Darkstar One

Darkstar One

18.10.2013 04:57:47
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.3
Date Started: 2/11/07


Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[2] The Universe
[2.01] The Races
[2.02] Flying Around
[3] The Story
[3.01] Training
[3.02] The Lost Artifact
[3.03] Jack's Whereabouts
[3.04] The End of the Aponi Gang
[3.05] Information on Forrester
[3.06] Abduction of Eona
[3.07] Ramirez's Assignments
[3.08] Kabro's Hideout
[3.09] The Hunt for Zarkov
[3.10] Researching Research Stations
[3.11] Captain Hornblower
[3.12] Helping Jiju
[3.13] Cloaked Thul Cruiser
[3.14] Contacting Robert
[3.15] The Hunt for Jack Forrester
[3.16] Flak Mission 2
[3.17] Doctor Zarkov's List
[3.18] Jow'hal and Jow'son
[3.19] Encounters with the Thul
[3.20] The S'kaa System
[3.21] The Mothership
[4] Side Missions
[4.01] Fighting the Elu Gang
[4.02] Pirates of the Occupied Ta System
[4.03] The Council President's Daughter
[4.04] The Raptor Espionage Satellites
[4.05] How to Fire an Empire Boss
[4.06] Protect the Terran Cruiser Keoma IV
[4.07] Ramirez's Fight against the Gunrunners
[4.08] Boosting Economy in Zhusomol
[4.09] Embargo in Zareck
[4.10] Escort for a Convoy
[4.11] The Mynock Empire Strikes Back
[4.12] Raptor Zealots
[4.13] Under Siege by Fanatics
[4.14] Support for Terran Cruiser
[4.15] Raid on Pirate Cruiser
[4.16] Protect the Akshat II
[4.17] Two Terrans in Hive B52
[4.18] Molin System Under Siege
[4.19] Liquid Explosives
[4.20] N.O.M.A.D.
[4.21] Fight against Rebel Cruiser
[4.22] Lunacy onboard the Niatuin
[4.23] Mandroids
[4.24] The Ascarong Gang
[5] Weapons
[5.01] The Weapons
[5.02] Plasma Weapons
[6] Equipment
[6.01] Ship Equipment
[7] Trading
[7.01] Trading
[8] Classes
[8.01] Classes
[9] Missions
[9.01] Random Missions

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright
[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 26th guide, about Darkstar One. It was proclaimed as the next
Freelancer, due to Digital Anvil disbanding and Microsoft holding the rights
to produce it. This guide follows the journey of Kayron Jarvis, out on a
quest to avenge his father's death. Through a bunch of twists and turns, he
turns out, just like Edison Trent did, to save the universe from an enemy more
powerful than a human's hubris. Let us begin.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [2/11/07]
Guide Started. Chapter 2 is complete. One third of Chapter 3 is complete.

Version 0.2 [4/11/07]
ASCII added. Chapter 3 is continued.

Version 0.3 [6/11/07]
Chapter 3 and 4 finished. The guide is complete. Thank you for reading this

[2.01] The Races

There are 6 primary races that you will face in your travels all over the
Universe. They are the Terran, the Mortok, the Raptor, the Oc'to, the
Arrack and the Thul. Each race has their own way of piloting their ships and
how they look. I will also provide a history of the races, based off the
Ascaron information.

--==The Terrans==--

The Terrans are the decendents of the modern day humans. They are based from
Planet Earth from the Sol System in the Alpha Centauri system. They expanded
peacefully, until it turned into war and conquest. Sooner or later, the Thuls,
the followers of Samantha Thul, a leader in genetics, developed within Terran
society and promptly, due to their views of genetic manipulation and nano
technology, they were exiled.

The exile of the Thuls led to wars with the other races, the Oc'to, Arrack,
Mortok and Raptor. The Terrans were dragged into conflict, and the result of
the war was not pretty. The empire of the Terrans was destroyed, withdrawing
to their core system, and rebuilding the remains. To prevent another such war,
the Terrans set diplomats to all races to prevent future ways, and the
Galactic Union was formed. The Terrans appointed one of their own as the
first leader of the GU, forcing races to join or face military force, which
they did not have.

Since the creation of the GU, the Thul have been expelled due to their
research and improvements. It is agreed that the GU prevented wars between the
races, but when it collapses, all chaos will break loose.

The Terran clusters are Lalande, Barnard, Alpha Centauri and Sirius. They are
your basic fighters, with horrible looking ships, using lasers and missiles.

--==The Mortok==--

A more fleshy humonoid in appearance, the Mortok are a warlike race. They are
based from Mor, the home planet for all Mortok. A planet of extremes, where
one side is raging with blistering heat, the other in freezing oblivion. The
Mortoks claim their God, Xoron, deliberately did this in order to test them.

The citizens of both sides fought one another over the Twilight, a fertile
area, with a tolerable climate between the two zones. The two groups divided
into clans, sharing technology. Whilst the sides were busy fighting one
another, they established a code of honour, detailing how to deal with enemies
and friends. Soon, they encountered other races, the Raptor and the Arrack.
They immediately attack these races, and soon discovered that their clans
could not defeat the Raptor. Even though the Raptor was hapless, the Mortok
was even more so, outnumbered and outgunned.

The Raptors defeated the Mortok, taking control of Mor, enslaving the Mortok.
50 years passed until a charismatic mine worker, Avarro, united the opposed
clans and expelled the Raptor. However, the united clans was a brittle
alliance, and it was not before long that secretive pacts were made. 15 years
after the expulsion of the Raptor, Avarro was assassinated in the Twilight
Zone. This sparked a civil war, until the threat of the Thul forced the
clans into a Council of the Clans and allied with the Arrack.

The Terran and the Oc'to blocked trade with the Thul, but smuggling was rife.
It wasn't until a Mortok patrol uncovered a Terran cruiser carrying illegal
goods till the deception was discovered. This was the beginning of the Great
War. They supported the GU at the war's end, devastated. Even today, the
Mortok Government is a brittle alliance of clans, and assassinations and
disputes are common, more important than external threats. Their warlike
behaviour has seen many Mortok leave Mor, becoming mercenaries and
pirates. High in demand, their loyalty belongs to their employer. However,
when war breaks out, all will have undying loyalty to Mor.

They command the Grotok, Pertok, Klatok and Stromok clusters. Their ships
are capable of reverse thrust. They are a proud race, facing you one on one,
and will normally use turret weapons, typically, railguns, against you.

--==The Raptor==--

Many years ago, on a prehistoric continent, there were 5 intelligent
species evident. The species are a lizard species, a monkey species, similar
to humans, 2 forms of marine life and 1 form of birds. Over the years, the
encounters between the species were peaceful, until disputes arose between
the lizards and the monkeys. Fights over land developed until the lizards
made the monkeys extinct. These lizards promptly called themselves the

They discovered all the other races, and at first, they tried to extinct
them using force, until they discovered they were heavily outnumbered. The
other species had no intention to take control and the Raptor struck a deal
to have sovereignty over the land whilst the other species continued with
their business. This co-existance between the races still exist to this

The Raptor are a religious bunch, with observations indicating that there
are over 2000 deities (Gods) and over 800 different religions. There will
be several thousands of movements within these religions, which means a
whole lot of religious groups. Every day, there will be some religious
ritual or procession. Because of their religion, their clusters are
unstable due to religion. Governments cannot act as they cannot find a
majority, and this leads to opposing parties attacking each other.

This jungle of religions means an united decision will be hard to make. They
were the last to join the GU, and not all Raptors agreed. Despite this, they
live by their system as no Raptor will be able to united all the religions.

The Raptor are concentrated in 5 clusters, Raptor - Alpha, Raptor - Nova,
Raptor - Gamma, Raptor - Delta and Raptor - Epsilon. They pilot one of the
fastest ships. They will use missiles against you as well as the fact they
are armed with weapons that specifically target your shield and a rapid
fire rocket launcher.

--==The Oc'to==--

The Oc'to are essentially the octopus people. Unlike the other races, they
knew nothing of war before they advanced into space. This is because their
home planet offered plenty of food and resources and the Oc'to concentrated
on research. They evolved over millions of years, developing philosophy and
technology on materials on their planet.

They were reluctant to venture into space and with good reason as their first
encounter with an alien race, the Mortok, led to the destruction of their
research vessel. The Mortoks were waging war with the Raptor, meanwhile, the
Oc'to discussed war, diplomacy, areas that previously was unknown.

This ended when a Terran freighter contacted them. It was a peaceful affair,
and the Oc'to decided to venture to space again. Although intellectually
superior, they were naive, copying others and falling for scams. Thus, they
became one of the reasons of the Great War. Because the Terran had an
embargo against the Thul, they followed suit, and followed when the Terrans
began to smuggle arms to the Thul. They gained knowledge of war from the
Great War, no longer different to the other races.

The Oc'to attack head on, using drones, automated weapon platforms against
you. They are annoying, and a combined force will be a threat. They are
fierce fighters and they reside in the Sion'nack, Madramon and
Gab'har clusters.

--==The Arrack==--

The Arrack are insects originating from an arid, desert planet. The water
was deep below ground, and the Arrack dug their hives near water. They
formed Houses, massive family clans. There was also a caste system, with a
King or Queen as absolute leader. There were no laws, it was the law of the
caste whilst individuals were not important, survival of the House was the
main goal.

Due to the scarcity of water, they ventured into space, colonising planets
with large water reserves. This eased conflicts between Houses over water and
even agreed to join the GU. However, they dislike space travel, an evil
breaking the caste system. This has led to new social structures on colonised

Those on the Home Planet regard the Arracks in space as outsiders, breaking
loose of the caste system. However, they are still grateful of the sacrifice
they have made to ensure survival of the House. Once one truly witnesses these
Arrack pilots, they will realise the true side of the warriors.

The Arrack originate from 5 different clusters, Hive - AC3, Hive - B52,
Hive - CU7, Hive - DC and Hive - ET9. Their fighters have the ability to fold
space, allowing teleportation over short distances, which will cut their
engines for a short while.

--==The Thul==--

A Thul is essentially a human, but twice as arrogant. The Thul were originally
a political and ideological movement with the Terran clusters. They were, to
start, scientists under the leadership of physician Dr. Samantha Thul, and
wanted legalisation of genetic experiments and cybernetic implants. With an
objective of a perfect human, the prospect of a two class society loomed on
the horizon.

The Governments denied the request, revoking the permission certificates of
many scientists, denying them the ability to work. Dr Thul went into hiding.
She hid in the desert, continuing the illegal experiments whilst a public
front argued for legalisation of such activities. The movement grew, with many
non-scientists joining the quest for a perfect human. The tension grew.

The tension broke when Dr Thul, by now, 80 years old, emerged after three
decades of hiding. Her research, was her body. Her body was the image of a
thirty year old, bending steel pipes and beating chessmasters in several
moves. This caused the Terrans to fall into disarray. Soon, many scientists
confessed to having nano implants while others confessed of illegal
experiments. Athletes, engineers and workers began to fear for their jobs
and the Terran Government was forced to act as a two class state began to

They issued an emergency decree, banning all genetic experiments, cybernetic
implants and cloning. They carrying implants were arrested. Dr Thul sought
a compromise, to exile herself and her supports. Reluctantly, the Terran
Government agreed, helping to fund ships along with the supporters. With
a few million Terrans, they moved to a remote, designated part of the

Contary to what the Terrans desired, they quickly colonised many worlds due
to their advanced technology. Their vast empire greatly concerned the other
races, all watching in worry. The Mortok were the most terrified and sought
an alliance with the Terran, Oc'to, Raptor and Arrack. The alliance to push
the enemy back failed when the Terran and Oc'to were caught smuggling weapons
to the Thul. This started the Great War.

They avoided the warfare of the Great War, instead, protecting their empire
and supplying weapons to everyone. After the war, they avoided joining the
GU initially, view the others as inferior. They ignored the requests to stop
genetic experiments, and thus, kicked out of the GU. Not regreting their
isolation, they strive for perfection.

The Thuls have the best looking ships and can cloak. However, this does not
stop the engine trails from showing behing them, allowing you to target them.
They are hiding in two clusters, the Communa and Hyma clusters.

[2.02] Flying Around

The universe is a pretty big place. When you are flying around, you should
notice that you can reach anything, no matter how far away it is. While
most should be within 20u, some might even be 150 to 200u away. No matter how
far away, anything can be reached.

Like Freelancer, you might progress with the missions ahead in order to unlock
new systems to fly to. In fact, I'll make a lot of Freelancer comments, so
you should play that game as well. Well the story at least.

You have the option of becoming a mercenary, a trader, whatever you wish. The
Darkstar One is yours to do with what you will. And please, read the entire
walkthrough, they will contain a lot of hints.

[3.01] Training

You start off as Kayron Jarvis, the new owner of a strange battleship, the
Darkstar One. Robert Altair, the leader of a security company and a friend of
your father, who passed away, hands over the Darkstar One to you. This occurs
after a cutscene, which will later be revealed. The cause of your father's
death? A weapon malfunction, caused by one Jack Forrester. You will now hunt
him down, swearing for revenge.

Anyway, head to the Terminal and take up the tutorial missions. If you already
are familar with the game, take the third one. Anyway, lets start with the
first one.

Training Mission 1 is the Basics. This will teach you how to pilot and fly
the ship around. You will also have some basic shooting practice until two
pirates turn up to ruin the fun. You will be introduced to the Bounty System.
For every Pirate you destroy, you will receive a bounty, based upon your
ship's level. The more experienced the pirate is, the higher your level, the
more credits you will make. Then, dock with the Trade Station, contact the
Trade Station and request permission to dock.

Training Mission 2 is Advanced Combat. This will force you to learn how to
fight a pirate effectively. You will face 2 waves of 3 pirates. My tips of
fighting Pirates. First of all, you will need to be familar with reverse
thrust, that is, moving backwards. This is the S key. You see, the ship is
quick and fast to turn, but fighters are faster. To fight them, you will need
to reverse thrust, and move your mouse to follow them. Because you are at a
slower speed, you will turn faster, allowing you to target them easier.

My second tip is to strafe and roll. Strafe keys are A and D, and this is
important is you are going head to head with Pirates as strafing will cause
their shots to miss you. Meanwhile, your strafing will not severely hamper
your targeting of their ship. Roll is also important. When you are heavily
outnumber with ships on your tail, the roll is important and it will spin
your ship around. Because your ship is not a circle, rolling will spin it
around. Unless the pirate is aiming at your engines, rolling will cause their
shots to miss you.

After that, head to the Trade Station and take up Training Mission 3, picking
up cargo. All you have to do is to be with 0.1u of the container, slow down
your ship either by reverse thrusting or cutting your engines, and send the
drone to pick up the cargo. When you are carrying cargo, your ship will be
slower and have a slower turn speed. Not good in combat. Therefore, as you
will learn, you should drop cargo to fight. After this mission is complete,
Arim the instructor wants you to go to the Hu system.

[3.02] The Lost Artifact

Once you arrive at the Hu system, Arim will beckon you to an asteroid. Head
there and follow his instructions to fly within the asteroid to recover an
artifact there. Use your target list (T) to target the artifact. Once you
fly through the maze and reclaim the artifact, then escape, you will have to
upgrade your ship. There are three different areas that you can upgrade.

The Hull allows you to increase the base hit points of your ship. This is
important if you are planning to battle a lot. This also will remove your
interia from cargo as well as allow you to wield turrets.

The Wings basically allow you to carry more weapons. It also allows you to
increase the speed of your ship.

The Engine basically increases the base speed of your ship. It will also
determine the amount of equipment slots that you are allowed to carry.

During your upgrade, you can also upgrade your Plasma weapons. This will be
your support power for most of the game, and it will have its own section
later to determine how you should use these points.

Beware, there are only 20 upgrades available in the game, but there are 30
possible upgrades to choose from. Therefore, upgrade wisely. Also, beyond
Level 5 of any upgrade, Hull, Wing or Engine, you will receive bonuses for
further upgrades. Keep that in mind.

Anyway, upgrade the part that you wish. Arim will request that you meet
Robert in Pencah. Hyperjump to that system and dock with the Trade Station.

[3.03] Jack's Whereabouts

Before you can do anything, Robert will contact you to get a better Hyper
Drive system, because if you want to catch Jack (not Sparrow), you will need
to jump some significant distances. Anyway, you should purchase a 3LY Drive
from the trade station under equipment. If you don't have the money, do some
missions at the terminal, or escort some freighters around.

Once you have the 3LY Drive, head to the trade station in Pencah and watch
the cutscene with Robert.

Altair wants you to jump towards the Barnard cluster to Anomi. You need to
meet with an informant called La'zaar. On your way, you should collect the
artifacts in any system with it. These are symbolised with a little green
artifact next to the star. You should do that in between missions. Anyway,
head to the Trade Station in the Anomi system. He admits that Jack shot
through, but he is no longer here. All hope is lost.

Until a strange lady, by the name of Eona, comes along and offers her help.
She wants to find Jack Forrester as well, but for what reason? All is
revealed later. She has a contact, Delano, in the Sol System and wants a
lift. You will need to jump to Yankwalla where 4 Hunters will engage you.
It seems that Eona's "boring" problems aren't so boring after all.

Anyway, Jump to the Alpha Centauri cluster and move towards the Sol System,
collecting artifacts as you go along. Dock with the Trade Station in the
Sol System and talk with Delano. He also admits that Jack shot through, and
is in the Mortok System. You don't have the key to the system, but he does
and will be willing to part with the key if you do some pirate hunting with
him. You have no choice but to destroy a pirate gang.

[3.04] The End of the Aponi Gang

Well, off to destroy a pirate gang. You need to hyperjump and Delano will ask
you to help take out a pirate patrol. There are only 2 ships, and that
hardly constitutes a gang. There must be more. Delano confirms this, and asks
to head to the nearby Shipwreck.

Well, well, well, what do you know, there is a pirate gang after all. Hiding
inside a shipwreck isn't exactly the best living quarters though. Anyway, you
will need to act quick to knock out the 6 pirates. After those suckers are
destroyed by you and Delano, you will face 2 bodyguards. These are harder to
kill, with better weapons and more health. Once one is down, the boss will
come in. The Aponi boss is hard to take down, with a lot of shields and health
as well as packing some firepower.

Once the boss is down, he will drop a special container. Use your drones to
dock with the container and it will contain a secret service weapon. Delano
will also drop a similar weapon and provide you with the key to the Mortok
Cluster. These Special Containers are like your Cargo containers, however,
they dock with your ship, and the drone is available for use after docking.

This destruction of the Aponi gang will lead you to find some Secret
Service weapons. These are only dropped twice in the story, and the rest by
Pirate Gang bosses. To find if there are any pirate gangs in the system, you
need to go to the Trade Station terminal and look at the news. Sometimes,
it will list the name of the gang and where their hideout system is.

Their hideout in the system will be one of three places. A shipwreck, a
pirate hideout, or an anomaly. When you approach these in a system with a
Pirate Gang, when you approach 2u, they will pop out and fight you. It is
the same deal with the Aponi gang battle. There will be a group of fighters
or base Pirates to fight you. They normally come in groups of 6 or more.
After the Pirates are down, the Bodyguards come along to fight you. There
are generally 2 to 3. With only one bodyguard to go, the Gang Boss will
come and fight you. He is hard to defeat, and one you do beat him, he will
drop a special container.

The next thing that Delano alert you to is System liberation. System
Liberation is to free a system of pirates, who control the system. These
systems will have a skull next to the star on the navigation map. Most of
the time, you will need to complete a side mission to access that system.
To liberate a system, you have to destroy all the pirates. They normally
come in 3 waves of 4 pirates. You have to be quick to avoid being heavily
outnumbered. Once the system is liberated, you will get a bunch of credits
and an artifact. So, keep an eye on the news whenever you go to a terminal
in a new cluster.

[3.05] Information on Forrester

You now have access to the Mortok Clusters with Delano's key. You will need
to head to the Mandedulce system, but collect the artifacts along the way to
power up your ship and defeat all the pirates possible. Anyway, head to the
Research Station in the Mandedulce System. The station will refuse to allow
you do dock when you contact them.

Oh well, bummer. Well, guess what, out of nowhere appears some Thul drones.
You will need to travel a fair distance from the station to intercept, and
use your Afterburners to get their quicker. Unlike your standard ship, these
drones are different. They have health and shields, but are weak because there
are only 5 of them. Target and destroy.

More waves will be coming and you will need to quickly intercept them as they
approach station. The station has no turrets to assist you, so you are on
your own. This should not be hard to do, they are weak after all. After you
have destroyed them, the Station Commander wishes to speak with you, after
all, you did save their lives.

He will admit that Jack was onboard the station, on the behalf of one Doctor
Zarkov, talking to some researchers before leaving, probably into Raptor

Well, well, Eona comes to the rescue again. She knows a Raptor in the
Biarnar system. Anyway, buy the new 4LY Drive if you haven't already and
jump into the next Mortok cluster. Pick up the artifacts, smash some Pirates
and head to the Biarnar Trade Station. Watch the cutscene. As Kayron trys to
fight several men at once, he is no match for a stun baton. He wakes up, Eona
is gone. Something to do with those "boring" problems no doubt.

[3.06] Abduction of Eona

Well, your co-pilot is gone and so are your leads. Leave the Trade Station
and you will receive a message from Ramirez. He is probably one of those
kidnappers. In order for him to release Eona, he wants you to do a job for
him. You will need to teleport to the Rulote system.

Once there, you will need to speak with Vimaro, one of the assistants in
the case. Take to him, ask him some questions, until Kabro, Ramirez's partner
turns up. Anyway, your job is simple, take down a freighter, steal the loot
and escape.

Anyway, wait for the freight to come from hyperjump. You will need to take
down the escorts first because they can post a risk to your shields. After
the Hunters are down, attack the cargo freighter, and keep shooting him until
he drops the cargo, which are, on closer inspection, drugs. However, Kabro
will kill the pilot, for no reason. Do not kill the pilot yourself.

Anyway, Kabro will come over and thank you, and send you to the Cabracoy
system to meet with Ramirez over Eona. You should head their now. Dock with
the trade station and meet with Ramirez.

[3.07] Ramirez's Assignments

Ramirez will state that he cannot release Eona, she owes him too much money.
Some questions, if she had so much money, how did she spend it? Anyway, he
will say that if you want Eona, you will have to perform 3 tasks for him to
forget about the debt. Sounds easy enough. First, you should by a Jammer to
block out scans.

Your first task is to meet a cargo ship. However, Ramirez will need you to
scan a satellite to find the location and ID of the required ship. After you
leave the trade station, you will need to move towards the satellite and
scan it. You can scan it using the Port Scanner you are given when you are
told to, which is about 0.2u away from the Satellite. Scan it, and head to the
meeting place.

Once there, you will have to meet with the smugglers. You will have no idea
what is going on, so transmit the code and ID to the freighter, who will give
you the cargo. Dock with the cargo and the police will zoom onto you. You will
need to afterburn to 4.0u away from hostile ships before you can jump to the
Alsavia system. Now, this is why you need a Jammer. There is a heightened
police presense because they know someone is smuggling goods. You need to go
to the trade station, and you either approach from the side, or straight
through. Either way, hope for the best that the police do not scan your ship
or scans and fails. Dock manually and speak with the contact.

Your third task happens to be the most painful of the tasks. You will
receive another container of smuggled goods and need to jump to Lorbeisua to
deliver such smuggled goods. There is a system in between Alsavia and your
target because your hyperjump drive doesn't have the range. Once you get
there, Hunters will appear and attack you. Drop the cargo and defeat them.
This Black Company is rather dangerous. Anyway, defeat the Hunters, dock
with the cargo and hyperjump to the Lorbeisua system.

You will need to approach the Manorciras freighter and give them the cargo.
Approach them and about 0.5v away from them, ditch the cargo and let them
pick it up. Follow the freighter and soon, 2 wave of Hunters will come along
and attack you. You will need to wipe them out before they can destroy the
freighter. Now, all you have to do is to follow the cargo ship around and

Once it is safe, you and Ramirez will use the codes stored on the Satellite
scanned earlier and use them to locate the cargo ships, packed with
explosives, which are on route to attack the hideout and you will need to
take them out obviously. Move your ship closer to the Warp Gate and wait
for those little cargo ships to turn up. Don't worry, they will and will
have a 3 ship escort. Take out the escorts first and then concentrate your
fire on the freighter. Boom! You will need to repeat this because there
are in total, 3 explosive freighters. What a poor effort on the behalf of
the Black Company.

Anyway, you will need to jump back to the Cabracoy system to talk with
Ramirez. It isn't good news at all. Like a Mortok, Ramirez is honourable
and keeps his words, but his partner Kabro isn't. He plans to use Eona as
leverage to force Kayron to do his bidding. You will need to engage Kabro
to get Eona back. This isn't going to be east at all.

[3.08] Kabro's Hideout

Go find some credits for a new Hyperdrive System. Finish this and hyperjump
your way to the Mostorga system. Head towards Ramirez and help him defeat 2
waves of 5 enemy fighters sent by Kabro. Fly towards the planet and this will
be your first, of several, non-space flights. You are going to have to fly
slowly because you don't want to be damaging your ship by crashing into
things. Be careful and use your radar often. Use to spot turrets and enemy
fighters. Shoot them quickly before they can counter attack.

Eventually, you are going to have to disable the shield generator on the
planet. That sounds easy enough. Anyway, once that is destroyed, you will be
sent back into space. Fly towards Kabro and kill him and his men. This
shouldn't be too hard. Get Eona back and everything will be ok. Not yet. You
have to fly to the Kosrod system and dock with the Research Station. There,
you will meet Mitri.

[3.09] The Hunt for Zarkov

Of course, in this world, people will only help others if you help them. Of
course, Mitri wants you to help him out. This happens to be a smuggling
mission. Not real nice. Anyway, you will need some upgraded Jammers to prevent
the police having a clear shot on your cargo. Head towards Mitri's ship,
Voskovska and pick up the cargo of Schnapps.

You have to head towards the Nizbin system. Drop the cargo and destroy the
Hunters sent out to get you. Reclaim your cargo and head towards the militia
men. Give them your cargo and then you will receive your objective to fly to
the Vidal system. Once you are there, you are to go to the Sverkoj's
cruiser. Get the necessary data and fly toward the back of the Trade Station.
There you will see several hunters preparing to beat up Mitri. Not good.
Quickly fly back to the Kosrod system and help Mitri destroy the Hunters
attacking him.

Speak to Mitri, how will give you a special container. Pick it up and dock
once more with the Research Station. You know get a cutscene and with that,
you have to head to several Research Stations in the Raptor and Oc'to
clusters in the search for Jack and Zarkov. Anyway, lets start by hunting
down the Research Stations.

[3.10] Researching Research Stations

Head to the Sakaterin system and you will need to head to the Research
Station there. The Thul drones have already attacked the station and to
prevent any further attacks, they want a plasma resonator for the data that
you need. This is not good so far.

Fly to the Twekono system and you will have to speak to a person called
Mando. Again, in this universe, your lead wants you to help him so he can help
you. No charity in this universe is there? Anyway, he wants you to scan the
cargo ships belonging to one Basilus. Anyway, fly towards the cargo ships
and scan them at a distance about 1u away. Now that you know where they jump
after scanning both of them, we can fly there. Jump to the Schel system.

Fly towards the waypoint designated and you will have to destroy everything
there, the fighters, hunters and the containers. Yet, your job is not
finished yet. Jump to the Bogozan system and fly into the ice field. Fly
until the cargo ship is within your range. You are going to have to destroy
everything here as well, including a military satellite that isn't too
friendly with you.

Off we go again after that session of wanton destruction, and we are going to
have to face Basilius, as well as his 4 bodyguards. Once you have wiped him
off the face of the universe, you are going to have to fly back to Mando and
talk to him. He sends you to the Chernomen. Around here, there are 3
shipwrecks that you will have to search. You are going to have to look around
and you will find that it will be in the third wreck.

Scan all the wrecks till you find the one, and once you find it, pick up the
resonator. Hyperjump all the way back to the Sakaterin system and drop the
container about 0.5u away from the Research Container. In return for your
services, the Station will transmit the data that you want

Now, we have to go to the second station. This will be the Toscha Research
Station located in the Goronezh system. You are going to have to rescue the
hapless Raptor, Nicolai, from 3 waves of pirates sent by Bronis, the
powerful gunrunner. If he is so powerful, how are you able to defeat them so
easily? Anyway, once you have wiped out the fighters, you can dock on the
Research Station. Nicolai is the security officer of the station and because
you save his sorry ass, he will hand over the data that you need.

The third station is in the Permanja, and well, the Raptor won't hand it
over unless you help them out. They seem to have a problem with a gunrunner,
a traitor called Bronis. The same one as before. Anyway, contact the cruiser
Bogatir in the Permanja system and offer them your help to kill Bronis.
You have to fly into the planet, which will be your second non-space flying
mission. Fly into the weapons factory, and drop your speed to about 20% of
max because it will be tight in here.

There are a lot of turrets in here, so be careful. Basically, anything that
so much as to moves, shoot it, there are no friendlies in here. What you
need to do is to deactivate the four generators powering the base. This is
not an easy task. Head through the corridor, head into the left room, and
then keep heading right. You will be able to find the generator here.
Shoot the arms of the generator until it is deactivated. Basically, head
back to the main room and head through the recently unlocked doors. Be
careful, because on your way to the second generator, one of the rooms will
have a lock that will lock you in if you won't reach the end in 50 seconds.
This isn't easy because there are turrets point at you all the time.
Basically, you are going to have to save, shoot all the mines in the way
and afterburn your way past the turrets.

You are going to have to continue blowing up all the generators until you
can blow up the main generator. Once that is done, you are finished and
get the data that you need. That is the third piece of the puzzle.

The last piece of the puzzle will be in the Kil'ore system onboard
Muighal Research Station. Your good friend Nicolai says that the Research
station will provide you data if you take pictures of anomalies. There are
three systems with anomalies that Muighai wants photos of. Lets head to the
Abria'chan system first. Head towards the anomaly, and to take a photo of
it, you will need to approach the anomoly and about 1u away from the
anomaly, you will need to use the Scanner. Do this to this one. You don't want
to be taking too much time for one reason, the anomaly will eat your shields
and that isn't a good sign.

Hyperjump to the Ken'ore system and fly to the anomaly. You need to keep
your guard up because once you approach the anomaly, several pirates will
come up and decide to attack you. Not good. Blast them and quickly take the
photo and hyperjump to the Tezutiak system. Take the last photo that you
need and fly back to Muighal Research Station.

Now, you are going to have to face your first Flak Mission. This is not as
hard as people think. You will need to watch your energy for your turret
however. There will be several waves of Thul drones. Wait and keep an eye
on your radar. Normally, when they appear, they will appear as one shade of
red. Once that colour changes, shoot the drones. This is because, once they
change colour, they are within range of the turret. You have to be accurate
so you don't waste the energy of the Flak turret.

Now that everything is ready, you will need to meet a Terran by the name of
Captain Hornblower in the Ach'air system.

[3.11] Captain Hornblower

Once you are in the Ach'air system, you will meet Captain Hornblower. You
will have to help him out against several pirates who decide to tax a road
that seems to be in space. Destroy them firm and proper. Now, you will have
to once more upgrade your HyperDrive. Once you have, jump to the Lynch'at
system and meet the Captain, lurking in the system.

When you are ready, you will have to fly to the Pachaung system. You will have
to cover him on the way to the meeting point with some smugglers. Once the
containers are activated however, you are forced to hyperjump to the same
system, but in another area. This is like the New York Jump Hole in
Freelancer, which forced you to jump to somewhere in the system. Anyway, you
will have to fight a bunch of pirates. Whatever you do, make sure that you
keep Hornblower's health and shield as high as possible. Destroy their base
and pick up the secret weapon.

Hyperjump to the Tinmaung system and fly to the Mahandra asteroid where we
will meet Jiju, an Arrack. While you are en route, you are going to have to
engage multiple Thul drones that have emerged from Hyperjump and are attacking
the Asteroid. You will really need to punch the afterburners in order to
defeat the drones before they dock on the asteroid, which means you lose.
Destroy all the drones and make sure you prevent them from landing. Once you
are done, land on the Asteroid.

Jiju believes that the Thul attack was because of the crystals that are mined
in the asteroid. The Thul are really interested and because of their constant
attacks, Jiju believes there is a base nearby and is forced to transport the
crystals with Arrack cruisers. Because of a possible nearby base, the Arrack
have deployed satellites to scan, but they have malfunctions and you will have
to fix the up, with Hornblower.

Once you are ready, fly with Hornblower to the first satellite in the
Tinmaung system, where you are. Scan it at a range of 0.6u away and that will
be the first on done. Jump to the next system, the Sinkwe system and you will
be attacked by 5 pirates, wanting some loot. You will have to destroy them
all and again, you want to keep Hornblower's health and shields as high as
you possible can. While you are fighting with pirates, Thul drones decide
to turn up and destroy the satellite. Luckily, Hornblower has some spares and
installs a new one. Watch him while he deploys this satellite.

Now, fly to Guangbwe and you need to install the late satellite. However,
there are Thul drones there and you will have to destroy them. They seem to
target Hornblower, and this is why I wanted you to keep the health as high
as possible. Destroy the drones and watch as he deploys the last satellite.

Once that is done, you will need to head back to the Tinmaung system and talk
to Jiju, who has a mission for you, when you are ready.

[3.12] Helping Jiju

Jiju has loaded a cruiser full of those special crystals that are found in
the asteroid. Because of the recent Thul attacks, and the fact that the
cruiser will need protection, he sends you as an escort ship. Anyway, you are
going to have to escort it to the Haiken system.

Jump to the system and watch the ship you are meant to be escorting being
blown apart by a Thul cruiser. Before you can damage him, to a large extent,
he will hyperjump away. He isn't going to shoot back though, you are too
insignificant for him. You can't do anything else here, you can only head back
to Jiju to report the news.

Jiju will note that he has used the satellites and has spotted the Thul
cruiser in the Kajudeng system. Hornblower will accompany you to the system.
Once you get into the system, you will need to select a system that you can
hyperjump to. You'll need this later.

You will have to scan the co-ordinates to find the cruiser. The second set of
co-ordinates will have some hostile ships that you have to cut down. Once
you get to the right set of co-ordinates, out comes the massive Thul cruiser
in all his glory and destroy Hornblower's ship with ease. Remember the
co-ordinates I told you to place on your Nav Map? Well, this is the part that
you hyperjump away to safety. You don't stand a chance against the cruiser

Fly back to Jiju and he will tell you that the Arrack have developed a cloak
scanner. All this news about cloaking doesn't seem right. After all, since
when did cloaking ships in Freelancer bode well? Anyway, Jiju will tell you
that Oc'to pirates have stolen the scanner and you will need to play fetch.

You will now have to fly to the Achand'unie system and talk to an Oc'to by
the name of Tan'ale. You will need to convince him (lines 2 and 1) and he
will point to two pirate gangs that could have stolen the scanner. The
X'Snider Hips and the Raz'Koyr Bulls. The Bulls will be the ones that have
the scanner so chase after them.

Jump to the Sc'atwert system and you will need to use your target list to
look for a container. That is the one you want. Anyway, fly closer and a
little scene should show that the Oc'to military hired the pirates to steal
the scanner off the Arrack for themselves, and since the military don't want
links with pirates, they will try to kill them. Well, just let them fight it
out till there aren't a lot left, fly in, kill the rest of them still alive,
pick up the container and fly back to Jiju. Let the Oc'to fight amongst
themselves and you mop up the rest. Sounds like a good plan any day.

[3.13] Cloaked Thul Cruiser

Well, Jiju will give you the scanner to detect the cruiser in the Kajudeng
system. Don't bother with the fighters, they will get call in reinforcements
when destroyed. Concentrate your fire on the cloaking device and destroy
the device. Now, the cruiser has no where to hide, time for revenge.

Remember what Tobias said in Freelancer about Gunships? Well, lets apply that
here. To fight a cruiser, you should target the engines of the ship. Why?
Because there are not a lot of guns there to oppose you. Whenever your shields
are nearly gone, you should retreat from enemy fire, more 1u away to recharge
the shields, and fight back.

You are going to have to fly sorties against that cruiser until the cruiser
is no more. Destroy the remaining Thul fighters and you will get a message to
contact Robert. There is one strange thing about this fight. There were no
Thul drones. You would think that the Thul will use drones instead of their
own pilots. This is very strange indeed. Anyway, head to Tiamaung and dock
with the Trade Station and contact Robert.

[3.14] Contacting Robert

Well, Robert has news for you. He has "discovered" Jack in the Metojang
system. Wow, thats great news. However, watch the cutscene a bit more and
at the end. There is someone standing behind him. There is something more
to this now, and somehow, Robert is involved.

[3.15] The Hunt for Jack Forrester

Leave the trade station and fly to the Metojang system. Something is not
right at all. This system is completely destroyed. Look at the piles of scrap
around you. Fly to the Trade Station Wreck. Ok, there is something really not
right with this system.

Fly to the Wreck of the Trade Station and look who greets you, Thul drones.
You are going to have to fight them and defeat them. Then, someone unexpected
comes down and helps you.

Jack Forrester comes along and helps you defeat the Thul drones. You want him
to be alive at the end of the battle for some information. After the battle,
you will talk to him. You will need to meet him in the Segin system.

[3.16] Flak Mission 2

You are going to have to save the research station from the attacking Thul
drones. You have to destroy them before they can land on the station. This
isn't going to be easy considering the amount of Thul drones there are.
Destroy, and dock.

Well, lets just say that this session with Jack is very informative and
explains a lot of things. For those who want to find out themselves, skip
the next couple of paragraphs.


Well, Eona reveals her reason for find Jack. She is his girlfriend. Well,
that explains why she was so eager to find Jack. Obviously Kayron is not too
pleased about this discovery at all, and he appears that way when you leave.

Also, Jack reveals that it was not him who sabotaged your father's ship. That
leaves only two people with access to the weapons, your father, and Robert.
The was the one who killed your father, and Jack was framed for it. He went
into hiding while Robert tried to silence his only opposition, Jack.


Anyway, after those shocking discoveries, you will need to commandeer the
turret and prevent those Thul drones from destroying the station. You will
need to wait like the last Flak Mission. Wait till they turn red on the
minimap and fire like crazy. Well, not like crazy because you will need to
conserve the energy to fire at other targets. This is a dual turret, so you
can destroy two drones in a single shot.

You are seriously going to need some serious practice if you cannot do it
the first time. The best advice I can give the to wait on the minimap till
the drone appears from light red to red. Once red, fire on the drone. You will
either need to destroy them all or wait till the mission ends. This will take
about one minute. This is hard and even I just won with the smallest amount of
health left.

[3.17] Doctor Zarkov's List

Once you have survived the Thul onslaught, Zarkov will approach you and say
that he needs some materials for his research. He needs about 15 tons of
Anerminium crystals and some high quality Quamstream isotopes. If you haven't
already, you will need to have an Ore Harvester to harvest the crystals.

Once you have the Ore Harvester, you can fly to the Yama system and look for
some close asteroids. Destroy the pieces of rock and keep destroying them
till they release an item that you can collect. Dock with it like it was a
container and head back to Sagen. Approach the research station and drop the
container. After that is done, you will need to fly to the Beinn system for
the isotopes.

In this system, you will need to speak with one Professor Hun'han. He had the
isotopes but some pirates were nice enough to steal them off him and he is
quite annoyed. Rightly so anyway. He says that if you get the isotopes back
and kill the pirates, you get a container. Sounds fair. Anyway, fly to the
pirates and destroy all of them, as well as their hide out. Pick up one of
the containers and fly back to Sagen. Deliver them to Zarkov. He tells you
that the Thul intend to build a nanoflux shield with a very high power output.
To find out the best place that the experiments can be held, you must find a
geologist, Jow'hal.

[3.18] Jow'hal and Jow'son

Fly to the Tom'atin system and head to the asteroid where Jow'hal is. There
will be Thul drones attack the asteroid and you need to destroy them. When
the fight is raging, a Thul cruiser and fighters show up. Oh no. Wait ...
they are helping you destroy their drones? Destroy the drones and Nara, one
of the pilots, will ask you to join her in the Clochtoll system after you
are done with Jow'hal. However, he cannot help you because his son is mission.
You will need to find his son, Jow'son in the Sona'chan system.

Fly to the system and once you are there, you'll be greeted with the military.
They will transmit a picture of Jow'son and the offer of a bounty. Anyway,
forget that and move to the asteroid surround with Hunters. Contact the
asteroid and Jow'son was involved with peace talks between the Oc'to and the
Arrack, but the leader of the Oc'to forces, Admiral Kir'hal, has placed a
bounty to disrupt the peace talks and to continue war. This sounds similar to
your fights against the Thul and links with Robert. This constant warfare
will be explained later.

You are going to have to destroy the bounty hunters that surround the asteroid
and you can dock if you need repairs. Jump to the Bin'dal system, passing
through another one. Once you are in the first system, 4 Hunters will attack
you. Destroy them and continue to Bin'dal. Once there, protect Jow'son until
he docks with a Cruiser. Zarkov will talk to you that in the mean time,
Jow'hal has come along. Nara has also given you the key to the Thul systems.
Purchase a 9 LY Hyperdrive and head to Clachtoll, a Thul system.

[3.19] Encounters with the Thul

Once there, you will see the Thul cruiser Eoghen II under attack, surrounded
by about 15 Thul Drone lots. You are going to have to fight these drones and
save the Eoghen II from destruction. Once they are destroyed, dock with the
cruiser to find out what is going on here.


You will now find out that the real enemy here is the S'kaa. They are an
alien race, capable of telepathic powers with two purposes here in the
galaxy. They hired key leaders, such as Robert Altair and Admiral Kir'hal,
in the different races to maintain the hostilities and weaken each other
until the S'kaa has a sizable force. Of course, this sounds like Freelancer
where the Nomads infiltrated the colonies and started a great war in order
to weaken them and invade.

The second purpose is to attack and destroy research stations as well as
Asteroid bases for enough resources to build a dimensional gate in the
Permakin system in order to bring more reinforcements into the galaxy to
invade and enslave mankind. Permakin, isn't that where your father was


You now need to find a key to the Permakin system at all costs. You will need
to head to the surrounding systems near Permakin and search around. Your
delightfully taken co-pilot Eona will have a contact on Archangelsk. Wait,
isn't that in Russia?

Anyway, head to the Archangelsk system and find the Kornis hideout. They will
tell you that the key to the Permakin system can be found in the wreckage of
a cruiser in the Kore system. Head to the Kore system and find the cruiser
wreckage 2. Don't go to number 1, unless you want to be attacked by some
nice pirates. Do your scanning from 0.7u away from the wreckage. Once you
do however, some weapon platforms decide to become active and attack you.
Use the wreck as defence and knock out the three platforms. Destroy the
pirates that show up as well, so take them all out. Wait until you get the
key and dock with the trade station for repairs. Now, we head to the Permakin

[3.20] The S'kaa System

Jump into the system and, what the hell is that? That is the S'kaa mothership,
the source of all this trouble in the galaxy. We surely cannot defeat that
on our own, can we?

The Thul will send in a cruiser to help. That is really going to help. You
cannot destroy the dimension gate until you remove the Mothership. Surely
we can defeat the Mothership, with the forces of all the fleets in the galaxy
together. Also, your weapons are too weak to even damage the shields of the
Mothership. While this is going on, we need to protect Nara while she is
scanning the ship. What you need to do is to wipe out every S'kaa drone that
appears. You should have had enough experience with wiping out these annoying

Eoghen II, the Thul Cruiser will come up and take the job of scanning the
Mothership. You really don't need to protect him, you can only stop the
amount of S'kaa drones being launched. Stay close to the ugly Mothership
and wipe out everything that comes out of it.

NB: You can land on the cruiser for repairs if you need them.

All you can do now is to destroy the enemy ships and that is basically all
you can do. You really cannot take fire for the Cruiser anyway, so attack
the enemy whenever you can.

Meanwhile, guess who is on the Mothership. Robert. He claims that they misled
him that the were conquering the galaxy to make it a peaceful area. How is so
stupid to fall for that? I mean, anyone who says that is easily lying through
their teeth. Anyway, Robert decides to do a noble act, transmit the shield
specifications to you. About time he did something useful, even if he is in

Anyway, time to fight is over, dock with Eoghen II and lets finish this bad
ass ship.

[3.21] The Mothership

The Thul scientists on board the Eoghen II have the ability to modify your
plasma weapons to the point where they can penetrate the shield of the
mothership. Anyway, we need the shield down to get rid of the Mothership.

Fly outside and ignore the drones, they can't harm you too much. Anyway,
fire on the designated target until the shields are down. Once you have,
this will give you a cutscene where you enter the tunnels of the Mothership.
Finally, the mission to end all missions.

Move fast and ignore the defences of the mothership. Either fly fast with
your afterburners to avoid damage or let your turrets deal with them. You
don't need to concern yourself with such small matters, the life of the
entire galaxy is at hand.

Follow the directions from Eona and fly until you are blocked by lasers.
Look for a crystal that is nearby, and destroy it. This will stop the lasers
and allow you to continue your way through the network of tunnels of the

You are flying even faster now, but don't crash into walls. You don't want
to be losing your shields in here. You don't want to lose, not now.
Keep flying through the tunnels till reach the end. Well, you can't do anymore
can you? Yes you can. Below you is the entrance to the main generator, the
only thing you want to destroy.

Destroy it. Blow it up. For all the suffering you have gone through, make sure
that no one survives, except for you. The mothership is destroyed with the
end of their main generator. Before you can knock out the dimensional gate, a
small pyramid escapes. Notice how this is like Freelancer. You destroy the
source of the hostilities, and yet, they aren't gone forever. Too bad in
Darkstar One, there isn't "The Order" to stand guard over the dimension gate
to ensure they don't return.

Well great work, you have finished DarkStar One's storyline. Now, just roam
around and do as you wish.

[4.01] Fighting the Elu Gang

Well, you really don't have a choice about this one, but you will encounter
this while in the Metharon system. The Terran Cruiser Keoma will make a nice
announcement that there is a bounty on the head of any member of the Elu
Gang that you shoot down. Of course, you can take up on this offer or you can
refuse. If you get involved, check your fire, you don't want to be shooting
down friendlies due to your shots missing your target.

Reward: Bounty of any downed pirates

[4.02] Pirates of the Occupied Ta System

For any side mission from now on, you need to approach a trade station in the
relevant cluster. These are normally the prosperous systems. Dock, and search
till you find the one with "Side Mission" one the side panel in the Trade

This mission sees you in the Tanee system destroying two cargo ships that are
hyperjumping from the Ta system. You are join with a bunch of mercenaries.
You will need to engage the cargo ships and the escorts as well. Take out the
cargo ships first then the fighters because the cargo ships because they have
a lot of weapons and health. Knock them out, then the pirate fighters.

Reward: Key to the Ta System

[4.03] The Council President's Daughter

An Oc'to diplomatic cruiser, An'nathain, is carrying the daughter of the
president of the Galactic Union is held hostage by rebel forces. Your job is
to rescue the cruiser. It is located in the Pani system. You need to help out
the Keoma II (What is with the name, Keoma) and protect it to rescue the
cruiser. You really shouldn't protect the Keoma II, because if you do, the
Oc'to cruiser will be gone. Fly to the cruiser and destroy the cargo ships
first of all, they are the ones packing the punch.

After the Cargo Ships are down, attack the rebel hunters. Knock them out to
wipe out the threat to the Oc'to cruiser. Mop up the rest of the fighters,
dealing with them as you wish.

Reward: Key to the Teha System

[4.04] The Raptor Espionage Satellites

The Raptor, the previous enslavers of the Mortok, have had their secret
service deploy Espionage Satellites in the Grotok cluster to monitor the
hyperjumps of the Mortok. The Mortok aren't sure where they are, do you will
need to do some checking.

Anyway, fly to the Alfabalas system. Nothing there. Then, fly to the
Mandedulce system. Again, nothing there. Your next destination is the Naro
system. Your wingman will point out 5 satellites in the asteroid field.

As you destroy the satellites, beware as there will be pirates that were hired
by the Raptor to protect the satellites. Destroy them and finish with the
rest of the satellites.

Reward: Key to the Martotacon system

[4.05] How to Fire an Empire Boss

The Baylona Group (mercenary group), want one of their bosses fired due to
corruption and mismanagement. You join the mercenaries in the Alaniz system to
deal with Ventura. The head mercenary will give an order for Ventura to
resign, but he refuses. He opens fire, and so do you.

Concentrate on Ventura first. He is the biggest threat. The best way to beat
him is to fly and stop right at the spot of his engines. Yes, his engines and
face it. Shoot the engines until the shields are down. Once the shields are
down, destroy the turret that can attack you, right above the engines.

Let the mercenaries shoot down the escorts while you continue to shoot down
the cruiser. Don't worry, with the cruiser occupied, the fighters should take
down the escort. When you are done, take down the escorts and finish the

Reward: Key to the Eicete system

[4.06] Protect the Terran Cruiser Keoma IV

The Raptor has attacked the Terran Cruiser Keoma IV and you will need to
protect it. The Mortok have to protect it since it is on a diplomatic mission
and is on Mortok space. Therefore, they send you and a couple of mercenaries
to fix things.

Fly to the Risafes system and once you are there, the Keoma IV is already
taking enemy fire. Fly to the Keoma IV and destroy the fighters until you are
told to intercept the bomber fleet. Move to intercept and wipe out the
bomber fleet.

Then, in all its glory, the Raptor military cruiser, Grigori II turns up and
complicates things. It will move to the Keoma IV, whose weapons should be now
up and running. Do what you did with Ventura, aim for the engines and once the
shields are down, take down the turrets near you, continuing to blast the

With the support of Keoma IV, you should overpower the Raptor cruiser and
finish the mission.

Reward: Key to the Odia system

[4.07] Ramirez's Fight against the Gunrunners

Ramirez needs your help now, this time, without the threat of holding Eona
hostage. He has discovered that his rivals are using Raptor weapons and he
wants to find out how this is possible. You need to fly to the Camrracin

Once you are in the system, fly to the waypoint and destroy the cargo ships
and the enemy fighters that are supporting it. Do this quickly, because like
the attack on the Keoma IV, a Raptor cruiser will turn up and complicate
things a little.

Once the cruiser arrives, fly behind it and shoot the engines, paying careful
homage to your shields. Destroy the cruiser and wipe out any more flying

Reward: Key to the Grajuez system

[4.08] Boosting Economy in Zhusomol

The Zhusomol system has requested several cargo ships to trade with it in
order to help the economy, ravaged by pirates. Leave the trade station and
head towards the warp gate where the cargo ships will be emerging from
hyper space.

Several cargo ships will start to turn up and multiple waves of pirates will
decide to turn up to do some looting. You don't want to lose any cargo ships
but you probably will lose one at the least. You want to fire on the pirates
but avoid the cargo ships in the way that when you miss, you don't hit the
cargo ship.

Destroy the pirates and finish the mission.

Reward: Key to the Lysmir system, Secret Service Weapon behind Trade Station

[4.09] Embargo in Zareck

Two large empires have hired a large amount of mercenaries to destroy the
cargo ships in the Zareck system. Your objective? Fly to the Zareck system
and destroy all the mercenaries attack the cargo ships in Zareck. There are
about 15 mercenaries ship and you need to rid of all of them.

Reward: Key to the locked system. Forgot name.

[4.10] Escort for a Convoy

Your job here is to escort a convoy into the Nakhod system and need to protect
them from the pirates of the Toscha gang. Your job is to fly to the Nakhod
system and make sure that one cargo ship at least makes the trade station.

Your problem here is that the pirates are some of the hardest in terms of
difficulty. Actually, not really. Hard pirates generally wait and charge at
you. This is good, fly towards them, in a straight line, and you have a direct
line of fire towards them. If you have powerful weapons, this will unleash a
full barrage upon them. Easy pirates are harder, you have to move around.

Anyway, you need to survive about 3 waves of pirates and ensure that the
cargo ships survive.

Reward: Key to the Balasom system, Secret Weapon behind Trade Station

[4.11] The Mynock Empire Strikes Back

Your mission here is to take out a rebel cruiser in the Koro system with a
group of mercenaries as support. That doesn't sound hard by itself does it?
No, not really. However, they seem to have big friends.

The Mortok Cruiser Domingos turns up. Again, you want to destroy the big one
as it can dish out the most damage to your wingmen. To fight, aim for the
engines of the ship, wipe out the turrets and destroy the ship. With the
larger cruiser down, take down the smaller rebel cruiser. Don't wait for your
mercenaries to soften both of them, because by then, you are all alone and are
easy prey because you can only concentrate on one cruiser and don't want
another to shoot you in the back.

Reward: Key to the Nakhodlu system

[4.12] Raptor Zealots

There is a peace conference between the Oc'to and the Raptor sect leaders of a
religion. It failed. You need to protect the Aponi III, the Cruiser on which
the conference was held. It is in the Nizpul system and you are to join a
mercenary task force.

Protect the Aponi III by destroying the fighters that are engaging the Aponi
III. Soon, you will need to intercept some bombers that are inbound. Intercept
and destroy. Surprise, Surprise, there is the Raptor Cruiser Saint Igor there,
waiting for you. I swear, the Raptors are meant to be the Russians or
something, Archangelsk, now this.

Anyway, destroy the cruiser and mop up the fighters. There we go, Aponi III
has been saved.

Reward: Key to the Ankovo system

[4.13] Under Siege by Fanatics

This job is even harder, and shows the extreme power of the powerful Raptor
religious sects. Anyway, the fanatics have taken over the Coill'ore system and
demanded some defectors to be handed over. Of course, this has been refused
and war now wages. You are backed up with Nicolai and some mercenaries.

Anyway, jump to the Coill'ore system and look at the task ahead. 3 Cruisers!!!
They isn't going to be easy so attack the closest one to you. Attack the
engines and take them down. Next, take down the next one closest one to you
and then, take down the last one. These cruisers will be backed up by 4
escorts, so this isn't going to be a walk in the park.

You think you're done? After you are done with three cruisers, another one
turns up. You have to take down a fourth cruiser. Repeat, attack the engines
and then the turret, then destroy. Ok, this religious thing is seriously
getting out of hand. The Raptor have some serious problems.

Reward: Key to the Lon'ore system

[4.14] Support for Terran Cruiser

You need to help back up the Terran Cruiser Keoma II. It is under attack by
some pirates, again. Well, no one is going to help so you need to do this

Anyway, fly to the Yaha system and head to the waypoint. There, destroy the
pirates. Quickly fly to the Keoma II and destroy the Cargo Ships first. Them,
wipe out the remaining fighters there. Try to get the fire on you, and not
Keoma II. Why?

An Oc'to Cruiser decides to come along and join the party. While the two
battleships engage, you need to destroy the shields of the Cruiser and destroy
it quickly before the Keoma II is gone.

Reward: Key to the Tezutiak system

[4.15] Raid on Pirate Cruiser

Pirates, somehow, have kidnapped a Terran Cruiser. Anyway, they are in the
C'atlodge system. You are authorised to destroy the captured Cruiser. This
isn't going to be a breeze.

You need to attack the Cruiser first. This is the biggest threat and needs to
be taken care of. Remember, hide right behind the engines and destroy it
slowly. Once this is done, you can take down the escorts and the mission
should be finished.

Reward: Key to the Drum'unie system

[4.16] Protect the Akshat II

There is a Cruiser in the Gaungbwe system that is under attack by the Oc'to.
You need to fly to Gaungbwe and protect the Arrack cruiser Akshat II for as
long as you can.

This is your basic mission. Fly to the system, stay near the friendly
crusier and destroy all enemy fighters. After that, intercept the enemy bomber
fleet that is inbound hot on the cruiser. Then, the Cruiser will turn up
and attack up. Destroy it.

Reward: Key to the Honnaing system

[4.17] Two Terrans in Hive B52

There are two Terrans that require assistance with a handover in the
Maleindon system with some guy called Funak'lu. Anyway, fly to the system and
your job is to protect these two morons. Fly to the waypoint and listen as the
exchange is taking place.

While they are talking, sneak behind the enemy formation. Once the two stupid
Terrans blame that you have their credits, you fight. Guess what, you are
right behind him, making them rather easy prey. Shoot, destroy, finish the
mission. Thank god we are rid of those stupid terrans. They really need to get
some help.

Reward: Key to the Minshwe system

[4.18] Molin System Under Siege

The Rebel forces have sent in battleships to the Molin system over a feud
involving mining rights. You have a back up squad of mercenaries to help
you out.

Well, like the extreme fanatics mission, there are three cruisers here that
you must take care of as well as an escort. Take them out individually. Once
you have taken them out, along comes a fourth one. Take that one out, aim
at the engines, take down shields, take down health, it goes boom.

Reward: Key to the Kinmin system

[4.19] Liquid Explosives

A research colony has somehow lost 6 containers containing some powerful
explosives in Pegin. There are 3 sets of containers in the system. Each set
has 2 containers in it. Each are guards by 2 cruisers each. Therefore, you are
up against 6 cruisers.

Well, instead of taking on the cruisers, afterburn and thrust your way to the
containers, shoot the containers and this should cripple the cruisers. Take
them out when they are down. Rinse and repeat for the next two sets of
liquid explosives.

Reward: Key to the Chaing system

[4.20] N.O.M.A.D.

No, not those biological ships from Freelancer, though I could like a Nomad
Energy Cannon right now. Anyway, an Oc'to scientist needs your help on some
haywire satellites, which are Nomad class, hence the name, in the Badic'aul

Jump to the system and protect the scientist at all times while you are
destroying the 6 screwed up satellites. And no, the Order has done a good job
and no Nomad ships from the Sirius sector appeared.

Reward: Key to the Altand'uin system

[4.21] Fight against Rebel Cruiser

The rebel cruiser Bhadrak needs to be destroyed. It is currently in the
Kamaing system. You will have some sizable back up, a large group of
mercenaries and some cargo ships. About time we get some good backup.

Anyway, fly to the system. Sorry, there are now two cruisers. Thats bad
intelligence. Very bad intelligence. Talk with the Cargo ship who seems to
have some explosives with him. Take the cargo and fly, as fast as you can,
since you are going at a slow rate due to explosives trailing behind you, and
dump it near the enemy cruiser. Guess what happens if the explosives go boom?

Anyway, finish off the second cruiser and that should be the end of the
mission. Rather nice not to destroy 1500 cruisers and 100000 fighters for

Reward: Key to the Letpan system

[4.22] Lunacy onboard the Niatuin

The all female crew onboard the Thul Cruiser Niatuin somehow turned insane
when they went near an anomaly and are now attacking friendly ships. For
some reason, the Thul cannot attack their own kind. Why not? The Terrans do
it all the time, and the Thul are technically Terran.

Anyway, your job is to stop the Niatuin attack friendly ships and to put an
end to them, showing that resistance is not futile.

Reward: Key to the Aberloch system

[4.23] Mandroids

Again, an all female Thul group has decided to smuggle clones of men into the
Clayock system. Why can't they go out and get the real thing? Beats me. You
have to support the Thul cruiser that is sent to intercept the cargo ships.

Anyway, fly to Galadriel and help them scan some mercenaries that act funny.
Of course, something is up and they attack you. Wipe them out. Head back to
the Cruiser and help the fight against the mercenaries and the cargo ships.
Watch out, an Arrack cruiser has been hired so you will need to take care
of that as well. Wipe them out.

Reward: Key to the Lagen system

[4.24] The Ascarong Gang

Available after you have finished the game, this is the hardest mission, even
harder than the blasted S'kaa mothership. When you feel up to a fight, use
your Zero FL Drive and warp to the Ascarong system, in Hive AC3, in the
bottom part.

You think you're tough. The Ascarong Gang is tougher. The entire system is
controlled by them. They are all named after a member of the development
team. As an in joke, the leader, Daniel Dumont has a female voice. Of course,
this is the default Terran voice. There are 9 fighters, 3 cruisers and of
course, bossman has the largest, biggest cruiser ever.

Take out the fighters first because these guys are rather tough. Take me
out, away from the cruisers. This should not be too bad a problem. Next, take
down the smaller cruisers one by one. This are a fair distance from each other
so don't worry about being backstabbed. Next, Dumont, the big bad boss. Man,
don't try to sneak behind the engines and attack, it won't work because your
firepower is too weak and he has too much health.

Use the Plasma Shield and just go crazy on him. Rinse and repeat. Strafe his
fire and do rounds. Once you have his shields down, just fire like crazy on
him. You will need to go through several rounds. Practice and rinse.

Do not land on the trade station for repairs. If you do, Dumont will be
gone. Beat them and prove you are the master of DarkStar One

[5.01] The Weapons

There are different weapons used by the different races in the game. There are
also turrets, which are automated guns and missiles, which are missiles.

The Terrans have the lasers. These are your default weapons. They have an
average projectile speed, average recharge and drain an average amount of

The Mortok have Railguns. These drain more energy, but have a better
projectile speed as well as better damage than a laser. They also have an
Ion Pulse weapon. They do good damage to shields, have an average rate of
fire but drain fair amounts of energy.

The Raptor have their Gravitone guns. They have a slow rate of fire and drain
a lot of energy, but their projectiles do large amounts of damage.

The Arrack have their Spore Projectile guns. They are the same as the Terran
Lasers, however, they do more damage and drain more energy as a result as well
as damaging both shields and hull at the same time.

The Thuls have an advanced version of a laser, with more firepower and a
slower rate of fire.

Turrets are basically an automated version of the gun counterparts. They do
less damage and act periodically. This really depends on what you want to
fire at the enemy. Turrets are useful because they are very accurate and can
deal good amounts of damage to your enemies. They still use energy off your
ship, but like I mentioned before, they do not continiously fire, therefore,
they aren't a big drain on your energy production.

Secret Service Weapons are basically advanced version of the basic guns that
you can purchase from the trade station. They are always better and stronger
than what you can buy. Hence, Secret Service. They are often stronger,
although slightly, than the weapons one class above it.

Missile Launchers basically are weapon mounts that fire missiles. You will
need to purchase missiles in order to use them. You can only hold 25 missiles
at a single time. Your Swarm missiles at your faster, tracking missiles, your
Hellfire is your average missile while your Big Bang is your dumb fire
missile. Use your Swarm missiles against fighters since they have a higher
turning velocity whilst saving your Big Bang missiles against the cargo ships
and the cruisers.

Your weapon classes are based on the name of the weapon.

[Weapon Name] = Class 1
Mk 2 = Class 2
Mk 3 = Class 3
Military = Class 4
Military MK2 = Class 5
Military MK3 = Class 6
Elite = Class 7
Elite MK2 = Class 8
Elite MK3 = Class 9

Why I don't use missiles? Because they are too ineffective. They do not have
supurb training devices, like the Firestalker in Freelancer and the use of
dumb missiles is too far and few between. After all, the only target for
Big Bangs is cruisers, but how often do you see cruisers? Not often, unless
on missions.

[5.02] Plasma Weapons

Plasma Weapons are your special weapons that are found on the DarkStar One.
They are increase on a point system, with each point given from a ship
upgrade. There are 6 different abilities you can invest in, each with 5
points each. However, you can only have a maximum of 20 points out of 30 so
choose which ones you want.

--==Weapons Boost==--

Boosts your weapons efficiency, increase rate of fire and the amount of energy

--==Shield Boost==--

Increases the recharge rate of your shields. This makes it more likely to
absorb and deflect enemy fire


This will basically kill the engines of the enemy ships in the area, as well
as damaging their shields. It has a limited effect on cruisers. The higher
the upgrade, the more ships it can target as well as a longer duration of


This basically kills the engines of the enemy ships and stops their weapons
so they don't fire on you. This makes them easy targets and easy for you
to take down. It only has an effect on fighters, no one else.


This is basically a time freeze ability where the enemy stops. This makes
easy targets, however, it must be within a radius of 0.7u within your
ship. No effect on any else except for fighters.

--==Plasma Shield==--

Creates a shield that no one can pierce. It also boosts the abilities of
your ship to ram others. With the shield, you cannot take damage until the
shield is lifted. Still, just ram them.

[6.01] Ship Equipment

There are three different types of equipment. There is Expendable, Usable and
On Board Equipment. Expendable equipment is one use only, Usable is equipment
that is installed on your ship, using equipment slots, and On Board equipment
is equipment that is always on your ship, but can be upgraded.

*Expendable Equipment*

--==Activator Refill==--

Refills your Hyperdrive Engine

--==Afterburner Booster==--

Increase your Afterburner Energy by 200%

--==Graviton Boost==--

Increase your speed by 200% for 10 seconds

--==Plasma Boost==--

Fully recharges your Plasma Cannon

--==Repair Boost==--

Fully repairs your ship

--==Shield Boost==--

Fully recharges your ship's shield

*Usable Equipment*

--==Cargo Computer==--

Required to pick up containers of different sizes.
At X50, you can carry a 50t container, 1 drone
At X100, you can carry a 100t container, 1 drone
At X200, you can carry a 200t container, 1 drone
At X300, you can carry a 300t container, 1 drone
At X600, you can carry a 300t container, 2 drones

--==Energy Collector==--

Increases the refill rate of your HyperDrive
From X20 to X70, the speed is increased, based on number of X
Therefore, if X20, recharge is 20% faster

--==Energy Flux==--

Transfer energy from weapons to shields


Used to provide protection against cargo scans from 30% to 90%
X is the amount of protection it provides
Therefore, if X30, it provides 30% protection against a successful scan. If
you wish to become a smuggler or to complete missions where you have to
smuggle goods, be sure to purchase a jammer.

--==Landing Computer==--

Provides automatic landing from 1 to 5u without having to contact the trade
staion. This is handy but you cannot use the landing computer when you are
smuggling goods, because you need to manually dock.

--==Ore Harvester==--

Allows you to harvest minerals from asteroids when you destroy an asteroid
with your weapons. It may take a while, but the amount of minerals will be
the maximum amount your drones can carry.


Allows you to increase your scanner's range from 1u to 20u.

--==Shield Flux==--

Transfer energy from front shields to rear shields

*On Board Equipment*


Provides an extra boost of speed. Increases your maximum speed by 50%. IE,
your normal speed is 100%, using afterburners, it will be 150%

Level = Boost Duration
1 = 8 secs
2 = 10 secs
3 = 12 secs
4 = 14 secs
5 = 16 secs
6 = 18 secs
7 = 20 secs
8 = 22 secs


This basically stores energy from a hyperjump.

Level = Recharge Time = Capacity = Gain (%)
1 = 12 secs = 12 = 0
2 = 10 secs = 14 = 10
3 = 10 secs = 25 = 16
4 = 10 secs = 40 = 33
5 = 10 secs = 60 = 41
6 = 10 secs = 90 = 50
7 = 10 secs = 120 = 50
8 = 10 secs = 170 = 60

--==Energy Shield==--

Basically handles to speed that your shields recharge and energy levels.

Level = Recharge Time = Shield Energy = Gain (%)
1 = 70 secs = 18 = 0
2 = 71 secs = 28 = 10
3 = 72 secs = 40 = 10
4 = 73 secs = 58 = 19
5 = 74 secs = 84 = 30
6 = 75 secs = 104 = 41
7 = 76 secs = 164 = 61
8 = 78 secs = 248 = 85


Provides energy for your ship

Level = Energy = Gain (%)
1 = 1.3 = 0
2 = 1.8 = 14
3 = 3.1 = 28
4 = 4.8 = 51
5 = 7.1 = 46
6 = 11 = 39
7 = 15 = 41
8 = 21 = 44

[7.01] Trading

Trading is a rather boring aspect of the game. Your main goal is to buy low,
sell high. This is simple. Poor colonies will need many illegal goods, such
as androids, video games and such. They will provide you cheaper raw materials
for you.

Manufacturing colonies will require the raw materials and provide illegal
goods as well as manufactured goods. Prosperous colonies require the
manufactured goods and deal with higher manufactured goods as well as
illegal goods.

Anyway, that is the list of what products go where. When you trade, the red
meter is the amount of resources the station has. If you want to buy low,
buy when the 4 blocks are green. To sell high, sell products that have all
4 blocks are red.

[8.01] Classes

There are 6 different classes that you can play as, the more you are inclined
to do a certain activity, it will have an effect on what type of character
you tend to be.

Pirates are those who make money by attacking cargo ships and looting their
containers. Because of this, you will become a pirate and cargo ships will
hold an offensive stance against you when you approach them.

Killers are those who decide to attack ships for no real reason or finishing
off cargo ships. Of you have this characteristic, there will be a police ship
always watch the DarkStar One, ready to pounce when you attack a ship.

Smugglers are those who purchase goods, and sell them in another colony which
has outlawed them. The higher this level is, the more often the police will
scan your ship for illegal goods. Best to invest in the jammer now.

Traders are those who purchase goods at a low price and sells them for a
profit. Those who do so will tend to get better deals from trade stations when
they sell their goods.

Bounty Hunters are those who attack pirates because of their bounty. Because
of this, pirates tend to keep an eye for the DarkStar One and that means,
whenever you see a pirate, they will be hostile against you except for special

Mercenaries are those who complete jobs and missions for a monetary reward.
These mercenaries are more able to get a better reward when they complete a
mission from the Trade Station.

The class characteristics will decrease over time unless you sustain it with
the activities associated with it. Of course, this is up to you. You can
only maintain about 3 at most at any one given time.

[9.01] Random Missions

There are several missions that you can undertake. First, there are missions
that is held in space.

--==Research Station==--

There might be a chance that when you jump into a station with a research
station, they may request that you check on a satellite. When you get close
to the co-ordinates, you will see two, friendly pirates. Immediately, shoot
one of them and destroy them. They will be confused and you can destroy one
without them moving. The second will move and fire back, but you have the
upper hand. Anyway, scan the satellite and the research station will give
you some credits.

The scan of the satellite has revealed the co-ordinates of a conspiracy camp
and the research station as sent the military to deal with them. You can go
as well, check your target list for containers. Once there, there are some
weapon platforms that you must take care of and some pirates. Then, take your
cargo and go. However, be careful. The pirates will be the hardest possible
and the weapon platforms aren't a walk in the park. Unlike the ones in
Freelance which were easily destroyed, these weapon platforms have a lot of
guns that can easily shred and tear your ship into pieces.

--==Bounty Hunter==--

Sometimes, when you jump into any normal system, there may be a bounty hunter
that requires your assistance. Check your target map and look for a friendly
pirate. Click on them and fire on them. They will now turn hostile. Of your
first shot, make sure that you position yourself behind them. This will make
it easier for you to target them and fire on them, since you are behind them.
Don't forget, the lone bounty hunter can also help you out so you aren't
exactly on your own. Still, protect the bounty hunter since he will be the
paying your fee.

Destroy the wave of pirates, generally 5, and protect the bounty hunter. Once
they are all dead, if the bounty hunter is still alive, they will pay you a
generous sum of money.

--==Pirate Gangs==--

As mentioned above, you can read in the news about a pirate gang in a certain
system. They are normally next to a shipwreck, a hideout or an anomaly. You
can fly there, and about 2u away, they will come out to engage you. There
will be 3 waves of pirates, the normal pirates, the bodyguards and the boss
himself. The normal pirates will be about 7 pirates in number, the amount of
bodyguards is normally 2, but if you had 6 pirates in the first wave or less,
you might face 3 bodyguards. When there is only 1 bodyguard remaining, the
boss will come out and engage you. Once the boss is down, you can take the
special container, containing a secret service weapon.

--==System Liberation==--

Also mentioned in the walkthrough, when you complete side missions, you will
get keys to a locked system, often occupied with pirates. Anyway, you fly
into the system and defeat 3 waves of 4 pirates. Take them on, using your
plasma skills on the first and final waves, and defeat them. Once you do, you
get a nice wad of credits as well as an artifact.


A boring mission, just get an Ore Harvester, blast rocks and collect the
ore when it pops out. Not exactly the most thrilling of all the missions.

There are more missions that you can undertake from a trade station. These
are generally worth more money, and have a defined role. These missions are
found in the terminal under the missions section. The pay is based on the
difficulty of the mission. Obviously, the harder the mission, the better
the pay. Also, your ship's level will be a factor. The higher the level,
the higher your pay will be.


Generally, you may get missions that involve the destruction of satellites
or the manipulation of satellites. With the destruction of satellites, there
will generally be a guard protecting it. If not, once you destroy the
satellite, a wave of pirates will appear and exclaim that they are too late
and turn to attack you.

The second type of satellite mission is to manipulate the satellites. This
basically means you scan the satellite and move on. Generally, there will
be 4 to manipulate. You do not want to be spotted by the police or any
guards as they will fire on you and lead to a mission failed.

--==Bounty Hunting==--

This is basically being hired by someone who wants to eliminate a pirate,
whether it be a company or the police, wanting to get rid of a pirate. The
pay will depend on your level and the difficulty of the pirate. These missions
will normally have hard pirates, surrounded by an escort. Normally, you
will deal with the weaker pirates and partners first, then move onto the
bodyguards, and finally, the one that you want himself. This is similar to
dealing with a pirate gang, however, there is no secret weapon that you can
get at the end of the mission.

--==Lost Cargo==--

This appears often where a cargo ship has left a container in a system and
needs to be delivered to the trade station. Anyway, you need to head to the
system and fly towards the container. When you reach the container, you often
need to fight some pirates, who want the cargo because it is loot or to deal
with some Hunters because they found it first. Whoever it is, you will need
to destroy them, collect the cargo and deliver the cargo to the trade station
it is meant to go to.


This is where one company wants to steal the secrets of another company and
needs to spy on their meeting. Your mission is to fly to the system and
head to the research station where the meeting is being held. Then, you need
to approach the waypoint and wait till all the ships have arrived to the
station. After that, you will need to use the Laser Microphone that you have
been given. More often than not, the people will discover your ship and you
will need to fight off several Hunters sent out to remove you. Destroy and
head home.

--==Escort Freighter==--

This is where you protect a freighter from enemy pirates and hunters. There
are two ways to protect a freighter. You can start it from the terminal from
the trade station under the escort section, where you can offer to escort
departing freighters. This will be available depending on whether your
hyperdrive can reach the destination and you have the key to the system. The
second method is to contact a freighter and offer to protect them.

Anyway, when you offer to escort, there are two times a pirate can attack.
They can attack when you leave or straight away, and after a fight, that
should be it. More often than not, when you hyperjump, if you see a
cutscene of some pirates, that means you need to be ready for a fight. You
need to protect the freighter, not go off fighting. These cargo ships are
not designed for battle, they are designed for shifting cargo, and that
is about it.

[A] Contact Information

Appears on g,a,m,e,f,a,q,s.c,o,m ALWAYS (remove the commas)

Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.

To contact me, e-mail me at
hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Replace at with @ and dot with .

Don't add me to MSN Messenger List because if I don't know you, I won't accept
you, simple as that.

E-Mail me (and anyone else you want to e-mail) with courtesy and respect as
we are living people like you. Have a title of what you are sending so I know
what is going on. If you try to send attachments, I won't open them so stick
the information in the E-Mail.

Please write in English or anything close to it. It can't understand foreign
languages so please don't give me a page long quite in Mexican or Antarctic
penguin language cause I don't understand.

Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od
Yoi Di Tjih Ni Drkstone Won?" Don't be too formal, a question is not a freakin
business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough
to the PC Game, Darkstar 1, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to a freak
the President of the United States of America or Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in
the FAQ. I will also be grateful if you see this FAQ somewhere else other than
Gamefaqs or a site which has my permission. If you do, tell me so I can kick
their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.

I will not respond to:

* Spam
* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)
* Something not related with this
* Something already covered
* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions
* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answered as they should be sent to Ascaron not
me. I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its
your game not MINE.

[B] Webmaster Information




[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and
another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so
in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not
be credited for your work.

CJayC for the memories
SBAllen for administration
Ascaron for developing the game
Me for writing it
You for reading it
www.rootsecure.net for the ASCII artwork, if there

[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On
www.gamefaqs.com will always have the latest versions

May be Outdated
www.neoseeker.com will have a version of this FAQ

[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2006 Ascaron Entertainment. All Rights Reserved

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Please abide with the terms. If not, you will be facing a lawsuit you cannot

This document is copyright 2007. All Rights are shoved out of the airlock.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für den Artifact-Vervielfältiger, Geld, Energie und Raketen

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld und Raketen

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Alle-Levels-Savegame

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Start-Savegame mit 9.999.999 Credits

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
25.Juni 2019