Darkstar One

Darkstar One

14.10.2013 18:05:48

Limona Razvan

Legal note
This faq/walkthrough belong to me. Feel free to use it,except one situation.
If you obtain money from him,send some to a humanitarian foundation (Children
Care, Green Peace, fight against antipersonnel mines,etc.). If posted, mail
me to keep track on him.

Darkstar One Walkthrough

Version 1

Update : 10 I 2007 - Added information about Smuggler class thanks to
Camdin work. Camdin doesn`t have a profile on Game Spot, but you
could find him on Darkstar One forum.
Update : 21 I 2007 - Added information about Killer class thanks to
Update : 22 I 2007 - Added information about Pirate and Killer class
thanks to Ackrin DarkFyre
Update : 24 V 2007 - New info about Flak Mission 2 and how to win grace
to William Carney

1. Introduction
2. Races
3. Strategy tips
4. Class, ship and plasma cannon upgrades
5. Artifacts location
6. Main story
7. Side missions
8. Random missions
9. Weapons
10. Equipment
11. Bugs, cheats and indirect play
12. Credits

1. Introduction

You are Kayron Jarvis, a young and proud man destined to save the galaxy.
Since your father was killed in Permakin system by `Thul drones`, his
friend Robert Altair give you a brand new ship called Darkstar One, capable
to upgrade grace to her incorporated organic alien technology and send you
to space. Destroy those who murdered your father and bring peace to a
galaxy troubled by blood feuds between the civilized races.

2. Races

The information bellow are from the official Darkstar One site, except
clusters and comments :


The Terrans prefer forward facing weapons and missiles and they usually
attempt to keep the player within their cone of fire. The Terrans prefer
a design with classical shapes and neutral colors. Humankind originated
from Earth and throughout history continued to spread out to settle new
systems. Initially, they achieved their migration through peaceful means
such as inter-racial trading and the colonizing of uninhabited planets.
However, as the Terran expansion continued, the peaceful negotiations
were gradually replaced by war and subterfuge. During their years on
Earth, Humans had always regarded themselves as being the crown of
creation and they carried forth this attitude into deep space. Different
mentalities established separate groups within the Terrans. The largest
group was founded and led by Dr. Samantha Thul. She advocated
uncontrolled genetic manipulation, cloning experiments and the
utilization of nano-technology in order to improve the human body and
soul. Attempts to prevent those experiments were fruitless. After many
disputes and conflicts, millions of Thul followers left the Terran systems
before locating and settling a new cluster. As a result, they became
involved in many conflicts with the Arrack, Raptor, Oc'to and the Mortok
races. Eventually, these conflicts culminated in a terrible galactic war.
Up until the present day, historians are discordant as to who won the war
- the only fact they agree upon is that the Terrans were not victorious.
The vast empire of the Terrans was shattered during the battles which
ensued. Humankind withdrew into their core systems and began the arduous
task of rebuilding. However, while the other races were still arguing over
their new borders, the Humans sent out diplomats in order to promote a
galactic union. As the shock of war was still all too apparent within the
minds of the other races, the efforts of the Human diplomats were fruitful.
The six great nations of the galaxy (Terran, Arrack, Raptor, Thul, Oc'to
and Mortok) joined the Galactic Union. They agreed to appoint a
democratically elected council in order to represent the Union and handle
its affairs. Despite the seemingly amicable atmosphere, the
extra-terrestrial races knew that the good intentions of the Terrans were
born from selfishness and fear. Terran technologies were far behind those
of neighboring races, their economy was virtually destroyed and, had the
war continued, the Terran Empire would have struggled to prosper. Yet,
these facts did not temper the Terran arrogance, nor prevent their demand
to the first presidency of the Council. Furthermore, they threatened all
races who did not join the Union with sanctions to be enforced by patrols
and military warships - warships which they did not even have at their
disposal. "We will bring you peace" said the legendary First President
of the Council, Harry R. Coulbert, in his inaugural speech, "even if we
must pound it into you." To date, only the Terrans' closest relatives,
the Thul, were expelled from the Union by the council. Due to their
unethical and dangerous experiments they were forced to leave the Union.
They withdrew and vanished without a trace. Since then, there has been
no official contact with this race. Despite these events, historians
generally concur that the founding of the Galactic Union prevented
further outbreaks of war so far. Agreement is also widespread that
prominent internal discrepancies will tear the Council apart. Such an
event would have disastrous repercussions for Humankind - possibly even
for the entire galaxy.

Clusters : Lalande, Barnard, Alpha Centauri, Sirius
Comments : Terrans are, obviously from the game, the poorest race, with
ugly ships and stations, but powerful lasers and intrepid pirates. Even
so aesthetic and design don`t really match to human way of doing things
and is a pity that Ascaron didn`t take in consideration the vast
architectural treasures of humankind to make them more appealing.


The Mortok do not use bow weapons.Instead, they boast turrets, which
are able to fire in any direction. When the Mortok are pursued, they
are able to employ a sudden reverse thrust,which will enable them to
withdraw from the opponent's cone of fire. The Mortok like bulky and
rounded shapes.Their ships are heavily armored and therefore, they are
not very agile.Mor,home planet of the Mortok, is a world filled with
extremes. Large volcanoes, roaring storms and scorching heat dominate
the side of the planet that faces the sun; frozen oceans and eternal
night rule on the other side.The Mortok's genesis claims that the God
Xorom chose this world in order to test the strength of the people
whom he had created.Alas,the result was not as he had anticipated:
Xorom's people climbed the towering mountain of which he resided and
killed him.The history of the Mortok is as martial as its origin that
lies in this legend. The inhabitants of the light and the dark sides
of the planet were at war with each other for millennia,fighting over
a small band of land that was situated between the two zones. This area
was fertile and the climate was bearable.The ongoing war influenced the
technology and the society of the Mortok who were divided into clans.
Gunpowder and fire arms were invented long before any written language
was developed. The Mortok also established a complex code of honor that
defined the conduct of the Mortok in dealings with both comrades and
enemies. When they began to venture into space the conflict on the
twilight planet finally subsided as a galaxy full of new worlds opened
up before them. Soon they encountered other races during their
explorations: first the eloquent Raptor, then the timid Arrack. The
warring nature of the Mortok clans resulted in wars against these new
races. However, the Mortok soon learned that their uncoordinated groups
of warriors, who often harbored hostility towards each other, could not
stand their ground against the Raptor. Even though the Raptor forces
were disorganized and chaotic, the Mortok were hopelessly outnumbered
and doomed to an overwhelming defeat. The lizard people conducted a
devastating campaign, culminating in the occupation of Mor. The Raptor
began to exploit the planet: resources were depleted, the inhabitants
were enslaved. The Mortok realized that their only chance to shake off
their oppressors was to stand united. Fifty years passed before the
charismatic mine worker Avarro succeeded in uniting the clans. He was
the leader of a mine worker rebellion that fueled the fire of a
world-wide uprising. Avarro united the clans behind him. They expelled
the Raptor from the entire cluster and formed a planet-wide government
under Avarro as leader of all clans. Under his leadership peace
treaties were signed with the Raptor and the Arrack, and commerce
agreements were negotiated and finalized with the Terrans and the
Oc'to. Finally, a period of prosperity and peaceful coexistence with
other people dawned for the Mortok. However, the unity of the clans
was superficial and brittle. Many envied Avarro and his successes;
others feared that the Mortok were degenerating into a weak people
due to the peaceful times. Tensions arose, conspiracies surfaced, and
secretive pacts were made. Barely fifteen years after his victory
against the Raptor, Avarro was assassinated during a vacation in the
twilight land. The assassination of Avarro ignited a civil war which
only ended when a new enemy began to threaten the Mortok. The Thul empire
was rapidly expanding throughout the universe and the Thul were
demonstrating an offensive interest in Mortok territories. With the
memory of the Raptor invasion still vivid, the Mortok were united once
more. They founded a Council of the Clans and confederated with the Arrack.
The confederation, the Oc'to and the Terrans implemented sanctions
against the Thul. Unfortunately, the Oc'to and the Terrans did not abide
by these agreements and continued to smuggle goods to the Thul. The
deception was eventually brought to light when a Mortok patrol captured
a Terran cruiser carrying smuggled goods. The cruiser was destroyed. A
miscommunication was recorded in the Mortok mission log. For most people
this signified the beginning of the Great War. When it ended, the
economically stricken Mortok threw their weight behind the foundation of
a Galactic Council, banishing the immediate danger of a new war. However,
with the lack of external threats against the general populace, internal
disputes became apparent once again, feelings of discontent that still
linger to the present day. The alliance of Mortok governments that spans
many systems is unstable, with quarrels and assassination attempts
occurring frequently. The majority of the Mortok are not concerned about
these incidents. They have left the conflicts of the clans behind. Many of
them now roam the galaxy as mercenaries, pilots and pirates, and they are
both infamous and in great demand. In a time of war they would fight
unwaveringly for the Mortok cause - but until then they will continue
with their own pursuits.

Clusters : Grotok, Pertok, Klatok, Stromok
Comments : A direct and proud race. You could bet they will fight mano
a mano, no tricks till you or them is dead.


The Raptor have a special combination of weapons at their disposal:
they possess an extraordinary bow weapon that inflicts damage only
to shields, and they use a rocket launcher that fires and recharges
rapidly. The ships and the stations of the Raptor usually feature
lizard-like shapes. Many millennia ago, a prehistoric continent on
the planet separated into thousands of islands during the evolution
of the world. A warm and moist climate is predominant on the planet
and it has spawned lush fauna and flora everywhere. The only exceptions
are the poles, which are covered in thick ice. Jungle areas, extensive
swamps and vast oceans also formed. Five intelligent species evolved
over time: a two-legged lizard species, a mammal akin to Earth's own
monkeys, two forms of ocean mammals - one tiny and one huge - and a
type of sea-based bird that lives within the oceans and sports a wingspan
of more than six meters. For several million years, each of these species
evolved undisturbed, but then the lizards and the monkeys came across
each other. Initially, these encounters were peaceful; yet the disputes
over territory were soon to begin. These disputes led to several wars
which culminated in the extinction of the monkey species. The Raptor -
as the lizards called themselves - were dominating the islands of the
planet. However, they soon discovered that others dominated the oceans.
The Raptor attempted to gain the upper hand against the ocean mammals
and birds, but found themselves greatly outnumbered. The inhabitants of
the ocean had no means to conquer the islands, and equally had no interest
in doing so as these creatures were unable to live outside of the water
and had no use for the land. An agreement was eventually struck with the
Raptor which conceded Raptor sovereignty over the land (and later their
advancement into space) while the ocean mammals and birds continued to
pursue their interests below sea level and on its surface. The different
species continue to co-exist peacefully to the present day. There is a
great variety in the customs and religions of the Raptor. Estimations
indicate that there are more than two thousand deities and in excess
of eight hundred religions. Additionally, there are probably several
thousand movements within these religions. Not a day goes by without
a festive procession, a pageant or an official ritual. Politically,
the Raptor cluster is classified as unstable because each religion
features its own party. The government is often unable to find a
majority for their decisions, and occasionally opposing parties resort
to violence or even conspiracies and assassinations. Outsiders consider
the Raptor political system to be an impenetrable jungle and the Raptor
find it equally complicated. It therefore takes an excessive amount of
time before the different factions, groups and aggregations come to an
agreement. On occasions such as the Declaration of the Great War or the
Foundation of the Galactic Union, the Raptor were the last to join -
and even then, not all Raptor were involved. Despite its flaws, the
Raptor are sorely attached to their chaotic system. They believe that
their variety and their discordance are vital basics for their survival.
One of their proverbs says: 'He who speaks with one tongue might lose
it quickly'. The Raptor speak with many tongues. Which opponent would be
able to silence all of them?

Clusters : Raptor - Alpha, Raptor - Nova, Raptor - Gamma, Raptor - Delta,
Raptor - Epsilon
Comments : Fast pirates and powerful missiles. Also their cruisers are
not a walk in the park to put down.


Oc'to ships usually attack their opponents head-on. During battle they
drop small drones which are able to fire autonomously, causing damage and
distraction. A large number of these drones pose a considerable combined
force of firepower. The ships of the Oc'to do them proud, reflecting the
bio-organic ancestry. The octopus people are an exception among the
galactic races. They are the only people who had no knowledge of war
before their advancement into space. Their home planet offers an abundance
of food and resources for these amphibian beings and the Oc'to do not have
any natural enemies. They evolved peacefully over millions of years and
focused their intelligence on sciences. They developed complex philosophical
systems and technologies, which are based on the modification of organic
materials. A comparatively long time passed before the Oc'to dared to
venture into space; initially, they did not have the technology and later,
their philosophies did not give adequate reason to leave the planet. Their
first encounter with an alien race underlined their reluctance to advance
into space as their research vessel encountered a Mortok cruiser which
immediately attacked and destroyed their ship.The Oc'to were shocked and
feared an invasion after this encounter, but such an event did not come to
pass. The Mortok were involved in a devastating war against the Raptor,
which kept them distracted from other potential opponents, although the
Oc'to were not aware of this at the time. It was the Oc'to nature to research
and discuss, and so they spent decades discussing and assessing isolation,
aggression, warfare and diplomacy - all subjects that had not previously
concerned them. Their inactivity ended when a Terran cargo vessel contacted
them. The initial encounters were peaceful and satisfying for both sides
alike. The Oc'to decided to give advancing into space a second chance.
They began spreading out in a relatively timid and considered manner.
However, despite their intelligence the Oc'to were very naive, making
them perfect victims for intrigues and deception. So it was that they
involuntarily became one of the reasons for the outbreak of the Great War -
While they had agreed to sanctions against the Thul, the Oc'to continued
to deliver smuggled goods during the embargo - a behavior mimicked from
the Terrans. The Great War taught the Oc'to much about warfare, tactics
and diplomacy. No longer are they so different from the other races.
However, many of their number secretly wish they had preserved their
innocence and never ventured into space. Several rebel groups and
religiously philosophical gurus attempt to draw advantage from this
secluded yearning.

Clusters : Sion`nack, Madramon, Gab`har
Comments : Oc`to reject war and conflict, but those who become pirates are
the most vicious I`ve seen while freeing a system or destroyed a pirate gang.


The Arrack are a race that resemble insects. They are able to fold space
temporarily and they rely mainly on this technique. When they are pursued,
they are able to shift their position instantly by several meters. Usually,
this maneuver is combined with a sharp breaking action. The shapes and agile
movements of the Arrack's ships resemble insects. The Arrack are an insect
people originating from an arid, desert planet. This planet's water
resources were located deep below surface, far away from the scorching heat.
The Arrack formed so-called 'Houses': these 'Houses' were gigantic family
clans that sometimes included millions of members and they lived in cities
beneath the surface. A strict caste system that slightly differed between
Houses established a strict hierarchy. A King or a Queen was the absolute
ruler of a House. There were no general laws, no civil rights and no
parliaments - the caste decided the rights and the duties of each Arrack.
The individual was not important - survival of the family was.Fierce fights
over the sparse resources of the planet dominate the history of the Arrack.
As they were afraid that the water resources might become depleted or even
entirely dried out, the Arrack quickly developed methods to preserve water
and to venture into space. In space, their colonization of planets was
targeted on those with large water resources which could be used to supply
the cities on their home planet. The steady influx of water has somewhat
eased the situation between the Houses. Conflicts are now a rarity and the
Houses even managed to agree on mutual representatives within the Galactic
Council. Despite all its advantages, the Arrack regard space travel as a
necessary evil. They dislike being torn away from their family structure
and the safety of the subterranean cities as it brings feelings of unease
and insecurity. Castes and hierarchies are not easily maintained in space
and some colonies have been known to adopt completely new social structures.
On their home planet these Arrack are frowned upon as rebels, outsiders who
will never be able to re-join the House where they stemmed from. However, at
the same time the sacrifice that these Arracks have made for their family
clan is remembered with honor and praise. Nonetheless, these rebels remain
outcasts. The continuous contact with other races has caused many of the
Arrack to abandon their hierarchies. Some Arrack grow from this experience;
however, the majority attempts to shut away from it. Strangers often perceive
the Arrack to be insecure or even timid. This is not the case. Only after
involvement of true conflict with the Arrack can one appreciate quite how
merciless and selfless these warriors are.

Clusters : Hive - AC3, Hive - B52, Hive - CU7, Hive - DC, Hive - ET9
Comments : Their ability to fold space, useable only by fighters, make
them difficult to target using bow weapons, so turrets are more efficient to
deal heavy damage.


The Thul rely mainly on their ability to cloak. They become visible and
open fire when their bow weapons are fully charged. As soon as their energy
level has dropped to almost zero, they activate their cloaking device again,
which renders the hunter almost invisible. The Thul are masters of aesthetics.
Their ships are made of precious materials and feature smooth, rounded shapes.
Initially, the Thul were a political and ideological movement within the
Terran cluster. They consisted mainly of scientists who consolidated under
the leadership of the physicist Dr. Samantha Thul and demanded the full
legalization of uncontrolled genetic experiments and cybernetic implants.
The scientists argued that it was their duty to utilize their theoretical
knowledge in order to better the human body and spirit and thus to advance
evolution. The objective of their research was the perfect human being:
highly intelligent, with a logical mind and an almost indestructible body -
a symbiosis of living human and machine. The governments of the cluster
denied the Thul supporters' demands, denounced them as unethical and revoked
the permission certificates of research for many scientists. Consequently, Dr.
Samantha Thul went into hiding and established a secret laboratory in a
remote desert area of Earth with a small, tight-knit group. They continued
their illegal experiments and made continuous, substantial progress.
Meanwhile, their followers were still publicly fighting for their vision of
a perfect human being. The movement grew steadily and attracted an increasing
number of non-scientist supporters. Finally, the situation escalated when Dr.
Samantha Thul emerged from her secret laboratory after more than three decades
and presented the result of her research to the public: her body. The pictures
spread around the cluster like wild fire: Dr. Samantha Thul, an
eighty-year-old woman who walked through the desert sand with the body of a
thirty-year old, bending steel pipes with one hand and beating chess masters
in merely a few moves. These images threw the Terrans into the biggest crisis
of their modern history. Hundreds of scientists confessed to carrying implants
or conducting nano experiments; athletes, workers and engineers began to fear
for their careers. Unrest broke out when the Terrans realized that they were
heading towards a two-class society. The governments were compelled to act.
They issued an emergency decree that banned all nano technology, genetic
experiments and cloning. Those carrying implants were arrested and detained
in large camps. Finally, Dr. Samantha Thul sought a compromise and requested
that she and her supporters were allowed to go into exile. After a long period
of hesitation, both sides agreed to this course of action. Spaceships were
built and financed with a combination of government funds and capital donated
by Dr. Thul's followers. One year after the agreement, more than a million
Terrans left their cluster and headed towards the remote section of the galaxy
that the Humans had assigned to them. However, the Thul, as the exiled
Terrans called themselves, did not disappear into the vastness of space as
the Humans had hoped they would. On the contrary, after a short period they
had colonized many worlds due to their advanced technology. Their empire
grew quickly, and the other peoples of the galaxy watched with growing
concern. The territorial Mortok looked visibly threatened by the Thul
expansion. An alliance against the Thul was formed. Terrans, Mortok,
Arrack, Raptor and Oc'to attempted to push their new enemy back, but the
alliance faltered, hindered by several scandalous events. The last of these
scandals concerned the smuggling of goods to the Thul and it was the cause
for the outbreak of the Great War. The Thul steadfastly avoided conflict
during the Great War. They focused on protecting the borders of their empire
and they delivered weapons to the opposing parties. After the war, they
opted out of the the foundation of the Galactic Council. They regarded the
other races as undisciplined, semi-civilized beings, driven by organic
instincts. This attitude defined their behavior towards the other races -
they ignored the decisions of the Council and they advanced their experiments
way beyond the ethical limits of the other people. Finally, the Thul were
excluded from the galactic community. The Thul felt no regret. They were
comfortable in their chosen isolation and turned their attentions to
advancing their research. With each new implant and every enhanced nanobot,
they still strive for perfection.

Clusters : Communa, Hyma
Comments : They are the masters of aesthetic and design, but in a machine
kind of way - round, slim and inhuman. Thul fighters and pirates use a lot
cloaking devices of variable intensity, but the engines are still visible
and is pretty easy to follow their path.

3. Strategy tips

a. Darkstar One is not a open game. Yes, you could explore every system
from a cluster, but advancing further in the main story is a must to acquire
new keys. Be patient - trade, take random/side missions, escort freighter,
destroy pirate gangs (see Random/side missions) etc. to make a buck, then go
back to the main story .
b. Don`t bother buying weapons from trade station. In my entire play a
bought only two - a Laser MK2 in the beginning, after first artifact and a
Spore Turrets later, because she destroy both shield and hull. The best weapons
came from destroying pirate gangs, all Secret Service type and all belonging to
the pirates boss, except 2-3 obtained along main story/side missions.
c. You can jump far away from the warp gate and not even selected, as long
the destination is selected and the field drive is full (look for the icon in
the middle right part of screen).
d. There are repair ships flying around some systems.
e. Cruisers are difficult to manage grace to they double protection - shield
and hull. Use plasma/boost shield, get close, shoot with everything, than run
more than 1 v ( clicks ), out of their weapons range, to recharge the plasma
cannon and go back.
f. Use always the plasma cannon abilities.
g. A good bounty hunter have at least 2-3 turrets to deal with unseen
i. Trading is an easy way to make money in the beginning. Poor systems need
everything, especially drugs, androids, luxury goods and video games,
presuming that are not illegal and prosperous/wealthy need raw materials. If
you plan to smuggle goods buy a Jammer to block police or pirates scan.
j.It is not necessary to fly inside asteroids for artifacts, because
smugglers inside the trade stations will be happy to provide for a certain
amount of cash.
k. Use always powerful missiles against cruisers.
l. System keys could be obtained after completing a mission in the main
story or side quests. If side missions are not available, do first the
job in the main story to unlock the side mission. Is always a good idea
to take the side mission in the first trade station you bump in that
cluster to minimize problems.
m. It`s hard to fight in asteroid fields. Avoid a battle there and atract
the enemies in open areas.

4. Class, ship and plasma cannon upgrades


You can play 6 different characters, but usually people end up with 3 of them

a. Pirate - Piracy make cargo ships assume offensive stance when the Darkstar
One approaches and roaming pirates will not attack
( Ackrin DarkFyre )
b. Killer - Police will permanently monitor the Darkstar One and at least
one cop would always follow your ship ( Wildyoyoman@aim.com ,
Ackrin DarkFyre )
c. Smuggler - on high levels police ship will scan you more often, but
apparently this status will decrease over time and you need
to do more smuggling ( Camdin )
d. Trader - get better deals at exported goods.
e. Bounty Hunters - is more likely to be attacked in rebel systems.In
reality I was ambushed also in Galactic Union and
Neutral systems, so ...
f. Mercenary - get better rewards for accomplished missions.


You can upgrade the engine, hull and wings when the necessary amount of
artifacts is obtain. I suggest to have before Flak mission 2 four front
weapons,2-4 turrets and a good engine. Each level require a specific number of
alien artifacts : level 1 - 1 artifact, level 2 and 3 - 2 artifacts, level 4
- 3 artifacts, level 5 to 7 - 4 artifacts, level 8 to 17 - 5 artifacts, level
18 to 20 - 10 artifacts.

Plasma Cannon Upgrades

A. Boosting abilities :
a. Weapon boost - boost weapons efficiency . A must in the beginning
when your ship is pretty weak (60 hull hitpoints overall) and you need the
power to shoot them first
b. Shield boost - boost recharge shield rate. A fast recharging shield
can absorb/deflect damage, saving your hull life.

B. Crowd management abilities :
a. Overload - stop enemy engines for a number of seconds. Never used
because the other two are far more powerful and you can`t take all
abilities due to the limited amount of artifacts.No effect against cruisers,
pirate bosses and the so called `Thul drones`
b. EMP - stop enemy weapons and engines for a number of seconds (maximum
3 targets). The best abilitiy in this class because at maximum you stop
dead 3 fighters from 1 v, letting the turrets to shoot them while you hunt
the other enemies. No effect against cruisers, pirate bosses and the so called
`Thul drones`
c. Timeshock - stop dead all ships in a certain area ( maximum 0,7 v ).
Powerful, yet limited ability because can be used only in close dogfight,
between 0,3 - 0,7 v. No effect against cruisers, pirate bosses and the so
called `Thul drones`

C. Temporary invincibility
a. Plasma Shield - create an impenetrable shield with ramming abillities.
This is your best choice against cruisers, overwhelming number of enemies and
`Thul drones`, since they can`t penetrate the shield and you can easily ram
all fighters to oblivion.

5. Artifacts location

In here you get all systems that have 1 or 2 artifacts, along the development
of the main story and side missions. All systems that contain an artifact have
on navigational map a green icon : Hu, Anomi, Mesehkane, Ta, Page, Waba, Witha,
Martotacon, Baylona, Sassudia, Albola, Aranjar, Rocete, Eicete, Majarin,
Manorciras, Odia, Biardorra, Cuendo, Altazaarfe, Fuenbocete, Sarbrejar,Grajuez,
Nostromo, Lysmir - 2, Khimzan, Kosrod, Eletsmir, Vidal, Mynok, Yarosny,Balasom,
Tjuma, Suzga, Goronezh, Eletssk, Zelenonezh, Permnaja, Abanaul - 2, Kaschi,
Chanschat, Jegutna, Lon`ore, Ca`ore, Gallt`air, Abria, Chan, Tezutiak, Wenee,
Yaha, Wica, Witeni - 2, Wichita, Am`atn`atua, B`rochel, Bena`vie, Drum`unie,
Lyn`ore, Zayatpu, Shwege, Mingin, Haiken, Honnaing, Achand`unie, Shanzeik,
Ngakin, Minshwe, Ringhku, Myaunggon, Mayinlon, Kindaw, Chaing, Sagon, Atet- 2,
Chash`ore, Dumb`ath, Rhe`ore - 2, Altand`uin, Leirin`vie - 2, Sona`chan,
Katpanbok, Letpan - 2, Nepaling, Bailebeag, Clachtoll, Cuidrach, Aberchald,
Inchlaggan, Aberloch, Dorusdain, Laggan, Permakin - 3.

6. Main story

On the Pencah trade station Robert Altair introduce Darkstar One to you
( Kayron Jarvis ), after a cutscene showing your father destroyed by Thul
drones in Permakin system. From now the gameplay will let the action unfold
in 23 clusters controlled by six races ready to jump at each other throats.

1. Training Part 1 : The Basics
Follow Arim instruction. Fly through a couple of blue circle (like in the
X2 tutorial !) and shoot 1 satellite and his defense, then turn to help him
against 2 stupid pirates. Dock manually - get close to trade station doors
using the afterburner and at 0,2 v ( clicks ? ) press K and choose 1 from the
conversation options to get permission. Fly inside.

2. Training Part 2 : Advanced Combat
Destroy two waves of 3 pirates using the Key combinations (see Tips above)
to get used with their configuration.

3. Training Part 2 : Transporting Cargo
Pick the cargo behind the station. Close to 0,1 v, press G and wait `till
the drone catch the container. Open navigational map (N), click on Yarie, quit
the map and press H to jump. On the other side 2 pirates show up. Press B to
let go the container, engage, pick him again and dock manually. I now, it`s
strange to carry the containers behind your ship, but it`s fun and give some
difficulty to the game.

4. The lost artifact
Jump to Hu, get inside the asteroid and search for the green artifact. Get
close, around 0,1 and watch how he is absorbed by your ship. Get out,
upgrade the wings as Arim suggested and jump to Pencah.

5. Advanced Field Drive Required
Buy a 3 LY on the trade station in Pencah system, leave, dock and speak with
Robert Altair.

6. Jack`s Whereabouts
Go to Barnard system and find in Anomi the informant La`zaar. He doesn`t have
nothing to share, but a strange girl called Eona want a lift in exchange for
information from Delano in the Sol system. Jump to Yankwalla and take out 4
hunters in search for Eona. Jump again to Sol where Delano tell you that Jack
is in Mortok clusters and he`s giving a Key if helped to kill an pirate gang.

7. The end of the Aponi gang
Jump and take out a pirate patrol of 2. Head to their hideout and kill fast
6 ordinary pirates, 2 guards and the Aponi boss. Once the last is dead his
ship will eject a secret service weapon and Delano offer a similar gun and the
necessary key. Take both weapons in the same way like cargo containers.

8. New information about Jack
Go to Mandedulce system and speak with the research station. Buy a new FL.
First the station refuse to speak, but suddenly 4-5 waves of Thul drones get
out from hyperspace and attack. Block them far away from station, destroy all
wings and dock.

9. Zarkov`s Station
Jack has left for another research station in Raptor clusters and he spoke to
a scientist called Zarkov. Surprise, surprise - Eona know a Raptor in Biarnar
system. Dock there and watch a cutscene when both of you fight 3 Mortok and
Eona is abducted.

10. Eona was abducted
Leave the station to find clues outside. Ramirez (can this be a Mortok name
!?) tell you to go in Rulote system where a contact await in exchange for
Eona. Jump, speak to Vimaro and when Kabro, one of Ramirez`s partners, make
his appearance intercept the designated cargo vessel, destroy his escort and
keep shooting until drops his containers, but do not engage in the act of
Killing him. Fly to Cabracoy system.

11. Assignment for Ramirez
You did his job and he is not satisfied because Eona owe him a tone of cash.
If you want to see her back alive and with all her limbs perform 3 more tasks:
a. Meet a cargo ship to receive a container, after you scan a satellite to
find the meeting place. Buy and install the best Jammer. Fly near the
satellite, around 0,2 - 0,3 v, start scanning and head to where a
Sarbrejar&Son cargo ship await.
b. Transmit the code, pick the container and fly to Alsavia. Head to the
trade station, dock manually and speak to the contact.
c. Get another container and jump to Lorbeisua to deliver the goods close
to another cargo ship. In the first system you jump on the road to Lorbeisua
5 hunters attack from nowhere. Drop cargo, fight, pick him up again, jump and
get near the Manorciras cargo ship. Around 0,5 v jettison the container, wait
for them to take it and repel 2 waves of 4 hunters from Black company who
try to destroy the cargo ship. Jump and follow close the cargo ship with
Kabro and Ramirez to hideout. The codes you acquired will be used to detect
who are the cargo ships full with explosives sent to destroy the hideout. Fly
back to warp gate, engage one by one all three cargo and their 3 support
fighters. Jump to Cabracoy only to find out from Ramirez that Kabro didn`t
kept his word and Eona is still in his hands.

12. Kabro`s Hideout
Buy a new FL and fly to Mostorga system. Approach Ramirez and follow him in
the battle against 2 waves (2, 5 fighters) belonging to Kabro`s men. Head
to the planet, get inside the canyons and fly through mines, turrets and
fighters using sniper tactics. Keep always the shield at maximum and use S to
avoid hitting the wall. Eventually Darkstar One will get close to the shield
that need to be destroyed and you`ll go back to space. Kill Kabro and his 3-4
stooges, get Eona back and head to Kosrod system where a man called Mitri can
let you dock on the research station.

13. The search for Zarkov - Mitri`s smuggling Mission
Mitri will help only if you smuggle something for him. Install the Jammer,
leave and receive two containers with Schas`ka Schnapps from his ship
Voskovska. Jump to Nizbin system, destroy the 4 hunters there and meet the
Militia men. Give him the cargo, jump to Vidal and head to the Sverkoj`s
representative cruiser. Get the data, fly near the local station to see some
hunters speaking about pulverize Mitri and jump to Kosrod to help him. Blast
them, speak with Mitri, get the special container and dock at research station.
In a cutscene the security chief present the meeting between Zarkov and Jack
and I end up searching for 4 station, some already attacked by Thul drones, in
Raptor and Oc`to systems.

14. Wolodja Research Station (Sakaterin system)
The drones attack crippled the research facility and you`ll get the data in
exchange for one plasma resonator. Fly to Twekono and speak to Mendo about it.
Mendo want (of course, I scratch your back, you scratch mine !) a favor -
scan Basilius cargo ships to find out where they jump and sabotage them to lure
Basilius away. Leave and scan both from 0,7 - 1 v. Jump to Schel system, kill
at waypoint 4 fighters, 2 hunters and 3 containers, then jump to Bogozan. Head
to ice field until the cargo ship is in range and destroy all enemies plus a
military satellite. Go back, kill Basilius and 4 escort ship, speak with Mando
and leave to Chernomen. There lie around 3 military cruiser wrecks. The
plasma resonator is around the 3 wreck, just scan and pick it up. Jump to
Sakaterin, drop the container around 0,5 v from the research station and
receive the data.

15. Toscha Research Station (Goronezh system)
Rescue Nicolai from 3 waves (4,3,4) sent by Bronis, a powerful gunrunner.
Nicolai is Toscha`s security officer and the reason you give him a helping
hand. Dock, receive new data and leave.

16. Kolenka Research Station (Permnaja system) / Pledging loyalty to the
The only way to get information is to perform a mission for Raptors. Contact
cruiser Bogatir in the same system and help him blow away the traitor Bronis.
Destroy his satellite and fly to the planet to dust a weapons factory.
Basically this factory is one big maze with corridors protected by mines,weapon
platforms and turrets who get their juices from huge generators. There are 4
rooms and 4 generators that need to be shoot before reaching the main
generator. The direction is simple - corridor, left, right, right, right,
deactivate the generator by shooting at his 3 arms. Go back to the laser
barred doors and repeat with all four rooms. The most challenging part is on
the road to the second room when the door behind is closed and the other one
will close in 50 sec. Save and get a try to find out how to escape the maze,
then reload, shoot the mines in the way, ignore the turrets and find the door
in the opposite direction. Keep destroying until you reach the main generator,
blow him and watch the cutscene.

17. Muighal Research Station (Kil`ore system)
Nicolai say that Muighal is interested in pictures of anomalies. You get
three destination (Abria`chan, Ken`ore, Tezutiak). Fly close - 1 v - ,
press F, click on Scanner and go. Two advices: leave them fast because this
anomalies will eat up your shield; in Ken`ore system 4 pirates will attack
near the anomaly, so be prepared. Back to Muighal and to the first FLAK
MISSION. Always look on the map in the right to find out from where the 3 - 6
Thul drones come and kill them when close to save the flak energy. Go see
Captain Hornblower in Ach`air system.

18. Captain Hornblower / Protect Captain Hornblower
After you get to Ach`air help Hornblower against 5 pirates who try to
collect a `road tax`, buy a 5 FL drive and jump to Lynch`at to meet the
captain near the trade station.

19. A visit to Arrack with Captain Hornblower
Jump to Pachaung and protect him on the way to the meeting point with some
smugglers. Save. They planted a device inside the containers who make you
jump in the same system, near some 7 pirates.Engage them using crowd management
abilities, destroy the hideout and take the special container.Jump to Tinmaung
and get close to Mahandra asteroid. While flying Thul drones come in 5 - 6
waves from hyperspace. Use graviton boost to get close before the first wave
is capable to land and destroy all.Dock manually with the asteroid and find out
that Thul are `really` interested in the crystals mined there. Jiju think they
have a base near by and because of this he is obligated to transport the
crystals using Arrack cruisers. To find out they deployed a network of
satellites who suddenly malfunctioned and is your job to repair them.

20. Malfunctioning Satelittes
Fly along Hornblower to scan the satellites in Tinmaung, Sinkwe and Gaungbwe
around 0,6 v. In the second system you`ll have to destroy 5 pushy pirates,
while Thul drones destroy the satellite.Fortunatelly the captain have a couple
of spare ones, so watch his back until he deploy one. Jump to Gaungbwe and
destroy 3 - 4 Thul drones, protecting Hornblower in process. Stay close until
he deploy another satellite and jump back.

21. The Crystal Consigment
Jiju loaded Samudra cruiser with crystals and he send you as escort to
Haiken system (that`s what is said in your CV, remember- escort pilot!). Jump
and watch a cutscene showing Samudra cut down by a huge Thul cruiser. Don`t
bother attacking him, he will jump before any solid damage could be done, but
have some fun - he is not going to respond to fire. Return to Jiju and find
that his satellites located the Thul cruiser in Kajudeng system. Fly there
with Hornblower.

22. The search for the Thule

After jumping save and select from the navigational map the closest system.
Scan 3 coordinates, repel 3-4 salvagers around the second position and watch
Hornblower being cut in little pieces by the Thul cruiser. After Eona tell you
to jump, press H and don`t try to engage the big cruiser. On Mahendra Jiju
inform you that Arrack scientist had been able to create a cloak scanner, but
some Oc`to pirates stole him.

23. The Arrack cloack scanner
Go to Achand`unie and speak with Tan`ale (pick the lines 2 and 1 in the
following conversation) who point at two pirate gang - X`Snider`Hips (!) and
Raz`Koyr Bulls. The second one have the scanner. Jump to Sc`atwert, press T to
select the container sitting in space and go close, selecting a system to jump
in the way.There you understand that Oc`to military hired the pirates to steal
the prototype and now they try to kill them. Wait until one side win, pick
the container and fight or run till they are above 4 v to press H. Go back to
Jiju to discuss the next plan.

24. The Cloaked Thul Cruiser
Now you have a scanner capable to trace cloaking devices.Jump back Kajudeng,
ignore the Thul fighters and shoot the 4`th cloaking device. The Thul cruiser
will become visible and is time for Plasma Shield - Big Bang missiles to
come in action. Use the Plasma booster to refill your plasma cannon or run
to recharge him and keep pounding until is no more. Take care any remaining
fighters and jump to a system to contact Robert.

25. Contact Robert via Hypercom
Go to Tinmaung, dock and speak with Robert (cutscene). Now is obviously who
is the real traitor and the fact that another party is involved in the game
plot. You find out also that Jack is on Metojang. Jump there.

26. The search for Jack
The Metojang system is completely empty. Fly to the trade station wreck and
prepare to meet 4 - 7 Thul drones. Jack came to your help and is prudent to
keep him alive in order to find out what is really going on. After the battle
Jack Forrester speak briefly and point to another rendezvous in Segin system.

27. Fight off the Drones Attack / Flak mission 2
In Segin 5 - 8 Thul drones get around the research station and is your job to
stop them before landing. Save. Dock and find out three things :
1. Eona is Jack`s girlfriend. Boomer !
2. Robert betrayed your father.
3. It is time for another Flak mission. If you win you are really something.
If not, see cheats section. Below is one option, grace to Mechwar37 (William
Carney) :
I read the Flak mission 2 part of your walkthrough and i did not realize
how hard it was. I just thought i sucked at that part of the game,but i
see a lot of people have trouble.I went back and tried a few more times and
found a key to it glory! Yes I did it i won but i did it with only 2% life
left. It is still a victory, if i had another person telling me which red
dot to hit next it might have been more health at the end.Since it seems
the key is to keep an eye on which red dot shows up first.then the next
key is if its like this badly done picture in text
Shoot the top bottom, and middle if you have time
Bottom middle, and top if you have time
Remember the gun is 2 barrels so you should be kill 2 at a time.
Any that get away will do far less damage then a full group
Live for 45 seconds to one minuet

28. Doctor Zarkov List of Materials
The good doctor need 15 t of Anerminium crystals and a high-quality
Quamstream isotopes. Buy an Ore Harvester and fly to Yama system. Go to the
crystal field, install the Harvester and start shooting a couple of asteroids
before one give you the crystals. Go back to Segin and drop the container
near the research station. Next fly to Beinn to speak with Professor Hun`han.
He is angry about some pirates who stole his isotopes and you`ll get one
container for help in settling the matter. Follow him and destroy 5 - 6
pirates and a nasty hideout. Pick one container and go back to Segin. There
Zarkov inform you about Thul intentions to create a nanoflux shield with high
power output. Meet the geologist Jow`hal in Tom`atin system to pinpoint
the best position for their experiences.

29. Meet Jow`hal
Two waves of `Thul drones` attack Jow`hal asteroid. Use graviton booster to
get close fast and destroy them. When the battle reach his peack Thul fighters
lead by Nara show up and ... give you a hand !. Nara invite you to pay a visit
in Clochtoll system after you speak with Jow`hal. Unfortunetely Jow`hal can`t
go because his son is missing in Sona`chan system and ask for ye help.

30.The search for Jow`son
Jump to Sona`chan. The local military send you Jow`son picture, along with a
bounty offer. Ignore them and get close to the asteroid surrounded by bounty
hunters. Speak with the asteroid and find that Jow`son was involved in peace
negotiations between Oc`to and Arrack, but admiral Kir`hal planted a bounty
on him in order to disrupt the meeting and pursue the war. Vaporize the bounty
hunters, land if necessary to repair and jump to Bin`dal in two steps. After
the first jump another 4 hunters show up - kill all and jump again. Keep close
until Jow`son dock in one of the cruiser and go back to Segin. There Zarkov
speek about the arrival of Jow`hal and Nara give a key to Thul clusters.

31. Meeting the Thul
Go to Clachtoll after you buy a 9 FL drive from some prosperous system. As
soon you are there the Thul cruiser Eoghen II is under heavy fire from 13-16
drone waves. Fight them and land manually on Eoghen. The real enemy is S`kaa,
an alien race who has two purposes :
1.Hire key elements in every race to maintain hostilities between them until
S`kaa is building a sizeable force
2.Attack research station and asteroids for materials necessary to erect a
dimensional gate in Permakin system in order to bring more battleships in the
known galaxy.
You must acquire at all costs a key to Permakin system. Search the
neighboring systems. Of course Eona have a contact in Archangelsk, one jump
away to Permakin.

32. Departure for S`kaa System
Jump to Archangelsk and head to Kornis Hideout. Apparently the key should be
in some wreck from Kore system, same cluster. Select and jump.Scan two cruisers
that still have some energy called 1 and 2. 1 happened to be a pirate gathering
and 2 is the real winner. Start scanning from 0,7 v and some defenses platform
around get alive and shoot. Stay close to the wreck, destroy them and three
pirates who pop up after a while until you get the key. Land on the trade
station to repair your ship, if necessary, and jump to Permakin.

33. A key to the S`kaa System
Jump to Permakin to meet S`kaa mothership in all his blue glory and
overwhelming size. Cutscene - the Thul will send only a cruiser and you can`t
destroy the gate generators without blowing up the mothership who protect it;
further more his energy shield is impenetrable to your `puny weapons` and
Nara need your protection while she scan closely the mothership. Leave and get
every drone who came close to Nara, until Eoghen II show up and take her job.
Protect him instead, but it is not necessary to hang around Eoghen. Better yet
get close to the mothership and destroy every wing that pop up from inside.
meantime continue your job and wait the cruiser to finish his scanns.
Cutscene - Robert blame the S`kaa on mothership that they are not interested
in making the galaxy a peaceful area, but only a prize conquered using force;
he get back to his ship and transmit the shield specifications while a
telepath S`kaa torture him mentally. Break off the fight and land to Eoghen
for the final battle preparations.

34. Destroying the Mothership
Thul scientist are capable to modify your plasma weapons in order to
penetrate the shield, but you need to fly through Mothership`s cannels to
shoot the main generator. Fly to her, ignore the drones and shoot the
designated area under 1 v to get the shield down enough time for a cutscene
to put you inside. Fly through cannels, following Eona`s indications and the
afterburner. Let the turrets deal with local defenses and stop only when you
see horizontal laser blocking the way. Shoot fast at the rhombic crystal
structure near by to deactivate the lasers and go on through canals
( Men, I always wanted to be Luke Skywalker dealing the final blow to the
Death Star! For this Ascaron I forgive even your Flak Mission 2). Sometimes
you`ll get in area similar with the tracks on Star Wars game and walls with
4 X at the beginning. They will make you fly faster, but keep it steady and
avoid to colide the walls without Plasma Shield up. Keep going left/right
until the `road` stop. Look down to see the entrance, enter and fly to the
main generator - an oval structure with four green arms reaching the walls.
Shoot full power and cutscene - the mothership is destroyed, save for a
small pyramid who jump into the dimensional gate before all of you destroy
the generators. Fin ? No, brother, Eona programmed the Darkstar computer to
speak with her voice ( Yeah, big thing! Why the hero don`t get all the
womens in the end like in the `70 movie, since Nara and Eona seem to be
really interested by Kayron ?!! ). You get the last artifacts and a zero
point FL drive with whom jumping can be made everywhere. What now ? Only
one final thing to do - see the job 24 on Side Missions.

7. Side missions

1. Fighting the Elu gang
When you get to Metharon (Barnard cluster) the cruiser Keoma make an
public announcement promising bounties for every member of the Elu gang shoot
down. Try to stay near the cruiser and kill everyone in sight or refuse
to get involved and go on for your business.

2. Pirates of the occupied Ta system
Join a task of mercenary in Tanee system and destroy the pirate cargo ships
jumping from Ta. Reward - key for Ta system . The mercs boss brief you
swiftly and is time to act. Engage in this order: first cargo ship, 3 - 4
support craft, second cargo ship, 2-3 escort fighters and get the reward.
Usually the enemy cargo ships can really take a pounding, so use weapons

3.The Council President`s Daughter
Rebels hold hostage (How can a bunch of pirate do this to a cruiser ?.
Even my Darkstar One ship can`t take to much beating without the plasma
abilities) the Oc`to diplomatic cruiser An`nathain inside Pani system with
the daughter of GU president aboard. Protect terran cruiser Keoma II while
she rescue the diplomats. Reward - key to Teha system. Ignore the orders
above and go straight to the Oc`to diplomatic cruiser. Destroy fast those
two cargo ships guarding him, engage the hunters to close for their health
and go back to support Keoma if necessary, but usually it`s firepower are
enough to deal with a couple of pirates.

4. The Raptor Espionage Satellites
Raptor secret service deployed Espionage Satellites in Grotok cluster
to keep an eye on Mortok hyperspace activities. Reward - key to Martotacon
system. Jump to Alfabalas - Mandedulce - Naro. In Naro system Bermudo, your
wingmen, point to an asteroid fields with 5 satellites. Destroy 3, pull back
to vaporise 4-6 pirates hired to protect them and destroy the last 2.

5. How to fire an Empire Boss
Baylona group want Ventura boss fired and you`ll join a mercs task in
Alaniz system. Reward - key to Eicete system. Buy some missiles/missile
launcher.Jump. Listen the mercs boss and follow him. Of course Ventura
refuse the dismissal. Use plasma abilities and missiles to put his small
cruiser down, then engage the escort. If you don`t feel confident, take first
the support fighters and let the mercs soft up the cruiser`s defense. Now and
always in this game : approach cruisers with the highest prudence. Their
superior firepower and shield are vulnerable only to Plasma Shield and
missile like Big Bang or Hellfire.

6. Protect the Terran Cruiser Keoma IV during his Diplomatic Mission
Darkstar One and some mercenary need to fly in Risafes system and protect
Keoma IV against Raptor attacks. Reward - key to Odia system. When you jump
the cruiser is already under enemy fire. Fly close and destroy all Raptor
fighters near cruiser, destroy a couple of incoming craft and after a 1-2
minutes head to the Raptor military cruiser Grigori II. He is already weak
grace to terran fighters, so close and give the final blow.

7. Ramirez Fight against the Gunrunners
Ramirez find out that his rivals use Raptor weapons. Go to Camrracin and
disrupt the handover. Reward : key to Grajuez. Jump. At waypoint destroy 2
cargo ships and support fighters fast in order to prepare yourself for the
Raptor cruiser. Same tactic : let others soft his defenses and attack.

8. Boosting economy in the Zhusomol System
Zhusomol expect several cargo vessels and they need someone to protect them
against pirates. Reward - key to Lysmir system and a secret service gun
behind the station. Leave the trade station, fly using V to the warp gate
and protect 4 - 6 cargo ship jumping one after another. Destroy really fast
5 - 6 waves of pirates, pushing R to get the closest one the fastest possible.
Usually you`re about to lose just 1 cargo ship, maybe two if not carefull.

9. Embargo in the Zareck System
Two empires hired mercenary to intercept incoming cargo vessels in Zareck.
Jump there and eliminate 12 - 14 mercs along your sidekick Garik.

10. Escort for a Convoy
Escort a convoy into Nakhod system and protect him against the Toscha gang,
ensuring that at least one cargo ship reach the trade station.Reward - key to
Balasom and 1 weapon behind the station. Fight hard 3 waves of 3 - 4 pirates
with crowd management abilities.

11. The Mynock Empire Strikes Back
Destroy a small rebel cruiser in Koro system along a group of mercs.
Reward - key to Nakhodlu system. One cruiser, two cruisers - what`s the
difference ! Inevitably the small cruiser have a bigger friend, a Mortok one
called Domingos. Destroy first Domingos using Plasma/Big Bang Missiles, run to
recharge the plasma cannon and go back for the small cruiser if you feel great.
If not wait until the mercs soft both cruiser and go for them.

12. Raptor zealots are threatening a Terran cruiser
A mediation between Oc`to and Raptor sect leaders failed on cruiser Aponi III.
Protect the cruiser adrift in Nizpul system along with a mercenary task.
Reward - key to Ankovo. Jump. Vaporise 2-3 fighters close to Aponi, intercept
4 - 5 bombers far away and go for Raptor cruiser Saint Igor, protected by zelot
fighters - you know the drill by now.

13. Under Siege by Religious Fanatics
The fanatics occupied Coill`ore system and demand the extradition of several
defectors. Destroy all Raptor fighters in area, helped by Nicolai and a bunch
of mercs. Reward - key to Lon`ore. Jump and admire 3 fanatic cruisers. Take
out the closest group (cruiser, 3 - 4 escort fighters) and move methodically
to the other two using the normal drill. After that another cruiser jump in.
Engage. Always attack first the cruiser, because he is capable to send a
lot of fighter waves against you.

14. Support for Terran Cruiser
Fly to Yaha and protect Keoma II against pirates. Reward - key to Tezutiak(?)
( The reward is strange, since I already been there in a main story quest ).
Jump. Nobody dares to help, so it`s a small party - Keoma and Darkstar. Check
the waypoint and destroy the pirates. Go back to Keoma II and vaporize 2-3
cargo ships, plus fighters suport. Of course, after a while an Oc`to cruiser
show up, a tough one to deal with. Be carefully and destroy him fast.

15. Raid on a Pirate Cruiser
Pirates kidnapped a Terran cruiser (?) in C`atlodge system that should be
destroyed. Reward - key to Drum`unie (I think ?) . Fight along 2 cargo ship
called Alrogh I and II the pirate cruiser and 12 support fighters.

16. Protect the Arrack cruiser Akshat II from an Oc`to assault
The cruiser is in Gaungbwe and need protection against the Oc`to. Reward -
key to Honnaing. Keep close to Akshat, destroy every Oc`to in sight and engage
the bombers as soon they show up. When Akshat let you know that the Oc`to
cruiser is in weapons range go for it.

17. Two Wacky Terrans in the Hive - B52 Cluster
Wacky ? They are plain stupid ! Support Danny and Brad during a handover in
Maleindon system with Funak`lu, a dangerous character. Reward - key to Minshwe.
Jump. Follow to the waypoint to find out they stoled some money from Funak`lu
and you are apparently the one who keep it ! Before the conversation place
yourself inside Funak`lu formation (6 vessels) and use Timeshock right after
he order your death to keep Danny and Brad safe.

18. The Molin System under siege
Rebels sent battleships in Molin system claiming that Kinzan empire bribed
the local authority to obtain some mining rights.Destroy all using mercs to
support you. Reward - key to Kinmin. The enemies are pretty strong - 3 small
cruisers with 3 escort fighters each. Destroy them one after another using
the usual tactics, then turn to face the 4`th.

19. Liquid Explosives
Research colony Magyibock `lost` six containers with liquid explosives in
Pegin system. Destroy it. Reward - key to Chaing. Every two containers have
two cruisers around. Simply fly close around 0,9 v, fire Plasma Shield and
shoot the containers. The big bang will cripple/destroy the cruiser, but you
are invincible. Fly to the next batch, repeat, etc. Go back and finish any
crippled cruiser to get the reward.

20. We are N.O.M.A.D.
( Nomads from Freelancer ? ) Support an Oc`to scientist by inspecting a
number of haywire satellites, NOMAD series, from Badic`aul system. Reward -
key to Altand`uin system. Jump and get in front of Gor`ale to protect him.
Vaporise all 6 satellites.

21. Retaliation against a Rebel Cruiser
The rebel cruiser Bhadrak must be destroyed in Kamaing system along with his
escort. Your support - a large squad of mercs and a couple of cargo ship, but
no military. Reward - key to Letpan. Jump and find 2 cruiser instead of one.
Speak with the cargo ship who let slip explosive containers. Pick it up, fly
close to Bhadrak (0,5 - 0,9 v), fire Plasma cannon, drop the containers
and run. The cruiser is gone and also the cargo ships - faith, men! Destroy
the other cruiser and get your reward.

22. Space Lunacy Aboard the Niatuin
The crew of Thul cruiser Niatuin (all females!) got insane while exposed to a
anomaly and ended up destroying ships in Ormiscaig system, but Thuls cannot
vaporise their kin. Reward - key to Aberloch. Jump to see Niatuin attacking a
small cargo vessel using the menacing words `We are the Thul. Resistance is
futile` ( Borg all over again ! ). Vaporize those mad womens !

23. The Mandroids
A Thul female group called `Man should now their place`(!) is prepared to
smuggle illegal men clones (Mandroids) in Clayock sytem. Support the Thul
cruiser sent to intercept the cargo ships. Reward - key to Lagen system. Fly
to Galadriel cruiser ( Elf name for a Thul cruiser !? ) and check 4 - 5
mercenary who act strange - they attack you. Kil them and go back to Galadriel
to help him against 8-9 mercs and 2-3 cargo ships. Vaporize all enemies until
an Arrack cruiser, hired by rebels, jump to join the battle. Destroy him.

24. Ascarong Gang
So, you belive fighting the S`kaa mothership was a tough job ? After you
finish the main story use the point zero FL drive and jump to Ascarong system,
Hive - AC3 cluster (southern part ). The entire system belong to the infamous
Ascarong gang who boast a fleet of 9 fighters, 3 medium cruisers and the
biggest and toughest cruiser I ever see in this game, lead by boss Daniel
Dumont (with a woman voice !). I suggest to take out support fighters
first, then engage the small cruisers who are, luckily, at some distance one
from each other. Don`t land to the trade station, because Dumont will be gone.
It took me 4 rounds to put Daniel Dumont down (I didn`t have Big Bang/Helfire
missiles, only 25 Swarm Elite Mk2) and this is a good thing - a challenge
worthy to the men who saved the galaxy ! In part 1 I mean - maybe Ascaron
will get the hint !!

8. Random missions
There are 2 places where you can perform this random missions :

a. Checking a satellite - in some systems the local research station will
require your help to check a malfunctioning satellite. Get close to see two
pirates messing with the onboard computer. Around 0,7 v they get red and it`s
time to blast them. After that close at 0,3 v and scan the satellite to get
the reward.
b. Mining - install an Ore Harvester and mine the asteroid fields. Pick
the cargo and sell the goods at trade stations.
c. Bounty Hunter in danger - in certain systems a hunter will ask your help
against some pirates.
d. Take out a pirate gang - all pirate gangs in a cluster are listed at
terminals in trade stations under the tag NEWS. Usually they are inside
an asteroid belt, near hideouts, shipwrecks and anomalies. If you don`t get
an anomaly while pressing T, look around for a small white pulsar and head
there. In my opinion is not a good idea to fight inside an asteroid belt
or in a red cloud. Fly close to 2,4 v and the pirates will show up. Turn your
ship and use W `till 2,1 v and V to get as far you can, in open space. Turn
and use crowd management abilities. Pirates will came in 3 waves - normal,
guards and big boss. Being so far from the hideout/shipwreck/anomaly you`ll
get the time necessary to recharge the plasma cannon until the next wave is
close. Usually a big first wave (6 - 8 normal pirates) means a small second
one (1 - 2 guards) and viceversa. After you destroy the boss his ship will
slip a special container who include a secret service weapon far more
powerful than guns on trade stations.
e. Free a system - from news you find out what systems are controlled by
pirates. Jump there and face 3 waves X 3-5 ships. The best strategy is to take
out fast each wave, using crowd management abilities and running away `till
plasma cannon recharge ( W AND V KEYS ). If you can`t do it fast, run inside
the asteroid and shoot at them from the opening, but after one try the game
seem to understand your tactic and the pirates stay away from entrance.
See above the artifact locations - some systems blocked by pirates have 2
artifacts, one as reward for your deed and another one still inside the

a. Spying - a company want you to spy a meeting in a different system. Fly
there, wait until all cargo ships mentioned on screen get inside the research
station, reach the waypoint, press F and click Laser device to hear the
conversation. Usually those inside spot you, but is a minor problem fighting
2-3 hunters before jumping back. Check terminal - mission.
b. Cargo transport - a cargo ship left a system without one container or
someone lost a container near the asteroid. Retrieve it and jump/dock to
complete the missions, usually after a little fight with some merry
hunters/pirates. Check terminal - mission.
c. Bounty hunting - everybody has a grudge against pirates, hunters and
defectors. All those are protected by partners and accomplices that need to
be killed before dealing with your target. Check terminal - mission.
d. Trading - this is your job. Poor systems desperately need video games,
luxury goods, androids, drugs, isotopes, etc. and sell cheap raw materials.
Check ( N key ) each system type (poor, prosperous, wealthy ; research,
mining, industrial, agricultural) to find out the export goods, forbidden
items and import opportunities. In my opinion trade is a must only in the
first cluster, but for everyone pleasure. Below is the list with all
products : Carbohydrates, Proteins, Life Forms, Plant Fibers, Metals,
Precious Metals, Crystals, Alloys, Machinery, Electronics,Computer
components,Ship technology, Medicine, Chemicals, Spirits, Fertilizer, Energy
Cells, Fuel Rods, Isotopes,Superconductors, Video games, Luxury goods,
Androids, Drugs.
e. Escort freighter - freighters need protection and you`re hired to do
so. Usually the attacks succed after a jump and you are warned by a cutscene.
Engage pirates from the second one or get close fast - this cargo ship can`t
take to much heat. Check terminal - escort.

9. Weapons

There are many guns and turrets in Darkstar One from level 1 to 9. Here
you`ll get those I had the good sense to note their characteristics and
type, but keep in mind that every weapon is different from the others,
so numbers could change :



Type Fire rate Consumption Energy Ratio Gain
Laser 4 11 2.4 + 0
MK 2 4 15 3.4 3.8
MK 3 4 21 4.8 9.6
Military 4 29 6.7 - 3.0
Elite 4 78 1.9 + 42
Elite MK 2 4 109 2.6 31
Elite MK 3 4 152 3.7 72


Projectile :
MK2 6 15 2.9 0.1
MK3 6 21 3.8 6.9
Military 6 29 4.5 3.1
Military MK2 6 40 6.2 7.5
Military MK3 6 56 8.8 23
Elite 6 78 13 0
Elite MK 2 6 109 18 30

Shield damage :
Ion Pulse
MK3 4 21 6 - 5.8
Ion Pulse
Military 4 29 11 + 11
Ion Pulse
Milit. MK2 4 40 12 18
Ion Pulse
Milit. MK3 4 56 17 37
Ion Pulse
Elite 4 78 24 61
Ion Pulse
Elite MK2 4 109 33 57
Ion Pulse
Elite MK3 4 152 46 108


Gravitone :
Military 2 29 14 - 5.0
Milit. MK2 2 40 23 14
Milit. MK3 2 56 27 22
Elite 2 78 38 43
Elite MK2 2 109 53 32
Elite MK3 2 153 34 74


Projectile, damage both shield and hull :
Military 4 29 6.7 - 7.9
Military MK2 4 40 9.4 + 2.7
Military MK3 4 56 16 29
Elite 4 78 19 40
Elite MK2 4 109 26 70
Elite MK3 4 152 37 72


Laser :
Elite 2 78 46 17
Elite MK2 2 109 53 32
Elite MK3 2 152 74 74


Laser 4 5 1.2 4.8
MK 2 4 7 1.7 6.7
MK 3 4 11 2.4 9.6
Military 4 15 3.4 1.7
Military MK2 4 20 4.7 5.4
Military MK3 4 28 4.4 13
Elite 4 39 9.3 19
Elite MK2 4 55 13 30

Rail 6 15 1.2 7.2
Rail MK2 6 7 1.5 8.7
Rail MK3 6 11 1.9 12
Rail Military 6 15 2.2 14
Military MK2 6 20 3.1 5.3
Military MK3 6 28 4.4 13
Rail Elite 6 78 13 42
Elite MK2 6 109 18 30
Elite MK3 6 176 13 25

Ion Pulse
Military 4 15 5.1 6.8
Ion Pulse
Milit. MK2 4 20 5.9 11
Ion Pulse
MiliT. MK3 4 28 8.3 20
Ion Pulse
Elite 4 39 12 28
Ion Pulse
Elite MK2 4 55 17 17
Ion Pulse
Elite MK3 4 76 23 43

Milit. MK2 2 20 12 4.1
Milit. MK3 2 28 14 8.1
Graviton Elite 2 39 19 19
Elite MK2 2 55 27 4.5
Elite MK3 2 76 37 26

Military MK2 4 20 4.7 0.1
Military MK3 4 28 7.9 14
Spore Elite 4 39 9.3 19
Elite MK2 4 55 13 3.8
Elite MK3 4 76 19 25

Photon Elite 2 39 23 - 3.1
Elite MK2 2 55 27 + 45
Elite MK3 2 76 37 26



Laser MK2 4 15 4.4 0.0
Laser MK3 4 21 6.3 7.5
Military MK3 4 56 18 37
Elite Mk2 2 109 69 41

Projectile MK3 6 21 4.8 0.0
Elite MK2 4 109 33 56

Milit. MK3 2 56 35 38


Projectile Tower
Elite 4 39 13 12
Projectile Tower
Elite MK2 4 55 17 19

Graviton Tower
Elite MK2 2 55 35 21

Ion Tower
Military 4 15 6.6 13


Type Rate/s Number of missiles
Missile Launcher 1 5
Missile Launcher MK2 1 8
Missile Launcher MK3 1 10
Missile Launcher Military 1 12
Missile Launcher Military MK2 1 15
Missile Launcher Military MK3 1 18
Missile Launcher Elite 1 20
Missile Launcher Elite MK2 2 25
Missile Launcher Elite MK3 1 30


Type Damage Velocity Warheads/Agility
Swarm 120 400 6
Swarm MK2 132 400 6
Swarm MK3 180 400 6
Swarm Military 245 400 7
Swarm Military MK2 350 400 7
Swarm Military MK3 490 400 7
Swarm Elite 800 400 8
Swarm Elite MK2 1120 400 8
Swarm Elite MK3 1840 400 8

Hellfire MK2 220 300 High
Hellfire MK3 300 300 High
Hellfire Military 420 300 High
Hellfire Milit. MK2 600 300 High
Hellfire Milit. MK3 840 300 High
Hellfire Elite 1400 300 High
Hellfire Elite MK2 1960 300 High
Hellfire Elite MK3 3220 300 High

Big Bang MK3 750 200 Low
Big Bang Military 1050 200 Low
Big Bang Milit. MK2 1500 200 Low
Big Bang Milit. MK3 2100 200 Low
Big Bang Elite 3500 200 Low
Big Bang Elite MK2 4900 200 Low
Big Bang Elite MK3 8050 200 Low

10. Equipment


Activator Refil - replenish hyperspace activator (one time)
Afterburner Booster - increase the afterburner energy by
200% (one time)
Graviton Boost - increase speed 200% for 10 sec. (one time)
Plasma Boost - recharge plasma cannon 100% (one time)
Repair Boot - repair 100% (one time)
Shield Boost - recharge shield 100% (one time)


This devices will work only if you choose to install them in the
equipment menu :

Cargo Computer X50, 100, 200, 300, 600 - required to
pick/transport containers of different size
Jammer 30 to Elite- automatic protection against scan from 30% to
Landing Computer 1 to 5 - automatic landing from 1 to 5 v
Shield Flux - transfer energy from front shield to rear shield
Energy Flux - transfer energy from weapons to shields
Energy Colector X 20 to 70 - increase the recharge rate of a FL
drive while flying inside a system
Ore Harvester - allows the mining of asteroids using normal weapons
Scanner 1 to 20 - scanning possible between 1 to 20 v


Afterburner (Boost duration, Velocity) :
level 1 (8,50); level 2 (10,50); level 3 (12,50); level 4 (14,50);
level 5 (16,50); level 6 (18,50); level 7 (20,50); level 8 (22,50).

Capacitator (Recharge time, Capacity, Gain) :
level 1 (12,12,0%); level 2 (10,14,16); level 3 (10,25,10);
level 4 (10,40,60); level 5 (10,60,50); level 6 (10,90,50);
level 7 (10,120,33); level 8 (10,170,41)

Energy Shield (Recharge time, Shield Energy, Gain) :
level 1 (53,18,0%); level 2 (71,28,10); level 3 (72,40,10);
level 4 (73,58,19); level 5 (74,84,20); level 6 (72,104,21);
level 7 (76,164,61); level 8 (78,248,85)

Generator (Energy, Gain) :
level 1 (1.3,0%); level 2 (1.8,28); level 3 (3.1,0);
level 4 (4.8,51); level 5 (7.1,46); level 6 (11,39);
level 7 (15,41); level 8 (21,44).

11. Bugs/Errors, cheats and indirect play

Bugs and errors come often while fighting inside asteroid belts or
red/blue clouds, helping the hunter under attack after a jump and rare
time inside a trade station.
Cheats - trainers could be found on internet and they usually give money,
better hulls, skip the flak missions, etc.
Indirect play - on the internet you could find savegames, especially after
Flak mission 2, but be carefully since every player have a different
configuration for his ship. Also on Darkstar One official site you could
ask nicely TornadoX1, one of the moderators from the International forum,
to play your Flak mission 2 save game and send it back.

12. Credits

All credits go to Ascaron Entertainment and fans everywhere who posted
answers, questions and info on forums. Thanks, people !

Copyright 2006 Limona Razvan
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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