably Officer Gucci who we read about in the
* police station*
* There's also a diary on the small desk:
* ===================================================================
* September 10
* Took package.
* Told to sit on it awhile.
* Don't want to get involved, but can't disobey...
* He's probably linked to death of the mayor and others.
* ===================================================================
* Now go through the door to the left as if you had just entered.
* Inside you will see a motorcycle, check it to discover that the
* dust has been wiped away around the gas tank cap. Is there
* something in the gas tank? Search the rest of the room for shotgun
* shells and a health drink. Leave the garage and head through the
* open door.
* In the reception is notepad 19. Unlock the door on the other side
* of the room and go outside.
* *Use the channelling stone here if you have it.*
* The motel rooms are here and if you check the key that Kaufmann
* dropped earlier, you will find it is No.3. Go to room 3 and use the
* key.
* Inside you will find a health drink in the bathroom and a cabinet
* that looks out of place (it covers part of a poster). Move the
* cabinet to reveal a small hole containing a key. You can't get to
* it using your hands so you have to use the magnet on a string. This
* gets you the motorcycle key.
* Now go back to the motorcycle and use the key on it and then watch
* the cut scene. If you looked at the drugs in the safe then Harry
* will comment on Kaufmanns probable involvement with the drug
* racketing.
* Apparently that was a waste of time, let's carry on looking for
* Cheryl. Check your map to find the next likely building to be
* explored, the garages. Head over there right now, checking the
* broken steps on the left (like on the drawbridge) and you will find
* Rifle shells and a health drink. About halfway along Sandford St.
* the world will change to the dark alternate world.

For all endings follow the guide below.

Items (6) - Shotgun shells, 2X health drink, Handgun bullets, Rifle
shells, First aid kit

Check your map to see that there is an alley just to your right.
Silent Hill often has items in alleys so check there to find shotgun
shells and a health drink. All nearby buildings cannot be entered so
go to the lighthouse, which looks like the next important place.

On your way to the lighthouse you will find a boat. On the boat you
will meet Cybil and Dahlia. After all the talk search around for
Handgun bullets, rifle shells and a health drink. You will also find
notepad 20 in here.

*Use channelling stone here if you have it.*

Leave through the door to the right of the steering wheel to find
yourself outside.

Go over the plank and up the steps, straight on until you see more
steps to go down. Go over the 3 planks and through the gate when you
reach the land again. From here go straight on to the chasm to find a
First aid kit, then go back and go up the stairs that you passed. You
are now at the T-junction so check your map so that you are facing
the lighthouse and run in that direction. You will need to go down
some steps and up some steps before you reach the lighthouse.

Inside just go straight up the stairs to watch a cut scene and save
if you want using notepad 21.

*Use channelling stone here if you have it.*
*UFO ending is seen here.*

You now need to return to the boat to see if Cybil had any luck. The
game will take you there after you leave the lighthouse and run
forward a little.

After the cut scene you will discover that you need to be at the
amusement park. Check your map and a small arrow has appeared, go to
it now. When you arrive you will discover it is another sewer
entrance. Go down.


Items (3) - 2X health drink, handgun bullets

Watch FMV 10 before you can take control then collect the map from
the wall. Go down the tunnel until you can go right. Go along this
tunnel and carry on going forward until you reach a wall. Here you
will find a health drink. Turn around to face the tunnel you just ran
down the go right and to the dead end where you will find a health
drink and handgun bullets. There is now nothing to collect in the
sewer and the route is simple so head for the ladder on the left of
the map to exit the sewers.

Items (0) - none

I hate this bit because there's no map and no obvious route. Oh well,
follow my directions best you can and have a look at my poorly drawn
map for guidance. If this fails just run around at random until you
find the carousel.
From the start go right as much as you can (you will have to go
around holes) and you will find a working ride (you can also hear it
so head for the noise when you can). When you find the ride go left
to find a big yellow stall containing notepad 22. From hear go down
and right until you find a carousel. Go up the steps and watch FMV

The map below has no scale or anything like that, it just represents
the general direction that you need to go.


Yellow stall----
1 1
1 1
---- ---------Carousel
-------Working ride

Items (0) - none

* Good+/Bad+ ending.
* Cybil has a gun with 10 bullets. You must tempt Cybil to shoot at
* you by stopping near her then moving out of the way when she shoots
* at you. After the bullets are all gone Cybil will throw the gun
* away.
* This is your cue to either shoot Cybil (not for the best ending) or
* to use the unknown liquid on her (get best ending).
* Of course you can just use the liquid straight away by just running
* straight at her and using it but this is risky especially on Hard
* where 1 bullet kills you. To use the unknown liquid, you must be
* right next to Cybil. On hard level if you have your health in the
* bright green stage then you can survive being shot.

* Good/Bad ending.
* If you are killing Cybil then you can use her wheelchair to your
* advantage by hiding one side of it so the Cybil has to go around it
* to get you. This means you can shoot her more times before having
* to run away so the fight is over quicker.
* After the fight watch the long cut scene which introduces many plot
* twists.
* If you kill Cybil by shooting her you will get to see FMV 12.


*There is no map for this section but thanks to David Newton a.k.a.
Wong Chung Bang you can follow the link below to see a custom map.*

Items (24) - 3X Handgun bullets, Shotgun shells, first aid kit,
screwdriver, pliers, 6X Key, stone of time, Amulet, crest, rifle
shells, ring, camera, 2X health drink, dagger, ankh, disk

Watch FMV 13 and the cut scene. When you have control use notepad 23
then go through the only door you can and down the elevator. If you
run around the corner you will get to see a ghostly image of Alessa.
From the elevator go into the first room on your right. Inside you
will see a birdcage like before but this time there is a key inside.
Remember it for later and pick up the handgun bullets from the bed.
Leave the room and go into the on opposite.

In here is a faucet (a tap if your English) with a key stuck inside.
Can't get it out using your hands so you'll have to remember it for
later. Leave the room and check the next door along the corridor. The
word PHALEG is carved on it. You'll need the PHALEG key then.

Try the next door along which is like the antique shop. Inside is a
clock with a square hole in the centre and a key for one of the
hands. You can't get the key yet. Search the room for shotgun shells,
a first aid kit and notepad 24. Leave and try the next door along
which is simply locked. The next door is also locked and has the word
OPHIEL carved on it. Another key to look out for.

The next door leads to some steps. Down these steps is a classroom.
Check the desk in the centre to find some abuse. Go through the
classroom and exit via the other door to find a dark room containing
a screwdriver and pliers.

Go back upstairs and to the room with the faucet (round the corner on
its own). Inside use the pliers to pull the key from the faucet. You
now have the key of OPHIEL. Use this key on the door that says OPHIEL
on it.

Through this door you will find another corridor. The doors to your
right are locked, one of which cannot be opened. The other has a
slate next to it entitled the 'The grim reaper's list'. Remember it
for later. The double doors to your left cannot be opened so go into
the next door along.

Inside you will see 4 pictures on the wall with numbers below them
and 3 pictures at the end where you have to enter a number. Check the
4 pics on the wall:

Pisces = 0
Taurus = 4
Libra = 2
Cancer = 10

To solve this you need to ask yourself, what has a bull got that a
shark hasn't. It is obviously legs. But if you look at the other
pictures then the legs don't correspond to the number so you must
also include arms to make the pattern work.

Using this the puzzle is simple, from left to right enter - 6, 4, 8.
You must press cancel after entering a number to return to the game.
Now collect the stone of time. Check the stone in your inventory to
discover it has a clock-face on it and if you remember the clock had
a square hole in it.

Leave the room and try the rest of the doors in the corridor, none of
them can be opened. Look at the slate at the end of the corridor:

Names engraved on a lithograph.
The grim reaper's list.
Yes, the headcount is set
Young and old lined up
In order of age.
Then, the pathway opens
Awaiting them, the frenzied
Uproar, the feast of death!

Hmmm another plate about the grim reaper's list. Go back to the first
one (around the corner) and look at it again. The are 5 names with
numbers next to them. The last plate talked about age so if we assume
the numbers are ages and put them in order:

18 Albert Lords
35 Lydia Findly
38 Edward C Briggs
45 Roberta T Morgan
60 Trevor F White

After writing them down you may notice that the first letters spell
ALERT. Enter this in as the password and the door will unlock.
Go straight through this room to the next room and take the Amulet
from the wall.

Leave the room and watch FMV 14 followed by a cut scene. When you
take control you will be outside the room. If you re-enter you can
read Lisa's diary:

Ask Doctor to let me quit being in charge of that patient.
Its too weird.

Still alive, but with wounds that won't heal.

Told the doctor I quit.
Won't work at that hospital anymore.

The room is filled with insects.
Even with doors and windows shut they get in to spite me.
To the hospital...

Feeling bad.
Need to throw up.
But nothing comes out.
Vomiting only bile.

Blood and pus flow from the bathroom faucet.
I try to stop it, but it won't turn off.

Need drug.

Help me...

*So Lisa was in on the drug thing as well!*

After reading the diary, leave the room and enter the second door on
the left. You will be back in the first corridor. Enter the second
door on the left again and use the stone of time on the clock. This
will get you the key of HAGITH. We haven't found this door yet but if
you leave the room, turn right and go to the end then you will find

In the new room you will find an elevator. Go to floor 2 and through
the double doors. The first 2 doors in this corridor are locked. The
third leads to a Jewellery store again. Inside you will find a crest,
rifle shells and a ring. Leave the room and try the next door, it
cannot be opened nor can the door opposite so go through the double
doors at the end.

The first 2 doors are locked. The third is unlocked when you try it
and, like the girls toilets in the school, acts as a lift between
floors 1 and 2. You will need it later. The door at the very end of
this side can also be opened. Inside is the steel plate that you saw
in the hospital. Again it is screwed to the wall but this time you
have a screwdriver. Behind the steel plate is a key that you cannot
take because it is electrified. Remember where it is and leave the

Only door on the other side of the corridor can also be entered.
Inside you will find a camera and handgun bullets. Check the camera
to find that it has a flash. Leave the room and return to the lift
(just keep going through the double doors at the end). In the lift
choose 3.

The lift goes straight to a room on this floor. The room has an alter
like the one seen before and 2 paintings hanging either side. Check
the paintings. One is titled 'The light illuminating the darkness'
and the other is titled 'The light to the future'. There is an
emphasis on light here and you and you just picked up a camera with
flash so try that. After the light flashes on the pictures patterns
appear. Now check the doors on each side. There are 3 blocks of
buttons and 3 patterns on the paintings. Copy the pattern on each
side to the doors to unlock them:

(from elevator)

Left Door: Right Door:

* * * * * *
* * . * . *
* . . * . *

. . * * . * . * . * . .
. . * * * . * * * * * .
* * * * * * . * . * * *

The room on the right (as you enter from lift) contains a health
drink and a Botanical book that you cannot read yet. I don't know how
to read this book but this is what it says:
There's a place mark in the book . . .


Perennial herb found near water.
Reaches height of 10 to 15 in.
Oblong leaves, white blossoms.

Seeds contain hallucinogen.
Ancient records show it was
used for religious ceremonies.
The hallucinogenic effect
was key.
(Thanks to AdamDisgust for telling me this.)

There is also a newspaper cut-out book on the desk that can be read,
although I'm not sure about the criteria for reading it.
The first part is the article that was missing from the paper in the
Investigation stalled.
'PTV' dealers still at large.

Suspicious deaths continue.
Like the anti-drug mayor,
A narcotics officer dies of
A sudden heart failure of
Unknown origin.

The second part says:
Fire broke out in town.
6 homes destroyed.

Charred body
Of Alessa Gillespie (7)
Found in aftermath.

Cause of fire currently under


Investigations show source
As basement of Gillespie home.
Blaze now believed caused by
Malfunction of antiquated
The fire is the same day that Cheryl was found. Coincidence?

The other room contains the birdcage key. Use the lift to return to
the first floor. Once there go through the double doors and all the
way around to the last room on the left. Use the key on the bird cage
to get the Key of PHALEG.

Leave the room and go to the first door on your right. You will now
find yourself in the basement of the hospital. The first door on the
right is the kitchen. There is a dagger in the refrigerator but if
you take it you are attacked and die. To stop this from happening you
must first use the ring to complete the chain. You will then hear the
tentacles trying to get out but you live and keep the dagger.

*I suppose the ring of contract sort of implies a bond or link but
this one is a bit cryptic.*

Leave the room and try the door opposite. You need the BETHOR key
first. Try the next door along on that side. Inside you will see a
cut scene and find an ankh. Leave the room and enter the door
opposite. Inside you will find a health drink, handgun bullets and
the key of BETHOR (inside the Jelly beans bag). Go through the double
doors and you will find a VCR. Since you still have the video tape
you can watch it again and it is now clearer.

Leave and go back to the corridor. Try the next door along on this
side and you will be in a bedroom. Check the door at the back to
receive a message:

Thou possess them
To guard thy spirit
Evoke five rites
Unveil thy fate

5 rites and 5 differently shaped holes. Put in the amulet, crest,
ankh and dagger. Only one more needed now. Leave the room and try the
door opposite. You need the key of ARATRON. Go back down the corridor
to the door with BETHOR carved on it and use the key of BETHOR.
Inside is a generator that you can switch off. This does 2 things
1 - allows you to get the key that was electrified,
2 - Stops the lifts from working.

Since the key is on 2F this is a problem and this is where that magic
door that goes from 1F to 2F is useful. Exit to the corridor and exit
the corridor via the door at the end. Now go through the double doors
(second on right) and you will be on 2F. The key is in the room at
the end on your left.

Collect the key and go back to the double doors and back down to 1F.
Go back through the door of PHALEG (second on left) and you will be
back in the dark corridor. Go to the third door on your right and
unlock it. Inside you will see a cut scene. Afterwards pick up the
disk from next to the picture and leave. Go through the door opposite
and use the disk on the door at the back to unlock it. You are now
about to fight the last boss so save if you want to using notepad 25
and enter the door. You will see a cut scene before being able to go
down the stairs. Here you will watch a long cut scene which will
explain more of the plot before your left to fight the final boss.

BOSS FIGHT 5 - GR. Winged Demon (If Kaufmann is in previous cut
Scene, good+/good ending.)
Items - none

Equip your Rifle and shoot constantly until it is dead. On Hard mode
you will have to heal almost every time you're hit. On lower levels
you can take a few hits before being in danger of dying. If you
haven't got much health left then you will have to shoot 4 times and
then run around and try to avoid the lightning. If all else fails try
lying down (it works for Cybil) or just standing there scared (works
for Kaufmann). This boss is also known as Samael.

ALTERNATE BOSS FIGHT 5 - ALESSA (If Kaufmann isn't in previous cut
Scene, bad+/bad ending.)
Items - none

This boss is the same as the one above except she stays on the floor.
This makes it harder for you to avoid her (less area left for you to
run in) but this is compensated for by her being easier to kill.

After the boss is defeated watch the cut scenes that will vary
depending on how you played the rest of the game.

Different music is played depending on your ending but only the bad
ending has any lyrics.

FMV 15/16/17/18 or a cut scene depending on your ending.

Cool cock ups and messing about by the entire cast which makes them
more life-like.

You will have collected 204 items and have got the good+ ending. The
items in the background are what you have earned. (see secrets for
more info). See the section on ranking for more info.

You will be able to save your completed game as a next fear game
(gold writing). You will start in the cafe from now on. The
difficulty level will also increase now (unless you were already on


There are 5 possible endings to Silent Hill depending on the actions
you take while playing the game.

Good+......Save Kaufmann in the bar then get the red liquid from the
motorcycle. Also use the unknown liquid on Cybil at the amusement
park. After the credits Harry and Cybil hold the baby and the
impression is that they will live happily ever after (maybe). This
also unlocks the alternate intro. (see secrets)

Good....... Save Kaufmann in the bar then get the red liquid from the
motorcycle. Kill Cybil at the amusement park.
After the credits Harry is running through the streets carrying the
child. He stops and looks around confused.

Bad+........Don't bother with Kaufmann or the red liquid from the
motor cycle but do save Cybil at the amusement park.
After the credits roll Cybil will snap (actually slap) you out of
your sobbing and tell you to go.

Bad........ Don't bother with Kaufmann or the red liquid from the
motor cycle and kill Cybil at the amusement park.
You get to hear the lyrics to the end tune (Esperandote) and see
Harry dead in his jeep after the credits.

UFO.......Use the channelling stone in 5 places, the 5th time you are
shot and abducted by aliens. The 5 places are:
1 Roof of the alternate school
2 Outside hospital just before moth fight
3 Motel car-park
4 Cabin of old boat
5 Top of lighthouse

You get to see a comic strip style ending followed by credits rolling
in a star wars style with strange music playing.


This is what the ranking screen shows and what each thing means.

Mode - Easy, Normal or Hard

Game clear - How many times you have finished the game on this save.

Ending - The ending that you got.

Saves - How many times you saved during the game.

Continues - How many times you continued after dying.

Total time - Time taken to finish the game.

Walking distance - How far you walked in kilometres, in the game
scale obviously.

Running distance - as above but with running distance.

Items - The number of items from a possible 204 that you collected.
The bracket is how many extra items you collected.

Defeated enemy by fighting - The number of enemies killed by a hand

Defeated enemy by shooting - the number of enemies killed with a gun.

Shooting style -
Short range shots - obvious
Middle range shots - obvious
Long range shots - obvious
No aiming shots - a 'miss' in other words or a shot
Using the hyper blaster.

The number of stars you got is your rank. Say the big stars are worth
1 and the little stars 0.1. Add them up for your rank. 10 stars is
the highest rank possible.

Gold Ratings - Sometimes the rank screen will have gold writing
instead of white. This means that you did well in this area. This is
how I think you get gold in the individual areas, although some have
a ? as I haven't figured them out yet. If I have got gold before this
is also shown.

Game clear - 5 or more

Ending - Good+

Saves - 2 or less

Continues - 1 or less

Total time - less than 1:30:00

Walking Distance - ? never got gold

Running Distance - ? never got gold

Items - more 150

Defeated enemies by fighting - *

Defeating enemies by shooting - *

* More than 300 in total.

Shooting style -
Short range shots - More than 0.39 *
Middle range shots - More than 0.29 *
Long range shots - More than 0.19 *
No aiming shots - Less than 0.10 *

* All 4 criteria must be met to get gold. You cannot get gold in one
part and not another, they are seen as a combined stat.


GASOLINE - Finish the game.
Found in the garage close to the drawbridge in old silent hill. Can
be used to fuel the Rock Drill and the Chainsaw. Once you have
fuelled a weapon that weapon remains fuelled for all games after
that. You can only fuel one of the weapons per game, so you must
choose one weapon first time and then the other the second time.
After both weapons are fuelled you can still pick up the Gasoline.


ROCK DRILL - Get the gasoline.
Found in the lower section of the control tower for the drawbridge.


CHAINSAW - Get the gasoline.
Found in a chainsaw shop (!) on the same road as the drawbridge but
at the opposite end next to a chasm. In cut rite chainsaws' window.
Check map, but its hard to see.


CHANNELING STONE - Get a good+ ending.
Found in the convenience store at the top of the street where the
cafe you start in is. Needs to be used 5 times to get the UFO ending.
See below for places to use it.


HYPERBLASTER - Get the UFO ending.
Use the channelling stone in these 5 places:
On the roof of the school in the alternate Silent Hill.
Just after leaving the Hospital before fighting the moth.
In Normans motel. The open area outside the rooms.
In the old boat, anywhere near a window.
The top of the lighthouse.


KATANA - Not sure, could be random. Found in the locked room in the
house you go through to get to the school (on Levin street).


EXTRA OPTIONS - press a shoulder button while in the options menu.
Here are the extra options and what they do.

**Weapon Control - Press/Switch**

- Changing this to switch will mean that pressing R2 will aim until
you press R2 again to stop aiming. This is switching between aiming
and not aiming rather than holding the button down.

**Blood Colour - Normal/Green/Violet/Black**

- Changes the colour of the blood in the game.

**View Control - Normal/Reverse**

- When in reverse the camera acts as though you are holding down L2.
Holding L2 will change the camera back to normal until you let go.

**Retreat Turn - Normal/Reverse**

- Reverses left and right if you are moving backwards.

**Walk/Run Control - Normal/Reverse**

- When reversed you can run by pressing up, no need to use square
button. Hold square to walk.

**Auto Aiming - On/Off**

- Switches off auto aim to make the game very hard.

The following options are added to the list on completion of the

**View Mode - Normal/Self**

- Have a head-cam view. Useful in corridors, not so good outdoors.

**Bullet Adjust - x1 etc**

- Ammo multiplier. Increases by one after each completion of the
game. Instead of a 6 there is a star but it still multiplies by 6.
This is the highest that it will go.

*If you start a new game then you can still use the ammo multiplier
as long as the game you earned it on is on a memory card that is
plugged in.*


ALTERNATE INTRO - Get the Good+ ending. The scene near the beginning
of the intro which shows Harry and his wife with a baby is replaced
by a scene where Harry and Cybil are with a baby.


SAVE CYBIL EASILY - When you reach the amusement park use the unknown
liquid on one of the semi-invisible ghosts to the right of where you
start. Everything goes weird but the game acts as though you saved
Cybil and returns to normal after the cut-scene.


EASY FINAL BOSS KILL - Reach the boss without having any ammo for
your guns and he/she will die as soon as he/she appears without you
having to fight him/her. Doesn't work if you have the hyper blaster
as it has infinite ammo.


KCET SELF PROMOTION - If you have ISS Pro Evolution 1 or 2 go into
training mode and look at the advertising boards around the outside
of the pitch, one of them has CYBIL on it.


Plug the Konami light gun into controller port 2 before loading the
game up. Start a new game and in your inventory will be the Hyper
blaster. Shoot with the light gun to fire in the game. Cool. You will
have a flickering red beam instead of the standard one.


HYPER BLASTER POWER UP 1 (Yellow) - Earn an 8 star rating or more.

When you earn this it will say HYPER BLASTER POWER UP with a yellow
bar on the save screen at the bottom.
After I finished the game with this hyper blaster I then saved and
had lost it. Fortunately I didn't overwrite so this is just to warn
everyone that you can lose it (have it degraded to red).
Also when I finished with this, the items section on the ranking
screen gets a little messed up.



Don't know how to get this but there is one as there is a code to get
it. My guess is you need a 10 star or close to 10 star rating.



If you do not pick up the shotgun at the school and play through the
game until you reach the police station then you can pick up the
shotgun from the room with the chalk board in. This means that you
will need to beat the giant lizard without the shotgun. Tough - I
used the powered up hyper blaster. This is however, completely
pointless and you should really pick up the shotgun as soon as you



1. Botanical Book.
Found on 3F in Nowhere this book contains info about white Claudia. I
don't know how it is unlocked so just try whenever you're in there.

2. Newspaper Scrap Book.
Found in the same room as the botanical book. This gives info about
the fire which happened 7 years ago and also reveals that it happened
on the same day that Cheryl was found. Again I don't know how it is


These tips are shown to you when you die on your first game. There
are some parts that I have changed where there are errors in the text
and I have changed it to be correct.

If you find the night scenes too dark, try increasing the brightness
level in the options menu.

When Harry has the light turned off, enemies will have a harder time
spotting Harry. It will cut down the number of times Harry is
surrounded by enemies, lets him avoid battles or even allows Harry to
sneak up and attack enemies from behind.

When the light is turned off, accuracy with the gun goes way down.
When Harry has the light turned off, carefully approach the enemy and
shoot from close range to ensure a hit.

Pushing the L1 and R1 simultaneously will make Harry do a quick turn
around. Useful in getting out of a room quickly or running away from

The longer Harry aims at an enemy the higher the accuracy. Use the
search view to bring the view to be right in front of Harry, aim and

Harry is more likely to shoot an enemy when it is close. Draw the
enemy in to increase accuracy. Harry will save bullets in the long
run this way.

It is not always best to confront an enemy in front of Harry. Rather
than wasting bullets, sometimes it is better to run.

Harry will be quickly overwhelmed if surrounded by several enemies.
When there are many enemies around, keep your distance or try turning
off the light to avoid them. Try to keep confrontations to one-on-one

It is difficult to pin-point flying enemies. However if Harry keeps a
wall to his back, he can cut down blind-side attacks.

Harry can move around while using some weapons. With this, Harry can
back up to avoid attacks by the enemy, while staying in weapon ready

While using guns, hitting the weapon button will aim at the nearest
enemy in front of Harry. Hitting left or right on the direction
button will change the aim on to the next enemy.

While using a weapon that you can swing, the motion will change
dependant on how the action button is pressed. Tapping it quickly
will make the weapon swing around, while holding it down will cause
it to swing down or thrust, dependent on the weapon.

Harry can take out an enemy that is lying on the floor by getting out
of the weapon ready mode, and the hitting the action button. Harry
will kick or step on that enemy to kill it.

When Harry has beaten an enemy, make sure he has completely taken it
out or it may rise again to cause trouble. You will know it is dead
when the sound of the radio cuts out.

When you press the L2 button, the camera angle shifts behind Harry,
making it easier to see what is directly in front of him.


The following shows the location of all 204 items and all 6 extra

Location (No. of Items so far) - Item name(s)

Cafe (6) - Handgun, Knife, 2X Health drink, Flashlight, Pocket Radio

Bench outside cafe (8) - 2X Handgun bullets

Queen Burger Windowsill (9) - Health drink

Matheson St. Right hand alley (11) - 2X Handgun bullets

Ellroy St. Chasm (13) - Key of scarecrow, Health drink

Alley behind cafe (15) - Key of woodman, Health drink

Finney St. far right (17) - Key of Lion, Handgun bullets

Convenience store (21) - 3X Health drink, First aid kit

Harry's Jeep at top of Levin St. (22) - Health Drink

Finney St. central alley (26) - 'To School' note, 2X Handgun bullets,
Steel pipe

Matheson St. central alley (27) - First aid kit

Levin St. southern chasm (doorstep) (28) - Health drink

Matheson St. left chasm (29) - 'Dog House, Levin St.' note

Dog Kennel on Levin St. (30) - House Key

House on Levin St. (34) - First aid kit, 2X Handgun bullets, Health

Garden (36) - 2X Health drink

Midwich St. top (38) - Health drink, Handgun bullets

Matheson St. left alley (40) - Health drink, Handgun bullets

School bus (42) - 2X Health drink

School Infirmary (44) - First aid kit, Health drink

Room behind reception desk (45) - Handgun bullets

Fan room (46) - Handgun bullets

Lab Equipment room (47) - Chemical

Chemistry Lab (49) - Gold Medallion, Handgun bullets

Classroom 2F top left (50) - Health drink

Girls toilet 2F (51) - Handgun bullets

Classroom 2F bottom right (52) - Handgun bullets

Library (53) - First aid kit

Music room (54) - Silver Medallion

Classroom 1F bottom right (55) - Handgun bullets

Alternate school storage room (56) - Rubber ball

Fan room (58) - First aid kit, Handgun bullets

Classroom 1F top right (59) - Picture card

Bench outside Classroom 1F bottom right (60) - Health drink

Infirmary (62) - First aid kit, Health drink

Lobby (63) - Ampoule

Room behind reception (64) - Handgun bullets

Boys Toilet 1F (65) - Shotgun

Boys Toilet 2F (68) - Shotgun shells, 2X Handgun bullets

Teachers room top (69) - Handgun bullets

Bench outside classroom top left (70) - Health drink

Classroom top left (71) - Handgun bullets

Classroom bottom left (72) - Shotgun shells

Locker Room (73) - Library Reserve key

Library Reserve (74) - First aid kit

Library (75) - Handgun bullets

Roof/Courtyard (76) - Classroom key

Classroom 2F bottom right (77) - Health drink

Bench outside classroom 2F bottom right (78) - Health drink

Basement storage room (81) - Ampoule, 2X Shotgun shells

Boiler room (82) - K.Gordon key

K.Gordon's house (84) - 2X Handgun bullets

Levin St. southern chasm (85) - Health drink

Bench on Bradbury St. (86) - Health drink

Bradbury St. alley (87) - Handgun bullets

Church (90) - Drawbridge key, Flauros, Health drink

Gas Station (91) - Handgun bullets

Next to VOWO truck (93) - Handgun bullets, Shotgun shells

Drawbridge steps right (95) - First aid kit, Shotgun shells

Drawbridge control room (96) - Health drink

Drawbridge building (97) - Health drink

Drawbridge steps right (98) - Handgun bullets

Police station main area (101) - 2X Handgun bullets, Shotgun shells

Police station small room (103) - Shotgun shells, Handgun bullets

Koontz St. alley (105) - Handgun bullets, Health drink

Koontz St. outside tables (106) - Health drink

Hospital reception (107) - First aid kit

Conference room (108) - Basement key

Kitchen (110) - Plastic bottle, Health drink

Directors Office (111) - Unknown Liquid

Men's Toilet 3F (112) - Plate of Turtle

Room 302 (113) - Shotgun shells

Room 304 (114) - Health drink

Storage room (117) - Blood pack, Handgun bullets, First aid kit

Room 306 (118) - Plate of Cat

Vending machine 1F (121) - 3X Health drink

Directors Office (122) - Plate of Queen

Kitchen (123) - Health drink

Office (124) - Handgun bullets

Room 201 (125) - Lighter

Room 204 (126) - Plate of Hatter

Operating room (127) - Basement storeroom key

ICU (128) - Disinfecting alcohol

Room 206 (129) - First aid kit

Morgue (131) - Ampoule, Health drink

Storeroom (133) - Handgun bullets, Shotgun shells

B2 First right (134) - Videotape

B2 Third left (135) - Examination room key

Generator room (136) - Hammer

Examination room (137) - Antique shop key

Alter room (138) - Axe

Jewellery store (141) - 2X Rifle shells, First aid kit

Larva boss stage (142) - Hunting Rifle

Alternate police station (144) - Rifle shells, Handgun bullets

Sewer top left 1F (148) - Rifle shells, Handgun ammo, Health drink
Shotgun shells

Sewer Office (149) - Sewer Key

Near bottom of ladder (150) - First aid kit

Near top of ladder (151) - First aid kit

Sewer top right (153) - Health drink, Handgun bullets

Sewer bottom left (154) - Sewer exit key

Ruins next to sewer exit (157) - Rifle shells, Handgun bullets, First
Aid kit

Annie's bar (161) - Receipt, Kauffmann key, 2X Health drinks

Indian runner (164) - Rifle shells, Health drink, Safe key

Norman's motel (165) - Magnet

Garage (167) - Shotgun shells, Health drink

Motel room 3 (169) - Motorcycle key, Health drink

Sandford St. steps (171) - Rifle shells, Health drink

Sandford St. alley (173) - Shotgun shells, Health drink

Boat (176) - Handgun bullets, Rifle shells, Health drinks

Bottom of pier (177) - First aid key

Sewer top right (180) - Handgun bullets, 2X Health drinks

Birdcage room (181) - Handgun bullets

Antique shop (183) - Shotgun shells, First aid kit

Operating prep room (185) - Pliers, Screwdriver

Faucet room (186) - Key of Ophiel

Limb puzzle room (187) - Stone of time

Morgue (188) - Amulet of Solomon

Antique shop (189) - Key of Hagith

Jewellery store (192) - Ring of contract, Rifle shells, Crest of

Hospital office (194) - Camera, Handgun bullets

3F right room (195) - Health drink

3F left room (196) - Birdcage key

Birdcage room (197) - Key of Phaleg

Kitchen (198) - Dagger of Melchoir

Graffiti room (199) - Ankh

Storeroom (202) - Key of Bethor, Health drink, Handgun bullets

Electrified key room (203) - Key of Aratron

Alessa's basement room (204) - Disc of Ouroboros


Garage (+1) - Gasoline Tank

Cut rite chainsaw shop (+2) - Chainsaw

Drawbridge lower room (+3) - Rock drill

Levin St. dog house secret room (+4) - Katana

Convenience store (+5) - Channelling stone

Inventory after UFO ending (+6) - Hyper blaster

Item Descriptions

All the items in the game and a description, in the order that they
appear in the walkthrough.

Name - Handgun
Description - Handgun received from Cybil. Holds up to 15 rounds.

Name - Health Drink(s)
Description - Supplies nutrition to recover a small amount of stamina

Name - Flashlight
Description - One touch On/Off switch. In the chest pocket.

Name - Kitchen Knife
Description - Hard to use, but better than nothing.

Name - Pocket radio
Description - Portable radio that emits static when monsters are near

Name - Handgun bullets
Description - Ammo for the handgun.

Name - Steel Pipe
Description - 3' long steel pipe. Long range but of limited use.

Name - A Note ''To School''
Description - ''To school'' is written in Cheryl's handwriting.

Name - A note 'Doghouse'
Description - 'Doghouse' and 'Levin st.' are written in Cheryl's

Name - House Key
Description - The house key hidden in the dog house.

Name - First aid Kit(s)
Description - Heals injury to provide moderate stamina recovery.

Name - Key Of ''Scarecrow''.
Description - The key to the garden of the house. Found in mailbox
blocked by fallen tree.

Name - Key of ''Woodman''.
Description - The Key to the garden of the house. Found in the
basketball court.

Name - Key of ''Lion''
Description - The Key to the garden of the house. Found in patrol
car's trunk.

Name - Chemical
Description - The label reads 'concentrated Hydrochloric acid'. Found
in the lab equipment room.

Name - Gold medallion
Description - A picture of a clock tower is engraved on the surface.
Found in the chemistry lab.

Name - Silver Medallion
Description - A Picture of a clock tower is engraved on the surface.
Found in the music room.

Name - Rubber Ball
Description - Florescent pink rubber ball used by children.

Name - Picture Card
Description - A rectangular card with a picture of a key. Found on a
desk in a classroom.

Name - Ampoule(s)
Description - Relieve pain to recover stamina to high. Effect lasts
for a while.

Name - Shotgun
Description - Fires in a wide radius. Holds up to 6 rounds.

Name - Shotgun Shells
Description - Ammo for the shotgun.

Name - Library Reserve Key
Description - The key to the school's 2nd floor library reserves.
Picked up in the locker room.

Name - Classroom key
Description - The tagged classroom key found hanging in the drainpipe
on the roof.

Name - K. Gordon Key
Description - The tag says, 'K. Gordon;' found in the school's boiler

Name - 'Flauros'
Description - Pyramid shaped object found in the church. Purpose and
use unknown.

Name - Drawbridge key
Description - Key to operate the drawbridge. Found in the church.

Name - Basement key
Description - The hospital basement door key, found on the table in
first floor conference room.

Name - Plastic Bottle
Description - Empty bottle found in the kitchen of the hospital.

Name - Unknown liquid
Description - Red liquid found in a broken vial in the hospital
director's room.

Name - Plate of 'Turtle'.
Description - Square blue plate with a picture of a 'mock turtle'.

Name - Blood pack
Description - 200ml blood pack. Found in the hospital storage room.

Name - Plate of 'Cat'
Description - Square yellow plate with a picture of a 'Cheshire cat'.

Name - Plate of 'Queen'
Description - Square, red plate with a picture of a 'Queen of

Name - Lighter
Description - Oil lighter found in room 201.

Name - Plate of 'Hatter'
Description - Square green plate with a picture of a 'Mad Hatter'.

Name - Basement storeroom key
Description - The hospital basement storeroom key found in the
operating room.

Name - Disinfecting alcohol
Description - Isopropyl alcohol bottle, found in ICU at the hospital.

Name - Video tape
Description - Nothing on the label. Found on 2nd floor hospital

Name - Examination room key
Description - Found in patient room in the 2nd floor basement.

Name - Hammer
Description - Emergency hammer. Highly damaging but hard to use.

Name - Antique Shop key
Description - The tagged key with a shop name on it that Dahlia left
at the hospital.

Name - Axe
Description - Small one hand axe. Moderately effective as a weapon.

Name - Rifle shells
Description - Ammo for the Hunting rifle.

Name - Hunting Rifle
Description - Holds up to 6 rounds.

Name - Sewer key
Description - Sewer Passageway door key.

Name - Sewer exit key
Description - Key to exit from the sewer to the resort area, which
dropped in the water.

Name - Kaufmann key
Description - A '3' is written on the tag. The key was thought to
have been dropped by Kaufmann.

Name - Receipt
Description - Receipt from general store, thought to have been
dropped by Kaufmann.

Name - Safe Key
Description - Key to the safe, found at Indian runner General store.

Name - Magnet
Description - Long, thin magnetic rod with a string attached, in the
motel office.

Name - Motorcycle Key
Description - Key to an old motorcycle, which was dropped between the
floorboards in the motel room.

Name - Screwdriver
Description - Tool for screws. Rusted but usable.

Name -Pliers
Description - Tool to use on metal and wires. Rusted but usable.

Name - Key of 'Ophiel'
Description - The word 'Ophiel' is engraved on the key.

Name - Stone of time
Description - Large stone with clock-face design on pillar with
astrology chart hanging from it.

Name - Amulet of Solomon
Description - The amulet is a star shaped object with 6 corners named
after the ancient magician.

Name - Key of 'Hagith'
Description - The word 'Hagith' is engraved on the key.

Name - Crest of Mercury
Description - Snake in the symbol of mercury signifies alchemy.

Name - Ring of contract
Description - Rustic, hefty-looking ring of unknown material.

Name - Camera
Description - Camera with flash.

Name - Bird cage key
Description - Bird cage key with engraved handle.

Name - Dagger of Melchoir
Description - The ancient dagger named after the magi.

Name - Ankh
Description - Elliptical talisman with a cross inside.

Name - Key of 'Bethor'
Description - The word 'Bethor' is engraved on the key.

Name - Key of 'Aratron'
Description - The word 'Aratron' is engraved on the key.

Disk of Ouroboros
Description - Ring of a snake biting its own tail.


Name - Gasoline Tank
Description - Fuel for chainsaws and rock drills.

Name - Chain saw
Description - Power tool used for cutting down trees, etc., highly

Name - Rock drill
Description - A tool used in road construction to create holes in the
road for poles.

Name - Channelling Stone
Description - A mystical stone possessing power. If used somewhere,
the result will be...?

Name - Katana
Description - Traditional single edged Japanese blade.

Name - Hyperblaster
Description - High-powered handgun with infrared scope and unlimited
*Powered up Hyper Blasters have same description and name.*


A list of all the weapons in the game and a basic rating on how good
they are in what I think are the 3 most important areas. Also
included are the 2 different attacks of each hand weapon.
Attack 1 = tap button
Attack 2 = hold button


Attack 1 - Slash
Attack 2 - Stab
Range - 1/5
Power - 1/5
Speed - 3/5

Steel Pipe
Attack 1 - Side Swing
Attack 2 - Downward Swing
Range - 3/5
Power - 2/5
Speed - 3/5

Attack 1 - Slash
Attack 2 - Downward Slash
Range - 1/5
Power - 2/5
Speed - 4/5

Attack 1 - Diagonal swing
Attack 2 - Downward swing
Range - 3/5
Power - 4/5
Speed - 1/5

Attack 1 - Swing side to side
Attack 2 - Swing downward
Range - 3/5
Power - 5/5
Speed - 2/5

Rock drill
Attack 1 - swing side to side
Attack 2 - Thrust forward
Range - 3/5
Power - 4/5
Speed - 2/5

Attack 1 - Slash
Attack 2 - Downward Slash
Range - 3/5
Power - 4/5
Speed - 4/5
Note - you will move forward a long way while using this weapon.


Clip - 15 rounds
Range - 5/5
Power - 3/5
Speed - 4/5

Holds - 6 shells
Range - 4/5
Power - 4/5
Speed - 3/5

Hunting Rifle
Holds - 6 shells
Range - 5/5
Power - 5/5
Speed - 2/5
Note - cannot move while aiming with this weapon therefore not as
good as stats suggest.

Red Hyper blaster
Range - 5/5
Power - 3/5
Speed - 5/5
Note - has infinite ammo.

Red Flickering beam Hyper blaster(when real hyper blaster plugged in)
Range - 5/5
Power - 3/5
Speed - 5/5
Note - has infinite ammo.

Yellow beam Hyper blaster
Range - 5/5
Power - 4/5
Speed - 5/5
Note - has infinite ammo.

Green Beam Hyper blaster
Range - ?/5
Power - ?/5
Speed - ?/5
Note - has infinite ammo.


Enemy - Air Screamers
Where they are - Outside areas throughout the game.
What to listen for: Flapping of giant wings.
Attack/Damage: Claw/Low, Bite/Low
Best Weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - Always use guns to fight against these as they are
almost impossible to defeat with hand weapons. A good tip is to just
run away, changing direction suddenly of stopping suddenly will send
the winged demons going straight past you.

Enemy - Groaners
Where they are - Outside areas throughout the game.
What to listen for: Sound just like normal dogs
Attack/Damage: Bite/Low
Best weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - These dog-like creatures can be taken out with 2
handgun bullets but you'll need to stamp on them as well. I wouldn't
recommend a hand weapon for these as there quite quick.

Enemy - Mumbler (controversial - taken out of PAL release)
Where they are - The school and amusement park.
What to listen for: Your radio will tell you before you hear them.
Attack/Damage: Grab/Low, Slash/Medium
Best weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - The handgun is enough to take care of these child
demons most of the time and is relatively risk free. To save bullets
you could try using the pipe but if there is more than 1 I wouldn't
recommend it. If you have the katana use this to go from one end of
the corridor to the other, constantly pressing attack, you will keep
moving forward while slicing up anything in your way - nice.

Enemy - Invisible child
Where they are - The school, amusement park and nowhere.
What to listen for: A squeaking sound.
Attack/Damage: None/none
Best weapon to use: None
Combat Tips - You can't kill these nor will they try to kill you.
Very strange...

Enemy - Cockroaches
Where they are - The school, hospital and sewers.
What to listen for: Scuttling of tiny feet.
Attack/Damage: Nibble/Low
Best weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - 1 shot from the handgun then stamp on them. Not too

Enemy - Rompers
Where they are - Central SH and resort area.
What to listen for: Someone pretending to be an ape.
Attack/Damage: Pounce and bite/Medium
Best weapon to use: Shotgun
Combat Tips - These half-man, half-ape creatures can be taken out
with the shotgun. There probably too quick to use a hand weapon and
too strong to use the handgun on.

Enemy - Puppet Nurses
Where they are - Hospital and nowhere.
What to listen for: Groans
Attack/Damage: Grab/Low, Slash/Medium
Best weapon to use: Hammer
Combat Tips - A single Nurse is easy to kill with the Hammer,
Chainsaw, Katana or Rock Drill so don't waste ammo on them. If paired
up use the Shotgun for a quick kill to minimise health loss.

*There seems to be no difference between the nurses with green tops
and the nurses with blue tops.*

Enemy - Puppet Doctor
Where they are - Hospital and nowhere.
What to listen for: Groans
Attack/Damage: Grab/Low, Slash/Medium
Best weapon to use: Hammer
Combat Tips - See above for tactics.

Enemy - Hanged Scratchers
Where they are - Sewers.
What to listen for: Sounds like a vicious cat or the cackling from
the blair witch project.
Attack/Damage: Slash/Medium
Best weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - The handgun is the best weapon to use for killing at a
safe distance and for killing the ones on the ceiling. Main problem
with these is telling when they are dead as they die very slowly
while you're wasting ammo still shooting at it. Shoot about 5 times
then finish it off if it tries to get you.

Enemy - Clawfingers(these replaced the mumblers in the PAL version)
Where they are - Second set of sewers and on top of Kaufmann.
What to listen for: Nothing, but sometimes there is a breaking noise
and a hole in the floor as if they came through it.
Attack/Damage: Grab/Low, Claw/Medium
Best weapon to use: Shotgun
Combat Tips - The shotgun is recommended for these, not because they
are tough but because you will always find them in large groups of
enemies meaning a quick kill is essential.

Enemy - Stalkers
Where they are - Nowhere
What to listen for: Your radio, if you can't see anything its one of
Attack/Damage: Grab/Medium, Slash/high
Best weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - Hard to see, hard to kill. Fortunately only appear
towards the end of the game, you will need a handgun to take care of
them. Same as the standard Mumblers, but much harder to see.

Enemy - Baby Larva
Where they are: Town centre
What to listen for: your radio, it won't shut up until you kill these
Attack/Damage: None/none
Best weapon to use: Handgun
Combat Tips - There are 2 of these in the entire game, feasting on a
corpse at the other side of the walkway that collapses so that you
have to fight the big larva. I only saw them because the damn radio
wouldn't shut up so I aimed and it pointed at them.


See walkthrough for combat tips relating to the bosses.


1. Intro
See section on this for greater details.

2. Harry waking from crash
Harry discovers Cheryl is gone.

3. Cheryl in fog
Cheryl is seen looking all spooky.

4. Harry waking in the cafe
Harry wakes to find Cybil with him.

5. Alessa in boiler room
Alessa makes her first ghostly appearance.

6. Dahlia in church
Dahlia makes her first strange appearance.

7. Kaufmann meeting
Kaufmann decides not to blow your head off.

8. Lisa meeting
Lisa makes an emotional entrance to the game.

9. Cheryl plea for help
Cheryl appears to be tied up and frightened.

10.Cybil attacked
Cybil is attacked from behind.

11.Cybil waking as dead
Cybil awakes in a zombie-like state.

12.Cybil dying
Cybil dies - can be avoided with the unknown liquid.

13.Harry waking with Lisa
Harry wakes up in the hospital having been at the amusement park.

14.Lisa bleeding
Lisa bleeds all over. Disgusting.

15.Lisa dragging away Kaufmann
Lisa exacts revenge on Kaufmann.

16.Good+ ending
Harry and Cybil hold the child given to the by Cheryl/Alessa.

17.Good ending
Harry runs through the streets with the child but no Cybil.

18.Bad ending
Harry is dead in his jeep. All just an unconscious nightmare perhaps?

The characters cock up and mess around. It's great.

20.Alternate intro
Harry's wife has now gone from the intro replaced by Cybil. Anyone
know what Harry's wife is called by the way?

21.Alternate bloopers
On the CD but not accessible through normal means I don't think. Same
as normal but with a crapper tune playing.


1 - Residential Area
2 - School (Basement, 1F, 2F, Roof)
3 - Central Silent Hill
4 - Hospital (Basement, 1F, 2F, 3F)
5 - Sewer to Resort Area (C1-C4, D1-D4)
6 - Resort Area
7 - Sewer to Amusement Park

Thanks to David Newton a.k.a. Wong Chung Bang for drawing this map of
Nowhere. Follow the link below to see it.


Location of notepad - Save name

01. Cafe - Cafe
02. Doghouse on Levin St - Doghouse
03. Convenience store - Store
04. School Bus - Bus
05. School Infirmary - Infirmary
06. K. Gordon's house - Gordon
07. Balkan Church - Church
08. Garage - Garage
09. Bridge control tower - Bridge
10. Police Station - Police
11. Hospital reception - Reception
12. Alternate hospital room 302 - Room 302
13. Directors Office in alternate hospital - Director's
14. Antique Shop - Antique
15. Jewellery Shop - Jewellery
16. Sewer 1 - Sewer
17. Sewer 1 exit - Sewer
18. Annie's Bar - Pool Hall
19. Motel reception - Motel
20. Small Boat - Boat
21. Lighthouse - Lighthouse
22. Amusement Park - Theme Park
23. Hospital After Defeating Cybil - Nowhere
24. Antique Shop Room in Nowhere - Nowhere
25. Child's Bedroom - Child's

Some of the notepads can be found in both the normal and alternate
worlds, some however can only be found in one world or the other.


I don't use cheat cartridges so I cannot answer questions about them,
sorry. There are 5 sections of cheat codes. They are in this order:

1 - Gameshark codes for NA Version
2 - Xplorer codes for NA Version
3 - Action Replay codes for UK Version
4 - Xplorer codes for UK Version
5 - Gameshark codes for Japanese version


1 - Gameshark Codes for NA Version.

Reverse Joker Command
D00BC76C ????

Have Max Slots
300BCADF 0028

Inventory Modifiers Codes
Slot 01-Max 255 800BCA34 FF??
Slot 02-Max 255 800BCA38 FF??
Slot 03-Max 255 800BCA3C FF??
Slot 04-Max 255 800BCA40 FF??
Slot 05-Max 255 800BCA44 FF??
Slot 06-Max 255 800BCA48 FF??
Slot 07-Max 255 800BCA4C FF??
Slot 08-Max 255 800BCA50 FF??
Slot 09-Max 255 800BCA54 FF??
Slot 10-Max 255 800BCA58 FF??
Slot 11-Max 255 800BCA5C FF??
Slot 12-Max 255 800BCA60 FF??
Slot 13-Max 255 800BCA64 FF??
Slot 14-Max 255 800BCA68 FF??
Slot 15-Max 255 800BCA6C FF??
Slot 16-Max 255 800BCA70 FF??
Slot 17-Max 255 800BCA74 FF??
Slot 18-Max 255 800BCA78 FF??
Slot 19-Max 255 800BCA7C FF??
Slot 20-Max 255 800BCA80 FF??
Slot 21-Max 255 800BCA84 FF??
Slot 22-Max 255 800BCA88 FF??
Slot 23-Max 255 800BCA8C FF??
Slot 24-Max 255 800BCA90 FF??
Slot 25-Max 255 800BCA94 FF??
Slot 26-Max 255 800BCA98 FF??
Slot 27-Max 255 800BCA9C FF??
Slot 28-Max 255 800BCAA0 FF??
Slot 29-Max 255 800BCAA4 FF??
Slot 30-Max 255 800BCAA8 FF??
Slot 31-Max 255 800BCAAC FF??
Slot 32-Max 255 800BCAB0 FF??
Slot 33-Max 255 800BCAB4 FF??
Slot 34-Max 255 800BCAB8 FF??
Slot 35-Max 255 800BCABC FF??
Slot 36-Max 255 800BCAC0 FF??
Slot 37-Max 255 800BCAC4 FF??
Slot 38-Max 255 800BCAC8 FF??
Slot 39-Max 255 800BCACC FF??
Slot 40-Max 255 800BCAD0 FF??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Inventory Modifier Codes
20 - Health Drink
21 - First Aid Kit
22 - Ampoule
40 - Lobby Key
41 - House Key
42 - Key of Lion
43 - Key of Woodman
44 - Key of Scarecrow
45 - Library Reserve Key
46 - Classroom Key
47 - K.Gordon Key
48 - Drawbridge Key
49 - Basement Key
4A - Basement Storeroom Key
4B - Examination Room Key
4C - Antique Shop Key
4D - Sewer Key
4E - Key of Ophiel
4F - Key of Hagith
50 - Key of Phaleg
51 - Key of Bethor
52 - Key of Aratron
53 - Note: To School
54 - Note:Doghouse
55 - Picture Card
57 - Sewer Exit Key
58 - Channeling Stone
60 - Chemical
61 - Gold Medallion
62 - Silver Medallion
63 - Rubber Ball
64 - Flauros
65 - Plastic Bottle
66 - Unknown Liquid
67 - Plate of Turtle
68 - Plate of Hatter
69 - Plate of Cat
6A - Plate of Queen
6B - Blood Pack
6C - Disinfecting Alcohol
6D - Lighter
6E - Video Tape
70 - Kaufmann Key
71 - Receipt
72 - Safe Key
73 - Magnet
74 - Motorcycle Key
75 - Bird Cage Key
76 - Pliers
77 - Screwdriver
78 - Camera
79 - Ring of Contact
7A - Stone of Time
7B - Amulet of Solomon
7C - Crest of Mercury
7D - Ankh
7E - Dagger of Melchior
7F - Disk of Ouroboros
80 - Kitchen knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster
C0 - Handgun Bullets
C1 - Rifle Shells
C2 - Shotgun Shells
E0 - Flashlight
E1 - Pocket Radio
E2 - Gasoline Tank

Infinite Health
300BA0BD 0040
800BA0BE 0006

Infinite Ammo All Weapons/No Reload
800BA008 0001

Have Map
800BCB98 0002

Weapon-In-Hand Modifier
300BCADE 00??

Quantity digits to accompany Weapon-in-hand code
80 - Kitchen Knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster

Walk Thru Walls
8006A5B8 A997
8006A5BA 0801
8006A694 A9AE
8006A696 0801

With this code, be careful, as inside a wall the camera angle
changes; you need to know where you are to get back onto the screen.

Always First Save
800BCADA 0000

Quick Load
D00BC76C 0110
800BCCBC 0008

With this code, go to save game screen and press Up & L2. (DO NOT USE

Maxium Brightness In Options
300BC74B 001F

Roller Skate Mode
800BA132 3800

Infinite All Items
50002804 0000
300BCA35 00FF
8005346E 2400

Game Time 0:0:0
800BCC84 0000
800BCC86 0000

Radio Always On
800BCAE0 0001

Completed Map

Flashlight Always On
800BC35C 0100

Control Demo Mode
D00BC76C 0100
800BCCB2 00E0
D00BC76C 0100
800BC258 0004

With this code, press and release L2 at the Silent Hill title screen.
If done properly, the screen may appear to move down. Don't push any
buttons and wait for the demo to begin.

All Weapons
50000404 0001
300BCA34 00A0
50000304 0001
300BCA44 0080
50000404 0001
300BCA50 0084
300BCA60 00E2

WARNING: This will overwrite other items unless you start a new game.

Have A Ten Star Ranking At End Of Game
300C48B5 0064

How Many Games Cleared Modifier
300BCC7E 00??

Power & Colour Of Hyper Blaster Beam Modifier
300BCC90 00??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Power & Colour of Hyper Blaster Beam
Modifier Code
31 - Red Beam (Least Powerful)
71 - Yellow Beam (2nd Most Powerful)
B1 - Green Beam (Most Powerful)
F1 - Flashing Beam (Same Power As Red Beam)

Restore Health (press select):
D00BC76C 0001
300BA0BD 0040
D00BC76C 0001
800BA0BE 0006

Timer Off:
800BCC84 0000
800BCC86 0000

Thanks to:
Game Software Code Creators Club
For most of these codes.


2 - Xplorer codes for NA Version

Infinite Ammo

Save always 0

Complete map

Health Restore (press select)

Save always first save

All Weapons


3 - Action Replay codes for UK Version

Reversed Joker Command
D00B BD5C ????

Infinite Health

Infinite ammo & no reload

Have All Weapons

Using this Code will delete other items unless you start a new game.

Always finish with 1 save

Always finish with game time 00:00:00

Slide & Glide mode

Never Reload
800B 95F8 0001

Weapon-In-Hand Modifier
800A D77C 04??

Quantity digits to accompany Weapon-in-hand code
80 - Kitchen Knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster

Brightness Modifier (01-1F)
D00B BD3A 0103
800B BD3A 01??

Blood Colour Modifier
D01E 76A0 0000
801E 76A0 000?

Don't know the quantity digits for this code. Can you tell me if you
know. Thanks.

Save Equals 1
800B C0CA 0000

Quick Load
D00B BD5C 0110
800B C2AC 0008

Use only at Save Game Screen. Press L2 & Up, then X to load a save

Have Map
800B C188 0002

Map Completed
800B C1F8 FFFF
800B C200 FFFF

Flashlight Always On
800B B94C 0100

Act In Demo Mode
D00B BD5C 0100
800B C2A2 00E0
D00B BD5C 0100
800B B848 0004

Press and release L2 at the Silent Hill title screen. Don't do
anything until the demo starts.

Have 40 Slots
300B C0CF 0028

Inventory Modifiers
Slot 01-Max 255 800B C024 FF??
Slot 02-Max 255 800B C028 FF??
Slot 03-Max 255 800B C02C FF??
Slot 04-Max 255 800B C030 FF??
Slot 05-Max 255 800B C034 FF??
Slot 06-Max 255 800B C038 FF??
Slot 07-Max 255 800B C03C FF??
Slot 08-Max 255 800B C040 FF??
Slot 09-Max 255 800B C044 FF??
Slot 10-Max 255 800B C048 FF??
Slot 11-Max 255 800B C04C FF??
Slot 12-Max 255 800B C050 FF??
Slot 13-Max 255 800B C054 FF??
Slot 14-Max 255 800B C058 FF??
Slot 15-Max 255 800B C05C FF??
Slot 16-Max 255 800B C060 FF??
Slot 17-Max 255 800B C064 FF??
Slot 18-Max 255 800B C068 FF??
Slot 19-Max 255 800B C06C FF??
Slot 20-Max 255 800B C070 FF??
Slot 21-Max 255 800B C074 FF??
Slot 22-Max 255 800B C078 FF??
Slot 23-Max 255 800B C07C FF??
Slot 24-Max 255 800B C080 FF??
Slot 25-Max 255 800B C084 FF??
Slot 26-Max 255 800B C088 FF??
Slot 27-Max 255 800B C08C FF??
Slot 28-Max 255 800B C090 FF??
Slot 29-Max 255 800B C094 FF??
Slot 30-Max 255 800B C098 FF??
Slot 31-Max 255 800B C09C FF??
Slot 32-Max 255 800B C0A0 FF??
Slot 33-Max 255 800B C0A4 FF??
Slot 34-Max 255 800B C0A8 FF??
Slot 35-Max 255 800B C0AC FF??
Slot 36-Max 255 800B C0B0 FF??
Slot 37-Max 255 800B C0B4 FF??
Slot 38-Max 255 800B C0B8 FF??
Slot 39-Max 255 800B C0BC FF??
Slot 40-Max 255 800B C0C0 FF??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Inventory Modifier Codes (I think
these are right but I only copied them from the explorer section)
20 - Health Drink
21 - First Aid Kit
22 - Ampoule
40 - Lobby Key
41 - House Key
42 - Key of Lion
43 - Key of Woodman
44 - Key of Scarecrow
45 - Library Reserve Key
46 - Classroom Key
47 - K.Gordon Key
48 - Drawbridge Key
49 - Basement Key
4A - Basement Storeroom Key
4B - Examination Room Key
4C - Antique Shop Key
4D - Sewer Key
4E - Key of Ophiel
4F - Key of Hagith
50 - Key of Phaleg
51 - Key of Bethor
52 - Key of Aratron
53 - Note: To School
54 - Note:Doghouse
55 - Picture Card
57 - Sewer Exit Key
58 - Channeling Stone
60 - Chemical
61 - Gold Medallion
62 - Silver Medallion
63 - Rubber Ball
64 - Flauros
65 - Plastic Bottle
66 - Unknown Liquid
67 - Plate of Turtle
68 - Plate of Hatter
69 - Plate of Cat
6A - Plate of Queen
6B - Blood Pack
6C - Disinfecting Alcohol
6D - Lighter
6E - Video Tape
70 - Kaufmann Key
71 - Receipt
72 - Safe Key
73 - Magnet
74 - Motorcycle Key
75 - Bird Cage Key
76 - Pliers
77 - Screwdriver
78 - Camera
79 - Ring of Contact
7A - Stone of Time
7B - Amulet of Solomon
7C - Crest of Mercury
7D - Ankh
7E - Dagger of Melchior
7F - Disk of Ouroboros
80 - Kitchen knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster
C0 - Handgun Bullets
C1 - Rifle Shells
C2 - Shotgun Shells
E0 - Flashlight
E1 - Pocket Radio
E2 - Gasoline Tank

Infinite All Items
GB 2.2 or higher only
5000 2804 0000
300B C025 00FF

D002 252C 0000
8002 252C 0001


4 - Xplorer codes for UK Version

Joker, Codes by
Codes 5 & 6 by Nachbrenner &
made on XPClassic V2.0081

Reverse Joker Command
700BBD52 ????

800C6478 ????

800C647A ????



Walk through Walls
(Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 Pad 2)

Switch off Walk through Walls
(Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 & Select Pad 2)

Infinite Health

Infinite Ammo For Weapon-in-Hand
Press Buttons at Inventory Screen. Not all weapons can be used at
every time.

When using weapon codes place them in the last
spaces of the inventory to avoid the game getting locked.

Have Kitchen Knife
(Press Square & L1 Pad 2)

Have Steel Pipe
(Press Square & L2 Pad 2)

Have Rock Drill
(Press Square & R1 Pad 2)

(Press Square & R2 Pad 2)

Have Chain Saw
(Press Circle & L1 Pad 2)

Have Katana
(Press Circle & L2 Pad 2)

Have Axe
(Press Circle & R1 Pad 2)

Have Handgun
(Press Circle & R2 Pad 2)

Have Hunting Rifle
(Press Triangle & L1 Pad 2)

Have ShotGun
(Press Triangle & L2 Pad 2)

Have Hyper Blaster (red beam)
(Press Triangle & R1 Pad 2)

Brightness Modifiers:

Very dark



Very bright

Red Blood

Green Blood

Purple Blood

Black Blood

Saved once

Time 0:0:0

Quick Load
Use only at Save Game Screen. Press L2 & Up,
then X to load a save game.


Have Map

Map complete

Flashlight Always On

Act In Demo Mode
Press and release L2 at the Silent Hill title
screen. Don't do anything until the demo starts.

Have 40 Slots

Infinite all Items
Slot 01 $35B47EF4CED6
Slot 02 $35B47EF8CED6
Slot 03 $35B47EFCCED6
Slot 04 $35B47E00CED6
Slot 05 $35B47E04CED6
Slot 06 $35B47E08CED6
Slot 07 $35B47E0CCED6
Slot 08 $35B47E10CED6
Slot 09 $35B47E14CED6
Slot 10 $35B47E18CED6
Slot 11 $35B47E1CCED6
Slot 12 $35B47E20CED6
Slot 13 $35B47E24CED6
Slot 14 $35B47E28CED6
Slot 15 $35B47E2CCED6
Slot 16 $35B47E30CED6
Slot 17 $35B47E34CED6
Slot 18 $35B47E38CED6
Slot 19 $35B47E3CCED6
Slot 20 $35B47E40CED6
Slot 21 $35B47E44CED6
Slot 22 $35B47E48CED6
Slot 23 $35B47E4CCED6
Slot 24 $35B47E50CED6
Slot 25 $35B47E54CED6
Slot 26 $35B47E58CED6
Slot 27 $35B47E5CCED6
Slot 28 $35B47E60CED6
Slot 29 $35B47E64CED6
Slot 30 $35B47E68CED6
Slot 31 $35B47E6CCED6
Slot 32 $35B47E70CED6
Slot 33 $35B47E74CED6
Slot 34 $35B47E78CED6
Slot 35 $35B47E7CCED6
Slot 36 $35B47E80CED6
Slot 37 $35B47E84CED6
Slot 38 $35B47E88CED6
Slot 39 $35B47E8CCED6
Slot 40 $35B47E90CED6

Inventory Modifier
Slot 01 300BC024 00??
Slot 02 300BC028 00??
Slot 03 300BC02C 00??
Slot 04 300BC030 00??
Slot 05 300BC034 00??
Slot 06 300BC038 00??
Slot 07 300BC03C 00??
Slot 08 300BC040 00??
Slot 09 300BC044 00??
Slot 10 300BC048 00??
Slot 11 300BC04C 00??
Slot 12 300BC050 00??
Slot 13 300BC054 00??
Slot 14 300BC058 00??
Slot 15 300BC05C 00??
Slot 16 300BC060 00??
Slot 17 300BC064 00??
Slot 18 300BC068 00??
Slot 19 300BC06C 00??
Slot 20 300BC070 00??
Slot 21 300BC074 00??
Slot 22 300BC078 00??
Slot 23 300BC07C 00??
Slot 24 300BC080 00??
Slot 25 300BC084 00??
Slot 26 300BC088 00??
Slot 27 300BC08C 00??
Slot 28 300BC090 00??
Slot 29 300BC094 00??
Slot 30 300BC098 00??
Slot 31 300BC09C 00??
Slot 32 300BC0A0 00??
Slot 33 300BC0A4 00??
Slot 34 300BC0A8 00??
Slot 35 300BC0AC 00??
Slot 36 300BC0B0 00??
Slot 37 300BC0B4 00??
Slot 38 300BC0B8 00??
Slot 39 300BC0BC 00??
Slot 40 300BC0C0 00??

Quantity Digits To Accompany Inventory Modifier Codes
20 - Health Drink
21 - First Aid Kit
22 - Ampoule
40 - Lobby Key
41 - House Key
42 - Key of Lion
43 - Key of Woodman
44 - Key of Scarecrow
45 - Library Reserve Key
46 - Classroom Key
47 - K.Gordon Key
48 - Drawbridge Key
49 - Basement Key
4A - Basement Storeroom Key
4B - Examination Room Key
4C - Antique Shop Key
4D - Sewer Key
4E - Key of Ophiel
4F - Key of Hagith
50 - Key of Phaleg
51 - Key of Bethor
52 - Key of Aratron
53 - Note: To School
54 - Note doghouse
55 - Picture Card
57 - Sewer Exit Key
58 - Channeling Stone
60 - Chemical
61 - Gold Medallion
62 - Silver Medallion
63 - Rubber Ball
64 - Flauros
65 - Plastic Bottle
66 - Unknown Liquid
67 - Plate of Turtle
68 - Plate of Hatter
69 - Plate of Cat
6A - Plate of Queen
6B - Blood Pack
6C - Disinfecting Alcohol
6D - Lighter
6E - Video Tape
70 - Kaufmann Key
71 - Receipt
72 - Safe Key
73 - Magnet
74 - Motorcycle Key
75 - Bird Cage Key
76 - Pliers
77 - Screwdriver
78 - Camera
79 - Ring of Contact
7A - Stone of Time
7B - Amulet of Solomon
7C - Crest of Mercury
7D - Ankh
7E - Dagger of Melchior
7F - Disk of Ouroboros
C0 - Handgun Bullets
C1 - Rifle Shells
C2 - Shotgun Shells
E0 - Flashlight
E1 - Pocket Radio
E2 - Gasoline Tank
80 - Kitchen Knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster

Thanks to
for the codes.


5 - Gameshark codes for Japanese version.

Codes Made & Tested on 2.3 Version Cheat Device

Game save always 0:
800BF00A 0000

Game Time set to 00:00:00:
800BF1B4 0000
800BF1B6 0000

Infinite Health:
800BC5EE 0006

Super Save (L2 & Square):
D00BEC9C 8100
800BF1EC 0010

Infinite Ammo:
800BC538 000F

Have Map:
300BF00D 0001

Item Slot Modifier 1:
800BEF64 FF??

Item Slot Modifier 2:
800BEF68 FF??

Quantity Items to Accompany Inventory Modifier Codes
20 - Health Drink
21 - First Aid Kit
22 - Ampoule
40 - Lobby Key
41 - House Key
42 - Key of Lion
43 - Key of Woodman
44 - Key of Scarecrow
45 - Library Reserve Key
46 - Classroom Key
47 - K.Gordon Key
48 - Drawbridge Key
49 - Basement Key
4A - Basement Storeroom Key
4B - Examination Room Key
4C - Antique Shop Key
4D - Sewer Key
4E - Key of Ophiel
4F - Key of Hagith
50 - Key of Phaleg
51 - Key of Bethor
52 - Key of Aratron
53 - Note: To School
54 - Note:Doghouse
55 - Picture Card
57 - Sewer Exit Key
58 - Channeling Stone
60 - Chemical
61 - Gold Medallion
62 - Silver Medallion
63 - Rubber Ball
64 - Flauros
65 - Plastic Bottle
66 - Unknown Liquid
67 - Plate of Turtle
68 - Plate of Hatter
69 - Plate of Cat
6A - Plate of Queen
6B - Blood Pack
6C - Disinfecting Alcohol
6D - Lighter
6E - Video Tape
70 - Kaufmann Key
71 - Receipt
72 - Safe Key
73 - Magnet
74 - Motorcycle Key
75 - Bird Cage Key
76 - Pliers
77 - Screwdriver
78 - Camera
79 - Ring of Contact
7A - Stone of Time
7B - Amulet of Solomon
7C - Crest of Mercury
7D - Ankh
7E - Dagger of Melchior
7F - Disk of Ouroboros
80 - Kitchen knife
81 - Steel Pipe
82 - Rock Drill
84 - Hammer
85 - Chain Saw
86 - Katana
87 - Axe
A0 - Handgun
A1 - Hunting Rifle
A2 - Shotgun
A3 - Hyper Blaster
C0 - Handgun Bullets
C1 - Rifle Shells
C2 - Shotgun Shells
E0 - Flashlight
E1 - Pocket Radio
E2 - Gasoline Tank



Follows is a list of all the essential items needed to finish the
game. It can be used as a speed guide or as a general guide for
people who only want to know where to find the main stuff.

Cafe - map, flashlight, 2X health drink, knife, radio, handgun

Ellroy St. Chasm - Key of scarecrow

Alley behind cafe - Key of woodman

Finney St. far right - Key of Lion

UFO ending only

Convenience Store - Channelling stone

Matheson St. left chasm - 'Dog House, Levin St.' note

Dog Kennel on Levin St. - House Key

Lab Equipment room - Chemical

Chemistry Lab - Gold Medallion

Music room - Silver Medallion

Alternate school storage room - Rubber ball

Classroom 1F top right - Picture card

Locker Room - Library Reserve key

Roof/Courtyard - Classroom key

Boiler room - K.Gordon key

Church - Drawbridge key, Flauros

Conference room - Basement key

+ ending only

Kitchen - Plastic bottle

Directors Office - Unknown Liquid

Men's Toilet 3F - Plate of Turtle

Storage room - Blood pack

Room 306 - Plate of Cat

Directors Office - Plate of Queen

Room 201 - Lighter

Room 204 - Plate of Hatter

Operating room - Basement storeroom key

ICU - Disinfecting alcohol

B2 Third left - Examination room key

Examination room - Antique shop key

Sewer Office - Sewer Key

Sewer bottom left - Sewer exit key

Good/Good + ending only

Annie's bar - Receipt, Kauffmann key

Norman's motel - Magnet

Motel room 3 - Motorcycle key

**UFO ending here. Everything below for 4 standard endings only.**

Operating prep room - Pliers, Screwdriver

Faucet room - Key of Ophiel

Limb puzzle room - Stone of time

Morgue - Amulet of Solomon

Antique shop - Key of Hagith

Jewellery store - Ring of contract, Crest of Mercury

3F left room - Birdcage key

Birdcage room - Key of Phaleg

Kitchen - Dagger of Melchoir

Graffiti room - Ankh

Storeroom - Key of Bethor

Electrified key room - Key of Aratron

Alessa's basement room - Disc of Ouroboros


UFO ending = 34 (+1, Channelling stone) + 1 map
BAD ending = 49 + 1 map
BAD+ ending = 51 + 1 map
GOOD ending = 53 + 1 map
GOOD+ ending = 55 + 1 map



Japan-USA Game Differences

1 The police car on Finney street has blood smeared across the bonnet
that you can clearly see as you approach the chasm. You need to play
around with the camera to catch a glimpse of this in the USA version.


USA-EURO Game Differences

1 PAL version has black borders on the FMV, cut-scenes and map
screen. The in game borders are virtually absent and konami deserve
respect for that.

2 The main menu screen is now practically blank. Why? It looks crap
compared to the NA version.

3 There is an extra option in the options menu: Language. Choose from
English, German, French, Spanish and Italian. Tough choice.

4 As is already said before, the Clawfinger enemy replaces the

5 For some reason the text you get when searching the mess on the
floor behind the 'beware of dog' gate has changed from:

What the..?
What is it?


What is that?

God only knows why they bothered doing this. (No pun intended :-))

6 The inventory screen has changed from:

Name: ------ Stock: ---


----------- X ---

Doesn't look as good in my opinion and there seemed no reason to
change it. No big deal though.

7. Harry now says he prays Cheryl is safe when you check his jeep
instead of hoping that she is safe.

8. Some camera angles are slightly different.

Think that's about everything.


Track Listing

01. Silent Hill (2:51)
02. All (2:07)
03. The Wait (0:09)
04. Until Death (0:51)
05. Over (2:04)
06. Devil's Lyric (1:26)
07. Rising Sun (0:57)
08. For All (2:39)
09. Follow the Leader (0:52)
10. Claw Finger (1:32)
11. Hear Nothing (1:33)
12. Children/Flesh Kill (0:19)
13. Killed by Death (1:25)
14. Don't Cry (1:29)
15. The Bitter Season (1:26)
16. Moonchild (2:48)
17. Never Again (0:45)
18. Fear of the Dark (1:13)
19. Half Day (0:39)
20. Heaven Give Me Say (1:47)
21. Far (1:14)
22. I'll Kill You (2:52)
23. My Justice For You (1:21)
24. Devil's Lyric 2 (0:25)
25. Dead End (0:17)
26. Ain't Gonna Rain (1:12)
27. Nothing Else (0:51)
28. Alive (0:33)
29. Never Again (1:01)
30. Die (0:56)
31. Never End. Never End. Never End (0:46)
32. Down Time (1:38)
33. Kill Angels (1:16)
34. Only You (1:16)
35. Not Tomorrow 1 (0:48)
36. Not Tomorrow 2 (1:38)
37. My Heaven (3:17)
38. Tears of... (3:16)
39. Killing Time (2:54)
40. She (2:36)
41. Esperandote (6:26)
42. Silent Hill (Otherside) (6:23)

Note - Track 12 has 2 different names depending on the version.
Children Kill in Japan and Flesh Kill in the US.

Versions Info

Japanese version:
Front cover - Lisa Garland
Back cover - Cybil Bennett

US version:
Front cover - Cheryl Mason
Back cover - Alessa Gillespie

General Info

Composer - Akira Yamaoka
Published By - King Records


If you want to use this guide for anything other than your own
personal use then you will need permission from me. Contact me if you
want to use this guide on your website. I will probably agree to let
you use it. If you want to use this guide to make a profit, whatever
the language it is in, then contact me and I will decide if I will
let you use this.

I spent a lot of time writing this guide so I don't want anyone
ripping me off. Don't try and change some of it and call it yours
either cause I will recognize my own writing style a mile away.

The only sites allowed to use my guide or any part of it are:
Central Silent Hill
Planet Evil

My thanks go to:

KCET for developing this great game.
Konami for publishing this great game.
The hosts of every site that has published my guide.
Ninfraek for his help with the secrets section.
01201072 for his help with the secrets section.
Shade for his help with the plot.
David Newton for his cool nowhere map.
President Evil for writing his cool plot summary
Everyone who reads this for reading this.

To E-mail me my address is:

Written exclusively by 'Harry Mason'

"This document is Copyright 2001,2002 Harry Mason"

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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The Complete Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Handgun Speed Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Plot Analysis

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Drei verschiedene Spielstände: einen für den Anfang, einen am Ende des Krankenhauses und einen für das schlechte Ende.

17.Oktober 2013
Plot Guide FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ende des Spiels.

16.Oktober 2013
Survival and Secret

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Spoilers FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Items List FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Fighting Techniques FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Bestiary FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Oktober 2013
Pal 2 Ntsc Patch

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Alternative Lösung (incl. FAQ)
engl. Lösung
13.Mei 2008
engl. Cheats
13.Mei 2008
engl. Lösung
13.Mei 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
Meest populair
30.December 2013
11.Februari 2016
13.December 2013
30.Januari 2018
01.December 2014
24.Februari 2018
04.Maart 2019