Command & Conquer - Red Alert

Command & Conquer - Red Alert

17.10.2013 15:58:01

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Copyright 2007 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of
my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any other site(s), please
contact me, and I will contact the site(s) to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

| ========================= |
| | CONTENTS | |
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0.00) General Notes

1.00) Walkthrough

1.10) Allied Campaign
1.11) Allied # 1
1.12) Allied # 2
1.13) Allied # 3
1.14) Allied # 4
1.15) Allied # 5
1.16) Allied # 6
1.17) Allied # 7
1.18) Allied # 8
1.19) Allied # 9
1.20) Allied # 10
1.21) Allied # 11
1.22) Allied # 12
1.23) Allied # 13
1.24) Allied # 14

1.50) Soviet Campaign
1.51) Soviet # 1
1.52) Soviet # 2
1.53) Soviet # 3
1.54) Soviet # 4
1.55) Soviet # 5
1.56) Soviet # 6
1.57) Soviet # 7
1.58) Soviet # 8
1.59) Soviet # 9
1.60) Soviet # 10
1.61) Soviet # 11
1.62) Soviet # 12
1.63) Soviet # 13
1.64) Soviet # 14

2.00) Units
2.10) Allied Units
2.50) Soviet Units

3.00) Structures
3.10) Allied Structures
3.50) Soviet Structures

7.00) End
7.01) Version History
7.02) Closing

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 0.00) General Notes | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

First, it's worth noting that this guide was written for Hard mode. If some of
my suggestions and comments in the guide seem unreasonable, it's probably
because you're not playing on Hard mode.

Also, you're sometimes given choices of different ways to attack in the
missions, and these can alter the maps of each mission slightly. In the
walkthrough sections, I've included separate parts for each different route
you can choose, which you can tell apart by the walkthrough headings that say
something like "upper/lower route walkthrough" or "left/right route

Next, I'll cover some of the most important keyboard/mouse functions. If
you've played at least one or two other RTS games before, most of these will
probably be familiar already, but if not, you should defintely familiarize
yourself with them.


- The X key will make your units scatter, making them harder to hit. If you
get into a fight on equal footing (like classic light tank battles, for
example), whoever scatters the best is most likely going to win.


- The S key will stop the last command you gave to the units you currently
have selected. This is great for when you realize you just sent something
somewhere stupid, or if you want to stop force-firing on something.


- Pressing this will center your screen on your primary Construction Yard.
This is useful when you don't have radar and accidentally bump your mouse or

Ctrl+Left Click

- Hold down the Control key, then left click on something to make your
selected unit(s) force-fire on a target, even if it's a friendly unit,
building, or just bare ground. This is a great way to purposely destroy
bridges and detonate mine fields.

Alt+Left Click

- This is similar to Force-Fire, only instead of firing, it'll force your
selected unit(s) to move to the desired location. The main reason you'll want
to use this command is for smashing infantry - tell a vehicle to force-move on
an infantry unit, and it'll actively try to run the unit over.


- Hold down the Control key, then press one of the number keys from one to
nine. Anything you had selected at the time will now be in a group that
corresponds to the number you pressed. When you let go of that selection,
pressing the corresponding number key again (without Ctrl this time) will
automatically reselect those units. This is an absolute must for efficient
combat, especially in online games. Note that pressing Alt + a group number
will not only reselect the units, but also center your screen on the group's
current location.


Now for a few random notes about the game.


- As you might've noticed, you can choose between two Soviet countries. The
difference between the two is that Russian units and structures cost roughly
ten percent less, but Ukrainian units are slightly faster than usual. You'll
probably always want to choose Russia, honestly.


- There're three different Allies to choose from. German firepower is
slightly better than the other two sides, the French have a faster attack rate,
and the English have better armor. Personally, I'm a fan of firepower, so I
always choose Germany when I'm playing as the Allies.


- You can set the difficulty of the the computers. Easy mode will make
everything you build cost approximately ten percent less than usual (which can
add on to Russia's ten percent too, making things approximately twenty percent
cheaper). There's no change between normal and hard mode as far as costs go,
but you'll note that the game moves much faster on hard mode, and the computers
are much more aggressive. Assuming the game runs perfectly on your computer,
you can lose a skirmish map to a single computer in a matter of seconds if it's
set to hard mode on the maximum speed setting.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | 1.00) Walkthrough | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 1.10) Allied Campaign | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.11) Allied # 1 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Rescue Einstein from the Headquarters inside this Soviet complex. Once found,
evacuate him via the helicopter at the signal flare. Einstein and Tanya must
be kept alive at all costs. Beware the Soviet's Tesla Coils. Direct Tanya to
destroy the westmost power plants to take them off-line."


This mission is as basic as it gets, and Tanya is more than a match for the
entire Soviet base. Ignore your other units and have Tanya shoot the barrels
near the power plants near your starting position. The explosion will knock
the base into low power, rendering the Tesla Coils useless.

Move Tanya into the base and pick off the soldiers. When the area around the
Tech Center is clear, Einstein will exit it and a chopper will arrive west of
your original starting position. Get Einstein into the chopper to end the

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.12) Allied # 2 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"A critical supply convoy is due through this area in 25 minutes, but Soviet
forces have blocked the road in several places. Unless you can clear them
out, those supplies will never make it to the front. The convoy will come
from the northwest, and time is short so work quickly."


You'll have a mission timer of 25 minutes for this mission, but don't be too
worried about it - you shouldn't need nearly that long to finish it.

Your MCV will arrive and deploy itself - start building a power plant as soon
as it's deployed. You'll continue receiving small clusters of infantry and
Rangers for the first several minutes of the mission, so just pile them up
below your construction yard. Build an ore refinery and place it above and to
the left of your construction yard once your power plant is ready, then build a
barracks below the construction yard.

While it's not necessary to build anything for this mission, you'll be using
this same base again in another mission, so anything you build now will just
mean you won't need to do as much later. Go ahead and build a silo or two,
then place a pillbox above and to the left of your ore refinery, another one
below your barracks, and a third left of your construction yard. That should
be sufficent to keep your base protected later.

To finish the mission, gather your pile of Riflemen and Rangers and head west
through the ore field. Shoot barrels as soon as you see them to inflict huge
amounts of damage on the Soviets, and keep your eyes open for attack dogs.
The Soviet base is a little more than a full screen west of yours - wipe out
all of the buildings in it, and the scattered Soviet forces on the rest of the
map should move towards you. Wipe them all out, and your convoy will arrive.
Send your forces back to your base, and the mission will end once the convoy
exits the screen south of your base.

Recommended Route

You'll be given two choices for the next mission (upper or lower), and the map
of the third mission will be slightly different depending on which one you
choose. I suggest you choose the lower route - it lacks the V2 rocket and
attack dogs that the upper route has, which makes it a lot safer.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.13) Allied # 3 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Landcom 16 HQS.
Top Secret.
To: Field Commander A9

Intelligence recon shows heavy Soviet movement in your area. Nearby bridges
are key to Soviet advancement. Destroy all bridges ASAP. Tanya will assist.
Keep her alive at all costs.

Confirmation Code 1612.

Transmission ends."

Upper Route Walkthrough

If you choose the upper route for this mission, you'll start with Tanya and an
artillery unit. Pick off the Soviet soldiers that come at you right off the
bat, then move Tanya south and pick off the Soviet soldier standing near some
barrels. Don't shoot the barrels, though, or you'll kill the Allied medic
that's being guarded there.

Move Tanya westward through the civilian buildings in the trees. A few more
Soviet troops are hiding in the trees, but Tanya can handle them easily.
Continue towards the west until you hit some water, and bring your artillery
along. A transport will dump some more Soviet troops here, so pick them off
with Tanya before they can go anywhere.

The road that leads to the south will lead you right next to a small Soviet
base. Pick off the soldiers on the west side with Tanya, then use your
artillery to destroy the flame tower near the barracks (it's safest to do this
by parking it right above the tree directly west of the flame tower - otherwise
the artillery tends to be stupid and drives right up to it). Don't hit the
barrels with anything, or you'll kill the engineer and medic that're trapped in
the back of the base. Instead, pick off the rest of the troops with Tanya
after the flame tower's destroyed.

If you'd like, you can use the engineer to capture the construction yard, but
it's not necessary at all. You can also get a crate with two thousand credits
in it by destroying the tech center, but again, it's completely unnecessary.
Either destroy the base or leave it alone, but either way, continue to the east
underneath the base with Tanya and the artillery.

There're a few Soviet soldiers to the north once you're past the fenced area,
so deal with them. Head a little farther north until you see the water
crossing, then shoot the barrels with Tanya as soon as you can see them (a dog
will try to attack you as soon as you see them, and the barrels will kill it).
Cross the water now, but stick to the far left. Some paratroopers will drop
and attack, but if you're too far to the right, a V2 rocket will pick you off.

Instead, deal with the paratroopers from the far left, then continue north
while hugging the left edge of the water. Blast the barrels you see up here,
then head right until you're forced to move down. Order Tanya to move south
past the cluster of trees, and a V2 rocket should fire at you (and miss, as
long as Tanya's still moving south). Shoot the barrels next to the V2 Rocket
after it misses to destroy it.

Cross the first bridge here, but don't destroy it. Pick off the soldiers in
the trees here, then destroy the piles of barrels between the two northern-most
bridges. The explosion will destroy the upper bridge, and then you can go
ahead and use Tanya to detonate the lower one of the pair. Turn south now and
shoot the barrels to the right of the bridge there to destroy it, then have
Tanya detonate the first bridge you crossed to end the mission.

Lower Route Walkthrough

If you choose the lower route for this mission, you'll only have Tanya at the
start of the mission. Pick off the Soviet soldiers that attack you from below,
then move south into the small cluster of civilian buildings. Get close to the
red truck, but don't shoot it. An Allied medic will come out of the building
near the truck, so send him a safe distance away from the barrels. Pick off
the two soldiers near the buildings/barrels, then send Tanya a little south of
the barrels. Shoot the truck once to make it run, then shoot the barrels to
destroy it when it tries to escape. It'll drop a crate with two thousand
credits in it.

Take Tanya and your medic to the east now and slaughter the scattered soldiers
in the trees. Eventually you'll run into a church with a pair of soldiers
outside of it - pick them off, but leave the jeep alone. Head north up the
path, then pick off the soldier on your left inside the small base. The rest
of the soldiers should run towards the barracks, so shoot the barrels at the
top of the base to slaughter them all. The jeep you just passed will then move
north and block the trio of Heavy Tanks on the other side of the sandbags.

Run up the right side of the path and shoot the barrels near the heavy tanks,
then head up and to the left past the sandbags. Skip this bridge, and instead,
head to the left after you cross it. Take care of the soldiers, then use the
barrels near the barracks to take it out. Shoot the barrels near the two
bridges above you to destroy them (you might have to detonate the southern one
even after you blow up the barrels), then backtrack down the first bridge near
the cluster of civilian buildings. Detonate it, then work your way back to the
last bridge and destroy it to end the mission.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.14) Allied # 4 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Soviet forces are trying to retake the pass you cleared for our convoys.
Don't let this happen. Hold the pass and prevent the Soviets from taking this
vital area. Destroy all Soviet units and buildings in this region."


You'll start with whatever you finished the second mission with for this
mission, including the structures. Your first priority should be defending the
top of your base against the Yaks the Soviets will be sending at you. Train
three rocket soldiers and a pair of medics, then stick them in a tight cluster
near your ore refinery. Next, concentrate on defending the top of your base
against infantry and heavy tanks - your rocket guy cluster will do quite
nicely against the tanks, but it'll be defenseless against grenade troops.
You'll need a few pillboxes to handle them, and a few turrets probably wouldn't
hurt. Defend the bottom entrance of your base with a few more turrets and some
pillboxes, but leave the middle of your base open - the units you'll be
building will handle that area just fine.

Speaking of which, you'll notice you can now build a war factory. Definitely
do so, and I suggest you place it west of your construction yard. Build
another pair of ore miners first, then crank out light tanks. You'll need a
cluster of about twenty if you want to ensure the destruction of the Soviet
base in one attack.

Move your cluster to the bottom-left corner of the map, then make your assault
to the north (the Soviet base is in the top-left corner). Make sure you keep
your tank cluster close together - you don't want them to accidentally get
split up on two sides of a ridge. You'll probably encounter an ore miner and
some heavy tanks in front of the base, so slaughter them first. When things
are fairly clear, press onward and target the important base structures first.
If you can knock out the war factory, barracks, and construction yard, the
Soviets will probably sell everything else. Wipe out the survivors, and the
mission will be over.

Recommended Route

You'll be given three choices for the next mission (left, right, and center),
and the map of the fifth mission will be slightly different depending on which
one you choose. I suggest you choose the left or right route - the Soviets
don't seem to fight back as much on those two as they do on the center route.
The right route is probably the best choice - it's easiest to sneak into the
war factory on that map, and the Soviet base isn't quite as big on that one as
it is on the left route.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.15) Allied # 5 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Rescue Tanya. Your spy can move past any enemy unit, except dogs, without
being detected. Direct him into the weapons factory located at a nearby
Soviet Base where he will hijack a truck and free Tanya. With Tanya's help,
take out the air defenses on the island and a Chinook will arrive to rescue
her. Then destroy all remaining Soviet buildings and units."

Left Route Walkthrough

Dogs patrol this side of the small base, so wait until the first pair move away
before you move your spy down. Have him get to the far left side of the ore
field where the dogs stop, then wait until the next set of dogs starts to head
back towards the base. When they do, move your spy east underneath the base to
enter it from the bottom. Infiltrate the war factory, and a truck will take
you down to Tanya.

With Tanya, detonate both of the SAM sites near her, but be prepared to defend
against some attack dogs and soldiers from the north. Fight your way into the
bottom of the small base above you, then destroy the other two SAM sites to get
the chopper to arrive. Put Tanya in it, and you'll be given reinforcements at
your original starting position.

The only real threat in the nearby Soviet base is the Mammoth Tank sitting near
the war factory you infiltrated earlier. Take your tanks, artillery, and
rocket soldiers towards it, then shoot the nearest barrel to cause some damage
before you finish it off. Clear out the base, but leave the war factory, a
power plant, and the construction yard intact. You can capture them with your
engineers if you damage them far enough (the engineer will have green arrows if
he's targeting a building to occupy it, but he'll have red arrows if he's only
targeting it to cause damage).

Once you've capture the buildings, start building your base. The ore field you
were hiding in at the start of the mission will supply you with more than
enough funds to finish the mission, so get an ore refinery running as soon as
you can. Build a few heavy tanks and some V2 rockets when you can, then start
moving south along the eastern side of the map. You'll find an ore field here,
so blast the Soviet ore miners and fight off the forces they send at you.
Ignore the Yaks - they can't really hurt you.

Your V2 rockets will make short work of Tesla Coils, Flame Towers, and anything
esle, really. Pick off the explosive barrels inside the Soviet base, then move
your tanks into it to finish off the rest of their forces. They'll sometimes
rebuild some buildings if you take too long to destroy them, so you might want
to consider moving to the top-left of their base first to destroy their
construction yard. Either way, once all Soviet units and structures have been
destroyed, the mission is over.

Right Route Walkthrough

Follow the pair of attack dogs west as they start to move away from the beach,
then wait outside of the small base until they start to move again. As the
second set of dogs in the base starts to move west, you can safely move into
the base. Hug the top and make your way to the war factory - infiltrate it,
and a truck will drive your spy down to Tanya.

Use Tanya to destroy the building she was being held in as well as the SAM
sites nearby. Watch out for the heavy tank and V2 rocket in the area, though -
they can make short work of Tanya if they get the chance. Make sure you pick
off the soldiers near the flame tower as you get closer to the concrete, then
get Tanya in to the chopper once it arrives.

You're receive some reinforcements at your starting position. Use them to move
west to the small Soviet base, taking out the heavy tanks and flame towers as
you get closer. Once the base is clear, damage the construction yard until one
of your engineers can capture it, then build a power plant while you do the
same thing to the war factory and repair bay.

There're two ore fields near your base - one to the lower-left and one to the
lower-right. I suggest you build your ore refinery closer to the right one,
since the Soviets won't be as likely to attack you there compared to the other
one. Start harvesting, and build some heavy tanks and a few V2 rockets. You
can use the V2 rockets to pick off the flame towers and Tesla Coil in the
Soviet base below yours, and they're also quite good at slaughtering the huge
piles of infantry and dogs the Soviets like to collect.

Once the defenses are weakened, move your tank pile into the Soviet base to
finish it off. Once every Soviet unit and structure is destroyed, the mission
will be complete.

Center Route Walkthrough

Wait until the dogs are clear, then move east under the trees. There's a small
bridge near here that you can cross to hide while some dogs move underneath the
Soviet base, so do so. Once the set on the eastern entrance of the base moves
away, cross the bridge with the spy and enter the Soviet base diagonally from
the lower-right. Infiltrate the war factory, and a truck will take you to the
isolated area where Tanya's being held.

Once Tanya's free, have her destroy the four SAM sites while she defends
against any dogs and infantry that might cross the long bridge. Stick her in
the chopper that shows up once the SAM sites are destroyed, and you'll be given
reinforcements near your original starting position.

Use your tanks and infantry to punch your way into the Soviet base to the
north, but leave the engineers behind for now. Once you've eliminated all of
the Soviet units and flame towers in the base, send the engineers up to occupy
the construction yard, war factory, repair bay, and a pair of power plants.
Build an ore refinery near the western ore field as soon as you can, then start
repairing your surviving vehicles while you build heavy tanks.

The Soviets will send small forces to attack your ore miners, so be prepared to
defend them. Meanwhile, you should make small runs to the eastern ore field to
destroy Soviet ore miners every chance you get. Eventually you'll wear them
down, and they won't be producing as many units. Move your tank group towards
their base when you're ready and destroy every Soviet unit and structure to end
the mission.

Recommended Route

The upper route requires much less effort in Allied # 6, so I suggest you take
it. The lower route's starting position is much more complicated, and the way
the land is laid out makes Soviet attacks much more annoying. The main Soviet
base is also slightly better defended in the lower route, so there's really no
good reason to take it over the upper route.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.16) Allied # 6 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Priority One is to establish a base and get your spy into one of the Soviet
tech centers in the base across the gulf. Data on the Iron Curtain is in
there and we need it. Once you get the data complete your mission... wipe
out everything."

Upper Route Walkthrough

Deploy your construction yard as soon as it arrives, then start building a
power plant. Light Soviet forces will be attacking you from the south and the
south-west, so be ready to fight them off with your infantry and Ranger. Place
the power plant to the left of your construction yard when it's ready, then
build an ore refinery. Place it to the left of the power plant, then build a
barracks somewhere.

Throughout the mission, the Soviets will be sending transports to your side of
the map, and they'll be hitting you with Yaks constantly too. Your first
objective should be stopping the barracks directly south of your base. Once
you've got a war factory and you've built five or so medium tanks, take them
south and crush the flame towers, barracks, and any units in the area. Leave
the radar station intact, though! If you put a spy in it, you'll be able to
see parts of the Soviet side of the map. Also, capturing it makes building a
naval yard much, much easier.

Continue building medium tanks and make two piles - one on the beach by the ore
field east of the radar station, and another on the beach by the south-west ore
field. If you line tanks along the beach, the Soviet transports usually get
destroyed before they can even unload. Don't forget to defend against the
Yaks, either - you'll want to ring your base with anti-aircraft guns to deal
with them.

With the beaches and your base secured, build a naval yard in the water below
the radar station you captured. Crank out eight or so gun ships, then send
them east and follow the shore to the north. Destroy any submarines you find,
and then stop when you hit the eastern edge of the map in the far upper-right
corner. Send these gun ships back to your naval yard for repairs - you'll need
them later.

Now that the path's clear, build three naval transports and load them with 14
medium tanks and a spy. Send all three of them to the north-eastern piece of
shore on the Soviet's landmass and unload them. Use the tanks to clear out the
Soviet forces near the top of the base, then send the spy into the upper tech
center when it's safe. You'll be told to wipe out the remaining Soviets, so go
right ahead. You should be able to crush their entire base with this group of
medium tanks if you do it right, but watch out for the Tesla Coil in the ore
field west of their construction yard.

Once you've leveled everything on the ground, you'll probably need to take care
of a few straggling submarines. Go grab your gun ship group again and destroy
the subs on the southern part of the map. There should be four of them - one
between the small island and the Soviet landmass, two in the small gulf where
the sub pen is, and one hiding in the thin strip of water in the south-east.
Once you've destroyed them all, the mission will be complete.

Lower Route Walkthrough

Fend off the infantry that attacks right from the start, then move slightly
north until you see the small land bridge over the water. Don't cross it -
instead, send your two gunboats north along the shore, then shoot the explosive
barrels on the other side of the land bridge to wipe out the flame towers. Use
the gunboats to blast the heavy tank that's parked there too, then cross the
land bridge with all of your forces.

Deploy the construction yard near the top of the clearing here, then build a
power plant and a barracks. (You'll want to keep the power plant below the
construction yard to allow space for anti-aircraft guns.) Get an ore refinery
built next, and place it as close to the land bridge as you can. Soviet forces
will be attacking you from the east, but they're nothing too great - you should
be able to handle them with a single pillbox and a turret.

Once you're safely harvesting, build a war factory and crank out some medium
tanks. Five or so of them is plenty to wipe out the small Soviet base to the
east, so do so as soon as you can. Don't destroy the radar station, though.
Get a spy into it first, then weaken it and capture it with an engineer. This
will save you the trouble of building one of your own, and it'll also allow you
to build a naval yard right next to it. There's also a rather large ore field
below the radar station, so a second ore refinery might not be a bad idea. Be
careful, though - Soviet transports will land reinforcements on the small chunk
of shore south of the ore field.

If you haven't already, you need to build a few anti-aircraft guns on the top
and left sides of your base. Yaks might not seem like much of a threat, but it
doesn't take them long to destroy important buildings if you're not paying
attention and fail to repair them in time. When you're ready to launch your
assault on the main Soviet base, build a naval yard in the water north-east of
your captured radar station and start building a fleet of gunboats.

The only suitable landing spot is the very far western edge of the Soviet's
landmass (unless you feel like suiciding tons of boats, in which case you can
try to force your way onto the shore by their sub pen). Move your gunboats
westward and fry any submarines you encounter, then move them back to protect
your naval yard. Load up four transports with 19 medium tanks and a spy, then
send them all over to the shore underneath the Tesla Coil on the far western
edge of the map.

Land the tanks and fight your way towards the Soviet base. You should be able
to completely wipe it out with this wave of medium tanks if you're careful, but
make sure you remember to infiltrate a tech center with your spy before you
destroy them both. Once every unit and structure is destroyed on the ground,
you might need to sweep the water for surviving submarines. Destroy them all,
and the mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.17) Allied # 7 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Landcom 16 HQS.
Top Secret.
To: Field Commander A9

Interception of Soviet communique indicates their Iron Curtain research was
set back by espionage. Excellent work, Commander!

Communique was traced back to secret Soviet base in Bornholm. Investigate
possible connection with Iron Curtain research. Capture radar center and
destroy sub production capability.

Confirmation Code 1138.

Transmission ends."


Immediately use your boats to destroy the submarine east of your starting
position, or it'll sink your transport. Your medium tanks and the Ranger that
get unloaded onto the beach will be able to handle the infantry there at first,
but time is definitely not on your side in this mission. Deploy your
construction yard close to the beach where your gun boats are, then build a
power plant as close to the trees as you can get it. Build a barracks next,
then an ore refinery. You'll want to place the ore refinery near the left ore
field, then build a pillbox on both sides of it to defend it against paratroops
and other infantry.

The faster you can destroy the Soviet harvesters in the right ore field outside
of your base, the sooner they'll stop sending so much crap at you. Make sure
the right side of your base has anti-aircraft guns to protect it, then start
cranking out medium tanks. You'll need them to defend the ore field you're
mining, and once you have ten or so of them, you should move them to the small
base on the bottom of the map just to the right of that ore field. Blast the
barrels to do some major damage, then destroy the barracks, flame tower, and
power plant. Don't touch the radar station yet, though - you need to capture
it to complete the mission.

If you've still got a good supply of medium tanks, use them to defend the gap
above the radar station that leads to the Soviet base. If you can destroy
their harvesters here, the rest of the mission's a cakewalk. Keep sending your
tanks here to try and destroy them, and they'll also prevent quite so much
stuff from reaching your harvesters. (Once you've got control of that spot,
capture the radar station with an engineer.)

With the harvesters destroyed, the Soviets won't be much of a threat. Gather
a big tank group together and crush your way into their base (make sure you
destroy Tesla Coils first, then target V2 rockets and tanks). Wipe out
everything, but don't destroy the construction yard in the lower-left of the
base. Leave it for last, then capture it with an engineer. Destroy the two
sub pens you can see directly to the right of this construction yard, then
build a naval yard in the water there. Use Destroyers to finish off the other
three sub pens, and you can avoid fighting your way through the submarines
that're scattered in the water.

Recommended Route

I recommend you take the right route for Allied # 8 simply because it's easier
to make use of your mine layers on the right route compared to the left route.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.18) Allied # 8 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Our latest technology, the Chronosphere, is housed in this research station.
The timer represents the appointed time for the completion of a vital
experiment. The Soviets have learned of this and are moving in. Protect the
Chronosphere and the Advanced-Tech research center. Make sure the base is
fully powered at the appointed time. If not, all will be lost!"

Left Route Walkthrough

If you choose the left route, immediately move your starting units slightly to
the east, then deploy your MCV as soon as it appears on the screen. There's
really no reason to try to fight your way back to the main base, since it takes
time and you're not likely to live with very much. As soon as your MCV is
deployed, build a heavy power plant next to it and concentrate on repairing
your main base. Make sure you start your harvester, then build a second ore
refinery and place it near the lower-left ore field.

The trick to the left route is turrets and good management of a small group of
tanks. Line the top of your base with five or six turrets, then line another
four or so of them on the right entrance. Once you've got a war factory going,
start building a group of medium tanks. You should only need six or so of them
assuming you can keep your turret walls up, so don't waste too much money - you
might need it for repairs and replacement buildings.

The Soviets will send clusters of heavy tanks with V2 rockets accompanying them
from the east, the north, and the west (via transport - make sure you protect
the area by the ore field as well as the area by your repair bay). Keep your
eyes and ears peeled for the sound of V2 rockets. If you hear them firing at
something, find out where they are and use your tank group to deal with them
before they pick off your entire turret rows from a distance.

The Soviets will also send Mammoth tanks, though usually only one at a time.
If there's only one, your turrets can usually handle it with minimal losses,
but if they send two, you'll want to send your tank pile to prevent them from
destroying too many of your turrets.

That's pretty much it for this mission - keep your buildings repaired (since
the Soviets like to parabomb your power plants) and make sure your tank group
is ready to respond to threats near any entrance of your base.

Right Route Walkthrough

Gather your units and head west along the path, taking care of the heavy tanks
and V2 rockets you encounter. Once the path is clear, send everything
(including the construction yard) to your base in the north, which is probably
low power right now. Fix any of the damaged power plants, then build more if
you need to once your construction yard is deployed.

Have your harvester start collecting the gems south of your base, and start
building a war factory near the Chronosphere. Build a few more ore miners,
then start cranking out medium tanks. They'll be your primary defense during
this mission - don't let them wander too far from the Chronosphere. Allied
mine layers can also be devastating during this mission. Plant a row of mines
on the small section of beach in the south-east corner of your base, and it'll
stop Soviet transports from dumping reinforcements there.

Rows of mines by the west and south entrances of your base can also be quite
useful, and more importantly, so can mines in the ore field farther to the
west. Plant some mines right in the path of the Soviet harvesters, and you can
cripple their production without taking any losses.

Once you've got your harvesters running and your medium tanks rolling out of
your war factory, all you really need to do is sit back and handle threats as
they appear. Whenever you've got some downtime, take advantage of it and lay
some mines with your mine layer. Survive until the counter reaches zero, and
you'll finish the mission (assuming your base has power, that is - otherwise
you'll fail).

Recommended Route

The Soviet base in the lower route isn't as troublesome as the one in the upper
route, so I suggest you take the lower route.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.19) Allied # 9 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"One of Stalin's top atomic strategists, Vladimir Kosygin, wishes to defect.
His knowledge of Stalin's atomic strategies is invaluable to us. We will
extract him from the Riga compound where he is stationed.

Use a spy to infiltrate the Soviet command center and contact Kosygin. Once
he is out of the building, guide him back to your base any way you can."

Lower Route Walkthrough

Ah, a mission where speed isn't all that important. The island you start on is
completely isolated, so the only way the Soviets can get forces on it is by
water, which they won't start doing until you provoke them. Take your time and
build up your base, focusing on mass tank production and mass naval production.
Don't worry too much about defenses, except for AA guns - you'll want several
of those to protect your left and top sides.

The secret to easy success in this mission is to wait on your island until you
have enough forces to crush the entire Soviet base in one swift move, giving
them very little time to send boats, planes, and troops to your island. When
you have 25 medium tanks ready, start building transports and destroyers.
Load the tanks onto the transports (and don't forget to bring a spy along),
then move them (and some destroyers) north-east to find a beach on the Soviet

Dump your tank group on the beach and procede to the north, blasting Soviet
forces along the way. Rush straight into their base when you reach it, and
make sure the Tesla Coils are your first target. Crush everything in the base
that can fire at you, then start picking off buildings. Don't destroy the
Command Center, though - you'll need to get your spy in there first. Wait
until the Soviets are cleaned out (including all of the dogs), then send your
spy in to free Kosygin. Run him down to a transport and dump him back on your
island to finish the mission.

Upper Route Walkthrough

The upper route can be a little less pleasant than the lower route, but the
same basic ideas apply. Sit tight on your island until you've built up enough
stuff to crush the Soviet island in a single blow. Unfortunately, the Soviets
seem to have a lot more firepower on this island compared to the lower route's
island. You'll likely need 30 or more tanks to punch a whole in their base
this time.

You'll need some destroyers to defend your boats during the attack, but since
the beach you'll be landing on is so close to the top of your island, you can
use one group to guard the transports as well as the naval yard. Once you've
got the tanks and the transports to carry them (and a spy, of course), land all
of your tanks on the beach directly north of your starting position. Move to
the north-west a little, and you'll find the Soviet base.

The front is guarded by Tesla Coils and flame towers, not to mention a hoard of
Mammoth tanks, heavy tanks, V2 rockets, and infantry. Target the Teslas first,
then the Mammoths, then move into the base and destroy the construction yard
and war factory. This way, if you somehow get wiped out in this attack, they
won't be able to rebuild very much before you come back.

If you survive the first assault, crush the entire base except for the command
center, then send your spy into it. Send Kosygin to a transport, then move the
transport back to your island and dump the guy there. The mission will be
complete as soon as the chopper lands.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.20) Allied # 10 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

This mission has two parts - for the first part, you'll be fighting a ground
war just like usual. For the second part, though, you'll be fighting inside
the Soviet command center with a few infantry units. It's basically two
separate missions, but the game treats them as two parts of the same mission.

Mission Briefing

"Kosygin has indicated that this is the site of Stalin's main atomic weapons
plant. Use extreme care in approaching the Soviet base -- we don't know if
any atomic bombs are armed yet. Take the facility off-line and then destroy
any atomic weapons that exist."


Deploy your construction yard as soon as you can, then build a power plant and
an ore refinery. The key to winning this mission is keeping good control over
the ore fields (more specifically, the large one directly north of your
starting position and the large one directly east of your starting position).
The Soviets will send large amounts of tanks, infantry, and V2 rockets at your
base from the north and the east, so you'll want to be well-prepared.

I suggest you defend the north side of your base with pillboxes and turrets.
Build them over the top of the ridge above your base, then chain them all the
way up until you reach the small entrance to the ore field there. This is the
only side the Soviets can use to enter that field - if you block it off with
turrets and pillboxes, they'll have trouble harvesting it.

Use your tank pile to defend the eastern ore field. The Soviets will try to
get groups of infantry into your base, so make sure you defend the upper-right
corner with a few pillboxes. Always keep a few spare tanks in your base, too,
just in case something makes it in. The Soviets will annoy you with Yaks,
Migs, and choppers, but there's a fairly easy way to eliminate that problem.
Once you have a tech center and your satellite's been launched, you'll have no
problem seeing the small base in the north-east corner of the map. Build a few
chopper pads, and you'll be able to pulverize their airfields in a few trips.

Your satellite will also reveal the main base's defenses. The Soviets are
obviously determined to hold onto this facility... Tesla Coils, flame towers,
SAM sites, Mammoth tanks... You'll need to hit the base fast and hard to knock
it out. The south-east corner seems to be the best entry point - take out the
defensive structures and tanks first, then scramble towards their construction
yard. If you can knock it out, it won't matter if your tanks all get destroyed
before you can level the rest of the base. Just build more and come back for a
second assault.

The command center is encased in concrete, so you'll need to punch a hole in it
before your engineers can get in. Take control of the structure, and the next
mission will take place inside of it.

Indoor Mission Briefing

"Now that the complex has been infiltrated, the launch control centers must be
deactivated. Get your engineers to the control centers and deactivate them
before the missiles reach their targets."

Enemy technicians can help in locating the control centers if they are kept

Indoor Walkthrough

The twenty minute timer on this mission is actually a decent challenge - you're
going to have to be fast to finish in time. Let all of your men stand still at
first, and they'll gun down the Soviet units that try to attack. Once the pair
of attack dogs comes and gets killed, send one of your spies to the left, then
straight down underneath the little nook where your men are standing.

Continue moving due south along the right edge of the hallway, ignoring the
side paths for now. Eventually you'll find a bay with several tanks in it -
continue to the very bottom edge of the screen, and you'll receive a very
welcome reinforcement. Send Tanya north out of the bay, then turn right at the
first fork. There're some infantry and a dog sitting here, so have Tanya gun
them all down from a safe distance. Continue north after that and take out the
dog sitting by the terminal - this is the first of four terminals you'll have
to disarm, but you'll need an engineer to do it. Ignore it for now and head
back towards the tank bay.

This time, take the left fork above the bay. Slaughter the three guards there,
and be on the lookout for an attack dog. Once it appears on the screen, kill
it, then continue moving west. Pick off the few soldiers that're waiting, and
you'll eventually come to a second control panel. Send Tanya back towards the
rest of your troops and have her kill anything that's still near the left side
of your little nook. Check the upper-right side, too - you don't want any dogs
to jump out and kill your engineers.

Send an engineer to each of the two terminals you just found, and while they're
walking, send your riflemen up the right side of the map. Two groups of Soviet
riflemen are patrolling around here, and so are two attack dogs. The object is
to get your riflemen to kill the attack dogs so you don't have to risk Tanya on
them. When your two engineers have reached their terminals, send them back to
your little nook, then send them up towards your riflemen along with Tanya.

Have Tanya pick off any surviving soldiers on the right side of the map, then
send your riflemen and an engineer all the way north to find a third control
terminal. The fourth one is to the left, where a large group of soldiers is
hiding in a little alcove. Kill them, then carefully move Tanya and an
engineer to the left. There's a flame tower over there waiting for you, so you
have to be very careful.

If you want, you can run the engineer north on the right side of the flame
tower to find a panel on the wall that will destroy it, but it's not really
necessary if you don't feel like doing it. Instead, run Tanya and the Engineer
under the tower, then run north on the left side of the room. The tower will
probably fire at you, but it shouldn't kill you. Continue a little to the
north to find the fourth control pannel, and the mission will be complete.

Recommended Route

The lower route in Allied # 12 seems to be much more manageable than the upper
route, so I suggest you take it. The separate power plant base is also in an
easier location, which helps speed things up a little. The only downside is
that the water is a little more cramped in a few spots, which lets the Soviet
submarines put up an even better defense.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.21) Allied # 11 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Our assault on the USSR is underway, although our efforts are being hindered
by large pockets of Soviet armor. To counter this we need to move warships up
the Volga river, but there is a bottleneck near Volograd which you must clear
so our naval vessels can move in. Good luck."

Upper Route Walkthrough

Move one of your MCVs slightly to the north, then deploy it in the middle of
the clearing. Leave the second one alone for now - it'll be useful later. Get
your units out of the way, then place a power plant between your construction
yard and the northern ore field. Place an ore refinery above that, then build
another one and place it south of your construction yard so your harvesters can
harvest both fields.

Try not to venture over to the right side of the cliffs - there's a pair of
Mammoth tanks patrolling the area over there, and if they notice you, you'll
have tons of Soviet stuff raining down on you. Instead, sit back in your base
and line the top with a few anti-aircraft guns to deal with those annoying air
strikes, then just mass-produce light tanks. Make sure you remember to build a
tech center, too - the satellite it provides is invaluable.

Once your pile of tanks is big enough, move north and crush the Soviet base.
Target the Tesla Coils first, then take out the Mammoths and heavy tanks. The
trick is to make absolutely sure you take out this base in a single attack - if
you can, you're home free. Once you've gutted the base, send your second MCV
up there and deploy it near the ore field, then place a new ore refinery there
so you can easily harvest their ore field.

Destroy the concrete north of the Soviet base, then build a few silos until
you're able to build one on the other side of the ridge. Build a barracks up
there somewhere, then use infantry to wipe out the Soviet power plants (they
can still build over here thanks to the second construction yard on the other
side of the river, so you're better off capturing as much as you can just so
they can't reuse the space).

If you capture a building close to the water up here, you'll be able to place a
naval yard in the river. Do so, then start cranking out Destroyers to deal
with the submarines. Ignore the Tesla Coils on the island for now - destroying
them will just ensure that the other base actually has power. Instead, destroy
any nearby submarines, then send Destroyers over to shell the other base until
there's not much left. Transport some tanks over there to finish the rest of
it off, then search the water for any submarines stragglers. Once it's clear,
Allied reinforcements will arrive, and the mission will be complete.

Lower Route Walkthrough

Move all of your forces north a little, then deploy one of your MCVs and leave
the other one alone (you'll want to use it later). Build a power plant to the
north, then build an ore refinery. You'll want to stay south of the ridges at
first - there's a pair of Mammoth tanks patrolling the big ore field to the
north, and pissing them off is definitely not a good idea.

Harvest the ore fields south of the ridges and use the money to build a war
factory, a radar station, a tech center, and some anti-aircraft guns (which you
should place at the top of your base to stop those pesky Yaks and choppers).
Crank out about thirty or so light tanks, then move them north (assuming your
spy satellite has already gone up). Take out the Mammoth tanks to lure more
Soviet forces out of their base, then slaughter everything out in the open.

Move in on the pair of Tesla Coils next, then take out any tanks that're still
inside the base. Destroy the war factory and barracks before you bother trying
to kill infantry, then run them over when all other threats have been removed.
Destroy the construction yard, then wipe out the entire base. You'll want to
send your spare MCV up to the clearing near where the Soviets have their sub
pen, then deploy it so you can destroy the sub pen and put a naval yard in its
place. There're submarines directly east of that little inlet, so be prepared
to repair your naval yard as you build Destroyers to eliminate the submarines.

Continue building Destroyers until you're sure there's no more submarines in
range of the naval yard, then move them east to make sure there aren't any
submarines between your naval yard and the beach near the power plant base.
Build a pair of transports, then land some tanks on the beach to wipe out the
power plants and SAM sites. Load your tanks back onto the transports when
you're done - you'll need them one more time to deal with the last Soviet base.

Move your Destroyer group south and pulverize the SAM sites and Tesla Coils on
the small island in the river. There're submarines around the island, though,
so be prepared to shift targets quickly. The tight quarters will give the
submarines the advantage, so you'll need to move fast if you want to keep
casualties low. Continue on past the island and search the rest of the river
for submarines, then land your tanks on the beach to make an assault on the
last Soviet base.

Sometimes the Soviets will suddenly start to build up forces at this small
base, so you'll probably want to move fast. Rush in and destroy the
construction yard first, especially if you think you might not be able to
survive with your first attack. After that, keep sending tanks at the base
until it's completely destroyed (your Destroyers can help by shelling buildings
from the river if necessary). Once every Soviet unit on the map is destroyed,
your naval reinforcements will arrive, and the mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.22) Allied # 12 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Rumors abound that the Soviet Iron Curtain is nearing completion. In
addition, an even more powerful version of that weapon is also in the works.
One research facility is more protected than the rest - find out why. Capture
all technology centers, and destroy any Iron Curtain prototype that you
encounter. Our newly developed Longbow Helicopter should be able to assist
your attacks."


Once your forces land on the beach, move them slightly north and deploy your
construction yard. While you're building a power plant, use a tank to destroy
the barbed wire in the area - you'll want that space free later so you can put
buildings there. Place the power plant to the right of your construction yard,
then build and place an ore refinery to the right of the power plant. The ore
field east of your base is where you'll get most of your funding for this
mission, or at least for the early part of it.

The Soviets will attack your base with a few units at a time at first, but it's
nothing your starting forces can't handle. Concentrate on building a few more
harvesters once your war factory is ready, then get a radar station and a tech
center. A few anti-aircraft guns on the top of your base will also be quite
helpful. After that, just concentrate on cranking out 25 or so light tanks.

The Soviets will send Mammoth tanks to the left side of your base every once in
a while, and they'll sometimes use their Iron Curtain on one. If you place a
large building on the extreme western edge of your base (like a war factory,
for example), the Mammoth tank will usually be lured into firing at it. The
Iron Curtain effect won't last long enough for it to destroy your building,
though, so you should be able to destroy it with your tanks before any major
damage is caused if you start repairing the building shortly after the initial

The western Soviet base is by far the bigger threat, so you should try to knock
it out first. Move your tank pile all the way to the western edge of the map,
then move them north to the top-left corner of the map. From here, launch a
quick assault into the Soviet base and destroy the Tesla Coils, then target the
Iron Curtain, war factory, barracks, construction yard, and nuke silo. Even if
this wave gets completely destroyed, the damage you inflict will be crippling.
Send another wave of tanks if necessary, but remember - DON'T DESTROY THE TECH
CENTER! Nothing's more annoying than getting this far into the mission, then
failing instantly because you forgot you were supposed to take control of a
certain building instead of destroying it.

Leave the tech center alone for now, but destroy everything else in the western
Soviet base. With it removed, you'll be able to make use of the large ore
fields on this side of the map if you need them. Either way, launch an assault
on the eastern base once you've rebuilt your tank pile. If you blow up the
command center, all of their power plants blow up for some reason. Use that to
your advantage and make it your first target.

Again, DON'T DESTROY THE TECH CENTER! You have to capture it (and the other
one) with engineers to complete the mission. Go ahead and capture them both as
soon as you can - there's no need to waste effort clearing out the lake in the
middle of the map, though you can do so if you'd like. It's actually fairly
amusing to build a naval yard in the upper-left corner of it so you can build
cruisers there. They'll make short work of the eastern base, that's for sure.
Just make sure you don't accidentally blast the tech center if you choose to
use the cruisers.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.23) Allied # 13 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Landcom 16 Hqs.
Top Secret.
To: Field Commander A9

Congratulations. Capturing tech centers has revealed an underground weapons
facility. Place explosive charges on all generators. Resulting explosions
should destroy facility. Get out before nerve gas is used.

Transmission ends."


Mmmm, don't you just love indoor missions? Your lower group should get your
attention first - a vehicle will come by shortly after the start of the
mission, and it can smash some of your men if you're not careful. Move all of
your guys to the top of the hallway they're in, then wait for the vehicle to
arrive. Once it's been destroyed (which your riflemen should do on their own),
move your riflemen east and destroy the nearby barrels along with the Soviet
troops near them.

A dog and some troops will move into the area, so deal with them quickly before
they can kill any of your men. Use your medic to heal any injured riflemen,
then continue eastward along the upper hallway. See the little terminal thing
on the wall? Get an engineer in there, and it'll cause a flame tower to
detonate, which will let your upper group move later.

Take your riflemen down the next hallway, ignoring the hallway that leads to
the right for now. Head down to find a single Soviet soldier, kill him (the
small crate he was "guarding" will heal all of your units if you walk onto it),
and then take a left to find the only path that heads farther down. This is
the first generator room, and it's well-defended. Use your riflemen to clear
it out, then heal them with your medic and send an engineer to the little
terminal thing in the middle of the room to set the first charge.

Backtrack up a little to the hallway that leads to the right. Move in with
your riflemen and clear out the Soviet troops, but don't move too far to the
right - there's a flame tower over there that'll wipe you out. Instead, work
your way down to find the next generator terminal. Eliminate the Soviet guys
there, then get an engineer to the terminal to plant the second charge.

Time to concentrate on your upper group of soldiers. Before you move any of
them, send an engineer to the terminal on the wall directly above your starting
position to detonate a nearby flame tower. Next, gather your riflemen and move
to the east. There're several soldiers in this room guarding some idle tanks,
so wipe them all out and heal your soldiers afterwards. Continue to the east,
and you'll see a path that leads up. Send your soldiers up there, clear out
the Soviet troops, and get an engineer to the terminal on the right side to set
the third charge.

South of that third generator room, you'll see another crate in a small alcove
that'll heal all of your units if you touch it. These can be very helpful, but
I recommend you don't use them unless your medic gets hurt or something.
Otherwise, just use your medic to heal all of your other soldiers. Anyway,
continue moving to the east through the hallway, and make sure you get an
engineer into the little terminal on the wall to detonate the flame tower
that's currently blocking your southern group's path.

Continue through the hallway to the east, and you'll see a room lined with
Mammoth tanks. Stay along the southern wall of this room and keep moving east,
but watch out for an attack dog on the right side of the room. Continue moving
east until you find the fourth generator room. Kill the guards in here, plant
a charge on the terminal, and backtrack to the path that leads to the south in
the Mammoth tank room. Leave this group here for now and go back to your
southern group.

Your northern group removed the flame tower that was blocking your path, so
move east through the next hallway. You'll see a large room with a thing of
gas in the middle and lots of flame towers along the outside. Carefully move
your riflemen to the edge of the room and wait for the dogs/soldiers to get in
range. Kill them all, heal, and then send an engineer to the terminal inside
the central box thing (where the green gas is). As long as you stick to the
wall, the flame tower to the right won't be able to fire at you.

The engineer will use the terminal to detonate the flame tower above and to the
left of the central box thing. This will allow your northern group to come
down and join the rest of your troops. Separate all of your riflemen into one
group, your two medics into another group, and your four engineers into a third
group (and leave the spy alone for now). Carefully move everyone beneath the
gas terminal thing and wipe out the patrolling soldiers around the area.

Send an engineer to the terminal in the little wall alcove thing to the south,
and it'll activate a flame tower in the next room that will obliterate the
Soviets nearby. When the room is clear, send everything you have down there
except for the spy. Shoot the barrels on the left side of the room, then move
your riflemen west through the hallway. There're more barrels on the other
side, and there's also a flametrooper. Once they're removed, send an engineer
to the terminal on the wall in the hallway, then continue to the west with the
engineer to plant a charge on another generator terminal.

Heal your soldiers while you send your spy down the lower-right hallway in the
main room (the one with the green gas thing in it). You'll eventually see a
large group of Soviet troops by a pair of flame towers, but when you get there,
they'll all suddenly rush towards your friendly flame tower. Keep your
engineer group and your medics safely behind your riflemen in the hallway to
the left of your flame tower. After the Soviets destroy your tower, they'll
run towards the hallway to attack your engineers, but your riflemen should be
able to pick them all off before they can do anything.

Send all of your units back to the central room now (the one with the green gas
thing in it). The panel you hit in the hallway a little bit ago removed the
flame tower from the bottom-left corner of the room, so send an engineer to
that terminal to plant a charge on yet another generator terminal. Send your
riflemen east down the hallway your spy went down earlier, then proceed to the
right when you reach the flame towers (ignore the dog guarding the terminal on
the left). Kill the soldier guarding the generator terminal here, then send an
engineer to it.

The final generator terminal is in the upper-right corner of the central room
(the one with the green gas thing in it). Unfortunately, there doesn't appear
to be a way to destroy that flame tower, so you'll just have to clear out the
guards with your riflemen, then suicide an engineer at the terminal. As soon
as he plants the charge, the mission should be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.24) Allied # 14 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"This is it -- the final confrontation! The Soviets have nowhere to run now.
The only thing that remains is to topple the Soviet seat of power. Destroy
everything to make sure that no one takes Stalin's place. No sorrow. No
pity. No remorse."


Perhaps it's just my copy of the game, but when this mission starts, you'll
automatically lose in about half a second because your units start way too
close to some explosive barrels. If you aren't waiting on the right edge of
the screen to highlight them and move them away from the barrels the instant
the mission starts, they'll all be killed. Keep them away from the second set
of barrels, too - a grenade guy will come up and destroy them shortly after the
first set gets destroyed. Whatever you do, don't go north. There's a Tesla
Coil up there that'll slaughter you instantly. Instead, focus on heading west.

Use Tanya to pick off the soldiers standing in the open, and watch out for ones
hiding behind trees. Be on the lookout for attack dogs, too - if you see one,
it should become your first priority. When you reach the land-bridge thing,
don't cross it. Instead, send Tanya north up the little path, and keep the
Thieves close behind her (so they don't get surprised by dogs while you're busy
with Tanya). Pick off the first three soldiers standing near the power plants,
then retreat to the south again.

Tons of soldiers and dogs will rush you from the east, and the only chance you
have of killing them all with Tanya is to get them to spread out. By running
to the south, you're forcing them to chase you, and the faster units will get
slightly ahead of the slower ones. This works out perfectly for you, since in
this particular situation, the fastest units (attack dogs) are your biggest
threat, and the next fastest units (grenade guys) are your next biggest threat.
Pick them off as fast as you can, then pick off the riflemen.

When the area's clear, detonate the power plants and shoot the explosive
barrels. Don't worry too much about the van that tries to get away. If you're
good, you can blow it up with the explosive barrels. If not, you can collect
its contents later (it's just a little money anyway). Carefully walk your
Thieves into the Soviet base, then send them into the ore silos to collect some
funds. Reinforcements will arrive to the north, so send Tanya up there to join
them. When you deploy your construction yard, the Soviets will sell their
remaining buildings in this base. Be prepared to defend against the resulting
rush of riflemen.

Build a power plant and place it somewhere, then start building an ore
refinery. While it's building, send Tanya due west and find the church there.
Detonate it and collect the money crate from inside, then head back to your
base. Place the ore refinery, then be on the lookout for Soviet units that
will try to attack your harvester. Destroy them with your units, then quickly
move them to the northern part of your base to defend against some infantry
that're going to attack you.

Build a war factory and some more miners next, but be ready to use your units
to defend your base from all sides at any time. The trick to winning this
mission is a solid defense. The Soviets will send countless ground units as
well as aircraft at you from everywhere. You'll need heavy anti-aircraft
defense along the entire left side of your base as well as the bottom, and
turrets and pillboxes on the upper-left and bottom are pretty much essential.
Count on your tank group to cover the remaining area, but try to leave the
upper-right ore field empty once it's been harvested. You'll want that space
open so you can build chopper pads there.

Once you've established a solid defensive perimeter and the Soviet attacks are
no longer a major threat to you, start building chopper pads (the more the
merrier, really - eight or so of them is ideal). When your spy satellite goes
up, you'll notice that there're two main Soviet bases. The one to the south is
fairly small and isn't nearly as defended as the western one, so it should be
your first target. The only threats to your choppers are the Mammoth tanks
(which aren't much of a threat, really) and the SAM sites. Use your choppers
to pick off the closest threat to your base (one by one if necessary) until
there're no more anti-aircraft threats at all. Destroy their construction
yard, war factory, ore refinery, and so on next, and they'll eventually sell
everything else.

Continue your chopper attacks around the map, eliminating the scattered units
that're all over the place. Attack the other Soviet base from its upper-right,
and you should have no problem destroying their SAM sites (though you might
need to repair your choppers after each attack). Once the SAM sites are gone,
you'll be able to easily destroy the Tesla Coils and other major buildings.
Once they're gone, the rest is easy. Move a tank group over there and roll
them over. The center of the map is riddled with mines, but since they're just
Soviet anti-personnel mines, they're no threat to your tanks.

Destroy everything on the map to end the mission (and the Allied campaign).
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 1.50) Soviet Campaign | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.51) Soviet # 1 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"A pitiful excuse for resistance has blockaded itself in this village. Stalin
has decided to make an example of them. Kill them all and destroy their
homes. You will have Yak aircraft to use in teaching these rebels a lesson."


Use your Yaks to blast the explosive barrels north of the destroyed bridge, and
paratrooper reinforcements will arrive. Use them to clear out the troops and
houses in the area. There's a healing crate in the house to your left, so make
sure you pick it up if you need to heal your soldiers. Use your Yaks to
detonate the explosive barrels on the other side of the next bridge, and the
chain reaction should end the mission. If not, find whatever survived and
blast it.

Recommended Route

Both of the routes in the next mission are incredibly easy, so it really makes
no difference which one you pick. I suppose the lower route is slightly better
because of the location of the money crate (in the church slightly east of your
starting position) and the healing crate (in a house in the very south-east
corner of the map).

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.52) Soviet # 2 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Tomorrow, the attack on Germany begins, but today, we must protect our
facility from Allied attacks. Keep the Command Center intact at all costs,
and destroy any Allied fortification you might find."

Upper Route Walkthrough

Begin building an ore refinery, then destroy the bridge to your west by
destroying the barrels next to it. Place the ore refinery, then build a
barracks and train a few grenade guys and some riflemen. Add them to the pile
of infantry you started with and head north, then west. There're only a few
Allied units blocking the path to the Allied base, so fight your way through

The Allied base isn't very well-defended, so you should be able to handle it
with the troops you brought. When you destroy the upper portion of their base,
you'll receive some paratrooper reinforcements, which should make things even
easier. Finish off all of the Allied forces to complete the mission.

Lower Route Walkthrough

While you're building an ore refinery, send your men to the east and destroy
the church there to find a money crate. Place the ore refinery and build a
barracks, then train ten or so riflemen. Send them along with your other men
to the east along the bottom of the map. Turn north at the far right edge of
the screen, and you'll run into the ore field the Allies are harvesting.
Destroy their ore miner, then blow up the barrels near the turrets.

Enter the Allied base and level it. You should have plenty of men to do it,
especially once you add the paratrooper reinforcements you're about to receive.
Once every Allied unit and structure is destroyed, the mission will be over.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.53) Soviet # 3 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"An Allied spy has bypassed our security, damaged our base, and is now seeking
to escape. Use your attack dogs to track him down and exterminate him. The
civilians are aiding the spy and will have set traps for your men. If the spy
escapes you, your life is forfeit."


Take your dogs south, then head east before you run into the pillbox. Kill the
rocket soldier outside of this house (along with the civilians), and some of
your men will come out of it. Move them slightly south, then have them shoot
the barrels on the other side of the cliff to destroy the pillbox.

Send all of your units through the new gap you just created and attack the
troops at the bottom of the small group of houses. Continue south, then move
west when you can. Follow the spy into the small village, but watch out - some
soldiers are waiting inside the houses. Gather your paratrooper reinforcements
to the east, then move north through the last area of shroud. Kill the line of
troops there, then detonate one of the explosive barrels in the barbed wire to
slaughter the rest of the troops.

Move through the barbed wire next and make your way to the transport to the
west. Destroy it, and the mission will be complete.

Recommended Route

I recommend the lower route in Soviet # 4. The Allied base isn't as well
defended as it is in the upper route, and it's a little easier to access, so
you won't need as much time or as many tanks to take it out.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.54) Soviet # 4 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The Allied base in this region is proving to be problematic. Your mission is
to take it out so that we can begin to move forces through this area. As long
as they have communications they will be able to call upon heavy
reinforcements. Crush their communications, and they should be easier to

Upper Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV, build a power plant, an ore refinery, a war factory, another
power plant, a radar station, and an airfield. Build another ore miner, then
use your airfield's scout plane as soon as it's charged. Your target is about
half of a screen in from the left side of the map at the very top. The scout
plane should reveal the radar station, and if it does, drop your first group of
paratroopers to the left of it as soon as they're charged. Quickly use them to
destroy the station before the nearby tank kills them.

Meanwhile, continue building heavy tanks until you have fifteen or so of them.
Move them all the way west, then turn north when you see the pillboxes (there
are two sets - one's blocking the path to the radar station, the other's
blocking the path to the main base). Blast the pillboxes, then fight your way
into the Allied base. Destroy the war factory, barracks, and construction yard
first, then destroy any turrets and tanks you can see.

Finish crushing the rest of the base, then hunt down any surviving units or
buildings that might be around the map. Once everything's destroyed, the
mission will be complete.

Lower Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV and build a power plant. A few Allied troops will attack your
base from the north-east, so move your dogs over there to intercept them. Put
the power plant to the right of your construction yard, then start building an
ore refinery. Get a war factory, a second ore miner, and a radar station after
that, then build an airfield and some heavy tanks. Use the scout plane from
the airfield once it charges to see the very north-east corner of the map. See
that radar station there guarded by two light tanks? As soon as your paratroop
thing is ready, drop them behind the radar station and destroy it before the
light tanks can shell you to death.

Once you have ten or so heavy tanks, head up the left side of the map, then
turn to the east at the northern edge of the screen. The Allied base isn't
very well-defended, so you should have no trouble at all wiping it out. Target
the turrets and tanks first, obviously, then slaughter the infantry and shred
the buildings. Once all Allied buildings and units have been destroyed, the
mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.55) Soviet # 5 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Khalkis island contains a large quantity of ore that we need. The Allies are
well aware of our plans, and intend to establish their own base there. See to
it that they fail. In addition, capture their radar center so we can track
Allied activity in this area."


Deploy your MCV, then build a power plant above it. Build and place an ore
refinery above that, and have the ore miner harvest the gems south of your base
first so you'll get money a little faster. Build a barracks, then build a
flame tower and place it above your ore refinery to defend against infantry
attacks. Next, build a war factory and produce two more ore miners to help
speed up your money collection.

Build heavy tanks as you're building your radar station and your airfield, and
fend off the small Allied attacks that come at you. When your scout plane is
charged, use it to scout the about a screen diagonally down and to the left of
the upper-right corner of the map. The goal is to find the north-east corner
of the island - there should be a pair of Allied mine layers there. When your
paratroopers are charged, land them far enough south-west of the mine layers
that they won't provoke them. Once you've set foot on the island, the Allies
should get pissed and send their spare MCV over on a transport. Quickly and
carefully use your paratroopers to destroy it before it has a chance to deploy.
If it tries to run you over (which it will), use your X key to scatter your
troops. Destroying the MCV will make this mission much, much easier.

By now you should have a pretty big pile of heavy tanks, so send them north and
then east to the Allied base and crush it. REMEMBER NOT TO DESTROY THE RADAR
STATION, though. You'll need to capture that with engineers to finish the
mission. Once all of the Allied forces and structures are gone, send some
engineers up there to take control of it.

Your next objective is to clear out the water around the island. Build a sub
pen in the water east of your base, then crank out submarines and scour the
waters. Allied boats are no match for Soviet subs, so you should be able to
eliminate them easily (especially if you repair damaged subs at the sub pen
between attacks). With the water clear, build a few transports and land some
heavy tanks on the island to finish off any Allied reinforcements that've
landed there since the start of the mission. Once everything's destroyed, the
mission will be complete.

Note: If you fail to destroy the second Allied MCV, they'll build a base on
the island with it. You can still win the mission, but it's much more
annoying and time consuming. You'll have to land some units on the left
side of the island, then defend the coast until you can either land an
overpowering number of tanks or land your spare MCV to build a new base.

Recommended Route

The right route is probably the easier route. The Allies don't seem to build
as many ground units on the right route, and your base is in a much more
defendable position. On the other hand, the left route has the advantage of a
land route all the way to the upper-right corner, so you can ignore the bridge
and still get the trucks to their destination without building any boats. I
suppose that makes the left route slightly more desireable.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.56) Soviet # 6 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"There is a special cargo that needs to be transported to a nearby Soviet base
in the northeast. Make sure the trucks reach their destination intact. Along
the way, there is a bridge which the Allies may have destroyed. If so, use
the Naval options at your disposal. Our attack subs will make short work of
any Allied boats you discover."

Left Route Walkthrough

Keep your MCV moving to prevent it from being destroyed while your units fend
off the initial Allied attack. Once it's clear, send all of your units,
including your MCV, due west to find a large clearing. Deploy the MCV here and
repair it, then build your base. Troops and vehicles will attack you from the
north very quickly, so it's a good idea to build a barracks before you build
your ore refinery. A few flame towers on the top of your base will buy you
some time until you can get some heavy tanks built.

Nothing will attack you from the right, so don't bother defending that side.
The Allied base to the north has several pillboxes and turrets on the southern
side, and there's a gap generator blocking your vision. When you've got ten or
so heavy tanks, take them north to attack the base along with a few V2 rockets.
Three rockets will destroy just about anything, so use this to your advantage
and pick off defenses and/or units before they can attack you.

Clear out the base, then use your V2 rockets to clear out the tanks and boats
on the east exit of the base. Send your tanks east along the path and destroy
anything you encounter between the Allied base and the upper-right corner of
the map. The civilian buildings you encounter along the way have some crates
in them if you'd like to destroy them (church has money, lower-left house has a
healing crate). Otherwise, don't stop moving - the cruisers in the water to
the south will start firing at you.

With the path clear, send the trucks along it to the upper-right corner to end
the mission. The cruisers shouldn't be able to hurt them at all if they don't
stand still, but feel free to destroy them with V2 rockets if you feel they're
a threat.

Right Route Walkthrough

Your MCV will be under attack right at the start of the mission, so move it
down behind your forces. Eliminate the Allied units, then deploy and repair
the construction yard. Build up your base like usual, but don't worry about
defending the left side. The Allies will only attack from the right, which is
good - your main source of ore is up and to the left of your base.

Protect the two trucks you started with by sending them into the lower-left
corner. The APC full of engineers will come in handy later, so leave it
somewhere safe for now. Build a few more heavy tanks, then use your airfield's
scout plane to scout up and to the right of your base. The small Allied base
here is the only significant Allied force on the map. Pick off the defensive
structures closest to your base with some V2 rockets, then move your heavy
tanks in and demolish everything but the construction yard. Don't keep your
tanks around too long, though - cruisers in the water to the north are within
shelling distance, and they'll pulverize you in no time.

Send the APC full of engineers to the bottom side of the Allied construction
yard now. Dump the engineers out, then send the engineers into the building
one at a time until they capture (and repair) it. Build a sub pen south of the
Allied construction yard, then crank out six or so submarines. Clear the
Allied boats out of the water on your way to the long bridge, then target the
middle of the bridge to blow a hole in it.

Eliminate the last remaining boats on the other side of the bridge, then build
a transport and load the two trucks into it. Move the transport safely up the
water, dump the trucks on the coast of the north-eastern chuck of ground, and
drive them to the north-east corner of the map to end the mission.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.57) Soviet # 7 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The Allies have infiltrated one of our nuclear reactors! They have tampered
with the core so that a meltdown is imminent within 30 minutes. They must not
succeed! Enter the base and find any remaining technicians. Guide them to
the four coolant stations so they can activate them, then activate the main
computer. The security systems have been armed so beware. Kill any Allies
you find."


The instant you have control of your troops, run them down to the right to
avoid the explosion caused by the barrels. Run down the hallway through the
next set of barrels, then turn around and shoot one of them once you're clear
to slaughter the soldiers that're still chasing you. Proceed to the west and
find the little room with a bunch of attack dogs in it. Shoot the explosive
barrels to free them, then gather them together and head farther west.

This area isn't very big, and there aren't many soldiers in it. Kill the next
pair you find near some more barrels, then head farther west until you're in a
room with a series of crate things in the way. Kill the guard that runs up the
screen, then go farther up and kill the guard that's standing near your
engineers and rifleman. Collect them once they're free and head east.

Turn up the first chance you get. The two little alcoves here are two of the
four terminals you need to activate. Stand an engineer in front of each one,
then move your group farther to the east. There're two more terminals on the
other side of the reactor, so get an engineer to activate both of them. The
fifth terminal on the wall that's guarded by some soldiers will deploy two
flame towers near the main computer. Use it, then send an engineer to the
terminal behind the flame towers to finish the mission.

Recommended Route

I definitely recommend the right route for Soviet # 8. The ore is much more
accessible, land mines aren't as much of a problem, and the Allied boats don't
seem to be as plentiful and as troublesome.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.58) Soviet # 8 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"We have detected Allied activity on Elba island. The Allies plan to use this
island to stage an attack on the Soviet Empire. You must ensure that the
island ceases to be under Allied control.

Destroy all Allied units on and around the island. The local population has
been aiding the Allies as well. There is only one punishment for helping the
enemy - Death."

Left Route Walkthrough

Some units will be attacking your base when you start the mission, so build and
place a barracks as fast as you can (placing a building will make them retreat,
or at least it usually does). Most of the ore you'll be collecting during this
mission is located to the west of your starting position, so as you build up
your base, try to do it in a way that puts your ore refinery on the left edge.

The addition of Tesla Coils to your available buildings will make defending
your base much, much easier than it was before. Get a few spare power plants
to power them, then place two or three Tesla Coils along the top of your base
to defend it. It's also a good idea to place on in the lower-left corner,
'cause the Allies like to send units over that small land bridge sometimes.

Avoid keeping important buildings near the shore to the south, or Allied ships
will fire at them while patrolling the waters. Allied transports might also
sometimes dump reinforcements on the beach there, and if you're not paying
attention, you can lose several buildings very quickly. Either defend it with
a Tesla Coil or two or keep your buildings a little away from the coast.

You've probably noticed by now that the ore isn't exactly plentiful where you
started. Fortunately, there's a rather large field a little farther to the
west. Unfortunately, though, it's also full of Allied mines, and Allied troops
like to patrol the area as well. Use your paratroopers when you have them to
defend against rocket soldiers, and keep an eye out for enemy tanks. If your
ore miners are in trouble, retreat them to the safety of your Tesla Coils until
the units that were attacking them charge at you and get destroyed.

Once you have a few heavy tanks and some V2 rockets, move north slowly and pick
off the small Allied base from a distance with your V2 rockets (and use the
tanks as cover if something starts to chase down your V2 rockets). Crush the
civilian town (that'll teach 'em), then continue to the north-east corner of
the map, where you should see some Allied ore miners harvesting the ore field.

If you can destroy their harvesters, the rest of the mission will relatively
easy. Unfortunately, there're more Allied land mines around here... you're
probably going to lose a tank or two in the process, or at least get some of
them badly damaged. A flood of Allied soldiers and vehicles will also probably
rush at you from their main base, so be prepared to either fend them off or
retreat to your base for repairs.

You can pick off the main Allied base using your V2 rockets from a distance,
but you'll still want some heavy tanks there for protection. Be careful around
the coastal areas - gun boats and destroyers will fire at your units if they
happen to wander into range. Other than that, crush the entire base and every
land unit on the map. All that's left to do after that is to decimate the
Allied navy. You can probably destroy quite a few of their boats from the land
with your V2 rockets, but you'll still probably need a few submarines to finish
off some of the stragglers.

Right Route Walkthrough

You'll be under attack when the mission starts, so quickly build a barracks.
When you place it, the attackers will retreat. Build a flame tower and place
it on the northern edge of your base, then build an ore refinery followed by a
heavy power plant and a war factory. Get two more ore miners, then invest in
some Tesla Coils to defend your base (you won't need many - one on the western
edge, one on the eastern edge, and one on the top should do it).

There's plenty of ore on this map for you to harvest, but don't venture into
the ore field west of your starting position. The Allies tend to send a large
amount of units to defend it, and it's also mined. It only takes a few mines
to completely destroy a harvester, and tanks will be destroyed even faster.

Don't bother with a tech center unless you feel the need for some reason.
Instead, build a radar station and an airfield, then concentrate on building
heavy tanks. When your paratroopers are ready, find the island south-west of
your base and land them on it. There're two money crates and a healing crate
hidden in the trees there.

The Allies on this map aren't really much of a threat. Scout most of the land
with your spy plane, then use heavy tanks and a few V2 rockets to pick apart
their defenses and crush them. The village and the weak militia units in the
area should be your first target. Attack the small compound through the town,
then prepare to assault the main Allied base to the north. Use your V2 rockets
to pick off the turrets, and make sure you stay away from the northern edge of
their base when you attack it. The gun boats and destroyers in the water up
there can cause some major damage to your tanks.

You'll unfortunately need to clear out the water to finish this mission, so
build some submarines while you're hunting down the last remaining ground
forces. If you're lucky, all of the Allied boats will collect in a single spot
somewhere, and you'll be able to slaughter most (or all) of them with your V2
rockets from the shore. If not, use the submarines to hunt them down.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.59) Soviet # 9 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The Allied forces have intercepted and destroyed a convoy that carried parts
for our secret weapon. One truck remains, but they have captured that last
truck and its cargo. This is not acceptable! You are to destroy that truck
before the Allies leave the area with it."


Finish off the Allied units that're attacking your base, then build an advanced
power plant while you repair your damaged buildings. Gather your units into a
group, then move them to the south-west corner of your base and destroy the
concrete walls. This will make harvesting much easier, since your harvesters
will be able to reach the ore fields south of your base much faster.

On hard mode, this mission is nearly impossible to win unless you make a
pre-emptive assault on the grayish-brown Ally's base to the west of your
starting position. The faster you get there, the better - as soon as you're
done destroying the concrete walls, send all of your units out the west exit of
your base and move through the ore fields. Eventually, you'll find the base
you're looking for (after turning to the north when you're forced to). Target
the construction yard first, then the ore refinery, and then anything else.
Don't take too long, though - you'll want these units back at your base as soon
as possible to help defend it.

The Allies will be sending choppers at the left side of your base (where the
Tesla Coil is) constantly throughout the mission. Build four or five SAM sites
there to keep them from destroying your Tesla Coil, then build a war factory so
you can start cranking out heavy tanks. It's a good idea to build a second
Tesla Coil by the first one, too - the Allies will occassionally land tanks on
transports and attack your base. Encase them in concrete if you want to be
sure they're safe.

The first few heavy tanks you build should immediately be sent to the beach to
the left of your ore fields below your base. Allied transports will sometimes
land tanks and/or artillery units here, and they can completely devastate your
base if you're not prepared to stop them. If you want, you can build a second
ore refinery down here to speed up your money collection, then build a Tesla
Coil to guard it rather than using heavy tanks.

With the western base destroyed early on, the rest of the mission is fairly
simple. When you have ten or so heavy tanks, send them north until you find a
long bridge (you might want to use your scout planes to find it - choppers will
harrass your tanks the whole time you're up here). The bridge is mined, but
there're only four of them, so just drive across it anyway. (If you'd like,
you can raid the little piece of land east of this bridge to collect three
crates of money and a healing crate, but you probably won't need the money at
this point in the mission.)

There's a small Allied base in the upper-right corner, so either destroy it or
ignore it once you're over the bridge. The last step is to assault the main
Allied base to the west, but first, you'll want to make sure you have something
blocking the road on the east side of the screen slightly north of your base.
As soon as you threaten the main Allied base, the transport truck is going to
run out of the base through the main exit to the south, and then it will turn
right to try to get off of the screen. Don't let it, or you'll fail. You can
stop it with riflemen, tanks, a minefield, a Tesla Coil... whatever amuses you
the most. Destroy the truck before it escapes, and the mission will be over.

NOTE: If you choose to enter the main Allied base from the south or the east,
the truck will take a different route to try to escape.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.60) Soviet # 10 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"You must defend a Soviet convoy that is moving through Allied occupied
territory. Using the new MIG jet and a compliment of Yaks, get the convoy
through the area intact.

Be careful -- your resources for this mission are very limited. If at least
one truck makes it through to the other side, the mission will be a success."


Use your heavy tanks to destroy the two Allied tanks that start near you, then
move them west and to the south. Crush the infantry units here, then be ready
to fend off some units from the north. You should be able to see some barrels
in the Allied base near your current position, so have one of your heavy tanks
fire over the water to destroy the barrels (and more importantly, the AA gun).

Annihilate everything that survived the explosion, then check the trees to the
south-west to find a healing crate. If you're not really very hurt yet, you
might want to save this crate for later.

Use your scout plane to continuously reveal the territory farther to the west.
Explosive barrels will help you eliminate most of the Allies, but you'll need
to use your MIGs and Yaks to help take care of some of the turrets and
infantry. You'll be given some engineers as you approach the second Allied
compound, but you don't really need to use them. Destroy everything in this
second compound (or capture the barracks, construction yard, and a power plant
if you'd prefer), then continue using your scout plane to look farther to the

Two rows of turrets are guarding the only passage, so you'll want to use your
Yaks to detonate the explosive barrels, then follow up with your MIGs to take
out any surviving turrets. Remember that the destroyers sitting in the small
water areas can fire at your planes, though. You'll want to manually fly them
through the middle part of the map, where they're safer.

Take out the last sets of barrels near the western edge of the map with your
Yaks, and use your MIGs to destroy the medium tank if your heavy tanks aren't
in good enough condition to handle it. Move all of your units to the western
edge of the map where the road hits it, and the mission will be complete as
soon as the trucks follow you.

Recommended Route

The lower route is slightly preferable in Soviet # 11 in my opinion. The
random cruisers are a little less easy to handle, but the placement of the rest
of the Allied navy and the overall layout of the map more than makes up for it.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.61) Soviet # 11 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Intelligence indicates that a large portion of the Allied Naval Fleet will
stop for refueling at a base in this area. Destroy the fleet and the base.
Beware the long range of their cruisers."

Upper Route Walkthrough

Send your three submarines due east along the bottom of the map, and land your
units on the shore to the north from the transport as soon as it appears.
Deploy the construction yard and begin building your base. You'll want to
focus on harvesting the ore on the west side of the landmass first, so try to
place your ore refinery accordingly.

When the submarines reach a narrow spot where there're only three spaces
between the land and the edge of the map to the south, stop them and line them
up so that they're in a vertical line blocking the route. Allied cruisers
will appear here throughout the rest of the mission, but your submarines will
stop them from getting in range of your base if you line them up correctly.
Destroy them as they appear or let them pile up, whichever amuses you the most.
You'll need some submarines in the bottom-left corner of the map, too, though.
Some Allied boats and a cruiser will appear there, too (though I think they'll
only show up once, not repeatedly like they will on the eastern side).

Meanwhile, you'll want to get a Tesla Coil on the east side of your base as
soon as possible to defend against the light tanks that will occassionally be
dumped from transports. Transports will also sometimes land on the north side
of your base as well as in the north-western ore field. I suggest you keep a
pair of Mammoth tanks at each of those places until you're ready to assault the
main Allied base.

Before you assault the base, though, you should consider building some subs and
a few airfields. The waters between your landmass and the Allied landmass are
crawling with boats, and they'll threaten your transports and tanks later if
you don't get rid of them. There're also tons of boats along the top of the
map that you'll need to get rid of eventually.

To the east of your base, there're two bridges and some huge ore fields.
Unfortuntately, there're also some Allied boats and a cruiser waiting to shell
your harvesters and destroy the bridges. That's what the airfields are for.
Build four MIGs and two Yaks, then use the MIGs to destroy those boats before
they disrupt your harvesters.

Once you've revealed the small beach on the southern edge of the Allied
landmass directly above your base, use your MIGs and Yaks to slaughter the
infantry and vehicles in the area. When there're no more anti-aircraft threats
to destroy your planes, use the Yaks to force-fire on the ground north of the
beach (hold the control key when you click on a section of ground). The area
is loaded with mines, and Yaks are great at detonating them.

When the water's clear and the beach is safe, send ten or so Mammoth tanks over
to the Allied land mass via transports. Some choppers will attack, but the
Mammoth tanks can handle them. The bridge to your north will detonate as you
get closer to it, so turn west and follow the path around to the Allied base.
The ground is loaded with mines again, so either use your Yaks to clear them or
force-fire on the ground with your Mammoths.

Obliterate the Allied base, then comb the map for surviving boats or hidden
pillboxes if the mission doesn't end.

Lower Route Walkthrough

This mission's fairly simple as long as you can control the cruisers that show
up. Send the three submarines you start with due west, then turn them north
when you're around the chuck of land and stop them in the water where there's a
little chunk taken out of the landmass to your right. A cruiser and two gun
boats will float down here pretty soon, and you'll want to eliminate them as
fast as possible.

While the subs are moving, land the transport you got and empty it on the shore
above and to the left of your starting position. Deploy the MCV and begin
building your base, but keep your infantry handy. Two rangers are going to
attack your base shortly after you land. Eliminate them, then build a war
factory, a radar dome, and defend the top of your base with a pair of Tesla

When your submarines sink the Allied cruiser and gun boats, quickly send them
back south, then move them east and head up the right side of your landmass.
Allied cruisers will appear from the side of the map near the top every few
minutes for the rest of the mission, so make sure you always have some subs
here to intercept them. You'll want to build a sub pen on the left side of
your landmass too. Build a few more subs and send them to the bottom-right
corner of the map to defend against the Allied boats that'll appear there.

Sometimes Allied transports will dump troops or vehicles onto your landmass
from the beaches on the northern end or your landmass or the southern end right
by your base. Be alert and stop them before they can do any major damage.
Building a tech center isn't useless this time - it'll allow you to build
Mammoth tanks from your war factory. Build ten of them and use them to defend
your ore fields and your base, but make sure they don't get shelled to death by
a cruiser when you're not looking.

Use your scout plane to get a good look to your west (there's nothing of much
concern to your north or north-west, so don't worry about it for now). Use
submarines to eliminate every Allied boat you can find, then build several
airfields and put MIGs on them. See the tiny beach directly west of your base
on the Allied side of the map? You'll need to land your Mammoth tanks there,
but it's loaded with mines. Use the MIGs to destroy the units in the area, and
also have them force-fire (hold the control key down when you target a piece of
ground) the ground to detonate the land mines.

When the area's clear, load your Mammoths into transports and land them on the
beach. Move west, but don't try to cross the bridge there. Instead, head to
the north. More mines are waiting for you about halfway up the clearing, so
either force-fire on the ground with your Mammoths or have your MIGs do it.
Crush the Allied resistance on your way around the landmass, then crush their
base when you finally work your way around.

If the mission doesn't end right away, check the rest of the map for left-over
units (there's a cruiser that likes to hide on the very upper part of the map).
There could also be a very well-hidden pillbox hiding from you, so keep your
eyes peeled.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.62) Soviet # 12 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"We have learned the location of the Chronosphere weapon, and we want to
capture it.

The Allies have boobytrapped the Chronosphere to explode if approached.
Capturing the tech centers BEFORE taking the Chronosphere may allow you to
defuse any traps. Use extreme caution."


Once your units arrive, use them to destroy the two turrets closest to your
starting position, and make sure you keep the V2 rocket safely out of their
range. Send everything (except the V2 rocket) south and destroy the remaining
Allied forces, using the V2 rocket to weaken the other two turrets. Deploy
your construction yard at the very top of the screen, build a power plant due
south of it, and then build an ore refinery as far to the south-east of the
power plant as you can.

You won't be attacked quite as quickly in this mission as you were in the last
few missions, but you'll still need to move fast. Build a war factory and an
advanced power plant, then build a Tesla Coil below your ore refinery. Once
you have your radar dome and tech center, start building Mammoths (and a few
extra ore miners, of course). An Allied mine layer will drop a few mines in
the ore fields to the east, so if you happen to notice it when it happens, try
to send a unit over there to detonate them manually (force-fire with your
control key).

When you have eight or so Mammoths, head south along the western edge of the
map. Slaughter the Allied troops in the area, but be careful NOT TO DESTROY
THE TECH CENTER in the very south-west corner. You have to capture it to
finish the mission, and it's much more valuable to you intact anyway. Place
your Mammoth tanks in the ore field next to it, then capture it and repair it.
The Allies usually send tons of stuff over there to try and destroy it, so
intercept them with your Mammoths and wipe them out.

You'll want to approach the Allied base from this ore field - the clearing
between the two ore fields is heavily mined. Avoid it at all costs, and make
sure your ore miners don't wander into it, too. When you make your assault on
the Allied base, make sure your Mammoths are constantly moving. The cruisers
in the water to the north will make short work of them if they stand still.
Destroy everything in the base, but leave the naval yard intact. Retreat your
Mammoths to the west outside of the cruisers' reach when you're done.

MIGs are the easiest way to take out the Allied navy, so build four air fields
(or six if you want to speed things up a little) and start building MIGs. The
GPS satellite will reveal the entire water area once it goes up, and it's not
very hard to destroy the Allied boats one at a time with your MIGs. Repair
them if they get damaged, and continue making attacks until you've destroyed
all of the cruisers and destroyers (the gun boats aren't much of a threat).
You might want to manually fly the MIGs south from your base, then turn them
east and attack the boats there. That'll help keep them out of range of the
island's defenses.

Once the water's clear, send an engineer to the naval yard and capture it.
Build some destroyers, then finish off any boats that're left in the water.
Send the destroyers around the east side of the island and target anything and
everything you reach, with the power plants as your main priority. Eliminate
everything you can with the destroyers, then build a transport and send a few
Mammoths over there to take care of the rest.

REMEMBER NOT TO DESTROY THE TECH CENTERS, since you need to capture them to
finish the mission. Stay away from the Chronosphere, too - getting too close
to it will make it detonate. Weaken all three of them until their health is in
the red, then send some engineers over to the island on a transport and capture
all three of them. A five minute timer will start as soon as you take the
first one, so make sure you're prepared before you do. Once all three of them
(and the fourth one you already captured) are under your control, the mission
will be over.

Recommended Route

There's very little difference between the upper and lower routes in Soviet #
13, but the upper route is easier to defend in my opinion.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.63) Soviet # 13 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"We have another chance to capture the Chronosphere. Take out the Radar Domes
to cut the link between them and the Chronosphere. Then capture it!"

Upper Route Walkthrough

Deploy your MCV, then build a power plant and an ore refinery above it. A few
units will attack you, so be prepared to fend them off with your tanks and V2
rockets. Get an advanced power plant and a war factory built as fast as you
can, then place a Tesla Coil on the southern edge of your base (as close to the
cliff as possible). The only hard part about this mission is surviving the
first few attacks, so spend the next few minutes building power plants and
Tesla Coils. One near your ore refinery, at least two by that southern cliff,
and another two or three to cover the west side of your base should be more
than sufficient. Start building Mammoths and a few V2 rockets.

Use your scout plane to scout as much of the map as you can (mainly diagonally
down and to the left in a straight line from your base). When you've built ten
or so Mammoth tanks, send them down the main path towards the Allied base.
There're some mines along the way, but not really enough to worry about. If
you hit several at the same time, stop and let your damaged tanks regenerate
until their health is in the green again to prevent them from being destroyed
on the mines.

You've probably noticed that the water is crawling with Allied boats, which is
what your V2 rockets are for (well, that and destroying base defenses, but you
get the idea). Use them to pick off the boats in the water so they won't fire
at your Mammoth tanks, then stop your entire group on the outside edge of the
Allied base. Progressively move your units closer and closer to the base,
allowing your V2 rockets to take shots at anything that comes into range. This
will greatly reduce the threat to your Mammoth tanks. When the V2 rockets stop
firing, move your tanks in and wipe the place out.

The Chronosphere is in the very bottom-left corner of the map. Approaching it
before the radar domes have been destroyed will make it detonate, causing you
to fail the mission. It'll also sometimes prompt the Allied units to start
destroying it, so be prepared to fire V2 rockets at anything that fires at it
(but remember not to get too close to it).

There's a small area of buildings below the cliffs south of the main Allied
base you just crushed, and it's hiding a radar dome. Use your V2 rockets to
pick off its defenses, then land some paratroopers down there and wipe the
place out (your tanks and V2 rockets will be able to help from above once your
paratroopers reveal the terrain).

There's another small group of buildings north of the Chronosphere, including
another radar dome. Edge your V2 rockets closer and closer to the cliff east
of the buildings, and they'll pick off most of the stuff up there. Land some
paratroopers like you did before and eliminate the rest of the buildings, then
move north and wipe out the next group of Allied buildings with your tanks.

The final cluster of Allied buildings is in the north-west corner of the map,
on the southern end of the western bridge. It's a tricky place to fight,
especially with all of the boats in the water nearby. Use your V2 rockets to
sink them all, then use the same method you've been using to destroy as much of
the base (and its occupants) as possible.

The best way to take out the rest of the base is with a rifleman rush. If you
have a huge pile of them sitting around from your paratrooper planes, now's a
perfect time to actually get some use out of them. Send them south over the
bridge, and don't stop for anything. The Allied tanks and turrets will destroy
the bridge if they fire at you enough times while you're on it. Use the
infantry to wipe out everything the V2 rockets didn't already destroy, then
comb the map for any surviving units or buildings and destroy them (but
remember to stay away from the Chronosphere.

When you're ready, drop some paratroopers in the very bottom-left of the map.
Destroy the barracks above you, then move east and destroy the tech center
north of the Chronosphere. That should be the last Allied item on the map, and
the mission will end (you don't actually need to "capture" the Chronosphere).

NOTE: If you've already destroyed all of the radar domes, it doesn't matter if
the Allies manage to destroy the Chronosphere. You can still win the
mission with it destroyed.

Lower Route Walkthrough

There're ore fields directly east and directly west of your starting position,
but the one to the west will have Allied units in it a lot more than the one to
the east. Deploy your MCV, build a power plant to the right of it, and then
build and place an ore refinery to the right of the power plant. Your first
priority should be getting Tesla Coils up on both sides of your base, so get an
advanced power plant and a war factory built next.

You'll want at least two (probably three) Tesla Coils on each side, but the
Allies are going to show up with some choppers shortly after the start of the
mission and destroy one of them (or two if you're unlucky or slow to respond).
When the choppers show up, quickly start repairing anything they shoot, and if
you're fast and lucky, you'll be able to save one Coil. SAM sites will also
help, but you're still pretty much guaranteed to lose one Coil before you can
shoot them all down.

The Allies will be landing transports on the beaches to the east and west, so
as soon as you have a few Mammoth tanks, send them to the beaches to blast the
transports before they have a chance to fully unload. Be careful on the west
side, though - the ore field is mined, and there're Allied boats in the waters
farther to the south.

You'll want to clear the water on the east side of the map before you attack
the main Allied base, so build a sub pen over there. Take some submarines down
the map and crush everything you can find - those cruisers will shred your
tanks if you don't destroy them before you attack. You'll want to destroy the
boats in the western waters too, but it's not quite so easy to get submarines
over there. Instead, use your scout plane to clear the shroud above the water,
then use MIGs to toast the Allied boats (and the naval yard).

Once the Allied attacks on your base start to slow down, send six or so Mammoth
tanks south towards the main Allied base, and bring a few V2 rockets with you.
There'll be some mines once you cross the small bridge between the ore fields,
so force-fire on the ground for a while to try to detonate them before you run
them over (hold the control key down when you target a section of the ground).
Don't worry too much about it, though - there aren't many of them, and your
Mammoths can handle a hit without getting destroyed.

Park your tanks a safe distance from the Allied base, then let your V2 rockets
shred the turrets and pillboxes guarding it. Once it's clear, move your tanks
in and crush everything. The Chronosphere is in the very bottom-left corner of
the map, but approaching it prior to destroying the radar domes will cause it
to explode. Keep your units away from it for now. Instead, concentrate on
using your V2 rockets to destroy the defenses on the other side of the cliffs
near the bottom of the map. Once they stop firing at things, drop some
paratroopers into the area and destroy the gap generator, then finish off
everything else in that little area.

There're more Allied buildings to the west, so move over there and let your V2
rockets do their thing. The small Allied base in the north-west is only
reachable by the bridge, but it's pretty much guaranteed to get destroyed if
you try to cross it. Instead, let your V2 rockets destroy as much as they can,
then use a scout plane to remove the shroud above the gap generator. Quickly
target it with your MIGs when it's revealed, then use another scout plane if
necessary so you can see the rest of the base. Destroying anything that's a
threat with your MIGs, then drop some paratroopers in (or just send something
across the bridge) to destroy the rest of the base.

Check the map one more time to make sure you've destroyed everything, then
quickly approach the Chronosphere and destroy the barracks and tech center next
to it. Once every Allied unit and structure on the map is destroyed, the
mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.64) Soviet # 14 | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Your final test is at hand. The destiny of the Soviet union rests on the
shores of England. Here lies the final resting place of the Allies pitiful
resistance. Crush them and attain your place at the right hand of Stalin."


Immediately move your MCV to the left while your tanks fight it out with the
Allies. Your forces are going to take heavy losses (especially since there're
mines nearby), but you'll receive reinforcements on the beach in a few seconds.
Crush anything that remains, then deploy your MCV and repair it while you build
a power plant. Build an ore refinery, then a war factory, then an advanced
power plant, then a radar dome, and then at least one SAM site. Choppers will
completely destroy you if you don't have something to distract them.

Of course, the choppers aren't your only problem - the Allies will be landing
transports full of artillery and tanks on the western shore, southern shore,
and south-eastern shore. To make things worse, a cruiser and some other boats
will be coming down the water on the east side fairly soon, and later, they'll
come from underneath your base, too. You're going to have to be sharp to keep
things under control.

Place your surviving Mammoth tanks (hopefully you still have three or more of
them) on the southern beach to try and stall the units that land there, then
send your heavy tanks to the water on the east side. When the cruiser shows
up, it'll hopefully target them rather than your base, and if it stops close
enough to the land, you'll be able to destroy it with the tanks. Meanwhile,
you should be constantly building heavy tanks and lining the south and west
sides of your base with them. Use your V2 rockets to clear out the turrets and
artillery above your base if you haven't already, but DON'T destroy the bridge.
You'll want that later.

Tesla Coils will make your life much, much easier, but getting enough power
plants to build many of them can be tricky in such a tight place (not to
mention the whole cruiser thing). An easier solution is to use tanks to block
off the western beach so the Allied units will be destroyed before they ever
even make it to that side of your base. You can do the same thing with the
bottom, too, and the south-eastern one if you want. Don't use tanks to defend
the top, though - there's too great of a risk of accidentally destroying the

Once you've built an airfield, use your first scout plane down and to the left
of your base. There's an island down there somewhere - land a set of
paratroopers on it, and you'll be able to collect two money crates. The island
itself isn't really of much use to you, though.

Get some submarines when you have the chance and use them to defend against the
cruisers. You'll also want some to go on a little trip through the waters.
Crush the Allied boats around the island north of your base, but DON'T destroy
the bridge that connects that island to your base. Destroy the one above the
island though, and cross through it with your submarines to destroy more of the
Allied navy. Once you have the navy cleared out from around the island, use a
V2 rocket to carefully conduct hit and run attacks on the island's defenses.

Be careful when you do it, though - you really, really don't want to destroy
the bridge on accident, and the Allies will send choppers at you that have a
nasty habit of doing exactly that. Fire one rocket, then run until you're sure
nothing's chasing you. When you can get about halfway over the bridge and the
V2 rocket doesn't automatically target something, send a group of riflemen over
the bridge (paratroopers work well, if you happen to have a collection of them
standing around somewhere).

Use the riflemen to destroy the gap generators and other nearby buildings, but
avoid the chopper pads - there're likely several turrets and pillboxes over
there that your V2 couldn't reach from the bridge. Instead, make sure the area
is clear (don't destroy the construction yard, you'll want it intact), then
send your V2 rockets over the bridge to finish off the Allied defenses.

Destroy everything except the construction yard, then send some engineers over
to capture it. Why? So you can build a tech center and a naval yard, of
course! The GPS will be a big help, and a few cruisers will make the rest of
the mission a snap. Build several cruisers, and make sure you've got some
submarines to protect them. Wait for your satellite to reveal the location of
the rest of the Allied navy, then use the cruisers to destroy the bridge
north-west of the island you just captured.

You can use the cruisers to destroy the small boats, then move your submarines
through the bridge to destroy the cruiser and the naval yard. Let the cruisers
sit there for a while and pulverize everything they happen to fire at in the
Allied base, then move them east by the northern bridge and let them do the
same thing over there.

Use a transport or two to move some Mammoths up there, then destroy everything
that the cruisers left behind (you'll need some V2 rockets to take out some of
the stuff in the very north-east corner). Crush everything on this entire part
of the map, but don't charge over to the left side. There's a cruiser in the
north-west corner that will cause a lot of damage, and there're mines all over
the place.

Instead, build a few airfields and get some MIGs built. Use them to take out
any anti-aircraft guns you can see, then destroy everything else with them and
some paratroopers. Once you've wipe out the Allied buildings and units, the
mission will be complete.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | 2.00) Units | |
| ----------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.10) Allied Units | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| APC |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Barracks | War Factory |
|APCs (armored personnel carriers) can hold five infantry units. They have |
|very good speed, so they make excellent scouts. They're armed with a machine|
|gun that's effective against infantry, but they're only a match for a few |
|infantry at a time. You'll primarilly want to use these as a transport for |
|engineers and other slow infantry units. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Artillery |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | War Factory |
|Decent speed, but extremely weak armor. Their range isn't exactly great, but|
|it's still enough to hit turrets, pillboxes, flame towers, and some vehicles |
|from outside of their range. Their shells are extremely effective against |
|infantry, buildings, and light vehicles. Get enough of them together, and |
|they'll do decent damge to heavy vehicles, too. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Cruiser |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | Allied Tech Center | Naval Yard |
|Heavy armor, heavy firepower, and painfully slow speed. These things pack a |
|hell of a punch - they can level entire buildings with one solid shot. The |
|down side is that they have terrible accuracy, which can make it hard to hit |
|things (even if they're not moving). Cruisers also have insane range, so if |
|you manage to get one near an enemy's base, you'll be able to cause major |
|damage in very little time. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Destroyer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Naval Yard |
|Destroyers have decent armor, but they're a bit slow. They're a versatile |
|unit for the Allies - the can fire depth charges at submarines and fire |
|rockets at air, ground, and water targets. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Engineer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Barracks |
|Unlike the original Command and Conquer, a single engineer won't always |
|capture a building. Instead, it'll cause damage, and once the structure is |
|weak enough, the next engineer will capture it for you. You can also use an |
|engineer to repair one of your damaged structures (though you'll lose the |
|engineer in the process). Protect these guys - they're unarmed, and they're |
|easilly smashed by heavy vehicles. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Field Medic |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Barracks |
|Field medics can heal your infantry units for no charge. Get several of them|
|close together along with some rifle infantry and some rocket soldiers, and |
|you can cause some serious damage to light vehicles and other infantry. Just|
|beware of heavier vehicles (which can crush them like other infantry) and |
|things with better range. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Gun Boat |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Naval Yard |
|Very fast but weak boats. They can fire at submarines as well as ground and |
|water targets, but they have no air defense. They're no match for subs, so |
|you're usually better off just building destroyers instead. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Light Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | None | War Factory |
|A single barreled tank with very little armor, but very good speed and fire |
|rate. These things will shred all other tanks simply because of those two |
|traits and the fact that they cost less. Learn how to scatter effectively, |
|and you'll win tank battles every time. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Longbow Helicopter |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Helipad |
|A chopper armed with rockets. Very effective against stationary targets, but|
|essentially useless against a moving target. They have decent armor, but you|
|only get five rockets before you have to return to a helipad to reload. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| MCV |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|It stands for Mobile Construction Vehicle - one of these can be deployed, |
|turning it into a construction yard. Once deployed, it can't be packed up. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Medium Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|A single barreled tank with decent armor and moderate speed. Great against |
|armored targets and buildings, but not as effective against infantry unless |
|you run them over. Typically, you'll want to build light tanks over medium |
|ones - they're faster, cheaper, and do almost as much damage. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mine Layer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|Allied mines are anti-tank mines, so they're incredibly effective against |
|vehicles. Infact, many vehicles will be completely destroyed if they run |
|over a single one of them, and there're very few vehicles that can survive |
|two in a row. Infantry won't set them off if they walk over them, but they |
|can be manually detonated by force-firing on the ground. The mine layer can |
|only lay five mines before it has to return to the service depot to reload. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mobile Gap Generator |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | Allied Tech Center | War Factory |
|Like the name implies, these are mobile versions of the Gap Generator. They |
|aren't armed, but they'll generate shround in a short radius. Useless if |
|you're fighting a computer, and basically useless against a real player too. |
|Kinda hard to notice a moving clump of shroud on your map... though I guess |
|you might be successful if your opponent has no radar at the time. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ore Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1400 | None | War Factory |
|Ore trucks (ore miners, harvesters... they've been called many things in the|
|Command and Conquer series, which is why you'll see me refer to them in many |
|different ways in the walkthrough) are your source of income. They collect |
|the mineral deposits (ore) on the ground and bring it back to your ore |
|refinery, which produces credits for you to build stuff. Protect them - they|
|aren't armed, and you're guaranteed to lose if you can't collect any money. |
|Note that more than one ore truck can operate from the same ore refinery. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Radar Jammer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | Radar Dome | War Factory |
|If you get a radar jammer close enoug to an enemy's radar dome, their radar |
|screen will turn to static. These are obviously only effective against real |
|players, since computers don't need radar to know what you're doing. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ranger |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | War Factory |
|A jeep with a machine gun. They have very poor armor, and it only takes a |
|rifle infantry to destroy one. They're pretty much useless unless you're |
|taking advantage of their fast speed for scouting purposes. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rifle Infantry |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 100 | None | Barracks |
|This is your basic infantry unit. Despite being armed with nothing but a |
|weak gun, these guys can do some major damage to just about anything if they |
|get the chance. They can be ran over by heavy vehicles, though, and they |
|don't have much range. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rocket Soldier |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Rocket soldiers, as their name implies, are armed with a bazooka rather than |
|a gun like their rifle infantry counterparts. Bazooka rockets have better |
|range than a rifle infantry's weapon, and they can also fire at airborne |
|targets. Rocket soldiers can still be crushed by heavy vehicles, though. |
|Surround three of them and two field medics in concrete, and you've got quite|
|a nice anti-aircraft weapon. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Spy |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | Radar Dome | Barracks |
|Enemy spies will appear as one of your own rifle soldiers, meaning if you're |
|using the green color, an enemy spy will show up on your screen as a green |
|rifle soldier. They're easy to detect if you're keeping an eye out, but your|
|units won't fire at them unless they're told to do so. Attack dogs, on the |
|other hand, will smell them and attack them anyway. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tanya |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Tech Center | Barracks |
|Tanya can be trained from a barracks in multiplayer games, but you won't be |
|able to train one in missions. Armed with dual handguns, she's devastating |
|against infantry of all types. She can also detonate buildings instantly if |
|she can get close enough to touch them. Careful, though - she can still be |
|smashed by heavy vehicles. She also doesn't fire at enemy units unless they |
|fire at her first, which makes her an easy target (especially for dogs). |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Thief |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | Allied Tech Center | Barracks |
|Thieves are unarmed infantry units that can steal your enemy's credits from |
|their refineries or their ore silos. The tricky part, of course, is getting |
|them there without getting slaughtered. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Transport |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | None | Naval Yard |
|These can hold five units of any size. If you want to get something over |
|some water, this is your only option. It can only load units while it's up |
|against a shore line, and it can only unload them when it's up against a one.|
|Sink the transport while it's loaded, and everything inside dies with it. |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.50) Soviet Units | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Attack Dog |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 200 | None | Kennel |
|Harmless against vehicles and structures, these are mostly meant to be used |
|as scouts or spy detectors. They'll hunt down spies if they get close enough|
|and attack them automatically. Other than that, they can't really take much |
|damage before they die - they'll be able to take down a few infantry in small|
|groups, but they're pretty much helpless if there're too many riflemen. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Chinook Helicopter |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Helipad |
|These can only be built in multiplayer. They're unarmed transport choppers |
|capable of carrying five infantry units. They can be great when used with a |
|surprise engineer or Tanya rush or something, but other than that, they're |
|usually not very useful other than for amusement purposes. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Engineer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Barracks |
|Unlike the original Command and Conquer, a single engineer won't always |
|capture a building. Instead, it'll cause damage, and once the structure is |
|weak enough, the next engineer will capture it for you. You can also use an |
|engineer to repair one of your damaged structures (though you'll lose the |
|engineer in the process). Protect these guys - they're unarmed, and they're |
|easilly smashed by heavy vehicles. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Flamethrower |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | Soviet Tech Center | Barracks |
|A soldier armed with a flamethrower. Very effective against infantry, |
|structures, and light vehicles, but not very effective against heavy vehicles|
|or base defenses (unless you have a ton of them...). They don't have much |
|range, and they tend to explode when killed, which can take several of your |
|nearby infantry with it. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Grenadier |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 160 | None | Barracks |
|Infantry armed with grenades. They're very effective against infantry and |
|structures, but they tend to cause chain explosions in groups, which can kill|
|all of your infantry in a flash. Though they can be effective against light |
|vehicles, you'll have to be careful not to get them ran over by heavy ones. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Heavy Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 950 | None | War Factory |
|A double-barreled tank with good armor and decent speed. These are your |
|basic fighting unit as the Soviets, especially if you're playing against a |
|human opponent. The move and fire slower than Allied tanks, but they can |
|a little more damage. Make sure you scatter when you're engaging other |
|tanks (press the X button on the keyboard repeatedly). |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Hind |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Helipad |
|Hinds are the Soviet chopper. Armed only with a machine gun, they're not |
|as effective against armored targets as Allied choppers are. They're much |
|more effective against infantry, though, and they're also more effective |
|against moving targets than Allied choppers. They can only fire five times |
|before they have to return to a helipad to reload, though. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mammoth Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1700 | Soviet Tech Center | War Factory |
|Slow speed, heavy armor, massive firepower. These dual-barreled beasts are |
|also armed with rockets for anti-infantry and anti-air use. A few of them |
|can cause tons of damage, but they're no match for faster tanks, even if you |
|scatter them really well. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| MCV |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|It stands for Mobile Construction Vehicle - one of these can be deployed, |
|turning it into a construction yard. Once deployed, it can't be packed up. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| MIG Attack Plane |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Airfield |
|These are fairly fast jets armed with rockets. They're very effective |
|against stationary targets, but they're not very armored - a few hits will |
|take one down, especially from an Allied anti-aircraft gun. You'll also have|
|to reload them at an airfield after every attack. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mine Layer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|Soviet mine layers drop anti-personnel mines. These are devastating against |
|infantry, and they'll hurt light vehicles, but they're more or less useless |
|against heavy vehicles. The mine layer can only drop five mines before it |
|has to reload at a service depot. Note that mines can be manually destroyed |
|by force-firing on their position. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ore Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1400 | None | War Factory |
|Ore trucks (ore miners, harvesters... they've been called many things in the|
|Command and Conquer series, which is why you'll see me refer to them in many |
|different ways in the walkthrough) are your source of income. They collect |
|the mineral deposits (ore) on the ground and bring it back to your ore |
|refinery, which produces credits for you to build stuff. Protect them - they|
|aren't armed, and you're guaranteed to lose if you can't collect any money. |
|Note that more than one ore truck can operate from the same ore refinery. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rifle Infantry |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 100 | None | Barracks |
|This is your basic infantry unit. Despite being armed with nothing but a |
|weak gun, these guys can do some major damage to just about anything if they |
|get the chance. They can be ran over by heavy vehicles, though, and they |
|don't have much range. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rocket Soldier |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Rocket soldiers, as their name implies, are armed with a bazooka rather than |
|a gun like their rifle infantry counterparts. Bazooka rockets have better |
|range than a rifle infantry's weapon, and they can also fire at airborne |
|targets. Rocket soldiers can still be crushed by heavy vehicles, though. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Submarine |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 950 | None | Sub Pen |
|Submarines are the only armed Soviet naval craft. They're fairly slow, but |
|they're more than a match for a destroyer or gun boat one-on-one. You'll |
|also have the element of surprise - you'll be invisible to your enemy until |
|you surface to fire (or if you get within two squares of one of their boats).|
|Be careful when attacking boats near land, though - ground forces will still |
|be able to fire at you if you're in range. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tanya |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Soviet Tech Center | Barracks |
|Tanya can be trained from a barracks in multiplayer games, but you won't be |
|able to train one in missions. Armed with dual handguns, she's devastating |
|against infantry of all types. She can also detonate buildings instantly if |
|she can get close enough to touch them. Careful, though - she can still be |
|smashed by heavy vehicles. She also doesn't fire at enemy units unless they |
|fire at her first, which makes her an easy target (especially for dogs). |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| V2 Rocket |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | Radar Dome | War Factory |
|These fire a very powerful and very long-distance rocket at ground and water |
|targets. They take a while to reload, though, and they aren't very well |
|armored. You'll want to keep them in the rear of your fighting column, or |
|use hit and run tactics. The nature of the rocket's flight path makes it |
|much less effective on moving targets, so try to hit things while they're |
|stationary. Also, be careful of splash damage - these things will fire at |
|anything that gets into range, and they can royally devastate your own units |
|and/or structures if they happen to be nearby. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Yak Attack Plane |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Airfield |
|Slower and less armored than a MIG, the Yak is armed with a machine gun to |
|take out infantry. They're pretty useless most of the time to be honest, |
|especially against Allied anti-aircraft guns. They're great for clearing |
|mine fields, though - simply force-fire on a section of ground, and the Yak |
|will spray it with machine gun fire, destroying any mines in the area. Yaks |
|have to be reloaded at an airfield after they fire, though. |

| ----------------------------------- |
| | 3.00) Structures | |
| ----------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.10) Allied Structures | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| AA Gun | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Anti-aircraft gun, obviously. These require power to function, so make sure |
|you keep your base properly supplied. Anti-aircraft guns are leagues better |
|than Soviet SAM sites and any other anti-aircraft defense in the game. A few|
|of them will pretty much ensure that aircraft won't have a chance. |

| Advanced Power Plant | Cost: 500 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Power plants provide a large amount of power for your base. Some buildings |
|require power to operate correctly, such as gap generators, anti-aircraft |
|guns, and radar domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have|
|sufficent power, and production will be slowed. |

| Allied Tech Center | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: War Factory, Radar Dome |
|Allied tech centers send out a satellite that will reveal all of the shround |
|on the map, making it impossible for enemies to hide (without the use of a |
|gap generator, of course). They're also required for some of the higher end |
|structures and units. |

| Barracks | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|The barracks is necessary for training infantry units, and you'll also need a|
|barracks before you can build Allied defensive structures (pillboxes and |
|turrets). Multiple barracks structures will reduce the amount of time it |
|takes to train an infantry unit. |

| Camo. Pillbox | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|Pillboxes designed to blend in with their surroundings, making them more |
|difficult to see. These are also slightly bettered armored than the regular |
|pillboxes. |

| Chronosphere | Cost: 2800 |
| | Requirements: Allied Tech Center |
|The Chronosphere will allow you to teleport a friendly vehicle to any ground |
|on the map. This can sometimes be effective for surprise attacks, and it's |
|sometimes useful for picking up item crates before they disappear. Beware of|
|the dreaded Time Vortex, though - sometimes too much chronoshifting can |
|create a deadly lighting storm that will shred anything it approaches. |

| Concrete Wall | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: None |
|A single block of concrete. Concrete will stop everything, even Mammoth |
|tanks, but it can still be destroyed with a few tank shells, grenades, or |
|whatever. The good thing is that it prevents shells from reaching whatever's|
|behind it, so you can encase defenses or other important things in it for |
|protection. Note that only certain types of attacks are blocked while others|
|can pass over it - rockets, grenades, and Tesla Coils can shoot over it, for |
|example, but tank shells can't. |

| Construction Yard | Cost: N/A (Result of deployed MCV) |
| | Requirements: None |
|The Allied construction yard will allow you to build Allied structures. It |
|functions exactly like the Soviet construction yard, but it has the added |
|bonus of building "fake" structures, which look exactly like real structures,|
|but are much cheaper. They won't be useful to you if you're fighting a |
|computer controlled enemy, but you might find a use for them against human |
|players. Note that they don't have as much armor as their real counterparts.|
|Multiple construction yards will shorten the amount of time it takes you to |
|construct buildings. |

| Fake Construction Yard | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: None |
|It looks just like a regular construction yard, but it doesn't do anything. |
|It's meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are |
|in different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is|
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |

| Fake Naval Yard | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|It looks just like a regular naval yard, but it doesn't do anything. It's |
|meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are in |
|different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is |
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |

| Fake Radar Dome | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|It looks just like a regular radar dome, but it doesn't do anything. It's |
|meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are in |
|different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is |
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |

| Fake War Factory | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|It looks just like a regular war factory, but it doesn't do anything. It's |
|meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are in |
|different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is |
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |

| Gap Generator | Cost: 500 |
| | Requirements: Allied Tech Center |
|Gap generators create perpetual shround within a radius around the their |
|tower. They require power to operate, so make sure you keep your base |
|properly supplied. Note that GPS satellites will not reveal terrain if it's |
|protected by a gap generator. |

| Helipad | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|These house your Longbow Helicopters. One comes with every helipad you |
|construct, and you can build additional Longbows with the helipads (though |
|only one can land to reload on each pad at a time). Multiple helipads will |
|reduce the amount of time it takes to build a new Longbow. |

| Missile Silo | Cost: 2500 |
| | Requirements: Tech Center |
|This will give you the ability to drop a devastating atomic bomb every few |
|minutes. It's only available in multiplayer. |

| Naval Yard | Cost: 650 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|This is where you'll construct all of your naval units. They sit in the |
|water, but you don't have to be quite as close to another building to place |
|one as you do for regular buildings. More than one Naval Yard will allow you|
|to construct naval units faster than usual. |

| Ore Refinery | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Ore refineries come with a single ore truck, which will find ore deposits, |
|collect them, and bring them back to your refinery to turn them into credits |
|to fund your war effort. They have good armor, but they need a little space |
|to operate effeciently. Try to place them as close to your ore supplies as |
|possible, and try to keep some space between it and other buildings so your |
|trucks have room to maneuver. |

| Ore Silo | Cost: 150 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|The ore you collect must be stored, or it's lost. Your refinery will hold |
|two thousand credits, but after that, you'll need to build silos to contain |
|the excess. The game is pretty good about warning you when you need silos, |
|and you can also visually tell when the ore starts to spill out of the top of|
|a silo. |

| Pillbox | Cost: 400 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|Stationary machine gun emplacements. Perfect for taking out infantry, but |
|not very effective against heavy vehicles. |

| Power Plant | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: None |
|Power plants provide a small amount of power for your base. Some buildings |
|require power to operate correctly, such as gap generators, anti-aircraft |
|guns, and radar domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have|
|sufficent power, and production will be slowed. |

| Radar Dome | Cost: 1000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|Radar domes allow you to see a small map in the upper-right corner of your |
|screen that displayes the layout of the terrain and puts colored dots on the |
|map to indicate the positions of friendly and enemy units. It needs power to|
|operate, though, so make sure you keep your base properly supplied. |

| Sandbags | Cost: 25 |
| | Requirements: None |
|A single block of sandbags... it'll stop infantry and light vehicles, but |
|heavy vehicles can just drive right over them. Shells, grenades, rockets, |
|and so on will also destroy them, so they're not even really effective |
|against a lot of types of infantry. Completely useless in my opinion, there |
|really isn't a single good reason I can think of to ever use them. |

| Service Depot | Cost: 1200 |
| | Requirements: War Factory |
|Service depots can repair your damaged vehicles and reload your mine layers. |
|They can also be used to sell damaged units - simply put the unit on the pad,|
|then hover over it with the sell icon like you would for a structure (it'll |
|turn green when you're over the unit). Please note that you can only sell |
|damaged units with a service depot. |

| Turret | Cost: 800 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|A stationary gun emplacement. The cannon is very effective against vehicles,|
|especially stationary ones. Though it rarely comes up, they're also quite |
|effective against structures. |

| War Factory | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|War factories are where you construct your ground vehicles. More than one |
|war factory will allow you to construct vehicles faster. |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.50) Soviet Structures | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| Advanced Power Plant | Cost: 500 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Advanced power plants provide a large amount of power for your base. Some |
|buildings require power to operate correctly, such as SAM sites, Tesla Coils,|
|and radar domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have |
|sufficent power, and production will be slowed. |

| Airfield | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Airfields are necessary if you want MIGs or Yaks (each field can house one of|
|either of them). MIGs and Yaks must reload their weapons on Airfields after |
|each attack. Airfields also allow you to make use of certain recharging |
|abilities. Paratroopers will allow you to paradrop five rifle soldiers to |
|any spot on the map, parabombs will allow you to paradrop five small bombs to|
|any spot on the map, and a scout plane will allow you to reveal the shroud |
|anywhere on the map. Note that parabombs aren't available in multiplayer |
|games, and also note that paradrop planes are shot down with very little |
|effort. You'll have to avoid enemy anti-aircraft fire. |

| Allied Tech Center | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: War Factory, Radar Dome |
|Allied tech centers send out a satellite that will reveal all of the shround |
|on the map, making it impossible for enemies to hide (without the use of a |
|gap generator, of course). They're also required for some of the higher end |
|structures and units. |

| Barbed Wire | Cost: 25 |
| | Requirements: Construction Yard |
|A single square of barbed wire. It'll stop infantry and light vehicles, but |
|heavy vehicles can just drive right over it. Shells, grenades, rockets, and |
|so on will also destroy it, so it's not even really effective against a lot |
|of types of infantry. Completely useless in my opinion, there really isn't a|
|single good reason I can think of to ever use it. |

| Barracks | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|The barracks is necessary for training infantry units, and you'll also need a|
|barracks before you can build flame towers and kennels. Multiple barracks |
|structures will reduce the amount of time it takes to train an infantry unit.|

| Concrete Wall | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Construction Yard |
|A single block of concrete. Concrete will stop everything, even Mammoth |
|tanks, but it can still be destroyed with a few tank shells, grenades, or |
|whatever. The good thing is that it prevents shells from reaching whatever's|
|behind it, so you can encase defenses or other important things in it for |
|protection. Note that only certain types of attacks are blocked while others|
|can pass over it - rockets, grenades, and Tesla Coils can shoot over it, for |
|example, but tank shells can't. |

| Construction Yard | Cost: N/A (Result of deployed MCV) |
| | Requirements: None |
|The Soviet construction yard will allow you to build Soviet structures. |
|Multiple construction yards will shorten the amount of time it takes you to |
|construct buildings. |

| Flame Tower | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|These are small flame turrets that toss fire balls at enemies. They don't |
|have much range (rocket soldiers can hit them from outside of their range), |
|but they'll slaughter infantry and light vehicles quite quickly. They're |
|defenseless against air threats, though. |

| Helipad | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Helipads come with a Hind helicopter, and they can reload the Hind when |
|necessary. While you need a helipad to construct Hinds and Chinooks, they |
|don't actually appear right next to it when they're complete. Instead, they |
|fly in from the edge of the screen and land as close as they can. Multiple |
|helipads will allow you to build Chinooks and Hinds in less time. |

| Iron Curtain | Cost: 2800 |
| | Requirements: Soviet Tech Center |
|Iron Curtains will charge an ability that allows you to make a friendly |
|vehicle invulnerable for a short period. Since you can only use this on one |
|vehicle at a time, it's usually not much help... combine it with a |
|Chronosphere, though, and you've got yourself quite an interesting combo. |

| Kennel | Cost: 200 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|Allows you to train attack dogs... multiple kennels will reduce the time |
|required to train new dogs. |

| Missile Silo | Cost: 2500 |
| | Requirements: Tech Center |
|This will give you the ability to drop a devastating atomic bomb every few |
|minutes. It's only available in multiplayer. |

| Ore Refinery | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Ore refineries come with a single ore truck, which will find ore deposits, |
|collect them, and bring them back to your refinery to turn them into credits |
|to fund your war effort. They have good armor, but they need a little space |
|to operate effeciently. Try to place them as close to your ore supplies as |
|possible, and try to keep some space between it and other buildings so your |
|trucks have room to maneuver. |

| Ore Silo | Cost: 150 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|The ore you collect must be stored, or it's lost. Your refinery will hold |
|two thousand credits, but after that, you'll need to build silos to contain |
|the excess. The game is pretty good about warning you when you need silos, |
|and you can also visually tell when the ore starts to spill out of the top of|
|a silo. |

| Power Plant | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: Construction Yard |
|Power plants provide a small amount of power for your base. Some buildings |
|require power to operate correctly, such as SAM sites, Tesla Coils, and radar|
|domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have sufficent |
|power, and production will be slowed. |

| Radar Dome | Cost: 1000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|Radar domes allow you to see a small map in the upper-right corner of your |
|screen that displayes the layout of the terrain and puts colored dots on the |
|map to indicate the positions of friendly and enemy units. It needs power to|
|operate, though, so make sure you keep your base properly supplied. |

| SAM Site | Cost: 750 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|A surface-to-air missile battery. Not as effective as the Allied AA Gun, but|
|they'll still get the job done. They need power to operate, though, so make |
|sure you keep your base properly supplied. |

| Service Depot | Cost: 1200 |
| | Requirements: War Factory |
|Service depots can repair your damaged vehicles and reload your mine layers. |
|They can also be used to sell damaged units - simply put the unit on the pad,|
|then hover over it with the sell icon like you would for a structure (it'll |
|turn green when you're over the unit). Please note that you can only sell |
|damaged units with a service depot. |

| Soviet Tech Center | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Soviet tech centers will allow you to build Mammoths and flamethrowers, and |
|they'll also allow you to build Iron Curtains and missile silos. They use a |
|decent amount of power, but luckily, a glitch allows you to sell them as soon|
|as you place them, and you'll still be able to build all of the advanced |
|stuff without it. |

| Sub Pen | Cost: 650 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|Sub pens sit in the water and allow you to construct subs and transports. |
|Multiple sub pens will reduce the amount of time it takes to construct subs |
|and transports. |

| Tesla Coil | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: War Factory |
|These require quite a bit of power to operate, but they're devastating when |
|used against infantry or vehicles. They have good range, but they're not |
|very well armored, and they're defenseless against air attacks. Protect them|
|and make sure you have plenty of power. |

| War Factory | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|War factories are where you construct your ground vehicles. More than one |
|war factory will allow you to construct vehicles faster. |

| -------------------------- |
| | 7.00) End | |
| -------------------------- |
7.01) Version History

January 10th, 2007

- Posted the entire walkthrough for both campaigns, the entire units and
structures lists for both sides, and the intro section of the guide. I'll be
making separate guides for the Counter Strike (Counterstrike) missions and the
Aftermatch (Retalliation) missions, so look for them in the next few months.
Trying to finish up the rest of the series before Tiberium Wars is released.

7.02) Closing

As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on The Brink, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with
a quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Enjoy the game, and
thanks for taking a look at the guide.

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Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Unit Health list & guide to "Specials"
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Soviets-Missionen 8-14

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Soviets-Missionen 1-7

14.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Alliierten-Missionen 8-14

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Alliierten-Missionen 1-7

15.Oktober 2013
Ra_eng.exe ausführen und readme.txt lesen

16.Oktober 2013
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